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摘要........................................................... III ABSTRACT......................................................... IV 一绪论. (1)

1.1研究背景 (1)

1.2课题研究的目的和意义 (2)

1.2.1 课题研究的目的 (2)

1.2.2 课题研究的意义 (2)

1.3课题研究的方法和手段及论文结构 (2)

1.3.1 课题研究的方法和手段 (2)

1.3.2 论文的容结构 (3)

二商业银行风险概述 (4)

2.1商业银行风险的特征 (4)

2.2商业银行风险的来源 (4)

2.2.1商业银行经营活动的外部风险 (4)

2.2.2商业银行经营活动的部风险 (5)

2.3商业银行风险的种类 (6)

2.3.1按商业银行经营外部环境因素划分的风险 (6)

2.3.3按商业银行业务围划分的风险 (6)

三西方商业银行风险管理特点及探索 (7)

3.1现代西方商业银行业风险及风险管理的新特点 (8)

3.2西方商业银行风险管理的新探索 (8)

四我国商业银行风险管理现状及问题分析 (9)

4.1我国商业银行当前所面临的风险及表现 (9)

4.1.1 信用风险 (10)

4.1.2 操作风险 (10)

4.1.3 市场风险 (11)

4.2我国商业银行所面临风险特殊性的原因分析 (12)

4.2.1 市场转型加剧商业银行风险 (12)

4.2.2 经济周期增强商业银行风险 (12)

4.2.3 商业银行创新所引起的风险 (13)

4.3我国商业银行原有风险管理的不足及其对风险管理造成的结果 (14)

五改善我国商业银行风险管理的对策 (15)

5.1改革现有的风险管理理念,树立风险管理文化 (16)

5.2改进企业信用状况 (16)

5.3合理设定贷款目标,规政府行为 (17)

5.4完善银行的公司治理结构,健全风险管理体制 (17)

六结论与展望 (18)

辞 (19)

参考文献 (20)





The Study of Risk Management of Chinese Commercial Bank


This paper briefly expounds the risks of commercial banks and risk management concepts and types as well as the modern commercial bank risk management theory, through to the present stage our country commercial bank risk management present situation observation analysis, find out the present stage of our country commercial bank risk management of the existing problems and shortcomings, in the understanding of the problem gradually put on risk management of China commercial bank the corresponding improvement methods and countermeasures.

This paper is divided into six parts: the first part is the introduction, describes the research background, purpose and significance of the topic, introduces the research object, method and structure of this paper; the second part introduced the commercial bank risk concept, characteristics and classification; the third part introduces the modern commercial bank risk management the new theory and new exploration; the fourth part have analyzed our country commercial bank risk management status and problems, at the same time on the issue of the analysis; the fifth part on the basis of the two parts, proposed to our country commercial bank is now the main risk and management put forward the improvement method and countermeasure; the last part is the conclusion and prospect.

Key words:Commercial bank; Risk management; Current situation and problems; Countermeasure
