Agents’ Behavior in Market Bubbles: Herding and Information Effects
硅胶发泡棉生产流程英文回答:Silicone Foam Production Process.Silicone foam is a versatile material with a wide range of applications, from cushioning and packaging to thermal insulation and sound absorption. It is produced through a process that involves several key steps:1. Raw Material Preparation: The first step is to prepare the raw materials, which include silicone polymer, curing agents, and blowing agents. The silicone polymer is typically a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) resin, while the curing agents and blowing agents vary depending on the desired properties of the final foam.2. Mixing: The raw materials are then mixed together ina controlled environment. The mixing process is critical in ensuring that the foam has a uniform consistency and thedesired properties.3. Foaming: The mixture is then heated to a temperature that causes the blowing agents to expand and create gas bubbles. The expansion of the gas bubbles creates the foam structure.4. Curing: After the foaming process is complete, the foam is cured to cross-link the silicone polymer chains and give the foam its final properties. The curing process can be done at room temperature or elevated temperatures, depending on the curing agent used.5. Post-Processing: Once the foam is cured, it may undergo additional post-processing steps, such as washing, drying, and cutting to the desired shape.Properties and Applications of Silicone Foam.Silicone foam offers a range of properties that make it suitable for various applications. These properties include:Low thermal conductivity: Silicone foam has a low thermal conductivity, which makes it an effective thermal insulator.High compressibility: Silicone foam can be compressed to a high degree without losing its resilience, making it ideal for cushioning applications.Flame retardancy: Silicone foam is flame-retardant and self-extinguishing, which makes it a safe choice for applications where fire safety is a concern.Sound absorption: Silicone foam has good sound absorption properties, making it suitable for use in acoustic insulation and noise reduction applications.Applications of silicone foam include:Cushioning and packaging.Thermal insulation.Sound absorption.Gaskets and seals.Medical devices.Environmental Considerations.Silicone foam is generally considered an environmentally friendly material. It is composed of non-toxic and non-reactive materials, and it can be recycled after use. However, some of the blowing agents used in the production of silicone foam can be harmful to the environment. Therefore, it is important to choose blowing agents that have a low environmental impact.中文回答:硅胶发泡棉生产流程。
新帕尔格雷夫经济学大辞典 中英对照
1 亚当·斯密的“有效需求”"Effectual Demand", in Adam Smith2 自回归综合移动平均模型ARIMA Models3 不在地主Absentee4 绝对地租Absolute Rent5 绝对的和可交换的价值Absolute and Exchangeable value6 国际收支的开支吸收分析法Absorption Approach to the Balance of Payments7 吸收能力Absorptive Capacity8 节欲Abstinence9 抽象劳动与具体劳动Abstract and Concrete Labour10 加速原理Acceleration Principle11 会计学与经济学Accounting and Economics12 私人和社会会计Accounting, Private and Social13 资本的积累Accumulation of Capital14 非循环性Acyclicity15 适应性预期Adaptice Expectation16 总额相符问题Adding-up Problem17 调整的成本Adjustment Cost18 调整过程与稳定性Adjustment Processes and Stability19 有管理的价格Administered Prices20 预付Advances21 逆选择Adverse Selection22 广告Advertising23 顾问Advisers24 人口老化Ageing Populations25 代理费Agency Costs26 生产要素Agents of Production27 总需求理论Aggregate Demand Theory28 总需求和总供给分析Aggregate Demand and Supply Analysis29 总供给函数Aggregate Supply Function30 加总问题Aggregation Problem31 经济关系的总和Aggregation of Economic Relations32 农业经济学Agricultural Economics33 农业增长和人口变化Agricultural Growth and Population Change34 农产品供给Agricultural Supply35 农业与经济发展Agriculture and Economic Development36 农业与土地Agriculture and Land37 异化Alienation38 阿莱悖论Allais Paradox39 阿尔蒙滞后Almon Lag40 利他主义Altruism41 美国经济协会American Economic Association42 摊销Amortization43 类比Analogy44 无政府主义Anarchism45 反托拉斯政策Antitrust Policy46 适用技术Appropriate Technology47 套利Arbitrage48 套利定价理论Arbitrage Pricing Theory49 仲裁Arbitration50 军备竞赛Arms Races51 阿罗定理Arrow''s Theorem52 阿罗-德布勒一般均衡模型Arrow-Debren Model of General Equilibrium53 资产定价Asset Pricing54 资产与负债Assets and Liabilities55 指派问题Assignment Problems56 非对称信息Asymmetric Information57 原子状竞争Atomistic Competition58 拍卖者Auctioneer59 拍卖Auctions60 奥地利经济学派Austrian School of Economics61 自给自足Autarky62 自发支出Autonomous Expenditures63 自回归和移动平均时间序列过程Autoregressive and Moving-average Time-series Processes64 平均成本定价Average Cost Pricing65 阿弗奇一约翰逊效应Averch-Johnson effect66 公理化理论Axiomatic Theories67 交割延期费Backwardation68 落后性Backwardness69 贸易差额理论史Balance of Trade, History of The Theory70 平衡预算乘数Balanced Budget Maltiptier71 平衡增长Balanced Growth72 中央银行利率Bank Rate73 银行学派,通货学派,自由银行学派Banking School, Currency School, Free Banking School74 讨价还价(议价) Bargaining75 物物交换Barter76 物物交换和交易Barter and Exchange77 基本品和非基本品Basics and Non-Basics78 基点计价制Basing Point System79 杂牌凯恩斯主义Bastard Keynesianism80 贝叶斯推断Bayesian Inference81 以邻为整Beggar-the-neighbor82 行为经济学Behavioral Economics83 有偏和无偏的技术进步Biased and Unbiased technological Change84 出价Bidding85 双边垄断Bilateral Monopoly86 复本位制Bimetallism87 生物经济学Bioeconomics88 经济学在生物学中的应用Biological Applications of Economics89 伯明翰学派Birmingham School90 生死过程Birth-and-death Processes91 债券Bonds92 有限理性论Bounded Rationality93 资产阶级Bourgeoisie94 贿赂Bribery95 泡沫状态Bubbles96 预算政策Budgetary Policy97 缓冲存货Buffer Stocks98 内在稳定器Built-in Stabilizers99 金银本位主义的争论Bullionist Controversy100 束状图Bunch Maps101 公债负担Burden of The Debt102 官僚制度Bureaucracy103 经济周期Business Cycles104 不变替代弹性生产函数CES Production Function105 变分法Calculus of Variations106 官房经济学派Cameralism107 资本资产定价模型Capital Asset Pricing Model108 资本预算的编制Capital Budgeting109 资本外逃Capital Flight110 资本的收益与损失Capital Gains and Losses111 资本品Capital Goods112 资本的反常现象Capital Perversity113 资本理论Capital Theory114 资本的理论:争论Capital Theory: Debates115 资本理论:悖论Capital Theory: Paradoxes116 固定资本利用程度Capital Utilization117 作为一种生产要素的资本Capital as A Factor of Production118 作为一种社会关系的资本Capital as a Social Relation119 资本、信贷和货币市场Capital, Credit and Money Markets120 资本主义Capitalism121 资本主义的与非资本主义的生产Capitalistic and Acapitalistic Production 122 卡特尔Cartel123 交易学Catallactics124 突变论Catastrophe Theory125 赶超Catching-up126 因果推理Causal Inference127 经济模型中的因果关系Causality in Economic Models128 删截数据模型Censored Data Models129 中央银行业务Central Banking130 中心地区理论Central Place Theory131 中央计划Central Planning132 波动重心Centre of Gravitation133 确定性等价Certainty Equivalent134 如果其他条件不变Ceteris Paribus135 偏好的改变Changes in Tastes136 宪章运动:宪章的条款Chantism: the point of the Charter 137 物品特性Characteristics138 宪章运动Chartism139 低息借款Cheap Money140 芝加哥学派Chicago School141 技术选择与利润率Choice of Technique and the Rate of Profit 142 牟利学(理财) Chrematistics143 基督教社会主义Christian Socialism144 循环流动Circular Flow145 流通资本Circulating Capital146 阶级Class147 古典经济学Classical Economics148 古典增长模型Classical Growth Models149 古典货币理论Classical Theory of Money150 历史计量学Cliometrics151 社团Clubs152 合作社Co-operatives153 科斯定理Coase Theorem154 柯布-道格拉斯函数Cobb-Douglas Function155 蛛网定理Cobweb Theorem156 共同决定和利润分享Codetermination and Profit-sharing157 同族学科Cognate Displines158 柯尔培尔主义Colbertism159 集体行动Collective Action160 集体农业Collective Agriculture161 劳资集体谈判Collective bargaining162 合谋Collusion163 殖民主义Colonialism164 殖民地Colonies165 联合Combination166 组合论Combinatorics167 命令经济Command Economy168 商品拜物教Commodity Fetishism169 商品货币Commodity Money170 商品储备货币Commodity Reserve Currency171 公共土地Common Land172 习惯法Common Law173 公共财产权Common Property Rights174 通讯Communications175 共产主义Communism176 社会(公共)无差异曲线Community Indifference Curves177 比较利益Comparative Advantage178 比较静态学Comparative Statics179 补偿需求Compensated Demand180 补偿Compensation181 补偿原理Compensation Principle182 竞争Competition183 竞争政策Competition Policy184 竞争与效率Competition and Efficiency185 竞争与选择Competition and Selection186 国际贸易竞争Competition in International Trade187 奥地利学派的竞争理论Competition: Austrian Conceptions188 古典竞争理论Competition: Classical Conceptions189 马克思学派的竞争理论Competition: Marxian Conceptions190 竞争性市场过程Competitive Market Processes191 一般均衡的计算Computation of General Equlibria192 集中比率Concentration Ratios193 冲突与解决Conflict and Settlement194 冲突与战争Conflict and War195 拥挤Congestion196 综合性大企业Conglomerates197 推测均衡Conjectural Equilibria198 炫耀性消费Conspicuous Consumption199 不变资本和可变资本Constant and Variable Capital200 制度经济学Constitutional Economics201 耐用消费品Consumer Durables202 消费者剩余Consumer Surplus203 消费者支出Consumers, Expenditure204 消费函数Consumption Function205 消费集Consumption Sets206 消费税Consumption Taxation207 消费与生产Consumption and Production208 可竞争市场Contestable Markets209 或有商品Contingent Commodities210 经济历史的连续性Continuity in Economic History211 连续和离散时间模型Continuous and Discrete Time Models212 连续-时间随机模型Continuous-time Stochastic Model213 连续时间随机过程Continuous-time Stochastic Processes214 矛盾Contradiction215 资本主义的矛盾Contradictions of Capitalism216 经济活动的控制与协调Control and Coordination of Economic Activity 217 趋向性假说Convergence Hypothesis218 凸规划Convex Programming219 凸性Convexity220 合作均衡Cooperative Equilibrium221 合作对策Cooperative Games222 核心Cores223 谷物法Corn Laws224 谷物模型Corn Model225 公司经济Corporate Economy226 公司Corporations227 社团主义Corporatism228 对应原理Correspondence Principle229 对应Correspondences230 成本函数Cost Functions231 成本最小化和效用最大化Cost Minimization and Utility Maximization 232 成本和供给曲线Cost and Supply Curves233 生产成本Cost of Production234 成本-效益分析Cost-benefit Analysis235 成本推动型通货膨胀Cost-push Inflation236 反向贸易Counter Trade237 反设事实Counterfactuals238 抗衡力量Countervailing Power239 蠕动钉住汇率Crawling Peg240 创造性破坏Creative Destruction241 信贷Credit242 信贷周期Credit Cycle243 信贷配给Credit Rationing244 犯罪与处罚Crime and Punishment245 危机Crises246 关键路径分析Critical Path Analysis247 挤出效应Crowding Out248 累积的因果关系Cumulative Causation249 累积过程Cumulative Processes250 通货Currencies251 通货委员会Currency Boards252 关税同盟Customs Unions253 周期Cycles254 社会主义经济的周期Cycles in Socialist Economies255 技能退化De-skilling256 高息借款Dear Money257 销路理论Debouches, Theorie des258 分权Decentralization259 决策理论Decision Theory260 衰落产业Declining Industries261 人口下降Declining Population262 国防经济学Defence Economics263 赤字财政Deficit Financing264 赤字支出Deficit Spending265 垄断程度Degree of Monopoly266 效用程度Degree of utility267 需求管理Demand Management268 需求价格Demand Price269 需求理论Demand Theory270 货币需求:经验研究Demand for Money: Empirical Studies271 货币需求:理论研究Demand for Money: Theoretical Studies272 需求拉动型通货膨胀Demand-pull Inflation273 人口转变Demographic Transition274 人口统计学Demography275 依附Dependency276 折耗Depletion277 折旧Depreciation278 萧条Depressions279 派生需求Derived Demand280 决定论Determinism281 发展Development282 发展经济学Development Economics283 发展计划Development Planning284 辩证唯物主义Dialectical Materialism285 辩证推理Dialectical Reasoning286 微分对策Differential Games287 获得的困难Difficulty of Attainment288 生产的难易程度Difficulty or Facility of Production289 技术扩散Diffusion of Technology290 经济量的维数Dimension of Economic Quantities291 直接税Direct Taxes292 直接非生产性寻利活动Directly Unproductive Profit-seeking (DUP) Activities 293 离散的选择模型Discrete Choice Models294 歧视性垄断Discriminating Monopoly295 歧视Discrimination296 非均衡分析Disequilibrium Analysis297 隐蔽性失业Disguised Unemployment298 反中介行动Disintermediation299 扭曲Distortions300 分配Distribution301 占典分配理论Distribution Theories: Classical302 凯恩斯主义的分配理论Distribution Theories: Keynesian303 马克思主义的分配理论Distribution Theories: Marxian304 新古典分配理论Distribution Theories: Neoclassical305 分配伦理Distribution, Ethics of306 分配规律Distribution, Law of307 分配公平Distributive Justice308 多样化经营Diversification of activities309 分段的总体和随机模型Divided Populations and Stochastic Models310 股息政策Dividend Policy311 迪维西亚指数Divisia Index312 劳动分工Division of Labour313 经济学说Doctrines314 土地调查清册Domesday Book315 家务劳动Domestic Labour316 复式簿记Double-entry Bookkeeping317 二元经济Dual Economies318 二元性Duality319 虚拟变量Dummy Variables320 倾销Dumping321 双头垄断Duopoly322 动态规划和马尔可夫决策过程Dynamic Programming and Markov Decision Process 323 经济增长和发展的动力学Dynamics, Growth and Development324 东西方经济关系East-west Economic Relations325 伊斯特林假说Easterlin Hypothesis326 经济计量学Econometrics327 经济人类学Economic Anthropology328 社会主义经济的经济计算Economic Calculation in Socialist Economies329 经济自由Economic Freedom330 经济增长Economic Growth331 经济和谐Economic Harmony332 经济史Economic History333 经济一体化Economic Integration334 历史的经济学解释Economic Interpretation of History335 经济法则Economic Laws336 经济人Economic Man337 经济组织Economic Organization338 经济组织与交易成本Economic Organization and Transaction Costs339 经济科学与经济学Economic Science and Economics340 经济剩余与等边际原理Economic Surplus and the Equimarginal Principle341 经济理论与理性假说Economic Theory and The Hypothesis of Rationality342 国家的经济理论Economic Theory of the State343 经济战Economic War344 经济和社会人类学Economic and Social Anthropology345 经济和社会史Economic and Social History346 经济学图书馆与文献的使用Economics Libraries and Documentation347 规模经济与规模不经济Economies and Diseconomies ofScale348 经济计量学Economitrics349 有效需求Effective Demand350 实际保护Effective Protection351 有效配置Efficient Allocation352 有效率市场假说Efficient Market Hypothesis353 国际收支的弹性分析方法Elasticities Approach to the Balance of Payments354 弹性Elasticity355 替代弹性Elasticity of Substitution356 就业理论Employment, Theories of357 空匣Empty Boxes358 内生性与外生性Endogencity and Exoyeneity359 内生货币与外生货币Endogenous and Exogenous Money360 能源经济学Energy Economics361 强制执行Enforcement362 恩格尔曲线Engel Curve363 恩格尔定律Engel''s Law364 英国历史学派English Historical School365 权利Entitlements366 企业家Entrepreneur367 熵Entropy368 进入与市场结构Entry and Market structure369 包络定理Envelope Theorem370 环境经济学Environmental Economics371 妒忌Envy372 国民历代大事记或民族精神编年史Ephemerides du Citoyen ou Chronique de I''esprit National 373 经济学中的认识论问题Epistemological Issues in Economics374 均等利润率Equal Rates of Profit375 平等Equality376 交易方程Equation of Exchange377 均衡:概念的发展Equilibrium: Development of The Concept378 均衡:一个预期性的概念Equilibrium: an Expectational Concept379 公平Equity380 遍历理论Ergodic Theory381 变量误差Errors in Variables382 估计Estimation383 欧拉定理Euler''s Theorem384 欧洲美元市场Eurodollar Market385 事前与事后Ex Ante and Ex Post386 过度需求与供给Excess Demand and Supply387 交换Exchange388 外汇管制Exchange Control389 汇率Exchange Rate390 可能竭资源Exhaustible Resources391 一般均衡的存在性Existence of General Equilibrium392 退出和进言Exit and Voice393 预期Expectations394 预期效用假说Expected Utility Hypothesis395 预期效用及数学期望Expected Utility and Methematical Expectation396 消费支出税Expenditure Tax397 经济学中的实验方法(i) Experimental Methods in Economics(i)398 经济学中的实验方法(ii) Experimental Methods in Economics(ii)399 剥削Exploitation400 展延家庭Extended Family401 扩展型对策Extensive Form Games402 粗放与集约地租Extensive and Intensive Rent403 外债External Debt404 外在经济External Economies405 外在性Externalities406 费边经济学Fabian Economics407 因子分析Factor Analysis408 要素价格边界Factor Price Frontier409 公平分配Fair Division410 公平性Fairness411 下降的利润率Falling Rate of Profit412 家庭Family413 计划生育Family Planning414 饥荒Famine415 法西斯主义Fascism416 生育力Fecundity417 人口出生率Fertibity418 封建主义Feudalism419 法定不兑现纸币Fiat Money420 虚拟资本Fictitious Capital421 信用发行Fiduciary Issue422 最终效用程度Final Degree of Utility423 最终效用Final Utility424 金融Finance425 金融资本Finance Capital426 融资和储蓄Finance and Saving427 金融危机Financial Crisis428 金融中介Financial Intermediaries429 金融新闻业Financial Journalism430 金融市场Financial Markets431 微调Fine Tuning432 厂商理论Firm, Theory of The433 财政联邦主义Fiscal Federalism434 财政态势Fiscal Stance435 发展中国家的财政和货币政策Fiscal and Monetary Policies in Developing Countries 436 渔业Fisheries437 固定资本Fixed Capital438 固定汇率Fixed Exchange Rates439 不变生产要素Fixed Factors440 不动点定理Fixed Point Theorems441 固定价格模型Fixprice Models442 浮动汇率Flexible Exchange Rates443 强制储蓄Forced Saving444 预测Forecasting445 对外援助Foreign Aid446 国外投资Foreign Investment447 对外贸易Foreign Trade448 对外贸易乘数Foreign Trade Multiplier449 森林经济Forests450 欺骗Fraud451 自由银行制度Free Banking452 自由处置Free Disposal453 免费物品Free Goods454 免费午餐Free Lunch455 自由贸易和保护主义Free Trade and Protection456 充分就业Full Employment457 充分就业预算盈余Full Employment Budget Surplus458 完全及有限信息方法Full and Limited Information Methods459 泛函分析Functional Analysis460 功能财政Functional Finance461 根本性失衡Fundamental Disequilibrium462 可替代性Fungibility463 期贷市场、套头交易与投机Futures Markets, Hedging and Speculation 464 期货交易Futures Trading465 模糊集合Fuzzy Sets466 贸易收益Gains from Trade467 对策论(博奕论) Game Theory468 不完全信息对策Games With Incomplete Information469 赌博合同Gaming Contracts470 度规函数Gauge Functions471 资本搭配Gearing472 性别Gender473 一般均衡General Equilibrium474 一般系统理论General System Theory475 德国历史学派German Historical School476 吉布拉定律Gibrat''s Law477 吉芬悖论Giffen''s Paradox478 赠品Gifts479 吉尼比率Gini Ratio480 经济理论中的整体分析Global Analysis in Economic Theory481 金本位Gold Standard482 黄金时代Golden Age483 黄金律Golden Rule484 货物与商品Goods and Commodities485 政府预算约束Government Budget Restraint486 图论Graph Theory487 重力模型Gravity Models488 格莱辛定律Gresham''s Law489 总替代品Gross Substitutes490 群(李群)论Group(Lie Group)Theory491 增长的核算Growth Accounting492 增长与周期Growth and Cycles493 经济增长与国际贸易Growth and International Trade494 哈恩问题Hahn Problem495 汉密尔顿体系Hamiltonians496 哈里斯-托达罗模型Harris-Todaro Model497 哈罗德-多马增长模型Harrod-Domar Growth Model498 霍金斯一西蒙条件Hawkins-Simon Condition499 卫生经济学Health Economics500 赫克歇尔-俄林贸易理论Heckscher-Ohlin Trade Theory501 套头交易Hedging502 享乐函数和享乐指数Hedonic Functions and Hedonic Indexes503 享乐主义Hedonism504 黑格尔主义Hegelianism505 赫芬达尔指数Herfindahl index506 异方差性Heteroskedasticity507 隐蔽活动,道德风险与合同理论Hidden Action, Moral Hazard and Contract Theory 508 等级制度Hierarchy509 讨价还价Higgling510 健全货币与货币基础High-powered Money and The Monetary Base511 历史成本会计Historical Cost accounting512 历史人口统计学Historical Demography513 经济思想及学说史History of Thought and Doctrine514 齐次函数和位似函数Homogeneous and Homothetic Functions515 国际游资Hot Money516 家庭预算Household Budgets517 家庭生产Household Production518 家务劳动Housework519 住房市场Housing Markets520 人力资本Human Capital521 人类资源Human Resources522 虚构的生产函数Humbug Production Function523 持猎和采集经济Hunting and Gathering Economies524 恶性通货膨胀Hyperinflation525 假设检验Hypothesis Testing526 IS-LM分析IS-LM Analysis527 理想指数Ideal Indexes528 理想产出Ideal Output529 理想类型Ideal Type530 识别Identification531 意识形态Ideology532 贫困化增长Immiserizing Grow533 尽早消费偏好Impatience534 不完全竞争Imperfect Competition535 不完全模型Imperfectionist Models536 帝国主义Imperialism537 默认契约Implicit Contracts538 进口替代和出口导向型增长Import Substitution and Export-Led Growth 539 派算Imputation540 剌激的协调性Incentive Compatibility541 刺激性合同Incentive Contracts542 收入Income543 收入-支出分析Income-Expenditure Analysis544 收入政策Incomes Policies545 不完全合同Incomplete Contracts546 不完全市场Incomplete Markets547 规模报酬递增Increasing Return to Scale548 指数Index Numbers549 指数化证券Indexed Securities550 指导性计划Indicative Planning551 指标Indicators552 无差异定律Indifference, Law of553 间接税Indirect Taxes554 间接效用函数Indirect Utility Function555 个人主义Individualism556 不可分性Indivisibilities557 归纳Induction558 产业组织Industrial Organization559 劳资关系Industrial Relations560 产业革命Industrial Revolution561 工业化Industrialization562 不等式Inequalities563 不平等Inequality564 国家之间的不平等Inequality between Nations565 人与人的不平等Inequality between Persons566 性别的不平等Inequality between The Sexes567 工资的不平等Inequality of Pay568 新生工业Infant Industry569 婴儿死亡率Infant Mortality570 通货膨胀Inflation571 通货膨胀会计Inflation Accounting572 通货膨胀与增长Inflation and Growth573 通货膨胀预期Inflationary Expections574 通货膨胀缺口Inflationary Gap575 非正规经济Informal Economy576 信息论Information Theory577 继承Inheritance578 继承税Inheritance Taxes579 创新Innovation580 投入-产出分析Input-output Analysis581 制度经济学Institutional Economics582 工具变量Instrumental Variables583 保险Insurance584 整数规划Integer Programming585 需求的可积性Integrability of Demand586 智力Intelligence587 相依偏好Interdependent Preferences588 利率Interest Rate589 利息和利润Interest and Profit590 多种利益Interests591 代际模型Intergenerational Models592 内部经济Internal Economies593 国内移民Internal Migration594 内部收益率Internal Rate of Return595 国际资本流动International Capital Flows596 国际金融International Finance597 国际收入比较International Income Comparisons598 国际债务International Indebtedness599 国际清偿能力International Liquidity600 国际移民International Migration601 国际货币经济学International Monetary Economics602 国际货币体制International Monetary Institutions603 国际货币政策International Monetary Policy604 国际贸易International Trade605 人际效用对比Interpersonal Utility Comparison606 时际均衡与效率Intertemporal Equilibrium and Efficiency607 时际资产组合理论和资产定价Intertemporal Portfolio Theory and Asset Pricing 608 价值的不可变标准Invariable Standard of value609 存货Inventories610 存货周期Inventory Cycles611 确定性条件下的存货政策Inventory policy under certainty612 投资Investment613 投资决策标准Investment Decision Criteria614 投资计划Investment Planning615 投资与积累Investment and Accumulation616 看不见的手Invisible Hand617 非自愿失业Involuntary Unemployment618 工资铁律Iron Law of Wages619 作为经济理论家的杰文斯Jevons As An Economic Theorist 620 联合生产Joint Production621 线性模型中的联合生产Joint Production in Linear Models 622 法理学Jurisprudence623 公平价格Just Price624 公平Justice625 公平、不平等及岐视Justices, Inequality and Discrimination 626 凯恩斯的《通论》Keynes''s General Theory627 凯恩斯主义经济学Keynesian Economics628 凯恩斯革命Keynesian Revolution629 凯恩斯主义Keynesianism630 弯折的需求曲线Kinked Demand Curve631 圣殿骑士团Knights Templar632 康德拉季耶夫周期Kondratieff Cycle633 库兹涅茨波动Kuznets Swings634 劳动经济学Labour Economics635 劳动交换Labour Exchange636 劳动市场歧视Labour Market Discrimination637 劳动市场Labour Markets638 劳动力Labour Power639 劳动过程Labour Process640 妇女劳动供给Labour Supply of Women641 劳动剩余经济Labour Surplus Economies642 劳动价值论Labour Theory of value643 劳动与就业Labour and Employment644 劳动者管理经济Labour-Managed Economies645 拉格朗日乘子Lagrange Multipliers646 自由放任主义Laissez-Faire647 土地改革Land Reform648 地租Land Rent649 土地税Land Tax650 兰格一勒纳机制Lange一Lerner Mechanism651 巨大经济Large Economies652 潜在变量Latent Variables653 大庄园制Latifundia654 法律与经济学Law and Economics655 解雇Layoffs656 沙特利耶原理Le Chatelier Principle657 起前与滞后Leads and Lags658 边干边学Learning-by-doing659 最小二乘法Least Squares660 闲暇Leisure661 有闲阶级Leisure Class662 里昂惕夫悖论Leontief Paradox663 字典式序Lexicographic Orderings664 自由主义Liberalism665 自由Liberty666 生命周期假说Life Cycle Hypothesis667 人寿保险Life Insurance668 寿命表Life Tables669 似然Likelihood670 极限定价Limit Pricing671 有限应变量Limited Dependent Variables672 增长的极限Limits to Growth673 林达尔均衡Lindahl Equilibrium674 林达尔论财政Lindahl on Public Finance675 线性模型Linear Models676 线性规划Linear Programing677 联系Linkages678 流动性Liquidity679 流动性偏好Liquidity Preference680 可贷资金Loanable Funds681 地方财政Local Public Finance682 经济活动的区位Location of Economic Activity683 对数正态分布Lognormal Distribution684 长周期Long Cycles685 经济增长中的长波Long Swing in Economic Growth686 长期和短期Long-run and Short-run687 洛伦茨曲线Lorenz Curve688 低工资Low Pay689 一次总付税Lump Sum Taxes690 李雅普诺夫函数Lyapunov Functions691 李雅普诺夫定理Lyapunov''s Theorem692 机器问题Machinery Question693 宏观经济计量模型Macroeconometric Models694 宏观经济政策Macroeconomic Policy695 宏观经济学理论Macroeconomic Theory696 宏观经济学:与微观经济学的关系Macroeconomics Relations with Microeconomics 697 保持资本完整无缺Maintaining Capital Intact698 马尔萨斯的人口理论Malthus Theory of Population699 马尔萨斯与古典经济学Malthus and Classical Economics700 经理资本主义Managerial Capitalism701 曼彻斯特学派Manchester School702 制造业活动与非工业化Manufacturing and De-industrialization703 资本边际效率Marginal Efficiency of Capital704 边际生产力理论Marginal Productivity Theory705 货币的边际效用Marginal Utility of Money706 边际和平均成本定价Marginal and Average Cost Pricing707 边际主义经济学Marginalist Economics708 市场失灵Market Failure709 营销期Market Period710 集贸市场Market Places711 市场价格Market Price712 市场份额Market Share713 市场社会主义Market Socialism714 市场结构Market Structure715 市场结构与创新Market Structure and Innovation716 市场价值与市场价格Market value and Market Price717 购销管理局Marketing Boards718 马歇尔-勒纳条件Marshall-Lerner Condition719 鞍Martingales720 马克思主义经济学Marxian Economics721 马克思主义价值分析Marxian value Analysis722 马克思主义Marxism723 马克思主义经济学Marxist Economics724 物资平衡Material Balances725 数理经济学Mathematical Economics726 政治经济学的数学方法Mathematical Method in Political Economy727 矩阵乘子Matrix Multiplier728 极大似然Maximum Likelihood729 最大满足Maximum Satisfaction730 平均值Mean value731 均值-方差分析Mean-variance Analysis732 确义性与不变性Meaningfulness and Invariance733 测度论Measure Theory734 经济增长的测算Measurement of Economic Growth735 测算理论Measurement, Theory of736 重商主义Mercantilism737 兼并Mergers738 有益品Merit Goods739 方法论之争Methodentreit740 方法论Methodology741 微观经济学Microeconomics742 军费开支Military Expenditure743 最低工资Minimum Wages744 生产方式Mode of Production745 模型与理论Models and Theory746 增长模型Models of growth747 货币主义Monetarism748 国际收支的货币分析法Monetary Approach to the Balance of Payments749 货币基础Monetary Base750 货币幻想Monetary Cranks751 货币非均衡和市场出清Monetary Disequilibdum and Market Clearing752 货币均衡Monetary Equilibrium753 货币体制Monetary Institution754 货币政策Monetary Policy755 货币理论Monetary Theory756 货币幻觉Money Illusion757 货币供应Money Supply758 货币和一般均衡理论Money and General Equilibrium Theory759 货币与宏观经济学Money and Macroeconomics760 经济活动中的货币Money in Economic Activity761 货币贷款者Moneylenders762 城市经济学中的单中心模型Monocentric Models in Urban Economics 763 垄断性竞争Monopolistic Competition764 垄断性竞争与一般均衡Monopolistic Competition and General Equilibrium 765 垄断Monopoly766 垄断资本主义Monopoly Capitalism767 垄断与寡头垄断Monopoly and Oligopoly768 单调映射Monotone Mappings769 蒙特卡罗方法Monte Carlo Methods770 道德风险Moral Hazard771 道德哲学Moral Philosophy772 死亡率Mortality773 多重共线性Multicollinearity774 多国公司Multinational Corporations775 乘数分析Multiplier Analysis776 乘数-加速器相互作用Multiplier-accelerator Interaction777 多部门增长模型Multisector Growth Models778 多元时间序列模型Multivariate Time Series Models779 近视决策规则Myopic Decision Rules780 纳什均衡Nash Equilibrium781 国债National Debt782 国民收入National Income783 国民体系National System784 民族主义Nationalism785 国有化Nationalization786 自然法Natural Law787 自然垄断Natural Monopoly788 自然价格Natural Price789 自然利率和市场利率Natural Rate and Market Rate790 自然失业率Natural Rate of Unemployment791 自然资源Natural Resources792 自然资源和环境Natural Resources and Enviroment793 自然选择与进化Natural Selection and Evolution794 自然工资Natural Wage795 自然和人类资源Natural and Human Resources796 自然的及正常的条件Natural and Normal Conditions797 自然的和有保证的增长率Natural and Warranted Rates of Growth 798 必需品Necessaries799 负所得税Negative Income Tax800 负量Negative Quantities801 新李嘉图主义Neo-Ricardianism802 新古典的Neoclassical803 新古典增长理论Neoclassical Growth Theory804 新古典综合Neoclassical Synthesis805 净产品Net Product806 中性税收Neutral Taxation807 货币中性Neutrality of Money808 新古典宏观经济学New Classical Macroeconomics809 非合作对策Non-Cooperative Game810 非线性规划Non-Linear Programming811 非参数统计方法Non-Parametric Statistical Methods812 非竞争集团Non-competing Groups813 非凸性Non-convexity814 经济计量学中的非线性方法Non-linear Methods in Econometrics 815 非嵌套假设Non-nested Hypotheses816 非价格竞争Non-price Competition817 非盈利机构Non-profit Organizations818 非标准分析Non-standard Analysis819 无替代定理Non-substitution Theorems820 南北经济关系North-south Economic Relations821 价值标准Numeraire822 效用定律的数值确定Numerical Determination of the Laws of utility 823 营养Nutrition824 奥卡姆剃刀Occam''s (Ockham''s) Razor825 职业分离Occupational Segregation826 提供Offer827 提供曲线或相互需求曲线Offer Curve or Reciprocal Demand Curve 828 (卖方)寡头垄断Oligopoly829 寡头垄断与对策论Oligopoly and Game Theory830 敞地制Open Field System831 公开市场业务Open-market Operations832 运筹学Operations Research833 满足度Ophelimity834 机会成本Opportunity Cost835 最优控制与动态经济学Optimal Control and Economic Dynamics 836 最适度储蓄Optimal Savings837 最优关税Optimal Tariffs838 最优税收Optimal Taxation839 最优性与效率Optimality and Efficiency840 乐观主义与悲观主义Optimism and Pessimism841 最优货币区Optimum Currency Areas842 最适度人口量Optimum Population843 最适度货币数量Optimum Quantity of Money844 期权定价理论Option Pricing Theory845 期权Options846 序Orderings847 资本有机构成Organic Composition of Capital848 组织理论Organization Theory849 离群值Outliers850 产出与就业Output and Employment851 过度储蓄Over saving852 过度投资Over-investment853 间接成本Overhead Costs854 一般均衡的交叠世代模型Overlapping Generations Model of General Equilibrium 855 生产过剩Overproduction856 峰突Overshooting857 自生利率Own Rates of Interest858 帕尔格雷夫政治经济学辞典Palgrave''s Dictionary of Political Economy859 范式Paradigm860 悖论与异常Paradoxes and Anomalies861 帕累托分布Pareto Distribution862 帕累托效率Pareto Efficiency863 作为经济学家的帕累托Pareto as an Economist864 专利Patents865 路径分析Path Analysis866 回收期Pay-off Period867 工资税Payroll Taxes868 旺季定价Peak-load Pricing869 小农经济Peasant Economy870 小农Peasants871 货币经济与非货币经济Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Economies872 完全竞争Perfect Competition873 完全预见Perfect Foresight874 完全信息Perfect Information875 完全竞争市场和不完全竞争市场Perfectly and Imperfectly Competitive Markets 876 表演艺术Performing Arts877 生产周期Period of Production878 外围Periphery879 佩龙一弗罗宾尼斯定理Perron-Frobenius Theorem880 菲利普斯曲线Phillips Curve。
1. 所有投资者都是风险规避的 2. 所有投资者处于同一单期投资期 3. 投资者根据收益率的均值(期望收益率)和方差(风险)
来选择投资组台。投资者的效用是关于投资组合的期 望收益率和标准差的函数,使在给定风险水平下期望 收益率最高或者在给定期望收益率水平风险最小。理 性的投资者通过选择有效的投资组合,实现期望效用 最大化。
威廉·夏普(William F. Sharpe,1964)和约翰·K·林特纳 (John K.Lintner1965)在马柯维茨均值-方差组合投资模 型理论的基础上提出著名的资本资产定价模型(CAMP)。
在假设条件(1)(2)(3)的基础上, (4)所有投资者对同一证券的所有统计特征(均值,协方差)等有
ln( S
1 2
T t
2 )(T
d2 d1 T t
N () distribution function for N(0,1)
These formulas are basic...know them!!!
Cox,Ross,Rubinstein (1979)用一个离散时的二项 随机过程去模拟股票的变动,用无套利方法导出了二 项期权定价公式。对B-S模型进行了简化。
1 2
c(S,T ) (S K ) c(0,t) 0
1 2
p(S,T ) (K S ) p(0, t) Ker(T t)
规模相 等 , 易 后 , 个 集 团都 分 解. 6 交 二 ()如果 s ≠
S, i 即二 个 集 团规 模 不 等 , 小 规 模 的集 团保 持 不 则 变, 大规 模 的集 团分解 , 团 中的经 纪人再 次处 于孤 集 立 状态 , 集 团信息失 效 , 原 经纪人重 新选择 新 的市场 愿 望. 由于经纪人 在 选 择市 场 愿 望时 希 望跟 随 多数 人 的市场愿 望 , 因而 所有 经 纪 人 的市 场 愿望 的平 均 值成 为一个 重要 的变量 , 引入 d 为 当前 所 有经 纪人 市场愿 望 的平 均值 , 经纪 人 市场 判 断力 的大小 应 由
布表 现 出幂律 行为 , 不 能产 生 收益 绝 对值 的长 程 但 关联. h n Z e g等认 为[ , 2 口应该 与 被选 中的交 易 者 所 ]
在集 团的规模 有关 , 出 了相互 作 用 的 Hedn 提 r ig模
型 .相 互 作 用 的 Hedn r ig模 型 产 生 波 动 的 长 程 相 关
模 型由 N 个经 纪人构 成 , 在 动态 演化过 程 中 并
形 成 集 团. 初 , 个 经 纪 人 是 一 个 集 团 . 最 每
() 1 任一 时刻 t随机选 择经纪 人 i. 并 赋 予市 , ,, 『
场愿 望 d , f其 中 , d ∈ [ ,] 当 i d, d , 』 一1 1 , 和 的市
态 演化过 程及 对金融 市场 的影响 , 型如下 : 模
律. 比如 收益 的概率分 布呈现 尖峰胖 尾特征 ; 收益绝 对值具有 长程关 联 性 ; 似 于 物理 学 上相 转 变 的现 类 象,lo Pe u等 发 现 在 金 融 市场 也 存 在 两 相 现 象. r 为
增加材料孔隙率的方法Increasing material porosity can be achieved through various methods. One method involves introducing foaming agents to the material during the manufacturing process. These foaming agents create bubbles within the material, leading to an increase in porosity. This method is commonly used in the production of lightweight concrete, where small air bubbles are introduced to reduce the material's density without compromising its strength. By carefully selecting the type and amount of foaming agents, manufacturers can control the degree of porosity in the final product, allowing for customized properties to be achieved.另一种增加材料孔隙率的方法是通过使用发泡剂。
In addition to using foaming agents, another method to increase material porosity is through the use of porogens. Porogens aresacrificial materials that are added to the base material during the manufacturing process. Once the manufacturing process is complete, the porogens are removed, leaving behind voids and pores in the material. This technique is commonly used in the production of scaffolds for tissue engineering applications, where the porosity of the scaffold plays a critical role in promoting cell growth and tissue regeneration.除了使用发泡剂之外,另一种增加材料孔隙率的方法是使用多孔剂。
犯罪常常和贫穷以及失业有关用英语怎么翻be 下文是关于犯罪常常和贫穷以及失业有关用英语怎么翻be,related,to相关内容,希望对你有一定的帮助:犯罪常常和贫穷以及失业有关用英语怎么翻be,related,to:Unit 6 language work (无翻译答案)Unit 6 The PearlText OneThis excerpt is a good example of creativity in writing. It describes the psychology of various kinds of people just before Kino, a poor fisherman, goes to the town to sell the Pearl of the World, which he has found in the sea.The writer uses a lot of metaphors.Language Points:1. And a town has a whole emotion.This is an example of metaphor. A town is compared to a living being with feelings of all kinds —— love, joy, hate, fear, grief, etc.2. scramble① (v.)a) climb or crawl over steep or rough ground 快速攀爬The boys ~d up the steep rocky hill.They ~d up the side of a cliff.He ~d over a rocky hillside.I ~d up the rock for a better look at the sea.b) struggle with others to get sth 争抢,争夺compete~ for...The three of us ~d for the loose ball. (抢球)The players were scrambling for possession of the ball.Many countries are scrambling for the control of energy.The children ~d for the coins that were thrown to them. ~ to do sthThe players were scrambling to get possession of the ball.c) hurry to do sth 匆忙做某事She ~d into her clothes.He ~d out of his clothes and jumped into river.He scrambled to his feet.We ~d for cover against the sudden rain.d) cook eggs by beating them and heating them in a saucepan with butter and milk 用油和牛奶妙蛋Mary is scrambling eggs for breakfast.You can make ~d egg by cooking it in a saucepan while stirring it in butter and milk. ② n.a) climb or walk over or through obstacles, rough ground etc. 爬过障碍等,攀爬,爬行奔跑It was a long ~ through bushes and over rocks.We made a ~ for shelter when it began to rain.b) rough struggle 抢,争夺There was a ~ for the best seat.There was a ~ to get into the shop on the first day of the bargain sales.3. pulse① v.—beat, throb 跳动e.g. Her heart pulsed with excitement.anger.happiness.② n.—the regular beat of the arteries (e.g. as felt at the wrist) as the blood is pumped through them by the heart 脉搏,动脉strongHe has weak pulse.lowirregular to feel sb’s ~The doctor will feel your ~.4. vibrate①v.—(cause to) move rapidly and continuously backwards or forwards; quiver (使)摆动;摆动,震动,颤动The house ~s whenever a lorry passes.When we pronounce [b], our vocal cords ~.② vibration (n.)The ship’s engine caused some ~.5. pant① v.a)—take short, quick breaths, grasp; throb 喘气,喘息The dog ~ed along the road.b)— say while panting 喘着气说He ~ed out his message.She ~ed out her sad story.c)—have a strong wish for sth. 切望,渴望~ for...He ~ed for knowledge.All his life, he ~ed for wealth and luxury.② n.a) short, quick breath; 喘气,喘息b) pants 裤子This jacket will match those ~s.6. strangle (v.)—kill by squeezing the throat of...hinder the breathing of... 扼杀;勒死,绞死;阻塞…之呼吸The stiff collar is strangling me.The woman was ~d.strangle out—get the words out with difficulty in their keenness to speakHe ~d out the news.7. foam (n.)—white mass of small air bubbles formed in or on a liquid motion, or on an animal’s lips 咆沫;口角飞沫(v.) form foam; break into ~,send out ~ (at the mouth)起泡沫;变泡沫;(口)流泡沫Waves are foaming along the beach.海浪沿着海滩起泡沫a glass of ~ing beer 起泡沫的啤酒8. baptize (v.)—give baptism to sb 给某人洗礼The priest ~d the girl.baptism (n.)9. marry① va)—take as a husband or wife; have a husband or wife 结婚,娶,嫁~ sb(vt.) John is going to ~ Jane.Mary married a Frenchman.She married money. (她因为钱而结婚)(vi.) He didn’t ~ until he was 45.The woman married again after her husband’s death.She was in a hurry to ~.get/be marriedwhen did he get married?He got married last year.Is he married or single?How long have you been married?× How long have you got married?p.p. a married womanmarried couplesconduct the marriage ceremonyb)—(of a priest, a civil official) union as husband or wife (指牧师,官员)主持…的婚礼;使…正式成为夫妇~ sb.Which priest is going to ~ them?We’ve come to ask if you would ~ them?The judge will ~ them in his office.They were married by a priestc)—give in marriage 嫁(女)~ sb to...He married both his daughters to rich directors. He married his daughter to an army man.~ off one’s daughter(s) (把…嫁出去)She married off all her daughters.(She found husbands for all her daughters.)be married to...She was married to a rich _犯罪常常和贫穷以及失业有关用英语怎么翻be,related,to。
经济学 名词解释 英文
1.Demand curve and supply curve and interrelatedconcepts just like elasticity of demand and supply. Demand curve:In economics, the demand curve is the graph depicting the relationship between the price of a certain commodity, and the amount of it that consumers are willing and able to purchase at that given price.Supply curve: A graph showing the hypothetical supply of a product or service that would be available at different price points.Elasticity is the ratio of the percent change in one variable to the percent change in another variable. It is a tool for measuring the responsiveness of a function to changes in parameters in a unitless way. Frequently used elasticities include price elasticity of demand, price elasticity of supply,需求弹性Price elasticity of demand : PED is a measure of responsiveness of the quantity of a good or service demanded to changes in its price. The formula for the coefficient of price elasticity of demand for a good is: The above formula usually yields a negative value, due to the inverse nature of the relationship between price and quantity demanded, For example, if the price increases by 5% and quantity demanded decreases by 5%, then the elasticity at the initial price and quantity = −5%/5% = −1.2. Theory of utility consumer theory1) Utility is a measure of relative satisfaction.2) Law of diminishing marginal utilityThe marginal utility of each (homogenous) unit decreases as the supply of units increases3) Consumer’s surplus: Consumer surplus is the difference between the maximum price a consumer is willing to pay and the actual price they do pay4) The producer surplus is the amount that producers benefit by selling at a market price mechanism that is higher than the least that they would be willing to sell for.5) Attitude people towards risks: risk avoidance, risk preference, risk neutral6) An Engel curve describes how household expenditure on a particular good or service varies with household income.3. Production theory1) The target of a firm pursues the maximum of profitIn economics, returns to scale and economies of scale are related terms that describe what happens as the scale of production increases in the long run.The term returns to scale arises in the context of a firm's production function. It refers to changes in output resulting from a proportional change in all inputs. If output increases by that same proportional change then there are constant returns to scale (CRS). If output increases by less than that proportional change, there are decreasing returns to scale (DRS). If output increases by more than that proportional change, there are increasing returns to scale (IRS). Thus the returns to scale faced by a firm are purely technologically imposed and are not influenced by economic decisions or by market conditions.Economies of scale:is a long run concept and refers to reductions in unit cost as the size of a facility and the usage levels of other inputs increase.The common sources of economies of scale are purchasing (bulk buying of materials through long-term contracts), managerial (increasing the specialization of managers), and technological (taking advantage of returns to scale in the production function). Each of these factors reduces the long run average costs (LRAC) of production Economies of scale refer to a firm's costs; returns to scale describe the relationship between inputs and outputs in a long-run production.Cost theory:1) Opportunity cost:It is kind of sacrifice related to the other best choice available to people who had several mutually exclusive choices.Economic profit: A firm is said to be making an economic profit when its average total cost is less than the price of each additional product at the profit-maximizing output. The economic profit is equal to the quantity output multiplied by the difference between the average total cost and the price.Normal profit = cost: A firm is said to be making a normal profit when its economic profit equals zero.Perfect competitive market; monopolistic competition market; monopolistic market; oligopolistic market. Price discrimination:When sales of identical goods or services are transacted at different prices from the same provider. Price discrimination can only be a feature of monopolistic and oligopolistic markets,Market failure: a concept within economic theory that the allocation of goods and services by a free market is not efficient. Market failures are often associated with information asymmetries, Monopolies, externalities, or public goods. The existence of a market failure is often used as a justification for government intervention in a particular market. However, some types of government policy interventions, such as taxes, subsidies, wage and price controls, and regulations, including attempts to correct market failure, may also lead to an inefficientallocation of resources, (sometimes called government failures). Thus, there is sometimes a choice that whether uses government intervention when market failures occur. Externalities: The actions of agents can have externalities, which are innate to the methods of production. For example, if a firm is producing steel, it pollutes the atmosphere when it makes steel, however, and if it is not forced to pay for the use of this resource, then this cost will be borne not by the firm but by society.Common examples of an externality is environmental harm such as pollution or overexploitation of natural resources. Monopolies:Agents in a market can gain market power, allowing them to block other mutually beneficial gains from trades from occurring. In a monopoly, the market equilibrium will no longer be Pareto optimal. The monopoly will use its market power to restrict output below the quantity at which the marginal social benefit is equal to the marginal social cost of the last unit produced, so as to keep prices and profits high.Information asymmetry deals with the study of decisions in transactions where one party has more or better information than the other. This creates an imbalance of power in transactions which can sometimes cause the transactions to go awry. Examples of this problem are adverse selection and moral hazard.Public good is a good that is non-rival and non-excludable. Non-rivalry means that consumption of the good by one individual does not reduce availability of the good for consumption by others; and non-excludability that no one can be effectively excluded from using the good. Consumers can take advantage of public goods without contributing sufficiently to their creation. This is called the free rider problem. If too many consumers decide to 'free-ride', private costs exceed private benefits and the incentive to provide the good or service through the market disappears. The market thus fails to provide a good or service for which there is a need.Pareto efficiency, or Pareto optimality:Given an initial allocation of goods among a set of individuals, a change to a different allocation that makes at least one individual better off without making any other individual worse off is called a Pareto improvement. An allocation is defined as "Pareto efficient" or "Pareto optimal" when no further Pareto improvements can be made.Rent-seeking generally implies the extraction of uncompensated value from others without making any contribution to productivity, such as by gaining control of land and other pre-existing natural resources, or by imposing burdensome regulations or other government decisions that may affect consumers or businesses. Rent-seeking agents will spend money in socially unproductive ways, such as political lobbying, in order to attain, maintain or increase monopoly power.Monetary policyCentral banks chosen a country's monetary policy and manages a state's currency, money supply, and interest rates in order to reduce unemployment, make Price stability; Economic growth and Financial market stability Interest rate interventionsA central bank controls certain types of short-term interest rates. Lowering the interest is to encourage economic growth and is often used to alleviate times of low economic growth. On the other hand, raising the interest rate is often used in times of high economic growth as a contra-cyclical device to keep the economy from overheating and avoid market bubbles.1.倾销:倾销是指一产品从一国出口到另一国的出口价格低于在正常贸易过程中出口国供消费的同类产品的可比价格,即以低于正常价值的价格进入另一国的商业。
Linear Model of Innovation 2020-1
Scientists (universities and science based organisation)
create new knowledge (fundamental/basic research)
Technologists (organisations) apply to development of products
Source: Trott, 2014
The First-Generation Innovation Model Theoretical Perspective
• Technology push - the resource-view postulates that rather than the market, a firm’s resources provide a much more stable context in which to develop its innovation activity and shape its markets in accordance with its resources. (Barney, 1992 Conner & Prahalad, 1996; Prahalad & Hamel, 1990)
• It focuses on the firm and its resources, capabilities and skills. It argues that when firms have resources that are valuable, rare, and not easily copied they can achieve a sustainable competitive advantage – frequently in form of innovative new products
新帕尔格雷夫经济学大辞典 中英对照
1 亚当·斯密的“有效需求”"Effectual Demand", in Adam Smith2 自回归综合移动平均模型ARIMA Models3 不在地主Absentee4 绝对地租Absolute Rent5 绝对的和可交换的价值Absolute and Exchangeable value6 国际收支的开支吸收分析法Absorption Approach to the Balance of Payments7 吸收能力Absorptive Capacity8 节欲Abstinence9 抽象劳动与具体劳动Abstract and Concrete Labour10 加速原理Acceleration Principle11 会计学与经济学Accounting and Economics12 私人和社会会计Accounting, Private and Social13 资本的积累Accumulation of Capital14 非循环性Acyclicity15 适应性预期Adaptice Expectation16 总额相符问题Adding-up Problem17 调整的成本Adjustment Cost18 调整过程与稳定性Adjustment Processes and Stability19 有管理的价格Administered Prices20 预付Advances21 逆选择Adverse Selection22 广告Advertising23 顾问Advisers24 人口老化Ageing Populations25 代理费Agency Costs26 生产要素Agents of Production27 总需求理论Aggregate Demand Theory28 总需求和总供给分析Aggregate Demand and Supply Analysis29 总供给函数Aggregate Supply Function30 加总问题Aggregation Problem31 经济关系的总和Aggregation of Economic Relations32 农业经济学Agricultural Economics33 农业增长和人口变化Agricultural Growth and Population Change34 农产品供给Agricultural Supply35 农业与经济发展Agriculture and Economic Development36 农业与土地Agriculture and Land37 异化Alienation38 阿莱悖论Allais Paradox39 阿尔蒙滞后Almon Lag40 利他主义Altruism41 美国经济协会American Economic Association42 摊销Amortization43 类比Analogy44 无政府主义Anarchism45 反托拉斯政策Antitrust Policy46 适用技术Appropriate Technology47 套利Arbitrage48 套利定价理论Arbitrage Pricing Theory49 仲裁Arbitration50 军备竞赛Arms Races51 阿罗定理Arrow''s Theorem52 阿罗-德布勒一般均衡模型Arrow-Debren Model of General Equilibrium53 资产定价Asset Pricing54 资产与负债Assets and Liabilities55 指派问题Assignment Problems56 非对称信息Asymmetric Information57 原子状竞争Atomistic Competition58 拍卖者Auctioneer59 拍卖Auctions60 奥地利经济学派Austrian School of Economics61 自给自足Autarky62 自发支出Autonomous Expenditures63 自回归和移动平均时间序列过程Autoregressive and Moving-average Time-series Processes64 平均成本定价Average Cost Pricing65 阿弗奇一约翰逊效应Averch-Johnson effect66 公理化理论Axiomatic Theories67 交割延期费Backwardation68 落后性Backwardness69 贸易差额理论史Balance of Trade, History of The Theory70 平衡预算乘数Balanced Budget Maltiptier71 平衡增长Balanced Growth72 中央银行利率Bank Rate73 银行学派,通货学派,自由银行学派Banking School, Currency School, Free Banking School74 讨价还价(议价) Bargaining75 物物交换Barter76 物物交换和交易Barter and Exchange77 基本品和非基本品Basics and Non-Basics78 基点计价制Basing Point System79 杂牌凯恩斯主义Bastard Keynesianism80 贝叶斯推断Bayesian Inference81 以邻为整Beggar-the-neighbor82 行为经济学Behavioral Economics83 有偏和无偏的技术进步Biased and Unbiased technological Change84 出价Bidding85 双边垄断Bilateral Monopoly86 复本位制Bimetallism87 生物经济学Bioeconomics88 经济学在生物学中的应用Biological Applications of Economics89 伯明翰学派Birmingham School90 生死过程Birth-and-death Processes91 债券Bonds92 有限理性论Bounded Rationality93 资产阶级Bourgeoisie94 贿赂Bribery95 泡沫状态Bubbles96 预算政策Budgetary Policy97 缓冲存货Buffer Stocks98 内在稳定器Built-in Stabilizers99 金银本位主义的争论Bullionist Controversy100 束状图Bunch Maps101 公债负担Burden of The Debt102 官僚制度Bureaucracy103 经济周期Business Cycles104 不变替代弹性生产函数CES Production Function105 变分法Calculus of Variations106 官房经济学派Cameralism107 资本资产定价模型Capital Asset Pricing Model108 资本预算的编制Capital Budgeting109 资本外逃Capital Flight110 资本的收益与损失Capital Gains and Losses111 资本品Capital Goods112 资本的反常现象Capital Perversity113 资本理论Capital Theory114 资本的理论:争论Capital Theory: Debates115 资本理论:悖论Capital Theory: Paradoxes116 固定资本利用程度Capital Utilization117 作为一种生产要素的资本Capital as A Factor of Production118 作为一种社会关系的资本Capital as a Social Relation119 资本、信贷和货币市场Capital, Credit and Money Markets120 资本主义Capitalism121 资本主义的与非资本主义的生产Capitalistic and Acapitalistic Production 122 卡特尔Cartel123 交易学Catallactics124 突变论Catastrophe Theory125 赶超Catching-up126 因果推理Causal Inference127 经济模型中的因果关系Causality in Economic Models128 删截数据模型Censored Data Models129 中央银行业务Central Banking130 中心地区理论Central Place Theory131 中央计划Central Planning132 波动重心Centre of Gravitation133 确定性等价Certainty Equivalent134 如果其他条件不变Ceteris Paribus135 偏好的改变Changes in Tastes136 宪章运动:宪章的条款Chantism: the point of the Charter 137 物品特性Characteristics138 宪章运动Chartism139 低息借款Cheap Money140 芝加哥学派Chicago School141 技术选择与利润率Choice of Technique and the Rate of Profit 142 牟利学(理财) Chrematistics143 基督教社会主义Christian Socialism144 循环流动Circular Flow145 流通资本Circulating Capital146 阶级Class147 古典经济学Classical Economics148 古典增长模型Classical Growth Models149 古典货币理论Classical Theory of Money150 历史计量学Cliometrics151 社团Clubs152 合作社Co-operatives153 科斯定理Coase Theorem154 柯布-道格拉斯函数Cobb-Douglas Function155 蛛网定理Cobweb Theorem156 共同决定和利润分享Codetermination and Profit-sharing157 同族学科Cognate Displines158 柯尔培尔主义Colbertism159 集体行动Collective Action160 集体农业Collective Agriculture161 劳资集体谈判Collective bargaining162 合谋Collusion163 殖民主义Colonialism164 殖民地Colonies165 联合Combination166 组合论Combinatorics167 命令经济Command Economy168 商品拜物教Commodity Fetishism169 商品货币Commodity Money170 商品储备货币Commodity Reserve Currency171 公共土地Common Land172 习惯法Common Law173 公共财产权Common Property Rights174 通讯Communications175 共产主义Communism176 社会(公共)无差异曲线Community Indifference Curves177 比较利益Comparative Advantage178 比较静态学Comparative Statics179 补偿需求Compensated Demand180 补偿Compensation181 补偿原理Compensation Principle182 竞争Competition183 竞争政策Competition Policy184 竞争与效率Competition and Efficiency185 竞争与选择Competition and Selection186 国际贸易竞争Competition in International Trade187 奥地利学派的竞争理论Competition: Austrian Conceptions188 古典竞争理论Competition: Classical Conceptions189 马克思学派的竞争理论Competition: Marxian Conceptions190 竞争性市场过程Competitive Market Processes191 一般均衡的计算Computation of General Equlibria192 集中比率Concentration Ratios193 冲突与解决Conflict and Settlement194 冲突与战争Conflict and War195 拥挤Congestion196 综合性大企业Conglomerates197 推测均衡Conjectural Equilibria198 炫耀性消费Conspicuous Consumption199 不变资本和可变资本Constant and Variable Capital200 制度经济学Constitutional Economics201 耐用消费品Consumer Durables202 消费者剩余Consumer Surplus203 消费者支出Consumers, Expenditure204 消费函数Consumption Function205 消费集Consumption Sets206 消费税Consumption Taxation207 消费与生产Consumption and Production208 可竞争市场Contestable Markets209 或有商品Contingent Commodities210 经济历史的连续性Continuity in Economic History211 连续和离散时间模型Continuous and Discrete Time Models212 连续-时间随机模型Continuous-time Stochastic Model213 连续时间随机过程Continuous-time Stochastic Processes214 矛盾Contradiction215 资本主义的矛盾Contradictions of Capitalism216 经济活动的控制与协调Control and Coordination of Economic Activity 217 趋向性假说Convergence Hypothesis218 凸规划Convex Programming219 凸性Convexity220 合作均衡Cooperative Equilibrium221 合作对策Cooperative Games222 核心Cores223 谷物法Corn Laws224 谷物模型Corn Model225 公司经济Corporate Economy226 公司Corporations227 社团主义Corporatism228 对应原理Correspondence Principle229 对应Correspondences230 成本函数Cost Functions231 成本最小化和效用最大化Cost Minimization and Utility Maximization 232 成本和供给曲线Cost and Supply Curves233 生产成本Cost of Production234 成本-效益分析Cost-benefit Analysis235 成本推动型通货膨胀Cost-push Inflation236 反向贸易Counter Trade237 反设事实Counterfactuals238 抗衡力量Countervailing Power239 蠕动钉住汇率Crawling Peg240 创造性破坏Creative Destruction241 信贷Credit242 信贷周期Credit Cycle243 信贷配给Credit Rationing244 犯罪与处罚Crime and Punishment245 危机Crises246 关键路径分析Critical Path Analysis247 挤出效应Crowding Out248 累积的因果关系Cumulative Causation249 累积过程Cumulative Processes250 通货Currencies251 通货委员会Currency Boards252 关税同盟Customs Unions253 周期Cycles254 社会主义经济的周期Cycles in Socialist Economies255 技能退化De-skilling256 高息借款Dear Money257 销路理论Debouches, Theorie des258 分权Decentralization259 决策理论Decision Theory260 衰落产业Declining Industries261 人口下降Declining Population262 国防经济学Defence Economics263 赤字财政Deficit Financing264 赤字支出Deficit Spending265 垄断程度Degree of Monopoly266 效用程度Degree of utility267 需求管理Demand Management268 需求价格Demand Price269 需求理论Demand Theory270 货币需求:经验研究Demand for Money: Empirical Studies271 货币需求:理论研究Demand for Money: Theoretical Studies272 需求拉动型通货膨胀Demand-pull Inflation273 人口转变Demographic Transition274 人口统计学Demography275 依附Dependency276 折耗Depletion277 折旧Depreciation278 萧条Depressions279 派生需求Derived Demand280 决定论Determinism281 发展Development282 发展经济学Development Economics283 发展计划Development Planning284 辩证唯物主义Dialectical Materialism285 辩证推理Dialectical Reasoning286 微分对策Differential Games287 获得的困难Difficulty of Attainment288 生产的难易程度Difficulty or Facility of Production289 技术扩散Diffusion of Technology290 经济量的维数Dimension of Economic Quantities291 直接税Direct Taxes292 直接非生产性寻利活动Directly Unproductive Profit-seeking (DUP) Activities 293 离散的选择模型Discrete Choice Models294 歧视性垄断Discriminating Monopoly295 歧视Discrimination296 非均衡分析Disequilibrium Analysis297 隐蔽性失业Disguised Unemployment298 反中介行动Disintermediation299 扭曲Distortions300 分配Distribution301 占典分配理论Distribution Theories: Classical302 凯恩斯主义的分配理论Distribution Theories: Keynesian303 马克思主义的分配理论Distribution Theories: Marxian304 新古典分配理论Distribution Theories: Neoclassical305 分配伦理Distribution, Ethics of306 分配规律Distribution, Law of307 分配公平Distributive Justice308 多样化经营Diversification of activities309 分段的总体和随机模型Divided Populations and Stochastic Models310 股息政策Dividend Policy311 迪维西亚指数Divisia Index312 劳动分工Division of Labour313 经济学说Doctrines314 土地调查清册Domesday Book315 家务劳动Domestic Labour316 复式簿记Double-entry Bookkeeping317 二元经济Dual Economies318 二元性Duality319 虚拟变量Dummy Variables320 倾销Dumping321 双头垄断Duopoly322 动态规划和马尔可夫决策过程Dynamic Programming and Markov Decision Process 323 经济增长和发展的动力学Dynamics, Growth and Development324 东西方经济关系East-west Economic Relations325 伊斯特林假说Easterlin Hypothesis326 经济计量学Econometrics327 经济人类学Economic Anthropology328 社会主义经济的经济计算Economic Calculation in Socialist Economies329 经济自由Economic Freedom330 经济增长Economic Growth331 经济和谐Economic Harmony332 经济史Economic History333 经济一体化Economic Integration334 历史的经济学解释Economic Interpretation of History335 经济法则Economic Laws336 经济人Economic Man337 经济组织Economic Organization338 经济组织与交易成本Economic Organization and Transaction Costs339 经济科学与经济学Economic Science and Economics340 经济剩余与等边际原理Economic Surplus and the Equimarginal Principle341 经济理论与理性假说Economic Theory and The Hypothesis of Rationality342 国家的经济理论Economic Theory of the State343 经济战Economic War344 经济和社会人类学Economic and Social Anthropology345 经济和社会史Economic and Social History346 经济学图书馆与文献的使用Economics Libraries and Documentation347 规模经济与规模不经济Economies and Diseconomies ofScale348 经济计量学Economitrics349 有效需求Effective Demand350 实际保护Effective Protection351 有效配置Efficient Allocation352 有效率市场假说Efficient Market Hypothesis353 国际收支的弹性分析方法Elasticities Approach to the Balance of Payments354 弹性Elasticity355 替代弹性Elasticity of Substitution356 就业理论Employment, Theories of357 空匣Empty Boxes358 内生性与外生性Endogencity and Exoyeneity359 内生货币与外生货币Endogenous and Exogenous Money360 能源经济学Energy Economics361 强制执行Enforcement362 恩格尔曲线Engel Curve363 恩格尔定律Engel''s Law364 英国历史学派English Historical School365 权利Entitlements366 企业家Entrepreneur367 熵Entropy368 进入与市场结构Entry and Market structure369 包络定理Envelope Theorem370 环境经济学Environmental Economics371 妒忌Envy372 国民历代大事记或民族精神编年史Ephemerides du Citoyen ou Chronique de I''esprit National 373 经济学中的认识论问题Epistemological Issues in Economics374 均等利润率Equal Rates of Profit375 平等Equality376 交易方程Equation of Exchange377 均衡:概念的发展Equilibrium: Development of The Concept378 均衡:一个预期性的概念Equilibrium: an Expectational Concept379 公平Equity380 遍历理论Ergodic Theory381 变量误差Errors in Variables382 估计Estimation383 欧拉定理Euler''s Theorem384 欧洲美元市场Eurodollar Market385 事前与事后Ex Ante and Ex Post386 过度需求与供给Excess Demand and Supply387 交换Exchange388 外汇管制Exchange Control389 汇率Exchange Rate390 可能竭资源Exhaustible Resources391 一般均衡的存在性Existence of General Equilibrium392 退出和进言Exit and Voice393 预期Expectations394 预期效用假说Expected Utility Hypothesis395 预期效用及数学期望Expected Utility and Methematical Expectation396 消费支出税Expenditure Tax397 经济学中的实验方法(i) Experimental Methods in Economics(i)398 经济学中的实验方法(ii) Experimental Methods in Economics(ii)399 剥削Exploitation400 展延家庭Extended Family401 扩展型对策Extensive Form Games402 粗放与集约地租Extensive and Intensive Rent403 外债External Debt404 外在经济External Economies405 外在性Externalities406 费边经济学Fabian Economics407 因子分析Factor Analysis408 要素价格边界Factor Price Frontier409 公平分配Fair Division410 公平性Fairness411 下降的利润率Falling Rate of Profit412 家庭Family413 计划生育Family Planning414 饥荒Famine415 法西斯主义Fascism416 生育力Fecundity417 人口出生率Fertibity418 封建主义Feudalism419 法定不兑现纸币Fiat Money420 虚拟资本Fictitious Capital421 信用发行Fiduciary Issue422 最终效用程度Final Degree of Utility423 最终效用Final Utility424 金融Finance425 金融资本Finance Capital426 融资和储蓄Finance and Saving427 金融危机Financial Crisis428 金融中介Financial Intermediaries429 金融新闻业Financial Journalism430 金融市场Financial Markets431 微调Fine Tuning432 厂商理论Firm, Theory of The433 财政联邦主义Fiscal Federalism434 财政态势Fiscal Stance435 发展中国家的财政和货币政策Fiscal and Monetary Policies in Developing Countries 436 渔业Fisheries437 固定资本Fixed Capital438 固定汇率Fixed Exchange Rates439 不变生产要素Fixed Factors440 不动点定理Fixed Point Theorems441 固定价格模型Fixprice Models442 浮动汇率Flexible Exchange Rates443 强制储蓄Forced Saving444 预测Forecasting445 对外援助Foreign Aid446 国外投资Foreign Investment447 对外贸易Foreign Trade448 对外贸易乘数Foreign Trade Multiplier449 森林经济Forests450 欺骗Fraud451 自由银行制度Free Banking452 自由处置Free Disposal453 免费物品Free Goods454 免费午餐Free Lunch455 自由贸易和保护主义Free Trade and Protection456 充分就业Full Employment457 充分就业预算盈余Full Employment Budget Surplus458 完全及有限信息方法Full and Limited Information Methods459 泛函分析Functional Analysis460 功能财政Functional Finance461 根本性失衡Fundamental Disequilibrium462 可替代性Fungibility463 期贷市场、套头交易与投机Futures Markets, Hedging and Speculation 464 期货交易Futures Trading465 模糊集合Fuzzy Sets466 贸易收益Gains from Trade467 对策论(博奕论) Game Theory468 不完全信息对策Games With Incomplete Information469 赌博合同Gaming Contracts470 度规函数Gauge Functions471 资本搭配Gearing472 性别Gender473 一般均衡General Equilibrium474 一般系统理论General System Theory475 德国历史学派German Historical School476 吉布拉定律Gibrat''s Law477 吉芬悖论Giffen''s Paradox478 赠品Gifts479 吉尼比率Gini Ratio480 经济理论中的整体分析Global Analysis in Economic Theory481 金本位Gold Standard482 黄金时代Golden Age483 黄金律Golden Rule484 货物与商品Goods and Commodities485 政府预算约束Government Budget Restraint486 图论Graph Theory487 重力模型Gravity Models488 格莱辛定律Gresham''s Law489 总替代品Gross Substitutes490 群(李群)论Group(Lie Group)Theory491 增长的核算Growth Accounting492 增长与周期Growth and Cycles493 经济增长与国际贸易Growth and International Trade494 哈恩问题Hahn Problem495 汉密尔顿体系Hamiltonians496 哈里斯-托达罗模型Harris-Todaro Model497 哈罗德-多马增长模型Harrod-Domar Growth Model498 霍金斯一西蒙条件Hawkins-Simon Condition499 卫生经济学Health Economics500 赫克歇尔-俄林贸易理论Heckscher-Ohlin Trade Theory501 套头交易Hedging502 享乐函数和享乐指数Hedonic Functions and Hedonic Indexes503 享乐主义Hedonism504 黑格尔主义Hegelianism505 赫芬达尔指数Herfindahl index506 异方差性Heteroskedasticity507 隐蔽活动,道德风险与合同理论Hidden Action, Moral Hazard and Contract Theory 508 等级制度Hierarchy509 讨价还价Higgling510 健全货币与货币基础High-powered Money and The Monetary Base511 历史成本会计Historical Cost accounting512 历史人口统计学Historical Demography513 经济思想及学说史History of Thought and Doctrine514 齐次函数和位似函数Homogeneous and Homothetic Functions515 国际游资Hot Money516 家庭预算Household Budgets517 家庭生产Household Production518 家务劳动Housework519 住房市场Housing Markets520 人力资本Human Capital521 人类资源Human Resources522 虚构的生产函数Humbug Production Function523 持猎和采集经济Hunting and Gathering Economies524 恶性通货膨胀Hyperinflation525 假设检验Hypothesis Testing526 IS-LM分析IS-LM Analysis527 理想指数Ideal Indexes528 理想产出Ideal Output529 理想类型Ideal Type530 识别Identification531 意识形态Ideology532 贫困化增长Immiserizing Grow533 尽早消费偏好Impatience534 不完全竞争Imperfect Competition535 不完全模型Imperfectionist Models536 帝国主义Imperialism537 默认契约Implicit Contracts538 进口替代和出口导向型增长Import Substitution and Export-Led Growth 539 派算Imputation540 剌激的协调性Incentive Compatibility541 刺激性合同Incentive Contracts542 收入Income543 收入-支出分析Income-Expenditure Analysis544 收入政策Incomes Policies545 不完全合同Incomplete Contracts546 不完全市场Incomplete Markets547 规模报酬递增Increasing Return to Scale548 指数Index Numbers549 指数化证券Indexed Securities550 指导性计划Indicative Planning551 指标Indicators552 无差异定律Indifference, Law of553 间接税Indirect Taxes554 间接效用函数Indirect Utility Function555 个人主义Individualism556 不可分性Indivisibilities557 归纳Induction558 产业组织Industrial Organization559 劳资关系Industrial Relations560 产业革命Industrial Revolution561 工业化Industrialization562 不等式Inequalities563 不平等Inequality564 国家之间的不平等Inequality between Nations565 人与人的不平等Inequality between Persons566 性别的不平等Inequality between The Sexes567 工资的不平等Inequality of Pay568 新生工业Infant Industry569 婴儿死亡率Infant Mortality570 通货膨胀Inflation571 通货膨胀会计Inflation Accounting572 通货膨胀与增长Inflation and Growth573 通货膨胀预期Inflationary Expections574 通货膨胀缺口Inflationary Gap575 非正规经济Informal Economy576 信息论Information Theory577 继承Inheritance578 继承税Inheritance Taxes579 创新Innovation580 投入-产出分析Input-output Analysis581 制度经济学Institutional Economics582 工具变量Instrumental Variables583 保险Insurance584 整数规划Integer Programming585 需求的可积性Integrability of Demand586 智力Intelligence587 相依偏好Interdependent Preferences588 利率Interest Rate589 利息和利润Interest and Profit590 多种利益Interests591 代际模型Intergenerational Models592 内部经济Internal Economies593 国内移民Internal Migration594 内部收益率Internal Rate of Return595 国际资本流动International Capital Flows596 国际金融International Finance597 国际收入比较International Income Comparisons598 国际债务International Indebtedness599 国际清偿能力International Liquidity600 国际移民International Migration601 国际货币经济学International Monetary Economics602 国际货币体制International Monetary Institutions603 国际货币政策International Monetary Policy604 国际贸易International Trade605 人际效用对比Interpersonal Utility Comparison606 时际均衡与效率Intertemporal Equilibrium and Efficiency607 时际资产组合理论和资产定价Intertemporal Portfolio Theory and Asset Pricing 608 价值的不可变标准Invariable Standard of value609 存货Inventories610 存货周期Inventory Cycles611 确定性条件下的存货政策Inventory policy under certainty612 投资Investment613 投资决策标准Investment Decision Criteria614 投资计划Investment Planning615 投资与积累Investment and Accumulation616 看不见的手Invisible Hand617 非自愿失业Involuntary Unemployment618 工资铁律Iron Law of Wages619 作为经济理论家的杰文斯Jevons As An Economic Theorist 620 联合生产Joint Production621 线性模型中的联合生产Joint Production in Linear Models 622 法理学Jurisprudence623 公平价格Just Price624 公平Justice625 公平、不平等及岐视Justices, Inequality and Discrimination 626 凯恩斯的《通论》Keynes''s General Theory627 凯恩斯主义经济学Keynesian Economics628 凯恩斯革命Keynesian Revolution629 凯恩斯主义Keynesianism630 弯折的需求曲线Kinked Demand Curve631 圣殿骑士团Knights Templar632 康德拉季耶夫周期Kondratieff Cycle633 库兹涅茨波动Kuznets Swings634 劳动经济学Labour Economics635 劳动交换Labour Exchange636 劳动市场歧视Labour Market Discrimination637 劳动市场Labour Markets638 劳动力Labour Power639 劳动过程Labour Process640 妇女劳动供给Labour Supply of Women641 劳动剩余经济Labour Surplus Economies642 劳动价值论Labour Theory of value643 劳动与就业Labour and Employment644 劳动者管理经济Labour-Managed Economies645 拉格朗日乘子Lagrange Multipliers646 自由放任主义Laissez-Faire647 土地改革Land Reform648 地租Land Rent649 土地税Land Tax650 兰格一勒纳机制Lange一Lerner Mechanism651 巨大经济Large Economies652 潜在变量Latent Variables653 大庄园制Latifundia654 法律与经济学Law and Economics655 解雇Layoffs656 沙特利耶原理Le Chatelier Principle657 起前与滞后Leads and Lags658 边干边学Learning-by-doing659 最小二乘法Least Squares660 闲暇Leisure661 有闲阶级Leisure Class662 里昂惕夫悖论Leontief Paradox663 字典式序Lexicographic Orderings664 自由主义Liberalism665 自由Liberty666 生命周期假说Life Cycle Hypothesis667 人寿保险Life Insurance668 寿命表Life Tables669 似然Likelihood670 极限定价Limit Pricing671 有限应变量Limited Dependent Variables672 增长的极限Limits to Growth673 林达尔均衡Lindahl Equilibrium674 林达尔论财政Lindahl on Public Finance675 线性模型Linear Models676 线性规划Linear Programing677 联系Linkages678 流动性Liquidity679 流动性偏好Liquidity Preference680 可贷资金Loanable Funds681 地方财政Local Public Finance682 经济活动的区位Location of Economic Activity683 对数正态分布Lognormal Distribution684 长周期Long Cycles685 经济增长中的长波Long Swing in Economic Growth686 长期和短期Long-run and Short-run687 洛伦茨曲线Lorenz Curve688 低工资Low Pay689 一次总付税Lump Sum Taxes690 李雅普诺夫函数Lyapunov Functions691 李雅普诺夫定理Lyapunov''s Theorem692 机器问题Machinery Question693 宏观经济计量模型Macroeconometric Models694 宏观经济政策Macroeconomic Policy695 宏观经济学理论Macroeconomic Theory696 宏观经济学:与微观经济学的关系Macroeconomics Relations with Microeconomics 697 保持资本完整无缺Maintaining Capital Intact698 马尔萨斯的人口理论Malthus Theory of Population699 马尔萨斯与古典经济学Malthus and Classical Economics700 经理资本主义Managerial Capitalism701 曼彻斯特学派Manchester School702 制造业活动与非工业化Manufacturing and De-industrialization703 资本边际效率Marginal Efficiency of Capital704 边际生产力理论Marginal Productivity Theory705 货币的边际效用Marginal Utility of Money706 边际和平均成本定价Marginal and Average Cost Pricing707 边际主义经济学Marginalist Economics708 市场失灵Market Failure709 营销期Market Period710 集贸市场Market Places711 市场价格Market Price712 市场份额Market Share713 市场社会主义Market Socialism714 市场结构Market Structure715 市场结构与创新Market Structure and Innovation716 市场价值与市场价格Market value and Market Price717 购销管理局Marketing Boards718 马歇尔-勒纳条件Marshall-Lerner Condition719 鞍Martingales720 马克思主义经济学Marxian Economics721 马克思主义价值分析Marxian value Analysis722 马克思主义Marxism723 马克思主义经济学Marxist Economics724 物资平衡Material Balances725 数理经济学Mathematical Economics726 政治经济学的数学方法Mathematical Method in Political Economy727 矩阵乘子Matrix Multiplier728 极大似然Maximum Likelihood729 最大满足Maximum Satisfaction730 平均值Mean value731 均值-方差分析Mean-variance Analysis732 确义性与不变性Meaningfulness and Invariance733 测度论Measure Theory734 经济增长的测算Measurement of Economic Growth735 测算理论Measurement, Theory of736 重商主义Mercantilism737 兼并Mergers738 有益品Merit Goods739 方法论之争Methodentreit740 方法论Methodology741 微观经济学Microeconomics742 军费开支Military Expenditure743 最低工资Minimum Wages744 生产方式Mode of Production745 模型与理论Models and Theory746 增长模型Models of growth747 货币主义Monetarism748 国际收支的货币分析法Monetary Approach to the Balance of Payments749 货币基础Monetary Base750 货币幻想Monetary Cranks751 货币非均衡和市场出清Monetary Disequilibdum and Market Clearing752 货币均衡Monetary Equilibrium753 货币体制Monetary Institution754 货币政策Monetary Policy755 货币理论Monetary Theory756 货币幻觉Money Illusion757 货币供应Money Supply758 货币和一般均衡理论Money and General Equilibrium Theory759 货币与宏观经济学Money and Macroeconomics760 经济活动中的货币Money in Economic Activity761 货币贷款者Moneylenders762 城市经济学中的单中心模型Monocentric Models in Urban Economics 763 垄断性竞争Monopolistic Competition764 垄断性竞争与一般均衡Monopolistic Competition and General Equilibrium 765 垄断Monopoly766 垄断资本主义Monopoly Capitalism767 垄断与寡头垄断Monopoly and Oligopoly768 单调映射Monotone Mappings769 蒙特卡罗方法Monte Carlo Methods770 道德风险Moral Hazard771 道德哲学Moral Philosophy772 死亡率Mortality773 多重共线性Multicollinearity774 多国公司Multinational Corporations775 乘数分析Multiplier Analysis776 乘数-加速器相互作用Multiplier-accelerator Interaction777 多部门增长模型Multisector Growth Models778 多元时间序列模型Multivariate Time Series Models779 近视决策规则Myopic Decision Rules780 纳什均衡Nash Equilibrium781 国债National Debt782 国民收入National Income783 国民体系National System784 民族主义Nationalism785 国有化Nationalization786 自然法Natural Law787 自然垄断Natural Monopoly788 自然价格Natural Price789 自然利率和市场利率Natural Rate and Market Rate790 自然失业率Natural Rate of Unemployment791 自然资源Natural Resources792 自然资源和环境Natural Resources and Enviroment793 自然选择与进化Natural Selection and Evolution794 自然工资Natural Wage795 自然和人类资源Natural and Human Resources796 自然的及正常的条件Natural and Normal Conditions797 自然的和有保证的增长率Natural and Warranted Rates of Growth 798 必需品Necessaries799 负所得税Negative Income Tax800 负量Negative Quantities801 新李嘉图主义Neo-Ricardianism802 新古典的Neoclassical803 新古典增长理论Neoclassical Growth Theory804 新古典综合Neoclassical Synthesis805 净产品Net Product806 中性税收Neutral Taxation807 货币中性Neutrality of Money808 新古典宏观经济学New Classical Macroeconomics809 非合作对策Non-Cooperative Game810 非线性规划Non-Linear Programming811 非参数统计方法Non-Parametric Statistical Methods812 非竞争集团Non-competing Groups813 非凸性Non-convexity814 经济计量学中的非线性方法Non-linear Methods in Econometrics 815 非嵌套假设Non-nested Hypotheses816 非价格竞争Non-price Competition817 非盈利机构Non-profit Organizations818 非标准分析Non-standard Analysis819 无替代定理Non-substitution Theorems820 南北经济关系North-south Economic Relations821 价值标准Numeraire822 效用定律的数值确定Numerical Determination of the Laws of utility 823 营养Nutrition824 奥卡姆剃刀Occam''s (Ockham''s) Razor825 职业分离Occupational Segregation826 提供Offer827 提供曲线或相互需求曲线Offer Curve or Reciprocal Demand Curve 828 (卖方)寡头垄断Oligopoly829 寡头垄断与对策论Oligopoly and Game Theory830 敞地制Open Field System831 公开市场业务Open-market Operations832 运筹学Operations Research833 满足度Ophelimity834 机会成本Opportunity Cost835 最优控制与动态经济学Optimal Control and Economic Dynamics 836 最适度储蓄Optimal Savings837 最优关税Optimal Tariffs838 最优税收Optimal Taxation839 最优性与效率Optimality and Efficiency840 乐观主义与悲观主义Optimism and Pessimism841 最优货币区Optimum Currency Areas842 最适度人口量Optimum Population843 最适度货币数量Optimum Quantity of Money844 期权定价理论Option Pricing Theory845 期权Options846 序Orderings847 资本有机构成Organic Composition of Capital848 组织理论Organization Theory849 离群值Outliers850 产出与就业Output and Employment851 过度储蓄Over saving852 过度投资Over-investment853 间接成本Overhead Costs854 一般均衡的交叠世代模型Overlapping Generations Model of General Equilibrium 855 生产过剩Overproduction856 峰突Overshooting857 自生利率Own Rates of Interest858 帕尔格雷夫政治经济学辞典Palgrave''s Dictionary of Political Economy859 范式Paradigm860 悖论与异常Paradoxes and Anomalies861 帕累托分布Pareto Distribution862 帕累托效率Pareto Efficiency863 作为经济学家的帕累托Pareto as an Economist864 专利Patents865 路径分析Path Analysis866 回收期Pay-off Period867 工资税Payroll Taxes868 旺季定价Peak-load Pricing869 小农经济Peasant Economy870 小农Peasants871 货币经济与非货币经济Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Economies872 完全竞争Perfect Competition873 完全预见Perfect Foresight874 完全信息Perfect Information875 完全竞争市场和不完全竞争市场Perfectly and Imperfectly Competitive Markets 876 表演艺术Performing Arts877 生产周期Period of Production878 外围Periphery879 佩龙一弗罗宾尼斯定理Perron-Frobenius Theorem880 菲利普斯曲线Phillips Curve。
The Model of Artificial Stock Market under DifferentNetwork StructuresYangrui Zhang, Honggang LiSchool of Systems Science, Beijing Normal University1.IntroductionFor decades, magnitude of complex macroscopic behavior characteristics constantly sprung up in financial market which is the subsystem of the whole economic activity. Economists have proposed different mechanisms to describe the diverse agents and the interaction among them, which are used to simulate macroscopic behavior and dynamic evolution in the market.In financial market, the investing behavior of investors who are the main participants, have bounded rationality which led to complex nonlinear mechanism in the whole financial system. In the real financial market, there are large uncertainties concerning present values of the economies, investors are more prone to influences from their peers, the media, and other channels that combine to build a self-reflexive climate of optimism. Particularly, communication of social network from investors may greatly affect the investment opinion. At the same time, these communication may lead to significant imitation, herding and collective behaviors[1]. Therefore, it is necessary to establish reasonable social network to research interactions between investors and herd behavior from the microscopic aspect, we regard these participants as network nodes and link them according to their correlation, then analyze the financial market with the establishment of social network.At present some models have already been proposed in the artificial stock market. In some literatures, the economists analyzed the influence of the information on investors’ decisions through the o bservation of real traders trading behavior, such as Arifovic[2], Lettau[3] etc. Johansen and Sornette[4] points out that all the traders could be seen as interacted sources of opinion. As we focus on the interaction among the traders, we refered the model of artificial stock market based on the Ising model proposed by Harras and Sornette[1].Based on complex network theory and behavioral finance theory, we also take the rules of random network, scale-free network and small world network into consideration, building an evolution model according to the characteristics of the investors’ investing behavior under the network system, and studying the effect of herd behavior on the rate of return and price volatility under different network structures from a kind of macroscopic aspect.2. ModelWe consider a fixed environment composed of N agents who are trading a single asset. At each time step, agents have the possibility to either trade (buy or sell) or to remain passive. The trading decision s i (t ) of agent i is based on his opinion on the future price development. The opinion of agent i at time t , w i (t), consists of three different sources: idiosyncratic opinion, global news and their network of acquaintances.1231()(1)[()](1)()()Ji i ij i j i i i j w t c k t E s t c u t n t c t ε==-+-+∑ (1)where εi (t) represents the private information of agent i , n(t) is the public information, J is the number of neighbors that agent i polls for their opinion and E i [s j (t)] is the action of the neighbor j at time t −1, (c 1i ,c 2i ,c 3i ) is the form of the weights the agent attributes to each of the three pieces of information.Assuming that each agent is characterized by a fixed threshold w i to control the triggering s i (t ) of an investment action. An agent i decides to buy a stock if his conviction w i (t) is sufficiently positive so as to reach the threshold: w i (t)≥w i . Reversely, she decides to sell if w i (t)≤w i . Once all the agents have decided on their orders, the new price of the asset is determined by the following equations:11()()()Nii i r t s t v t N λ==⋅⋅∑ (2) log[()]log[(1)]()p t p t r t =-+ (3)here r(t) is the return and v i (t) is the volume at time t , λ represents the relative impact of the excess demand upon the price, i.e. the market depth.The agents adapt their belief concerning the credibility of the news n (t ) and their trust in the advice E i [s j (t)] of their social contacts, according to time-dependent weights u(t) and k ij (t), which take into account their recent past performance. And here, α refers to the memory discount factor.()()(1)(1)(1)r r t u t u t n t αασ=-+-- (4)()()(1)(1)[(1)]ij ij i j r r t k t k t E s t αασ=-+-- (5)3.Finding and DiscussionWe establish a kind of relation among agents by the rules of random network, scale-free network and small world network, the upcoming research mainly includes the following aspects:1.Analyze and compare the evolution of the log-price log [p(t)], the one-time stepreturn r(t), the prediction performance of the news, u(t)and the ensemble average of the prediction performance of the neighbors, k ij(t), with the change of time, under the three different network structures.paring the market volatility with the existence of herd behavior or not in themarket under different network structures. Predictably, the higher transmission sensitivity investors hold, the greater volatility price will be. Furthermore, we adjust the network scale to observe whether the former volatility have a change.3.Analyzing how different parameters of network topology impact on macro marketbehavior, and we focus on the time series characteristics of r(t)to observe if they are consistent with empirical observation and whether volatility clustering, bubbles and crashes these phenomena emerge in the market model. Finally, exploring possible economic mechanism according to the above results.References[1]Harras, G., Sornette, D. (2011) How to grow a bubble: A model of myopic adapting agents,Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.[2]The Behavior of the Exchange Rate in the Genetic Algorithm and Experimental Economies Jasmina Arifovic Journal of Political Economy V ol. 104, No. 3 (Jun., 1996) , pp. 510-541.[3]Lettau M.Explaining the facts with adaptive agents: the case of mutual fund flows. Journal of Econometrics . 1997.[4]Zhou, W.-X., Sornette, D., 2007. Self-fulfilling ising model of financial markets. European Physical Journal B 55, 175–181.。
广告模型研究amon © 2003本专题研究的重点不在于对浩繁的广告手段/方法的操作一一进行详尽阐述,而在于提供制定、实施、评估促销策略的思路。
Aggregate Advertising Modelsspending for a market as a whole.”内容可分为两大类:AdvertisingResponse Models(ARM)和Advertising Decision Models(ADM)。
首先,广告支出决策主要关注:①年度预算annual budgets;②地理分布geographic allocation;③时间分布allocation over time。
这一领域的研究常常与G. Telser在1964年发表的Advertising and Competition密不可分。
《市场营销术语英汉对照词典》郭国庆高等教育出版社AA bility 能力Absolute product failure 绝对的产品失败Abstract or executive summary 摘要或结语Acceleration principle 加速原理Access discrimination 进入歧视Accomplish 完成Accounting 会计Accounting cost 会计成本Acounting profit 会计利润Acknowledgment response 感知性反应Acquisition 资产或产权的购置,兼并Action close 行动性结尾,鼓励性结尾Action research 动作研究Active export 主动出口A ctive listening 积极地倾听Actual products 现实产品Adaptability 应变力Adhocracy 特别结构Adjourning 解散Adjustment 调整Administrated vertical marketing system 管理型垂直营销系统Administrative principle 管理原则Adoption curve 采用曲线Adoption process 采用过程Advanced marketing 高级营销学A dvantage 优勢Adverse selection 逆向选择中央商业区Centrality 集中性Centraliazation 集权化Cents-off deals 降价出售Certificates 证书,执照Ceteris puribus assumption “ 其他条件不变” 的假设Ceteris puribus demand curve 其他因素不变的需求曲线Chamberlin model 张伯伦模型Change agent 变革促进者Change in demand 需求变化Change in quantity demanded 需求量变化Change in quantity supplied 供给量变化Change in supply 供给变化Chain ratio method 连锁比率法Channel competition 渠道竞争Channel conflict 渠道冲突Channel cooperative 渠道合作Channel differentiation 渠道差异化Channel level 渠道层次Channel of distribution 分销渠道Channel promotion 渠道促销Channel system competition 渠道系统竞争Chaos theory 混沌理论Charge 收费,费用Charismatic authority 竭尽忠诚的权力Charismatic leaders 魅力型领导者Charity principle 博爱原则Chartered Marketer 特许营销师,特许市场师Cheap clearance sale 底货贱卖Cheap-goods strategy 便宜货战略(低质低价)Choice 选择City marketing 城市营销Citizen-action publics 市民行动公众Clan control 小团体控制Clan culture 小团体文化Classical approach 传统研究法Classified advertising 分类广告Client market 委托人市场,客户市场Closed-end questionnaire 封闭式问卷Closed set 闭集Club marketing programs 俱乐部营销方案Coalition 联合团体Coase theorem 科斯定理Cobb-Douglas production function 柯布 - 道格拉斯生产函数Cobweb model 蛛网模型Coercive power 强制权Cognitive dissonance 认知差异Cognitive theory 认识理论Cohesiveness 凝聚力Collaborative 协作网络Collaborative management 合作型管理Collective bargaining 集体协议工资Collectivity stage 集体化阶段Collusion 合谋Combo ( combination ) store 康保商店Command economy 指令经济Commerce 商业Commercial auction 商业拍卖Commercial communication 商业传播Commercial sources 商业来源Commercial transaction 商业交易Commercialization 商业化Commission 佣金,委托Commission agent 佣金商Commission house 佣金商店Commodity 商品Commodity approach 商品研究法Commodity combination 商品组合Commodity market 商品市场Commodity space 商品空间Common property 公用财产Communication 沟通,传播Community shopping center 社区购物中心Company sales force 公司销售人员Company store 公司门市部Comparable worth 可比较价值Comparative advantage 比较利益Comparative marketing 比较营销Comparative static analysis 比较静态分析Comparison advertising 比较广告Compatibility 适配性Compensated budget line 补偿预算线Compensated demand function 补偿需求函数Compensating variation in income 收入补偿变量Compensation 补偿,赔偿Compensation principles 补偿原则Competitive advantage 比较优势Competitive benchmarking 竞争性基准Competitive depositioning 竞争废位Competitive market 竞争性市场Competitive-oriented pricing 竞争导向定价Competitive-parity method 竞争对等法Competitor 竞争者,竞争对手Competitor's marketing strategies 竞争者营销战略Complaint 抱怨Complement goods 互补品Complete information 完全信息Completeness 完备性Completely automated telephone surveys (CATS) 全自动电话调查Complexity 复杂性Computer-aided design (CAD) 计算机辅助设计Computer-automated manufacturing (CAM) 计算机自动生产Computer-aided telephone interviewing 电脑辅助电话访问Concave 凹Concave function 凹函数Concave preference 凹偏好Concentrated marketing 集中营销Concentric diversification 同心多角化Concept development 观念发展Concept testing 观念试验Condition for efficiency in exchange 交换的最优条件Condition for efficiency in production 生产的最优条件Confrontation 对话Confrontation meeting 碰头会Confused positioning 模糊定位,定位混乱Conglomerate 联合企业Consistence 一致性Consortia 企业联合Constant cost industry 成本不变产业Constant returns to scale 规模报酬不变Constancy of purpose 永久性目标Constraints 约束Consumer adoption process 消费者采用过程Consumer budget 消费者预算Consumer buying behavior 消费者购买行为Consumer choice 消费者选择Consumer cooperative 消费合作社Consumer credit 消费者信贷Consumer demand 消费者需求Consumer equilibrium 消费者均衡Consumer loyalty 消费者忠诚Consumer market 消费者市场Consumer optimization 消费者优化Consumer preference 消费者偏好Consumer privacy 消费者隐私Consumer products 消费品Consumer promotion 消费者促销Consumer research 消费者研究Consumer rights 消费者权利Consumer spending 消费者支出Consumer surplus 消费者剩余Consumer test 消费者测验Consumer theory 消费者理论Consumer's expectations 消费者期望,消费者预期Consumer's expenditure 消费者支出Consumer's organization 消费者组织Consumer's risk 消费者的风险Consumer's surplus 消费者剩余Consumerism 消费者主义Consumer-oriented marketing 消费者导向的营销Consumption 消费Consumption bundle 消费束Consumption combination 消费组合Consumption pioneers 消费前卫,消费先锋Consumption possibility curve 消费可能曲线Consumption possibility frontier 消费可能性前沿Consumption set 消费集Consumption space 消费空间Containerization 集装箱化Contests 竞赛Contingency approach 权变理论Contingency plan 应变计划Continuity 连续性Continuous function 连续函数Continuous process production 连续加工生产Contract carrier 合同运输业Contract chain 合同连锁,契约连锁Contract curve 契约曲线Contract manufacturing 合约制造Contract market 合同市场Contract price 合约价格Contract sales 订约销售Contractual Joint venture 契约型联合经营,合作经营Contractual service 订约服务,承包劳务Contractual vertical marketing system 契约型垂直营销系统Controllable variables 可控制的变数Convenience 便利性Convenience goods 便利品Convenience products 便利品Convenience store 方便商店Conventional supermarket 传统的超级市场Conversional marketing 改变营销Convex 凸Convex preference 凸偏好Convex set 凸集“Cooling-off”law “ 冷却” 律Cooperative advertising 合作广告Cooperative advertising allowance 合作广告津贴Cooperative management 合作经营Cooperative marketing 合作营销Cooperative shop 合作商店Cooperative society 合作社,产业合作社,消费合作Cooperative store 合作商店Cooperative wholesale market 合作批发市场Copyright 版权,著作权Core beliefs 主要信念,关键信念Core product 核心产品Corporate social performance 公司社会表现Corporate social responsibility 公司社会责任Corporate social responsiveness 公司社会反应Corporate vertical marketing system 法人型垂直营销系统Corporate image advertising 企业形象广告Corporate marketing ethics policies 企业营销伦理政策,企业营销道德规范Corporate Web site 企业网址Corporation 公司Correlation analysis 相关分析Cost 成本Cost benefit analysis 成本收益分析Cost function 成本函数Cost minimization 成本极小化Cost-oriented pricing 成本导向定价Cost-plus pricing 成本加成定价Countermarketing 反营销Countertrade 对等贸易Contextual dimension 关联性维度Coupons 奖券,优惠券Cournot equilihrium 古诺均衡Cournot model 古诺模型Craft technology 技艺性技术Creative concept 创新观念Creative department 创造性部门Critical incident 关键事件Cross-price elasticity 交叉价格弹性Cross-selling 交叉销售Cultural environment 文化环境Cultural factors 文化因素Cultural pollution 文化污染Cultural shift 文化变迁Cultural values 文化价值Culture 文化Culture strength 文化强度Cumulative quantity discount 累计数量折扣Current assets 流动资产Current liabilities 流动负债Customer complaint 客户抱怨Customer database 客户数据库Customer equity 顾客权益Customer lifetime value 客户终生价值Customer management 客户管理Customer needs 客户需要Customer oriented approach 客户导向法Customer perceived value 客户感知价值Customer problem analysis 客户问题分析Customer relationship 客户关系Customer relationship management 客户关系管理Customer satisfaction 客户满意,客户满意度Customer service 客户服务Customer share 客户份额,客户占有率Customer survey 客户调查Customer value 客户价值,顾客价值Customer value delivery network 顾客价值传递网络Customer-centered marketing strategy 以客户为中心的营销战略Customer-driven marketing strategy 客户驱动的营销战略,客户导向的营销战略Customerization 客户化,客户自己设计订购的产品Customer-segment pricing 顾客细分定价Customizaion 定制,客户定制Customized marketing 定制营销DD ata collection 数据收集Data confidentiality 数据保密Data mining techniques 数据挖掘技术D ata research 数据研究Data warehouse 数据仓库Dead-weights loss 重负损失Dealer 经销商Dealer sales contests 经销商销售竞赛Dealer test 中间商试验Decentralization 分权Deceptive advertisements 欺骗性广告Deceptive practice 欺骗行为Deceptive pricing 欺骗定价Decider 决定者Decision 决策Decision approach 决策法Decision maker 决策人Decision-making approach 决策研究法Decision-making process 决策程序Decision-making unit 决策单位Decision premise 决策前提Declining markets 衰退市场Decline stage of product life cycle 产品生命周期衰落期Decoding 解码Decreasing cost industry 成本递减产业Decreasing returns to scale 规模报酬递减Deduction 演绎法Defect rate 缺陷率Defender strategy 防御型战略Defensive new-product development strategy 防御性新产品开发战略Defensive positioning 防御性定位Delivery time 交付时间Delayed quotation pricing 推迟报价定价Demand 需求Demand analysis 需求分析D emand characteristics 需求特征Demand curve 需求曲线Demand elasticity 需求弹性Demand forecast 需求预测Demand function 需求函数Demand management 需求管理Demand-oriented pricing 需求导向定价Demand price 需求价格Demand schedule 需求表Demarketing 减少营销Democracy management 民主管理Demographic environment 人口环境Demographic market 人口市场Demographic segmentation 人口细分Demonstrations 展示、表演Department store 百货商店Departmentalization 部门化Dependability 可靠性Depreciation 折旧Deregulation 放松管制Derivative 导数Derived demand 衍生需求Descriptive research 描述性研究Design decisions 设计决策Desired percentage mark-up on retail 预期零售利润率Desired percentage return 预期回报率Determinant attributes 关键属性Determinants 决定因素Developmental marketing 开发营销Dialectical inquiry methods 辩证探求法Difference equation 差分方程Different responses 差别反应Differential equation 微分方程Differential rate system 差别报酬系统Differentiated defender strategy 差异化防御战略Differentiated good 差异商品Differentiated marketing 差异化营销Differentiated oligoply 差异寡头Differentiation over time 不同时间的差异Differentiation strategy 差异化战略Differentiation 差异化Differentiation strategy 差别化战略Diffusion of innovation theory 创新扩散理论Dimension 维度,因素Dimensions of quality 质量维度Dminishing marginal substitution 边际替代率递减Diminishing marginal return 收益递减Diminishing marginal utility 边际效用递减Direct approach 直接法Direct costing profitability analysis 直接成本盈利性分析Direct export 直接出口Direct foreign investment 直接对外投资Direct interlock 直接交叉Direct investment 直接投资Direct leasing 直接租赁Direct mail 直接邮件Direct mail advertising 直邮广告Direct mail selling 直接邮售Direct marketing channel 直接营销通路D irect product profitability (DPP) 直接产品盈利性 / 利润率Direct purchasing 直接购买Direct response promotion 直接反应促销Direct sales 直接销售Direct sales force 直接销售人员Direct selling 直接推销Direct services 直接服务Direct shipment 直接装运Direct taxes 直接税Direct transaction 直接交易Discount 折扣Discount chain 折扣连锁Discount/premium price policies 折扣 / 溢价策略D iscount rate 贴现率,折扣率Discount retailing 折扣零售业Discount store 廉价商店(或折扣商店)Discretionary buying power 可随意支配的购买力Discretionary funds 自主资金Discriminate analysis 差异分析法Discriminatory adjustments 歧视价格调整Discriminatory pricing adjustments 歧视定价调整Diseconomies of scale 规模不经济Disequilibrium 非均衡Disintermediation 非居间化Disjunctive model 分离模型Display allowance 陈列补贴,展示补助D isplay space 陈列空间Disposable income 可支配收入Dissatisfied consumers 不满意的消费者Dissonance-attribution hierarchy 不和谐 - 归属层次结构Distinctive competencies 特殊能力Distribution centre 分销中心,流通中心Distribution channel 分销渠道,流通渠道Distribution channel designs 分销渠道设计Distribution channel objectives 分销渠道的目标Distribution cost 分销成本,流通成本Distribution cost analysis 分销成本分析Distribution decisions 分销决策Distribution policies 分销策略,分销政策Distribution mix 分销组合Distribution theory of marginal productivity 边际生产率分配论Distributor/store (private lables) brands 分销商 / 私有品牌Distributors 分销商Divergence 趋异Diversification 多元化,多角化,多样化Diversified company 多角化经营公司Diversified marketing 多角化营销Diversified retailing 多角化经营的零售业Diversity 多样性,差异性Divest strategy 放弃战略Divestment or liquidation 收回投资或清算Divisibility 可分割性Division of labor 劳动分工Divisional form 事业部模式Dividend 红利Dogs 瘦狗类Domain 领域Domicile marketing 住所营销Domestic target marketing strategies 国内目标营销战略Donor markets 捐赠人市场Door to-door retailing 上门推销零售Downward mobility 降职流动Dropping products 放弃产品Dry cleaning 干洗Dual/two channel distribution systems 双重分销系统Dual-core approach 二元核心模式Duality 对偶Dumping 倾销Duoupoly 双头垄断,双寡Duplication (媒体)重复DuPont 杜邦公司Durability 耐用性Durable goods 耐用品Dynamic analysis 动态分析Dynamic engagement 动态融合Dynamic models 动态模型Dynamic network 动态网络Dynamic pricing 动态定价EE-auctions 网络拍卖Ebay 电子海湾公司Early adopters 早期采用者Early majority 早期多数E arnings per share 每股收益E-business 电子企业Ecological imperative concept 生态强制观念E-commerce 电子商务Economic agents 经济行为者Economic community 经济共同体Economic conditions 经济条件,经济形势,经济环境Economic cost 经济成本Economic criteria 经济标准Economic efficiency 经济效率Economic environment 经济环境Economic goods 经济物品Economic man 经济人Economic mode 经济模型Economic order quantity ( EOO )经济订货数量E conomic power 经济权Economic profit 经济利润Economic region of production 生产的经济区域Economic regulation 经济调节Economic rent 经济租金Economic risks 经济风险Economic situation 经济形势Economics 经济学E conomies of scale 规模经济Economizing behavior 节约行为Economy 经济Economy of scale 规模经济Edgeworth box diagram 埃奇沃思图Edgeworth contract curve 埃奇沃思契约线Edgeworth model 埃奇沃思模型Education services 教育服务Effectiveness 有效性Efficiency 效率Efficiency parameter 效率参数Elaboration stage 精细阶段Elastic demand 弹性需求Elasticity of demand 需求弹性Elasticity of substitution 代替弹性Electrolux 伊莱克斯E lectronic data-processing (EDP) 电子数据处理E-mail 电子邮件E-marketing 电子营销Embargo 禁运Emergency goods 急需品,应急品Emerson Electric 爱默生电气Emotional appeals 情感诉求Empathy 移情作用Empirical evidence 经验性实例,经验证据Employee-oriented style 员工导向型风格Empowerment 授权Encoding 解码End use 最终使用End user 最终用户Endogenous variable 内生变量End-user computing 终端用户计算系统Endorsement execution style 背书方式Endowment 禀赋Endowment of resources 资源禀赋Engineering 工程设计Engel curve 恩格尔曲线Engle's Laws 恩格尔法则Enlightened marketing 开明营销,启迪营销Entrepreneur 企业家Entrepreneurship 企业家精神Entrepreneurial stage 创业阶段Entrepreneurial strategy 企业家战略Entry barriers 进入壁垒Entry/exit decision 进出决策Entry strategies 进入战略Environmental factors 环境因素Environmental management perspective 环境管理视角Environmentalism 环境保护主义,环境论Environmental scanning 环境扫描,环境分析Environmental strategy 环境战略Envolope curve 包络线E-procurement 电子化采购,电子采购Equilibrium 均衡,平衡Equilibrium Condition 均衡条件Equilibrium price 均衡价格Equilibrium quantity 均衡产量Equity 净资产Equity theory 公平理论Equivalent variation in income 收入等价变量Equalization 平衡Escalating commitment 顽固认同Espoused value 信仰价值Establishment 机构Esteem needs 尊重需要E-tailers 网上零售商,网络零售商,电子零售商Ethic issues 伦理问题,道德问题Ethic ombudsperson 伦理巡视官Ethical audit 伦理审计Ethnic composition 种族构成Ethics 道德,伦理Ethics of marketing 营销伦理,营销道德Ethnocentric manager 种族主义的管理者Ethnographic research 民族学研究,人种研究European Community 欧共体Evaluation 估价,评价Evaluation and reward systems 评估与奖励体系Evaluation and selection of supplier 评估和选择供应商Evaluation of alternatives 评估替代方案,评价各种选择Evaluation of brands 品牌评估Event sponsorship 事件赞助Everyday low pricing (EDLP) 每日低价策略Evidence management 证据管理Evoked set 引发的组合Evolution of market 市场演变Excess-capacity theorem 过度生产能力定理Excessive markups 过分涨价,过度加成Excess supply 过度供给Exchange 交换,交易所Exchange contract curve 交换契约曲线Exchange efficiency 交换效率Exclusion 排斥性,排他性Exclusion principle 排他性原则Exclusive assortment 独家货色Exclusive dealing 独家交易Exclusive distribution 独家分配Exclusive outlet selling 独家渠道推销Exclusive territories 独家推销区域Executive summary 执行摘要Exhibition media 展示广告媒体Existence 存在性Existence of general equilibrium 总体均衡的存在性Existing market 现有市场Exit barriers 退出壁垒Exogenous variables 外生变量Expansion path 扩张途径Expectancy theory 期望理论Expectation measures 预期测度Expectations of customers 顾客期望Expectations-performance theory 预期—性能理论,期望—绩效理论Expected unit sales 预计产量E xpected utility 期望效用Expected value 期望价值Expense budget 支出预算Expense center 费用中心Expense report 费用报告Experience 经验Ex perience curve 经验曲线Experimented method 实验法Experiential marketing 体验营销,体验式营销Experiential sources 经验来源,体验来源Experimental research 实验性研究,实验调研Expert channel 专家渠道Expert opinion 专家意见法Ex pert power 专长权E xplicit cost 显性成本Exploratory research 探测性研究Exponential smoothing 指数平滑法Export agents 出口代理(商)Export department 出口部,外销部Ex port jobbers 出口批发商Export management company 出口管理公司Ex port merchants 出口贸易商Exporting 出口Export-import agent middlemen 进出口代理中间商Extended use strategy 扩大使用战略Extending volume growth 扩大市场份额Extensive order 大批定货Extensive problem solving 广泛地解决问题External adaptation 外部适应性External audit 外部审计External benefit 外部收益External cost 外部成本External data sources 外部数据来源External diseconomy 外部不经济External economy 外部经济External idea sources 外部主意来源External environment 外部环境External marketing 外部营销External publics 外部公众External stakeholders 外部利益相关者External stimuli 外部刺激Externalities 外部性Extranets 外联网,外部网Extrapolation of past sales trends 过去销售趋势推测法Extrinsic rewards 外部奖励Ex-user 曾经使用者FFacilitators 辅助商Factor 代理商,融资商,要素F actor analysis 因素分析法Factor demand 要素需求Factor market 要素市场Factors of production 生产要素Factor substitution 要素替代Factor supply 要素供给Factoring 代理融资Factory outlets 工厂自销门市部,厂家直销店,厂家直销中心F ads 时尚,时潮Fair competition 公平竞争Fair trade 公平贸易Fallacy of composition 合成谬误Falling demand 下降的需求False wants 伪造需要,错误需要Family brand 家族品牌Family brand decision 家族品牌决策Family group 家庭集团Family life cycle 家庭生命周期Family packaging 类似包装F amily structure 家庭结构Farm products 农产品Fashion 时尚Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) 快速变动的消费品Fear appeals 恐惧诉求,顾虑诉求Features 特征Federal Department Stores 联邦百货商店Federal Trade Code ( FTC) 联邦贸易法案FedEx (Federal Express) 联邦快递Feedback 反馈Feedback data 反馈数据Field test marketing 实地市场测试Field warehousing 现场存货Final goods 最终产品Financing 融资Financial forecasting 财务预测Financial intermediary 金融中间人,金融中介Financial lease 金融租赁Financial publics 金融公众Financial statement 财务报表Firm 企业Firms'demand curve for labor 企业劳动需求曲线Firm supply curve 企业供给曲线First-degree price discrimination 第一级价格歧视First-order Condition 一阶条件Fit and finish 结实度与外观Fixed costs 固定成本Fixed input 固定投入Fixed prices 固定价格Fixed proportions production function 固定比例的生产函数Fixed salary 固定工资Flanker strategy 侧翼进攻战略Flanker/Fighting brand 战斗品牌Flanking and encirclement strategies 侧翼进攻与围堵战略Flat hierarchies 扁平型结构Flat organizational structure 扁平的组织结构Flexible budget 弹性预算Flexible pricing 灵活定价Flow 流量Fluctuating demand 波动的需求Fluctuation 波动FOB origin pricing F OB 产地定价Focus group interview 焦点小组访谈Focus strategy 集中战略Followers 追随者Fo1low-the-leader pricing 随着市场领导者定价Force-field theory 场力理论Force relationship 强行关系法Ford 福特公司Foreign market 国外市场Foreign market survey 国外市场调查F oreign middlemen 国外中间商Foreign operation 国外业务经营Foreign purchases 国外采购Foreign sales 国外销售Foreign trade 对外贸易Forestry 林业Formalization 形式,规范化Formulate 制定Fortress/position-defence strategy 防御堡垒战略Fortune 《财富》杂志Forward integration 前向一体化Form utility 形式效用Formal authority 合法权力Formal channel of communication 正式沟通渠道Formal product 形式产品Formal systematic appraisal 正式的系统评估Formalization stage 规范化阶段Franchise 特权,特许权,专营权Franchise organization 特许经营组织Franchised outlets 特许经营商店Franchised system 特许经营系统Franchiser 特许经营所有者Franchisee 被授予特许经营者F ree call numbers 免费电话号码Free competition 自由竞争Free entry 自由进入F ree goods 免费商品F ree maintenance 免费保养F ree mobility of resources 资源自由流动Free rider 搭便车,免费搭车F ree trade zones 自由贸易区Freight-absorption pricing 运费免收定价Freight forwarder 发运业者,货物运输报关行Frequency 频率F ringe benefits 小额津贴Frontal attack strategy 正面进攻战略Full-cost approach 全部成本法Full-cost pricing 全部成本定价F ull costing pro f itability analysis 全成本盈利性分析Full coverage 全面涵盖Full demand 充分需求Full-function wholesaler 完全职能批发商Full partnerships 全面伙伴关系Full-service retailing 完全服务零售业Full-service wholesaler 完全服务批发商Function 函数Functional approach 职能研究法F unctional competencies and resource allocation 职能能力与资源分配Functional cost 职能成本Functional discounts 职能折扣Functional distribution 职能分销F unctional e ff iciency 职能效率Functional grouping 职能组合Functional marketing organization 职能营销组织Functional organization 职能组织F unctional organization o f sales f orce 按销售职能组织销售队伍F unctional organizational structure 职能型组织结构Functional performance 功能性能Functional pricing 职能定价Functional strategy 职能战略Future value 未来值GGame theory 博弈论Games 比赛Gap 差距Gatekeepers 信息控制者,信息传递者Gender segmentation 性别细分G eneral behavioral descriptors 一般行为变量G eneral Electric ( G E) 通用电气General Electric approach 通用电气公司法General environment 一般环境General equilibrium 总体均衡General financial condition 一般财务状况G eneral Foods Corporation 通用食品General goods 一般商品General manager 总经理G eneral merchandise discount chains 大众商品折扣连锁店General merchandise stores 综合商店G eneral Motors 通用汽车General publics 普通公众General store 普通商店General wholesaler 一般商品批发商Generalist 全面战略Generic competitors 一般竞争者Generic product 未注册的产品Generic use of brand names 品牌名称的未注册使用Generational marketing 世代营销Geocentric manager 全球化管理者Geodemographics 区域人口统计特征Geographic adjustments 地理调整G eo g raphic distribution 地理分布Geographic organization 按地理划分的组织Geographic grouping 区域组合Geographic segmentation 地理细分G eo g raphical or g anization of sales force 按地区组织销售队伍Geographical pricing 地区性定价Gestalt theory of learning 学习的格式塔理论Giffen's Paradox 吉芬之谜G illette 吉列剔须刀Gini coefficient 吉尼系数Global adjustments 全球调整Global advertisers 全球广告主Global company 全球公司Global elite consumer segment 全球精英消费品市场Global expansion 全球扩张Global geographic structure 全球区域结构Global industry 全球产业,全球行业Global marketing control 全球营销控制Global markets 全球市场Global niche strategy 全球补缺战略Global standardization strategy 全球标准化战略Global strategic partnership 全球战略伙伴关系Global teenage segment 全球青少年市场Globalization 全球化Global-market expansion 全球市场扩张Goals 总目标Goals down-plans up planning 高管下达指标和自下而上相结合的计划Going-on-rate pricing 随行就市定价法Goldenrule 黄金规则G oods producers 产品制造商Goodwill 企业商誉,信誉G oodyear 固特异轮胎Gossip chain 传言链G overnment a g encies 政府机构Government bulk-buying 政府大宗采购Government bureaucracy 政府官僚作风,政府官僚机构,政府官僚体制G overnment buyers 政府采购者Government expenditure 政府支出Government failure 政府失败Government intervention 政府干预Government markets 政府市场Government procurement 政府采办,政府采购Government publics 政府公众G overnment re g ulation 政府管制,政府调控Grade label 分等标贴Grading 分等Grand utility possibility curve 总效用可能曲线Grand utility possibility frontier 总效用可能前沿Grapevine 传言网Greenhouse effect 温室效应Green movements 绿色运动,环保运动Grey market 灰色市场Group interviewing 群体访谈,群组访问Gross domestic product (GDP) 国内生产总值Gross margin 毛利Gross national product (GNP) 国民生产总值Gross profit 毛利Gross rating points (GRPs) 总级别指数,总评分值Group/category product manager 类别产品经理Growing markets 成长市场Growth rate of market 市场增长率G rowth sta g e of product life cycle 产品生命周期成长期Growth-extension strategies 增长扩张战略Growth-market strategies for market leaders 市场领导者的市场增长战略Growth-market strategy 成长性市场战略Growth-market targeting strategy 成长性市场定位战略Growth-share matrix 增长 - 份额矩阵,市场增长率 - 相对市场占有率矩阵Guarantees 保证Gucci 古琦(世界著名时装品牌)HHaagen-Dazs 哈根达斯Hard-core loyalist 铁杆忠诚者Hard selling 强行推销H ard tec h nology 硬技术H arvard Business Review 《哈佛商业评论》Harvest 收获Harvesting pricing 收获定价法H arvesting strategy 收获战略Hawthorne effect 霍桑效应Health care 医疗保健Health maintenance organizations (HMOs) (美国)卫生保健组织Heavy user 大量使用者Heavy user target marketing 大量使用者目标营销Heinz 亨氏食品Helpfulness 有益性Henkel 汉高Hertz 赫兹(美国汽车租赁巨头)Heterogeneous product 异质产品Heuristic principles 启发性原理Hewlett-Packard 惠普公司Hicks-kaldor welfare criterion 希克斯 - 卡尔多福利标准Hierarchy 科层制度Hierarchy of needs 需要层次H ierarc h y of strategy 战略层次High cost of distribution 高分销成本High-low pricing strategy 高低价战略High margin/low-turnover retailers 高利润 / 低周转率的零售商High market share global strategy 高市场份额全球战略High-contact service system 高接触服务系统High-involvement product 高介入产品High-involvement purchase 高介入购买High-pressure selling 高压推销High-velocity environments 高倍速环境High market share 高市场份额Hilton 希尔顿Hiring specification 招聘细则Hit-and-run strategy “ 一槌子买卖” 战略(低质高价)Holding company 控股公司Holding strategy 保持战略Holiday Inns 假日旅馆Home market 国内市场Homogeneity 齐次性Homogeneous demand function 齐次需求函数Homogeneous market 同质市场Homogeneous product 同质产品Homogeneous production function 齐次生产函数Home shopping channel 在家购物渠道Honda 本田Horizontal channel competition 水平渠道竞争Horizontal channel conflict 水平渠道冲突Horizontal diversification 水平多角化Horizontal industrial markets 水平产业市场Horizontal integration 水平一体化Horizontal linkage model 横向联系模型Horizontal marketing system 水平营销系统Household 家庭House to house salesman 上门推销员Human capital 人力资本Human concept 人性观念Human needs 人的需要Human risks 人力风险Human wants 人类欲望Hybrid structure 混合结构Hybrid technology 混合技术Hypermarket 特级市场Hypothesis 假说IIBM 国际商用机器Iceberg principle 冰山原理Idea champion 构思倡导者Idea for new products 新产品创意 / 构想Idea generation 寻求创意Idea marketing 思想营销Idea-screening process 创意筛选过程Ideal-brand process 理想品牌法Ideal business 理想业务Identification of segments 识别细分市场Identity 恒等式Illinois Tool Works 伊利诺斯工具厂Image 形象Image persistence 形象持久性Image pricing 形象定价Imitative positioning 模仿定位Imitative strategy 模仿战略Impact evaluation 影响评估Imperfect competition 不完全竞争Impersonal sources 非个人的信息来源Implementation 实施Implementation and control of marketing programs 营销计划的执行和控制Implicit cost 隐性成本Improvements or revisions of existing products 现有产品的改良或修正Impoverished management 放任式管理Impulse goods 冲动物品Inbound marketing 客户拨入电话预约(预定)营销,接听电话营销Incentive promotion 激励促销Income 收入Income compensated demand curve 收入补偿需求趋向Income constraint 收入约束Income consumption curve 收入消费曲线Income distribution 收入分配Income effect 收入效应Income elasticity of demand 需求收入弹性Income statement 损益表I ncreased penetra tion strategy 增加渗透战略Increasing cost industry 成本递增产业Increasing returns to scale 规模报酬递增I ncremental change 渐进式变革Independent store 独立商店Index number 指数Index-of-buying-power method 购买力指数法Indifference 无差异Indifference curve 无差异曲线Indifference map 无差异族Indifference relation 无差异关系Indifference set 无差异集Indirect approach 间接法Indirect business 间接买卖I n di rect cos ti ng pro fi ta bili ty analy si s 间接成本盈利性分析Indirect demand 间接需求Indirect expense 间接费用Indirect export 间接出口Indirect trade 间接贸易Individual analysis 个量分析Individual brand 个别品牌Individual demand curve 个人需求曲线Individual demand function 个人需求函数Individual value 个人价值Induced variable 引致变量Induction 归纳法Industrial consumer 产业消费者Industrial goods 产业用品Industrial goods channels 产业用品分销渠道Industrial markets 产业市场Industrial marketing 产业营销Industrial product 产业用品Industrial store 产业用户商店Industrial users 产业用户Industry 产业Industry attractiveness 行业吸引力Industry attractiveness-business position matrix 行业吸引力 - 业务地位矩阵Industry dynamics 产业动态Industry equilibrium 产业均衡Industry evaluation 产业评估Industry evolution 产业演变Industry supply curve 产业供给曲线Inefficiency 缺乏效率Inelastic 缺乏弹性的Inelastic demand 缺乏弹性的需求Inferior goods 劣品Inflection point 拐点Influencer 影响者Infocommunications Industry 信息通信行业。
金融考研金融市场学文献综合搜集内容来源:凯程考研集训营金融市场学理论作者出处发展1、随机游走模型 Kendall, Osborn, Arnold Moore2、有效率市场假说(Efficient market hypothesis) Eugene Fama Eugene Fama,“Efficient Capital Market: a Review of Theory and Empirical Work”, Journal of Finance, May 19703、规模效应(或小公司效应) Rolf Banz Banz,R.1981, “The relationship between return and market value of common stock”, Journal of Financial Economics 9:3-18 小公司效应在一月份的前两个星期最为明显,见Donald Keim, “Size Related Anomalies and Stock Return Seasonality: Future Empirical Evidence”, Journal of Financial Economics, June 1983; Marshall Blume, Robert Stambaugh, “Biases in Computed Returns: an Application to Size Effect”, Journal of Financial Economics, August 1983.4、流动性效应 Amihud & Mendelson5、账面价值/市场价值比率效应 Eugene Fama, Kenneth French Eugene Fama, Kenneth French, “The Cross Section of Expected Stock Returns”, Journal of Finance, June 1992.6、逆转效应(过度反应) DeBondt, Thaler DeBondt, Thaler, “Does the Stock Market Overact?” Journal of Finance, (40)19857、动力效应 N. Jegadeesh, S. Titman, N. Jegadeesh, S. Titman, “Return to Buying Winners and Selling Losers: Implications for Stock Market Efficiency”, Journal of Finance, (48)19938、股权溢价之谜米拉,普雷斯科特 Mehra, R. and Prescott,E.1985. “The equity premium: a puzzle.” Journal of Monetary Economics 15(2)9、 Grossman-Stiglitz悖论 Grossman, Sanford, J. and Stiglitz, J. E Grossman, Sanford, J. and Stiglitz, J. E., 1980,, “On the Impossibility of Informationally Efficient Markets”, American Economic Review 70, 393-40810、现代组合理论 Harry Markowitz, Harry Markowitz, “Portfolio Selection”, Journal of Finance, March 195211、资本资产定价模型(CAPM)威廉?夏普 Sharpe,W.F. 1964, “Capital asset prices:a theory of market equilibrum under conditions risk”, Journal of Finance 19,September 1.放松了关于所有资产都可以市场化的假设,推导出存在非市场化资产情况下的资产定价公式。
4A广告英语术语全解态度attitude品牌兴趣brand interest品牌忠诚brand loyalty企业市场business markets影响中心centers of influence有意劝服路径central route to persuation认知cognition消费行为consumer behavior消费者决策过程consumer decision making p rocess消费者市场consumer markets文化culture现有顾客current customers详尽可能性模型Elaboration Likelihood Model环境因素environment选择评估evaluation of alternatives评估标准evaluative criteria参考组evoked set交换exchange政府市场government markets习惯habit需要层次hierachy of needs工业市场industrial markets信息性动机informational motives人际影响interpersonal influences 认知learning市场market卖主marketers营销marketing大脑档案mental files动机motivation需要needs被动生成动机negatively originated motives 非人员影响nonpersonal influences市场细分market segmentation营销组合marketing mix成熟期maturity stage全国性品牌national brand网络营销network marketing非人员传播nonpersonal communication人员型服务people-based service显性差异perceptible differences人员传播personal communication定位position价格因素price element初级需求primary demand首要需求趋势primary demand trend私家品牌private label产品概念product concept产品因素product element产品生命周期product life cycle消费心态细分psychographic segmentation消费心态psychographic宣传publicity拉pull拉式战略pull strategy购买时机purchase occasion推入push推式战略push strategy转销商reseller销售推广sales promotion选择性需求selective demand选择性分销selective distribution服务service特别事件special events标准工业分类代码Standard Industrial Classifi cation Codes目标市场target market目标营销过程target marketing process广告调查advertising research态度测试attitude tests中心场所测试central location tests混杂测试clutter tests直接提问法direct questioning试验法experimental method 小组讨论focus group正试调查formal research成见效应halo effect深度访问in-depth interview非正式/试调查informal research查询测试inquiry tests深度调查技术intensive techniques营销信息系统marketing information system, MIS营销调查marketing research市场markets媒介种类media class媒介调查media research媒介细分media subclass媒介单位media units媒介载体media vehicles产品merchandise讯息message动机motives非概率抽样nonprobability samples观察法observation method事后测试posttesting事前测试pretesting初级信息primary data投射法projective techniques定性调查qualitative research定量调查quantitative research随机概率抽样random probability samples全面服务公司fullservice advertising agency普通消费者广告公司general consumer agen cy全球性卖主global marketers集团式group system横向联合广告horizontal cooperative advertisi ng专属广告公司in-house agency奖励制incentive system独立制作社independent production house独立调查公司independent research compan y机构广告institutional advertising整合营销传播integrated marketing communic ations互联广告公司interactive agency国际广告公司international agency国际媒介international media国际化架构international structure地方性广告local advertising地方广告公司local agency维持期maintenance stage经营总监management supervisors差价markup媒介购买公司media-buying service媒介代理费media commission 跨国公司multinational corporations全国性广告主national advertiser全国性广告公司national agency户外广告outdoor advertising关系预备期prerelationship stage印刷媒介print media产品广告product advertising区域性广告主regional advertiser区域性广告公司regional agency常规价格广告regular.price-line advertising截留费制retainer system减价广告sale advertising销售推广部sales promotion department专利patent隐私权privacy rights夸大puffery社会责任social responsibility潜意识广告subliminal advertising证据substantiation证实testimonials商标trademark不正当广告unfair advertising美国专利与商标署U.S.Patent and Trademark Office行为广告action advertising实际消费者actual consumer农业广告agricultural advertising自传式讯息autobiographical message知晓广告awareness advertising品牌术branding工商广告business advertising企业对企业广告business-to-business advertis ing渠道channel辅助材料collateral materials消费者广告consumer advertising消费者consumer译码decode直接反应广告direct-response advertising戏剧式讯息drama message编码encode农场广告farm advertising反馈feedback全球性广告global advertising观点ideas形象广告image advertising预定消费者implied consumer倡导广告advocacy advertising伏击式营销ambush marketing视听材料audiovisual materials公告牌bulleting boards社会参与community involvement 企业广告corporate advertising企业识别广告corporate identity advertising 危机管理crisis management娱乐entertainment展品exhibits特写feature articles内部通报house organ以货代款in kind机构广告institutional advertising游说lobbying前期市场企业广告market prep corporate adv ertising营销公关marketing public relation暴露值exposure value市场、资金、媒介、组合、方法Ms起伏式flighting schedule频次frequency总印象gross impressions毛评点gross rating points市场markets组合mechanics媒介media媒介策划media planning媒介载体media vehicles讯息力度message weight方法methodology组合媒介法mixed-media approach资金money驱动值motivation value看见机会opportunity to see脉冲式pulsing schedule视听率rating到达率reach每册读者数readers per copy近期策划recency planning路障式roadblocking外溢媒介spillover media增效效应synergy电视户television households舆论领袖opinion leader集团买主organizational buyers感知perception感知过滤perceptual screens无意劝服路径periphial route to persuasion 个人过程personal processes劝服persuasion生理过滤physiological screens主动生成动机positively originated motives 购后失调学说postpurchase dissonance购后评估postpurchase evaluation潜在顾客prospective customers 心理过滤psychological screens参照人群reference groups经销商市场reseller markets选择性感知selective perception自我意识self-concept社会阶层social classes刺激stimulus亚文化subculture认知失调学说theory of cognitive dissonance 转换性动机transformational motives国际市场transnational markets效用utility欲望wants地理人口细分geodemographic segmentation 地理细分geographic segmentation成长期growth stage隐性差异hidden differenees独立品牌individual brand诱导性差异induced differences密集分销intensive distribution引入期introductory phase特许品牌licensed brand电话营销telemarketing使用率usage rates用户身份user status垂直营销体系vertical marketing system用量细分volume segmentation广告讯息advertising message广告计划advertising plan广告战略advertising strategy自下而上式营销bottom-up marketing传播媒介communiciations media企业目标corporate objectives创意组合creative mix试验调查法empirical research method整合营销传播integrated marketing communic ation顾客终身价值lifetime customer value营销目标marketing objectives营销计划marketing plan营销战略marketing strategy需求一满足式目标need-satisfying objectives 目标/任务法objective/task method销售百分比法percentage-of -sales method 产品概念product concept关系营销relationship marketing销售定向式目标sales-target objectives市场份额法/广告份额法share-of-market/share -of-voice method形势分析situation analysis利益相关者stakeholderSWOT分析(优势、弱势、机遇与威胁)stren gth/weakness/opportunity/threat analysis 战术tacics目标受众target-audience自上而下式营销top-down marketing回忆测试recall tests信度reliability销售测试sales tests样本sample样本单位sample units二级信息secondary data全面调查survey试验市场test market通用产品代码universal product code母体universe效度validity广告代理公司advertising agency艺术指导art directors美术工作室art studios全国性广告主协会ANA品牌经理brand manager企业对企业广告公司business-to-business ag ency集中式广告部centralized advertising departm ent分类广告classified advertising清仓广告clearance advertising联合广告cooperative advertising文案copy文案人员copywriter创意工作室creative boutique创意总监creative director分散式体制decentralized system部门式departmental system发展期development stage数字互联媒介digital interactive media直邮广告direct-mail advertising电子媒介electronic media手续费——代理费混合制fee-commission com bination推测性提案speculative presentation直接费制straight-fee system下游公司supplier终结期termination stage交通广告transit advertising纵向联合广告vertical cooperative advertising 网络设计社Web design house明确表示affirmative disclosure美国广告联盟AAF美国广告公司协会AAAA全国性广告主协会ANA商业促进局BBB停止/中止令cease-and-desist order比较广告comparative advertising服罪判决书consent decree 消费者保护团体consumer advocate消费者信息网络consumer information networ ks消费者保护主义consumerism版权copyright更正广告corrective advertising欺骗性广告deceptive advertising推荐endorsements道德广告ethical advertising联邦通讯委员会FCC联邦贸易委员会FTC食品与药品管理局FDA知识产权intellectual property长期宏观论long-term macro arguments全国广告处NAD国家广告审查局NARB国家广告审查委员会NARC非产品事实nonproduct facts营养标识与教育法Nutritional Labeling and E ducation Act工业时期industrial age工业化时期industrializing age国际广告international advertising地方性广告local advertising营销传播marketing communications营销公关marketing PR媒介medium讯息message叙述式讯息narrative message全国性广告national advertising噪音noise非商业广告noncommercial advertising非产品广告nonproduct advertising人员销售personal selling后工业时期postindustrial age前工业化时期preindustrial age产品广告product advertising专业广告professional advertising公共关系public relations公共关系活动public relations activities公共关系广告public relations advertising 受众receiver区域性广告regional advertising常规价格广告regular price-line advertising 零售广告retail advertising销售推广sales promotion信源source广告主/出资人sponsor资助性消费者sponsorial consumers目标受众target audience目标市场target market贸易广告trade advertising 社论式广告advertorial广告英语术语——销售用语广告津贴advertising allowance回购津贴buyback allowance目录catalog减价促销cents-off promotion套装赠送combination offer公司大会与经销商聚会company conventions & dealer meetings消费者销售推广consumer sales promotion竞赛contest联合广告cooperative/co-op advertising优惠券coupons顾客终身价值customer lifetime value数据进入data access数据管理data management数据库database数据库营销database marketing直接营销direct marketing直接反应广告direct-response advertising直接销售战略direct-sales strategy直接销售direct selling陈列津贴display allowance易地销售diverting电子优惠券electronic coupons提前购买forward buying广告插页free-standing inserts游戏game店内样品试用in-store sampling联络媒介linkage media人员销售personal selling售点材料point-of-purchase materials 什锦袋装样品polybagging 奖品premiums拉式战略pull strategy推销奖金push money/spiffs 推式战略push strategy原文已完。
市场营销英语常用词汇Aabstract or executive summary(报告)摘要或结语acknowledgment response 感知性反应action close (鼓励)行动性结尾active listening 积极地倾听active verb 主动式的动词adjustment 调整alliteration 头韵allness 误以为全面alternating pattern 交替方式AMS Simplified format 行政管理协会简化式格式analytical report 分析性报告annual report 年度报告argument 论点assumption 假设Bbar graph 条状图behavioral interviews 行为式面试bias-free language 非歧视性语言bibliography 参考书目blind ads (没有公司名称的)盲目广告blind copies 盲目(抄送)副本blindering 丧失方向性block format 齐头式blocking 阻碍body language 身体语言body 主体;正文boilerplate 引用boxhead 表头栏brainstorming 头脑风暴法branching question 分叉式问题bridge 过渡buffer 委婉语building goodwill 树立良好的信誉bullets 项目符号或编号business slang 商业俚语businessese 商业行话buying time with limited agreement 在有限制协议下的购买时间bypassing 旁路;错误传达Ccable TV 有线电视Cadillac 凯迪拉克Campbell's Soup 金宝汤业公司capital gains 资本收益capital invested in product 产品投入资本Carnival 嘉年华cash cows 现金牛类cash discounts 现金折扣catalogue sales 目录销售categorization of perception 感知分类categorization 分门别类Caterpillar Tractor 卡特皮勒公司Cathay Airlines 国泰航空公司CBS Records 唱片公司CBS 哥伦比亚广播公司centralization 集中化chameleons/followers 变色龙/跟随者channel alternatives 可选择的营销渠道channel conflicts 渠道冲突channel decisions 渠道决策channel functions 渠道功能channel institutions 渠道组织结构channel management 渠道管理channel objectives 渠道目标channel of distribution 分销渠道channel power 渠道权力channel-control strategies 渠道控制战略channel-design decisions 渠道设计决策channel-management decisions 渠道管理决策channels of communication 传播渠道Charles Snow 查尔斯·斯诺Cherokee 切诺基chevrolet 雪佛莱choice criteria 选择标准Christian Dior 克里斯汀·迪奥(世界著名时装品牌)Chrysler 克莱斯勒Citi Corp 花旗银行closing a sale 结束销售clothing retailers 服装零售商CNN 美国有线新闻网co-branding 联合品牌code of ethics (职业)道德标准coercive power 强制权cognitive dissonance 认识的不协调Colgate-Palmolive 高露洁collection of data 数据收集collection 收款co-marketing alliances 联合营销联盟combination compensation plan 结合式薪酬方案Comdex 计算机展销会commercialization 商业化commitment 承诺communication channels 传播渠道communication process 传播过程communication 信息交流/沟通communications media 传播媒体company personnel 公司员工Compaq 康柏comparative advertisements 比较广告comparison of brands 品牌比较compensation deals 补偿处理compensation plan 酬金方案compensation/rewards 酬金/奖励compensatory 补偿性的competition and industry evolution 竞争和行业演变competition-orientated pricing 竞争导向定价法competitive advantage 竞争优势competitive (supply-side) evolution 竞争(供方)演变competitive factors 竞争因素competitive intelligence 竞争情报/信息competitive parity promotion budgeting 竞争均势促销预算法competitive strategy 竞争战略competitive strength 竞争优势/能力competitor analysis 竞争者分析complaint handling 投诉处理component materials and parts markets 组成材料和零部件市场computerized ordering 计算机化的订购conclusive research 确定性研究conditions of demand 需求情况conflict and resolution strategies 冲突和解决战略conformance to specifications 与规格一致conformance 一致性confrontation strategy 对抗战略conjoint measurement 联合测度法conjunctive model 联合模型consumer decision-making 消费者(购买)决策consumer goods channels 消费品分销渠道Consumer Goods Pricing Act, USA 美国消费品定价法案consumer goods 消费品consumer markets 消费品市场consumer needs 消费者需求consumer packaged-goods firms 消费者包装食品公司consumer promotion 消费者促销consumer tests 消费者测试consumer/household market 消费者/家庭市场consumers' perceptions 消费者感知consumption 消费contests 竞赛contingency planning 权变计划contract construction 契约建筑业contract manufacturing 契约制造业contraction/strategic withdrawal strategy 收缩/战略性撤退战略contractual entry modes 契约式进入模式contractual vertical marketing systems 合约式垂直营销系统contribution margin analysis 边际贡献(贡献毛利)分析contributrion margin 边际贡献control strategies 控制战略convenience food stores 便利食品商店convenience goods 便利品convenience 服务的便利性Cool Whip 清凉维普co-operative advertising 合作性广告co-ordination and conflict resolution 协调与冲突解决co-production 合作生产core benefit proposition (CBP) 核心利益方案/提议corollary-data method 推定数据法corporate HQ 公司总部corporate scope 公司(经营)范围corporate strategy 公司战略corporate vertical marketing systems 公司式垂直营销系统corporate/institutional advertising 团体/社会公共机构广告corrective action 矫正行动cost analysis 成本分析cost effectiveness 成本有效性cost leadership strategy 成本领先战略cost of capital 资本成本cost of goods sold (COGS) 产品销售成本cost reductions 降低成本产品cost-and-volume relationship 成本-数量关系cost-oriented pricing 成本导向定价法cost-plus/mark-up pricing 成本加成/溢价定价法costs and benefits of marketing functions 营销职能的成本和效益costs of competitors 竞争者成本costs of distribution 分销成本countertrade 对等贸易coupons 优惠券courtesy 礼貌coverage of geographic market 地域性市场的范围coverage of relevant retailers 相关零售商的销售范围credibility 信誉credit terms 信贷条款critical assumptions 关键假设cross-elasticity 交叉弹性customary pricing 习惯性定价法customer analysis 顾客分析customer contact 顾客接触customer demand 顾客需求customer intimacy 顾客亲密度customer loyalty 顾客忠诚度customer need 顾客需要customer organization of sales force 按客户组织销售队伍customer retention 顾客维系/保留customer satisfaction 顾客满意度customer segment pricing 顾客细分市场定价customer service 顾客服务customer-oriented pricing 顾客导向定价法customers' perception 顾客感知customers' preferences 顾客偏好customers' price sensitivity 顾客的价格敏感度customizing 定制Ddata collection 数据收集data confidentiality 数据保密data research 数据研究data sources 数据来源dealers 经销商deceptive advertisements 欺骗性广告deciders 决策者declining markets 衰退市场decoding 解码defect rate 缺陷率defender strategy 防御型战略defensive new-product development strategy 防御性新产品开发战略defensive positioning 防御性定位delivery time 交付时间delivery 配送Dell Computers 戴尔计算机公司Delta Airlines 三角洲航空公司demand characteristics 需求特征demand curve 需求曲线demand-oriented pricing 需求导向定价法demographic environment 人口统计环境department stores 百货商店dependability 可靠性deregulation 放松管制derived demand 衍生需求descriptive research 描述性研究design decisions 设计决策desired percentage mark-up on retail 预期零售利润率desired percentage return 预期回报率determinant attributes 关键属性determinants 决定因素different responses 差别反应differentiated defender strategy 差异化防御战略differentiated marketing 差异化营销differentiation over time 不同时间的差异differentiation strategy 差异化战略differentiation 差异化diffusion of innovation theory 创新扩散理论dimension 因素dimensions of quality 质量维度direct costing profitability analysis 直接成本盈利性分析direct mail 直接邮寄direct marketing via advertising media 通过广告媒体的直接营销direct marketing 直接营销direct product profitability (DPP) 直接产品盈利性/利润率direct selling 直销discount rate 贴现率discount stores 折扣商店discount 折扣discount/premium price policies 折扣/溢价策略discriminant analysis 差异分析法discriminatory adjustments 歧视价格调整discriminatory pricing adjustments 歧视定价调整disjunctive model 分离模型display space 陈列空间disposable income 可支配收入dissonance-attribution hierarchy 不和谐-归属层次结构distribution channel designs 分销渠道设计distribution channel objectives 分销渠道的目标distribution channel 分销渠道distribution decisions 分销决策distribution policies 分销策略distribution 分销distributor/store (private lables) brands 分销商/私有品牌distributors 分销商diversification 多元化divest 撤退divest 出让divestment or liquidation 收回投资或清算dividend 红利dogs 瘦狗类domestic target marketing strategies 国内目标市场定位的营销战略dropping products 放弃产品dry cleaning 干洗dual/two channel distribution systems 双重分销系统duplication (媒体)重复DuPont 杜邦公司durability 耐用性Eearly vs late adoption 早期采购与后期采购earnings per share 每股收益economic and technological factors 经济技术因素economic power 经济权economies of scale 规模经济education services 教育服务effectiveness 有效性efficiency 效率Electrolux 伊莱克斯emergency goods 急需品Emerson Electric 爱默生电气emotional appeals 情感诉求empathy 移情作用empirical evidence 经验性实例empowerment 授权encoding 编码end use 最终使用endorsement 赞同engineering (产品)工程设计entrepreneurial strategy 企业家战略entry strategies 进入战略environment and packaging disposal 环境与包装处理environment factors 环境因素environmental scanning 环境扫描/分析environmental strategy 环境战略establishment 机构ethical audit (公司)伦理审计ethics of marketing 营销伦理道德ethnic composition 种族构成European Community 欧共体evaluation and reward systems 评估与奖励体系evaluation and selection of supplier 评估和选择供应商evaluation of alternatives 评估替代品/各种选择evaluation of brands 品牌评估event sponsorship 事件赞助event 活动everyday low-price (EDLP) 天天低价evoked set 引发的组合evolution of market 市场演变exchange 交换exclusive dealing 独家销售exclusive distribution 独家分销executive summary 执行摘要exhibition media 展示广告媒体existing market 现有市场exit barriers 退出壁垒expansion path 扩张途径expectation measures (顾客)预期测度expectations of customers 顾客期望expected unit sales 预计产量expected value 期望价值experience curve 经验曲线experimental research 实验性研究expert power 专长权exploratory research 探索性研究export agents 出口代理(商)export jobbers 出口批发商export management company 出口管理公司export merchants 出口贸易商export 出口exporting 出口商品extended use strategy 扩大使用战略extending volume growth 扩大市场份额external data sources 外部数据来源external environment 外部环境extrapolation of past sales trends 过去销售趋势推测法Ffacilitating agencies 辅助/中介机构factor analysis 因素分析法fads 时尚family branding 家族品牌family life cycle 家庭生命周期family structure 家庭结构farm products 农产品fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) 快速变动的消费品fear appeals 恐惧/顾虑诉求features 特征Federal Department Stores 联邦百货商店Federal Trade Code (FTC) 联邦贸易法案FedEx (Federal Express) 联邦快递feedback data 反馈数据field test marketing 实地市场测试financing 融资fisheries 渔业fit and finish 结实度与外观fixed costs 固定成本fixed salary 固定工资flanker strategy 侧翼进攻战略flanker/fighting brand 战斗品牌flanking and encirclement strategies 侧翼进攻与围堵战略flat organizational structure 扁平的组织结构FOB origin pricing FOB产地定价法focus strategy 集中战略followers 追随者Ford 福特公司foreign middlemen 国外中间商forestry 林业formalization 形式/规范化formulate 制定fortress/position-defence strategy 防御堡垒战略Fortune 《财富》杂志forward integration 向前一体化franchise systems 特许系统franchising 特许经营free call numbers 免费电话号码free goods 免费商品freight-absorption pricing 免收运费定价法fringe benefits 小额津贴frontal attack strategy 正面进攻战略full costing profitability analysis 全成本盈利性分析full-service wholesalers 全方位服务的批发商functional competencies and resource allocation 职能能力与资源分配functional efficiency 职能效率functional organization of sales force 按销售职能组织销售队伍functional organizational structure 职能型组织结构functional performance 功能性能functional strategy 职能战略Ggames 比赛gap 差距gatekeepers 信息传递者general behavioral descriptors 一般行为变量General Electric (GE) 通用电气General Foods Corporation 通用食品general merchandise discount chains 大众商品折扣连锁店General Motors 通用汽车geodemographics 区域人口统计特征geographic adjustments 地理调整geographic distribution 地理分布geographical organization of sales force 按地区组织销售队伍Gillette 吉列剔须刀global adjustments 全球调整global elite consumer segment 全球精英消费品市场global expansion 全球扩张global marketing control 全球营销控制global markets 全球市场global niche strategy 全球机会战略global standardization strategy 全球标准化战略global teenage segment 全球青少年市场globalization 全球化global-market expansion 全球市场扩张goals 总目标going-rate/competitive parity pricing 竞争性平价定价法goods producers 产品制造商Goodyear 固特异轮胎government agencies 政府机构government buyers 政府采购者government market 政府市场government regulation 政府管制greenhouse effect 温室效应grey market 灰色市场gross domestic product (GDP) 国内生产总值gross margin 毛利gross national product (GNP) 国民生产总值gross profit 毛利gross rating points (GRPs) 总级别指数group/category product manager 类别产品经理growing markets 成长市场growth rate of market 市场增长率growth stage of product life cycle 产品生命周期的成长阶段growth-extension strategies 增长扩张战略growth-market strategies for market leaders 市场领导者的市场增长战略growth-market strategy 成长性市场战略growth-market targeting strategy 成长性市场定位战略guarantee/warranty 保证/担保guarantees 保证Gucci 古琦(世界著名时装品牌)HHaagen-Dazs 哈根达斯hard technology 硬技术Harvard Business Review 《哈佛商业评论》harvest 收获harvesting pricing 收获定价法harvesting strategy 收获战略health care 医疗保健health maintenance organizations (HMOs) (美国)卫生保健组织heavy buyer 大客户Heileman Brewing CompanyHeinz 亨氏食品helpfulness 有益性Henkel 汉高Hertz 赫兹(美国汽车租赁巨头)Hewlett-Packard 惠普公司hierarchy of strategy 战略的层次high margin/low-turnover retailers 高利润/低周转率的零售商high market share global strategy 高市场份额全球战略high-contact service system 高接触服务系统high-involvement product 高参与产品high-involvement purchase 高参与购买hight market share 高市场份额战略Hilton 希尔顿Holiday Inns 假日旅馆homogeneous market 同质市场Honda 本田household/family life cycle 家庭生命周期household 家庭hybrid technology 混合技术IIBM 国际商用机器idea generation 创意的产生/生成ideas for new products 新产品创意/构想idea-screening process 创意筛选过程identification of segments 识别细分市场Illinois Tool Works 伊利诺斯工具厂image pricing 形象定价imitative positioning 模仿定位imitative strategy 模仿战略impact evaluation 影响评估impersonal sources 非个人的信息来源implementation and control of marketing programs 营销计划的执行和控制implementation 实施improvements in or revisions of existing products 现有产品的改良或修正impulse buying 冲动购买impulse goods 冲动购买品incentives 激励income 收入increased penetration strategy 增加渗透战略indirect costing profitability analysis 间接成本盈利性分析individual brand 个别品牌individual value 个人价值industrial goods & services 工业产品和服务industrial goods channels 工业品分销渠道industry attractiveness 行业吸引力industry attractiveness-business position matrix 行业吸引力-业务地位矩阵industry dynamics 产业动态industry evaluation 产业评估industry evolution 产业演变inelastic 缺乏价格弹性influencers 影响者infocommunications industry 信息通信行业infomercials 商业信息广告information age 信息时代information search 信息搜集information technology 信息技术information 信息informative 告知性的ingredient 成份in-home personal interview 个人家庭访谈in-house use tests 内部使用测试innovation 创新innovativeness 创新性installation 设施in-store display 店内展示in-store positioning 店内布局in-store promotion 店内促销intangibles 无形integrated marketing communication plan (IMC) 整合营销传播计划integration of perception 感知整合integration 整合Intel 因特尔intensity of market position 市场地位的集中程度intensity 集中程度intensive distribution 密集型分销interactions across multiple target markets 多目标市场间的相互作用interactive media 交互式媒体interest rates 利率internal data sources 内部数据来源internal marketing 内部营销internal organizational structure 内部组织结构international advertising 国际广告international channels 国际分销渠道international division 国际分部international marketing 国际营销international organizational design 国际组织设计internationalization of services 服务的国际化introductory stage of product life cycle 产品生命周期的推出阶段inventory level 库存水平investor relations advertising 投资关系广告issue advertising 观点广告JJaquar 美洲豹Jell-O 吉露jobbers 批发商Johnson & Johnson 强生joint ventures 合资jury of executive opinion 行政管理人员群体意见法just noticeable difference (JND) 恰巧注意到的差异just-in-time (JIT) management system 准时制管理体系just-in-time purchasing arrangements 及时采购安排KKao 花王Keiritsu 凯莱通Kellogg 凯洛格公司Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) 肯德基key account management 主要客户管理key accounts 关键客户key benefits 核心利益key environmental issue identification 确定主要的环境问题key variables 关键变量key/house accounts 关键/机构客户Kmart 凯玛特Kodak 柯达Komatsu 小松公司Kraft 卡芙Llaboratory tests 实验室测试leapfrog strategy 蛙跳战略learning hierarchy 学习层级结构legal services 法律服务legislation 立法legitimate power 法定权level of compensation 酬金水平level of technical sophistication 技术的复杂程度Levi Strauss 李维·史特劳斯Levi's 列维斯(全球最大的牛仔服制造商)lexicographic model 词典编纂模型lifestyle 生活方式limited-service wholesalers 有限服务的批发商line extension 产品线扩展line filling 产品线填充line stretching 产品线延伸list price 订价Lloyd's of London 伦敦劳埃德保险公司localizaiton strategy 本地化战略location pricing 场所定价location 位置lodging 房屋出租logistical alliances 后勤联盟long-term memory 长期记忆lost customer 失去的顾客Louis Vuitton 路易·威登(法国著名时尚品牌)low-contact service system 低接触服务系统low-cost defender 低成本防御型low-cost position 低成本地位low-involvement hierarchy 低参与程度层级结构Lucent Technologies 朗讯科技Mmacro risks 宏观风险macroenvironment 宏观环境macrosegmentation 宏观细分mail-order retailers 邮购零售商maintaining market share 保持市场份额maintenance strategy 保持战略management overhead 管理费mandatory adaptation 强制性适应manufacturer brand 制造商/全国性品牌manufacturers' agents/representatives 生产商的代理商/销售代表manufacturers' export agents (MEA) 制造商出口代理manufacturers' sales offices/branches 生产商的销售办事处/分支机构manufacturing process 制造过程manufacturing 制造业market aggregation strategy 整体市场战略market attractiveness factors 市场吸引力因素market attractiveness 市场吸引力market attractiveness/business position matrix 市场吸引力/业务地位矩阵market circumstances 市场环境market demorgraphics 市场人口分布/统计特征market dimension 市场量度market entry strategies 市场进入战略market exclusion 市场排斥market expansion strategy 市场扩张战略market factors 市场因素market followers 市场跟随者market growth rate 市场增长率market hirarchy 市场等级market inclusion 市场纳入market leaders 市场领导者market measurement 市场测量market opportunity analysis 市场机会分析market oriented 以市场为导向的market position factors 市场地位因素market positioning analysis 市场定位分析market potential measurements 市场潜力测度market research 市场研究market segment 细分市场market segmentation 市场细分market share 市场份额market targeting 目标市场选择market 市场marketability 市场开拓能力market-entry strategies 市场进入战略marketing action plan 营销行动计划marketing audit 营销审计marketing channel 营销渠道marketing codes of conduct 营销行为规范marketing communication 营销沟通/传播marketing concept 营销观念marketing control 营销控制marketing decision support systems (MDSS) 营销决策支持系统marketing environment audit 营销环境审计marketing flows and functions 营销过程和职能marketing function area audit 营销功能领域的审计marketing implications of 对营销的影响marketing information system 营销信息系统marketing institutions 营销机构marketing management 营销管理marketing message 营销信息marketing mix 营销组合marketing policy 营销策略marketing productivity area audit 营销生产力领域的审计marketing program components 营销计划内容marketing program 营销计划/方案marketing relationship 营销关系marketing research 营销研究marketing strategy 营销战略market-management organizational structure 市场管理组织结构mark-up price 产品/溢价价格Marlboro 万宝路Marriott Hotel 万豪酒店mass-market penetration strategy 大规模市场渗透战略mass-market strategy 大市场战略matrix organizational structure 矩阵组织结构Matsushita 日本松下电子mature conformists 成熟的随大流者mature markets 成熟市场mature stage of product life cycle 产品生命周期的成熟阶段McDonald's 麦当劳McDonnell Douglas 麦道公司MCI电讯公司(前世界通信公司)MDSS (Marketing-Decision Support System) 市场决策支持系统measurability 可测度性measure or index 测量指标measurement criteria 计量标准media audiences 媒体受众medical and health services 医疗卫生服务Medico Containment Servicesmemory of consumers 消费者记忆Mercedes-Benz 梅赛德斯-奔驰Mercer Management Consulting 美国美智管理顾问公司merchandising 推销merchant middlemen 国内贸易中间商merchant wholesalers 商业批发商message structure 信息结构Michael Porter 迈克尔-波特micro risks 微观风险microsegmentatioin 微观细分Miller Tyding ACT, USA 米勒·泰丁法案minging 矿业Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company (3M) 明尼苏达矿业和制造公司Minolta 美能达miscellaneous sources 多方面来源mission 宗旨missionary selling 推销式销售Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 三菱重工modified rebuy 调整再购monosegment positioning 单一细分市场定位Monsanto 孟山都农业生物技术公司moral appeals 伦理/道德诉求morals 道德Motorola 摩托罗拉multichannel distribution 多渠道分销multidimensional scaling 多维等级法multilevel selling 多级销售multinational coporations (MNCs) 跨国公司multiple test markets 多测试市场multiple-brand strategy 多品牌战略multiple-factor index 多因素指数法multisegment positioning 多重细分市场定位mutual trust 相互信任NNabisco Biscuit 纳贝斯克饼干公司national account management 全国性客户管理national market 国内市场National Semiconductor 美国国家半导体公司natural products 天然产品NEC 日本电子Nescafé雀巢咖啡Nestlé雀巢net sales 净销售额network computer (NC) 网络计算机new business selling 新业务销售new buy 购入新产品new entrants 新进入者new markets 新市场new materials 新材料New Prod screening model 新普罗德筛选模型new product lines 新产品线new products 新产品new-product development 新产品开发new-product ideas 新产品创意Newsweek 《新闻周刊》new-task buying 全新采购new-to-the-world products 世界性新产品niche penetration strategy 壁龛/机会市场渗透战略niche-market strategy 壁龛市场战略Nike 耐克Nissan 尼桑no-brand brand name 无品牌的品牌名称no-frills product 无虚饰产品noise in communication system 传播系统中的噪音non-financial rewards 非物质性奖励措施non-probability sampling 非概率抽样non-profit organization 非盈利组织non-store retailing 无店铺零售业number of stockouts 迟滞数目Oobject-and-task method of promotion budgeting 目标-任务促销预算法objectives and strategy area audit 目标与战略领域的审计objectives 具体目标observation 观察法occupancy costs 房屋占用成本occupation/position 职业/职位odd pricing 奇/余数定价法OEM (original equipment manufacturer) 原始设备制造商overall quality 总体质量off-invoice discounts 发票之外的折扣offsets 抵消交易Omega 欧米加on-air testing 广播测试OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 欧佩克(石油输出国组织)opening relationships 建立关系operating supplies 生产供应品operational excellence 运作管理水平opinion leaders 意见领导者opportunity cost 机会成本opportunity identification 机会识别opportunity/threat matrix 机会/威胁矩阵order cycle time 订货周期order processing 订单处理organizational level 组织层次organizational requirement planning 组织需求计划organization area audit 组织领域的审计organization buying center 组织采购中心organizational customer 组织顾客organizational direct selling 组织直销organizational markets 组织市场organizational purchasing 组织采购organizational structure 组织结构outdoor enthusiasts 户外运动爱好者out-of-home media 户外广告媒体overall cost leadership 全面成本领先overheads 日常开支overseas direct investment 海外直接投资ownership of new product 新产品所有权PPacific Electric 太平洋电气packaging 包装panel of experts 专家小组parentage 渊源parties involved 交换中的各方payment terms 支付条款pay-off control 支出控制penetration pricing 渗透定价Pepsi-Cola 百事可乐perceived customer value 顾客感知价值perceived quality 感知到的质量perceived value 感知到的价值percentage of sales promotion budgeting method 销售额百分比促销预算法perceptions of consumers 消费者感知/理解perceptual (product) positioning 感知(产品)定位perceptual map 感知图perceptual organization 感知组织perceptual vigilance 感性的警惕performance dimension 业绩标准performance evaluation 业绩评估performance measures 表现/业绩测度performance objective 绩效目标performance standards 绩效标准performance 功能perishability 非持久性personal selling 人员推销personal sources 个人的信息来源personnel development 人力资源开发persuasive 说服性的pharmaceuticals industry 医药行业physical (product) positioning 物理(产品)定位physical descriptors 物理变量physical distribution 实物分销Pillsbury 皮尔斯博瑞pioneers 先入者Pizza Hut 必胜客place utility 地点效用planning and control system area audit 计划与控制系统领域的审计point of sale information 销售点信息point-of-purchase (POP) promotion 采购点促销point-of-sales (POS) data 销售点数据pontificator 保守派popularity 通用性population trends 人口趋势portfolio models for resource allocation 资源配置的资产组合模式position intensity 地位集中程度positioning 定位possession utility 拥有效用post-purchase dissonance 购买后的不协调post-purchase evaluation 购买后评估post-purchase/after-sale service 售后服务potential advantages 潜在优势potential customer 潜在顾客potential market 潜在市场potential target market 潜在目标市场power in distribution 分销权力power of buyers 购买者能力power of suppliers 供应商能力predatory pricing 掠夺性定价法pre-empting scarce resources 先占稀缺资源preferential treatment 特惠待遇premiums 额外奖励present competitors 现有的竞争者presenting sales message 提供销售信息pre-test market research 测试前市场研究price discrimination 价格歧视price elasticity of demand 需求的价格弹性price fixing 价格设定price leaders 价格领导者price lining 价格排列定价法price promotion 价格促销price quotation 报价price sensitivity 价格敏感度price structure 价格结构price 价格price/earnings ration 价格/收益比price-off promotions 降价促销price-setting process 定价过程pricing adjustments 定价调整pricing policies 价格策略pricing 定价primary demand 基本需求primary sources 第一类/主要数据print media 印刷媒体private/for-profit organization 私营/盈利性组织PRIZM (Potential Rating Index for Zip Markets) 按邮政区划为基础的潜力等级指数proactive new-product development strategy 进取型新产品开发战略probability sampling 概率抽样problem formulation 界定问题problem identification 确定问题process management 过程管理Procter & Gamble (P&G) 宝洁公司product line 产品线product availability 产品的可获得性product category 产品类别product class 产品类别product decisions 产品决策product design 产品设计product development 产品开发product dimension or attributes 产品维度/属性product evolution 产品演变product features 产品特征product intent share 产品倾向份额product leadership 产品领导能力product life cycle (PLC) 产品生命周期product life cycle curve 产品生命周期曲线product line 产品线product manager audit 产品经理审计product offering 供应品product organization of sales force 按产品组织销售队伍product policies 产品策略product positioning 产品定位product quality 产品质量product scope 产品范围product space 产品位置product specifications 产品规格product systems 产品体系product type 产品类型product usage 产品用途product 产品product(ion)-oriented organization 产品/生产导向型组织production 生产product-line pricing adjustments 产品线定价调整product-management organizational structure 产品管理组织结构product-market entry control 产品-市场进入控制product-related behavioral descriptors 与产品相关的行为变量product's market characteristics 产品的市场特征product-use testing 产品使用测试pro-environment 环保profit impact of market strategy (PIMS) 市场战略的利润影响profitability analysis 盈利性分析profitability 盈利性/盈利能力profitable survivor strategy 有利可图的生存者战略project-company resource compatibility 项目与公司资源的协调性projected profit-and-loss statement 预计损益表projective tests 投影测试promotion decisions 促销决策promotion mix 促销组合promotion policies 促销策略promotion 促销promotional allowance 促销折让promotional effort 促销努力promotional pricing 促销定价promptness 及时性propector strategy 探索型战略prospecting for customers 寻找顾客psychographics 心理统计特征psychological cost 心理成本psychological pricing 心理定价法public organization 公共组织public relations 公共关系public utilities 公共设施publicity 公共宣传pull strategy for control of distribution channels 分销渠道控制的拉式战略pupil dilation 瞳孔扩张purchase predisposition 购买倾向purchasing agent 采购代理purchasing contract 采购合同purchasing manager/agent 采购经理/代理purchasing power parity (PPP) 购买力平价指数push money/spiffs 佣金push strategy for control of distribution channels 分销渠道控制的推式战略Qqualifying prospects 审查潜在顾客资格quality dimensions 质量维度quality 质量quantity discount 数量折扣question marks 问题类questioning 询问法quotas 定额RR & D expenditure 研究开发战略race and ethnic origin 种族和民族rack jobbers 供应超级市场的批发商radio 无线电广播rank ordering 排序rate of adoption 采购率rate-of-return/target return pricing 回报率/目标回报定价法rational appeals 理性诉求rationale 基本原理raw materials 原材料reactive and proactive responses 反应及前摄策略reactive new-product development strategyreactor strategy 反应型战略real estate 房地产rebates 回扣recall tests 记忆测试receiver 接收者reciprocity 利益互惠。
Dow Corning 品牌 Silicone Encapsulants 两部silicone el
Long-term, reliable protection of sensitive circuits and compo-nents is becoming more important in many of today’s delicate and demanding elec t ronic applications. Silicones function as durable dielectric insulation, as barriers against environmental con t am-inants and as stress-relieving shock and vibration absorbers over a wide temperature and humidity range.In addition to sustaining their physical and electrical properties over a broad range of operating conditions, sili c ones are resistant to ozone and ultraviolet degradation, have good chemical stabil i ty and are available in a variety of use f ul forms as conformal coat-ings, en c a p sulants and adhesives. Dow Corning’s broad rangeof general purpose and specialty products offers you a choice of materials for your application needs.DESCRIPTIONDow Corning® silicone encapsulants are supplied as two-part liquid component kits comprised of:Mix Ratio Components(by weight or volume) (as supplied)1:1 Part A/Part B10:1 Base/Curing agentWhen liquid components are tho r o ughly mixed, the mixture cures to a fl exible elastomer, which is suited for the protec t ion of electrical/electronic appli c a t ions. Dow Corning silicone en-capsulants cure without exotherm at a constant rate regardless of sectional thickness or degree of confi ne m ent. Dow Corning silicone elastomers require no post cure and can be placedin service immediately following the completion of the cure schedule with an operating temper a ture range of -45 to 200°C (-49 to 392°F). Select materials have been classifi ed by Under w riters Laboratories and/or meet military specifi cations. Standard silicone encapsulants require a surface treatment with a primer in addition to good cleaning for adhesion while primerless silicone encapsulants require only good cleaning.1These data were collected on 50-100 gram samples of a lot believed to be typical and should be used as initial estimates of cure times. Times will vary slightly from batch to batch and can be longer or shorter due to thermal mass of your parts and your heating ramp rate. Pretesting is recommended to confi rm adequate cure for your application.2For primerless adhesion products, cure time is based on time to reach durometer. Full adhesion may take more time at the cure temperature.1P5200 Clear is a low-VOC alternative to 1200 Clear.2P5200 Red is a low-VOC alternative to 1200 Red.3P5204 is a low-VOC alternative to 1204.4The lower VOC value is for states and air quality management districts that have recognized volatile methylsiloxanes as VOC exempt.4P5200 Clear 132 (90)110/705Most metals, glass, ceramics and some plastics Pigmented two-part addition cure 160, 165, 1701200 Clear17 (63)7481200 Red17 (63)774Colored for easier identification P5200 Red 232 (90)110/705120415 (59)774Most metals, glass and ceramics All one-part alcohol cure 3140, 3145, 838,3-1753P5204318 (64)205/59112055 (41)861Film-forming Most plastics All 3-606037 (99)780Improves inhibition resistance Most plastics and metals All two-part addition cure 182, 184, 18692-023-4 (25)678Most metals, glass and ceramics Sylgard ®Prime Coat -3 (27)687MIXING – 1:1/PART A:PART BDow Corning silicone 1:1 encap s ul ants are supplied in two parts that do not require lot matching. The 1:1 mix ratio, byweight or volume, simpli fi es the proportioning process. Toensure uniform distribution of fi ller, Parts A and B must eachbe thoroughly mixed prior to their combination in a 1:1 ratio.When thoroughly blended, the Part A and B liquid mixtureshould have a uniform appearance. The presence of light-colored streaks or marbling indicates inadequate mixing andwill result in incomplete cure.Due to the fast-curing characteristics of some encapsulantsincluded in this data sheet, automated mix and dis p ense equip-ment should be utilized. In appli c ations sensitive to air entrap-ment, deairing with 28 to 30 inches Hg vacuum is required.MIXING – 10:1/BASE:CURING AGENTDow Corning silicone 10:1 encap s u l ants are supplied in twoparts as lot-matched base and curing agent that are mixed ina ratio of 10 parts base to one part curing agent, by weight.After thoroughly mixing base and curing agent, agitate gentlyto reduce the amount of air introduced. Allowing the mixtureto set for 30 minutes before pouring may be adequate forremoval of the air introduced during mixing. If air bubblesare still present, vacuum deairing may be required. Deair in acontainer with at least four times the liquid volume to allowfor expansion of material. Air entrapped in the mixture can beremoved by using a vacuum of 28 to 30 inches Hg. Continue the vacuum until the liquid expands and settles to its original volume and bubbling subsides. This may take 15 minutes to 2 hours depending on the amount of air introduced during stirring. For best curing results, glassware and glass or metal stirring implements should be used. Mix with a smooth action that does not introduce excess air.POT LIFE/WORKING TIME Cure reaction begins with the mixing process. Initially, cure is evidenced by a gradual increase in viscosity, followed by gelation and conversion to a solid elastomer. Pot life is de fi ned as the time required for viscosity to double after Parts A and B (base and curing agent) are mixed. Please refer to individual pot life for each silicone encapsulant.PROCESSING AND CURING Thoroughly mixed Dow Corning silicone encapsulant may be poured/dispensed directly into the container in which it is to be cured. Care should be taken to minimize air entrapment. When practical, pouring/dispensing should be done under vacuum, par t icularly if the component being potted or encap s ulated has many small voids. If this technique cannot be used, the unit should be evacuated after the silicone encapsulant has been poured/dispensed.Dow Corning silicone encapsulants may be either room tem-perature (25°C/77°F) or heat cured. Room temperature cure encapsulants may also be heat accelerated for faster cure. IdealPREPARING SURFACESIn applications requiring adhesion, priming will be required for the silicone encapsulants. See the Primer Selection Guide for the correct primer to use with a given product. For best results, the primer should be applied in a very thin, uniform coating and then wiped off after application. After application, it should be thoroughly air dried prior to application of the silicone elastomer. Additional instructions for primer usage can be found in the Dow Corning literature, “How To Use Dow Corning Primers and Adhesion Promoters” (Form No. 10-366) and in the information sheets specifi c to the individual primers.USEFUL TEMPERATURE RANGESFor most uses, silicone elastomers should be operational over a tempera t ure range of -45 to 200°C (-49 to 392°F) for long periods of time. However, at both the low and high temper a-ture ends of the spectrum, behavior of the materials and per-for m ance in particular applications can become more complex and require additional considerations.For low-temperature performance, thermal cycling to condi-tions such as -55°C (-67°F) may be possible, but performance should be verifi ed for your parts or assemblies. Factors that may infl uence performance are confi guration and stress sensi-tivity of components, cooling rates and hold times, and prior temperature history. There are specialized products including Dow Corning® 3-6121 Encapsulating Elastomer that can per-form at -65°C (-85°F) and below.At the high-temperature end, the durability of the cured silicone elastomer is time and temperature dependent. As expected, the higher the temperature, the shorter the time the material will remain usable.COMPATIBILITYCertain materials, chemicals, curing agents and plasticizers can inhibit the cure of Dow Corning silicone encapsulants. Most notable of these include:•Organotin and other organometallic compounds •Silicone rubber containing organotin catalyst•Sulfur, polysulfi des, polysulfones or other sulfur-containing materials•Amines, urethanes or amine-containing materials •Unsaturated hydrocarbon plasticizers•Some solder fl ux residues concerns but may experience reversion in sealed applications at high temperature and pressure.REPAIRABILITYIn the manufacture of electrical/electronic devices it is often desirable to salvage or reclaim damaged or defective units. With most non-silicone rigid potting/encapsulating materials, removal or entry is diffi cult or impossible without causing excessive damage to internal circuitry. Dow Corning silicone encapsulants can be selectively removed with relative ease, any repairs or changes accomplished, and the repaired area repotted in place with additional product.To remove silicone elastomers, simply cut with a sharp blade or knife and tear and remove unwanted material from the area to be repaired. Sections of the adhered elastomer are best removed from substrates and circuitry by mechanical action such as scraping or rubbing and can be assisted by applying Dow Corning®brand OS Fluids.Before applying additional encapsulant to a repaired device, roughen the exposed surfaces of the cured encapsulant with an abrasive paper and rinse with a suitable solvent. This will enhance adhesion and permit the repaired material to become an integral matrix with the existing encapsulant. Silicone prime coats are not recommended for adhering products to themselves.HANDLING PRECAUTIONSDow Corning 255 Elastomer curing agent and uncured cata-lyzed material will burn skin and eyes upon pro l onged contact. In case of eye contact, fl ush with copious amounts of water for at least 15 minutes and seek medical attention at once. Skin contact areas should be washed with soap and water. Persistent irritation should receive med i cal attention. Use only with adequate ventilation; if not available, use respiratory protection.PRODUCT SAFETY INFOR M A T ION REQUIRED FOR SAFE USE IS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS DOCUMENT. BEFORE HAN D LING, READ PRODUCT AND MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS AND CONTAINER LABELS FOR SAFE USE, PHYSICAL AND HEALTH HAZARD INFOR M A T ION. THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET IS A V AILABLE ON THE DOW CORNING WEBSITEAT , OR FROM YOURDOW CORNING REP R E S EN T ATIVE, OR DIS TRIBUTOR, OR BY CALLING YOUR GLOBAL DOW CORNING CONNECTION.Dow Corning and Sylgard are registered trademarks of Dow Corning Corporation.©2000, 2001, 2003 Dow Corning Corporation. All rights reserved.Printed in USA AGP6686 Form No. 10-898D-01mini m ized. Partially fi lled containers should be purged with dry air or other gases, such as nitrogen.Dow Corning 255 Elastomer should be kept refrigerated (10°C/50°F) until use. Any special storage and handling in-structions will be printed on the product containers.PACKAGINGIn general, Dow Corning silicone 1:1 mix ratio encapsulants are supplied in nominal 0.45-, 3.6-, 18- and 200-kg (1-, 8-, 40- and 440-lb) containers, net weight. Dow Corning silicone 10:1 mix ratio encapsulants are supplied in nominal 0.5-, 5-, 25- and 225-kg (1.1-, 11-, 55- and 495-lb) containers, net weight. Packaging options may vary by product.Consult Dow Corning Customer Service at (989) 496-6000 for additional packaging options.LIMITATIONSThese products are neither tested nor represented as suitable for medical or pharmaceutical uses.HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTALINFORMATIONTo support customers in their product safety needs, Dow Corning has an exten s ive Product Stewardshiporgan i zation and a team of Product Safety and Regulatory Compliance (PS&RC) specialists available in each area.For further information, please see our website,, or consult your localDow Corning e shall not be taken as induce m ents to infringe any patent. Dow Corning’s sole warranty is that the product will meet the Dow Corning sales specifi cations in effect at the time of shipment. Y our exclusive remedy for breach of such warranty is limited to refund of purchase price or replacement of any product shown to be other than as warranted. DOW CORNING SPECIFICALL Y DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED W ARRANTY OF FIT N ESS FOR A P ARTICULAR PUR P OSE OR MERCHANT A BIL I TY. DOW CORNING DISCLAIMS LIABILITY FOR ANY INCI D EN T AL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.。
文将从理性解释的角度探讨基金经理的这些行为特征 。
以基金为代表的机构投资者因其专业性通常被认为是理性投资者 。因而, 监管机构希望在股票市场发生 [21 ] 这些机构投资者会采用反向投资策略 , 削平市场的波动, 从而稳定市场 。 然而, 这一希望似 非理性波动时, 乎落空了。很多市场评论者指出, 基金等机构投资者从事正反馈交易并且存在羊群效应 。如果基金等机构投 这就意味着相当一批基金经理并不具有信息优势 , 因此他们也就没有能力去 资者的投资行为存在羊群效应, 发现非理性波动并稳定市场了。更进一步, 如果基金经理从事正反馈交易, 他们就很可能不是在修正错误定 , , 。 , , 价 而是跟随市场 追涨杀跌 因此 他们不仅不能稳定市场 反而会扩大市场波动。 关于基金等机构投资者能否稳定市场这一问题很早就引起了学术界的关注 。 早期研究主要论证基金等 机构投资者的正反馈交易和羊群效应是否以及为何存在 。稍晚些研究也谈论了基金经理在委托代理关系下 如何改变投资组合的风险特征。 1、 正反馈交易与羊群效应的实证证据 从计量经济学的角度看, 羊群效应会导致基金经理在数据上表现为在从事正反馈交易 。 这是因为, 羊群 效应下的基金经理互相模仿, 被一部分基金经理买入的股票, 会被更多的基金经理买入。 在这一自我强化的 过程中, 股价不断被推高, 基金也不断买入股票, 从而在计量经济学上表现为正反馈或动量交易 多学者都把羊群效应和正反馈交易放在一起检验 。
①机构投资者通常包含 :
[6 ]
共同基金( Mutual Funds, 我国常简称为基金) 、 养老基金( Pension Funds, 我国主要为社保基金 ) 、 对冲基
保险公司、 其他金融机构的自营投资和代理投资部门等 。在学术文献中, 针对美国机构投资者的研究通常涵盖所管理的 金、 资产规模在 100 万美元以上的机构投资者 , 而针对我国机构投资者的研究通常仅涵盖基金 。 这一研究对象上的差异主要源 于数据可获得性。我国证券监督管理委员会 ( 以下简称证监会 ) 仅要求基金定期披露其信息 , 对其他机构投资者并无此类要 求。美国证券交易委员会( Securities and Exchange Commission,SEC) 则要求所有机构投资者定期披露其持股数据 。 不过, 据 《中国证券业发展报告( 2013 ) 》 , 中国证券业协会发布的 共同基金所持有的资产市值占所有机构投资者所持市值的 50. 16% 。 因此, 以往文献用我国的基金指代所有机构投资者是有一定合理性的 。
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Economics World, Jan.-Feb. 2017, Vol. 5, No. 1, 44-51doi: 10.17265/2328-7144/2017.01.005Agents’ Behavior in Market Bubbles: Herding andInformation Effects∗Pablo Marcos Prieto, Javier PeroteUniversity of Salamanca, Salamanca, SpainThis paper explores some behavioral factors that may explain the formation of speculative bubbles in financialmarkets. The study adopts an experimental approach focused on the agents’ behavior when facing a “true” bubbleand is incentivized to herd and/or receive information about the market sentiment. For this purpose, astraightforward laboratory experiment that reproduces the dotcom market bubble and asks subjects to forecast assetprices in a true dynamic information scenario. The experiment was conducted in the laboratory of the Faculty ofEconomics at the University of Salamanca and involved 137 undergraduate students in the degree of economics.The results show that incentives to the herding behavior increase the forecasted volatility and thus contribute to thebubble inflation. Nevertheless, this effect may be offset by giving information to the agents about the expectedmarket trend. Therefore, under herding effects, it is the absence of clear signals about market sentiments whatinflates the bubble.Keywords: dotcom bubble, laboratory experiment, behavioral finance, herding, market sentiment, market volatility,random effects modelIntroductionSpeculative bubbles appear when asset prices systematically and abnormally exceed their intrinsic or fundamental values (discounted expected capital flows). Bubble formation tends to happen during an extended period of time but they definitely burst (usually abruptly) causing great losses to the owners of the asset and generating financial crashes and risk contagion, as illustrated by the recent subprime and sovereign debt crises.The evidence of bubbles arises from the 17th and 18th centuries with the well-known cases of the so-called Dutch Tulipmania (Garber, 1989) and the British South Sea Bubble (Dale, Johnson, & Tang, 2005), and they have frequently happened in financial markets during the last decades. From the classical economics perspective, the presence of bubbles in financial markets implies the existence of market inefficiencies and the violation of the rational expectations hypothesis (Muth, 1961). Their causes have been argued to lie in psychological aspects of human behavior, such as irrational beliefs, overconfidence, cognitive biases, or∗Project Supported: Javier Perote acknowledges financial support from the Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness under research project ECO2013-44483-P.Pablo Marcos Prieto, Ph.D. student, Department of Economics, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain.Javier Perote, Ph.D., Department of Economics, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain.Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Javier Perote, Universidad de Salamanca, Campus Miguel deUnamuno (Edif. F. E. S.), 37007 Salamanca, Spain.HERDING AND INFORMATION EFFECTS 45herding behavior—see Shiller (2000) or Aronson (2011) for comprehensive reviews. Furthermore, the studyof the causes of the speculative bubbles has benefited from the impulse of behavioral and experimental economics since Vernon Smith and Daniel Kahneman were awarded with the Nobel Prize in 2002—see e.g., Smith, Shuanek, and Williams (1988), Lei, Noussair, and Plott (2001), Dufwenberg, Lindqvist, and Moore (2005), Bossaerts, Plott, and Zame (2007), and Moinas and Pouget (2013) for experiments on bubbles in financial markets.This paper adopts the experimental approach to investigate on financial markets’ bubble formation by designing a very simple experiment to check how agents behave when they observe the typical behavior of a bubble through different incentives and informational scenarios. Particularly, subjects are requested to forecast S&P500 index during the formation and burst of the dotcom bubble with past information on price and volatility and either the market trend (subjects’ expectations) or certain incentives to herd (introduced in the payoff function). The results show that agents’ herding behavior increases market volatility and induces bubble formation but information about market sentiment reduces it, thus contributing to the market efficiency.The next section explains the experimental setting, the procedures to implement it and the research hypothesis in detail. The rest of the paper proceeds with the analyses of the experimental data in every treatment and discussion of the empirical results. Final remarks are summarized in the last section.Research MethodSettingThe design of experiment focuses on the analysis of the agents’ perceptions and behavior on the observation and trading of a real bubble. For this purpose, the dotcom bubble occurred during the late 1990s and its subsequent period was chosen. Particularly, four-monthly data from the S&P500 index spanning from January 1992 and May 2006, comprising a total of 43 periods were used. Figure 1 depicts the time series and its historical spread (maximum and minimum value).Figure 1. S&P500 index evolution during the dotcom bubble.Unlike most of the experiments on bubbles that compute market prices endogenously through the trading decisions of the experimental subjects, the design forces market prices to be exogenous (i.e., the true S&P500HERDING AND INFORMATION EFFECTS46 series) so that agents’ reactions to the available data in every period can be captured by eliciting their one-period-ahead forecasts for asset prices and interpreting their accuracy as a proxy of the gains they would have won on their trading decisions. This frame allows considering an artificial market with controlled prices and observing the agents’ decision making in a dynamic information environment as if they were facing a true scenario.For this purpose, in every period, the experimental subjects receive the information of the past values of the asset price and their corresponding spread, which are dynamically depicted on the computer interface (as shown in Figure 1 for the complete 43 periods of the experiment, i.e. Figure 1 depicts the historical data that subjects observe at the final period of the experiment), and are asked to guess the value of the variable for the next period. This information is updated throughout the experiment and thus subjects know their past forecasting errors every time when they make a new decision (forecast). Agents are incentivized to get more accurate forecasts since their payoffs are inversely related to their forecast errors according to the following function in the baseline or Control Treatment (CT):ˆ100it t itP P ∏=−− (1) where t P and ˆitP stand for the market price in period t and its forecast computed by agent i , respectively, and thus the absolute value of the forecasted error ˆt itP P −() represents a penalty for the subject’s under- and over-prediction.Alternatively, three more treatments are considered. The first one referred to as Payoff Incentives (PI), introduces an additional term in the payoff function that penalizes deviations of the prediction of every subject from the average prediction of all subjects in every period—see equation (2). Such a function incentivizes herding behavior since agents are better off the closer their predictions are to both the true values and the subjects’ average predictions.11ˆˆˆ10022it t it it it P P P P ∏=−−−− (2) The second treatment, uses the same payoff function as in equation (2) but delivers new information in the market about Expected Trend (ET), and thus is denoted by PI + ET. For implementing this treatment, in every period, subjects’ guesses about the market trend are elicited (with a dummy variable that takes value 1/0 if the subject believes that the price is going to increase/decrease) and publicly report the frequency of subjects that believe that the price is going to increase before they are asked to compute the new forecast.For the sake of comparison, the experiment includes the third treatment, called as CT + ET, in which the expected trend information is given on the basis of the initially control treatment payoff function—equation (1). ProcedureThe experiment was conducted in the laboratory of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Salamanca. Subjects were voluntary recruited from the second course of the degree in economics and thus they were supposed to have some skills about macro-economics and financial markets but they had not participated in a laboratory experiment before. A between-subjects design was applied, i.e., different subjects were submitted to only one of the four treatments. The procedure organized two groups of three sessions. In the firstHERDING AND INFORMATION EFFECTS 47group of sessions, treatments CT, PI, and PI + ET, with 25, 26, and 23 subjects, respectively, were run and in the second group of sessions, treatments CT, PI, and CT + ET, with 22, 24, and 17 subjects, respectively, were run (a total of 137 subjects participated in the experiment).Before the experiment had started, instructions were read aloud and experiment did not begin until every subject had understood them. It is worth noting that subjects were not informed about the particular asset and period (i.e., the S&P500 index during the dotcom bubble) for which they were going to dynamically compute their forecasts, since this information might bias the experimental results. After the experiment, students were privately informed about their performances. The experiment lasted on average approximately 60 minutes.HypothesesA remarkable feature of bubbles is that market volatility also increases as the asset price increases. This feature is clear from Figure 1 and constitutes one of the main elements on which subjects may build their forecasts. Eventually, one of the main causes of the bubbles is attributed to the fact that agents’ trading decisions tend to underestimate volatility by focusing directly on the prices (i.e., expected returns). Hence, and paradoxically, subjects seem to increase market volatility by underestimating it.In consequence, the study focused on explaining the volatility of the asset price forecasts. Although a priori the introduction of incentives to herding in PI’s payoff function should stimulate the convergence of subjects’ predictions, on the contrary, it yields to an increase in the volatility of the forecasts (which is consistent with bubble formation). This is because, as they do not have information about the others’ beliefs, trying to follow a common trend increases the market noise and its volatility. Nevertheless, if not only “following the herd” is incentivized, but also information on the market sentiment (ET) is delivered, then it is expected that agents achieve convergence on their predictions without the cost of an increasing volatility and bubble inflation. Consequently, the main hypothesis of the study is stated as follows: “Incentives to herding (with) without information about the expected market trend (do not) increase the volatility of the forecasts and (do not) contribute to the bubble inflation”.ModelPanel data regression models are considered to explain the standard deviation of subjects’ forecasts (Stdprice) as a function of the treatment (and thus comparing alternative treatment cases: CT vs. PI, CT vs. PI + ET, PI vs. PI + ET, CT vs. CT + ET, and PI vs. CT + ET) and a group of control variables. Particularly, the following random effects equation was specified:Stdprice it = β0 + β1Treatment it + β2Price i, t - 1 + β3Spread i, t - 1+ β4Errorprice i, t - 1 + β5Erroraverage i, t - 1 + β6Guess it + ηi + εi,t (3)where ߟ is a random variable capturing the idiosyncratic effect of subject i and ߝ௧, the error term for subject i and period t of the model, both satisfy the hypotheses of the random effects regression. The explicative variables of the model are defined below.Treatment: Dummy variable that takes value 0 for CT and 1 for the other treatments in those comparisons in which CT is involved. PI takes value 0 when comparing this treatment to both PI + ET and CT + ET. Price: S&P500 index t P (); its lagged value captures the information possessed by the subject when forecasting the price for period t .HERDING AND INFORMATION EFFECTS48 Spread: Difference of the maximum and minimum value taken by the S&P500 index; regressions involvedlagged values to capture the information available to the subjects.Errorprice: Forecasted price error in previous period (lagged value) measuring learning effects andadaptive expectations, i.e. ˆt itP P −. Erroraverage: Forecasted price error from the average subjects’ prediction in previous period (lagged value), i.e. ˆˆit it P P −.Guess: Dummy variable capturing the subjects’ expectations about the market trend, which takes value 1/0if the subject believes that the price is going to increase/decrease.Research ResultsDescriptive StatisticsTable 1 displays some descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) for each variable in equation (3)and payoff functions in equations (1) and (2), which stratified for the three different treatments of the first session: CT, PI, and PI + ET.Table 1 Descriptive Statistics in the First Group of SessionsCT (1,075 obs.) PI (1,118 obs.) PI + ET (989 obs.) Mean Std. Dev. Mean Std. Dev. Mean Std. Dev.Price 929.2 330.3 929.2 330.3 929.2 330.3 Predict 918.3 347.1 928.3 356.3 911.7 344.5 Guess 0.62 0.49 0.68 0.47 0.59 0.49 Payoff Eq. (1) 46.1 37.2 45.2 37.7 46.4 36.6 Payoff Eq. (2) 54.1 33.2 51.3 35.1 54.3 32.8 Errorprice 74.1 77.4 78.5 80.4 73.7 78.4 Erroraverage 64.7 62.6 62.8 58.9 65.1 62.8 Stdprice 47.9 36.9 61.1 40.8 47.6 35.9Table 2Descriptive Statistics in the Second Group of SessionsVariable CT (946 obs.) PI (1,032 obs.) CT + ET (731 obs.) Mean Std. Dev. Mean Std. Dev. Mean Std. Dev.Price 929.25 330.40 929.25 330.38 929.25 330.45 Predict 912.46 348.04 909.33 351.06 926.71 348.38 Guess 0.62 0.49 0.61 0.49 0.65 0.48 Payoff 1 45.60 37.22 44.36 37.38 44.35 37.49 Payoff 2 50.66 33.93 48.41 34.75 51.04 34.56 Errorprice 76.73 79.33 87.04 103.65 82.64 91.55 Erroraverage 42.34 52.47 55.10 84.50 48.77 74.72 Stdprice 50.87 29.79 77.87 58.86 45.65 33.54The first observation is that herding function (PI) reduces market’s efficiency and subjects’ welfare sinceit significantly increases the prediction error and reduces subject’s payoffs—particularly for that in equation (2).HERDING AND INFORMATION EFFECTS 49In fact, average payoff in PI are 2.14% and 5.28% lower than that of CT according to equations (1) and (2), respectively. Furthermore, PI increases the optimism about the increasing trend of the market compared to CT according to the averaged guesses of the subjects and this fact has a positive impact on price forecasts and bubble inflation. These findings are also patent in the sharp increase in the volatility of the forecasts.The second observation is that the information about the expected market trend in PI + ET seems to reduce subjects’ optimism (guesses are 8.98% lower than that of PI), their price forecasts and corresponding errors and thus improve subjects’ payoffs. All of these yield to a significant reduction of the volatility and a smoother bubble formation.The results are also consistent with the descriptive statistics for the second group sessions, with the exception of the fact that subjects’ guesses do not significantly increase in PI compared to CT. It is worth noting that new treatment CT + ET also involves a significant reduction of volatility compared to PI, although price forecasts and payoffs do not seem to improve with respect to the other treatments.Regression AnalysisTables 3 and 4 display the random effect estimates of the coefficients and corresponding t-ratio statistics of the model in equation (3). One (two) asterisk(s) indicate(s) that the coefficient is significantly different from zero at 10% (5%) confidence level.Table 3Models for Forecast Volatility (Stdprice) in First Session of TreatmentsR-squaredCT vs. PI PI vs. PI + ET CT vs. PI + ET0.75 0.60 0.66 Coef. t-ratio Coef. t-ratio Coef. t-ratioTreatment 8.35 9.68 ** -10.25 -10.04 ** -0.62 -0.61Price (t -1) 0.03 15.97 ** 0.03 17.60 ** 0.05 23.47 **Spread (t -1) 0.08 23.12 ** 0.06 19.02 ** 0.02 4.61 **Errorprice (t -1) 0.02 1.92* 0.01 0.86 0.02 1.90* Erroraverage (t -1) 0.27 28.47 ** 0.26 21.97 ** 0.22 18.71 **Guess -0.44-0.510.110.101.571.49 Intercept -14.97 -10.22 ** -4.54 -2.75 ** -17.88 -10.40 **Notes. * Significant at 5% confidence; ** Signiticant at 1% conficence.The estimates are presented for the two group of sessions and different between-treatment comparisons (CT vs. PI, PI vs. PI + ET, and CT vs. PI + ET for the first group of sessions and CT vs. PI, PI vs. CT + ET,and CT vs. CT+ET for the second group of sessions). The main results obtained from the data displayed in Table 3 are those related to the treatment variable. According to this variable, it is clear that PI has a positive impact on volatility compared to CT, i.e., if agents present herding attitudes but there are no clear signals aboutthe market tendency, then a more volatile market and bubble inflation are expected. Nevertheless, if agents have preferences for herding, and information about their beliefs on market trend is released in the market (i.e.,the comparison between PI and PI + ET), then a negative effect in volatility and a reduction in the bubble process seem more likely to occur. The final impact of both treatment effects together (CT vs. PI + ET) leads toa mixed insignificant effect. Therefore, the results seem to confirm both the main hypotheses of this study.The rest of the results of the panel regression models in Table 3 are consistent with the expected subjects’HERDING AND INFORMATION EFFECTS50behavior. Particularly, all of them are positive and significant with the exception of the subjects’ guesses about future movements in the market trend. Therefore, the higher the past prices, volatilities, and errors, the higher the future volatility forecast, which confirms a significant persistence in asset pricing volatility and some kinds of adaptive learning in expectations. Regarding the learning processes in CT vs. PI, the errorprice is the significant variable, but in PI vs. PI + ET, erroraverage becomes a significant one. However, guesses about future price movements are not necessarily correlated with volatility forecast, although this correlation is more significant when information about these guesses is delivered to the market.Results are replicated in Table 4 for the second session of treatments. The comparison of treatments CT vs. PI confirms the positive effect of herding on market volatility and bubble formation. On the contrary, information about the market trend significantly reduces market volatility even when the agents do not have a herding pattern on their incentives (CT vs. CT + IT). When compared PI and CT + PI, treatment variable is significantly negative since PI tends to increase volatility and CT + IT to reduce it. Regarding the rest of the variables only the significant and negative effect of erroraverage is different to the results in Table 3, reflecting a different type of adaptive learning (noting that in this case the impact of errorprice in volatility is much higher than that in the regressions displayed in Table 3).Table 4Models for Forecast Volatility (Stdprice) in Second Session of TreatmentsR-squaredCT vs. PI PI vs. PI + ET CT vs. CT + ET0.28 0.29 0.54 Coef. t-ratio Coef. t-ratio Coef. t-ratioTreatment 25.0112.77**-29.52-13.08**-3.15-2.94** Price (t -1) 0.05 14.72**0.06 14.68**0.02 10.53** Spread (t -1) 0.01 2.97** 0.02 3.82** 0.08 16.42** Errorprice (t -1) 0.14 10.46**0.14 9.00** 0.09 10.55** Erroraverage (t -1)-0.08 -4.59** -0.09 -4.97** -0.06 -5.60** Guess -0.23 -0.13 -1.11 -0.52 0.29 0.27 Intercept -8.14-2.58**11.983.60**1.811.01 Note. ** Signiticant at 1% conficence.ConclusionsThis paper designs an experiment to show how behavioral and experimental economics may help in the understanding of the causes of the speculative bubbles in financial markets. Herding processes are commonly argued to be one of the explanations of such processes, but the current experiment illustrates that even when agents present this behavioral pattern, it is the absence of clear signals about market sentiments and trends that increases market volatility and contributes to the bubble inflation. In other words, the more efficient are the markets, the more information is delivered to the market, the less likely is the bubble formation.This result is based on an important assumption about the exogeneity of market prices with respect to agents’ decisions, which is only sustainable on the basis of competitive markets where agents assume that their decisions do not have a significant impact on prices. This assumption allows constructing a very simple experiment that reproduces the dotcom bubble and analyzes the subjects’ reactions to it in a dynamic “true context” where the volatility of agents’ forecasts can be used to test the agents’ behavior under alternativeHERDING AND INFORMATION EFFECTS 51 scenarios, particularly those regarding herding incentives and information about the market sentiment.ReferencesAronson, E. (2011). The social animal (11th ed.). New York: Worth/Freeman.Bossaerts, P., Plott, C., & Zame, W. (2007). Prices and portfolio choices in financial markets: Theory, econometrics and experiments. Econometrica, 75, 993-1038.Dale, R. S., Johnson, J. E. V., & Tang, L. (2005). Financial markets can go mad: Evidence of irrational behaviour during the South Sea Bubble. The Economic History Review, 58, 233-271.Dufwenberg, M., Lindqvist, T., & Moore, E. (2005). Bubbles and experience: An experiment. The American Economic Review, 95, 1731-1737.Garber, P. M. (1989). Tulipmania. 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