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英文资料 植物学科amaranth

英文资料 植物学科amaranth

Educational programs of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin.Grain AmaranthIntroductionAmaranth is a versatile warm-season, broadleaf plant that can be grown as a grain, ornamental, leafy vegetable, or forage crop. In the U.S. it is grown almost exclusively for its grain, which is produced on large, brightly colored seed heads. Most grain amaranth grown in the States is Amaranthus hypochondriacus ; however, A. cruentus is grown to a lesser extent.The seeds are high in lysine, fiber, and protein; low in saturated fats; and gluten-free. Amaranth can be ground into flour, popped like popcorn, or flaked like oatmeal. Because many of amaranth’s uses are similar to that of cereal grasses, amaranth is often referred to as a pseudo-cereal. Products containing amaranth include breakfast cereals, granola, crackers, breads, cookies, and other flour-based products. Amaranth grain can also be used as a feed ingredient for poultry if a heat treatment is applied to it prior to feeding.MarketingThe main wholesale amaranth buyers in the United States at the date of this publication are: Arrowhead Mills in Texas, Health Valley in California, and Nu-World Amaranth in Chicago. Transportation costs to these markets would be excessive for production in Kentucky. Because the largest consumer of amaranth is the health food industry, growers may be able to tap into that local market, including health food stores and restaurants. Since amaranth is gluten-free, it canbe used as a wheat-substitute for those with a gluten allergy. Some growers in other states market bags of grain or ground flour directly to consumers and local bakeries needing a gluten-free product.Market OutlookOne of the major drawbacks to amaranth production is the small market. However, amaranth is increasing in favor with people wanting gluten-free products. Prospective growers should consider amaranth production only after they have identified and locked in a market, and preferably have a written contract in hand. Growers with storage facilities could have a marketing edge. Additionally, organic andtransitional organic growers may be in a better position for marketing their grain. The best opportunity for marketing amaranth in Kentucky couldAgriculture & Natural Resources • Family & Consumer Sciences • 4-H/Youth Development • Community & Economic DevelopmentUniversity of Kentucky CCD Home CCD Crop Profiles College of Agriculture, Food and Environmentbe for growers willing to process their own grain and develop a direct marketing strategy targeting interested customers.Production ConsiderationsCultivar selectionAmaranth can grow to a height of 2 to 8 feet, depending on the species and cultivar. Varieties may differ in flower, leaf, and stem coloration, with maroon and crimson as the most common colors. There are a limited number of varieties available, most notably some early Rodale lines (such as K432) and later a University of Nebraska Experiment Station release (Plainsman). Plainsman is available through certified seed channels.Site selection and plantingAmaranth prefers fertile, well-drained soils and will not tolerate poorly drained soils. Since it is initially a poor competitor with weeds due to its slow growth, amaranth should not be planted in fields with difficult-to-manage noxious weeds. Amaranth works well in a rotation with corn and soybeans. However, sites with possible triazine carry-over should be avoided due to the potential for injury. Amaranth is related to pigweeds, waterhemp, and Palmer amaranth, so herbicides that control those weeds may injure amaranth. Due to the small seed size, amaranth can be difficult to establish in a uniform stand. Plant into a tilled, fine, firm seed bed where there will be good seed-to-soil contact. A low 40 to 60 percent emergence rate is not uncommon. Adequate moisture is essential for rapid germination, emergence, and early growth of the small, fragile seedlings. Crusting soil can result in reduced emergence. Once established, amaranth is drought-tolerant.Seeding rates vary from ½ to 4 pounds per acre;2 pounds per acre is most often recommended. Research trials conducted in Missouri indicate this crop performs best at a row width of 30 inches. Amaranth shades the ground well at this spacing and the wide rows allow a row cultivator to be used for weed control. Compared to narrower spacings tested, the wider rows also provided the highest yields. Vegetable planters with small seed plates work well for this crop. Some growers seed amaranth using the in-furrow insecticide application boxes commonly found on row crop planters.Pest managementFew diseases are known to cause serious crop losses in amaranth production. The most commonly reported diseases include damping-off and seedling blights due to Pythium, Aphanomyces,and Rhizoctonia. Stem cankers due to Rhizoctonia and Phoma have also been reported. Diseases are managed through proper site selection and by following good cultural practices; there are no fungicides labeled for use on amaranth.Amaranth can tolerate considerable insect leaf feeding without affecting yields; however, blister beetles and alfalfa webworm have been known to cause economic losses in Missouri. Other insect pests identified on amaranth include tarnished plant bug (Lygus), flea beetle, and amaranth weevil. Although there are no synthetic insecticides labeled for this crop, various organic compounds can be used.Weed management can be a challenge since there are no herbicides registered for amaranth. The first step in effective weed control is to avoid planting into fields with heavy weed populations, particularly pigweed and lambsquarters. Along with site selection, site preparation should be aimed at making sure existing weeds are under control prior to planting. Adjusting the planting date may aid in weed management. Once amaranth reaches a height of 10 to 12 inches, plants will be able to out-compete later emerging weeds. Cultivation and hand weeding are the primary methods for reducing weed problems during the growing season.The lack of synthetic pesticides registered for amaranth coupled with the low disease and insectJuly 2011For additional information, contact your local County Extension agentPhoto by Rob Myerspressure could make amaranth a good candidate for organic production.Harvest and storageAmaranth grain is usually harvested with a combine a week to 10 days following a killing frost. Because stems and leaves are high in moisture content, amaranth needs the hard freeze to aid in drying plants sufficiently for harvest. Otherwise the small seeds can be lost when they adhere to the wet plant material, as well as the insides of the combine. Waiting too long to harvest after frost can result in yield losses due to shattering and lodging. Cleaning grain prior to sale or storage is important. Amaranth grain needs to be dried to 10 to 12 percent moisture for storage in wooden bins or heavy duty paper bor requirementsLabor needs are approximately 4 hours per acre. This may vary considerably according to the scale of production and handling time incurred by the producer.Economic ConsiderationsInitial investments include land preparation and purchase of seed and fertilizer. Seed cleaning, transportation, and marketing costs may also be incurred by the producer.Production costs for amaranth are estimated at $100 per acre, with additional harvest and marketing costs varying from $20 to $200 per acre, according to the market channel selected. Total expenses per acre, including both variable and fixed, would come to approximately $230to $410. Presuming gross returns of $320 to $650 per acre, returns to land, capital, and management could range from $100 to $250 per acre. Producers should be mindful of the fact that, with few local wholesale outlets, markets will saturate quickly.Selected Resources• Amaranth (University of Kentucky)/smallflocks/Feed_ingredients/Grains.html• Alternative Field Crops Manual: Amaranth (University of Wisconsin and University of Minnesota, 1989)/newcrop/afcm/amaranth.html• Amaranth (Agricultural Marketing Resource Center, 2011)/commodities__products/specialty_crops/amaranth.cfm• Amaranth Production (ATTRA, 2003)https:///attra-pub/summaries/summary.php?pub=368• Grain Amaranth (Kansas State University, 1990)/media/cms/mf953_8015982E8D7E7.pdf• Amaranth: New Crop Opportunity (R.L. Myers, in Progress in New Crops , 1996)https:///newcrop/proceedings1996/V3-207.html• Market Opportunities for Grain Amaranth and Buckwheat Growers in Missouri (Missouri Department of Agriculture and Thomas Jefferson Agricultural Institute, 2003)/media/cms/MO0368_B0464844F26A0.pdf。

植物学及园艺学英文版 botany and horticulture (52)

植物学及园艺学英文版 botany and horticulture (52)

Single-Seeded, Dry Fruits: Achene
Single-Ovuled, Single Carpellate Ovary
Achene: Testa attached to Pericarp only via Persistent Funiculus
Utricle: An Achene with the Pericarp inflated away from the Testa Sometimes used to describe an inflated fruit of other types
Multi-Ovuled (usually), Single Carpellate Ovary; Dispersal Unit is a Seed Follicle: Single Carpellate, Dehiscing along One Suture [Asclepiaceae: Milkweed]
Walters and Keil marginal axial parietal free central apical
A Taxonomy of Fruits 1a. From a Single Ovary 2a. Dry 3a. Indehiscent 4a. One Single-Ovuled Carpel 5a. Testa and Pericarp Not Fused Achene [Rosaceae]: Persistent Funiculus 4b. Two (Three) Single-Ovuled Fused Carpels, One Locule, One Seed 6a. Testa and Pericarp Not Fused 7a. Thin, Flexus Pericarp Cypsella [Asteraceae only]: Persistent Funiculus, Persistent Sepals. Often called an Achene. Sunflower Samara [Ulmaceae]: Winged Pericarp. Maple, Ash, Elm 7b. Thick, Hard Pericarp Nut [Fagaceae, Polygonacae]: Oak 6b. Testa and Pericarp Fused 8a. Thin, Flexus Pericarp Caryopsis [Poaceae]: Often called a Grain. Corn, Wheat 8b. Thick, Hard Pericarp Nutlet (First Sense) [Cyperaceae]


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英文资料 植物学科alfalfa

英文资料 植物学科alfalfa

Educational programs of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin.AlfalfaIntroductionAlfalfa (Medicago sativa ) has the highest yield potential and highest feeding values of all adapted perennial forage legumes. It is a versatile crop that may be used for pasture, hay, silage, green-chop, pellets, cubes, soil improvement, and soil conservation.Marketing and Market OutlookAlfalfa is the most important forage legume grown in the U.S., with more than 250,000 acres grown in Kentucky each year. Nearly all the hay grown in-state supports the beef, dairy, and horse industries in Kentucky and surrounding states. In addition, an increasing amount of alfalfa is being used by the sheep and goat sectors. Alfalfa has potential for the cash hay market and for intensive grazing. A diversified marketing plan is advisable, especially for growers producing alfalfa primarily for the premium cash hay market. Some cuttings may prove to be unacceptable for premium markets; those lots will have to be marketed through other outlets or used on-farm. High quality alfalfa hay can be extremely profitable for producers willing to put in extra management time and capital.Production ConsiderationsCultivar selectionChoosing the proper cultivar is a critical step to establishing a good stand of alfalfa. Cultivars vary in terms of quality, yield potential, winter hardiness, stand longevity,and pest and disease resistance. Select adapted cultivars with a history of producing high yields over a number of years and in a range of locations throughout the state. Refer to University of Kentucky alfalfa variety trial results for more information on cultivar performance. Multiple cultivars can be used in large acreages.Site selection and plantingEstablishing a good stand of alfalfa, whether for hay or for grazing, is expensive and time-consuming. However, the success rate is high if special attention is given to important management factors. A good, properly managed stand of alfalfa should last five years or longer. The ideal alfalfa soil is deep and well-drained. Although less-than-ideal soils can be used for alfalfa production, lower yields and a shorter stand-life can be expected. Alfalfa stands can be established using conventional tillage or no-till. Tilled seedbeds should be firm with sufficientmoisture for rapid germination. No-till alfalfa requires that the sod or other vegetative cover be dormant or dead prior to seeding.Agriculture & Natural Resources • Family & Consumer Sciences • 4-H/Youth Development • Community & Economic DevelopmentUniversity of Kentucky CCD Home CCD Crop Profiles College of Agriculture, Food and EnvironmentSeed is usually sold pre-inoculated and coated with an inert protective material, such as lime. However, if seed has not been inoculated or the inoculant has been damaged, fresh inoculant, along with a sticking agent, should be applied just prior planting. Seed should be sown in early spring after the danger of late freezes has passed. If seeding in late summer, plants will require 6 to 8 weeks to germinate and grow before the first hard freeze. Sclerotinia crown rot infections and a lack of adequate soil moisture are potential concerns with late summer plantings. Alfalfa can be seeded as a pure stand or mixed with an adapted grass.Pest managementAlfalfa weevil and potato leafhopper are the most important insect pests of alfalfa. Other potential insect problems include meadow spittlebugs, aphids, clover root curculio, three cornered-alfalfa hoppers, and grasshoppers. Potential disease problems include anthracnose, fungal leaf spots, spring black stem, and several fungal crown rots, including Sclerotinia. Phytophthora root rot can be problematic on poorly drained sites. Disease and insect management relies heavily on using resistant varieties, scouting, and employing sound agronomic practices. Weeds can drastically reduce alfalfa stands unless controlled. A dense, vigorous stand of alfalfa will out-compete weeds: however, management will become especially important during establishment and later as the stand ages and thins. Herbicides are available that do a good job controlling annual grasses and some broadleaf weeds. Roundup Ready alfalfa varieties are also commercially available.HarvestingSpring seedings should be allowed to grow for 70 to 90 days before the first harvest. The other harvest that year should be made at the early bloom stage. For established stands, the first cutting is made at the late bud stage or when the first flowers open, with successive harvests at early bloom or at 30- to 38-day intervals. To provide alfalfa plants with the rest period they need in preparation for winter, the last summer cutting should be made before September 15. Labor requirementsTotal labor needs for hay production, cutting, and baling is approximately 12 hours per acre.Economic ConsiderationsInitial investments include land preparation, purchase of seed, and stand establishment. Total variable costs for an established stand of alfalfa produced for cash sale as hay in 2013 is approximately $450 per acre assuming nutrient removal rates and estimated spring fertilizer prices. Presuming a harvest of 5 tons of hay sold at $150 per ton, returns above variable costs are estimated around $300 per acre. Machinery and equipment costs are also significant for most producers and would likely add another $100 or more to costs per acre. A break-even price near $90 per ton would be needed to cover variable costs and a price greater than $110 per ton would likely be needed to cover variable and fixed costs of a 5-ton per acre harvest.Enterprise costs are greatly reduced when alfalfa is produced for grazing. Since a significant portion of the cost of producing alfalfa hay is the machinery and equipment, this cost can be eliminated, or certainly minimized, in a total grazing system.Selected Resources• Alfalfa – The High Quality Hay for Horses (University of Kentucky et al., 2005)/pdf/Alfalfa%20for%20 Horses%20(low%20res).pdf• Forage Decision Aids (University of Kentucky, 2005)/agecon/index.php?p=566• Forage Enterprise Budgets (University of Kentucky, 2006)/cmspubsclass/tinymce/ jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/filemanager/files/ adreum/budgets/ForageEnterpriseBudget.xls• Forage Extension Web site (University ofKentucky)/Ag/Forage/• Forage Variety Trials (University of Kentucky)/Ag/Forage/ForageVarietyTrials2.htm• Grazing Alfalfa, ID-97 (University of Kentucky, 2001)/agc/pubs/id/id97/id97.htm• Growing Alfalfa in the South (University of Kentucky et al., 2009) 4.9 MB file/pdf/alfalfainthesouth.pdf • Improved Grass Legume Hay Enterprise Budget Decision Aid (University of Kentucky, 2005)/cmspubsclass/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/filemanager/files/adreum/budgets/archiveddecisiontools/improvedhaybudget3.xls• Kentucky Integrated Crop ManagementManual for Alfalfa (University of Kentucky, 2011)/Ag/IPM/manuals/ipm1alf.pdf• Rotational Grazing, ID-143 (University of Kentucky, 2011)/agc/pubs/id/id143/id143.pdf• Understanding Forage Quality (University of Kentucky and American Farm Bureau Federation, 2004)/Ag/Forage/ForageQuality.pdf• Organic Alfalfa Production (ATTRA, 2003)https:///attra-pub/summaries/summary.php?pub=88Photos by Keith Weller, USDA-ARS (alfalfa flower) & Gerald Holmes, Valent USA Corp. (alfalfa planting) courtesy For additional information, contact your local County Extension agentReviewed by Garry Lacefield, Extension Specialist (Issued 2003; Revised 2006; Revised 2009; Revised 2013)April 2013。



Chapter 1 Botany and Its Subdisciplines1.1 Botany1.1.1 DefinitionBotany is the branch of biology concerned with the scientific study of plants.1.1.2 Scope of plant➢Two-kingdom system: Plantae and AnimaliaPlant is any organism that can not move.Plant is any autotrophic organism. It produces its own food from raw inorganic materials and sunlight.➢Five-kingdom system: Monera, Protista , Fungi , Plantae, Animalia Plant is a multicellular, eukaryotic organism that generally does not have sensory organs or voluntary motion and has, when complete, a root, stem, and leaves.1.2 Plant Cytology1.2.1 DefinitionPlant Cell Biology (formerly plant cytology) is the branch of Botany and Cell Biology that studies plant cells.1.2.2 Research areas➢Physiological properties of cells➢Cell structure (include organelles)➢Interactions with environment➢Cell cycle➢Cell division➢Cell death1.2.3 Research Tools➢Optical Microscope➢Transmission Electron Microscope➢Scanning Electron Microscope➢Fluorescence Microscope➢Confocal Microscope1.3 Plant Morphology1.3.1 DefinitionPlant morphology is the branch of Botany that studies the physical forms and external structures of plants.Plant morphology represents a study of the development, form, and structure of plants.1.3.2 Research areasThere are four major areas of investigation in plant morphology, and each overlaps with another field of the biological sciences.➢Comparative morphology: the morphologist examines structures in many different plants of the same or different species, then draws comparisons and formulates ideas about similarities. This aspect of plant morphology overlaps with the study of plant evolution and paleobotany.●Homology- the structure is similar between the two species because of sharedancestry and common genetics. For example, the leaves of pine, oak, and cabbageall look very different, but share certain basic structures and arrangement of parts.●Convergence - the structure is similar between the two species because of independentadaptation to common environmental pressures.➢Plant development : the process by which structures originate and mature as a plant grows.This area of plant morphology overlaps with plant physiology and ecology.➢Vegetative and reproductive characters: Plant morphology treats both the vegetative structures of plants, as well as the reproductive structures. This area of plant morphology overlaps with the study of biodiversity and plant systematics.➢Structures at a range of scales: At the smallest scales are ultrastructure, the general structural features of cells visible only with the aid of an electron microscope. At this scale, plant morphology overlaps with plant anatomy. At the largest scale is the study of plant growth habit, the overall architecture of a plant.1.4 Plant AnatomyPlant anatomy is the study of the internal structure of plants. It was included in plant morphology before. It is now frequently investigated at the cellular level, and often involves the sectioning of tissues and microscopy.1.5 Plant Taxonomy1.5.1 DefinitionPlant taxonomy is the science that finds, describes, classifies, identifies, and names plants. Plant taxonomy is closely allied to plant systematics, and there is no sharp boundary between the two. In practice, "plant systematics" is involved with relationships between plants and their evolution, especially at the higher levels, whereas "plant taxonomy" deals with the actual handling of plant specimens.1.5.2 Two goals of plant taxonomyTwo goals of plant taxonomy are the identification and classification of plants. The distinction between these two goals is important and often overlooked. Plant identification is the determination of the identity of an unknown plant by comparison with previously collected specimens or with the aid of books or identification manuals. The process of identification connects the specimen with a published name. Once a plant specimen has been identified, its name and properties are known. Plant classification is the placing of known plants into groups or categories to show some relationship. Scientific classification follows a system of rules that standardizes the results, and groups successive categories into a hierarchy.1.6 Plant ecologyPlant ecology is the subdiscipline of ecology which studies the distribution and abundance of plants, the interactions among and between members of plant species, and their interactions with their environment. Plant ecology has its roots both in plant geography and in studies of the interactions between individual plants and their environment. The scope of plant ecology encompasses plant ecophysiology, plant population ecology, community ecology, ecosystem ecology, landscape ecology and global ecology. At finer scales there are distinct differences between plant and animal ecology, but at broader scales like ecosystem ecology studies tend to integrate across subdisciplines.1.7 Plant physiologyPlant physiology is a subdiscipline of botany concerned with the functioning of plants. Closely related fields include plant morphology, plant ecology (interactions with the environment), phytochemistry (biochemistry of plants), cell biology, and molecular biology. Fundamental processes such as photosynthesis, respiration, plant nutrition, plant hormone functions, tropisms, nastic movements, photoperiodism, photomorphogenesis, circadian rhythms, environmental stress physiology, seed germination, seed dormancy, stomata function and transpiration are studied by plant physiologists.1.8 PhytochemistryPhytochemistry is in the strict sense of the word the study of chemicals derived from plants. In a narrower sense the terms are often used to describe the large number of secondary metabolic compounds found in plants. Techniques commonly used in the field of phytochemistry are extraction, isolation and structural elucidation of natural products, as well as various chromatography techniques (MPLC, HPLC, LC-MS).1.9 EthnobotanyEthnobotany is the scientific study of the relationships that exist between people and plants. Ethnobotanists aim to document, describe and explain complex relationships between cultures and uses of plants, focusing on how plants are used, managed and perceived across human societies (e.g. as foods; as medicines; in divination; in cosmetics; in dyeing; as textiles; in construction; as tools; as currency; as clothing; in literature; in rituals; and in social life.1.10 PaleobotanyPaleobotany is the branch of paleontology or paleobiology dealing with the recovery and identification of plant remains from geological contexts, and their use for the biological reconstruction of past environments and the evolutionary history of plants. Paleobotany includes the study of terrestrial plant fossils, as well as the study of prehistoric marine photoautotrophs, such as photosynthetic algae, seaweeds or kelp. A closely-related field is palynology, which is the study of fossilized and extant spores and pollen. Paleobotany is important in the reconstruction of ancient ecological systems and climate, known as paleoecology and paleoclimatology respectively; and is fundamental to the study of green plant development and evolution. Paleobotany has also become important to the field of archaeology, primarily for the use of phytoliths in relative dating.1.11 Plant Geography1.11.1 DefinitionPhytogeography is the branch of biogeography that is concerned with the geographic distribution of plant species. Phytogeography is concerned with all aspects of plant distribution, from the controls on the distribution of individual species ranges to the factors that govern the composition of entire communities and floras.1.11.2 Research areas➢Ecological Phytogeography investigates the role of current day biotic and abiotic interactions in influencing plant distributions.➢Historical Phytogeography is concerned with historical reconstruction of the origin, dispersal, and extinction of taxa.➢Floristics is a study of the flora of some territory or area.1.12 Plant Molecular BiologyPlant Molecular biology is the study of molecular underpinnings of the process of replication, transcription and translation of the genetic materials in plants.Molecular biology is the study of biology at a molecular level. This field overlaps with other areas of biology and chemistry, particularly genetics and biochemistry. Molecular biology chiefly concerns itself with understanding the interactions between the various systems of a cell, including the interactions between DNA, RNA and protein biosynthesis as well as learning how these interactions are regulated.1.13 Plant GeneticsPlant genetics is the branch of Botany and Genetics that deals with heredity, especially the mechanisms of hereditary transmission and the variation of inherited characteristics among similar or related plants.Chapter 2 Plant Cell2.1 ProtoplasmProtoplasm is the living content of a cell that is surrounded by a cell membrane. Protoplasm is composed of a mixture of small molecules such as ions, amino acids, monosaccharides and water, and macromolecules such as nucleic acids, proteins, lipids and polysaccharides. Protoplasm is distinct from non-living cell components named as ergastic substances, although ergastic substances can occur in the protoplasm.A protoplast is a plant or fungal cell that has had its cell wall removed.2.2 Plant Cell Structure2.2.1 Cell WallA cell wall is a tough, flexible and sometimes fairly rigid layer that surrounds some types of cells. It is located outside the cell membrane. Cell walls are found in plants, bacteria, fungi, algae, and some archaea. Animals and protozoa do not have cell walls.The wall gives cells rigidity and strength, offering protection against mechanical stress. In multicellular organisms, it permits the organism to build and hold its shape. The cell wall also limits the entry of large molecules that may be toxic to the cell. It further prevents over-expansion when water enters the cell and helps to retain water. Layers of cell wall➢Middle lamella: the outermost layer rich in pectins, which forms the interface between adjacent plant cells and glues them together.➢Primary wall: generally a thin, flexible and extensible layer formed while the cell is growing. ➢Secondary wall: a thick layer formed inside the primary cell wall after the cell is fully grown.It is not found in all cell types. In some cells, such as found in xylem, thesecondary wall contains lignin, which strengthens and waterpoofs the wall. Composition of cell wall➢Cellulose: polymer of glucose.➢Hemicellulose: a polysaccharide composed of a variety of sugars including xylose, arabinose and mannose.➢Pectin: polymer of around 200 galacturonic acid molecules.➢Glycoproteins:proteins that contain oligosaccharide chains attached to polypeptide side-chains.➢Lignin:a cross-linked macromolecule with molecular masses in excess of 10,000. It is relatively hydrophobic and aromatic.In plants, the strongest component of the complex cell wall is a carbohydrate called cellulose, which is a polymer of glucose. In bacteria, peptidoglycan forms the cell wall. Archaean cell walls have various compositions, and may be formed of glycoprotein, pseudopeptidoglycan, or polysaccharides. Fungi possess cell walls made of chitin, the glucosamine polymer. Algae typically possess walls made of glycoproteins and polysaccharides. Unusually, diatoms have a cell wall composed of silicic acid. Specialization of cell wall✧Lignification: an insertion of lignin in cell wall.✧Cutinication: an incrustation of cutin, a waxy polymer that is the main components of thecuticle which covers all aerial surfaces of plants.✧Suberization: an insertion of suberin, a waxy substance found in higher plants.✧Mineralization: the inlay of calcium carbonate or silicon dioxide in cell wall. Pit and PlasmodesmaPit is a hole on cell wall. There are two kinds of pit: simple pit and bordered pit.Plasmodesmata (singular: plasmodesma) are tiny strands of cytoplasm that extend between the cells through minute openings.2.2.2 Cell membrane2.2.2.1 Composition and StructureThe cell membrane consists primarily of a thin layer of amphipathic phospholipids which spontaneously arrange so that the hydrophobic "tail" regions are shielded from the surrounding polar fluid, causing the more hydrophilic "head" regions to associate with the cytosolic and extracellular faces of the resulting bilayer. This forms a continuous, spherical lipid bilayer.Proteins in the cell membranes may be integral or peripheral.✧Integral proteins or transmembrane proteins span the membrane and have a hydrophiliccytosolic domain, which interacts with internal molecules, a hydrophobic membrane-spanning domain that anchors it within the cell membrane, and a hydrophilic extracellular domain that interacts with external molecules.✧Peripheral proteins are present on only one side of the membrane. They attach to integralmembrane proteins or associate with peripheral regions of the lipid bilayer. They tend to have only temporary interactions with biological membranes. FunctionThe cell membrane is the biological membrane separating the interior of a cell from the outside environment. The arrangement of hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails of the lipid bilayer prevent polar solutes (e.g. amino acids, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, proteins, and ions) from diffusing across the membrane, but generally allows for the passive diffusion of hydrophobic molecules. This affords the cell the ability to control the movement of these substances via transmembrane protein complexes such as pores and gates. The cell membrane are involved in many cellular processes such as cell adhesion, ion channel conductance and cell signaling. The plasma membrane also serves as the attachment point for both the intracellular cytoskeleton and the extracellular cell wall.2.2.3 CytoplasmThe cytoplasm is the part of a cell that is enclosed within the cell membrane. In eukaryotic cells, the contents of the cell nucleus are not part of the cytoplasm and are instead called the nucleoplasm. Also in eukaryotic cells, the cytoplasm contains organelles and cytosol.✧Organelles are membrane-bound compartments within the cell that have specific functions.Some major organelles that are suspended in the cytosol are the mitochondria, the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, vacuoles, lysosomes, and in plant cells chloroplasts.✧The cytosol is the portion of a cell that is not enclosed within membrane-bound organelles. Thecytosol is a translucent fluid in which the other cytoplasmic elements are suspended. Cytosol makes up about 70% of the cell volume and is composed of water, salts and organic molecules. PlastidPlastids are major organelles found in the cells of plants and algae. They are responsible for photosynthesis and storage of products like starch. All plastids are derived from proplastids, which are present in the meristematic regions of the plant. Plastids may differentiate into several forms, depending on which function they need to play in the cell. Proplastids may develop into any of the following plastids:✧Chloroplasts: Chloroplasts are organelles found in plant cells and other eukaryotic organismsthat conduct photosynthesis. Chloroplasts capture light energy to conserve free energy in the form of ATP and reduce NADP to NADPH through a complex set of processes called photosynthesis.✧Chromoplasts: Chromoplasts are responsible for pigment synthesis and storage. They arefound in coloured organs of plants such as fruit and floral petals, to which they give their distinctive colors. This is always associated with a massive increase in the accumulation of carotenoid pigments. The conversion of chloroplasts to chromoplasts in ripening tomato fruit isa classic example.✧Leucoplasts: Lacking pigments, leucoplasts are not green, so they are predictably located inroots and non-photosynthetic tissues of plants. They may become specialized for bulk storage of starch, lipid or protein and are then known as amyloplasts, elaioplasts, or proteinoplasts respectively.➢Amyloplasts: for starch storage and detecting gravity.➢Elaioplasts: for storing fat.➢Proteinoplasts: for storing and modifying protein. MitochondrionA mitochondrion (plural mitochondria) is a membrane-enclosed organelle found in most eukaryotic cells. Mitochondria are sometimes described as "cellular power plants" because they generate most of the cell's supply of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), used as a source of chemical energy. In addition to supplying cellular energy, mitochondria are involved in a range of other processes, such as signaling, cellular differentiation, cell death, as well as the control of the cell cycle and cell growth.The structure of mitochondrion includes the outer membrane, the intermembrane space, the inner membrane, the crista and matrix. Endoplasmic ReticulumThe endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is an eukaryotic organelle that forms an interconnected network of tubules, vesicles, and cisternae within cells. Rough endoplasmic reticulums synthesize proteins. Smooth endoplasmic reticulums synthesize lipids and steroids, metabolize carbohydrates and steroids, and regulate calcium concentration, drug detoxification, and attachment of receptors on cell membrane proteins. Golgi apparatusThe Golgi apparatus is an organelle found in most eukaryotic cells. It was identified in 1898 by the Italian physician Camillo Golgi and was named after him. The primary function of the Golgiapparatus is to process and package macromolecules, such as proteins and lipids, after their synthesis and before they make their way to their destination. It is particularly important in the processing of proteins for secretion. The Golgi apparatus forms a part of the cellular endomembrane system.The Golgi is composed of stacks of membrane-bound structures known as cisternae (singular: cisterna). The cisternae stack has four functional regions: the cis-Golgi network, medial-Golgi, endo-Golgi, and trans-Golgi network. Vesicles from the endoplasmic reticulum fuse with the network and subsequently progress through the stack to the trans Golgi network, where they are packaged and sent to the required destination. Each region contains different enzymes which selectively modify the contents depending on where they reside. RibosomeRibosomes are the components of cells that make proteins from amino acids. They are made from complexes of RNAs and proteins. Ribosomes are divided into two subunits, one larger than the other. The smaller subunit binds to the mRNA, while the larger subunit binds to the tRNA and the amino acids. The DNA sequence in genes is copied into a mRNA. Ribosomes then read the information in mRNA and use it to create proteins. This process is known as translation. The ribosome moves along the mRNA, "reading" its sequence and producing a chain of amino acids. When a ribosome finishes reading a mRNA, these two subunits split apart. VacuoleA vacuole is a membrane-bound organelle which is present in all plants, fungal cells and some protist cells. The tonoplast or vacuolar membrane separates the vacuolar contents from the cell's cytoplasm. Most mature plant cells have one large central vacuole that typically occupies more than 30% of the cell's volume.In general, the functions of the vacuole include:✧Isolating materials that might be harmful or a threat to the cell.✧Containing waste products.✧Maintaining internal hydrostatic pressure within the cell.✧Maintaining an acidic internal pH.✧Containing small molecules.✧Exporting unwanted substances from the cell.✧Allows plants to support structures such as leaves and flowers due to the pressure of the centralvacuole. LysosomeLysosomes are spherical organelles that contain enzymes (acid hydrolases) that break up endocytized materials and cellular debris. The membrane around a lysosome allows the digestive enzymes to work at the 4.5 pH they require. Lysosomes fuse with vacuoles and dispense their enzymes into the vacuoles, digesting their contents. At pH 4.8, the interior of the lysosomes is acidic compared to the slightly alkaline cytosol (pH 7.2). The lysosome maintains this pH differential by pumping protons (H+ ions) from the cytosol across the membrane via proton pumps and chloride ion channels. The lysosomal membrane protects the cytosol, and therefore the rest of the cell, from the degradative enzymes within the lysosome. The cell is additionally protected from any lysosomal acid hydrolases that leak into the cytosol as these enzymes are pH-sensitive and function less well in the alkaline environment of the cytosol.2.2.4 Cell nucleus2.2.4.1 Structure of Cell nucleusIn cell biology, the nucleus (pl. nuclei) is a membrane-enclosed organelle found in eukaryotic cells. The nucleus consists of nuclear envelope, a double membrane that encloses the entire organelle and separates its contents from the cellular cytoplasm, nucleolus which is mainly involved in the assembly of ribosomes, and karyoplasm which includes karyolymph and chromatin. Because the nuclear membrane is impermeable to most molecules, nuclear pores are required to allow movement of molecules across the envelope. These pores cross both of the membranes, providing a channel that allows free movement of small molecules and ions. Nuclear transport is crucial to cell function, as movement through the pores is required for both gene expression and chromosomal maintenance.The cell nucleus contains the majority of the cell's genetic material organized in a DNA-protein complex known as chromatin. There are two types of chromatin. Euchromatin is the less compact DNA form, and contains genes that are frequently expressed by the cell. The other type, heterochromatin, is the more compact form, and contains DNA that are infrequently transcribed. During cell division the chromatin can be seen to form the well defined chromosomes familiar from a karyotype. Function of Cell nucleusThe function of the nucleus is to maintain the integrity of nuclear genome and to control the activities of the cell by regulating gene expression — the nucleus is therefore the control center of the cell.2.2.5 Structure of procaryotic cellProkaryotic cells differ significantly from eukaryotic cells. They don't have a membrane-bound nucleus and instead of having chromosomal DNA, their genetic information is in a circular loop called a plasmid. Prokaryotic cells feature three major shapes: rod shaped, spherical, and spiral. Instead of going through elaborate replication processes like eukaryotes, bacterial cells divide by binary fission.2.2.6 Ergastic substancesErgastic substances are non-protoplasm materials found in cells. They are usually organic or inorganic substances that are products of metabolism, and include crystals, oil drops, gums, tannins, resins, etc.. Ergastic substances may appear in the protoplasm, in vacuoles, or in the cell wall.✧Carbohydrates : Cellulose and starch✧Proteins :gluten✧Fats and oils :oil drop, waxes, suberin, and cutin✧Crystals :raphides✧Pigments: flavonoid; anthocyannin; flavonol; flavone✧Alkaloid✧Vitamin2.3 Cell Cycle and Cell Division2.3.1 Cell CycleAll cells go through a cell cycle composed of cell division portion (mitosis) and "resting period" (interphase).✧Interphase / Interkinesis:➢G1 (Growth 1): cell doubles in size, organelles and other structures increase in number, enzymes and other proteins are synthesized.➢S (synthesis): copies of the chromatids are synthesized (DNA replication occurs). The duplication of a DNA molecule, where an identical copy is made from the "unzipped" DNA strand, is called replication. When the DNA double-helix unzips, two strands are formed complementary to the existing template. For every G, a C is added, for every A, a T is added, etc.➢G2 (Growth 2): rearrangement of the cytoskeleton occurs to produce structures necessary for separation of the nuclear material and partitioning of the cytoplasm and organelles.✧Mitosis : Mitosis in plants occurs mainly at the apical meristems and vascular cambium.Mitosis is nuclear division plus cytokinesis, and produces two identical daughtercells.2.3.2 Mitosis2.3.2.1 karyokinesis➢Prophase: the chromatids continue to condense; the nuclear envelope and nucleolus disintegrate; the spindle apparatus forms; kinetochores form.➢Metaphase: spindle fibers attach to chromosomes at the kinetochores; kinetochore fibers orient the chromosomes so that only one chromatid will move to each pole , the central region where the chromosomes align is called the equator or metaphase plate.➢Anaphase: shortest phase; sister chromatids are separated at the centromeres and are pulled to opposite poles.➢Telophase: chromosomes uncoil, spindle disappears, nuclear envelope reforms, nucleoli form. CytokinesisCytokinesis takes place by the formation of a cell plate and new cell wall.2.3.3 MeiosisMeiosis is a process of reductional division in which the number of chromosomes per cell is cut in half. In animals, meiosis always results in the formation of gametes, while in other organisms it can give rise to spores.Because meiosis is a "one-way" process, it cannot be said to engage in a cell cycle as mitosis does. However, the preparatory steps that lead up to meiosis are identical in pattern and name to the interphase of the mitotic cell cycle. interphase of meiosis➢Growth 1 (G1) phase: This is a very active period, where the cell synthesizes its vast array of proteins, including the enzymes and structural proteins it will need for growth. In G1 stage each of the chromosomes consists of a single (very long) molecule of DNA.➢Synthesis (S) phase: The genetic material is replicated: each of its chromosomes duplicates, so that each of the chromosomes forms a second identical sister chromatid.➢Growth 2 (G2) phase: G2 phase is absent in Meiosis. First division of meiosis➢Prophase 1: Each chromosome duplicates and remains closely associated. These are called sister chromatids. Crossing-over can occur during the latter part of this stage.➢Metaphase 1: Homologous chromosomes align at the equatorial plate.➢Anaphase 1: Homologous pairs separate with sister chromatids remaining together.➢Telophase 1: Two daughter cells are formed with each daughter containing only one chromosome of the homologous pair. Second division of meiosis➢Prophase 2: DNA does not replicate.➢Metaphase 2: Chromosomes align at the equatorial plate.➢Anaphase 2: Centromeres divide and sister chromatids migrate separately to each pole.➢Telophase 2: Cell division is complete. Four haploid daughter cells are obtained.2.3.4 Amitosis / Direct cell divisionAmitosis or direct cell division is an unusual cell division in which there is first a simple cleavage of the nucleus without change in its structure (such as the formation of chromosomes), followed by the division of the cytoplasm.2.4 Cell growthCell growth is the process of increase of cell volume and cell weight.2.5 Cell differentiationCell differentiation is the process by which a less specialized cell becomes a more specialized cell type. Differentiation dramatically changes a cell's size, shape, membrane potential, metabolic activity, and responsiveness to signals. These changes are largely due to highly-controlled modifications in gene expression.。



horticulture. The knowledge gained from studying plants has broad applications, from improving crop yields and fighting plant diseases to developing new pharmaceuticals and understanding the impacts of climate change on plant species.

通过研究植物所获得的知识有广泛的应用,从提高作物产量和 bek闄哽īf.u软鹆诘淖稹⒋忻匚辰裣等┲
Overall, botany is a crucial field of study that has a significant impact on our lives. By understanding plants and their interactions with the environment, we can work towards a more sustainable future for our planet.


植物科名 英文

植物科名 英文

植物科Acanthaceae 爵床科Aceraceae槭树科Liliaceae百合科Acoraceae 菖蒲科Actinidiaceae猕猴桃科Linaceae亚麻科Adoxaceae五福花科Lobeliaceae半边莲科Agavaceae龙舌兰科Loganiaceae(Strychnaceae) 马钱科Aizoaceae番杏科Loranthaceae桑寄生科Alangiaceae八角枫科Lowiaceae兰花蕉科Alismataceae泽泻科Lythraceae千屈菜科Amaranthaceae苋科Magnoliaceae木兰科Amaryllidaceae石蒜科Malpighiaceae金虎尾科Ampelidaceae葡萄科Malvaceae锦葵科Anacardiaceae漆树科Marantaceae苳叶科Ancistrocladaceae钩枝藤科Melastomataceae野牡丹科Annonaceae番荔枝科Meliaceae楝科Apiaceae 伞形科Apocynaceae夹竹桃科Menispermaceae防已科Aponogetonaceae水蕹科Menyanthaceae莕菜科Apostasiaceae假兰科Mimosaceae含羞草科Aquifoliaceae冬青科Molluginaceae粟米草科Araceae天南星科Monotropaceae水晶兰科Araliaceae五加科Moraceae桑科Araucariaceae南洋杉科Moringaceae辣木科Arecaceae 棕榈科Aristolochiaceae马兜铃科Musaceae芭蕉科Asclepiadaceae萝藦科Myoporaceae苦槛蓝科Aspleniaceae 铁角蕨科Asteraceae 菊科Athyriaceae 蹄盖蕨科Aucubaceae 桃叶珊瑚科Balanophoraceae蛇菰科Myricaceae杨梅科Balsaminaceae凤仙花科Myristicaceae肉豆蔻科Basellaceae落葵科Myrsinaceae紫金牛科Begoniaceae秋海棠科Myrtaceae桃金娘科Berberidaceae小檗科Najadaceae茨藻科Betulaceae桦木科Nepenthaceae猪笼草科Biebersteiniaceae 熏倒牛科Bignoniaceae紫葳科Nyctaginaceae紫茉莉科Blechnaceae 乌毛蕨科Bixaceae红木科Nymphaeaceae睡莲科Bombacaceae木棉科Nyssaceae(Davidiaceae) 珙桐科Boraginaceae紫草科Ochnaceae金莲木科Brassicaceae 十字花科Bretschneideraceae伯乐树科Olacaceae铁青树科Bromeliaceae凤梨科Oleaceae木犀科Burmanniaceae水玉簪科Onagraceae柳叶菜科Burseraceae橄榄科Opiliaceae山柚子科Butomaceae花蔺科Orchidaceae兰科Buxaceae黄杨科Orobanchaceae列当科Cabombaceae(Hydropeltidaceae) 莼菜科Oxalidaceae酢浆草科Cactaceae仙人掌科Palmae(Arecaceae) 棕榈科Caesalpiniaceae云实科(苏木科)Pandanaceae露兜树科CalliaspidiaBremek爵床科Papaveraceae罂粟科Callitrichaceae水马齿科Papilionaceae蝶形花科Calycanthaceae蜡梅科Passifloraceae西番莲科Campanulaceae桔梗科Pedaliaceae胡麻科Cannabiaceae大麻科Pentaphylacaceae五列木科Cannaceae美人蕉科Petrosaviaceae樱井草科(无叶莲科) Capparidaceae白花菜科Philydraceae田葱科Caprifoliaceae忍冬科Phrymataceae透骨草科Cardiopteridaceae 心翼果科Caricaceae番木瓜科Phytolaccaceae商陆科Carlemanniaceae香茜科(四角果科) Pinaceae松科Caryophyllaceae石竹科Piperaceae胡椒科Casuarinaceae木麻黄科Pittosporaceae海桐花科Celastraceae卫矛科Plagiopteraceae斜翼科Centrolepidaceae刺鳞草科Plantaginaceae 车前草科Cephalotaxaceae三尖杉科Platanaceae悬铃木科Ceratophyllaceae金鱼藻科Plumbaginaceae蓝雪科Cercidiphyllaceae连香树科Podoaceae九子母科ChamaesyceS.F.Gray,emend.Croiz.大戟科Podocarpaceae竹柏科(罗汉松科) Chenopodiaceae藜科Podostemonaceae川苔草科Chloranthaceae金粟兰科Polemoniaceae花荵科Cibotiaceae 金毛狗蕨科Circaeasteraceae星叶科Polygalaceae远志科Cistaceae半日花科Polygonaceae蓼科Clethraceae 桤叶树科Clusiaceae 藤黄科Cneoraceae 牛筋果科Combretaceae使君子科Pontederiaceae雨久花科Commelinaceae鸭跖草科Portulacaceae马齿苋科Compositae(Asteraceae) 菊科Posidoniaceae波喜荡草科Connaraceae牛栓藤科Potamogetonaceae眼子菜科Convolvulaceae旋花科Primulaceae报春花科Coriariaceae马桑科Proteaceae山龙眼科Cornaceae山茱萸科Punicaceae安石榴科Corylaceae榛木科Pyrolaceae鹿蹄草科Crassulaceae景天科Rafflesiaceae大花草科Cruciferae(Brassiaceae) 十字花科Ranunculaceae毛茛科Crypteroniaceae隐翼科Restionaceae帚灯草科Cucurbitaceae葫芦科Rhamnaceae鼠李科Cupressaceae柏科Rhizophoraceae红树科Cycadaceae苏铁科Rhoipteleaceae马尾树科Cyclanthaceae巴拿马草科(环花科) Rosaceae蔷薇科Cyperaceae莎草科Rubiaceae茜草科Cyrillaceae(Clethraceae) 山柳科Ruppiaceae川蔓藻科Daphniphyllaceae交让木科Ruscaceae假叶树科Datiscaceae(Tetramelaceae) 四数木科Rutaceae芸香科Diapensiaceae岩梅科Sabiaceae清风藤科Dichapetalaceae毒鼠子科Salicaceae 杨柳科Dilleniaceae第伦桃科(五丫果科) Salvadoraceae刺茉莉科Dioscoreaceae薯蓣科Samydaceae天料木科Dipsacaceae川续断科Santalaceae檀香科Dipterocarpaceae龙脑香科Sapindaceae无患子科Droseraceae茅膏菜科Sapotaceae山榄科Ebenaceae柿科Sargentodoxaceae大血藤科Elaeagnceae胡颓子科Saurauiaceae水东哥科(米花树科) Elaeocarpaceae杜英科Saururaceae三白草科Elatinaceae沟繁缕科Saxifragaceae虎耳草科Empetraceae岩高兰科Scheuchzeriaceae芝菜科Ephedraceae麻黄科Schisandraceae五味子科Ericaceae杜鹃花科Scrophulariaceae玄参科Eriocaulaceae谷精草科Simaroubaceae苦木科Erythroxylaceae古柯科Sladeniaceae肋果茶科Escalloniaceae(Iteaceae) 鼠刺科Smilacaceae菝葜科Eucommiaceae杜仲科Solanaceae茄科Euphorbiaceae大戟科Sonneratiaceae海桑科Eupteleaceae领春木科Sparganiaceae黑三棱科Fagaceae壳斗科Stachyuraceae旌节花科Flacourtiaceae大风子科Staphyleaceae省沽油科Flagellariaceae鞭藤科Stemonaceae百部科Frankeniaceae瓣鳞花科Sterculiaceae梧桐科Fumariaceae荷包牡丹科(紫堇科) Strelitziaceae旅人蕉科Gentianaceae龙胆科Stylidiaceae花柱草科Geraniaceae牻牛儿苗科Styracaceae安息香科(野茉莉科) Gesneriaceae苦苣苔科Symphoremataceae六苞藤科Ginkgoaceae银杏科Symplocaceae山矾科Gnetaceae买麻藤科Taccaceae蒟蒻薯科Goodeniaceae草海桐科Tamaricaceae柽柳科Gramineae(Poaceae) 禾本科Taxaceae红豆杉科Grossulariaceae醋栗科Taxodiaceae杉科Guttiferae(Clusiaceae) 山竹子科(藤黄科) Tetracentraceae水青树科Haloragidaceae小二仙草科Theaceae茶科Hamamelidaceae金缕梅科Theligonaceae假繁缕科Hernandiaceae莲叶桐科Thymelaeaceae瑞香科Hippocastanaceae七叶树科Tiliaceae椴树科Hippocrateaceae希藤科(翅子藤科) Torricelliaceae鞘柄木科Hippuridaceae杉叶藻科Trapaceae(Hydrocaryaceae) 菱科Hydrangeaceae绣球科Trilliaceae延龄草科Hydrocharitaceae水鳖科Triuridaceae霉草科Hydrophyllaceae田基麻科Trochodendraceae昆栏树科Hypericaceae金丝桃科Tropaeolaceae金莲花科(旱金莲科) Hypoxidaceae仙茅科Turneraceae时钟花科Icacinaceae茶茱萸科Typhaceae香蒲科Illiciaceae八角茴香科Ulmaceae榆科Iridaceae鸢尾科Umbelliferae(Apiaceae) 伞形科Ixonanthaceae粘木科Urticaceae荨麻科Juglandaceae胡桃科Vacciniaceae越桔科(乌饭树科)Juncaceae灯心草科Valerianaceae败酱科Juncaginaceae水麦冬科Verbenaceae马鞭草科Labiatae唇形科Violaceae堇菜科Lardizabalaceae木通科Vitaceae葡萄科Lauraceae樟科Xyridaceae黄眼草科Lecythidaceae玉蕊科Zannichelliaceae角果藻科Leguminosae(Fabeceae) 豆科Zingiberaceae姜科Lemnaceae浮萍科Zosteraceae大叶藻科Lentibulariaceae狸藻科Zygophyllaceae蒺藜科。

三千多个 植物学名词中英文对照1

三千多个 植物学名词中英文对照1

盖高楼:全国科技名词审定委员会-植物学名词(1)盖高楼:全国科技名词审定委员会-植物学名词(2)01.001 植物学botany, plant science01.002 植物生物学plant biology01.003 植物个体生物学plant autobiology01.004 发育植物学developmental botany01.005 植物形态学plant morphology01.006 植物解剖学plant anatomy, phytotomy01.007 植物细胞学plant cytology01.008 植物细胞生物学plant cell biology01.009 植物细胞遗传学plant cytogenetics01.010 植物细胞形态学plant cell morphology01.011 植物细胞生理学plant cell physiology01.012 植物细胞社会学plant cell sociology01.013 植物细胞动力学plant cytodynamics01.014 植物染色体学plant chromosomology01.015 植物胚胎学plant embryology01.016 系统植物学systematic botany, plant systematics01.017 植物小分子系统学plant micromolecular systematics01.018 演化植物学evolutionary botany01.019 植物分类学plant taxonomy01.020 植物实验分类学plant experimental taxonomy01.021 植物化学分类学plant chemotaxonomy01.022 植物化学系统学plant chemosystematics 01.023 植物血清分类学plant serotaxonomy01.024 植物细胞分类学plant cellular taxonomy 01.025 植物数值分类学plant numerical taxonomy 01.026 植物分子分类学plant molecular taxonomy 01.027 植物病毒学plant virology01.028 藻类学phycology01.029 真菌学mycology01.030 地衣学lichenology01.031 苔藓植物学bryology01.032 蕨类植物学pteridology01.033 孢粉学palynology01.034 古植物学paleobotany01.035 植物生理学plant physiology01.036 植物化学phytochemistry01.037 植物生态学plant ecology, phytoecology01.038 植物地理学plant geography, phytogeography 01.039 植物气候学plant climatology01.040 植物病理学plant pathology, phytopathology 01.041 植物病原学plant aetiology01.042 植物毒理学plant toxicology01.043 植物历史学plant history01.044 民族植物学ethnobotany01.045 人文植物学humanistic botany 01.046 植物遗传学plant genetics01.047 植物发育遗传学plant phenogenetics 01.048 分子植物学molecular botany01.049 分类单位taxon 又称“分类群”。






1. Plant Parts(植物部位)Roots(根系)- responsible for anchoring the plant in the ground and absorbing water and nutrients.Stems(茎)- provide support to the plant and transport water, nutrients, and sugars between the roots and leaves.Leaves(叶子)- the main site of photosynthesis, where sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water are used to produce glucose and oxygen.Flowers(花朵)- reproductive structures of the plant, attracting pollinators and producing fruits and seeds.Fruits(果实)- contain seeds and are the result of a fertilized flower.Seeds(种子)- contain embryonic plants that can develop into new plants under favorable conditions.2. Plant Life Cycle(植物生命周期)Germination(发芽)- the process in which a seed sprouts and starts to grow into a seedling.Vegetative Stage(营养生长期)- the period of the plant's life cycle when it focuses on growing leaves, stems, and roots.Reproductive Stage(生殖期)- the phase during which flowers are produced, and reproduction takes place.Pollination(传粉)- the transfer of pollen from the male reproductive parts of a flower to the female reproductive parts.Fertilization(受精)- the fusion of the pollen and egg, leading to the formation of seeds.Seed Dispersal(种子传播)- the process by which plants spread their seeds away from the parent plant, increasing their chances of survival.3. Plant Growth and Development(植物生长发育)Photosynthesis(光合作用)- the process by which plants convert sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into glucose and oxygen, using chlorophyll in their leaves.Transpiration(蒸腾作用)- the loss of water vapor from the plant through tiny openings, called stomata, in the leaves.Respiration(呼吸作用)- the process by which plants convert glucose and oxygen into energy, releasing carbon dioxide and water.Tropism(向性运动)- the growth or movement of a plant in response to an external stimulus, such as light (phototropism) or gravity (gravitropism).Senescence(衰老)- the process of aging in a plant, leading to the death of cells, tissues, and eventually the whole plant.4. Plant Anatomy(植物解剖学)Cell(细胞)- the basic unit of structure and function in plants.Cell Wall(细胞壁)- a rigid layer outside the cell membrane, providing support and protection to plant cells.Chloroplast(叶绿体)- the organelle where photosynthesis takes place, containing chlorophyll.Xylem(木质部)- vascular tissue responsible for transporting water and minerals from the roots to the rest of the plant.Phloem(韧皮部)- vascular tissue responsible for transporting sugars produced during photosynthesis to other parts of the plant.5. Plant Classification(植物分类)Kingdom Plantae(植物界)- one of the five kingdoms of living organisms, including all plants.Division(门)- a taxonomic rank below kingdom, grouping plants based on specific characteristics.Family(科)- a taxonomic rank below order, grouping plants with similar characteristics.Genus(属)- a taxonomic rank below family, grouping closely related plants.Species(种)- the most specific taxonomic rank, identifying individual types of plants.以上只是植物英语词汇大全的一部分,如果你对植物学有兴趣,可以通过学习这些词汇和术语来更好地了解植物世界的奥秘。

植物学及园艺学英文版 botany and horticulture (62)

植物学及园艺学英文版 botany and horticulture (62)

Angiosperms: Monocots vs Dicots

– – – – –
One seed leaf Parallel venation Scattered vascular bundles Flowers parts in multiples of threes Examples:

Kingdom Plantae

Division Bryophyta (non-vascular seedless)

Mosses Ferns

Division Pteridophyta (vascular seedless)

Division Coniferophyta (vascular-gymnosperm)
What is your Job?
Gymnosperms Angiosperms
Vascular Seedless
The Jobs


Definition Characteristics Example plants How do they reproduce?
Warm-up 04/26

Monocot or Dicot?
Agenda 04/26

Lab-write-up Due Monocot vs Dicot p.5 & 6 Basic Flower Structure p.11 & 12 Classification Jigsaw Five Family Essay Due WEDNESDAY STANDARD 1 WEDNESDAY

The science of plant metabolomics

The science of plant metabolomics

The science of plant metabolomics 植物代谢组学科学植物代谢组学是研究植物分子组成及其功能的分支学科,该学科同样也被称为植物代谢组学科学。










以下为一些代表性的技术方法:1. 代谢谱图学代谢谱图学是通过质谱、核磁共振、紫外-可见光谱和红外光谱等技术手段,对代谢产物进行定性和定量分析。

2. 组学分析组学分析是指对代谢产物进行系统性分析的过程,包括代谢产物定量和定性、代谢产物在不同生物系统中的变化以及代谢产物与生物学过程的相关性等。

3. 代谢物注释和数据分析在代谢组学研究中,由于植物的代谢产物种类繁多,每个代谢产物具有不同的代谢途径,分类较为复杂,因此对代谢产物进行注释及分析成为必要的步骤。


4. 代谢关联网络分析代谢关联网络分析是一种将生化反应和代谢途径之间的关系构建成网络图形,从而分析和解释植物代谢产物变化和生理代谢通路的方法。





植物的英语词汇有哪些plant 植物botany 植物学botanist 植物学家botanical (botanic) 植物的aquatic plant 水生植物parasite plant 寄生植物root 根canopy 树冠层,顶棚foliage (leaf) 叶leaflet 小叶rosette (叶的)丛生stem 茎stalk 杆leafstalk 叶柄shoot (sprout ) 嫩芽,抽枝flower 花bud 花蕾petal 花瓣peel(skin) 果皮shell (硬) 果壳husk (干)果壳;(玉米)苞叶trunk 树干branch 树枝bough 大或者粗的树枝twig 小树枝bark 树皮jungle 丛林lawn 草坪meadow 草地,牧场prairie 大草原weed 杂草, 烟草,v.除草shrub (bush) 灌木cluster 一簇(灌木)fern 蕨类植物herb 草photosynthesis 光合作用symbiosis 共生wither (shrivel, fade) 凋谢pollen 花粉pollinate 传授花粉pollination 授粉cell 细胞tissue 组织organ 器官system 系统seeds 种子everlasting 永久的orchid 兰花pollinate 授粉crossbreed 杂交shrub 灌木sequoia 红杉root pressure 根压cohesion-tension 凝聚压力bore 腔,肠column 花柱symbiotic 共生的immunity 免疫organism 生物,有机物necrosis 坏死barren 贫瘠futile 无用的carbohydrate (starch) 碳水化合物(淀粉),糖类glucose 葡萄糖starch 淀粉fat 脂肪protein 蛋白质vitamin 维他命calorie 卡路里(热量单位)malnourished 营养不良的nutrition 营养pine 松树,palm 棕榈树/ 手掌(心),cacti 仙人掌willow 柳树,柳木walnut 核桃,核桃树,核桃木, pecan 山核桃botany 植物学botanist 植物学家botanical (botanic) 植物的plant 植物aquatic plant 水生植物parasite plant 寄生植物root 根canopy 树冠层,顶棚foliage (leaf) 叶leaflet 小叶rosette (叶的)丛生stem 茎stalk 杆leafstalk 叶柄shoot (sprout ) 嫩芽,抽枝flower 花bud 花蕾petal 花瓣peel(skin) 果皮shell (硬) 果壳husk (干)果壳;(玉米)苞叶trunk 树干branch 树枝bough 大或者粗的树枝twig 小树枝bark 树皮jungle 丛林lawn 草坪meadow 草地,牧场prairie 大草原shrub (bush) 灌木cluster 一簇(灌木)fern 蕨类植物herb 草photosynthesis 光合作用symbiosis 共生wither (shrivel, fade) 凋谢pollen 花粉pollinate 传授花粉pollination 授粉cell 细胞tissue 组织organ 器官system 系统seeds 种子everlasting 永久的orchid 兰花pollinate 授粉crossbreed 杂交shrub 灌木sequoia 红杉root pressure 根压cohesion-tension 凝聚压力bore 腔,肠column 花柱symbiotic 共生的immunity 免疫organism 生物,有机物necrosis 坏死barren 贫瘠futile 无用的carbohydrate (starch) 碳水化合物(淀粉),糖类glucose 葡萄糖starch 淀粉fat 脂肪protein 蛋白质vitamin 维他命calorie 卡路里(热量单位)malnourished 营养不良的nutrition 营养。


Scientific Classification of Plants
• The science of classifying and identifying plants • Scientific names are used because the same common name is used for different plants in different areas of the world.
• The broadest category of scientific classification is the Kingdom-either plant or animal. • The broadest category in the plant kingdom is division or phylum.
• Contains flowering or seed-bearing plants • Two subdivisions are:
– Gymnosperms: Seeds are not in an ovary they are in a cone. – Angiosperms: Seeds are enclosed in an ovary (fruit), therefore flowering plants
Karl von Linne
• Swedish botanist that developed the binomial system of naming plants using two Latin words to indicate the genus and species. • Linne changed his name to the Latin name Carolus Linneaus.



植物生理学专业英语的中英文对照(按汉字笔画排序)一画乙醛酸体glyoxysome乙醛酸循环glyoxylate cycle,GAC乙醇酸glycolate,glycolic acid乙醇酸氧化酶glycolate oxidase乙醇酸氧化途径glycolic acid oxidation pathway乙醇脱氢酶alcohol dehydrogenase乙烯ethylene乙烯利ethrel二画二型性别dimorphism二苯脲diphenylurea二酰甘油diacylglycerol,DG,DAG二硝基酚dinitrophenol,DNP 11,3-二磷酸甘油酸1,3-bisphosphoglycerate二氧化碳猝发CO2 outburst二氧化碳饱和点CO2 saturation point二氧化碳补偿点CO2 compensation point二氨丙烷diaminopropane2,4-二氯苯氧乙酸2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid,2,4-D二氢玉米素dihydrozeatin二氢吡咯pyrroline二氢红花菜豆酸dihydrophaseic acid二羟丙酮磷酸dihydroxyacetone phosphate,DHAP人工种子artificial seeds儿茶酚氧化酶catechol oxidase三画三十烷醇1-triacontanol三碘苯甲酸2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid,TIBA三氯苯氧乙酸trichlorophenoxyacetic acid三重反应triple response 293三羧酸循环tricarboxylic acid cycle,TCAC干旱drought干旱胁迫drought stress土壤—植物—大气连续体soil-plant-atmosphere continuum,SPAC 下调作用down regulation大纤丝macrofibril大量元素major element,微量元素macroelement小孔扩散律small pore diffusion law尸胺cadaverine 299己糖磷酸途径hexose monophosphate pathway,HMP己糖激酶hexokinase马来酰肼maleic hydrazide,MH四画开放体系open system天然单性结实natural parthenocarpy天冬氨酸aspartate,Asp天冬氨酸转氨酶aspartate amino transferase天线色素antenna pigment无土栽培soilless culture无融合生殖apomixis无辐射退激radiationless deexcitation无氧呼吸anaerobic respiration 1无氧呼吸消失点anaerobic respiration extinction point 无籽果实seedless fruit无限生长indeterminate growth无孢子生殖apospory无丝分裂amitosis木酮糖5 磷酸xylulose-5-phosphate木质素lignin支链淀粉amylopectin区域化compartmentation瓦伯格效应Warburg effect日中性植物day neutral plant中日照植物intermediate day length plant中央液泡central vacuoleC3-C4 中间植物C3-C4 intermediate plant中间丝intermediate filament中层middle lamella水培hydroponics水培法water culture method水势water potential水杨基氧肟酸salicylhydroxamate,SHAM水杨酸salicylic acid,SA水生植物hydrophytes水氧化钟water oxidizing clock水合补偿点hydration compensation point水分亏缺water deficit水分平衡water balance水分临界期critical period of water水分代谢water bolism水溶清蛋白albumin水通道蛋白water channel protein水孔蛋白aquaporins内吞endocytosis内聚力cohesion内聚力学说cohesion theory内在蛋白intrinsic protein内酯酶lactonase内转换internal conversion内向K +通道inward K + channel ,内质网endoplasmic reticulum,ER内膜endomembrane内能internal energy贝壳杉烯kaurene气培法aeroponics气相色谱gas chromatography气腔网络air space netwotk气穴现象cavitation气孔开度stomatal aperture气孔运动stomatal movement气孔蒸腾stomatal transpiration气孔下腔substomatal cavities气孔频度stomatal frequency毛管水capillary water毛细作用capillarity长日植物long day plant长短日植物long short day plant片层lamellae化学势chemical potential化学信号chemical signal化学渗透学说chemiosmotic theory反向传递antiport反馈抑制feedback inhibition反馈调节feedback regulation反应中心reaction center ,反应中心色素分子reaction center pigment介电常数dielectric constant分支酶branching enzyme分化differentiation分泌囊泡secretory vesicles比热容specific heat比集运转速率specific mass transfer rate,SMTR比久B9,二甲胺基琥珀酰胺酸dimethyl aminosuccinamic acid 巴斯德效应Pasteur effect双“S”形生长曲线double sigmoid growth curve双光系统two photosystem双向运输bidirectional transport双受精double fertilization五画末端氧化酶terminal oxidase玉米素zeatin,ZT玉米素核苷zeatin riboside玉米素顺反异构酶zeatin cistrans isomerase玉米赤霉烯酮zearaienone正常性种子orthodox seed正化学信号positive chemical signal正向重性positive gravitropism正效应物positive effector去春化作用devernalization去极化depolarization去镁叶绿素pheophytin,Pheo甘氨酸甜菜碱glycine betaine甘油三酯triacylglycerols,TAG甘油3 磷酸glycerol-3-phosphate甘油3 磷酸脱氢酶glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase甘油醛3 磷酸glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate,GAP甘油醛3 磷酸脱氢酶ghyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 甘油酸激酶glycerate kinase可溶性氧化酶soluble oxidase可溶性淀粉合成酶soluble starch synthase丙酮酸pyruvate丙酮酸磷酸二激酶pyruvate phosphate dikinase PPPk丙酮酸脱氢酶复合体pyruvic acid dehydrogenase complex丙酮酸脱羧酶pyruvic acid decarboxylase丙酮酸激酶pyruvate kinase丙氨酸甜菜碱alaninebetaine丙糖磷酸异构酶triose phosphate isomerase戊糖磷酸途径pentose phosphate pathway,PPP平衡压力balance pressure平衡石statolith平衡溶液balance solution平衡细胞statocyles灭光信号light off signal卡尔文循环Calvin cycle叶黄素xanthophyll叶面营养foliar nutrition叶面积系数leaf area index,LAI叶肉细胞mesophyll cell叶绿素chlorophyll,Chl叶绿体chloroplast叶绿体被膜chloroplast envelope5′-甲硫基核苷5′-methylthioribose甲硫氨酸methionine甲瓦龙酸甲羟戊酸mevalonic acid电中性electroneutrality电化学势electrochemical potential电负性electronegative田间持水量field capacity四氢吡喃苄基腺嘌呤tetrahydropyranyl benzyladenine 生理碱性盐physiologically alkaline salt生理酸性盐physiologically acid salt生理中性盐physiologically neutral salt生理钟physiological clock生理休眠physiological dormancy生殖生长reproductive growth生殖细胞无孢子生殖generatine apospory生物大分子biomacromolecule生物固氮biological nitrogen fixation生物钟biological clock生物氧化biological oxidation生物分子biomolecule生物膜biomembrane生长growth生长素auxin生长素梯度学说auxin gradient theory生长素赖氨酸合成酶IAA lysinesynthetase生长素结合蛋白auxin binding protein生长抑制剂growth inhibitor生长大周期grand period of growth生长呼吸growth respiration生长延缓剂growth retardant生长的周期性growth periodicity生长效率growth efficiency生长发育growth and development生命周期life cycle生色团chromophore代谢bolism代谢库bolic sink代谢源bolic source外排exocytosis外植体explant外在蛋白extrinsic protein外连丝ectodesmata外向K+通道outward K + channel外膜outer membrane饥饿基因famine gene主动转运active transport主动吸水active absorption of water主动吸收active absorption主宰酶master enzyme主导库dominant sink半醌semiquinone半支莲醛potulai半透膜semipermeable membrane半自主性细胞器semiautonomous organelle半月苔酸lunlaric acid半纤维素hemicellulose它感化合物allelochemical必需元素essential element永久萎蔫permanent wilting永久萎蔫系数permanent wilting coefficient皮孔蒸腾lenticular transpiration发酵fermentation发育development对氯汞苯磺酸parachloro-mercuribenzene sulfonate幼年期juvenile phase丝状亚基fibrous subunits丝氨酸serine丝氨酸羟甲基转移酶serine glyoxylate aminotransferase 六画动作电位action potential,AP动力蛋白dynamin老化aging共振传递resonance transfer共价键covalent bond共向传递体symport共质体symplast共质体运输symplastic transport共质体装载symplastic phloem loading共质体途径symplast pathway亚硝酸还原酶nitrite reductase,NiR亚胺环已酮cycloheximide亚麻酸linolenic acid亚精胺spermidine亚油酸linoleic acid过氧化氢酶catalase,CA T过氧化物酶peroxidase,POD过氧化物体peroxisome过敏反应hypersensitive reaction再春化现象revernalization再生阶段regeneration phase再分配redistribution再分化redifferentiation扩散作用diffusion ,协助扩散facilitated diffusion西罗血红素sirohaem压力探针pressure probe压力势pressure potential压力流学说pressure flow hypothesis压力室法pressure chamber有氧呼吸aerobic respiration有益元素beneficial elements有限生长determinate growth有丝分裂reduction mitosis灰分ash灰分元素ash element死亡激素death hormone成花素florigen成花决定态floral determinated state成花启动floral evocation成花诱导floral induction成膜体phragmoplast成熟maturation光形态建成photomorphogenesis光呼吸photorespiration光呼吸碳氧化循环photorespiration carbon oxidation cycle 光敏色素phytochrome,PHY光保护作用photoprotection光化学烟雾photochemical smog光反应light reaction光合速率photosynthetic rate光合有效辐射photosynthetically active radiation,PAR光合碳还原循环photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle光合磷酸化photophosphorylation光合链photosynthetic chain光合午睡现象midday depression of photosynthesis光合作用photosynthesis光合作用的光抑制photoinhibition of photo synthesis光合膜photosynthetic membrane光合产物photosynthetic yield光合单位photosynthetic unit光合滞后期lag phase of photosynthesis光合细菌photosynthetic bacteria光受体photoreceptor光周期photoperiod光周期现象photoperiodism光周期诱导photoperiodic induction光饱和点light saturation point光系统Ⅰphotosystem Ⅰ,PSⅠ光系统Ⅱphotosystem Ⅱ,PSⅡ光亲和标记photoaffinity labling光滑性内质网smooth endoplasmic reticulum光补偿点light compensation point光调节因子light regulated element光能利用率efficiency for solar energy utilization 早熟发芽precocious germination早前期带preprophase band,PPB ,吐水guttation同型二聚体homodimer同化物assimilate同化物运输assimilate transportation同化作用assimilation同化力assimilatory power同源异型基因homeotic gene同源异型突变homeotic mutation吸胀吸水imbibing absorption of water吸胀作用imbibition ,吸收光谱absorption spectrum吸附作用absorption回补机制replenishing mechanism传递体transporter休眠dormancy休眠素dormin伤呼吸wound respiration伤流bleeding伤流液bleeding sap自动催化作用autocatalysis自花授粉self pollination自由基free radical自由水free water自由空间free space自由能free energy自交不亲和性self incompatibility自交不育self infertility自养性autotropism自溶作用autolysis向光性phototropism向重性gravitropism向化性chemotropism向触性thigmotropism向性运动tropic movement后熟作用after ripening近似昼夜节奏circadian rhythm杀粉蝶菌素A piericidin A合子zygote肌动蛋白actin肌醇三磷酸inositol-1,4,5-triphophate,IP3肌醇磷脂lipositol负化学信号negative chemical signal负向重性negative gravitropism负效应物negative effector多元酚氧化酶polyphenol oxidase多聚核糖体polyribosome多聚化截留机理polymerization trap mechanism 多聚半乳糖醛酸酶polygalacturonase多克隆抗体polyclonal antibody多胺ployamines,PA色素pigment色素蛋白复合体pigment protein complex色氨酸tryptophan色氨酸单加氧酶thyphophan monooxygenase色胺tryptamine交替氧化酶alternative oxidase交替途径alternative pathway交叉适应现象cross adaptation交叉忍耐cross tolerances次生壁secondary wall次级共运转secondary cotransport次级电子供体secondary electron donor次级电子受体secondary electron acceptor次级库subordinate sinks异花授粉allogamy异构酶isomerase异柠檬酸裂解酶isocitratelyase异柠檬酸脱氢酶isocitric acid dehydrogenase异戊烯基腺苷isopentenyl adenosine,iPA异戊烯基腺嘌呤isopentenyladenine,ip异戊烯转移酶isopentenyl transferase异戊烯焦磷酸isopentenyl pyrophosphate异化作用disassimilation阳生植物sun plant阴生植物shade plant红花菜豆酸phaseic acid红光red light红降red drop纤维素cellulose纤维素酶cellulase七画麦芽糖酶maltase形态发生morphogenesis远红光far red light运动反应motor response运转器translocator韧皮部装载phloem loading韧皮部卸出phloem unloading韧皮蛋白P 蛋白phloem protein坏死性死亡necrosis death赤藓糖4 磷酸erythrose-4-phosphate 赤霉素gibberellin,GA赤霉烷gibberellane抑制剂depressant抗坏血酸氧化酶ascorbate oxidase抗盐性salt resistance抗热性heat resistance抗蒸腾剂antitranspirant抗旱性drought resistance抗虫性pest resistance抗氰呼吸cyanide resistant respiration 抗氰氧化酶cyanide resistant oxidase 抗冻性freezing resistance抗冷性chilling resistance抗病性disease resistance抗性resistance,hardiness抗涝性flood resistance抗张强度tensile strength壳梭孢菌素fusicoccin,FC拟核体nucleoid拟脂体lipid body芽休眠bud dormancy花芽分化flower bud differentiation 花的发端initiation of flower花熟状态ripeness to flower state花粉pollen花粉粒pollen grain6-苄基腺嘌呤6-benzyl adenine,BA 克隆clone极性polarity极性运输polar transport极性分子polar molecule束缚型赤霉素conjugated gibberellin束缚型生长素bound auxin束缚水bound water两极光周期植物amphophotoperiodism plant还原阶段reduction phase旱害drought injury旱生植物xerophytes吲哚丁酸indole-3-butyric acid,IBA吲哚丙酮酸indole pyruvic acid吲哚丙酸indole propionic acid吲哚乙醛indole acetaldehyde吲哚乙酰天冬氨酸indole acetyl aspartic acid吲哚乙酰葡萄糖indole acetyl glucose吲哚乙酰肌醇indole acetyl inositol吲哚乙酸indole-3-acetic acid,IAA吲哚乙酸氧化酶IAA oxidase吲哚乙腈indole acetonitrile别藻蓝蛋白allophycocyanin延胡索酸酶fumarase体细胞无孢子生殖somatic apospory体细胞胚somatic embryo伸展蛋白extensin低温诱导蛋白low temperature induced protein希尔氧化剂Hill oxidant希尔反应Hill reaction谷氨酰胺合成酶glutamine synthetase,GS谷氨酸合酶glutamate synthase,GOGAT谷氨酸脱氢酶glutamate dehydrogenase,GDH谷氨酸乙醛酸转氨酶glutamate glyoxylate aminotransferase 谷胱甘肽glutathione谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶glutathione peroxidase,GPX谷胱甘肽还原酶glutathione reductase,GR邻香豆酸ocoumaric acid邻近细胞neighbouring cell免疫immune角质蒸腾cuticular transpiration系统获得性抗性systemic acquired resistance系统肽systemin冻害freezing injury库sink库强sink strength应变素allergens冷击蛋白cold shock protein冷响应蛋白cold responsive protein冷害chilling injury间质stroma泛醌ubiquinone,UQ泛醌氧化还原酶ubiquinone oxidoreductase完熟ripening初生壁primary wall初级共运转primary cotransport识别recognition层积处理stratification张力tension阿拉伯半乳糖蛋白arabinogalactan protein阿斯匹林aspirin驱动蛋白kinesin纺锤体spindle八画环式光合磷酸化cyclic photophosphorylation环式电子传递cyclic electron transport环境污染environmental pollution环腺苷酸cyclic adenosine monophosphate,cAMP 环脂肪酸cyclic fatty acid环割试验girdling experiment表面张力surface tension ,表异构酶epimerase表观光合速率apparent photosynthetic rate表观库强apparent sink strength顶端优势apical dominance茉莉酸jasmonic acid,JA茉莉酸甲酯methyl jasmonate,MeJA茉莉酸类jasmonates苯丙氨酸phenylalanine苯丙氨酸解氨酶phenylalanine ammonia lyase苯乙酸phenylactic acid苹果酸malate,Mal苹果酸酶malic enzyme苹果酸代谢学说malate bolism theory苹果酸合成酶malate synthetase苹果酸脱氢酶malic acid dehydrogenase ,直链淀粉amylose板块镶嵌模型plate mosaic model刺激感受stimulus perception刺激性单性结实stimulative parthenocarpy矿质元素mineral element矿质营养mineral nutrition转运肽transit peptide转基因植物transgenic plant转醛醇酶transaldolase转酮酶transketolase转移细胞transfer cell,TC转化酶invertase ,转录因子tranion factors非环式光合磷酸化non cyclic photophosphorylation非环式电子传递noncyclic electron transport非堆叠区nonappressed region果胶pectin果胶物质pectic substances果胶酶pectinase果胶酸pectic acid果糖1,6 二磷酸fructose-1,6-bisphosphate,FBP果糖1,6 二磷酸酯酶fructose-1,6-bispho sphate phosphatase 果糖-6-磷酸fructose-6-phosphate,F6P果糖激酶fructokinase固氮酶nitrogenase固定化细胞immobilized cells呼吸速率respiratory rate呼吸电子传递链respiratory electron transport chain呼吸跃变respiratory climacteric呼吸链respiratory chain呼吸作用respiration呼吸系数respiratory coefficient呼吸底物respiratory substrate吸呼效率respiratory ratio呼吸商respiratory quotient,RQ岩棉栽培rockwool culture罗汉松内酯podolactone物理信号physical signal物候期phenological period质蓝素plastocyanin,PC质体plastid质体醌plastoquinone,PQ ,质体小球plastoglobulus质壁分离plasmolysis ,质壁分离复原deplasmolysis质子动力proton motive force,pmf质子泵proton pump质外体apoplast质外体运输apoplastic transport质外体装载apoplasmic phloem loading质外体途径apoplast pathway受体receptor ,,受精作用fertilization乳酸脱氢酶lactic acid dehydrogenase乳酸发酵lactate fermentation胁迫stress胁迫激素stress hormone胁变strain周期性growth periodicity鱼藤酮rotenone饱和蒸气压saturation vapor pressure夜间断night break底物水平磷酸化substrate level phosphorylation 放热呼吸thermogenic respiration放氧复合体oxygen evolving complex ,放射免疫检测法radioimmunoassay放线菌素actinomycin D净光合速率net photosynthetic rate净同化率net assimilation rate,NAR ,育性转化fertility change性别表达sex expression单“S”形生长曲线single sigmoid growth curve 单盐毒害toxiciy of single salt单克隆抗体monoclonal antibody单酚氧化酶monophenol oxidase单倍体无配子生殖haploid apogamr单倍体孤雄生殖haploid androgenesis单倍体孤雌生殖haploid parthenogenesis单向传递体uniport单性结实parthenocarpy法呢基焦磷酸farnesyl pyrophosphate ,油菜素brassin油菜素内酯brassinolide,BR油菜素甾体类化合物brassinosteroids油酸oleic acid油体oil body油体蛋白oleosins泥炭培养peat culture空种皮技术empty seed coat technique衬质matrix衬质势matrix potential衬质水势matrix water potential降解breakdown线性期linear phase线粒体mitochondria ,细菌叶绿素bacteriochlorophyll细胞克隆cell clone细胞板cell plate细胞松弛素B cytochalasin B细胞融合cell fusion细胞浆cytosol细胞器cell organelle细胞骨架cytoskeleton细胞繁殖cell reproduction细胞质环流cyclosis细胞质基质cytoplasmic matrix细胞质膜plasma membrane细胞全能性totipotency细胞分裂素cytokinin,CTK细胞分裂素氧化酶cytokinin oxidase细胞分化cell differentiation细胞膜cell membrane细胞周期cell cycle细胞色素cytochrome,Cyt细胞色素氧化酶cytochrome oxidase细胞衰老cellular aging细胞液cell sap细胞学说cell theory细胞壁cell wall孤立体系isolated system孢粉素pollenin孢子体型不亲和sporophyric self incompatibility,SSI 九画春化素vernalin春化作用vernalization封闭体系closed system指数期logarithmic phase草酰乙酸oxaloacetic acid,OAA荧光fluorescence荧光猝灭剂fluorescence quencher ,胡萝卜素carotene枯斑necrotic spot相互竞争allelospoly相生相克它感作用allelopathy相关性correlation相对生长速率relative growth rate,RGR相对自由空间relative free space,RFS柠檬酸循环citric acid cycle柠檬酸合成酶citrate synthase砂培sand culture砂基培养法sand culture method砂砾栽培gravel culture临界日长critical daylength临界暗期critical dark period钙调蛋白钙调素calmodulin,CaM ,氢醌hydroquinone氢化酶hydrogenase选择吸收selective absorption种子劣变seed deterioration种子生活力seed viability种子休眠seed dormancy种子的寿命seed longevity种子活力seed vigor秋水仙素colchicine ,重力势gravitational potential重力水gravitational water复种指数multiple crop index复合脂类complex lipids顺乌头酸酶aconitase保卫细胞guard cell信号转导signal transduction ,信息传递message transportation胚芽鞘coleoptile胚柄suspensor胚状体embryoid胚胎萌发viviparous germination,vivipary胚胎晚期丰富蛋白late embryogenesis abundant protein,LEA 胚胎发生embryogenesis胞间连丝plasmodesma胞间层intercellular layer亲和性compatibility亲和力affinity类胡萝卜素carotenoid类胡萝卜素途径carotenoid pathway类囊体thylakoid前质体proplastid ,前馈活化feedforward activation逆境environmental stress逆境逃避stress avoidance逆境乙烯stress ethylene逆境蛋白stress protein逆境忍耐stress tolerance总光合速率gross photosynthetic rate活化酶activase活性氧active oxygen ,染色体chromosome染色质chromatin染色单体chromatid穿梭运动shuttle streaming诱导酶induced enzyme ,诱导性单性结实induced parthenocarpy昼夜节律circadian rhythm昼夜周期性daily periodicity结构酶constitutive enzyme结合态淀粉合成酶granule bound starch synthase结合蛋白binding protein绝对生长速率absolute growth rate,AGR十画顽拗性种子recalcitrant seed载体carrier载色体chromatophore盐碱土saline and alkaline soil盐逆境蛋白salt stress protein盐溶清蛋白globulin盐害salt injury热电偶thermocouple热休克蛋白热激蛋白heat shock proteins,HSPs热害heat injury热力学thermodynamics莽草酸shikimic acid真核生物eukaryote真核细胞eukaryotic cell真光合速率true photosynthetic rate核基质nuclear matrix核酮糖1,5 二磷酸ribulose BF-1,5-bisphosphate, BFQ RuBP核酮糖1,5 二磷酸羧化酶/加氧酶BFQ ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxyla se/oxygenase,Rubisco核酮糖-5-磷酸ribulose-5-phosphate,Ru5P核酮糖-5-磷酸表异构酶ribulose-5-phosphate epimerase核酮糖-5-磷酸激酶ribulose-5-phosphate kinase,Ru5PK核小体nucleosome核仁nucleolus核质nucleoplasm核膜nuclear membrane核糖=5-磷酸ribose-5-phosphate,R5P核糖-5-磷酸异构酶ribose-5-phosphate isomerase核糖体ribosome核液karyolymph核孔nuclear pore根压root pressure根冠比root top ratio,R/T砾培gravel culture原核生物prokaryote原核细胞prokaryotic cell原果胶protopectin原生质protoplasm原生质体protoplast原初电子供体primary electron donor原初电子受体primary electron acceptor 1原初反应primary reaction原初主动运转primary active transport原发优势primigenic dominance配子体型不亲和gametophytic self incompatibility,GSI致电泵electrogenic pump圆球体spherosome铁硫黄素蛋白iron sulfur flavoprotein铁硫蛋白iron sulfur protein铁氧还蛋白ferredoxin,Fd铁氧还蛋白-NADP+还原酶ferredoxin-NADP+reductase,FNR 氧化磷酸化oxidative phosphorylation氧自由基oxygen free radical氧饱和点oxygen saturation point1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid,ACC 氨基酮戊酸aminolevulinic acid氨基氧乙酸aminooxyacetic acid,AOA氨基乙氧基乙烯基甘氨酸aminoethoxyvinyl glycine,A VG缺绿症chlorosis敌草隆Diuron,DCMU爱默生增益效应Emerson enhancement effect脂氧合酶lipoxygenase ,脂肪酸fatty acid胶体colloid胼胝质callose衰老senescence衰老相关基因senescence associated gene衰老特定基因senescence specific gene衰减期senescence phase高尔基体Golgi body高效液相层析high performance liquid chromatography 高温胁迫high temperature stress病原菌disease producing germ病原相关蛋白pathogenesis related proteins,PRs ,病原物causal organism病害disease离区abscission zone离层abscission layer离子载体抑制剂ionophore depressant离子颉颃ion antagonism离子交换ion exchange离子通道ion channel凋亡apoptosis凋亡小体apoptotic body涝害flood injury酒精发酵alcohol fermentation流动镶嵌模型fluid mosaic model被动运输passive transport被动吸水passive absorption of water被动吸收passive absorption能荷energy charge能量梯度energy gradient通道channel继代培养subculture十一画堆叠区appressed region授粉pollination培养基medium接触态建成thigmomorphogenesis接触交换contact exchange基态ground state基因组genomes基质matrix基质片层stroma lamella基质类囊体stroma thylakoid基粒granum基粒片层grana lamella基粒类囊体grana thylakoid基细胞basal cell黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸flavin adenine dinucleotide,FAD 黄素单核苷酸flavin mononucleotide,FMN黄化现象etiolation黄质醛xanthoxin ,萘基邻氨甲酰苯甲酸naphthyphthalamic acid萘氧乙酸naphthoxyacetic acid萘乙酸naphthalene acetic acid,NAA ,萌发germination萝卜酰胺raphanusamide萝卜宁raphanusanin萎蔫wilting菊芋素heliangint营养转移nutrient diversion营养生长vegetative growth营养膜技术nutrient film technique,NFT梅勒反应Mehler's reaction副卫细胞subsidiary cell酚氧化酶phenol oxidase辅酶A coenzyme A,CoA辅助色素accessory photosynthetic pigments悬浮培养suspension culture甜菜碱betaines第二信使second messenger敏感性sensitivity偶联因子coupling factor偶联部位coupled site偏向受精preferential fertilization假环式光合磷酸化pseudocyclic photopho sphorylation 假环式电子传递pseudocyclic electron transport脯氨酸proline,Pro ,脯氨酸甜菜碱prolinebetaine脱落abscission脱落素abscisin脱落酸abscisic acid,ABA脱支酶debranching enzyme脱分化dedifferentiation脱羧作用decarboxylation阈时presentation time羟基丙酮酸还原酶hydroxypyruvate reductase羟脯氨酸hydroxyproline,Hyp粘性plasticity粘附力adhesionJP 粗糙型内质网rough endoplasmic reticulum,RER JP烯醇化酶enolase液晶态liquid crystalline state液泡膜tonoplast淀粉酶amylase淀粉磷酸化酶starch phosphorylase淀粉体amyloplast ,淀粉合成酶starch synthase淀粉粒starch grain渗透势osmotic potential渗透吸水osmotic absorption of water渗透作用osmosis渗透胁迫osmotic stress渗透调节osmotic adjustment寄主host寄主特异毒素host specific toxin密度density弹性胁变elastic strain蛋白磷酸酯酶protein phosphatase蛋白激酶protein kinase ,隐花植物cryptogamia隐花色素cryptochrome ,维持呼吸maintenance respiration维管束鞘细胞bundle sheath cell,BSC绿色荧光蛋白green fluorescent protein绿色硫细菌green sulfur bacteria十二画琥珀酸硫激酶succinic thiodinase琥珀酸脱氢酶succinic dehydrogenase琥珀酸:泛醌氧化还原酶succinate:ubiquinone oxidoreductase 超氧化物歧化酶superoxide dismutase,SOD颉颃作用antagonism插入蛋白integral protein葡聚糖ployglucosan葡萄糖-6-磷酸glucose-6-phosphate,G6P葡萄糖6 磷酸脱氢酶glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase植醇phytol植物生长物质plant growth substance植物生长调节剂plant growth regulator植物激素plant hormone植物组织培养plant tissue culture植保素phytoalexin硝酸还原酶nitrate reductase,NR硫氧还蛋白thioredoxin硫胺素焦磷酸thiamine pyrophosphate硫脂sulpholipid硫辛酸lipoic acid雄性素androecious line雄性生殖单位male gerem unit,MGU暂时萎蔫temporary wilting紫黄质violaxanthin紫外线诱导蛋白UV induced protein紫色硫细菌purple sulfur bacteria紫色非硫细菌purple nonsulfur bacteria量子需要量quantum requirememt量子效率quantum efficiency量子产额quantum yield喷灌spray irrigation景天科酸代谢crassulacean acid bolism,CAM景天庚酮糖-1,7-二磷酸sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphate,SBP景天庚酮糖-1,7-二磷酸酯酶sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphate phosphatase,SBPase景天庚酮糖-7-磷酸sedoheptulose-7-phosphate,S7P蛭石栽培vermiculaponics短日植物short-day plant短长日植物short-long day plant氰化物cyanide氯丁唑多效唑,PP333, paclobutrazol4-氯吲哚乙酸4-chloroindole-3-acetic acid氯氟代烃chlorofluorocarbous2-氯乙基膦酸2-chloroethyl phosphonic acid稀土元素rare earth element筛管sieve tube筛管装载sieve loading筛管分子sieve element筛管分子伴胞复合体sieve element companion cell,CC集光色素light harvesting pigment集体效应group effect集流mass flow焦磷酸磷酸果糖激酶pyrophosphate phosphofructokinase湿害waterlogging温周期现象thermoperiodicity温度补偿点temperature compensation point游离型生长素free auxin 270富含羟脯氨酸的糖蛋白hydroxyproline rich glycoprotein,HRGP强迫休眠epistotic dormancy十三画蓝光效应blue light effect蒸气压梯度vapor pressure gradient蒸腾拉力transpirational pull蒸腾速率transpiration rate蒸腾作用transpiration蒸腾系数transpiration coefficient蒸腾效率transpiration ratio蒸腾流-内聚力-张力学说transpiration-cohesion tension theory蒸发vaporizationα-酮戊二酸脱氢酶复合体α-ketoglutaric acid dehydrogenase complex酪氨酸酶tyrosinase感震性seismonasty感受perception感受蛋白sensor protein感夜性nyctinasty感性运动nastic movement感温性thermonasty4-碘苯氧乙酸4-iodo phenoxy acetic acid雾培spray culture暗呼吸dark respiration暗反应dark reaction跨膜蛋白transmembrane protein蜂蜡醇myricylalcohol嵴cristae锯木培sawdust culture矮壮素氯化氯胆碱chlorocholine chloride,CCC微量元素minorelement微团micell微管microtubule微管蛋白tubulin微体microbody微注射法microinjection technique微梁系统microtrabecular system微纤丝microfibril微丝microfilament愈伤组织callus腺苷三磷酸酶adenosine triphosphatase,A TPase腺苷酸激酶adenylate kinase解偶联剂uncoupler新黄质neoxanthin2 羧基3 酮基阿拉伯糖醇1,5 二磷酸2-carboxy-3-ketoarabinitol-1,5-bispho sphate2 羧基D 阿拉伯糖醇1 磷酸2-carboxy-D-arabinitol1phosphate羧化效率carboxylation efficiency羧化阶段carboxylation phase塑性胁变plastic strain源source源-库单位source-sink unit源强source strength溶酶体lysosome溶质势solute potential溶胶sol溶液培养法solution culture method叠氮化物azide十四画聚光色素复合体light harvesting pigment complex蔗糖磷酸磷酸酯酶sucrose phosphate phosphatase蔗糖磷酸合成酶sucrose phosphate synthase,SPS蔗糖-质子共运输蛋白sucrose-H+symporter,蔗糖合成酶sucrose synthase,SS碱土alkaline soil碳酸酐酶carbonic anhydrase,CA碳同化carbon dioxide assimilation酶联免疫吸附检测法enzyme linked immunoso rbent assay 酶复合体enzyme complex 198酶放大的免疫鉴定法enzyme amplified immunoassay酸生长理论acid growth theory酸化作用acidification需水量water requirement雌蕊pistil雌雄同株同花植物hermaphroditic plant雌雄同株异花植物monoecious plant雌雄异株植物dioecious plant雌性生殖单位female germ unit雌性系gynoeciousline锻炼hardening膜动转运cytosis膜不饱和脂肪酸指数unsaturated fatty acid index膜片钳patch clamp,PC膜间空间intermembrane space腐胺putrescine精胺spermine漫灌wild flooding irrigation滴灌drip irrigation滴漏式hourglass寡霉素oligomycin寡糖素oligosaccharin缩合酶condensing enzyme十五画增效作用synergism醇溶谷蛋白prolamin潜在库强potential sink strength缬氨霉素valinomycin十六画操纵子operon燕麦试法avena test薄层层析thin layer chromatography整形素morphactin整合integration醛缩酶aldolase膨压turgor pressure膨压素turgorins膨压运动turgor movement凝聚condensation凝集素lectins凝胶gel糖酵解glycolysis糖脂glycolipid激素受体hormone receptor激动素kinetin,KT激发态excited state激发子elicitor激子传递exciton transfer十七画磷酸运转器pi translocator,PT3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶3-phosphoglyceraldehyde dehydrogenase磷酸甘油酸phosphoglycerate,PGA磷酸甘油酸变位酶phosphoglyceromutase磷酸甘油酸激酶phosphoglyceric kinase,PGK磷酸葡萄糖酸phosphogluconate6-磷酸葡萄糖酸内酯6-phosphogluconolactone6-磷酸葡萄糖酸脱氢酶6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase磷酸葡萄糖变位酶phosphoglucomutase磷酸蔗糖合成酶sucrose phosphate synthetase,SPS磷酸丙糖运转器triose phosphate translocator磷酸丙糖异构酶phosphotrioseisomerase磷酸酯酶phosphatase磷酸水解酶phosphorhydrolase磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸phosphenolpruvate,PEP磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase,PEPC 磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧激酶PEP carboxykinase磷酸乙醇酸磷酸脂酶phosphoglycolate phosphatase磷酸己糖异构酶phosphohexoseisomerase磷光phosphorescence磷脂phospholipid磷脂酰甘油phosphatidylglycerol磷脂酰胆碱phosphatidylcholine磷脂酰肌醇phosphatidylinositol,PI磷脂酰乙醇胺phosphatidylethanolamine磷脂酰丝氨酸phosphatidylserine磷脂酶phos pholipase 十九画藻蓝蛋白phycocyanin 藻胆素phycobilin藻红蛋白phycoerythrin 二十二画囊腔lumen。

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Educational programs of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin.
Risk Management in Specialty Crops:Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP)
Introduction The Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) is a financial assistance program provided through the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA). The program provides producers of crops not eligible for crop insurance with some level of risk management when natural disasters cause low yields or inventory loss, or prevent planting.
This fact sheet overviews the NAP as it may relate to new and emerging crops in Kentucky. It has been written for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal or business advice nor is it intended to be a substitute for the services of a competent legal or business professional. For complete information about NAP and how it relates in a local situation, producers should contact their local FSA office, as well as review NAP information available on the FSA Web site. The FSA has an excellent fact sheet providing details about this program as part of their larger Disaster Assistance Program.Program Eligibility To be eligible for NAP, producers must produce and own eligible crops while meeting income requirements established by the USDA.
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How to Apply for NAP Coverage Producers will need to work directly with their county Farm Service Agency office to apply and determine eligibility for NAP. A particular form (Form CCC-471) must be completed by producers, as well as the payment of a service fee. The service fee is $250 per crop 1 and fee waivers may be available for limited resource producers.
Additional Resources • Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (USDA Farm Service Agency, 2008)/FSA/newsReleases?area=newsroom&subject=landing&topic=pfs &newstype=prfactsheet&type=detail&item=pf_20080819_distr_en_nap08.html • USDA Farm Service Agency: Kentucky /FSA/stateoffapp?myst ate=ky&area=home&subject=landing&topic=la nding
Natural Disasters Meeting Requirements According to the USDA, eligible natural disasters for NAP are as follows:
• Weather damage, such as drought, freeze, hail, moisture, wind, and hurricanes
• Adverse natural occurrences, such as earthquake and floods
• Conditions related to adverse natural occurrences, including insect infestations and plant diseases
Combinations of these conditions can also meet disaster qualification requirements.h ail injury to tomato fruits 1Terms as of 2012; the service fee is subject to change.。
