(每题1分,共20分)1.Können Sie es noch einmal wiederholen? Ich ____ das nicht.A. weißB. versteheC. kenne2.____ der Fisch Ihnen gut ____?A. Haben, geschmecktB. Haben, gegessenC.Hat, geschmeckt3.Frau Meyer ermahnt ihren Mann, er ____ vorsichtig farhren.A. kannB. darfC. soll4.Der Film ist frei für Jugendliche ab 16 Jahren. Hier bedeutet "frei"___.A. verfügbarB. kostenlosC. zugelassen5.Er kam immer erst, ____ du weg warst.A. alsB. wannC. wenn6.Was machen wir denn mit dem V ertrag? -Ihr müßt einen Rechtsanwalt um ____ bitten.A. V orschlagB. RatC. Idee7.In der Bundesrepublik gibt es fast 30 Millionen Fahrzeuge, ____sind 23 Millionen private Autos.A. dabeiB. darinC. davon8.Herr Moser? Kenn ich ihn? - Du ___ihn ja kennen. Er war letztes Jahr als Gastprofessor hier.A. sollstB. kannstC. musst9.Ich zerbrach mir den Kopf, ________________A. aber ich fand keine Lösung.B. als ich von der Treppe abrutschte.C. weil ich mich nicht für die Theorie interessierte.10.Die Firma zog nach Berlin um. Ihr Bürohaus in Hamburg hat darum verkauft ______.A. worden zu sein.B. zu müssen.C. werden müssen11.Wie alt ist deine Schwester? Ist sie noch klein?--Ja, sie ist __ acht.A. nurB. schonC. erst12.Die Frauen kämpfen heute üerall um ihre ____.A. GleichheitB. GleichberechtigungC. Gleichung13.Also um 6 Uhr? --______Ihnen das?A. PaßtB. GebtC. Kommt14. __________ hört ihr V orträge? --Dreimal in der Woche.A. Wie langeB. Wie oftC. Wie viele15.Sein guter Ruf ging weit _____ die Grenzen des Landes hinaus.A. durchB. überC. an16.Ich habe es satt. Ich _________________.A. kann nicht mehr essenB. habe keinen Hunger mehrC. will nichts mehr hören17.Fasse dich kurzl ____________.A. Das Kleid passt dirB. Du wirst nicht dick werdenC. Ich will auch telefonieren18.In welchem Jahr begann der 2. Weltkrieg?A. An 1939B. Im Jahr 1939C. In 193919.Achtung!Einsturzgefahr! Bitte nicht betreten! Das ist ________.A.eine DrohungB.eine WarnungC.eine Mitteilung20.Der Unfall war wirklich nur deine Schuld! --Ja, du hast recht, Ich hätte nicht so schnell farhen _______.A.könnenB. sollenC. müssenⅡ.阅读理解(共36分)。
[ 考研类试卷 ]2010 年南京大学英语专业(基础英语)真题试卷一、名词解释0 For the definition given in each item in questions 11 to 15, find a matching word in the specified paragraph. The number given after each definition indicates the paragraph in which the word appears.(1x5)1pretension to knowledge not possessed(2)2adjustment(3)3appearing periodically(4)4display of narrow-minded learning(7)5bodies invisible to the naked eye(13)二、阅读理解6THE STUDY OF MANIrving S. Lee1The study of man—even, the scientific study—is ancient and respectable. It goes back to Aristotle, to Hippocrates, and beyond them to obscure beginnings. Today, it is one of the chief studies of the learned. Like our other activities, it may be divided into two parts, the successful part and the unsuccessful part. Speaking very generally and with due regard to numerous and important exceptions, it may be said that the successful part of the scientific study of man is related to medicine, the unsuccessful part to philosophy and to the social sciences. These relations are not only historical, they are also to be seen in methods, attitudes, and traditions.2The successes of medicine and the medical sciences have not been lightly won; from a multitude of failures, they are the survivals and the fortunate productions of tile best or the most-favored men among an endless succession of skillful physicians though pedantry, incompetency, and charlatanry have often hindered and, in evil times, even arrested the accumulations of medical science for long periods, since Hippocrates, at least, the tradition of skillful practice has never been quite lost the tradition that combines theory and practice. This tradition is, especially in three elements,indispensable.3Hippocrates teaches, first, hard, persistent, intelligent, responsible, unremitting labor in the sickroom, not in the library;the all-roundadaptation of the doctor to his task, anadaptation that is far from being merely intellectual. This is adaptation chiefly through the establishment of conditioned reflexes. Something like it seems to be a necessary part of the mastery of any material or of effective work in any medium.4Hippocrates teaches, secondly, accurate observation of things and events; selection, guided by judgment born of familiarity, of the salient and the recurrent phenomena; and their classification and methodical exploitation.5Hippocrates teaches, thirdly, the judicious construction of a theor—y not a philosophical theory, nor a grand effort of the imagination, nor a quas—i religious dogma, but a modest pedestrian affair, or perhaps I had better say, a useful walking stick to help on the way.6All this may be summed up thus: The physician must have, first, intimate habitual intuitive familiarity with things; secondly, a systematic knowledge of things; and thirdly, an effective way of thinking about things.7Experience shows that this is the way to success. It has long been followed in studying sickness, but hardly at all in studying the other experiences of daily life. Let us, therefore, consider more carefully what Hippocrates did and what he did not do. He was in reaction chiefly against three things: firstly, against the ancient, traditional myths and superstitions which still prevailed among the physicians of his day; secondly, against the recent intrusion of philosophy into medical doctrine; thirdly, against the extravagant system of diagnoses of the Cnidian School, a body of contemporary physicians who seem to have suffered from a familiar form of professional pedantry. Here, Hippocrates was opposing the pretentious systematization of knowledge that lacked solid, objective foundation—the concealment of ignorance, probably more or less unconsciously, with a show of knowledge. Note well that such concealment is rarely altogether dishonest and may be practised in thorough good faith.8The social sciences today suffer from defects that are not unlike the defects of medicine to which Hippocrates was opposed. Firstly, social and political myths are everywhere current, and if they involve forms of superstition that are less apparent to us than the medical superstitions of long ago, that may well be because we recognize the latter class of superstitions for what they are while still accepting or half accepting the former class. Secondly, there is at least as much philosophy mingled with our current social science as there was at any time in the medical doctrines ofthe Greeks. Thirdly, a great part of the social science of today consists of elaborate speculation on an insufficient foundation of fact.9Hippocrates endeavored to avoid myths and traditional rules, the grand search for philosophical truth, the authority of philosophical beliefs, the concealment of ignorance with a show of systematic knowledge. He was concerned, first of all not to conceal his own ignorance from himself.10Experience shows that there are two kinds of human behavior which it is ordinarily convenient and often essential to distinguish.11One is the thinking, talking, and writing, by those who are so familiar with relevant concrete experiences that they cannot ordinarily forget the facts, about two kinds of subjects. These are;firstly, concrete observation—s observations and experiences which are representable by means of sharply defined or otherwise unambiguous words; and secondly, more general considerations, dearly and logically related to such concrete observations and experiences.12The other kind of behavior is thinking, talking, and writing about vague or general ideas or "concepts" which do not clearly relate to concrete observations and experiences and which are not designated by sharply defined words.13In the social sciences, special methods and special skills are few. It is hard to think of anything that corresponds to a mathematician's skill in performing mathematical operations or to a bacteriologist's skill in cultivating microorganisms or to a clinician's skill in making physical examinations.14Classificatory, descriptive knowledge, which is so conspicuous in the medical sciences and in natural history and which has proved so essential to the development of such sciences, is relatively lacking in the social sciences. Moreover, there is no common accord among social scientists concerning the classes and subclasses of the things they study, and there is even much disagreement about nomenclature.15The theories of the social sciences seem to be in a curious state. One body of theory, that of economies is highly developed, has been cast in mathematical form, and has reached a stage that is thought to be in some respects definitive. This theory, like those of the natural sciences, is the result of the concerted efforts of a great number of investigators and has evolved in a manner altogether similar to the evolution of certain theories in the natural sciences. But it is hardly applicable to concrete reality.16The reasons why economic theory is so difficult to apply to concrete events are that it is an abstraction from an immensely complex reality and that reasoning from theory to practice is here, nearly always vitiated by "thefallacy of misplaced concreteness. " Such application suggests the analogy of applying Galileo's law of falling bodies to the motion of a falling leaf in a stiff breeze. Experience teaches that under such circumstances it is altogether unsafe to take more than a single step in deductive reasoning without verifying the conclusions by observation or experiment. Nevertheless, many economists, some cautiously and others less cautiously are in the habit of expressing opinions deduced from theoretical considerations concerning economic practice. There is here a striking contrast with medicine, where it is almost unknown for a theorist inexperienced in practice to prescribe the treatment of a patient.17In other fields of social science, theories are generally not held in common by all investigators, but, as in philosophical systems, tend to be sectarian beliefs. This is true even in psychology where the conflicts of physiological psychologists, behaviorists. Gestaltists, and others sometimes almost suggest theological controversy.18On the whole, it seems fair to say that the social sciences in general are not cultivated by persons possessing intuitive familiarity; highly developed, systematic, descriptive knowledge; and the kind of theories that are to be found in the natural sciences.19There is not a little system-building in the social sciences but, with the striking exception of economic theory, it is of the philosophical type rather than of the scientific type, being chiefly concerned in its structural elements with words rather than with things, or in old fashioned parlance, with noumena, rather than with phenomena.20A further difference between most system-building in the social sciences and systems of thought and classification of the natural sciences is to be seen in their evolution. In the natural sciences, both theories and descriptive systems grow by adaptation to the increasing knowledge and experience of the scientists. In the social sciences, systems often issue fully formed from the mind of one man. Then they may be much discussed if they attract attention, but progressive adaptive modification as a result of the concerted efforts of great numbers of men is rare. Such systems are in no proper sense working hypotheses; they are "rationalizations" , or, at best mixtures of working hypotheses and "rationalizations".21Thinking in the social sciences suffers, I believe, chiefly from two defects:One is the fallacy of misplaced concreteness; the other, the intrusion of sentimen—tsof Bacon's Idols—into the thinking, which may be fairly regarded as an occupational hazard of the social scientists.22Sentiments have no place in clear thinking, but the manifestations of sentiments are among the most important things with which the social sciences are concerned. For example, the word "justice" is out of place in pleadingbefore the Supreme Curt of the United States, but the sentiments associated with that word and often expressed by it are probably quite as important as the laws of our country, not to mention the procedure of the Supreme Court. Indeed such sentiments seem to be in many ways and at many times the most important of all social forces.23The acquired characters of men may be divided into two classes. One kind involves much use of reason, logic, the intellect; for example, the ordinary studies of school and university. The other kind involves little intellectual activity and arises chiefly from conditioning from rituals and from routines; for example, skills, attitudes, and acquired sentiments. In modified form, men share such acquired characters with dogs and other animals. When not misinterpreted, they have been almost completely neglected by intellectuals and are frequently overlooked by social scientists. Their study seems to present an opportunity for the application of physiology.24The conclusions of this comparative study are as follows: Firstly, a combination of intimate, habitual, intuitive familiarity with things; systematic knowledge of things; and an effective way of thinking about things is common among medical scientists, rare among social scientists. Secondly, systems in the medical sciences and systems in the social sciences are commonly different. The former resemble systems in the other natural sciences, the latter resemble philosophical systems. Thirdly, many of the terms employed currently in the social sciences are of a kind that is excluded, except by inadvertence, from the medical sciences. Fourthly, sentiments to not ordinarily intrude in the thinking of medical scientists; they do ordinarily intrude in the thinking of social scientists. Fifthly, the medical sciences have made some progress in the objective study of the manifestations of sentiments; the social sciences, where these things are particularly important, have neglected them. This is probably due to the influence of the intellectual tradition " Sixthly" in the medical sciences, special methods and special skills are many; in the social sciences, few. Finally, in the medical sciences, testing of thought by observation and experiment is continuous. Thus, theories and generalizations of all kinds are constantly being corrected, modified, and adapted to the phenomena; and fallacies of misplaced concreteness, eliminated. In the social sciences, there is little of this adaptation and correction through continuous observation and experiment.25These are very general conclusions to which, as I have already said, there are numerous and important exceptions. Perhaps the most important exceptions may be observed in the work of many historians, of purely descriptive writers, and of those theoretical economists who scrupulously abstain from the application of theory to practice.6Hippocrates was chiefly concerned with .( A)not concealing his own ignorance from himself( B)combining philosophy with medical doctrine( C)the system of diagnosis of the Cnidian school( D)pretentious systematization of knowledge( E)incorporating tradition with systematic knowledge7Most social science systems are, at best, .( A)mixtures of working hypotheses and rationalizations( B)results of concerted efforts of men at adaptive modification( C)adaptations of experience and increasing knowledge to experiments( D)highly developed systems of knowledge( E)studies of the structural elements of things8One branch of the social sciences considered in some respects definitive is .( A)history( B)philosophy( C)sociology( D)politics( E)economics9The social sciences today suffer from defects similar to the defects of medicine in Hippocrates' day, as evidenced by all but one of thesestatements. Which one?( A)Forms of superstition are less apparent today because we half accent them.( B)The concealment of ignorance is as thoroughly dishonest today as it was before.( C)Elaborate speculation is based on poor foundation of fact.( D)Much philosophy is mingled with current social science.( E)Social and political myths are everywhere current.10The tradition of skillful medical practice since Hippocrates' time combines theory and practice. Which description inaccurately represents this tradition?( A)Hard, persistent, intelligent, unremitting labor in the sickroom.( B)Evidence of accurate observation, selection, classification, and methodical exploitation of phenomena.( C)Judicious construction of a modest workable theory.( D)Hard, responsible, intelligent, unremitting labor in the library.( E)All-round adaptation of the doctor to his task as a type of master workman.11The author firmly believes the scientific study of men .( A)comparative religion( B)natural philosophy( C)social science( D)medical science( E)theoretical economics12Which of the following is NOT a conclusion of the author based on his comparative study?( A)Effective thinking is rare among social scientists.( B)In the medical sciences, testing of thought by observation and experiment is continuous.( C)Sentiments ordinarily intrude in the thinking of medical scientists.( D)Social sciences have neglected the objective study of the manifestations of sentiments.( E)Terms employed in the social sciences are of a kind excluded from the medical sciences.13By "the fallacy of misplaced concreteness" , the author means .( A)apprenticeship in a hospital is the only effective preparation for practice( B)the expressing of opinions deduced from theoretical considerations rather than experiment and observation( C)the prescribing of treatment for a patient by an experienced intern( D)treatment of illness by specialists in each field( E)theoretical deductions verified by observation and experimentation14According to the writer, the social sciences suffer from both the fallacy of misplace concreteness and .( A)excessive experimentation( B)judicious theory construction( C)intrusion of sentiments( D)too much observation and checking( E)ancient myths15One may infer that the author's views are .( A)universally accepted by medical students( B)accepted by social scientists( C)not acceptable to Gestaltists( D)parallel to those of economists( E)disputed by many professions15For the given word in each item in questions 16 to 20, decide which semantic variation best conveys the meaning of the author. The number given after each word indicates the paragraph in which the word appears.(1x5)16prevailed(7)( A)existed widely( B)produced the desired effect( C)gained the advantage17 pretentious(7)( A)assumptive of dignity( B)making exaggerated show; ostentatious( C)claiming importance or title18 conspicuous(14)( A)readily attracting attention; striking( B)plainly visible; manifest( C)undesirably noticeable19 fallacy(16)( A)false idea( B)deceitfulness( C)erroneous reasoning 20 sectarian(17)( A)pertaining to a particular school of thought( B)member of a sect( C)bigoted三、句子改错21All high schools attach great importance youngster's performance in the College Entrance Examinations.22He could not say "hippopotamus" and "pomegranate" , and we had to help him to pronounce.23"How to open the door?" , he asked as he turned the key, but the door did not open.24This was a farm where you could find all kinds of birds: chickens, quails, turkeys, ducks and geese and so on.25The boy biked to school but realized that he has forgotten his homework.26It was bad news that all boys in the class were caught skipping the PEclass. Another news, however, was encouraging:all of them passed the math exam.27The teacher got impatient that after explaining the past tense many times and giving many examples, the pupils still wrote "I play football yesterday".28All the sophomores said that they wanted to be a good student.29The teacher found it dissatisfied that students failed to hand in their homework on time.30 A wrong information he gave me is that our shuttle bus leaves at 3. As a result, I missed it.四、汉译英31Translate the following passage into English.(25)建城近2500年来,南京一直是中国多元文化交融共进的中心城市之一。
10.南京大学语言学考研真题及参考答案(2006~2009)南京大学2009年语言学考研真题考试科目:英语语言文学Ⅰ. Write the International Phonetic Alphabet for the following words. (12/150)(1) attentive (2) deference (3) hypothesis (4) pathetic(5) catastrophe (6) ascent (7) subtlety (8) caveat(9) frugal (10) influenza (11) languid (12) vehement【答案】(1) attentive[] (2) deference[](3) hypothesis[](4) pathetic: [] (5) catastrophe: [](6) ascent: [](7) subtlety: [] (8) caveat: [](9) frugal: [](10) influenza: [] (11) languid: [](12) vehement: []Ⅱ. The following sentence is taken from Barack Obama’s Victory Speech. The underlined words are stressed by Obama. State the general rules of sentence stress and discuss whether the underlined words conform to these rules (e.g.,which ones are generally stressed; which ones are normally not stressed but get stressed here; and which ones that are normally stressed but are not stressed here). (15/150)If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer. 【答案】In general situations, lexical words are normally stressed while grammatical words are unstressed. Those which mainly work for constructing groups, phrase, clause, clause complex, or even text are grammatical words, such as, conjunctions, prepositions, articles, and pronouns. And those which mainly work for referring to substance, action and quality, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs are lexical words. Lexical words carry the main content of a language while grammatical ones serve to link together different content parts. Therefore, lexical words are also known as content words and grammatical ones as functional words.In this passage, the verb doubts, wonders, questions, the noun America, things, dream, founders, power, democracy, the adjective: possible, alive, the adverb: still, all, fall into the category of lexical words and are generally stressed. The pronoun: anyone, our and your, are grammatical words which are not normally stressed but get stressed here, and the noun: place, time, tonight, answer, are lexical words that are normally stressed but are not stressed in this text.(本题考查词的分类和重音,根据词性来判断是否应该重读。
写这个贴一方面是自己复习的时候有时会感到有一些迷茫,觉得特别无助,希望我的分享能在考研党们迷茫的时候给大家的复习带来一些小小的帮助~ 还有一方面是用我的复习经历激励一下大家:我的复习时间推进看起来惨不忍睹,一切都没有按照计划来,到了还剩两个月的时候,我觉得压力很大什么都没看,觉得没有戏,准备好要二战了可是又很矛盾,不想二战,但直到最后我都没有自暴自弃,而是抓住每分每秒想尽量让自己爆发小宇宙创造奇迹,事实证明这是有回报的,请小伙伴们无论多痛苦都要坚持到最后!千万不要破罐子破摔想着再战算了,一战可以过就不要二战,这次可以过就不要把希望寄托在下一次!下面是我惨不忍睹的时间推进(这是我个人整体的复习推进,可以选择跳过直接看下面各科目的复习经验。
(之前说了由于课内在上美国文学,所以就先带着看美国文学了,正常还是先看英国文学比较好) 8月-10月:我拍拖了(我心想考研可以二战,爱情飞走就再抓不住了) 请把这个当做反面教材)。
具体请点击进入【历年南京大学考研真题答案下载】[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学448汉语写作与百科知识考研真题答案(2010-2017年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学建筑设计原理考研真题试卷(2001-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学843中外建筑历史与理论考研真题试卷(2001-2009年,不含03)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学355建筑学基础考研真题(2000、2014-2015年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学841分子生物学B考研真题试卷[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学652细胞生物学一考研真题试卷(2000-2011年,不含03、04、10)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学308护理综合考研真题试卷(2015-2016年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学软件基础历年考研真题试卷(2002-2008年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学程序设计和数据结构考研真题试卷(1996-2001年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学编译原理和操作系统考研真题试卷(1995-2001年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学数据结构考研真题试卷(1997-2003年,不含99)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学操作系统考研真题试卷(1996-2003年,不含01)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学830工程地质学考研真题试卷(2004-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学827构造地质学考研真题试卷(2000-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学829地球科学概论考研真题试卷(2002-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学826古生物地史学考研真题试卷(2000、2003-2008年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学825地球化学考研真题试卷(2003、2005-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学824矿床学考研真题试卷(2000、2003-2009、2011年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学823矿物学(含结晶学)考研真题试卷(2000、2005-2008年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学822地球物理学考研真题试卷(2005-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学821岩石学考研真题试卷(2000,2002,2005-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学820专业综合考研真题试卷(2003-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学856全球变化科学导论考研真题试卷(2007-2008年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学857遥感概论考研真题试卷(2007-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学847经济地理学考研真题试卷(2005-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学816海洋科学导论考研真题试卷(2003-2009年)【历年南京大学考研真题答案下载】[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学811环境科学导论考研真题试卷(2005-2010年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学信号与系统考研真题(1995-2002年,不含99、00)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学艺术/艺术教育理论综合考研真题试卷(08-09)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学948国际政治学考研真题试卷(2003-2011年,不含10)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学612法理学考研真题试卷(1996-2015年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学中外美术史考研真题试卷(2004-2007年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学648艺术综合考研真题与答案(2004-2011年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学962管理学与计算机基础考研真题(2005-2013年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学961自动控制原理一考研真题(2006-2013年,不含15)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学922管理与运筹学基础考研真题(2002-2015年,不含13-14)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学989档案管理理论与方法考研真题试卷(2004-2009)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学441出版专业基础考研真题与答案[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学335出版综合素质与能力考研真题答案(2011-2012年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学619国际关系考研真题试卷(2002-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学946研究方法与新闻业务考研真题与部分答案(2005-2011,2015年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学959研究方法与传播业务考研真题与部分答案(05-09,11,15-16)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学620传播史论考研真题与答案(2005-2016年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学622新闻传播史论考研真题试卷(2005-2014、2016年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学440新闻与传播专业基础考研真题与部分答案(2011-2016)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学334新闻与传播专业综合能力考研真题试卷(2011-2015)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学647世界史基础考研真题(2003-2017年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学645中国近现代史基础考研真题(2004-2017年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学643中国古代史基础考研真题(1995-2016年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学348文博综合考研真题试卷与答案(2012、2014年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学964英美文学考研真题试卷(2001-2014年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学653基础英语考研真题试卷(2002-2015年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题与答案详解(2010-2016年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学935语言及论文写作考研真题试卷(2001-2017年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学615文学考研真题试卷(1998-2018年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学437社会工作实务考研真题试卷(2010-2016年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学331社会工作原理考研真题试卷(2010-2016年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学954社会保障与社会工作考研真题与答案(2004-2008年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学933行政管理学考研真题试卷(1996-2017年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学661公共管理基础理论考研真题试卷(2007-2009、2014)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学976环境与资源保护法学专业综合考研真题试卷(2007-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学955诉讼法学专业综合考研真题试卷(2004-2008年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学929经济法专业综合二考研真题试卷(1995-2014年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学613政治学原理考研真题试卷(1995-2017年)【历年南京大学考研真题答案下载】[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学921管理学原理考研真题试卷(1998-2015年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学920会计学考研真题试卷(2003-2018年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学919经济学原理考研真题试卷(1994-2017年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学434国际商务专业基础考研真题与答案(2011-2017年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学938马克思主义发展史考研真题试卷(2007-2008年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学918科学思想史(含STS)考研真题试卷(2000-2008年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学917宗教艺术考研真题试卷(2000-2008年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学914形式逻辑基础考研真题试卷(2000-2009年,不含07)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学850高分子化学考研真题试卷(2000-2011年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学840免疫学考研真题试卷(2000-2009年,不含03)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学352口腔综合考研真题试卷(2002-2009、2015年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学631光学考研真题试卷(2000-2008年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学848材料化学基础考研真题试卷(2005-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学839材料物理基础考研真题试卷(2000-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学833生理学A考研真题试卷(2001-2016年,不含10、11)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学835生态学考研真题试卷(2000-2009、14-15年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学858细胞生物学二考研真题试卷(1999-2010年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学669药学基础综合考研真题试卷(2008-2011年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学651遗传学考研真题试卷(2005-2011年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学642生物化学二考研真题试卷(2000-2011、2016年,不含10)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学831植物生理学考研真题试卷(2000-2014年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学844环境工程学考研真题试卷(2004-2015年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学810环境生物学考研真题(2000-2014年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学808环境化学考研真题试卷(2000-2013年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学634大学化学考研真题试卷(2007-2011年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学666仪器分析考研真题试卷(2006-2014年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学852有机化学考研真题试卷(1993-2014年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学853物理化学考研真题试卷(1997-2011)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学851信号与系统、模拟电路考研真题(2007-2012年,不含11)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学804普通物理二考研真题试卷(1999-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学803声学基础考研真题试卷(00、02、05-08年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学633数理方法二考研真题试卷(2000,2004-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学332生物物理考研真题试卷(2001-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学629原子核物理考研真题试卷(2000-2010年,不含02)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学627数学分析考研真题试卷(2006-2013年,不含12)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学801高等代数考研真题试卷(2005-2014年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学432统计学考研真题试卷(2011、2015年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学809环境规划与管理考研真题试卷(2004-2011,2016年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学930国际法专业综合考研真题(03、04、08、13、15)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学664体育学综合考研真题试卷(2007-2009年)【历年南京大学考研真题答案下载】[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学813自然地理学考研真题试卷(1997-2011、2014-2016年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学663考古学基础考研真题与部分答案(2011-2012年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学971日语专业知识综合考研真题试卷(2007-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学991西班牙、拉丁美洲文学考研真题(2006-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学969德语专业知识综合考研真题试卷(2007-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学963英语语言学考研真题与答案(2000-2003,2006-2014年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学658基础西班牙语考研真题试卷(2006-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学657基础日语考研真题答案(2001-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学656基础德语考研真题试卷(2001-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学655基础法语考研真题试卷(2010-2010年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学654基础俄语考研真题(2003-2009年,不含04、06)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学264德语考研真题与答案(2001-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学262俄语考研真题试卷(2003-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学261英语考研真题与答案(2001-2010年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学357英语翻译基础考研真题答案(2010-2017年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学958东方哲学与宗教概论考研真题试卷(2005-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学916宗教学概论(含宗教与文化)考研真题试卷(1995-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学915伦理学原理考研真题试卷(2000-2009年,不含04)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学913现代西方哲学考研真题试卷(2000-2012年,不含04、11)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学912中国哲学原著(含古代汉语)考研真题试卷(2002-2014年,不含07、10、12、13)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学911马克思主义哲学史(含原著)考研真题试卷(2004-2009年,不含05)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学928经济法专业综合一考研真题试卷(2003-2010年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学636哲学综合B考研真题试卷(2002-2014年,不含09-10)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学635哲学综合A考研真题试卷(2002-2014年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学265法语考研真题与答案详解(2001-2010年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学637哲学综合C考研真题试卷(2002-2014年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学926刑法专业综合考研真题试卷(2003-2009、2012年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学834分子生物学A考研真题试卷(1996-2013年,不含12)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学832普通动物学考研真题试卷(2004-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学641普通生物学考研真题试卷(2001-2016年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学640生物化学一考研真题试卷(1999-2014年,不含11)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学639普通地质学考研真题试卷(2000-2012年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学819土地管理学考研真题(2000-2010年,不含01)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大815地理信息系统概论考研复习全析(含历年真题,共三册)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学814人文地理学考研真题(2000-2014年,不含10、12、13年)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大813自然地理学考研复习全析(含历年真题,共三册)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学812理论力学考研真题(2000-2009年,不含03))[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大810环境生物学考研复习全析(含历年真题)【历年南京大学考研真题答案下载】[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大808环境化学考研复习全析(含历年真题)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学852有机化学考研复习全析(含历年真题,共三册)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大853物理化学考研复习全析(含历年真题,共三册)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学807化工原理考研真题试卷(1998-2014年)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大考研化工原理重难点与典型题(含考研真题)详解[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大850高分子化学考研复习全析(含历年真题)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学634大学化学考研复习全析(含真题)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大866信号与通信综合考研复习全析(含真题,共三册)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大854信号与系统、数字信号处理考研复习全析(共两册)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大864大学物理一考研复习全析(共四册)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大867电子技术基础B考研复习全析(共两册)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学802普通物理一考研复习全析(含历年真题)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学648艺术综合考研复习全析(含真题,共两册)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大961自动控制原理一考研复习全析(含历年真题)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大922管理与运筹学基础考研复习全析(含历年真题,共三册)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大962管理学与管理信息系统考研复习全析(含历年真题)(共四册)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学333教育综合考研复习全析(含历年真题)(共六册)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学新闻学考研复习全析(含真题答案,共五册)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学传播学考研复习全析(含真题答案,共五册)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大348文博综合考研复习全析(含真题与答案)(共四册)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大653基础英语考研复习全析(含真题与答案)(共五册)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学964英美文学考研复习全析(含真题与答案)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大357英语翻译基础考研复习全析(含历年真题答案)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大448汉语写作与百科知识考研复习全析(含真题答案)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学211翻译硕士英语考研复习全析(含真题答案,共五册)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大考研《影视学专业知识》考试重难点与名校真题详解[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大考研《戏剧戏曲专业知识》考试重难点与名校真题详解[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大考研《艺术理论》考试重难点与名校真题解析[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大934社会学方法考研复习全析(含历年真题)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学614社会学理论考研真题试卷(2000-2014年)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大929经济法专业综合二考研复习全析(含历年真题)(共2册)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大928经济法专业综合一考研复习全析(含历年真题)(共三册)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大927民商法专业综合考研复习全析(含历年真题)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大926刑法专业综合考研复习全析(含历年真题)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大925宪法学与行政法学专业综合考研复习全析(含真题与答案)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学927民商法专业综合考研真题试卷(2004-2011年)[金陵南大考研网] 《刑事诉讼法学》考试重难点与名校真题详解(陈光中,第五版)[金陵南大考研网] 《宪法》考试重难点与名校真题答案详解(张千帆,法律出版社第二版)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学925宪法学与行政法学专业综合考研真题与答案(03-09)【历年南京大学考研真题答案下载】[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学924法律史综合考研真题(2003-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学923法理专业综合考研真题试卷(2003-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学660马克思主义基本原理考研真题试卷(2001-2009年)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大434国际商务专业基础考研复习全析(含真题与答案)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学431金融学综合考研复习全析(含真题与答案,共五册)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大911马克思主义哲学史考研复习全析(含历年真题)[金陵南大考研网] 2018南京大学635哲学综合A考研复习全析(含历年真题)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大445汉语国际教育基础考研复习全析(含真题答案,共三册)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大354汉语基础考研复习全析(含真题答案,共三册)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大497法硕联考综合(法学)考研复习全析(含真题答案,共四册)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大397法硕联考基础(法学)考研复习全析(含真题答案,共三册)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大498法硕联考综合(非法学)考研复习全析(含真题答案,共四册)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大398法硕联考基础(非法学)考研复习全析(含真题答案,共三册)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学263日语考研真题与答案(2001-2010年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学431金融学综合考研真题与答案(2002-2017年)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学新闻与传播硕士考研复习全析【含真题答案,共七册】[金陵南大考研网] 2019年南京大学社会保障考研全套资料[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学934社会学方法考研真题试卷(2000-2014,2017年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学802普通物理一考研真题试卷(1998-2015年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学628量子力学考研真题试卷(1998-2014年)[金陵南大考研网] 2018南京大学考研646国际关系史基础考试解读与真题答案[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学考研647世界史基础考试解读与真题答案详解[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学988图书馆学考研真题试卷(2000、2003-2007年)[金陵南大考研网] 南京大学化学专业考研真题试卷(1994-2006年,不含00、03年))[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学考研643中国古代史基础考试解读与真题答案详解(共两册)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学考研645中国近现代基础考试解读与真题答案详解[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学考研645中国近现代史基础复习全析(含真题答案,共五册)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学考研935语言及论文写作考试解读与真题答案详解[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学考研615文学考试解读与真题答案详解[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学考研933行政管理学考试解读与真题答案详解[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学考研613政治学原理考试解读与真题答案详解[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学考研612法理学考试解读与真题答案详解[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学考研964英美文学考试解读与真题答案详解[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学考研935语言及论文写作复习全析(含真题与答案,共五册) [金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学考研615文学复习全析(含真题与答案,共六册)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学考研933行政管理学复习全析(含真题与答案,共五册) [金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学考研613政治学原理复习全析(含真题答案,共三册)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学考研612法理学复习全析(含真题答案,共三册)【历年南京大学考研真题答案下载】[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学考研653基础英语考试解读与真题答案详解[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大考研622新闻传播史论应试模拟四套卷与答案详解[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学考研622新闻传播史论考试解读与真题答案详解[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学考研622新闻传播史论复习全析(含真题与答案) [金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学考研920会计学考试解读与真题答案详解[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学考研920会计学复习全析(含真题与答案)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学考研919经济学原理考试解读与真题答案详解[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大考研919经济学原理复习全析(含真题答案,共五册)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南大考研921管理学原理复习全析(含真题答案,共四册)[金陵南大考研网] 2019南京大学考研921管理学原理考试解读与真题答案详解金陵南大考研网(南京大学考研在线咨询入口)【历年南京大学考研真题答案下载】。
[考研类试卷]2010年南京大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷一、区分题1 Distinguish the following pairs of terms. Clarify the differences with appropriate examples.(20/150)homonymy vs. polysemy2 entailment vs. presupposition3 surface structure vs. deep structure4 endophoric reference vs. exophoric reference二、单项选择题5 For each group of items in the following, point out which item does not fall under the same category as the rest and explain the reason in ONE sentence.(A)ex<u>p</u>ensive(B)re<u>p</u>eat(C)s<u>p</u>ring(D)cons<u>p</u>iracy[Focus on the pronunciation of "p"](A)co<u>n</u>siderate(B)to<u>n</u>icity(C)poi<u>n</u>tless(D)i<u>n</u>consistency[Focus on the pronunciation of "n"](A)number<u>s</u>(B)classroom<u>s</u>(C)island<u>s</u>(D)laptop<u>s</u>[Focus on the pronunciation of "s"] (A)competent(B)principal(C)individual(D)animate[Focus on the location of the stress](A)/f/(B)/p/(C)/d/(D)/g/[Focus on the classification of consonants] (A)provide(B)supply(C)offer(D)accuse[Focus on transitivity](A)re<u>ceive</u>(B)en<u>able</u>(C)re<u>vol</u>utionary(D)pro<u>ceed</u>[Focus on the type of morphemes](A)aboard(B)beyond(C)beneath(D)without[Focus on word types](A)parent/child(B)teacher/student(C)tree/forest(D)buyer/seller[Focus on the type of semantic relation](A)locutionary act(B)illocutionary act(C)perlocutionary act(D)elocutionary act[Focus on Austin's trichotomy of speech act theory] (A)Quality Maxim(B)Method Maxim(C)Quantity Maxim(D)Relation Maxim[Focus on Grice's Cooperative Principle](A)Content of discourse(B)Mode of discourse(C)Tenor of discourse(D)Field of discourse[Focus on Halliday's Register Theory]三、分析题17 Use the method of binary cutting(as used in the IC Analysis)to analyze the morphological or syntactic structure of the following.(12/150)inconsistency(4/150)18 The scholar also argues that the spread of English is nothing neutral.(8/150)19 What is metaphor? How does cognitive linguistics interpret it differently from traditional rhetoric? Use a few examples to illustrate how the farmer contributes to our understanding of language.(20/150)20 What do Brown and Levinson(1987)mean by "positive face" and "negative face"? Study the following utterances and decide which type of face is being attended to in each utterance. Support each of your decisions with a brief explanation.(20/150)(1)Come here, Johnny.(2)Passengers please refrain from smoking.(3)I just want to ask you if I can use your bike.(4)You must be tired after the long flight. Shall we talk about the contract tomorrow?21 Academic writing is supposed to be formal in style. However, colloquialisms of various kinds abound in Chinese learners' theses. Study the following excerpt from a postgraduate student's B. A. thesis. Point out those linguistic forms that are too colloquial to be appropriate. What might be the major causes for the use of the inappropriate language style? What advice do you have for teachers of English?(22/150)Presidents' inaugural address is an art that maybe includes all the skills of public speaking. How do American Presidents make their addresses attractive and persuasive? Do they have some skills or secrets of success on public speaking? Yes, I think so. I think many people who have great talent in public speaking make concerted effort to construct such a perfect text. That is to say, they check wording and phrasing, use all kinds of figures of speech as long as they need. So inaugural addresses show their especial charm to appeal to millions of fellow citizens.In this research, I'll try to prove that rhetoric techniques are frequently used in the speeches and play indispensable roles in making a good inaugural address. But it's obviously a "mission impossible" to study the whole family of rhetoric techniques ininaugural addresses. So I'll only choose one important and active member in the rhetoric family—metaphor, because it's used most frequently in presidents' inaugural addresses, and I'll use three American presidents' inaugural addresses as my samples.I hope that through my research I can find out the usage of metaphors in those addresses, and what effects they make respectively on the theme the addressers want to deliver. And I also hope that the comparison and contrast among the three different speeches will give us some clues about the change of American's political, economic, municipal, and diplomatic tactics in different periods.22 What is euphemism? Define it briefly in your own words. Then, study the following euphemistic expressions carefully and write out their non-euphemistic equivalents in the thirdcolumn.(16/150)23 The following statements are some items listed in a questionnaire designed to investigate Chinese high school students' motivation in learning English. Read these statements and fulfill three tasks: 1)provide your definition of motivation in language learning; 2)categorize the statements in relation to different types of motivation; and3)based on your definition of motivation, add at least TWO more items to the questionnaire(You can write the items in Chinese).(16/150)1.我学英语是因为英语是必修课。
[考研类试卷]2012年南京大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷一、区分题1 Distinguish the following pairs of terms. Clarify the differences with appropriate examples.metaphor vs. metonymy2 generalized conversational implicature vs. particularized conversational implicature3 coordination vs. subordination4 inflectional morpheme vs. derivational morpheme二、单项选择题5 For each group of items in the following,point out which item does not fall under the same category as the rest and explain the reason in ONE sentence.(24/150)(A)repub<u>l</u>ic(B)conso<u>l</u>ation(C)mu<u>l</u>tiple(D)p<u>l</u>umber[Focus on the pronunciation of "l"](A)recko<u>n</u>(B)recog<u>n</u>ition(C)rethi<u>n</u>king(D)resig<u>n</u>ation[Focus on the pronunciation of "n"](A)a<u>s</u>piration(B)bu<u>s</u>iness(C)ari<u>s</u>en(D)re<u>s</u>ilience[Focus on the pronunciation of "s"] (A)admirable(B)advertising(C)adamant(D)addictive[Focus on the location of the stress](A)/w/(B)/n/(C)/m/(D)/b/[Focus on the classification of consonants](A)peddle(B)edit(C)resurrect(D)realize[Focus on the device of word formation] (A)misplace(B)empower(C)unbutton(D)displease[Focus on the type of affix](A)however(B)therefore(C)whereas(D)nevertheless[Focus on word types](A)mother/father(B)fairly/rather(C)top/bottom(D)local/global[Focus on the type of semantic relation] (A)cabin/aircraft(B)lens/glasses(C)mouse/computer(D)entrance/park[Focus on myronymy](A)we(B)it(C)now(D)here[Focus on deixis](A)Honesty Maxim(B)Approbation Maxim(C)Agreement Maxim(D)Sympathy Maxim[Focus on Leech's Politeness Principle]三、分析题17 Use the method of binary cutting(as used in the IC Analysis)to analyze the morphological or syntactic structure of the following.(12/150)representational(4/150)18 What happened next was astonishing to all present at the meeting.(8/150)19 Analyze the following sentences as required.(20/150)<u>The door</u> was knocked open by <u>a young man</u> with <u>abrick</u>.(Analyze the underlined parts of the sentence in terms of semantic roles and discuss how this sentence differs from" The young man knocked the door open with a brick".)20 On daily occasions, noise can be a big headache.(Discuss the conceptual metaphor used in this sentence and supply a sentence with a metaphor of the same type. Then, think of another possible conceptual metaphor for NOISE.)21 A smile on your face will make your appearance more welcome.(Rewrite the sentence with "you" as the subject. Discuss the difference(s)between the original sentence and the new one.)22 If yon waste time <u>today</u>, you will repent <u>tomorrow</u>.(Are the underlined words in the sentence deictic in this context? Why yes(or why not)?)四、简答题23 What are the four conditions that the performance of speech acts is supposed to satisfy if it is to be felicitous? Discuss how the following two instances of speech act performance may "deviate"from the rules or conditions.(20/150)(1)Thank for not smoking.(used as a public sign)(2)I really appreciate your effort to share my secret with my enemy!24 By definition,tautology like"Business is business"involves meaningless repetition. However, we do often find the use of it in real-life communication. Can yon think of twomore examples and discuss the possible contexts in which they might be heard? What do their users intend to convey? How are the tautological ways of saying different from their non-tautological equivalents?(22/150)25 Read the following poem carefully. What syntactic deviations are employed in it? What stylistic effect might result from the deviations? What cohesive devices are used? Who does "thou"refer to? How effective is its use?(16/150)My friend—Emily Dickinson My friend must be a Bird—Because it flies! Mortal,my friend must be,Because it dies'.Barbs has it, like a Bee!Ah, curious friend!Thou puzzlest me!26 Second language(L2)learners may correct themselves from time to time during their L2oral production. Listed below are some instances of self-correction(or self-repair)inL2speeches. Each instance is followed by the speaker's own retrospective account of the reasonfor the repair. Study these instances and fulfill the following tasks.(16/150)Task 1)Categorize these self-correction instances into some meaningful types. Name each type,briefly define it, and specify the instances that belong to it. For example, there are some instances(2,6,and 9)that exemplify Error Repairs as a type of self-repairs:Error Repairs: The L2 speakers correct themselves when they realize that they have made(or are making)language errors.Instance 2; The speaker corrects a phonological error.1. Uhm well there's a big dining table for forty person. And then we've also got er well it's well the dining table occupies half of the room.Retrospection: I thought, I did not tell you first how big the room was, so I said that the dining table occupies half of the room,and then I said what I originally wanted to say.2. We could arrange er more smallertabia[teibi]table[teibl] if you would like that better.Retrospection; I mispronounced the word" table," and I corrected it.3. There are very wide choice of er main courses er er steak er er several kinds of steak. Retrospection: I wanted to say it more precisely that we do not only have one kind of steak but several kinds of steak.4. You have to we have to make a contract.Retrospection: I realized that it is stupid to say that you have to make a contract, it's up to us to do it.5. In this urn in this part of the town er there are many vegetarians. Er this is because the university is here and vegetarians like it er like this restaurant.Retrospection: I noticed that" it" could also mean the university, so I wanted to make it clear that it is the restaurant that the vegetarians like and not the university.6. Will er have to pay er five er sorry er twenty-five percent. Retrospection; Here I said "five "instead of" twenty-five "accidentally.7. It doesn't it's not a problem.Retrospection: First I wanted to say "it does not matter" but I realized that in a business deal you cannotsay" it does not matter. "8. Thirty-five per... people.Retrospection: First I wanted to say " persons" but I had used " persons " several times before,so I said"people. " 9. I think it a very nice it's a very niceRetrospection: I left out "is, "and I corrected it.10. Uhm our fish fish meals er foods are very good too.Retrospection: I corrected"fish meals"for"fish food'" because I was not sure you can say "fish meals"and"fish foods"sounded a bit better.11. We have some er er v ... maybe you have vegetarians in your group. Retrospection; Here the idea of vegetarians suddenly popped up, and I abandoned what I was going to say because I would not have been able to list any more types of food anyway.27 Task 2)Analyze these self-correction instances and answer the following two questions: What feature can the self-correction phenomenon reveal about the process of L2 speech production? How does it influence L2 oral production?。
【语言文学基础】一、填空题(每空1分,共30分)14 荷马史诗包括《伊利昂纪》和《》两部作品。
15 文艺复兴时期法国新文学的代表是小说家()。
16 德国作家()因创作《布登勃洛克一家》而获得1929年诺贝尔文学奖。
17 意识流小说《喧哗与骚动》的作者是美国作家()。
二、选择题(每小题2分,共28分)7 狄蒙娜是莎士比亚《》中的女主人公。
A哈姆雷特B奥赛罗C李尔王D麦克白8 俄国作家()常被视为西方现代派文学的先驱之一。
A屠格涅夫B托尔斯泰C陀思妥耶夫斯基D契诃夫三、名词解释(每小题3分,共42分)- 0 -7 书信体小说 8 流浪汉小说南京大学2002年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题(三小时)【比较文学与世界文学】一、名词解释(20分)1、特洛伊木马2、模仿说3、十四行诗4、“拜伦式的英雄”二、简要谈谈你对下列作品最深的一点体会。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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三、次の外来語を中国語に訳しなさい。(5点) 1.スポーツ 2.スケジュール 3.カレーライス 4.スーツケース 5.パスポート 6.カーテン 7.スペイン 8.チケット 9.インク 10.アルバイト
【答案】 1.体育运动 2.计划 3.咖喱饭 4.旅行箱,小提箱 5.护照 6.窗帘 7.西班牙 8.票,券 9.油墨,墨水 10.临时工,打工
8.李さんは毎期6時ごろ家( )出ます。 【答案】を 【解析】句意:小李每天早上六点左右从家出门。格助词「を」表示动作的起点。
9.陳さんは飼っていた小鳥( )逃げられました。 【答案】に 【解析】句意:小陈养的小鸟飞走了。格助词「に」用于被动态表示动作的主体。
10.この教室でベルが鳴っているの( )聞こえますか。 【答案】が 【解析】句意:在这间教室里能听见铃声响吗?「聞こえる」是自动词,意为“听得到,听得见”,故填「が」。
15.手紙を書く( )( )も、メールを送るのが一般的です。 【答案】より 【解析】句意:比起写信,发邮件更常用。格助词「より」表示比较的基准,意为“比,与…比较”。
五、( )に入れる言葉を選びなさい。答えは記号で書きなさい。(一回だけ使うこと)(10点) ① つもり ② ながら ③ うえに ④ ように ⑤ はず ⑥ そうだ ⑦ ないで ⑧ ために ⑨ まま ⑩ なら ⑪として ⑫べき 1.試験は2時間ですから、今はもう終わる( )です。 2.ラジオによると、明日雨が降る( )。 3.これからお酒をやめる( )です。 4.困っている人を助けるのは、人間( )当然のことです。 5.テレビを見( )食事をするのはよくありません。 6.野菜を買う( )駅前のスーパーがいいですよ。 7.大変疲れたので、コートを着た( )ベッドで寝てしまいました。 8.弟子が師匠の話を聞く( )だ。 9.今日は気温が低い( )、風が強いので、とても寒く感じる。 10.邪魔し( )、今大変忙しいですから。 【答案与解析】 1.⑤ 句意:因为考试时间是两小时,所以现在应该结束了。「はず」应该,理应。 2.⑥ 句意:据广播说明天会下雨。这里助动词「そうだ」表示传闻,意为“据说,听说”。 3.① 句意:今后我打算戒酒。「つもり」表示某人做某事的意图、动机、打算。 4.⑪ 句意:救人于危难之中,是做人应有的品质。「として」作为助词使用,意为“作为,以…资格,以…立
13.何( )分からないことがあれば、どうぞ遠慮なく聞いてください。 【答案】か 【解析】句意:有什么不明白的地方,请不要介意尽管问。「か」接在疑问词后面表示不确定。
14.この質問は子ども( )難しすぎますよ。 【答案】に 【解析】句意:这个问题对小孩来说太难了。格助词「に」在这里表示对象,意为“对,对于”。
11.食事の前( )手を洗ってください。 【答案】に 【解析】句意:饭前洗手。格助词「に」表示时间。
12.日本に着いだばかりで、まだ右( )左( )分かりませんが、どうぞよろしくお願いします。 【答案】も,も 【解析】句意:我刚来日本,什么都不懂,请多多指教。「右も左もわからない」是固定用法,意为“什么都不懂”。
17.ほっかいどう 18.こうれいしゃ 19.かがく 20.しょうこうしゅ
1.うんてん 2.えいが 3.すいようび
4.ばしょ 5.にもつ 6.きょうみ
7.ちず 8.じてんしゃ 9.こうしゅうでんわ
10れいぎ. 11.わしょく 12.ろてんふろ
13.しゅうへん 14.はんがく 15しょうしか
南京大学外国语学院 日语考研真题及详解
2010年 南 京 大 学 外 国 语 学 院 263日 语 考 研 真 题 及 详 解
1.秋 2.娘 3.夢 4.弟
5.禁止 6.残業 7.内容 8.恋愛
9.危険 10.退勤 11.細工 12.態度
16ひかり 17.がいしゅつ 18.ちゅうしゃじょう
19.おうだんほどう 20.ほうこくしょ
1.運転 2.映画 3.水曜日 4.場所 5.荷物
6.興味 7.地図 8.自転車 9.公衆電話 10.礼儀
11.和食 12.露天風呂 13.周辺 14.半額 15.少子化
16.光 17.外出 18.駐車場 19.横断歩道 20.報告書
4.毎日、2時間勉強しない( )いけません。 【答案】と 【解析】句意:每天必须学习两个小时。「~ないといけない/だめだ」为固定句型,意为“必须,应该,非…不可”。
5.先週、母( )一緒に上海へ行きました。 【答案】と 【解析】句意:上周我和妈妈去了上海。格助词「と」表示“和…一起,跟…一起”。
13.複雑 14.寝坊 15.掃除 16.遠慮
17.北海道 18.高齢者 19.科学 20.紹興酒
2.むすめ 3.ゆめ 4.おとうと
5.きんし 6.ざんぎょう 7.ないよう 8.れんあい
9.きけん 10.たいきん 11.さいく
13.ふくざつ 14.ねぼう 15.そうじ 16.えんりょ
6.すみません、李先生はいつ事務室( )いらっしゃいますか。 【答案】に 【解析】句意:不好意思,请问李老师什么时候来事务所?「いらっしゃる」是动词「行く」「来る」等的尊敬语, 这里格助词「に」表示动作移动的目的地。
7.今年の冬休みは二週間( )( )だそうです。 【答案】だけ 【解析】句意:据说今年的寒假只有两周时间。副助词「だけ」意为“只,ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ”,表示程度和范围。
四、次の( )に適当な首葉を入れなさい。(15点)
1.昨日、新幹線( )東京へ行きました。 【答案】で 【解析】句意:昨天我乘坐新干线去了东京。格助词「で」表示手段。
2.面白い本( )欲しいです。 【答案】が 【解析】句意:我想要一本有趣的书。格助词「が」表示愿望,好恶的对象。
3.新しく買ったズボン( )短くしました。 【答案】を 【解析】句意:把新买来的裤子裁短了。格助词「を」表示动作的对象。「~を短くする」意为“使…变短”。