力矩为 :
μ 0
其中 : F2 ———下辊反力 , N;
μ 0
板料不打滑的条件 :
M 0 ≥M n1 + M n3
r( F1
+ 2F2 )
+μ F1 d1 D2 2D1
其中 : F1 ———上辊反力 , N;
F2 ———下辊反力 , N;
d1 ———上辊轴颈的直径 , mm;
最后检查钢板是否打滑 ,钢板滚卷弯曲时外部 纤维受拉 ,内部纤维受压 。变形的大小与卷曲曲率 和钢板厚度成正比 。一般情况下 ,外部纤维伸长变 形率 ε满足关系式 :
1 50T
R /R0
式中 : R0 ———多次卷制时前一次卷成的曲率半径 。 通过研究 ,发现卷取过程中钢板受到上辊的压
力 F1 可表示为 :
综合上述理论和公式可以建立三辊对称卷板 机的运动仿真实时监控模型 ,图 4 为钢板最终卷曲
B ———卷板宽度 , mm;
需要电机功率 P可用下式表示 :
2M n V D2η103
上述数学模型用 V isual B asic编制成计算机语
言程序来进行运算 ,可以求出所需要的参数 ,如上
图所示 。
式中 : V ———下辊的线速度 ; η———减速机的效率 ,一般可取 0. 8; M n ———总驱动扭矩 , N ·mm;
σ s E
T———卷板厚度 , mm;
R ———理论筒体半径 , mm;
σ s
1 机器的型号、名称、用途、基本参数1.1 产品型号、名称产品型号: W11XNC-20×2500名称: 20×2500毫米水平下调式三辊卷板机1.2 机器的用途该机为水平下调式三辊卷板机,用于金属板材的弯曲成型,可将金属板材一次上料,不需调头即可完成板材两端部预弯和弯卷成型,卷制成各种规格圆形或弧形工件,还可用于成型工件的校圆,该机是石油、化工、锅炉、造船、机车车辆、金属结构及机械制造等行业最为理想的弯曲成型设备。
2 机器的主要结构概述本机上、下辊均为主驱动辊,机器的机架、底座为钢板焊接,辊子为锻钢件(上辊为50Mn,下辊为42CrMo),上辊主传动由22KW电机通过行星减速机驱动,下辊由1QJM32-1.0液压马达及齿轮驱动,三个工作辊均为主动辊。
3 机器传动系统3.1 主传动机构上辊传动线速度约为4m/min,是由22KW带制动电机驱动行星齿轮减速器,经联轴器直接与上辊联接,带动上辊正反转动,能确保在传动中准确定位,操作方便。
下辊传动的线速度约为4 m/min,由液压马达通过齿轮传动使两下辊转动,卷制不同板材筒件的实际线速度不同,由液压系统控制调节。
3.2 辅助传动机构上辊升降、下辊水平移动及倒头立起与倒下,为辅助传动系统。
4 液压系统(见系统原理图4-1)本机的液压驱动为开式系统,电机额定功率为7.5KW,额定工作压力为20MPa,用于驱动下辊油马达旋转系统油缸的升降。
关键词:卷板机;三维建模;ANSYS;动静态分析AbstractFinite element analysis is to use simpler problem instead of solving complex problems after. It will solve the field as much as by finite element of small interconnect subfields, each unit is assumed to be a proper ( simple ) approximate solution is derived, then solve the domain satisfying conditions ( such as structural equilibrium conditions ), resulting in the solution of problems. This solution is not accurate solution, but the approximate solution, because the actual problem is simpler problem place. Because most practical problems difficult to obtain accurate solution, and the finite element computation of not only high precision, but also can adapt to a variety of complex shapes, thus become effective engineering analysis method.The design is based on the ANSYS software on the three roller bending machine key components analysis. Compared with the traditional calculations are compared, with the help of computer finite element analysis method can be more efficient and precise results. Set the correct model, dividing the appropriate grid, and set a reasonable solution process, can accurately obtain analysis model of various parts of the stress, deformation and other results. The design and optimization of parts have great reference value.Key Words:bending machine;3D modeling; ANSYS; static analysis目录摘要 (II)Abstract (III)目录 ...................................................................................................................................... I V 第1章绪论 (6)1.1概述 (6)1.2卷板机的原理 (7)1.2.1 卷板机的运动形式 (7)1.2.2弯曲成型的加工方式 (7)1.3卷板机的发展趋势 (8)第二章有限元法与ANSYS (9)2.1 有限元简介 (9)2.2 有限元特点 (10)2.3 有限元步骤 (10)2.4 有限元分析方法概述 (11)2.5 ANSYS的主要功能 (11)2.6 ANSYS提供的分析类型 (12)第3章课题任务和分析方法 (13)3.1课题任务 (13)3.2分析方法 (14)3.3 本课题的研究方法 (14)第4章方案的论证及确定 (15)5.1 方案的论证 (15)5.1.1方案1双辊卷板机 (15)5.1.2方案2 三辊卷板机 (16)5.1.3 方案3四辊卷板机 (16)5.2 方案的确定 (17)5.3本章小结 (17)第5章关键零件的设计与计算 (18)5.1主部件的选择和计算 (18)5.1.1 上下辊的参数选择计算 (18)5.1.2 主电机的功率确定 (18)5.2 上辊的设计计算校核 (27)5.2.1上辊结构设计及受力图 (27)5.2.2 刚度校核 (27)5.2.3 上辊强度校核 (28)第6 章有限元分析过程 (29)6.1 ANSYS中静力学分析过程 (29)6.2 ANSYS中卷板机上辊分析过程 (29)6.3ANSYS中卷板机下辊分析结果 (40)6.4ANSYS中卷板机三辊支架分析过程 (42)总结 (51)参考文献 (52)致谢 (53)第1章绪论1.1概述机械加工行业在我国有着举足轻重的地位,它是国家的国民经济命脉。
重 型 机 械
2012 No.2
对 称 式 三 辊 卷 板 机 厚 板 压 弯 工 艺参 数 分 析
乔 波 ,雷步芳 ,付 建华 ,赵 康 ,牛 婷
(太原科技大学材料科学与工程学 院 ,山西 太原 030024)
摘 要 :为研 究 对 称 式 三辊 卷板 机卷 制 双 线 性 硬 化 模 型 板 料 成 型 过 程 ,确 定 上 辊 压 下 时 上 辊 与 板 料之 间的接触 力以及上辊压下量和板料最终成型半径问的关系 。通过理论模型 ,推导 出板料弯矩 与板 料截面所受剪力之间的关系。通过板材受力分析 ,求 出截面剪力 。利用 已知 的板材弯 矩表达式 导出上 辊压下量 、板料成型力分别与板料 回弹前相应 的滚弯半径 间的变化关 系 ,并 给出相应 的关 系图。
A bstract: The plate forming process of bilinearity harden model of symm etr ica l three—roll veneer reeling m a— chine is studied.The contact force between upper roll and m etal plate when the upper roll is pressed down,and the relationship between rolling reduction of upper roll and final forming radius of steel plate is determ ined. The relationship between bending moment of metal plate and shear ing force loaded in the plate cross--section was de-- duced according to the theoretical mode1. Through the stress analysis of steel plate,the shearing force was ca l-
前言三辊卷板机的设计1 前言1.1 选题背景机械制造业在近代中国的发展过程中起到非常重要的作用,在国民经济中占有很大的比例,因此在国民经济中具有很重要的作用和地位。
水平下调式三辊卷板机技术说明一、设备型号型号:W11XNC-100×2000型 1台价:256万元名称:W11XNC-100×2000型毫米水平下调式三辊卷板机二、主要技术参数注:t-—板厚三、设备概述该设备为水平下调式三辊卷板机,上辊可升降位移;下辊可水平位移;在该设备上能将金属板材一次上料,不需调头即可完成板材端部的预弯和卷制成形,是卷制圆形、锥形、弧形工件的理想设备,广泛应用于水电、化工、航空、造船、建筑、锅炉、桥梁、金属结构、机械制造等各行业。
四辊卷板机工艺程序英文回答:Rolling is a common metal forming process used in various industries, including the production of sheet metal.A four-roll plate bending machine, also known as a four-roll roll bending machine, is commonly used for rolling metal sheets into cylindrical or conical shapes.The process of operating a four-roll plate bending machine involves several steps. First, the operator needsto set up the machine by adjusting the position of therolls and ensuring that they are properly aligned. This is important to ensure the accuracy and quality of the rolled sheet.Next, the operator needs to load the metal sheet onto the machine. This can be done manually or with the help of lifting equipment, depending on the size and weight of the sheet. Once the sheet is in position, the operator canstart the rolling process.During the rolling process, the four rolls of the machine rotate and apply pressure to the metal sheet, gradually bending it into the desired shape. The operator needs to control the speed and pressure of the rolls to achieve the desired curvature and avoid any defects or deformations in the sheet.One important aspect of operating a four-roll plate bending machine is the control of the bending radius. This is determined by the distance between the top and bottom rolls, as well as the position of the side rolls. By adjusting these parameters, the operator can achieve different bending radii and create a variety of shapes.In addition to the bending radius, the operator also needs to consider the thickness of the metal sheet. Thicker sheets require higher pressure and slower rolling speeds to ensure proper deformation. On the other hand, thinner sheets may require lower pressure and faster rolling speeds to avoid any damage or wrinkles.Furthermore, the operator needs to pay attention to the material properties of the metal sheet. Different materials have different levels of ductility and elasticity, which can affect the rolling process. For example, a highly ductile material may require less pressure and allow for tighter bends, while a less ductile material may require more pressure and have limitations on the bending radius.To illustrate the process, let's consider an example. Imagine I am operating a four-roll plate bending machine in a metal fabrication workshop. I have a stainless steel sheet that needs to be rolled into a cylindrical shape for a pipe application.First, I set up the machine by adjusting the rolls and ensuring they are aligned. Then, I load the stainless steel sheet onto the machine using a crane. I position the sheet between the top and bottom rolls, making sure it is centered.Next, I start the rolling process by activating themachine. The rolls rotate and apply pressure to the sheet, gradually bending it into a cylindrical shape. I carefully control the speed and pressure of the rolls to ensure a smooth and accurate bend.I also adjust the bending radius by changing theposition of the side rolls. This allows me to achieve the desired curvature for the cylindrical shape. I payattention to the thickness of the stainless steel sheet and adjust the pressure and rolling speed accordingly.After several passes through the machine, the stainless steel sheet is successfully rolled into a cylindrical shape.I inspect the final product for any defects or deformations and make any necessary adjustments.Overall, operating a four-roll plate bending machine requires skill, precision, and an understanding of themetal properties. It is a versatile process that can beused to create a wide range of shapes and sizes. Withproper setup and control, it can produce high-qualityrolled sheets for various applications.中文回答:四辊卷板机是一种常见的金属成形工艺,广泛应用于各个行业,包括金属板材的生产。
外文翻译ROUNDO3-ROLL plate BeNding machinesType ps3-ROLL Plate Bending MachinesType PSUniversal, Machine used for all Plate Bending ,Double Pinch Design,Arign the plate using the alignnwnt gnnws,in the lowerrollsor against the rear roll. Theprebending is accomplished by clamplng the platebetween the top roll and one of the lowar rolls.The other lower roll is placed in its lowest posrtlon .ROUNDO is the world's leading manufacturer of plate and sectionbending machines. The company was formed in 1964, and hassince delivered more than 15 000 machines to satisfied customers around the globe. ROUNDO machines are world-renowned,for outstanding performance, reliability and quality.Wlde Range of MachinesThe standard range of 3-roll plate bending machines covers platethicknesses from 3 mm (1/8 ') t0 100 mm (4-) and widths from1 000 mm t0 8 000 mm (3' t0 26'). All machines haw uniquefeatures needed for high precision and versatility:Prebending of both the leading and trailing edga. In manycases, the remaining flat end is as short as one time theplate thickness.Fully hydraulic.infiniteIy variable spead drive and adjustment of the rolls.Highest drive torque of any competftive machine.Frames made of high-strength steel, Nlly welded andstress relieved beforo machining to havo sufficlontstrength to absorb bending forcos and to achieve hlghestpossible accuracy。
三辊卷板机(纯英文)------------------------------------------作者xxxx------------------------------------------日期xxxxAnalytical and empirical modeling of top roller position for three-roller cylindrical bending of plates and its experimental verificationA.H. Gandhi, H.K. RavalAbstract:Reported work proposes an analytical and empirical model to estimate the top roller position explicitly as a function of desired (final) radius of curvature for three-roller cylindrical bending of plates, considering the contact point shift at the bottom roller plate interfaces. Effect of initial strain and change of material properties during deformation is neglected. Top roller positions for loaded radius of curvature are plotted for a certain set of data for center distance between bottom rollers and bottom roller radius. Applying the method of least square and method of differential correction to the generated data, a unified correlation is developed for the top roller position, which in turn is verified with the experiments, on a pyramid type three-roller plate-bending machine. Uncertainty analysis of the empirical correlation is reported using the McClintock’s method.Keywords: Roller bending,Springback,Analytical study,Empirical modeling, Uncertainty analysis1. IntroductionLarge and medium size tubes and tubular sections are extensively in use in many engineering applications such as the skeleton of oil and gas rigs, the construction of tunnels and commercial and industrial buildings (Hua et al., 1999). The hull of ships may have single, double or higher order curvatures, which can be fabricated sequentially; first by roll forming or bending (to get the single curvature), and then line heating (to get the double or higher order curvature). As roller bending is performed at least once in the sequential process, its efficient performance is a prerequisite for the accurate forming of the double or multiple curvature surfaces (Shin et al., 2001). In view of the crucial importance of the bending process, it is rather surprising to find that roller-bending process in the field has been performed in a very nonsymmetrical manner. Normal practice of the roller bending still heavily depends upon the experience and skill of the operator. Working with the templates, or by trial and error, remains a common practice in the industry. The most economical and efficient way to produce the cylinders is to roll the plate through the roll in asingle pass, for which the plate roller forming machine should be equipped with certain features and material-handling devices, as well as a CNC that can handle the entire production process (Kajrup and Flamholz, 2003).Many times most of the plate bending manufacturers experience Low productivity due to under utilization of their available equipment. The repeatability and accuracy required to use the one-pass production method has always been a challenging task.Reported research on the forming of cylindrical shells mostly discusses the modeling and analysis of the process. Hensen and Jannerup (1979) reported the geometrical analysis of the single pass elasto-plastic bending of beams on the three-roller pyramid benders by assuming triangular moment distribution between the rollers. Developed model for the bending force and bending moment was based on the contact point shift between the plate and top roll fromthe vertical centerline of the top roll. Hardt et al. (1982) described closed loop shape control of three-roller bending process. The presented scheme accomplishes the shape control by measuring the loaded shape, the loaded moment and effective beam rigidity of the material in real time. Yang and Shima (1988) and Yang et al. (1990) discussed the distribution of curvature and bending moment in accordance with the displacement and rotation of the rolls by simulating the deformation of work piece with Ushaped cross-section in a three-roller bending process. They reported the relationship between the bending moment and the curvature of the work piece by elementary method, which was further used to build up a process model combining the geometries for three-roller bending process. Developed process model was further applied to the real time control system to obtained products with constant and continuously varying curvature. Hardt et al. (1992) reported a process model for use in simulation of the manufacturing of cylindrical shells from the plates, which require sequential bending, by incorporating the prior bend history. They modeled the process with series of overlapping two-dimensional three point bends, where overlap includes the plastic zone from the previous bends. Hua et al. (1995) reported the mathematical model for determining the plate internal bending resistance at the top roll contact for the multi-pass four-roll thin plate bending operations along with the principle mechanisms of bending process for single pass and multi-pass bending. Shin et al. (2001) have reported a kinematics based symmetric approach to determine the region of the plate to be rolled, in order to form smoothly curved plates. Gandhi and Raval (2006) developed the analytical model to estimate the top roller position as a function of desired radius of curvature,for multiple pass three-roller forming of cylinders, considering real material behavior and change of Young’smodulus of elasticity (E) under deformation and shows that the springback is larger than the springback calculated with constant E.Literature review reveals that only limited studies are available on the continuous three-roller bending of plates. With reported analytical models, it is difficult to find the top roller position explicitly as a function of the desired radius of curvature and hence it requires solving the set of equations by nonlinear programming. Use of the close loop shape control or adaptive control or CNC control system can improve the accuracy and the consistency of the process but acquisition and maintenance of such a system is costly and may not be affordable to the small scale to medium scale fabricators. Purpose of the present analysis is to develop the model for prediction of the top roller position as a function of the desired radius of curvature explicitly for cylindrical shell bending. Development of the model is based on analytical and empirical approach. Empirical model is developed based on the top roller position versus loaded radius of curvature plots, which is obtained geometrically for a set of data of center distance between bottom rollers and bottom roller radius.Fig. 1– Schematic diagram of three-roller bending process.Fig. 1 shows the schematic diagram of three-roller bending process, which aimed at producing cylindrical shells. The plate fed by two side rollers and bends to a desired curvature by adjusting the position of center top roller in one or several passes. Distance between bottom rollers can be varied. During deformation, axes of all the three rollers are set parallel to each other. Desired curvature in this case is the functionof plate thickness (t), plate width (w), material properties (E, n, K, and v), center distance between two bottom rollers (a), top-roller position(U), top-roller radius () and bottom-roller radius () (Raval, 2002). The capacity of the plate bender is defined by the parameters such as tightest bend radius with the maximum span and designed thickness of the plate and the amount of straight portion retained at the end portions of the plate.Fig2 Deformation in fiber ABO2. Bending analysisBending analysis is based on some of the basic assumptions summarized below:•The material is homogeneous and has a stable microstructure throughout the deformation process.• Deformation occurs under isothermal conditions.• Plane strain conditions prevail.• The neutral axis lies in the mid-plane of the sheet.• Bauschinger effect is neglected.• Analysis is based on power law material model,• Pre-strain is neglected.• Change of material properties during deformation is neglected.• Plate is with the uniform radius of curvature for supported length between bottom rollers.2.1. Geometry of bendingIn thin sheets, normal section may be considered to remain plane on bending andto converge on the center of curvature (Marciniak and Duncan, 1992). It is also considered that the principal direction of forces and strain coincide with the radial and circumferential direction so that there is no shear in the radial plane and gradient of stress and strain are zero in circumferential direction. The middle surface however may extend. Fibers away from the middle surface are deformed as shown in Fig. 2. Initially the length of the fiber AB0 is assumed as l0 in the flat sheet. Then, under the action of simultaneous bending and stretching the axial strain of the fiber is of the form(1)where is the strain associated with the extension of middle surface, the bending strain and ρ is the radius of curvature of the neutral surface.2.2. Moment per unit width for bending without tensionIn the case of simple bending without applied tension and where the radius of curvature is more than several times the sheet thickness, the neutral surface approximately coincides with the middle surface. If the general stress–strain curve for the material takes the form(2) Then, for the plastic bending, applied moment per unit width can be of the form (Marciniak and Duncan, 1992)(3)Elastic spring back in plates formed by bendingIn practice, plates are often cold formed. Due to spring back, the radius through which the plate is actually bent must be smaller than the required radius. The amount of spring back depends up on several variables as follows (Raval, 2002;Sidebottom and Gebhardt, 1979):• Ratio of the radius of curvature to thickness of plates, i.e. bend ratio.• Modulus of elasticity of the material.•Shape of true stress versus true strain diagram of the material for loading under tension and compression.•Shape of the stress–strain diagram for unloading and reloading under tension and compression, i.e. the influence of the Bouschinger effect.• Magnitude of residual stresses and their distribution in the plate before loading.• Yield stress ().• Bottom roller radius, top roller radius and center distance between bottom rollers. • Bending history (single pass or multiple pass bending, initial strain due to bending during previous pass).Assuming linear elastic recovery law and plane strain condition (Marciniak and Duncan, 1992; Hosford and Caddell, 1993), for unit width of the plate, relation between loaded radius of curvature (R) and desired radius of curvature () can be given by(4) 3. Analytical models of top roller position (U) for desired radius of curvature ()For the desired radius of curvature (), value of loaded radius of curvature (R) can be calculated using the Eq. (4). From the calculated value of loaded radius of curvature (R), top roller position (U) can be obtained using the concepts described below.3.1. Concept 1Application of load by lowering the top roller will result in the inward shift of contact point at the bottom roller plate interface (towards the axis of the central roller). Fig. 1shows that distance between plate and bottom roller contact point reduces to a’from a. Raval (2002)reported that for the larger loaded radius of curvature (R), top roller position (U) is very small, and hence, contact point shift at the bottom roller plate interface can be neglected for simplification (i.e. a≈). Fig. 3 shows the bend plate with uniform radius of curvature (R) between roller plate interfaces X and Y, in the loaded condition. As top roller position (U) is small for the larger loaded radius of curvature(R), in triangle OY’X, segment Y’X can be assumed to be equal to half the center distance between bottom rollers (i.e. ). So, from triangle OY’X in Fig. 3Simplification of the above equation will result in the form(5) where A= (4/R), B = 8 and C = a2/R.From Eq.(5), top roller position (U) can be obtained for the loaded radius of curvature (R),calculated from desired radius of curvature().Fig.3 Bend plate in loaded condition without considering contact point shift 3.2. Concept 2Concept 1 discussed above, neglects the contact point shift at the bottom rollers plate interfaces, whereas concept 2 suggests the method for the approximation of these contact point shift for the particular top roller position (U). It was assumed that the plate spring back after its exit from the exit side bottom roller and hence between the roller plate interfaces, plate is assumed to be with the uniform radius of curvature. Then, for the larger loaded radius of curvature (R), length of arc (s) between the points L’H in Fig. 4 is assumed to be equal to L’H’(i.e. ). In order to obtain contact point shift at bottom roller plate interface,portion of the plate in between the bottom rollers plate interfaces is divided into total N number of small segments defining the nodal points , , . . ., at each segment intersection as shown in Fig. 4. Each small segment of the arc s, i.e. L H being the arc length d(s)equal to ((a/2)/N) is considered as a straight line at an angle of (θ/N), (2θ/N), . . ., θ, respectively with the horizontal. Incremental x and y co-ordinates at each nodal point are calculated using the relationship (Gandhi and Raval, 2006):(6)where for total N number of segment (i.e. i=1, 2, . . .,N)Then, from the summation of ‘x’ co-ordinates and ‘y’ co-ordinates of all the nodal points, top roller position (U) for the particular value of loaded radius of curvature (R) can be obtained in two different ways as follows.Fig. 4 – Bend plate in loaded condition (assuming the platewith constant radius of curvature between the supports).In Fig. 4, considering the GHO(7) In Fig. 4, considering the HOL’This can be derived to the form(8)The contact point shift between the plate and bottom rollers are obtained by(9) 3.3. Concept 3Fig. 5 shows the loaded plate geometry assuming constant loaded radius of curvature (R) between the bottom roller plate interfaces with top roller position (U) and center distance between bottom rollers (a). Relationship of top roller position (U)with other operating parameters viz loaded radius of curvature (R), center distance between bottom rollers (a) and bottom roller radius () considering actual contact point shift can be obtained as discussed below.Fig. 5 Geometry of three-roller bending process.From the OPQ in Fig. 5where , andExpanding and rearranging, this can be derived to the form(10) Replacing R from Eq. (10) into Eq. (4) and simplifying,(11) whereEq. (11) represents the top roller position (U) as a function of final radius ofcurvature (). From Eq. (11), it can be observed that top rolle position (U) is the function of• Bottom roller radius ()• Center distance between bottom rollers (a).• Material property parameters (E, v K, and n).• Thickness of plate (t).• Final radius of curvature (Assumption of constant radius of curvature between the roller plate interfaces and plane strain condition has eliminated the effect of top roller radius () and width of the plate (b).4. Development of empirical modelAs described earlier, top roller position (U) is the function of loaded radius of curvature (R), center distance between bottom rollers (a), radius of the bottom rollers () and radius of the top roller (). Further, loaded radius of curvature (R) can be calculated from the desired final radius of curvature () considering the spring back. To develop the empirical model, data set were generated from the geometry for the required top roller position (U) in order to obtain the particular value of loaded radius of curvature (R), with a set of values of center distance between bottom rollers and bottom roller radius. Effect of top roller radius () on top roller position (U) was neglected with the assumption of no contact point shift at the top roller plate interface (i.e. uniform radius of the supported plate length). Fig. 6shows the plot of U versus R for the data set for three different bottom roller radiuses () i.e. 95, 90 and 81.5mm. These data sets were generated with top roller radius () as 105mm, for range of loaded radius of curvature (R) from 1400 to 3800mm; center distance between bottom rollers (a) from 375 to 470mm and bottom roller radius () from 81.5 to 105mm. From these data, correlation for top roller position (U) was derived which is described as follows.From the study of the U versus R plots for the particular machine (with top roller radius () equal to 105mm and bottom roller radius () equal to 81.5 mm), a functional relationship of the form given by Eq. (12)can be assumed.(12)Constants (c) and (m) were evaluated using method of least square. For the different center distance between bottom rollers (a) i.e. 375, 390, 405, 425, 440, 455 and 470mm, values of constants (c) and (m) were found to be different. Hence, variation of constant (c) and (m) were plotted against center distance (a) as shown in Figs. 7 and 8. The top roller position (U) is derived with new constant () and ().,(13)Fig. 6 –U vs. R for different bottom roller radius () and centerdistances between bottom rollers (a), = 105mm.Fig. 7 – Constant c for different center distancebetween bottom rollers (a), = 105mm.where constants and were obtained as a function of center distance between bottom rollers (a).Similarly, from the U versus R plots for the other machines with top roller radius equal to 105mmand bottom roller radius equal to 90, 95, 100 and 105mm, the empirical equation for top roller position (U) was derived in the form given by Eq.(13).Where, constants () and () were obtained as a function of center distance between bottom rollers (a), for the different machines and are presented in Table 1.,So, unified empirical equation considering all different machines can be obtained as below(14) where P, Q and S are constants, which depend on bottom roller radius (). From the P versus , Q versus and S versus plots, constants P, Q and S were obtained by applying the generalized method of least square and method of differential corrections (Devis, 1962) to the generated dataset, as a function of bottom roller radius () given by Eqs. (15)–(17)(15)(16)(17) Replacing P, Q and S from Eqs. (15)–(17) into Eq. (14)(18)Fig. 8 – Constant m for different center distancebetween bottom rollers (a), = 105mm.Assuming the unit width of the plate and plane strain condition, from Eqs. (3) and (4)(19) Replacing R from Eq. (19) into Eq. (18)(20) Eq. (20)is the empirical equation for top roller position (U) considering contact point shift, where U is the function of• Bottom roller radius (r1).• Center distance between bottom rollers (a).• Material property parameters (E, V K, and n).• Thickness of plate (t).• Final radius of curvature ().Eq. (20)is the generalized equation of top roller position (U) as its derivation is based on the trend equations and it is applicable to any range of the parameters under consideration. Further from Table 1, for the range of bottom roller radius () from 81.5 to 105mm, range of variation of P, Q and S was observed to be 0.0636–0.0593, 2.0673–2.0651 and 0.9631–0.952, respectively. By averaging the P, Q and S, top roller position (U) can be derived to the form given by Eq. (21), which neglects theeffect of bottom roller radius () and is applicable to the machine with the range of the bottom roller radius from 81.5 to 105mm.(21)Analytical model developed under present work is based on the assumption of constant radius of curvature between the bottom roller plate interfaces. However, in actual practice, plate has been observed with the varying radius of curvature between the roller supports due to nonsymmetrical moment distribution around the top roller axis. Research reported by Hensen and Jannerup (1979) has described the curvature functions for finding the varying curvature between the roller supports in loaded condition. However, in the derivation, as none of the essential variables can be expressed as explicit functions of input quantities describing geometry and material characteristics, calculations were possible only with multi-loop iterative procedure. Hence, to avoid the multi-loop iterative procedure, empirical model as described above is useful to predict/obtain top roller position (U). With the help of the experimental data on the curvature distribution for plate in loaded condition, empirical model for the top roller position(U) can be developed as per the procedure discussed in foregoing sections. This will include the effect of top rollerplate contact point shift and will lead to the more accurate prediction of top roller position for desired radius of curvature.5. Uncertainty analysisThe uncertainty analysis is carried out in accordance with the McClintock’s method with the following assumed uncertainties in the various parameters:• Uncertainty in strain hardening exponent (n) =±10%.• Uncertainty in strength coefficient (K, N/mm2) =±15%.• Uncertainty in thickness of plate =± (5mm≤t < 8 mm), ±0.32mm (8mm≤t<10mm), ±(10mm≤t<12mm) and ±0.39mm (12mm≤t<15mm).• Uncertainty in center distance between bottom rollers (a) =±1mm.• Uncertainty in loaded radius (R, mm)=±1%.Uncertainty in strain hardening exponent (n) is assumed based on its variation with percentage elongation at 2 and 8-in. gauge length where as, uncertainty in strength coefficient(K) is assumed based on its variation over the range of the tensile strength for different grades of the carbon manganese steel as per ASME Section 2 (ASME,2001a). Uncertainty in the loaded radius (R) is assumed based on the rules for the construction of pressure vessel as per ASME Section 8 (ASME, 2001b). Uncertainty in thickness is assumed based on the thickness tolerances of hot rolled steel plates for 5–20mm thickness as per DIN 1016 (DIN, 1987). As the center distance between bottom rollers was set with the help of the scale having least count of 1mm, its uncertainty is assumed to be equal to±1mm. The resultant uncertainties in the top roller positions are found to be in the range of .6. ConclusionDeveloped analytical and empirical models were verified with the experiments on three-roller cylindrical bending. Following important conclusions were derived out of the reported work:(1) Analytical model based on concept 3, simplifies the calculation procedure for the machine-setting parameters as it expresses the top roller position as an explicit function of desired radius of curvature.(2) Agreement of empirical results with that of the experiments and analytical results based on concept 3 proves the correctness of the procedure.(3) For the small to medium scale fabricators, where the volume of production does not permit the acquisition of automated close loop control systems, developed models can be proved to be simple tool for the first hand estimation of machine setting parameters for required product dimensions.(4) Consideration of effect of initial strain and change of modulus of elasticity during deformation on spring back, in analytical/empirical model will further improve the accuracy of prediction of top roller position.(5) Further, empirical model based on the experimental loaded curvature distribution between roller supports would consider the top roller-plate contact point shift and will lead to more accurate prediction of top roller position. AcknowledgementsThe authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance provided by Dr. E.V. Ramakrishnan, Professor and Head, Department of English, V.N. South Gujarat University, India for English language editing. Authors are also thankful to the reviewers whose learned comments have helped a lot in improving the quality of this work.1.ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 2001. Section 2,Part A and D.2.ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 2001. Section 8, Division 1.3.Devis, D.S., 1962. Nomography and Empirical Equations, 2nd ed. Reinhold Publishing Corporation, NY, USA.4.DIN 1016, 1987. Steel Flat Products; Hot Rolled Sheet and Strip; Limit Deviations, Form and Mass Tolerances, Revision 87.5.Ditter, G.E., 1979. Mechanical Behavior of Materials under Tension Mechanical Metallurgy, 2nd ed. Mc-Graw Hill, NY, USA, pp. 329–348.6.Gandhi, A.H., Raval, H.K., 2005. Stress strain curve for multiple pass loading of ductile material. 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top liner 外层挂面top former 上方喷浆成形器top lip (of slice) 上唇板top knife 上刀top press (roll) 上压榨(辊)top relief valve 锅顶放气阀top roll 上辊,顶辊top side 正面top sizing 表面施胶top slice 堰板上唇,上堰板top slitter 纵切上刀top squeeze roll 挤水上辊top wire 上网,面网tori (torus的复数)纹孔torn deckle 定边带破裂torn sheet 破损纸页torque 转力矩torsion 扭曲度;扭力,扭曲torsion balance 扭秤torsion meter 扭曲强度试验仪torsion of fibers 纤维扭曲torsion resistance 扭曲度torsion strength 扭力强度torsion tester 扭曲度测定仪torsional strength 扭力强度torsional strength tester 扭曲强度测定仪torus 纹孔托total acid 总酸total alkali 总碱total alkali consumption 总碱耗,总耗碱量total cooking time 蒸煮总时间total drying surface 干燥全面积total efficiency 总效率total length of cuts per second 每秒总切断长total load 总负荷total pressure 总压力total solids 总固体物含量total soluble matter 总溶解物total stress 总应力total sulfur dioxide 二氧化硫总量total time of treatment 总处理时间total titratable alkali 滴定碱总量total transmittance 透射总量total transmittance 透射总量total yield 总得率,总收获率touch roll 托辊touching 上色,配色toughness 韧性tough check 强靭纸板toughness of wood 木材韧度tour foreman 值班长towel 毛巾纸towelling 毛巾纸tower absorption system 吸收塔系统tower acid 塔酸tower acid system 塔酸回收系统tower filling (塔内)填充物tower plate 塔板tower press 链棚式挤压机tower reclaiming system 塔酸回收系统towerman 制酸工toxicant 消毒剂toxicity 毒性trabecular duct' 横纹导管trabecular vessel 横纹导管tracasol 槐树豆胶trace element 痕量元素;示踪元素tracer 示踪物;描绘器trachea 导管tracheae (trachea的复数)导管tracheal portion 导管部分tracheal tissue 导管组织tracheid 管胞trackway 轨道traction cable 牵引缆索trade mark 商标tragacanth gum 刺梧桐树胶traganth 胺黄树胶tralling blade costing 拖刀涂布training equipment 训练设备tramp down 踏洗transducer 传送器;换能器transection 横切面transfer 传递;转移;迁移transfer felt 领纸毛毯,引纸毛毯transfer press 第一(转移)压榨transfer roll (超级压光机)中间导纸辊;选纸辊transferring by hand 人工领纸transferring of paper web 领纸,引纸transform 转变,改变transformer 变压器transformer room 配电站transistor 晶体管transition element 过渡无素transition point 转变点,转换点transition temperature 过渡态transition temperature 过渡温度transitional element 过渡元素translucence 半透明度translucency 半透明度translucent coating 半透明涂布translucicity 透明度transmission line 传动(系统)transmission of heat 热传导transmission side 传动侧,传动面transmittance 透光度transmittance of light 透光度transmitter 变送器;发射机;传感器transmutation 质变,蜕变transparence 透明transparency 透明度transparency ratio 透明比率transparencizing agent 透明助剂transparent 透明的transparent cellulose 透明纸transparent manifold 透明复写纸transparent spots 透明点(纸病)transparentizing 透明化transpirating 蒸腾,流逸transplantation 移植transport 运输,运搬transportaion 运输,运搬transportation device 运输设备transversal log haul-up 横向拉木机transverse cutting machine 横切机transverse flow press 横流压榨transverse porosity 横生气孔度transverse resin canal 横生树脂道transverse section 横切面transverse surface 横要面trap 捕集器trapping 套色印刷trash 废料,废品;损纸trash discharge 废料排放trash sump (打浆机)捕砂沟travelling crane 移动式吊车traverse 横向traverse fiber 横向纤维tray (浅)盘tray water 网下白水tree cone 针叶木tree farm 林场tree length log 全树原木tree length logging 原木采运tree nusery 树苗圃tree shear 树木剪切trembling aspen (populus tremuloides michx.) 颤杨trestle conveyor 高架运输机trial run 试运转triazon trsin 叠氮基树脂trickling condenser 滴漏冷凝器trickling filter 滴漏过滤塔trickling filtration 滴漏过滤tri-clean 除渣器trigesune-secunde 32开trigger 闸板;板机trigger circuit 触发电路trim 冲边;纸边trim broke 冲边损纸trim conveying system 湿纸边运送系统trim gulde 纸边导板trim shower 切边水针trim width 成品宽,净宽trimbey (consistency)regulator trimbey圆筒浓度调节器trimethyl cellulose 三甲基纤维素trimmed 切边trimmed size 成品规格,切边后规格trimmed splice 纸张接头裁切trimmed width 成品宽,切边后宽度trimmer 闸刀切边机trimmer knife 长刀,横切刀trimmer press 平板切纸机trimmer saw 修整锯trimming 裁切,切边trimming device 冲边装置,切边装置trimming knife 平板切纸机长刀trimming machine 缝边机trimmings 纸边tri-nip press 三压区压榨triose 三糖tri-pick tester 湿摩擦测定仪triple chain wire 三线网triple deck chip screen 三层木片筛triple deck dryer 三层烘缸triple disc refiner 单动三盘磨浆机,三盘磨triple effect evaporator 三效蒸发器triple fouredrinier machine 三长网造纸机triple warp weave 三线捻织triple weave (fourdrinier) wire 绫织长网triple wire 绫织长网;三丝铜网triplex 三倍,三层tripper 倾斜器trisaccharide 三糖tri-sodium phosphate 磷酸三钠tri-stimulus specification 三色刺激量标准tri-stimulus value 三刺激数值tri-vent press 三压区沟纹压榨trommel 转筒筛tropical plant 热带植物tropical wood 热带木材trotters (平板筛浆机)隔膜支脚trouble 事故;故障trouble shooting 排除故障trough 槽,池,沟troughing 打浆池true density 真密度;真比重true middle lamella 真胞间层true specific gravity 真比重true up 钝(磨木)石,锉(磨木)石true weight 真重量true wood 心材true wood fiber 纯木材纤维true wood fiber tracheid 真木纤维导管truing device 锉石装置truing lathe 锉石刀truing up 锉石truncated 平头的,截短的trunk 树干;衣箱;总管trunk and case fiber 衣箱用纤维板truck eccentricity 树干偏心率truck warping 树干truck wrapper 衣箱包装纸trunion 凸耳,耳轴truth table 真值表tub 槽tub coloring 槽染色tub liner 贮槽衬里tub size press 槽法施胶tub sized 槽法施胶tub sizing machine 槽式施胶机trbe bedplate (打浆机)管状底刀trbe roll 案辊trbe stock 纸管用纸;纱管用纸trbe type condenser 管式冷凝器tuber 纸管纸tubing suction box 管状真空吸水装置tubular boiler 水管式锅炉tubular continuous digester 管式连续蒸煮器tubular cascade evaporator 管式圆盘蒸发器tubular heater 管式加热器tubular tissue 管状组织trcker 摺头器tulip tree (liriodendron tulipifera l.) 美国鹅掌楸tumbling digester 回转式蒸煮器tumbling drum 翻滚式圆筒剥皮机tung oil 桐油tunnel dryer 隧道式干燥室tupelo gum (nyssa sylvatica marsh.) 美国紫树tupfel 纹孔turbair vacuum system turbair真空操作集中控制系统turbid 混浊turbidity 混浊度turbidmeter 浊度计turbine 涡轮(机);透平(机)turbine aerator 涡轮充气机turbine-centrifugal foam breaker 涡轮式消沫离心机turbine pump 透平泵turbine room 透平车间turbo-compressor 透平式真空泵trubo-electric charge 静电trubo-flow (nozzle)headbox 湍流(喷嘴式)流浆箱trubo-generator 透平发电机(组)trubo-separator 叶轮除渣器turbulence 湍流;紊流turbulent contact absorber 湍流吸收塔turbulent flow 湍流turbulent layer roaster 沸腾焙烧炉turf cutter 切草机turgid 膨胀;起凸turkey red oil 土耳其红油turnover 投资回收期turnover job 大修turnbull's blue 铁氰化钾蓝turned edge 卷边turning roll 转向辊turnkeyt plant 关键车间turnpike 转盘turntable 转盘turpentine 松节油turpentine separator 松节油澄清槽turpentine test (纸张)松香油试验turpentine timber 含脂材twelvens 12开twenty-four mo 24开twig 枝桠twill(ed) weave 捻织,斜纹twill weave wire 捻织网twin chamber electrostatic precipitator 双室静电除尘器twin cylinder machine 双圆网造纸机twin former 双网成形装置twin press 双压区复式压榨twin refiner 单动三盘磨twin roll press 双辊挤压机twin serew chip feeder 双螺旋喂料器twin wire former 双网成形装置,双网成形器twin wire (fourdrinier) machine 双长网造纸机twin wire (paper) machine 双网造成纸机teine 细绳;编织;交织twinver com-press 双压区复合压榨twinver form 水平双网纸机twinver press 双压区压榨twist 扭曲,捻twist wire weave 捻织网twisted growth (木材)扭曲生长twisted weave 捻织twisting strength 扭曲强度two coat 双面涂布two deck dryer 双层烘缸two dimcnsional chromatography 双向色谱法two drum reel 双鼓卷纸机two drum winder 双鼓卷纸机two piece lambert 对开瓦楞纸盒two ply 两层two ply laminating machine 双贴层压机two pocket magaqzine grinder 双袋库式磨木机two roll calender 双辊压光机two roll embossing machine 双辊压花机two section drum barker 两段鼓式剥皮机two sided coating 双面涂布two sided waxing 双面涂蜡two-sidedness 两面性two stage beating 两段打浆tyloses (tylosis的复数)侵填体tylosis 侵填体tympan (印刷机)压纸格typar 聚丙烯合成纸(美国du pont de nemours产品,商业名称)type setting 排字typewriter banks 打字带纸typewriter manifold 打字复写纸typography 活版印刷tyvek 高密度聚乙烯合成纸(美国du pont de nemours产品,商业名称)tembec 加拿大天柏林木浆纸公司的司标tss total suspended solids 总悬浮固体量的缩略语ts tensile strength 抗张强度的缩略语trs total reduced sulfur 总还原硫的缩略语tq threshold quantity 临界量(值)的缩略语tp thermo-plastic 热塑性的缩略语tmp thermo mechanical pulp 热磨机械浆的缩略语tla thin layer activation 薄层活性化的缩略语tga thermal gravimertic analysis 热重分析的缩略语tcr temperature controller and recorder 温度调节记录仪的缩略语tcf totally chlorine-free 全无氯(漂白)的缩略语tc temperature controller 温度调节器的缩略语tac totally applied chlorine 总用氯量的缩略语tasman 新西兰“塔斯曼”未漂硫酸盐针叶木浆。
【关键字】附录附录A 中文译文上辊万能式三辊卷板机机架翻倒装置液压系统摘要:文章分析了上辊万能式三辊卷板机机架翻倒装置对卷弯制件质量的影响及对液压系统的要求;讨论了翻倒装置液压系统设计中存在的问题;提出新的设计方案。
卷板机左机架翻倒装置如图1 所示。
2.卷板机机架翻倒装置液压系统设计及弊端卷板机左机架翻倒装置液压系统如图2a 所示。
对称三辊卷板机上辊挠度补偿计算与受力分析甄诚;郭瑞峰;郭永平【摘要】The plate bending machine is forming equipment for bending the sheet metal, and can bend the plate material to cylinder shape, arc, cone shape or other.Symmetry three-roll bending machine is simple in structure, convenient to operate, and suitable for many varieties, small batch of steel pipe production.Because the symmetrical three-roll bending machine is symmetric, the force is relatively uniform when sheet metal is bending, soit can solve the problem of the rebound and the pre-cision.In order to ensure the quality, and considering the roundness and linear of the forming sheet, we must ensure that the top roller has sufficient rigidity and deflection.In this paper, using the software simulation of AutoCAD Mechanical, and as-suming the support reaction force, the uniform load of the top roller is simulated; Mechanical software is used in inverse solu-tion to add the deflection on top roller, thus to ensure the quality of sheet metal.%卷板机是一种弯曲金属板材的成形设备,可将材料弯曲成筒状、弧状、锥状或其他形状的板件。
LM PLC在液压式三辊卷板机上的应用
LM PLC在液压式三辊卷板机上的应用关键词:LM PLC;HT7000;液压式三辊卷板机作者:陈 申摘要:液压式三辊对称式卷板机(三辊卷板机)结构式为三辊对称式,上辊在两下辊中央对称位置作垂直升降运动,通过液压缸的液压油作用于活塞而获得,为液压传动;两下辊作旋转运动,通过减速机的输出齿轮与下辊齿啮合,为卷制板材提供扭矩。
采用基于和利时公司HOLLiAS LM PLC的三辊卷板机系统,可实现卷板机与PLC一体化无缝连接,同时通过串口RS232于HOLLiAS HT7000之间的通讯,动态响应快。
1 引言卷板机(Rolling Machine)是对板料进行连续点弯曲的塑形机床,具有卷制O型、U型、多段R等不同的形状。
2 设备控制工艺介绍三辊卷板机有机械式和液压式。
液压式三辊卷板机完成卷板动作过程中全部采用液压传动,PLC 输出动作去控制液压气缸动作。
3 系统设计液压式三辊卷板机系统一般由以PLC为核心的控制机柜、位置反馈传感器、动作执行机构、液压系统、动力传动装置和触摸屏组成,系统装置如图2-1所示。
毕业设计开题报告题目名称:三辊卷板机院系名称:机电学院班级:机自 072学号:************学生姓名:***指导教师:安向东老师2008年03月零件中部凸起、纵向呈锥度和边缘不平整等几个问题。
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行业资料:________ 三辊卷板机操作规程单位:______________________部门:______________________日期:______年_____月_____日第1 页共5 页三辊卷板机操作规程1、工作前检查液压站储油箱油量应充足。
第 2 页共 5 页三辊研磨机安全操作规程1.操作者应熟悉本机的性能和结构,严格按使用说明书进行操作,禁止超负荷运行。
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Analytical and empirical modeling of top roller position for three-roller cylindrical bending of plates and its experimental verificationThe charact type of level eristic of level adjust below three rollers Rolling Machine in thisinvestigation is as ing the adjust,the end can be bendedwithout turn around and the whole process of plate coiling including entering、center adjusting、pre-bending、coiling、cylinder proofread can be completedcontinuously;due to whole hydraulic pressure driving protocol,the structure wassimplified,and speed and pressure was easily controlled in the process of platecoiling;The setup of the center adjusting and the equip of supporting,the preciseand quality of plate coiling was improved;owing to the simplified structure,theoperation and maintenance is easy to carried out.KeyWord: Bending Machine;the work rolls;mechanical analysis;the transmission system1、Reported research on the forming of cylindrical shells mostly discusses the modeling and analysis of the process. reported the geometrical analysis of the single pass elasto-plastic bending of beams on the three-roller pyramid benders by assuming triangular moment distribution between the rollers. Developed model for the bending force and bending moment was based on the contact point shift between the plate and top roll from the vertical centerline ofthe top roll. described closed loop shape control of three-roller bending process. The presented scheme accomplishes the shape control by measuring the loaded shape, the loaded moment and effective beam rigidity of the material in real time. discussed the distribution of curvature and bending moment in accordance with the displacement and rotation of the rolls by simulating the deformation of work piece with U-shaped cross-section in athree-roller bending process. They reported the relationship between the bending moment and the curvature of the work piece by elementary method, which was further used to build up a process model combining the geometries for three-roller bending process.2、Developed process model was further applied to the real time control system to obtained products with constant and continuously varying curvature.reported a process model for use in simulation of the manufacturing of cylindrical shells from the plates, which require sequential bending, by incorporating the prior bend history. They modeled the process with series of overlappingtwo-dimensional three point bends, where overlap includes the plastic zone from the previous bends. reported the mathematical model for determining the plate internal bending resistance at the top roll contact for the multi-pass four-roll thin plate bendingoperations along with the principle mechanisms of bending process for single pass and multi-pass bending. have reported a kinematics based symmetric approach to determine the region of the plate to be rolled, in order to form smoothly curved plates.developed the analytical model to estimate the top roller position as a function of desired radius of curvature, for multiple pass three-roller forming of cylinders, considering real material behavior and change ofYoung's modulus of elasticity under deformation and shows that the springback is larger than the springback calculated with constant E. Literature review reveals that only limited studies are available on the continuous three-roller bending of plates.3、With reported analytical models, it is difficult to find the top roller position explicitly as a function of the desired radius of curvature and hence it requires solving the set of equations by nonlinear programming. Use of the close loop shape control or adaptive control or CNC control system can improve the accuracy and the consistency of the process but acquisition and maintenance of such a system is costly and may not be affordable to the small scale to medium scale fabricators. Purpose of the present analysis is to develop the model for prediction of the top roller position as a function of the desired radius of curvature explicitly for cylindrical shell bending. Development of the model is based on analytical andempirical approach. Empirical model is developed based on the top roller position versus loaded radius of curvature plots, which is obtained geometrically for a set of data of center distance between bottom rollers and bottom roller radius.4、ConclusionDeveloped analytical and empirical models were verified with the experiments on three-roller cylindrical bending. Following important conclusions were derived out of the reported work:(1) Analytical model based on concept 3, simplifies the calculation procedure for the machine-setting parameters as it expresses the top roller position as an explicit function of desired radius of curvature.(2) Agreement of empirical results with that of the experiments and analytical results based on concept 3 proves the correctness of the procedure.(3) For the small to medium scale fabricators, where the volume of production does not permit the acquisition of automated close loop control systems, developed models can be proved to be simple tool for the first hand estimation of machine setting parameters for required product dimensions.(4) Consideration of effect of initial strain and change of modulus of elasticity during deformation on spring back, in analytical/empirical model will further improve the accuracy of prediction of top rollerposition.(5) Further, empirical model based on the experimental loaded curvature distribution between roller supports would consider the top roller-plate contact point shift and will lead to more accurate prediction of top roller position.通过实验确认的三辊卷板机上辊位置的分析和经验模型本文研究的水平对称式卷板机特点如下:采用水平下调式,即下辊可作水平移动,可实现不用调头便可预弯端头,使进料、对中、预弯、卷圆、矫圆整个卷板过程连续完成,利于提高生产效率,降低工人劳动强度;设置板料对中装置和支承辊装置,利于提高卷板精度和卷板质量;采用全液压驱动,使设备结构简化,便于卷板过程中的速度和压力控制,起停、换向灵活,运行平稳,操作方便;结构简单,便于操作和维护维修,符合现场技术工人的操作和维修水平,高效实用。