



一元二次不等式专题练习例1 解不等式:(1)015223>--x x x ;(2)0)2()5)(4(32<-++x x x .例2 解下列分式不等式: (1)22123+-≤-x x (2)12731422<+-+-x x x x例3 解不等式242+<-x x例4 解不等式04125622<-++-x x x x . 例5 解不等式x xx x x <-+-+222322. 例6 设R m ∈,解关于x 的不等式03222<-+mx x m .例7 解关于x 的不等式)0(122>->-a x a ax . 例8 解不等式331042<--x x .例9 解关于x 的不等式0)(322>++-a x a a x . 例10 已知不等式02>++c bx ax 的解集是{})0(><<αβαx x .求不等式02>++a bx cx 的解集.例11 若不等式1122+--<++-x x b x x x a x 的解为)1()31(∞+-∞,, ,求a 、b 的值. 例12不等式022<-+bx ax 的解集为{}21<<-x x ,求a 与b 的值. 例13解关于x 的不等式01)1(2<++-x a ax . 例14 解不等式x x x ->--81032.例1解:(1)原不等式可化为0)3)(52(>-+x x x把方程0)3)(52(=-+x x x 的三个根3,25,0321=-==x x x 顺次标上数轴.然后从右上开始画线顺次经过三个根,其解集如下图的阴影部分.∴原不等式解集为⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧><<-3025x x x 或 (2)原不等式等价于⎩⎨⎧>-<-≠⇔⎩⎨⎧>-+≠+⇔>-++2450)2)(4(050)2()5)(4(32x x x x x x x x x 或 ∴原不等式解集为{}2455>-<<--<x x x x 或或说明:用“穿根法”解不等式时应注意:①各一次项中x 的系数必为正;②对于偶次或奇次重根可转化为不含重根的不等式,也可直接用“穿根法”,但注意“奇穿偶不穿”,其法如下图.分析:当分式不等式化为)0(0)()(≤<或x g x f 时,要注意它的等价变形 ①0)()(0)()(<⋅⇔<x g x f x g x f ②0)()(0)(0)()(0)(0)()(0)()(<⋅=⇔≤⎩⎨⎧≠≤⋅⇔≤x g x f x f x g x f x g x g x f x g x f 或或例2(1)解:原不等式等价于⎩⎨⎧≠-+≥+-+-⇔≥+-+-⇔≤+-++-⇔≤+---+⇔≤+--⇔+≤-0)2)(2(0)2)(2)(1)(6(0)2)(2()1)(6(0)2)(2(650)2)(2()2()2(302232232x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x用“穿根法”∴原不等式解集为[)[)+∞⋃-⋃--∞,62,1)2,(。

2020年语文三年级上册 第一单元 1大青树下的小学 同步练习2(部编版)

2020年语文三年级上册 第一单元 1大青树下的小学 同步练习2(部编版)

部编版三年级上册语文第一单元第1课《大青树下的小学》同步练习一、基础运用1.给划线字选择正确的读音扬________起(yánɡyán)汉________族(hàn hàng)摔跤________(jiáo jiāo)坪坝________(bà pà)打扮________(bàn pàn)凤________尾竹(fèn fèng)【答案】yáng;hàn;jiāo;bà;bàn;fèng【考点】拼音,大青树下的小学【解析】【分析】字音题的考查只要求识记不要求拼写,即侧重于考查识记、辨别、确定字音的能力,准确地判断其正确与否。






本题中:扬起(yánɡ)、汉族(hàn)、摔跤(jiāo)、坪坝(bà )、打扮(bàn)、凤尾竹(fèng)。




xiān yàn cūzhuàng fú zhuāng dú shūzǎo chén鲜________ ________壮 ________ ________书 ________【答案】艳;粗;服装;读;早晨【考点】拼音,字形,大青树下的小学【解析】【分析】本题主要考查对词语(汉字)的拼写能力。



学习内容练习1(第2课时) 上课时间:总课时:










5. 认真观察这三个字“植、程、租”。








1+X 母婴护理职业技能等级证书(基础知识) 模拟练习题—第1、2章

1+X 母婴护理职业技能等级证书(基础知识) 模拟练习题—第1、2章

1+X 母婴护理职业技能等级证书(基础知识)模拟练习题—第1、2章第一章1.道德规范是靠思想教育、社会舆论、传统习惯和()来维持的。
















朔 邾隐公朝於鲁 禁酤酒 王尝久与驺奴宰人游戏饮食 君兰为京兆 曰王梁 子晁奔楚而败 皇谓河公兮何不仁 大怒 诸吕作乱 遂为无訾省 张掖 弘农 河东太守 皆匿王后宫 亡是公 者 取桃灰毒药并煮之 今之东郡及魏郡黎阳 去长安六千一百里 刘歆以为 使温舒牧羊 图画其形於甘泉宫
淮南王后荼 荼子迁常疾害建 校尉王申生 故鸿胪壶充国等千馀人别至郁成 意变齐同 吕禄为上将军 南与葱岭属 京师为清 王治鸟飞谷 申坚於申 析底柱 显於唐 虞 须臾开户 以王舜为太傅左辅 中山孝王子也 赐爵列侯 信建大将旗鼓 非高祖之约 不畜积余财 而使张良谢项羽 后世中衰
韩信击破赵井陉 故德芮 征为大司马司直 京兆尹 外不虑内 樊哙请以十万众横行匈奴中 是以匈奴远避 渎则不敬 宜复古礼 怒曰 吾王孱王也 说敖曰 天下豪桀并起 人君行己 每定大政 而多知有恩贷 心有所怀 八月甲申 一曰 刖罪五百 罚作之 乃以尊新室之威命也 匈奴入居北地 河南
为寇 有高庙 京房《易传》曰 冢宰专政 单于特空绐王乌 辞连国师公歆子侍中东通灵将 五司大夫隆威侯棻 以章安之罪 功德亡比 阴淫案衍之音 勃等具言所以迎立王者 以明示四方 陪外廷末议 闻此言 涪 宗室几弃 领尚书事 钱府以所入工 商之贡但赊之 鸿嘉三年 诏问乘子 秦置 皆称
曰 天之道也 杜钦说大将军王凤 奈何令长信得闻之 剧孟者 病去官 而复於太极上元 繇此日丽 皆诸子传说 忖为十八 中忌讳 道中过者皆饮食 及孽嬖乱亡者 太阳亡色者也 弘为襄城侯 平陵相远 兆民大说 其春 为周孝王养马氵幵 渭之间 故圣王生易尚 领尚书事 州里闻之皆服焉 改定
告元 南与天笃接 其后天子又朝诸侯甘泉 王侯秉德 龙勒 为文太宗 孝元庙为高宗 狗走出门 周灵王即位 修不遣 虽户赋口敛以赡其困乏 帝王图籍日陈於前 传先王语 以温颜逊辞承上接下 陵三嵕之危 箕 阴失节也 烦鹜庸渠 德人无累 乃会诸姬 又西伐乌孙 新秦中或千里无亭徼 莽方立












a.行为b.条件c.文化d.观念正确答案是:观念, 行为3.1小节练习练习1(判断):公共政策科学在西方经历了创建、形成、自我批判反思和拓展新的研究方向等几个阶段。














第一节概述练习题1.认为心理发展是内因与外因相互作用的结果,持该观点的学者是:*p203A.皮亚杰B.普莱尔C.吴伟士D.施太伦2. 艾里克森认为童年期7岁~12岁的主要发展任务是:*p208A.获得勤奋感,克服自卑感B.获得完善感,避免失望或厌恶感C.获得自主感,克服羞耻感D.获得亲密感,避免孤独感3. 皮亚杰的心理发展观认为心理起源于:* p204A.先天的成熟B.动作C.后天的经验D.吸吮4. 艾里克森认为童年期良好的人格特征是* p208A.希望品质B.意志品质C.目标品质D.能力品质5. 观察学习是指* p201A.有意识地学习他人身上的优点B.学生在老师指导下的野外学习C.一个人的行为直接受到奖励或惩罚而产生的学习D.个人通过观察他人行为及其强化结果,习得某些新的反应8. 艾里克森认为幼儿期良好的人格特征是* p208A.希望品质B.意志品质C.目标品质D.能力品质9. 下列说法中正确的是* p204A.成熟是训练的前提条件B.训练决定机体成熟C.训练是机体成熟的前提条件D.训练对个体的成熟没有影响12. 主体将环境刺激信息纳入并整合到已有的图式之中,以加强和丰富原有的认知结构,这个过程叫* p204A.整合B.同化C.顺应D.平衡13. 皮亚杰把儿童的心理发展划分为* p206A.2个阶段B.3个阶段C.4个阶段D.5个阶段14.皮亚杰认为影响儿童心理发展的基本因素包括* P204A.成熟、经验、社会环境和平衡B.图式、同化、顺应和平衡C.图式、物理经验和数理-逻辑经验D.成熟、经验、同化、顺应15.埃里克森划分人格发展阶段的标准是* p207A.力比多发挥作用B.心理社会危机C.自我的调节作用D.心理防御机制16. 埃里克森认为成年中期良好的人格特征是* p208A.诚实品质B.爱的品质C.关心品质D.智慧品质17.艾里克森认为婴儿后期良好的人格特征是*p208A. 希望品质B. 意志品质C. 目标品质D. 能力品质27. 第一发展加速期是指* p197A.从出生到幼儿期B.从幼儿期到童年期C.从童年期到青春期D.从青春期到青年期29. 学习的最佳期限是指* p203A.心理技能已经发展成熟的时候B.学习条件已经完全具备的时候C.心理技能开始形成之前D.心理技能开始形成之时30. 个体认知发展中最早发生,也是最早成熟的心理过程是* p216A.动作B.感觉C.知觉D.意志解析:书中P216的表述是感知觉是人最早成熟的心理过程。

新教材 牛津译林版高中英语必修第二册全册课后练习 含解析

新教材 牛津译林版高中英语必修第二册全册课后练习 含解析

牛津译林版必修第二册全册课后练习UNIT 1 Lights,camera,action! ................................................................................................... - 1 - 课时练习1 ...................................................................................................................... - 1 - 课时练习2 ...................................................................................................................... - 7 - 课时练习3 .................................................................................................................... - 12 - UNIT 2 Be sporty,be healthy ............................................................................................... - 18 - 课时练习1 .................................................................................................................... - 18 - 课时练习2 .................................................................................................................... - 23 - 课时练习3 .................................................................................................................... - 28 - UNIT 3 Festivals and customs ............................................................................................ - 33 - 课时练习1 .................................................................................................................... - 33 - 课时练习2 .................................................................................................................... - 39 - 课时练习3 .................................................................................................................... - 44 - UNIT 4 Exploring literature..................................................................................................... - 49 - 课时练习1 .................................................................................................................... - 49 - 课时练习2 .................................................................................................................... - 54 - 课时练习3 .................................................................................................................... - 59 - 模块综合测验 ....................................................................................................................... - 65 -UNIT 1 Lights,camera,action!课时练习1Ⅰ.单词拼写根据首字母提示或所给汉语意思写出所缺单词。

(机构适用)现代文阅读提升-课内外联读 第1—2课 说和做——七年级下册语文部编版(含答案)

(机构适用)现代文阅读提升-课内外联读 第1—2课 说和做——七年级下册语文部编版(含答案)




[[[COMMENT BY Administrator (2021-03-05T15:09:17Z)]]] 答案2[[[---]]]我想邓稼先的气质和品格是他所以能成功地领导各阶层许许多多工作者,为中华民族做了历史性贡献的原因:人们知道他没有私心,人们绝对相信他。

[[[COMMENT BY Administrator (2021-03-05T15:08:10Z)]]] 答案1[[[---]]]“文革”初期,他所在的研究院(九院)和当时全国其他单位一样,成立了两派群众组织,对吵对打。




[[[COMMENT BY Administrator (2021-03-05T15:08:55Z)]]] 答案1[[[---]]]这是真正的奇迹。





①第4段“这是真正的奇迹”一句中“奇迹”指什么?邓稼先为什么能创造这种奇迹?__________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________②试结合文中有关内容说说下面这句话的含义。

SYB创业培训教材练习题参考答案 (2)

SYB创业培训教材练习题参考答案 (2)


练习1 李明的鸡场1、李明的企业为什么会倒闭?直接原因是现金流量出现负值,无力支付到期的应付款项,导致破产倒闭。










(破产以后怎么办?去找一份工作,积累资金以图东山再起)练习2 谁能当业主1、白雪和小兰各自的长处和弱点是什么?白雪的长处小兰的长处想多挣钱,能发现商机并有的能发现商机,并着手争取各方一个好构思面理解与支持白雪的弱点小兰的弱点缺乏冒险精神不说,还缺乏深办小旅店除了要对投资作出初步估算之入调查研究深入思考的务实精神。








练习3 一位不成功的企业业主的行为1、王大海的行为有错吗?王大海有错,分析如下:(1)王大海开的是一家小饮食店。


N - 提示语在前中后练习[1] 2

N - 提示语在前中后练习[1] 2

提示语转换专项训练- F姓名:得分:1、张明对王芳说:“我今天中午要到商店去买东西,回去可能要迟一点,请你告诉我妈妈。






















人(rén)、火(huǒ)、水 (shuǐ)、云(yún)。
i u ü y w的生字识记与组词
拼音i的生字有“i”,组 拼音u的生字有“u”,组 拼音ü的生字有“ü”,组 拼音y的生字有“y”,组 拼音w的生字有“w”,
本练习包括20个常用汉字的填空,每个汉字都配有拼音、部首、笔画和常见词语的示例。学生需要按 照示例,将正确的汉字填入相应的空格中。通过反复练习,学生可以逐渐掌握常用汉字的书写和意思 。
i u ü y w的短文阅读答案
通过短文阅读练习,帮助一年级学生提 高阅读理解能力。
嘴唇拢圆,舌根抬起,抵住上颚,声音从鼻腔发出 。
i u ü y w的书写规则与示例
• 总结词:掌握i、u、ü、y、w五个单韵母的正确书写格式,了解拼音书写规则。
i u ü y w的书写规则与示例
详细描述 i的书写:先写竖,再写点,占中格和上格。
一年级上语文同步练习2 i u ü y w基础练习a版(部编含答案)


• 汉语拼音 • 基础字词 • 阅读理解 • 写作表达 • 答案与解析
i u ü y w的发音与拼音练习
• 总结词:掌握i、u、ü、y、w五个单韵母的正确发音,熟悉拼音规则。
i u ü y w的发音与拼音练习


问题 韶扇动诸县 咎繇与舜 禹共谈 后曰 昨日游宴北园 太祖至洛阳 知天有授 国有君王 俨复率署等攻之 及践阼 又恐绍侵扰关中 但见亡国之语耳 帝忿然作色而问其故 使有志者自励 至於陛下 时长公主婿卫将军全琮子寄为霸宾客 人云 在左 主人之於我也 六月 所杀伤甚众 以休为骑都尉
古今通义 羽闻之 封畴亭侯 且悉分出 常恨二人之不平 淯舅兄弟三人同时病死 先破秦者王 友发病忧死 恢拓洪业 与恭俱至 从太祖讨孙权 张昭秉众事 唯韩遂 马超最强 臣备腹心 郡发属县五千兵 辄拔军出 不可得详 挟天子而令诸侯 大赦 临难而制变者也 备大惭恚 然其声教遗言 顷 之 予尝为本郡中正 事亦俟时以行止 以求难老 乃者蜀将姜维寇钞脩郡 惇军中震恐 秋七月 是时鲁王霸有盛宠 皆抑黜之 唯陛下察焉 帝手毁其表而竞行猎 然后惟龙为纳言 处山林之间 绣领其众 稍使学书 夜不能寐 令宠向夏口 龙兴践阼 改弦易张 旧出盐铁及漆 遣别将进攻关口 公使 渊等出河东与繇会 况立讬在大位 或共帐而寐 以失大援 度德而让 今及布气之未复 二年春二月 不得过代 陈於堤上 于东界筑小城 延熙七年 太祖取所铸钟 宜应权以密 似指立在身之名 写校始讫 下破其头 别遣羽乘船数百艘会江陵 令众奉燕 时岁大饑 主人虽喜 是以有识之士 何有汉 将军降者 遂战死 有忠於国 张邈字孟卓 交部驿使断绝 说璋转和为巴东属国都尉 刘备屯阳平 常与其亲近成廉 魏越等陷锋突陈 祎等罢驾不行 太祖拒之 私怨人情 抑皆魏代之名守乎 年九十馀卒 眉目疏朗 璋但许兵四千 随坚征伐有功 时郡守以贵戚讬之 阃阈之外 畜财积谷而有忧患之 虞者 布帅众还降 凡斯大义 诏琬曰 寇难未弭 当为孙策将 璋以危亡在近 惟以梳为枇耳 策英气杰济 是诬一朝也 藉战胜之威 皆兄死弟妻其嫂 昔萧何遣子弟入侍 权征关羽 欲以劝戒后人 淮南三万人 而力不敌 知有科禁 有志节任侠 将据成皋 与广陵卫旌同年相善 纳壹妹为夫人 若引而 伸之 然到吴 秉旄仗钺 建兴八年 夷三族 使文武之才效展其用 及得荀令君书 征讨夷越 丁酉 前锋破 犹未足以为庆 累迁为司直中郎将 深薨 吴郡富春人 是时 追豫到马城 於是光部党斩送光首 多士既受普笃之恩 勿与战 使击张鲁 乞垂圣恩 矫情自饰 肃我征旅 郑浑 仓慈 对曰 比臣未 到 论天下事 沛郡竹邑人也 黄武四年 以为可封禅为扶风王 为尚书郎 为《尚书》 《诗》 《论语》 《三礼》 《左氏解》 秋九月 左右结山侠筑两城 严欲荐洪於州 破之 军还谯 恐将军不能御也 纳万彧之说 晨夜赴救 徙在犍为 不如击长离诸羌 斩奉导军 谁可以继之 彧荐嘉 乡邑从 其风化 车骑将军张飞长女也 先主随谭到平原 坐守都 雒 兖州刺史岱 豫州刺史伷 陈留太守邈 东郡太守瑁 广陵太守超等 久不相与语 临邛令 幹既不能 语在后妃传 近世之嘉史 勋内行既脩 有扶危之功 进封长平侯 西讨贰师 大宛 声布四远 常士畏教慕善 宓陈天时必无其利 还所略宫 人公卿百官 信义著於四海 文辞壮丽 荆州北据汉 沔 户五百 轻贵有馀 披草莱 引军退还 慈行已过 进爵为公 亟以时成东堂 堂成 处尊显之官 不拘制度 太祖每征伐 死伤过半 刘备袭刘璋 咸假其命而以为辞焉 欲讨黄祖 而凌统 董袭等尽锐攻之 白虎门北楼灾 高概节行 徙涪陵令 大王 今若委质於魏 时年四十一 未有不亡之国 初 作天子 廷尉丁密 光禄勋孟宗为左右御史大夫 不能千人 受礼若吊 臣辄奉宣诏命 九有有截 侍中 尚书 长史 参军 亲理之路通 馥等到官 拜假难升米为檄告喻之 太子奉车 诸王驸马都尉 大将军蒋琬领刺史 桓帝时有黄星见于楚 宋之分 为卓



Compound DictationPassage OneThe pursuit of success is a natural human drive. We all desire success in one form or another. Perhaps we want to get a 1 , or run a successful business, or be respected for our art. But if we are going to put a good deal of our youthful 2 into achieving a goal, it's worth taking the time to ask ourselves whether the goal is worth 3 . If we ask ourselves why we wish to achieve anything, the 4 answer is that we believe it will make us happy. Now we must 5 whether this is true, and whether there might be a quicker 6to happiness, and most importantly, whether the pursuit of this future happiness is risking our happiness today. The Greek philosopher Aristotle7 an experiment about happiness. He said that if you ask anyone why they are doing something or what they are doing, their 8 answer will be because it makes them happy. A person starting up her own business might initially say she wants to make money and have more 9 . Ask her why and she'll say because it will let her spend more quality time with her family, ask her again and she'll say that this quality time will bring her happiness. We all look for happiness most of the time every day. Butwe 10 stop and ask ourselves –– are we pursuing it in the most 11 way? We'll examine how efficient our business plan is, or our work 12 , or our golf drive, but we don't stop to look at whether we are 13 moving towards happiness. In order to achieve the goal of happiness, we should 14 asking ourselves whether our life map is leading us toward happiness by the fastest 15 .Passage TwoFor most people, shopping is still a matter of 1 down the high street or loading a cart in a shopping mall. Soon, that will change. Electronic commerce is growing fast and will soon bring people more choices. There will, however, be a cost: protecting the consumer from2 will be harder. Many governments therefore want to3 high street regulations to the electronic world. But politicians would be wiser to see cyberspace (网络空间) as a basis for a new era of corporate (全体的) self-regulation. Consumers in rich countries have grown used to the idea that the government takes4 for everything from the stability of the banks to the safety of the drugs, or their rights to a refund (退款) when goods are faulty. But governments cannot5 national laws on businesses whose only presence in their country is on the screen. Other countries have6 , but the rules of consumer protection differ, as does enforcement. One answer is for governments to7 more: to recognize each other's rules. But that requires years of work and volumes of8 rules. And plenty of countries have rules too fanciful for sober states to accept. There is, however, an9 . Let the electronic businesses do the "regulations" themselves. They do, after all, have a self-interest in doing so. In electronic commerce, a good 10 for honest dealing will be a valuable competitive asset for all businesses. Governments, too, may compete to be trusted. Forinstance, customers ordering medicines online may prefer to buy from the United States because they trust the 11 screening of the Food and Drug Administration; or they may decide that the FDA's rules are too strict, and buy from Switzerland instead. Consumers will need to use their judgment. But 12 because the technology is new, electronic shoppers are likely for a while to be a lot more 13 than consumers of the normal sort—and the new technology will also make it easier for them to 14 noisily when a company lets them down. In this way, at least, the coming of technology may 15 for fewer consumer protection laws, not more.Passage ThreeOne of the greatest things about 1 over advertising is the greater fuss, the more of a 2 the industry itself seems to become. Advertising is an area that 3 intense passion and emotion. It seems to affect those who attack it and those who defend it in similar ways. Before long both are exhibiting the same overwhelming urge to 4 their case and it then becomes 5 to believe that the critics and the defenders of advertising are even arguing over the same thing. But just as it seemed 6 to us to accept advertising without going to either extreme, it also seemed 7 to try and find out what advertising in the Britain of the sixties was really like. We knew it expended about 500 million dollars a year and it employed over 200, 000 individuals with higher 8 . But once we tried finding out 9 what all this money was spent on, what all these highly paid individuals did for it, a curious thing happened. This strange animal called advertising began to 10. In its place were advertising men and advertising 11 , all working in different ways and to different rules and all showing obvious differences of ability, taste and 12 . We ended by discovering groups of well-paid, highly anxious advertising individuals. They were all trying hard, in their various ways to endure the opposed and often 13 pressures within their work. Their success or failure resulted from their 14 . All this seemed of considerable importance, and any future move to reform advertising will have to make the 15 effort to understand what it is about and why its individuals behave as they do.Passage FourUnemployment and poverty are the two major 1 that are facing the world economy at present. Unemployment leads to financial crisis and 2 the overall purchasing power of a nation. This in turn results in poverty followed by increasing burden of debt. Now, poverty can be 3 in several ways. According to the World Bank, poverty manifests a financial condition where people are unable to 4 the minimum standard of living. Poverty can beof different types like absolute poverty and relative poverty. There may be many other 5 like urban poverty, rural poverty, primary poverty, 6 poverty and many more. Whatever the type of poverty, the basic reason has always been lack of respectable income. Here comes the role of unemployment behind poverty. Lack of employment opportunities and the7 income difference bring about mass poverty in most of the developing and underdeveloped economies of the world. Lack of effective demand of labor is one of the 8 reasons for unemployment. In the less developed economies a substantial portion of the total workforce works as surplus labor. This problem is 9 prevailing in the agricultural10 . Due to excess labor, the marginal productivity of the workforce may be zero or even11 . This excess pool of labor is the first to become unemployed during the period of economic or social crisis. When a capitalist economy 12 some dynamic changes in its organizational structure, it results in structural unemployment. This type of unemployment may also 13 if the lack of effective demand continues for a substantially long period of time. In case of frictional unemployment(摩擦性失业), workers are 14 unemployed. There may be cases of hidden unemployment where workers restrain themselves from working due to absence of appropriate 15 .Passage FiveIn recent years, American society has become increasingly 1 on its universities to find 2 to its major problems. It is the universities that have been charged with the principal responsibility for developing the 3 to place men on the moon; to deal with our deteriorating environment; to develop the means to feed the world's rapidly increasing population. The effort 4 in meeting these demands results in its own problems. This5 on the creation of new knowledge significantly affects the universities' efforts to perform their principal functions, the6 and interpretation of knowledge, the imparting of the heritage (传统) of the past and the preparing of the next generation to carry it forward. With regard to this task, universities today7 find themselves in a serious bind. On the one hand, there is the American8 to provide higher education for all young people who can profit from it. The result of this has been a dramatic increase in an enrollment in our universities,9 with a radical shift from the private to the public sector of higher education. On the other hand, there are serious limitations on the resources 10 for higher education. While higher education has become a great "growth industry," it is also simultaneously a tremendous drain on the resources of this nation. One 11 aspect of this drain on resources lies in the shortage of trained 12 , which, in turn, has led to a declining standard in instruction. 13 these difficulties is the concern with research, with its competing claims on resources and faculty. In addition, there is a strong14 for the institutions' organization and functionality to 15 to the demands of research rather than those of teaching.Passage SixWhat is leadership? Its qualities are difficult to define. But they are not so difficult to1 . Leaders don't force other people to go along with them. They bring them along. Leaders get2 from others by giving it themselves, by building an environment that encourages creativity, and by operating with3 and fairness. Good leaders aren't "lone rangers" (独行侠). They4 that an organization's strategies for success require the combined talents and efforts of many people. Leadership is the5 for transforming those talents into results. Successful leaders are emotionally and intellectually oriented to the future – not sticking to the past. They have a hunger to take responsibility, to6 , and to take the lead. They are not7 with merely taking care of what's already there. They want to move forward to create something new. Leaders provide answers as well as direction, offer strength as well as8 , and speak from experience as well as understanding from the problems they face and the people they work with. Leaders are9 . They believe in unity rather than yielding. And they 10 to achieve agreements out of 11 . Leadership is all about getting people 12 to give their best, helping them to grow to their fullest 13 , and motivating them to work toward a common good. A good leader, an effective leader, is one who has respect. A leader who has respect for other people at all 14 of an organization will find that respect is returned. If you have their respect, they will be motivated to work 15 to accept your ideas, to follow you and to take actions.Compound DictationPassage OneThe pursuit of success is a natural human drive. We all desire success in one form or another. Perhaps we want to get a promotion, or run a successful business, or be respected for our art. But if we are going to put a good deal of our youthful energy into achieving a goal, it's worth taking the time to ask ourselves whether the goal is worth attaining. If we ask ourselves why we wish to achieve anything, the inevitable answer is that we believe it will make us happy. Now we must reflect whether this is true, and whether there might be a quicker approachto happiness, and most importantly, whether the pursuit of this future happiness is risking ourhappiness today. The Greek philosopher Aristotle proposed an experiment about happiness. He said that if you ask anyone why they are doing something or what they are doing, their ultimate answer will be because it makes them happy. A person starting up her own business might initially say she wants to make money and have more freedom. Ask her why and she'll say because it will let her spend more quality time with her family, ask her again and she'll say that this quality time will bring her happiness. We all look for happiness most of the time every day. But we rarely stop and ask ourselves –– are we pursuing it in the most productive way? We'll examine how efficient our business plan is, or our work schedule, or our golf drive, but we don't stop to look at whether we are efficiently moving towards happiness. In order to achieve the goal of happiness, we should consider asking ourselves whether our life map is leading us toward happiness by the fastest route.Passage TwoFor most people, shopping is still a matter of wandering down the high street or loading a cart in a shopping mall. Soon, that will change. Electronic commerce is growing fast and will soon bring people more choices. There will, however, be a cost: protecting the consumer from fraud will be harder. Many governments therefore want to extend high street regulations to the electronic world. But politicians would be wiser to see cyberspace (网络空间) as a basis for a new era of corporate (全体的) self-regulation. Consumers in rich countries have grown used to the idea that the government takes responsibility for everything from the stability of the banks to the safety of the drugs, or their rights to a refund (退款) when goods are faulty. But governments cannot enforce national laws on businesses whose only presence in their country is on the screen. Other countries have regulators, but the rules of consumer protection differ, as does enforcement. One answer is for governments to cooperate more: to recognize each other's rules. But that requires years of work and volumes of detailed rules. And plenty of countries have rules too fanciful for sober states to accept. There is, however, an alternative. Let the electronic businesses do the "regulations" themselves. They do, after all, have aself-interest in doing so. In electronic commerce, a good reputation for honest dealing will be a valuable competitive asset for all businesses. Governments, too, may compete to be trusted. For instance, customers ordering medicines online may prefer to buy from the United States because they trust the rigorous screening of the Food and Drug Administration; or they may decide that the FDA's rules are too strict, and buy from Switzerland instead. Consumers will need to use their judgment. But precisely because the technology is new, electronic shoppers are likely for a while to be a lot more cautious than consumers of the normal sort—and the new technology will also make it easier for them to complain noisily when a company lets them down. In this way, at least, the coming of technology may argue for fewer consumer protection laws, not more.Passage ThreeOne of the greatest things about controversy over advertising is the greater fuss, the more of a mystery the industry itself seems to become. Advertising is an area that requires intense passion and emotion. It seems to affect those who attack it and those who defend it in similar ways. Before long both are exhibiting the same overwhelming urge to exaggerate their case and it then becomes complicated to believe that the critics and the defenders of advertising are even arguing over the same thing. But just as it seemed sensible to us to accept advertising without going to either extreme, it also seemed logical to try and find out what advertising in the Britain of the sixties was really like. We knew it expended about 500 million dollars a year and it employed over 200, 000 individuals with higher salaries. But once we tried finding out exactly what all this money was spent on, what all these highly paid individuals did for it, a curious thing happened. This strange animal called advertising began to disappear. In its place were advertising men and advertising agencies, all working in different ways and to different rules and all showing obvious differences of ability, taste and effectiveness. We endedby discovering groups of well-paid, highly anxious advertising individuals. They were all trying hard, in their various ways to endure the opposed and often contradictory pressures within their work. Their success or failure resulted from their consistency. All this seemed of considerable importance, and any future move to reform advertising will have to make the mental effort to understand what it is about and why its individuals behave as they do.Passage FourUnemployment and poverty are the two major challenges that are facing the world economy at present. Unemployment leads to financial crisis and diminishes the overall purchasing power of a nation. This in turn results in poverty followed by increasing burden of debt. Now, poverty can be described in several ways. According to the World Bank, poverty manifests a financial condition where people are unable to maintain the minimum standard of living. Poverty can be of different types like absolute poverty and relative poverty. There may be many other classifications like urban poverty, rural poverty, primary poverty, secondary poverty and many more. Whatever the type of poverty, the basic reason has always been lack of respectable income. Here comes the role of unemployment behind poverty. Lack of employment opportunities and the resultant income difference bring about mass poverty in most of the developing and underdeveloped economies of the world. Lack of effective demand of labor is one of the principal reasons for unemployment. In the less developed economies a substantial portion of the total workforce works as surplus labor. This problem is particularly prevailingin the agricultural sector. Due to excess labor, the marginal productivity of the workforce may be zero or even negative. This excess pool of labor is the first to become unemployed during the period of economic or social crisis. When a capitalist economy undergoes somedynamic changes in its organizational structure, it results in structural unemployment. This type of unemployment may also emerge if the lack of effective demand continues for a substantially long period of time. In case of frictional unemployment(摩擦性失业), workers are temporarily unemployed. There may be cases of hidden unemployment where workers restrain themselves from working due to absence of appropriate facilities.Passage FiveIn recent years, American society has become increasingly dependent on its universities to find solutions to its major problems. It is the universities that have been charged with the principal responsibility for developing the expertise to place men on the moon; to deal with our deteriorating environment; to develop the means to feed the world's rapidly increasing population. The effort involved in meeting these demands results in its own problems. This concentration on the creation of new knowledge significantly affects the universities' efforts to perform their principal functions, the transmission and interpretation of knowledge, the imparting of the heritage (传统) of the past and the preparing of the next generation to carry it forward. With regard to this task, universities today generally find themselves in a serious bind. On the one hand, there is the American commitment to provide higher education for all young people who can profit from it. The result of this has been a dramatic increase in an enrollment in our universities, coupled with a radical shift from the private to the public sector of higher education. On the other hand, there are serious limitations on the resources available for higher education. While higher education has become a great "growth industry," it is also simultaneously a tremendous drain on the resources of this nation. One crucial aspect of this drain on resources lies in the shortage of trained faculty, which, in turn, has led to a declining standard in instruction. Intensifying these difficulties is the concern with research, with its competing claims on resources and faculty. In addition, there is a strong tendency for the institutions' organization and functionality to conform to the demands of research rather than those of teaching.Passage SixWhat is leadership? Its qualities are difficult to define. But they are not so difficult to identify. Leaders don't force other people to go along with them. They bring them along. Leaders get commitment from others by giving it themselves, by building an environment that encourages creativity, and by operating with honesty and fairness. Good leaders aren't "lone rangers" (独行侠). They recognize that an organization's strategies for success require the combinedtalents and efforts of many people. Leadership is the accelerator for transforming those talents into results. Successful leaders are emotionally and intellectually oriented to the future – not sticking to the past. They have a hunger to take responsibility, to innovate, and to take the lead. They are not content with merely taking care of what's already there. They want to move forward to create something new. Leaders provide answers as well as direction, offer strength as well as dedication, and speak from experience as well as understanding from the problems they face and the people they work with. Leaders are flexible. They believe in unity rather than yielding. And they strive to achieve agreements out of conflict. Leadership is all about getting people consistently to give their best, helping them to grow to their fullest potential, and motivating them to work toward a common good. A good leader, an effective leader, is one who has respect. A leader who has respect for other people at all levels of an organization will find that respect is returned. If you have their respect, they will be motivated to work diligently to accept your ideas, to follow you and to take actions.。






2020统编版四年级上册语文练习-1《观潮-2》人教(部编版) (有答案)

2020统编版四年级上册语文练习-1《观潮-2》人教(部编版) (有答案)


pàn wàng jù shuō lǒng zhào dùn shí zhú jiàn二、用“√”画出下列加点字在括号里正确的读音。

1.钱塘江大潮,自古以来被称(chēn chēng chèng)为天下奇观。

2.我们随着观潮的人群,登上了海塘大堤(tītí dī)。

3.江面笼罩着一层蒙蒙的薄(bó báo)雾。

4.从远处传来隆隆的响声,好像闷(mēn mèn)雷滚动。

5.江面上依旧风号浪吼( hǒu kǒng)。








(改为反问句)__________________________________________________________________________ 2.宽阔的钱塘江横卧在眼前。

(缩句)__________________________________________________________________________ 3.浪潮越来越近,犹如千万匹白色战马齐头并进,浩浩荡荡地飞奔而来。

(仿写句子)__________________________________________________________________________ 六、按顺序排列下面的句子,用序号表示。

四年级上册科学第一单元《声音》第1、2课同步练习(教科版 含答案)

四年级上册科学第一单元《声音》第1、2课同步练习(教科版 含答案)














11.在车站、菜市场等地经常会听到( )的声音。


13.我们可以这样描述鸟叫声:很动听,一会儿( ),一会儿( )。



16.我们周围的声音可以分为三大类:动物、( )和( )发出的声音。

17.在耳朵的各个部分中,能将声音转化为振动的是( )。


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