
英语教案-On the farm-教学教案一、教学目标:1. 让学生能够理解并运用农场相关的词汇,如:cow, pig, chicken, tractor等。
2. 培养学生能够用简单的英语描述农场中的动物和景物。
3. 提高学生听说能力,增强他们对英语的兴趣。
二、教学内容:1. 农场动物词汇:cow, pig, chicken, tractor等。
2. 简单句型:This is a It has3. 农场场景描述。
三、教学重点与难点:1. 重点:农场动物词汇的掌握及运用,简单句型的运用。
2. 难点:农场场景的描述,单词的准确发音。
四、教学方法:1. 情境教学法:通过设置农场情境,让学生在实际语境中学习单词和句型。
2. 互动教学法:引导学生参与课堂互动,提高他们的听说能力。
3. 游戏教学法:通过趣味游戏,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中学习。
五、教学步骤:1. 热身活动(5分钟):播放农场相关的歌曲,让学生跟随音乐节奏进行身体活动,激发他们对农场主题的兴趣。
2. 引入新课(10分钟):展示农场的图片,引导学生用中文描述图片中的动物和景物。
教授单词和简单句型,如:This is a cow. It has two eyes and four legs.3. 情境练习(10分钟):分组进行角色扮演,让学生扮演农场主人,向其他同学介绍自己的农场动物。
4. 游戏活动(10分钟):组织“找出不同”的游戏,让学生在四组图片中找出不同的一组,并用英语解释原因。
六、教学拓展:1. 农场动物词汇卡片制作:让学生分组,每组制作一套农场动物词汇卡片,包括动物的图片和英文名称。
2. 农场故事创作:鼓励学生发挥想象力,创作一个关于农场的故事,可以包括农场动物的生活习性、农场主人的日常活动等。
七、教学评价:1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂上的参与情况,包括发言、互动、游戏等活动。

英语教案On the Farm 教学教案一、教学目标:1. 让学生能够听懂、会说、会读关于农场动物的词汇,如:cow, pig, chicken, horse, sheep等。
2. 让学生能够用简单的句子描述农场动物的特点和活动。
3. 培养学生对农场的兴趣和好奇心,提高他们的英语学习兴趣。
二、教学内容:1. 农场动物词汇:cow, pig, chicken, horse, sheep等。
2. 农场动物的特点和活动:The cow says "Moo!", The pig says "Oink!", The chicken says "Cluck!", The horse says "Neigh!", The sheep says "Baa!"三、教学重点与难点:1. 重点:农场动物词汇的掌握和运用。
2. 难点:句子结构的掌握和运用,能够用简单的句子描述农场动物的特点和活动。
四、教学方法:1. 情境教学法:通过设置农场情境,让学生在实际情境中学习和运用农场动物词汇和句子。
2. 游戏教学法:通过趣味性的游戏活动,激发学生的学习兴趣,巩固所学知识。
五、教学步骤:1. 导入:教师出示一张农场的图片,引导学生说出他们看到的动物,引出本节课的主题。
2. 学习农场动物词汇:教师逐一出示农场动物的图片,引导学生学习和模仿它们的叫声,学习词汇:cow, pig, chicken, horse, sheep等。
3. 学习农场动物的特点和活动:教师根据词汇卡片,引导学生说出农场动物的特点和活动,如:The cow says "Moo!",The pig says "Oink!"等。
4. 练习:学生分成小组,每组选择一个农场动物,用英语描述该动物的特点和活动。
5. 游戏:教师准备一个农场动物的拼图,学生轮流用英语描述缺少的部分,其他学生猜测缺少的动物是什么。

英语教案On the Farm 教学教案第一章:课程目标1.1 学习目标在本章节中,学生将能够:掌握与农场相关的词汇,如动物、植物和农场设备。
1.2 教学重点与难点重点:学习农场相关词汇和简单句子的表达。
第二章:教学内容2.1 教学内容概述本章节将介绍农场主题的词汇,如动物(牛、羊、鸡等)、植物(庄稼、水果等)以及农场设备(割草机、拖拉机等)。
2.2 教学步骤1. 引入话题:向学生展示农场的图片,引导他们讨论农场的特点和他们在农场中见到的物品。
2. 教授词汇:展示实物或图片,教授与农场相关的词汇,并让学生重复和练习使用。
3. 句子练习:通过例句展示如何使用这些词汇来描述农场中的事物,让学生模仿并创造自己的句子。
第三章:教学方法与手段3.1 教学方法交际法:通过小组活动、角色扮演等形式,促进学生之间的交流和合作。
3.2 教学手段图片、实物:用于展示农场主题的词汇和场景。
第四章:教学评价4.1 评价方法课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂活动中的参与情况和积极性。
4.2 评价标准课堂参与度:积极参与课堂活动,主动与同学交流。
第五章:教学计划5.1 第一课时引入话题:介绍农场主题,引导学生讨论农场的特点。
5.2 第二课时复习词汇:复习上一课时学习的内容,巩固记忆。
牛津版小学一年级上英语M4 Unit10 On the farm教学设计

《 On the farm 》单元教学设计通用模板教学目标设计学习评价设计教学策略设计《On the farm 》课时教学设计教学目标设计教学策略设计学习评价设计【主要内容】1.学生头脑风暴,讨论或猜测自己知道的农场动物。
2.理解小鸡找妈妈“Are you my mummy?”“N o/Yes,I’m a ...”的故事篇章结构。
3.生生评价:声量volume,情绪emotion, 动作action。
【评价反馈】1.快问快答:Who is chick’s mummy? Does a chick find mummy?答案:Hen is chick’s mummy. Yes, it does.2.根据自己听读情况完成表格On the farm教学过程设计【歌曲热身,巩固旧知】1.欣赏动物叫声歌曲,在歌曲视频的带动下能跟唱一些叫声词。
2.看部分身体或听真实叫声猜动物名词,并巩固学习“It’s a ...”句型。
【新知呈现,情景教授】1.通过小鸡自我介绍,学习“I’m a ...”句型以及叫声词peep。
请学生带动作扮演小鸡“Hello, I’m a chick. Peep...Peep...”。
牛津深圳版一年级英语上Unit 10 On the farm(1) 教案

积极配合老师 完成练习。
A:What’s that?
B: It’s a cow.
A:What’s this?
B: It’s a chick. 九、Homework 1.将下列单词抄写五遍:cow, dog, duck, cat, pig. 2.两人一组练习句型:
A:What’s that?
B: It’s a cow.
会读新单词。 能说出图片的 英语。
播放课文录音 时,模仿语音 语调; 分角色朗读课 文,并上台表 演对话。
引导学生用各种 形式,变化各种 声调朗读课文对 话,不断深入学 习,加深印象。
通过反复的听读 训练,掌握词汇; 通过图片方式, 巩固单词;针对 性的完成学习目 标;学习形式生 动多样化,使学 生集中注意力, 同时保持学习的 积极性。
T: Here you are.
S1: Thank you.
4. Role play 学生两人一组进行对话练习,练习句型: Can I help you? May I have a ..., please?
两人一组练习 句型。
Here you are.
Thank you. 5. T 出示图片 Now, boys and girls. Let’s go and meet 导入新课
课题 On the farm (1)
英语 年级 一年级上
学习 1.知识目标:使学生能掌握 4 种小动物的名称: cow, dog, duck, cat, pig. 目标 2.能力目标:能够听懂一些指令,如:Act like a ……,并能做出相应的动作。
七、Play the game. Act and guess. T: Call S1 to the front and tell him/her a word. (耳 语)
小学一年级英语 Unit10 On the farm教学设计

6.listen and guess. Ask the Ss to guess: What’s that?
7.Sing a song.
1.Guess the sound.
2.Listen, read and do the actions .
1.Take out their own farmanddescribe their farm or make a dialogue in groups.
2.Some groups perform the dialogue at the front.
2.Sentence patterns:What’s this?What’s that?It’s a.....
1.To enable the Ss to say and use the new sentences to express themselves.
2. To develop Ss’abilities of listening and speakingandreading.
The teaching plan ofUnit10 On the farm, Book1
Instructed by
1. Words: a cow, a duck, a pig, a chick
【一年级英语】第十单元On the farm第四课时优秀教案

单元教学设计框架课题:英语沪教版一年级上册Module 4 Unit10 On the farm一、学情分析一年级学生活泼好动,好奇心强,爱模仿,以直观形象思维为主,乐于表演展示,热衷于游戏互动,对英语学习有着浓厚的兴趣。
二、教材分析1. 本单元的主题是农场,是一年级上册Module 4 The world around us中的第一个单元,是开启学生了解身边的大自然的第一课,在本套教材中有承上启下的作用,为接下来的语言开展奠定根底。
2. 本单元内容要求是要让学生识别并了解四种农场动物chick, duck, cow, pig,能够区分并模仿其相应叫声,掌握核心句型What’s this/that? It’s a ... 并能够通过师生对话、小组对话等形式运用表达。
3. 本单元可整合交际模块的相关日常用语,复现和综合运用一年级上册Unit 3 My face,Unit 4 I can sing,Unit 6 My friends,Unit 7 Let’s count,Unit 9 May I have a pie?等单元的核心句型。
4. 本单元的主要目标是让学生通过情境渗透、闯关游戏等了解单词词义,并运用相关句型;通过合作探究的方式运用新知,通过听、说、读、演、唱等形式稳固新知,夯实根底,了解生活的世界。
小学一年级英语 U10 on the farm 教学设计

2.Do a puzzle.
3.Quick eyes..
4.Try to say
Play the flash.
Show the example.
Play thepictures of the book and then learn the context.
Talk about theanimalsthatKitty and Edide see.
Show an example.
Choose one picture and describe.
Play thesong:Old Macdonald had a farm?
Sing a song.
Learn the sounds.
Show thePPT and talk aboutthatKittyand Eddie arecow, pig
Which animal do you like?
Watch, listen and follow.
Think andthink.
Exercise book
1.Listen and read.
2. Talk with your parents.
一年级英语上册 Unit10 On the farm教案 (新版)沪教牛津版

Unit10 On the farmTeaching aims:1.Students can listen,speak and recognize the new words:chick, duck, cow , pig2. Students can read and use the new structures: What’s thi s? It’s a ……3. Educate students to love animals。
Key points:Students can listen,speak and recognize the new words:chick, duck, cow , pig Difficult points:1. Students can read and use the new structures: What’s this? It’s a ……2. Students can pronounce the key words correctly.Teaching tools:PPT word cards picturesProceduresStep 1 Warm up1. Greetings2. Sing a song:<Good morning>Step 2 Presentation1、Show a picture of a farm: It’s a farm. Show the sentence card “On thefarm” .Then let the students read “On the farm” after the teacher.(Show the PPT and explain Lan Yangyang is captured by Hui Tailang .Let’s help him to save Lan Yangyang .)2. Hui Tailang asks us“What’s this?”(这是什么?)①Show the voice of chick and ask students to guess. Then write the word on theblackboard and ask students to read after the PPT. Show the picture of chick and ask students What’s this? It’s a chick.②Show the voice of duck and ask students to guess. What’s this?③Show the riddle and guess What’s this?④Do the action and ask students to guess What’s this?⑤Read the words on the PPT together.Step 3 Practice(Hui Tailang asks the students Can you play ? )1、Pay games.(1) Golden finger. (2)Which one is missing?(Hui Tailang asks the students Can you match? )2、Ask the students to match the words and the pictures.(Hui Tailang asks the students Can you chant? )3、Let the pupils say the chants with the actions..Step 4 Summary(Lan Yangyang is saved by us, Xi yangyang invite us to enjoy the song)1.Let’s enjoy < Old MacDonald has a farm >2.Animals are our good friends. We should love animals.Step 5 Homework1. listen to Let’s learn 5 times and read after the CD 10 times.2 .Draw your farm and introduce your farm to your mother and father.Blackboard design:Unit 10 On the farm。
英语教案《On the farm》

英语教案《On the Farm》第一章:引言教学目标:1. 让学生对农场有一个基本的了解。
2. 培养学生对英语学习的兴趣。
教学内容:1. 介绍农场的基本概念。
2. 学习农场中常见的动物和植物。
教学步骤:1. 向学生介绍本节课的主题:农场。
2. 通过图片或实物展示农场中的动物和植物。
3. 引导学生用英语描述农场中的事物。
练习:1. 让学生用英语列举出他们所知道的农场动物和植物。
2. 让学生用英语描述一下他们所知道的农场。
第二章:农场动物教学目标:1. 让学生学习农场中常见的动物。
2. 培养学生用英语描述动物的能力。
教学内容:1. 学习农场中常见的动物:牛、羊、猪、鸡、鸭等。
2. 学习动物的英文名称和简单描述。
1. 向学生介绍农场中的动物,并展示图片。
2. 教授动物的英文名称和简单描述。
3. 让学生用英语描述农场中的动物。
练习:1. 让学生用英语描述农场中的动物。
2. 让学生用英语说出农场中常见的动物。
第三章:农场植物教学目标:1. 让学生学习农场中常见的植物。
2. 培养学生用英语描述植物的能力。
教学内容:1. 学习农场中常见的植物:小麦、稻子、苹果树、梨树等。
2. 学习植物的英文名称和简单描述。
教学步骤:1. 向学生介绍农场中的植物,并展示图片。
2. 教授植物的英文名称和简单描述。
3. 让学生用英语描述农场中的植物。
练习:1. 让学生用英语描述农场中的植物。
2. 让学生用英语说出农场中常见的植物。
第四章:农场活动1. 让学生学习农场中的活动。
2. 培养学生用英语描述活动的能力。
教学内容:1. 学习农场中的活动:种植、收割、喂养动物等。
2. 学习活动的英文名称和简单描述。
教学步骤:1. 向学生介绍农场中的活动,并展示图片。
2. 教授活动的英文名称和简单描述。
3. 让学生用英语描述农场中的活动。
练习:1. 让学生用英语描述农场中的活动。
2. 让学生用英语说出农场中常见的活动。
第五章:农场角色教学目标:1. 让学生学习农场中的角色。
上海教育出版社深圳牛津版小学一年级上册英语《Unit 10 On the farm》单元教学设计

《Unit 10 On the farm》单元教学设计教学目标设计学习评价设计教学策略设计《On the farm》课时教学设计通用模板教学目标设计教学策略设计学习评价设计【主要内容】1.跟唱歌曲<Old MacDonald had a farm>回顾旧知,带动学生学习英语的氛围。
【主要内容】1.课中完成Let’s match的小练习,检测第一课时的学习成果【评价反馈】1.学生完成后,教师让学生举手回答问题,判断学生是否掌握知识。
教学过程设计【欣赏歌曲】1. Let’s enjoy课前学过歌曲<Old MacDonald on the Farm>, 课上歌唱此歌调动学生兴趣。
【自主学习】1.Let’s guess.上节课学了一些小动物,现在猜一猜这是什么小动物的声音,小动物进场了,他们跟大家打招呼。
2.Let’s act.学生带上了课前习制作的动物头套,先小组成员之间相互介绍,再由Lucky Jaw抽签,上台介绍自己是什么动物。
【合作探究】Let’s match. 完成动物与动物声音匹配的学习单。
3.能运用句型I t’s a…,It’s….【拓展延伸】1.学生欣赏歌曲The Animals Sound Song。
3.Pair share. 同桌之间讨论看到了什么小动物。
上海教育出版社深圳牛津版小学一年级上英语《Unit 10 On the farm》教学设计

《Unit 10 On the farm》单元教学设计通用模板教学目标设计学习评价设计教学策略设计《On the farm》课时教学设计通用模板教学目标设计教学策略设计学习评价设计【主要内容】1.<The animals sound song>熟悉程度; 2.It ’s a...It goes...句型是否掌握;3. N.【评价反馈】1.<The animals sound song>熟悉程度良好;2.It’s a...It goes...句型掌握良好,但动物叫声有时候对不上号;【主要内容】1. It ’s a...It goes...检测两句话是否到位;2. It ’s a...It goes...It can...检测是否能表达三句话;3. This is my farm.It ’s a...It goes...It can...I love my farm 检测是否能表达五句话; N.【评价反馈】1.It ’s a...It goes...It can...三句话的表达基本到位;2.This is my farm.It ’s a...It goes...It can...I love my farm 五句话表达还有待提高;【主要内容】1. 创编自己的农场,继续练习五句话的表达;2.3. N.【评价反馈】1.This is my farm.It ’s a...It goes...It can...I love my farm 五句话介绍自己的农场;2.教学过程设计【 Mr Zhang ’s farm 】1. 介绍Mr Zhang ’s farm, 切入主题【设计意图】1.通过熟悉的人和熟悉的话题,引导学生进入状态;2.【Sing a Song 】1.播放歌曲 <The animals sound song>【设计意图】1.通过歌曲学习新单词2.生动地切入本课话题【Look and say】1.展示动物图片,用It’s a...造句;2.展示动物图片及声音,用It’s a...It goes...造句;3.展示动物图片、声音及动作,用It’a ...It goes...It can...造句;4.N.【设计意图】1.层层递进,扎实完成教学重难点知识的学习2.【Make and say】1.展示Mr Zhang’s farm & Old MacDonald’s farm2.创编My farm3.4.N.【设计意图】1.范例引导,帮助学生了解这一环节需要做什么2.鼓励创编,创造性地进行语用输出。
深圳牛津英语1年级上册Unit10 On the farm教案

Teaching points: Chick,duck,cow,pig,farm(新生单词) Teaching difficulties: What’s this /that? It’s a ...... (灵活运用句型)在训练学生的听说能力以外,新授单词与 旧句型混合,学生容易混淆,且输入量较大。
板 What’s this? It’s a chick.
Peep… Peep… 设 What’s that? It’s a cow . 计 Moo…Moo…
课 后 反 思
Step5.Sum up
New words&Sentences:
What have we learned today?
总 What’s this? It’s a chick. 结
Peep… Peep… What’s that? It’s a cow . Moo…Moo…
Unit 10
On the farm(part A)
课 题 年 级 课 型 学 习 准 备 学 习 内 容 学 习 目 标 重 点 难 点 知识目标:能够听、说、认、读 A 部分的对话并正确发音。(掌握本课时单词和句 型) 能力目标:能够在现实生活中灵活运用。(正确熟练的表达) 情感目标: 今日事今日毕,做有意义的事情。 学生准备 2、预习 Unit 10(partA)部分,不认识的单词做上记号,并和同学交流
Step 2: Presentation &consolidate 表达与 巩固 A: 教师展示由多种不同的图片组成的农 场图片,教授新单词:farm. B: 教师播放小鸡的声音 ,让学生辨认,并 引出儿歌。 C: 教师播放小鸭的声音 , 让学生辨认 , 并 引出儿歌。 D:教师播放牛的声音 , 让学生辨认 ,并引 出儿歌。 E:要求学生根据儿歌练习,并邀请个别同 学表演对对话。 Step 3: Extend & strengthen 拓展与加强 训练 A: 教师播放小狗的声音 , 要求学生猜一 猜。并引出儿歌。教授新单词:dog. B:要求学生模仿并表演对话。 C:要求学生跟唱,并表演。 D: 要求学生根据自编儿歌 , 复习巩固句 型。 F:听说读练一起来. G: 通过游戏和听了解学生对于新授知识 的反馈。 Step 4: Assignment & homework. 小 结与作业 A: Read the text three times and act out. 。
小学英语沪教深圳版一年级上册Module 4Unit 10 on the farm 第一……

小学英语沪教深圳版一年级上册《课题》教案教学目标一、知识与技能1.2.二、过程与方法1.2.三、情感态度和价值观1.2.教学重点教学难点教学方法课前准备课时安排教学过程一、导入新课二、新课学习三、结论总结四、课堂练习五、作业布置六、板书设计Unit 10 On the farmPeriod 1Language focus: Using nouns to identify common farm animalse.g. duckusing some onomatopoeic words to imitate the sounds of the farm animalse,g, Oink …Oink…using verbs to give instructionse.g. Draw.Using the key pattern to role-play as a farm animal e.g. hello! I’m a cow. Moo…Moo…Language skills: ListeningIdentifying the key words in an utterance by hearing thepronunciatione.g. chick, duck, cow,pigrecognizing common farm animals and their correspondingonomatopoeic wordse.g. It’s a duck. Quack… Quack…identifying specific information in response to simpleinstructionse.g. out.Speaking Pronouncing the words, phrases and sentences correctlye.g. chick, duck, cow. Pigusing onomatopoeic words to imitate the sounds of farm animalse.g. Stick.Using I’m a … to introduce oneself and imitate certain animalse.g. hello! I’m a duck. Quack… Quack…Pre-task preparationsContents Methods Purpose1.Sing a song2. Ask the pupils toanswer somequestion.Teacher and pupils sing a songtogether.T: what can you see?What color is it?通过演唱歌曲,创设和谐的语言环境,调动学生的积极性,使他们迅速进入英语学习氛围。

英语教案《Onthefarm》英语教案《On the farm》作为一名辛苦耕耘的教育工作者,总不可避免地需要编写教案,教案有利于教学水平的提高,有助于教研活动的开展。
那么教案应该怎么写才合适呢?下面是小编帮大家整理的英语教案《On the farm》,欢迎阅读与收藏。
英语教案《On the farm》1教学说明:1. 通过第一教时的学习,学生已经学会说四种水果的名称,并能表达自己喜欢吃什么水果,在开展教学活动中,学生参与活动的积极性明显提高。
2. 本课是继续学习让学生用一些简单句式,如Smell the Fell the 或Taste the 来表述自己的意愿。
用Is this a/an ? 句式进行提问。
教学内容:1、认知内容a.)会听说单词banana, pear, mango, peach.b.)能听懂指令: Smell the melon. Feel the apple. Taste the peach. 并能做出反应。
c.)能用Is this a/an? Yes, it is. No, it is not.进行问答。
2、能力要求a)能用所学水果单词结合句式Smell the, Feel the, Taste the 给出指令。
c)能用Is this a/an?句式对身边的物品进行提问。
教学过程:一、Procedures1.Pre-task preparation2.WarmerSing a songGreetings.Teacher and students greet each other.3.Review.Students review the words by reading the cards.Game: Whats the missing?通过玩记忆游戏来复习所学单词,激发学生的学习兴趣。
一年级上英语教学设计-Unit 10 On the farm_13-14深圳红桂小学

Unit 10 On the farmLanguage focus:Using nouns to identify common farm animalsUsing verbs to give instructionsUsing a pronoun to refer to somethingAsking wh-questions to find out specific information about something Using some words to imitate the sounds of different farm animals ListeningIdentifying the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation: chick, pig, duck, cowIdentifying specific information in response to simple instructions: draw, cut, stickRecognizing common farm animals and being able to match the animal names to the corresponding onomatopoeic wordsUnderstanding the key patternSpeakingAsking wh-questions to find out specific information about something Using I’m a …to introduce oneself by imitating a certain animal’s sound: Hello! I’m a cow. Moo … Moo…Using a pronoun to refer to somethingPeriod 1Activity 1:Show the students masks of different animals. Put on the masks and imitate the animals.Activity 2Put some pictures of the farm animals on the blackboard. Then introduce the names of the farm animals to the students.While-task proceduresActivity 1Demonstrate the procedure for making a mask step by step. Encourage the students to repeat after you and follow your actions.Activity 2Have the students practice the words: chick, pig, duck and cow, with the help of pictures, toys or your body language.Activity 3Stick all the pictures on the blackboard. Read the words out and ask the students to repeat after you. Then take one of the pictures away. Have the students find out which one is missing.Activity 4Have the students put on the masks and role-play as the farm animals. Activity 5Have the students put on their own masks and explain how to make a mask. Post-task activitiesActivity 1Have the students do “Listen and tick” on Workbook page 51. Then check the answers with the students.Activity 2Show a farm on the screen. Then have the students name the farm animals there by using the sentence pattern: It’s a …Activity 3Have the students introduced themselves using I’m a …and imitate certain animals.Period 2Language focus:Asking wh-questions to find out specific information about something Using a pronoun to refer to somethingActivity 1Show a picture of a farm. Then ask the students some questions about it. Activity 2Have the students look at the wall picture and listen to the rhyme on Student’s Book page 47. Then ask them some questions.While-task proceduresActivity 1Have the students listen to the dialogues in “Let’s talk” and “Ask and answer” on Student’s Book pages 44 and 45. Have them repeat after the recording.Activity 2Have the students say the rhyme on Student’s Book page 47. They can use their body language.Activity 3Have the students do “Listen and judge” on Workbook page 50. Then have them ask and answer in pairs.Activity 4Have the students imitate the sounds of the farm animals, and then ask and answer in pairs.Activity 5Have the students do “Look, ask and answer”on Workbook page 52 in groups. Period 3Activity 1Have the students play a passing game. P ut a toy animal in a box. Put a toy animal in a box. Play music and have the students pass the box. When the music stops, the student who has the box should guess what it is in it.Activity 2Have the students cut out outlines of the animals and play a guessing game in pairs.Activity 3Have the students do “Listen and check” on Workbook page 51.Activity 4Have the students do Task “Draw an animal and play a guessing game” on Workbook page 53. Ask the students to draw a farm animal on the paper. Then ask the students to play a guessing game in pairs.Note: For Task, the teacher can teach the students the names of different animals as well as the words for the sounds they make such as miaow, woof, chirp, hiss, cluck, baa and neigh.。
牛津深圳版一年级英语上Unit 10 On the farm(3) 教案

编对话,练习 通过反复的听读
B: Hi! Nice to meet you! A: I am a chick. I am fat .
句型;针对性的 完成学习目标;
B: I am a cow. I am tall.
A: I can sing. Peep…Peep…
课题 On the farm (3)
英语 年级 一年级上
学习 1.知识目标:会说 Hello,I am a cow/pig/chick/duck. 目标 2.能力目标:会说歌谣 What’s this? It’s a chick.
重点 难点
1.会说 Hello,I am a cow/pig/chick/duck. 2.能听懂、会说、会读本单元单词,发音准确;正确使用本单元句型,语音语调整正确。 会唱歌谣。
2. let’s match
点 单 词 和 句 pig”,为本节课的
3. let’s guess
二. let’s play
T: Look! I can draw. What’s this? Ss: It’s a pig.
I’m a duck.
I’m a pig.
3.学生自己动物在纸上画小动物,然后剪下来,粘 能配合老师学
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Unit 10 On the farm
Language focus:
Using nouns to identify common farm animals
Using verbs to give instructions
Using a pronoun to refer to something
Asking wh-questions to find out specific information about something Using some words to imitate the sounds of different farm animals Listening
Identifying the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation: chick, pig, duck, cow
Identifying specific information in response to simple instructions: draw, cut, stick
Recognizing common farm animals and being able to match the animal names to the corresponding onomatopoeic words
Understanding the key pattern
Asking wh-questions to find out specific information about something Using I’m a …to introduce oneself by imitating a certain animal’s sound: Hello! I’m a cow. Moo … Moo…
Using a pronoun to refer to something
Period 1
Activity 1:
Show the students masks of different animals. Put on the masks and imitate the animals.
Activity 2
Put some pictures of the farm animals on the blackboard. Then introduce the names of the farm animals to the students.
While-task procedures
Activity 1
Demonstrate the procedure for making a mask step by step. Encourage the students to repeat after you and follow your actions.
Activity 2
Have the students practice the words: chick, pig, duck and cow, with the help of pictures, toys or your body language.
Activity 3
Stick all the pictures on the blackboard. Read the words out and ask the students to repeat after you. Then take one of the pictures away. Have the students find out which one is missing.
Activity 4
Have the students put on the masks and role-play as the farm animals. Activity 5
Have the students put on their own masks and explain how to make a mask. Post-task activities
Activity 1
Have the students do “Listen and tick” on Workbook page 51. Then check the answers with the students.
Activity 2
Show a farm on the screen. Then have the students name the farm animals there by using the sentence pattern: It’s a …
Activity 3
Have the students introduced themselves using I’m a …and imitate certain animals.
Period 2
Language focus:
Asking wh-questions to find out specific information about something Using a pronoun to refer to something
Activity 1
Show a picture of a farm. Then ask the students some questions about it. Activity 2
Have the students look at the wall picture and listen to the rhyme on Student’s Book page 47. Then ask them some questions.
While-task procedures
Activity 1
Have the students listen to the dialogues in “Let’s talk” and “Ask and answer” on Student’s Book pages 44 and 45. Have them repeat after the recording.
Activity 2
Have the students say the rhyme on Student’s Book page 47. They can use their body language.
Activity 3
Have the students do “Listen and judge” on Workbook page 50. Then have them ask and answer in pairs.
Activity 4
Have the students imitate the sounds of the farm animals, and then ask and answer in pairs.
Activity 5
Have the students do “Look, ask and answer”on Workbook page 52 in groups. Period 3
Activity 1
Have the students play a passing game. P ut a toy animal in a box. Put a toy animal in a box. Play music and have the students pass the box. When the music stops, the student who has the box should guess what it is in it.
Activity 2
Have the students cut out outlines of the animals and play a guessing game in pairs.
Activity 3
Have the students do “Listen and check” on Workbook page 51.
Activity 4
Have the students do Task “Draw an animal and play a guessing game” on Workbook page 53. Ask the students to draw a farm animal on the paper. Then ask the students to play a guessing game in pairs.
Note: For Task, the teacher can teach the students the names of different animals as well as the words for the sounds they make such as miaow, woof, chirp, hiss, cluck, baa and neigh.。