
《国际经济学》选择题汇总版(附答案)Ch1-Ch31.The United States is less dependent on trade than most other countries becauseA)the United States is a relatively large country with diverse resources.B)the United States is a“ Superpower. ”C)the military power of the United States makes it less dependent on anything.D)the United States invests in many other countries.E)many countries invest in the United States.2. Because the Constitution forbids restraints on interstate trade,A)the U.S. may not impose tariffs on imports from NAFTA countries.B)the U.S. may not affect the international value of the $ U.S.C)the U.S. may not put restraints on foreign investments in California if it involves a financial intermediary in New York State.D)the U.S. may not impose export duties.E)the U.S. may not disrupt commerce between Florida and Hawaii.3.International economics can be divided into two broad sub-fields A) macro and micro.B) developed and less developed.C) monetary and barter.D) international trade and international money.E) static and dynamic.4.International monetary analysis focuses onA)the real side of the international economy.B)the international trade side of the international economy.C)the international investment side of the international economy.D)the issues of international cooperation between Central Banks.E)the monetary side of the international economy, such as currency exchange.5.The gravity model offers a logical explanation for the fact thatA)trade between Asia and the U.S. has grown faster than NAFTA trade.B) trade in services has grown faster than trade in goods.C) trade in manufactures has grown faster than in agricultural products.D) Intra-European Union trade exceeds international trade by the EuropeanUni on.E) the U.S. trades more with Western Europe than it does with Canada.6.The gravity model explains whyA)trade between Sweden and Germany exceeds that between Sweden and Spain.B)countries with oil reserves tend to export oil.C)capital rich countries export capital intensive products.D)intra-industry trade is relatively more important than other forms of tradebetween neighboringcountries.E)European countries rely most often on natural resources.7. Why does the gravity model work?A)Large economies became large because they were engaged in international trade.B)Large economies have relatively large incomes, and hence spend more on governm ent promotion of trade and investment.C)Large economies have relatively larger areas which raises the probability that a pro ductive activity will take place within the borders of that country.D)Large economies tend to have large incomes and tend to spend more on impor ts.E) Large economies tend to avoid trading with small economies.8.We see that the Netherlands, Belgium, and Ireland trade considerably more with the United States than with many other countries.A)This is explained by the gravity model, since these are all large countries.B)This is explained by the gravity model, since these are all small countries.C)This fails to be consistent with the gravity model, since these are smallcountri es.D)This fails to be consistent with the gravity model, since these are large countries.E)This is explained by the gravity model, since they do not share borders.9.In the present, most of the exports from Chinaare A) manufactured goods.B) services.C)primary products including agricultural.D) technology intensive products.E) overpriced by world market standards.10.A country engaging in trade according to the principles of comparative advantage gains from trade because itA) is producing exports indirectly more efficiently than it could alternatively.B) is producing imports indirectly more efficiently than it could domestically.C) is producing exports using fewer labor units.D) is producing imports indirectly using fewer labor units.E) is producing exports while outsourcing services.11.The Ricardian model attributes the gains from trade associated with the principle o f comparative advantage result toA) differences in technology.B)differences in preferences.C)differences in labor productivity.D)differences in resources.E)gravity relationships among countries.12. A nation engaging in trade according to the Ricardian model will find itsconsump tion bundleA)inside its production possibilities frontier.B)on its production possibilities frontier.C)outside its production possibilities frontier.D)inside its trade-partner's production possibilities frontier.E)on its trade-partner's production possibilities frontier.13.Assume that labor is the only factor of production and that wages in the United Sta tes equal $20 per hour while wages in Japan are $10 per hour. Production costs would be lower in the United States as compared to Japan ifA)U.S. labor productivity equaled 40 units per hour and Japan's 15 units per hour.B)U.S. labor productivity equaled 30 units per hour and Japan's 20 units per hour.C)U.S. labor productivity equaled 20 units per hour and Japan's 30 units per hour.D)U.S. labor productivity equaled 15 units per hour and Japan's 25 units per hour.E)U.S. labor productivity equaled 15 units per hour and Japan's 40 units per hour.14.In a two-country, two-product world, the statement“ Germanyenjoys acomparativ e advantage over France in autos relative toships ”is equivalent toA) France having a comparative advantage over Germany in ships.B) France having a comparative disadvantage compared to Germany in autos and ship s.C) Germany having a comparative advantage over France in autos and ships.D) France having no comparative advantage over Germany.E) France should produce autos.15.If the United States' production possibility frontier was flatter to the widget axis, whereas Germany's was flatter to the butter axis, we know thatA)the United States has no comparative advantageB)Germany has a comparative advantage in butter.C)the U.S. has a comparative advantage in butter.D)Germany has comparative advantages in both products.E)the U.S. has a comparative disadvantage in widgets.Ch4-Ch51.The Ricardian model of international trade demonstrates that trade can bemutually beneficial. Why, then, do governments restrict imports of some goods?A)Trade can have substantial effects on a country's distribution of income.B)The Ricardian model is often incorrect in its prediction that trade can bemutually beneficial.C)Import restrictions are the result of trade wars between hostile countries.D)Imports are only restricted when foreign-made goods do not meet domestic standar ds of qualityE) Restrictions on imports are intended to benefit domestic consumers.2.Japan's trade policies with regard to rice reflect the fact thatA) japanese rice farmers have significant political power.B) Japan has a comparative advantage in rice production and therefore exports most o f its rice crop.C) there would be no gains from trade available to Japan if it engaged in free trade in r ice.D) there are gains from trade that Japan captures by engaging in free trade in rice.E) Japan imports most of the rice consumed in the country.3.In the specific factors model, which of the following is treated as a specific factor?A)LaborB)LandC)ClothD)FoodE)Technology4.The specific factors model assumes that there are ________ goods and ________ fa ctor(s) of production.A) two; threeB) two; two C)two; one D)three; two E)four; three5.The slope of a country's production possibility frontier with cloth measured on the horizontal and food measured on the vertical axis in the specific factors model is equa l to ________ and it ________ as more cloth is produced.A)-MPLF/MPLC; becomes steeperB)-MPLF/MPLC; becomes flatterC)-MPLF/MPLC; is constantD)-MPLC/MPLF; becomes steeperE)-MPLC/MPLF; is constant6.Under perfect competition, the equilibrium price of labor used to produce clothwill be equal toA)the slope of the production possibility frontier.B)the average product of labor in the production of cloth times the price of cloth.C)the ratio of the marginal product of labor in the production of cloth to the marginal product of labor in the production of food times the ratio of the price of cloth. to the price of food.D)the marginal product of labor in the production of cloth times the price of cloth.E)the price of cloth divided by the marginal product of labor in the production of clot h.7.In the specific factors model, which of the following will increase the quantity ofla bor used in cloth production?A)an increase in the price of cloth relative to that of foodB) an increase in the price of food relative to that ofcloth C) a decrease in the price of laborD) an equal percentage decrease in the price of food and clothE) an equal percentage increase in the price of food and cloth8.A country that does not engage in trade can benefit from trade only ifA)it has an absolute advantage in at least one good.B)it employs a unique technology.C)pre-trade and free-trade relative prices are not identical.D)its wage rate is below the world average.E)pre-trade and free-trade relative prices are identical.9.In the specific factors model, the effects of trade on welfare are ________ for mobil e factors, ________ for fixed factors used to produce the exported good, and ________ for fixed factors used to produce the imported good.A)ambiguous; positive; negativeB) ambiguous; negative; positive C)positive; ambiguous; ambiguous D)negative; ambiguous; ambiguous E)positive; positive; positive10.The effect of trade on specialized employees of import-competing industries willb e ________ jobs and ________ pay because they are relatively ________.A)fewer; lower; mobileB)fewer; lower; immobileC)more; lower; immobileD)more; higher; mobileE)more; higher; immobile11. There is a bias in the political process against free trade becauseA)there is a high correlation between the volume of imports and the unemployment ra te.B)the gains from free trade cannot be measured.C)those who gain from free trade can't compensate those who lose.D)foreign governments make large donations to U.S. political campaigns.E) those who lose from free trade are better organized than those who gain.12.In the 2-factor, 2 good Heckscher-Ohlin model, the two countries differin A)tastes and preferences.B)military capabilities.C)the size of their economies.D)relative abundance of factors of production.E)labor productivities.13.If a country produces good Y (measured on the vertical axis) and good X (measure d on the horizontal axis), then the absolute value of the slope of its production possibil ity frontier is equal toA)the opportunity cost of good X.B) the price of good X divided by the price of good Y.C) the price of good X divided by the price of goodY. D) the opportunity cost of good Y.E)the cost of capital (assuming that good Y is capital intensive) divided by the costof labor.14.In the 2-factor, 2 good Heckscher-Ohlin model, trade will ________ the owners ofa country's ________ factor and will ________ the good that uses that factor intensiv ely.A)benefit; abundant; exportB)harm; abundant; importC)benefit; scarce; exportD)benefit; scarce; importE)harm; scarce; export15.The assumption of diminishing returns in the Heckscher-Ohlin model means that, unlike in the Ricardian model, it is likely thatA) countries will consume outside their production possibility frontier.B) countries will benefit from free international trade.C) countries will not be fully specialized in one product.D)comparative advantage will not determine the direction of trade.E)global production will decrease under trade.16.If Japan is relatively capital rich and the United States is relatively land rich, and if food is relatively land intensive then trade between these two, formerly autarkic coun tries will result inA)an increase in the relative price of food in the U.S.B)an increase in the relative price of food in Japan.C)a global increase in the relative price of food.D)a decrease in the relative price of food in both countries.E)an increase in the relative price of food in both countries.17.Starting from an autarky (no-trade) situation with Heckscher-Ohlin model, if Coun try H is relatively labor abundant, then once trade beginsA) rent will be unchanged but wages will rise in H.B) wages and rents should rise in H.C) wages and rents should fall in H.D) wages should fall and rents should rise in H.E) wages should rise and rents should fall in H.18.The Leontieff ParadoxA)failed to support the validity of the Heckscher-Ohlin model.B)supported the validity of the Ricardian theory of comparative advantage.C)supported the validity of the Heckscher-Ohlin model.D)failed to support the validity of the Ricardian theory.E)proved that the U.S. economy is different from all others.19. Which of the following is an assertion of the Heckscher-Ohlin model?A)Factor price equalization will occur only if there is costless mobility of all factors a cross borders.B)An increase in a country's labor supply will increase production of both the capital-intensive and the labor-intensive good.C)In the long-run, labor is mobile and capital is not.D)The wage-rental ratio determines the capital-labor ratio in a country's industr ies.E)Factor endowments determine the technology that is available to a country, which determines the good in which the country will have a comparative advantage.20. Which of the following is an assertion of the Heckscher-Ohlin model?A)An increase in a country's labor supply will increase production of the labor-i ntensive good and decrease production of the capital-intensive good.B)An increase in a country's labor supply will increase production of both the capital-intensive and the labor-intensive good.C)In the long-run, labor is mobile and capital is not.D)Factor price equalization will occur only if there is costless mobility of all factors a cross borders.E)Factor endowments determine the technology that is available to a country, which determines the good in which the country will have a comparative advantage.Ch6-Ch101.If the ratio of price of cloth (PC) divided by the price of food (PF) increases in thei nternational marketplace, thenA)the terms of trade of cloth exporters will improve.B)all countries would be better off.C)the terms of trade of food exporters will improve.D)the terms of trade of all countries will improve.E) the terms of trade of cloth exporters will worsen.2.If the ratio of price of cloth (PC) divided by the price of food (PF) increases in thei nternational marketplace, thenA)world relative quantity of cloth supplied will increase.B)world relative quantity of cloth supplied and demanded will increase.C)world relative quantity of cloth supplied and demanded will decrease.D)world relative quantity of cloth demanded will decrease.E)world relative quantity of food will increase.3.If the U.S. (a large country) imposes a tariff on its imported good, this will tend toA)have no effect on terms of trade.B)improve the terms of trade of the United States.C)improve the terms of trade of all countries.D)because a deterioration of U.S. terms of trade.E)raise the world price of the good imported by the United States.4.If Slovenia were a large country in world trade, then if it instituted a large set of sub sidies for its exports, this mustA)decrease its marginal propensity to consume.B)have no effect on its terms of trade.C)improve its terms of trade.D)harm its terms of trade.E)harm world terms of trade.5.Internal economies of scale arise when the cost per unitA)falls as the average firm grows larger.B)rises as the industry grows larger.C)falls as the industry grows larger.D)rises as the average firm grows larger.E)remains constant over a broad range of output.6. External economies of scale will ________ average cost when output is ________ by _______.A)reduce; increased; the industryB)reduce; increased; a firmC)increase; increased; a firmD)increase; increased; the industryE)reduce; reduce; the industry7.If some industries exhibit internal increasing returns to scale in each country, we sh ould not expect to seeA) perfect competition in these industries.B) intra-industry trade between countries.C)inter-industry trade between countries.D)high levels of specialization in both countries.E)increased productivity in both countries.8.A learning curve relates ________ to ________ and is a case of ________ returns.A) unit cost; cumulative production; dynamic decreasing returnsB)output per time period; long-run marginal cost; dynamic increasing returnsC)unit cost; cumulative production; dynamic increasing returnsD)output per time period; long-run marginal cost; dynamic decreasing returnsE)labor productivity; education; increasing marginal returns9.Patterns of interregional trade are primarily determined by ________ rather than __ ______ because factors of production are generally ________.A)external economies; natural resources; mobileB)internal economies; external economies; mobileC)external economies; population; immobileD)internal economies; population; immobileE)population; external economies; immobile10.Monopolistic competition is associatedwith A) product differentiation.B) price-taking behavior.C) explicit consideration at the firm level of the strategic impact of other firms' pricing decisions. D) high profit margins in the long run.E) increasing returns to scale.11.A firm in long-run equilibrium under monopolistic competition will earnA)positive monopoly profits because each sells a differentiated product.B)zero economic profits because of free entryC)positive oligopoly profits because each firm sells a differentiated product.D)negative economic profits because it has economies of scale.E)positive economic profit if it engages in international trade.12.The most common form of price discrimination in international tradeis A) dumping.B) non-tariff barriers.C) Voluntary Export Restraints.D) preferential trade arrangements.E) product boycotts.13.Consider the following two cases. In the first, a U.S. firm purchases 18% of a forei gn firm. In the second, a U.S. firm builds a new production facility in a foreign countr y. Both are ________, with the first referred to as ________ and the second as ______ __.A)foreign direct investment (FDI) outflows; brownfield; greenfieldB)foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows; greenfield; brownfieldC)foreign direct investment (FDI) outflows; greenfield; brownfieldD)foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows; brownfield; greenfieldE)foreign direct investment (FDI); inflows; outflows14. Specific tariffs areA)import taxes stated in specific legal statutes.B)import taxes calculated as a fixed charge for each unit of imported goods.C)import taxes calculated as a fraction of the value of the imported goods.D)the same as import quotas.E)import taxes calculated based solely on the origin country.15.A problem encountered when implementing an "infant industry" tariff isthat A) domestic consumers will purchase the foreign good regardless of thetariff. B) the industry may never "mature."C)most industries require tariff protection when they are mature.D)the tariff may hurt the industry's domestic sales.E)the tariffs fail to protect the domestic producers.16.In the country levying the tariff, the tariff will A)increase both consumer and producer surplus.B) decrease both the consumer and producer surplus.C) decrease consumer surplus and increase producer surplus.D) increase consumer surplus and decrease producer surplus.E) decrease consumer surplus but leave producers surplus unchanged.17.If the tariff on computers is not changed, but domestic computer producers shift fr om domestically produced semiconductors to imported components, then the effective rate of protection in the computer industry willA) increase.B) decreaseC) remain the same.D)depend on whether computers are PCs or "Supercomputers."E)no longer apply.18.When a government allows raw materials and other intermediate products to enter a country duty free, this generally results in a(an)A) effective tariff rate less than the nominal tariff rate.B) nominal tariff rate less than the effective tariff rate.C) rise in both nominal and effective tariff rates.D) fall in both nominal and effective tariff rates. E) rise in only the effective tariff rat e.19.Should the home country be "large" relative to its trade partners, its imposition ofa tariff on imports would lead to an increase in domestic welfare if the terms of thetra de rectangle exceed the sum of theA) revenue effect plus redistribution effect.B) protective effect plus revenue effect.C) consumption effect plus redistribution effect.D)production distortion effect plus consumption distortion effect.E)terms of trade gain.20.The efficiency case made for free trade is that as trade distortions such as tariffs ar e dismantledand removed,A) government tariff revenue will decrease, and therefore national economic welfare will decreaseB) government tariff revenue will decrease, and therefore national econo mic welfare will increase.C) deadweight losses for producers and consumers will decrease, henceincreasin g national economic welfare.D)deadweight losses for producers and consumers will decrease, hence decreasing na tional economic welfare.E)government tariff revenue will increase, hence increasing national economic welfar e.21.Which organization determines procedures for the settlement of international trade disputes?A)World BankB)World Trade OrganizationC)International Monetary OrganizationD)International Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentE)The League of Nations22.Today U.S. protectionism is concentratedin A) high-tech industries.B) labor-intensive industries.C) industries in which Japan has a comparative advantage.D)computer intensive industries.E)capital-intensive industries.23.The quantitative importance of U.S. protection of the domestic clothing industryis best explained by the fact thatA)this industry is an important employer of highly skilled labor.B)this industry is an important employer of low skilled labor.C)most of the exporters of clothing into the U.S. are poor countries.D)this industry is a politically well organized sector in the U.S.E)the technology involved is very advanced.欢迎下载1124.The optimum tariff is most likely to applyto A) a small tariff imposed by a small country.B) a small tariff imposed by a large country. C)a large tariff imposed by a small country. D) alarge tariff imposed by a large country. E) anad valorem tariff on a small country.25.The median voter modelA)works well in the area of trade policy.B)is not intuitively reasonable.C)tends to result in biased tariff rates.D)does not work well in the area of trade policy.E)is not widely practiced in the United States.欢迎下载12。

国际经济学英文期末考试模拟试题含答案一、True or False (10*1’=10’)1. Trade is a zero-sum activity; if one country gains, the other must lose.2. A nation maximizes satisfaction by reaching the highest possible indifference curve, and in the absence of trade will produce where its production possibilities schedule is tangent to an indifference curve.3. The factor endowments model predicts that international tradewill tend to equalize the prices of trade-able goods among nations, but to increase the wage gap between capital-abundant and labor-abundant nations.4. A tax of 10 percent on imports of shoes would be an example of a specific tariff.5. An import quota will not raise the domestic price of the product as would a tariff, because it is not a tax on imports.6. In balance-of-payments account, a transaction resulting in receipt of a payment is recorded as a credit, whereas a transaction resulting in a payment to other nations is recorded as a debit.7. Because they do not include an exchange of goods or services, unilateral transfers do not appear on a nation's balance of payments account.8. David Hume was one of the first economists to provide analytical support for mercantilist trade policies. 9. A nation would be mostlikely to find its trade balance improving after a currency depreciation if that nation’s demandfor imports and foreign demand for its exports was very inelastic.10. A nation with neither a balance of payments surplus nor a balance of payments deficit is said to be in internal balance. 二、choices(15*3’=45’)1. The law of comparative advantagea). was ratified by the World Trade Organization b). explains howall countries can benefit when each specializes in producing items in which it has the greatest relative efficiencyc). explains how only the most efficient nations can benefit from traded). is used to evaluate a country’s military strength2. The theory of absolute advantage was developed by a. the Mercantilistsb. David Humec. Adam Smithd. David Ricardo3. David Ricardo developed the principle of comparative advantage showing thata. a nation must be the least-cost producer of a good in order to export that itemb. no nation could have an absolute advantage in all goodsc. in a two-country example, only one nation can have a comparative advantaged. even a nation that has lower productivity in all goods canbenefit by exporting the item in which it is relatively less inefficient4. An indifference curvea. shows that most people really are indifferent about international tradeb. shows the demand preferences of consumersc. reflects the relative costs of production within a nationd. indicates how much labor a country has5. To maximize its satisfaction, a nation will ensure that itsterms-of-trade linea. is tangent to its production possibilities frontier at one point (production point) and also to the highest attainable indifference curve at another point (consumption point)b. is tangent to its production possibilities frontier andintersects an indifference curvec. intersects its production possibilities frontier and is tangentto an indifference curved. intersects its production possibilities frontier at one point and an indifference curve at another point 6. Factor-price equalization predicts that with international tradea. the price of a nation’s abundant factor will rise and that ofits scarce factor will fallb. the price of a nation’s abundant factor will fall and that ofits scarce factor will risec. the prices of a nation’s abundant and scarce factors bothwill rised. the prices of a nation’s abundant and scarce factors bothwill fall7. The effective rate of protectiona. distinguishes between tariffs that are effective and those that are ineffectiveb. is the minimum level at which a tariff becomes effective in limiting importsc. shows the increase in value-added for domestic productionthat a particular tariff structure makes possible, in percentage termsd. shows how effective a tariff is in raising revenue 8. The institutional framework developed in 1947 to promote tradeliberalization is known asa. the GATTb. the WTOc. the IMFd. The World Bank9. Developing nationsa. have very limited involvement in international tradeb. trade mostly with each otherc. rely heavily on exports of primary products to industrial nationsd. rely heavily on exports of manufactured products 10. A customs union is unique in that ita. has no tariffs on trade among member nationsb. has no tariffs on trade among member nations and a common set of tariffs on imports from non-membersc. has no tariffs on trade among member nations, a common set of tariffs on imports from non-members, and free mobility of factors of production such as labor and capital among membersd. allows unrestricted labor immigration from non-member nations11. A nation's balance of payments statementa. is a record of that nation's assets abroad and its liabilities to those from other nationsb. is an accounting adjustment process ensuring that a nation's exports will be equal to its importsc. does not include transactions of foreign citizens or companies living or operating within that nationd. is a record of the economic transactions between residents of that nation and the rest of the world, usually for a period of one year.12. Since balance-of-payments accounting is a double-entry accounting system, an export of U.S. wheat to Mexico paid for by a deposit to the U.S. exporters account in a Mexican bank would be recorded on the U.S. balance of payments as a. a credit for merchandise exports and a credit to short-term financial flowsb. a credit for merchandise exports and a debit to short-term financial flows.c. a credit for merchandise exports and a debit to unilateral transfersd. a credit for merchandise exports and a debit to officialsettlements13. The foreign-exchange marketa. is located in New Yorkb. is a market in Chicago for the international trading of commodities such as wheat or copper.c. is a mechanism for individuals and institutions to exchange one national or regional currency or debt instrument for those of other nations or regions.d. is open from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. New York time, Monday through Friday.14. Market fundamentals that might be expected to influence exchange rate movements include all of the following factors excepta. differences in real income growth rates between countriesb. differences in real interest rates between countriesc. speculative opinion about future exchange ratesd. changes in perceivedprofitability of economic investments between two countries15. If inflation is higher in Mexico than in the United States, the law of one price would predict thata. trade between Mexico and the United States would declineb. the dollar price of autos purchased in Mexico would be higherthan the dollar price of comparable autos purchased in the United Statesc. the peso would appreciate relative to the dollar by an amount equal in percentage terms to the difference between the two inflation ratesd. the peso would depreciate relative to the dollar by an amount equal in percentage terms to the difference between the two inflation rates三、Questions(45’, answer these questions in Chinese)1. Assume that labor is the only factor used in production, and that the costs of producing butter and cloth are given by the tablebelow.(8’)Cost in labor-hours toHome Foreignproduce1 unit of butter 1/8 11 unit of cloth 1/4 1/2(1) Express the price of butter relative to the price of cloth in terms of labor content for Home and Foreign in the absence of trade.(2) What do these relative prices reveal about each country’scomparative advantage?(3) What do these relative prices suggest about the world priceof butter relative to cloth that will exist once these countries trade with each other?(4) If the world price stabilizes at 1 with trade, what are the gains by the Home country achieved through trade with the Foreign country?2. Explain the immiserizing growth and list the case for immiserizing growth to be occur. (8’)3. Ex plain the exchange rate overshooting theory (8’)4. Suppose that the nominal interest rate on 3-month Treasury bills is 8 percent in the United States and 6 percent in the United Kingdom, and the rate of inflation is 10 percent in the United States and 4 percent in the United Kingdom.(9’)(1) What is the real interest rate in each nation? (2) In which direction would international investment flow in response to these real interest rates?(3) What impact would these investment flows have on the dollar’s exchange value?5. What effects does labor migration have on the country of immigration? The country of emigration? The world as a whole?(12’) 国际经济学模拟习题(3)参考答案一、判断题(每题1分,共10分) ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?二、选择题(每题3分,共45分) bcdba acacb dbccd三、简答题(共45分)1、(1) 封闭条件下,本国可以用一半的生产一单位布的劳动时间生产一单位黄油。

中南财经政法大学——学年第—-学期期末考试试卷国际经济学(闭卷)卷学院专业年级班级课堂号姓名一二三四五六总分得分评卷人(单选,共20题,每题2分)1, Under Ricardian model, If one country's wage level is very high relative to the other's (the relative wage exceeding the relative productivity ratios), then ( )A.it is not possible that producers in each will find export markets profitable.B.it is not possible that consumers in both countries will enhance their respectivewelfares through imports.C.it is not possible that both countries will find gains from trade.D.it is possible that both will enjoy the conventional gains from trade.2, According to Ricardo, a country will have a comparative advantage in the product in which its ( )bor productivity is relatively low.bor productivity is relatively high.bor mobility is relatively low.bor mobility is relatively high.3, If Australia has more land per worker, and Belgium has more capital per worker, then if trade were to open up between these two countries, ( )A.Australia would export the land-intensive product.B.Belgium would import the capital-intensive product.C.Both countries would export some of each product.D.Trade would not continue since Belgium is a smaller country.4, Under The Specific Factors model, At the production point the production possibility frontier is tangent to a line whose slope is ( )A.the price of manufactures.B.the relative wage.C.the real wage.D.the relative price of manufactures.5, The Heckscher-Ohlin model predicts all of the following except:A.which country will export which product. ( )B.which factor of production within each country will gain from trade.C.the volume of trade.D.that wages will tend to become equal in both trading countries.6, If P C / P F were to increase in the international marketplace, then ( )A.all countries would be better off.B.the terms of trade of cloth exporters improve.C.the terms of trade of food exporters improve.D.the terms of trade of all countries improve.7, When the production possibility frontier shifts out relatively more in one direction, we have ( )A.biased growth.B.unbiased growth.C.immiserizing growth.D.balanced growth.8, If Slovenia were a large country in world trade, then if it instituted a large set of subsidies for its exports, this must ( )A.cause retaliation on the part of its trade partners.B.harm Slovenia's real income.C.improve Slovenia's real income.D.improve the real income of its trade partners.9, A lower tariff on imported steel would most likely benefit ( )A.foreign producers at the expense of domestic consumers.B.domestic manufacturers of steel.C.domestic consumers of steel.D.workers in the steel industry.10, If the poor AID(aid of international development) recipient countries have a higher marginal propensity to consume each and every product than does the United States, then such aid will ( )A.worsen the . terms of trade.B.improve the . terms of trade.C.leave the world terms of trade unaffected.D.worsen the terms of trade of both donor and recipient countries.11, A large country experiencing import-biased economic growth will tend to experience ( )A.no change in terms of trade.B.deteriorating terms of trade.C.improving terms of trade.D.immiserizing terms of trade.12, The most common form of price discrimination in international trade is ( )A.non-tariff barriers.B.V oluntary Export Restraints.C.dumping.D.preferential trade arrangements.13, An appreciation of a country’s currency ( )A.decreases the relative price of its exports and lowers the relative price ofits imports.B.raises the relative price of its exports and raises the relative price of itsimports.C.lowers the relative price of its exports and raises the relative price of itsimports.D.raises the relative price of its exports and lowers the relative price of itsimports.14, Under Purchasing Power Parity, ( )A.E$/E = P i US/ P i E.B.E$/E = P i E / P i US.C.E$/E = P US / P E.D.E$/E = P E / P US.15, Under the monetary approach to the exchange rate, ( )A. a reduction in the money supply will cause immediate currencydepreciation.B. a rise in the money supply will have no effect on exchange rate.C. a rise in the money supply will cause immediate currency appreciation.D. a rise in the money supply will cause a proportional long-run currencydepreciation.16, When EP*/P rises, ( )A.IM will rise.B.IM may rise or fall.C.IM will fall.D.IM is not affected.17, In the short run, a temporary increase in fiscal policy causes ( )A.a shift of the DD curve to the left, an increase in output, andcurrency appreciation.B. a shift of the DD curve to the right, an increase in output, andcurrency appreciation.C. a shift of the DD curve to the right, an increase in output, andcurrency depreciation.D.a shift of the DD curve to the left, a decrease in output, andcurrency depreciation.18, How does a rise in real income affect aggregate demand? ( )A.Y ↑→ Yd ↑→Im ↑→CA ↓→AD ↓, but Y ↑→ Yd ↑→ C ↑→ AD ↑ by more.B.Y ↑→ Yd ↑→Im ↓→CA ↓→AD ↓, but Y ↑→ Yd ↑→ C ↑→ AD ↑ by more.C.Y ↑→ Yd ↑→Im ↑→CA ↑→AD ↑, and Y ↑→ Yd ↑→ C ↑→ AD ↑.D.Y ↑→ Yd ↑→Im ↑→CA ↓→AD ↓, but Y ↑→ Yd ↑→ C ↑→ AD ↑ by less. 19, Under fixed rates, which one of the following statements is the most accurate? ( )A.Monetary policy can affect only output.B.Monetary policy can affect only employment.C.Monetary policy can affect only international reserves.D.Monetary policy can not affect international reserves.20, Under fixed exchange rate, which one of the following statements is the most accurate? ( )A.Devaluation causes a rise in output.B.Devaluation causes a decrease in output.C.Devaluation has no effect on output.得分评卷人共5题,每题6分)1,An Economy can produce goods A using labor and capital and goods B using labor and land. Calculate the effects of the fall in the relative price of goods B on the income of the specific factors capital and land.2, suppose that one country subsidizes its exports and the other country imposes a countervailing tariff that offsets its effect, so that in the end relative price in the second country are unchanged. What happens to the terms of trade? What about welfare in the two countries?3, Describe the pattern of trade under H-O model.4, International trade leads to complete equalization of factor prices. Discuss.5,What is the Fisher Effect? Provide an example.6,Suppose E is fixed at E0 and that the asset markets are in equilibrium.Suddenly output rises. What monetary measures keep the current exchange rate constant given unchanged expectations about the future rate?得分评卷人(共1题,10分)A small country imports peanuts at the price of $10 per bag. The demand curve is D=400-10P. The supply curve is S=50+5PDetermine the free trade equilibrium. Then calculate and graph the following effects: A: The increase in the domestic priceB: The quota rentsC: The consumption distortion lossD: The production distortion loss.得分评卷人四.Essay Questions(共2题,每题10分)1,Comparing the interindustry trade and intraindustry trade.2, Construct a table that will summarize the effects of money market and output market changes on the long-run nominal dollar/ euro exchange rate.中南财经政法大学---------学年第----学期期末考试答案和评分标准课程名称:《国际经济学》()卷课程代号:_02013020_考试形式:闭卷使用对象:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 题号答D B A D C B A D C B C C D C D B B A C A 案1,Because good B uses land, a fall in its relative price will result in a fall in rental rates on land, and an increase in the return to capital.2,The first country is worse off by subsidy and a foreign tariff while the second one is better off by subsidy in the first one and its own tariff.3, Countries tend to export goods whose production is intensive in factors with which they are abundantly endowed.4,This statement is typically "true…but". Under a stri ct and limited set of assumptions, such as the original Heckscher-Ohlin model which excludes country specific technologies; non- homothetic tastes; factor intensity reversals; large country differences in (relative) factor abundances, and more factors than goods, then it may be demonstrated that internal consistency demands that the above stated sentence is "true". However, the minute one relaxes any of the above listed assumptions one may easily identify solutions, which contradict the factor price equalization theorem.5, All else equal, a rise in a country’s expected inflation rate will eventually cause an equal rise in the interest rate that deposits of its currency offer. Similarly, a fall in the expected inflation rate will eventually cause a fall in the interest rate.6, •Since output rises, demand for domestic money rises; this increase in money demand normally pushes the domestic interest rate upwards. To prevent appreciation of home currency (given E0is expected) the central bank buys foreign assets in foreign exchange market.•This eliminates excess demand for domestic money because the central bank issues money to pay for the foreign assets it buys.•The bank increases the money supply in this way until asset markets clear with E = E0 and R = R*.三.计算题A: D-S=50,P=20(3分)B: (20-10)*50=500(3分)C: 100*10*=500(2分)D:50*10*=250(2分)四.论述题1, Interindustry trade reflect comparative advantage while intraindustry trade doesnot reflect comparative advantage.(4分)The pattern of intraindustry trade itself is unpredictable while interindustry trade is predictable.(3分)The relative importance of intraindustry and interindustry trade depends on how similar countries are.(3分)change Effect on the long-run nominaldollar/euro exchange ratmoney marketincrease in money supply level Proportional increaseincrease in European money supply level Proportional decreaseincrease in money supply growth rate increaseincrease in European money supplydecreasegrowth rateOutput marketIncrease in demand for output DecreaseIncrease in demand for European output increaseOutput supply increase in . AmbiguousOutput supply increase in Europe. Ambiguous。

5、A 、B 两国在封闭条件下的状态如下图所示,请继续作图,画出自由贸易发生以后A 、B 两国的福利变化和贸易三角。
8、假设某一国拥有20000单位的劳动,X 、Y 的单位产出所要求的劳动投入分别为5个单CIC 0 钢铁 大米 B 国 S A =C A S B =C B钢铁 大米 A 国位和4个单位,试画出生产可能性边界;如果X 的国际市场相对价格为2,进口量为2000个单位,试确定该国的出口量。
1、解:依题意可知,两国劳动生产率为:中 美大米劳动生产率 1 1.5小麦劳动生产率 0.5 1以下均用A 表示中国,B 表示美国,X 表示大米,Y 表示小麦,a 、b 分别表示中美两国生产率。
(1)美国在大米与小麦生产上均占绝对优势因为1 1.52> 1.50.51x x y y a b a b ====1 1.52> 1.50.51x x y y a b a b ====所以中国在生产大米上具有比较优势,美国在生产小麦上占有比较优势。

A.实际支付的金额B.愿意支付的金额C.获得额外的满意程度D.愿意支付金额与实际支付金额之差4.当某消费者由商品X的消费获得的边际效用MU X = 0时,()。
A.TU X = 0 B.TU X达最大C.TU X上升D.TU X下降5.如果某商品的价格下跌10%,引起需求量增加20%,则该商品()。
A.TP开始下降B.MP开始上升C.AP≥MP D.AP≤MP8.在短期内,AC与AVC之间的垂直距离()。

《国际经济学》模拟试题及参考答案(一)一、名词解释(每小题5 分,共20 分)1.要素禀赋2.倾销3.黄金输送点4.三元悖论二、单项选择题:从下列每小题的四个选项中,选出一项正确的,将其标号填在题后的括号内。
(每小题2 分,共20 分)2.根据相互需求原理,两国均衡的交换比例取决于()A 两国的绝对优势B 两国的比较优势C 两国的相对需求强度D 两国的要素禀赋3.在当今的国际贸易格局中,产业内贸易更容易发生于()A 发展中国家与发达国家B 发达国家与发达国家C 发展中国家与发展中国家D 发展中国家和最不发达国家4.课征关税会增加生产者剩余,减少消费者剩余,社会总福利的变化将()A 上升B 降低C 不变D 不确定5.以下选项中,哪个选项不属于国际收支统计中居民的概念?()A 外国企业B 非盈利机构C 国际经济组织D 政府7.布雷顿森林体系创立了()A 以英镑为中心的固定汇率制度B 以美元为中心的固定汇率制度C 以英镑为中心的有管理的浮动汇率制度D 以美元为中心的有管理的浮动汇率制度8.在下列投资方式中,属于国际间接投资的是()A 在国外设立分公司B 在国外设立独资企业C 在国外设立合资企业D 购买国外企业债券9.经济非均衡的无形传导方式不包括()A 技术转让B 信息交流C 信息回授D 示范效应10.在斯图旺表中第三象限表示()A 通货膨胀与国际收支顺差并存B 衰退与国际收支顺差并存C 衰退与国际收支逆差并存D 通货膨胀与国际收支逆差并存三、判断正误题:正确的命题在括号里划"√",错误的命题在括号里划"×"。
(每小题2 分,共20 分)1.亚当。


Part 1: True-False question (10×1′=10′)1. Economists use the word equity to describe a situation in which every member of society would have the same income. ()2. When economists refer to people making decisions “at the margin” they mean that people compare the costs and benefits of each decision. ( )3. If a good is “normal,” then an increase in income will result in a decrease in the demand for the good. ( )4. If the price of a comp etitive firm’s output increased, marginal revenue and the profit-maximizing level of output would both increase. ( )5. Payroll taxes cause wages received by workers to fall and wages paid by firms to rise. ( )6. The relative price of two goods equals the marginal rate of substitution. ( )7. If the price of apples increases more than the price of other goods, the weight of the apples in the CPI stays the same, but should decrease to accurately reflect the change in the cost-of-living. ( )8. In the short run a firm should never shut down. ( )9. If an industry becomes unionized, wages in that industry tend to rise, while employment in that industry tends to fall. ( )10. FOMC policy decisions have an important influence on t he economy’s rate of inflation and level of employment in the long run. ( )Part 2: Single Choice (40×1′=40′)1. Economics deals primarily with the concept of ()a. changeb. powerc. povertyd. scarcity2. The opportunity cost of an item is ( )a. what you give up to get that item.b. always equal to the dollar value of the item.c. always less than the dollar value of the item.d. the number of hours needed to earn the money to buy it.3. A market is a ( )a. place where only buyers come together.b. place where only sellers meet.c. group of people with common desires.d. group of buyers and sellers of a particular good or service.4. In a free market system, what is the mechanism for rationing scarce resources? ( )a. the governmentb. pricesc. buyersd. sellers5. Economists compute the price elasticity of demand as ( )a. percentage change in the price divided by the percentage change in quantity demanded.b. change in quantity demanded divided by the change in the price.c. percentage change in the quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in price.d. percentage change in the quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in income.6. Suppose the price of product X is reduced from $1.45 to $1.25 and, as a result, the quantity of X demanded increases from 2,000 to 2,200. Using the midpoint method, the price elasticity of demand for X in the given price range is ( )a. 0.64b. 1.00c. 1.55d. 2.007. Price controls are ( )a. established by firms with monopoly power.b. used to make markets more efficient.c. nearly always effective in eliminating inequities.d. usually enacted when policymakers believe that the market price of a good or service is unfair to buyers or sellers.8. What is true about the burden of a tax imposed on popcorn? ( )a. Sellers bear the entire burden of the tax.b. Buyers bear the entire burden of the tax.c. Buyers and sellers share the burden of the tax.d. The government bears the entire burden of the tax.9. The equilibrium of supply and demand in a market ( )a. maximizes the profits of producers.b. minimizes the costs incurred by consumers.c. maximizes the total benefits received by buyers and sellers.d. minimizes the expenditures of buyers.10. If a consumer is willing and able to pay $15.50 for a particular good but the price of the good is $16.00, then the ( )a. market must not be a perfectly competitive market.b. consumer would have consumer surplus of $0.50.c. consumer would not purchase the good and would not have any consumer surplus.d. consumer would increase his/her willingness and ability to pay by earning more.11. When a tax is levied on a good ( )a. buyers are worse off but sellers are not.b. sellers are worse off but buyers are not.c. neither buyers nor sellers are worse off.d. both buyers and sellers are worse off.12. As the size of a tax increases ( )a. the deadweight loss from the tax remains constant.b. the deadweight loss from the tax declines.c. the deadweight loss from the tax increases.d. no one knows how the deadweight loss changes because no tax has ever been reduced.13. Countries usually impose restrictions on free foreign trade to protect ( )a. domestic consumersb. foreign consumersc. foreign producersd. domestic producers14. When a quota is imposed on a market the ( )a. supply curve (above the world price) shifts to the left by the amount of the quota.b. supply curve (above the world price) shifts to the right by the amount of the quota.c. demand curve (above the world price) shifts to the right by the amount of the quota.d. demand curve (above the world price) shifts to the left by the amount of the quota.15. Some restaurants are open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. In which of the following cases would it necessarily make sense for a restaurant to shut down for a meal? ( )a. Total revenues are less than total costs, but greater than variable costs.b. Total revenues are less than variable costs.c. Total revenues are less than sunk costs.d. All of the above are correct.16. Economies of scale arise when ( )a. an economy is self-sufficient in production.b. individuals in a society are self-sufficient.c. workers are able to specialize in a particular task.d. fixed costs are large relative to variable costs.17. In a competitive market, the actions of any single buyer or seller will ( )a. have a negligible impact on the market price.b. adversely affect the profitability of more than one firm in the market.c. cause a noticeable change in market production and price.d. have little effect on market production, but ultimately change price.18. In a perfectly competitive market, the process of entry or exit ends when ( )a. firms are operating with excess capacity.b. firms are making zero economic profit.c. firms experience decreasing marginal revenue.d. price is equal to marginal cost.19. A monopoly’s marginal cost will most likely ( )a. exceed its marginal revenue.b. be less than average fixed cost.c. be less than the market price of its goods.d. equal average total cost.20. OPEC often holds oil production below capacity in an effort to ( )a. compel consumers to search for oil substitutes.b. compel consumers to conserve oil.c. keep prices above the competitive level.d. create a shift in the demand for oil.21. Because each oligopolist cares about its own profit rather than the collective profit of their industry ( )a. society is worse-off.b. they are unable to maintain monopoly power.c. they are able to maximize industry profits.d. All of the above are correct.22. Very often, the reason that players can solve the prisoners’ dilemma game and reach the most profitable outcome is that ( )a. the game becomes more competitive.b. they play the game not once, but many times.c. each player tries to capture a large portion of the market share.d. All of the above can solve the prisoners’ dilemma.23. Which of the following leads to a parallel shift of the budget line? ( )a. a 10 percent increase in the price of both goodsb. a 20 percent reduction in the price of both goodsc. a 30 percent increase in incomed. a 10 percent increase in the price of one of the goods only24. When indifference curves are bowed inward toward the origin, ( )a. it is unlikely that consumers will be willing to engage in trade.b. people can only increase satisfaction by consuming more of all commodities.c. people are less inclined to trade away goods that they have an abundance of.d. the marginal rate of substitution decreases as a consumer moves down an indifference curve.25. National income is defined as ( )a. all income produced within a country.b. the income received by the national government.c. the total income earned by a nation’s residents from the production of goods and services within the borders of the country.d. the total income earned by a nation’s residents in the production of goods and services.26. The best measure of a c ountry’s production of goods and services is ( )a. real GDP.b. real NNP.c. nominal GDP.d. nominal GNP.27. The inflation rate is defined as the ( )a. cost of inflation.b. cost of borrowing.c. percentage change in real GDP from the previous period.d. percentage change in the price level from the previous period.28. If the nominal interest rate is 8% and rate of inflation is 2%, the real interest rate is ( )a. 16%.b. 10%.c. 6%.d. 4%.29. A certificate of indebtedness that specifies the obligations of the borrower to the holder is called a ( )a. stock.b. mutual fund.c. bond. d. All of the above are correct.30. An increase in the budget deficit shifts the ( )a. demand for loanable funds left.b. demand for loanable funds right.c. supply of loanable funds left.d. supply of loanable funds right.31. Which of the following people is counted as unemployed according to official statistics? ( )a. Nancy, who is on temporary layoffb. Gary, who has retired and is not looking for workc. Brian, a full-time student who is not looking for workd. All of the above are correct.32. Sectoral shifts in the economy ( )a. create structural unemployment.b. immediately reduce unemployment.c. on net leave unemployment unchanged.d. increase unemployment due to job search.33. Which of the following best illustrates the unit of account function of money? ( )a. You list prices for candy sold on your Web site, , in dollars.b. You pay for tickets to a WNBA game with dollars.c. You keep $10 in your backpack for emergencies.d. None of the above is correct.34. If banks choose to hold more excess reserves, ( )a. required reserves in the banking system increase.b. the money multiplier will increase.c. the discount rate will increase.d. the money supply falls.35. When the price level rises, the number of dollars needed to buy a representative basket of goods ( )a. decreases, so the value of money rises.b. decreases, so the value of money falls.c. increases, so the value of money rises.d. increases, so the value of money falls.36. Given a nominal interest rate of 20 percent, in which case would you earn the highest after-tax real interest rate? ( )a. Inflation is 5 percent; the tax rate is 20 percent.b. Inflation is 4 percent; the tax rate is 30 percent.c. Inflation is 3 percent; the tax rate is 40 percent.d. The after-tax real interest rate is the same for all of the above.37. If the money supply growth rate permanently increased from 10 percent to 20 percent we would expect that inflation and nominal interest rates would both increase ( )a. by more than 10 percentage points.b. by 10 percentage points.c. but by less than 10 percentage points.d. None of the above is correct.38. Economists understand that people respond to ( )a. the wishes of policymakers.b. tax breaks, but not tax hikes.c. threats more than rewards.d. incentives.39. Which of the following is the most correct statement about the relationship between inflation and unemployment? ( )a. In the long run, reducing inflation is associated with rising unemployment.b. In the short run, reducing inflation is associated with falling unemployment.c. In the long run, reducing inflation is associated with falling unemployment.d. In the short run, reducing inflation is associated with rising unemployment.40. Almost all variation in living standards is attributable to differences in countries’ ( )a. population growth rates.b. endowments of natural resources.c. defense budgets.d. productivity.Part 3: Answer following questions (4×5′=20′)1. Draw the circular flow diagram, mark the flow of goods and service, the flow of money according to the following events:(1) Professor Zhang bought a new house by $500,000.(2) Construction firm pay Tom (worker) $ 800 as the wage.(3) Mr. Black got dividend $10,000 from a firm as one of the stock-holder.2. How will following events influence the GDP of U.S. by expenditure method?(1)Boeing Company sold a plane to the U.S. Air Force.(2)Boeing Company sold a plane to the U.S. Air Company.(3)Boeing Company sold a plane to the Franc Air Company.(4)Boeing Company sold a plane to Mr. Cross.(5)Boeing Company produced a plane which will be sold in the next half year.3. Who control the money supply? How does it control?4. Suppose Iran and Iraq both sell crude oil. If Iran affords a high production while Iraq affords a high production, Iran can get $40 billion. If Iran affords a low production while Iraq affords a high production, Iran can get $30 billion. If Iran affords a high production while Iraq affords a low production, Iran can get $60 billion. If Iran affords a low production while Iraq affords a low production, Iran can get $50 billion. If Iran affords a high production while Iraq affords a high production, Iraq can get $40 billion. If Iran affords a low production while Iraq affords a high production, Iraq can get $60 billion. If Iran affords a high production while Iraq affords a low production, Iraq can get $30 billion. If Iran affords a low production while Iraq affords a low production, Iraq can get $50 billion. Try to find the Nash equilibrium.Part 4: Analyze following questions (15′×2=30′)1. The equilibrium of orange market and orange-picking market (15′)Suppose the bad weather decrease the harvest of orange in Florida.(1) Try to analyze how orange price changes and how marginal product oforange-pickingchanges.(3′)(2)Suppose consumer’s demand for orange is perfect elastic. Try to analyze how the demand for orange-picking change? How does the equilibrium wage of orange-pickers change?(draw pictures of orange market and orange-picking market to analyze)(3′)(3)Suppose consumer’s demand for orange is perfect inelastic. Try to analyze how the demand for orange-picking change? How does the equilibrium wage of orange-pickers change? (draw a picture of orange market and orange-picking market to analyze) (Reference: how does the equilibrium quantity change in orange market?)(3′)(4)Suppose we take new technique in orange picking such as using machine. Can you analyze the change of equilibrium wage in orange picking? (Reference: Is it similar with the influence of bad weather?)(3′)(5)Suppose the harvest of apple make some workers turn to pick apples. Can you analyze the change of equilibrium wage in orange picking? What is the influence to orange price?Draw pictures to analyze.(3′)2.Price discrimination and social welfare(15′)Suppose you live in a town with 300 adults and 200 children. You are planning to hold a performance to earn money. The fixed cost of performance is $2,000, while the marginal cost of(1)In order to get maximum profit, what price will you decide for adult ticket? How many adults and children will watch the performance? What price will you decide for children ticket? How much profit can you earn? How much is the social welfare? Is it an efficient result?(4′)(2)If the government pass a law, and price discrimination is illegal now. What is your price now? How much profit can you earn? How many adults and children will watch the performance? How much is the social welfare?(2′)(3)Price discrimination is illegal now. How do your welfare, adults’ welfare and children’s welfare change?(3′)(4)If the fixed cost is $2,500 instead of $2,000. Will it change your decision on price in question (1)?(2′)(5)If the fixed cost is $2,500 instead of $2,000. Will it change your decision on price in question (2)? If you choose to give up the performance, is it a good choice according tosocial welfare maximum?(4′)2020-2021《西方经济学》(双语)期末课程考试试卷B答案Part 1: 1.× 2.√ 3. × 4.√ 5.√ 6.× 7.√ 8. ×9.√ 10.×Part 2: 1D 2A 3D 4B 5C 6A 7D 8C 9C 10C 11D 12C 13D 14B 15B 16C 17A 18B 19C 20C 21B 22B 23C 24D 25D 26A 27D 28C 29C 30C 31A 32D 33A 34D 35D 36A 37B 38D 39D 40DPart 3:1.2. (1) Increases government purchases and then increases GDP(2) Increases investment and then increases GDP(3) Increases net export and then increases GDP(4) Increases consumption and then increase GDP(5) Increases investment and then increase GDP3. Federal Open Market Committee conducts monetary policy by controlling the money supply. The money supply is the quantity of money available in the economy. The primary way in which the Fed changes the money supply is through open-market operations. The Fed purchases and sells U.S. government bonds. To increase the money supply, the Fed buys government bonds from the public. To decrease the money supply, the Fed sells government bonds to the public.4.Figure 3 An Oligopoly Game Copyright©2003 Southwestern/Thomson Learning Iraq ’s DecisionHighProductionHigh ProductionIraq gets $40 billionIran gets $40 billion Iraq gets $30 billionIran gets $60 billion Iraq gets $60 billion Iran gets $30 billion Iraq gets $50 billion Iran gets $50 billion Low Production LowProductionIran ’sDecisionPart 41. (1) 橘子的价格上升,因为橘子市场的供给减少。
中南财大 国际经济学--双语期末试卷

中南财经政法大学——学年第—-学期期末考试试卷国际经济学(闭卷)卷学院专业年级班级课堂号姓名(单选,共20题,每题2分)1, Under Ricardian model, If one country's wage level is very high relative to the other's (the relative wage exceeding the relative productivity ratios), then ( )A.it is not possible that producers in each will find export markets profitable.B.it is not possible that consumers in both countries will enhance their respectivewelfares through imports.C.it is not possible that both countries will find gains from trade.D.it is possible that both will enjoy the conventional gains from trade.2, According to Ricardo, a country will have a comparative advantage in the product in which its ( )bor productivity is relatively low.bor productivity is relatively high.bor mobility is relatively low.bor mobility is relatively high.3, If Australia has more land per worker, and Belgium has more capital per worker, then if trade were to open up between these two countries, ( )A.Australia would export the land-intensive product.B.Belgium would import the capital-intensive product.C.Both countries would export some of each product.D.Trade would not continue since Belgium is a smaller country.4, Under The Specific Factors model, At the production point the production possibility frontier is tangent to a line whose slope is ( )A.the price of manufactures.B.the relative wage.C.the real wage.D.the relative price of manufactures.5, The Heckscher-Ohlin model predicts all of the following except:A.which country will export which product. ( )B.which factor of production within each country will gain from trade.C.the volume of trade.D.that wages will tend to become equal in both trading countries.6, If P C / P F were to increase in the international marketplace, then ( )A.all countries would be better off.B.the terms of trade of cloth exporters improve.C.the terms of trade of food exporters improve.D.the terms of trade of all countries improve.7, When the production possibility frontier shifts out relatively more in one direction, we have ( )A.biased growth.B.unbiased growth.C.immiserizing growth.D.balanced growth.8, If Slovenia were a large country in world trade, then if it instituted a large set of subsidies for its exports, this must ( )A.cause retaliation on the part of its trade partners.B.harm Slovenia's real income.C.improve Slovenia's real income.D.improve the real income of its trade partners.9, A lower tariff on imported steel would most likely benefit ( )A.foreign producers at the expense of domestic consumers.B.domestic manufacturers of steel.C.domestic consumers of steel.D.workers in the steel industry.10, If the poor AID(aid of international development) recipient countries have a higher marginal propensity to consume each and every product than does the United States, then such aid will ( )A.worsen the U.S. terms of trade.B.improve the U.S. terms of trade.C.leave the world terms of trade unaffected.D.worsen the terms of trade of both donor and recipient countries.11, A large country experiencing import-biased economic growth will tend to experience ( )A.no change in terms of trade.B.deteriorating terms of trade.C.improving terms of trade.D.immiserizing terms of trade.12, The most common form of price discrimination in international trade is ( )A.non-tariff barriers.B.V oluntary Export Restraints.C.dumping.D.preferential trade arrangements.13, An appreciation of a country’s currency ( )A.decreases the relative price of its exports and lowers the relative price ofits imports.B.raises the relative price of its exports and raises the relative price of itsimports.C.lowers the relative price of its exports and raises the relative price of itsimports.D.raises the relative price of its exports and lowers the relative price of itsimports.14, Under Purchasing Power Parity, ( )A.E$/E = P i US/ P i E.B.E$/E = P i E / P i US.C.E$/E = P US / P E.D.E$/E = P E / P US.15, Under the monetary approach to the exchange rate, ( )A. a reduction in the money supply will cause immediate currencydepreciation.B. a rise in the money supply will have no effect on exchange rate.C. a rise in the money supply will cause immediate currency appreciation.D. a rise in the money supply will cause a proportional long-run currencydepreciation.16, When EP*/P rises, ( )A.IM will rise.B.IM may rise or fall.C.IM will fall.D.IM is not affected.17, In the short run, a temporary increase in fiscal policy causes ( )A. a shift of the DD curve to the left, an increase in output, andcurrency appreciation.B. a shift of the DD curve to the right, an increase in output, andcurrency appreciation.C. a shift of the DD curve to the right, an increase in output, andcurrency depreciation.D. a shift of the DD curve to the left, a decrease in output, andcurrency depreciation.18, How does a rise in real income affect aggregate demand? ( )A.Y ↑→ Yd ↑→Im ↑→CA ↓→AD ↓, but Y ↑→ Yd ↑→ C ↑→ AD ↑ by more.B.Y ↑→ Yd ↑→Im ↓→CA ↓→AD ↓, but Y ↑→ Yd ↑→ C ↑→ AD ↑ by more.C.Y ↑→ Yd ↑→Im ↑→CA ↑→AD ↑, and Y ↑→ Yd ↑→ C ↑→ AD ↑.D.Y ↑→ Yd ↑→Im ↑→CA ↓→AD ↓, but Y ↑→ Yd ↑→ C ↑→ AD ↑ by less. 19, Under fixed rates, which one of the following statements is the most accurate? ( )A.Monetary policy can affect only output.B.Monetary policy can affect only employment.C.Monetary policy can affect only international reserves.D.Monetary policy can not affect international reserves.20, Under fixed exchange rate, which one of the following statements is the most accurate? ( )A.Devaluation causes a rise in output.B.Devaluation causes a decrease in output.C.Devaluation has no effect on output.共5题,每题6分)1,An Economy can produce goods A using labor and capital and goods B using labor and land. Calculate the effects of the fall in the relative price of goods B on the income of the specific factors capital and land.2, suppose that one country subsidizes its exports and the other country imposes a countervailing tariff that offsets its effect, so that in the end relative price in the second country are unchanged. What happens to the terms of trade? What about welfare in the two countries?3, Describe the pattern of trade under H-O model.4, International trade leads to complete equalization of factor prices. Discuss.5,What is the Fisher Effect? Provide an example.6,Suppose E is fixed at E0 and that the asset markets are in equilibrium.Suddenly output rises. What monetary measures keep the current exchange rate constant given unchanged expectations about the future rate?(共1题,10分)A small country imports peanuts at the price of $10 per bag. The demand curve is D=400-10P. The supply curve is S=50+5PDetermine the free trade equilibrium. Then calculate and graph the following effects: A: The increase in the domestic priceB: The quota rentsC: The consumption distortion lossD: The production distortion loss.四.Essay Questions(共2题,每题10分)1,Comparing the interindustry trade and intraindustry trade.2, Construct a table that will summarize the effects of money market and output market changes on the long-run nominal dollar/ euro exchange rate.中南财经政法大学---------学年第----学期期末考试答案和评分标准课程名称:《国际经济学》()卷课程代号:_02013020_考试形式:闭卷使用对象:1,Because good B uses land, a fall in its relative price will result in a fall in rental rates on land, and an increase in the return to capital.2,The first country is worse off by subsidy and a foreign tariff while the second one is better off by subsidy in the first one and its own tariff.3, Countries tend to export goods whose production is intensive in factors with which they are abundantly endowed.4,This statement is typically "true…but". Under a strict and limited set of assumptions, such as the original Heckscher-Ohlin model which excludes country specific technologies; non- homothetic tastes; factor intensity reversals; large country differences in (relative) factor abundances, and more factors than goods, then it may be demonstrated that internal consistency demands that the above stated sentence is "true". However, the minute one relaxes any of the above listed assumptions one may easily identify solutions, which contradict the factor price equalization theorem.5, All else equal, a rise in a country’s expected inflation rate will eventually cause an equal rise in the interest rate that deposits of its currency offer. Similarly, a fall in the expected inflation rate will eventually cause a fall in the interest rate.6, •Since output rises, demand for domestic money ris es; this increase in money demand normally pushes the domestic interest rate upwards. To prevent appreciation of home currency (given E0is expected) the central bank buys foreign assets in foreign exchange market.•This eliminates excess demand for domes tic money because the central bank issues money to pay for the foreign assets it buys.•The bank increases the money supply in this way until asset markets clear with E = E0 and R = R*.三.计算题A: D-S=50,P=20(3分)B: (20-10)*50=500(3分)C: 100*10*0.5=500(2分)D:50*10*0.5=250(2分)四.论述题1, Interindustry trade reflect comparative advantage while intraindustry trade doesnot reflect comparative advantage.(4分)The pattern of intraindustry trade itself is unpredictable while interindustry trade is predictable.(3分)The relative importance of intraindustry and interindustry trade depends on how similar countries are.(3分)。

A.正和博弈 B.零和博弈C.国际分工 D.财富2.国际间商品生产成本比率的相互比较是()。
A.比较优势 B.比较利益C.比较成本 D.国际分工3. 商业银行的买入汇率与卖出汇率相差的幅度一般为()A.1‰--5‰ B.1%--5%C.5‰--10‰ D.5%--10%4. 在纸币本位的固定汇率制度下,当外国货币价格上涨,有超过汇率波动上限的趋势时,各国货币当局调节汇率的惯用手段是()。
A. 提高贴现率B. 降低贴现率C. 冻结物价D. 限制外国资金的流入5.根据蒙代尔的分配原则,当一国同时面临通货膨胀和国际收支逆差时,政府应采取()。
A.经常账户 B.资本账户C.金融账户 D.平衡账户7.资本流动的根本动力是()A.援助他国建设 B.贸易结算需要C.规避风险 D.获取较高的利润8. 下面哪一项不是布雷顿森林体系的基础()。
A.1999年1月1日 B.2000年1月1日C.2002年1月1日 D.2002年7月1日10.在斯旺图中,EB曲线的右侧表示()。
A.失业 B.通胀C.国际收支盈余 D.国际收支赤字二、多项选择题(下列各题所给的五个选项中,至少有一项以上的答案是正确的,多选、少选、错选均不得分,每题2分,共10分)1.根据关税的课征种类,主要的关税有()。
A.进口税 B.进口附加税C.出口税 D.过境税E.特惠税2.征收关税将产生一系列的经济效应,表现为()。

若两国进行贸易,根据比较成本说,在生产小麦方面具有比较优势的国家和应该出口汽车的国家分别是(答题答案:B)A、美国、加拿大B、加拿大、美国C、美国、美国D、加拿大、加拿大5、两国分工后,所能得到的贸易利益大小主要取决于(答题答案:D)A、提供曲线B、贸易条约C、劳动生产率D、商品交换比率6、李嘉图认为国际贸易产生的根源是(答题答案:A)A、各国生产同种商品的劳动生产率不同B、各国生产要素禀赋不同C、各国间商品价格不同D、各国间要素价格不同7、两国之间同一商品的差异是两国具有不同比较优势的表现,也构成了互利贸易的基础(答题答案:B)A、绝对价格B、相对价格C、市场价格D、交易价格8、分工所得就是通过获得的贸易利益(答题答案:C)A、国际贸易B、国内生产C、国际分工D、国内分配9、某国10年间出口价格指数上升了10%,进口价格指数上升了15%,那么该国贸易条件(答题答案:B)A、改善B、恶化C、不变D、不能确定10、以下各项中哪一项不会促进国家间木材的自由贸易(答题答案:A)A、贸易前各国木树价格相等B、追求利润的木树价格套利C、国家间存在木材供给的差别D、国家间存在木材需求的差别11、在分析生产要素价格均等化过程,有一系列的假设条件,下列不是其假设条件的有(答题答案:D)A、生产要素在一国范围内的各部门间自由流动B、不存在贸易障碍和运输费用C、生产要素充分利用D、生产要素在国与国之间自由流动12、对里昂惕夫之谜的解释较为典型的观点不包括(答题答案:B)A、自然资源B、汇率因素C、要素密集度转换D、贸易壁垒13、如果A国可用1个工时生产3个单位的x产品或3个单位的y产品,B国可用1个工时生产2单位的x 产品或1个单位的y产品,而且如果劳动是惟一的投入,那么(答题答案:C)A、A国在两种商品的生产上均具有比较优势B、B国在两种商品的生产上均具有绝对优势C、A国在两种商品的生产上均具有绝对劣势D、B国在两种商品的生产上均具有比较优势14、提出要素禀赋理论的是(答题答案:B)A、李嘉图B、俄林C、里昂惕夫D、马歇尔15、分工与自由贸易使交换的两国获得更多的福利,这表现在(答题答案:B)A、两国的生产组合处在更高的生产可能性曲线上B、两国的消费组合处在更高的社会无差异曲线上C、两国的消费组合处在更高的生产可能性曲线上D、两国的生产组合处在更高的社会无差异曲线上16、用相对要素价格定义要素禀赋考虑了(答题答案:C)A、要素的供给B、要素的需求C、要素的供求D、要素的分配17、要素价格均等化定理又称(答题答案:D)A、H-O定理B、H-S定理C、S-S定理D、H-O-S定理18、()兴起于二战后发达国家之间的双向贸易(答题答案:A)A、产业内贸易B、产业间贸易C、制成品与初级产品的贸易D、产品内贸易19、美国经济学家波斯纳提出的(),以各国技术水平的差异为起点,分析国际贸易的成因(答题答案:B)A、偏好相似论B、技术差距论C、产品生命周期理论D、要素禀赋论20、与中间产品贸易对应的国际分工是(答题答案:D)A、产业间分工B、产业内分工C、发达国家之间的分工D、产品内分工21、()与技术差距论放松了传统比较优势理论的假设,考虑技术扩散对产品国际化转移的影响(答题答案:C)A、产业内贸易理论B、产品内贸易理论C、产品生命周期理论二、多项选择题1、从博弈论角度看,国际贸易是(答题答案:BC)A、零和博弈B、正和博弈C、双赢博弈D、负和博弈2、要素价格均等化定理的假设包括(答题答案:ABC)A、完全竞争的市场B、国家间没有贸易壁垒C、各国具有相同的生产技术D、各国具有同样的收入水平3、新要素理论包括(答题答案:ABCD)A、自然资源说B、技术要素说C、人力资本要素说D、研发要素说4、通过商品的国际贸易,两国同质要素的价格变化是(答题答案:ABC)A、趋于绝对均等B、趋于相对均等C、原来便宜的要素价格会上升D、原来便宜的要素价格继续下跌5、影响商品价格的因素有(答题答案:ABCD)A、要素的价格B、生产技术C、商品的供给D、商品的需求6、可以定义要素丰裕度的方法是(答题答案:CD)A、一国要素的绝对数量B、一国要素的绝对价格C、两国要素的数量比率D、两国要素的相对价格7、耐克公司一般如何布局不同的生产环节?(答题答案:ABC)A、缝制在发展中国家B、设计在美国C、品牌推广在发达国家D、没有特殊的布局8、技术落后国家对先进技术学习模仿的滞后包括(答题答案:BCD)A、信息滞后B、需求滞后C、反应滞后D、掌握滞后三、判断题1、一个产品不可能同时既具有绝对优势,又具有相对优势。
10套 《国际经济学》期末试卷及答案

A.国际贸易理论的标准模型B.采用2 2 1模型进行阐述C.将技术、要素禀赋、需求偏好集于一体D.由哈伯勒、勒纳、里昂惕夫和米德等人提出2.国际金融理论的发展一直是围绕着()这一十分重要的问题而展开的。
A.证券投资B.商品修理C.计算机和信息服务D.非货币黄金8.购买力平价论(the theory of purchasing power parity),简称PPP理论,是()在其1922年出版的《1914年以后的货币与外汇》(money and foreign exchange after 1914)中第一次系统阐述的。

第 1 页 共 4 页2020-2021《国际贸易学》(双语)期末课程考试试卷B本试卷适用于试卷所需时间120分钟。
考试日期: 题号 一 二 三 四 五 总分 分数 评卷人一、单项选择题:(共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)1. Which of the following is NOT true about mercantilism?A. Under mercantilism, exports were encouraged and imports were discouraged.B. Mercantilists believed that one country’s gains from trade came at the expense of another country or countries’ well being.C. Domestic producers were often hurt by mercantilism.D. Mercantilism focused on the accumulation of gold and silver bullion.2. When a nation requires fewer resources than another nation to produce a product, the nation is said to have a(n):A. Absolute advantage in the production of the productB. Comparative advantage in the production of the productC. Lower marginal rate of transformation for the productD. Lower opportunity cost of producing the product3. If a country exports the good that it can produce at a low opportunity cost and imports those goods that it would otherwise produce at a high opportunity cost, we say that such trade is based upon:A. Absolute advantageB. ArbitrageC. Labor productivity differencesD. Comparative advantage4. When a nation is in autarky and maximizes its living standard, its consumption and production points are:A. Above the production possibilities frontierB. Along the production possibilities frontierC. Beneath the production possibilities frontierD. Any of the above5. The theory that predicts that trade occurs because of differences in the availability of factor inputs across countries and the differences in the proportions in which the factor inputs are used in producing different products is called: A. The Stolper-Samuelson theory. B. Comparative advantage C. The Heckscher-Ohlin theory D. Absolute advantage6. Given the assumptions of the Heckscher-Ohlin model, the opening of trade in a land-abundant country will cause the domestic price of wheat to: A. Fall B. RiseC. Be unaffectedD. At first rise but then fall back to its original level 7. When a large country imposes an import quota:A. World prices rise.B. World prices fall.C. Domestic prices fall.D. Domestic production falls.8. The Stolper-Samuelson theorem states that given certain assumptions and conditions:A. The real return to the factor used intensively in the import-competing industry will rise in the long-run.B. The real return to the factor used intensively in the export industry will fall in the long-run.C. The real return to the factor used in the rising price industry will rise in the long-run.D. The real return to the factor used intensively in the export industry will rise in the long-run.9. Referring to Figure 2.1, the relative cost of steel in terms of aluminum is: A. 4.0 tons B. 2.0 tons C. 0.5 tons D. 0.25 tons 10. According to the factor-price-equalization theorem, free trade equalizes:A. Product prices as well as the prices of individual factors of production between two countries.B. Product prices between two countries but not the prices of individual factors of production.院系: 专业班级: 姓名: 学号:装 订 线第 2 页 共 4 页C. Product prices between two countries and factor prices within each country but not between countries.D. Product prices and factor prices within each country but not between countries. 11. Assume that Country A, in the absence of trade, finds itself relatively abundant in labor and relatively scarce in land. The Heckscher-Ohlin theory reasons that with free trade, the internal distribution of national income in Country A will change in favor of:A. LaborB. LandC. Both labor and landD. Neither labor nor land 12. A rise in the price of imports or a fall in the price of exports will:A. Expand the production possibilities frontierB. Improve the terms of tradeC. Contract the production possibilities frontierD. Worsen the terms of trade 13. Which of the following would least likely apply to the product life cycle theory? A. Calculators and computers B. Coal and crude oil C. Home movie cameras D. Office machinery14. When Wassily Leontief tested the predictions of the Heckscher-Ohlin theory, he found that in 1947 the United States was exporting relatively labor-intensive goods and importing relatively capital-intensive goods. This finding:A. Contradicted the Heckscher-Ohlin theory as the United States was relatively capital-abundant.B. Contradicted the Heckscher-Ohlin theory as the United States was relatively labor-abundant.C. Was never duplicated by other studies and has thus been labeled a paradox.D. Fit the predictions of the Heckscher-Ohlin theory concerning the trading patterns of a capital-abundant country.15. The author of the Wealth of Nations was:A. David RicardoB. Paul SamuelsonC. Adam SmithD. Karl Marx16. Which of the following is the formula for a product’s intra -industry trade (IIT) share?A. 1 – |X - M |B. 1 - (X + M)C. 1 – [ |X - M | / (X + M)]D. 1 – [ |X + M | / (X - M)]17. Suppose that there are only two types of traded commodities: industrial products and primary products. Which of the following changes in global market conditions would be necessary in order for countries that export primary products to experience “immiserizing growth”?A. The global price of industrial products would have to rise.B. The global price of primary goods would have to fall relative to the global price of industrial goods.C. The supply of primary products would have to rise.D. The supply of industrial goods would have to fall.18. When company X doubled its output, it found that its cost per unit had fallen by 10%. We can therefore conclude:A. It enjoys external scale economies.B. It enjoys internal scale economies.C. Demand for its product is elastic.D. It has a comparative advantage in production.19. The United States and Canada produce trees using labor and land. Initially, Canada has fewer workers per acre than the United States. The countries share the same technology. Consider the effects of allowing labor to move freely between the two countries. Then the wage in Canada will _________.A. fallB. riseC. remains unchangedD. A or C.20. If a small country imposes a tariff on imported motorcycles, the world price of motorcycles will __________ and the domestic price of motorcycles will __________. A. Rise; rise B. Fall; rise C. Stay constant; rise D. Stay constant; fall 21. A non-tariff barrier operates by: A. Limiting the quantity of importsB. Increasing the cost of getting imports to market.C. Creating uncertainty about the conditions under which imports will be permitted.D. All of the above.22. When the value of a nation's exports exceeds the value of its imports, the nation is said to haveA. Trade dependencyB. Trade surplusC. Trade deficitD. Trade debit 23. With respect to forms of "regional economic integration": A. a "customs union" is more integrated than a "common market" B. a "free trade area" is more integrated than an "economic union" C. a common market is the most complete form of integrationD. customs unions do not permit free flow of factors of production across member country borders24. One of the reasons that protectionists and government officials may favor using a quota instead of a tariff is:A. Quotas generate more revenue for the government than do tariffs.B. A quota ensures that the quantity of imports is strictly limited.C. Quotas create less market distortions than do tariffs.院系: 专业班级: 姓名: 学号:装 订 线第 3 页 共 4 页D. Quotas give less power to politicians than do tariffs.25. In the last completed round of trade negotiation (the Uruguay Round), an agreement regarding the services trade was achieved. This agreement is _____________.A. GATTB. WTOC. GATSD. CATS二、判断题(T/F ):(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1. Adam Smith’s theory of absolute advantage relied on the labor theory of value.2. In the two-country, two-good model, both countries can gain from trade as long as their relative advantages and disadvantages in producing different goods are different.3. While China’s exports are consistent with the predictions of the Heckscher -Ohlin theory, her imports are not.4. The value of foreign trade is the total amount of a nation’s foreign trade, i.e. the total amount of import and export (of goods) within a certain period. Then the value of international trade is the total value of foreign trade of all countries throughout the world.5. Net trade for a product is the value of the difference between exports and imports for that product.6. It is possible for a large country to be better off, worse off, or no better off/no worse off as a result of a tariff being imposed.7. More price supports and subsidies are provided to agriculture worldwide than any other sector of the economy.8. Strategic trade policy is a government policy whereby a subsidy is provided in order to help the domestic firm win a trade battle in an oligopolistic market. 9. FDI outflows have a positive impact on workers in the home country.10. Buyer’s cre dit refers to the credit provided by the buyer’s bank for promoting import of foreign products.三、计算分析题(共2小题,每小题10分,共20分)1. The equation for the demand curve for writing paper in Belgium is Q D =350-(P/2) or P=700-2Q D . The equation for the supply curve for writing paper in Belgium is Q S =-200+5P or P=40+(Q S /5).a. What are the equilibrium price and quantity if there is no international trade?b. What are the equilibrium quantities for Belgium if the nation can trade freely with the rest of the world at a price of 120?c. What is the effect of the shift from no trade to free trade on Belgium consumer surplus? On Belgium producer surplus? What is the net national gain or loss for Belgium?2. Suppose that under free trade a final commodity F has a price of $ 20 and the price of the only input A to commodity F is $ 10. Now consider the following four situations where protective tariffs exist.(a) Suppose that the tariff rate on the final good F is 20%, and no tariff rate on input A. (b) Suppose that the tariff rates on both the final good F and the input A are both 20%. (c) Suppose that the tariff rate on the final good F and the input A is 20% and 30% respectively.(d) Suppose that the tariff rate on the final good F and the input A is 20% and 60% respectively.(1) Calculate the ERP for the domestic industry producing good F. (2) Interpret the meaning of this calculated ERP.四、简答题(共4小题,每小题8分,共32分)1. What is intra-industry trade? Is intra-industry trade consistent with the predictions of the Heckscher-Ohlin theory? Clearly explain why it is or is not consistent with Heckscher-Ohlin.2. What is the economic definition of dumping? If the importing country suspects dumping, what action can be taken?3. What is GSP? What are its principles?4. What factors should be considered in determining whether a firm should sell to foreign buyers by exporting from its home country or by setting up local production in the foreign country to produce the products that are sold to foreign consumers? When identifying these factors, clearly explain how and why they push the decision toward one or the other of the two available choices.五、论述题(共1小题,共13分)1. “Trade blocs are good for economic well-being and countries should try to join them.” Do you agree or disagree? Why? In your answer, discuss the role of trade creation and trade diversion. What other gains may arise in a country that chooses to join a trade bloc?系: 专业班级: 姓名: 学号:装 订 线2020-2021《国际贸易学》(双语)期末课程考试试卷B答案1. a. With no international trade, equilibrium requires Q D=Q S. Setting the two equations equal to each other, we can find the equilibrium price with no trade: 350-(P/2)= -200+5P. The equilibrium no-trade price is P=100. Using one of the equations, we find that the no-trade quantity is 300. (3分)b. At a price of 120, Belgium’s quantity demanded is 290, and its quantity supplied is 400. With free trade Belgium exports 110 units. (3分)c. Belgian consumer surplus declines. With no trade it is a larger triangle below the demand curve and above the 100 price line. With free trade it is a smaller triangle below the demand curve and above the 120 price line. Belgian producer surplus increases. With no trade it is smaller triangle above the supply curve and below the 100 price line. With free trade it is a larger triangle above the supply curve and below the 120 price line. The net national gain from trade is the difference between the gain of producer surplus and the loss of consumer surplus. This gain is a triangle whose base is the quantity trade (110) and whose height is the change in price (120-100=20) so the total gain is 1100.(4分)2. (1) According to the formula ERP=[(t-a i t i)/(1-a i)]×100%, or ERP=[(V’-V)/V]×100%, we can get the following answers: (a) If the tariff rate on the final good F is 20%, and no tariff rate on input A, we have ERP=40%.(2分)(b) If the tariff rates on both the final good F and the input A are both 20%, we have ERP=20%.(2分)(c) If the tariff rate on the final good F and the input A is 20% and 30% respectively, we have ERP=10%.(2分)(d) If the tariff rate on the final good F and the input A is 20% and 60% respectively, we have ERP=-20%(2分)(2) If t>t i, ERP>t; If t=t i, ERP=t; If t<t i, ERP<t; If t i becomes extremely high, ERP will become negative.(2分)四、简答题(共4小题,每小题8分,共32分)1. Intra industry trade is a trade in which a country both exports and imports the same or a very similar product. Intra-industry trade is not generally consistent with the Heckscher-Ohlin theory. (2分)The Heckscher-Ohlin theory predicts that countries will export goods that extensively use their abundant resources and will import goods that extensively use their scarce resource. (2分)The Heckscher-Ohlin theory is suited to explain trade between developing and industrialized countries because they differ in their endowments of production resources. (2分)The Heckscher-Ohlin theory fails to explain why we observe so much trade among industrialized countries: 70% of the exports of industrialized countries go to other industrialized countries.(2分)2. Dumping is selling exports at a price below the normal value (or fair market value). (2分)There are two definitions of normal value. The traditional definition of normal value is the price charged in the home market. Dumping in this case means international price discrimination. (2分)The second definition of normal value is the average cost of production. Under this second definition dumping is selling goods abroad at a price below average production cost. (2分)If a country can show foreign producers dump into their market and injury results, the country can impose antidumping measures. (2分)3. GSP: is a system currently in place where a large number of DCs permit duty-free entry of a selected list of products if those products are imported from particular LDCs. (2分)(1) Generalized: Industrialized countries give this treatment to all the manufactured or semi-manufactured goods of LDCs.(2分)(2) Non-discriminatory: Industrialized countries give this treatment to all LDCs, without exception.(2分)(3) Non reciprocal: The LDCs do not reciprocate; they needn’t grant goods from developed nations similar special treatment. (2分)4. When transport costs and trade barriers are low, the MNE can use FDI to reduce total costs by locating different stages of overall production in different countries. For example design and development can be located in the home country while other stages of production can be located according to the country’s cost advantage. (4分)FDI and exports can sometimes be complements or substitutes depending on whether the foreign affiliates undertake the same kind of production as the parent firm. When transport costs and trade barriers are high, the choice would tilt toward FDI. Most studies, however, conclude that FDI is complementary to international trade as parts of the product line must be imported. (4分)五、论述题(共1小题,共13分)1. POSSIBLE RESPONSE: In general, the formation of trade blocs does not always lead to an improvement of economic welfare worldwide, or even within the country. (2分)On the one hand, the formation of trade blocs seems to imply a removal of trade barriers and thus a step toward free trade (trade creation). This is beneficial to consumers in the country as it leads to lower consumer prices, higher trade volumes, and higher consumer surplus. (3分)On the other hand, the formation of trade blocs might lead to shifting of imports to less efficient foreign producers who gain an advantage over more efficient producers in countries that are not members of the trade bloc. (2分)This shifting of imports is called trade diversion and creates a welfare loss for the member country. Whether or not a country gains from joining a trade bloc depends on the benefits from trade creation, the losses from trade diversion, and the possible gains from an array of other effects that may be difficult to quantify. Let us discuss in more detail these additional possible sources of benefits. (3分)First, an increase in competition can reduce prices. If before the formation of the bloc firms in the different countries had monopoly power in each national market, when national markets are joined in a bloc-wide market, firms must compete with each other. Prices are likely to move closer to marginal costs. (2分)Second, an increase in competition can lower costs of production. The increased level of competition increases the pressure on firms to implement new technologies and minimize costs. (2分)Third, firms can lower costs by expanding their scale of production. Before the formation of a bloc, each firm may have been limited to serving only its national market. If scale economies are substantial, the expansion of the firm in the bloc-wide market will lower its cost of production. (2分)第 4 页共4 页。

湖南涉外经济学院2015—2016学年度第一学期《国际金融与结算》课程考核试题册学院:外国语学院专业年级:2012级商英本科考核方式:闭卷考试时量:100分钟试卷类型: BI. Multiple choices: Choose the best answer to each question, and write your answers on your answer sheet.(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1. The term foreign exchange is best defined by the following statement; it is .A. the rate of exchange between two currenciesB. an instrument such as paper currency, note, and check used to make payments between countriesC. the place in which foreign currencies are exchangedD. synonymous with currency exchange2. The economics news on the television reports that the dollar has strengthened relative to the Japaneseyen. This means that .A. the dollar has depreciated relative to the yen.B. the US trade balance with the Japanese economy has improvedC. the yen can now purchase more dollarsD. the dollar can now purchase more yen3. A strong dollar encourages .A. travel to the United States by foreignersB. purchase of American goods by foreignersC. Americans to travel abroadD. Americans to save dollars4. If Canadian speculators believed the Swiss franc was going to appreciate against the U.S. dollar, they would .A. puchase Canadian dollarsB. purchase U.S. dollarsC. purchase Swiss francsD. sell Swiss francs5. In a standard spot exchange transaction, a Thursday deal is settled on if the day is a business day of banks.A. FridayB. SaturdayC. the following MondayD. the following Tuesday6. When a currency pair goes from a low price to a higher price, the quote currency is said to .A. have strengthenedB. have weakenedC. remain the same valueD. none of the above 7. The payment of a dividend by an American company to a foreign stockholder represents .A. a debit in the US capital accountB. a credit in the US capital accountC. a credit in the US current accountD. a debit in the US current account8. Exchange controls require the government .A. to ensure that the foreign-exchange market is perfectly competitiveB. to stop buying foreign exchangeC. to sell more foreign exchange than it buysD. to balance inflows and outflows of foreign exchange at the current exchange rate9. When one currency is traded against any currency other than the USD, the market rate for this currencypair is called a .A. forward rateB. discount rateC. real rateD. cross rate10. The difference between the bid and ask rates quoted by a bank is called the .A. coverB. premiumC. discountD. spread11. A U.S importer scheduled to make a payment of£100 000 in three months can hedge his foreignexchange risk by .A. purchasing $ 100 000 in the forward market for delivery in three monthsB. selling£100 000 in the spot market for delivery in three monthsC. purchasing £100 000 in the spot market for delivery in three monthsD. selling £100 000 in the forward market for delivery in three months12. A key advantage of futures contracts for contract participants is that they .A. are tax-exemptB. eliminate the risk of price fluctuationsC. serve as a primary source of funds for start-up companiesD. are adjusted for inflation13. If the exchange rate between French francs and British pounds is 5 francs per pound, then the numberof pounds that can be obtained for 200 francs equals:A.20 poundsB. 40 poundsC. 60 poundsD. 80 pounds14. Intervention in the foreign exchange market means the government .A. restricts individuals from buying and selling foreign exchangeB. restricts the importation of certain goodsC. or central bank buys or sells foreign exchangeD. devalues the currency in the foreign-exchange market15. Low real interest rates in the United States tend to .A. Decrease the demand for dollars, causing the dollar to depreciateB. Decrease the demand for dollars, causing the dollar to appreciateC. Increase the demand for dollars, causing the dollar to depreciateD. Increase the demand for dollars, causing the dollar to appreciate16. Which of the following is considered as capital inflow?A.A sale of US financial assets to a foreign buyer.B.A loan from a US bank to a foreign borrower.C.A purchase of foreign financial assets by a US buyer.D.A US citizen’s repayment of a loan from a foreign bank.17. A multinational firm can choose all of the following modes of entry for foreign direct investmentexcept .A.exporting products to a local firmB. a joint venture with a local partnerC.a 100%-owned Green-field subsidiaryD. a merger or acquisition of an existing local firm18. While trading in foreign exchange takes place worldwide, the major currency trading centers are located in .A. London, New York, and TokyoB. New York, Zurich, and BahrainC. Paris, Frankfurt, and LondonD. Los Angeles, New York and London19. A US resident increasing her holdings of a foreign financial asset causes a .A.credit in the US current accountB. debit in the US current accountC.credit in the US capital accountD. debit in the US capital account20. is the rate a bank sells foreign currency from foreign banks or its clients.A. spot rateB. forward rateC. offer rateD. bid rateII. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false, and write T or F on your answer sheet. (本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)1.Exchange rates are determined by the unregulated forces of supply and demand for foreign currenciesas long as central banks do not intervene in the foreign exchange markets.2. A country has a current account deficit if it is saving more than it is investing domestically.3.Capital and financial inflows are analogous to exports of goods and services becauses they result in thereceipt of funds from other nations.4.Arbitrage results in a riskless profit since a trader purchases a currency at a low price andsimulaneously resells it at a higher price.5.If the forward rate is higher than spot rate, it is at discount.6.Forward exchange contracts are used for hedging but not for speculating.7.Speculators who expect a currency to appreciate could purchase currency futures contracts for thatcurrency.8.Today, no country fixed its currency to gold.9. A depreciation of the dollar refers to a fall in the dollar price of foreign currency.10.An exchange rate represents the price of a currency, which is determined by the demand for thatcurrency relative to the supply for that currency.11.The 3-month forward exchange rate between two currencies is the spot rate given by the bank 3months later. 12.If the domestic inflation rate is lower than that in the foreign country, the domestic currency should bestronger than that of a foreign country.13.After World War Ⅰ, other countries based the value of their currencies on the US dollar.14.Every international exchange of value is entered into the balance-of-payments accounts 2 times.15.The US dollar is the most widely used currency as a central bank reserve asset.III. Find the correct term for each definition.(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)single currency, to a basket of other currencies, or to another measure of value, such as gold.2.It is the account includes all debit and credit items that are exports and imports of goods and services,income receipts and income payments, and gifts.3.It refers to the organizational setting within which individuals, businesses, governments and banks buyand sell foreign currencies and other instruments.4.It is an international reserve asset, created by the IMF in 1969 to supplement its member countries’official reserves.5.This is a systematic account of all the exchanges of value between residents of that country and the restof the world during a given time period.6.This is a type of market in which private demanders and sellers of foreign exchange can buy or sellone currency to evade the exchange controls.7.It is a system in which a country tries to keep its exchange rate fixed for long periods of time and onlychanges the pegged rate when there is a substantial disequilibrium at that rate.8.It is an agreement to buy or sell a foreign currency for future delivery at a price set now.9.It is the quotation between two currencies for immediate delivery.10.This is a type of exchange rate regime wherein the value of one currency fluctuate from day to day, butcentral banks attempt to influence it by buying and selling currencies.IV. Calculate the following problems according to the information.(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分)1.Suppose CNY1= JPY 19.2413, a Japanese retailer placed an order with a manufacturing firm based inChina to buy 10,000 pairs of shoes for CNY 330,000. How many yen does the Japanese retailer need to pay?2.In the New York foreign market, the spot rate of USD/FRF is7.2220~7.2240, the points of 6-monthFRF are 200/140. What is the forward rate of USD/FRF?3.In the Hong Kong foreign market, the spot rate of USD/HKD is 7.7800~7.8000, the points of1-month USD are 30/50. What is the forward rate of USD/HKD?4.If USD1 =CHF 0.9786, and USD1 = CNY 6.3549so what is the rate between CHF and CNY?V. Explain how each of the following transactions will be classified and recorded in the US balance of payments.(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)1. Japanese investors collect interest income on their holdings of US governement securietis.2. A German resident sends money to her relatives in the United States.3. A Swiss resident receives devidends on her IBM stock.4. A Japanese automobile firm builds an assembly plant in Los Angeles.5. A US professor receives his honorarium for giving a talk at a Canadian university.。

一、单项选择题:(共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)1. Which of the following says that any dollar of gain or loss will be equally valued, regardless of who experiences it?A.Consumer surplusB.Producer surplusC.ArbitrageD.One-dollar, one-vote metric2. Consider a typical two-country model. In the exporting country, consumers will be ______ and producers will be______ with the opening of international trade. A. Happy; happy B. Unhappy; happy C. Unhappy; unhappy D. Happy; unhappy3. The author of the Wealth of Nations was:A. David RicardoB. Paul SamuelsonC. Adam SmithD. Karl Marx4. The theory of comparative advantage was first presented by: A. Adam Smith B. Karl MarxC. David RicardoD. Eli Heckscher5. The theory that predicts that trade occurs because of differences in the availability of factor inputs across countries and the differences in the proportions in which the factor inputs are used in producing different products is called:A. The Stolper-Samuelson theoryB. The Heckscher-Ohlin theoryC. Comparative advantageD. Absolute advantage6. The Stolper-Samuelson theorem would predict that trade between the United States, a capital-abundant country, and Mexico, a labor-abundant country, should lead to:A. Higher wages in both countriesB. Lower wages in both countriesC. Higher wages in MexicoD. Lower wages in Mexico7. If the domestic country is labor abundant, which of the following groups will gain in the short-run, but lose in the long-run? A. Domestic landowners in the farming sectorB. Domestic landowners in the cloth-making sectorC. Foreign landowners in the farming sectorD. Foreign workers in the cloth-making sector 8. Immiserizing growth effect can occur when:A. A large country experiences a growth in the production of its export-oriented goods.B. There is a decline in the research and development investments in a large country.C. The terms of trade of a small country decline.D. The import-competing goods are overproduced in a large country.9. Which of the following is the value of the difference between exports and imports for a product? tradeB.Intra-industry tradeC.Product differentiationD.Returns to scale 10. China is a net importer of:A. Shoes and other footwearB. Scientific equipmentC. ToysD. Clothing and accessories11. The clustering of some industries, such as banking and finance in New York City and high-technology computer production in Silicon Valley, can be explained by: A. External scale economies. B. Monopolistic competition. C. Intra-industry trade. D. The demand for variety. 12. If a small country imposes a tariff on imported motorcycles, the world price of motorcycles will _____ and the domestic price of motorcycles will _____. A. Rise; rise B. Fall; riseC. Stay constant; riseD. Stay constant; fall13. If a country with monopsony (买方垄断) power imposes a tariff on imported farm equipment, the world price of farm equipment will: A. Fall B. Rise院系: 专业班级: 姓名: 学号:装 订 线C. Be unaffectedD. Become equal to the domestic price of farm equipment. 14. A nontariff barrier operates by: A. Limiting the quantity of imports.B. Increasing the cost of getting imports to market.C. Creating uncertainty about the conditions under which imports will be permitted.D. All of the above.15. One of the reasons that protectionists and government officials may favor using a quota instead of a tariff is:A. Quotas generate more revenue for the government than do tariffs.B. A quota ensures that the quantity of imports is strictly limited.C. Quotas create less market distortions than do tariffs.D. Quotas give less power to politicians than do tariffs.16. Which of the following subsidies is prohibited under WTO rules? A. Subsidies to research and development.B. Subsidies to assist disadvantaged regions within the exporting country.C. Subsidies that are used to assist firms in meeting environmental regulations.D. Subsidies that are used to encourage firms to export more.17. Which of the following allows member countries to import from other member countries freely, but imposes trade barriers against imports from outside countries? A. A trade embargo B. A trade bloc C. The most favored nation principle D. Trade creation 18. Which of the following features does a customs union have? I. Free trade among the members. II. Common external tariffs.III. Free movement of factors of production. IV. Harmonization of all economic policies.A. IB. I and IIC. I, II, and IIID. I, II, III, and IV19. Which of the following is a free-trade area that includes the United States, Mexico, and Canada?A. NAFTAB. MERCOSURC. EUD. ASEAN 20. When a large country imposes an import quota:A. World prices rise.B. World prices fall.C. Domestic prices fall.D. Domestic production falls.21. Which of the following countries provides government supports to its farmers? A. The United States B. JapanC. The European UnionD. All of the above22. Which of the following states that any trade concession given to any foreign country must be given to all other countries having the same status? A.A trade embargo B.A trade bloc C.The most favored nation principle D.Trade creation23. China’s policies towards FDI _____ inv estments that bring in advanced technology, _____investments that use old technologies and_____ investments in traditional Chinese crafts.A. Encourage; encourage; prohibitB. Discourage; encourage; encourageC. Encourage; discourage; prohibitD. Discourage; discourage; encourage24. ______ is the movement of people from one country to another country in which they plan to reside for some noticeable period of time.A. Domestic tradeB. International tradeC. Internal migrationD. International migration25. Which of the following has overseen the global rules of government policy toward international trade since 1995?A. World Trade OrganizationB. General Agreement on Tariffs and TradeC. International Monetary FundD. World Bank二、判断题(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1. The value of foreign trade is the total amount of a nation’s foreign trade, i.e. the total amount of import and export (of goods) within a certain period. Then the value of international trade is the total value of foreign trade of all countries throughout the world.2. While international trade will benefit both the importing and exporting country in a two-country world, the gains from trade in the exporting country will usually be greater than the gains from trade in the importing country.3. Free trade is a zero-sum activity. That is, one county always gains and the other always loses from free trade.: 专业班级: 姓名: 学号:装 订 线4. Mercantilists believe that when one country benefited from international trade it was at the expense of another country or countries.5. In the two-country, two-good model, both countries can gain from trade as long as their relative advantages and disadvantages in producing different goods are different.6. Factor-price equalization theory predicts that the price of labor and land within a country will equalize.7. In the short-run after trade opens, wages and land rents can be expected to rise in the expanding sector.8. It is possible for a large country to be better off, worse off, or no better off/no worse off as a result of a tariff being imposed.9. The use of a trade restriction by one country can cause other countries to retaliate, and may lead to a trade war in which all countries use high import barriers.10. Antidumping duties increase economic well-being in the United States by protecting import-competing firms.三、计算分析题(共2小题,每小题10分,共20分)(1) For each product for Japan, calculate the IIT share.(2) Japan is an importer of large civilian aircraft. What economic theory or concept best explain s this aspect of Japan’s trade?2. Suppose that $80 of imported wool (input) goes into the domestic production of a suit(final commodity). Suppose also that the free trade price of the suit is $100, but thenation imposes a 10% nominal tariff on each imported suit. The price of suits to domestic consumers would be $110.(a) Suppose that no tariff is imposed on the imported wool. (b) Suppose that the tariff rate on the imported wool is 10%. (c) Suppose that the tariff rate on the imported wool is 12%. (d) Suppose that the tariff rate on the imported wool is 20%. (1) Calculate the ERP for the domestic suits industry. (2) Interpret the meaning of this calculated ERP.四、简答题(共4小题,每小题8分,共32分)1. “According to Ricardo’s analysis, a country exports any good whose production requires fewer labor hours per unit than the labor hours per unit needed to produce the good in the foreign country. That is, the country exports any good in which its labor productivity is higher than the labor productivity for this good in the foreign country.” Do you agree or disagree? Why?2. A free-trade equilibrium exists in which the United States exports machinery and imports clothing from the rest of the world. The goods are produced with two factors: capital and labor. The trade pattern is the one predicted by the H-O theory. An increase now occurs in the U.S. endowment of capital, its abundant factor.a. What is the effect on the shape and position of the U.S. production-possibility curve?b. What is the effect on the actual production quantities in the United States if the product price ratio is unchanged? Explain.3. What are the two official definitions of dumping? Under the Anti-Dumping Agreement, under what circumstances, WTO Members can impose anti-dumping measures?4. How are trade creation and trade diversion defined, and what roles do they play in the world gains and losses from a trade bloc?五、论述题(共1小题,共13分)1. A country currently prohibits any FDI into the country. Its government is considering liberalizing this policy. You have been hired as a consultant to a group of foreign firms that wants to see the policy loosed. They ask you to prepare a report on the major arguments for why the country should liberalize the policy. What will your report say?专业班级: 姓名: 学号:装 订 线2020-2021《国际贸易学》(双语)期末课程考试试卷A 答案二、判断题:(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)三、计算分析题(共2小题,每小题10分,共20分)1. (1) Here is the calculation for perfumes: M X IIT --=||1=016.0|2422|1=--(2) The theory based on substantial scale economies, for the world, two firms produce large civilian aircraft. Boeing produces most of its aircraft in the U.S., and Airbus in Europe. It would be very difficult for a Japanese firm to achieve sufficient scale if it tried to enter into aircraft production. With no local production, Japan imports large civilian aircraft. (3分)2. (1) According to the formula ERP=[(t-a i t i )/(1-a i )]×100%, or ERP=[(V’-V)/V]×100%, we can get the following answers:(a) If t i =0%, we have ERP=50%(2分);(b) If t i =10%, we have ERP=10% (2分);(c) If t i =12%, we have ERP=2%(2分);(d) If t i =20%, we have ERP=-30%(2分)(2) ①If t>t i , ERP>t; ②If t=t i , ERP=t; ③If t<t i , ERP<t ; ④If t i becomes extremely high, then ERP will become negative. (2分)四、简答题(共4小题,每小题8分,共32分)1. Disagree. This statement describes absolute advantage. It would imply that a country that has a higher labor productivity in all goods would export all goods and import nothing.(2分)Ricardo instead showed that mutually beneficial trade is based on comparative advantage —trading according to maximum relative advantage.(3分)The country will export those goods whose relative labor productivity (relative to the other country and relative to other goods) is high, and import those other goods whose relative labor productivity is low.(3分)2. a. The entire U.S. production-possibilities curve shifts out, with the outward shift relatively larger for t he good that is intensive in capital. If the U.S. trade pattern follows the Heckscher-Ohlin theory, then this good is machinery. Growth is biased toward machinery production. (4分)b. According to the Rybczynski theory, the quantity produced of machinery increases and the quantity produced of clothing decreases if the product price ratio is unchanged. The extra capital is employed in producing more machinery, and the machinery industry must also employ some extra labor to use with the extra capital. The extra labor is drawn from the clothing industry, so clothing production declines. (4分)3. One definition of dumping is selling an export at a price lower than the price charged to domestic buyers of the product within the exporting country. This definition emphasizes international price discrimination.(2分)The second definition is selling an export at a price that is lower than the full average cost of the product plus a reasonable profit margin.(2分)(1) Dumping is occurring;(1分) (2) The domestic industry producing the like product is suffering material injury or threat of material injury.(2分) (3) There is a causal link between the two.(1分)4. (1) Trade creation is the increase in total imports resulting from the formation of a trade bloc. Trade creation occurs because importing from the partner country lowers the price in the importing country, so that some high-cost domestic production is replaced by lower-priced imports from the partner, and because the lower price increased the total quantity demanded in the importing country. (2分)Trade diversion is the replacement of imports from lower-cost suppliers outside the trade bloc with higher-cost imports from the partner. It occurs because the outside suppliers remain hindered by tariffs, while there is no tariff on imports from the partner. (2分)(2) Trade creation creates a gain for the importing country and the world. Trade diversion creates a loss for the importing country and the world.(2分)The importing country and the world gain from the trade bloc if trade creation gains exceed trade diversion losses. (2分)五、论述题(共1小题,共13分)1. Key points that should be included in the report.(1) FDI brings new technologies into the country.(1分)(2) FDI brings new managerial practices into the country.(1分)(3) FDI brings marketing capabilities into the country. These can be used to better meet the needs of the local market. They may be particularly important in expanding the country’s exports by improving the international marketing of products produced by the multinational firms that begin production in the country.(3分)(4) FDI brings financial capital into the country, and expands the country’s ability to invest in domestic production capabilities.(2分)(5) The local affiliates of the multinationals raise labor skills by training local workers.(1分)(6) Technological spillover benefits accrue to the country as it hosts FDI, because some of themultinationals’ technology, managerial practices, and marketing capabilities spread to local firms as they learn about and imitate the multinational’s intangible assets. Taken together, these first six items serve to increas e the country’s supply-side capabilities for producing (and selling) goods and services.(3分)(7) In addition, the country’s government can gain tax revenues by taxing the profits of the local affiliates established by the foreign multinationals.(2分)。

《国际经济学》(双语)试卷1参考答案Ⅰ. Explain the following terms (30 points, 3 points/term)parative advantage:A country has a comparative advantage in producing a good if the opportunity cost of producing that good in terms of other goods is lower in that country than it is in other countries(3 points).2.Specific factors model: It assumes an economy that produces two goods and the labor is a mobile factor that can move between sectors, other factors are assumed to be specific, that is, they can be used only in the production of particular goods(3 points).3.Heckscher-Ohlin theory: it is also referred to as the factor-proportions theory, the theory emphasizes the interplay between the proportions in which different factors of production are available in different countries and the proportions in which they are used in producing different goods(3 points).4.Leontief paradox: the United States would be an exporter of capital-intensive goods and an importer of labor-intensive goods. Surprisingly, however, this was not the case, the economist Leontief found that U.S. exports were less capital-intensive than U.S. imports. This result is known as the Leontief paradox. It is the single biggest piece of evidence against the factor-proportions theory(3 points).5.Official international reserves: Official international reserves are foreign assets held by central banks as a cushion against national economic misfortune. At one time official reserves consisted largely of gold, but today central banks' reserves include substantial foreign financial assets, particularly U.S. dollar assets such as Treasury bills(3 points).6.The official settlements balance: the official settlements balance or the balance of payments. This balance is the sum of the current account balance, the capital account balance, the nonreserve portion of the financial account balance, and the statistical discrepancy, and it indicates the payments gap that official reserve transactions need to cover(3 points).7.Foreign exchange option: A foreign exchange option gives its owner the right to buy or sell a specified amount of foreign currency at a specified price at any time up to a specified expiration date. The other party to the deal, the option's seller, is required to sell or buy the foreign currency at the discretion of the option's owner, who is under no obligation to exercise his right(3 points).8.Interest parity condition: The condition that the expected returns on deposits of any twocurrencies are equal when measured in the same currency is called the interestparity condition. It implies that potential holders of foreign currency deposits view them all as equally desirable assets.9.Fisher effect: This long-run relationship between inflation and interest rates is called the Fisher effect. Fisher effect tells us that all else equal, a rise in a country's expected inflation rate will eventually cause an equal rise in the interest rate that deposits of its currency offer. Similarly, a fall in the expected inflation rate will eventually cause a fall in the interest rate(3 points).10.Long run analysis: The long run analysis of an economic event allows for the complete adjustment of the price level (which may take a long time) and for full employment of all factors of production(3 points).II. Single-Choice Questions(15 points, 1.5points/Question)1. b2. d3. c4. a5. b6. a7. d8. a9. c 10. aⅢ.Questions and problems(40 points, 8 points/Question)1.What are the three types of international transaction recorded in the balance of payments(8 points)?Answer: the three types of international transactions are current account, financial account and capital account(3 points). Transactions that involve the export or import of goods or services and therefore enter directly into the current account. Transactions that involve the purchase or sale of financial assets. An asset is any one of the forms in which wealth can be held, such as money, stocks, factories, or government debt. The financial account of the balance of payments records all international purchases or sales of financial assets. Certain other activities resulting in transfers of wealth between countries are recorded in the capital account(5 points).2. In the United States where land is cheap, the ratio of land to labor used in cattle rising is higher than that of land used in wheat growing. But in more crowded countries, where land is expensive and labor is cheap, it is common to raise cows by using less land and more labor than Americans use to grow wheat. Can we still say that raising cattle is land intensive compared with farming wheat? Why or why not(8 points)?Answer: The definition of cattle growing as land intensive depends on the ratio of land to labor used in production, not on the ratio of land or labor to output(3 points). The ratio of land to labor in cattle exceeds the ratio in wheat in the United States, implying cattle is land intensive in the United States. Cattle is land intensive in other countries too if the ratio of land to labor in cattle production exceeds the ratio in wheat production in that country. The comparison between another country and the United States is less relevant for answering the question(5 points).3. Suppose the dollar interest rate and the pound sterling interest rate are the same, 5 percent per year. What is the relation between the current equilibrium $/£ exchange rate and its expected future level? Suppose the expected future $/£ exchange rate, $1.52 per pound, remains constant as Britain's interest rate rises to 10 percent per year. If the U.S. interest rate also remains constant, what is the new equilibrium$/£ exchange rate(8 points)?Answer: The current equilibrium exchange rate must equal its expected future level since, with equality of nominal interest rates, there can be no expected increase or decrease in the dollar/pound exchange rate in equilibrium(3 points). If the expected exchange rate remains at $1.52 per pound and the pound interest rate rises to 10 percent, then interest parity is satisfied only if the current exchange rate changes such that there is an expected appreciation of the dollar equal to 5 percent. This will occur when the exchange rate rises to $1.60 per pound (a depreciation of the dollar against the pound) (5 points).4. What are the real exchange rate and nominal exchange rate, and their differences(8 points)?Answer: the real exchange rate is the relative price of two output baskets, nominal exchange rate is the relative price of two currencies(3 points).The real exchange rate between two countries' currencies is a broad summary measure of the prices of one country's goods and services relative to the other's. the prediction of PPP is that real exchange rates never change, at least not permanently. Real exchange rates are defined, however, in terms of nominal exchange rates and price levels(5 points).5:Give a example to explain foreign exchange swap(8 points).Answer: foreign exchange swap is a spot sale of a currency combined with a forward repurchase of the currency(3 points). For example, a multinational company has just received $1 million from sales and knows it will have to pay those dollars to a California supplier in three months. The company's asset-management department would meanwhile like to invest the $1 million in Swiss francs. A three-month swap of dollars into Swiss francs may result in lower brokers' fees than the two separate transactions of selling dollars for spot Swiss francs and selling the Swiss francs for dollars on the forward market(5 points).Ⅳ.An economy can produce good 1 using labor and capital and good 2 using labor and land. The total supply of labor is 100 units.The marginal product of labor production are70 0.69 0.49 800.66 0.46 900.63 0.43 1000.60 0.40Questions: a. Suppose that the price of good 2 relative to that of good 1 is 2. Determine graphically the wage rate and the allocation of labor between the two sectors (5 points).b. Suppose that the relative price of good 2 falls to 1. Determine the wage rate and the allocation of labor between the two sectors (5 points).c. Calculate the effects of the price change on the income of the specific factors in sectors 1 and 2(5 points).Answer: a. With the assumption that labor is freely mobile between sectors, it will move from the low-wage sector to the high-wage sector until wages are equalized. So in equilibrium, the wage rate is equal to the value of labor ’s marginal product.2/122211=⨯=⨯P P P MPL P MPLThe abscissa of point of intersection illustrated above should be at L1=30. The labor allocation between the sectors is L1=30 and L2=70. The wage rate is 0.98(5 points). b. The relative decline in the price of good 2 caused labor to be reallocated: labor is drawn out of production of good 2 and enters production of good 1 (L1=60, L2=40). And the wage rate is equal to 0.74(5 points).c. With the relative price change from P2/P1=2 to P2/P1=1, the price of good 2 has fallen by 50 percent, while the price of good 1 has stayed the same. Wages have fallen too, but by less than the fall in P2 (wages fell approximately 25 percent). Thus, the real wage relative to P2 actually rises while real wage relative to P1 falls. Hence, to determine the welfare consequence for workers, the information about their consumption shares of good 1 and good 2 is needed(5 points).。

《International Finance 》试卷A一.单项选择题(共10小题,每题2分,共20分)1.Which of the following is not true :A.a credit is a flow for which the country is paidB.a debit is a flow for which the country must payC.Exports are an example of creditD.Imports are an example of credit2.Which of the following is the most exact meaning of current account balance : A.the net value of the flows of goods ,services ,income B.the net value of the flows of goods ,servicesC.the net value of the flows of goods ,services ,income ,giftsD.the net value of the flows of goods 3.Which of the following is not true :A.the spot exchange rate is the price for "immediate" exchangeB.for most countries,spot exchange rate means exchange or delivery in two working daysC.the forward exchange rate is the price now for an exchange that will take place in the futureD.forward exchange rate is the price that is agreed in the future 4.According to exchange rate system,which of the following is true:A.fixed exchange rate system is the system without intervention by government or central banksB.under the floating-rate system a fall in the market price of a currency is called a devaluationC.under the floating-rate system a fall in the market price of a currency is called a appreciationD.under the floating-rate system a fall in the market price of a currency is called a depreciation 5.About IS curve,Which of the following is not true:A.IS curve is for which the money market is in equilibriumB.IS curve slopes downwardC.According to IS curve,the lower interest rate would induce the nation to invest in more domestic real capitalD.IS stands for investment-saving6.About LM curve,Which of the following is true:A.the LM curve is for which the product market is in equilibriumB.the intersection of the IS and LM curve represents equilibrium in both foreign exchange market and product marketC.the official settlements balance is surplus if the IS-LM intersection is to the left of the FE curveD.LM curve slopes downward7.Which of the following is not the components to a country's official reserve assets:A.the country's holdings of foreign exchange assets denominated in the major currencies of the worldB.the country's reserve position with the International Monetary FundC.the country's holdings of special drawing rightsD.the country's government bonds issued by the domestic central bank 8.Which of the following is not the ways to resolve the financial crises:A.rescue packagesB.global contagionC.debt restructuringD.exchange reform 9.According to Purchasing Power Parity theory(PPP),which of the following is true:A.rate of appreciation of the foreign currency nearly equates as the inflation rate of foreign country minus the the inflation rate of domestic countryB.relative PPP may be useful as a guide to why exchange rates change over timesC.PPP posits that the difference between interest rate will be offset by the change in the exchange rateD.relative PPP implies that countries with relatively high inflation rates have currencies whose values tend to appreciate10.According to rescue packages,which of the following is not true: A.rescue packages leads to less moral hazardB.the failure of rescue packages can lead to large lossesC.the two major types of international efforts to resolve financial crises have been rescue packages and debt restructuringD.a large rescue package provide a bailout for lenders二.判断题(共10小题,每个2分,共20分)注意:只要求判断正误,不要求改正 1.hedging is the act of taking a net asset position or a net liability position in a foreign currency 2.the forward rate is the future spot rate3.a currency is at a forward premium by as much as its interest rate is lower4.for an investment in a foreign-curreny-denominated financial asset ,part of the return comes from the asset itself and part from the foreign currency5.relative PPP implies that countries with relatively high inflation rates have currencies whose values tend to depreciate6.Absolute PPP is not related to the law of on price7.crawling peg is a kind of floating exchange rate8.the effects of floating exchange rates on fiscal policy is very clear9.in the fixed exchange rate system,if the country's official settlement balance is in deficit,so the院系: 专业班级: 姓名: 学号:装 订 线exchange rate value of the country'scurrency is under downward pressure 10.it is best for a country never to borrow from foreign lenders三.名词解释(共4小题,每个5分,共20分)1.direct investment2.managed float3.the law of one price4.forward foreign exchange contract四.计算题(共2小题,每个10分,共20分)1.You observe the following current rates : Spot exchange rate :100yen/1$Annual interest rate on 60-day U.S.-dollar-denominated bonds:6% Annual interest rate on 60-day JAPAN-dollar-denominated bonds:4%Tips:Yen is the name of the Japanese currency ;$is the name of the Ameriacan currencyAccording to the c overed parity theory ,calculate the 60-day forward exchange rate.2.Suppose an economy has a marginal propensity to save of 0.3 and marginal propensity to import of 0.1.here is an increase of $2 billion in government spending.Question1:According to the spending multiplier,for a small and open economy,by how much will domestic product increase?Question2:if instead this is a closed economy with a marginal propensity to save of 0.4,if the increase of government spending is still $2 billion,by how much will domestic product increase?五.问答题(共2个小题,每个10分,共20分)1.Once a country's government has decided to have a fixed exchange rate,the government must defend that rate.How does the government defend the fixed rate ?Answer five ways that government can choose.2.Please name four marcoeconomy objectives.And we can divide these marcoeconomy objectives into two categories:internal balance and external balance.Explain the meaning of internal balance and external balance.院系: 专业班级: 姓名: 学号:装 订 线《International Finance 》试卷A院系: 专业班级: 姓名: 学号:装 订 线。
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中南财经政法大学——学年第—-学期期末考试试卷国际经济学(闭卷)卷学院专业年级班级课堂号姓名(单选,共20题,每题2分)1, Under Ricardian model, If one country's wage level is very high relative to the other's (the relative wage exceeding the relative productivity ratios), then ( )A.it is not possible that producers in each will find export markets profitable.B.it is not possible that consumers in both countries will enhance their respectivewelfares through imports.C.it is not possible that both countries will find gains from trade.D.it is possible that both will enjoy the conventional gains from trade.2, According to Ricardo, a country will have a comparative advantage in the product in which its ( )bor productivity is relatively low.bor productivity is relatively high.bor mobility is relatively low.bor mobility is relatively high.3, If Australia has more land per worker, and Belgium has more capital per worker, then if trade were to open up between these two countries, ( )A.Australia would export the land-intensive product.B.Belgium would import the capital-intensive product.C.Both countries would export some of each product.D.Trade would not continue since Belgium is a smaller country.4, Under The Specific Factors model, At the production point the production possibility frontier is tangent to a line whose slope is ( )A.the price of manufactures.B.the relative wage.C.the real wage.D.the relative price of manufactures.5, The Heckscher-Ohlin model predicts all of the following except:A.which country will export which product. ( )B.which factor of production within each country will gain from trade.C.the volume of trade.D.that wages will tend to become equal in both trading countries.6, If P C / P F were to increase in the international marketplace, then ( )A.all countries would be better off.B.the terms of trade of cloth exporters improve.C.the terms of trade of food exporters improve.D.the terms of trade of all countries improve.7, When the production possibility frontier shifts out relatively more in one direction, we have ( )A.biased growth.B.unbiased growth.C.immiserizing growth.D.balanced growth.8, If Slovenia were a large country in world trade, then if it instituted a large set of subsidies for its exports, this must ( )A.cause retaliation on the part of its trade partners.B.harm Slovenia's real income.C.improve Slovenia's real income.D.improve the real income of its trade partners.9, A lower tariff on imported steel would most likely benefit ( )A.foreign producers at the expense of domestic consumers.B.domestic manufacturers of steel.C.domestic consumers of steel.D.workers in the steel industry.10, If the poor AID(aid of international development) recipient countries have a higher marginal propensity to consume each and every product than does the United States, then such aid will ( )A.worsen the U.S. terms of trade.B.improve the U.S. terms of trade.C.leave the world terms of trade unaffected.D.worsen the terms of trade of both donor and recipient countries.11, A large country experiencing import-biased economic growth will tend to experience ( )A.no change in terms of trade.B.deteriorating terms of trade.C.improving terms of trade.D.immiserizing terms of trade.12, The most common form of price discrimination in international trade is ( )A.non-tariff barriers.B.V oluntary Export Restraints.C.dumping.D.preferential trade arrangements.13, An appreciation of a country’s currency ( )A.decreases the relative price of its exports and lowers the relative price ofits imports.B.raises the relative price of its exports and raises the relative price of itsimports.C.lowers the relative price of its exports and raises the relative price of itsimports.D.raises the relative price of its exports and lowers the relative price of itsimports.14, Under Purchasing Power Parity, ( )A.E$/E = P i US/ P i E.B.E$/E = P i E / P i US.C.E$/E = P US / P E.D.E$/E = P E / P US.15, Under the monetary approach to the exchange rate, ( )A. a reduction in the money supply will cause immediate currencydepreciation.B. a rise in the money supply will have no effect on exchange rate.C. a rise in the money supply will cause immediate currency appreciation.D. a rise in the money supply will cause a proportional long-run currencydepreciation.16, When EP*/P rises, ( )A.IM will rise.B.IM may rise or fall.C.IM will fall.D.IM is not affected.17, In the short run, a temporary increase in fiscal policy causes ( )A.a shift of the DD curve to the left, an increase in output, andcurrency appreciation.B. a shift of the DD curve to the right, an increase in output, andcurrency appreciation.C. a shift of the DD curve to the right, an increase in output, andcurrency depreciation.D.a shift of the DD curve to the left, a decrease in output, andcurrency depreciation.18, How does a rise in real income affect aggregate demand? ( )A.Y ↑→ Yd ↑→Im ↑→CA ↓→AD ↓, but Y ↑→ Yd ↑→ C ↑→ AD ↑ by more.B.Y ↑→ Yd ↑→Im ↓→CA ↓→AD ↓, but Y ↑→ Yd ↑→ C ↑→ AD ↑ by more.C.Y ↑→ Yd ↑→Im ↑→CA ↑→AD ↑, and Y ↑→ Yd ↑→ C ↑→ AD ↑.D.Y ↑→ Yd ↑→Im ↑→CA ↓→AD ↓, but Y ↑→ Yd ↑→ C ↑→ AD ↑ by less. 19, Under fixed rates, which one of the following statements is the most accurate? ( )A.Monetary policy can affect only output.B.Monetary policy can affect only employment.C.Monetary policy can affect only international reserves.D.Monetary policy can not affect international reserves.20, Under fixed exchange rate, which one of the following statements is the most accurate? ( )A.Devaluation causes a rise in output.B.Devaluation causes a decrease in output.C.Devaluation has no effect on output.共5题,每题6分)1,An Economy can produce goods A using labor and capital and goods B using labor and land. Calculate the effects of the fall in the relative price of goods B on the income of the specific factors capital and land.2, suppose that one country subsidizes its exports and the other country imposes a countervailing tariff that offsets its effect, so that in the end relative price in the second country are unchanged. What happens to the terms of trade? What about welfare in the two countries?3, Describe the pattern of trade under H-O model.4, International trade leads to complete equalization of factor prices. Discuss.5,What is the Fisher Effect? Provide an example.6,Suppose E is fixed at E0 and that the asset markets are in equilibrium.Suddenly output rises. What monetary measures keep the current exchange rate constant given unchanged expectations about the future rate?(共1题,10分)A small country imports peanuts at the price of $10 per bag. The demand curve is D=400-10P. The supply curve is S=50+5PDetermine the free trade equilibrium. Then calculate and graph the following effects: A: The increase in the domestic priceB: The quota rentsC: The consumption distortion lossD: The production distortion loss.四.Essay Questions(共2题,每题10分)1,Comparing the interindustry trade and intraindustry trade.2, Construct a table that will summarize the effects of money market and output market changes on the long-run nominal dollar/ euro exchange rate.中南财经政法大学---------学年第----学期期末考试答案和评分标准课程名称:《国际经济学》()卷课程代号:_02013020_考试形式:闭卷使用对象:1,Because good B uses land, a fall in its relative price will result in a fall in rental rates on land, and an increase in the return to capital.2,The first country is worse off by subsidy and a foreign tariff while the second one is better off by subsidy in the first one and its own tariff.3, Countries tend to export goods whose production is intensive in factors with which they are abundantly endowed.4,This statement is typically "true…but". Under a strict and limited set of assumptions, such as the original Heckscher-Ohlin model which excludes country specific technologies; non- homothetic tastes; factor intensity reversals; large country differences in (relative) factor abundances, and more factors than goods, then it may be demonstrated that internal consistency demands that the above stated sentence is "true". However, the minute one relaxes any of the above listed assumptions one may easily identify solutions, which contradict the factor price equalization theorem.5, All else equal, a rise in a country’s expected inflation rate will eventually cause an equal rise in the interest rate that deposits of its currency offer. Similarly, a fall in the expected inflation rate will eventually cause a fall in the interest rate.6, •Since output rises, demand for domestic money rises; this increase in money demand normally pushes the domestic interest rate upwards. To prevent appreciation of home currency (given E0is expected) the central bank buys foreign assets in foreign exchange market.•This eliminates excess demand for domestic money because the central bank issues money to pay for the foreign assets it buys.•The bank increases the money supply in this way until asset markets clear with E = E0 and R = R*.三.计算题A: D-S=50,P=20(3分)B: (20-10)*50=500(3分)C: 100*10*0.5=500(2分)D:50*10*0.5=250(2分)四.论述题1, Interindustry trade reflect comparative advantage while intraindustry trade doesnot reflect comparative advantage.(4分)The pattern of intraindustry trade itself is unpredictable while interindustry trade is predictable.(3分)The relative importance of intraindustry and interindustry trade depends on how similar countries are.(3分)。