Central Park
Central ParkType Urban parkLocation Manhattan in New York City, United StatesArea 843 acres (341 ha) (3.412 km²)Created 1857Owned by New York City Department of Parks and Recreation Operated by Central Park ConservancyStatus Open all year中央公园(Central Park)是位于纽约市曼哈顿中心的一座大型公园。
1858年,费德列·洛·奥姆斯特和卡弗特·沃克斯以“草坪计划”(Greensward Plan)赢得了扩展公园的设计竞赛。
(Central Park is an urban park in Manhattan in New York City. The park was initially opened in 1857, on 778 acres (315 ha) of city-owned land (it is 843 acres today). In 1858, Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux won a design competition to improve and expand the park with a plan they entitled the Greensward Plan. Construction began the same year, continued during the American Civil War, and was completed in 1873. Central Park is the most visited urban park in the United States.)公园北面为中央公园北街(公园以西称大教堂大道,以东称110街),东面为第五大道,南面是哥伦布圆环及中央公园南街(第五大街道以东称59街),西面为中央公园西街(哥伦布圆环以南称第八大道)。
Central Park introduction 中央公园介绍
• “The World of Henry Orient”, 1964, directed by George Roy Hill. • Musical “Hair”, 1980, directed by Milos Forman. pure
• “A Troll in Central Park”, Don Bluth, 1994.
20, 1824 – Nov. 19, 1895 )English
Institute of Architects.
History and Development
• Construction • Development
• 1821 – 1855 New York City nearly quadrupled in population. The need for a great public park was voiced by William Cullen Bryant and Andrew Jackson Downing (first American landscape architect) • 1853 the New York legislature designated a 700 acre area from 59th to 106th Streets for the creation of the park.
• 1900 – 1960 The park quickly slipped into decline beacause of lack of interest of the political force; • 1934 Mayor of New York City unified the five park-related departments then in existence and began to clean up the park.
著名公园介绍英语作文Title: A Glimpse into the Magnificence of Central Park。
Introduction:Central Park, located in the heart of Manhattan, New York City, is one of the most famous and beloved parks inthe world. Spanning over 843 acres, this urban oasis offers a plethora of attractions and activities for locals and tourists alike. From its picturesque landscapes to its rich history and cultural significance, Central Park trulystands as a testament to the beauty and resilience ofnature in the midst of a bustling metropolis.Body:1. Historical Background:Central Park was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux in the mid-19th century. Construction began in1858 and continued for several years, making it one of the first major urban parks in the United States. The park was designed to provide a respite from the concrete jungle and to promote the well-being of the city's residents.2. Natural Beauty:Central Park boasts a diverse range of landscapes, including rolling meadows, tranquil lakes, and dense woodlands. The park is home to over 26,000 trees, making it a haven for nature enthusiasts. The iconic Bow Bridge, with its elegant arches and scenic views, is a popular spot for photography and leisurely strolls. Additionally, the park features several water bodies, such as the picturesque Central Park Lake, where visitors can rent rowboats and enjoy a serene boating experience.3. Cultural Attractions:Central Park is not just a place for nature lovers; it is also a hub for cultural and artistic activities. The park is home to several renowned landmarks, including theBethesda Terrace and Fountain, which is adorned with intricate carvings and serves as a gathering place for musicians and performers. The Central Park Zoo, located near the southeast corner of the park, is a favorite among families and animal lovers. The park also hosts various concerts, theater performances, and art exhibitions throughout the year.4. Recreational Activities:Central Park offers a wide range of recreational activities for visitors of all ages. The park features numerous sports fields, including baseball diamonds, basketball courts, and soccer fields. Cyclists can explore the park's many bike paths, while joggers can take advantage of the scenic running trails. The Sheep Meadow, a vast grassy area, is perfect for picnics and sunbathing during the warmer months. In winter, visitors can enjoyice-skating at Wollman Rink or take a horse-drawn carriage ride through the snow-covered park.5. Community Engagement:Central Park serves as a gathering place for people from all walks of life. It provides a space for relaxation, socialization, and community events. The park hosts various festivals, such as Shakespeare in the Park, where theater enthusiasts can enjoy free outdoor performances. Moreover, Central Park Conservancy, a nonprofit organization, plays a crucial role in the park's maintenance and preservation, engaging volunteers and organizing educational programs for the public.Conclusion:Central Park is a true gem in the heart of New York City. Its natural beauty, cultural attractions, and recreational activities make it a must-visit destinationfor both locals and tourists. Whether you are seeking tranquility amidst the chaos of the city or looking to engage in various outdoor activities, Central Park offers an unforgettable experience that showcases the harmonious coexistence of nature and urban life.。
纽约中央公园(NewYork Central Park)
中央公园四周有低矮围墙。大门在南端,全园四周有许多随意出入口,园外两侧 交通十分便利。在当时为方便游人乘马车、骑马和步行来园,他们充分利用地形 层次变化设计了车道、马道、和游步道系统,各自分流,在相互穿越时利用桥涵 解决。瓦克斯设计的桥梁没有一个重复。为不防碍景观,涵洞多置在低洼处,用 植物巧妙地加以隐蔽。公园内部道路网的组织考虑到能均匀地疏散游人,使游人 一进园就能沿着各种道路很快达到自己理想的场所。直到现在,中央公园的交通 网络基本上还保留了原来的框架。
保护水域 Conservatory Water
纽约中央公园(NewYork Central Park)
约翰蓝侬遗孀 -- 小野洋子为了纪念其夫于 1980 年遇刺,在住处(也 是蓝侬遇害的地点)达科塔大厦前,出资修缮这个泪滴状区域,并称之 为“草莓园” (Strawberry Fields) 。从达科塔可以俯瞰这个地点,这 个花园中有来自世界各国的捐赠,故称为“国际和平公园” (International garden of peace) ,园内有步道、灌木丛、森林、花 床等,其中,步道上有一个星形、黑白相间的马赛克图形,这也是约翰 蓝侬的一首歌“ Imagine ”歌词中所提到的,每年 12 月 8 日(蓝侬 遇害日),全世界的披头士歌迷会聚集在此一同纪念他,并遥望达科塔 旧居,平时也有歌迷会在马赛克图形上点一根蜡烛、放一束鲜花来凭吊 他。
纽约中央公园(NewYork Central Park)
New York Central Park 纽约中央公园
1. 规划有一条约9.6km长的环形车道,以及比较 密集的二级和三级路网,系统组织考虑到能均匀地 疏散游人,使游人一进园就能沿着各种道路很快达 到自己理想的场所。 。 2. 充分利用地形层次变化设计了车道、马道、和 游步道系统,实现了人车分流。 3. 大量桥梁的设计,实现了立体的交通系统,而 且没有一座桥是重复的。
New York Central Park 纽约中央公园
水面处理,特别注意了让它能反映风卷云舒 的大自然动态。
原地形处理,巧妙地保留了相当一部 分裸露岩石,是它们非常得体地成为自然 园景的一个重要组成部分。
New York Central Park 纽约中央公园
眺望台城堡 (Belvedere Castle
坐落在远景岩 (Vista Rock) 的眺望台城堡 (Belvedere Castle) ,是中央公园学 习中心的所在地,中心内的“发现室”为游客提供园内野生动物相关信息,这里也 是眺望中央公园之戴拉寇克剧院与大草原的好地方,从 1919 年开始,这座城堡也 是美国气象中心。
机遇: 1. 纽约还没有城市公共公园,人们对
于这种公共空间有着强烈的需求。 2. 拥有政府的强力支持。 3. 位于城市市中心,周边交通发达,
人流量大。 4. 规划基地面积很大,地形多变,有
挑战: 1. 规划面积很大,而且长近4公里,但宽
度只有800米,呈现狭长形。 2. 位于城市中心的繁华地带,但要营造一
central park
Main Scenes
• Ceter
• Delacorte Theater
• Bethesda Fountain
• Sheep Meadow
• Strawberry Fields
• Conservatory Water
What do New Yorkers think of Central Park
• Not everyone likes the Park,but just about Actually ,New Yokers do love everyone feels he should Central Park • The park was to be strolled through,enjoyed as an aesthetic experience,like a walk inside a painting
丘永钦 912110690132
纽约中央公园(Central Park)是美国景观设计之父奥姆斯特德(Frederick Law Olmsted)与风景园林设计师沃克斯(Calbert Vaux)共同设计建造的公园,号称“纽约后花园”。
它的意义不仅在于它是全世界最著名的城市公园,还在于在其规划建设中,诞生了一个新的学科——景观设计学(Landscape Architecture)。
1856年Frederick Law Olmsted和Calbert Vaux两位风景园林设计师建成了此公园。
查理·德纳探索 中心
四条公路横穿公园,保证城市交通系统的 完整顺畅。 利用地形高差,采用立交式的设计,与公 园内部交通系统隔离。 利用藤蔓等植物围绕在石拱桥连四周,接 两边的土地,隐蔽性强,保持公园景观的 完整性
中央公园内有一条长10公 里的环园大道,深受跑步 者、骑自行车者以及滚轴 溜冰者喜爱。
毕士达 喷泉及广场位于湖泊与林荫之间,是中央公园的核心,喷泉建于 1873 年,为了纪 念内战期间死于海中的战士。座水池常常有成群天鹅悠游其间,也有不少游客在湖中划船。
这片保护水域 以“模型船池塘”闻名,春天至秋天的星期六早上 10 点,这里会举行 模型船比赛。这座水域北部有一座爱丽斯梦游仙境的雕像,这是出版家乔治·戴拉寇克 为了纪念爱妻出资建立的。
失去纽约的美国将不再是美国 失去中央公园的纽约将不再是纽约
700米 715米
维多利亚花园游乐场绵阳草原毕士达广场戴拉寇特剧院 美国自然历史博物馆 人工湖
草莓园 保护水域眺望台城堡大都会博物馆古根海姆博物馆 运动场地
大都会艺术博物馆是美国最大 的艺术博物馆,与著名的美国 自然历史博物馆遥遥相对。它 是与伦敦大英博物馆、巴黎卢 浮宫、圣彼得堡列宁格勒美术 馆齐名的四大美术馆,共收藏 有300万件展品。
查理·德纳探索中心占地约0.1 公顷,建于1933年,是中央 公园北侧滨湖的一处室内游客 中心,拥有多元化的面向亲子 的教育工作室,并举办众多小 型演出活动。
纽约中央公园 new york central park
草莓园 (Strawberry Fields)
约翰蓝侬遗孀 -- 小野洋子为了纪念其夫于 1980 年遇刺,在住处(也是蓝侬遇害的地点)达科塔大厦前,出资修缮 这个泪滴状区域,并称之为“草莓园” (Strawberry Fields) 。每年 12 月 8 日(蓝侬遇害日),全世界的披头士歌迷 会聚集在此一同纪念他,并遥望达科塔旧居,平时也有歌迷会在马赛克图形上点一根蜡烛、放一束鲜花来凭吊他。
New York Central Park 纽约中央公园
New York Central Park 纽约中央公园
New York Central Park 纽约中央公园
弗雷德里克·奥姆斯特德(1822-1903),是美国19世纪下半叶最著名的规划师和景观设计师,是二次大战后风景 园林潮流的领导者和公认的美国风景园林之父。他对对美国的城市规划和景观设计具有不可磨灭的影响。
•1822年出生在美国康涅狄格州的哈特福德 。 •1837年当奥姆斯特德即将进入耶鲁大学学习时,他受到 严重的漆树中毒,这使得他视力下降,被迫放弃了正常的 学业。 •1858年3月,他和卡儿弗特·沃克斯在中央公园的设计竞 赛中胜出 。 •1875年,美国国会大厦广场,华盛顿特区。 •1886年,斯坦福大学,加州帕洛阿尔托市。 •1859至1895年退休,奥姆斯特德创造了很多种设计典范。
创造自然景观 水面和原地形处理 注意植物配景 园内外交通 文体活动场所
The Central Park中央公园
The Delacorte Theater
Belvedere Castle
•Named for the Italian meaning “beautiful view” •Temperature in Central Park recorded from atop Belvedere Castle • The best and highest views of the Park •It supplies wonderful panoramic views
The Sights and Animals in the Central Park
• • • • •w绵羊草原 The Delacorte Theater戴拉寇特剧院 Belvedere Castle眺望台城堡 Shakespeare Garden莎士比亚花园 Conservatory Garden 温室花园 Bethesda Fountain毕士达喷泉 Conservatory Water 保护水域 Strawberry Fields草莓园 Central Park Zoo中央公园动物园
•The Delacorte Theatre, established in 1962, can be found just off of 80th street on the southwest corner of the Great Lawn(大草坪)
•summertime productions of Shakespearean plays •Free performances at this open-air theater
Sheep Meadow
•From 1864 until 1934, a home to a flock of sheep •In 1980, the meadow became the Park’s first Quiet Zone •Thousands of visitors, who gather to sunbathe, picnic, fly kites, and enjoy this pastoral escape
中心公园英文作文英文:Center Park is one of my favorite places in the city. It's a large, beautiful park with plenty of greenery, walking paths, and recreational facilities. I love going there to relax and enjoy the fresh air.One of the things I love about Center Park is the variety of activities available. There are playgrounds for kids, basketball and tennis courts for sports enthusiasts, and even a small lake where you can rent boats and go fishing. I also enjoy taking walks on the many paths that wind through the park, admiring the flowers and trees along the way.Another great thing about Center Park is the sense of community. People from all walks of life come to the park to enjoy the outdoors and each other's company. I've met some really interesting people there, and have even made afew friends.Overall, Center Park is a wonderful place to spend time, whether you're looking for exercise, relaxation, or socializing.中文:中心公园是我在城市中最喜欢的地方之一。
纽约中央公园(NewYork Central Park)
纽约中央公园(NewYork Central Park)
坐落在远景岩 (Vista Rock) 的眺望台城堡 (Belvedere Castle) , 是中央公园学习中心的所在地,中心内的“发现室”为游客提 供园内野生动物相关信息,这里也是眺望中央公园之戴拉寇克 剧院与大草原的好地方,从 1919 年开始,这座城堡也是美国 气象中心, 1 楼为亨利路西自然观察站,有野生世界展览、教
Park Aanalysis
纽约中央公园(NewYork Central Park)
中央公园四周有低矮围墙。大门在南端,全园四周有许多随意出入口, 园外两侧交通十分便利。在当时为方便游人乘马车、骑马和步行来园, 他们充分利用地形层次变化设计了车道、马道、和游步道系统,各自 分流,在相互穿越时利用桥涵解决。瓦克斯设计的桥梁没有一个重复。 为不防碍景观,涵洞多置在低洼处,用植物巧妙地加以隐蔽。公园内 部道路网的组织考虑到能均匀地疏散游人,使游人一进园就能沿着各 种道路很快达到自己理想的场所。直到现在,中央公园的交通网络基 本上还保留了原来的框架。
이 문서는 나눔글꼴로 작성되었습니다. 설치하기
纽约中央公园(NewYork Central Park)
纽约中央公园(Central Park) 是美国景观设计之父奥姆斯特德 (Frederick Law Olmsted)(1822-1903)最著名的 代表作,是美国乃至全世界最著 名的城市公园,它的意义不仅在 于它是全美第一个并且是最大的 公园,还在于在其规划建设中, 诞生了一个新的学科——景观设 목차计学(Landscape Architecture)。
Paragraph 2
Theme parks are different. They are very large and full of things to do, see and buy. They provide an active experience.
Paragraph 3
Theme parks have a certain idea (a certain theme) that the whole park is based on. One example is a sports park.
5 The oldest theme park in the world is Disneyland, built near Los Angeles,California in 1950. ( F )
•6 Both children and adults enjoyed seeing the characters from Disney films. ( T ) •7 Model villages of life in the past show visitors how the early settlers in England lived. ( F ) America
to see and do __________ places
Traditional parks
activities many ______
Little or no money cost _____________
Entertainment Provide_______
Theme parks
to see and do A variety of things ________ admission Charge money for _______
纽约中央公园(Central Park)
毕士达 喷泉及广场位于湖泊与林荫之间,是中央公园的核心,喷泉建于 1873 年,为了纪 念内战期间死于海中的战士。座水池常常有成群天鹅悠游其间,也有不少游客在湖中划船。
这片保护水域 以“模型船池塘”闻名,春天至秋天的星期六早上 10 点,这里会举行 模型船比赛。这座水域北部有一座爱丽斯梦游仙境的雕像,这是出版家乔治·戴拉寇克 为了纪念爱妻出资建立的。
查理·德纳探索中心占地约0.1 公顷,建于1933年,是中央 公园北侧滨湖的一处室内游客 中心,拥有多元化的面向亲子 的教育工作室,并举办众多小 型演出活动。
动物园 园内分为海狮表演区 、极圈区 和热带雨林区
绵羊草原 原设计用于牧羊,后改为大草坪。现在更多人愿意在这里享受日光浴。
aБайду номын сангаас
约翰蓝侬遗孀 -- 小野洋子为了纪念其夫于 1980 年遇刺,在住处(也是蓝侬遇害的地点)达科塔大厦前,出资
修缮这个泪滴状区域,并称之为“草莓园” (Strawberry Fields) 。每年 12 月 8 日(蓝侬遇害日),全世界的
Project introduction
挑战一:公园的选址 挑战二:公园场地的奇异形状 挑战三:城市环境与公园的场地矛盾 挑战四:个性、审美与体验
目标:公园设计的目标是解决城市发展与环 境保护的矛盾,为纽约市人民提供一个充满新
对人们心理的影响,认为在当时的时代背景下,人们对亲近自 然的需求已经成为一种明显的趋势。
城市作为艺术 奥姆斯特德和沃克斯在设计上十分重视艺术创造,即使人们得到感
the new york
Central Park
1.0 工程概况 Project summary
项目简介 基地概况 目标与挑战
Project Introduction
类 别:城市公园与绿地 设计者:Frederick Law Olmsted Calbert Vaux 规 模:340公顷 地 点:纽约市曼哈顿 中央公园Central Park坐落在纽约曼哈顿岛 的中央,建成于1873年,是全球大都市中最 著名的城市公园,公园南起第59街,北抵第 110街,东西两侧被著名的第五大道和中央公 园西大道所围合。公园面积340公顷,有总长 93公里的步行道和9000张长椅。园中有森林、 湖泊、草地、花卉、庭院、露天剧场、美术 馆、游乐场、运动场、动物园等等。为身处 闹市的居民和游客提供了宁静的休闲场所和 精神家园。中央公园与自由女神像、帝国大 厦同为纽约乃至美国的象征!
开放于1857 年,中央公园每年吸引相当多人造访,不论居民或游客,都被这座高楼林立中的世外桃源深深吸引。
1989 年,纽约时报称这座公园为「典雅之作,显然注定成为纽约的荣耀与欢愉。
」真是所言不虚!占地广阔的公园,东西分别为第五与第八大道,南北则横跨 59 至110 街。
由纽约布鲁克林区的Prospect Park 规划者所设计,公园内大大小小的湖泊、树林环绕的林荫小径、纪念碑、喷泉、儿童游乐场、星罗棋布的雕像,以及卡通马达加斯加故事背后的动物园Central Park Zoo,乘载着纽约丰富的人文历史和绝佳公园景观设计。
这篇就与大家一起来探索纽约曼哈顿城市花园–中央公园,一起看看有哪些牵动着人们神经的美妙景点吧!【交通方式】〰️前往中央公园西边,可搭乘地铁橘线 B D、蓝线 A C 或是红线 1 号线下 Columbus Circle 柯伦布圆环。
前往中央公园东边,可搭乘地铁黄线 N R W 下 5 Av/ 59 St 车站,一出站就会抵达中央公园的入口了。
绝对必去的就是靠近南边的 The Pond,爬上旁边的岩石山坡欣赏这座美丽的湖泊与后方的纽约高楼大厦,以及横跨湖泊的古桥Gapstow Bridge 更是欣赏纽约的著名角度之一。
另外就是位于中央公园核心的Bethesda Terrace,这座一年四季变化万千的喷泉广场,是著名的打卡景点。
而紧邻的 Alice in Wonderland 爱丽丝梦游仙境是中央公园内孩子们最爱的雕塑之一,非常可爱梦幻,也是绝对不能错过的。
纽约中央公园 new york central parkPPT课件
地理位置: 曼哈顿的中央 •第59大街(59th St.) •第110大街(110th St.) •5路(5th Ave.) •中央公园西部路(Central Park West)
New York Central Park 纽约8中央公园
New York Central Park 纽约9中央公园
•19世纪美国城市化进程加速,经济优先观念使得大量绿化用地被压缩,城市空间极度拥挤。 •1850年的纽约市长两个竞选人都竞选承诺 修建一座大型城市公园。 •1851年5月5日向市议会递交兴建纽约城市公共公园的议案。 •1853年纽约市议会决议通过——在曼哈顿选择一块超过750英亩的土地建造一座城市公园 。 •1856年耗费550万美元征用公园用地。 •1857年举行公园设计方案的公开竞赛活动,共收到33个参选方案,最后“33”号“绿草坪”方案被选中。
自然式的理念——田园牧歌,风景如画 借鉴英国田园风格的自然式景观,强调“无意识的”景观体验。
景观公共性与平等 城市景观的公共性与开放性,不再是私人的奢侈品。
景观系统 提出各种景观系统,包括城市公园、绿地系统,城乡景观道路系统等等。
New York Central Park 纽1约3中央公园
New York Central Park 纽1约0中央公园
机遇: 1. 纽约还没有城市公共公园,人们对于这种公共空间
有着强烈的需求。 2. 拥有政府的强力支持。 3. 位于城市市中心,周边交通发达,人流量大。 4. 规划基地面积很大,地形多变,有更多设计的空间。
Hale Waihona Puke 挑战: 1. 规划面积很大,而且长近4公里,但宽度只有800米,
有中央公园的作文英语Central Park is a beautiful and iconic landmark in the heart of New York City. It is a large public park that covers over 840 acres and is located between the Upper West Side and Upper East Side of Manhattan. The park is a popular destination for both tourists and locals alike, offering a wide range of activities and attractions.One of the most popular activities in Central Park is simply walking or jogging around the park's many paths and trails. The park features over 58 miles of pedestrian pathways, making it an ideal place to go for a run or a leisurely stroll. Along the way, visitors can take in the park's many sights and sounds, including the beautiful gardens, fountains, and sculptures.Another popular activity in Central Park is picnicking. The park features many grassy areas and picnic tables, making it a great place to enjoy a meal with friends or family. Visitors can also take advantage of the many foodvendors and carts located throughout the park, offering everything from hot dogs and pretzels to ice cream and smoothies.In addition to its recreational activities, CentralPark also offers a wide range of cultural attractions. The park is home to several museums and theaters, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Delacorte Theater, which hosts the annual Shakespeare in the Park festival. The park also features many historical landmarks, such as the Bethesda Fountain and the Central Park Zoo.Overall, Central Park is a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to New York City. With its beautiful scenery, wide range of activities, and cultural attractions, it offers something for everyone. Whether you're looking to relax and unwind or explore the city's rich history and culture, Central Park is the perfect place to do it.。
• Strawberry Fields officially reopened on October 9, 1985, the 45th anniversary of John Lennon's birth. Annually, on this date, as well as on the anniversary of John Lennon's death, visitors and fans from all over the globe flock to Strawberry Fields to pay homage to this Beatles' legacy.
Central Park
Central Park
Full view
Brief introduction of Central Park
• Location: A public urban park in the heart of Manhattan in New York City, US.
• Number of visitors: 25 million each year. • Time of establishment : opened in 1859,
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Described by Frederick Law Olmsted as a "wild garden", the Ramble's maze of trails amidst its abundant flora and fauna contrasts spectacularly with the formality of nearby attractions, such as the Bethesda Terrace. The Ramble is often noted for its bird watching opportunities, where birdwatchers can catch a glimpse of some of the approximately 230 species found in the woods. Visitors can stop to take a look at the Gill, the man-made stream that runs through the Ramble, where one might find a small animal such as a raccoon having ventured out from the underbrush.
Nature Observatory
The Henry Luce Nature Observatory is a wonderful educational site that teaches visitors about nature and wildlife in Central Park. Climbing up and down the narrow, winding staircases of Belvedere Castle, guests can see all that this small Observatory has to offer, including microscopes, telescopes, and Discovery Kits complete with binoculars, maps, and paper for jotting down findings in the Park.
• The Garden covers four acres of plants that change according to season. Included among these are plants such as rosemary and pansies, alluded to by Ophelia in Hamlet, thistle, mentioned in the play Much Ado About Nothing, and even a white mulberry tree that is said to have grown from a graft of a tree planted by Shakespeare himself in 1602. To aid you in your quest to identify the various species of plant life located within the space, bronze plaques with corresponding quotations from Shakespeare's plays have been placed sporadically along the path. The Garden is located near the Delacorte Theatre, the site of the annual "Shakespeare in the Park" series held in the summer.
Shakespeare Garden
Shakespeare gardens, created out of reverence for the bard, can be found throughout many locations in both the US and Britain. Of these gardens, one of the most famous is that found in Central Park, where it is located at West Side and 79th street.
• Originally designed in 1865 by Calvert Vaux and Jacob Wrey Mould, Belvedere Castle was intended to be a Victorian Folly, a fantasy structure that provides a great backdrop and views, but without a real intended purpose. With its strong stone faç ade, grand turret and flag, the castle was merely a stunning attraction in Central Park. • This all changed in 1919 when the National Weather Service began taking measurements from the castle's tower with scientific instruments that determine wind speed and direction. Additionally, just south of the castle, other data such as the rainfall was recorded and sent to the weather service's forecast office at Brookhaven National Library on Long Island. Belvedere Castle is still used for this purpose today.
• The lush Central Park woodland, known as the Ramble, is composed of 38 acres of winding pathways between 73rd and 78th streets. • While the Ramble's flora consists of many species of plants both native and exotic, several of these plants have taken up much of the woodland, such as the Black Cherry and Black Locust, due to lack of proper care. Other species found in the woods include American trees such as the American sycamore, several oaks, the Kentucky coffee tree, the Hackberry, the Yellowwood, and the Cucumber Magnolia, in addition to plants not indigenous to the country, such as the Sophora and the Phellodeno and welcome to CentralPark. Whether you're a local New Yorker or curiously breezing through town on a visit, CentralPark is the resource to help you get connected to the world's most famous park and all its happenings.
Delacorte Theater
The Delacorte Theatre, established in 1962, can be found just off of 80th street on the southwest corner of the Great Lawn.
• Located at the heart of Central Park, the Theatre is best known for its summertime productions of Shakespearean plays, which take place during the annual New York Shakespeare festival. During the series's eight-week duration, two plays are produced, at least one of which is traditionally a play by Shakespeare. Tickets to shows at the Theatre are free, so long as one is prepared to wait in line on the day of the performance to obtain them. • The Delacorte Theatre is operated by the Joseph Papp Public Theatre and has hosted numerous productions of classic plays in addition to those by Shakespeare, such as Anton Chekov's The Seagull and Bertolt Brecht's Mother Courage and Her Children. While the Theatre is responsible for having introduced many a new talent to the stage, it also frequently employs more well known actors and actresses, including Meryl Streep, Al Pacino, and Philip Seymour Hoffman, among others.