



Q 0 方案一第一周 第一次1.(化工版习题集 习题一(P6))A-1-1 图1-8是水槽液位系统的两种不同控制方案。

(1) 分别画出两个控制系统的方块图;(2) 分别指出两个控制系统的被控对象、被控变量和操纵变量;(3) 结合这两个系统的方块图,说明方块图中的信号流与工艺流程中的物料流量是不相同的。

解:Q 0 方案二 图1-8 水槽的液位控制 方案一图 液位自动控制系统原理方框图(2)(3):这两个方案的被控对象均为水槽,被控变量均为液位。



A -1-4 如图一热炉,燃料油在炉中燃烧,放出热量以加热原料油。

工艺上要求原料油的出口温度保持在规定的数值上,为此设计a 、b 两种控制方案。

试分析画出该两种控制方案的方块图,说明它们在控制系统结构上分别属于什么控制系统?当原油的入口温度经常波动时,控制方案b 能否使原料油的出口温度保持不变。

解:a 、b 两种控制方案的方块图如下:方案二图 液位自动控制系统原理方框图(a )控制方案方块图(b)控制方案方块图(a)为闭环系统(b)为开环系统,所以当原料油入口温度波动时,它并不能保持出口温度不变。

第二次1 .《化工过程控制原理》20页2-1(3)图2-11所示为一弹簧阻尼系统,试建立该装置的数学模型。

弹簧上端位移为x ,下端位移为y ,f 为阻尼器的粘性摩擦系数f解:由于弹簧所受力与形变成正比,故有 F =K (x -y ) (F 为力,K 为刚度) 对于阻尼器,其产生的摩擦力 'dyF f dt=(f 为阻尼器粘性摩擦系数) 由于F ='F ,故有()dy f dyf K x y y x dt K dt =-⇒+=则传递函数()1()()1Y s G s s X s K==+令/T f K =,则1()1G s Ts =+ (4) 图2-12所示为一水银温度计,试建立该温度计的数学模型。



精锐教育学科教师辅导讲义讲义编号学员编号:年级:新高一课时数:3 学员姓名:辅导科目:数学学科教师:课题集合及其表示、集合之间的关系教学目标1、讲解集合的定义和表示方法;2、讲解集合之间的关系;重点、难点重点:集合的表示方法难点:集合的互异性、确定性考点及考试要求理解集合的定义;掌握集合的表示方法;掌握集合之间的关系教学内容一、逻辑思维能力1.有只猴子在树林采了100根香蕉堆成一堆,猴子家离香蕉堆50米,猴子打算把香蕉背会家,每次最多能背50根,可是猴子嘴馋,每走一米要吃一根香蕉,问猴子最多能背回家几根香蕉?2.、有三个人去住旅馆,住三间房,每一间房$10元,于是他们一共付给老板30元,第二天,老板觉得三间房只需要25元就够了于是叫小弟退回$5给三位客人,谁知小弟贪心,只退回每人1元,自己偷偷拿了2元,这样一来便等于那三位客人每人各花了九元,于是三个人一共花了27元,再加上小弟独吞了不2元,总共是29元。



如果a 是集合A 中的元素,那么记作A a ∈,读作a 属于A ;如果a 不是集合A 中的元素,那么记作A a ∉,读作a 不属于A 。









例1已知集合A={a-2,2a 2+5a,10},且-3∈A,求实数a2、常用数集N :全体自然数组成的集合,即自然数集 *N :不包括0的自然数集Z :全体整数组成的集合,即整数集 +Z :正整数集 -Z :负整数集Q :全体有理数组成的集合,即有理数集 +Q :正有理数集 -Q :负有理数集R :全体实数组成的集合,即实数集 +R :正实数集 -R :负实数集3、集合的表示方法(一)列举法:在大括号内将集合中的元素一个个列举出来,元素之间用逗号隔开,具体又分以下三种情况: ①元素个数少且有限时,全部列举;如{1,2,3}②元素个数多且有限时,可以列举部分,中间用省略号表示,列举几个元素,取决于能否普遍看出其规律,称中间省略列举。




26+38+19= 85-36-27= 91-45-17= 二、文具商店有90本笔记本,上午卖了19本,下午卖了26本,还有多少本?时间:月日教学内容:加减混合运算(P3—4)第二次一、列竖式计算。

47+9-20= 40-9+30= 78-39+20=二、小明和小红各有40张明信片,他们把明信片共送给小丽15张。

现在他们一共剩下多少张?时间:月日练习一(1)(P5) 第三次一、用竖式计算??22+28-35=???62-39+25= 84-28+19=二、公共汽车上有25人,到站后上来12人,又下去19人,这时公共汽车上有多少人??一、看图填空。







--------------------------□○□=□( )2、小明写了26个字,小芳比小明多写了6个字,小芳写了多少个字?□○□=□( )3、红红做了32朵花,宁宁做的花比红红少18朵,宁宁做了多少朵花?□○□=□( )时间:月日练习二(P11)第六次1、53+8+12 = 87-9-34= 65-27+26=□○□=□( ) □○□=□( )时间:月 日四边形、五边形和六边形的初步认识第七次1、在五边形下面的(”。

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2、写出下面图形的名称。

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )时间:月 日 认识平行四边形(P14、15) 第八次平行四边形有( )。


1. 平行四边形的对边相等。

()2. 由四条边围成的图形是平行四边形。

()3. 用两个完全一样的三角形,可以拼成不同的平行四边形( )时间:月日练习三(P16—17)第九次1、把下面的图形都分成三角形,最少能分成几个三角形。



















《解一元一次方程(二)——去括号与去分母》第2课时课堂练习基础训练1.全班同学去划船,如果减少一条船,每条船正好坐9个同学,如果增加一条船,每条船正好坐6个同学,问原有多少条船?2.将一箱苹果分给一群小朋友,若每个小朋友分5个苹果,则还剩12个苹果;若每个小朋友分8个苹果,则最后一个小朋友只分到2个苹果.求这群小朋友的人数.3.东坡中学组织七年级师生春游.如果单独租用45座客车若干辆,刚好坐满;如果单独租用60座客车,可少租1辆,且余15个座位.(1)求参加春游的人数;(2)已知租用45座客车的日租金为每辆250元,60座客车的日租金为每辆300元,问租用哪种客车更合算?4.有这样一道题:假如井不知深,先将绳三折入井,绳长四尺;后将绳四折入井,亦长一尺.问井深及绳长各若干?请你解答这个问题.5.一艘轮船航行在A、B两个码头之间,已知该船在静水中每小时航行12 km,轮船顺水航行需用6 h,逆水航行需用10 h,求水流速度和A、B两码头之间的距离.6.一艘船从甲码头到乙码头顺流行驶用4小时,从乙码头到甲码头逆流行驶用4小时40分钟,已知水流速度为3千米/小时,则船在静水中的平均速度是多少?7.一架战斗机的贮油量最多够它在空中飞行4.6 h,飞机出航时顺风飞行,在无风时的速度是575 km/h,风速为25 km/h,这架飞机最远能飞出多少千米就应返回?提升训练8. A,B两地间的路程为360 km,甲车从A地出发开往B地,每小时行驶72 km;甲车出发25 min后,乙车从B地出发开往A地,每小时行驶48 km,两车相遇后,各自按原来速度继续行驶,那么相遇以后,两车相距100 km时,甲车从出发开始共行驶了多少小时?9.甲、乙两人在一环形公路上骑自行车,环形公路长为42 km,甲、乙两人的速度分别为21 km/h、14 km/h.(1)如果两人从公路的同一地点同时反向出发,那么经几小时后,两人首次相遇?(2)如果两人从公路的同一地点同时同向出发,那么出发后经几小时两人第二次相遇?10.甲、乙两列火车的长分别为144米和180米,甲车比乙车每秒多行4米.(1)两列车相向而行,从相遇到完全错开需9秒,问甲、乙两列车的速度各是多少?(2)若同向而行,甲车的车头从乙车的车尾追到甲车完全超过乙车,需要多少秒?11.“健康出行,绿色环保”,星期天小李骑自行车从家出发到郊区去游玩,他先在某景区待了2 h,再绕道到某农家特色小吃处品尝风味小吃用去了30分钟,然后愉快地返程.已知去时的速度为6 km/h,返回时的速度为10 km/h,往返共用了4 h,返回时因绕道多走了1 km,求去时的路程.12.有甲、乙两艘船,现同时由A地顺流而下,乙船到B地时接到通知,须立即逆流而上返回C 地执行任务,甲船继续顺流航行.已知甲、乙两船在静水中的速度都是每小时7.5 km,水流速度为每小时2.5 km,A、C两地间的距离为10 km.如果乙船由A地经B地再到达C地共用了4 h,问:乙船从B地到达C地时,甲船距离B地有多远?13.某同学在做作业时,不慎将墨水瓶打翻,使一道作业题只看到如下字样:“甲、乙两地相距40 km,小轿车的速度为45 km/h,运货汽车的速度为35 km/h,?”(涂黑部分表示被墨水覆盖的若干文字,请将这道作业题补充完整,并列方程解答)参考答案基础训练1.解:设原有x条船.由题意,得9(x-1)=6(x+1),解得x=5.答:原有5条船.2.解:设这群小朋友有x个人.由题意得:5x+12=8(x-1)+2.解得:x=6.答:这群小朋友有6个人.3.解:(1)设租用45座客车x辆.由题意,得45x=60(x-1)-15.解得x=5.所以45x=225.答:参加春游人数为225人.(2)由(1)可知x=5,则x-1=4.因为5×250>4×300,所以租用60座客车更合算.4.解:设井深x尺.根据题意,得3(x+4)=4(x+1).解得x=8.所以3(x+4)=3×(8+4)=36.答:井深8尺,绳长36尺.5.解:设水流速度为x km/h,由题意,得6(12+x)=10(12-x),解得x=3.所以6×(12+3)=90(km).答:水流速度为3 km/h,A、B两码头之间的距离为90 km.6.解:设船在静水中的平均速度是x千米/小时,根据题意,得4(x+3)=(x-3),解得x=39. 答:船在静水中的平均速度是39千米/小时.7.解:(方法一)设这架飞机最远能飞出x km就应返回.依题意,有+=4.6.解得x=1320.答:这架飞机最远能飞出1 320 km就应返回.(方法二)设飞机顺风飞行的时间为t h.依题意,有(575+25)t=(575-25)(4.6-t).解得t=2.2.则(575+25)t=600×2.2=1 320.答:这架飞机最远能飞出1 320 km就应返回.提升训练8.解:设甲车共行驶了x h,则乙车行驶h.依题意,有72x+48=360+100.解得x=4.答:甲车共行驶了4 h.点拨:根据题意画出示意图如图,再利用相遇问题的等量关系建立方程.(第8题)9.解:(1)设经过x h后,两人首次相遇.依题意,得21x+14x=42.解得x=1.2.答:经过1.2 h后,两人首次相遇.(2)设出发后经y h两人第二次相遇.依题意,得21y-14y=42×2.解得y=12.答:出发后经12 h两人第二次相遇.10.解:(1)设乙车的速度为x米/秒,则甲车的速度为(x+4)米/秒.依题意得,得9x+9(x+4)=180+144.解得x=16,则x+4=20.答:甲、乙两列车的速度分别为20米/秒、16米/秒.(2)设需要y秒,则有20y-16y=180+144.解得y=81.答:需要81秒.11.解:设去时的路程为x km,依据题意,得+2++=4,解得x=5.25,答:去时的路程为5.25 km.12.解:设乙船由B地航行到C地用了x h,那么甲、乙两船由A地到B地都用了(4-x)h. (1)若C地在A、B两地之间,则乙船由A地航行到B地的距离是(7.5+2.5)(4-x)km,乙船由B地返回到C地的距离是(7.5-2.5)x km.根据乙船从A地航行到B地的距离-乙船从B地返回到C地的距离=A、C两地间的距离,得(7.5+2.5)(4-x)-(7.5-2.5)x=10.整理,得10(4-x)-5x=10.去括号,得40-10x-5x=10.移项、合并同类项,得-15x=-30.系数化为1,得x=2.所以甲船距离B 地有(7.5+2.5)×2=20(km)远.(2)若C地不在A、B两地之间,则乙船由A地航行到B地的距离是(7.5+2.5)(4-x)km,乙船由B地返回到C地的距离是(7.5-2.5)x km,根据乙船从B地返回到C地的距离-乙船由A地航行到B地的距离=A、C两地间的距离,得(7.5-2.5)x-(7.5+2.5)(4-x)=10.整理,得5x-10(4-x)=10.去括号,得5x-40+10x=10.移项、合并同类项,得15x=50.系数化为1,得x=.所以甲船距离B 地有×(7.5+2.5)=(km)远.答:乙船从B地到达C地时,甲船距离B地有20 km或km远.13.解:(方法一)补充部分:若两车分别从甲、乙两地同时开出,相向而行,经几小时两车相遇? 设经x h两车相遇,根据题意,得45x+35x=40.解得x=.答:经h两车相遇.(方法二)补充部分:如果两车同时从甲地出发,同向而行,当小轿车到达乙地时,运货汽车距乙地还有多远?设运货汽车距乙地还有x km远,则该车行驶了(40-x) km,此时运货汽车与小轿车所用时间相等,依题意,得=.解得x=.答:运货汽车距乙地还有km远.。

[经济学]第四章 相对指标练习题解

[经济学]第四章 相对指标练习题解


解: 上述变量数列是离散型变量数列,是组距式数列,是等距数列日产量是变量;各组的具体值50~60、60~70、70~80、80~90、90~100是变量值每组的最小值为下限, 每组的最大值上限 每组的工人数6、12、18、10、7为次数32.8339.6127.5610864136163830.5142.6326.86100.00110.05102.28125.51115.52124.59121.114044100.00要求填表计算空格内数据。

3、我国人口和国土面积资料如下表: 单位:万人项目2000年2010年 2000年比重% 2010年比重%动态相对数%人口总数其中:男性女性1265836535561228133972 100.00100.00 105.846868551.6351.27 105.1065287 48.3748.73106.63又知,我国土地面积为960万平方公里。


(尽可能列表计算)比例相对数:2000年:65355÷61228=106.74 :100 2010年:68048÷64081=105.20 :100强度相对数:2000年:126583÷960=131.86(人/平方公里)2010年:133972÷960=139.55(人/平方公里)4、某企业产值计划完成103%,比上年增长5%,试计算产值计划规定比上年增长多少?又该企业产品单位成本计划在上年699元的水平上降低12元,实际本年单位成本为372元,试计算单位成本计划完成百分数,并对计算结果作出评价。

解(1): %103%51%1%1%51%103:+=+++=⨯++=X X 即产值 100% %1 %1 %即产值计划规定比上年增长1.94%.(2): 单位成本计划完成百分数=%100⨯计划任务数实际完成数=%15.54%10012699372=⨯-计算可知单位成本超额完成计划45.85%第五章 课堂作业题解(平均指标)1、某班40名同学的年龄资料如下:按年龄分组(岁)x人数(人)fxf()fx x 2-()fm x 20- 20 2 40 5.128 21 15315 5.40 15 22 20 440 3.20 0 23 369 5.883合 计4086419.6026要求:(1)计算全班同学年龄的众数、中位数和算术平均数。






( )×( )=( )②彩电现价比原价降低了错误!。

( )×()=( )2、李大伯家养鸡60只,养的鸭比鸡少错误!,鸭比鸡少多少只?想:根据“养的鸭比鸡少错误!".把看作单位“1”,求鸭比鸡少多少只,就是求的是多少。





+22012-2013学年度第一学期第二次课堂练习九年级 化学考试时间:60分钟 分值:60分相对原子质量:Cu :64 Fe :56 O :16 K :39 Mn :55 H :1 C :12 N:14第一部分 选择题(共20分)第1题—第10题,每小题只有一个选项符合题意。


1.下列变化中,属于化学变化的是( ) A .汽油挥发B .铜丝折断C .轮胎爆炸D .生铁炼钢2.空气是一种宝贵的自然资源,下列气体不可直接从空气分离获得的是( )A .用作医疗急救的氧气B .用作焊接保护气的稀有气体C .用作食品防腐剂的氮气D .用作清洁燃料的氢气 3.下列实验操作正确的是( )A .验满氧气B .倾倒液体C .读取液体体积D .点燃酒精灯 4. 制备多晶硅时,有如下反应:Si+3HCl==X+H 2 ↑,X 的化学式为( ) A .SiClB .SiH 2Cl 2C .SiHCl 3D .SiH 45.下列化学用语表示离子的是( )①H 2O 2 ②Si ③SO 42- ④ ⑤ MgA .①②B .③④C .②④D .③⑤6.肉毒碱(化学式为C 7H 15NO 3)是一种具有多种生理功能的物质,被公认为人体必需的营养物质和最佳的减肥营养素。

下列关于肉毒碱的叙述错误的是( )A .由四种元素组成B .每个分子中含有26个原子C .相对分子质量为161D .碳、氢、氮、氧四种元素的质量比为7∶15∶1∶3 7.下列处理事故的方法中不正确的是( )A .炒菜时油锅着火,用锅盖盖灭B .厨房天然气管道漏气,立即关闭阀门并开窗通风C .图书、档案着火,用液态二氧化碳灭火器扑灭D .家用电器着火,用水扑灭8)9.下列实验操作中,“先”与“后”的顺序不正确的是( )A.制备气体时,先装药品,后检查装置的气密性B.做氢气还原性实验时,先检验氢气的纯度,后使用C.用排水法收集完氧气,先把导管移离水面,后停止加热D.用托盘天平称量物质时,先加质量大的砝码,再加质量小的砝码,最后移动游码10.常温时,下列物质溶于水,温度明显降低且形成溶液的是()A.冰B.硝酸铵C.浓硫酸D.氢氧化钠第11题—第15题,每小题有一个或两个选项符合题意。



北师大版二年级数学上册课课练Prepared on 21 November 2021第一单元数一数与乘法第一课时数一数课前预习:1、小朋友一只手有个手指头()那一双手有几根呢 ( )你能列出算式吗课堂练习:一、先横着数,在竖着数,列算式并计算。


2+2+2+2+2=3+3+3+3=6+6+6=5+5+5+5=课前预习:2+2+2+2= 3+3+3+3+3= 5+5+5+5= 6+6+6=课堂练习:1、把加法算式改写成乘法算式。

4+4+4+4+4+4= 2+2+2+26+6+6+6= 3+3+3+3+3+3=2、写出乘法算式再读出来。

3个3相加() 6个2相加()3和6相乘() 4乘4()课后作业:1. 5乘3写作();3乘2写作()。


3. 一个乘数是2,另一个乘数是6,这个式子写作(),读作()。

4. 3个人吃饭,需要( )双筷子;4辆三轮车,有()个车轮。


3+3+3+2 5+5+5+3 4+4+4+4 6+6+5课堂练习一、我会判断。

1、 7+3=7x3 ()2、6+6+6+=6x3 ()3、4个7相加写成算式7+4 ( )4、5+5+5+5=5x4 ()二、我会连。

2+2+2 9x24+4+4+4+4 8x39+9 4x58+8+8 2x3课后作业:一共有几面旗加法算式:乘法算式:第四课时 动物聚会 课前预习:在算是的后面写出得数6x3 5x4 3x2 6x7 4x3 5x5 课堂练习题: 一、我会看图填空。


(在圆圈里填“>”“<”或“=”) 三、想一想算一算3+3+33= 4+4+4= 8+8+8+8= 10+10+10+10= 拓展延伸:(帮小狗想找家)3x6 4x3 5x23+3+3+3 3+3+3+3+3+3 2+2+2+2+2 4+4+4第二单元乘法口诀(一)第一课时数松果课前预习:4个2相加是多少5加6等于多少把下面的算式改写成乘法算式。



Q 0方案一第一周 第一次1.(化工版习题集 习题一(P6))A-1-1 图1-8是水槽液位系统的两种不同控制方案。

(1) 分别画出两个控制系统的方块图;(2) 分别指出两个控制系统的被控对象、被控变量和操纵变量;(3) 结合这两个系统的方块图,说明方块图中的信号流与工艺流程中的物料流量是不相同的。

A -1-4 如图一热炉,燃料油在炉中燃烧,放出热量以加热原料油。

工艺上要求原料油的出口温度保持在规定的数值上,为此设计a 、b 两种控制方案。

试分析画出该两种控制方案的方块图,说明它们在控制系统结构上分别属于什么控制系统?当原油的入口温度经常波动时,控制方案b 能否使原料油的出口温度保持不变。

Q 0方案二图1-8 水槽的液位控制第二次1 .《化工过程控制原理》20页2-1(3)图2-11所示为一弹簧阻尼系统,试建立该装置的数学模型。

弹簧上端位移为x ,下端位移为y ,f 为阻尼器的粘性摩擦系数f(4) 图2-12所示为一水银温度计,试建立该温度计的数学模型。

To 为温度计测量值,T i 为环境温度。

设水银质量为M ,比热容为c;忽略温度计的玻璃管本身比热容。

水银温度计的外表面积为F ,等效导热系数为α。

1.(胡寿松版教科书P70题2-2)设机械系统如下图,其中i x 是输入位移,o x 是输出位移。


2-12 2-11第二周第一次(控制习题集P51 )A-2-18图2-62所示网络系统中,假设电源内阻为零,外接负载无穷大。

试写出uo与ui之间关系的微分方程式,以U c1,U c2 为状态变量,列写该系统的状态空间表达式。

图2-62网络系统(控制习题集P51 A-2-19)试写出图2-63所示网络系统的微分方程式,能否以U c1,U c2 为状态变量写该系统的状态空间表达式,为什么?Uo图2-63网络系统第二次A-2-20 图2-64表示弹簧阻尼器系统。

图中f 表示粘性摩擦系数,k 表示弹簧刚度。










()6、战争中下落不明而宣告失踪的,其利害关系人应从知道失踪人下落不明之日起满4 年才能向法院提出申请。






二、名词解释:1、意思表示2、民事行为能力3、请求权4、紧急避险5、形成权6、自力救济7、效力待定的行为8、宣告死亡 9、准法律行为 10、法律事实三、单项选择题(每题所给选项中有一个正确答案,少答或多答均不给分。


A.请求权 B.支配权 C、抗辩权 D、形成权2、中学生刘小东在暑假时到其邻居家开的饭店里帮忙,其邻居答应等假期结束时将给其1000元报酬。





八年级第二学期第二次课堂练习语文参考答案1.(1)浮zào(躁)轻歌màn(曼)舞驰chěng(骋)苍qióng(穹)(2)B (3)B (4)色彩斑斓这里形容色彩灿烂的样子。


2.(1)如三月兮(2)窈窕淑女(3)但余钟磬音(4)落日故人情(5)寂寞沙洲冷(6)只有香如故(7)疏影横斜水清浅(8)并怡然自乐(9)海内存知己,天涯若比邻3.D4.C5.D6.(1)D (2)第一次是在与波兰白军的战斗中保尔的腿受伤并得了伤寒;第二次是保尔在骑兵部队的战斗中,一颗炸弹在保尔身边炸响,头部受了重伤;这四次“死里逃生”表现了保尔顽强的生命力,钢铁般的坚强意志。














21. 下列单词中划线部分发音与其他几项不同的是_____________。

A.nearB. yearC. hearD. hair22.--Look!There are so many people by the Julong Lake.--Yes. Few people stay at home ___________ a fine Sunday morning.A.onB. inC. atD. of23.--Would you like ________ juice?--No, thanks. Water is OK.A.aB. someC. anD. many24.My mother always works at weekends, and she _________goes to the cinema with me.A.oftenB. sometimesC. neverD. usually25.--Do I need to buy any beef?--I don’t think so. There _________ a lot in the kitchen.A.isB. haveC. hasD. are26.--__________do you visit your grandparents?--Three or four times a year. Usually at important festivals.A.How longB. How muchC. How oftenD. How many27.--What can you buy with 20 yuan?--I think I can buy ____________.A.A kilo of appleB. two kilo of applesC. two kilos of appleD. two kilos of apples28.--298 yuan for a tie? That’s too much money.--Maybe. But good things usually _________ much.A.needB. takeC. costD. use29.Chinese children can get __________ from their parents at the Spring Festival.A.good masksB. moon cakesC. red packetsD. rice dumplings30.--Let’s play football now.--____________. I need to find my sports shoes first.A.Just a mi nute.B. Thanks a lot.C. You are welcome.D. That’s right.三、完形填空。


















2. 已知:某企业的设备维修费属于混合成本,2008年各月的实际资料如下:腹有诗书气自华要求:(1)用一元直线回归法对该企业的设备维修费进行分解;腹有诗书气自华第二次作业(课堂作业)1.已知:某企业本期有关资料如下:单位直接材料成本10元,单位直接人工成本5元,单位变动性制造费用7元,固定性制造费用总额4 000元,单位变动性销售与管理费用4元,固定性销售与管理费用1 000元。

期初存货为零,本期生产量1 000件,销售量600件,单位售价40元。




3.某企业保本点的月销售额为50 000元,在其他指标不变而固定成本增加5 000元时,为了实现保本需要增加销售额8 000元。


腹有诗书气自华第二次作业答案1.单位:元2.(1)保本点销售量=4503021-=50件(2)实现目标利润的销售量=4501803021+-=70件(3)设销售量为x,则 20%╳30x=30x-21x-450,解得x=150件(4)保本点=45017030(212)--+=40件(5)设单价为p,则:350=200p-200╳21-450解得p=25元所以单价应从30元调整到25元3.(1)因为保本点的销售收入=固定成本边际贡献率变动前:50 000=原固定成本边际贡献率变动后:50 000+8 000=原固定成本+5000边际贡献率联立解方程组,则固定成本=31 250元。



梁丰初中第二次课堂练习卷初一英语(时间:80分钟,满分:130分)一、单项选择(每题1分,共20分)1.It was ________. The children were sleeping, so we walked into the house_______.A. quiet, quitelyB. quite, quitelyC. quite, quietlyD. quiet, quietly2.His aunt lives __________ in a small house, but she doesn’t feel_________.A. lonely, aloneB. alone, lonelyC. lonely, lonelyD. alone, alone3.Do you like sleeping with the windows________?A. openB. openedC. closingD. close4.I ________ everywhere for my English book, but I still couldn’t ________ it.A. searched for; findB. searched; look forC. searched; findD. searched for; look for5.When the baby the light music, he stopped .A. heard; to cryB. heard; cryingC. listened; cryingD. listened; to cry6.---Mum, ______ I go to play basketball with my classmates?---No, you ______. You ______ finish your homework first.A. could; couldn’t; couldB. may; mustn’t; mightC. can; can’t; mayD. may; can’t; must7.Can you buy me another bottle of juice? There's_______ in this one.A. a littleB. littleC. a fewD. few8.--- Ms Qian, this problem is __________ difficult for me!--- Don’t complain __________, Henry. You should use your head.A. too much, much tooB. much too, too muchC. too much, too muchD. much too, much too9.---When your mother you that blue dress, Mary?---Sorry, I can't really remember.A.does; buyB. does; boughtC. did; boughtD. did; buy10.How _________can you finish the drawing ?A.often B.soon C.long D. fast11.---He his bike. ---I sorry to hear that.A. fell off; fellB. felt off; feltC. fell off; feelD. felt off; fell12.The girl by the window and saw some boysvolleyball outside.A. sits; to playB. sits; playingC. sat; to playD. sat; playing13.The exam is very easy, but I don’t think_______ can pass it.A. anybodyB. everybodyC. nobodyD. somebody14.In the word "finished", we pronounce the letters "ed" ______.A. /d/B. /id/C. /t/D. /it/15.The moonlight is shining(照耀) in _____ the window. Everything in the room looks so nice.A. overB. acrossC. throughD. past16.________ wonderful news programme(节目)we are watching!A. WhatB. HowC. What aD. How a17.---Are you_______ of the dark?---Yes, so I always go to sleep with my bedroom lights_______.A. worry; onB. worried; offC. afraid; onD. afraid; off18.I spent three hours_______ shopping yesterday. This skirt_______ me 200 yuan.A.going; costB. went; costedC. to go; costD. go; costs19.---Have you ever heard of Cao Wenxuan,a writer from Jiangsu?---Of course. ______ ,he is a good friend of my father’s.A.I meanB.Have a good timeC.Above allD.Believe it or not20.---Can we go swimming in that river? ---. It's dangerous to swim there.A. I'm afraid notB. Of courseC. Let's have a rest firstD. Let's go二、完型填空(每题1分,共15分)Miss Hunt is a beautiful girl. Her father21two years ago and her mother made a terrible mistake and was sent to the prison(监狱). She began to live a22_life. When she23 her middle school, she couldn't go on studying. Her uncle found a job for her. Mr Baker, a rich shopkeeper, hired(雇佣) her. Her work was to clean the rooms and sweep the floors. She tried her24and worked hard. Mrs Baker liked her and paid her25than the other cleaners.It was Sunday. Mr Baker was reading and Mrs Baker was watching TV in the sitting room. The girl26and said, “I'm27, Mrs Baker. I have to tell you I can't work for you any longer. I ...”It28Mr and Mrs Baker. The woman asked, “What makes you say that? Aren't we29 to you?”“Yes, you are, madam,” the girl said.“Do you find a piece of30work?” Mrs Baker asked.“No, I don't,” Miss Hunt said,“31I don't think you trust(相信)me.”“No, you're32 , Miss Hunt,” said Mr Baker. “I always think you are a33girl. And I often leave my34in my office.”“It was true that you often left the keys in your office,” said the girl. “But I could use none of them to35the safe(保险箱)!”“Well,” said Mrs. Baker. “You can go right now!”21. A. hurt B. died C. slept D. fell22. A. boring B. happy C. easy D. hard23. A. finished B. stopped C. end D. over24. A. better B. good C. best D. well25. A. much B. more C. little D. less26. A. looked out B. came in C. jumped into D. ran away27. A. glad B. happy C. pleased D. sorry28. A. excited B. interested C. surprised D. worried29. A. friend B. bad C. kind D. cold30. A. bad B. better C. well D. badly31. A. so B. if C. but D. or32. A. wrong B. right C. real D. really33. A. good B. terrible C. lazy D. forgetful34. A. bags B. keys C. safe D. husband35. A. find B. make C. close D. open三、阅读理解(每题2分,共38分)AThe students are having their chemistry(化学)class. Miss Li is telling the children what water is like. After that, she asks her students some questions, and one of them is, “Boys and girls! What is water? Can you tell me?” She waits for a few minutes, but no one answers her. Then Miss Li asks again. “Why don't you answer my question? I tell you what water is li ke, right?”Then a boy puts up his hand and says, “Miss Li, you tell us that water has no color and no smell. But I think that water is something that is black when I wash my hand in it.”All the students begin to laugh. Miss Li laughs too. Then another bo y puts up his hand, Miss Li says, “What do you think, Wang Bing?” The boy says, “Miss Li, where can we find water that has no color and no smell?”“Why do you say so?” Miss Li asks.“The water in the river behind my house is always black and it has a bad smell.” Answers the boy. And most of the children think he is right.“I am sorry to hear that, children,” says the teacher. “Our water is getting dirtier. That is a problem. A ll of usmust try our best to make it clean again.”36. Which of the following is right?A. Miss Li is giving the students a math lesson.B. Miss Li tells the students something about water.C. Miss Li doesn't tell the students what water is like.D. All the students don't know what water is like.37. Miss Li tells the children _________.A. water is cleanB. water has colorC. water has smellD. water has no smell or color38. All the students and Miss Li laugh because________A. the boy gives an interesting answerB. the boy gives a right answerC. the boy doesn't list en to the teacher carefullyD. the boy likes drinking water39. In the text ______ answer Miss Li's question.A. two boysB. two girlsC. a boy and a girlD. no students40. The teacher thinks_______.A. the second boy is wrongB. the water in the rivers is always cleanC. the water in the rivers is always dirtyD. all of them must try their best to make water cleanBTu Youyou, the first person of Chinese Medicine ( 医药) Science received the2015 Nobel Prize (诺贝尔奖). The news excited every Chinese. These days she made a new step in studying another new kind of medicine. And I think we need to know something about the Nobel Prize.Nobel Prize is the most important prize in the world. Each year on December 10, people turn to Sweden ( 瑞典) for the important moment. They can see the Nobel winners ( 获胜者) on TV or in newspapers. Alfred Nobel started the prizes in 1901with his own money. In the beginning, the prizes had physics, medicine, chemistry, literature. and peace. Later, in 1968, the Bank of Sweden put economics (经济) on the prize list and made the prizes six. They did this to celebrate the bank's 300th year of business.Each winner can receive a million dollars, a medal, and a certificate (证书). Thewinners can have enough money for their lives, then they can go on with their work or study with no worries. The winner can be one person or a team.41. What is the passage about?A. The history of the Nobel PrizeB. How to get a Nobel PrizeC. The Nobel Peace PrizeD. All about Sweden42. How many Nobel Prizes did Alfred start?A. oneB. fiveC. sixD. The passage doesn't say it43. Tu Youyou got a Nobel Prize for _________.A. physicsB. medicineC. chemistryD. peace44. How often does Nobel Prize give out?A. Every year.B. Twice a year.C. Every two years.D. Every four years.45. Why does Nobel Prize give winners money?A. To make them richB. To make them spend the money on work or studyC. To help them not to worry about their livesD. To celebrate the bank's 300th year of businessCMany students of English think that learning a new language is very difficult. Now think how difficult it is to learn English when your brain (大脑) is only the size of a birds brain! That is what some birds can do.Many different kinds of birds can copy the sounds of language. African gray parrots are the birds best known for this.Every December in London, the National Cage and Aviary' Bird Show tries tofind the best talking bird inthe world. One bird named Prudle stood out among the“talking birds” by winning this prize every year from 1965 to 1976.Prudle was taken from his nest in Uganda in 1958. He was sold to Iris Frost, who took care of him at her home in Seaford, England. Before he died in 1994, aged thirty-five, Prudle knew almost 800 words in English. Prudle was also the oldest bird in the world that lived in a cage.Another clever bird, named Puck, was tested ( 测试) in 1993. People found thatPuck knew even more words than Prudle. Puck knew more than 1,700 English words. In the 2003 Guinness (吉尼斯) Book of World Records, Puck was on the list because he knew more words than any other bird in the world.46. What can African grey parrots do?A. Speak like a person.B. Sing like a person.C. Have a talk with a person.D. Copy the sounds of language.47. How many times did Prudle win the prize for “talking birds”?A. 10.B. 12.C. 14.D. 800.48. What does the underlined phrase “stood out” mean in Chinese?A. 挺身而出B. 站在外面C. 脱颖而出D. 随机应变49. Who was Iris Frost?A. A parrotB. A Ugandan womanC. Prudle's ownerD. Puck's owner.50. A good title for this reading passage is ________.A. The Aviary’ Bird ShowB. The difficulties of learning EnglishC. Interesting petsD. Clever birdsDFifty-three years ago, Barbie Millicent Roberts first appeared in the world of toys. Since then, Barbie doll, as everyone called her, has become the most successful toy doll in history. Her parent, the Mattel Company, said that 90% of all American girls between 3 and 10 have at least one Barbie at home.However, Barbie is facing some trouble at present. There are many simple dolls on the market in competition with her. Another doll named Bratz, for example, came to life thirteen years ago. She looks more like today's pop stars with heavy makeup(浓妆) and miniskirts. And her company offers more kinds of clothes too.It seems that Barbie has lost her magic among older girls. “For younger girls, playing with a Ba rbie is much fun. But when you get older, you want something smarter and more modern.” says Vera Stepherd, a shop assistant in a New York toy store.It is good news that on the international market, Barbie is still No.1. Although Mattel is selling fewer Barbies in the United States these years, sales in other countries are still going up. In March, 2009, Mattel opened its first Barbie store in Shanghai, where girls can shop, eat, drink or even become fashion designers for their own Barbie.Mattel is planning big celebrations for Barbie's 55th birthday. Fashion designers from all over the world have been called to make new dresses for Barbies. How long will Barbie stay popular in the world of toy dolls? It is hard to say, but 55 is surely not the age to retire(退休).51. Barbie's family name is_______.A. RobertsB. MillicentC. ShepherdD. Bratz52. Barbie's trouble is that_______.A. it wears heavy makeup and miniskirtsB. other dolls are more popular with little girlsC. other dolls are trying to beat her on the marketD. it has become less popular in the international market53. Girls can do the following in the first Barbie shop in Shanghai EXCEPT_______.A. going shoppingB. having foodC. drinking juiceD. taking photos54. What is the best title of the passage?A. First Barbie shop in shanghaiB. Barbie's past and presentC. Barbie's 55th birthday partyD. Barbie lost her magic五、用单词的正确形式填空,每空一词(每题1分,共10分)60. The painting on the wall is that (艺术家).61. We can't get high marks (没有)hard work.62. Thank you for ( 收集) so much useful information for me.63. What is (发生)to that poor girl at the street corner?64. He is looking __________(仔细) for something in the bushes.65. The girl looked ___________([səˈpraɪzd])when she heard the news.66. He ([ˈsʌdənli]) knew what he had to do in the meeting.67. During that hard ([ˈpɪəriəd]),Sun Qiang’s mother looked after him very well.68. ---What is Mom cooking in the kitchen?---Fish, I guess. How nice it __________!69.---Why don't you go to play tennis?---I___________ to bring our tennis rackets, so we couldn't play tennis.六、翻译句子(每题3分,共15分)70.前几天孩子们玩得多么开心啊!_____________________________________________________________________________ 71.苏州以许多漂亮的园林而出名。



姓名: 年级 班 考场 号密 封 线※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※三六联校2021-2022学年第一学期第二次课堂教学效果反馈练习七年级生物时间:60分钟 总分:100分范围:七年级上册1-5章 命题人: 审题人: 注意事项:1.本练习分习题页和答题卡两部分,结束铃响后只收答题卡。

2.客观题使用2B 铅笔填涂;主观题使用0.5mm 黑色签字笔书写,且必须在题号对应的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写无效。



)1. 显微镜是生物实验中重要的观察工具,下列关于显微镜的说法正确的是( ) A. 观察的材料应薄而透明 B. 光线暗时用平面反光镜C. 用餐巾纸擦拭镜头D. 放大倍数越大视野中细胞数目越多2. 下列对如图所示的两种生物的叙述,正确的是 ( ) A. 都是通过细胞分裂、生长、分化而形成的 B. 都具有细胞壁、细胞膜、细胞质、细胞核C. 生物的结构层次都是:细胞→组织→器官→系统D. 都由上皮组织、输导组织、营养组织、机械组织组成3. “两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天”描绘了一幅美丽的画面。

就其中的动物和植物的结构层次而言,下列叙述正确的是()A. 构成柳树和黄鹂的基本单位都是细胞,它们的结构层次是相同的B. 黄鹂的血液和柳树的茎中的导管都属于输导组织C. 黄鹂的细胞相比柳树的叶肉细胞,缺少了叶绿体、液泡和细胞壁等结构D. 柳树的根、茎、叶、花属于营养器官4. 下图是生物体不同的结构,下列说法中错误的是( )A. 甲图中的①③⑤是植物细胞具有而动物细胞没有的结构B. 乙图中的衣藻既是一个植物细胞,也是一个植物体C. 丙图中的叶片的上、下表层分布的是保护组织D. 丙图和丁图中的生物虽然不同,但它们的结构层次是相同的5.一个西瓜中有多粒西瓜子,这是因为西瓜花的结构中有多个( ) A. 雄蕊B. 雌蕊 C. 子房 D. 胚珠6.用下列四台显微镜分别观察洋葱鳞片叶内表皮细胞,视野中细胞数量最多和视野最暗的分别是( )A. 丙、甲B. 丙、乙C. 乙、甲D. 乙、丙7.下图是番茄果实与人体小肠的结构模式图,下列说法错误的是()A. 番茄果实和小肠都属于器官B. 番茄果肉细胞与小肠的肌肉细胞结构不同C. 番茄果实的表皮属于保护组织与小肠上皮组织的功能相同D. 番茄果实与小肠的形成都需要经过细胞分化8.科学家在马里亚纳海沟11034米处发现了一种名为“Xenophyophore”的巨型单细胞生物——阿米巴虫,单个细胞直径超过10厘米,体内富集了高水平的铅、汞、铀元素,下列推测错误的是() A. 能证明细胞是生命活动的基本单位 B. 适应重金属、漆黑、寒冷、高压环境 C. 能通过简单的运动器官在海底活动 D. 跟草履虫一样能对外界刺激作出反应 9.下列选项中,属于同一结构层次的是A. 西瓜与西瓜籽B. 小肠上皮与受精卵C. 大脑与血液D. 导管与变形虫 10.如图是花的结构示意图,据图分析下列说法错误的是( )A. 图中的3、7构成了花的主要结构B. 这朵花将来一定能发育成果实C. 如图所示的花为两性花D. 花粉存在于图中的111.下列是在使用显微镜的过程中遇到的问题与对应的解决方案,正确的是( ) A. 视野无光—改用大光圈和凹面镜 B. 物像偏左下方—向左上方移动玻片 C. 物像模糊—调节细准焦螺旋 D. 镜头污染—用干净的纱布擦拭12.我们吃的绿豆芽、花生油等主要分别来源于绿豆花生种子的那一部分( ) A.胚芽、子叶B. 胚轴、子叶 C.胚根、子叶D.子叶、子叶 13.下列有关细胞的叙述中,不正确的一项是( ) A. 植物体内,分生组织的细胞能分化形成其他组织 B. 草履虫体内,物质的运输依靠的是细胞质的流动 C. 高温下,细胞膜不再具有控制物质进出的功能D. 动、植物细胞共有的能量转换器是线粒体和叶绿体14.笋有多大,竹有多粗。

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梁丰初中14-15学年第一学期初三年级 英语学科第二次课堂练习卷得分:20小题;每小题1分;满分20分) 第一部分 听对话,回答问题( )1. What did the man do in the evening?( )2. Who is Michelle Lee'?( )3. What's the weather like today?)4. How does the girl's father go to Beijing?)5. Why dose the boy like the panda?A. Because it's fun.B. Because it's lovely.C. Because it's boring. )6. Where does the girl wan t to go? A. She wants to go to the cinema. B. She wants to go to the bus station. C. She wants to go to the supermarket. )7. Where's Lisa?A. She's at school.B. She's near the riverC. She's at home. )8. How does Bob's father usually go to work?A. By bus.B. By bike.C. On foot. )9. What color is Peter's schoolbag?A. It's red.B. It's green.C. It's blue. ( )10. What time did the class begin?A. At 8:05.B. At 8:10.C. At 8:15.第二部分 听对话和短文,回答问题 听第一段对话,回答第11—12小题。

( )11. What's the man going to buy?A.A shirt.B.A coat.C.A T-shirt.( )12. How much will the man pay?A.5 dollars.B.10 dollars.C. 9 dollars.听第二段对话,回答第13—15小题。

( )13. What does Mr. Black do?A.A doctor.B.A teacher.C. A player.( )14. Where is he from?A. England.B. Japan.C. The USA.( )15. How long has he been in this school?A. For two years.B. For five years.C. For a year.听一篇短文,回答第16—20小题。

( )16. What did Jack do well in when he was young?A. Basketball.B. Football.C. Tennis.( )17. Why did he stop playing football?A. Because he didn't like it at all.B. Because he broke his leg.C. Because there was no team for him.( )18. What happened to Jack after he stopped playing football?A. He was badly ill.B. He was very angry.C. He began to get fat.( )19. What did he decided to do then?A. To play football.B. To play tennis.C. To run every day.( )20. What did the girl think of Jack's tennis skill?A. She thought he played very badly.B. She thought he played quite well.C. She thought he was very clever.二、选择填空.(共15小题;每小题1分;满分15分)( )1. We have______a lot of wild animals,because of the______ of their living areas.A. lose,lossB. lost,loseC. lose,lostD. lost,loss( )2. Not only you but also your mother______ Audrey Hepburn’s fil m fan.A. areB. amC. isD. be( )3. —I don’t like watching documentaries because they are boring. — _______ do I.A. SoB. EitherC. AlsoD. Neither( )4. All these books need_____into boxes, then we need them to the classrooms.A. to be packed; carryingB. packing; to carryC. to pack; carryingD. to pack; to carry( )5. The number of the workers in the factory _________ about 2,000.A. isB. amC. areD. be( )6. I watched________ one-hour documentary yesterday evening.______ documentary was about an American-born Chinese.A. a; AB. an; TheC. a; TheD. the; The( )8. Jin Yong is one of the greatest and oldest ______writers.He is still______.A.1iving;alive B.1iving;livingC.alive;living D.alive;alive( )9.The girl devoted all her time she had ______ others.A. to helpB. helpingC. helpedD. to helping( )10. --Look! That man looks like Mr. Brown.--It _______be him, for he _______to America.A. can't; has goneB. may not; has goneC. mustn't; has beenD. can't; has been( )11. — He has few friends to share his joy and sadness, _____ he ?—__________. It’s really bad for him to keep quiet all the time.A. hasn’t, YesB. has , NoC. does, YesD. does, No( )12. Eddie was sleeping ______ Millie was watching TV.A. whileB. asC. whenD. after( )13. I feel ______ tired ,so I want to drink ____ tea.A. a bit of, a bitB. a little bit, a bit ofC. a bit, a little ofD. a bit little, a bit( )14 I tried several sweaters on,but_________ of them looked good.A.both B.either C.none D.neither( )15. I think it’s impossible for_______people to do_______work in________a short time.A.such few;so much;such B.so few;so much;suchC.so many;so few;so D.such many;so little;so三、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分;满分10分)Mental health is about the way you think and feel and your ability to deal with ups and downs. Even though you are mentally healthy, it doesn’t 1 that you don’t have a mental health problem.Mental health is everyone’s business. We all have times when we feel down or 2 . Most of the time those feelings pass, 3 sometimes they develop into a more serious problem. It seems that our mental health doesn’t a lways stay the same. It can change as the environment changes and as you move 4 different stages(阶段) of your life.Here are four practical 5 to look after your mental health. Making simple changes to how you live doesn’t cost much or take up lots of time. Anyone can 6 them.●Talk about your feelings. It can help you stay in good mental health. It isn’t a sign of 7 , but part of your ability to do what you can to stay healthy.●Eat well. What you eat and how you feel are 8 connected. A proper diet can have a good effect on your mental health.●Keep in touch. Friends and family members can offer 9 suggestions which may help you keep active and solve practical problems.●Take a break. It could be a weekend 10 new places to enjoy the nature, or even a ten-minute break from doing your homework. A few minutes can be enough to relax you.1. A. agree B. mean C. doubt D. notice2. A. excited B. satisfied C. surprised D. stressed3. A. but B. and C. so D. as4. A. away B. inside C. through D. against5. A. answers B. replies C. ways D. chances6. A. follow B. find C. advise D. count7. A. weakness B. laziness C. happiness D. richness8. A. easily B. closely C. equally D. hardly9. A. difficult B. terrible C. strange D. various10. A. protecting B. exploring C. providing D. imagining四、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分;满分40分)AGalloway Wildlife Conservation Park is in the south of Scotland.A collection of nearly 150 different animals from all over the world can be seen within the peaceful andnatural setting. Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park is to provide a living shelter for small animals, to protect wildlife, to provide chances for the public to enjoy and learn about the area they live in. A main aim of the park is to protect endangered animals.Facilities(设施) available to visitors mainly include restaurants, gift shops picnic areas, facilities for babies, facilities for disabled people free parking, etc.There is a programme of improvement to condition for the animals, birds and visitors. Through the programme, the park plays an important part in the international effort to protect rare and endangered animals. Click here to see what improvement the park has to make.As some of our animals are free in the park area, dogs and other pets are not allowed.st thBy buying a ticket to visit the park, you can help us do so much more so HELP SUPPORT CONSERV ATION!You can help us continue our work by making a donation here >>> SUPPORTContact us:E-mail: infor@ Fax/Tel:01557 3316451.You can visit Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park ___________.A.at 9:00a.m on 7th DecemberB.at 11:00a.m on 7th DecemberC.at 9:00a.m on 7th SeptemberD.at 11:00a.m on 7th September2.How much should you at least pay if your family (five persons, including an elderly person, two adults andthe ten-year-old twins) visit the park?A. £24.50B.£25.50C.£26.50D.£27.503.Which is TRUE according to the passage?A.There are endangered animals in the park.B.There aren’t any picnic areas in the park.C.You can’t take the babies to the park.D.You can visit the park with your dogs.BIn April, 2013, I visited Yangzhou.Ge Garden is very beautiful and peaceful. The ticket has a map on the back of it that I didn’t noticed until I had already left. But to be honest, I don’t think that map is very useful because it isn’t very clear and detailed. In my o pinion, it’s better to improve it. Compared with Ge Garden, the map on the back of the ticket for He Garden is much clearer, more detailed and more useful. However, in the room that has the picture of the family members, there is only Chinese, no English, so my advice is to add English in interesting places. I got lost in the Slender West Lake. I spent about 30 minutes just trying to get out of one area. I think they need more signs posted along the trails. I like the Slender West Lake best, as she is so pretty! The ladies that were sweeping were very sweet. They always smiled at me and said hello, so it was nice.Taking a taxi is the most efficient(有效率的) and quickest way to get around Yangzhou. I didn’t have a problem getting to the places which I’d like to go to while using a taxi. The driver was very friendly. The fare isn’t too high, either. But I didn’t enjoy taking the bus. The bus ride to the Mastixia Bay (茱萸湾公园) tooklong although I only had to pay one yuan. It was also hard finding where Bus 32 was. I tried asking some people in English but they couldn’t understand me, so I had to ask in simple Chinese that I only know buy that still didn’t work. I spent about one hour walking around the city to look for Bus 32. The tricycle(三轮车) was nice, but it was a little too expensive for a small distance. Maybe I was ripped off by the guy who rode for me, but it was an enjoyable ride. I felt like I was part of the garden city more.Over all I am satisfied with Yangzhou and will recommend it to others.4.How many places of interest are mentioned in the passage?A. ThreeB. FourC. FiveD. Six5.The underlined phrase “ripped off” in Paragraph 3 may mean “________”.A. 优惠B. 退款C. 骗钱D. 免费6.Which of the following I NOT the writher’s advice?A.English should be added in interesting places.B.Everyone in Yangzhou should speak English.C.The Slender West Lake needs more signs along the trails.D.The maps on the tickets for Ge Garden need improving.7.We can infer(推断)the passage may be written by ___________.A. a foreign visitorB. a lady sweeping in the parkC. a taxi driverD. a guy riding a tricycleCOn February 9th, 2013, Sarah Darling was walking along the streetwhen she met a homeless man named Billy Ray Harris. She reachedinto her change purse, emptied out all the coins she had and gavethem to the homeless man. Neither of them realized that this smallgenerous act would change their lives.Sarah didn’t realize that she had given Billy not only all her change but also her diamond ring that she had put in her change purse earlier until the following morning. She and her husband, Bill Krejci, rushed to see if they could find Billy. The homeless man was not only in the same place, he also immediately returned the ring. The grateful couple paid him back for his honesty by emptying out their pockets of all the money they had.Bill Krejci, a web designer, felt that he needed to do something more for this amazingly honest man.So on February 18th, he set up a special page to raise money for him. In just four days, Billy received over $85,000 and there seems to be no end yet.That is not enough. Billy is living with a person who is generous instead of living in the streets.And that’s not all—Thanks to the news report, he got together again with his older brother, Edwin Harris who he had been unable to find for 27 years.All the good luck is just because Billy did the right thing—returning something that did not belong to him.8.When did Sarah realize that she had also given Billy her diamond ring?A. On February 9th, 2013B. On February 10th, 2013C. On February 18th, 2013D. On February 22nd 20139.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A.Billy is living with a generous person.B.Billy has found his brother.C.Billy bought a diamond ring.D.Billy appeared in the news report10.The underlined word “Tha t” in Paragraph 4 refers to(指代) “________”.A. returning the ringB. setting up a pageC. living in the streetsD. receiving money11.What’s the best title of the passage ?A.Generous Woman Changed Her Own LifeB.Kind Man Set Up Special PageC.Homeless Man Returned Diamond RingD.Many People Donated Much MoneyDTelevisions were among the most talked-about things at CES2013—the 2013 International Consumer Electronic Show (国际消费类电子产品展销会) last week in Las Vegas, Nevada. They werebigger and better with some of the highest technology (技术). SomeTVs used a new technology called OLED. They were bigger, thinnerand lighter, offered better colour and were brighter than traditionalTVs using LED.Ultra High Definition TVs were also popular. Most of the TVs shown on the exhibition used 4k technology.Smart TVs this year were smarter. Many offered technology that users have a more personalized (个性化的)experience. One such TV from TCL can know who is watching with the help of new technology. Then it can offer programmes according to the user’s usual interest. Another TV from Panasonic offers a similar personalized user experience.Size also played an important part in CES 2013. TVs changed in size from big to bigger, with at least two companies —Samsung and Hisense —showing TVs that are 110 inches large on the exhibition.The yearly CES is the biggest technology show in North America and one of the biggest in the world.It’s a meeting of the brightest minds and the top leaders from many industries and those who want to know about the future.Digital health and fitness inventions were also big at CES 2013. There was even a fork that tells you when you are eating too fast.The show had over 3,200 different companies showing more than 20,000new products in about 26 miles of exhibition space.12.Which difference between OLED and LED is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. WeightB. ColourC. SizeD. Price13.The writer takes TCL and Panasonic for example to tell us _________.A.smart TVs were smarter at CES 2013B.Ultra High Definition TVs were popular at CES 2013C.size played an important part in CES 2013D.digital health and fitness inventions were big at CES 201314.In which kind of the magazine can we probably read this passage?A. EntertainmentB. TechnologyC. SportsD. Health15.From the passage, we can know __________.A.CES 2013 has not been held yets at CES 2013 were smaller than beforeC.many companies attended CES 2013D.no leaders from industries appeared at CES 2013EParents should stop blaming themselves because there’s not a lot they can do about it. I mean the teenager problem. Whatever you do or however you choose to deal with it, at certain times a wonderful, reasonable and helpful child will turn into a terrible animal.I’ve seen friends deal with it in all kinds of different ways. One strict mother insisted that her son, right from a child, should stand up whenever anyone entered the room, open doors and shake hands like a gentleman. I saw him last week when I called round. Sprawling himself on the sofa in full length, he made no attempt to turn off the loud TV he was watching as I walked in, and his greeting was no more than a quick glance at me. His mother was ashamed. “I don’t know what to do with him these days,”she said. “He’s forgotten all the manners we taught him.” He hasn’t forgotten them. He’s just decided that he’s not going to use them. She confessed(坦白) that she would like to come up behind him and throw him down from the sofa onto the floor.Another good friend of mine let her two daughters climb all over the furniture, reach across the table, stare at me and say, “I don’t like your dress; it’s ugly.” One of the daughters has recently been driven out of school. The other has left home.“Where did we go wrong?” her parents are now very sad. Probably nowhere much. At least, no more than the rest of that unfortunate race, parents.16.This text is most probably written by ______.A. A specialist in teenager studies.B. a headmaster of a middle schoolC. a parent with teenage childrenD. a doctor for mental health problems17. The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refers to ______.A. the change from good to bad that’s seen in a childB. the way that parents often blame themselvesC. the opinion that a child has of his parentsD. the advice that parents want their children to follow18. The boy on the sofa would most probably be described as ______.A. lazyB. quietC. unusualD. rude19. From the second example we can infer that the parents of the two daughters ______.A. pay no attention to themB. are too busy to look after themC. have come to hate themD. feel helpless to do much about them20. What is the author’s opinion about the sudden change in teenage children?A. Parents have no choice but to try to accept it.B. Parents should pay still more attention to the change.C. Parents should work more closely with school teachers.D. Parents are a fault for the change in their children.五、单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1. The man ________(坚持) that he didn’t kill his wife, but he couldn’t prove that.2. His third film marked a great (成功)in Hong Kong films.3. In that film a nurse was found _____________(die) in her house.4. My cousin has bought an ___________(最新的)computer.5. They have changed the whole ___________ (外貌) of the old building.6. To have a (愉快的)start, the Chinese usually chat with their guests while drinking tea before beginning to talk business.7. Please take a look at the information (记录)in the notebook.8. Give me your that you'll never be late again9. Before the laboratory, please take off your shoes.10. During the World War II, many European countries were by the German Nazis and quite a lotof people lost their lives.六、句子翻译。
