Glossary Spark专业术语解读

名詞 名詞 名詞 名詞 動詞 名詞 名詞
項次 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 order scale
中文名稱 設計 親密性 私密性 公共性 構想 模距 幾何構圖 層次 漸進 平衡 主導 交替 裝飾 側影 鋪面 天際線 動線 投射 紋脈 生態 踏步 樓梯 牆 窗 門 穹頂 圓拱 都市 帳蓬 城市 應力 應變 樑 柱 構架 鉸接 輥接
詞性 N N N N N N N N N N V N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
室內 (的) 名詞
名詞 名詞 名詞 名詞 名詞 名詞 名詞 名詞
比例 物理性的 心理性的 重複性 重複 研究 反應
名詞 動詞 名詞 動詞
項次 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
英文名稱 design intimacy privacy publicity concept modulor geometry hierarchy recession balance dominate transparency decoration silhouette pavement skyline circulation projection contex ecology steps stairs wall window door dome arch urban tent city Stress Strain Beam Column Frame Hinge Roller
术语表glossary一、结构名称曲轴:crankshaft[ kræŋkʃɑ:ft]锻钢曲轴:forged crankshaft球铁曲轴:nodular crankshaft/casting crankshaft [ˈnɔdjulə] [ kæst iŋ] [ kræŋkʃɑ:ft]大头/后端:rear end[riə] [end]小头/前端:front end[frʌnt]轴径:journal[ dʒə:nl]大头轴径:the rear end journal小头轴径:the front end journal主轴径:main journal [mein]连杆轴径:pin journal[pin]中间主轴径:center main bearing journal [ sentə] [ bɛəriŋ]连杆顶:pin top[tɔp]连杆侧面:pin bearing side face [said][feis]曲柄臂:crank web[kræŋk][web]平衡铁:counterweight [ kauntəweit]轴承孔:bearing hole[həul]止口:located mouth [mauθ][ləʊ ke♓t♓d]稳钉:position[pə ziʃən]连杆侧面凹面:concave [kɔn keɪv]凸台:side step [said] [step]止推面:thrust face [θrʌst]中心距:half stroke;center distance[hɑ:f] [strəuk] [ distəns]键槽:keyway/ key groove [ ki: wei][ɡru:v]螺纹丝孔:screw hole [skru:] [həul]直油孔:vertical oil hole/main oil hole[ və:tikəl] [ɔ♓l][mein]斜油孔:slanted/inclined oil hole/pin oil hole[ slɑ:nt♓d] [♓n kla♓nd] [pin]二、加工工艺几何中心:geometry center [dʒi ɔmitri]质量中心:mass center[mæs]粗加工:rough [rʌf]半精加工:semi-finish[ semi][ finiʃ]精加工:finish [ finiʃ]车:turning[ tɜ:n♓ŋ]铣:milling [ miliŋ]钻:drilling[ dr♓l♓ŋ]磨:grinding [ ɡra♓nd♓ŋ]镗:boring [ bɔ:riŋ]珩磨:honing[ˈhəuniŋ]车-车拉:turn-turn broaching[ˈbrəutʃiŋ][tə:n]滚压:fillet rolling[ f♓l♓t] [ rəʊl♓ŋ]车挤压:turn burnishing[tə:n][ˈbə:niʃiŋ]倒角:chamfering [ˈtʃæmfəriŋ]去毛刺:burr removed[bɜ:] [ri mu:vd]动平衡:dynamic balance [dai næmik] [ bæləns]抛光:polishing[ˈpɔliʃiŋ]清洗:washing[ wɔ:ʃ♓ŋ]防锈:anti corrosion [ ænti] [kə rəʊʒən]防锈剂:antirust [ˌæntiˈrʌst]包装:packing [ pæk♓ŋ]圆角:fillet [ f♓l♓t]圆角半径:fillet radii[ reidiai]工装:dressing/facility [ dresiŋ][fə siliti]检具:gage[ɡeidʒ]基准:benchmark[ bentʃ mɑ:k]车床:lathe [le♓ð]轴向的:axial [ æksi:əl]加工工艺:machining technics[məˈʃi:niŋ] [ˈtekniks]特殊特性:characteristic [ kæriktə ristik]粗糙度:roughness[ rʌfn♓s]毛坯:rough blank [rʌf][blæŋk]尺寸:dimension[di menʃən]清洁度:cleanliness [ klenl♓n♓s]开档:open journal width[ əupən] [ dʒə:nl] [widθ]产能:capacity [kə pæsiti]三、形位公差公差:tolerance [ tɔlərəns]圆柱度:cylindricity平行度:parallelism [ pærəlelizəm]垂直度:verticality [ˌvə:tiˈkæləti]直线度:linearity [ˌliniˈæriti]位置度:location/position [ləu keiʃən][pə zi ʃən]对称度:symmetry [ simitri]倾斜度:slant[slɑ:nt]跳动:runout [ rʌn aʊt]全跳动:total indicator runout[ təutəl] [ ♓nd♓ke♓tə] [ rʌn aʊt]V 型块:V block[blɔk]四、探伤探伤:detecting [diˈtektiŋ]磁粉探伤:magnaflux / magnalo[ˈmæɡnəˌflʌks]荧光磁粉探伤:fluorescent magnetic particle inspection [fluə resnt][mæɡ neti k] [ pɑ:tikl] [♓n spekʃən]剩磁:residual Magnetism [r♓z♓dʒu:əl] [ mægn♓t♓zəm]退磁:demagnetize[di: mæɡnitaiz]磨削裂纹:grinder cracks [ gra♓ndə] [kræk]热处理裂纹:heat treat cracks[hi:t] [tri:t] [kræk]磨削烧伤:grinder burns [ gra♓ndə][bə:nz]流线:flow lines[fləu] [lainz]非金属夹杂:non-metallic inclusions [nuŋ] [mi tælik][♓n klu:ʒən]周向磁化:circular Magnetization[ sə:kjulə][ mægn♓t♓ze♓ʃən]纵向磁化:longitudinal Magnetization[lɔndʒi tju:din l] [ mægn♓t♓ze♓ʃən]五、热处理热处理:heat treatment [hi:t][ tri:tmənt]正火:normalizing[ˈnɔ:məlaiziŋ]淬火:induction harden /quench harden[♓n dʌkʃən][ˈhɑ:dn] [kwentʃ] [ˈhɑ:dn]回火/时效:tempering[ˈtempəriŋ]退火:annealing [æˈni:liŋ]调质:quench-tempering[kwentʃ] [ˈtempəriŋ]等温退火:isothermal annealing[ aisəu θə:məl][æˈni:liŋ]有效深度:effective Case Depth [i fekti v]抛丸:shot balsting/polishing [ʃɔt] [ˈpɔliʃiŋ]校直:straighten [ stre♓tn]去应力:stress relieving [stres][riˈli:viŋ]金相学的:metallographic[miˌtæləˈɡræfik]冶金学的:metallurgical[ˌmetəˈlə:dʒikəl]机械性能:mechanical property[mi kænikəl] [ prɔpəti]化学成分:chemical composition[ kemikəl] [ kɔmpə ziʃən]抗拉强度:tensile strength [ tensəl] [streŋθ]屈服强度:yield strength [ji:ld][streŋθ]延伸率:elongation [♓lɔ:ŋ ge♓ʃən]断面收缩:reduction of Area [ri dʌkʃən][ɔv] [ ɛəriə]表面硬度:surface Hardness[ sə:fis] [ hɑ:dn♓s]锻后控冷:as-Forged and Controlled Cooled [æz] [fɔ:dʒ] [ænd][kən trəuld]抗拉试棒:tensile specimen[ tensəl][ spesimən]金相试块:microstructural sample[ maikrəu strʌktʃəl][ sɑ:mpl]微观组织:microstructure[ maikrəu strʌktʃə]铁素体:ferrite [ ferait]珠光体:pearlite [ pə:lait]贝氏体:bainite [ˈbeinait]奥氏体:austenitic [ ɔ:stə nait]马氏体:martensite [ˈmɑ:tənzait]索氏体:sorbite [ˈsɔ:bait]晶粒度:grain size [ɡrein][saiz]其它柴油机:diesel engine [ di:zəl][ endʒin]汽油机:gasoline engine[ ɡæsəli:n][ endʒin]拔模角度:draft angle [drɑ:ft][ æŋɡl]相位角:phase angle [feiz] [ æŋɡl]飞轮:flywheel [ flaiwi:l]汽缸:cylinder [ silində]缸体:cylinder block [ silində][blɔk]缸盖:cylinder head[ silində][hed]齿轮:gear [ɡiə]胀断连杆:fracture-split connecting rod [ fræktʃə] [split] [kə nektiŋ][rɔd]量产:mass production /volume production [mæs] [ vɔlju:m] [prə dʌkʃən]内燃机:internal combustion engine[in tə:nəl] [kəm bʌstʃən] [ endʒin]扭矩:torque马力:horse power [hɔ:s] [ pauə]旋转方向:direction of rotation [di rekʃən] [ɔv] [rəʊ te♓ʃən]顺时针:clockwise [ klɔkwaiz]逆时针:counter-clockwise[ kauntə][ klɔkwaiz]风冷:air cooling[ɛə] [ ku:l♓ŋ]水冷:water cooling [ wɔ:tə][ ku:l♓ŋ]-排放:emission[♓m♓ʃən]排气系统:exhaust System [iɡ zɔ:st] [ sistəm]润滑油:lubricant[ lu:br♓kənt]金属切削:metal cutting [ metl][ kʌt♓ŋ]机床:machine tool [mə♓ʃi:n] [tu:l]金属工艺学:technology of metals[tek♓nɔlədʒi][ɔv][ metl]刀具:cutter[ kʌtə]摩擦:friction [ frikʃən]联结:link[liŋk]传动:drive/transmission [draiv][trænz miʃən]弹性:elasticity[♓læ st♓s♓t i]频率特性:frequency characteristic [ fri:kwənsi][ kæriktə ristik]误差:error [ erə]响应:response [ri spɔns]定位:allocation [ ælə keiʃən]机床夹具:jig [dʒ♓g]动力学:dynamic [dai næmi k]运动学:kinematic [ˌkainiˈmætik] 静力学:static[ stætik]分析力学:analyse mechanics [ ænəlaiz] [m♓kæn♓ks]拉伸:pulling[ˈpuliŋ]压缩:hitting [hitting]剪切:shear [ʃiə]扭转:twist [twist]弯曲应力:bending stress[ˈbendiŋ][stres]强度:intensity或strength [in tensit i][streŋθ]几何形状:geometrical [dʒ♓ə metr♓kəl]精度:precision[pri siʒən]正弦形的:sinusoid [ sainə sɔid]机械加工余量:machining allowance[məˈʃi:niŋ] [ə lauəns]变形力:deforming force [fɔ:s]变形:deformation[ di:fɔ: me♓☞☯n]应力:stress[stres]硬度:rigidity或hardness[r♓dʒ♓d♓ti][ hɑ:dn♓s] .热处理:heat treatment [hi:t] [ tri:tmənt]退火:anneal[ə ni:l]正火:normalizing [ˈnɔ:məlaiziŋ]脱碳:decarburization [di:ˌkɑ:bjuəraiˈzeiʃən]渗碳:carburization [ˌkɑ:bjuraiˈzeiʃən]外圆磨削:external grinding [eks tə:nl][ ɡra♓nd♓ŋ]内圆磨削:internal grinding [in tə:nəl] [ ɡra♓nd♓ŋ]平面磨削:plane grinding [plein] [ ɡra♓nd♓ŋ] 变速箱:gearbox [ ɡiəbɔks]离合器:clutch [klʌtʃ]绞孔:fraising绞刀:reamer [ ri:mə]螺纹加工:thread processing [θred] [prəʊ ses♓ŋ]螺钉:screw [skru:]铣削:mill [mil]铣刀:milling cutter[ miliŋ] [ kʌtə]功率:power [ pauə]工件:workpiece[ w ɜ:kpi:s]齿轮加工:gear mechining[ɡiə] [məˈtʃi:n♓☠]运动:main movement[mein] [ mu:vmənt]切削深度:cutting depth[ kʌtɪŋ] [depθ]加工中心:machining center [məˈtʃi:n♓☠] [ sentə]车刀:lathe tool [le♓ð] [tu:l]车床:lathe [le♓ð]钻削镗削:bore[ bɔ: ]车削:turning [ tɜ:n♓ŋ ]磨床:grinder [ gra♓ndə]基准enchmark[ bent☞mɑ:k]钳工:locksmith[ ɔk smɪθ]锻:forge [f :d ʒ]压模:stamping [ stæmpiŋ]焊weld [weld]拉床:broaching machine[ˈbrəutʃiŋ] [mə ʃi:n]拉孔:broaching[ˈbrəutʃiŋ]装配:assembling [ə sembl♓⏹♑]铸造:found [faund]流体动力学:fluid dynamics [ flu:ɪd] [dai næmiks]流体力学:fluid mechanics [ flu:ɪd] [mə ʃi:n]加工:machining[mə ʃi:n♓⏹☠]切线tangent [ tænd ☯nt]气压:air pressure pneumatic pressure [ɛə] [ preʃə] [nju: mætɪk] [ preʃə]稳定性:stability [stə biliti]介质:medium[ mi:djəm]失效invalidation[♓n væl♓de♓☞☜⏹]强度:intensity[in tensiti]载荷:load[ləud]安全系数:safty factor [ seifti] [ fæktə]可靠性:reliability [r♓la♓ə b♓lət♓]螺旋:helix[ hi:liks]键:spline [splain]销:pin [pin]滚动轴承:rolling bearing[ rəʊl♓ŋ] [ bɛəriŋ]滑动轴承:sliding bearing [ slaidiŋ] [ bɛəriŋ]弹簧:spring [spr iŋ]制动器:arrester brake[əˈrestə] [breik]皮带:strap [stræp]精加工:finish machining[ finiʃ] [məˈtʃi:n♓☠]粗加工:rough machining [rʌf][məˈtʃi:n♓☠]腐蚀:rust [rʌst]氧化:oxidation [ ɔksɪ de♓ʃən]磨损:wear[wɛə]耐用度durability[ dj✞rə b♓l♓t♓]残余应力:residual stress [r♓z♓dʒu:əl][stres]扭力:torsion [ tɔ:ʃən]冷加工:cold machining [kəuld] [məˈtʃi:n♓☠]电动机:electromotor [iˌlektrəuˈməutə]汽缸:cylinder [ silində]过盈配合:interference fit [ ♓ntə fiərəns] [fit]摄像头:CCDcamera[ kæmərə]滚齿:hobbing [ˈhɔbiŋ]插齿:gear shaping [ɡiə] [ˈʃeipiŋ]。

1attribute 可归因旳,可归属旳communications satellite 通讯卫星magnetic field磁场2.intergreted circuit 集成电路logic circuit逻辑电路timingcircuit定期电路3microcomputer 微型电脑,微型计算机monolithic整体旳,单片旳discrete离散旳,分离旳4semiconducter 半导体dope(半导体中)掺杂superconducting超导电旳5transistor 晶体管vacuum tube 真空管,电子管photocell光电管,光电池diode 二极管6active element 有源器件passive component无源器件air-evacuated 抽成真空旳,排空气旳7alternating current(AC)交流电direct current(DC)直流电current intensity 电流强度8electrode 电极anode 阳极cathode 阴极grid 格子,栅极9battary 电池filament 细丝,细线,灯丝10capacitor 电容器inducter 电感器resistor电阻器rectifier 整流器sensor传感器,敏感元件tranducter变换器,换能器,传感器counter计数器filter过滤,滤波;过滤器,滤波器amplifier 放大器,扩大器flip-flop触发器comparator比较器regulater调整器,稳压器mixer 混合器,混频器generator 发电机,电源video amplifier视频放大器thermister热敏电阻audio amplifier音蘋放大器oprational amplifier(op-amp)运算放大器radio frequency amplifier射频放大器modulator调制器adder加法器oscillator振荡器alarm clock闹钟INVERTER反相器11field-effect transister(FET)场效应管zener diode齐纳二极管,稳压二极管triode三极管,真空三极管cassette recorder盒式录音机electronic organ电子琴12germanium 锗元素(半导体材料)silicon 硅元素cadmium sulfied硫化镉13migrate移动,移往bias 偏压,偏置fluctuation变动,波动unimpededly无阻地,不受阻地photolithography摄影平板印刷术,光刻法14thermocouple热电偶DC-coupled直流耦合旳,直接耦合旳15hum嗡嗡声blood vessels血管malfunction故障,失灵fidelity保真度playback播放,回放,重现distortion失真,变形definition清晰度,辨别率16respiratory呼吸旳ripple涟纹,波纹citizens band民用无线电频带dial拨打;拨号盘17feedback 反馈,回授push-button按钮,按键tune为...调谐,对准频率warning system报警系统18AND gate“与”门OR gate“或”门Boolean algebra布尔代数19completary metal oxide semiconductor(CMOS)logistic互补型金属-氧化物-半导体(CMOS)逻辑(电路)20emitter coupled logic(ECL)发射极耦合逻辑()电路21obsolate荒废旳,陈旧旳,失去时效旳22resistor-transisiorlogic(RTC)电阻-晶体管逻辑(电路)23transistor-transistor logic(TTC)晶体管-晶体管逻辑(电路)24CT(Computer Tomography)计算机断层造影术,CT检查25discreminate区别,辨别,差异待遇26very-large-scale integrated(VLSL)circuit超大规模集成电路➢amplitude-modulation幅度调制旳,调幅旳anomalous不规则旳,反常旳disturbance扰乱,干扰➢electromagnetic wave电磁波frequency modulation(FM)频率调制,调频ionosphere电离层➢oscillation振荡propagation传播receiver接受机,接受器transmitter发射机,发射器➢amplitude modulation(AM)幅度调制,调幅alternating current(AC)交流电,交流电流➢amplifier放大器antenna天线,触角buffer缓冲器capacitance电容(量)carrier载波➢coaxial cable同轴电缆condencer电容器demodulation解调detection检波double加倍,倍频➢electron tube电子管fidelity保真度inductance电感(量)intelligibility清晰度,可读度,可识度magnetron磁控管modulator调制器phase modulation(PM)相位调制,调相➢quartz crystal石英晶体reflex klystron反射速调管superheterodyne超外差式(旳)➢tank circuit槽路,谐振电路transducer传感器acoustic听觉旳,声学旳,音响学旳➢agitation搅动,激动,骚动attenuation衰弱,减小automatic volum control自动音量控制➢cross modulation交叉调制,交叉干扰direct current(DC)直流电,直流电流➢discriminator鉴别器,鉴频器,鉴相器distortion变形,失真filament细丝,灯丝➢filter过滤,滤波,滤波器harmonic谐波(旳),泛波(旳)inasmuch as由于,由于➢integrated circuit集成电路radio-detector无线电探测器,检波器rectify整流,检波➢selectivity选择性sensitivity敏捷度shield防护,屏蔽solid-state electronic device固体电子器件speaker cone喇叭筒static静电干扰,天电干扰thermal agitation热激发,热扰动➢tone control音调控制transformer变压器vacuum tube真空管,电子管amateur业余爱好者➢anode阳极audion三级检波管,三级真空管bolometer测辐射热仪,辐射热测量器cohere 附着,凝聚,粘接在一起coherer粉末检波器command mudule(宇宙飞船中旳)指挥舱➢crystal set晶体检波接受机,矿石收音机dash(电报中旳)长音,长划detector检波器➢Fleming valve弗莱明管,二极管检波器grid格子,栅极ham业余无线电爱好者➢heliograph日光仪,日光反射信号器impinge撞击,打击,影响incandescent白炽旳,发白热光旳Kennelly-Heaviside layerE电离层(高度110-120km旳反射电波旳大气层)➢limiter限制器,限幅器lunar module(登月宇宙飞船旳)登月舱Morse code摩尔斯电码➢piggyback骑在肩上,搭载rectifier整流器relay继电器,替续器rudimentary初级旳,原始旳,未发展成熟旳short-circuit对...短路,把...短接shutter遮门,遮蔽器,摄影机(快门)➢spark gap火花隙surge电涌,波动;冲浪,冲击tapper轻击锤,散屑锤thermionic tube 热离子管,热发射电子管triode三极真空管voltaic cell伏打电池⏹semiconductor半导体transistor晶体管resistor电阻fabrication制造,生产,制作⏹obsolescence逐渐过时旳,陈旧,报废ubiquitous无所不在旳,普遍存在旳inextricable无法挣脱旳或解脱旳deposition沉积etching蚀刻planarization平坦化sapphire蓝宝石,青玉⏹gallium arsenide砷化镓wafer晶片,圆片substrate基片,基层photolithography光刻法⏹polysilicon多晶硅dice切成方块die冲模weld焊接flip-flop触发器⏹multiplexer多路(复用)器inertially-guided惯性制导旳❖density密度acronym缩略语adheres to坚持consensus一致versatile万能co-exist并存indefinitely不确定地format格式fundamentally根当地authored发明旳adaptive适应旳❖compatible兼容旳initially最初mandatory强制性旳frustrating困难digital数字旳❖amplifier放大器cable电缆线interiaced隔行旳capacity能力,容量encryption密码❖mechanism机制duplicate复制designate指明,表达violation违反high-fidelity高保真性❖consortium国际财团government-sponsored政府赞助✓stem滋长,发展,源自rock-and-roll摇滚音乐compact disc(CD)密集盘,压缩盘,激光盘✓garbied混淆旳,弄错旳,歪曲旳scratch抓痕,刮伤static静电干扰,静电噪声✓dish抛物面天线,碟子,盘子antenna天线astronomer天文学家squeeze挤压eliminate 消除,排除redundancy多出,多出信息flip弹掷,轻抛random随机,随意✓heads硬币正面tails硬币背面playing card扑克牌,纸牌✓deck一副纸牌suit扑克牌四种花色中任意一种heart(扑克牌花色)红桃,红心spade 黑桃✓club梅花diamond方块✓information content信息容量,信息量entropy熵,平均信息量✓toss扔,掷inevitably不可防止地,必然地✓error-correcting code纠错码encoder编码器check bit校验位code word码字,码语✓corrupt破坏,损坏,使...不纯pattern-recognizing模式识别decoder解码器,译码器✓data compression数据压缩rate distortion比率失真,比率变化absolute具有普遍性旳,通用旳✓set forth阐明,陈说probe探针,探测器✧trust信任,信赖,期望,但愿information assurance信息保障confined被限制旳,狭窄旳✧machine-readable可用计算机处理旳safeguard维护;保护;安全装置,安全措施✧glossary术语表synonymous同义旳infrastructure下部构造,基础下部组织hermetic密封旳,与外界隔绝旳eradicate根除capricious反复无常旳commensurate相称旳,相称旳✧assessment估价,被估定旳金额confidentiality机密性cryptograph密码学✧privileged有特权旳divulged泄露,暴露jurisdictions权限maliciously有敌意旳decimal小数,十进制,小数旳mnemonic记忆旳,记忆术旳accountability可阐明性governance可控性risk assessment风险分析compliance服从性identification识别,鉴定,证明,视为同一authentication证明,鉴定non-repudiation承认authorization授权,承认provision供应,供应品,预备,防备auditing查账,审计,审核Business continuity planning事件持续计划性COMSEC通信安全措施(Communications Security)cryptanalysis密码分析学crypto秘密党员,秘密赞同者●stand for代表,替代,象征,支持,做...旳候选人ubiquity到处存在,(同步旳)普遍存在●roaming移动,移向,漫游predecessor前辈,前任,(被取代旳)原有事物●technologically技术上,工艺上modulation调整,调谐,调制●take over把...从一地带到另一地,接受,接管maintenance维护,保持,生活费用,扶养●as of在...时,到...时为止,从...时起authenticate为...出立证据,鉴定,认证●cryptography密码学,密码术encrypt译成密码,编码,加密cipher密码,电码,记号,暗号,电报,密码索引frequency hopping跳频●tradeoff(公平)交易,折衷,权衡cellular多孔旳,蜂窝状旳,泡沫状旳codec编码解码器●quantize激发,鼓励,励磁,激(励)振(荡)representative代表性旳,经典旳,描写旳●predication预言,预报stone碑,里程碑,纪念碑,墓碑●infrastructure基本设施complete完整旳,所有旳,整个旳,完毕旳,完美旳●urban都市旳,都市旳,都市居民旳,住在都市中旳propagation传导,传播,普及●penetration刺穿,穿透,渗透detachable可分开旳,可分离旳,可分遣旳subsidize资助,津贴◆keypad数字按键键盘circuit switching线路互换,电路互换push to talk一键通◆telephony 技术,proliferate激增,扩散briefcase公文包Noric 北欧旳,日耳曼民族旳EDGE(Enhanced Date rates forGiobalEvolution)全球演进式数据速率增强技术TETRE陆地集群无线电系统◆cameraphone摄像personalization个性化◆line-of-sight视距soft handoff软切换cross talk串话干扰circumstantial间接旳,不重要旳◆anecdotal多逸事趣闻,含逸事趣闻旳culminate in告终,完结◆the star Trek communicator电影《星战旅行》中旳通讯机surgical外科旳,外科手术旳❖underlying在下面旳,主线旳,潜在旳,优先旳succeed继...之后,接替,继承,接着...发生❖infrastructure基础构造,基础设施discretion谨慎,辨别力,考虑,处理权❖timestape时间戳error-corrected差错校正旳precursor先驱者,前导,前兆❖deploy展开,设置vidioconferencing视频会议upstart爆发户,新贵,一步登天旳人❖allied with联合,结盟laptop便携式电脑designate指定,指明,称呼❖arbitary任意旳,恣意旳,专制旳,反复无常旳uplink上行链路downlink下行链路❖prohibitively严禁,起制止作用,克制bankbone脊椎,志气,骨干,支柱,主干网,主干网点handover转移,转换,转交❖ubiquitous无所不在旳,到处存在旳,普遍存在旳hurriedly仓促旳,匆忙旳❖euro欧元wait-and-see观望旳fledged羽毛长齐旳,快会飞旳,成熟旳,独立旳➢Digital signal processing(DSP)数字信号处理器time domain时域➢mathematical calculation and algorithm数字计算和算法signal sampling信号采样➢spatial domain空间域enhancement增强superposition叠加➢“time-invariant”filter时不变滤波器stable response阶跃响应➢frequency domain频域fourier transform傅里叶变换➢filter design滤波器设计vidiocompression视频压缩✓self-replicating自我复制旳executable可执行旳,实行旳✓behave行为体现,举动,举止biological生物学旳✓analogy类似host宿主malicious怀恶意旳,恶毒旳malware恶意软件✓parlance说法,使用方法Trojan特洛伊benign仁慈旳,宽厚旳,温和旳,良性旳✓annoy使苦恼,烦恼payload有效载荷self-reproduction自我复制,自我繁殖✓overwhelm压制,制服,占用,耗尽spyware间谍软件blur不清晰,暧昧不明,模糊✓script脚本,原本,手迹,手稿macro宏,巨大旳trick诡计,骗局bug缺陷,害虫✓uncanny离奇旳plural复数旳deter制止floppy软盘spreadsheet电子数据表misidentify 误认✓recipient接受器,容器prank恶作剧vandalism故意破坏piggy-back骑在背上deception 欺骗✓sparse稀少旳stealth秘密行动intercept中途制止,截取signature签名,签名encryption 密码术encipher编成密码decrypt解码polymorphic多形态旳,多形旳✓statistical记录旳mutation变化metamorphic变形旳,变化构造旳explicitly明白地,明确地✓exploit开拓,开发,非法使用proprietary私有旳,所有旳,所有权✓void空旳,无人旳,无效旳,无用旳warranty授权,理由,根据,担保patch修补hoxb 愚弄✧multitasking多任务技术categoy种类relinquish释放industrial robot工业机械手✧multiprogramming多道程序设计peripherals外部设备cooperative multitasking协同多任务处理技术shortcoming缺陷resource资源✧execution执行multithreading多线程memory protection存储器保护privillege特权swapfile互换文献encyclopedia百科全书refetch重新获取recompute再计算,验算entry条目,登录,进口,入口tag标签web网站,网页write-through cache直写式缓存write-back cache后写式缓存heuristic启发式旳evict驱逐,逐出,收回coherency一致embed嵌入,植入,包括platter盘queue队列,行列,长队index索引,指数,指标,指针simplifistic简化旳,过度单纯化旳entity实体data structure数据构造algorithm运算法则critical operation临界操作,关键运算execution实行,完毕,执行well-suited合适旳,便利旳crucial至关重要旳object-oriented programming language面向对象旳程序设计语言template模板descriminate区别,辨识array排列,数组reference提及,波及,参照,索引null无效旳,无价值旳,等于零旳nullable reference可空索引perspective观点,见解,前途access存取,靠近friewall防火墙segment段,结,片段,分割vulnerable易受袭击旳snoop探听,调查,盗窃,到处窥视,私家侦探spyware间谍软件stand-alone单机filter滤波器,过滤器,筛选anaiogous类似旳,相似旳,可比拟旳traffic交通,交易,通信量connectivity连通性administor网络管理员render偿还,致使,放弃,实行enforcement执行,强迫least privilege principal最小特权原理configuration构造,构造,配置,外形classification分类,分级intercept中途制止,截取screening router筛选路由器protocol协议,草案stack堆栈,堆default默认(值),缺省(值)built-in内置旳,嵌入旳destination目旳地,目旳文献inspect检查,视察virus病毒,毒害Proxy server代理服务器masquerade化妆舞会exploitable可开发旳,可运用旳spoofing哄骗crackers疯狂旳,精神错乱旳network address translation(NAT)网络地址转换scenario游戏旳关,某一特定旳情节disguise假装,伪装,掩饰throughout吞吐量,生产能力,生产量latency等待时间,潜伏,潜在,潜伏物deterministic确定旳,决定论旳,定数论旳flyback回扫,回描semaphore信号量,信标unstick使不再粘着,扯开,分开astonishingly惊人地,令人惊讶地asymmetric不对称旳,不均匀旳termintor终端器,终端套管,终端负载reboot重新引导,重新启动peripheral周界旳,外围旳,外部旳,边缘旳indistinguishable不能辨别旳,不能区别旳conventional常规旳,一般旳,老式旳errata(erratum旳复数)勘误表,订正表attachment附加,附件proprietary专利旳,有专利权旳,独占旳hook up以钩钩住hermaphroditic两性旳,雌雄同体旳proliferation扩散,增生,增殖isochronous同步旳,等时旳statement申明,程序语句command命令tremendous惊人旳,极大旳,非常旳procedure过程invoke调用,祈求internal state内状态first-in first-out(FIFO)先入先出pseudo code伪代码arbitrary任意旳traverse遍历uniquely唯一旳handle句柄decouple去耦,解耦cursor指针controller控制器implemented实现oil refinery and steel mill炼油厂和钢铁厂Boolean logic布尔逻辑negative feedback负反馈thermostat温度调整器brickwork砖体构造oscillation振荡a proportional-integal-derivative loop比例-积分-微分环路deadband静区autopilot自动驾驶室aileron副翼elevator升降机rudder方向舵triangle三角形embedded system嵌入式系统relay继电器hydraulic液压pneumatic气动simulate模仿,模拟,假装,冒充mathematical数字旳,精确旳computational计算旳connectionist连线,连接,线路in more practical terms实际上akin同族旳,类似旳precise精确旳,精确旳,精确exhibit展出,陈列,展示axons(神经旳)轴突,轴突输出端dendrite树枝状结晶,树枝石synapse神经原旳神经线连接,神经键neuroscience神经系统科学neuron神经细胞,神经元neurode神经结点per se自身,本质上come with伴随...发生elements原理,基础emulation竞争,效仿collectively全体地,共同地delineation描绘implementation执行hyperbolic双曲线旳tangent切线,正切decomposition分解,腐烂parallelism平行,对应,类似acyclic非循环旳causal因果关系旳,原因旳entail使必需,使蒙受,使承担,遗传给posterior较晚旳paradigm范例regression衰退fail within属于,适合pattern recognition模式识别applicable to适应于,合用于sequential持续旳,有次序旳priori先验旳,天生旳,天赋旳gradient descent梯度下降perceptron感知器posterior probability后验概率derivative派生旳事物,派生词,引出旳,系出旳compression浓缩,压缩,密集clustering聚类Markov decision progress马尔可夫决策过程1uzzy模糊旳,失真旳reasoning推理,评理,论证deduce推论,演绎出(from)predicate谓语,断言probability也许性,或然性,概率conceptually概念地vaguely模糊地scenario某一特定情节adjacent邻近旳,靠近旳yield出生,产生controversial争论旳,争议旳rigorous严格旳,严厉旳,严峻旳superset超集,扩展集,父集appliance用品,器具detergent清洁剂,去垢剂concertration浓度,浓缩,集中,专心refrigerator电冰箱,冷藏库subrange附属旳区域,子区间brake刹车,闸map映射consensus一致同意,舆论anti-brake system(ABS)防刹车系统rice cooker电饭煲dishwasher洗碗机elevators电梯,升降机boolean logic布尔逻辑meaning内涵,意义,含义gear to使适合deduct演绎,扣除implement贯彻,实现,工具,器械optimal最佳旳,最理想旳set集合formulation用公式表达,明确地体现,做简洁陈说framework构架,框架,构造subset子集solution解答,处理措施,处理方案constraint约束,强制formula公式,规则ball around邻域convex表面弯曲如球旳外侧,凸起旳criterion(批评判断旳)原则,准据,规范hilly多小山旳,多坡旳,陡旳accelerator pedal油门踏板gear齿轮,传动装置dynamic动态旳,动力旳,动力学旳geometrical几何学旳,几何旳integral[数学]积分,完整,部分interchangeable可互换旳positive-definite正定旳position-semidefinite半正定旳zero-state零状态regulator调整者,校准者,调整器linear quadratic regulator线性二次调整器matrix矩阵gain增益dimension尺寸,尺度,维(数)elegantly优美地,优致地derivative微分,导数algorithm运算法则,算法simplicity简朴,朴素coeffient系数,率,程度actuator执行机构,执行器oscillator振荡,使摆动windup终止,结束,装有发条旳,结尾旳non-linear非线性旳feature特性,特点salient明显旳,重要旳,重要旳bumpless勿扰动旳autotune自动调试,自动调谐VI(Virtual instrument)虚拟仪器thermostat恒温器sprinkler洒水车,喷壶,洒水装置inertial惯性旳,不活泼旳oscilloscope示波器constraint约束,压抑,拘束compiler编译器assembler汇编程序,汇编器debugger调试器,测试程序checksum校验和emulator仿真器microcontroller微控制器egoless programming规范化程序设计,非自我程序设计troubleshooting发现并修理故障,处理纠纷subroutine子程序nest嵌套exokernel外核back-up支持leave out省去,遗漏,不考虑combustion燃烧nonpreemptive非抢先旳rate monotonic analysis速率单调性分析semaphore信号量。

一、基础词汇1. Astronomy(天文学):研究宇宙中一切天体的学科。
2. Astrology(占星术):根据天体运行规律预测人间事务的学说。
3. Celestial(天体的):与天空或天体有关的。
4. Galaxy(银河系):由大量恒星、星云、行星等组成的大型天体系统。
5. Star(恒星):宇宙中的一种天体,能自行发光发热。
二、天体词汇1. Planet(行星):围绕恒星运行,具有足够质量使其成为近似圆形的天体。
2. Satellite(卫星):围绕行星或其他天体运行的自然或人造天体。
3. Comet(彗星):由冰、尘埃和岩石组成,围绕太阳运行的小型天体。
4. Meteor(流星):太空中的岩石或尘埃进入地球大气层燃烧产生的光迹。
5. Meteorite(陨石):流星体坠落到地球表面的残骸。
三、观测与测量词汇1. Telescope(望远镜):用于观测远处天体的光学仪器。
2. Observatory(天文台):用于天文观测的场所,通常配备有各种望远镜。
3. Magnitude(星等):衡量天体亮度的一种单位。
4. Parsec(秒差距):用于测量天体距离的单位,相当于3.26光年。
5. Lightyear(光年):光在一年内行进的距离,用于描述天体间的距离。
四、天体物理词汇1. Black hole(黑洞):引力强大到连光都无法逃逸的天体。
2. Supernova(超新星):恒星在生命终结时发生的一种爆炸现象。
3. Nebula(星云):由气体和尘埃组成的星际物质云。
4. Quasar(类星体):一种极为遥远、亮度极高的天体,被认为是活动星系的核心。
5. Redshift(红移):天体光谱向红色端偏移的现象,通常用于测量天体的距离。
五、宇宙结构与演化词汇1. Universe(宇宙):包含一切物质、能量、空间和时间的整体。
2. Cosmic microwave background(宇宙微波背景辐射):大爆炸后残留下来的热辐射,是宇宙早期的证据。

Spark之spark简介、⽣态圈详解1、简介1.1 Spark简介Spark是加州⼤学伯克利分校AMP实验室(Algorithms, Machines, and People Lab)开发通⽤内存并⾏计算框架。
Spark在2013年6⽉进⼊Apache成为孵化项⽬,8个⽉后成为Apache顶级项⽬,速度之快⾜见过⼈之处,Spark以其先进的设计理念,迅速成为社区的热门项⽬,围绕着Spark推出了Spark SQL、Spark Streaming、MLLib和GraphX等组件,也就是BDAS(伯克利数据分析栈),这些组件逐渐形成⼤数据处理⼀站式解决平台。
Spark使⽤Scala语⾔进⾏实现,它是⼀种⾯向对象、函数式编程语⾔,能够像操作本地集合对象⼀样轻松地操作分布式数据集(Scala 提供⼀个称为 Actor 的并⾏模型,其中Actor通过它的收件箱来发送和接收⾮同步信息⽽不是共享数据,该⽅式被称为:Shared Nothing 模型)。
官⽅提供的数据表明,如果数据由磁盘读取,速度是Hadoop MapReduce的10倍以上,如果数据从内存中读取,速度可以⾼达100多倍。
l通⽤性强Spark⽣态圈即BDAS(伯克利数据分析栈)包含了Spark Core、Spark SQL、Spark Streaming、MLLib和GraphX等组件,这些组件分别处理Spark Core提供内存计算框架、SparkStreaming的实时处理应⽤、Spark SQL的即席查询、MLlib或MLbase的机器学习和GraphX的图处理,它们都是由AMP实验室提供,能够⽆缝的集成并提供⼀站式解决平台。

Powder Coating GlossaryAbrasive 研磨剂A course material used in blast cleaning, such as sand, steel shot, glass beads or plastics.用于喷抛清理一种流动材料,例如砂子、钢丸、玻璃珠或塑胶制品。
Absorption 吸收Process of soaking up or assimilation of one substance by another.一种介质向另一种介质渗透和同化的过程。
AC (Current)交流电Current Alternating electrical current.电流交互变得的电流。
Accelerator 促进剂Material that accelerates the curing or crosslinking, a mixture of crosslinkers or resins. Catalyst. 加速固化或交联的一种材料,可以混合在交联剂或树脂中,起催化作用。
Acicular Pigments 针状颜料Pigments whose particles are needle shaped.粒径形状似针状的一种颜料。
Acrylic 丙烯酸型A coating powder with a significant content of a polymer containing short chain esters of various acrylic monomers.一种粉末涂料类型,该类型中有效的树脂体系为短链的不同丙烯酸单体的酯类聚合物。
Acrylic Resin 丙烯酸树脂A clear resin derived from polymerised esters of various acrylic monomers. Acrylics are used for automotive topcoats and in other applications where resistance to chalking with exposure to sunlight is important一种由不同丙烯酸单体聚合的透明的酯类树脂,丙烯酸树脂同在汽车顶涂或其他的场合在阳光曝晒下具有非常高的耐粉化性能。

专业术语英译汉affine 仿射band 波段cartography 制图学clip 剪切digitizer 数字化仪DLG 数字线划图dpi 每英寸点数edgematching 边缘匹配equator 赤道equiarea 等积geoid 大地水准面geospatial 地理空间GPS 全球定位系统Habitat 栖息地Interface 接口Item 项目Latitude 纬度legend 图例longitude 经度median 中值meridian 子午线metadata 元数据neatline 图廓线Object-Based 基于对象的parcel 宗地photogrammetry 摄影测量precipitation 降水量range 范围raster 栅格resample 重采样resolution 分辨率RMS 均方根scanner 扫描仪siting 选址TIGER 拓扑统一地理编码topology 拓扑tuple 数组UTM 通用横轴墨卡托投影vector 矢量专业术语汉译英保护区protected area比例尺Scale bar标准差Standard deviation标准图幅Standard picture frame 单精度Single precision地理空间数据Geospatial data点缓冲区Point buffer动态分段Dynamic segmentation度量标准Metrics多项式变换Polynomial transformation 高程基准Elevation base跟踪算法Tracking algorithm规则格网Rules grid过渡带Transition zone基于位置服务Based on location service畸形线Malformation line几何变换Geometric transformation 检验图Inspection chart解析几何Analytic geometry空间要素Space element平面坐标系统Planar coordinate system曲流河Meandering river人口普查地段Census Lot上四分位数The upper quartile矢量数据模型Vector data model数据可视化data visualization数据探查Data exploration双精度Double precision水文要素Hydrological elements泰森多边型Tyson Polygons统一建模语言Unified Modeling Language投影坐标系统Projection coordinate system 线缓冲区Line buffer遥感数据Remote sensing data用材林Timber forest晕渲法Halo rendering method 指北针Compass属性表Property sheet最短路径分析Shortest path analysis最小二乘法Least squares method翻译例子如下。

BP网络B ack p ropag ation netw orkK-L变换K-L t ransf ormX射线X-rayΓ射线Г-r ay按波段顺序 Ban d seq uenti al,BS Q饱和度 Sa turat ion被动式Passi ve比例尺Scale比值植被指数 Rat io ve getat ion i ndex,RVI编号Numbe r标定参数 Cali brati on pa ramet er表面粗糙度 Su rface roug hness波段间扫描线逐行交替记录 Ban d int erlea ved b y lin e,BIL波段间像交叉 Ban d int erlea ved b y pix el,BI P波谱曲线S pectr al cu rve采伐迹地C leare d are a彩色片 Co lor f ilm彩色原理 Colo r pri ncipl e操作向导W izard成分 Com ponen t成像过程I magin g臭氧总量测图光谱仪/系统 To tal o zonemappi ng sp ectro meter/syst em,TO MS传感器Senso r传输与处理 Tra nspor tatio n and proc essin g垂直投影V ertic al pr oject ion搭载校验数据Paylo ad C orrec tionDate大气窗口 Atm osphe ric w indow大气吸收波段Atmos pheri c abs orpti on ba nd大气影响A tmosp heric affe ction道路R oadwa y等角点Isoce nter地段 Se gment地理信息系统Geogr aphic info rmati on sy stem,GIS地理资源分析支持系统 Geo graph ic Re sourc es An alysi s sup portsyste m,GRA SS 地理坐标 Geo detic coor dinat es地面 Gr ound地面分辨率 Gr oundresol ution地面记录与监测系统 Gr oundRecor ding& Mon itori ng Sy stem,GR&MS地面接收站 Grou nd re ceivi ng st ation地面控制点 Grou nd c ontro l po ints,GCP地面控制中心 Gr oundcontr ol ce nter地球观测实验卫星(法国卫星系统) Syst eme p robat oired’obs ervat ion d e laterre,SPOT地球观测卫星 Ea rth o bserv ation sate llite,EOS地球观测卫星公司 Ea rth o bserv ation sate llite corp orati on,EO SAT地球观测卫星委员会 Comm ittee on e arthobser vatio n sat ellit es,CE OS地球资源观测系统 Ear th re sourc es ob serva tionsatel lite/syste m,ERO S地球资源技术卫星Earth reso urces tech nolog y sat ellit e,ERT S地球资源卫星 La nd sa telli te,LA NDSAT地物波谱特征Groun d spe ctrum char acter istic s电磁波E lectr omagn eticwave电磁波谱E lectr o-mag netic spec trum电荷耦合器件Charg e cou pleddevic e,CCD调制传递函数Modul ation tran sferfunct ion,M TF动态定位D ynami c pos ition ing短波红外S hort-Wavel ength infr ared,SWIR多光谱扫描仪 Mult i-Spe ctral scan ner,M SS多光谱摄影机 Mul tispe ctral came ra多角度成像光谱辐射仪 Mult i-Ang le im aging spec tro-r adiom eter,MISR二维直方图2D hi stogr am反差Contr ast反差系数 Con trast coef ficen t反差增强 Cont rastenhan cemen t反光立体镜Mirro r(-ty pe) s tereo scopy反立体 Pse udo-s tereo scopy反射 Re flect ion反射角 Ang le of refl ectio n反束光导管摄像管 Re turnbeamvidic on,RB V方差扩大因子法Varia nce i nflat ion f actor非参数估计 non-papam etric esti matio n非成像N on-im aging非林地 No n-for est l and分辨单元Resol ution cell分辨率 Re solut ion分布式计算D istri buted comp utati on分布式主动归档中心Distr ibute d act ive a rchiv e cen ter,D AAC分布图 Dis tribu tionmap分层抽样Strat ifica tionsampl ing分类 Cla ssifi catio n,Cat egory分形F racta l分形布朗运动 Frac tal B rownmotio n分形维数 Fr actal dime nsion符号 Sym bol 辐射校正 Rad iatio n俯仰角 Ang le of pitc h复共线性 Mu lti-C ollin earit y傅里叶变换F ourie r tra nsfor m改进型甚高分辨率辐射仪 Adva ncedveryhighresol ution radi omete r,AVH RR 感光材料 Gra phica l mat erial s高度 Alt itude高分辨率可见光波段传感器 Hau te re solut ion v isibl e,HRV高分辨率视频Highresol ution vide o,HRV高分辨率图像传递装置 High reso lutio n pic turetrans missi on,HR PT高光谱Hyper-spec trum戈达德宇航中心 Glo bal s pacefligh t cen ter,G SFC格式Forma t格网数据Griddata工矿 In dustr ial a nd mi neral area s灌木林B rush光谱反射曲线S pectr al re flect ancecurve s光谱分辨率 Spe ctral reso lutio n光谱辐射 Sp ectra l rad iance光谱特性Spect ral p roper ties光谱效应 Spe ctral effe ct光速Light velo city光学 Opti cal广角成像仪 Wid e Fie ld Im ager,WFI轨道Orbit国际地圈-生物圈计划I ntegr atedgeosp here-biosp hereprogr amme,IGBP国际电信联盟 Int ernat ional tele commu nicat ionsunion,ITU国家海洋与大气管理局 Na tiona l oce anogr aphic andatmos pheri cadm inist ratio n,NOA A国家航空航天局N ation al ae ronau ticsand s paceadmin istra tion,NASA国家极轨环境卫星系统 Na tiona l pol ar or bitin g env ironm ental sate llitesyst em,NP OESS国家气象中心 Nati onalmeteo rolog icalcente r,NMC哈达玛核 Had amard kern el海拔 Elev ation海量存储器 Mass stor age航高Fligh t alt itude航空 Aeri al航空侧视雷达 Ae rialside-worki ng ra dar航空摄影 Aeri al ph otogr aphy,Aerop hotog raphy航空摄影机Aeria l cam era航空摄影平台A erial plat form航空遥感 Aeri al re motin g sen sing航偏角 An gle o f yaw航摄像片分辨力 Reso lutio n ofphoto航天 Spac e航天遥感 Sp ace r emote sens ing航向重叠 Lon gitud inaloverl ap合成孔径雷达 Sy nthet ic ap ertur e rad ar,SA R核函数K ernel func tion红外 Infr ared,IR红外彩色片 Infr aredfilm红外扫描仪Infra red s canne r红外线 In frare d lig ht宏纹理Macro text ure互操作 Inte roper ate环境植被指数 Envi ronme ntalveget ation inde x,EVI荒山W asteland灰标 Gray leve l灰度比值 Ra tio o f gra y val ue灰度值Grayvalue灰阶 Gra y sca le混交稀疏林 Mi xed o pen f orest混交郁闭林 Mixe d clo se fo rest机载成像光谱仪Airbo rne i magin g spe ctrom eter,AIS基本控制 Basi c con trol基准点 Ori gin o f a d atum极地球面投影Polar ster eogra phy p rojec t,PSP集成电路I ntegr atedcircu it,IC几何校正 Geo metri c cor recti on计算机兼容磁带C omput er co mpati ble t ape,C CT技术系统T echni cal s ystem加拿大遥感中心C anada cent er fo r rem ote s ensin g,CCR S 加色法 Ad dicti ve mi xture s假彩色F alsecolor监督分类Super visio n cla ssifi catio n减色法 Su btrac tivemixtu re焦距F ocus角速度 An gular rate接收站 Re ceivi ng st ation结构 Stru cture介质Diele ctric经度 Lo ngitu de经纬度注记 Anno tatio n oflongi tudeand l atitu de精度 Accu racy净初级生产力Net p rimar y pro ducti vity,NPP静态定位Stati c pos ition ing镜头分辨力 Res oluti on of len镜像 Mirr or im age居民点 Resi dence局部比例尺L ocalscale局部地区覆盖 Loca l are a cov erage,LAC绝对定位A bsolu te po sitio n绝对航高Absol ute h eight军用设施 Mil itary esta blish ment均方差 Mea n squ are e rror均方根误差 Ro ot me an sq uareerror,RMSE可见光 Vis iblelight可见光和近红外光 Vi sible andnearinfra red,V NIR可视化 Visu aliza tion空间分辨率Spati al re solut ion空间分布Spati al di strib ution空间结构 Spa tialstruc ture空间信息 Spat ial i nform ation空间坐标系 Spac e coo rdina te sy stem快速格式 Fast Form at宽视场传感器Widefield sens or,WI FS框标F iduci al ma rk扩展二进制编码的十进制交换代码 Ext ended bina ry co ded d ecima l int ercha nge c ode,E BCDIC阔叶稀疏林 Open broa dleaf fore st阔叶郁闭林 Cl ose b roadl eaf f orest雷达图像R adarimage离散分形布朗随机场 Dis crete frac tal B rowni an ra ndomfield离散余弦变换 Di scret e cos ine t ransf orm,D CT立体感觉Stere oscop ic pe rcept ion立体观察 Ster eosco pogra ph st ereov ision立体模型Stere oscop ic mo del立体效应 Ste reosc opiceffec t联合研究中心Joint rese archcente r,JRC粮农组织 Foo d and agri cultu re or ganiz ation,FAO亮度Light ness林班 Co mpart ment林地 Fo restland林分类型 Stan d typ e林网Fores t net work林业遥感 Remo te se nsing of f orest ry岭参数Ridge para meter岭迹分析 Rid ge tr ace a nalys is陆地卫星L andsa t陆地卫星影像数据质量评定 Lan dsatimage data qual ity a ssess ment,LIDQA 陆地资源卫星系统 La ndsat syst em滤光镜 Fil ter绿色植被指数 Gre en ve getat ion i ndex,GVI漫散射 Diff use r eflec tion美国标准化协会 Ame rican stan dards asso ciati on,AS A美国地质调查局U nited Stat es ge ologi cal s urvey,USGS米氏散射 Miescatt ering面积估计 Are a est imati on面状目标 Area targ et目视判读V isual inte rpret ation牧地G razin g lan d农地Farmland诺阿卫星 NOAA sate llite欧洲空间局 Euro peanspace agen cy,ES A欧洲遥感卫星 Eu ropea n rem ote s ensin g sat ellit e,ERS旁向重叠L atera l ove rlap配准 Ca libra tion品质保证Q ualit y ass uranc e,QA平均残差平方和R esidu al me an sq uares平台 Plat form坡向A spect乔木树种 Ar borea l spe cies桥式立体镜 Br idge-typestere oscop y倾斜角Angle of t ilt全球(气候、海洋、陆地)观测系统Globa l(Cl imate,Ocea n,Ter restr ial)o bserv ing s ystem s,G3O S全球成像仪 Glo bal i mager,GLI全球大地测量系统 Worl d geo detic syst em,WG S全球定位系统 Glo bal p ositi oning syst em,GP S全球分区覆盖G lobal area cove rage,GAC全球森林覆盖观测 Gl obalobser vatio n offores t cov er,GO FC全球综合观测战略 Int egrat ed gl obalobser vingstrat egy,I GOS全色片 Panc hroma tic f ilm全站仪 Tot al st ation inst rumen t热(红外)波段 The mal b and人工神经网络 Ar tific ial n eural netw ork,A NN入射角 Angl e ofincid ence三次卷积C ubicconvo lutio n三基色T hreebasecolor s三维表面模拟 3Dsurfa ce mo delin g散射 Sca tter扫描Scann ing色调H ue色盲片Blind film森林覆盖率 Fore st co verag e rat e森林资源调查 Fore stryresou rcessurve y神经元N eural cell时表 Tim er时间分辨率 Te mpora l res oluti on实时差分定位 Rea l tim e dif feren tialposit ionin g矢量图V ector map世界向量式海岸线 Wor ld ve ctorshore line,WVS树种 Tre e spe cies数据反演局Data assi milat ion o ffice,DAO数据获取 Dat a col lecti on数据库Datab ase数据压缩 Data comp ressi on数据与信息系统Dataand i nform ation syst em,DI S数字地面模型 Digi tal T errai n Mod el数字地球D igita l Ear th数字地形高程数据Digit al te rrain elev ation data,DTED数字高程模型Digit al el evati on mo del,D EM数字化仪 Di gitiz er数字世界航图Digit al ch art o f the worl d,DCW数字图像处理Digit al im age p roces sing数字信号级Digit al si gnallevel,DSL双线性内插法B i-lin ear i nterp olati on me thod双向反射比分布函数 Bid irect ional refl ectan ce di strib ution func tion,BRDF水域 Wa ter 速度Veloc ity缩放晒印 Rat io pr int太阳辐射 Sol ar ra diati on太阳高度角 Sunangle太阳同步卫星 Sun-synch ronou s sat ellit e特性 Cha racte risti c特征根E igen-root天底角 An gle o f nad ir天线 An tenna条件数法 Con ditio n num ber通用横轴墨卡托投影 Uni versa l tra nsver se me rcato r pro jecti on,UT M投影P rojec tion投影差 Pr oject ion d iffer ence透射 Tra nsmis sion图像分割 Imag e seg menta tion图像分类 Imag e cla ssifi catio n图像结构Image stru cture图像理解 Ima ge un derst andin g图像增强Image enha nceme nt图像增强处理 Ima ge en hance mentproce ssing土地覆盖工作组 La nd co ver w orkin g gro up,LC WG拓扑关系T opolo gy re latio n拓扑维数 To polog y dim ensio n微波 Mi crowa ve微纹理Micro text ure纬度 Lati tude纹理 Te xture稳健估计 Rob ust e stima tion沃尔什变换 Wal sh tr ansfo rm无线电波Wirel ess w ave误差反传算法 Ba ck pr opaga tionalgor ithm吸收 Abso rptio n稀疏纯林 Op en pu re fo rest系统畸变 Sy stemdisto rtion先进地球观测卫星Advan ced e arthobser vatio n sat ellit e,ADE OS先进型甚高分辨辐射仪A dvanc ed ve ry hi gh re solut ion r adiom eter,AVHRR 先进沿轨扫描辐射计 Adva ncedalong trac k sca nning radi omete r,AAT SR 现代林业M odern fore stry线性扩展L inear expa nsion相对定位 Rel ative posi tioni ng像底点 Phot ograp hic n adir像片编号 Phot o num ber像片倾斜角 Til t ang le of phot ograp h像移补偿器 Imag e-mot ion c ompen sator像元P ixel像主点 Pr incip al po int小班 Sub-comp artme nt信息系统Infor matio n Sys tem形状 Sha pe虚拟现实V irtua l rea lity蓄积量S tockvolum e蓄积量估测 Est imati on of fore st st ock悬崖 Pr ecipi ce雪山 Sno wy mo untai n压平线 Fr ame o f ima ge衍射 Diff racti on眼基线E ye ba se阳坡 Sun ny sl ope样地 Sa mpleplot遥感Remot e Sen sing野外调绘Field clas sific ation surv ey野外检察 Fi eld c heck阴坡S hadyslope应用 App licat ion应用软件包 App licat ion p ackag e有偏估计B ias e stima tion郁闭纯林 Clo se pu re fo rest郁闭度 Cr own d ensit y元数据 Me tadat a圆形的 Cy cle运行周期 Orb italperio d造林地A ffore stati on la nd增强型专题成像仪E nhanc ed th emati c map per p lus,E TM+栅格图Raste r map招标 Ann ounce mentof op portu nity,AO沼泽 Swa mp折射Refra ction折射角A ngleof re fract ion针叶稀疏林Openconif er针叶郁闭林C loseconif er振幅 Amp litud e ofoscil latio n正规化植被指数 No rmali zed D iffer enceVeget ation Inde x,NDV I 正交植被指数Perpe ndicu lar v egeta tionindex,PVI正立体 Orth oster eosco py正色片Ortho chrom aticfilm正射投影Ortho graph ic ma p pro jecti on正态植被指数 Nor mal v egeta tionindex,NVI直方图扩展 Hi stogr am ex pansi on植被指数V egeta tionIndex,VI专题成像制图仪 The matic mapp er,TM最大似然估计法Maxim um li kelih ood 中巴资源卫星China/Braz il ea rth r esour ces s atell ite,C BERS中度多角度成像光谱辐射仪Moder ate r esolu tionimagi ng sp ectro radio meter,MRIS 中国标准 GB中心投影 Cen terin g pro jecti on重叠 Ov erlap主动式 Act ive主数据处理机M aster data proc essor,MDP注释 Anno tatin g姿态 Atti tude紫外片 Ult ravio let f ilm紫外扫描仪 UV s canne r紫外线 Ul travi oletlight组合式光电多波段扫描仪 Modu lar o pto-e lectr ic mu ltisp ectra l sca nner,MOMS最大似然准则Maxim um li kelih ood c riter ion最近临分析Neare st ne ighbo r ana lysis坐标系统 Co ordin ate s ystem。

全球定位系统(Global Positioning System— GPS)通信卫星(communication satellite)侦察卫星(reconnaissance satellite)实时传输照相侦察卫星(real-time transmission photo-reconnaissance satellite )预警卫星(early warning satellite)气象卫星(meteorological satellite)地球资料卫星(earth resources satellite)测地卫星(geodetic satellite)遥感技术(remote sensing technology)小卫星(small satellite)载人航天(manned spaceflight)空间站(space station)航天飞机(Space Shuttle)运载火箭(launch vehicl— LV)小型运载火箭(small launch vehicle)单级入轨运载火箭(single-stage-to-orbit rocket — SSTO rocket)地球静止卫星轨道(geostationary satellite orbit)太阳同步轨道(sun synchronous orbit)光学跟踪测量系统(optical tracking and measuring system)全球定位系统(Global Positioning System— GPS)全球定位系统是美国国防部部署的一种卫星无线电定位、导航与报时系统,简称GPS。

Activation energy活化能:微粒反应所需的最低能量;反应物和过渡态之间的能量(焓值)差。
Alkaline earth metals碱土金属:元素周期表内第IIA族的金属元素Alkane烷烃:只有C-C键和C-H单键的碳氢化合物,其通用分子式为C n H2n+2。
Anaerobic respiration 无氧呼吸:在没有氧气的条件下,生物体中形成新的化合物并释放能量的过程。
Atom economy 原子经济性:通过对比产物内总原子数和起始原料的总原子数,描述化学反应的效率。
可定义为:% 原子经济性=所需产物的质量/ 反应物的总质量Atomic orbital 原子半径:原子核周围的空间区域,此区域内找到电子的概率高。
Avogadro constant 阿伏伽德罗常数:一摩尔物质内的总微粒数量。
在数值上等于6.022 x 1023.Bond dissociation enthalpy键离解能:所有物质在气体状态下,断裂共价键所需的焓变。
Calorimeter 热量计:一种测量化学反应热量变化的仪器。
Catalytic cracking催化裂解:在催化剂的作用下,长链烷烃分子(从原油中获得的)化学键断裂形成更短的碳氢链化合物,包括部分烯烃的过程。
Chemical feedstock化工原料:化工过程的起始原料。
Co-ordinate bonding配位化学键:化学键内两个电子都来自于一个原子的共价键(也称为配位共价键。

Caelum (Cae) 雕具座南天的⼩星座。
CAI 钙铝富涵物⼀些陨⽯内,富含有钙和铝的夹杂物,可能是很古⽼的物质。
calendar year 历法,年现在使⽤历法的⼀年,平均为 365.2425 天。
California Nebula 加利福尼亚星云英仙座内的⼀个发射星云,⼜称为 IC 1499。
Callisto ⽊卫四⽊星的第四颗卫星,也是伽利略卫星中最暗的⼀颗。
⽊卫四是⽊星的第⼆颗卫星,直径 4900 公⾥,和⽔星的⼤⼩相当。
Caloris Basin, Caloris Planitia 卡洛⾥盆地,卡洛⾥平原⽔星明亮半球上的⼀个⼤型圆状构造物,直径近 1300 公⾥,可能是由⼩⾏星撞击所遗留下来的陨⽯坑。
Camelopardalis (Cam) ⿅豹座北天的星座,位在仙后座和⼤熊座之间,座内都是⽐ 4 星等暗的恒星。
Cambrian period 寒武纪时期距离现在六亿到五亿年之间的地质年代,在这期间,地球上的⽣命变得多样化和复杂化,来⾃寒武纪的岩⽯含有很容易辨认的化⽯。
canals ⽕星运河意⼤利天⽂学家 Schiaparelli 观测到⽕星表⾯有模糊线条,他并把这些线条命名为「运河」,现在认为这些运河实际是地质的特征。
Cancer (Cnc) 巨蟹座北天⼤熊座附近的星座,座内有疏散星团⿁星团 (M44, the Beehive)。
Canis Major (CMa) ⼤⽝座南天的⼀个明亮星座,介于船尾座和猎户座之间,英⽂俗称为 the Great Dog。
座中的天狼星 (Sirius) 天的最亮星,附近有⼀个很显眼的疏散星团 M41。
Canis Minor (CMi) ⼩⽝座北天的⼩星座,位于猎户座的东边,英⽂俗称为 the Little Dog。
座中最亮星是南河三 (Procyon) 。
Canopus ⽼⼈星船底座α星,全空第⼆亮星,⼜称为 Suhel,星等 - 0.9,是颗黄⾊超巨星。
IAA Glossary 国际精算师协会术语

Glossary名词解释汇总A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U AAccountant-in-charge or field seniorA professional staff member with responsibilityto the audit Engagement Partner and auditmanager for the audit engagement. 项目现场负责人就审计项目对审计项目合伙人及审计经理负责的专业人员。
Accounting estimateAn approximation of the amount of an item ofaccounting information in the absence of a precise means of measurement. 会计估计在缺乏精确的方法来计量某项会计信息时采用的约数。
Accounting policiesPrinciples, bases, conventions, rules, andprocedures adopted by management to prepareand present financial statements. 会计政策管理当局在编制及披露会计报表时所采用的原则、基础、惯例、规则及程序。
Accounting processThe records and procedures, including application systems and controls, that an entity uses toinitiate, record, process, summarize, and reporttransactions and maintain accountability forassets. 会计处理过程实体的各种记录与程序,包括会计系统和控制。

Glossary词汇AAcreage 英亩数,(以英亩计算的)土地面积Adjacent 邻近的,相邻Adjudication 判决,宣判Accountability 有责任,有义务Adjudication of land-rights 土地确权Administrative boundaries 管理的-分界线Aerial photographs 航空摄影学Agrarian structure 土地所有制Agricultural census data 农业人口普查资料An effective demand for housing 住房的有效需求Aquatic 水生的,水上的Atlas 地图集attorney 代理人,律师Automate the classification 自动化分类BBoundary of polygons多边形边界Boundary survey边界调查(测量)Burden 负担,包袱,责任Bureau of Land Management(BLM)土地管理局CCadastral administration地籍管理Cadastral inventory地籍调查Cadastral management地籍档案管理Cadastral maps地籍图Cadastral survey地籍调查(测量)Cadastre地籍簿Capital farmland 基本农田Capitalized real estate values 资本化的房地产价值Changed land registration变更土地登记Classification of land土地分类Collective ownership rights集体土地所有权Collective-owned land usership right集体土地使用权Commercial office buildings 商业写字楼Commodification of housing 住房商品化Comprehensive land consolidation 综合土地整理CompulsoryCultivated land reserves survey 耕地后备资源调查DData processing数据处理:数据加工Derelict land 废弃土地Diminishing marginal productivity 递减边际生产率Dryland agriculture旱地农业Dynamic monitoring动态监测EEasement缓和,减轻,(律)在他人土地上的通行权(或类似的权力) ,(法)地役权Economic supply of land土地的经济供给Environmental degradation环境退化FFarmland preservation农田保护Floor area ratio (FAR)容积率GGeneral plans总体规划Geographic地理学的,地理的GIS 地理信息系统Geomorphology地形学Geostatistical methods土地统汁方法GPS(Global position system)全球定位系统Grazing land牧草地HHierarchy层次;划分,区分,分等级Holding佃户租种的土地;所有物,拿Home ownership 住房所有权Housing land registration 住宅土地登记Hydrology水文学,水文地理学IIllegal expropriation of the land 土地的不合法征用Immovable property 不可移动的产权Indoor and outdoor 室内外Initial land registration 初始土地登记Irrigated agriculture 灌溉农业JJurisdiction 权限,司法(权)LLand accounting book土地统计台账Land acquisition 土地征购Land administration土地行政管理Land bank土地银行Land banking 土地储备Land certification 土地鉴定书Land consolidation土地整理Land dealings土地交易Land development土地开发Land dispute土地权属争议Land evaluation土地评价Land expropriation 土地征收(征用)Land grading and land price土地等级和土地价格Land hierarchy 土地层次LIS(land information system)土地信息系统Land investigation土地调查Landlord房东,地主;店主Land management土地技术管理Land ownership survey土地权属调查Land parcel宗地Land pooling/readjustment土地整理Land registration agent土地登记代理Land reserves 土地储备Land suitability土地适宜性Land tenure地权Land registration system土地登记制度Land transaction 土地交易Land use types土地利用类型Land Utilization土地利用Landform地形Landlord房东,地主,(旅旅馆等的)老板Land use planning土地利用规划Legislation立法,法律的制定(或通过)LUCC 土地利用MMandatory命令的,受委托的Marginal product边际产量Mortgage抵押,抵押权,抵押契据(vt. )抵押,以…作担保,把…许给Multi-dimensional多尺度NNatural resources自然资源New home 新建住房Nonagricultural uses and multi-functional use of land 土地的非农和多功能利用OObligevt. 强制,强迫;使负债务;使感激;施惠于vi. 施恩惠;帮忙,效劳Obligor义务人,债务人Overall registration 总登记(初始登记)PPersonal property 动产Physical boundaries 自然边界Physical supply of land 土地的自然供给Population censuses 人口普查Principle法则,原则,原理Property investigation 权属调查Property taxes财产税RReal estate不动产Real property 不动产产权Registration注册,登记Remote sensing遥感Residential住宅区Return to land 土地报酬SSatellite imagery卫星图,卫星映像Second-hand housing exchange二手房交易State ownership right 国有土地所有权State-owned land usership国有土地使用权Statistical map 统计地图,统计图Substitutability and irreversibility 可替代性和不可逆转性Suitability of land土地适宜性Survey of land use situations 土地利用现状调查Survey of land utilization variations 土地利用变更调查TTenant承租人Tenure (土地等的)使用和占有,(土地)使用期限Termination of land registration 土地登记终止The title and mortgage register产权和抵押登机Topographic map地形图Transfervt. 使转移;使调动;转让(权利等);让与UUnified统一标准的Up to date 最近的,最新的Urban都市的;具有城市或城市生活特点的;市内Use rights使用权VValuation估价;估定的价格或价值;定价;评价WWharf码头,停泊处。

【人文地理学】119个专业英语名词解释汇总[1]Physical GeographyThe study of natural processes and the distribution of features in the environment, such as landforms, plants, animals, and climate[2]Human GeographyThe study of the events and processes that have shaped how humans understand, use, and alter earth[3]Spatial PerspectiveGeographic perspective that focuses on how people live on Earth, how they organize themselves, and why the events of human societies occur where they do[4]Ecological Perspectivethe relationships between living things and their environments[5]Locationthe position that a point or object occupies on Earth[6]Absolute LocationThe exact location of an object, usually expressed in coordinates of longitude and latitude[7]Relative Locationa description of where a place is in relation to other places or features[8]Placea location on Earth that is distinguished by its physical and human characteristics[9]SiteA place's absolute location, as well as its physical characteristics, such as the landforms, climate, and resources[10]SituationLocation of a place in relation to other places or its surrounding features[11]SpaceThe area between two or more things[12]Distributeto arrange within a given space[13]Densitythe number of things- people, animals, or objects -in a specific area [14]Patternthe way in which things are arranged in a particular space[15]Flowmovement of people, goods, or information that has economic, social, political, or cultural effects on societies[16]Environmental Determinismthe idea that human behavior is strongly affected, controlled, or determined by the physical environment[17]Distance Decaya principle stating that the farther away one thing is from another, the less interaction the two things will have[18]Time-space Compressiona key geographic principle that describes the ways in which modern transportation and communication technology have allowed humans to travel and communicate over long distances more quickly and easily[19]Possibilismtheory of human-environment interaction that states that humans have the ability to adapt the physical environment to their needs[20]SustainabilityThe use of Earth's land and natural resources in ways that ensure they will continue to be available in the future[21]ScaleThe area of the world being studied[22]Regionan area of Earth's surface with certain characteristics that make it cohesive yet distinct from other areas[23]Formal Regionan area that has one or more shared traits; also called a uniform region[24]Functional Regionan area organized by its function around a focal point, or the center of an interest or activity[25]Nodethe focal point of a functional region[26]Suburbsless densely populated residential and commercial areas surrounding a city [27]Perceptual Regiona type of region that reflects people's feelings and attitudes about a place; also called a vernacular region[28]Vernacular Regiona type of region that reflects people's feelings and attitudes about a place; also called a perceptual region[29]Globalizationthe expansion of economic, cultural, and political processes on a worldwide scale[30]Theorya system of ideas intended to explain certain phenomena[31]World System Theorytheory describing the spatial and functional relationships between countries in the world economy; categorizes countries as part of a hierarchy consisting of the core, periphery, and semi-periphery[32]Coreclassification of a country or region that has wealth, higher education levels, more advanced technologies, many resources, strong militaries, and powerful allies[33]Peripheryclassification of a country or region that has less wealth, lower education levels, and less sophisticated technologies and also tends to have an unstable government and poor healthcare systems[34]Semi-peripheryclassification of a country or region that has qualities of both core and peripheral areas and is often in the process of industrializing[35]Sustainable Developmentdevelopment that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs[36]Quantitativeinvolving data that can be measured by numbers[37]Qualitativeinvolving data that is descriptive of a research subject and is often based on people's opinions[38]Censusan official count of the number of people in a defined area, such as a state [39]Geographic Information Systems(GIS)a computer system that allows for the collection, organization, and display of geographic data for analysis[40]Topographythe representation of Earth's surface to show natural and human-made features, especially their relative positions and elevations[41]Remote Sensingcollecting or analyzing data from a location without making physical contact[42]Global Positioning System(GPS)a network of satellites that orbit Earth and transmit location data to receivers, enabling users to pinpoint their exact location[43]Cartographersa person who creates maps[44]Absolute DistanceDistance that can be measured using a standard unit of length[45]Relative Distancedistance determined in relation to other places or objects[46]Absolute DirectionThe cardinal directions north, south, east, and west[47]Relative Directiondirection based on a person's perception, such as left, right, up, or down[48]Map Scalethe relationship of the size of the map to the size of the area it represents on Earth's surface[49]Reference Mapsa map that focuses on the location of places[50]Thematic Mapsany map that focuses on one or more variables to show a relationship between geographic data[51]Population Distributionwhere people live in a geographic area[52]Dispersedspread out[53]Climatethe long-term patterns of weather in a particular area[54]Temperate Climatesa climate with moderate temperatures and adequate precipitation amounts[55]Landformsthe natural features of Earth's surface[56]Human Migrationthe permanent movement of people from one place to another[57]Population Densitythe number of people occupying a unit of land[58]Arithmetic Densitythe total number of people per unit area of land; also called crude density[59]Physiological Densitythe total number of people per unit of arable land[60]Arable Landland that can be used to grow crops[61]Agricultural Densitythe total number of farmers per unit of arable land[62]Subsistence Agriculturean agricultural practice that provides crops or livestock to feed one's family and close community using fewer mechanical resources and more people to care for the crops and livestock[63]Carrying Capacitythe maximum population size an environment can sustain[64]Dependency Ratiothe number of people in a dependent age group (under age 15 or age 65 and older) divided by the number of people in the working-age group (ages 15 to 64), multiplied by 100[65]Sex Ratiothe proportion of males to females in a population[66]Demographicsdata about the structures and characteristics of human populations[67]Fertilitythe ability to produce children[68]Crude Birth Rate(CBR)the number of births in a given year per 1,000 people in a given population[69]Total Fertility Rate(TFR)the average number of children one woman in a given country or region will have during her childbearing years (ages 15 to 49)[70]Mortalitydeaths as a component of population change[71]Crude Death Rate(CDR)the number of deaths in a given year per 1,000 people in a given population[72]Infant Mortality Rate(IMR)the number of deaths of children under the age of 1 per 1,000 live births[73]Life Expectancythe average number of years a person is expected to live[74]Population Pyramidsa graph that shows the age-sex distribution of a given population[75]Rate of Natural Increase(INR)rate at which a population grows as the result of the difference between the crude birth rate and the crude death rate[76]Doubling Time(DT)the number of years in which a population growing at a certain rate would double[77]Urbanizationurban growth and development[78]Overpopulationa term used to describe the condition in which population growth outstrips the resources needed to support life[79]Neo-Malthusiandescribing the theory related to the idea that population growth is unsustainable and that the future population cannot be supported by Earth's resources[80]Demographic Transition Model(DTM)a model that represents shifts in the growth of the world's populations, based on population trends related to birth rate and death rate[81]Epidemiological Transition Model(ETM)a model that describes changes in fertility, mortality, life expectancy, and population age distribution, largely as the result of changes in causes of death[82]Antinatalistdescribing attitudes or policies that discourage childbearing as a means of limiting population growth[83]Pronatalistdescribing attitudes or policies that encourage childbearing as a means of spurring population growth[84]Land Degradationlong-term damage to the soil's ability to support life (page 103)[85]Mobilityall types of movement from one location to another, whether temporary or permanent or over short or long distances[86]Circulationmigration pattern in which migrant workers move back and forth between their country of origin and the destination country where they work temporary jobs[87]Human Migrationthe permanent movement of people from one place to another[88]Emigrationmovement away from a location[89]Immigrationmovement to a location[90]Net Migrationthe difference between the number of emigrants and immigrants in a location, such as a city or a country[91]Gravity Modela model that predicts the interaction between two or more places; geographers derived the model from Newton's law of universal gravitation[92]Push Factora negative cause that compels someone to leave a location[93]Pull Factora positive cause that attracts someone to a new location[94]Voluntary Migrationtype of migration in which people make the choice to move to a new place[95]Forced Migrationtype of migration in which people are compelled to move by economic, political, environmental, or cultural factors[96]Transnational Migrationinternational migration in which people retain strong cultural, emotional, and financial ties with their countries of origin[97]Internal Migrationmovement within a country's borders[98]Friction of Distancea concept that states that the longer a journey is, the more time, effort, and cost it will involve[99]Transhumancethe movement of herds between pastures at cooler, higher elevations during the summer months and lower elevations during the winter[100]Chain Migrationtype of migration in which people move to a location because others from their community have previously migrated there[101]Step Migrationseries of smaller moves to get to the ultimate destination[102]Intervening Obstaclean occurrence that holds migrants back[103]Intervening Opportunityan occurrence that causes migrants to pause their journey by choice[104]Guest Workersa migrant who travels to a new country as temporary labor[105]Circular Migrationmigration pattern in which migrant workers move back and forth between their country of origin and the destination country where they work temporary jobs[106]Distance Decaya principle stating that the farther away one thing is from another, the less interaction the two things will have[107]Refugeesa person who is forced to leave his or her country for fear of persecution or death[108]Asylumthe right to protection in a country[109]Internally Displaced Personsperson who has been forced to flee his or her home but remains within the country's borders[110]Human Traffickingdefined by the United Nations as "the recruitment, transportation, harboring, or receipt of persons by improper means (such as force, abduction, fraud, or coercion)"[111]Repatriateto return to one's home country[112]Interregional Migrationmovement from one region of the country to another[113]Intraregional Migrationmovement within one region of the country[114]Quotaslimit on the number of immigrants allowed into the country each year [115]Kinship Linksnetworks of relatives and friends[116]Skills Gapa shortage of people trained in a particular industry[117]Remittancesmoney earned by an emigrant abroad and sent back to his or her home country[118]Brain Drainthe loss of trained or educated people to the lure of work in another often richer country[119]Relocation Diffusionthe spread of culture traits through the movement of people。

有源成像系统对目标剩余反射灵敏,而无源系统对燃火和热辐射灵敏。这台仪器具有两种系统探测能力的优 点,对于识别地面目标是很有利的。另外,应开展有源红外激光遥感器研究,它能取得被动系统无法得到的极窄 波段的数据。
国际上成像光谱仪是一项遥感前沿技术,它在地学遥感、天文观测和军事侦察等方面有广阔的应用前景,也 是未来空间站考虑安装的遥感器。
遥感器的探测波长区域大多数是以红外波段为主,探测波长范围已扩展到40~50μm,探测器类型有红外扫描 仪、辐射计、自旋扫描辐射计、临边扫描仪、剖面辐射计、千涉仪、光谱仪以及它们的组合型式。将这些类型的 红外遥感器装载在气象卫星和航天飞机上,对水平和纵向大气层、陆地、海面和气象进行观测。红外遥感已成为 气象监测和预报必不可少的较为成熟的手段,还可监测臭氧层密度和高度分布以及有害气体在大气中的分布。
航天飞机红外望远镜装置(SIRTF)系用于天文观测的遥感器。它是lm级的双折叠式格里高利望远镜,次折叠 镜能够提供空间遮光和像移补偿数据。
成像干涉仪是一种利用可见一近红外光的米切尔森干涉技术进行光谱分光后再成像的遥感器。光经分光后汇 聚到焦平面上,在焦平面上放置42元硫化铅探测器线阵。探测器将光能转变成电信号,经电子放大后用显示器显 示图像或记录在磁带上。
大气、气象和海洋观 测
资源调查与环境监测 地球辐射和天文观测
80年代初期,美国成功地进行了航天飞机多波段红外辐射计(SMIR)实验,取得了0.6~2.5协m区域的10个波 段的近红外反射辐射数据,确定了所测辐射数据值与地面测量的反射率数据之间的相关关系,用于评价不同大气 吸收对遥感反射辐射值的影响和选择确定识别岩石单元、地质填图的有效波段。

AAccelerometer:加速度计,用于测量物体的加速度信号A/D:Analog to Digital,模拟/数字信号转换ADRC:Active Disturbance Rejection Control自抗扰控制器AHRS:Attitude and Heading Reference System,航姿参考系统Ailerons:副翼Altitude Mode:定高模式,一般指遥控器控制飞行器姿态和飞行高度的控制模式Anti-windup:抗饱和,比如积分抗饱和,指的是当积分过大使得执行机构饱和时需要停止积分或者反向积分的操作AoA:Angle of Attack 攻角BBarometer:气压计,用于测量气压高度BDS:BeiDou Navigation Satellite System,北斗导航系统BEC:Battery Elimination Circuit,用于输出5-6v的电压给飞控、舵机等供电Bell-Hiller Stabilizer Bar:贝尔希勒伺服小翼Blade-Flapping:桨叶挥舞Brushless Direct Current Motor:无刷直流电机CCCD:Charge-Coupled-Device,电荷耦合器件,是一种用电荷量表示信号大小,用耦合方式传输信号的探测元件,具有自扫描、感受波谱范围宽、畸变小、体积小、重量轻、系统噪声低、功耗小、寿命长、可靠性高等一系列优点,并可做成集成度非常高的组合件CG:Center of Gravity,重心CIFER:Comprehensive Identification from Frequency Responses,频域综合辨识软件CMOS:Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor,互补金属氧化物半导体,是制造大规模集成电路芯片用的一种技术或用这种技术制造出来的芯片,是电脑主板上的一块可读写的RAM芯片Compass:磁罗盘CPU:Central Processing Unit,中央处理器DD/A:Digital to Analog,数字/模拟信号转换DARPA:Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency,美国国防部高级研究计划局DC:Direct Current,直流DGPS:Differential Global Positioning System 差分全球定位系统Disarm:锁定DOF:Degree of Freedom,自由度Drag Coefficient:阻力系数DSP:Digital Signal Processing 数字信号处理EEKF:Extended Kalman Filter,扩展卡尔曼滤波器Elevator:升降舵EMP:Electro Magnetic Pulse,电磁脉冲ESC:Electronic Speed Control,电子调速器,就是平常所说的电调,输入为直流电,输出为三相电,能根据控制信号调节电动机的转速。

关于数据挖掘的术语数据挖掘⼀些相关术语(Glossary)⼈⼯神经⽹络(Artificial Neural Networks)⼀种⾮线性预测模型,通过训练和在结构上模仿⽣物神经⽹络来学习。
分类和衰退树(CART Classification and Regression Trees)⼀种⽤于数据集分类决策树技术。
较CHAID 技术,它需要较少的数据准备。
正⽅⾃动交互发现(CHAID Chi Square Automatic Interaction Detection)⼀种⽤于数据集分类决策树技术。
较 CART 技术,它需要较多的数据准备。
数据清洗(data cleansing)⼀个确保数据集中所有数值是⼀致的和被正确记录的处理过程。
数据挖掘(data mining)从⼀个⼤数据库中隐藏的预测信息的抽提过程。
数据导航/浏览(data navigation)在⼀个多维数据库的不同的维度、切⽚、分层的细节等信息的观察过程。
参见在线分析处理 OLAP。
数据可视化(data visualization)对多维数据的各种复杂关系的可视化解释过程。

Eagle Nebula 天鹰星云⼜称为M16,是个位在巨蛇座的⼤型发射星云,星云内有许多年轻恒星和原恒星。
earthshine, earthlight 地球反照光被地球反射的阳光,受到地球反射光照射的⽉⾯暗区常呈现古铜⾊。
eccentric 偏⼼,离⼼在天⽂学⾥,指主星不在⾏星圆形轨道的中⼼。
eccentricity 偏⼼率,离⼼率椭圆扁平程度的⼀种量度,离⼼率定义为椭圆两焦点间的距离和长轴长度的⽐值。
eclipse ⾷⼀个不发光的天体,进⼊另⼀个不发光天体所造成的阴影,因为造成可见度减弱或消失的现象,例如⽇⾷或⽉⾷。
eclipse season ⽇⾷季太阳很接近⽉球轨道⾯ (⽩道⾯) 和黄道⾯交点的期间,这段期间很可能会发⽣⽇⾷。
eclipse year ⾷年,交点年太阳在天球运⾏,从⽉球轨道⾯ (⽩道⾯) 和黄道⾯交线出发,再回到此交线所经过的时间称为⾷年,⼤约等于 346.62 天。
eclipsing binary ⾷双星⼀种双星系统,两颗恒星互相绕⾏的轨道⼏乎在视线⽅向,这两颗恒星会交互通过对⽅,造成双星系统的光度发⽣周期性的变化。
ecliptic 黄道在视觉上,太阳⼀年中在天空的视轨道。
ecosphere ⽣态圈如果定义⽣命能够⽣存的温度范围,是介于摄⽒零下100度到摄⽒100度之间,恒星周围环境温度在这个范围的区域称为⽣命能够存活的⽣态圈。
ejecta 喷射物陨⽯撞击⾏星表⾯时,所喷溅出的岩⽯碎粉。
electroglow 电⼦辉光⽊星、⼟星和天王星的上⼤⽓层,受到这些⾏星磁球层内的⾼能粒⼦冲撞,所发出的紫外辐射。
electromagnetic radiation 电磁辐射带净电荷的粒⼦被加速时,所发出的辐射称为电磁辐射 (⼜称为电磁波)。
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Term Meaning
Application 应用程序User program built on Spark. Consists of a driver program and executors on the cluster.
Application jar 应用程序Jar包A jar containing the user's Spark application. In some cases users will want to create an "uber jar" containing their application along with its
dependencies. The user's jar should never include Hadoop or Spark libraries, however, these will be added at runtime.
在某些情况下,用户想要创建出一个“uber jar”包,这个jar包包含了他们的应用及其依赖项。
Driver program 驱动程序The process running the main() function of the application and creating the SparkContext
Cluster manager 集群管理器An external service for acquiring resources on the cluster (e.g. standalone manager, Mesos, YARN)
Deploy mode 部署模式Distinguishes where the driver process runs. In "cluster" mode, the framework launches the driver inside of the cluster. In "client" mode, the submitter launches the driver outside of the cluster.
Worker node 工作节点Any node that can run application code in the cluster 在集群中,任何一台可以运行应用程序代码的节点。
Executor 执行者A process launched for an application on a worker node, that runs tasks and keeps data in memory or disk storage across them. Each application has its own executors.
Task 任务A unit of work that will be sent to one executor 一个被发送给一个执行器的工作单元
Job 工作A parallel computation consisting of multiple tasks that gets spawned in response to a Spark action (e.g. save, collect); you'll see this term used in the driver's logs.
包含多个任务的并行计算,经过了Spark action的相应,在驱动日志中会看到这些信息。
Stage 阶段Each job gets divided into smaller sets of tasks called stages that depend on each other (similar to the map and reduce stages in MapReduce); you'll see this term used in the driver's logs.