下面是一道经典的环境保护题目及参考答案解析:题目:Protecting the EnvironmentWrite an essay of about 400 words on the following topic:To protect the environment, we should change oureveryday activities. What we do on an individual level can make a difference. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Provide examples and facts to support your opinion.参考答案解析:在撰写该作文时,可以首先点明自己的立场,即赞同个人的日常行为对环境的影响。
以下是一道关于学业压力的题目及参考答案解析:题目:Academic PressureWrite an essay of about 400 words on the following topic:Academic pressure is a major issue for students. Whatare the causes of academic pressure? What are the possible solutions?参考答案解析:在回答这道题时,可以首先说明学业压力的常见原因,例如过多的学术要求、竞争压力和高期望值等。
Dear Jane,
Hearing you want to subscribe an English-languge newspaper. I
• 2)假设情景、灵活处理人际关系、圆满解决实际问题。
• 语言得体内容和语言是一个统一体。内容抓住后,应以恰 当的语言来表达。一般来说,便条的语言要简单明嘹,用 词平易。当然,语言风格还应与情景一致,不同的对象, 所使用的语言应有所不同。相对来说,对上级、长者、不 熟悉的人的语言较为正式,对亲朋好友的语言则较为随便。 不过,不管对方是谁,行文中都应体现态度诚恳礼貌。
• 格式-format
April 22, 2014 Dear Professor Wang,
I’m very sorry I didn’t keep the appointment with you yesterday because of my sick roommate. As his close friend, I had to look after him the whole day. I wonder if you’d mind having another appointment with me at your office at four o’clock tomorrow afternoon.
I’m expecting your reply. Yours sincerely, George
1.日期 3.正文
Part I: Note-writing(便条写作) ---格式
英语专业四级⾼分范⽂100篇详解...◆⼯作就业41. 在⼤城市⼯作还是⼩城市⼯作Working in Big Cities or Small CitiesMany people are constantly confused by whether to go to big cities to work which are abound with opportunities but are stressful or go to small cities to work which are relatively more relaxed but have fewer opportunities.Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:Working in Big Cities or Small CitiesYou are to write in three parts.In the first part, state clearly the reasons why generation gap is existent.In the second part, support your view with appropriate details.In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.【审题构思】就业时,如何选择适合⾃⼰的城市,是⼤城市还是⼩城市?⼤多数学⽣希望留在⼤城市⼯作,但房价、⽣活⽔平等压⼒⼜是⼀个棘⼿的问题。
为了避免这个问题,考生可以采取以下措施:1. 多读英语文章,注意句子结构和语法用法。
2. 英语语法书籍是很好的辅助学习工具。
3. 参加语法辅导班或者找英语老师进行辅导。
下面是一些提高词汇选择能力的方法:1. 多看英文报纸和杂志,了解不同领域的专业词汇。
2. 制作词汇卡片或者使用词汇app。
3. 每天保持英语学习的常态,坚持背诵英文文章。
下面是一些建议用来改善句子连接的方法:1. 多练习写作,特别是写作练习题。
2. 学习句子连接词。
互联网上有很多关于句子连接的词汇表,可以学习和记忆常用的句子连接词,例如"however","in addition","on the other hand"等等。
3. 检查和修改自己的写作。
tr. ‘ ’ a sc ed t ce” 低级 23 缺 乏 逻 辑 思 维 能 力 ue… He s uc e e hr 等 a . 的语 法错 误 ( ) 法基 础 薄 弱 . 法 意 识 淡 泊 。 2语 语 学 生 在 写 作 中 只重 视 内容 和词 汇 的选
择 .而忽 视英 语 的 句式 和 语法 规 则 , 因
悉 的词 汇 . 是很 多学 生 分 不清 SCeS 但 UCS
与写 作有 关 的话 题 阅读 不够 . 乏对 论 缺
sce d sC es l u ce , l Sf 的词性 , tC u 在使用 中就
点 的积 累 . 成考 试 当 中拿 到简 单 的话 造
出 现 了 如 “ e m s s cesi h u 题 也 无 点 可 用 H u t u cs n te f—
此. 在学 生 的 写作 中经 常 出现 如主 谓不
论文 写 作 中除 了英 语 表 达 上 的 困 难 和
对 某 些题 目内容 缺 乏 了解外 , 最值 得 关
致 , 词 时 态 和 语 态 的乱 用 . 语 句 动 英
《 高校 英 语 专业 四级 考试 大 纲 》 高 等 式 结构 的模糊 不 清 等错 误 . 和《 导致 其 汉语 注 的地 方便 在 于论 证 的逻 辑 思 维 能 力 思 维 明显 . 使其 所 写 文章 几 乎像 是 用英 不足 主 要体 现在论 据对 论点 支撑 时段 落的统 一性 和发 散性 不够 许 多学生 很
种 句 式 、 态 一 成 不 变 , 乏 应 有 的 时 缺
中对 写 作 能 力 的要 求 细 化 到综 合 英 语 学生 在 作 文 中 同一 种句 型 一用 到 底 . 同
英语专业四级写作技巧一、审题、构思、草拟提纲1. 审题与构思审题构思是写好作文的第一步。
以“A Major Problem Resulted From Urbanization”为例,考生必须在第一部分(通常是第一段)提出城市化的一个主要问题,也就是提出自己的观点,然后在第二部分(通常是文章的第二、三段)紧紧围绕这一个问题展开论述,不可再牵扯到城市化带来的其他问题,然后在最后一部分(通常是文章的最后一段)得出结论。
2. 草拟提纲草拟提纲是写好作文的第二步。
以A Major Advantage/Disadvantage of Advertising on Television为例,经过审题和构思之后,就可以列出这样一个提纲:Introduction:Thesis:TV is the most effective medium for advertising.Body:A. TV is the most popular medium that reaches almost every family.a. Computers:expensive,not needed by every family.b. Newspapers and magazines:not subscribed by every family.B. TV commercials are best remembered with sound,pictures and actions.a. Newspapers and magazines:words but no sound and actions.b. Radios:sound but no pictures and actions.C. TV commercials are rarely missed.a. Arranged between hot shows.b. Appearing at best time of day.c. Seen at random.Conclusion:To achieve the best effect of advertisements,business organizations should pro mote their products and services on TV.当然在考场上不可能也没有必要真正写出这么详细的提纲来。
3. A common ground has been reacபைடு நூலகம்ed that,引出话题(转述问题)。提出给定论点。
For one thing,支持论点的理由1。证明 理由1. For another,支持论点的理由2。证 明理由2.
给定观点型 (证明一个给定观点)
1. In recent years, 引出话题(转述问题) has become a hot topic both on and off campus. In my opinion, 提出给定论点 . Firstly, 支持 论点的理由 1. 证明理由1.Secondly, 支持论点的理 由2.证明理由2. Thirdly, 支持论点的理由 3.证明理 由3. In a word, 重申主题.
For one thing, it helps you to get along well with others. If you could maintain a good mood, you would take an optimistic and positive attitude towards life. You treat your classmates or colleagues as friends rather than rivals. Thus, you cooperate with others well and are popular in your circle. As a result, you spend everyday in a harmonious atmosphere. For another, your health benefits from your good mood. When in good mood, you would not often get angry. Life is full of ups and downs. When you are in trouble or frustration, you would take it in a reasonable way and overcome it in a short time.
二学生的英语水平, 考察学生听、 读、 说、 写等基本功。本文将
在详细分析了1995- 2005年英语专业四级写作考试试题的基
础上, 结合英语专业教学工作的经验, 提出一些应试策略, 希
得简洁, 直截了当。主要可以采取对立法、 现象法、 观点法、 引
用法、 问题法等等。
在写好每个句子的基础上, 考生还应注意段落的组织。 段
落的组织主要是通过扩展句确定后, 接着就是一系列扩展句。
关健词 二 如果整篇文章的主题是, 第 一段的主题就可以是;深刻— 展开主题要从某一角度出发, 避免浅尝辄止, 面面俱到。
有的同学在考试中由于紧张, 没有看清楚题义, 提笔就 写。 审题过程中, 考生还需要判断命题作文的文体。 正式文体 不宜使用非正式的语句。
际作文中可写成三到四段, 最多五段。 这些段落要有自己独立 的议题, 但必须围绕着文章的论点即中心思想展开。 因此段落 与整体文章之间应既紧密联系, 文独立成体。 段落中起始段和 结尾段尤其重要。 文章的开头好会引人人胜, 激发读者读完全 篇文章;严谨完整的收尾能起到深化主题, 启发思想, 令人回
味的作用。 起始段要告诉读者想阐述的观点 , 不宜太长。 要写
文章主旨, 看清文章的意图。 写好主题句有两个要点。 一是要写得清楚明了。 如果主题
达思想的能力。写作部分为主观题, 分两个小部分, 第一部分 是作文, 考试时间为35分钟 , 要求根据所出的题 目和列出的写 作提纲或图表、 数字统计表等(也附有写作提纲)写一篇200个 单词左右的短文。 能做到内容切题, 完整, 条理清楚, 文章结构 严谨, 语法正确, 语言通顺恰当。 这题属于命题作文, 文章体裁 主要属于记叙文、说明文或议论文的范围。第二部分是写便 条, 考试时间为10分钟。要求根据提示写大约50- 60词的通 知、 便条、 请贴等。 从1995年一2005年历年的真题 ,我们不难看出英语专业 四级考试较从前相比略微加大了难度, 但考试的目的 越来越明 显:既注重基础, 全面考察学生的英语专业基本技能;考核学生 英语综合运用能力及对语法结构, 英语词汇用法的掌握程度。 新 大纲里将写作由第一部分改为第五部分,且所占比重增加了5 分, 作文的字数要求由 原来的150个单词增加为200个单词左右; 作文题所要写的内容都与大学生的日 常学习和日 常生活有关, 是他们经常谈论的热门话题。 如环境污染问题和电视广告问题。 尽管话题每年都有变化, 但基本上都是议论文。 单一地说明或阐 述或比较或驳斥, 且为三段式, 即开头, 正文, 结尾。都是先提出 论点即中心思想, 然后用事实细节说明。 第二小部分为便条或摘 要写作。 对于便条写作, 专业英语四 级考试大纲要求考生能按照 所给提示写一则大约50- 60字左右的通知、 便条、 请柬、 感谢信 等。要求格式正确、 语言得体。考试时间为10分钟。 二、 写作应试策略 一篇好的作文应该符合以下几个基本条件: 内容切题, 要 作到文章切题, 首先要审好题, 要看清通篇文章题目的意思与 要求;搞清楚该题目 涉及的范围, 领会各段段首句( 主题句) ; 抓住关键词, 组织好材料 , 充分展开主题 , 无关的枝节一掠而 过; 写作者一定要有鲜明的主题意识,因为主题是文章的生
例子一:话题为"大学生兼职工作"的文章结构分析引言:介绍大学生兼职工作的背景及其影响- 背景介绍:现代大学生面临经济压力,需通过兼职工作来解决经济问题。
- 问题陈述:大学生兼职工作是否有利于其学习和发展?- 论文声明:本文将分析大学生兼职工作对其学习和发展的影响。
主体段:分析大学生兼职工作的优点和缺点- 优点1:提高学生的实践能力- 分论点1:锻炼学生的工作技能- 例子:通过兼职工作,学生可以学到实际工作中的技能,提高自身的竞争力。
在专业四级写作中,引言段可以采用以下结构:1. 引出话题:首先,引入写作的主题或背景信息,提供读者对文章主旨的初步理解。
2. 提出问题:然后,提出一个或几个与主题相关的问题,引起读者的思考和兴趣。
3. 表达观点:最后,在引言段的结尾,明确表达自己的观点或立场,为接下来的正文做铺垫。
在英语专业四级写作中,可以采用以下不同的结构:1. 对比结构首先,可以采用对比结构,将不同观点或论据对比、分析。
2. 问题解决结构其次,可以采用问题解决结构,将问题的原因、影响和解决方法逐一阐述。
3. 分类结构另外,可以采用分类结构,将复杂问题拆分为几个关键点,逐一展开说明。
4. 时间顺序结构最后,还可以采用时间顺序结构,按照事件发展的先后顺序来组织论述。
在写结论段时,可以采用以下结构:1. 立场再确认首先,再次明确自己的观点或立场,并总结主体段落中的主要论据和论证。
2. 解决问题接着,回答引言段提出的问题,给出一个简洁明了的回答。
3. 总结全文最后,总结全文的主题和要点,并适当展望或提出建议。
PART VI WRITINGRead carefully the following excerpt and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 WORDS , in which you should:1)Summarize the main message of the excerpt, andthen2)Comment on whether students learn more fromclasses than from other resourcesYou can support yourself with information from the excerpt.Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss ofmarks.范文1In the information age, the traditional student-teacher relationship has been affected deeply and people begin to doubt whether students can learn more from classes than from other resources・〔简介背景〕According to theconventional view, teachers are still the primary source from which students obtain professional knowledge, timely class interaction, and effective supervision from teachers.〔总结第一种观点〕On the contrary, nowadays, many people believe that students can learn more from other resources such as Internet and TV since they are more accessible and engage students more actively in research.〔总结第二种观点〕For me, I am in favor of the first view.〔表白立场〕Teachers play an irreplaceable role in education, whether it's in the past or at present, since they not only impart knowledge, but also educate people・〔总论据〕For one thing, what students learn from their classes is more precise than from other resources which provide an enormous amount of data needed to be sifted through to determine which information is accurate.〔理由一〕For another , teachers in school put the shaping of personality in a place as important as the teaching of knowledge, which is hard for students to obtain from other resource.〔理由二〕In conclusion, the development of cutting-edge technology exerts a big impact on modern education. However, it can never eliminate the need for high-qualityprofessionals in classroom.(重申论点) (213 words)例题2PART VI WRITINGRead carefully the following excerpt and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 WORDS , in which you should:1^Summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then 2) Comment on whether people should choose to become incloorsyYou can support yourself with information from the excerpt.Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks ・sitting in front of a computer, and they seldom attend outdoor activities. Watching the computer screen for a long time will do great harm to their eyes・ Also, many indoorsy people do not like to attend sports activities, and in the long run, their health will get worse.范文2审题思路此题讨论“宅〞生活与否可取。
言得体 、言之有礼 。下面将 浅析几类 常见便 条题材 的写作要点: 有关邀请的便条一般 需要包含 以下 内容 :
1 、邀请对方参加活动的内容、时间和地 点; 2 、与该活动有关 的注意事项;3 、期待对方
贬义词 :p a r l o u r糟糕的、f a n a t i c a l
盲 目的、i r r a t i o n a l不合理的、n e m e s i s 报
应 、d e t e r i o r a t e恶 化
是整 篇文章还是各个段落通常采用 “ 总一分
中性词 :r e v e a l揭露 、i n c l i n e t o倾 向、c a p i t a l i z e o n利用、d e r i v e f r o m源
单词 ,回忆旧单词 ,联想使用情境 ”这样可 以使考生节省大脑 检索时 间的前提下 , 保证
便条具有非常 明确的指 向性。一般而言,
篇 理想 的便条作文应包含写便条 的原因,
虚拟语气句的使用 , 可 以很好地提高作文质
褒义词:r e i n f o r c e 巩 固、o p t i m i z e 优 化、r a p p o r t和谐的、c o l l a b o r a t e协作、
张池莉 潘鸣威 《 英语专业 四级考试写作指导 》
转: 观 点转折 , 反面论证。 例如 , i n s t e a d 、
w h e r e a s 、b y c o n t r a s t等 。
【 M】 第2 版2 0 1 2 : 1 5 — 5 4 。 大连理工大学出版社 ,
专四作文及讲解模板英文回答:1. What are the challenges facing the development of China's higher education?China's higher education system has made great stridesin recent decades, but it also faces a number of challenges. These challenges include:Increasing demand for higher education. The number of students seeking higher education in China has increased dramatically in recent years, and this trend is expected to continue. This has put a strain on the country's higher education system, which is already struggling to meet the needs of its current students.Rising costs of higher education. The cost of higher education in China has also been rising in recent years, making it increasingly difficult for students from low-income families to afford a college education.Lack of qualified faculty. China's higher education system is also facing a shortage of qualified faculty. This is due in part to the fact that many of the country's best and brightest students are leaving China to study and work abroad.Limited access to research funding. China's higher education system also has limited access to research funding. This makes it difficult for universities to conduct the research that is necessary to drive innovation and economic growth.2. What are the opportunities for China's higher education?Despite the challenges it faces, China's higher education system also has a number of opportunities for growth. These opportunities include:Growing demand for higher education. The increasingdemand for higher education in China represents a significant opportunity for the country's universities. By expanding their capacity and improving the quality of their programs, universities can meet the needs of a growing number of students and contribute to the country's economic development.Government support for higher education. The Chinese government has made a commitment to supporting higher education. This support includes increased funding for universities, as well as policies that encourage students to pursue higher education.Strong ties to industry. China's universities have strong ties to industry, which provides them with access to resources and expertise. This collaboration can help universities to develop programs that are relevant to the needs of the workplace and to prepare students for successful careers.Internationalization of higher education. China's higher education system is becoming increasinglyinternationalized. This trend is providing Chinese students with the opportunity to study and work abroad, and it is also helping to attract foreign students to China.中文回答:1. 中国高等教育发展面临哪些挑战?中国高等教育近年来取得了长足发展,但同时也面临着诸多挑战。
壤 警 每
从 英 语 专 业 四 级 考 试 中 的 写 作 错 误 看 英 语 写 作 教 学
◆于 红
( 内蒙古医学院公共教育学院)
【 要】本 文 通 过 归纳 考 生 在 英语 专 业 四级 考 试 写 作 中 出现 的错 误 , 摘 分析 其产 生 的原 因 , 结 合 结 果 教 学 法 和 过 程 教 学 法 之优 点 , 英语 并 对 写 作教 学提 出一 些建 议 , 旨在 推 动 写作 教 学的 改 进 和提 高 。 【 关键词】英语专业四级考试 写作错误 写作教 学
o h r a c n t t er d n i g s i s;w a e t e s p i t g wi t er t e sd n i g wi h i a cn k l h l e c n s e o h r an i t h i n h
g o e s sa O o .W a c i g S n nd ru r g a o d s n e nd S n th n O ma y wo e lp o r mme ,d n o e l f s o ty u f e y u i e o r o o ru ? o rl e b c me mo e c lu f l f
I wi ep su e t e r o ma e g o e o i o t l h l t d n s l a n t k o d us ft l me
2021专四作文分析英文回答:The 2021 CET-4 writing section consisted of two tasks:a letter to a friend and an essay on the topic of "The Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Future of Education."The letter-writing task required candidates to write a letter of advice to a friend who was struggling with stress and anxiety. The letter should offer words of support and encouragement, as well as practical suggestions for coping with stress and managing anxiety.The essay task required candidates to discuss the roleof artificial intelligence (AI) in the future of education. Candidates were asked to consider the potential benefitsand challenges of using AI in education, as well as the ethical and societal implications of widespread AI adoption.中文回答:2021年全国大学英语四级考试写作部分共分两项,致友信和一篇以“人工智能在未来教育中的作用”为主题的议论文。
英语四级作文分析英文回答:In the realm of English proficiency assessments, the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) stands as a widely recognized benchmark. With its global acceptance and comprehensive evaluation of language abilities, TOEFL plays a pivotal role in academic and professional pursuits. To adequately prepare for this examination, it is essential to delve into its structure, content, and effective study strategies.The TOEFL consists of four sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. Each section is designed to assess a distinct aspect of language proficiency, ensuring athorough evaluation of communication skills. Reading and Listening sections measure comprehension abilities, while Speaking and Writing sections gauge expressive skills. Candidates are evaluated based on their accuracy, fluency, and organization in each section.To excel in the Reading section, meticulous reading and note-taking skills are paramount. Identifying main ideas, supporting details, and inferring meaning from texts are crucial. In the Listening section, focused attention andthe ability to distinguish between key points andsupporting information are essential. Taking notes and summarizing what you hear can significantly enhance comprehension.Effective speaking requires clear pronunciation, appropriate vocabulary, and well-organized ideas. Practice speaking aloud and recording yourself can help improve fluency and accuracy. For the Writing section, strongwriting skills, the ability to articulate ideas coherently, and proper grammar and mechanics are imperative.To prepare effectively for the TOEFL, consistency is key. Regular practice and immersion in English-language content are invaluable. Utilize textbooks, online resources, and practice tests to enhance your skills in all four sections. Seek feedback from instructors or tutors toidentify areas for improvement and tailor your preparation accordingly.Remember, the TOEFL is not merely a test; it is a gateway to opportunities. By embracing effective study strategies and dedicating yourself to consistent practice, you can unlock your full potential and achieve success in your English language endeavors.中文回答:托福考试分析。
大学英语四级作文 专业选择40字
大学英语四级作文专业选择40字English: When it comes to choosing a major in university, I believe itis important to follow one's passion and interests. It is crucial to choose a major that you are truly passionate about, as this will ultimately lead to a more fulfilling and successful career. Additionally, it is important to consider the current job market and future job prospects in your chosen field. Conducting research and seeking advice from professionals in the field can also help in making an informed decision. Ultimately, choosing a major that aligns with your interests and strengths will lead to a more enjoyable and successful academic experience.中文翻译: 在选择大学专业时,我相信跟随自己的激情和兴趣是至关重要的。
2022年专业四级作文真题及范文英文回答:The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." This definition encompasses a wide range of factors that contribute to an individual's overall health and well-being.Physical health refers to the functioning of the body and its systems. It includes aspects such as fitness, nutrition, and disease prevention. Mental health, on the other hand, encompasses an individual's psychological and emotional well-being. It involves aspects such as stress management, coping mechanisms, and overall mental outlook. Social health refers to an individual's relationships with others and their involvement in society. It includesaspects such as social support, community engagement, and interpersonal relationships.The interconnectedness of these three aspects of health highlights the importance of a holistic approach to well-being. Physical health can influence mental health, and vice versa. Similarly, social health can affect both physical and mental health. For example, lack of social support can lead to increased stress and anxiety, which can have a negative impact on physical health.To achieve optimal health, it is essential to address all three aspects of well-being. This includes engaging in regular physical activity, eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and managing stress effectively. It also involves building strong social connections, participating in community activities, and seeking professional help when needed.中文回答:根据世界卫生组织(WHO)的定义,健康是“一种身体、精神和社会完全健康的状态,而不仅仅是没有疾病或虚弱”。
专业四级英语话题作文模板英文回答:Topic: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Society。
Artificial intelligence (AI) is swiftly revolutionizing numerous aspects of modern society, presenting both immense opportunities and challenges. Its far-reaching influence is evident across various sectors, from healthcare and education to finance and transportation.Economic Impact:AI-powered automation and robotics are transforming industries, leading to increased productivity, efficiency, and cost reductions. However, they also raise concernsabout job displacement, particularly for roles involving repetitive or routine tasks. To mitigate these risks, governments and industries must invest in reskilling and upskilling programs to prepare workers for new AI-drivenroles.Social Impact:AI has the potential to enhance social welfare by improving access to healthcare, education, and financial services. It can also facilitate social connections and foster inclusivity. However, concerns exist about the potential for AI to perpetuate or even amplify existing societal biases, such as gender or racial discrimination. Ethical guidelines and responsible AI development practices are crucial to prevent such negative consequences.Privacy and Security:AI relies heavily on data collection and analysis. This raises concerns about privacy and data security, especially when personal or sensitive information is involved. Strong data protection regulations and transparency in AI systems are essential to safeguard individuals' rights and prevent misuse.Ethical Considerations:As AI becomes more sophisticated, it raises a multitude of ethical questions. Who is responsible for the decisions made by AI systems? How do we ensure that AI is used for the benefit of society and not to the detriment of others? Ethical frameworks and public discourse are necessary to address these complex issues.Future Prospects:The future of AI is marked by both excitement and uncertainty. Continued advancements in AI technology will bring further transformative changes to society. By anticipating and addressing the potential challenges and opportunities, we can harness the full potential of AI while mitigating its risks.中文回答:人工智能对社会的影响。
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Conclusion: Sum-up: restate the idea Memorable Statement: give a suggestion/warning /prediction
♪ Should Private Car Owners be Taxed for Pollution?
Nowadays, as the world population keeps surging, it is high time that we found solutions to the environmental problems we are facing today. As part of these solutions, the policy of levying “pollution tax” on private cars has caused a heated debate in the society. As far as I am concerned, this policy should be carried out, as it not only is environmentally friendly, but also encourage people to purchase cars with low emission levels. ♪ For one thing, this policy will substantially reduce the frequency of car owners’ using their cars and therefore alleviate the level of air pollution. If people have to pay taxes on using their cars, they will tend to use public transportations more often. Considering how many private cars there are in big cities, we will find the urban air pollution level being reduced considerably because of this policy. ♪ For another, this policy will also encourage people to purchase cars with low emission levels, as people will spend less on paying “pollution tax”. Therefore, the automobile companies will focus on developing the technology of producing cars with low emission levels, which is surely a positive trend in terms of sustainable development. ♪ In conclusion, private car owners should be taxed for pollution, for it is not only an effective way to alleviate urban air pollution, but also a measure for the purchase of cars with low emission levels. I firmly believe that if carried out, this policy will contribute to sustainable development.
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
专业四级考试写作的题型大致分为四类: 立场选择型 给定观点型 自由发挥型 比较对比型
2014 2013 2012 2011
Should English majors study maths? My opinion on being careful with money in daily life The Dragon Boat Festival Should private car owners be taxed for pollution?
2000 The importance of extracurricular activities.
1999 A major advantage / disadvantage of advertising 立场选择型 an television .
1998 One way to solve the problem.
TEM 4 Composition
♪ 根据2004年出版的《高等学校英语专业四级考试大纲》要 求: ♪ 大作文是要求根据所给出的题目和列出的写作提纲或图表、 数字统计表等(也附有写作提纲)写一篇200词左右的短 文。能做到内容切题、完整、条理清楚,文章结构严谨, 语法正确,语言通顺,表达得体。考试时间为35分钟。 ♪ 小作文是要求根据所给提示写大约50-60词的便条、通知、 请帖等。要求格式正确,语言得体。考试时间为10分钟。
1997 More pressure from academic studies does or does not good to us
An essay has at least three paragraphs.
♪ ♪ ♪ 1. Introductory paragraph 2. Supporting paragraphs 3. Concluding paragraph
♪ As the development of our society, more and more people buy private cars. And recently government agencies in some big cities have been studying the possibility of putting a “pollution tax” on private cars. This has caused quite a stir among the public. In my opinion, the private car owners should not be taxed for pollution. ♪ And I have three reasons for my opinion. Firstly, I think the emission levels can’t decide how much pollution the car had made and how much money the owner should be taxed. For example, a car with a smaller engine maybe produce less pollution, but if the owner use it more frequently, of course it will produce more pollution. So the tax shouldn’t depend on the emission levels. ♪ Secondly, the tax for pollution maybe more harmful to our environment. As you know, if a person pay some money for the pollution, he will think there is no responsibility for his car and there is no need for him to protect the environment, because he has already pay money for the environment. Then he may pay little attention to the environment, and even harm the environment. So “pollution tax” is bad for the environment.
Thirdly, protect the environment is the duty of every of us, not just several private car owners. If the government just force some private car owners to pay the “pollution tax”, the rest of us will think there is no duty for us to protect the environment. Then there will be more people to destroy the environment, and less people to protect the environment. Of course, the result of the “pollution tax” will be oppose to the original purpose of the government. ♪ All in all, the “pollution tax” is not good to our environment. And we should also remember that duty of protect the environment is not just the duty of several private car owners, but the duty of everyone of us.