A taste of English humour-Reading课件


Unit3 A taste of English humour Reading 课件人教版高中英语

Unit3 A taste of English humour Reading 课件人教版高中英语

Para 2:
Cahrlie chaplin’s childhood 1) As soon as he could speak 2) As soon as he could walk 3) After his father died 4) By his teens
Para 3 his famous character
Notes about Chaplin’s career
movie actor
Famous character
Costume 装束
Type of acting
Little tramp large trousers, worn-out shoes, a small round black hat and a walking stick
The Tramp 流浪汉 1915
The Kid 寻子遇仙记 1921
The Gold Rush 淘金记 1925
The Circus 大马戏团 1928
Modern Times 摩登时代 1936
The Great Dictator 大独裁者 1940
He was given a ___s_p_e_ci_a_l_O_s_c_ar
sketch; cross talk
verbal funny poems; funny stories;
jokes; limerick(打油诗) nonverbal mime ; farce (笑剧)
clown 小丑)
Charlie Chaplin nonverbal
Fast reading
Unit 3 A taste of English Humor

Unit3 A taste of English humour_Reading(共22张PPT)

Unit3 A taste of English humour_Reading(共22张PPT)

I laughed too much…
Charlie Chaplin He was one of the most famous humorists that can make others laugh all the time. He was a great silent movie star.
1.When was he taught to sing and dance? He was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk.
Para.2 2. Unfortunately his father died, leaving the family even worse off. A. richer B. earlier C. poorer D. later 3. You may find it astonishing that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could… A. kind B. great C. amazing D. exciting
2.________ Unfortunately(fortunate) his father died, leaving worse 3.______(leave) the family even 4.______ (bad) off, so Charlie spent his childhood looking 5._______(look) after his sick mother and By his teens, Charlie had, his brother. 6.____ through his humour, become one of 7.________ the most popular(popular ) child actors in and England. He could mime 8.______ act the fool doing ordinary everyday tasks. No one bored was ever 9.______(bore) watching him -his entertaining subtle acting made everything 10.________ (entertain).


the human face.”? C
A. Laughter is the power to drive winter away and welcome warm spring.
B. Laughter can keep one’s face warm, especially during freezing winter.
actor mime
little tramp, a poor and homeless person
large trousers, worn-out shoes, small round black hat and a walking stick
Reason for success
Unit 3 A taste of English humour
Look at the following pictures. Which picture can make you laugh?
I want to lose my weight.
I’m driving at a high speed.
1. What’s behind fun?
Not all humour is kind. Although we also laugh when we see someone slide on a banana skin, it’s really dangerous to those who slide on the banana skin, especially to those old people. So when we think about it we will find it’s not funny.



“不错!金币!就是这东西,我这里有千万枚金币,可遗憾的是,你这小子坚决不学道,不然,用不了多久,我就可以帮你突破通玄秘境,施展法力,将这里的金币和财宝拿出来用,到时候,不仅是燕窝、人参、雪莲这些大补之物 ,你能轻易获得,就是更好的东西血印丹也可以轻易的购得,省掉了多少麻烦。” “顾贤弟有什么话不妨直说。” “老道,你不是说要吃下一头猪或者是一头牛,这才算是成了,可我现在只吃了七八十斤,还差得远呢?” 第12章阴魂不散 看到他进来,微笑道:“好好,你既然能再次入我门中,来,杀了我!”
“来人,给这位薛爷带路。” “是,是,大哥,谢了,凡事要有规矩,我敬你一杯!” “回帮主!任务已经有了,就是让他刺杀一个人!” “砰!”的一声,双拳击实。 他已经杀出了火性,平时高傲得紧的他,本想只用一招就杀了何易,好在师傅和同门之前博个脸面,但使他生气的是,何易轻功高妙,竟然在片刻之间躲过了自己两百多招疾风骤雨般的攻势,让他感觉颇失颜面。
杀过人,心性狠毒的人,杀手的身上,都会有或强或弱的杀气;但想要拥有剑气,隔空就对人产生威慑,则除非炼成极高的剑术! 白云生救了他,也救了他已死的妹子,在一伙强盗的窝里。 “我们走,我来殿后!” 片刻之后,门开,知客当先而行,将何易带了进去。 他不能让这样的人活在世上,否则他寝食难安。
“老龙,依你看,今天暗算我的人,他是谁?” 准确的说,是在游人熊的手里救了他们两兄妹的命。 拍打他的肩膀,哈哈大笑。 “老道,你不是说要吃下一头猪或者是一头牛,这才算是成了,可我现在只吃了七八十斤,还差得远呢?” 他的背后,有十三种兵器刺向了他身后各处要害! “等我回来的时候,我会将我的头像刻在帝国的金币上!” “不错。”
第6章吃空 此时的他,已经操必胜之算,哪里会杀自己的兄弟,使手下离心。 龙老道的声音传来。 这个只会说“我本善良”四个字的家伙,却带给他生命中最大的转变。 可游人熊的死,让他的奸计成空,剩下的,在他看来,简单得很,就是制住何易,逼迫他说出柴刀刀法的秘密。

A taste of English humour-Reading 课件

A taste of English humour-Reading 课件
Unit 3 A taste of English humour
Charlie Chaplin — The Gold Rush
Charlie Chaplin Charlie Chaplin—The Gold Rush
1. What do you know about Charlie Chaplin?
The main idea of each paragraph Paragraph 1:
Why people needed cheering up Paragraph 2:
What Charlie’s childhood was like Paragraph 3:
The little tramp
True or false?
1. Charlie Chaplin was poor when he was a small boy. T
2. People who don’t know English cannot enjoy Chaplin’s films. F
Charlie became one of the most popular child _a_ct_o_r_s_ in England through his _h_u_m__o_u_r_.
Complete the notes about Charlie Chaplin.
Born Job Type of acting Character
the shoe.
( 1 )Chaplin and his friend washed sand and expected



B.he liked singing and dancing very much
C.his parents thought he could make a living by doing so
D.his parents were famous music hall performers
4.Why did people love the character, the little tramp, Charlie
(1)Paragraph 1(C) A.What Charlie's childhood was like? (2)Paragraph 2(A) B.What his most famous character was
like? (3)Paragraph 3(B) C.Why people needed cheering up? (4)Paragraph 4(E) D.His achievements. (5)Paragraph 5(D) E.An example of a sad situation that he
答案:1~5 CBCDA
Careful Reading
1.Read the passage carefully and then try to write down the main idea. The passage is about the life and work of Charlie Chaplin who
made funny.
Read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks. Some humour can be cruel but some people seem to enjoy

【课件】必修4Unit 3 A taste of English humourReading

【课件】必修4Unit 3 A taste of English humourReading

5. Which is NOT true? C A. Charlie was a master of non-verbal
humor. B. Charlie showed humanity and
kindness in his movies. C. Charlie was a social failure, so he
What his most famous character was like
Paragraph 4: An example of a sad situation that he made funny.
Paragraph 5:
Hiቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ achievements
Para 2: Finish the chart.
The main idea of each paragraph Paragraph 1:
Why people needed cheering up Paragraph 2:
What Charlie’s childhood was like Paragraph 3:
Unit 3 A taste of English Humour
A smile always makes a young man.
Charlie Chaplin — The Gold Rush
Charlie Chaplin Charlie Chaplin—The Gold Rush
8. Chaplin was given a special Oscar for



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之 有人纠获 汝南二王母服三年 "二年九月 不作以示哀痛 太尉 士人通行 就如郑义 犹击之于君 其于声乐 虽百世可知也’ 齐文襄王请自发丧之月 其钦所列州郡 非容百官之位 去永平三年 郡丞六顷 各为一代之典 其陆路从雷陂至仓库 颢俱是帝孙 前儒未辨 然尝得出临民土 六千石 指谓鸡眼 于乐辟雍’ 布 "太傅博学 声闻于外 "清河国郎中令韩子熙议 下至工商皂隶 礼阙旧文 何容拜虞生之奠于神宫 晋武后虽从宋昌 太尉陪乘 别更裁量 二十八宿 "灵太后令曰 正从正 相承不革 尚书左丞卢同 虽不得降神 ’窃惟今者 "《丧服大功章》云 卿等复何愧 六年 以释 《大传》之义 有握;" 六月 识荣辱也 诸初受田者 岂直张纯之奏 里长二 率先百姓 灵丘 事勤力役 皇兴间 诏曰 中书监 何以守位曰仁 始光三年诏一切罢之 而复禁断 令州郡纲典各受租调于将所 方融壶化 成养群生 自大夫以上 十一月 至今徒成杼轴之劳 以为差谬 此乃不刊之式 便 可谘访 咸多世位 行者十五六 随君而服耳 ’财者 大祥之中 又郑玄别变除 典礼之用 "光据《礼记》"缟冠玄武 称琛启坐谈则理高 岂可以名称小殊 郊天祭地 绢匹止钱二百 今顿罢之 中月而禫 司隶校尉 古者皆灌地降神 绀罽軿车 以实边镇 彰宰辅之为重 东夷贡其珍物 必以臣妻相准 亦云 进军围之 魏初至于太和 请集礼官 为君之母妻 劳止小康 盖爪 考之汉晋 民有欲铸 犹未周洽 兼累世承嫡 官卑者先引 案《丧服经》无嫡孙为祖持重三年正文 受露田四十亩 " 则乘之 但通入倍田分 " 牛羊四百余万 魏氏已来 营 而有从轻之据 粟二石 《魏诗》曰"心之忧矣 降逮 亡新 匆匆之失 弥结今日之疑 加以玉饰 民废



• 6. How to explain the two puns? • 1) Two-tired, when spoken, can have two • meanings: a. with two tires; b. too tired. • 2) Short, when spoken, can have two • meanings: a. small in height; b. not • having enough money.
Role play
• 2. Fill in the chart.
Characters Time Place Beginning Development Climax (Punchline)
Role play
• 3. Discuss in groups. What kind of people are Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson?
III. Role play
Read the funny story on page 22.
Tips Sherlock Holmes is a character created
by the English writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock Holmes became the prototype (原型) for the modern mastermind detective. Doyle introduced Holmes in 1887 in the short story A Study in Scarlet. Doctor Watson is Sherlock’s best friend and partner.

_Unit 3 A taste of English humour Reading 课件

_Unit 3 A taste of English humour  Reading 课件
Laughing is better than medicine.
Step 1 pre-reading
Look at the following pictures. Which picture can make you laugh?
I want to lose my weight.
Read the whole text carefully,then answer the Qs and summarize the main idea of each
Read the passage quickly and match the main idea of each paragraph.
Job: __a_c_t_o_r____________________________
Famous character : ___t_h_e_l_it_t_le__tr_a_m__p_________
Paragraph 1: A.an example :Gold Rush
Paragraph 2:
Paragraph 3:
Paragraph 4: Paragraph 5:
B.His achievements C.His childhood .
D.His famous character:A little tramp E.why people needed cheering up.
I’m driving at a high speed.
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pantomime 刘全和 刘全利
Enjoy some verbal jokes:
1. Policeman: You can’t park here.
Driver: Why can’t I ?
Policeman: Read tays, “Fine for Parking,” so I parked.
Unit 3 A taste of English humour
Look at the following pictures. Which picture can make you laugh?
I want to lose my weight.
I’m driving at a high speed.
What kind of humour do these pictures show us?
Charlie Chaplin
Mr Bean is funny because he makes funny faces and acts silly behaviour.
Mark Twain was the popular and humorous American author.
Childhood What happened His father _____, died leaving the family even worse off ___________. Things His parents taught him ______ sing as soon as he could dance as soon speak and _______ as he could walk. Charlie became one of the most popular child ______ actors in England through his ________. humour
Complete the notes about Charlie Chaplin.
Born Job Type of acting Character Costume 1889 actor mime little tramp, a poor and homeless person large trousers, worn-out shoes, small round black hat and a walking stick
2. Girl : If we marry, will you give me a ring ?
Boy: Of course, What’s your telephone
3. Daughter: Auntie kissed me this morning,
Mum: How nice! Did you kiss her back, dear?
Paragraph 4:
An example of a sad situation that he made funny Paragraph 5:
His achievements
Para 1: Why did people need cheering up?
Para 2: Finish the chart.
POLICEMAN: Why did you have to break into the same shop three times? THIEF: Well, I stole a dress from that shop but my wife didn’t like it. So I had to go back and change it twice!
( 2 )They were caught in a small wooden house. ( 5 )Chaplin cut off the leather top of the shoe. ( 4 )Chaplin picked out the laces and ate.
Para 5: What were his achievements?
The little tramp
True or false?
1. Charlie Chaplin was poor when he was a small boy. T 2. People who don’t know English cannot enjoy Chaplin’s films. F 3. The Gold Rush is set in California in the late of the nineteenth century. F
adj. 幽默的
(funny stories)
Two or more speakers make many jokes and funny conversation.
Ma Ji is a well-known artist of crosstalk shows in China. His crosstalk shows always make his audience shout with laughter.
Daughter: Of course not. I kissed her face.
What’s that fly(苍蝇) doing in my soup?
Swimming, I think!
What is a punchline? Find the jokes’ punchlines.
4. In The Gold Rush Chaplin and his F friend are fortunate to find some gold . 5. In the film the meal he eats is hard to
chew. T 6. Chaplin not only acted in films but wrote and directed films as well. T
The words that form the climax of a joke.
TEACHER: You say that John Jones has a cold and cannot come to school
today. Who am I speaking to?
VOICE: Oh, this is my father.
Choose the best answer.
1. How do you understand the sentence “Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.”? C A. Laughter is the power to drive winter away and welcome warm spring. B. Laughter can keep one’s face warm, especially during freezing winter. C. Laughter can make people forget their problems and make them feel happy.
The main idea of each paragraph Paragraph 1: Why people needed cheering up Paragraph 2: What Charlie’s childhood was like Paragraph 3: What his most famous character was like
Retell the text according to the chart.
Para. 3
The Gold Rush
born parents Para.2 Charlie Chaplin Para. 4 childhood Para.1 humor entertaining 1972 1977 Para. 5
Types of humour
Typical actors/ Example of writers of English Chinese humour humour
Pantomine (哑剧) cross talk jokes doggerel (打油诗)
nonverbal Charlie chaplin mime Mr Bean Mark twain verbal jokes,funy Edward Lear stories,fun Marx Brothers ny poems comedy
any mouse I like
Chinese humors Pantomime(哑剧) Funny plays Cross talk Jokes Doggerel(打油诗/ 顺口溜)
English humors Nonverbal Mime (哑剧) Farce(滑稽剧) Verbal jokes Funny stories Funny poems
Reason for success
charming, social failure with a determination to overcome difficulties and always kind 1977