小于 0. 45、C3 S含量低于 8%的混凝土是相对安全 的 。文献 [ 12 ]认为 ,在硫酸钠环境下 ,水胶比低 ,有利 于抗侵蚀 。如水灰比 0. 5 和 0. 35, 浸泡时间为一 年 ,强度减少分别为 39%和 26%。但在硫酸镁环境 下 ,水胶比低 ,似乎加重了硫酸盐侵蚀 ,如水灰比 0. 5和 0. 35,强度减少分别为 62%和 81%。对于掺有 活性掺合料的水泥也得到类似的结果 。 2. 2 外部因素 2. 2. 1 硫酸根离子浓度
钙矾石的生成被认为是体积增加了 2. 5 倍 ,导 致膨胀应力的产生 ,而使混凝土开裂破坏 ,混凝土的 开裂又使硫酸根离子更容易渗透到混凝土内部 ,产 生恶性循环 。但对钙矾石的膨胀机理至今仍未清 楚 ,有人认为钙矾石的结晶压力导致了膨胀压力 ;也 有人认为是由于结晶差的钙矾石在碱性环境下吸水 膨胀导致了膨胀压力 [ 5 ] 。钙矾石生成的速度与铝 酸根的来源有很大的关系 ,在很多情况下 ,钙矾石形 成的速度由含铝相的溶解速度所决定 [ 6 ] 。钙矾石 形成的量与膨胀之间的关系还没有得到一个很好的 相关性 [ 4 ] 。 1. 4 C2S2H 和碳硫硅钙石 (CaSiO3 ·CaSO4 ·CaSO3 ·15H2 O )
硬化混凝土在硫酸盐溶液中石膏的形成可由化 学方程式 ( 1)和 ( 2)表示 。有观点认为石膏的形成 引起膨胀 ,体积变为原来的 1. 2倍 ,使混凝土受到膨 胀压力的作用 。为研究石膏的形成是否产生膨胀 , 必须排除钙矾石的影响 。B ingTian[ 1 ]用 5%硫酸盐 溶液浸泡 C3 S表明 ,浸泡有 4周的潜伏期 ,潜伏期一 过 , C3 S便以较大的速率膨胀 ,浸泡至 230 天 ,膨胀 达到 1. 05%。M anusanthanam[ 2 ]的试验结果同样表 明 ,在 4. 44%硫酸钠中浸泡 C3 S存在潜伏期 , 32 周 前膨胀很小 , 32周后开始膨胀 ,浸泡至 41周膨胀为 0. 22%。也有观点认为石膏的形成并不引起膨胀 , Hansen[ 3 ]认为氢氧化钙和硫酸根离子由通过 - 溶液 机理在毛细孔中形成固态石膏 ,不可能占有比孔隙 体积和溶解并参加反应的固态氢氧化钙体积之和更 大的体积 , M ather[ 1 ] 支持 Hansen 的观点 ,他认为石 膏是硫酸根离子和钙离子由通过 - 溶液机理生成 。 普遍都认为石膏的形成导致混凝土刚度 、强度的降
Oxygen isotopic event Mi-1.
Possibly Monte Cagnero, Umbria-Marche region, Italy
Zumaia section, northern Spain
Gorrondatxe section, Basque Country, Spain
Tiziano Bed
43°22'46.47"N, 3°00'51.61"W
dark marl at 167.85 m in Gorrondatxe sea-cliff section
Calcareous nannofossil near FAD Chiasmolithus oamaruensis (base Zone NP18)
GSSP Table - All Periods
Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) of the International Commission on Stratigraphy
Numerical Age (Ma)
Phanerozoic Eon
Vrica, Italy
39.0385°N 17.1348°E
Monte San Nicola, 37.1469°N
Sicily, Italy
base of the marine claystone overlying the sapropelic marker Bed ‘e’ (Mediterranean Precession Related Sapropel, MPRS 176)
我该受这样的侮辱'Swounds I should take it,因为我不得不承认我是个逆来顺受的怯汉for it cannot be but I am pigeon-livered受了欺侮也不觉得苦and lack gall to make oppression bitter,否则我早已把这奸贼的腐肉or ere this I should have fatted喂肥了漫天盘旋的鸢鹰all the region kites with this slave's offal.那凶恶淫秽的奸贼Bloody, bawdy villain!冷酷奸诈荒淫无情的奸贼Remorseless, treacherous, lecherous, kindless villain!报仇雪恨O vengeance!谢谢感谢大家谢谢Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you, thank you. 这是哈姆雷特的一段独白That was, of course, a speech of Hamlet's我很荣幸能够多次from a play I was lucky出演《哈姆雷特》一剧enough to perform in on several occasions,尽管至今仍然不是主演though not, as yet, in the principal role.下一个主题Our next tableau...是关于一位投身于这个城市...features someone who has devoted herself音乐生活之中的女性to the musical life of this city.她同他人一起赞助了欧忒耳珀俱乐部Amongst others, she is patron of the Euterpe Club,和布鲁克林贫困妇女管弦乐队of the Brooklyn Orchestra for Distressed Gentlewomen,当然也赞助了我们的威尔第俱乐部as well as, of course, our very own Verdi Club.让我们回到1850年Let us journey back in time to 1850阿♥拉♥巴马州and the state of Alabama.美国最伟大的流行歌♥曲作家史蒂芬·福斯特America's greatest popular songwriter, Stephen Foster, 已经江郎才尽has run out of ideas.他很绝望He's a desperate man.但是等等这是什么But wait. What is this?就是现在没错Now. That's it.继续More.威尔第俱乐部这是上天派来的灵感天使It is the Angel of Inspiration sent from on high.最终史蒂芬·福斯特可以写出好歌♥了At last Stephen Foster can write his song.我来自阿♥拉♥巴马膝上放着班卓琴I came from Alabama with my banjo on my knee我要去路易斯安那去见我的爱人I'm goin' to Louisiana, my true love for to see苏珊娜你不要为我哭泣Oh, Susanna! Oh, don't you cry for me...-拉稳她 -我来自阿♥拉♥巴马- Hold her. Hold her! - I came from Alabama膝上放着班卓琴with my banjo on my knee太棒了Bravo! Bravo!灵感天使The Angel of Inspiration,由佛罗伦斯·福斯特·詹金斯女士饰演featuring Madam Florence Foster Jenkins!表演得非常好It's going very, very, very well.我感觉在灵感迸发那一刻我没有表现出I don't feel that I imbued the moment of inspiration应有的戏剧深度with the intensity it deserved,但是这是一个不错的尝试but it was a serviceable attempt.比"不错"好多了演得很好Better than serviceable. It was good.-请帮我拿我的手镯 -手镯- My amulets, please. - Armlets.我可以不用再吃那个难以下咽的土豆沙拉了吗Has the impending potato-salad catastrophe been averted? 就在我们说话的时候Even as I speak, the chef主厨派了一群人搜索整个曼哈顿区去找香葱has a team out scouring Manhattan for chives.不要香葱我想知道还有什么No chives. What next, I wonder!我也知道这不合理Unconscionable, I know,不过他们告诉我就要开战了小兔子but they tell me there is a war on, Bunny.瓦尔基里请上台前奏已经开始了Valkyries on stage, please. The overture has begun.三明治呢What about the sandwiches?火腿番茄黄瓜加上鸡肉Ham and tomato, plain cucumber配上一点点第戎芥茉and chicken with a hint of Dijon mustard.-十分美味 -很好我看起来怎么样- Actually delicious. - Excellent. How do I look?非常好Wunderbar!赶快吧Now, schnell, schnell.快一点你真是个淘气的瓦尔基里Go on, quickly. You're a very naughty Valkyrie.接下来是今晚的压轴演出We now come to the finale of our evening.事先提醒一下各位接下来要看到的场景I should warn you that the vision you're about to witness 将会又震撼又可怕will be both shocking and terrifying.战事焦灼万箭齐发划过天空A battle is raging. Volleys of arrows pierce the air.刀光剑影血肉横飞Shields clash and swords do their terrible work.但是最可怕的鬼神But swooping down from the clouds从天际猛扑下来comes the most terrible spectre of all.女士们先生们威尔第俱乐部为您献上Ladies and gentlemen, the Verdi Club presents《女武神的骑行》the Ride of the Valkyries!我的天啊Oh! Oh, my God!棒极了Bravo!我很荣幸为你颁发It is my pleasure to present象征我们敬意的礼物you with this small token of our esteem.谢谢我要打开它吗Oh! Thank you. Shall I open it?打开吧Yes!这个好美感谢你们所有的人Well, this is beautiful. Thank you. Thank you all so very much. 多年前当我创办威尔第俱乐部的时候You know, years ago when I founded the Verdi Club,我从未想过我今晚会在这里I never could have imagined that I would be here tonight,25年来25 years on,我亲爱的丈夫一直陪在我身边with my beloved husband by my side.音乐Music...音乐一直是我的生命Music has been, and is, my life.音乐最重要谢谢Music matters. Thank you.太棒了Bravo!在这个历史中的黑暗时刻And at this dark moment in our history,当我们的勇士们为了文明奋战with our brave boys fighting for civilisation itself,它更加无比的重要it matters more than ever.所以我恳请大家So I implore you to continue继续支持这个城市的音乐生活to support the musical life of this city.晚上好佛罗伦斯女士Good evening, Madam Florence.你好凯蒂Hello, Kitty.-演出怎么样 -非常好谢谢你- How did it go? - Very, very well, thank you.现在小兔子你必须要睡了And now, my bunny, you must sleep.我不想让这一天就这么结束I don't want this day to end.我知道I know, I know.闭上你的眼睛Shut your eyes.那你给我朗诵一段诗Only if you recite for me.好的Very well.别让我承认两颗真心的结合会有任何障碍Let me not to the marriage of true minds. Admit impediments. 爱算不得真爱Love is not love如果对方改变自己立刻转向Which alters when it alteration finds,如果对方变心自己立刻收场or bends with the remover to remove:不O no.谢谢你凯蒂Thank you, Kitty.-晚安贝菲尔德先生 -晚安- Goodnight, Mr Bayfield. - Goodnight.请叫一辆出租车谢谢A taxi if I may. Thank you.-非常感谢 -晚安先生- Thank you very much. - Goodnight, sir.亲爱的欢迎回家Welcome home, darling.-我有点醉了 -很有兴致嘛- I'm a tad drunk. - Oh. Lucky you.-佛罗伦斯表演得怎么样 -非常好- How was Florence? - Magnificent.你呢And you?我应该表现得也相当好I would say I gave an adequate performance. 我要是能去看就好了I wish I could have come.-奥古斯都的剧怎么样 -糟透了- How was Augustus's play? - Oh, terrible.喝完它我在教一些简单的东西Finish it. I'm teaching first thing.眼科医生口气难闻笨手笨脚The oculist with bad breath and two left hands, 两只手只会在空中笨拙地摇摆both of which tend to wander.-我爱你圣克莱尔 -我也爱你- I love you, St Clair. - Hmm. With knobs on.早安亲爱的Good morning, Miss Rabbit.你看到评论了吗帅哥Have you seen the reviews, whitey?《音乐快报》的卡尔顿·史密斯Carlton Smith in the Musical Courier评价它为本季最佳演出says it was the event of the season.它实至名归现在Well, it jolly well was. Now...把它放在桌子上吧我要起床了No. Put it on the table. I'm getting up.小兔子那不是个好主意昨天晚上Bunny, that's not a good idea. Last night...放在桌子上吧求你了On the table. Please.我们要筹备威尔第午宴We have to plan the Verdi lunch.不不不Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no.不能让詹姆斯·奥费海提女士挨着男爵夫人You can't put Mrs James O'Flaherty next to the baroness.她喝汤时会发出声音She slurps her soup.那我们换成烟熏鳟鱼Then let's serve smoked trout,我想即便是奥费海提女士because I doubt that even Mrs O'Flaherty吃鳟鱼也应该不会发出声音could slurp a trout.威尔第午宴总是以汤开始的你知道的The Verdi luncheon always begins with a soup. You know that. 怎么可能不以汤开始那将会是场灾难How could we not begin with a soup? There would be a riot. 那样的话我们把她安排在这边小桌上In that case, let us put her over here on the card table放在利瓦伊夫妇之间between Mr and Mrs Levi.-完美 -不行- Perfect. - No.奥费海提女士不喜欢犹太人Mrs O'Flaherty isn't keen on the... Jews.把她放在贾里泽尔王子We'll put her between Prince Galitzer和奥斯卡·贾门达女士之间and Mrs Oscar Garmunder.-不行 -可以的他们都听不见- No. - Yes. They're both deaf as posts.-不行 -行的- No! - Yes!马斯托·托斯卡尼尼来了Maestro Toscanini is here.查理准备一杯咖啡Charlie, cup of coffee?请他进来凯蒂Do show him in, Kitty, please.-请进 -非常感谢- Please come in. - Thank you so much.阿图罗见到你真是惊喜Arturo. What a wonderful surprise.希望你不要介意我的突然来访You don't mind me visiting unannounced?不会的我的家就是你的家Oh, no. La mia casa è la tua casa.-我带来了一份小礼物 -是吗- I have a little gift. - Oh.我和莉丽·庞斯的银铃之歌♥唱片My recording of the Bell Song with Lily Pons.阿图罗你好体贴谢谢你Oh, Arturo, how very thoughtful of you. Thank you. 我们非常想去那场音乐会You know, we are so looking forward to that concert. -准备工作一切顺利吗 -非常顺利- Are the preparations going well? - Very well.可是在资金方面Though there are some financial matters还有一点小问题that remain... problematico.佛罗伦斯女士若没有你施以援手Madam Florence, without your help,音乐会就办不成了there will be no concert.他想要多少钱How much did he want?一千但是他给了我一张唱片A thousand. But he gave me a record.卡内基音乐厅莉丽·庞斯花腔女高音指挥阿尔图罗·托斯卡尼尼NBC交响乐团被遗弃的姑娘啊Filles des Parias在柔软的苔藓上跑过却装作不知道Elle court sur la mousse Et ne se souvient pas奔跑在美丽的夹竹桃中Le long des lauriers roses梦想着美好的事情Rêvant de douces choses轻轻地从你身边拂过Elle passe sans bruit轻轻地在夜晚微笑Et riant a la nuit太棒了Bravo! Bravo!卡鲁索之后我从未听过这么好的声音I haven't heard a voice that good since Caruso.-年纪轻轻却不同凡响 -是的- Extraordinary little thing, isn't she? - Hmm.你能想象那种感觉吗Can you imagine what that must feel like?那种掌控全场三千人的感觉To hold nearly 3,000 people in the cup of your hand. -是啊 -进行这样深刻的交流- Hmm. - To share such profound communion.是的Hmm.你看到大都会歌♥剧院的卡洛·爱德华兹吗Did you see Carlo Edwards from the Met?-没有 -他坐在我们的右边- No. - Well, he was seated to our right.我想他重新开始指导别人了I gather he's coaching again.是吗小兔子Oh, is he now, Bunny?我还想再听他几节课I would like to take some more lessons with him.那我明天一早就给他打电♥话♥ Then I shall phone him first thing in the morning. -我需要一名钢琴师 -是的- I shall need a pianist. - Yes.一位有激♥情♥的年轻人Someone young. Someone... with passion.-我的天啊 -不够激♥情♥吗- Oh, my hat. - Not passionate enough?他在折磨我的耳朵让他停下来He's raping my ears. Make him stop, make him stop. 非常感谢齐格勒先生Thank you! Thank you very much, Mr Zeigler.谢谢你齐格勒先生谢谢Thank you, Mr Zeigler! Thank you!非常好我们会联♥系♥你的Very good. We'll... We'll be in touch.再次感谢Thank you again.先生们我已经说过了Gentlemen, the chairs are not for这些椅子不是用来坐的practical use. You have been told.-卡斯梅·麦克牧恩 -是我先生- Cosmé McMoon? - That's me, sir.请进Come.不好意思Sorry.-我弹什么 -我真的无所谓- What should I play? - Well, I really don't mind. 只要不是太吵的As long as it's not too loud.真美好What loveliness.他弹什么呢What is he playing?一些圣桑的破曲子Some Saint-Saëns bullshit.是的Yeah.你知道吗You know...在我16岁的时候You know, when I was... when I was 16 years old, 我的父亲告诉我my father told me that如果我不放弃音乐并嫁给一名无聊的银行家if I didn't give up music and marry a dull banker, 他就断绝我的经济来源he'd cut me off.这是真的That's true.抱歉请继续麦克牧恩先生Sorry. It's OK, continue, Mr McMoon.当然了他不理解音乐家Course, he didn't understand musicians.相比于面包我们更离不开莫扎特不是吗We'd rather go without bread than Mozart, wouldn't we?这根本不用选择It's not even a choice for us.当然他断绝了我的经济来源Course, he did cut me off,但是我在费城找到了一间小公♥寓♥住but I got myself a little apartment in Philly依靠教孩子弹钢琴赚钱and I made a living teaching piano to children.同样为圣桑作曲我们那时一起弹奏《天鹅》And we'd play The Swan and...那是我最爱的曲子That was my favourite.美妙的故事Wow. Great story.是很美妙可不是吗Yeah, it is, isn't it?当然最后他还是回心转意了Course, he came round eventually又把我加入了遗嘱and then I was back in the will.是的Yes.我必须得说我觉得你就是我要的理想人选Well, I must say, I think you're absolutely ideal.我有没有提过我还会作曲Did I mention that I also compose?-他还会作曲 -是的我肯定他会- And he also composes. - Yes, I'm sure he does.外面还有其他的候选人可以听听小兔子Well, you know, there are some other candidates to hear, Bunny. 还有别人Some more.-你认识外面的人吗 -认识- Do you know any of them? - I do.恐怕他们都非常缺乏同情心They're all rather... heavy-handed, I'm afraid.这个混♥蛋♥The son of a bitch.很遗憾佛罗伦斯夫人Madam Florence regrets she今天不能再听剩下的候选人演奏了is unable to hear any more candidates today.-难以置信 -我曾就读于茱莉亚音乐学院- It's unbelievable. - I trained at Juilliard...非常抱歉I am so very sorry.-为什么 -你不是她喜欢的类型- Why? - You're not her type.现在我必须提醒你我工作非常卖♥♥力Now, I must warn you, I work very hard.我每天都要学习一个小时I study an hour every day.有时候甚至两个小时Sometimes two.我父亲给我留的钱没有大家想得那么多And my father didn't leave me as much money as everybody thinks, 所以我最多支付你150块so I couldn't pay you more than a hundred and fifty.-一个月吗 -一个星期- A month? - A week.我还不至于穷成那样I'm not destitute.佛罗伦斯夫人的行事风格你要注意以下几点A few pointers as to how Madam Florence does things.你会发现到她总是随身携带You will note that she carries一个皮公文包a leather briefcase with her at all times.你不能摸那个包You are not to touch that也不能打听包里装的是什么briefcase or to enquire as to its contents.好的Right.佛罗伦斯夫人在大厅摆放了一套椅子In the hall, Madam Florence keeps a collection of chairs就是刚才被请走的人那里in which people of note have expired.-这些椅子不是用来坐的 -理解- They're not for practical use. - I understand.她厌恶所有尖的东西She abhors all pointed objects,所以别再她面前抽烟so don't smoke in her presence或是递给她刀子或之类的东西or hand her a knife or anything like that.-你喜欢吃三明治吗 -喜欢- Are you fond of sandwiches? - Yes.好很好佛罗伦斯夫人非常爱吃三明治Good, good. Madam Florence is inordinately fond of sandwiches. 还有土豆沙拉And potato salad as well.我们举办派对时这些食物能堆成山When we throw parties, we make mountains of the stuff.最好能充满激♥情♥地享用这两种食物It would serve you to consume both with enthusiasm.-非常乐意 -早上好帕特里克- I shall. - Good morning, Patrick.那先预付你一个星期的工钱So, here is a week in advance还有一点多的你可以添置一件新衬衣and a teeny bit extra for a new shirt.谢谢Thank you.如果你不介意佛罗伦斯夫人的小怪癖If you can forgive Madam Florence her little eccentricities,你会发现她其实是个最慷慨最好相处的人you will find her to be a most generous and delightful person.我们的生活非常愉快Ours is a very happy world.欢迎你麦克牧恩先生Welcome, Mr McMoon.明早九点别迟到了Tomorrow morning at nine. Don't be late.-不会的先生 -很好- I won't, sir. - Good.出租车出租车Taxi! Taxi!-早上好 -早上好- Good morning. - Good morning.麦克牧恩先生来了Mr McMoon is here.快请进麦克牧恩先生Oh, do come in, Mr McMoon.这就是我跟你提到的那位才华横溢的年轻人This is the talented young man I was telling you about. 你好麦克牧恩先生How do you do, Mr McMoon?这是我的声乐教练My vocal coach.马斯托·卡洛·爱德华兹Maestro Carlo Edwards,大都会歌♥剧院的助理指挥assistant conductor at the Metropolitan Opera.你好先生How do you do, sir?我看过上一季您指挥的《波西米亚人》I saw you conduct La Bohème last season.不请别跟我提这事Oh, no, please don't remind me.卡洛Carlo!他在开玩笑他在开玩笑He's kidding. He's kidding.我做足了功课I've learned everything.我可以不看乐谱了I'm virtually off score.很好那我们开始吧Good. Then let's get started.那我们开始《银铃之歌♥》Here we are. The Bell Song.一大早就唱《拉克美》会不会有点早卡洛Oh. Isn't it a little early in the morning for Lakmé, Carlo? 以您的才华来说不会Not for a singer of your ability.你准备好了就可以开始了麦克牧恩先生Whenever you're ready, Mr McMoon. 不不不No. No, uh, no.麻烦小快板再弹快一点A little more allegretto, please,如果你不介意的话麦克牧恩先生if you don't mind, Mr McMoon.抱歉Sorry.抬起软腭Raise the soft palate.很好Good.运用气息Use the air.唱在气息上On the breath.声音传出来Project forward.美妙Bella.年轻的印度姑娘她奔向何方Où va la jeune Indoue被遗弃的姑娘啊Fille des Parias想着面罩共鸣佛罗伦斯Think of the mask, Florence.月亮多么明亮Quand la lune se joue铃♥声♥响起La squillo.照在高高的金合欢上Dans les grands mimosas把字声安放到面罩里The voice is in the mask.月亮多么明亮Quand la lune se joue照在高高的金合欢上Dans les grands mimosas奔跑在美丽的夹竹桃中Le long des lauriers roses就这样Yes.-梦想着美好的事情 -好的好的- Rêvant de douces choses - Yes, yes.轻轻地从你身边拂过Elle passe sans bruit轻轻地在夜晚微笑Et riant à la nuit停下来Stop there.还有很多地方需要改进There's work to be done.但你从没有像今天唱得这样好But you've never sounded better.完全同意Hear, hear.马斯托和我一样岁数的歌♥手Maestro, it is true that确实都已经在走下坡路了a lot of singers my age are on the decline, 但我就是越唱越好but I seem to just get better and better. 我知道难以置信不是吗I know. It's hard to believe, isn't it?天赐我才Well, I am so blessed.没人能和您相提并论There is no one quite like you.继续Onwards!你不是说你不用看乐谱了吗I thought you were off score.-你喜欢这堂课吗 -非常喜欢- Did you enjoy the class? - Very much so. -是的她很不同凡响是吗 -是的- Yes, she's remarkable, isn't she? - She is. 我认为你弹奏得很好I thought you played very nicely.谢谢Thank you.好的明天老时间见Good. Same time tomorrow, then. -好的- Yes.-再见 -再见- Goodbye. - Bye.抱歉Oh, sorry.借过Excuse me.-早上好 -早上好贝菲尔德先生- Morning. - Morning, Mr Bayfield. 找到气息佛罗伦斯Find a breath, Florence.下午好贝菲尔德先生Afternoon, Mr Bayfield.午安Good.气息支持Appoggio.靠向那把椅子Lean into it.横膈膜扩张佛罗伦斯Expand your diaphragm, Florence. 呼吸呼吸佛罗伦斯Breathe. Breathe, Florence.很好Good.很好Good.很好Good.淡淡的旋律引人回首Faint melodies bring back old days 像鸟儿一样在翱翔Soar like a bird.音乐盒轻轻地唱着Faintly the old music box plays好极了Wonderful.一句话身临其境One word. Authenticity.马斯托你觉得我能开音乐会了吗Maestro, do you think I'm ready... for a concert?万事俱备You'll never be more ready.你已经太久没出现在舞台上了小兔子You have been absent from the stage for far too long, Bunny.麦克牧恩先生你觉得我准备好了吗Mr McMoon? Do you think I'm ready?当然Sure.也许我该表演一段独白And perhaps I shall perform a monologue.还是算了不了Or not. Or not.我去着手准备准备I shall start to make arrangements.我肯定会尽最大努力参加这场演唱会Obviously I'll do my utmost to attend the concert,但我有段时间要去佛罗里达but I'll be away in Florida at some point.好吧什么时候动身Oh, right. When?你们确定好了日期通知我Let me know when you've fixed a date.还有一件事One other thing.我和佛罗伦斯最近合作相当密集Since I've been working so intensively with Florence,我只怕是忽略了其他学生I've rather neglected my other students.最好不要声张我给她上了课It might be best if we were discreet about these classes.大家都嫉妒佛罗伦斯夫人的话我就难办了I'd be mortified if Madam Florence become the focus of any envy. 非常感谢你非常感谢Well, thank you so very, very much.天啊她把我宠坏了Oh, she spoils me.她把我们都宠坏了But then she spoils us all.不是吗Doesn't she?-祝你在佛罗里达愉快 -我会的- Enjoy Florida. - I will.麦克牧恩先生Mr McMoon.我们能谈谈吗贝菲尔德先生Could we speak, Mr Bayfield?当然可以什么事Yes, of course. What is it?我以为雇我Well, uh, I thought I was being只需要陪佛罗伦斯夫人上课hired to accompany Madam Florence's lessons.我跟你说实话贝菲尔德先生I'll be honest with you, Mr Bayfield,我认为佛罗伦斯夫人I think Madam Florence在公开演出前可能还需要再多准备一下might need a little more preparation before she sings in public. 我们都已经彩排了一个月了We've been rehearsing for a month.是的我知道Well, I know.但是有时候她的音高会But from time to time, she can be a little...偏低..Flat.-偏低 -一点点只有一点点- Flat? - A tad. Well, just a tad.卡洛·爱德华兹都没提过她音高偏低Carlo Edwards didn't mention any flatness,他可是城里顶尖的声乐教练and he is the leading vocal coach in the city.天啊贝菲尔德先生Jeez, Mr Bayfield,我们说的不是一个歌♥手吧we can't be talking about the same singer.我是说她的声带没法随心所欲地发声I mean, her vocal cords, they don't phonate freely.她的断句都是乱来的Her phrasing is haphazard.至于她的声门下气压简直违背了医学常理As for her subglottal pressure... it defies medical science. 她的嗓音也许不如以前好了Is her instrument quite what it was? Perhaps not.但是正如贝多芬所说But as Beethoven said,弹错几个音符也许可以原谅a few wrong notes may be forgiven,但唱歌♥不投入感情不能but singing without feeling cannot.贝菲尔德先生那能不能Mr Bayfield, is there any way我只陪她上课但不参加音乐会I could do the lessons but not the concerts?-不恐怕不行 -但我得考虑我的名声- No, I'm afraid not. - But I have my reputation to think of. 真的吗你有什么名声Oh, really? And what reputation is that?如果你想回If you want to go back to牛排餐厅演奏挣那点小费请随意playing for tips in a steakhouse, be my guest.卡斯梅佛罗伦斯非常喜欢你Oh, Cosmé, Florence is very fond of you,她给你的待遇很好而且她认识she's paying you well and she knows,她几乎认识所有人well, she knows everyone.但是贝菲尔德先生But, Mr Bayfield...她举办过很多场演唱会了票都一售而空And she has sung in dozens of sell-out concerts.她就是有一种让她的追随者神魂颠倒的魅力She has a magnetism that her followers adore.我明白但是I understand that, but what要是有一些没那么有教养的人出现怎么办if less educated members of the public show up?是的你说的有道理No, you're right,我们一定会把排除这些流氓分子的we must exclude the hoodlum element确保只有真正的音乐爱好者才能入场and ensure that only true music lovers gain entry.这些场合都需要缜密的准备工作These events take all kinds of careful preparation.好了已经完成了五项还有两项So, five down and two to go.《新闻快报》《唱片》《通讯时报》《纽约周刊》《音乐快报》《文摘》《世界冲锋号♥》你之前参加过佛罗伦斯夫人的音乐会吗And have you attended one of Madam Florence's concerts before? 没有但是她的事我都知道No, but I heard all about her.好恐怕我们要Well, I'm afraid we're giving优先考虑威尔第俱乐部成员priority to Verdi Club members at the moment.我可是大老远地从布鲁克林赶来的But I came all the way from Brooklyn.很抱歉有请下一位I'm so sorry. Next, please.他不是音乐爱好者Not a music lover.你接手吧两美元一位You take over. Two dollars a pop.斯塔克先生久仰Mr Stark, how very nice.那是贝菲尔德先生That's Mr Bayfield.是的谢谢你的回电海报就写Yes, thank you for calling back. The poster."主席以及奠基人"President and founder,佛罗伦斯·福斯特·詹金斯"Florence Foster Jenkins",字体要大一点 28号♥字体that should be larger, 28 point.如果问到了你就说你最喜欢的If asked, your favourite作曲家是莫扎特威尔第和贝多芬composers are Mozart, Verdi and Beethoven.菲尼亚斯拜托用你的猪脑袋搞清楚Phineas, try to get this through your fat head.我可不感冒你那狗屁音乐俱乐部懂吗I am not interested in your bullshit music club, OK?艾格尼丝别这样Agnes, please.我的老天My God.六月四号♥ 周六晚上八点June 4th, Saturday night at 8pm.我真心希望您也能来Oh, I do so hope you can be there.不巧的是我们那天有场排练Well, unfortunately we are rehearsing.-周六晚上吗 -我们排练得很勤- Oh, on Saturday night? - Well, we rehearse all the time.我的老天那是指挥家托斯卡尼尼Oh, my God. It's Toscanini, the conductor.我还以为是那个卖♥♥鱼酱的呢Hmm, I thought it was Toscanini, the anchovy paste salesman. Huh? 海报的最下面写上Finally, the line below that should read:导演圣克莱尔·贝菲尔德"Directed by St Clair Bayfield,著名演员与单人剧表演者eminent actor and monologist."你没听错是著名"Eminent", yes.亲亲妈咪Kisses for Mommy.亲亲嘛Kiss monster.谢谢你利普希茨先生非常感谢Thank you, Mr Lipshitz. Thank you very much.圣克莱尔那个粗俗的女人是谁St Clair, who is that vulgar woman?我想是斯塔克先生的新妻子The new Mrs Stark, I imagine.那上一任呢What happened to the last one?斯塔克先生又是谁Who is that man, anyway?你是说菲尼亚斯Phineas?他是卖♥♥肉罐头的He sells meat in cans.很富有出手也大方Very wealthy. Very generous.我知道艾格尼丝不是俱乐部的一员I understand Agnes isn't a member.她也是刚刚接触古典音乐She's new to the world of classical music.但她愿意学习啊But she's very keen to learn.既然如此我们就破例一次Well, in that case, I think we can make an exception. -一共四美元 -非常感谢- Four dollars, please. - Thank you so much.夫人音乐将为您带来诸多乐趣A whole world of pleasure awaits you, Mrs Stark.乐趣嫌少不嫌多Well, you can never have too much pleasure.对吧Right?当然Oh, right.里维斯家两张票给您一块钱找零So, that is two tickets for the Levis and a dollar change. -谢谢 -到您了- Thank you. - Now, then.贝菲尔德先生我好期待Oh, Mr Bayfield. I am so excited.大家都一样Well, we all are.范德比尔特夫人您的座位在E排I have put you in row E, Mrs Vanderbilt.优雅一词"elegance"以E开头E代表着您的优雅品味E for elegance.请交四美元Four dollars if I may.-失陪 -谢谢- Excuse me. - Thank you.他们一个劲地吃土豆沙拉They're getting through the potato salad like gannets. 我们还有剩下的吗Is there any more?我去看一下Let me check.凯蒂情况如何How's it going, Kitty?土豆沙拉还够吗Are we running low?我觉得应该够了贝菲尔德先生I think we should be fine, Mr Bayfield.-太好了我来拿 -谢谢您- Very good. I'll take that. - Thank you, Mr Bayfield.厄尔·威尔逊想见您There's an Earl Wilson here.请他进来谢谢你凯蒂Send him in. Thank you, Kitty.这边Through there.《纽约邮报》的厄尔·威尔逊Earl Wilson of the New York Post.您好贝菲尔德先生How do you do, Mr Bayfield?您好我常读您的专栏How do you do? I read your column.真是妙笔生花It's great fun.-过誉了 -请问您有何贵干- Thank you. - What brings you here?不知我能否拿到一张音乐会的门票I was hoping I could get a ticket for the concert.我们怕是已经售罄了Oh, well, I'm afraid we're all sold out.是吗Oh?《音乐快报》的卡尔顿·史密斯有张票Carlton Smith from the Musical Courier has got one. 《世界冲锋号♥》的斯塔布斯也有So has Stubbs from World Bugle.我只是不太确定I'm not sure it's an event贵报的读者会对这场音乐会感兴趣that would interest the readers of the New York Post. 我的编辑与您意见相左My editor would disagree.纽约的人们都在谈论呢There's quite a buzz around town about it.是编辑让我来这一趟的He sent me down here himself.所以您这儿还有票吗So, can I get that ticket?自然有Why not?十分感谢Thank you.请拿好Voilà.只要票就行了I just need the ticket.二者缺一不可威尔逊先生It's both or neither, Mr Wilson.那我就不麻烦您了Then I'll trouble you no more.-祝您今晚愉快 -您也是- Good evening. - Good evening.对啊Yes.亲爱的奥古斯都来了Darling. Augustus is here.真是意外之喜啊Ah, what a surprise.-你好吗奥古斯都 -我很好- How are you, Augustus? - Couldn't be better.听说上次的剧本大获成功I hear your play was a triumph.。
中文名:惠特妮·休斯顿 外文名:Whitney Houston 别名:Whitney Elizabeth Houston 国籍:美国 出生地:新泽西纽华克市出生日期:
1963年8月9日 逝世日期:2012年2月11日 职业:歌手、演员、电影制作人、模特
经纪公司:RCA唱片公司 代表作品:The Bodyguard,Whitney Houston , I Look to You
商业周期 GDP趋势 货币供应、利率 通货膨胀 失业与就业 可支配收入 原料、能源来源及成本 贸易周期 公司投资
人口统计 收入分配 人口流动性 生活方式及价值观变化 对工作和消闲的态度 消费结构和水平 教育水平
政府对研究的支出 政府和行业的技术关注 新产品开发 技术转让速度 劳动生产率变化 优质品率与废品率 技术工艺发展水平
效率 高效率产业结构与竞争优势来自经营资源有利的产 业结构
进入障碍 垄断
专利权 品牌 报复能力
企业的规模 资金运用能力
低成本优势 差异化优势
工程技术 工厂规模 廉价投入要素
品牌 生产技术 市场及流通渠道 服务能力
二、价值链(Value Chain)分析
企业用来设计、生产、营销、供货以及对产品 起辅助作用的各种活动的集合
公平与效率难以兼顾 经济发展与环境代价 失业与空缺长期并存
二、五种力量模型 ——案例赏析:统一润滑油
International strategic summary report
UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1998International Strategic Mineral Issues Summary Report—TungstenBy Antony B.T. Werner, W. David Sinclair, and Earle B. AmeyU.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 930–OPrepared as a cooperative effort among earth-science and mineral-resourceagencies of Australia, Canada, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic ofSouth Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States of AmericaU.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORBRUCE BABBITT, SecretaryU.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEYTHOMAS J. CASADEV ALL, Acting DirectorAny use of trade, product, or firm names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.Published in the Eastern Region, Reston, Va.Manuscript approved for publication January 14, 1998.Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication DataWerner, Antony B.T.International strategic mineral issues summary report—Tungsten / by Antony B.T. Werner,W. David Sinclair, and Earle B. Amey.p. cm. — (U.S. Geological Survey circular ; 930–O)“Prepared as a cooperative effort among earth-science and mineral-resource agencies ofAustralia, Canada, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of South Africa, theUnited Kingdom, and the United States of America.”Includes bibliographical references.1. Tungsten.2. Strategic minerals. I. Sinclair, W.D. II. Amey, Earle B. III. Title.IV. Series.TN490.T9W471998333.8′54649—dc2198–2687CIPPREFACEEarth-science and mineral-resource agencies from several countries started the Inter-national Strategic Minerals Inventory, later renamed International Strategic MineralIssues, in order to cooperatively gather information about major sources of mineral rawmaterials. This circular summarizes inventory information about major deposits oftungsten.The report was prepared by Antony B.T. Werner, Canadian Department of NaturalResources (NRCan), Minerals and Metals Sector (MMS) (retired); W. David Sinclair,NRCan, Geological Survey of Canada (GSC); and Earle B. Amey, United States Geologi-cal Survey (USGS). Tungsten inventory information was compiled by James E. Elliott,USGS; S. Warren Hobbs, USGS; Alfred Johnson and L.S. Jen, NRCan/MMS; NeridaKnight and John Olley, Australian Geological Survey Organisation; W. David Sinclair andA. Pasitschniak, NRCan/GSC; and Klaus Fesefeldt and Ilse Häusser, German FederalInstitute for Geosciences and Natural Resources.Additional contributions to the report were made by Jan Zwartendyk, NRCan/MMS (retired); Stuart Girvan and Ian Lambert, Bureau of Resource Sciences of the Australian Department of Primary Industries and Energy; Erik C.I. Hammerbeck, South AfricanCouncil for Geoscience; Michael Bowles, Geological Survey of South Africa; GregoryR. Chapman, Peter Harris, and Gordon Riddler, British Geological Survey; John H.DeYoung, Jr., Ebraham Shekarchi, and David M. Sutphin, USGS; and T.F. Anstett, U.S.Bureau of Mines (USBM), and P.T. Stafford, USBM (deceased).IVCONTENTS VII Preface (III)Abstract (1)Part I—Overview (1)Introduction (1)Uses and Supply Aspects (2)Types of Tungsten Deposits (4)Geologic Ages of Tungsten Deposits (9)Geographic Distribution of Tungsten Deposits and Districts (9)Tungsten Resources (10)Resource Distribution by Economic Class of Country (10)Order of Deposit Discovery (11)Resource Distribution by Deposit Type (12)Tungsten Production (12)Conclusions (16)Part II—Selected Inventory Information on Tungsten Deposits and Districts (18)References Cited (66)Additional References on Tungsten Resources (70)FIGURES1.Diagram showing United Nations resource categories used in this report (3)2–4.Maps showing location, type, and estimated resources of major tungsten deposits and districts in—2.The world (6)3.The former Soviet Union (7)4.China (8)5.Bar graph showing tungsten resources in, and cumulative production from, the world’s major deposits anddistricts according to geologic era of mineralization and geologic deposit type (10)6.Map showing economic classification by the World Bank for countries where the world’s major tungstendeposits and districts occur (14)7–9.Bar graphs showing—7.Tungsten resources in the world’s deposits and districts according to their date of discovery (15)8.Proportions of total world mine production of tungsten accounted for by countries having deposits anddistricts in the ISMI tungsten inventory; selected years 1930–90 (17)9.Tungsten mine production in countries having deposits and districts in the ISMI tungsten inventory anda cumulative output of more than 10,000 metric tons; selected years 1930–90 (18)10.Map showing major world tungsten processing plants, 1919–89 (19)11.Map showing major tungsten deposits and districts worldwide, their production status at the beginning of 1986,and their probable production status in 2020 (26)VIIICONTENTSTABLES1.Tungsten resources in the world’s deposits and districts, by geologic deposit type and resource category (4)2.Ten largest tungsten deposits or groups of deposits in the world (12)3.Tungsten resources in the world’s deposits and districts, by economic class of country and resource category (13)4, 5.Estimated cumulative and annual mine production of tungsten contained in ore and concentrate—4.By economic class of country for all countries having tungsten deposits or districts (13)5.For each country having a tungsten deposit or district listed in the ISMI tungsten inventory (16)6.Tungsten resources in the world’s deposits and districts in the R1 and R2 categories, listed by mining methodand economic class of country (16)7.Major world tungsten processing plants (20)8.Abbreviations used in tables 9 and 10 (27)9.Selected geologic and location information from ISMI records for tungsten deposits and districts (28)10.Selected production and mineral-resource information from ISMI records for tungsten deposits and districts (50)CONVERSION FACTORSMultiply By To obtaingram (g)0.03527ounce avoirdupoisgram per metric ton (g/t)0.0292ounce per ton (2,000 pounds)kilogram (kg) 2.205poundkilometer (km)0.6214milemeter (m) 3.281footmetric ton (t) 1.102short ton (2,000 pounds)INTERNATIONAL STRATEGIC MINERAL ISSUES SUMMARY REPORT—TUNGSTENBy Antony B.T. Werner,1 W. David Sinclair,2 and Earle B. Amey3ABSTRACTScheelite and wolframite are the principal minerals currently mined for tungsten.Both occur in hard-rock deposits; wolframite is also recovered from placer deposits. Most current mine production of tungsten is from vein/ stockwork, skarn, porphyry, and strata-bound deposits. Minor amounts are produced from disseminated, pegmatite, breccia, and placer deposits.Most tungsten is used to make tungsten carbide and tungsten alloys for use in machine tools and drilling equip-ment.Other important applications are in lamp filaments and cathodes, high-speed steels, textile dyes, paints, and catalysts.The world is well endowed with tungsten resources. China and the former Soviet Union have 8 of the world’s 10 largest deposits; these 8 contain about half of the world’s resources of tungsten. If economic conditions are suitable, world tungsten resources in known deposits and their exten-sions (categories R1 and R2), including economic, mar-ginal, and subeconomic resources, are sufficient to permit world production to continue at 1995 levels until well into the 21st century.World tungsten resources in identified deposits and dis-tricts that are currently economically exploitable (category R1E) appear to be sufficient to meet world demand at 1995 levels only until the year 2007. However, the figure for resources of this kind does not include or reflect resources whose economic parameters are unknown in major produc-ing areas in the former Soviet Union, China, and other 1Retired from Canadian Department of Natural Resources, Minerals and Metals Sector.2Canadian Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey of Canada (the GSC component of this document is recognized as Geological Survey of Canada Contribution 34988), 675–601 Booth Street, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1A 0E8.3U.S. Geological Survey, 989 National Center, Reston, V A 20192 U.S.A.nonmarket-economy countries and thus severely underesti-mates future tungsten availability.In 1995, China and the former Soviet Union accounted for over three-fourths of the world’s mine production of tungsten. China alone produced about two-thirds of world output. Given its vast resources, China will likely maintain its prominent role in world tungsten supply. By the year 2020, changes in supply patterns are likely to result from declining output from individual deposits in Australia, Aus-tria, and Portugal and the opening of new mines in Canada, China, and the United Kingdom.PART I—OVERVIEWINTRODUCTIONThe reliability of future supplies of minerals is of con-cern to many nations. This widespread concern has led to duplication of effort in the gathering of information on the world’s major sources of minerals. With the aim of pooling such information, a cooperative effort named International Strategic Minerals Inventory (ISMI) was started in 1981 by officials of the governments of the United States, Canada, and West Germany. It was subsequently joined by South Africa, Australia, and the United Kingdom. In 1997, ISMI was renamed International Strategic Mineral Issues.The objective of ISMI reports is to make publicly available, in convenient form, nonproprietary data and char-acteristics of major deposits of mineral commodities for policy considerations in regard to short-term, medium-term, and long-term world supply. This report provides a sum-mary statement of the data compiled and an overview of the supply aspects of tungsten in a format designed to be of benefit to policy analysts and geologists. Knowledge of the geologic aspects of mineral resources is essential in order to discover and develop mineral deposits. However, technical,financial, and political decisions must be made, and often transportation and marketing systems must be constructed, before ore can be mined and processed and the products12INTERNATIONAL STRATEGIC MINERAL ISSUES SUMMARY REPORT—TUNGSTENtransported to the consumer; the technical, financial, and political aspects of mineral-resource development are not specifically addressed in this report. The report addresses the primary stages in the supply process for tungsten and does not include considerations of tungsten demand.To date, the ISMI Working Group has published stud-ies on chromium, cobalt, graphite, lithium, manganese, nickel, niobium (columbium), phosphate, platinum-group metals, rare-earth oxides, tantalum, tin, titanium, tungsten (this report), vanadium, and zirconium; these studies are chapters A–O of U.S. Geological Survey Circular 930. A regional survey of the strategic minerals of subequatorial Africa has been published (Coakley and others, 1991), and a survey of mineral resources in eastern Europe is underway. Deposits (or districts) were selected for the inventory on the basis of their present or expected future contribution to world supply.Data in the ISMI tungsten inventory were mostly col-lected from November 1984 to March 1987. The report had some additional updating to March 1996 and was submitted for review and publication May 19, 1997. Information used was the best available to the various agencies of the coun-tries that contributed to the preparation of this report. Those agencies were the U.S. Geological Survey of the U.S. Department of the Interior; the Geological Survey of Can-ada and the Minerals and Metals Sector of the Canadian Department of Natural Resources; the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources of Germany; the Coun-cil for Geoscience and the Minerals Bureau of the Depart-ment of Mineral and Energy Affairs of South Africa; the Bureau of Resource Sciences of the Australian Department of Primary Industries and Energy and the Australian Geo-logical Survey Organisation; and the British Geological Survey.The ISMI record collection and this report on tungsten use the international classification system for mineral resources recommended by the United Nations Group of Experts on Definitions and Terminology for Mineral Resources (United Nations Economic and Social Council, 1979; Schanz, 1980). The terms, definitions, and resource categories of this system were established in 1979 to facili-tate international exchange of mineral-resource data; the United Nations experts sought a system that would be com-patible with the several systems already in use in several countries. Figure 1 shows the United Nations (U.N.) resource classification used in this report. The term “reserves,“ which many would consider to be equivalent to category r1E or R1E, has been interpreted inconsistently and thus has been deliberately avoided in the U.N. classifi-cation. Category R3, undiscovered deposits, is not dealt with in this report.Not all companies or countries report resource data in the same way. Little information is available on tungsten resources in China and the former Soviet Union. Most of the production and resource numbers for these two countries,which together probably have more than half of the world’s resources of tungsten, are estimates.In this report, almost all resource data are quoted as being in place. Mining recovery from an orebody depends on individual conditions and may vary considerably. It typi-cally ranges from 75 to 90 percent for underground mining; that is, 10 to 25 percent of the in-place resources are not recovered from the ground. After mining, additional amounts of economic mineral content are lost in processing (concentrating, milling, and chemical treatment).Overall, an assessment made of mines in market-econ-omy countries has shown that, on average, nearly 69 percent of the tungsten trioxide (WO3) contained in the ground was recovered in marketable form (Anstett and others, 1985, p.40). Tungsten resource information is reported by industry in terms of either “percent W” or “percent WO3.” Unless otherwise specified, information in this report is expressed in percent W. Where necessary, the factor 0.7931 has been used to convert amounts expressed in WO3 to amounts of W.The World Bank economic classification of countries (World Bank, 1996), which is based primarily on gross national product (GNP) per capita, has been used in this and other ISMI reports to illustrate distribution of resources and production according to economic groupings of countries. This classification was chosen because it relies primarily on objective economic criteria and does not contain political-bloc labels that might be perceived differently by different countries.USES AND SUPPLY ASPECTSTungsten is a dense, corrosion-resistant metal and has the highest melting point among metals. When alloyed with other metals or combined with carbon, it increases hardness, durability, and resistance to corrosion for the resultant alloy or compound. Because of these desirable properties, indus-trialized countries consider tungsten essential in metal-cut-ting and oil-well-drilling tools, in ordnance, and in specialized high-temperature items and alloys for the aero-space industry.The world’s metallurgical and chemical industries annually use some 33,000 metric tons of tungsten (U.S. Geological Survey, 1996). Most tungsten goes into tungsten carbide and tungsten alloys for use in machine tools and oil-well-drilling equipment. In the United States, for example, 55 percent of the tungsten consumed in 1995 was used in cutting and wear-resistant materials in welding and hard-facing rods (tungsten carbide). An additional 10 percent was used, in the form of tungsten metal, principally to make lamp filaments, cathodes, and ammunition. The remaining 35 percent went primarily into the manufacture of high-speed and tool-and-die steels, high-temperature and oxida-tion-resistant superalloys, textile dyes, paints, and catalysts.USES AND SUPPLY ASPECTS 3(For a further discussion of tungsten uses, see Stafford (1985).)Scheelite (CaWO 4 ), often called “white ore,” and wol-framite ((Fe,Mn)WO 4 ), commonly known as “black ore,”are the predominant ore minerals of tungsten. Pure scheelite contains 63.9 percent tungsten by weight. The composition of wolframite ranges from the iron-rich variety, ferberite,containing 60.5 percent tungsten, to the manganese-rich variety, huebnerite, which contains 60.8 percent tungsten.Molybdenum can substitute for some of the tungsten in scheelite (up to 2.0 percent molybdenum) and in wolframite (up to 0.1 percent molybdenum).The molybdenum content and amounts of other impu-rities usually determine the end use of a particular tungsten concentrate. Most chemical processors making ammonium paratungstate, an intermediate product in the preparation of ferrotungsten and tungsten carbide, prefer to use concen-trates with low molybdenum content (Ho, 1987), whereas scheelite with a relatively high molybdenum content is attractive to tool-steel makers, who can charge it directly to their steelmaking furnaces.Several materials could take the place of tungsten in most of its applications. Substitution does, however, gener-ally require time for testing and retooling and, in most cases, entails some sacrifice in physical and chemical prop-erties. This affects the performance and overall cost of the product made from the replacement material. Present and potential substitutes for tungsten carbide are titanium car-bide, ceramics, and polycrystalline diamond. The use of coatings of these materials on tungsten carbide inserts in cutting or drilling tools prolongs the life of those items, thus reducing the demand for tungsten.A profitable substitution, made possible by metallurgi-cal advances, is the use of molybdenum to replace tungsten in the manufacture of high-speed steels. Starting in the 1970’s, this substitution greatly reduced the quantity of tungsten used to make these steels, mainly in North America.Figure 1.United Nations resource categories used in this report (modified from Schanz, 1980, p. 313).4INTERNATIONAL STRATEGIC MINERAL ISSUES SUMMARY REPORT—TUNGSTENAs subsequent sections of this report show, tungsten resources, production, and processing plants are irregularly distributed around the world. The natural distribution of tungsten deposits and the geographical history of economic development are such that many industrialized nations import tungsten in a raw form (scheelite or wolframite con-centrate) or an intermediate form (synthetic scheelite, ammonium paratungstate, ferrotungsten, or tungsten metal powder). Historically, two main economic factors have determined world demand for tungsten and consequently world supply: (1) the needs of defense industries, which consider tungsten essential for producing machine tools, ordnance, and superalloys for aircraft engineers, and (2) the requirements of the world’s metal-fabricating and oil-drill-ing industries.During World War I, the first widespread use of tung-sten in armaments, which was eventually accompanied by very high prices, stimulated production in the United States and launched the Chinese tungsten mining industry. Rear-mament in the 1930’s and interruptions to supplies from Burma and China during World War II led to the opening of new mines in Brazil and boosted production in Bolivia, Japan, and Spain.In the 1950’s, during and after the Korean War, the U.S. stockpiling program spurred the development of tung-sten deposits, especially in Australia, Peru, Portugal, and the United States, through its offer of purchase contracts to U.S. and foreign suppliers.Since the early 1970’s, the levels and patterns of world tungsten supply also have been influenced by—•sales of tungsten from the U.S. stockpile;•the increasingly preeminent role of China in world tung-sten production; and•the growing tendency of a number of major producing nations, notably South Korea and China, to shift from the export of concentrates to the production and export of tungsten in intermediate and upgraded/value-added forms such as synthetic scheelite, ammonium paratung-state, ferrotungsten, and tungsten metal powder.In the 1980’s, industrial intermediate and upgraded/ value-added products from China and South Korea were sold to consumers in industrial market countries at prices well below those charged by domestic processors, causing plant closures in those countries. In 1986, for example, all production of ferrotungsten ceased in France and West Ger-many, because it could be imported more cheaply from China (Bunting, 1987). Over the years, tungsten prices have fluctuated to a greater extent than prices for any other widely traded mineral commodity. This fluctuation has led many producers of scheelite and wolframite to open and close their operations in response to price changes. For example, the decline in price of a metric ton unit (7.93 kg tungsten) of wolframite concentrate from a high of US$144 in 1980 to US$20 (not adjusted for inflation) in August 1993 resulted in numerous mine closures (estimated at 85 percent of Western world mine capacity). In some cases, however, tungsten is produced as a coproduct with other commodities such as tin, or as a byproduct in the mining of molybdenum, copper, lead, and zinc. Such mining operations are, of course, less sensitive to fluctuations in the price of tungsten.TYPES OF TUNGSTEN DEPOSITSMajor tungsten deposits in this report are classified as seven types: vein/stockwork, skarn, porphyry, strata-bound, disseminated, placer, and brine/evaporite (table 1). Of rela-tively minor interest are pegmatite, breccia, pipe, and hot spring deposits. All are discussed below. Most of the current mine production of tungsten is from vein/stockwork, skarn, porphyry, and strata-bound deposits. Minor amounts of tungsten are produced from disseminated, pegmatite, brec-cia, and placer deposits. The tungsten content of brine/ evaporite deposits is large, but no tungsten is currently pro-duced from such deposits.Vein/stockwork deposits.—Collectively, vein/stockwork deposits accounted for more than 50 percent of world tung-sten production in 1986, mainly from deposits in ChinaTYPES OF TUNGSTEN DEPOSITS5(southern Jiangxi region), Bolivia, Peru, Portugal, and the former Soviet Union. These deposits typically consist of tungsten-bearing quartz veins or vein stockworks that occur in or near granitic intrusions. Wolframite is commonly the principal tungsten mineral; scheelite is important in some deposits. Tin, copper, molybdenum, and bismuth minerals are also present in some vein/stockwork tungsten deposits and may be economically important.Most vein deposits are relatively small, on the order of a few hundred thousand metric tons of ore; few vein depos-its contain more than 1 million metric tons of ore. Large vein deposits may contain hundreds of minable veins. In stockwork deposits, swarms of parallel to subparallel veins, commonly with interconnecting veins and veinlets, form “sheeted” veins or stockworks that can be exploited by bulk mining methods (as at Mount Carbine, Australia). Such deposits may contain tens to hundreds of millions of metric tons of ore but are generally of low grade (the Mount Car-bine deposit in Australia, for example, contains 0.1 percent WO3). The world's largest known deposit, Verkhne-Kayrakty in the former Soviet Union (872,000 metric tons of tungsten in 1.1 million metric tons of WO3 in the ore), which is shown as a vein/stockwork deposit in figures 2 and 3, consists mainly of a scheelite-bearing stockwork in a granite pluton. In some vein/stockwork deposits, tungsten minerals may also replace altered wall rocks adjacent to veins. The extent of such replacement is generally minor, with the exception of some deposits in carbonate host rocks (such as Morococha, Peru).Skarn deposits.—Skarn deposits accounted for about 30 percent of world tungsten production in 1986, mainly from deposits in Brazil, Canada, the former Soviet Union, Australia, South Korea, Turkey, and the United States. In this report, the term “skarn” refers generally to an assem-blage of calcium-iron-magnesium-aluminum-silicate miner-als that have developed in carbonate-bearing rocks at or near contacts with granitic intrusions. Scheelite is the principal tungsten mineral in skarn deposits and occurs both as dis-seminated grains and in veinlets or fractures. In some tung-sten-bearing skarn deposits, copper, molybdenum, and bismuth minerals are also present and may be economically recoverable.Exploitable skarn deposits generally contain 0.3 to 1.5 percent WO3and range in size from hundreds to millions of metric tons of ore. They include some of the world's largest tungsten deposits, such as Mactung in Canada and Tyrnyauz and V ostok-2 in the former Soviet Union.Porphyry deposits.—Porphyry deposits overall accounted for about 6 percent of world tungsten production in 1986. Such deposits consist of large, equidimensional to irregular stockwork zones of tungsten-bearing veins, vein-lets, and fractures that occur in or near epizonal to subvolca-nic felsic granitic intrusions. Mineralized breccia zones, either irregular or pipe shaped, may also be present. Tung-sten occurs as wolframite or scheelite, and in some deposits both minerals may be present. Molybdenum is commonly present in porphyry tungsten deposits and may represent a viable coproduct or byproduct. Small amounts of tungsten are present in some porphyry molybdenum deposits (such as Climax, United States, where it has been an important byproduct) and in porphyry tin deposits (such as Chorolque, Bolivia).Porphyry deposits typically are hundreds of meters across and tens to hundreds of meters thick and contain tens to hundreds of millions of metric tons of ore. Nonetheless, such deposits are currently only of marginal economic inter-est because their average grade is low (about 0.1 to 0.4 per-cent WO3); for example, a mining operation in the Mount Pleasant deposit in Canada started in April 1984 and closed in July 1985 even though it still contains more than 8 mil-lion metric tons of material averaging 0.4 percent WO3 as well as molybdenum, tin, and other potentially recoverable metals. Yet, because of their large size, porphyry deposits represent significant tungsten resources for the future. Important examples are the Lianhuashan, Yangchuling, and Xingluokeng deposits in China (fig. 4). The Logtung deposit in Yukon Territory, Canada, containing 168,000 metric tons of tungsten in 162 million metric tons of material averaging 0.13 percent WO3, might be exploited some decades from now.Strata-bound deposits.—Production from strata-bound deposits in 1986 was less than 5 percent of world tungsten production. Mittersill, Austria, and possibly Damingshan, China, where the current production status could not be ascertained, are the main deposits. In this report, the term “strata-bound” refers to deposits in which the distribution of tungsten minerals is strongly controlled by bedding in the host rocks and for which a syngenetic origin may be inferred. It does not include skarn deposits, which may be largely controlled by host-rock lithology but are essentially epigenetic. However, many strata-bound deposits appear to have been affected by later mobilization and reconcentra-tion, and a syngenetic origin for such deposits, including Mittersill, is questionable. Strata-bound deposits range in size from one to tens of millions of metric tons of ore, with average grade ranging from 0.2 to 1 percent WO3.Disseminated deposits.—Output from disseminated deposits in 1986 probably amounted to less than 1 percent of total world tungsten production, although some of the known deposits are moderately large. The best examples of this type of deposit are the Hub stock in the Krasno deposit in the Czech Republic, the Spokoinyi deposit in the former Soviet Union, and the Torrington deposit in Australia. Tung-sten is recovered also from some disseminated tin deposits such as Zaaiplaats in South Africa. Most disseminated deposits consist of tungsten minerals disseminated in altered (greisenized) granite. Tungsten generally occurs as wolframite; scheelite may be important in some deposits. Disseminated deposits may contain tens of millions of met-。
1.1 Opera(歌剧)•S.1, Don Sanche, ou Le château de l'amour (1824–25) 歌剧《唐切桑》1.2 Sacred Choral Works(神圣的合唱作品)•S.2, The Legend of St. Elisabeth (1857–62) 清唱剧《圣伊丽莎白传奇》•S.3, Christus (1855–67) 清唱剧《基督》•S.4, Cantico del sol di Francesco d'Assisi [first/second version] (1862, 1880–81) 清唱剧《阿西西的圣方济圣歌》•S.5, Die heilige Cäcilia (1874)•S.6, Die Glocken des Strassburger Münsters (Longfellow) (1874)•S.7, Cantantibus organis (1879)•S.8, Missa quattuor vocum ad aequales concinente organo [first/second version] (1848, 1869)•S.9, Missa solennis zur Einweihung der Basilika in Gran (Gran Mass) [first/second version] (1855, 1857–58)•S.10, Missa choralis, organo concinente (1865)•S.11, Hungarian Coronation Mass (1866–67)•S.12, Requiem (1867–68)•S.13, Psalm 13 (Herr, wie lange ?) [first/second/third verion] (1855, 1858, 1862)•S.14, Psalm 18 (Coeli enarrant) (1860)•S.15, Psalm 23 (Mein Gott, der ist mein Hirt) [first version: chorus, soloist & orchestra] [second version: chorus, soloist & violin, piano, harp, organ] (1859, 1862)•S.15a, Psalm 116 (Laudate Dominum) (1869)•S.16, Psalm 129 (De profundis) (1880–83)•S.17, Psalm 137 (By the Rivers of Babylon) [first/second version] (1859–62)•S.18, Five choruses with French texts [5 choruses] (1840–49)•S.19, Hymne de l'enfant à son réveil (Lamartine) [first/second version] (1847, 1862)•S.20, Ave Maria I [first/second version] (1846, 1852)•S.21, Pater noster II [first/second version] (1846, 1848)•S.22, Pater noster IV (1850)•S.23, Domine salvum fac regem (1853)•S.24, Te Deum II (1853?)•S.25, Beati pauperes spiritu (Die Seligkeiten) (1853)•S.26, Festgesang zur Eröffnung der zehnten allgemeinen deutschen Lehrerversammlung (1858)•S.27, Te Deum I (1867)•S.28, An den heiligen Franziskus von Paula (b. 1860)•S.29, Pater noster I (b. 1860)•S.30, Responsorien und Antiphonen [5 sets] (1860)•S.31, Christus ist geboren I [first/second version] (1863?)•S.32, Christus ist geboren II [first/second version] (1863?)•S.33, Slavimo Slavno Slaveni! [first/second version] (1863, 1866)•S.34, Ave maris stella [first/second version] (1865–66, 1868)•S.35, Crux! (Guichon de Grandpont) (1865)•S.36, Dall' alma Roma (1866)•S.37, Mihi autem adhaerere (from Psalm 73) (1868)•S.38, Ave Maria II (1869)•S.39, Inno a Maria Vergine (1869)•S.40, O salutaris hostia I (1869?)•S.41, Pater noster III [first/second version] (1869)•S.42, Tantum ergo [first/second version] (1869)•S.43, O salutaris hostia II (1870?)•S.44, Ave verum corpus (1871)•S.45, Libera me (1871)•S.46, Anima Christi sanctifica me [first/second version] (1874, ca. 1874)•S.47, St Christopher. Legend (1881)•S.48, Der Herr bewahret die Seelen seiner Heiligen (1875)•S.49, Weihnachtslied (O heilige Nacht) (a. 1876)•S.50, 12 Alte deutsche geistliche Weisen (Chorales) [12 chorals] (ca. 1878-79) •S.51, Gott sei uns gnädig und barmherzig (1878)•S.52, Septem Sacramenta. Responsoria com organo vel harmonio concinente (1878) •S.53, Via Crucis (1878–79)•S.54, O Roma nobilis (1879)•S.55, Ossa arida (1879)•S.56, Rosario [4 chorals] (1879)•S.57, In domum Domino imibus (1884?)•S.58, O sacrum convivium (1884?)•S.59, Pro Papa (ca. 1880)•S.60, Zur Trauung. Geistliche Vermählungsmusik (Ave Maria III) (1883)•S.61, Nun danket alle Gott (1883)•S.62, Mariengarten (b. 1884)•S.63, Qui seminant in lacrimis (1884)•S.64, Pax vobiscum! (1885)•S.65, Qui Mariam absolvisti (1885)•S.66, Salve Regina (1885)• 1.3 Secular Choral Works(世俗的合唱作品)•S.67, Beethoven Cantata No. 1: Festkantate zur Enthüllung (1845)•S.68, Beethoven Cantata No. 2: Zur Säkularfeier Beethovens (1869–70)•S.69, Chöre zu Herders Entfesseltem Prometheus (1850)•S.70, An die Künstler (Schiller) [first/second/third verion] (1853, 1853, 1856)•S.71, Gaudeamus igitur. Humoreske (1869)•S.72, Vierstimmige Männergesänge [4 chorals] (for Mozart-Stiftung) (1841)•S.73, Es war einmal ein König (1845)•S.74, Das deutsche Vaterland (1839)•S.75, Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh (Goethe) [first/second version] (1842, 1849)•S.76, Das düstre Meer umrauscht mich (1842)•S.77, Die lustige Legion (A. Buchheim) (1846)•S.78, Trinkspruch (1843)•S.79, Titan (Schobert) (1842–47)•S.80, Les quatre éléments (Autran) (1845)•S.81, Le forgeron (de Lamennais) (1845)•S.82, Arbeiterchor (de Lamennais?) (1848)•S.83, Ungaria-Kantate (Hungaria 1848 Cantata) (1848)•S.84, Licht, mehr Licht (1849)•S.85, Chorus of Angels from Goethe's Faust (1849)•S.86, Festchor zur Enthüllung des Herder-Dankmals in Weimar (A. Schöll) (1850)•S.87, Weimars Volkslied (Cornelius) [6 versions] (1857)•S.88, Morgenlied (Hoffmann von Fallersleben) (1859)•S.89, Mit klingendem Spiel (1859–62 ?)•S.90, Für Männergesang [12 chorals] (1842–60)•S.91, Das Lied der Begeisterung. A lelkesedes dala (1871)•S.92, Carl August weilt mit uns. Festgesang zur Enthüllung des Carl-August-Denkmals in Weimar am 3 September 1875 (1875)•S.93, Ungarisches Königslied. Magyar Király-dal (Ábrányi) [6 version] (1883)•S.94, Gruss (1885?)1.4 Orchestral Works(管弦乐作品)1.4.1 Symphonic Poems(交响诗)•S.95, Poème symphonique No. 1, Ce qu'on entend sur la montagne (Berg Symphonie) [first/second/third version] (1848–49, 1850, 1854) 第一交响诗山间所闻•S.96, Poème symphonique No. 2, Tasso, Lamento e Trionfo [first/second/third version] (1849, 1850–51, 1854) 《塔索,哀叹与胜利》•S.97, Poème symphonique No. 3, Les Préludes (1848) 第三交响诗“前奏曲”•S.98, Poème symphonique No. 4, Orpheus (1853–54) 第四交响诗《奥菲欧》•S.99, Poème symphonique No. 5, Prometheus [first/second version] (1850, 1855) 第五交响诗《普罗米修斯》•S.100, Poème symphonique No. 6, Mazeppa [first/second version] (1851, b. 1854) 第六交响诗《马捷帕》•S.101, Poème symphonique No. 7, Festklänge [revisions added to 1863 pub] (1853) 第七交响诗《节日之声》•S.102, Poème symphonique No. 8, Héroïde funèbre [first/second version] (1849–50, 1854) 第八交响诗《英雄的葬礼》•S.103, Poème symphonique No. 9, Hungaria (1854) 第九交响诗《匈牙利》•S.104, Poème symphonique No. 10, Hamlet (1858) 第十交响《哈姆雷特》•S.105, Poème symphonique No. 11, Hunnenschlacht (1856–57) 第十一交响诗《匈奴之战》•S.106, Poème symphonique No. 12, Die Ideale (1857) 第十二交响诗《理想》•S.107, Poème symphonique No. 13, Von der Wiege bis zum Grabe (From the Cradle to the Grave) (1881–82) 第十三交响诗《从摇篮到坟墓》1.4.2 Other Orchestral Works(其他管弦乐作品)•S.108, Eine Faust-Symphonie [first/second version] (1854, 1861)•S.109, Eine Symphonie zu Dante's Divina Commedia (1855–56)•S.110, Deux épisodes d'apres le Faust de Lenau [2 pieces] (1859–61)•S.111, Zweite Mephisto Waltz (1881)•S.112, Trois Odes Funèbres [3 pieces] (1860–66)•S.113, Salve Polonia (1863)•S.114, Künstlerfestzug zur Schillerfeier (1857)•S.115, Festmarsch zur Goethejubiläumsfeier [first/second version] (1849, 1857)•S.116, Festmarsch nach Motiven von E.H.z.S.-C.-G. (1857)•S.117, Rákóczy March (1865)•S.118, Ungarischer Marsch zur Krönungsfeier in Ofen-Pest (am 8 Juni 1867) (1870)•S.119, Ungarischer Sturmmarsch (1875)1.5 Piano and Orchestra(钢琴与乐队)•S.120, Grande Fantaisie Symphonique on themes from Berlioz Lélio (1834)•S.121, Malédiction (with string orchestra) (1833) 诅咒钢琴与弦乐队•S.122, Fantasie über Beethovens Ruinen von Athen [first/second version] (1837?, 1849) •S.123, Fantasie über ungarische Volksmelodien (1852) 匈牙利民歌主题幻想曲为钢琴与乐队而作•S.124, Piano Concerto No. 1 in E flat [first/second version] (1849, 1856) 降E大调第一钢琴协奏曲•S.125, Piano Concerto No. 2 in A major [first/second version] (1839, 1849) A大调第二钢琴协奏曲•S.125a, Piano Concerto No. 3 in E flat (1836–39)•S.126, Totentanz. Paraphrase on Dies Irae [Feruccio Busoni's 'De Profundis'/final version] (1849, 1859) 死之舞为钢琴与乐队而作•S.126a, Piano Concerto "In the Hungarian Style" [probably by Sophie Menter] (1885)1.6 Chamber Music(室内乐等)S.126b, Zwei Waltzer [2 pieces] (1832)•S.127, Duo (Sonata) - Sur des thèmes polonais (1832-35 ?)•S.128, Grand duo concertant sur la romance de font Le Marin [first/second version] (ca.1835-37, 1849)•S.129, Epithalam zu Eduard. Reményis Vermählungsfeier (1872)•S.130, Élégie No. 1 [first/second/third version] (1874)•S.131, Élégie No. 2 (1877)•S.132, Romance oubliée (1880)•S.133, Die Wiege (1881?)•S.134, La lugubre gondola [first/second version] (1883?, 1885?)•S.135, Am Grabe Richard Wagners (1883)1.7 Piano Solo1.7.1 Studies(钢琴练习曲)•S.136, Études en douze exercices dans tous les tons majeurs et mineurs [first version, 12 pieces] (1826) 12首钢琴练习曲•S.137, Douze grandes études [second version, 12 pieces] (1837) 《12首超技练习曲》•S.138, Mazeppa [intermediate version of S137/4] (1840) 练习曲“玛捷帕”•S.139, Douze études d'exécution transcendante [final version, 12 pieces] (1852) 12首超技练习曲•S.140, Études d'exécution transcendante d'après Paganini [first version, 6 pieces] (1838) 帕格尼尼超技练习曲•S.141, Grandes études de Paganini [second version, 6 pieces] (1851) 6首帕格尼尼大练习曲•S.142, Morceau de salon, Étude de perfectionnement [Ab Irato, first version] (1840) 高级练习曲“沙龙小品”•S.143, Ab Irato, Étude de perfectionnement [second version] (1852) 高级练习曲“愤怒”•S.144, Trois études de concert [3 pieces] (1848?) 3首音乐会练习曲1. Il lamento2. La leggierezza3. Un sospiro•S.145, Zwei Konzertetüden [2 pieces] (1862–63) 2首音乐会练习曲1. Waldesrauschen2. Gnomenreigen•S.146, Technische Studien [68 studies] (ca. 1868-80) 钢琴技巧练习1.7.2 Various Original Works(各种原创作品)•S.147, Variation on a Waltz by Diabelli (1822) 狄亚贝利圆舞曲主题变奏曲•S.148, Huit variations (1824?) 降A大调原创主题变奏曲•S.149, Sept variations brillantes dur un thème de G. Rossini (1824?)•S.150, Impromptu brilliant sur des thèmes de Rossini et Spontini (1824) 罗西尼与斯蓬蒂尼主题即兴曲•S.151, Allegro di bravura (1824) 华丽的快板•S.152, Rondo di bravura (1824) 华丽回旋曲•S.152a, Klavierstück (?)•S.153, Scherzo in G minor (1827) g小调谐谑曲•S.153a, Marche funèbre (1827)•S.153b, Grand solo caractèristique d'apropos une chansonette de Panseron [private collection, score inaccessible] (1830–32) [1]•S.154, Harmonies poétiques et religieuses [Pensée des morts, first version] (1833, 1835) 宗教诗情曲•S.155, Apparitions [3 pieces] (1834) 显现三首钢琴小品•S.156, Album d'un voyageur [3 sets; 7, 9, 3 pieces] (1835–38) 旅行者札记•S.156a, Trois morceaux suisses [3 pieces] (1835–36)•S.157, Fantaisie romantique sur deux mélodies suisses (1836) 浪漫幻想曲•S.157a, Sposalizio (1838–39)•S.157b, Il penseroso [first version] (1839)•S.157c, Canzonetta del Salvator Rosa [first version] (1849)•S.158, Tre sonetti del Petrarca [3 pieces, first versions of S161/4-6] (1844–45) 3首彼特拉克十四行诗•S.158a, Paralipomènes à la Divina Commedia [Dante Sonata original 2 movement version] (1844–45)•S.158b, Prologomènes à la Divina Commedia [Dante Sonata second version] (1844–45)•S.158c, Adagio in C major (Dante Sonata albumleaf) (1844–45)•S.159, Venezia e Napoli [first version, 4 pieces] (1840?) 威尼斯和拿波里•S.160, Années de pèlerinage. Première année; Suisse [9 pieces] (1848–55) 旅行岁月(第一集)- 瑞士游记•S.161, Années de pèlerinage. Deuxième année; Italie [7 pieces] (1839–49) 旅行岁月(第二集)- 意大利游记•S.162, Venezia e Napoli. Supplément aux Années de pèlerinage 2de volume [3 pieces] (1860) 旅行岁月(第二集补遗)- 威尼斯和拿波里•S.162a, Den Schutz-Engeln (Angelus! Prière à l'ange gardien) [4 drafts] (1877–82) •S.162b, Den Cypressen der Villa d'Este - Thrénodie II [first draft] (1882)•S.162c, Sunt lacrymae rerum [first version] (1872)•S.162d, Sunt lacrymae rerum [intermediate version] (1877)•S.162e, En mémoire de Maximilian I [Marche funèbre first version] (1867)•S.162f, Postludium - Nachspiel - Sursum corda! [first version] (1877)•S.163, Années de pèlerinage. Troisième année [7 pieces] (1867–77) 旅行岁月(第三集)•S.163a, Album-Leaf: Andantino pour Emile et Charlotte Loudon (1828) [2] 降E大调纪念册的一页•S.163a/1, Album Leaf in F sharp minor (1828)降E大调纪念册的一页•S.163b, Album-Leaf (Ah vous dirai-je, maman) (1833)•S.163c, Album-Leaf in C minor (Pressburg) (1839)•S.163d, Album-Leaf in E major (Leipzig) (1840)•S.164, Feuille d'album No. 1 (1840) E大调纪念册的一页•S.164a, Album Leaf in E major (Vienna) (1840)•S.164b, Album Leaf in E flat (Leipzig) (1840)•S.164c, Album-Leaf: Exeter Preludio (1841)•S.164d, Album-Leaf in E major (Detmold) (1840)•S.164e, Album-Leaf: Magyar (1841)•S.164f, Album-Leaf in A minor (Rákóczi-Marsch) (1841)•S.164g, Album-Leaf: Berlin Preludio (1842)•S.165, Feuille d'album (in A flat) (1841) 降A大调纪念册的一页•S.166, Albumblatt in waltz form (1841) A大调圆舞曲风格纪念册的一页•S.166a, Album Leaf in E major (1843)•S.166b, Album-Leaf in A flat (Portugal) (1844)•S.166c, Album-Leaf in A flat (1844)•S.166d, Album-Leaf: Lyon prélude (1844)•S.166e, Album-Leaf: Prélude omnitonique (1844)•S.166f, Album-Leaf: Braunschweig preludio (1844)•S.166g, Album-Leaf: Serenade (1840–49)•S.166h, Album-Leaf: Andante religioso (1846)•S.166k, Album Leaf in A major: Friska (ca. 1846-49)•S.166m-n, Albumblätter für Prinzessin Marie von Sayn-Wittgenstein (1847)•S.167, Feuille d'album No. 2 [Die Zelle in Nonnenwerth, third version] (1843) a小调纪念册的一页•S.167a, Ruhig [catalogue error; see Strauss/Tausig introduction and coda]•S.167b, Miniatur Lieder [score not accessible at present] (?)•S.167c, Album-Leaf (from the Agnus Dei of the Missa Solennis, S9) (1860–69)•S.167d, Album-Leaf (from the symphonic poem Orpheus, S98) (1860)•S.167e, Album-Leaf (from the symphonic poem Die Ideale, S106) (1861)•S.167f, Album Leaf in G major (ca. 1860)•S.168, Elégie sur des motifs du Prince Louis Ferdinand de Prusse [first/second version] (1842, 1851) 悲歌•S.168a, Andante amoroso (1847?)•S.169, Romance (O pourquoi donc) (1848) e小调浪漫曲•S.170, Ballade No. 1 in D flat (Le chant du croisé) (1845–48) 叙事曲一•S.170a, Ballade No. 2 [first draft] (1853)•S.171, Ballade No. 2 in B minor (1853) 叙事曲二•S.171a, Madrigal (Consolations) [first series, 6 pieces] (1844)•S.171b, Album Leaf or Consolation No. 1 (1870–79)•S.171c, Prière de l'enfant à son reveil [first version] (1840)•S.171d, Préludes et harmonies poétiques et religie (1845)•S.171e, Litanies de Marie [first version] (1846–47)•S.172, Consolations (Six penseés poétiques) (1849–50) 6首安慰曲•S.172a, Harmonies poétiques et religieuses [1847 cycle] (1847)•S.172a/3&4, Hymne du matin, Hymne de la nuit [formerly S173a] (1847)•S.173, Harmonies poétiques et religieuses [second version] (1845–52) 诗与宗教的和谐•S.174, Berceuse [first/second version] (1854, 1862) 摇篮曲•S.175, Deux légendes [2 pieces] (1862–63) 2首传奇•1. St. François d'Assise. La prédication aux oiseaux (Preaching to the Birds)•2. St. François de Paule marchant sur les flots (Walking on the Waves)•S.175a, Grand solo de concert [Grosses Konzertsolo, first version] (1850)•S.176, Grosses Konzertsolo [second version] (1849–50 ?) 独奏大协奏曲•S.177, Scherzo and March (1851) 谐谑曲与进行曲•S.178, Piano Sonata in B minor (1852–53) b小调钢琴奏鸣曲•S.179, Prelude after a theme from Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen by J. S. Bach (1859) 前奏曲“哭泣、哀悼、忧虑、恐惧”S.179 - 根据巴赫第12康塔塔主题而作•S.180, Variations on a theme from Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen by J. S. Bach (1862) 巴赫康塔塔主题变奏曲•S.181, Sarabande and Chaconne from Handel's opera Almira (1881)•S.182, Ave Maria - Die Glocken von Rom (1862) 圣母颂“罗马的钟声”•S.183, Alleluia et Ave Maria [2 pieces] (1862) 哈利路亚与圣母颂•S.184, Urbi et orbi. Bénédiction papale (1864)•S.185, Vexilla regis prodeunt (1864)•S.185a, Weihnachtsbaum [first version, 12 pieces] (1876)•S.186, Weihnachtsbaum [second version, 12 pieces] (1875–76) 钢琴曲集《圣诞树》•S.187, Sancta Dorothea (1877) 圣多萝西娅•S.187a, Resignazione [first/second version] (1877)•S.188, In festo transfigurationis Domini nostri Jesu Christi (1880) 我主耶稣基督之变形•S.189, Klavierstück No. 1 (1866)•S.189a, Klavierstück No. 2 (1845)•S.189b, Klavierstück (?)•S.190, Un portrait en musique de la Marquise de Blocqueville (1868)•S.191, Impromptu (1872) 升F大调即兴曲“夜曲”•S.192, Fünf Klavierstücke (for Baroness von Meyendorff) [5 pieces] (1865–79) 5首钢琴小品•S.193, Klavierstuck (in F sharp major) (a. 1860) 升F大调钢琴小品•S.194, Mosonyis Grabgeleit (Mosonyi gyázmenete) (1870) 在莫佐尼墓前•S.195, Dem andenken Petofis (Petofi Szellemenek) (1877) 纪念裴多菲•S.195a, Schlummerlied im Grabe [Elegie No 1, first version] (1874)•S.196, Élégie No. 1 (1874)•S.196a, Entwurf der Ramann-Elegie [Elegie No 2, first draft] (1877)•S.197, Élégie No. 2 (1877)•S.197a, Toccata (1879–81) 托卡塔•S.197b, National Hymne - Kaiser Wilhelm! (1876)•S.198, Wiegenlied (Chant du herceau) (1880) 摇篮曲•S.199, Nuages gris (Trübe Wolken) (1881) 灰色的云•S.199a, La lugubre gondola I (Der Trauergondol) [Vienna draft] (1882)•S.200, La lugubre gondola [2 pieces] (1882, 1885) 葬礼小船。
stochastic calculus for fractional brownian motion and related processes附录
kH (t, u)dWu = CH Γ (1 + α)
α (I− 1(0,t) )(x)dWx
(see Lemma 1.1.3). Therefore, the first equality is evident, since
0 R t
(kH (t, u))2 x)α )2 dx +
k n
C . n2
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Num.Chinese Name1《乱世佳人》2《卡萨布兰卡》3《新桥恋人》4《罗马假日》5《一个男人和一个女人》6《爱情故事》7《情书》8《人鬼情未了》9《泰坦尼克号》10《红高梁》11《魂断蓝桥》12《甜蜜蜜》13《英国病人》14《当哈里遇上莎莉》15《秋天的童话》16《时光倒流七十年》17《纯真年代》18《邮差》19《大话西游》20《钢琴课》21《大鼻子情圣》22《阳光灿烂的日子》23《四个婚礼和一个葬礼》24《惊情四百年》25《活着的肉体》26《月色撩人》27《一夜风流》28《朱尔和吉姆》29《东京日和》30《柏林苍穹下》31《西雅图夜未眠》32《城市之光》33《霸王别姬》34《剪刀手爱德华》35《那年夏天,最宁静的海》36《欲望号街车》37《走出非洲》38《离开拉斯维加斯》39《法国中尉的女人》40《真正的、疯狂的、深沉的》41《小城之春》42《巴黎野玫瑰》43《廊桥遗梦》44《邦妮与克莱德》45《八月照相馆》46《胭脂扣》47《莎翁情史》48《看得见风景的房间》49《爱情万岁》50《莉莉.玛莲》51《广岛之恋》52《鸳梦重温》53《性,谎言和录像带》54《危险的关系》55《重庆森林》56《杀手莱昂》57《三色之白色》58《洛丽塔》59《漂亮女人》60《安娜.卡列妮娜》61《玛丽娅.布劳恩的婚姻》62《理智与情感》63《滚滚红尘》64《安妮.霍尔》65《简.爱》66《印度支那》67《芳芳》68《性爱宝典》69《欲望法则》70《本能》71《云上的日子》72《失乐园》73《呼啸山庄》74《感官王国》75《巴黎最后的探戈》76《绿卡》77《致命的诱惑》78《春光乍泄》79《亨利和琼》80《情人》81《香港制造》82《悲歌一曲》83《冲撞》84《夜访吸血鬼》85《捆着我,困着我》86《爱情重伤》87《玻璃之城》88《蒂凡尼的早餐》89《色情酒店》90《苦月亮》91《鸽之翼》92《布拉格之恋》93《美人计》94《花样年华》95《萨布里娜》96《恋恋风尘》97《乳房与月亮》98《情断巴黎》99《爱有天意》100《刘三姐》English Name Year Nation Gone With The Wind 1939美国Casablanca1942美国Les Amants Du pont-Neuf1991美国Roman Holiday 1953美国I Un homme et une femme1966法国Love Story 1970美国Love Letter 1995日本Ghost 1990美国Titanic 1997美国Red Sorghum 1987中国Waterloo Bridge 1940美国Almost a Love Story 1997香港The English Patient 1996美国When Harry Met Sally1980美国The Autumn's Tale 1987香港Somewhere IN Time 1980美国The Age Of Innocence 1993美国The Postman 1994法国,意大利Chinese Odyssey 1995中国(香港) The Piano 1993澳大利亚Cyrano De Bergerac1990法国In the Beat Of the Sun1994中国Four Weddings And Funeral 1994英国Dram Stoker’s Dracula 1992美国Live Flesh 1997班牙 Moonstruck 1987美国It Happened One Night 1934美国Jules And Jim 1962法国Tokyo Biyori 1987日本Wings Of Desire 1987法国,西德Sleepless in Seattle 1993美国City Lights 1931美国Farewell,My Concubine 1993中国Edward Scissorhands1990美国1981日本Streetcar Named Desire 1951美国Out of Africa 1985美国Leaving Las Vegas 1995美国The French Lieutenant's Woman 1981美国Truly Madly Deeply 1991英国Spring in a Small Town 1948中国37o2 1e matin1986法国The Bridges Of Madison County1995美国Bonnie and Clyde 1967美国Christmas In August1999韩国Rouge 1987中国香港Shakespeare h Love 1998美国,英国Room With A View 1986英国Vive L’Amour 1994中国(台湾) Lili Marleen1981联邦德国Hiroshima Mon amou1959法国,日本Random Harvest1942美国Sex,Lies And Videotape 1989美国Dangerous Liaisons1998美国,英国Chung King Express 1994中国(香港) leon1994法国,美国Trois Couleurs:Blanc1994法国Lolita1962美国Pretty Woman 1990美国Anna Karenina1935美国The Marriage Of Maria Braun 1979德国Sense And Sensibility1995美国,英国Red Dust 1990中国(香港) Annie Hall 1977美国Jane Eyre1944美国Indochina1992法国Fanfan1993法国Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex 1972美国Law of Desire 1987西班牙Rasic Instinct1992美国Beyond The Clouds1995法国,意大利Lost Paradise1997日本Wuthering Heights 1939美国In The Realm Of The Senses 1976日本Last Tango In Paris 1972法国Green Card 1990澳大利亚Fatal Attraction1987美国Happy Together 1997中国(香港) Henry&June1990美国The Lover1991法国,越南Made In Hong Kong 1997中国(香港) Sopyonje1992韩国Crash1996加拿大,法国 Interview with the Vampire1994美国Tie Me Up !Tie Me Down! 1990西班牙Damage1992法国,英国City Of Glass 1998中国(香港) Breakfast At Tiffany’s1961美国Exotica1994加拿大Luns De Fled1992美国The Wings Of The Dove1997美国,英国The Unbearable Lightness Of Being 1988美国Notorious1946美国In the Mood For Love 2000中国(香港) Sabrina1954美国Bust In The Wind 1987中国(台湾) The Tit And the Moon1994西班牙the Last Time I Saw Paris1954法国2003韩国1960中国brief description诗史般的爱情,经典中的经典亨弗莱.鲍嘉和英格丽.褒曼的个人魅两个流浪汉之间自由、绚烂的爱情赫本与派克,浪漫而忧伤的节奏与故事法国式的爱情,有一种风格化的迷幻和冷酷,纯真而迷人游离于70年代之外的一种真情纯真,是每个人最值得珍藏的记忆人与幽灵的真爱,动人一份让少男少女撕心裂肺的爱情让我们体会到一种失去的狂野与壮烈悲剧,歌声,一个具有非凡魅力的女人爱情,失去和拥有只在转瞬之间一种令人放弃一切的爱情为我们提出了一个问题“没有性的爱情真自存在吗?”淡淡的,淡淡的忧伤怀旧,让我们体会在时光中穿梭的爱情中世纪的样板爱情有一种爱情如地中海的清风,诗一般醇正很简单,它能让我们放肆地笑,淋漓地哭钢琴,哑女,一段异乎寻常、却震撼人心的恋情纯净的诗歌与心灵朦胧、灿烂、充满清新气息又令人疯狂的爱情英国式的喜剧,自然,清新,令人在笑声中感觉爱情一份僵尸的爱,令人痛入骨髓色彩绚烂,感情丰富,刻画了因爱而萌发难以想像,喜剧会有如此的张力和幻想感和《罗马假日》一样,给人一种童话般美妙两男一女的奇妙关系琐碎、细腻,却充满温情天使的爰情,这是最动人的一部浪漫,一种渗透着神秘的浪漫卓别林式的爱情,令人笑中含泪戏中的女人,戏外的男人,一个充满矛盾与冲突的情欲世界另一部爱情童话,机器人的爱情寂静,令人窒息和感动的寂静诗一般的对白,谜一样的女人,一段令人心碎的故事田园诗一般的纯洁气息一个酒鬼,一个妓女,却萌发了一段令人垂泪的真情神秘感。
Autodesk CFD软件使用教程:建筑火灾和烟雾模拟说明书
BLD 195948Autodesk CFD for Fire and Smoke Simulation in BuildingsDr. Munirajulu. ML&T Construction, Larsen & Toubro LimitedDescriptionThis class will cover the use of Autodesk CFD software as a design analysis tool for fire and smoke simulation in buildings. We will examine how fire contaminant and smoke generation is modeled, and take you through the procedures and techniques necessary to obtain an efficient solution. You will learn how to identify design risk from the results visualization of smoke and temperature from the simulation. We will show you how to evaluate smoke-free height, tenable temperature, and smoke visibility to meet life-safety goals. Based on the Autodesk CFD results, you will understand how you can gain insight into behavior of smoke from fire, and make good design decisions to minimize smoke hazards. We will also highlight benefits and limitations of smoke simulation in relation to real-world fire scenarios. Finally, you will be able to relate the procedures and techniques described here for large spaces such as atria, convention centers, shopping malls, exhibition halls, airport terminals, and sports arenas.SpeakerDr. Munirajulu. M, B.Tech and Ph.D. from IIT, Kharagpur, India, has more than 22 years of direct and indirect involvement with CFD technology as a design analysis tool in areas such as HVAC, Automotive, Fluid Handling Equipment, Steam turbines and boilers. He has been with Larsen & Toubro Limited since 2005 and prior to this, he has worked with ABB Limited and Alstom Projects India Limited for about 9 years. His professional interests include state of the art CAE technologies (CAD, CFD and FEA). Currently he is responsible for CFD analysis in MEP design related to commercial buildings and airports in L&T Construction, Larsen & Toubro Limited, Chennai. He has been using Autodesk CFD Simulation software for HVAC and MEP applications in areas such as thermal comfort, data center cooling, basement car park ventilation, DG room ventilation effectiveness, rain water free surface flow for roof design, and smoke simulation in buildings in design stage as well as for trouble shooting. He has published 4 nos. of technical papers in international journals of repute and has been a speaker at technical conferences including AU 2017.Learning Objectives• Learn how fire and smoke is modeled • Visualize and Highlight key results• Gain insight into making good design decisions • Understand Benefits and limitationsContentsAutodesk CFD for Fire and Smoke Simulation in Buildings (1)Key word– Life Safety. (4)Back to basics (4)Fire Triangle/ Tetrahedron (4)Stages of fire (5)How fire spreads (6)Effects of uncontrolled fire (7)Hot smoke and life safety—what does temperature do? (7)Smoke contaminant and life safety – what does smoke do? (8)Loss due to fire (8)Objective 1: Fire and smoke modeling using Autodesk CFD (9)Fire safety strategy (9)Codes / standards used (9)General practice of smoke simulation (10)Building geometry: Retail shopping mall (11)Material properties (12)Boundary conditions (13)Mesh details (14)Initial conditions (15)Solver settings (15)Objective 2: Key results for final design (16)What do we look for in CFD analysis? (16)Smoke development (17)Key result 1: Smoke visibility (18)Temperature development (19)Key Result 2: Smoke temperature (20)Air flow field development (20)Key result 3: Air flow field (21)Outcome for final design (22)Objective 3: Insights from CFD analysis for good design decisions (22)Challenges in design..... . (22)Comparison of smoke control zones (23)Comparison of smoke visibility (24)Comparison of smoke temperature (25)Comparison of air/smoke flow field (25)Optimize smoke exhaust system design... summary . (26)More examples: (27)Objective 4: Benefits and limitations (27)Benefits: (27)Limitations: (27)Key word– Life Safety.We are going to look at what would ensure safety of people in a Retail shopping mallbuilding based on CFD analysis to understand smoke and temperature development in the event of fire.Back to basicsBefore we jump into the fire modeling using CFD, let us look at some basics •Fire triangle/ tetrahedron•Stages of fire•What is fire dynamics? How does fire spread?Fire Triangle/ Tetrahedron•The fire triangle identifies thethree needed components offire:•fuel (something that will burn)•heat (enough to make the fuelburn)•and air (oxygen)• a fourth component – theuninhibited chain reaction/news-and-research/news-and-media/press-room/reporters-guide-to-fire-and-nfpa/all-about-fireFire Triangle – Controlled firehttps:///wiki/Fire_triangleFire Tetrahedron – Uncontrolled fireStages of fire•Ignition: Fuel, oxygen andheat join together in asustained chemical reaction.•Growth: With the initial flameas a heat source, additionalfuel ignites. The size of the fireincreases and the plumereaches the ceiling.•Fully developed: Fire hasspread over much of fuel;temperatures reach their peak•Decay (burnout): The fireconsumes available fuel,temperatures decrease, firegets less intense.How fire spreadsFire spreads by transferring the heat energy from the flames in three different ways: - •Conduction: The passage of heat energy through or within a material because of direct contact, such as a burning wastebasket heating a nearby couch, which ignites and heats the drapes hanging behind, until they too burst into flames.•Convection: The flow of fluid or gas from hot areas to cooler areas.•Radiation: Heat traveling via electromagnetic waves, without objects or gases carrying it along. Radiated heat goes out in all directions, unnoticed until it strikes an object.ConductionConvectionhttps:///%3Cfront%3E/fire-dynamicsRadiationEffects of uncontrolled fire•Human loss•Structural damage•Material damage•Disruption of work•Financial lossesHot smoke and life safety—what does temperature do?https:///%3Cfront%3E/fire-dynamicsSmoke contaminant and life safety – what does smoke do?/news-and-research/news-and-media/press-room/reporters-guide-to-fire-and-nfpa/consequences-of-fire#fumesLoss due to fireHaving gone through certain relevant information about fire and facts about consequences of fire in terms of personal and economic loss, we will now get into details about how Autodesk CFD simulation can be useful in evaluating smoke spread and temperature distribution in a Retail mall building with a view to validate smoke exhaust system design for life safety. Objective 1: Fire and smoke modelling using Autodesk CFDFire safety strategyEngineering based approach to fire safe design:•Automatic fire detection (Smoke & heat detectors) - beam detectors in atrium/skylight areas and point type detectors in occupied areas•Automatic alarm system•Automatic fire sprinkler system for fire suppression•Exit signage•Smoke control – make up air and smoke extract fans•Egress – available safe egress time based on NFPA 101•Smoke zones - designed to restrict smoke from spreading from one smoke zone to another•Fire detection system - zoned identical to the smoke zones, including all visual and audible fire alarms.•Fire sprinkler system - zoned similar to the smoke zones and vice versa throughout the building.Codes / standards used•National Building Code (NBC 2005) of India•NFPA 101 Life Safety Code (2006)•NFPA 92 B - Standard for Smoke-control systems (2012 )•BS PD 7974-6:2004General practice of smoke simulation Flow only enters andleaves through thebottom and top surfaces.The main flow directionshould be to the vertical.Gap underneath the firefor cool air to be drawn inBuilding geometry: Retail shopping mallSectional details of the Retail mallMaterial propertiesAir : Variable quantity, to account for density variation with temperature and buoyancy Fire PartUse free arearatio =0.85 andconductivity of200 W/m-K tospread the heatwithin the flameFire modelled as a short cylinder and assigned as resistance material.Steel ring around the fire part (~1/2 flame height) and suppressed fromthe meshFast t- squared fire growth up to 2500 kW and steady state thereafter is considered, Firediameter = 3.35 m (NFPA 92B, A.5.2.1, based on HRRPUA 568 kW/m 2 and fire size of 5 MW). Variation of fire size with respect to time. Fire size reaches 1.75 MW (convective portion of 2.5 MW) at 210 seconds. Convective portion is taken as 70% of the total fire HRR.Boundary conditionsInlet boundary conditions – air domain inlet ambient temperature, scalar and pressureOutlet boundary conditions --smoke exhaust fan capacitiesMesh detailsThe fire and the air above and below - good uniform mesh- to capture the flow accurately by CFDFire sourceSolid ring suppressed from the mesh and ensures that flow only enters and leaves through the bottom and top surfacesInitial conditionsAir domain set at initial conditions as scalar = 0, temperature = 35.20 CSolver settingsObjective 2: Key results for final designWhat do we look for in CFD analysis?For designers and regulators, information about• Smoke movement• Temperature distribution• Airflow fieldSmoke transport is tracked w.r.t rise of smoke in atrium, along corridors and interconnected spacesKey results to look for :• Smoke free space• Tenable smoke temperatureBased on BS PD 7974-6:2004, Annex G•Smoke tenability limit - 10m visibility, Table G.1•Temperature tenability limit - 600C, Table G.3•Toxicity is deemed acceptable if visibility >10mSmoke developmentSmoke visibility (Smoke free space) – X PlaneSmoke visibility (Smoke free space) – Y PlaneSmokevisibility(Smokefreespace)****************+2floor(Z-plane)Key result 1: Smoke visibilitySmoke visibility-10m (smoke free space)Most of walking corridor space is smoke free (smoke free clear height of 1.8m above the corridor floor)Temperature development X PlaneY PlaneKey Result 2: Smoke temperatureTenable smoke temperatureIn G+2 floor below 1.8m FFL,smoke temperature is below600C and hence tenabilitylimits for smoke temperatureis not breached up to 20minutes from start of fireAir flow field development(at UG level above fire location)Y PlaneKey result 3: Air flow fieldAir flow field•Fresh air velocity contacting smoke plume has notexceeded 1.02 m/s. Hencesmoke plume does not getdispersed and rises as plumeabove required smoke freeclear height.•Replacement air velocity atentrance to the shopping malldoes not exceed 1.6 m/s andhence does not hinder peopleescape through the entrance.Outcome for final design•Well defined plume development and smoke rising towards smoke exhaust fans•Make up air does not disturb the smoke plume –no smoke dispersion and visibility problems•Hot smoke temperature is within acceptable limits for human safety.•Smoke visibility is within acceptable limits for safe evacuationBottom line: Smoke exhaust fan capacity and layout is adequate to provide smoke free space for about 20 minutes for the final designObjective 3: Insights from CFD analysis for good design decisionsChallenges in design…..•building geometry is large and complex• a prior distribution of smoke/ air velocities is not known•prescriptive code provides only guidance• a number of scenarios for ventilation fan layout and capacities are possibleSo to arrive at the final design, we had to analyze few design variants and results for the initial design and final design are compared leading to an adequate and good design….Comparison of smoke control zonesOptimize smoke exhaust system design... helpful tool •Estimate smoke exhaust volume flow rate based on:•fire size•outdoor ambient temperature•distance from base of fire to smoke layer interfaceAlso we can estimate:•minimum edge-to-edge separation•maximum number of fans•maximum flow through each fan to avoid plug holingComparison of smoke visibilitySmoke development w.r.t time during fire event- Y planeSmoke development w.r.t time during fire event- z planeComparison of smoke temperatureComparison of air/smoke flow fieldOptimize smoke exhaust system design... SummaryBased on a given smoke exhaust fan layout and fire zoning logic, Autodesk CFD analysis can accurately predict:• smoke development•smoke movement•Visibility levels and temperature distribution.Hence this approach can be used to make good design decisions to minimize smoke hazards.More examples:Objective 4: Benefits and limitationsBenefits:•Easy to use•Quick validation of smoke control strategy•Engineering based approach to fire safety measures (performance based)•Interface with Revit so CAD model to CFD model is easy•More insight leads to better design decisionsLimitations:•Transient solution requires small time step so run time is long –many hours •Scalar for smoke generation (=1) instead of generation rate (Kg/s) as input •Uncertainty in smoke particulate yield values•Tenability for fire brigade –radiation from the smoke layer simulation- challenge •Limited verification of smoke modelThank you for listening…. I hope you enjoyed the class and have met the objectives of the AU class and now will be able to:•Learn how fire and smoke is modeled•Visualize and Highlight key results•Gain insight into making good design decisions•Understand benefits and limitationsMy Contact details are given below:*******************Twitter: @m_munirajuluLinkedIn: https: ///in/ dr-munirajulu-m-3901a219For info on who we are and what we do…。
美国米拉麦克斯影业公司作品《标杀令》卷二(台译:《追杀比尔》卷二,Kill Bill: Vol. 2,2004年)《冷山》(Cold Mountain,2003年)《标杀令》卷一(台译:《追杀比尔》卷一,Kill Bill: Vol. 1,2003年)《芝加哥》(Chicago, 2002年)《纽约黑帮》(Gangs of New York,2002年)《英伦病人》(English Patient, The,1996年)《低俗小说》(Pulp Fiction,1994年)《无间道》( 2004年美国上映)《少林足球》( 2004年美国上映)《英雄》( 2004年美国上映)拍摄影片好莱坞庄园 Hollywoodland (2006)解构生活 Breaking and Entering (2006)火线对峙 Hostage (2005)绝地威龙 Derailed (2005)猛鬼追魂:地狱世界 Hellraiser: Hellworld (2005)大偷袭 The Great Raid (2005)大学低级生 The Underclassman (2005)Hellraiser: Deader (2005)Daltry Calhoun (2005)铁拳男人 Cinderella Man (2005)吸血鬼德古拉3 Dracula III: Legacy (2005)证据 Proof (2005)泽西女孩 Jersey Girl (2004)谈谈情,跳跳舞 Shall We Dance (2004)杀死比尔2 Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004)生化战士2:迷城篇 Bionicle 2: Legends of Metru-Nui (2004)BJ单身日记2:理性边缘 Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (2004)飞行者 The Aviator (2004)华氏911 Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)魔法灰姑娘 Ella Enchanted (2004)三个奶爸三个娃 My Baby's Daddy (2004)怒海争锋:极地远征 Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)冷山 Cold Mountain (2003)放手一搏 The Battle of Shaker Heights (2003)You Can't Stop the Murders (2003)人性污点 The Human Stain (2003)杀死比尔Ⅰ Kill Bill Vol. I (2003)双层公寓 Duplex (2003)我要飞上天 View from the Top (2003)雾气蒙蒙 The I Inside (2003)终极霹雳煞 My Name Is Modesty: A Modesty Blaise Adventure (2003)芝加哥 Chicago (2002)终极斗士 Undisputed (2002)正面全裸 Full Frontal (2002)诱惑我小妈 Tadpole (2002)危险性私隐 Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002) 时时刻刻 The Hours (2002)不可儿嬉 The Importance of Being Earnest (2002)弗里达 Frida (2002)孩子梦天堂 Stolen Summer (2002)情归雷诺 Waking Up in Reno (2002)拇指仙童历险记 The Adventures of Tom Thumb and Thumbelina (2002)猛鬼追魂6 Hellraiser: Hellseeker (2002)恋爱蜜令 On the Line (2001)隔世情缘 Kate & Leopold (2001)白烂贱客 Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001) 逃狱松一松 Lucky Break (2001)失恋大不同 Get Over It (2001)乌龙绝配 Daddy and Them (2001)真情快递 The Shipping News (2001)西西里的美丽传说 Malena (2000)脱缰野马 All the Pretty Horses (2000)王牌罪犯 Ordinary Decent Criminal (2000)爱情急转弯 Love's Labour's Lost (2000)家族情仇 The Yards (2000)猛鬼追魂5:地狱 Hellraiser: Inferno (2000)浓情巧克力 Chocolat (2000)曼斯菲尔德庄园 Mansfield Park (1999)她是我的全部 She's All That (1999)老公不及格 An Ideal Husband (1999)天才雷普利 The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) 圣烟 Holy Smoke (1999)弦动我心 Music of the Heart (1999)一笼傻鸟 Happy, Texas (1999)英伦四月天 My Life So Far (1999)总有骄阳 The Cider House Rules (1999)再见,不联络 Since You've Been Gone (1998) 自由的代价 A Price Above Rubies (1998)神经搭错线 Senseless (1998)莎翁情史 Shakespeare in Love (1998)作品——莎翁情史天鹅绒金矿 Velvet Goldmine (1998)今夜星光诱惑 54 (1998)滑动门 Sliding Doors (1998)欢迎光临天堂酒吧 Heaven (1998)幻觉 Phantoms (1998)赌王之王 Rounders (1998)变种DNA Mimic (1997)惊声尖叫2 Scream 2 (1997)警察帝国 Cop Land (1997)心灵捕手 Good Will Hunting (1997)为你疯狂 Addicted to Love (1997)欲望之翼 The Wings of the Dove (1997)养鬼吃人第四集 Hellraiser: Bloodline (1996)奏出新希望 Brassed Off (1996)乌鸦2:天使之城 Crow: City of Angels, The (1996) 异常快乐爱妻事件 Faithful (1996)英国病人 The English Patient (1996)杀出个黎明 From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)轻狂岁月 Basquiat (1996)艾玛 Emma (1996)出殡抱佳人 The Pallbearer (1996)大家都说我爱你 Everyone Says I Love You (1996) 白色鳄鱼 Albino Alligator (1996)爱情尤物 The Beautiful Girls (1996)The Substance of Fire (1996)公民露丝 Citizen Ruth (1996)湖畔迷情 A Month by the Lake (1995)作品——杀死比尔浮华暂借问 Restoration (1995)非强力春药 Mighty Aphrodite (1995)阿拉伯骑士 Arabian Knight (1995)半熟少年 Kids (1995)情比山高 The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain (1995)你不在后丹佛事 Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead (1995)两毛五 Two Bits (1995)马丁斯科塞斯美国电影之旅 A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies (1995) 烟 Smoke (1995)烟变奏之尽吐心中情 Blue in the Face (1995)性感俱乐部 Exotica (1994)血染的摇篮 Mother's Boys (1994)特警雄心 The Glass Shield (1994)乌鸦 The Crow (1994)神父同志 Priest (1994)子弹飞越百老汇 Bullets Over Broadway (1994)云裳风暴Prêt-à-Porter (1994)真情俘虏 Captives (1994)帕克夫人的情人 Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle (1994)疯狂店员 Clerks (1994)橄榄树下的情人 Under the Olive Trees (1994)低俗小说 Pulp Fiction (1994)纽约夜月情 The Night We Never Met (1993)桃色控诉 The Innocent (1993)进入西部 Into the West (1992)鲍勃·罗伯茨 Bob Roberts (1992)爱杀 Love Crimes (1992)The Pope Must Die (1991)真实与挑战—与麦当娜共枕 Truth or Dare (1991)末路英雄半世情 Mr. and Mrs. Bridge (1990)见者有份 Playing for Keeps (1986)基吉星团与火星蜘蛛 Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars (1973)发行的影片PBS南方的抚慰 Southern Comfort (2006) 解构生活 Breaking and Entering (2006)午夜听众 The Night Listener (2006)诅咒 Cursed (2005)罪恶之城 Sin City (2005)格林兄弟 The Brothers Grimm (2005)黑帮暴徒 Tsotsi (2005)立体小奇兵:鲨鱼男孩与岩浆女孩 The Adventures of Shark Boy & Lava Girl in 3-D (2005)The Dark (2005)Reel Paradise (2005)暴力特快 Secuestro express (2005)恶魔之水 Venom (2005)法兰基,我的爱 Dear Frankie (2004)唱诗班男孩 Les Choristes (2004)Snowball Effect: The Story of Clerks (2004)Show Me (2004)回形针 Paper Clips (2004)寻找梦幻岛 Finding Neverland (2004)新警察故事 New Police Story (2004)新娘与偏见 Bride & Prejudice (2004)情归新泽西 Garden State (2004)皮卡丘英雄Pokémon Heroes (2003)神犬也疯狂 Air Bud: Spikes Back (2003)心灵驿站 The Station Agent (2003)喜剧演员 The Actors (2003)野蛮的入侵 Invasions barbares, Les (2003)最好的青春Meglio gioventù, La (2003)惊声尖笑3 Scary Movie 3 (2003)惧恐家庭 DysFunktional Family (2003)墨西哥往事 Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003)MXP: Most Xtreme Primate (2003)Carolina (2003)尘雾家园 The House of Sand and Fog (2003)非常小特务3 Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (2003)被绑架的小孩 Io non ho paura (2003)肮脏甜蜜的事 Dirty Pretty Things (2002)巴黎一夜 Decalage Horaire (2002)噩梦缠身 They (2002)沉静的美国人 The Quiet American (2002)SK-2恶梦岛 Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams (2002) 阿拉若山 Ararat (2002)Only the Strong Survive (2002)木偶奇遇记 Pinocchio (2002)纽约黑帮 Gangs of New York (2002)美丽新世界II之女王任务 Asterix et Obelix : Mission Cleopatra (2002)蓝色大车 Blue Car (2002)禁欲40天 40 Days and 40 Nights (2002)杰瑞 Gerry (2002)归零 Cypher (2002)鬼别墅 Darkness (2002)烽火孪生泪 De Tweeling (2002)致命人脉 People I Know (2002)撞翻姻缘路 The Third Wheel (2002)英雄 Hero (2002)天脉传奇 The Touch (2002)无间道 Infernal Affairs (2002)四片羽毛 The Four Feathers (2002)情人Valentín (2002)上帝之城 Cidade de Deus (2002)深层恐惧 Below (2002)神奇宝贝 Pokemon 4Ever (2002)末路狂澜 Riders (2002)青楼姊妹花 The Magdalene Sisters (2002) 普罗萨克王国 Prozac Nation (2001)少林足球 Shaolin Soccer (2001)太阳背面 Abril Despedasado (2001)生日女郎 Birthday Girl (2001)蜀山传 The Legend of Zu (2001)色戒 Samsara (2001)天使爱美丽 Amelie (2001)特务迷城 The Accidental Spy (2001)下岗风波 Le Placard (2001)勇士 The Warrior (2001)战火遗孤 Edges of the Lord (2001)非常小特务 Spy Kids (2001)欢迎光临虚拟天堂 Avalon (2001)惊爆前线 Buffalo Soldiers (2001)惊声尖笑2 Scary Movie 2 (2001)拦截密码战 Enigma (2001)Chump Change (2001)德克萨斯巡警 Texas Rangers (2001)儿子的房间 La Stanza del Figlio (2001)巴伦 Baran (2001)变种DNA续集 Mimic 2 (2001)BJ单身日记 Bridget Jones's Diary (2001)不羁诗生活 Piñero (2001)不伦之恋 In the Bedroom (2001)别人的滋味 Le Gout des autres (2000)德古拉 2000 Dracula 2000 (2000)Shiner (2000)老虎头上结情疤 Tears of the Black Tiger (2000)惊声尖叫3 Scream 3 (2000)金碗 The Golden Bowl (2000)意大利语学习班 Italiensk for begyndere (2000)引郎入室 About Adam (2000)一切都是为你好 Harry, un ami qui vous veut du bien (2000)维特 Vatel (2000)人人成名 Iedereen beroemd! (2000)三重谋杀 Essex Boys (2000)千年决斗 Versus (2000)情爱四人帮 Human Traffic (1999)漂亮宝贝 Guinevere (1999)天意之外 Outside Providence (1999)意大利电影课 Mio viaggio in Italia, Il (1999) 月球漫步 A Walk on the Moon (1999)战火实录 Bravo Two Zero (1999)怒犯天条 Dogma (1999)Diamonds (1999)Get Bruce (1999)East Is East (1999)Down in the Delta (1998)爱情冤家 The Revengers' Comedies (1998)With Friends Like These (1998)夺命高校 The Faculty (1998)粉骚大联盟 Strike! (1998)玛莎搭上三个男人 Martha, Meet Frank, Daniel and Laurence (1998)功夫舞王 Forever Fever (1998)祖父 El Abuelo (1998)哑巴歌手 Little Voice (1998)烟火讯号 Smoke Signals (1998)缘来就是你 Next Stop Wonderland (1998)天使之恋 Talk of Angels (1998)物极必反 Renegade Force (1998)吸血情圣 The Wisdom of Crocodiles (1998)陪着你走 The Mighty (1998)美丽人生 La Vita e bella (1997)心火 Firelight (1997)天堂的孩子 The Children of Heaven (1997)网络迷宫 Nirvana (1997)危险关系 Jackie Brown (1997)幽灵公主 Princess Mononoke (1997)红唇别恋 Comedian Harmonists (1997)劫后余生 Tregua, La (1997)她是如此可爱 She's So Lovely (1997)皇室别恋 (1997)鲁滨逊 Robinson Crusoe (1997)恋一阵的爱 Little City (1997)九月的某四天 (1997)看谁在尖叫 Nightwatch (1997)烽火惊爆线 Welcome to Sarajevo (1997)猜·情·寻 Chasing Amy (1997)办公室杀手 Office Killer (1997)Hav Plenty (1997)The Big One (1997)Yes之屋 The House of Yes (1997)Full Tilt Boogie (1997)爱的小夜曲 Love Serenade (1996)The Last of the High Kings (1996)猜火车 Trainspotting (1996)草丛里的居民 Microcosmos: Le peuple de l'herbe (1996) 颤栗时刻 Curdled (1996)弹簧刀 Sling Blade (1996)简爱 Jane Eyre (1996)惊声尖叫 Scream (1996)荒谬无稽 Ridicule (1996)革命小子 Children of the Revolution (1996)一切从心开始 Marvin's Room (1996)笑枪走火 Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood (1996)星际奇兵总动员 Adrenalin: Fear the Rush (1996)全职浪子 Swingers (1996)谈谈情,跳跳舞 Shall We Dance? (1996)我不笨所以我说说说 Gordy (1995)嘴对嘴 Boca a boca (1995)离魂异客 Dead Man (1995)梦影留声 Billy's Holiday (1995)魔翼杀手 The Prophecy (1995)爱在天地苍茫时 Le Hussard sur le toit (1995)玛戈皇后 Reine Margot, La (1994)蓝白红三部曲之白 Trois couleurs: Blanc (1994)蓝白红三部曲之红 Trois couleurs: Rouge (1994)精武英雄 Fist of Legend (1994)醉拳2 Jui kuen II (1994)邮差 Il Postino (1994)重庆森林 Chungking Express (1994)缘续他乡 Picture Bride (1994)相约在今生 Sirens (1994)汤姆和维芙 Tom and Viv (1994)情伴我心 Camilla (1994)时空急转弯 Les Visiteurs (1993)小活佛 Little Buddha (1993)金色豪门 The House of the Spirits (1993)钢琴别恋 The Piano (1993)蓝白红三部曲之蓝 Trois couleurs: Bleu (1993)爱在我心深处 Map of the Human Heart (1993)The Hour of the Pig (1993)但愿我能摆脱困境 Io speriamo che me la cavo (1992) 蓝色风暴 Spotswood (1992)落水狗 Reservoir Dogs (1992)乱世浮生 The Crying Game (1992)猛鬼追魂III:地狱之城 Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (1992)舞国英雄 Strictly Ballroom (1992)双龙会 Shuang long hui (1992)情迷巧克力 Como agua para chocolate (1992)情迷四月天 Enchanted April (1992)情迷高跟鞋 Tacones lejanos (1991)普罗斯佩罗的魔典 Prospero's Books (1991)新桥恋人 Amants du Pont-Neuf, Les (1991)笑傲江湖2:东方不败 Swordsman 2 (1991)尤其是在礼拜日 Domenica specialmente, La (1991)蒙古精神 Urga (1991)美国大梦 American Dream (1991)旧欢如梦 Johnny Suede (1991)两生花Double vie de Véronique, La (1991)黑店狂想曲 Delicatessen (1991)地中海 Mediterraneo (1991)飞鹰计划 Project Eagle (1991)Antonia and Jane (1991)The Big Man (1990)国王的娼妇 The King 's Whore (1990)坏女孩 Das Schreckliche Madchen (1990)菊豆 Ju Dou (1990)克雷孪生兄弟 The Krays (1990)捆着我,绑着我 iAtame! (1990)希望之旅 Reise der Hoffnung (1990)天伦之旅 Everybody's Fine (1990)骗子 The Grifers (1990)天堂电影院 Nuovo cinema Paradiso (1989)我的左脚 My Left Foot (1989)性,谎言,录像带 Sex, Lies, and Videotape (1989)罗莫尔德和朱利叶 Romuald et Juliette (1989)高个子 The Tall Guy (1989)Black Rainbow (1989)丑闻 Scandal (1989)厨师·窃贼·他的妻子和他的情人 The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover (1989)不可信之事实 The Unbelievable Truth (1989)Rampage (1988)The Girl in a Swing (1988)甘达星人 Gandahar (1988)小女贼 La Petite Voleuse (1988)我听见美人鱼在歌唱 I've Heard the Mermaids Singing (1987)征服者佩尔 Pelle erobreren (1987)华丽的咏叹 Aria (1987)Mio min Mio (1987)大道 Le Grand Chemin (1987)Riders of the Storm (1986)青春岁月 Twist and Shout (1984)伊迪丝和马瑟尔 Édith et Marcel (1983)现代启示录 Apocalypse Now (1979)Detroit 9000 (1973)白日美人 Belle de jour (1967)洛城故事 Les Demoiselles de Rochefort (1967)一夜狂欢 A Hard Day's Night (1964)万世英雄 El Cid (1961)怒海沉尸 Plein soleil (1960)。
中文名:雷姆·库哈斯外文名:Rem Koolhaas 国籍:荷兰出生地:印度尼西亚职业:建筑师毕业院校:美国康奈尔大学主要成就:2000年获得第二十二届普利兹克奖代表作品:法国图书馆,拉维莱特公园,波尔多住宅,荷兰驻德国大使馆等波尔多住宅库哈斯在这个设计中面对的是一个劫后余生、依靠轮椅的业主和一座可以俯瞰全城的基地小山。
经过我们总结,可以说有以下几点:1 对建筑概念的反思。
a 人的活动方式--------来自社会的影响;b 建筑创作方式的变革。
2 新奇的荷兰式的形式。
Novel type of phase transition in a system of self-driven particles
A simple model with a novel type of dynamics is introduced in order to investigate the emergence of self-ordered motion in systems of particles with biologically motivated interaction. In our model particles are driven with a constant absolute velocity and at each time step assume the average direction of motion of the particles in their neighborhood with some random perturbation (η) added. We present numerical evidence that this model results in a kinetic phase transition from no tran |va| = 0) to finite net transport through spontaneous symmetry breaking of the rotational symmetry. The transition is continuous since |va| is found to scale as (ηc − η)β with β ≃ 0.45.
One of the most interesting aspects of many particle systems is that they exhibit a complex cooperative behavior during phase transition [1]. This remarkable feature of equilibrium systems has been studied in great detail for the last couple of decades leading to a deeper understanding of processes which may take place in an assembly
首尔国立大学博物馆的建造,是为加强首尔国立大学校园和社区间的关系,并作为二者 之间连接的纽带。同样,也正是这种空间上的联系决定了该建筑的形态。建筑从校园的最高 处穿过,为社区和校园之间建立起一条人行的联系通道。同时,由于建造产生的悬空区域是 以混凝土材质为支撑,且建筑外壳为钢悬臂结构,可以根据内部旋转通道和外部地形起伏进 行整体配合。
纽约时报的建筑评论家尼可来· 奥了感性的秀丽与热情的智慧,两者相当匹配。
大多数文化机构只服务于一小部分人,大部分人 看到的是机构的外部,只有少数人能了解里面发 生了什么。波尔图音乐厅就是要强调音乐厅和建 筑内外公众之间的关系 —— 库哈斯
库哈斯代表作品中最著名的住宅设计之一,位于法国波尔多郊区的山上,住宅的主人是 一对夫妇,丈夫必须靠轮椅生活,这也成为了此建筑设计出发点,历时2年,于1998年完 工。
同一年被时代杂志评为年度 最佳建筑设计; 1999年法国公共安全杂志授予 银角尺建筑奖。
它位于市中心,是一幢由11层(56米高)的玻璃和钢铁组成的建筑。总建筑面积达到 34000平方米,容纳了约145万书籍和其他资料,其中包括超过400台电脑向公众开放,另设 有一个地下公共停车场。1年平均使用率超过200万人。图书馆有一个独特和突出的外观,构 成若干分立“浮动平台”,就像置身在一个大的蜘蛛网。
•2006年美国AIA杂志最佳建筑, •并入选了美国民众最喜欢的150个建筑
图书馆外层是镶嵌着玻璃的天蓝色不锈钢钻 石状格网,不仅让图书馆外部有着很强的可识别 性,更创造了一种令人惊艳的室内空间美感。
剧中能力:核能,情绪激动时易失控而引发核爆。 扮演者:Matthew John Armstrong 1973年8月28日出生于芝加哥,美国演员。在进入电视圈前,他活跃在芝加哥 的舞台上;荧屏处女作是CBS剧集Turks。参演Crossing Jordan时与其制片人兼 编剧Tim Kring偶遇并获得肯定,之后在Heroes剧中获得了Ted这个角色。有趣 的是,他的妻子Ashley Crow同样也在Heroes中扮演了Claire养母Sandra Bennet。 因为他的发型和面部特征,据说他一直被误认为著名汽车保险公司GEICO的一 系列商业广告中扮演野人的演员。 部分出演信息:2003 Studio City(Tom Mason) 2002-2005 American Dreams(Pete Pryor,E27) 2005 House M.D.(Kalvin,E1) 2006 E-Ring(Genuzzi,E1)
剧中能力:通过画画预见未来。最初需要在吸毒的情况下完成,后面不需要毒瘾, 可自行控制。 扮演者:Santiago Cabrera 1978年5月5日出生在委内瑞拉首都,为智利籍演员,现居伦敦。其最为人熟 知的角色有Heroes里的画家Mendez和BBC电视剧梅林传奇(Merlin)中的Lancelot。 他的成长足迹可以说遍布世界各地,童年大部分时间在伦敦、马德里、多伦多 和罗马尼亚度过。在他15岁时全家人回到智利,那时他还是高中校足球队的队 长,在高中戏剧老师的鼓励下他开始尝试表演。在伦敦戏剧中心经过3年磨砺, 他在结束年的Battlefield Britain,Judge John Deed,Spooks等英剧中初次扮演 小角色。从戏剧学校毕业后,Cabrera的第一次演出在北安普敦皇家剧场,出 演奥赛罗中的Montano。 部分出演信息:2004 TOCA Race Driver2(Cesar Maques,video game) 2005 Empire(Octavius) 2011 Covert Affairs(Xavier,S2E17) 2012 For Greater Glory(Father Vega) 2012 Dexter(Jason Price)
企鹅古典系列Penguin Classics
1964年企鹅经典丛书的主编E.V. Rieu退休时,自豪地宣称他主编的一系列丛书——以最畅销的《奥德赛》为代表——是“20世纪最有影响的教育资源”。
1935年,时任Bodley Head出版社老板的艾伦·莱恩(Allenlane)因业务关系,陪同著名侦探小说家阿加沙·克里斯蒂来海边小镇Exeter参观访问。
康拉德 莫里
北京时间2010年2月3日消息,据报道已故流行天王迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson)的私人医生康拉 德·莫里(Dr.Conrad Murray)已经抵达洛杉矶,并且准备自首。
康拉德·莫里的私人诊所开在休斯顿,他已经带着自己的其中一名律师爱德华·切诺夫(Edward Chernoff) 抵达了洛杉矶。莫里的另一名律师米兰达·瑟威斯克(Miranda Sevcik)表示:“莫里医生到洛杉矶有两个原因, 第一是处理家事,第二是配合执法部门。”
美国当地时间2010年2月8日,2009年6月猝死的流行乐巨星迈克尔·杰克逊的私人医生康拉德·莫里接受了 洛杉矶当地一家法院的传讯。洛杉矶地方检察官办公室指控莫里对杰克逊的死负有过失杀人的责任,但莫里的律 师做了无罪辩护,在交付了美元的保释金后,莫里被允许取保候审,法官判定莫里过失杀人的罪名不成立,杰克 逊的家人表示肯定会上诉。
在美国时间2010年2月2日时,有消息传出莫里医生将在美国时间2月3日早上在出庭时自首。根据之前的报道, 洛杉矶检察官办公室将起诉莫里医生过失杀人,如果莫里医生准备自首,检察官办公室就必须在美国时间2月3日 早上开庭之前提起诉讼。
抵达洛杉矶后的莫里医生准备与自己的律师团队碰头,商量自首的事。其中律师J-迈克尔·弗拉纳根(J. Michael Flanagan)在接受采访时表示“不知道到底是什么情况”。
康拉德 莫里
01 相关事件
03 法院传讯 05 被判入狱
02 准备自首 04 罪名成立 06 争议
康拉德·莫里(Conrad Murray),美国拉斯维加斯心脏病专家,美国已故流行天王迈克尔·杰克逊生前最 后一位私人医生。北京时间2009年8月25日凌晨,洛杉矶首席验尸官在休斯顿法庭上公布迈克尔·杰克逊的死因, 称其系被注射强力麻醉剂异丙酚而导致死亡。而康拉德·莫里难逃过失杀人罪的指控。2010年2月,康拉德·莫 里抵达洛杉矶,并且准备自首。2011年11月7日下午13时,迈克尔·杰克逊的死亡案公布最终审判结果,医生康 拉德·莫里“过失杀人罪”成立,获判4年刑罚,后又获2年减刑,已释放。
辽宁省实验中学2023-2024学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读选择As a qualified teacher of art and design, Theresa Harwood offers short online courses on drawing and painting to help students both young and old develop into confident artists.Academic drawing courseThis course is for absolute beginners of any age who are not sure on what to do or how to use a pencil. The course will be limited to only six participants, 5 sessions, once a week.Start date: June 5Time:10:00 am~11:00 amPrice: $380Water color painting courseThis course is for anyone who is interested in developing skills for water colour painting. Through a series of 6 projects we learn wet on wet and wet on dry. The course will be limited to only twelve participants. 6 sessions, once a week.Start date: April 23Time:4:30 pm~5:30 pmPrice: $380Landscape drawing courseThis course is suitable for anyone from 11 to 90 years who are interested in developing skills for landscape drawing. The only requirement of the course is that you want to learn to draw! The course will be limited to only ten participants. 5 sessions, once a week.Start date: May 24Time:8:00 pm~9:00 pmPrice: $380Western art history courseThis course is for students, aged between 9 and 12 years. It looks at the fun facts of the key artworks of each art movement and explains why the artists painted certain views or people. The course will be limited to only eight participants. 6 sessions, once a week.Start date: May 7Time:10:30 am~11:30 amPrice: $380These courses have limited spaces and are often sold out quickly, so do book your spot soon!1.How many students are admitted for each academic drawing course?A.6.B.8.C.10.D.12.2.When does the landscape drawing course start?A.On April 23.B.On May 7.C.On May 24.D.On June 5. 3.Which course just accepts schoolchildren?A.Water color painting.B.Western art history.C.Landscape drawing.D.Academic drawing.There is a curious love triangle that sits at the center of the new documentary Fire of Love. It’s between a man, a woman and a volcano. Well, all of them are volcanoes.Their names might not be especially well-known today, but in the 1970s and ‘80s, French scientists Katia Krafft and Maurice Krafft were very famous for their photographs and writings about the volcanoes. When they died in 1991 on Mount Unzen in Japan, their deaths were covered globally. But their story has somewhat faded in the public memory in the past three decades? though Werner Herzog did spotlight them in his 2016 documentary Into the Inferno.The Kraffts? who first bonded over Mount Etna and Mount Stromboli and were married in 1970, witnessed about 140 eruptions on every continent except Antarctica and won an Emmy for their National Geographic documentary Mountains of Fire. They would famously drop everything to get to an active volcano, and were often the first on site. They were also known for their willingness to get dangerously close.Filmmaker Sara Dosa once met the Kraffts while making an earlier film about Iceland many years ago. In 2020, with the help of Image’ Est, a French museum, and Maurice Krafft’s brother, Bertrand Krafft, Dosa and her team were able to get access to over 180 hours of footage shot by the Kraffts. So Dosa decided to make something about the Kraffts in the true spirit of the Kraffts.“We wanted to let them play themselves. We see them as the authors of their own story,“ Dosa said. ”This is a co-creation, shot by them and starring them. We’re just stringingtogether the pieces of their life for the audience to connect with.”However, Fire of Love is anything but a filmed Wikipedia(维基百科)page. Dosa and her team have drawn on the techniques of French New Wave films to help shape the style of their film, including playful multiple screens.4.Where did Katia Krafft and Maurice Krafft pass away?A.On Mount Etna.B.On Mount Stromboli.C.On Mount Unzen.D.On Mount Krakatoa.5.Why were the Kraffts considered as volcanoes?A.They were enthusiastic about studying volcanoes.B.They were well-known for their short-lived marriage.C.Their deaths were related to the biggest volcano.D.Their love story appeared in many volcano books.6.Who directed the film Fire of Love?A.Bertrand Krafft.B.Sara Dosa.C.Werner Herzog.D.Katia Krafft. 7.What is the text?A.A love story.B.A biography.C.A documentary.D.A film review.Just as our bodies produce waste every day—which is why we need to shower and use the toilet —our brains produce harmful waste proteins. But how can our brains “shower” themselves?A 2013 study found the answer. Researchers at the US University of Rochester studied the brains of mice and discovered that they cleaned themselves while the mice slept. A kind of fluid in the brain, called cerebral spinal fluid (CSF 脑髓液), was found to increase dramatically during sleep, washing away waste proteins that had been building up between brain cells in waking hours.“This study shows that the brain has different functional states when asleep and when awake,” Maiken Nedergaard, the lead researcher, told NBC News. It also explains why we can’t think clearly after a sleepless night while a good night’s sleep leave s us feeling sharp and refreshed.Now a new study, published on October 31 in Science, digs a little deeper into our brains’ self-cleaning procedure. Instead of mice, this time humans were the test subjects.Researchers at Boston University, US, monitored the brain waves of 13 healthy adultswho were sleeping, using accelerated FMRI, which is capable of recording faster changes inside the brain than a regular FMRI machine. They found that every 20 seconds, blood flowed out of the brain, making room for a large amount of CSF to come in and “clean”. This cycle coincided (巧合) with the rhythm of the brains’ slow waves — an electrical activity that happens when we’re in deep sleep.It’s still unknown how these brain activities are connected. But the me re fact that they are connected is exciting enough, since it allows researchers to piece together possible new explanations for misunderstood diseases.For example, slow-wave sleep has been proven to play a role in strengthening our memories. This may explain why people with Alzheimer (阿尔兹海默症) often have fewer and weaker slow brainwaves. Based on this new study, there could be one more explanation for diseased brains: They are not clean.Nedergaard, leader of the 2013 study, is also excited about the new findings. “Maybe the most important take-home message is that sleep is a serious thing,” she told Scientific American. “You really need to sleep to keep a healthy brain because it links electrical activity to a practical housekeeping ‘function’.”8.Why is the body waste mentioned at the beginning of the passage?A.To show the similarity between body and brain.B.To explain the main components of brain waste.C.To introduce the topic of passage through comparison.D.To remind us of the necessity of regular body cleaning.9.What can we learn from the passage?A.Slow brainwaves are caused by the brain cleaning process.B.The diseased brains break down for not cleaning themselves.C.Sleep is the most important factor for improving our memory.D.Slow brainwaves and brain cleaning occur with identical frequency (频率). 10.Why are the findings of the new study important?A.They are based on more advanced technology.B.They give us new insight into some brain diseases.C.They confirm the connection between brain activities.D.They reveal the process of brains cleaning themselves.11.What is the passage mainly about?A.The self-cleaning function of human brains.B.The importance of sleep at night for humans.C.The cause and possible cures of diseased human brains.D.The different states of human brains at daytime and night.Be it sugar or social media, the response in our brain is the same: It produces a “feel-good” chemical called dopamine. It first brings about pleasure, but it doesn’t last very long. It is then followed by pain so that we have to search for the pleasurable things again.“This cycle of pleasure and pain made sense in the time of early humans when we had to constantly search for our basic needs-food, water, shelter,” says Dr. Anna Lembke, a Stanford Medical School researcher. “But our brains weren’t adjusted to put out the ‘fire of dopamine’caused by pleasurable things that are so easily available in modern life.”In addition, when we’re repeatedly exposed to pleasure-producing things, we’re not able to take joy in the same rewards. Instead, we need stronger and stronger stimulus (刺激) just to feel good. Otherwise, the cycle will lead us to anxiety, depression and many other problems.“This is a universal problem—not one limited to those struggling with the disease of addiction. If we want to stay mentally healthy, we must rethink how to break the cycle in a dopamine-overloaded world,” says Lembke.Her suggestions for the addicts?Take a 30-day break from anything that we rely on for pleasure. This doesn’t mean going cold turkey forever. But this first month is key to breaking the pleasure-pain cycle and it’s a lot easier to cut out an addictive behavior entirely at first. Then re-introduce the pleasurable things little by little, like just a few bites of ice cream at a time or just one hour online a night.Another strategy is to create physical distance between us and our addiction. That could mean just removing the addictive thing from our personal space. For someone who’s addicted to video games, that could mean a separate laptop for work and one for play.“In a time of abundance, we have to strike a pleasure-pain balance, which means intentionally avoiding pleasure and seeking the kind of purposeful pain that keeps us healthy, such as exercise,” Lembke says. “By doing so, we will reset reward pathways and eventually be a lot happier. It’s not easy, but it’s well worth doing in the long term.”12.What can we learn about dopamine from the text?A.It has always been harmful to humans.B.It gives us less joy for the same rewards.C.It can be caused by anything available.D.It can lead to a lasting good feeling.13.What do the underlined words “going cold turkey” probably mean?A.Abandoning.B.Waiting.C.Cooking.D.Repeating. 14.What does Dr. Anna Lembke suggest we do in the long term?A.Avoid pleasure in life.B.Set a strict limit on pleasurable things.C.Change reward pathways.D.Expose ourselves to repeated rewards.15.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?A.Ways to Live With Dopamine in PeaceB.Tips on Getting Rid of Social Media AddictionC.Strategies for Making Most of the Modern LifeD.The Need to Strike a Pleasure-pain BalanceHere are five common mistakes distance learners make.Choosing the wrong school. 16 “Diploma mill” schools charge unsuspecting students thousands of dollars for worthless degrees, whereas trustworthy schools are able to give their students diploma they are proud of. Before you enroll in an online school, do some research to find out what type of program, resource and support will be provided.Putting off things. Many students never finish their degrees because they lack the self-discipline and motivation to sit down and get their work done on a daily basis. 17 Many students have found it beneficial to create a deadline for receiving their degrees and set small monthly, weekly, and daily goals that will allow them to reach that deadline.Failing to connect with their peers and professors. 18 Building meaningful relationships with your peers and professors can allow you to learn more, stay motivated, and have a way to express your own understanding of the subject matter. So stay connected through message boards, chat rooms, email, and other virtual resources.Scaring potential employers. More and more people are recognizing the validity (有效性) of online education. 19 Some potential employers may see warning signs if you announce that you have earned your degree through the Internet. Even if you attend a famousschool, avoid calling attention to the fact that your studies are done online.20 There’s a lot of online material available to help out students. Make sure you know where you can get the help you need. Be aware of the general resources such as virtual dictionaries, online books, and resources that relate to your specialized subject matter.A.Paying too much.B.Paying no attention to online resources.C.However, be aware that it is not completely accepted by all people.D.Many students attend an online course feeling as if it is very easy.E.Selecting the right school is the biggest difficulty that distance learners face.F.If you often put off your work, set some specific goals for yourself and stick to them.G.One of the most rewarding experiences in education is learning through teamwork.二、完形填空of graduating from elementary school as a valedictorian (毕业生代表). When I came to Guam, I started attending Benavente Middle School as a sixth grader. However, because Imakes mistakes. The only difference is that some people learn from them while others repeat them.21.A.However B.Therefore C.Moreover D.Furthermore 22.A.behind B.out C.over D.on 23.A.result B.risk C.chance D.state 24.A.late B.early C.first D.last 25.A.tried to B.intended to C.meant to D.had to 26.A.badly B.poorly C.well D.hard 27.A.studying B.performing C.learning D.putting 28.A.confident B.lucky C.happy D.likely 29.A.because of B.despite C.in terms of D.considering 30.A.this B.them C.it D.myself 31.A.disappointment B.excitement C.agreement D.moment 32.A.go off B.fall off C.put off D.pay off 33.A.adding B.taking C.putting D.paying 34.A.disappointed B.excited C.depressed D.embarrassed 35.A.know B.tell C.accept D.enjoy三、语法填空45 money. Instead, he makes large donation to support agricultural researching.四、书信写作46.学生进入高中以后,心理压力越来越大,身体也很虚弱。
海瑟·格拉汉姆个人资料海瑟·格拉汉姆姓名:海瑟·格拉汉姆heather graham性别:女出生年月:1970年1月29日国籍:美国身高:173cm职业:演员星座:水瓶体重: 52kg三围: 36-28-35她的奖项mtv电影奖最具突破性表演女演员奖(1998不羁夜)英国《empire》杂志评选“十大偶像”(1999)showest convention明日之星奖(1999)百事达娱乐奖最受欢迎女配角(2000,王牌大贱谍) 她的经历海瑟·格拉汉姆曾经在1997年在《热舞之夜》(boogie nights)中有过出色表演,她扮演一个非常风流的滑冰女演员,然后她又应迈克·梅尔斯的邀请主演了《王牌大贱谍》。
她的身体也很美,高5.8英尺,很有曲线,特别是处于期的小男孩特别喜欢她在《american woman》(美国女人)中摆动腰肢的样子。
1997年,在《不羁夜》(boogie night)里,她大胆开放的演出震惊了好莱坞。
接着,她在《惊叫续集》(scream 2)和《迷失在太空》(lost in space)中的精彩表演进一步奠定了她在好莱坞的地位。
场地布置 服装分配 及演出彩 排
秀场采用“T”型台,配以灯光的变化,灯光以紫、蓝、黄色主, 加上建筑表面蓝色透明玻璃反衬的光照你,更显神秘。
采用简单发饰,盘发或编发。面容干净,整洁。 妆容采用大地色系,以紫色、蓝色为辅,可以表达出 豹纹时节系列的个性、性感与优雅。
阿德瑞娜· 利玛 中文名:阿德瑞娜· 利玛 英文名:Adriana Lima 出生地:巴西萨尔瓦多 生日:1981年6月12日 星座:双子座 身高:178 厘米 三围:84-61-86 cm 亚历山大· 安布罗休 英文名:Alessandra Ambrosio 生日:1981年4月11日 出生地:巴西 国籍:巴西 身高:177.5 cm 三围:86-58.4-86 cm 星座:白羊座
1.布场工作人员:包括活动全程各阶段,各场布 置的人员。 2.着装安排:工作人员所有佩戴统一工作证。
经费预算:**** 场地租用:**** 舞台置景:**** 道具租赁购买:**** 其他物品购买:**** 音乐制作:**** 灯光制作:**** 公关宣传:**** 交通费用:**** 服装运送费:**** 模特出场费:**** 编导费:**** 化妆师、造型师等全部工作人员费用:**** 其他:**** 总费用:****
嘉宾:奥尔森姐妹(Olsen Sisters) 、麦
当娜(Madonna)、格蕾丝· 凯利(Grace Kelly)、海蒂· 克拉姆 (Heidi Klum)、范冰 冰、 章子怡 、其他时尚界人士
海莲娜· 克莉丝汀森 眼睛:淡蓝色 头发:褐色 身高:(cm) 177 三围:(cm) 90-61-86 国籍:丹麦 生日:1968年12月25日 居住:纽约 代理公司:Marilyn Gauthier 坎蒂丝· 斯瓦内普尔 中文名:坎蒂丝· 斯瓦内普尔 国家:南非 生日:1988年 身高:175.5 cm 眼睛颜色:蓝色 三围:(US) 32-23.5-33.5 英寸 衣服尺码:(US) 4号
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Structure and Kinetics of Gas Hydrates from Methane/Ethane/Propane Mixtures Relevant to the Design of Natural Gas Hydrate Storage andTransport FacilitiesRajnish KumarDept.of Chemical and Biological Engineering,University of British Columbia,Vancouver,BC,Canada V6T 1Z3Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences,National Research Council Canada,Ottawa,ON,Canada K1A 0R6Praveen LingaDept.of Chemical and Biological Engineering,University of British Columbia,Vancouver,BC,Canada V6T 1Z3Igor Moudrakovski and John A.RipmeesterSteacie Institute for Molecular Sciences,National Research Council Canada,Ottawa,ON,Canada K1A 0R6Peter EnglezosDept.of Chemical and Biological Engineering,University of British Columbia,Vancouver,BC,Canada V6T 1Z3DOI 10.1002/aic.11527Published online June 10,2008in Wiley InterScience ().The kinetics of gas hydrate growth from binary CH 4/C 2H 6and CH 4/C 3H 8and ternary CH 4/C 2H 6/C 3H 8gas mixtures were obtained by the gas uptake method in a semibatch stirred vessel at constant pressure and a temperature of 273.7K.These data are of interest for the design of facilities for natural gas storage and trans-portation in the solid (hydrate)state.During hydrate formation,samples from the gas phase were taken and analyzed by gas chromatography.It was found that the molar composition of CH 4in the vapor phase increased as hydrate crystallization progressed.The observed fractionation effect (enrichment of the hydrate phase with propane)complicates the natural gas storage process.The fractionation effect was also confirmed with molecular-level studies where hydrate from the CH 4/C 2H 6/C 3H 8gas mixture was characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD),NMR,and Raman spectroscopy.The hydrate phase composition and cage occupancy of each gas were calculated with the help of information obtained by Raman spec-troscopy,gas chromatography,and PXRD.The results were consistent with those obtained by NMR.The composition of the gas phase and the hydrate are found toÓ2008American Institute of Chemical EngineersCorrespondence concerning this article should be addressed to P.Englezos atenglezos@interchange.ubc.ca.AIChE JournalAugust 2008Vol.54,No.82132evolve over time,suggesting that kinetic and transport factors contribute in addi-tion to thermodynamics.Ó2008American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J,54: 2132–2144,2008Keywords:gas hydrates,kinetics,methane,ethane,propane,Raman,NMR,PXRDIntroductionClathrate hydrate formation from gas mixtures differs from the formation from single gases for several reasons. One of these is thermodynamics:von Stackelberg noted many years ago that some gas mixtures gave a different hydrate phase than when each component was used by itself to form hydrate.1Another is that there are kinetic and trans-port limitations,for instance,gas hydrate formers have dif-ferent solubilities and diffusion constants in water.As well, a hydrate crystal formed from a single component or a gas mixture may undergo structural transitions:it is very diffi-cult to know or measure the structure of thefirst solid crys-tals that appear upon nucleation.Subramanian et al.2 reported structure II hydrate formation from a methane (CH4)and ethane(C2H6)gas mixture at particular mixture compositions.Uchida et al.3showed that structure II hydrate formedfirst from a CH4/C3H8system and that this was fol-lowed by the formation of structure I methane hydrate. Uchida et al.3also showed that the hydrate phase was enriched in propane.This enrichment in one hydrate former was also observed in hydrate formation from CO2/N2and CO2/H2mixtures.4It is also noted that the observed fractio-nation effect was also found when the gas evolved from hydrate pellets was analyzed.5The pellets were synthesized with a methane/ethane/propane mixture.Kini et al.6moni-tored the cavityfilling through NMR measurements for the same system using ice rather than water.Schicks et al.7syn-thesized mixed hydrates of CH4,C2H6,and C3H8mixture, in that study two different hydrate morphologies were reported each with different cage occupancies.The different rates at which gas molecules appear to be incorporated into the hydrate as well as the role of gas phase measurements was illustrated in more recent studies on hydrate formation from a CH4/CO2mixture by Uchida et al.8and Park et al.9 Svandal et al.10,11presented phasefield simulations on hydrate formation from a CH4/CO2mixture and concluded that the rate is limited by mass transport of the gas to the water phase.Structure,cage occupancy,and composition of mixed hydrates formed by the binary mixtures of CH4/C2H6 and CH4/C3H8are available in the literature.2,3,12,13 Recently,Uchida et al.14reported spectroscopic observations on hydrates formed from binary(C2H6/C3H8),ternary(CH4/ C2H6/C3H8),and quaternary(CH4/C2H6/C3H8/isobutene) mixtures.They reported cage occupancies which were deter-mined by Raman spectroscopy with support from gas chro-matography.Gas hydrate formation is an exothermic crystallization pro-cess,and is characterized by nucleation followed by crystal growth and agglomeration.15,16The kinetics of hydrate growth is concerned with the rate at which the hydrate phase grows after the induction time that marks the onset of hydrate crystallization(nucleation point).The induction time is easily measured in the laboratory.On the other hand,the rate of nucleation(number of hydrate crystal nuclei formed per unit time per unit volume)is an extremely difficult mea-surement.Most hydrate growth studies involve measuring the rate of uptake of the hydrate-forming substance coupled sometimes with determination of the particle size distribu-tion.17–20The rate of hydrate crystal growth is defined opera-tionally.One may use the gas uptake rate or the rate at which a hydrate interface advances.The question that arises is how an intrinsic rate can be distinguished from the rele-vant transport processes.It is not easy to answer this ques-tion and consequently,kinetic studies focusing on particular hydrate forming systems and hydrate vessel configurations continue to appear.Gas uptake measurements are made by measuring pres-sure,temperature and,in some cases,composition of the fluid phases.On the other hand,information such as hydrate structure,composition,and cage occupancy are obtained from molecular level studies.It has been observed by Mou-drakovski et al.21that quantitative measurement of kinetic processes in subvolumes(in this case,by following the dis-appearance of the liquid phase)of a larger sample suggests that the smaller the size of the volume observed becomes, the more inhomogeneous the process appears to be.Powder X-ray diffraction(PXRD)and Raman and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance(NMR)spectroscopy are the well-known tools used for solid phase structural analysis at a molecular level, also for gas hydrates.22–27Susilo et al.27have successfully used these techniques to characterize structure H hydrates of methane and several large organic molecules.Because of the different environments provided by each cage,both Raman and NMR spectra show that some gas/liquid signals are shifted when a molecule is encaged in a hydrate phase. Methane hydrate has been studied extensively.The signature of methane molecules in all three hydrate structures is shifted to a lower frequency in Raman28and to lowerfield in13C NMR2,29compared to the free gaseous state.It is accepted that analysis by Raman spectroscopy on gas hydrates is qualitative in nature.However,Raman spectros-copy sometimes can be used for quantitative determination of hydrate composition and cage occupancy if all peaks can be assigned unambiguously and intensities are calibrated for the specific system under study.2,13,2813C methane chemical shifts from NMR are more structure specific and the inten-sities are quantitative if the correct data acquisition experi-ment is used,and this makes the technique very useful in determining the cage occupancies in mixed gas hydrate sys-tems.Both NMR and Raman gave comparable cage occu-pancy values for methane in structure I(sI)hydrate30,31yet a discrepancy was reported for a mixed hydrate with carbon dioxide,at least for one sample.31Gas hydrate crystal for-mation synthesized from the CH4/C2H6,CH4/C3H8,and CH4/C2H6/C3H8gas mixtures is studied in this work.This information is of interest for the development of technology for natural gas storage and transportation known as gas-to-solids technology.32–34To facilitate the development ofAIChE Journal August2008Vol.54,No.8Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI10.1002/aic2133these processes,data on the kinetics of hydrate growth coupled with compositional analysis of the gas phase are needed.The purpose of this study is to provide such infor-mation and discuss the implications for process design. Kinetics of hydrate formation for CH4/C2H6,CH4/C3H8,and CH4/C2H6/C3H8are studied by coupling gas uptake meas-urements with compositional analysis using gas chromatog-raphy.The kinetics of individual gases occupying different cages for the ternary system is also studied at a molecular level by in-situ Raman spectroscopy.This study also uses the three solid-state analytical tools(PXRD,NMR,and Raman)along with the information obtained by gas chroma-tography to identify the hydrate composition and cage occu-pancy of mixed gas hydrate of CH4/C2H6/C3H8.As noted earlier,Uchida et al.14have recently reported the structure of the hydrates formed from the CH4/C3H8and CH4/C2H6/ C3H8mixtures.However,they did not confirm the results by an independent method such as NMR and did not study the kinetics of hydrate growth.Experimental SectionGas uptake measurementThe gas mixtures used in this study were UHP grade and were supplied by Praxair Technology.The dry molar(%)gas compositions of the binary gas mixtures were determined by gas chromatography and are as follows:CH4(91.0)/C2H6 (9.0),CH4(90.5)/C3H8(9.5).The dry molar(%)gas compo-sition of the ternary gas mixture was:CH4(90.2)/C2H6(5.3)/ C3H8(4.5).The water used was distilled and de-ionized. The apparatus is the one used by Lee et al.35and Linga et al.4It consists of a crystallizer(CR)immersed in a tem-perature-controlled bath and equipped with the appropriate instrumentation to carry out hydrate formation at constant temperature and pressure using afixed amount of water and a continuous supply of gas from a supply vessel(SV).The kinetics of hydrate formation was studied through gas uptake measurements following a technique pioneered in Bishnoi’s laboratory.36,37The gas uptake method was coupled with gas phase composition measurements.All experiments were car-ried at pressures above the equilibrium pressure to ensure a finite rate of hydrate growth.The deviation of the experimen-tal pressure or subcooling temperature from the equilibrium value is frequently called the driving force.The equilibrium pressures for the gas mixtures at273.7K were determined by following the isothermal pressure search method.38The results are shown in Table1.Hydrate phase characterizationThe gas mixture used to form gas hydrate was UHP grade supplied by Praxair Technology.The dry molar gas composi-tion was88.5%CH4,6.9%C2H6,and4.6%C3H8.Hydrates were synthesized from samples of5g of freshly ground ice particles that were poured by gravity into a50ml pressure vessel.The vessel has several spherical steel balls,which impart mixing and grinding to the sample when the vessel is kept on a rolling mill.The loading procedure was performed in a freezer at approximately253K to prevent melting of the ice.The zero time of the measurement was recorded when the vessel was pressurized to the desired pressure.Experi-ments were performed at253K or270K for48h.At the end of the48-h period the temperature was increased to a point above the ice point(274K)within5min in order to enhance the conversion of the remaining ice into hydrate.27 The system was kept at274K for24h and then brought back to253K or270K until there is no change in pressure (almost full hydrate conversion was achieved).The starting pressure in each experiment was2.8MPa,and as the experi-ments were carried out in a batch mode thefinal pressure in the vessel was about2.1MPa.At the end of the experiment, the hydrate samples were collected under liquid nitrogen temperature(approximately77K).The recovered hydrate samples were kept in liquid nitrogen for subsequent analysis. For one experiment,hydrates were allowed to grow at270K for48h and then the temperature was increased to283K. The system was kept at283K for24h(until the pressure became constant)and the sample was collected at liquid nitrogen temperature for further analysis by Raman spectroscopy.Crystal structure and lattice constant information were obtained from powder X-ray diffraction(PXRD).The PXRD measurements were performed with the h/2h step scan mode and a counting time of47.3s/step and a step width of0.0418 in the2h range of7–508(40kV,40mA;BRUKER axs model D8Advance)using CuK a radiation(k5 1.5406) (at163K to prevent hydrate dissociation).The temperature deviation of the sample during measurement was within 1.0K.The crystal information was then correlated to results from13C magic angle spinning(MAS)NMR at173K and Raman spectroscopy at liquid nitrogen temperature.A Bruker DSX400MHz NMR spectrometer was used to analyze the cage occupancies of the individual gases in the mixture,and hence,the hydrate structure.NMR measurements were per-formed on powdered hydrate samples;hydrate was packed in a7mm zirconia rotor,which was loaded into a variableTable1.Incipient Equilibrium Hydrate Formation ConditionsSystem Temperature(K)Incipient EquilibriumPressure(MPa)Gas Phase Composition(Mole Fraction)(Uncertainty60.001)Feed Gas At EquilibriumCH4/C2H6/H2O273.7 1.43CH450.910CH450.918C2H650.090C2H650.082 CH4/C3H8/H2O273.70.52CH450.905CH450.904C3H850.095C3H850.096 CH4/C2H6/C3H8/H2O273.70.75CH450.902CH450.904C2H650.053C2H650.052C3H850.045C3H850.044 2134DOI10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE August2008Vol.54,No.8AIChE Journaltemperature probe.The spectra were recorded with magic angle spinning at 2.5kHz spinning rate.A single pulse exci-tation (908of 5l s)and pulse repetition delay of 300s under proton decoupling was employed.The cross polarization (CP MAS NMR)technique was also employed to distinguish the signals arising from the solid or liquid phase from those of the hydrate phase.The synthetic hydrate samples were also analyzed using Raman spectroscopy.An Acton Raman spectrograph with fiber optics and equipped with a 1200grooves/mm grating and a CCD detector was used in this study.An Ar-ion laser was used as the excitation source,emitting at 514.53nm.The laser was focused on the sample by a 103microscope objective.The spectrograph was controlled with a computer and the spectra were recorded with a 1s integration time over 50scans.All spectra were referenced to methane gas at 2918cm 21.In situ Raman setupThe experimental pressure vessel (cell)used for in situ Raman measurement was made of 316SS and has a volume of 1cm 3.The vessel has a quartz window at the top and can operate at maximum pressure of 5MPa.The temperature was kept constant by circulating cooling liquid through the channels made in the vessel for temperature control.In theseexperiments,the cell was loaded with approximately 0.2g of crushed ice at 253K.Subsequently,cooling liquid (50:50,w/w methanol-water)was circulated at 268K (experimental temperature).The temperature inside the cell was measured by a thermocouple (60.1K).The cell was flushed three times with the gas mixture to remove any air present as im-purity and then finally pressurized at the experimental pres-sure of 2.8MPa.The cell window was then kept under the microscope of the Raman spectrometer to observe the change in Raman spectra with respect to time.A spectrum was recorded every 5min by accumulating 50scans ($1min).Results and DiscussionTable 1shows the incipient gas hydrate formation condi-tions for the three mixtures at 273.7K.Figure 1shows gas uptake curves from three experiments corresponding to the CH 4/C 2H 6and CH 4/C 3H 8binary gas mixtures and the ternary mixture.The curves conform to the behavior of a gas uptake curve described by Bishnoi and Natarajan.15The rate of hydrate growth (R f )is defined operationally as the slope of the gas uptake curve during the first 20min after the induc-tion time.4,35The two methane-containing binary systems ex-hibit similar growth rates initially possibly due to the fact that the methane content is the same and large compared to that of the other gas components.Subsequently,the propane-containing system exhibited fastest gas consumption but just prior to 80min reaction time the ethane system had con-sumed the same amount of gas.The ternary system exhibited the least overall consumption as time passed.Considering that this is a more representative model of natural gas,this kinetic behavior is not favorable if one is interested in con-verting large amounts of natural gas into hydrate.Hydrate formation from the CH 4/C 2H 6mixtureAs seen from Table 1,the minimum pressure to form hydrate crystals for this gas mixture at 273.7K is 1.43MPa.Gas uptake measurements for this system were taken at 273.7K and at 2.9and 3.9MPa.Table 2summarizes the results.As seen,nucleation occurred during the first 5min and the induction times did not correlate with the driving force.Considering that the induction times are all within 3min of each other,this is not surprising as the induction time has a random component.16Furthermore,thecalculatedFigure 1.Gas uptake curves for CH 4/C 2H 6(experiment1,Table 2),CH 4/C 3H 8(experiment 4,Table 2),and CH 4/C 2H 6/C 3H 8(experiment 8,Table 2)with the corresponding induction times.Table 2.Experimental Conditions Along with Measured Induction Times and Hydrate Formation Rates at 273.7KSystemExp.No.Sample State Driving Force*(MPa)P exp (MPa)Induction Time (min)Moles Consumed at Nucleation Point (Induction Time)R f †(mol/min)(CH 4/C 2H 6/H 2O)1Fresh 2.5 3.9 2.30.0030.00172Fresh 1.5 2.9 4.70.0060.00143Fresh 1.5 2.9 2.70.0070.0016(CH 4/C 3H 8/H 2O)4Fresh 2.5 3.0 3.30.0040.00255Fresh 1.5 2.0 3.30.0020.00146Fresh 2.5 3.0 2.00.0010.00117Fresh 1.5 2.0 3.30.0030.0010(CH 4/C 2H 6/C 3H 8/H 2O)8Fresh1.652.45.30.0010.0012*Driving force 5P exp 2P eq.†Rate of hydrate growth (gas consumption rate for the first 20min after nucleation).AIChE Journal August 2008Vol.54,No.8Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 2135rates of growth are all of the same magnitude considering the uncertainty in the mole calculations.4Gas phase analysis was conducted for experiments1and2 and the results are shown in Table3.Interestingly,the CH4 gas content remains practically constant at 3.9MPa but increases at2.9MPa.As CH4and/or C2H6are consumed for hydrate formation the pressure drops and more gas is sup-plied from the Supply Vessel(SV)to maintain constant pres-sure(semi-batch operation).The fate of the two hydrate forming gases was calculated from kinetic information and gas chromatographic analysis and is shown in Figures2 and3.The description of the procedure to calculate the num-ber of moles of the individual species is presented else-where.4As seen,the composition ratio(CH4/C2H6)at 3.9 MPa increases during thefirst25min to about9and then begins dropping to about7.8in80min.On the other hand the composition ratio(CH4/C2H6)drops more rapidly when hydrates form at2.9MPa(lower driving force).It is difficult to say whether any structural transitions occur over these times.Methane and ethane form structure I hydrate but a mixture of the two can form structure II.2Uchida et al.13 have reported that,based on spectroscopic measurements for a binary mixture,of CH4/C2H6with a composition of C2H6 ranging between2%and22%both structure I and II coexist. Hydrate formation from the CH4/C3H8mixtureAs seen in Table1the minimum pressure to form hydrate crystals from this gas mixture at273.7K is0.52MPa.Gas uptake measurements for this system were obtained at273.7K and at2.0and3.0MPa.Table2summarizes the results.As seen,all the induction times are within a4min.range.It is noted that the induction time in experiment6was2min and the number of moles consumed at that point is0.001which is much lower than in experiment4(0.004).This reaffirms the fact that prediction of the kinetics of nucleation is diffi-cult and that induction time prediction is not yet possible. Gas phase analysis results are given in Table4.It is evi-dent from the table that the gas phase in the reactor is enriched with methane as the experiment proceeds.As seen from Figures4and5,the composition ratio(CH4/C3H8) drops more rapidly when hydrates form at2MPa(lower driving force).It is also interesting to note that while the amount of methane incorporated into hydrate is more at 3MPa,the amount of propane is practically the same. Moreover,the amount of propane has reached a plateau within60min at3MPa and100min at2MPa.It appears that further growth is simply due to methane hydrate formation.Hydrate formation from the CH4/C2H6/C3H8mixture Gas uptake measurements were conducted at273.7K and 2.4MPa.This pressure is1.65MPa above the incipient equi-librium pressure at273.7K(Table1).The induction time was5.3min and the calculated rate during thefirst20min was found to be0.0012mol/min(Table2).This rateis Figure 2.Mole consumption and molar ratio for theCH4/C2H6/H2O system3.9MPa.Figure 3.Mole consumption and molar ratio for theCH4/C2H6/H2O system2.9MPa.CH4/C2H6/H2O at3.9MPa(Experiment1,Table2)CH4/C2H6/H2O at2.9MPa(Experiment2,Table2) Sampling Time(min)CH4Mole Fraction inCrystallizer(Uncertainty60.001)Sampling Time(min)CH4Mole Fraction inCrystallizer(Uncertainty60.001)0.00.9100.00.9103.30.9104.00.91010.00.91122.00.91622.00.91242.00.93132.00.91462.00.94142.00.915137.00.95652.00.916––62.00.917––72.00.918––82.00.918––2136DOI10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE August2008Vol.54,No.8AIChE Journalwithin the range found for the constituent binary systems. Gas phase analysis results are given in Table5which shows that the concentration of CH4in the gas phase was much higher by the end of the experiment,close to98%CH4. Because of the increase in methane content of the gas phase, the rate of hydrate growth decreases as the equilibrium for-mation pressure increases,which in-turn decreases the driv-ing force.Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the rate decreases continuously after nucleation.Considering that methane enrichment was also significant in the propane-con-taining binary system it appears that propane incorporation into the hydrate is a dominant factor.Figure6shows equal amounts of ethane and propane consumed.It is expected that experiments done at even lower pressures should be able to give a gas phase almost free of propane and ethane.How-ever,the rate of growth does become much smaller. Hydrate phase characterizationSynthetic hydrate samples were analyzed by PXRDfirst to confirm the presence of hydrate and to verify the crystal structure.A PXRD pattern of the sII hydrate product made with CH4(88.5mol%)/C2H6(6.9mol%)/C3H8(4.6mol%), as obtained in our experiment is shown in Figure7.The pres-ence of ice is indicated by the asterisk.It was found that the gas mixture always formed structure II hydrate under the tem-perature and pressure conditions studied.The pattern wasfit-ted to a standard sII hydrate pattern(space group Fd3m)to obtain the lattice constants and unit cell volumes.The syn-thetic mixed hydrate sample analyzed at163K and atmos-pheric pressure has a unit cell constant of17.23A˚and cell volume of5115A˚.3Diffraction of the sample also was observed with increasing temperature,the increment being 5K,in order to see at which temperature all of the hydrate disappeared.The rate of increase in temperature was approxi-mately2.5K per minute.It was observed that(results not shown)at this rate all of the hydrate dissociated at around 213K(62K).Once the PXRD measurements confirmed that the solid phase contained hydrate,the hydrate phase composi-tion was obtained by gas chromatography.Table6shows the gas/hydrate composition at each stage.As shown in Table6 by the end of the experiment gas phase is almost99%meth-ane.This is in agreement with the gas phase composition from the gas uptake measurements shown in Table5.Figure 4.Mole consumption and molar ratio for theCH4/C3H8/H2O system at3.0MPa.Figure 5.Mole consumption and molar ratio for theCH4/C3H8/H2O system at2.0MPa.CH4/C3H8/H2O at3.0MPa(Experiment4,Table2)CH4/C3H8/H2O at2.0MPa(Experiment5,Table2)CH4/C3H8/H2O at2.0MPa(Experiment7,Table2)SamplingTime(min)CH4Mole Fraction inCrystallizer(Uncertainty60.001)SamplingTime(min)CH4Mole Fraction inCrystallizer(Uncertainty60.001)SamplingTime(min)CH4Mole Fraction inCrystallizer(Uncertainty60.001)0.00.9050.00.9050.00.9053.70.908 3.00.906 5.00.91112.00.91212.00.91010.00.91222.00.91922.00.94320.00.91632.00.93132.00.94830.00.92742.00.93942.00.95740.00.93452.00.94152.00.96850.00.94062.00.94262.00.97870.00.95672.00.94472.00.984100.00.98382.00.94582.00.987120.00.991––92.00.991––––132.00.994––––640.00.997––––660.00.997––AIChE Journal August2008Vol.54,No.8Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI10.1002/aic2137Hydrates synthesized in the rolling cell reactor at 253and 270K at an initial pressure of 2.8MPa were studied with Raman spectroscopy at liquid nitrogen temperature and atmospheric pressure,thus marking the signals of individual gas components in hydrate cages.Guest molecules trapped in hydrate cages may have hydrate structure-specific and cavity-specific signatures in terms of the Raman bands being shifted from gas phase values.Raman spectra for methane and other natural gases in different hydrate structures and phases have been studied 13,14,18,28extensively.Figure 8shows a typicalRaman spectrum of the C ÀÀH (2800–3000cm 21)and O ÀÀH regions (3000–3400cm 21)of the gas hydrate.The spectrum supports the conclusions obtained from XRD analysis that the hydrate is structure II.Two large peaks at approximately 2904cm 21and 2914cm 21indicate CH 4molecules encaged in large cages and small cages,respectively.Other small peaks in the region 2850–3000cm 21are from ethane and propane in the large cages.These peaks have a relatively low signal-to-noise ratio due to the presence of the small amounts of these gases in the resultant hydrate structure.Two large,broad peaks at approximately 3090cm 21and3220cm 21are due to the internal vibrational modes of water molecules making up the host lattice of the hydrate struc-ture.24Additionally,a minor band for methane was present at about 3050cm 21indicative of methane in the hydrate phase.7This peak is due to the Raman active CH 4mode (m 3),which occurs at 3026cm 21in pure methane at 90K.24Figure 9shows the C ÀÀH spectral region obtained for three different experiments at 253K,270K,and 283K and the same initial pressure of 2.8MPa.The Raman band at2903cm 21was assigned to the C ÀÀH stretching mode of methane in the large cage of structure II.The peak at 2914cm 21is for methane in the small cage.It has been observed that propane and ethane only occupy the large cages of struc-ture II.The C ÀÀH stretching vibrations of propane in the large cages appears at around 2870,2878,2984,2900,and 2920cm 21as observed from the measurement on pure pro-pane hydrate.However,for a methane/ethane/propane sys-tem,only the first three propane peaks mentioned earlier are visible as they have stronger signals compared to the last two and they do not overlap with the strong methane signals at 2903and 2914cm 21as shown in Figure 9.Moreover,at higher temperature (Figure 9c),propane dominates the hydrate phase composition over methane and hence the pro-pane signal at 2920cm 21becomes more evident as seen on the right shoulder of the methane peak at 2914cm 21.Hydrate peaks for ethane were observed at 2885andTable 5.Vapor Phase Composition During HydrateFormation from CH 4/C 2H 6/C 3H 8MixtureCH 4/C 2H 6/C 3H 8/H 2O at 2.4MPa (Experiment 8,Table 2)(Uncertainty 60.001)Sampling Time (min)CH 4Mole Fraction in Crystallizer C 2H 6Mole Fraction in Crystallizer C 3H 8Mole Fraction in Crystallizer 0.00.9030.0530.04410.00.9040.0520.04420.00.9180.0470.03530.00.9300.0430.02740.00.9370.0390.02450.00.9450.0350.02060.00.9490.0330.01880.00.9590.0300.011100.00.9610.0270.012120.00.9660.0250.009180.00.9740.0190.007200.00.9780.0180.004Figure 6.Mole consumption for the CH 4/C 2H 6/C 3H 8/H 2O system at 2.4MPa.Figure 7.PXRD pattern of sII hydrate performed at163K on hydrate sample synthesized by CH 4/C 2H 6/C 3H 8mixture at 2.8MPa and 270K.Table 6.Phase Composition at Start and End of the Experiment as Analyzed by Gas ChromatographyDescription Methane (mol %)Ethane (mol %)Propane (mol %)Feed gas composition (start)88.5(60.2) 6.9(60.2) 4.6(60.2)Gas phase composition (end)98.8(60.2)0.9(60.2)0.3(60.2)Hydrate phase composition69.1(60.2)18.2(60.2)12.7(60.2)2138DOI 10.1002/aicPublished on behalf of the AIChE August 2008Vol.54,No.8AIChE Journal。