实况足球2012 一球成名秘籍
国籍的选择也很重要,如果你想要得世界足球先生,那么最好不要选中国队,原因实在说不出口,另外根据你的位置来选择国家是十分明智的,如果你想玩边锋,那么找个有牛B 中锋的国家,如荷兰,找范尼。
PlayCM原帖地址:/thread-559373-1-1.htmlFM2011最后一个档就是曼城,打得风生水起,FM2012 DEMO出了后我也开曼城,好像还没人发心得,那就我来吧。
Clichy的表现跟他的数据有点不符,FM2011的时候用jose henrique,表现可以玩虐clichy. 但是胜在工资低,年轻,打主力没问题。
左后卫【长传速度 128+】
右后卫【射门精度 128+】
清道夫【左上角防守 128+】
门将【左上角进攻 12加一张P17卡片】
中前卫: 同前腰, 且要兼顾防守, 抢球越多评分越高. 最重要的是减少失误 (本人最喜爱的位置, 但也是最难获得高分, 经常是有助攻和进球都只能获得6.5分,就是因为防守做不好)
后腰: 抢球和传球成功率
边前卫和边后卫: 防守时保护同侧边路区域, 抢断和阻截对方传球; 进攻时支援到前场, 成功过人和传中加分较多
中锋: 进球,助攻, 射门数量/成功率; 即使没能进球, 但能够头球摆渡创造机会给队友, 也会加教练评分.
影锋: 跑位扯空档, 突破, 制造有效进攻, 助攻和进球
边锋: 边路突破传中或内切为队友制造机会;助攻和进球
前腰: 组织进攻,经常传出致命传球(能造成射门),进球不如助攻加分多
【反正我的短传精度 短传速度这两项改高过129后位置就回来了!】
红色的字引用自【王元姬】, 根据这个理论,我用‘一球成名属性修改器’测试了下,发现除开【右前卫】这个位置无法找回,其他的位置都能修改回来
中后卫: 抢球..保证球门不失, 还有传球的成功率
守门员: 你懂的...
补充一下, 无论你玩什么位置, 都不应该像以前那样横冲直撞满场飞奔, 2012团队合作非常重要, 比如你玩的是前锋, 没必要的话就别跑到本方禁区参与防守, 这只会打乱已方的阵型, 导致丢球的话你也有责任被减评分的...这又何苦呢...当然如果你认为你防守能力比电脑强的话就当我没说.... 还有就是如果你是高手,操作极度风骚,失误极少, 全场飞奔也不会减教练分...
) 代表球星:佩佩,德容一般不倒地铲球(这类防守球员比较聪明,懂得利用合理的身体冲撞和良好的防守技术,来避免出现随意倒地铲球的情况。
本作减少了拜师选项但是增加了语气。关于选项,第一个选项可以涨 隐藏,学习惯,一定几率成功,拜师失败增加仇恨度,第二个选项只涨隐 藏,不学习惯,可以防止学到老师的垃圾习惯,但是楼主到现在所有的都 是拜师失败结尾,但是不影响隐藏的增长,但是不增加师徒之间的仇恨度 关于语气,楼主一直是用的小心谨慎,感觉成功率最高,对职业低的 球员也都是用的这一项成功的,失败案例只有一个,巴神,莫里森等坑爹 职业都成功过,除了巴神.. ④,老师的选择 其实没什么技巧,拿出球探工具,筛选年龄大于24,职业,决心,野 心18+的一般都不错,下面推荐几个不错的老师,都是楼主最常用的几 个,养老师价格不菲,屌丝球队楼主表示无能为力,下面这几个买了之后 基本可以所有位置小牛全覆盖 a.,raul b.,jari,litmanen c.,filippo,inzaghi d.,mohammed,salmeen e.,nikolay,dimitrov f.,robert,koren g.,stephen,dobbie h.,paul,robinson i.,moreira j.,dmitry,loskov k.,sergey,semak l.,sebasitian,kehl m.,kevin,phillips n.,owen,Hargreaves o.,umit,korkmaz p.,yury,zhirkov ………… 还有非常多的好老师,各大豪门比如国际萨队,坎比亚索,拜仁的奥 利奇,范比滕,季莫什丘克,米兰内斯塔,加图索,曼联棒子,弗莱彻, 吉格斯,娜娜罗西基,利物浦杰拉德,卡拉格,尤文布冯,皮耶罗,皇马 卡卡,卡西,赫迪拉,沙欣,巴萨普约尔,伊涅斯塔,哈维,切尔西队内 的好老师应该是最多的,特里,兰帕德,拉米雷斯,保罗费雷拉,希拉里 奥,切赫,托雷斯,其他如巴拉克,2——训练出小牛经验心得
你对 AI 近乎完美且任意空间的撞墙式配合而抓狂么??你对 AI 算不上华丽但非常无耻的盘带,而被作的手忙脚乱嘴里直骂娘么??你对 AI 近距离的任意球命中率无语么??你对 AI 在 75分钟 -终场哨期间的角球蛋疼么??在经历了一晚上 20场超级巨星难度下大师赛 17负 1平 2胜近乎砸电脑的战绩下,总算是摸索出来点儿东西。
其实在下觉得,最简单的防守莫过于巧妙的运用 RT+A(短传。
键位参照Settings 。
(本文来自 91单机游戏 ,转载请注明点击查看大图RT+A(短传解释为阻挡防守、当 AI 持球时己方球员迅速上前阻挡但不出脚。
巧妙的运用 RT+A(短传 :1、当 AI 持球时,己方队员离得比较远,那么首先要按住 A(短传使己方球员迅速上前贴近。
在即将贴近时迅速 RT+A(短传防守,此时会发现, AI 几乎是过不了人的,因为 RT+A(短传是保持一定距离阻挡对方前进的方向。
所以只能迫使 AI 想要迅速的把球传出去,注意是迫使,所以几乎不会出现之前那些个完美的二过一撞墙式配合。
随之 AI 就会有传球失误的概率。
2、当己方球员阻挡在对方持球球员面前时,想要做到上抢但不丢位,需要看准时机而放开 RT 与 A(短传其中一个键。
如果松开 RT ,己方球员会迅速上抢,但你会看到 AI 像是挣脱了束缚一样想要过掉你,或者寻找二过一的配合。
此时不要急,迅速在按回 RT+A(短传 ,就这样如此反复,松开 RT 按回 RT ,松开 RT 按回 RT ,松开 RT 按回RT , ……3、当对方近距离任意球和发角球时不妨按住 RT+A(短传 ,会有意想不到的结果 - -。
希望没火星! ! ! !。
《足球经理2012》综合攻略比如以前射门训练影响:射门,远射,镇定,而FM2012的射门训练不再影响镇定,也就是说后卫不会再因为不练射门而掉镇定了!下面是FM2012训练项影响的对应属性,大家会发现有所小变化:有氧训练:爆发力(Acceleration) 灵活(Agility) 平衡(Balance) 速度(Pace)力量训练:弹跳(Jump) 体质(Natural Fitness) 耐力(Stamina) 强壮(Stength) 工作投入(Work Rate)战术训练:预判(Anticipation) 镇定(Composure) 集中(Concentration) 决断(Decisions) 团队合作(Teamwork)控球训练:盘带(Dribbing) 停球(First Touch) 头球(Heading) 技术(Technique) 想象力(Fair)防守训练:盯人(Marking) 抢断(Tackling) 防守站位(Positioning)进攻训练:传中(Crossing) 传球(Passing) 视野(Creativity) 无球跑(Off The Ball)射门训练:射门(Finishing) 远射(Long Shots)总结了一下,身体训练貌似没有变化(弹跳忘了以前是不是属于力量训练了),镇定从射门训练归入战术训练,无球跑从战术训练归入进攻训练,防守站位从战术训练归入防守训练,集中从防守训练归入战术训练。
细心的玩家会发现这样改动之后更加合理了!!战术训练只影响对每个位置球员来说都需要的属性,比如当我们的前锋或者攻击性中场的决断不够,以前我们拉大战术训练,会出现防守站位上涨得情况,浪费了PA,要知道防守站位是精神属性,是比较占用PA的,很让玩家无奈,现在这个问题就解决了!另外无球跑加入到进攻训练之中十分合理,因为需要无球跑动的,是主要是中场,前腰,前锋,试问哪这三个位置谁不需要一定程度的传中,传球和视野,即使是攻击性边后卫也是十分需要的,在以前如果我们的前场球员要练无球跑,就得加大战术训练,但是大家都知道,以前战术训练里面那个防守站位让人无比纠结啊!!集中也从防守训练中解脱了出来,也就是说我们的前锋可以完全不用练防守了!不会出现掉集中的情况,而把集中归入到现在的战术训练中可谓十分合理,大家可以看看,现在战术训练所影响的属性,可以说每个位置都不程度的需要啊!!!!同志们,所以说SI还是很用心的,这就是细节啊!!![pagesplitxx][pagetitle][/pagetitle]下面是门将的属性影响,也是有变化的:力量训练:弹跳体质耐力强壮有氧训练:爆发力灵活平衡速度扑救训练:一对一反应镇定集中手控球训练:制空能力手控球大脚开球(kicking) 手抛球战术训练:拦截传中(Command of area) 指挥防守出击(Rushing out) 决断预判控球训练:停球发现以前弹跳是属于有氧训练的,你试想让梅西这种矮个速度球员练有氧,结果涨弹跳你是什么心情!!!现在就好了了!!下面附上FM2011训练项影响对应属性,方便大家比较,也喜欢高手指正不对的地方一般球员力量:耐力/强壮/体质/工作投入有氧训练:速度/爆发力/灵活/弹跳/平衡战术:团队合作/无球跑动/预判/防守站位/决断控球:想象力/技术/停球/头球/盘带防守:集中/盯人/抢断进攻:创造力/传球/传中射门:镇定/射门/远射守门员力量:强壮/耐力/体质有氧训练:速度/爆发力/灵活/平衡/弹跳门将-扑球:反应/一对一/集中/镇定、门将-接球:手控球/手抛球的能力/大脚开球/制空能力战术:出击/防守站位/指挥防守/决断/拦截传中/预判控球:停球有兴趣的玩家可以细心比较一下,会发现这次改变的意义是重大的,可以让玩家更合理分配球员CA,练小牛也更加的心应手!不会再有什么后卫不练射门掉集中的纠结事情出现[pagesplitxx][pagetitle][/pagetitle]而且从SI对属性的归类也可以看出这些属性在比赛中的意义,比如镇定以前在射门里面,会让人产生镇定只对射门,甚至单刀球有影响的错觉,这次放入战术训练中,就是说镇定不仅仅影响射门,对每个位置的球员都会有影响,比如面对逼抢的时候。
6个盯人 系统会自动安排盯人,不用设置什么盯高、盯矮,不要弄巧成拙
也可以用来对付传中,传球以及视野能力强的球员。从而更早抢他们的球,从而给予他 们更少的时间来处理球并创造机会。
如果裁判比较松,或者想加速比赛节奏从而更快的把球抢回来,你就可以进行更多的凶 狠抢断。
《足球经理 2012》针对性设置让你成为大师级高手
针对性设置是用来帮助玩家通过在每一场比赛中对贴身,压迫,抢断和弱势脚的设置, 来修正自己的战术,从而有效应对不同对手威胁的手段。在每场比赛开始之前和比赛中针对 对手的换人和阵型变化来设置这些是很重要的。
对手较弱时也可以对对方的后卫使用,从而给他们更大的压力。前提是你的战术中没有 相关的设定。当然,你要考虑你的进攻球员的属性,如决心,工作投入,特别是耐力。
如果对方球员的爆发力和速度高,但是盘带,传球,远射和视野都不好。这个选项可以 迫使他们使用他们不擅长的技术能力,而不是靠速度硬吃你的防守球员。
玩家可以同时设置个人设置和位置设置,如果该球员有位置变化,个人设置则不会因此 改变。而位置设置则作用于该位置在一场比赛中的任何球员。因此,个人设置更有用。因为 个人设置可以让你针对特定球员的个人属性特点进行设置。但如果你的阵型中没有对付对手 阵型的特定位置,那么位置设置也是很有效的。比如对手有 AMC,而你没有 DMC。
对方左边锋有高盘带,爆发力,灵活,平衡以及速度时,这个选项可以防止他们从边后 卫的内线突破从而造成射门。
5M 工资要求5万左右。
CF本人喜欢抢点型的重点推荐娜娜的Vela,价钱便宜能力世界级印象最深的就是踢MU5:0的时候他进了4个而且全是凭个人能力进的,Wolves的Leigh Griffiths买来练练也不错主要是便宜,还有Damiao是我用过的唯一一个拿过10分的CF他的口碑都知道。
前锋:1. Damiao,FM2012五霸之首,江湖人称大米,BUG双雄之一,任何阵型都进球如麻,买了他游戏就变的毫无意思,开档15M,慎用。
2. Cavani,江湖人称卡神,可以打右边锋和前锋,BUG双雄之一,比上面那个略贵,但是不会那么BUG,每赛季40+还是有保障,但是很贵,开档29M,会越来越贵。
3. Romelu Lukaku,黑风双煞之一,关键是便宜好用,中小球队首选,开档3M。
4. Yaya Sanogo,黑风双煞之一,关键是便宜好用,中小球队首选,开档3M。
5. Mbaye Niang,开档10M,价格不便宜,胜在是法国人,有劳工和不用打非洲杯。
6. Neymar,前场多面手,开档30M,固潜181,世界级,可以大幅增加球迷的热情度和俱乐部声望。
7. Abel Hernández,江湖人称小豌豆,胜在便宜实用。
8. Alberto Paloschi,虽然被改弱,但属性分配更合理。
中场:1. Mario Götze,FM2012五霸之一,中场发动机,尼玛就是贵的离谱,开档40M往上。
2. Eden Hazard,右路之神,尼玛也是贵的离谱,开档30M往上。
3. Douglas Costa和William,矿工双杰,谁用谁知道,都是中场全能选手,William速度快,Douglas技术好,都是10M左右,哥俩一起买走,中场10年无忧。
4. Yann M'Vila,FM2012五霸之一,中场绞肉机兼拖后组织核心,开档30M往上。
5. Jack Wilshere,江湖人称威胁,前场组织核心,尼玛阿森纳就是不卖,开档40M往上。
6. Xherdan Shaqiri,买不起Hazard就买他吧。
7. Lorenzo Crisetig,江湖人称小克,Yann M'Vila的削弱版,国米中场未来希望。
8. Adam Johnson,左右路通杀,内切之神,便宜,开档在曼城。
Hints and Tips for FM 2012(足球经理2012 技巧与提示 总结版)
Hints and Tips for FM 2012"You can keep an eye on what your club's board think of the job you're doing by visiting the board room screen. Select 'Manager' 'Board Room' from the menubar.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to find out what their club's board think of the job they're doing]""When viewing your players' profile you can check his progress in training over the past 12 months by selecting 'Attributes' from the tree menu under the training section.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, Training, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user that they can view a graph showing a player's progress with training]""You can place job advertisements for staff on the jobs screen by selecting 'Manager' 'Jobs' from the menubar and then 'Place Advert' from the actions menu.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to place job adverts for staff]""When adding a manager to the game you can choose your past footballing experience by selecting the 'Past Experience' dropdown menu.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to set a new users past footballing experience on the new user screen]""When adding a manager to the game you can take control of a random team by selecting 'Randomise' from the select team panel.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to use the random team feature when choosing a club to manage on the new user screen]""When viewing a player profile you can take a look at his injury history by selecting the 'Injuries' section in the tree menu.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user he can view all injuries the player has sustained since starting the game]""You can view all the transfers from around the game world by selecting 'World' 'Transfers' from the menubar.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level]""When viewing a league table you can look at a graph of a team's progress throughout the season by clicking on the team's position.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user he can see a graph showing the team's progress throughout the season]""You can view the annual player awards in the game by selecting 'World' 'Awards' from the menubar.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level]""To compare attributes and statistics between two players, go to the first player's profile, then go to the second player's profile and click on the 'Compare With' option in the actionsmenu.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to compare two players]""You can interact with any player in the game world by viewing his profile and then selecting 'Player Interaction' from the actions menu.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to use the Player Interaction feature]""When viewing a player's profile you can check to see what positions he can play in by selecting the 'Position' section in the tree menu.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to check what positions the player plays in]""When viewing a player's profile from your team you can view a coach report by selecting 'Overview' from his training section in the tree menu.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to get a coach report on one of his own players]""When playing with more than one human manager you can switch users by selecting 'Manager' 'Changer User' from the menubar.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to switch users if there is more than one human manager]""When playing with more than one human manager you can switch users by selecting the popup arrow next to 'Home' on the breadcrumbs menu.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to switch users if there is more than one human manager]""You can add a new human manager to the game at any time by selecting 'Options' 'New User' from the menubar.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to add another human manager into the game]""You must respond to all news items that require a response before you can continue the game.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user that some news items require a response before they can continue the game]""You can find out where a team plays, its stadium capacity and lots of other information on the club information screen.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to find out the details of a club's stadium]""When viewing another manager's profile you can interact with them by selecting 'Manager Interaction' from the actions menu.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to interact with another manager]""You can go on holiday and choose various holiday options by selecting 'Manager' 'Go On Holiday' from the menubar.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to go on holiday]""You can compare your managerial feats against the alltime greats in the Hall of Fame screen by selecting 'Options' 'Hall of Fame' from the menubar.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to get to the Hall of Fame screen]""You can change the look of the game by selecting 'Options' 'Preferences' and then choosing a skin from the skin dropdown menu in the 'Display & Sound' section.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to change the games skin]""To quit the game go to 'Options' 'Quit Game' from the menubar. Why would you want to do that though?![COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to quit the game]""When viewing your team screen you can make a comment about your opposing team's manager by selecting 'Manager Interaction' 'Next Opponent Comment' from the actions menu.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to use the manager mind games feature and make a comment about the next opposition team's manager]""When viewing your team screen you can make a comment about the manager of the team you played previously by selecting 'Manager Interaction' 'Previous Opponent Comment' from the actions menu.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to use the manager mind games feature and make a comment about the manager your team last played against]""When viewing a profile of a player from your team you can select any of his attributes and view his training history for that attribute over the past 12 months.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to view the training history attributes graph for a specific attribute]""You can view notes and reminders that you have created on the notebook screen by selecting 'Manager' 'Notebook' from the menubar.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to use the notebook feature]""When viewing a player profile you can view and create notes on the player by selecting 'Misc' 'View Notes' from the actions menu.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to create and view notes on a player]""When viewing the team screen you can see the squads full player information statuses by selecting 'View' 'Full Player Status' on the squad panel.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to change the squad view to the full player status information on the squad screen]""When viewing the team screen, if a player has an icon in the 'Inf' column you can go directly to the related status details section by selecting the icon.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI,Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to use the INF (information) icons to quickly access the player status details for that player]""You can retire from the game and remove your manager completely from the game world, by selecting 'Manager' 'Options' 'Retire' from the menubar.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to retire from the game world]""You can resign from your club and become unemployed by selecting 'Manager' 'Options' 'Resign' from the menubar.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to resign from his club]""When viewing a team screen you can check the club's past competition history by selecting 'Competitions' from the 'History' section on the tree menu.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to check the competition history of a particular club]""When viewing your manager snapshot screen you can customise which panels are visible by selecting another panel in the dropdown menu on each of the panels.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to change the information shown on their manager snapshot screen]""When viewing the team screen you can see the player's current season statistics by selecting 'View' 'Stats' on the squad panel.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to change the squad view to the season statistics for a team]""When viewing your tactics screen you can set or change player runs by rightclicking and dragging the arrow to the desired position on the pitch panel. Please note that this option is only available in Classic Tactics mode.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to add or edit player runs]""When viewing your tactics screen you can set or change player runs by selecting [%shift#1] and the leftmouse button, and dragging the arrow to the desired position on the pitch panel. Please note that this option is only available in Classic Tactics mode.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to add or edit player runs]""When viewing your tactics screen you can swap two players' positions around by dragging the position button of the player you want to swap onto another player.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to swap two players positions around]""When viewing the tactics screen you can change your team instructions by selecting 'Instructions' 'Team Instructions' from the tactics panel.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to edit team instructions]""When viewing the tactics screen you can set individual player instructions by selecting the row of a picked player in the squad list.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note:tells the user how to edit individual player instructions]""When viewing individual player instructions you can choose a predefined instruction template by selecting 'Set To' from the tactics panel.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to add or edit player runs]""When viewing the tactics screen you can save the current tactic to your list of custom tactics by selecting 'Tactics' 'Save...' from the players panel.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to save a tactic to their custom tactics list]""When viewing the tactics screen, customise your formation by selecting 'Instructions' 'Positions' on the tactics panel, and then dragging and dropping the players on the pitch.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to customise their formation]""When viewing your team screen you can hide the goalkeepers from the squad list by selecting 'Show Filters' and deselecting 'Goalkeepers' from the squad panel.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to hide goalkeepers from the squad view]""When viewing your team screen you can hide the defenders from the squad list by selecting 'Show Filters' and deselecting 'Defenders' from the squad panel.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to hide defenders from the squad view]""When viewing your team screen you can hide the midfielders from the squad list by selecting 'Show Filters' and deselecting 'Midfielders' from the squad panel.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to hide midfielders from the squad view]""When viewing your team screen you can hide the attackers from the squad list by selecting 'Show Filters' and deselecting 'Attackers' from the squad panel.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to hide attackers from the squad view]""When viewing your team screen you can hide the players unavailable for the next game by selecting 'Show Filters' and deselecting 'Unavailable' from the squad panel.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to hide players who are unavailable for selection from the squad view]""When viewing your team screen you can hide the players who are on loan or on trial at the club by selecting 'Show Filters' and deselecting 'On loan or trial' from the squad panel.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to hide players who are on loan or trial from the squad view]""When viewing player profiles, you can see a graphical representation instead of numbers byturning on the 'Show graphical attributes in profile' setting in the 'Display & Sound' section on the preferences screen.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to turn on the attributes graphical representation in the preferences screen]""You can add other teams' players to your shortlist by rightclicking on them and selecting 'Add To Shortlist' from the popup menu.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to add players to his shortlist]""When viewing a team screen you can view a list of staff at the club by selecting 'Staff' from the tree menu.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to view a list of staff at the club]""You can save your game by selecting 'Options' 'Save Game' from the menubar.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to save a game]""You can save your game by holding down [%control#1] and pressing the 'S' key on your keyboard.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to save a game using the CTRL+S keyboard shortcut]""When viewing your tactics screen you can set up generic left and right setpiece routines by selecting 'Instructions' 'Team Instructions' from the tactics panel.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to setup generic setpiece routines]""When viewing your tactics screen you can set up specific free kick defensive instructions for players by selecting 'View' 'Defending Free Kicks' from the players panel.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to setup specific individual defensive free kick instructions for players]""When viewing your tactics screen you can set up specific free kick attacking instructions for players by selecting 'View' 'Attacking Free Kicks' from the players panel.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to setup specific individual attacking free kick instructions for players]""When viewing your tactics screen you can set up specific defensive corner instructions for players by selecting 'View' 'Defending Corners' from the players panel.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to setup specific individual defensive corner instructions for players]""When viewing your tactics screen you can set up specific attacking instructions for players by selecting 'View' 'Attacking Corners' from the players panel.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to setup specific individual attacking corner instructions for players]""When viewing your tactics screen you can set up specific left sided attacking throw ininstructions for players by selecting 'View' 'Attacking Throw Ins (L)' from the players panel.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to setup specific individual left sided attacking instructions for players]""When viewing your tactics screen you can set up specific right sided attacking throw in instructions for players by selecting 'View' 'Attacking Throw Ins (R)' from the players panel.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to setup specific individual right sided attacking throw in instructions for players]""When viewing your tactics screen you can set up a priority order for your captains by selecting 'Instructions' 'Captains' from the squad panel and dragging players onto the list.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to setup a priority list of captains at the club]""When viewing your tactics screen you can set up a priority order of playmakers by selecting 'Instructions' 'Playmakers' from the squad panel and dragging players onto the list.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to setup a priority list of playmakers at the club]""When viewing your tactics screen you can set up a priority order of target men by selecting 'Instructions' 'Target Men' from the squad panel and dragging players onto the list.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to setup a priority list of target men at the club]""When viewing your tactics screen you can set up a priority order of penalty takers by selecting 'Instructions' 'Penalty Takers' from the squad panel and dragging players onto the list.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to setup a priority list of penalty takers at the club]""When viewing your tactics screen you can set up a priority order for your left and right corner takers by selecting 'Instructions' 'Corners' from the squad panel and dragging players onto the list.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to setup a priority list of corner takers at the club]""When viewing your tactics screen you can set up a priority order for your left and right throw in takers by selecting 'Instructions' 'Throw In Takers' from the squad panel and dragging players onto the list.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to setup a priority list of throw in takers at the club]""When viewing your tactics screen, if an individual player instruction is not ticked he will automatically carry out the equivalent team instruction.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user that players who do not have individual instructions set automatically carry out the equivalent team instruction]""When viewing your tactics screen you can delete, import and export your tactics by selecting 'Tactics' 'Edit Tactics...' from the squad list.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to import, export and delete custom tactics]""When viewing your tactics screen you can remove a picked player by selecting the position from the 'PKD' menu and choosing 'Remove From Position'.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to remove a picked player from the tactcis screen]""When viewing your team screen you can remove a picked player by selecting the position from the 'PKD' menu and choosing 'Remove From Position'.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to remove a picked player from the team screen]""When viewing your team screen you can drag a player from the squad list 'PKD' button onto the positions in the top row to select or swap a player in that position.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to use the position row on the squad screen to select or swap players for the displayed positions]""When viewing your team screen you can select a position in the top row to remove a player from that position.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to use the position row on the squad screen to remove the player from the selected position]""When viewing the add manager screen you can set the favourite club for your manager by using the 'Favourite Team' option.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to set a favoured club for their manager on the add manager screen]""When viewing a league or cup competition screen you can view the competitions rules by selecting 'Rules' from the competition tree menu.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how view the rules of a competition]""You can continue the game by pressing the spacebar on your keyboard.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to continue the game using the spacebar shortcut]""Hovering your mouse cursor over column headings on any screen will popup a tooltip with further information.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to use tooltips]""When adding a player to your shortlist, you will automatically be informed when another club makes a transfer bid, when his contract is up for expiry or of any injuries he picks up.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user that you automatically keep track of players on your shortlist via your News inbox]""When viewing the preferences screen you can change the currency displayed in the game by changing the 'Currency' option in the general section.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI,Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to change the games currency format]""You can access the ingame tutorial at any time by pressing F1 on your keyboard.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to access the ingame tutorial using a keyboard shortcut]""You can access your home screen at any time by pressing F2 on your keyboard.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to access their home screen using a keyboard shortcut]""You can access your firstteam squad at any time by pressing F3 on your keyboard.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to access their firstteam squad screen using a keyboard shortcut]""You can access your Inbox at any time by pressing F4 on your keyboard.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to access their news screen using a keyboard shortcut]""You can access the player search screen at any time by pressing F5 on your keyboard.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to access the player search screen using a keyboard shortcut]""You can access your shortlist screen at any time by pressing F6 on your keyboard.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to access the shortlist screen using a keyboard shortcut]""You can access your scout search screen at any time by pressing F7 on your keyboard.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to access their scout search screen using a keyboard shortcut]""You can access your staff screen at any time by pressing F8 on your keyboard.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to access their staff screen using a keyboard shortcut]""You can access your transfers screen at any time by pressing F9 on your keyboard.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to access their transfers screen using a keyboard shortcut]""You can access your firstteam fixtures screen at any time by pressing F10 on your keyboard.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to access their firstteam fixtures screen using a keyboard shortcut]""You can access your club information screen at any time by pressing F11 on your keyboard.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to accesstheir club information screen using a keyboard shortcut]""You can access the game status screen at any time by pressing F12 on your keyboard.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to access the game status screen using a keyboard shortcut]""When viewing a player profile from your team, you can offer the player a mutual termination of his contract by selecting 'Release' 'Mutual Termination' from the actions menu[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to offer a player mutual termination of his contract]""When viewing a player profile, you can analyse his performances for the season in more detail by selecting 'Stats' from the tree menu.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to view detailed stats on a players performances during the season]""When viewing a player profile, you can view their favoured personnel and the players they have good relationships with by selecting the 'Personal' section from the tree menu.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to view a players favoured personnel and good relationships]""When viewing the game introduction screen, selecting 'Load Last Game' will load the most recent saved game.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user that the 'Load Last Game' option on the game introduction screen loads the most recently saved game, helping to save time]""When viewing the game introduction screen, selecting 'Check for updates' will automatically search for the latest official updates for the game from Sports Interactive. Please note, you must be connected to the internet for this to work.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user that the 'Check for updates' option on the game introduction screen automatically searches for the latest updates for the game from Sports Interactive]""The quick flicks, located in the title bar, allow you to scroll through like items. For example, using them on the player profile screen will cycle through all the players associated with the player's team.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to use the Quick Flick buttons]""When viewing the match overview screen, selecting on the number indicating the minute a goal was scored will show a replay of the goal.[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how to view a replay of a goal]""When viewing the match report screen, selecting the time of an event in the match report will show a replay of the incident(s).[COMMENT: Hints and Tips, GUI, Beginner Level, Note: tells the user how replay a highlight from the match report screen]"。
⾜球经理2012——开场3分钟内不失球永远不会输的bug 我是K E V I N,今天给新⼿们教⼀个不输球的B U G,这个B U G12也能⽤了..
在开场后我们迅速的点上快速战术换刚才创建好的没G K的战术。
⼩T I P:这个B U G当然能⽤在正常赛季⾥,但这个B U G主要的⽤途在于赛季前友谊赛⾥的体能回复和提⾼竞技状态..因为不会受伤啊!
球员的工资都是真实的,并且谁管经纪人拿多少钱~~~~ 流程:随便选择一个你想要买的球员,他这个图用的是hazard。
1、防线压上(Push Higher Up)+加强铲球(Get Stuck In)+缠住对手(Hassle Opponents)
2、保持控球(Retain Possession)+传球到脚下(Pass To Feet)+防线收缩(Drop Deeper)
3、防线压上(Push Higher Up)+传球到空当(Pass Into Space)+保持控球(Retain Possession)
4、防线收缩(Drop Deeper)+谨慎铲球(Stay On Feet)+给对手空间(Stand-off Opponents)
5、防线收缩(Drop Deeper)+阵型拉开(Play Wider)+给对手空间(Stand-off Opponents)
6、中路突破(Exploit The Middle)+阵型收缩(Play Narrower)
7、边路突破(Exploit The Flanks)+阵型拉开(Play Wider)
⾜球经理2012——我的⼀点fm⼼得 正题: ⼀、当然是修改⼯具 改C P和改A P,就不解释了,⽆任何操作意义 1、转会;把⼼仪的球员设置为挂牌和弃⽤,抄底 2、妖⼈的违约⾦改为100000000欧元以上(数数⼏个0),强队挖⾓⼀般要出价到3000W以上 3、主要⽐赛打不过了,如X X决赛怎么也打不赢巴萨,M I L A N,M U等强队,可把他的⼀线⼆线B队C队卫星俱乐部,全部体⼒和⼠⽓掉为1000,10⽐0以上稳稳的 ⼆、开档妖怪推荐 后卫,PA PA(希腊,20岁),安赫尔(罗马,24岁后,长转,短传,防守,盯⼈,抢断全部到17+,速度,爆发16+,M L D L A M L 全亮)卡洛斯,中场⾥克尔梅,⼩贝,⼩儒尼尼奥,贝莱隆(不理解?退役后你们就懂了,3年之类定位球直接进球40+)帕斯托雷,前锋哲科(赛季保持30+),巴洛特利,肥罗,堕落的国王 三、战术、阵线,天⽓ 1、天⽓,纠结啊!不要只看风和⾬,要看温度,顶棚和地热,没顶棚和地热,直传2/3处,速度正中偏低⼀点点,队形2/3处,有顶棚和地热,传球拉到偏直传队⼀点点,其他随便,温度低等于天⽓是⼩⾬ 2、阵型,我试过163,21322,22222,532(全功全守),4222,最终定位442,4231,31222(打弱队,后腰为防守),每赛季进球保持在120到150之间,西甲11连冠,欧冠10连冠(拉科鲁尼亚) ①、与强队,后卫不解释了,中间1个全能,1个组织,2个边锋⾮常关键,如果对⽅是C R或者梅西类型,开场为前卫,或者防守型前卫盯着对⽅边卫,让他们不能助攻,对⽅边锋敢内切就⽤M C⼈盯⼈,换位就取消⼈盯⼈,让他们乱跑,左右脚局限他的发挥,边卫调为防守看死,打客场2边被看死,就把2个边锋设置为前场组织核⼼,让他们传球内切,解放A M C和M C,让M C在中圈打⾝后,对⽅盯⼈就换位,和M C换,最多20分钟就漏⼈,在慢慢搞。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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术界面里创建一个没有守门员的战术比如 5-4-2 之类的,只要把守门员提上来就行了。 保存好战术。
创建好的没 GK 的战术。
只 要 战 术 换 好 了 ... 球 员 们 都 会 傻 站
1ca0f3cd1 热血江湖
我是 KEVIN,今天给新手们教一个不输球的
BUG,这个 BUG12 也能用了..首先进入战术界面。
在战术界面里创建一个没有守门员的战术比如 5-4-2 之类的,只要把守门员提上来就行了。保
存好战术。在开场后我们迅速的点上快速战术换 刚才创建好的没 GK 的战术。只要战术换好..我
是 KEVIN,今天给新手们教一个不输球的 BUG,
就这样结束了,中场休息后我们继续要开始下半 场的时候助教会提醒我们没守门员不能开始比
比赛结束了。小 TIP:这个 BUG 当然能用在 正常赛季里,但这个 BUG 主要的用途在于赛季前