A cooperative radar system for collision avoidance and communications between vehicles




A SINGLE PC SOLUTION FOR RAPID CONTROL PROTOTYPING IN WINDOWS ®.QUARC generates real-time code directly from Simulink®-designed controllers and runs the generated code in real-time on the Windows® target - all on the same PC. The Data Acquisition Card seamlessly interfaces with Simulink® using Hardware-in-the-loop blocks provided in the QUARC T argets Library.SPLIT SECOND CONTROL DESIGN – A DECADE IN ThE MAkINGQUARC was built on the legacy of WinCon, the first real-time software to run Simulink®-generated code in Windows®. QUARC seamlessly integrates with Simulink® and redefines the traditional design-to-implementation interface toolset. Just click a button to enjoy more functionality and development flexibility, all geared towards improved real-time performance. Academics havesuccessfully deployed many advanced control and mechatronic systems, ranging from intelligent unmanned systems to force-feedback-enabled virtual reality.ADVANCEDINDUSTRIAL R&DACADEMIA INDUSTRYFOUR USES OF QUARCCONTROLS EDUCATION INNOVATIVERESEARCH GRADUATE-LEVEL EXPLORATION Enhance your engineering courses with industry- relevant hands-on learning Explore practical solutions for real-life challenges with a synergistic approachConduct ground-breaking research in emerging areas such as Unmanned Vehicle Systems and hapticsFast track time-to-market with an affordable rapid control prototyping solutionChoosing software for control system design andimplementation is critical for timely, successful research and development. Quanser knows this because we’ve pioneered control engineering for over 20 years. That’s why we created QUARC – a powerful rapid control prototyping tool that significantly accelerates control design and implementation. initially designed for industrial demands, QUARC is nonetheless ideal foradvanced research, masters-level, and evenundergraduate, teaching. QUARC is an integral part of all Quanser control lab workstations and is used all over the world by thousands of educational institutions and organizations, including the Canadian Space Agency and Defense Research and Development Canada. Discover what QUARC can help you achieve in less time and effort than you might be spending now.ACCELERATE CONTROLS EDUCATIONQUARC is an ideal tool to teach control concepts. It allows students to draw a controller, generate code and run it - all without Digital Signal Processing or without writing a single line of code. The capabilities of this powerful yet adaptable software are emphasized by the comprehensive curriculum that accompanies Quanser’s control lab equipment. The supplied Instructor and Student Workbooks feature lab exercises and projects based on Simulink®. They help focus students’ efforts on key control concepts rather than tedious code writing. The curriculum is developed by engineers for engineers to effectively demonstrate and teach the mechatronic design approach practised in industry. This includes modeling, controller design, simulation and implementation. An excellent low-cost rapid control prototyping system, QUARC is being usedby thousands of institutions worldwide. It is an effective and efficient teaching tool for undergraduate and graduate-level courses in classical and modern control theory.hOW QUARC FUSES MULTIPLEENGINEERING COURSESThe Integrated Learning Centre at Queen’s University fuses all engineering disciplines into one modern lab. Quanser’s workstations, featuring a wide range of modular Quanser experiments, are used here to teach introductory, intermediate and advanced controls. QUARC software is an integral part of all those workstations. An economical approach to outfitting a lab, it also keeps students motivated, providing access to even more hands-on learning.CONTROLS EDUCATIONis done, allowing the studentsto focus more on the controldesign theory and less on theworkings of MATLABSimulink, thus improvingthe learning experience.”Dr. Wen-Hua Chen,Loughborough University,United KingdomThis Flexible Link module furtherexpands your topics of study withthe SRV02 workstation.All on a Single PCQUARC provides a single PC solution for rapid control prototypingin Windows XP® or Vista®. It generates real-time code directly fromSimulink®-designed controllers – but for the same PC. This single PCSolution for rapid control prototyping significantly accelerates controldesign and implementation. This helps students focus on theimportant aspects of the control design process and completeproject-based assignments successfully.Simple. Intuitive.QUARC user interfaces are easy to understand without training.For example, QUARC’s “external mode” communications allow theSimulink® diagram to communicate with real-time code generatedfrom the model. Tune parameters of the running model by changingblock parameters in the Simulink® diagram. Want to view the statusof a signal in the model? Simply open a Simulink® Scope (or any otherSink in the diagram) while the model runs on the target. Furthermore,data can be streamed to the MATLAB® workspace or to a file on diskfor off-line analysis.Low MaintenanceQUARC streamlines the process of maintaining and servicing a laboratorywithout sacrificing system performance or an excessive amount of yourstaff’s time. The extremely flexible host-target structure allows QUARC usersto maximize limited resources (i.e. PC, laptop and hardware) with minimaleffort or cost. Host (control design environment) and target (platformwhich executes the real-time code) can be on separate computers yet stillcommunicate through a network connection. QUARC can sustain anypossible multi-configuration. Ask about License Server Architecture.The Integrated Learning Center, Queen’s University, Canada.BRING ThEORIES TO LIFEWhether you’re exploring emerging technologies or transforming knowledge into solutions for real-world challenges, count on Quanser to help you achieve your research goals. The power of QUARC software combined with Quanser’s innovative plants can helpresearchers test their theories in real-time, on real hardware. QUARC seamlessly integrates with Quanser’s research platforms toimplement virtually any control algorithm. Combine QUARC with Quanser’s multi-function Data Acquisition card and plants to create a self-contained control workstation ideal for advanced research. Use it to design, simulate, implement, and test a variety of time-varyingsystems: communications, controls, signal processing, video processing, and image processing.All this is achievable quickly , easily and affordably because the workstation is a fully integrated, open-architecture solution.The set-up pictured below shows a 3 DOF Gyroscope workstation as one example of a Quanser workstation for high level research. This typical configuration entails: • P lant • Amplifier• Data Acquisition Card • Virtual Plant Simulation• Rapid Control Prototyping Design Software • Pre-designed ControllersFor more information about the Quanser’s research platformsplease visit /MCC.14323 DOF GYROSCOPEFeaturing three Degrees Of Freedom (DOF), this dynamically diverse experimental platform is ideal for teaching rotational dynamic challenges.DATA ACQUISITION CARDMeasure and command real-time signals with high I/Osampling period. QUARC supports a wide range of Quanser and National Instruments data acquisition cards. For a complete list please visit /QUARC.AMPLIFIER AMPAQQuanser’s multi-channel linear current amplifier is ideal forprecision controls. The AMPAQ connects to the DAQ terminal board and is connected to the 3-DOF Gyroscope with its easy-connect cables.SOFTWARE TO ACCELERATE DESIGN3-DOF Gyroscope models are designed to run in real-time with QUARC ® software, which integrates seamlessly withMATLAB ®/Simulink ®.“Using Quanser’s software, we can easily design control systems for many plants. We can apply complex control strategies quickly and effectively - and it is very easy to verify theory on the real plant.”Kenichi yano,Associate Professor, Gifu University , JapanEFFORTLESS INTEGRATION FOR MEChATRONIC RESEARChQUARC is a powerful, flexible mechatronic integration tool, providing time-saving and simple solutions to those unique challenges encountered when you’re developing mechatronic systems. Whether you have custom-made research platforms or use manufactured equipment, QUARC is the only software that makes it easy to interface with all of them. QUARC offers a suite of third-party device blocks which help researchers seamlessly interface and control KUKA robots, PGR cameras and SensAble® PHANTOM devices, to name a few. These blocks not only allow a Simulink® model to communicate with external devices but also implement the mathematical framework for controlling them. All this is possible without the need to learn new tools or hand coding since the controller design and integration is performed in an environment most researchers are familiar with, such as Windows®, MATLAB®, Simulink®.“QUARC’s support of TCP/IP has been a tremendous help for our research. It allowed us to develop a distributed sensing system that isn’t dependent on expensive I/O hardware or DAQ boards. Further, this allows for safety-critical redundancy when we aredoing vehicle control tests.”Sean Brennan,Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering,Pennsylvania State University , USAQUARC OFFERS OVER 10 BLOCKSETSThe table provides an overview. At a glance,you can see specific research applications, unique attributes and technical specifications.Now you can enjoy greater flexibility whenimplementing control schemes. QUARC expands the possibilities for complex control design by:multiple operating Systems Support.QUARC is designed so that code could be generated for multipleoperating systems and hardware platforms while maintaining a common, seamless and easy-to-use interface. Simulink® models can run in real-time on a variety of targets - a target being acombination of operating system and processor for which QUARC generates code from a Simulink® diagram. Targets includeWindows® and QNX®. The number of targets QUARC supports is continually increasing.Support for Communications.The QUARC Stream API offers a flexible and protocol-independent communications framework. Conduct standard communication between QUARC models and more: between a QUARC model and an external third-party application (e.g., graphical userinterface) or even between two external third-party applications. The Stream API is independent of the development environment and can be used in C/C++, .NET, MATLAB®, LabVIEW TM , etc. The Stream API enables the communication between multiple real-time model over the internet. This could be used for distributed control, teleoperation, device interfacing, etc. The stream API natively supports the following protocols: TCP/IP, UDP, serial, shared memory , named pipes, ARCNET, and more.For demos and tutorials on QUARC’s communication capabilities request a free trial of QUARC at /QUARC.increasing number of Blocksets.The number of interfaces QUARC supports is continuallyincreasing over time to ensure easy integration with recent and popular third-party devices. Here are a few more examples: • Nintendo Wiimote• Q bot- An Unmanned Ground Vehicle based on iRobot Create®• Schunk Grippers• SparkFun Electronics SerAccelGet an updated list of interfaces supported by QUARC at /QUARC/blocksetsDESCRIPTIONUsing the KUKA Robot Blockset you can control any KUKA robot equipped with RSI (Robot SensorInterface) through the interactive Simulink® environment without tedious hand coding and cumbersome hardware interfacing.This blockset is not included in the standard QUARC license and is sold separately.The Point Grey Research (PGR) Blockset is used to acquire images from some of the Point Grey Research cameras. QUARC also provides image processing blocksets that can be used to find objects of a given color within a source image or convert images from one format to another.This blockset is included in the standard QUARC license.The Wiimote (Wii Remote) block reads the state of the Wiimote and outputs the button, acceleration, and Infra Red (IR) camera information. Using this blockset you can easily interface the Wiimote into the controller. This blockset is included in the standard QUARC license.The Novint Falcon Blockset is used for implementing control algorithms for the Falcon haptic device. Using the Blockset significantly simplifies the task of designing controllers for the Falcon.This blockset is included in the standard Quarc license.TEChNICAL CAPABILITIES AND SPECIFICATIONS• E nables the deployment of real-time executables with GUI • S upport for setting and getting values (e.g., knobs, displays, scopes, and other inputs and outputs)Supported devices:• SensAble PHANTOM Omni • SensAble PHANTOM Desktop • SensAble PHANTOM Premium• SensAble PHANTOM Premium 6DOF Data provided as output,• GPS position (latitude, longitude, altitude)• Number of visible satellites (dilution of precision data)• Accuracy information (dilution of precision – DOP)Typical accuracy 1-3m (WAAS)SUGGESTED RESEARCh APPLICATIONS• GUI Design (e.g. Cockpit)• Force feedback virtual reality• Haptically-enabled medical simulations • Teleoperation• Precise robotic manipulation• Image-based control and localization • Autonomous navigation and control • Fault detection• Image-based control and localization• Autonomous navigation and control • Image recognition • Mapping• Obstacle detection and avoidance • Visual servoing and tracking • Vision feedback• Teleoperation• Robotic manipulation• Force feedback virtual reality• Haptically enabled medical simulations • Teleoperation• Localization• Autonomous navigation and control• M ission reconfiguration(e.g., for Unmanned Vehicle Systems)• Fault recovery • Safety watchdogDYNAMICRECONFIGURATIONkUkA ROBOT ALTIASENSABLEPhANTOM ® SERIESVISUALIzATIONPGR CAMERASWII REMOTENOVINT FALCONGPSNATURAL POINTOPTITRACkThe PHANTOM® Blockset lets you control the series of PHANTOM® haptic devices via Simulink®. For added flexibility researchers can combine the Phantom Blockset and Visualization Blockset to enjoy seamless haptics rendering of virtual environments.This blockset is not included in the standard QUARC license and is sold separately.The Visualization Blockset creates 3D visualizations of simulations or actual hardware in real-time. By combining meshes and textures, you can create objects to seamlessly integrate high-performance graphics with real-time controllers. Comprehensive documentation and examples along with additional content are provided to help new users get started and master this blockset quickly. QUARC Visualization blockset is used in the Virtual Plant Simulation of selected Quanser plants such as SRVO2 and Active Suspension. This blockset is included in the standard QUARC license.• Y coordinates of up to four IR points detected by the wiimote IR camera. Valid values range from 0 to 767 inclusive.• A compatible Bluetooth device must be installed on the PC• A bility to command either Cartesian or joint velocity set points • A bility to measure the Cartesian positions, joint angles and joint torques • A bility to set either Cartesian or the joint minimum and maximum velocity limits • K UKA built-in safety checks are still enabled for safe operation• S end forces and torques in Cartesian or joint space • Read encoder values, position, and joint angles• Send commands in two different work spaces to the Phantom device • T he block outputs the gimbal angles of the device plus the values associated with the buttons and the 7 DOF available on the device (thumb-pad or scissors)• R emotely connect to a visualization server with multiple clients • N o interference with the operation of your real-time controller• Plugins provided for Blender and Autodesk’s 3ds Max 2008, 2009 and 2010• S et different material properties such as diffuse color, opacity , specular color, shininess, and emissivity.• T exture map support for png, jpg, tiff, and bmp.• X 3D support• C onfigurable mouse and keyboard interface for manually navigating around the environment • P erformance far exceeds TMW’s Virtual Reality toolbox• U p to 16 cameras can be connected and configured for single or multiple capture volumes • C apture areass up to 400 square feet • S ingle point tracking for up to 80 markers, or 10 rigid-body objects • T ypical calibration time is under 5 minutes • P osition accuracy on the order of mm under typical conditions• U SB 2.0 connectivity to ground station PC• U p to 100 fps tracking• S upport for Draganflyer 2 HI-COL and the FireflyMV • F rame rate selection from 7.5 fps to 60 fps • R esolutions from 640 x 480 to 1024 x 768, • C olor or grayscale, and custom image (subimage) sizes supported for faster framerates• C ontinuity of states between the model being switched-out and the model being switched-in, as a necessary condition to the system stability • S witching within one sampling interval, as a necessary condition to the system stability • D ynamic reconfiguration can be triggered either automatically (e.g., from a supervisory model) or manually• D ynamic Reconfiguration can be triggered either locally or remotely (i.e., on a remote target)The OptiTrack Blockset allows motion capture and tracking by using 3 or more synchronized infrared (IR) cameras that capture images containing reflective markers within a workspace. The blockset can be used to track either individual markers or rigid bodies. This Blockset makes it easy to conduct vision-based control experiments in real-time, especially for objects that were previously difficult to track, such as indoor autonomous vehicles.This blockset is not included in the standard QUARC license and is sold separately.The GPS Blockset allows GPS receivers to be easily accessed, thereby adding GPS localization to an experimentalplatform. This Blockset integrates with Ublox GPS devices as well as NMEA compliant GPS devices. This blockset is not included in the standard Quarc license and is sold separately.The Altia Design Blockset enables the user to interact with the real-time code from Altia GUIs. Unlike theMATLAB® GUIs, MATLAB® and Simulink® are not required when using Altia GUIs. This blockset gives you the tools you need to generate complete production systems without writing a single line of code. This blockset is included in the standard QUARC license.The Dynamic Reconfiguration Blockset lets you dynamically switch models on the target machine within a sampling interval. A running model may be replaced with another model while ensuring continuity of states between both with no interruptions (i.e. no skipped sample). For a demo and tutorial on the Dynamic Reconfiguration blockset request a free trial of QUARC at /QUARC.This blockset is not included in the standard QUARC license and is sold separately.Data provided as output:• P osition: X, Y, and Z position in Cartesian coordinates• Button information: Whether a button is currently pressed or not • F orce: X, Y, and Z forces applied by the Falcon end-effectormodel 1model 2* Please note that prices for blocksets may vary. For more information or to request a quote please contact sales@.• Payload 5 kg • Number of axes 6• Repeatability <±0.02 mm • Weight 28 kg• Mounting positions floor or ceiling • Controller KR C2sr • Max speed 8.2 m/sData provided as output:• X, Y, and Z axis accelerations • Button states • X coordinates of up to four IR points detected by the wiimote IR camera. Valid values range from 0 to 1023 inclusive• S upport for setting values (i.e. Meters and other outputs)• F eatures the Quanser Plot library for AltiaBLOCkSET* • Virtual reality rendering• Game and medical simulation• Simulation of mechanical components • Data fusion • R eal-time status displays of physical hardware• Virtual cockpit for aerial vehicles REQUEST A FREE 30 DAY TRIAL OF QUARC TODAY. VISIT /QUARC• Robotic manipulation • Teleoperation“The Host Computer System for the Challenging Environment Assessment Laboratory (CEAL) at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute (TRI) was developed using Quanser’s QU ARC real-time software. The power of QU ARC, with Quanser’s engineering support, enabled TRI to create a flexible developmentenvironment for researchers to implement sophisticated real-time experiments, using a large-scale 11-ton, 6-DOF motion platform and high-performance audio-visual rendering systems”Dr. Geoff Fernie , Vice President, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, CanadaQUARC ACCELERATES MEChATRONIC DEVELOPMENT WITh RAPID CONTROL PROTOTYPINGQUARC is a powerful Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP) platform that meets industrial research and development demands. This robust software helps manage the increasing complexity of controlengineers’ tasks and accelerates their ability to test control strategies. Generating countless iterations of Simulink® control designsbecomes almost effortless - a block diagram design is automatically implemented on the system and computed in real time, eliminating the need for manual coding. This RCP platform is adaptable to virtually any mechatronic interfaces and scalable for complex multi-input and multi-output systems.Affordable Industrial-Grade PerformanceFor a fraction of the cost of comparable systems, Research and Development engineers can convert a PC into a powerful platform for control system development and deployment. When combined with a Quanser Power Amplifier and a Quanser Data Acquisition Card, QUARC software provides an ideal rapid prototyping and hardware-in-the-loop development environment. QUARC is also compatible with a wide range of commercially available data acquisition cards, including National Instruments boards.QUARC evolved from experience with its predecessor WinCon.The Canadian Space Agency played an intricate role in defining and confirming many of the features of QUARC. This was done in the context of their micro-satellite development program on an early stage prototype. It has since been adopted by industries requiring the latest in performance and development flexibility such as the Aerospace, Defence and Medical device industries.QUARC capabilities and features are designed to optimize the RCP process. Below are a few samples of such features.• F lexible and extensible communications blocks configurablefor real-time TCP/IP, UDP, serial, shared memory and other protocols • P erformance Diagnostics • R TW Code Optimization support • M odularity and incremental builds via model referencing • C ontrol of thread priorities and CPU affinity • A synchronous execution (e.g., ideal for efficient communication) • R un any number of models on one target – or simultaneously on multiple targets • S elf-booting models for embedded targets• E xternal Hardware-In-the-Loop card and communication interfacing provided in C/C++, MATLAB®, LabVIEW TM , and .NET languages • M ultiprocessor (SMP) support, e.g., on a quad-core Windows target QUARC models can take advantage of all four cores. • S imulink® 3D Animation (formerly known as Virtual Reality) Toolbox support• A bility to interface with MATLAB® GUIs, LabVIEW TM panels, and Altia“We have been using Quanser’s QU ARC software to do real-time robot control. QU ARC enables fast and easy prototyping of control algorithms with hardware in the loop and has been an invaluable tool for algorithm development, simulation, and verification.”Paul Bosscher, Harris Corporation, USAChallenging environment AssessmentLaboratory (CeAL) will be one of the most advanced rehabilitation research facilities in the world.INNO VATE, RESEARCHAND EXPLOIT KNOWLEDGE.QU ANSERCONSULTING SOFTWAREHARDWAREPlantDAQAmplifierQUARC®: A POWERFUL ENGINEFOR ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTSThree issues challenge university engineering departments everywhere: teaching, research and budget. One solution resolves them: QUARC software from Quanser!For T eaching: Created by engineers for engineers, QUARC is an excellent low-cost rapid control prototyping system. Working seamlessly with Simulink®, QUARC helps students put ideas andtheory into practice sooner. Plus curriculum is offered to help educators focus on what matters most. With more hands-on learning, undergraduate and graduate students alike are captivated and motivated to study further.For Research: Originally designed for industrial use, QUARC is idealfor advanced research. From the precise control of surgical robots to unmanned air vehicles and beyond, ideas can be tested in real-time- even ideas that are out of this world. Small wonder our client list includes NASA, the Canadian Space Agency and thousands of universities and colleges. (Look on your left.)For your department’s budget: QUARC seamlessly integrates over80 Quanser experiments - from introductory to very advanced. These are modular by design and maximize efficiencies, offering multiple uses for one workstation. Academics ourselves, Quanser appreciates your need for careful budgeting. So QUARC is competitively pricedand available with single- or multiple-user licenses.Learn more at /QUARCProducts and/or services pictured and referred to herein and their accompanying specifications may be subject to change without notice. Products and/or services mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Quanser Inc. and/or its affiliates. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.©2010 Quanser Inc. All rights reserved. Rev 2.0。

Profiling the Brane Drain in a Nonsupersymmetric Orbifold

Profiling the Brane Drain in a Nonsupersymmetric Orbifold
arXiv:hep-th/0507190v1 20 Jul 2005
Profiling the Brane Drain in a Nonsupersymmetric Orbifold
Gregory Moore and Andrei Parnachev Department of Physics, Rutgers University Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019, USA Abstract We study D-branes in a nonsupersymmetric orbifold of type C2 /Γ, perturbed by a tachyon condensate, using a gauged linear sigma model. The RG flow has both higgs and coulomb branches, and each branch supports different branes. The coulomb branch branes account for the “brane drain” from the higgs branch, but their precise relation to fractional branes has hitherto been unknown. Building on the results of hep-th/0403016 we construct, in detail, the map between fractional branes and the coulomb/higgs branch branes for two examples in the type 0 theory. This map depends on the phase of the tachyon condensate in a surprising and intricate way. In the mirror Landau-Ginzburg picture the dependence on the tachyon phase is manifested by discontinuous changes in the shape of the D-brane.



大学英语精读第6册全文课文翻译THE QUEST FOR EXTRATERRESTRIALINTELLIGENCEThrough all of our history we have pondered the stars and mused whether humanity is unique or if, somewhere else in the dark of the night sky, there are other beings who contemplate and wonder as we do, fellow thinkers in the cosmos. Such beings might view themselves and the universe differently. Somewhere else there might be very exotic biologies and technologies and societies. In a cosmic setting vast and old beyond ordinary human understanding, we are a little lonely; and we ponder the ultimate significance, if any, of our tiny but exquisite blue planet.The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is the search for a generally acceptable cosmic context for the human species. In the deepest sense, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence is a search for ourselves.In the last few years -- in one-millionth the lifetime of our species on this planet -- we have achieved an extraordinary technological capability which enables us to seek out unimaginably distant civilizations even if they are no more advanced than we. That capability is called radio astronomy and involves single radio telescopes, collections or arrays of radio telescopes, sensitive radio detectors, advanced computers for processing received date, and the imagination and skill of dedicated scientists. Radio astronomy has in the last decade opened a new window on the physical universe. It may also, if we are wise enough to make the effort, cast a profound light on the biological universe.Some scientists working on the question of extraterrestrial intelligence, myself among them, have attempted to estimate the number of advanced technical civilizations -- defined operationally as societies capable of radio astronomy -- in the Milky Way Galaxy. Such estimates are little better than guesses. They require assigning numerical values to quantities such as the numbers and ages of stars; the abundance of planetary systems and the likelihood of the origin of life, which we know less well; and the probability of the evolution of intelligent life and the lifetime of technical civilizations, about which we know very little indeed.When we do the arithmetic, the sorts of numbers we come up with are, characteristically, around a million technical civilizations. A million civilizations is a探寻外星人自从人类有历史记载以来,我们一直在思索着星星,反复考虑是否只有人类存在,或者说在太空深处的某个地方是否存在其他同我们一样在不停地思索着的生命,也就是宇宙中跟我们一起思考的人。









b5E2RGbCAP关键词:汽车防撞系统超声换能器大作用距离测距系统AbstractWith the development of social and economic progress, an increasing number of cars appear on the streets, which bring more and more traffic accidents. As a result, vehicle collisi on avoida nee systems are paid great atte nti on to. But the vehicle collisi on avoidanee system composed of millimeter-wave radar, laser radar and CCD three-dimensional visual system are too expensive to be used in ordinary cars. The vehicle collision avoidanee system using Ultrasonic Ranging has two great adva ntages, such as low cost and not subject to outside in flue nee. So the study of vehicle collision avoidanee system composed of ultrasonic ranging system is significant. plEanqFDPw In this paper, the vehicle collision avoidanee system contains ultrasonic ranging system composed of ultras onic tran sducer. The system eon sists of Ultras onic launching and receiving systems, SCM eontroller, LED display part and the seanning driver.DXDiTa9E3dKeywords: Automobile collision avoidance system Ultrasonic transducer Large sensing-range Distance measurement system crpUDGiT目录第一章绪论.......................................................... 2..5.PCZVD7HXA1.1 研究背景与课题来源...............................................2..jLBHrnAILg1.1.1 各类车载测距传感器及其性能................................. 3.xHAQX74J0X1.1.2 课题的提出.................................................... LD3AYtRyKfE 1.2 汽车防撞系统的现状............................................... Z5zz6ZB2Ltk 1.3 超声波测距系统................................................... d6vzfvkwMI11.3.1 可变阈值与回波包络检波法...................................... rq6yn14ZNXI1.3.2 基于互相关函数的时延估计法................................. 7..EmxvxOtOco1.3.3 谱线分析法与自适应时延估计................................... 7..SixE2yXPq5 1.4 超声波测距与定位技术的发展概况................................... 67ewMyirQFL 1.5 主要研究工作及内容............................................... k8avU42VRUs第二章超声波发射与接收电路.......................................... 9..Y6V3ALOS892.1 大作用距离超声波换能器........................................... M92ub6vSTnP2.1.1 超声波物理特性与换能器技术指标............................. 9..0YujCfmUCw 2.2 超声波发射电路的设计........................................... 1..1eUts8ZQVRd2.2.1 推挽变换器的工作原理 ...................................... 1..2sQsAEJkW5T2.2.2 推挽变换器的转换效率........................................ 1G2MsIasNXkA 2.3 超声波接收电路的设计........................................... 1..3TIrRGchYzg2.3.1 低噪声前端放大器............................................ 173EqZcWLZNX2.3.2 滤波放大电路与电源............................................ 1lz5q7IGf02E第三章超声波测距系统............................................... 1..5ZVPGEQJ1HK3.1 超声波测距算法分析............................................... 1N6rpoJac3v13.1.1 问题分析.................................................... 1..6. 1nowfTG4KI 3.2 超声波测距系统的实现............................................. 1fj7nFLDa5Zo3.2.1单脉冲数字相关测距............................................ 1tf7nNhnE6e5第四章超声波测距汽车防撞系统的设计............................... 1. 8HBMVN777SL4.1 系统硬件设计................................................... 1..9V7l4jRB8Hs4.1.1 系统硬件总体框图............................................ 1839lcPA59W94.1.2超声波发射部分.............................................. 2..0. mZkklkzaaP4.1.3超声波接收部分................................................ 2AV0ktR43bpw4.1.4 单片机控制部分............................................. 2..1ORjBnOwcEd 4.2系统软件设计 ................................................... 2..2. 2MiJTy0dTT 4.3 系统的调试与优化................................................. 2..3gIiSpiue7A 总结................................................................. U2E4H0U1YFMH 致谢................................................................. IA2G59QLSGBX 参考文献.......................................................... 2..6.WWGHWVVHPE第一章绪论随着社会经济的发展,越来越多的人拥有了自己的私家车,越来越多的汽车涌上了公路,可随之而来的是交通事故也越来越多,不少人也因此谈车色变。


11.___st_e_a_d_y_ adj.稳定的;平稳的;稳步的→____s_te_a_d_i_ly___ adv.稳 定地;持续地
12.___v_iv_i_d___ adj.生动的;鲜明的;丰富的→____v_i_v_id_l_y___ adv.生 动地;逼真地;鲜明地
运用巩固提能 1.(2022·全国乙卷)Engineers are now working on a new __c_o_n_c_e_p_t ___ (概念): the rail drones of the future. 2.(2022·全国甲卷)If you are looking for the best comedies on tour and ____b_r_il_l_ia_n_t___(绝妙的) live music, you should start here. 3.(2022·全国Ⅱ卷)Register online or fill out a Group Play Registration Form with ___m__u_lt_ip_l_e___(数量多的)date and start time options. 4.(2022·全国Ⅱ卷)And the reason they got so much stronger and fitter was that their hearts could now fill a lot better and ___p_u_m__p___(泵送) a lot
12.___s_o_li_d____ adj.可靠Байду номын сангаас;固体的;坚实的 n.固体
13.___c_a_s_t __ vt.(cast, cast)投射;向……投以(视线、笑容等);投掷
14.___s_h_a_d_o_w_____ n.阴影;影子;背光处 15.___p_o_u_r____ vt.倒出;倾泻;斟(饮料) 16.___l_ea_d_e_r_s_h_ip_____ n.领导;领导地位;领导才能 17.___t_ra_c_e____ vt.追溯;追踪;查出 n.痕迹;遗迹;踪迹 18.___o_u_t_st_a_n_d_in_g___ adj.优秀的;杰出的;明显的 19.___a_b_s_tr_a_c_t ____ adj.抽象的;理性的 n.(文献等的)摘要 20.___c_o_n_c_e_p_t ___ n.概念;观念 21.___b_e_s_id_e_s___ prep.除……之外(还) adv.而且;此外



A&E ArChiteCtUral and Engin eeri ng 建筑和工程BPSK AViatiO n-Biphase Shift Keying 航空两相相移键控QPSK AViatiO n-Quadriphase Shift Keying 航空四相相移键控A/G Air-to-Grou nd 空对地AAC Aeron autical Adm ini StratiVe CommUni Cati On 航空行政通信AAC Airli ne Admi nistrative Control 航空公司行政管理AAC Aero nautical AdViSOry Cou ncil 航空咨询委员会AAIM AirCraft Auto no mous In tegrity Mo nitor 飞机自治完好性监控AARS AUtOmatiC AItitUde RePOrti ng SyStem 自动高度报告系统AAS AdVaneed AUtOmated SyStem 先进自动化系统AAS Aero nautical AdViSOry StatiO n 航空咨询电台AAS AirbOrne Antenna SyStem 机载天线系统AASR AirPOrt and AirWayS SurVeilla nce Radar 机场和航路监视雷达AATS AdVa need AUtOmatiOn Trai ning SyStem 先进自动化培训系统AAD ASSig ned AItitUde DeViatiOn 指定高度偏差ABE ARINC 429 BUS EmUIatOr ARINC 429 总线仿真器ABI AdVa need Bou ndary In formation MeSSage 高级边界信息报文ABPS airborne beacon PrOCeSSing SyStem 机载信标信息处理系统ABPSK Aero nautical Bi nary PhaSe Shift Keyi ng 航空双相移键控A/C AirCraft 飞机AC AdViSOry CirCUIar 咨询通报ACA Aero nautical Commu ni catio n ArChiteCtUre 航空通信结构ACARS AirCraft Com mun icatio n AddreSSi ng and RePOrti ng SyStem 飞机通信寻址和报告系统ACARS ARINC Commu ni catio ns AddreSSi ng and RePOrti ng SyStem ARINC 通信寻址和报告系统ACAS AirbOrne Collisi On AVOida nce SyStem 机载(避)防撞系统ACC Area Control Center 区域管制中心ACCC Area Con trol COmPUter ComPleX 区域管制计算机网ACCTS AViatiO n Coordi nati ng COmmittee for Telecommu nication SerViCeS 航空电信服务协调委员会ACF Area Con trol FaCiIity 区域管制设施ACID AirCraft Ide ntificatio n 飞行器识别标志ACK ACkno WIedgme nt 认可ACLS AUtOmatiC Controland Lan di ng SyStem 自动控制和着陆系统ACMF AirPIa ne Con ditio n Mon itori ng FU nction 飞机状态监视功能ACMS AirCraft Co nditio n Mo nitori ng SyStem 飞机状态监控系统ACNSS AdVa need Commu nicatio n/NaViga- tio n/Suweilla nce SyStem 先进的通信导航监视系统ACS aircraft call Sig n 飞机呼号ACS AttitUde Con trol SyStem 姿态控制系统ACSE ACCeSS Con trol and Sig nali ng EqUiPme nt 接续控制与信令设备ACSG Aeron autical Commu ni CatiOn SUb-GrOUP 航空通信分组ACU AerOdrOme Con trol Unit 机场控制单位(室)ACU AUtoPilot Con trol Unit 自动驾驶控制单元ACU An te nna Co ntrol Un it 天线控制组件ADA COmPUter PrOgram ming Ian guage 一种计算机编程语言ADAS AWOS Data ACqUiSiti On SyStem 自动气象观察系统数据采集系统ADC airborne data COmPUter 机载数据计算机ADDl AUtOmated DigitaI Data In tercha nge 自动化数字数据交换ADEP AirPOrt Of DePartUre 起飞机场ADES AirPOrt of DeSt in ation 目标机场ADFE AUtOmatiC DireCtion-Finding EqUiPme nt 自动定向仪设备ADI Aggregate Dema nd In dicator 综合指令指示器ADI AttitUde DireCtiOn In dicator 姿态方向指示器ADIRS Air Data In ertial Refere nce SyStem 大气数据惯性基准系统ADIRU Air Data In ertial Refere nce Unit 大气数据惯性基准单元ADIS-B AUtOmatiC Data Interchange System, SerViCe B 自动数据交换系统,B 类服务ADLOC ARINC Data Link OPeratiO ns Ce nter ARINC 数据链运行中心ADLP AirbOrne Data Link PrOCeSSOr 机载数据链处理器ADM Air Data Module 大气数据模块ADMS Airli ne Data Man ageme nt SyStem 航空公司数据管理系统ADNS ARINC Data NetWOrk SerViCe ARINC 数据网服务ADP AUtOmated Data PrOCeSSing 自动数据处理ADPCM AdaPtiVe Differe ntial Pulse Code Modulation 自适应差分脉码调制ADS AUtOmatiC DePe ndent Surveilla nce 自动相关监视ADS Air Data SyStem 大气数据系统ADS Satellite ADS Via AMSS 一种通过航空移动卫星系统运行的ADSADS-I ADS CaPabiIity PrOVided by the comb in ati On Of FANS 1 avion ics and gro Und automati On 采用FANS-I机载设备和地面自动化系统组合提供的ADS能力ADS — A AUtOmatiC DePe nde nt Surveilla nce AddreSSi ng 选址式自动相关监视ADS-B AUtOmatiC DePe nde nt Surveilla nce BrOadCaSt Mode 广播式自动相关监视ADS-B Mode S ADS-BrOadCaSt based On Mode S SqUitter 基于 S 模式应答机随机自发报告的广播式自动相关监视ADS-B VHF ADS-BrOadCaSt based On VHF datalink 基于 VHF数据链的自动化相关监视广播ADSEL AddreSS SeIeCtiVe 寻址ADSF AUtOmatiC DePe nde nt Surveilla nce FUn ction 自动相关监视功能ADSP (ICAO) AUtOmatiC DePendent Surveillance Panel (国际民航组织)自动相关监视专家组ADSU ADS StUdy Group (ICAO)(国际民航组织)自动相关监视研究组ADSU AUtOmatiC DePe ndent Surveilla nce Un it or ADS Unit 自动相关监视单元AECU Audio EIeCtrO nic Co ntrol Un it 音频电子控制单元AEEC Airli nes EIeCtrO nic Engin eeri ng COmmittee 航空公司电子工程委员会AEL AirCraft EqUiPme nt LiSt 飞机装备清单AERA AUtOmated En Route Air TraffiC 自动化航路空中交通管制AES AirCraft Earth Stati On 飞机地球站AF AirWay FaCiIitieS 航路设施AFC ATC FreqUency Change SerViCe空中交通管制改(换)频服务AFCAS AUtOmatiC FIight Con trol AUgme ntatio n SyStem 自动飞行控制增强系统AFCS AUtomatiC Flight Con trol SyStem 自动飞行控制系统AFDC AUtOPilot FIight DireCtOr COmPUter 自动驾驶飞行指示计算机AFDS AUtOPilot FIight DireCtOr SyStem 自动驾驶飞行指示系统AFEPS ACARS FrontEnd PrOCeSSi ng SyStem ACARS 前端处理系统AFIS AerOdrOme FIight In formation SerViCe 机场航行情报服务AFIS AirbOrne FIight In formation SyStem 机载飞行情报系统AFL ACtUaI FIight Level 实际飞行高度AFLS AUtOmated FIight In SPeCtiOn SyStem 自动飞行检查系统AFN ATS FaCiIitieS NOtifiCati On 空中交通服务设备通告AFS Aero nautical Fixed SerViCe 航空固定通信业务AFSS AUtOmated FIight SerViCe StatiO n 自动化飞行服务站AFTN Aero nautical Fixed Telecom mun icatio n NetWork 航空固定电信网AFTRCC AerOSPaCe and FIight TeSt Radio Coordinating Council 宇航和飞行测试无线电协调委员会AGCS Air Grou nd Commu nication SyStem 空地通信系统AGDLS Air-GrOU nd Data Link SyStem 空地数据链系统AGL Above Grou nd Level 离地高度AGMCS AirPOrt Grou nd MOVeme nt Control SyStem 机场地面交通管制系统AGSS ACARS Ground SyStem Standard(AEEC) ACARS 地面系统标准(AEEC)AGSVP A/G SerViCe Pla nning 空地(通信)业务规划AGVS Air Ground VHF SUbnetwork 空地 VHF 子网AI ArtifiCiaI In tellige nce 人工智能AI AIternatiVe In terrogator 可选择询问器AI Aeron autical In formati On 航空情报AIC Aero nautical In formation CirCUIar 航空情报通报AIDC ATC In terfacility Data Com mun icatio ns 空中交通管制设施间数据通信AIDS airborne integrated data SyStem 机载综合数据系统AIDS airborne in tegrated display SyStem 机载综合显示系统AIED Aeron autical In dustry Engin eeri ng and Developme nt 航空工业工程口开发AIEE AmeriCan In StitUte EIeCtriCaI Engin eers 美国电气工程师学会AIEM Airli nes In ternatio nal EIeCtrO nic Meeti ng 航空公司国际电子会议AILAS AUtOmatiC In StrUme nt Landing APPrOaCh SyStem 自动仪表着陆进近系统AIM-FANS AirbUS Interoperable Modular FANS 空中客车 FANS可运行模块(空中客车公司设计的一种FANS系统结构模块)AIMS AirCraft In formation Man ageme nt SyStem 飞机信息管理系统AIP Aero nautical In formation PUbIiCatiO n 航行资料汇编AIP AirPOrt ImPrOVeme nt PrOgram 航空港改进计划AIRCOM digital air/ground communicatiOnS SerViCeS PrOVided by SITA 由 SITA 提供的数字空地通信服务AIRAC Aero nautical In formation RegUIatiOn And Co ntrol 航行资料规划和管制,定期制航行通告AIREP Air RePOrt 空中报告AIRMET Airme n's MeteOrological in formatio n 飞行员的气象资料AIS Aero nautical In formation SerViCe(S)航空情报服务AKN ACkno Wledgme nt 认可A/L Autola nd 自动着陆AL AIerti ng SerViCe 告警服务ALC ASynChron OUS Link Co ntrol 异步链路控制ALS AUtOmatiC Lan di ng SyStem 自动着陆系统ALSF APPrOaCh Light SyStem With SeqUe need FIaShi ng IightS 顺序闪光的进近灯光系统ALSIP APPrOaCh Light SyStem ImPrOVeme nt PrOgram 进近灯光系统改进计划ALT AirbOrne Link Term in al 机载链路终端ALT AItitUde 高度ALTS AItitUde SeIeCt 高度选择AM AmPIitUde ModUlation 调幅AMC Avio nics Mai ntenance Co nference 机载电子设备维护维修大会AME AmPIitUde ModUlation EqUiVaIe nt 等效调幅AMCP (ICAO) AeronaUtical Mobile CommUnicatiOnSPanel (国际民航组织)航空移动通信专家组AMJ AdViSOry MateriaI-Joi nt 联合咨询资料AMP ARINC MeSSage PrOCeSSOr(ADNS) ARINC 报文处理器AMS Aero naUtical Mobile SerViCe 航空移动服务AMSS Aeron aUtical Mobile-Satellite SerViCe 航空移动卫星业务AMSSP ( ICAO) AeronaUtical Mobile-Satellite SerViCe Panel (国际民航组织)航空移动卫星业务专家组AMTS Aero naUtical MeSSage Tran Sfer SerViCe 航空报文移交业务AMU AUdio Ma nageme nt Unit 话音管理单元AMUX AUdio MUItiPIeXer 音频复用器A/N AIPha nU meric 按字母顺序ANC ICAO Air NaVigatiOn COmmiSSiOn 国际民航组织航行委员会ANICS ALASKAN NAS Interfacility CommUnication SyStem 阿拉斯加美国国家空域系统设施间通信系统ANLP ARINC NetWOrk Layer Protocol ARINC 网络层规程ANP Air NaVigatiOn Pla n 空中航行规划ANP ACtUaI NaVigatiOn PerfOrma nce 实际导航性能ANS Air NaVigatiOn SyStem 空中航行系统ANS Area NaVigatiOn SyStem 区域导航系统ANSI AmeriCan Natio nal Sta ndards In StitUte 美国国家标准学会AOA AerOdrOme OWnerS ASSOCiatiOn 机场企业主协会AOC Aero naUtical OPeratiO nal Co ntrol 航空运营管理AOC AerOdrOme ObStaCIe Chart 机场障碍物图AOC AirCraft OPeratiO nal Center 飞行运行中心AOC Airli ne OPeratiO nal CommU ni catio ns SyStem 航空公司运营通信系统AOCI AirPOrt OPeratOrS CoU ncil In ternatio nal 机场经营与国际协会AOP AerOdrOme OPeratiOns 机场运营AOPA AirCraft OWnerSand Pilots ASSOCiatiOn 航空器企业主与驾驶员协会AOR Atla ntic OCean Regio n 大西洋区域AORE Atla ntic OCean Regi On EaSt 东大西洋区域AoRW AtIa ntic OCean Regi On WeSt 西大西洋区域AlP AUtOPilot自动驾驶APANPIRG ASIAIPAC Air NaVigatiOn Pla nning and ImPIeme ntati On Regio nal Group 亚太地区航行规划和实施小组APC AUtOPilot COmPUter自动驾驶计算机APC Aeronautical PaSSenger CommUniCatiOnS 航空旅客通信APC Aeronautical PUbIiC COrreSPOndence 航空公用通信APIRG AFI Pla nning and ImPIeme ntatio n Regio nal GroUP 非洲地区规划和实施小组APIWP APPrOaCh In tercept WayPOi nt 进近切入点APL AbbreViated FIight Pla n 简略飞行计划APP APPrOaCh Control 进近管制APP( APPR) APPrOaCh 进近APS AirWay Planning Standard 航路设计标准APSR AirPOrt SUrVeiIla nce Radar 机场监视雷达AQP Avio nics QUaIifiCati On Policy 机载电子设备资格QPSK Aero naUtical QUadratUre PhaSe Shift Keyi ng 航空四相相移键控AR ArriVaI RoUte 到达航路ARCW ADS RoUte ConformanCe Warni ng 自动相关监视航路一致性警告ARF AirPOrt ReSerVatiOn FU nction 航空港预定功能ARINC Aero naUtical Radio Inc. 航空无线电公司ARP AerOdrOme reference point 机场基准点ARR ArriVaI message 到达信息ARS AUtOmated Radar SUmmary Chart 自动雷达综合图ARSA AirPOrt Radar SerViCe Area 机场雷达服务区ARSR Air RoUte SUrVeiIla nce Radar 航路监视雷达ARTAS ATC Radar TraCker and SerVer空中交通管制雷达跟踪和服务器ARTCCS Air RoUte TraffiC Con trol Ce nters 航路交通管制中心ARTS AUtOmated Radar Terminal SyStem 自动化雷达终端系统AS AUtonomy Sensor自主式机载传感器ASCPC Air SUPPIy and Cabi n PreSSUre Con trollers 空气供给和机舱压力控制器ASCII AmeriCa Sta ndard Code for In formation In tercha nge 美国信息交换标准码ASD AirCraft SitUatiOn DiSPIay 飞机状态显示器ASDE AirPOrt SUrfaCe DeteCtiO n EqUiPme nt 机场场面探测设备ASDL Aero naUtical Satellite Data Link 航空卫星数据链ASECNA Age ncy for the SeCUrity of AeriaI NaVigatiOn in AfriCa and MadagaSCar 非洲和马达加斯加航行安全局ASG ARINC Sig nal GateWay ARINC 信号网关ASI AVio nics SyStem In tegration 航空电子仪表系统集成ASK AmPIitUde Shift Keying 振幅移位键控AM ( ASM) AirSPaCe Management 空域管理SMGCS AdVa need SUrfaCe MOVeme nt GUida nce and Con trol SyStem 先进场面活动引导和控制系统ASOS AUtOmated SUrfaCe ObSerVi ng SyStem 自动场面观测系统ASP ArriVaI SeqUencing PrOgram 进场顺序计划ASP Aeronautical CommuniCatiOn SerViCe ProCeSSor 航空通信业务处理器ASPP (ICAo ) Aeronautical Fixed SerViCe (AFS) SyStem Planning for Data Interchange Panel (国际民航组织)航空固定电信业务系统数据交换规划专家组ASR AirPOrt Surveilla nce Radar 机场监视雷达ASRS AViatiO n Safety RePOrti ng SyStem 航空安全报告系统ASTERIX All- PUrPOSe StrUCtUred Euroc On trol Radar In formatio n EXCha ngeASTA AirPOrt SUrfaCe TraffiC AUtOmatiO n 机场场面交通自动化A/T Auto throttlt 自动油门AT Air TraffiC 空中交通AT&T AmeriCan TeIePhOne and TeIegraPh 美国电话电报公司ATA Air Tran sport ASSOCiatiOn of AmeriCan 美国航空运输协会ATAG Air Tran sport Actio n Group 航空运输行动小组ATAR AUtOmatiC Air RePOrt ing 航空自动报告ATAR AUtOmatiC Air RePOrti ng StUdy Group 航空自动报告研究组ATC Air TraffiC Co ntrol 空中交通管制ATCC Air TraffiC Con trol Ce nter 空中交通管制中心ATCBI Air TraffiC Con trol BeaCOn In terrogator 空中交通管制信标询问器ATCCOmm Air TraffiC Con trol Commu nicatio ns SyStem(HardWare & SOftWare) 空中交通管制通信系统(硬件和软件)ATCRBS Air TraffiC Con trol Radar BeaCOn SyStem 空中交通管制雷达信标系统ATCS Air TraffiC Con trol SerViCeS 空中交通管制服务ATCT AirPOrt TraffiC Control Tower 机场交通管制塔台ATCU ATC Unit空中交通管制单位ATD Alo ng-Track DiSta nce 沿航线距离ATE AUtOmatiC TeSt EqUiPme nt 自动测试设备ATFM Air TraffiC Flow Ma nageme nt 空中交通流量管理ATIS Air TraffiC In formation SerViCe 空中交通信息服务ATIS AirPOrt Termi nal In formation SerViCe 机场终端信息服务ATIS AUtOmated(automatic) Term inal In formation SerViCe 自动终端情报服务ATM Air TraffiC Man ageme nt 空中交通管理ATN Aeron autical Telecom mun icati OnS NetWOrk 航空电信网ATNP ( ICAO)Aeronautical TelecommunicatiOn NetWork Panel (国际民航组织)航空电信网专家组ATO ACtUaI Time OVer 实际经过时间ATRK Alo ng-Track Error 沿航线误差ATS Air TraffiC SerViCeS 空中交通服务ATSC Air TraffiC SerViCeS Commu nicati On 空中交通服务通信ATT AttitUde 姿态AUSSAT AUStraIia n Satellite 澳大利亚卫星AUTODIN AUtOmated DigitaI NetWOrk 自动化数字网络AUTOVON AUtOmatiC V oice NetWOrk 自动化话音网络AUX AUXiIiary 辅助AVOL AerOdrOme ViSibiIity OPeratiO nal Level 机场能见度运行等级AVPAC AViatiO n VHF PaCket Commu ni catio ns 航空甚高频分组通信AVS AViation Standards 航空标准AWANS AViatiO n Weather And NoTAM SyStem 航空气象和航行通告系统AWoP (ICAO ) All Weather OPeratiOns Panel (国际民航组织)全天候运行专家组AWOS AUtOmated Weather ObSerVi ng SyStem 自动化气象观测系统AWP AViatiOn Weather PrOCeSSOr 航空气象处理器AWS AViatiOn Weather SerViCe 航空气象服务AZ AZimUth tran Smitter 方位台BBARO BarOmetriC 气压BAZ BaCk AZimUth 后方位,背航道BER BaSiC Encoding Rules 基本编码规则BER Bit Error Rate 误码率BIT BUiIt-I n-TeSt 机内测试BITE BUiIt-I n-TeSt EqUiPme nt 机内测试设备BOP Bit Orie nted Protocol 面向位的协议BPS bits Per seco nd每秒传送位数;每秒比特数BPSK BiPhaSe Shift Keying 两相相移键控BRITE Bright Radar In dicator Tower EqUiPme nt 塔台高亮度雷达显示设备BRL Beari ng Range Li ne 方位距离线BSU Beam Steering Unit天线方位控制组件BUEC BaCkUP Emerge ncy CommUni Cati OnS 备用紧急通信C通信Band Approx. 5,0OoMHZ C 波段C/A (CA) Code COUrSe ACqUiSiti On Code 粗获码(民用的)C/I Carrier-to-I nterfere nce Ratio 信号干扰比C/N Carrier-to-Noise Ratio 信噪比CA ConfnCt Alert 冲突告警CA GPS COUrSe- ACqUiSitiOn Code 粗捕获码(民用码)CA/MSAW ConfIiCt Alert/Minimum Safe AItitUde Warning 冲突告警 /最低安全高度警告民航CAA Civil AViatiO n Admi nistratio n, Civil Aero nautical Authority, Civil AViatiO n AUthOrity局CAAC Gen eral Admi nistratio n of Civil AViatiO n of Ch ina 中国民用航空总局CAASD Cen ter for AdVa need AViatiO n SyStem Developme nt(The MITRE Corporati On)(MITRE 公司)高级航行系统开发中心CAB Civil Aero nautical BUreaU 民航局CARF Cen tral AItitUde ReSerVatiOn FUn ction 中央飞行高度保留功能CARS Civil Air RegUIatiO ns 民用航空规则CASITAF CNS/ATM impleme ntatio n task force 新航行系统实施特别工作组CAT CategOry仪表着陆等级CAT I CategOry I 一类仪表着陆CAT n CategOry ∏二类仪表着陆CAT Ina CategOry Ina三类a级仪表着陆CAT Inb CategOry Inb三类b级仪表着陆CAT InC CategOry InC三类C级仪表着陆CATC Civil AViatio n Trai ning Ce nter 民航培训中心CATMAC Co-operative Air TraffiC Ma nageme nt Co ncept 空中交通管理合作方案CBA Cost/Be nefit An alysis 成本效益分析BAND The frequency range between 4000 and 800OMHZ 4000 至U 800OMHZ 频段CBI COmPUter BaSed In StrUCtiO n 计算机基本指令CBT COmPUter-BaSed Trai ning 计算机辅助训练CC Co nn ection Confirm 联接确认CCA Continen tal Co ntrol Area 大陆管制区CCC蜂窝式CNS概念CCD Con solidated Cab DiSPIay 综合机舱显示器CCIR In ternatio nal Radio Co nsultative COmmittee 国际无线电咨询委员会CCITT In ternatio nal TeIegraPh and TeIePhO ne Con SUItatiVe COmmittee 国际电报电话咨询委员会CCP Contin ge ncy Comma nd Post 应急指挥站CCWS Com mon con troller WOrkStatiO n 通用管制员工作站CD Com mon DigitiZer 通用数字化仪设备CDC COmPUter DiSPIay Cha nnel 计算机显示通道CDI COUrSe DeViatiO n In dicator 偏航指示器CDM Code divisio n multiplex 码分复用CDM Contin UoUS Delta Modulation 连续增量调制CDMA Code DiViSiO n MUltiPle ACCeSS 码分多址CDT Con trolled DePartUre TimeS 管制离场时间CDTI COCkPit DiSPIay of TraffiC In formatio n 驾驶舱交通信息显示CDU Co ntrol DiSPIay Un it 控制显示组件CEP CirCUIar error PrObabiIity 圆概率误差CERAC Combi ned Center Radar APPrOaCh Co ntrol 雷达进近管制联合中心CFCC Ce ntral Flow Co ntrol Computer 中央流量管制计算机CFCF Central Flow Control FaCiIity 中央流量管制设施(功能)CFDPS COmPaCt FIight Data PrOCeSSing SyStem 小型飞行数据处理系统CFWP Central Flow Weather PrOCeSSOr 中央流量气象处理机CFWSU Cen tral Flow Weather SerViCe Un it 中央流量气象服务单元(组件)CHI COmPUter HUman In terface 机人接口CIDIN Com mon ICAo Data In tercha nge NetWOrk 国际民航组织公用数据交换网CIS Cooperative independent SUrVeiIlance 合作式独立监视CLAM CIeared Level Adhere nce Mo nitori ng 放行高度保持监视CLB Climb 爬升CLK Clock 时钟CLNP Conn ectio nl ess NetWOrk Protocol 无连接网络规程(协议)CLR Clear 清除CMC Central Mai nte nance COmPUter 中央维护计算机CMD Comma nd 命令CMS Cabin Management SyStem 机舱管理系统CMU Com mun icatio ns Man ageme nt Unit 通信管理单元CNDB CUStOmiZed NaVigatiOn DatabaSe 用户导航数据库CNS Con Solidated NoTAM SyStem 综合航行通告系统CNS/ATM Communication NaVigation, SUrVeillance/Air TraffiC Management 通信导航监视 /空中交通管理CODEC Coder/DeCOder 编码器 /解码器COM/MET/OPS Commu nicatio n/ Meteorology/ OPeratiO ns 通信 / 气象 / 运行COMLO COmPaSS Locator罗盘定位器;罗盘示位信标COMM Commu ni Cati On 通信COMP COmPreSSOr 压缩器COMSEC Commu ni Cati OnS SeCUrity 通信保安CON Continuous 连续CONUS Con ti nen tal, Con tiguous, or Con term in OUS Uni ted StateS 美国大陆本部(四十八州)COP Change OVer Point 转换点COP CharaCter Oriented Protocol 面向字符协议COTS COmmerCiaI Off-the-Shelf 商业货架产品供应CPDLC Con troller Pilot Data Link Commu ni catio ns 管制员驾驶员数据链通信CPFSK Co ntin UoUS PhaSe FreqUe ncy Shift Keying 连续相位频移键控CR Connection ReqUeSt 联接申请CRA ConfIiCt Resolution AdViSOry 冲突解脱咨询CRC CyCIiC RedUndant CheCk 循环冗余校验CRCO Central Route ChargeS OffiCe 中央航路收征费办公室CRM C Reference Model C 参考模式CRM Collisi On RiSk Model ing 碰撞危险模型CRM CreW ReSOUrCe Management 机组人员安排CRT CathOde Ray TUbe 阴极射线管CRZ CrUiSe 巡航CSA Standard ACCUrate Channel 标准精度通道CSE COUrSe Setting Error 航线设定误差CSMA Carrier SenSe MUItiPIe ACCeSS (datali nk protocol)载波侦听多址访问C/SOIT Communication/ SUrVeiIlance OPeratiOnal ImPIementatiOn Team 通信监视运行实施小组(美国)CTA Calculated Time of ArriVaI 计算到达时间CTA Control Area 管制区CTAS Cen tral TraCOn AUtOmatiOn SyStem 中央终端雷达进近管制自动系统CTL Co ntrol 控制CTMO Central traffic Man ageme nt Orga ni zatio n 中央交通流量管理组织CTMO Cen tralized TraffiC Ma nageme nt Orga ni ZatiOn 中央交通管理组织CTOL Co nven tio nal Take Off and Lan di ng 常规起飞着陆CTR Control Zone 管制地带CTS Control TraCki ng StatiO n 控制跟踪站CU ControlUnit 控制单元C§W Control and Warning 控制和告警CW Carrier WaVe 载波CWl Co nti nuous WaVe In terfere nce 连续波干扰CWP Central Weather PrOCeSSOr 中央气象处理器CWSU Center Weather SerViCe Unit 中央气象服务单元DDIA Digital-to-Analog 数/模转换DABS DiSCrete AddreSSabIe BeaCOn SyStem 离散寻址信标系统DADC DigitaI Air Data COmPUter 数字大气数据计算机ATIS DigitaI AUtOmatiC Terminal In formation SerViCe 数字自动终端信息服务DA DeCiSiOn AddreSSing beacOn SyStem 决断寻址信标系统DA Demand ASSignment 按需分配DA/H DeCiSi On AItitUde(Height)决断高度DARC DireCt ACCeSS Radar Channel 直接存取雷达信道DARP Dy namic Air Route Pla nning 动态航线计划DARPS Dyn amic AirCraft (Air) Route Pla nning StUdy 动态飞机航线计划研究DC DePartUre CIearance 离场放行许可DC DireCt CUrrent 直流(电)DCC DiSPIay Cha nnel Complex 显示通道组合DCIU Data Control In terface Un it 数据控制接口单元DCL DePartUre CIeara nce DeIiVery 起飞许可传送DCPC DireCt Con troller Pilot Com mun icatio n 管制员驾驶员直接通信DES Data EnCryPtiOn Standard 数据加密标准DF DireCtiOn Finder 测向器DFCS DigitaI FIight Con trol SyStem 数字飞行控制系统DFDAU DigitaI FIight Data ACqUiSiti OnUnit 数字飞行数据采集单元DGCA DireCtOr-Ge neral Civil AViatiOn 民航局长DGNSS Differe ntial Global NaVigatiOn Satellite SyStem 差分全球导航卫星系统DGPS Differe ntial Global POSitiO ning SyStem 差分全球定位系统DH DeCiSi On Height 决断高度DIP DiPIeXer 双工器DL Data Link 数据链DLAC Data Link APPIiCatiO ns Codi ng 数据链应用编码DLAS Differential GNSS InStrUment APPrOaCh SyStem 差分 GNSS 仪表进近系统DLK data link 数据链DLORT FAA Data Link OPeratiO nal ReqUireme nts Team FAA 数据链运行要求工作组DMAP ICAO Data Link Mobile APPIiCatiOns Panel(proposed)国际民航组织数据链移动应用专家组(建议)DME DiSta nce MeaSUri ng EqUiPme nt 测距设备DME/N DiSta nce MeaSUri ng EqUiPme nt/Normal 标准测距设备DME/P DiSta nce MeaSUri ng EqUiPme nt/Precisio n 精密测距设备DMU Data Ma nageme nt Un it 数据管理单元DO ( DOC) DOCUment 记录(文件)DOD DePartment of Defense (美国)国防部DOP DiIUtiOn of PreCiSiO n 精度扩散因子DOT DePartment of Transportation (美国)运输部DOTS Dyn amic OCean TraCki ng SyStem 动态海洋跟踪系统DP Disconnect ReqUeSt 分离拆线请求DPF Data ProCeSSing FUnCtion 数据处理功能D8PSK Differential Eight-PhaSe Shift Keying 差分 8 相移键控DPSK Differe ntial PhaSe Shift Keyi ng 差分相移键控DRMS DiStance Root Mean SqUare 距离均方根值DRN DOCUment ReIeaSe NOtiCe 文件发放通告DSB — AM Double Sideba nd AmPIitUde 双边带调幅DSDU Data Sig nal DiSPIay Un it 数据信号显示单元DSP DePartUre SeqUencing PrOgram 起飞排序计划;离港排序计划DT Data数据DTE Data Terminal EqUiPment 数据终端设备DT&E Developme nt TeSt and EVaIUatiO n 开发测试和评估DTF Data TeSt FaCiIity 数据检测设备DTG待飞距离DTN Data Tran sport NetWOrk 数据传输网络DUAT DireCt USer ACCeSS Termi nal 用户直接存取终端DVoR Doppler Very high freque ncy Omn i-directio nal Ra nge 多普勒甚高频全向信标EEANPG EUrOPean Air NaVigatiOn Pla nning Group 欧洲航行规划小组DARC En ha need DireCt ACCeSS Radar Cha nnel 增强的直接存取雷达信道EARTS En roUte AUtOmated Radar TraCk ing SyStem 航路自动化雷达跟踪系统EASIE En ha need ATM and Mode S ImPIeme ntation in EUrOPe 欧洲 S 模式和增强的空中交通管理实施项目EATCHIP EUrOPean ATC Harmo nization ImPIeme ntation PrOgram 欧洲空中交通管制协调实施计划EATMS EUrOPean Air TraffiC Man ageme nt SyStem 欧洲空中交通管理系统ECAC EUrOPean Civil AViatiO n Co nference 欧洲民航会议ECEF地心地固坐标EDCT EStimated DePartUre CIearance Time 预计离港起飞放行时间EET EStimated EIaPSed Time 预计经过时间EFAS En roUte FIight AdViSOry SerViCe 航路飞行咨询服务EFAS EXtended Final APPrOaCh Segment 扩展最后进近段EFIS EIeCtrO nic FIight In StrUme nt SyStem 电子飞行仪表系统EFC EXPeCt FUrther CIearance 预期进一步放行许可EFIS EIeCtrO nic FIight In formation SyStem 电子飞行情报系统EGNOS EUrOPean global naVigation OVerIay SyStem 欧洲全球导航重迭系统EHSI EIeCtrO nic Horiz On tal SitUatiOn In dicator 电子平面状态显示器EIRP EqUiVaIe nt ISotropic Radiate Power 等效各向同性辐射功率EISA EXte nded In dUStry Stan dard ArChiteCtUre 扩展的工业标准结构EL EIeVatiOn TranSmitter 仰角台ELOD En roUte SeCtOr Load 航路扇区负载管制飞机数量ELT Emergency Locator TranSmitter 紧急示位发射机EMC EIeCtrOmag netic COmPatibiIity 电磁兼容EMI EIeCtrOmag netic In terfere nce 电磁干扰ENRI EIeCtrO nic NaVigatiOn ReSearCh In StitUte (日本)电子导航研究所EoF Emerge ncy OPerati OnS FaCiIity 应急运行设施EPA EnVironmen tal PrOteCtiOn Age ncy 环境保护署ER Error 误差ERL Environmental ReSearCh LabOratOrieS 环境研究实验室ERM En Route Meteri ng 航路计量管制ERN Earth Refere need NaVigatiO n 大地参考导航ERP EffeCtiVe Radiated Power 有效幅射功率ES End SyStem终端系统ESA EUrOPean SPaCe Agency 欧洲航天局ESCAN EIeCtrO nic SCannin g(radar antenna)ESMMC En ha need SMMC 增强的系统维护监视台ESP En route SPaCi ng PrOgram 航路间隔计划EST EStimated message 预计信息ETA EStimated Time of ArriVaI 预计到达时间ETB EStimated Time of Bou ndary 预计边界时间ETD EStimated Time of DePartUre 预计离港时间ETG En ha need Target Gen erator增强的显示目标产生器ETN EStimated Time of En try 预计进入时间ETO EStimated Time OVer 预计飞越时间ETSI EUrOPea n Telecom muni Cati OnSStan dardS In StitUte 欧洲电信标准学会EU EUrOPean Union 欧洲联盟EURATN EUrOPean ATN 欧洲航空电信网EUROCAE EUrOPean Orga ni ZatiOn for CiVil AViatiO n EIeCtrO nics 欧洲民用航空电子学组织EUROCONTROL EUrOPean OrganiZatiOn for the Safety of Air NaVigatiOn 欧洲航行安全组织(欧安局)EVS En ha need ViSio n SyStem 增强视景系统EWAS En-roUte Weather AdViSOry SerViCe 航路气象咨询服务FF&E FaCiIitieS and EqUiPme nt 设施和设备F,E&D FaciIitieS, Engin eeri ng, and DeVeIoPme nt 设施、工程和开发FAA FederaI AViatiOn Administration (美国)联邦航空局FAATC FAA TeChnical Center (美国)联邦航空局技术中心FAF Fi nal APPrOaCh FiX 最终进近坐标FANS ICAO FUtUre Air NaVigatiOn SyStemS (国际民航组织)未来航行系统FANS SPeCiaI COmmittee On FUtUre Air NaVigatiOn SyStemS 未来航行系统特别委员会FANS(PhaSe II) SPeCiaI COmmittee for the Mon itor- ing and Co-Ordin ati On Of DeVeIoP- ment and Tran SitiOn Pla nning for the FUtUre Air NaVigatiOn SyStem 未来航行系统监督、协调发展与过渡规划专门委员会FAR FederaI AViatiO n RegUIatiOn 联邦航空条例FAS Final APPrOaCh Segment 最后进近段FASID FaCiIitieS And SerViCeS ImPIeme ntatio n DOCUme nt 设施和服务实施文件FCC FIight CommU nicatio n Center 飞行通信中心FCC FederaI CommU ni CatiOn COmmiSSi On 联邦通信委员会FCC FIight Con trol COmPUter 飞行控制计算机FDAU Flight Data ACqUiSiti OnUnit 飞行数据收集单元FDDlFiber DiStribUted Data In terface 光纤分布数据接口FDEP FIight Data En try and Prin tout 飞行数据输入和输出FDI Fault DeteCtiOn and Isolation 故障检测和隔离FDIO FIight Data Input/Output 飞行数据输入 /输出FDM FreqUe ncy DiViSiO n MUltiPleX 频分复用FDMA FreqUe ncy DiViSiO n MUltiPle ACCeSS 频分多址FDP FIight Data PrOCeSSOr 飞行数据处理器FDPS FIight Data PrOCeSSing SyStem 飞行数据处理系统FDR FIight Data ReCOrder飞行数据记录仪FEATS FUtUre EUrOPean ATS SyStem Concept未来欧洲空中交通服务系统方案FEATS ICAO FUtUre EUrOPean Air TraffiC Man ageme nt SyStem 国际民航组织未来欧洲空中交通管理系统FEC FOrWard Error COrreCti On 前向纟纠错FGC FIight GUida nce COmPUter 飞行引导计算机FGCC FederaI GeOdetiC Con trol COmmittee 联邦大地测量管理委员会FI FIight In SPeCtiO n 飞机校验FIC FIight In formation Center 飞行信息中心FIFO FirSt In-FirSt OUt 先入先出FIFO FIight In SPeCtiOn Field OffiCe 飞行检查现场办事处FIR FIight In formation Regio n 飞行情报区FIS FIight In formation SerViCeS 飞行情报服务FISA AUtOmatiC FIight In formation SerViCe 自动飞行信息服务FL FIight Level飞行高度层FLIR FOrWard Looki ng In fra-red DeteCtiO n 前视红外线探测FM FreqUe ncy Modulation 调频FMC FIight Man ageme nt COmPUter 飞行管理计算机FMEA FaiIUre Mode EffeCtS An alysis 故障模式效果分析FMS FIight Ma nageme nt SyStem 飞行管理系统FMS FreqUency Management SyStem 频率管理系统FMSG FreqUe ncy Man ageme nt StUdy Group 频率管理研究组FMU FIight Man ageme nt Un it 飞行管理组件FMU Flow Ma nageme nt Un it 流量管理单元FOC Full OPerati On CaPabiIity 全运行能力FOM FigUre of Merit 性能指数FPA FIight Path Angle 航迹倾角FPD FIight Plan Data 飞行计划数据FPS MiIitary Primary Radar 军用一次雷达FREQ FreqUency 频率FRP FederaI Radio navigation Plan 联邦无线电导航计划(美国)FS FUnctional Statement 功能描述FSAS FIight SerViCe AUtOmatiOn SyStem 飞行服务自动化系统FSDPS FIight SerViCe Data PrOCeSSing SyStem 飞行服务数据处理系统FSK FreqUe ncy Shift Keying 频移键控FSP Flight StriP Printer飞行进程单打印机FSS FIight SerViCe StatiOn 飞行服务站FSTN FederaI SeCUrity TeIePhO ne NetWork 联邦政府保安电话网络FT FUnctional TeSt 功能测试FTE FIight TeCh nical Error 飞行技术误差FY FiSCaI Year财政年度;会计年度GGA General AViatiOn 通用航空GA Ground annta 地面天线GateIi nk DataIi nk for PaCked aircraft 网关数据链路GADS GeneriC AirCraft DiSPIay SyStem 通用航空器显示系统GAIT Grou nd-based AUgme ntati Onand In tegrity TeCh ni que 陆基增强和完好性技术GAO GOVernment Accounting OffiCe (联邦)政府会计署GBA GeOStatiOnary broadcast area 静止卫星广播区域GCAS GroUnd Collisi On AVOida nce SyStem 地面防撞系统GCS GroUndCon trolled APPrOaCh 地面控制系统GDLP Ground Data Link PrOCeSSOr 地面数据链处理器GDOP GeOmetiC DiIUtiOn Of POSitiOn 位置几何扩散因子GDOP GeOmetry DiIUtiOn of PreCiSi On 精度几何扩散因子GEo GeOStatiOnary 静地的GEO GeOStatiOnary Earth Orbit相对地球静止轨道静止卫星GES Ground Earth StatiOn 地面地球站GFE GOVernment-Furnished EqUiPment 政府提供的设备GHZ Giga hertz千兆赫兹GIB GNSS integrity broadcast全球导航卫星系统完好性数据广播GIC GNSS In tegrity Cha nnel全球卫星导航系统完好性通道GICB Ground-initiated COmm-B 地面启动的 B 类通信GIRU Grou nd In terrogator ReCeiVer Un it 地面应答机接收单元GIS GeOgraPhiCaI In formation SyStem 地理信息系统GLONASS Global Orbit NaVigatiOn Satellite SyStem 全球轨道导航卫星系统(俄罗斯)GLS GPS Landing SyStem GPS 着陆系统GM GUida nce MateriaI 指导材料GMC Grou nd MOVeme nt Control 地面活动管制GMSK GaUSSia n Mi nimum Shift Keyi ngGMT Gree nwich Mea n Time 格林威治时间GNAS General NAS 综合国家空域系统GND Ground 地GNE Gross NaVigatiO nal Error 总导航误差GNR Global NaVigatiOn ReCeiVer 全球导航接收机GNSS Global NaVigatiOn Satellite SyStem 全球导航卫星系统GNSSP ICAO Global NaVigatiOn Satellite SyStemS Pan el 国际民航组织全球卫星导航系统专家组GPSSU Global POSitiOning SyStem Sensor Unit 全球定位系统(GPS)传感器组件GOES GeOStatiO nary OPeratiO nal En viro nmen tal Satellite 静地运行环境卫星GoS Grade Of SerViCe 服务等级GoSEP GOVernme nt OPe n SyStemS In terco nn ection Profile 政府开放系统互联结构GOSIP GOVernme nt OPe n SyStemS ImPIeme ntatio n Profile 政府开放系统实施结构GP GIide-Path 下滑道GPIP GIide-Path Intercept Point 下滑道截获点GPIWP Glide Path In tercept WayPOi nt 滑行道切入点GPO/GPI General PUrPOSe OUtPUt/General PUrPOSe InPUt 通用输出 /通用输入。



英语语言学考研真题与典型题详解I. Fill in the blanks. 1. The features that define our human languages can be call ed ______ features. (北二外2006研)2. Linguistics is usually defined as the ______study of language. (北二外2003研)3. Language, broadly speaking, is a means of______ communication.4. In any language words can be used in new ways to mean new things and can be combined into innumerable sentences based on limited rules. This feature is usually ter med______5. Linguistics is the scientific study of______.6. Modern linguistic is______ in the sense that the linguist tries to discover whatlanguage is rather than lay down some rules for people to observe.7. One general principle of linguistic analysis is the primacy of ______ over writing.8. The branch of linguistics which studies the sound patterns of a language is called______. (北二外2003研)9. The branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words is called______ . (北二外2004研)10. ______mainly studies the characteristics of speech sounds and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription. (北二外2005研)11. Semantics and ______investigate different aspects of linguistic meaning. (北二外2007研)12. In linguistics, ______ refers to the study of the rules governing the way wordsare combined to form sentences in a language, or simply, the studyof the formation as sentence. (中山大学2008研)13. ______can be defined as the study of language in use. Sociolinguistics, on the other hand, attempts to show the relationship between language and society.14. The branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of sentence is called_______. (北二外2008研)15. Saussure distinguished the linguistic competence of the speaker and the actual ph enomena or data of linguistics (utterances) as and . The former refers to the abstract linguisticlinguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community, and the latter is the concrete manifestation of language either through speech or through writing. (人大2006研)16. The description of a language as it changes through time is a ______ study.17. Linguistic potential is similar to Saussure’s langue and Chomsky’s______.18. One of the important distinctions in linguistics is ______ and parole. The formeris the French word for “language”,which is the abstract knowledge necessary for s peaking,listening,writing and reading. The latter is concerned about the actual use of language by peop le in speech or writing. Parole is more variable and may change according to contextu al factors.19. One of the important distinctions in linguistics is and performance. (人大2006研)20. Chomsky initiated the distinction between ______ and performances. (北二外2007研)II. Multiple Choice1.Which of the following is NOT a frequently discussed design feature? (大连外国语学院2008研)A. ArbitrarinessB. ConventionC. Dualityof the following words is entirely arbitrary? (西安交大2008研)A. treeB. crashC. typewriterD. bang3. A linguist regards the changes in language and languages use as______.A. unnaturalB. something to be fearedC. naturalD. abnormal4. Which of the following property of language enables language users to overcome thebarriers caused by time and place, due to this feature of language, speakers of a language are free to talk about anything in any situation?A. Transferability.B. Duality.C. Displacement.D. Arbitrariness:5. The study of physical properties of the sounds produced in speech is closely con nected with______. (大连外国语学院2008研)A. articulatory phoneticsB. acoustic phoneticsC. auditory phonetics6. Which of the following statements is true of Jacobson’s framework of language func tions?A. The referential function is to indulge in language for its own sake.B. The emo tive function is to convey message and information.C. The conative function is to clear up intentions, words and meanings.D. The phat ic function is to establish communion with others.of the following is a main branch of linguistics? (大连外国语学院2008研)A. MacrolinguisticsB. PsycholinguisticsC. Sociolinguistics8. ______ refers to the system of a language, i. e. the arrangement of sounds and w ords which speakers of a language have a shared knowledge of. (西安外国语学院2006研) A. Langue B. Competence C. Communicative competence D. Linguistic potentialstudy of language at one point in time is a _______ study. (北二外2010研)A. historicalB. synchronicC. descriptiveD. diachronic10. “An refer to Confucius even though he was dead 2,000 years ago. ”This shows that language has the design feature of _____.A. arbitrarinessB. creativityC. dualityD. displacement11. The function of the sentence “Water b oils at 100 degreeCentigrade”is .A. interrogativeB. directiveC. informativeD. performative is closely connected with ______. (大连外国语学院2008研) A. Langue B. Competence C. EticIII. True or False1. Onomatopoeic words can show the arbitrary nature of language. (清华2000研)2. Competence and performance refer respectively to a language user’s underlying knowle dge about the system of rules and the actual use of language in concrete situations.3. Language is a means of verbal communication. Therefore, the communication way usedby the deaf-mute is not language4. Arbitrariness of language makes it potentially cre ative, and conventionality of language makes a language be passed from generation to g eneration. As a foreign language learner, the latter is mere important for us.5. The features that define our human languages can be called DESIGN FEATURES. (大连外国语学院2008研)6. By diachronic study we mean to study the changes and development of language.7. Langue is relatively stable and systematic while parole is subject to personal and situational constraints.8. Language change is universal, ongoing and arbitrary.9. In language classrooms nowadays the grammar taught to students is basically descript ive, and more attention is paid to the developing learners’communicative skills.10. Language is a system of arbitrary, written signs which permit all the people ina given culture, or other people who have learned the system of that culture, to com municate or interact.11. Saussure’s exposition of synchronic analysis led to the school of historical lingu istics.12. Applied linguistics is the application of linguistic principles and theories to lan guage teaching and learning.13. Wherever humans exist, language exists. (对外经贸2006研)14. Historical linguistics equals to the study of synchronic study.15. Duality is one of the characteristics of human language. It refers to the fact t hat language has two levels of structures: the system of sounds and the system of me anings.16. Prescriptive linguistics is more popular than descriptive linguistics, because it ca n tell us how to speak correct language. IV. Explain the following terms.(北二外2010研;南开大学2010研)features(南开大学2010研;清华2001研)linguistics6. Descriptive linguistics(四川大学2006研)V. Short answer questions1. Briefly explain what phonetics and phonology are concerned with and what kind ofrelationships hold between the two. (北外2002研)参考答案及解析I.Fill in the blanks.(人类语言区不于其他动物交流系统的特点是语言的区不特征,是人类语言特有的特征。



Training and Practice for English for Academic PurposesPart I1.Discuss the following questions.What are basic principles the researchers must try to follow when they write their research papers? And would you please list some deadly sins a researcher must avoid when they want to publish a research paper? What are the main contents of a research paper?2. Translate the following Chinese introduction into English.提高起重机生产力和安全性的设备研究近些年来,就用研究人员对起重机(crane)的研究兴趣与日俱增。

起重机种类繁多,从樱桃采摘机(cherry pickers)到巨型塔式起重机(huge tower cranes) ,是建筑工地不可或缺的重要设备之一。

由于建筑用起重机工作环境多变(constantly changing working environment), 操作者(operator)责任重大(heavy reliance)。



In recent years, researchers have become more interested in crane research.The variety of cranes, from cherry pickers to giant tower cranes, is one of the most important equipment on construction sites.As a result of the changing working environment of the construction crane, operator is responsible for heavy reliance.Over the past few decades, the technology of overweight machines has been changing rapidly, but the operators have been slow to cooperate with other workers in collaboration.The pace of development of cranes is so rapid that we seem to be asking whether in some respects, the outstrip has exceeded the ability of people to safely use it.This paper aims to explore how to improve crane productivity and raise related security measures through the introduction of new equipment, so as to provide new ideas for the application and case of new cranes.3. You are writing a research paper entitled “The Effects of Radiation from the Sun on Life o n Earth”. In your introduction you need to review, in general terms, how the sun supports life on the earth. Prepare an Introduction section for your paper based on the information below.⏹Distance from the earth: 92,976,000 miles⏹The Sun’s energy comes from nuclear fusion of hydrogen to helium.⏹Intense radiation, including lethal ultraviolet radiation, arrives at the earth’s outer atmosphere.⏹Ozone in the stratosphere protects life on earth from excessive ultraviolet radiation.⏹The seasons of the earth’s climate results from (1) the 23.30tilt of the earth’s axis of rotation from the normal to the plane of the earth’s orbit around the Sun, (2) the large coverage area of water on the earth (about 75% of the earth’s surface), an d (3) the rotation of the earth with associated generation of jet-stream patterns.⏹Radiation passing through the earth’s atmosphere loses most short-wave radiation, butsome arriving at the surface is converted into infrared radiation which is then trapped by water vapor and other tri-atomic molecules in the troposphere and stratosphere, causing global warming.Life on earth is maintained from photosynthesis and conversion of carbon dioxide to oxygen by plants.4.Translate the following parts of sentences in Introduction into proper English.(1)过去对……的研究工作说明……The previous work on … has indicated that…(2)A在1932年做了关于……的早期研究。



国家电网公司专业技术人员电力英语水平考试题库(英语短文判断)第一篇:国家电网公司专业技术人员电力英语水平考试题库(英语短文判断)1.Feature ofpower generationThe simultaneousness of the electric power generation means that ……P2822.Types of circuit breakerThe high voltage circuit breaker is mainly composed of contactors ,……P283 3.Optical fiber communicationOptical fiber communication is a 10-pound note kind of information communication by optical fiber.……P2844.Power plantAccording to the mode of energy conversion ,power plants can be classified into fossil-fired……P2835.Selection of metal material for the boiler in units 1000mwgradeTaking a 10-pound note general view of the 1000mw grade high-efficiency supercritical unit designed ……P2866.The role of the condenserThe condenser is a 10-pound note surface heat exchanger in which cooling water passing through the tubes ……P2877.Hydraulic structureThe selected type of dam of hydraulic power plant depends principally on topographic,……P2888.Heat treatmentThe purpose of post-weld heat treatment is :to diminish the residual stress in the welded……P2899.Business and riskscapitalism ……P29010.ElectricityElectricity may be dangerous.it always takes the shortest way to the ground ……P29011.Undersea lifeThe undersea world is very mysterious.……P29112.Advice on friendshipWe all need friends.without friends we may feel empty and sad ……P292 13.AustralisAustralis is a vast continent,the sixth largest in wor ld.……P29214.BiomassBiomass is a cost-effective source of energy.……P29315.Nuclear radiationNuclear power’s danger to health ,safety ,and even to lifeitselfcan be summed up in one world ……P29416.Livestock’s long shadowWhen you think about the growth of human population over the last century or so ,it is all ……P29517.Pain managementYears ago ,doctors often said that pain was a normal part of life.……P29518.The obama administration’sbank rescue proposalAmong the criticisms of the boama administration’s bank ……P296第二篇:国家电网专业技术人员电力英语水平考试(英语短文判断)1.Advice on friendshipWe all need friends.Without friends we may feel empty and sad.……P3142.Business and riskscapitalism, ……P3113.Closed loop operation of power gridThe closed loop operation of power grid refers to the mode of connecting the substations or transformers ……P3034.ElectricityElectricity may be dangerous.It always takes the shortest way to the ground.……P3125.Feature of power generationThe simultaneousness of the electric power generation means that the electric power generation,……P3026.Grounding of electric equipmentConnecting electric equipment with a grounded conductor in the earth is called grounding.……P3057.Heat treatmentThe purpose of post-weld heat treatment is: to diminish the residual stress in the welded joints;……P310structureThe selected type of dam of hydraulic power plant depends principally on 8.Hydraulic topographic……P3109.Optical fiber communicationOptical fiber communication is a kind information by optical fiber.……P30610.PaperDo you know the key to the following question?……P31311.Power plantAccording to the mode of energy conversion, power plants can be classified into fossil-fired,……P30712.Selection of metal material for the boiler in units of 1 000MW gradeTaking a general view of the 1 000MW high-efficiency supercritical unit designed and made in China,……P30813.Types of circuit breakerThe high voltage circuit breaker is mainly composed of contactors,……P30414.The role of the condenserThe condenser is a surface heat exchange in which cooling water passing through the tubers ……P30815.UnderseaThe undersea world is very mysterious.In the daytime, there is enough light.……P313第三篇:国家电网公司专业技术人员电力英语水平考试题库(英语短文判断)1.Feature of power generation The simultaneousness of the electric power generation means that ……P2822.Types of circuit breaker The high voltage circuit breaker is mainly composed of contactors ,……P2833.Optical fiber communication Optical fiber communication is a 10-pound note kind of information communication by optical fiber.……P2844.Power plant According to the mode of energy conversion ,power plants can be classified into fossil-fired……P2835.Selection of metal material for the boiler in units 1000mw gradeTaking a 10-pound note general view of the 1000mw grade high-efficiency supercritical unit designed ……P286 6.The role of the condenser The condenser is a 10-pound note surface heat exchanger in which cooling water passing through the tubes ……P287 7.H ydraulic structure The selected type of dam of hydraulic power plant depends principally on topographic,……P288 8.Heat treatment The purpose of post-weldheat treatment is :to diminish the residual stress in the welded……P289 9.Business and risks Marx once q uoted a famous saying in his work capitalism ……P290 10.ElectricityElectricity may be dangerous.it always takes the shortest way to the ground ……P29011.Undersea life The undersea world is very mysterious.……P291 12.Advice on friendship We all need friends.without friends we may feel empty and sad ……P292 13.Australis Australis is a vast continent,the sixth largest in world.……P292 14.BiomassBiomass is a cost-effective source of energy.……P293 15.Nuclear radiationNuclear power’s danger to health ,safety ,and even to lifeitself can be summed up in one world ……P294 16.Livestock’s long shadow When you think about the growth of human population over the last century or so ,it is all ……P295 17.Pain management Years ago ,doctors often said that pain was a normal par t of life.……P295 18.The obama administration’s bank rescue proposal Among the criticisms of the boama administration’s bank ……P296第四篇:国家电网公司专业技术人员电力英语水平考试题库-4英语阅读理解阅读理解Passage 1Have you ever seen a moon that looks unbelievably big?1.To what do—harvest moon(All of these)2.The main purpose—is to(inform)3.The author knew—the moon(mysterious)4.The moon looks bigger if(it is--horizon)5.The autumm moon(help farmers--crops)Passage 2Strange thing happens to time when you travel.1.The best title—is(how time--world)2.The difference in—is(one hour)3.From this –ocean(is divided--zones)4.The international—name for(the point--begins)5.If you cross—clock(ahead one--zone)Passage 3Holidays in the United States usually occur at least once a month1.The government—have a(3-day)2.Workers in the—from(Tuesday to Friday)3.Which statement—passage?(All the--vacation)4.The reason—that(no one--place)5.Which of the—passage?(Something—U.S)Passage 4Sarah Winchester was a very rich woman.1.What did—house(Making it bigger)2.The story—had(7 floors)3.Who did—house(Carpenters--workers)4.How long—continue(For 38 years)5.Sarah’s—finished(when she died)Passage 5The diner is only a humble restaurant,1.What’s the—2(The attraction--people)2.The purpose—to(gove a--passage)3.Why do—diner?(It’s--loneliness)4.Diners attract(many--people)5.Diners are(fascinating)Passage 6In the past two years,millions-1.The word—to(make use of)2.It can—fitness,(bicyle--rise)3.The bicycle is(enjoying--revival)4.The reader—are(concerned--lives)5.in the—means(a rapid--sale)Passage 7Doctors have known for a long time that— Or loss1.Doctors have—that(one many--noise)2.This passage—hearing(will be--second)3.According to—aspirin(makes hearing--worse)lions of—they(take--aspirin)5.The purpose—find(whether aspirin--noises)Passage 8Just two month ago,Ana,a teenager,was—1.Ana realizes that(she must--exam)2.Ana has—for(seven years)3.Ana experiences—with(the--lectures)4.Ana tells—about(her family)5.The best—is(Ana comes--colors)Passage 9Any mistake made in the printing of a –Collectors.1.A postage—if(a mistake--printing)2.In 1847—were(not--stamps)3.In 1847—in the(wording)4.$16800—of(the--blue)5.The valuable—by(British printers)Passage 10In the English educational system,1.The purpose—to(describe--on)2.The exam—age of(fifteen)3.We may—that(the exam--exams)4.The passage—that(schooling--England)5.As used—means(to take--of)Passage 11For centuries,in the countries of south and—the1.What can—passage?(It is hard--them)2.Thailand was—because(white—1920s)3.Why is—author?(Because--owners)4.Which of—times?(Today--5150)5.The passage—from(a research report)Passage 12The communications explosion is on the scale of the rail,1.By saying—to(display--life)2.The author—is(amazing)3.Which of—true?(The--functionally)4.According—us to(talk and--are)5.The phrase—by(each car)Passage 13Many private institutions of higher education around the—danger.1.According to—of(their characteristics)2.The author—mean(get into difficulties)3.We can—support(private schools)4.Which of-NOT-schools?(Private--schools)5.Which of--schools?(National--support)Passage 14Japan is getting tough about recycling—and------kind of way.1.According to—of(the consumers)2.Which of—plastics?(It retains--reprocessing)3.According to—to(a kind--layer)4.In the—that(21-inch—so far)5.The author—to(inform)Passage 15A friend of mine,in response to aconversation—of life,1.The author—because(like--unfair)2.Surrendering—will(make--things)3.The second—discusses(it’s—of life)4.In the—fact that(life--fair)5.From the—life is(positive)Passage 16People appear to be born to compute.1.What does—discuss?(The--children)2.From the—children(begin—and talk)3.In his—is(objective)4.According to—children(didn’t think)5.Which of—of?(Children--easily)Passage 17The small coastal town of Broome,in northwest Australia,1.The first—that(Broome--vast)2.Sun Pictures—in that(the—the grass)3.Gregory Peck—(a movie star)4.The non—refers to(an insect--incident)5.It can—by(the Sun Pictures)Passage 18A new technology is going to ripe,one that could transform—lives,1.As is—superconductivity(is--development)2.The new—that(it is being--world)3.What does—wold?(Dramatic)4.From the—that(Asian--technology)5.Which of—passage?(Superconductivity:)Passage 19More surprising,perhaps,than the current difficulties—and thriving.1.By calling—that(more--Europeans)2.From the—that(traditional--difficulty)3.Which of—families?(Many--acceptable)4.Part-time children(are--spouses)5.Even though—families,(the--marriage)Passage 20People become quite illogical when they try to decide—cannot.1.The wold—means(disgusting)2.We can—author(was angry--plants)3.The author—snails(are the--food)4.The best—be(One--Poison05.As indicated—because(they learn--families)Passage 21All the use ful energy at the surface of the earth comes from the activity of the sun.1.The sun is the source---EXCEPT(atomic power)2.Radiant energy is stored---by(plants)3.The sun’s energy provides---all EXCEPT(water)4.The largest part lf the---earth is(absorbed by the earth’s atmosphere)5.Of the sun’s total---receives(a very samall portion)Passage 22The market is a concept---for the passage?1.Which of the following---passage?(What Is the Market?)2.All of the following---EXCEPT(attending a night school)3.You are buying---when you(dine at a restaurant)4.The word---probably mean(concrete)5.In what way is the market---something?(It tells you what to produce)Passage 23X-rays wer first discovered by a German scientist---togethe.1.What puzzled Rontgen---was(some radiation---tube)2.The screen didn’t---when(it was moved to the next room)3.Rontgen put his hand---to(find out more about the rays)4.The rays proved to---through(bone)5.From the passage---are(invisible)Passage 24“Body clocks”are biological methods of controlling---were doing.1.According to the passage(one can help---“body clocks”)2.Irregular signs shown---warning of(possible illnesses)3.We tend to do physical---because(our body is most active then)4.The author suggests---study is(at night)5.According to the---day-dream(every hour in the day time)Passage 25Plastics are materials which are softened---cheaply1.The word“sympathetic”in---means(agreeable)2.It can be concluded from this passage that(plastics are cheap as antiques)3.Which of the following---plastics?(Carbon)4.Plastics that harden----called(thermosetting)5.Which lf the following---passage?(The Development---Material)Passage 26When we analyze the salt salinity of ocean---of the world1.This passage mainly tells us about(the causes of the--salinity)2.It can be inferred from—by(evaporation)3.Which of the following---salinity(Formation of sea ice)4.Which of the following---passage(The temperature---salinity)5.The purpose--Weddell Sea is(to give an example of---salinity)Passage 27The science of meteorology is concerned with---meteorology1.Which of the following is –-passage(Approaches to--Meteorology)2.The predictions of synoptic---based on the(preparation r----maps)3.Which of the following is not---weather forecasting(Sports)4.The author implies—will lead to(greater protection--property)5.In the last sentenceof-refers to(mathematics and physics)Passage 28As we have seen,the focus of medical care in our—of daily life1.Today medical care is placing-on(removing peoples bad living habits)2.In the first paragraph—that(good health is more than not being ill)3.Traditionally,a person—if he(is free from any kind of disease)4.According to the author---(to strive to maintain—possible health)5.According to what—healthy?(People who try to--limitations)Passage 29IF you want to teach your---is not1.If a mother adds—(the childs may feel that--apolgy)2.According to the author—(I’m aware--blame)3.It is not advisable—(it is vague and ineffective)4.We lean from—(their ages should--account)5.It can be inferred—(not as-seems)Passage 30Scratchy throats---catching one1.According to the—(shorten the--illness)2.We learn from the passage that(over-the-counter---)3.According to the passage—(one should take_disease)4.Which of the—cold(A high temperature)5.If children have –(are advised not to--aspirin)Passage 31Sign has become a scientific—stuff1.The study of sign—(a challengeto---)2.The present growing—(an English--deaf)3.According to Stokoe—(a genuine language)4.Most educators objected—(a language could--sounds)5.Stokoe’s argument is—(language is a product of the brain)Passage 32It is hard to track the blue—miles1.The passage is chiefly about(the civilian--system)2.The underwater---(to trace and locate---)3.The deep-sea---(the unique property--)4.It can be inferred—(military---)5.Which of the following—(it is now partly--)Passage 33You never see them—recovered1.What does the author—(It is an indispensable--)2.What information –(Data for analyzing--)3.Why was the black—(The early models often---)4.Why did the Federal—(To make them--)5.What do we know—(there is still---)Passage 34New technology links------to the firm1.What is the author’s attitude—(positive)2.With the increased---(are attaching more-----)3.In this passage—(missing opportunities for---)4.According to the—(Ability to speak---)5.The advantage of—(better control the---)第五篇:国家电网公司专业技术人员电力英语水平考试宝典(补全短文)补全短文Passage 1 Functions of power transmissionCEADBThe function of(1)is to send power from power plants to load center or to exchange。



人类能否移居太空的英文发言稿英文回答:Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed members of thescientific community, today I stand before you to delveinto a topic that has captivated the minds of humankind for centuries – the possibility of humans migrating to the vastness of space.Throughout history, we have yearned to explore the unknown, to push the boundaries of our knowledge and capabilities. The idea of colonizing space has been a recurring theme in science fiction and popular culture, but is it merely a pipe dream, or could it become a reality?To assess the feasibility of human space migration, we must first consider the technological challenges. Establishing a self-sustaining colony in anextraterrestrial environment would require overcoming significant obstacles, including:1. Life support systems: Providing breathable air, potable water, and a stable temperature is essential for human survival. Space colonies would need to be equipped with robust life support systems capable of recycling air and water, as well as generating power.2. Radiation protection: Space is a hazardous environment, exposing astronauts to high levels ofradiation from solar flares and cosmic rays. Colonies would require adequate shielding and radiation-tolerant materials to protect inhabitants from harmful radiation exposure.3. Transportation: Establishing a space colony would necessitate the development of reliable and cost-effective transportation systems for transporting humans, cargo, and equipment to and from Earth and the colony.4. Food production: Sustaining a colony would require a reliable source of food. Space colonies would need to develop closed-loop food production systems, such as hydroponics or aquaculture, to produce sufficient food forthe population.Beyond technological challenges, human space migration also raises fundamental questions regarding the physiological and psychological effects of long-term space travel and living in a closed and isolated environment. Astronauts on the International Space Station have experienced a range of health issues, including bone loss, muscle atrophy, and impaired immune function. Extended missions to Mars or other destinations would likely exacerbate these effects, requiring extensive research and countermeasures.Furthermore, the psychological challenges of living in a confined space with limited social interaction andlimited opportunities for privacy and personal growth must be carefully considered. The mental well-being of colonists would be crucial for the long-term success of space migration.While these challenges are significant, they are not insurmountable. With continued advancements in technology,life sciences, and space exploration, we can envision a future where human space migration becomes a reality.The benefits of human space migration are potentially immense. Establishing a permanent presence in space would allow us to:1. Expand our knowledge and understanding of the universe: Space colonies could serve as platforms for scientific research, enabling us to study distant planets, stars, and galaxies in unprecedented detail.2. Access new resources: Space contains vast untapped resources, such as minerals, energy, and water, that could supplement Earth's dwindling supplies.3. Preserve human civilization: In the event of a global catastrophe on Earth, a space colony could provide a refuge for humanity, ensuring the survival of our species.4. Inspire future generations: The prospect of human space migration has the power to ignite the imagination andinspire young minds to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).The decision of whether or not to pursue human space migration is a complex one, with far-reaching implications for our future. It requires careful consideration of the technological, physiological, psychological, and ethical challenges involved. However, if we dare to dream big and embrace the unknown, the rewards could be immeasurable.In the words of the renowned astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, "The universe is a vast and complex place. It beckons us to explore it, to understand it, and to make it our own. If we do not venture out into the cosmos, we will forever remain confined to our small corner of the universe."Let us embark on this grand adventure together, pushing the boundaries of human ingenuity and leaving an enduring legacy for generations to come. The future of humanity may lie in the stars, and it is up to us to seize this extraordinary opportunity.中文回答:女士们、先生们,科学界尊敬的成员们,我今天站在你们面前,深入探讨一个几个世纪以来吸引着人类心灵的一个话题——人类移民外太空的可能性。



小学上册英语第4单元全练全测英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.Which animal is known for its long neck?A. ElephantB. GiraffeC. Polar BearD. KangarooB2.What is the largest rodent in the world?A. BeaverB. CapybaraC. RatD. Guinea PigB Capybara3. A gecko can change its ______ (颜色) to camouflage.4.The __________ (历史的交织) creates understanding.5.My favorite toy is a ________ (玩具名). It is very ________ (形容词) and I love to play with it. Every day, I spend hours ________ (动词) with my toy.6.The Titanic sank on its maiden _______.7.What is the name of the famous Canadian landmark?A. Sydney Opera HouseB. CN TowerC. Empire State BuildingD. Burj KhalifaB8.What do we call the act of achieving objectives?A. AccomplishmentB. SuccessC. FulfillmentD. All of the AboveD9.What is the process of plants making food called?A. RespirationB. PhotosynthesisC. DigestionD. AbsorptionB10. A ____ is a gentle creature that loves to graze on grass.11.Bases feel ______ and can be slippery.12.My brother is a __________ (项目协调员).13. Mountains are located in ________ (安第斯山脉位于________). The Ande14. A __________ is formed when water evaporates and leaves minerals behind.15.What is the capital of Norway?A. OsloB. StockholmC. CopenhagenD. HelsinkiA16.I love to watch the __________ fall from the sky in winter. (雪)17.What do you call the study of living things?A. BiologyB. ChemistryC. PhysicsD. Geography18.I like to go ______ (骑自行车) in the park.19.The movie was _____ (funny/boring).20.The __________ is a large expanse of open water.21.I want to _______ (了解)生态系统.22.What do we call the act of taking something from one place to another?A. TransportingB. MovingC. TransferringD. ConveyingA23.What do we call the large natural occurring body of salt water?A. LakeB. OceanC. RiverD. Pond24.Chlorine is commonly used as a _____ to disinfect water.25.What is the strongest muscle in the human body?A. HeartB. TongueC. ArmD. LegB26.The fox is very _________ (狡猾).27.Heat can cause a substance to ______.28. A turtle is a slow _______ that carries its shell.29.The _____ (sky/ground) is cloudy.30.The Pacific Ocean is __________ than the Atlantic Ocean.31.The Earth's layers are composed of different ______ materials.32.When I go to the park, I always tell my friends, "Let's meet at ______." (当我去公园时,我总是告诉我的朋友:“让我们在____见面。



小学上册英语第二单元期中试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1 The ________ is a small creature that hops and plays.2 What is 8 + 1?A. 9B. 10C. 11D. 123 What do we call the opposite of ‘happy’?A. SadB. GladC. JoyfulD. Cheerful4 A mixture can be separated by ______.5 I like to ride my ___ (scooter).6 My favorite animal is a _______ (大象).7 The _____ (种植计划) should consider local conditions.8 The state of matter that has a definite volume but no definite shape is ______.9 A _______ (小狩猎者) waits patiently for its prey.10 He is a _____ (工程师) working on smart technology.11 I want to plant a ________ to brighten my room.12 The emu is a flightless ________________ (鸟).13 The _____ (灌溉) system waters the crops.14 What is the name of the famous mouse created by Walt Disney?A. Donald DuckB. GoofyC. Mickey MouseD. Pluto答案:C15 The Earth's tilt affects the ______ of the seasons.16 What is the main function of leaves?A. PhotosynthesisB. ReproductionC. DigestionD. Respiration答案:A17 A ______ is a type of fish that can survive in very cold waters.18 What do we call the study of living things?A. PhysicsB. ChemistryC. BiologyD. Astronomy答案:C19 What do we drink from?A. CupB. PlateC. ForkD. Knife20 How many faces does a cube have?A. 4B. 6C. 8D. 12答案:B21 What is the capital of India?A. MumbaiB. DelhiC. KolkataD. Chennai22 I draw ______ (图画) for my family.23 We celebrate my brother’s __________ every year. (生日)24 What is the hardest natural substance on Earth?A. GoldB. DiamondC. IronD. Silver答案: B25 What is the name of the famous giant panda in the zoo?A. Bao BaoB. Ling LingC. Tien TienD. Shin Shin26 Which planet is known as the Red Planet?A. EarthB. VenusC. MarsD. Jupiter27 What do you call a book about someone's life?A. NovelB. BiographyC. FictionD. Dictionary答案:B28 A _____ (秋天) walk reveals many colorful leaves.29 A ____ flies high in the sky and hunts for small animals.30 What do we call the study of the mind and behavior?A. SociologyB. PsychologyC. PsychiatryD. Neurology答案: B. Psychology31 What is the capital of Spain?A. BarcelonaB. MadridC. ValenciaD. Seville答案: B32 The ______ is a skilled engineer.33 They are going to the _____ (公园).34 Which planet has the most moons?A. EarthB. SaturnC. JupiterD. Mars答案:C35 A koala eats ______ (桉树) leaves.36 What is the term for a person who performs tricks and entertains?A. MagicianB. ClownC. IllusionistD. Entertainer答案:D37 I enjoy drawing pictures of ______ (动物) and ______ (植物).38 The flowers are _____ in the sunshine. (smiling)39 The _____ (wind/snow) is blowing.40 The ________ (世界地图) shows all countries.41 A __________ is a type of animal known for its loyalty to humans.42 A __________ is a famous historical battlefield.43 Elements in the same group of the periodic table have similar ______.44 The protective outer covering of an egg is called the ______.45 A ______ (海豹) enjoys swimming and playing in the water.46 The _____ (fish/bird) is swimming.47 What do you call the light produced by the sun?A. Natural lightB. Artificial lightC. Reflective lightD. Incandescent light答案: A. Natural light48 What is the term for the gradual change of stars over time?A. Stellar EvolutionB. Cosmic ChangeC. Galactic ShiftD. Celestial Movement49 My uncle gave me a ________ (飞行员玩具) that can launch into the air. It’s thrilling!50 The __________ is a place where fresh and saltwater mix. (河口)51 What is the capital of Nicaragua?A. ManaguaB. LeónC. GranadaD. Masaya答案:A52 The color of a star indicates its _______.53 The _____ (volcano) is active.54 What do you call a person who teaches at school?A. DoctorB. TeacherC. EngineerD. Chef55 What is the term for an animal that only eats plants?A. CarnivoreB. HerbivoreC. OmnivoreD. Insectivore答案: B56 What do you call a person who writes books?A. AuthorB. ArtistC. MusicianD. Painter答案:A57 The cheetah runs very _____ fast.58 The ability of a material to conduct electricity is known as _____.59 The invention of the _______ (printing press) revolutionized communication.60 What do you call a person who studies the economy?A. EconomistB. Financial analystC. Market researcherD. All of the above答案:D61 What is 3 + 5?A. 6B. 7C. 8D. 9答案:C62 The __________ is the area where most geological activity occurs.63 I love to eat ________ in the fall.64 A rabbit can have many ______ (小兔子) at once.65 A _____ (植物保护倡导) can raise awareness about biodiversity.66 The __________ can change quickly in the mountains. (天气)67 I can _______ my lunch to school.68 The _____ (学校) is celebrating.69 My cat catches _______ (老鼠).70 What do you call the longest river in North America?A. MississippiB. MissouriC. ColoradoD. Hudson71 The dog is ______ (barking).72 Which day comes after Friday?A. ThursdayB. SaturdayC. SundayD. Monday答案:B73 Pressure can affect the ________ of gases.74 Planets are divided into terrestrial and ______ planets.75 The cake is ______ (decorated) with frosting.76 The cake is ______ (yummy)!77 What do you call a story about real events?a. Fictionb. Non-fictionc. Biographyd. Fairytale答案:B78 The _______ (牛) grazes in the field.79 My ___ (小兔子) loves to eat fresh greens.80 What is the capital of Iceland?A. ReykjavikB. OsloC. HelsinkiD. Faroe Islands答案:A. Reykjavik81 Gardening can also provide opportunities for community ______ and involvement. (园艺还提供了社区参与和互动的机会。



小学上册英语第6单元测验试卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1 __________ is what happens when ice absorbs heat and melts.2 What is the name of the famous ancient statue in Greece?A. DavidB. Venus de MiloC. Colossus of RhodesD. Winged Victory答案: B3 The __________ (气候) here is warm in summer.4 A frog can leap very ______ (远) to catch insects.5 What is the name of the sweet dessert that is typically served on birthdays?A. CakeB. PieC. TartD. Pudding答案: A6 My sister loves to play with her __________. (玩具)7 What is the term for a baby chicken?A. DucklingB. GoslingC. ChickD. Calf答案:C8 What do you call a sweet food made from sugar?A. CandyB. DessertC. TreatD. All of the above答案:D9 What is the main function of the kidneys?A. To pump bloodB. To filter wasteC. To digest foodD. To produce hormones答案:B10 I like to collect ________ (邮票) from around the world.11 I saw a ________ in the grass today.12 The main purpose of a catalyst is to speed up a _____.13 What is the process by which plants absorb sunlight?A. PhotosynthesisB. DigestionC. RespirationD. Germination答案:A14 The ancient Greeks used _______ in their architecture. (柱子)15 The ancient Egyptians had a complex system of ________.16 A _______ (小骏马) gallops across the field.17 The rate of a chemical reaction can be affected by temperature, concentration, and ______.18 What is the name of the famous landmark in India?A. Taj MahalB. ColosseumC. Great WallD. Eiffel Tower答案: A19 The first president of the United States was _______.20 My brother enjoys building ____ (models) of cars.21 The _____ of a planet determines its seasons.22 The ______ (鸟) sings sweetly in the morning.23 The trees are ______ in the fall. (changing)24 The bee dances to communicate with other _________. (蜜蜂)25 A ____ can fly high in the sky and has a sharp beak.26 An endothermic reaction absorbs _____ from its surroundings.27 I like to go ________ (溜冰) with my friends.28 n River flows through _____ (4) countries. The Amaz29 My uncle is a skilled ____ (blacksmith).30 An exothermic reaction releases _____.31 The train is _____ (fast/slow).32 The _____ (土壤质量) affects plant growth significantly.33 The __________ is a famous area known for its vineyards.34 How many players are on a cricket team?A. 10B. 11C. 12D. 1335 The octopus can squeeze into tight ________________ (缝隙).36 What is 100 50?A. 40B. 50C. 60D. 70答案:B37 What do you call a young zebra?A. ColtB. CalfC. KitD. Pup38 Certain herbs are known for their ______ qualities, like lavender. (某些草药因其芳香特性而闻名,如薰衣草。



2023年度军队文职人员社会公开招录《英语语言文学》考前冲刺卷学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、单选题(55题)1.( ),domesticated grapes grow in clusters,range in color from pale green to black,and contain sugar in varying quantities.A.Their botanical classification as berriesB.Although their botanical classification as berriesC.Because berries being their botanical classificationD.Classified botanically as berries2.The color in her shirt( )gently after it was washed by washing machine.A.fadedB.vanishedC.dissolvedD.evaporated3.After knowing his partner has been under arrest,he( )his crime.A.concededB.admittedC.recognizedD.confessed4.Which of the following is not the function of the Australian parliament?( )A.Making lawsB.Authorising the Government to spend public moneyC.Scrutinising govermment activitiesD.Interpreting constitutional provisions5.The fifth-generation computers,with artificial intelligence,( )and perfected now.A.developedB.have developedC.are being developedD.will have been developed6.The company adopted new policies to( )its market competitiveness.A.aggravateB.strengthenC.intensifyD.lift7.Which of the following clusters of words is an example of alliteration?( )A.A week seatB.Safe and SoundC.Knock and KickD.Coat and Boat8.Theodore Dreiser ′s works include the following EXCEPT ( )A.An American TragedyB.Trilogy of DesireC.Sister CarrieD.The Adventures of Hucklebery Finn9.The Commonwealth of Nations is an association of independent countries ( )A.that speak English as their native languageB.that have a large number of British immigrantsC.that were once colonies of BritainD.that fought on the side of Britain in the two world wars10.Industrialization of sofware trade leads to the production of software( ).A.elementsB.sectionsponentsD.factors11.The fans did not think( )of him because they know how poorly he was.A.highB.highlyC.badD.badly12.The success of Uncle Tom ′s Cabin did a great contribution to the anti slavery movement and brought this author,( ),an immediate popularity.A.Harriet Beccher StoweB.WhittierC.BryantD.Washington Irving13.Which of the following literary forms is regarded as the most common and influential form that English ( ) poetry has taken since 16th century?A.SonnetB.Blank VerseC.Free VerseD.Essay14.The“first Americans”are( )A.the AboriginesB.the MaoriC.the IndiansD.the Eskimos15.I just wonder( )that makes him so excited.A.why it doesB.what he doesC.how it isD.what it is16.The answers to the problem,the scientists say,is to build up the immune system,which not only will give greater( )to disease but will boost cellular regeneration and improve the skin.A.persistenceB.insistenceC.resistanceD.instance17.Agressive courage and determination,and( )spirit is inevitable for rapid social development.A.innovativeB.freshC.novelD.original18.In the Canadian parliamentary system,( )holds the highest position.A.free morphemeB.The PresidentC.The Governor GeneralD.The Prime Minister19.This country is( )deflationary pressure and the country′s policy-makers should create a better policy mix to cope with the new economic environment.A.confronted withB.coping offC.taking offD.wearing off20.The Cooperative Principle is proposed by ( ).A.SaussureB.GriceC.ChomskyD.Leech21.( ) was honored as“the Father of English PoetryA.William LanglandB.Sir Thomas MarloryC.Geoffrey ChaucerD.Bede22.Which of the following words is made up of bound morphemes only?( )A.HappinessB.TelevisionC.EcologyD.Teacher23.Jane Austen wrote all the following novels EXCEPT ( )A.Sense and SensibilityB.FrankensteinC.Pride and PrejudiceD.Emma24.Which one of the following maxims is not included in the Cooperative Principle?( )A.Maxim of QualityB.Maxim of MannerC.Maxim of CooperationD.Maxim of Quantity25.They gave each other a big hug with( ),since they haven’t seen each other for 15 years.A.passionB.sensationC.sentimentD.emotion26.With( )and fashionable elements,Beijing attracts a large number of young people every year.A.originalB.modemC.novelD.innovative27.-Would you mind telling me your address?-Somewhere in the southern of Handan.Which maxim of the Cooperative Principle that above example violates?( )A.The maxim of qualityB.The maxim of relationC.The maxim of quantityD.The maxim of manner28.Although the teacher has explained to us,the meaning of the article is still( )to me.A.faintB.obscureC.ambiguousD.vague29.It’s reported that by the end of this year the output of cement in the factory( )by about 30%.A.will have risenB.has risenC.will be risingD.has been rising30.The earliest invasion of England is that by( )A.the IberianB.the DanesC.the CeltsD.the Anglo Saxons31.The indigenous people in Australia are( ),which have 2.2% of the total population in 2001.A.aboriginesB.MaorisC.CherokeesD.people from India32.He copied other people’s ideas in writing his new book,which is a kind of copywrite( )A.offenceB.violationC.crimeD.sin33.Easter is a holiday usually connected to the following except( )A.the reunion of a large familying of springC.resurrection of ChristD.eating of Easter eggs34.If we are to use the technique of IC analysis to analyze the sentence“She broke the window with a ( ) stone yesterday”,where is the first cut?A.Between stone and yesterdayB.Between she and brokeC.Between broke and the windowD.Between window and with35.( ) refers to a construction where one clause is coordinated with another.A.EmbeddingB.RecursivenessC.ConjoiningD.Cohesion36.The criterion used in IC analysis is ( )A.transformationB.conjoiningC.groupingD.substitutability37.I am so sorry for that I can’t contact you too frequently these days sinceI’m busy working on an important project( )teB.hardlytelyD.closely38.The poem“I Sought tell my love,Love that never told can be” violates among the ( ) Cooperative Principle.A.the maxim of qualityB.the maxim of relationC.the maxim of quantityD.the maxim of manner39.“Hen”is called“母鸡” in Chinese and“poule” in French.What design feature of language is reflected ( ) in the example?A.DisplacementB.Cultural transmissionC.DualityD.Arbitrariness40.The“three arms of government” of Australia refers to the Parliament,the Executive Government and( )A.the JudiciaryB.the High CourtC.the Defense ForceD.the Air Force41.The smallest meaningful unit of language is ( )A.phoneB.morphemeC.phonemeD.allomorph42.In communication,a smile is usually( )strong sign of a friendly and( )open attitude.A.the,/B.a,anC.a,/D.the,an43.He chose medicine but found,once again,some lack of meaning and so interrupted his studies first to collect( )in the Amazon River and later to spend time recuperating from illness by a trip to Europe.A.fragmentsmonsmentsD.specimens44.The novel For Whom the Bell Tolls is written by ( )A.Scott FitzgeraldB.William FaulknerC.Eugene O′NeilD.Ernest Hemingway45.Of the following writers,( )is NOT a Nobel Prize Winner.A.Samuel BeckettB.James JoyceC.John GalsworthyD.William Butler Yeats46.The computer center,( )last year,is very popular among the students in this school.A.openB.openingC.having openedD.opened47.The first ten amendments,known as( )were added to the American Constitution in 1791.A.the Bill of RightsB.the ArticlesC.Civil RightsD.the Bill of Civil Rights48.The panel has not yet reached agreement on a crucial question,however,( )to recommend legislation that would make it a crime for private funding to be used for human cloning.A.whetherB.ifC.thatD.how49.Among the following poets,who is NOT a lake poet?( )A.Samuel Taylor ColeridgeB.Robert SoutheyC.William WordsworthD.William Colins50.-It was an interesting exhibition,wasn′t it?-No,it was very uninteresting.Which maxim of the Politeness Principle that above example violates?( )A.The tact maximB.The modesty maximC.The agreement maximD.The sympathy maxim51.A sentence is considered when it conforms to the grammatical knowledge in the mind of ( ) native speakers.A.rightB.wrongC.grammaticalD.ungrammatical52.The northern part of the Australia has a tropical climate with only two seasons,and the dry season lasts from( ).A.January to JuneB.July to NovemberC.November to AprilD.May to October53.The direct cause for the Reformation was King Henry VIII’s effort to( )A.divorce his wifeB.break with RomeC.support the ProtestantsD.declare his supreme power over the church54.Which of the following doesn′t belong to the Cooperative Principle?( )A.The generosity maximB.The maxim of qualityC.The maxim of relationD.The maxim of manner55.The machinery had been wrecked so efficiently that police were sure it was a case of ( )A.vagabondB.sabotageC.paradoxD.tachyon参考答案1.D2.A3.A4.D5.D6.B7.B8.D9.C10.C11.B12.A13.B14.C15.D16.C17.A18.C加拿大国会最高职位是总督。



小学上册英语第二单元真题试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.I enjoy making ______ (贺卡) for my friends on their birthdays. It’s a personal touch they appreciate.2. A __________ day is great for going to the park. (晴朗的)3.The _______ (兔子) has a very soft coat.4.The bus driver, ______ (公交车司机), is very friendly.5.My favorite season is ______ (春天) because the flowers ______ (开花) and the weather is ______ (温暖). I like to go outside and ______ (玩耍) with my friends.6.My dad drives a _____ (truck/car).7.My mother is a _____ (作家) and publishes books.8.The Earth's surface is shaped by both natural and human ______.9.The __________ of a river describes its flow and direction.10. A guppy is a small ______ (鱼) often kept in aquariums.11.The cat chases a ______.12.What sound does a cow make?A. BarkB. MeowC. MooD. RoarC13.The _______ (Crusades) were a series of religious wars in the Middle Ages.14.What is the capital of Venezuela?A. CaracasB. BogotaC. QuitoD. Lima15.I like to ___ (dance) to my favorite songs.16.How many teeth does a full set of adult teeth have?A. 28B. 30C. 32D. 34C17.What is the capital city of Norway?A. OsloB. BergenC. StavangerD. Tromsø18. A __________ (气体收集) method is used to gather gas produced in reactions.19.An endothermic reaction absorbs _____ (heat) from the surroundings.20.The frog croaks loudly when it’s _______ (下雨).21.The puppy is ______ around the house. (running)22.The reaction of an acid with a carbonate produces ______.23.The main ingredient in vinegar is ______ acid.24.How many months are there in a year?A. 10B. 11C. 12D. 1325.What is the name of the famous astronomer who proposed the heliocentric theory?A. CopernicusB. GalileoC. KeplerD. Newton26.The process of plants making their food using sunlight is called __________.27.The ________ was a significant leader in the campaign for peace.28.The chemical formula for copper(II) sulfate is ______.29.The parrot mimics sounds from its ______ (主人).30.What is the capital city of Kenya?A. NairobiB. KampalaC. Addis AbabaD. Dar es SalaamA31.The _______ (小老虎) is a powerful predator.32.The __________ was a major event in the history of the United States. (美国内战)33.The chemical symbol for lithium is ______.34.The goat has curved ______ (角).35. A ______ is an elevated area of land surrounded by lower terrain.36.The __________ (历史的探索) reveals connections.37.I have a special ______ (相册) where I keep all my favorite ______ (照片).38.What is 5 3?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4B39.The chemical formula for aluminum chloride is _______.40.In a chemical reaction, the total energy before and after the reaction must remain ____.41.An acid has a pH less than _____.42.My favorite exercise is ______.43. A solvent is the substance that dissolves the ______.44.What do bees make?A. MilkB. HoneyC. JuiceD. Bread45.What is the capital of the United States?A. New YorkB. Washington,C. Los AngelesD. ChicagoB Washington, D.C.46.There are many _____ (books) on the shelf.47.Exoplanets are planets that orbit _______ outside our solar system.48.What do we call the place where you borrow books?A. SchoolB. LibraryC. MuseumD. Park49. A __________ can be a solid, liquid, or gas.50.What is the name of the famous tower in Paris?A. Eiffel TowerB. Big BenC. Leaning Tower of PisaD. Tokyo TowerA51.What is the name of the device used to take photos?A. CameraB. ProjectorC. ScannerD. Monitor52.The __________ (园艺) can be a rewarding hobby.53.The weather is ________ today.54.The ______ is a part of the brain that controls movement.55.What is the name of our galaxy?A. AndromedaB. Milky WayC. WhirlpoolD. Triangulum56.How many colors are in a traffic light?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 257.The process of neutralization results in the formation of ______.58.What do we use to keep our food cold?A. OvenB. MicrowaveC. RefrigeratorD. Toaster59. A flame is a visible part of a ______ reaction.60.We have a ______ (丰富的) array of extracurricular activities.61.The process of fermentation converts sugars into __________.62.The ________ is very helpful to nature.63.I enjoy _____ (reading/watching) movies.64.I enjoy _____ (参加) workshops.65.The density of a substance is calculated by dividing its mass by its _______.66.Which planet can be seen from Earth without a telescope?A. PlutoB. NeptuneC. MarsD. All of the above67.The chemical formula for sodium phosphate is __________.68.Which day comes after Monday?A. SundayB. TuesdayC. WednesdayD. ThursdayB69.________ (植物保护法规) guide practices.70.What is 20 - 8?A. 10B. 12C. 14D. 1671.__________ are essential for maintaining healthy ecosystems.72.I want to ___ a scientist. (become)73.The __________ can change due to human intervention.74.I want to _______ (探索) new places.75.My dad is the best __________ (厨师) in our family.76.The ancient Romans excelled in ________ and engineering techniques.77.I like to tell stories with my __________ (玩具名).78.Which tool is used for cutting paper?A. HammerB. ScissorsC. RulerD. ScrewdriverB79.We have _______ (homework) to do.80.I _____ (love/hate) to swim in the pool.81.What is the main source of light during the day?A. MoonB. StarsC. SunD. FireC82.I can _____ (跳舞) well.83.What is the name of the famous American singer known for her hits like "Like a Prayer"?A. MadonnaB. Janet JacksonC. Whitney HoustonD. Mariah CareyA84.Which animal is known for its ability to change color?A. ChameleonB. DogC. CatD. Parrot85.Chemical energy is stored in ______ bonds.86.Planting _____ (香味植物) can attract butterflies to the garden.87.What do you call the sound a cow makes?A. BarkB. MeowC. MooD. Roar88.What do we call the study of the Earth and its features?A. GeographyB. GeologyC. EcologyD. History89.I think science is fascinating because it explains __________.90.What do we call a collection of stars?A. GalaxyB. UniverseC. PlanetD. Comet91.I have a toy _______ that can spin and dance to music.92.The Earth's surface is shaped by a combination of internal and ______ forces.93.The mosquito bites _______ (人) for blood.94.The __________ is the process by which water vapor condenses into liquid water.95.What do we call the first month of the year?A. FebruaryB. MarchC. JanuaryD. AprilC96.The Earth's atmosphere protects us from harmful ______.97.The __________ (历史的修正) corrects misconceptions.98.His favorite movie is a ________.99. A _______ is a substance that can lower the activation energy of a reaction. 100. A ________ (浮萍) grows on water surfaces.。



小学上册英语第四单元测验试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the main ingredient in pizza?A. BreadB. RiceC. PastaD. Chicken答案:A2.The __________ (绿色空间) is essential for health.3.What is 10 7?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4答案:C4.satellite image) provides aerial views of Earth. The ____5.Which fruit is red and round?A. BananaB. AppleC. GrapeD. Orange6. A ______ (蟋蟀) makes chirping sounds to attract mates.7. A __________ is formed by the accumulation of sediment in a river delta.8.What do we call a scientist who studies rocks?A. BiologistB. GeologistC. ChemistD. Physicist9.What do we call a person who studies the human body?A. AnatomistB. BiologistC. PhysiologistD. Pathologist答案:A10.The __________ is changing quickly, so I should grab my coat. (天气)11.__________ are used in the pharmaceutical industry for drug formulation.12.The ________ (遗传改良) can enhance crops.13.The chemical formula for nickel(II) chloride is _____.14.Planets can be _____ or gas giants.15.What is the capital of Georgia (the country)?A. TbilisiB. BatumiC. KutaisiD. Rustavi答案:A16.The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand led to ________ War I.17.This ________ (玩具) encourages learning.18.She has a ________ for her birthday.19.What do we call a story that is passed down orally from generation to generation?A. MythB. LegendC. FolktaleD. Fable答案:C20.His favorite color is ________.21. A _______ helps to measure the effects of temperature on materials.22.Energy can be stored in _______ forms, like batteries.23.We have _____ (很多) homework to do.24.What do you call a large cat that roars?A. LionB. TigerC. LeopardD. Panther答案:A25.__________ can include many colors and patterns.26.My grandmother is my favorite _______ because she tells stories.27.The _____ (花朵) bloom in various shapes and colors.28. A compound is made up of two or more different ______.29.The chemical symbol for fluorine is ______.30.The _____ (小鸟) takes flight as I walk closer.31.My grandmother makes the best _____. (cookies)32.What is the main gas in the air we breathe?A. OxygenB. NitrogenC. Carbon DioxideD. Helium33.What is 50 ÷ 10?A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 7答案:B34.What is the largest planet in our Solar System?A. SaturnB. JupiterC. EarthD. Mars35.The kitten is ___ on the couch. (sitting)36. A _____ occurs when a comet passes close to the sun.37.Which sport uses a bat and ball?A. SoccerB. TennisC. BaseballD. Basketball38. A saturated fatty acid contains only ______ bonds.39.I love to ______ (探索) the world around me.40.What do we call a young monkey?A. PupB. KitC. BabyD. Calf答案:C Baby41.Animals that are active at night are called __________.42.I like to ______ (参加) in writing contests.43.In the future, I want to be a __________ because __________.44.The first human-made object to reach space was _______. (火箭)45.The __________ is a famous area known for its ancient structures.46.I enjoy planting flowers in our garden to make it look more ________ (美丽).47.The chemical symbol for iodine is ______.48.My ________ (玩具名称) is a wonderful friend.49. A compound is made up of two or more different ______.50.The _______ (狗) is a loyal friend to humans.51.My pet rabbit has big _______ (耳朵).52.Which animal can change its color to blend in?A. ChameleonB. ElephantC. ZebraD. Parrot53.My brother is a __________ (信息技术专家).54.Which animal says "meow"?A. DogB. CatC. CowD. Pig答案:B55.The __________ (本土文化) must be preserved.56.What is the largest land animal?A. TigerB. ElephantC. GiraffeD. Hippo57.The Earth's atmosphere contains layers such as the ______ and stratosphere.58.We will go to the _____ (zoo/museum) this weekend.59.The _______ (The Civil War Amendments) are crucial to civil rights in the US.60.What do you call a baby llama?A. CalfB. KidC. PupD. Kit61.我的朋友喜欢 _______ (活动). 她觉得这很 _______ (形容词)62.The book is very ___ (interesting/boring).63.The _____ of a star is how bright it appears from Earth.64.Hubble's Law relates to the expansion of the ______.65.小刺猬) curls up when scared. The ___66.What is the name of the famous wall in China?A. Great WallB. Berlin WallC. Hadrian's WallD. China's Barrier67.The _______ (The Cold War) was a prolonged geopolitical conflict.68.I have a _______ (feeling) that today will be great.69. A magnet has a north and a ______ pole.70.What is the name of the red fruit often mistaken for a vegetable?A. StrawberryB. TomatoC. RaspberryD. Cherry答案:B71.Which creature is known for its ability to change colors?A. ChameleonB. FrogC. SnakeD. Lizards答案:A72.The _____ (虎) is a powerful and beautiful animal.73.I play with my _____ (朋友) at the playground.74.What is the name of the famous ship that sank in 1912?A. Queen MaryB. TitanicC. BritannicD. Lusitania答案:B75.The bee is crucial for _______ (生态).76.I like to play ______ (puzzles) with my family.77. A solar eclipse happens when the moon blocks the _____.78.The ______ is where we live on Earth.79.Do you prefer __________ (玩具名) or __________ (玩具名)?80.The ducklings follow their mother in a ______ (行列).81.The ________ (沟通渠道) are vital for diplomacy.82.What is the name of the place where you can buy groceries?A. StoreB. MallC. MarketD. Supermarket83.The crow is a very ______ (聪明的) bird.84. A flamingo stands on one ________________ (腿).85.The ancient Greeks had a rich tradition of ________ (戏剧).86.__________ (病毒) can affect living cells and often require chemical treatments.87.The Sun is the center of our solar ______.88.My ___ (小狗) barks at the mailman.89.What is the capital of Italy?A. RomeB. MilanC. FlorenceD. Venice答案:A90.The ________ (自然灾害应对) saves lives.91.I love to watch ______ movies.92.The _____ (植物经济) contributes to livelihood.93. A _______ is a reaction that produces a flame.94.What is the opposite of "heavy"?A. LightB. StrongC. WeakD. Fast答案:A95.The ancient Greeks practiced _______ as a form of democracy. (公民投票)96.He has a collection of _____ (火车模型).97.My little brother often makes me _______ (动词). 他是个很 _______ (形容词)的人.98.What do we call the study of the Earth and its features?A. BiologyB. GeographyC. ChemistryD. History答案:B99. A __________ is an area where two tectonic plates slide past each other.100., I feel _______ (情感) when things don’t go as planned. I remind myself to stay _______ (形容词). Sometime。

高中英语 Unit3 The Million Pound Bank N (3)

高中英语 Unit3 The Million Pound Bank N (3)

感顿市安乐阳光实验学校课时跟踪检测(五) Warming Up & Reading — Language Points Ⅰ.完成句子1.The sick old man does nothing but stares_at (盯着看) the ceiling all day long.2.How_do_you_account_for (你怎样解释) your long absence from classes without asking for leave?3.He managed to persuade his parents topermit/allow_him_to_seek_a_job (允许他找一份工作).4.Jim didn't come to school yesterday, and as_a_matter_of_fact (事实上), he didn't come all last week.5.Bill was born in Canada but was_brought_up (被抚养长大) in America.6.I don't know whether they did it by_chance (偶然) or by design.Ⅱ.单项填空1.I never think myself a stupid boy. ________, I know I'm on the road to success.A.On the other hand B.In other wordsC.On the contrary D.By the way解析:选C。


恰恰相反(on the contrary),我知道我正在走向成功。

on the other hand“另一方面”;in other words“换句话说”;by the way“顺便说一声”。

学术英语之社科 Unit 1 Section B 翻译

学术英语之社科 Unit 1 Section B 翻译

New Airport Landing Fees Delayed机场降落收费新政策延期1the government has delayed by at last a month a plan to reduce congestion at the nation's airports following stiff resistance from airlines.受到航空公司的强烈反对,政府关于减轻国家机场的拥堵的计划,至少推迟了一个月。

2.A new federal policy allowing airports to charge higher landing fees during peak periods, and for other reasons, aims to reduce delays by encouraging airlines to spread their flights more evenly throughout the day .The policy which also encourages congested airports to include in landing fees the cost of expansion projects,had been scheduled to take effect in March,following a 45-day comment period.一项新的联邦政策允许机场在高峰期收取更高的降落费用,或因其它原因,旨在鼓励航空公司在一天内更均匀地安排航班起落以减少延误。



3.But airline trade groups, which oppose the plan,requested a 30-day extension of the comment period. Their request has been granted, a Transportation Department spokesman said Thursday.但是反对这项方案的航空公司贸易团体,要求将征询意见期延长30天。



[2201] Which document lists all the lifesaving equipment required for a vessel ?______A. Certificate of InspectionB. American Bureau of Shipping Classification CertificateC. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea CertificateD. Certificate of Registry哪一个文件列出船上要求的救生设备?检验证书[2202] Which document will describe lifesaving equipment located aboard your vessel?______A. Muster ListB. Certificate of InspectionC. Forecastle CardD. Clearance Papers哪种文件上有你船上关于救生设备的描述?检查证书。

[2203] Which emergency equipment should you keep near the towing bitts ?______A. A self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA)B. A boat hook and a spanner wrenchC. A fire ax and / or cutting torchD. A Stokes litter basket你应该在拖带缆桩旁边准备什么紧急设备?消防斧或者切割器。

[2204] Which ending is NOT acceptable in a wire rope that is free to rotate when hoisting?A. Poured socketB. Liverpool eye spliceC. Eye formed with a pressure clamped sleeveD. Eye formed by clips为了让钢丝绳吊起时不至于旋转下面哪种绳端不被采用?利物浦眼接头。


69. 填空题: My dog loves to go for ______ (散步) in the park.
D. Area 答案:C
29. ts have medicinal __________ (特性) that can help. 填空题: Some pla
30. 听力题: A __________ is a geological feature that can shape human activities.
8. 听力题: I am ___ my bicycle. (riding)
9. 填空题: I can celebrate creativity with my ________ (玩具).
10. 选择题: What is the largest city in the USA? A. Los Angeles B. New York City C. Chicago D. Houston 答案:B
15. 填空题: I like to watch the ________ grow taller.
16. 填空题: Dolphins are very ________________ (聪明).
17. 填空题: The _______ (The Russian Revolution) marked the end of imperial rule in Russia.
62. 填空题: The _______ (小鳐鱼) glides gracefully in the water.
63. 填空题: My mom loves to cook for ____.
64. 选择题: What is the name of the process by which water changes from a liquid to a gas? A. Evaporation B. Condensation C. Sublimation D. Freezing 答案:A
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Abstract — In order to improve reliability, security on roadsor exploitation of automatic guided transports, many sensors are being developed to equip vehicles. Research has been carried out at INRETS and IEMN on low cost microwave collision avoidance sensors for metro guided transports and for road vehicles. For this goal, an original radar system has been designed in ours laboratories. It is based on cooperative collision avoidance radar which uses a transponder inside targets. The proposed system is made of a couple of microwave transmitting and receiving equipment fixed on each vehicle, one ahead and the other behind. In order to avoid interferences between the transmitted and the received signals, two duplex frequencies of 2.2 and 2.4 GHz are used respectively for downlink and for uplink. The system is based on pseudo - random sequences combined with a correlation receiver and has a broadband of about 50 - 100 MHz. This bandwidth has been exploited to establish a high data flow communication between sensors.The aim of this paper is to describe the mock-up realized and technical solutions developed using spreading spectrum techniques to allow multi-user access and to combine the two desired main functionalities, localization and communication, inside a unique cooperative radar system. The system performances have been evaluated in terms of BER using simulations and main results will be presented. I.I NTRODUCTION To enhance safety on road, many studies have been carried out on on - board collision avoidance system. The goal of these systems is to keep the vehicle at a safe distance from any obstacle in front of it. In this field, many radar sensors have been developed inside our laboratories [1] [2] [3]. We can cite FM/CW radar - Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave -, pulsed radar, Bimode radar which is a combination of FM/CW and pulsed systems. These systems, especially useful also in bad weather conditions, are able to Manuscript submitted on March 17, 2006.Dr C. Tatkeu, French National Institute for Transport and safetyResearch – INRETS -, email : charles.tatkeu@inrets.fr, phone + 33 3 20 4384 01, fax: + 33 3 20 43 83 59 Dipl. Ing. P. Deloof, French National Institute for Transport and safety Research – INRETS -, email : pascal.deloof@inrets.fr, phone + 33 3 20 4383 16, fax + 33 3 20 43 83 59Dr Y. Elhillali University of Valenciennes, IEMN/DOAE email : yassin.elhillali@univ-valenciennes.fr , phone + 33 3 27 26 51 13 66, fax + 33 3 27 51 11 89Dr A. RIVENQ, University of Valenciennes, IEMN/DOAE, email : Atika.Menhaj@univ-valenciennes.fr, phone + 33 3 27 26 51 13 66, fax + 333 27 51 11 89 Pr Jean Michel ROUVAEN University of Valenciennes, IEMN/DOAE,email : jean-michel.rouvaen@univ-valenciennes.fr, phone + 33 3 27 26 5113 65, fax + 33 3 27 51 11 89provide information about obstacles or vehicles ahead. However, in some environments such as subways, multipath propagation occurs and it is then difficult, with these previous sensors, to distinguish the right target among echoes. For that reason, a radar sensor, called DIBT for Detection and Identification of Broken - down Trains, has been developed to facilitate the exploitation of automatic guided transports. This kind of radar is helpful when a critical problem of exploitation, due to a broken down train, occurs on the line. Due to security reasons, all the trains of the line are stopped immediately and this situation generates traffic perturbation. The train must be removed out from the line to a maintenance workshop and the procedure consists in pushing it with the following coach. With this intention, it is necessary to accost, in safety conditions, this broken - down train by another. At the moment, in the subway network of Lille - France, the accosting procedure is realized at a very low speed, called coupling speed, which is less than 2 mph and corresponds to security speed limit. This process, at a very low speed, wastes a lot of time and this trading loss has also a very high cost for the operator. The main objective is to reduce accosting phase duration between the two vehicles in various environments amongwhich subways, viaduct and free space. With the DIBTsensor, the process will be shortened. Indeed, the sensor is able to identify the broken - down train, to read its state of functioning and to provide, in real time, the distance to the preceding vehicle. This allows the next train to run faster, and to slow down close to the blocked train. DIBT was improved also by adding a communication function in order to allow a high data rate exchange between vehicles. It was called CODIBT for Communications Detection and Identification of Broken - down Trains. ThisCODIBT sensor uses also as DIBT an adapted digital correlation receiver in order to detect the position andcompute the distance towards the preceding vehicle.Moreover, it also uses a multiplexing technique to extract data such as identification or the state of the vehicle, or any information exchanged between sensors. It has a broad band of about 50 - 100 MHz which has been exploited to combine the two main functionalities: localization and high data rate communication. An original multiplexing method called Sequential Spreading Spectrum by 2 codes technique - SSS2- has been developed. It allows multi-user access and communications at a rate of 1.6 Mbps. In this paper, we show the principle and the utility of the CODIBT radar system. Afterwards, the main components A cooperative radar system for collision avoidance andcommunications between vehiclesC. Tatkeu, P. Deloof, Y. Elhillali, A. Rivenq, J.M. RouvaenCONFIDENTIAL. Limited circulation. For review only.Proceedings of the IEEE ITSC 20062006 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference Toronto, Canada, September 17-20, 2006TB6.3are defined, starting from the system framework. The complete system based on radar transmitter and responder will be described. Ideas for its extension and adaptation to road applications will be given.II.T HE PRINCIPLE OF THE PROPOSED CODIBT SYSTEMThe proposed radar collision avoidance system developed in our laboratories is called CODIBT for Communications, Detection and Identification of broken-down trains [1]. It includes DIBT functionalities and a new data communication feature. With this sensor, the distance to thetargets is measured, in real time, with a resolution between 1.5 and 3 meters in a range of 800 meters in tunnel and 700 meters in free space [4]. The implemented DIBT has a broad band of about 50 -100 MHz that remains unexploited. We propose to develop a new system to exploit this band in order to establish high data rate communications between trains and operators center. The new system, called, CODIBT sensor is able: t o detect the position, get the identification and the status of the train, t o compute, in real time, the distance towards the preceding vehicle, t o allow a high data rate communications for exchangingdata information between trains.Its principle relies on a transponder system using an Interrogator/Responder pair (see Figure 1.a) which equips respectively the front and the rear of vehicle. As shown on Figure 1.b, the first vehicle (Interrogator) sends a signal at a frequency of 2.2 GHz, towards the preceding vehicle (Responder). This signal, which has its own radar code, is a P.N. (Pseudo-Noise) sequence. It is received by the second vehicle ahead. The sensor of this vehicle ahead process and sends a replica of the received signal that is amplified, filtered and filled out with data at the same time. These data contain information about its identification (or identity), its working mode or state (broken-down or not, failure status) etc. The new signal sent at 2.4 GHz frequency is received by the Interrogator that is able to deduce the inter-train distance and to recover the data sent by the Responder (identification, status (broken-down or not)). The frequency choice is an important item, because it depends on the line configuration and the possibility of resolving both effects of masking and multipath, which strongly affect the resulting signal. The present choice issettled in the range of 1-10 GHz band. For a low poweremitter/consumption, we choose ISM band for our sensor.Fig. 1.a The CODIBT radar sensorFig. 1.b The CODIBT transmitter/receiver design architectureSuch a co-operative radar system for which the target becomes active like in a transponder system has great advantages among others: I t works in each kind of environment free space and especially subway tunnel or viaducts areas, where conventional RADAR systems based on distance measurement using signal echoes on obstacles proves inefficient. M oreover, the pseudo-random sequences used, combined with correlation receiver, are very adapted to the detection of signals over noisy communication channels and can be generated easily. On the following paragraphs, this paper will present characteristics and performances in terms of BER and data rate of the system. We focus on developing appropriate coding methods for this sensor to favor high data rate and the robustness according to SNR (Signal Noise Ratio). III.P RESENTATION OF THE MULTIPLEXING TECHNIQUE In this paragraph, we focus on technical solutions to develop the new communication feature and optimize the combination of the two main functionalities: localization and high data rate communication. In order to provide this combination with high speed data flow, different coding methods were tested and one of them is presented hereafter. Indeed, this method allows a continuous refreshing of the measurement of distance and also ensures a sufficient flow rate for communication with a suitable BER.The technique is inspired from the DS-CDMA and usesfamilies of orthogonal codes (Binary Pseudo-Random Sequence – BPRS) with two different lengths. The first one has code length of 1023 bits (C1023) intended for the localization and the second is constituted by shorts codes of 31 bits long (C31) dedicated to the communication.The code families usable in CODIBT: Different codes families (mlfsr codes, Gold codes, Kasami codes) were studied for use in CODIBT and were compared according to the number, the length and the maximum of their cross-correlation. These sequences look like a noise and so have a spread spectrum. The selected codes have the same length : 2n-1 [1][2]. These pseudo-random sequences have an autocorrelation peak and a low level only for the cross-correlation. The mlfsr, also called m-sequences, presents an autocorrelation with a peak at 2n-1 and a –1 level elsewhere. They have good performances even when the signal to noise ratio is very low. Their implementation is simple. They could be easily generated using shift registers with XOR feedback. The number of these codes per familly is a function of their length : 2 for n=3 or n=4, 6 for n=5 or n=6 : 6, 18for n=7, 16for n=8, 48 for n=9, 60 for n=10. These families are considered as the reference in this study.As we can see on Figure 2, the method consists of sending periodically the code of localization to ensure a regular renewal of the measurement of distance. One proposes to insert between two codes of localization a variable structure of coded data burst. Between two localization codes we insert 1023 bits, which can be dividedinto several short codes.Fig. 2: General structure of a frame sent with the coding technique.The coding technique entitled SSS2 for Sequential Spectrum Spreading using by 2 codes is inspired from the CDMA technique.The spreading with the C1023 is used to assume localization function. The second one is used to code data communications with the C31 in the classical DS-CDMA (Direct Sequence CDMA) [4] [5] [6] [7]. This techniqueallows us to send 33 bits of data between two codes of localization. The length of the first code is chosen to reach the required distance (about one kilometer) and due to important number of reply codes (60). The length of thesecond code affects the rate of communication: If we choosea shorter one, we will have a higher rate but the robustnesswill decrease significantly. Multiple simulations have been done and the length of 31 bits seems to be a good trade-off between the data rate and the robustness to noise. Figure 3 shows the standard structure of the frame transmitted by this method. Fig. 3: Detailed structure of the Frame sent by the SSS2 technique.To calculate the distance, the correlation between the received signal and the reference codes (C1023) is computed. The correlation peak allows the synchronization process. Then, to recover data, a second correlation between the received signal and the C31 code is used.IV.P ERFORMANCESThe SSS2 technique has been simulated in AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise) channel in order to evaluate its performances in terms of data flow rate and Bit Error Rate (BER).The radar antennas used are a 2*2 patches for each link with a beam aperture of 20° to operate in curves.Concerning the localization characteristics, it gives the same resolution in distance, which is between 1.5 meter and 3 meters depending of the clock frequency used (50 MHz or 100 MHz). The maximal range obtained is about 800 meters in tunnels and 700 meters in free space.Moreover, the radar detection is physically limited in low range, under 10 or 15m, due to the recovery time of the sensor.To evaluate the robustness of this technique to noise, some simulations are performed in AWGN channel. On Figure 4, the Bit Error Rate corresponding to several Signal to Noise Ratio values, obtained by simulations is given forthis technique.Fig. 4: The BER obtained with SSS2 technique. f L N c *2Time sentbits of number flow Data == (1) were N is the number of data bits sent periodically, Lc is the length of the localization code, f is the signal frequency. Furthermore, the maximum length of data is 1023 (as localization code); due to the choice of code of 31 bits tospread out data, the maximum numbers of bits which could be sent in a periodic interval is 33 bits.Mbpsf L N c 6.110*1001023*233*2flow Data 6≈==In this case, the data flow which could be reached is about 1.6 Mbps for a clock of 100 MHz. Simulation results show that, in AWGN channel, SSS2 technique is robust to noisy environments (i.e SNR less than -2 dB). Moreover, a BER of 10-5 can be reached with SNR equals to –2 dB with SSS2 method. The actual laboratory mock-up integrates a multiplexing SSS2 technique using flexible components like FPGAs[4]. TABLE I P ERFORMANCES OF CODIBTCoding SSS2Maximum flow1.6 Mbps SNR for BER = 10 -5-2 dB Range in free space 700 m Range in subway800 mResolution at 100MHZ 1.5m Sensor CharacteristicsAntenna aperture 15° Antenna type 2x2 patches Antenna size (cm) 12x12Table 1 gives a summary of performances. The resolution and range in free space and tunnel are the same. They are the same values than those obtained with the previous sensor DIBT i.e 1.5 meters for a clock frequency of 100 MHz, 700 meters maximum range in free space and 800 meters maximal range in tunnels.The preliminary results of simulations confirm that performance of the SSS2 technique offers a weak BER and a sufficient high-speed information exchange.V.E XTRAPOLATION OF COOPERATIVE SYSTEMS TO THEROAD DOMAINA simple idea is to make certain massive objects cooperative, by providing them with an active responder. This solution is considered more and more in the USA for obstacle detection on ordinary roads. These systems can be conceived only on one radar which functions firstly autonomously, then gains in reliability when it receives a signed response from the object. Thus, certain infrastructures, such as the piles or bridge decks, causing significant echoes could be equipped with responders whichwould bring a signature to the radar and would allow a filtering such as “the edges of the road”. Indeed, these objects are dangerous only if the vehicle runs out of its normal trajectory, which is often materialized on the ground by white tapes. Nowadays, video systems exist to supervise these white tapes and to detect any dangerous variation.Now, the CODIBT system allows the dynamictransmission of information by coding the signal. Such a system could reflect towards the back, the behavior of the preceding vehicle (braking, acceleration) and thus avoid the pile-up. CODIBT could transmit data directly between thecomputers of two consecutive vehicles, taking account of the car behavior and even the driver's behavior, when he (orshe) is being to overdrive or to slow down. This kind ofsystem also resolves the lack of detection in the rear mirror about other vehicles present in the same area (blind spots), since each vehicle can be recognized by its identity, its distance from the interrogator and its behavior. In the autonomous mode, the range calculation is basedon a transmission coded by pseudo-random sequences andthe recognition of this code in the received signal, by using a correlation process.VI.C ONCLUSIONIn this paper, a new cooperative radar system designed forautomatic guided transports is presented. This sensorincludes different functionalities among which: localization, identification and communications with high data rate. Toinclude the new communication feature, we developed technical solutions using spreading spectrum techniques to allow multi-user access. 1023-bit Pseudo-Noise sequences was used for localization in order to reach a large range; itprovides a sufficient number of reply codes, necessary to identify each train and to evaluate its functioning status. 31-bit Pseudo-Noise was used for communications in order to provide a good trade-off between the data rate and the robustness to noise. Algorithms and solutions developedwere implemented using flexible components such as FPGA devices inside CODIBT sensor. A mock-up was realized, described and tested in real conditions. The mainperformances obtained with less than 1 Watt of radiated power are: 700 m range in free space or 800 m in confined area (tunnel), with a resolution of 1.5 m for a 100 MHz frequency clock. The system has been also evaluated in terms of BER and data flow rate. The BER obtained is about 10 -5 for a SNR of about -2 dB. A data flow rate of about 1.6 Mbps could be reached with the SSS2 technique described and developed. The CODIBT system could also be an interesting opportunity to apply a car warning radar concept to a train management system and maintenance operations - for example an intervention when a train light breakdown occurs, causing a service interruption -.The extensions of the use of this sensor to the road domain were also studied. Using the CODIBT, the transponder system could be a good relay of road information. The driver could be informed, in real time, when the safety margin distance to the preceding vehicle is insufficient - in case of bad weather conditions such as fogwhere risks of collision between vehicles are increased significantly -.R EFERENCES[1] A. Menhaj, J. Assaad, P. Deloof, M. Heddebaut “Enhancing safety onroad with on-board microwave anticollision system by combining tworadar sensors” 3rd World Congress On Intelligent Transport Systems,Orlando, October 1997.[2]P. 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