University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign





伊利诺伊大学——香槟分校简述:University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Champaign, Illinois学校简介及特色很多中国的理工科和商科学生及家长并不了解位于美国中西部的伊利诺伊大学阿巴纳香槟分校,这对其全美排名第5的工程学院和排名第10的商学院实力极为不公。



这两座城镇规模很小,但距离很近,相互依存,是典型的双城(Twin City)关系。

校园所在地位于芝加哥(Chicago)、印第安纳波利斯(Indianapolis)和圣路易斯(St. Louis)形成三角的中心,都是差不多两个小时的车程。







美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)介绍

美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)介绍
社会科学 人类学(Anthropology) 家庭与消费科学(Family & Consumer Sciences) 心理学(Psychology) 社会学(Sociology)
医疗卫生 健康学(Fitness) 健康管理(Health Administration) 营养学(Nutrition) 医学院预科(Pre-Med)
于 1867 年。学院长期以来一直是全美理工科方面最有名望的高等学 府之一,与大名鼎鼎的麻省理工学院地位相当。伊利诺斯大学香槟 分校为美国中西部名校联盟十大联盟排名第二的大学,并与加州大 学伯克利分校、密歇根大学三所州立大学被并称为美国公立大学中 的“三巨头”。
中国教育部是 获得认证 否认证
伊大位于美国五大湖区的平原地带,厄巴纳-尚佩恩城两座双子小镇四周被玉米耕 地包围。伊大校园占地 4554 英亩,在校学生 4 万余人,教授及教职人员 2500 余人,学 校有 17 个学院,覆盖 150 个学科,是一所规模庞大的公立大学。

气象学(Meteorology) 物理学(Physics) 视觉艺术与设计 服装与纺织(Apparel & Textiles)
音乐 通用音乐理论(General Music & Theory) 哲学与宗教 哲学(Philosophy) 公共服务 公共管理(Public Administration)
研究生入学申 12 月 01 日 请截止日 研究生入学语 托福 92 言要求 研究生申请网 /admissions/apply 站入口
商科/经济类 经济学(Economics) 教育信息 教育管理(Education Administration) 教学(Teaching) 科学/数学 计算机科学(Computer Science) 生物学(Biology) 化学(Chemistry) 数学(Math)




在此背景下,伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champ本人gn,简称UIUC)的信息科学+数据科学本科专业备受关注。


1. 专业背景信息科学+数据科学本科专业是一门交叉学科,该专业旨在培养学生具备在信息与数据处理、分析、应用等方面的综合能力。



2. 专业课程设置UIUC的信息科学+数据科学本科专业设置了一系列丰富多样的课程,涵盖了从基础理论到实践应用的全方位内容。



3. 实践与实习机会作为一所重视实践教育的学校,UIUC为信息科学+数据科学本科专业的学生提供了丰富的实践与实习机会。



4. 研究与创新UIUC作为一所拥有悠久历史和卓越学术声誉的大学,其信息科学+数据科学本科专业的研究与创新也备受瞩目。



5. 就业与发展UIUC的信息科学+数据科学本科专业毕业生广受企业欢迎,就业前景良好。















伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign一、学校概况伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,简称UIUC或U of I,有时仅作Illinois),创建于1867年,为世界一流大学,2012年U.S. News美国大学本科排名第45位,被誉为‘公立常春藤’,也是美国大学联合会的60个成员之一。

伊利诺伊大学香槟分校地处伊利诺伊州的阿巴纳市(Urbana)和香槟市(Champaign),占地1200英亩,校园所在地位于芝加哥(Chicago)、印第安纳波利斯(Indianapolis)和圣路易斯(St. Louis)形成三角的中心,都是差不多两个小时的车程。








三、录取要求申请截止日:01月02日有条件提前录取:11月01日TOEFL 托福成绩要求: 79SAT 总分: 1820-2120 ACT 复合分数26–31SAT 阅读: 540-660 ACT英语26–32SAT 数学: 690-780 ACT数学27–34SAT 写作: 590-680新生平均GPA:3.5 录取比例:67.6%四、学生人数、费用及录取率本科学生:31540人国际学生:2483人(国际学生有奖学金)本科学费:28664 美元 /年平均奖学金金额:5572美元/年住宿:10666 美元 / 年书本费:1200美元/年五、通信地址601 E John StreetChampaign, IL 61820-5711高一(五)班:吴佳璇。



• 商学院
• 商学院是美国最好的商学院之一,有着年轻的教师队伍。学校开设了 多种课程和博士研究课题。
• 图书馆学院
• 厄巴纳―香槟分校作为拥有美国第三大学图书藏量的大学,在图书管 理教学研究方面也具有很大声望。
• 学科设置
• 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校学科专业设置齐全,共有近200个专业学科,其最好的学科是工 学和商科。 • 在US NEWS 2014年美国大学学科排名中,该大学排名全美前10名的研究生专业有物理 学、化学、计算机科学、心理学、教育学、会计学、人力资源与劳资关系、大众传播 学、图书馆科学、音乐、数论、代数、逻辑学、微生物学。该校工程学院在全美闻名

广场北为伊利诺楼(Illini Union),是学校的标志建筑和各种活动的集中场所。楼内有 娱乐厅,会议厅,阅读室,宾馆,餐厅,保龄球室,小商店,网吧等。广场南为弗令
格音乐厅。广场东侧为化学,语言,历史楼,西侧为数学,英语,和行政楼。 北部为
巴丁广场,该广场附近聚集了工程学院建筑。工程学院,电子,计算机,土木,工程 学院图书馆,以及周边的物理系,材料系,力学系都位于格林(Green)街北侧的工程
学校的纪念体育馆可容纳7万人。大学 经常举办10大名校足球、篮球、手球 等大赛,设施先进。大学还拥有1000 多个学生社团组织,包罗万象,而且 每年也举办一些主要活动,如新生迎 新会及周末亲子活动等。同时伊利诺 伊大学香槟分校是美国最美丽的大学 校园之一。这里的气候多变,但是户 外活动盛行,夏天随处可见很多人从 事骑车、慢跑、露营、烤肉、登山等 活动,冬天可从事滑雪等户外活动。

在史普林菲尔德路以北,有贝克曼研究所(Beckman Institute)和几个实验中心。南广 场则是被农业,动物学,和与之相关的专业建筑群所环绕。这些专业是大学最有特色 的专业,诸如农学,兽医在全美也是出类拔萃的。主广场与南广场相接的地方,有两 处较为特色的地标,一个是校园内的小试验田,种植农业作物,一个是试验田西侧的 地下图书馆,即本科生图书馆,该图书馆在地下与主图书馆有走廊连接,是本科生学 习的场所。



赴美留学面试题目及答案1) What will you study in the United States?I will study Materials Science and Engineering in the university of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign.2) What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study?My current major is Chemistry, and my present specific field of study is Material Chemistry, which is also a branch of Materials Science. Material chemistry focuses on finding some new chemical synthesis methods and the relationship between the methods and the property of the materials.what is your future specific major?Well, materials science has a lot of branches, I’m very interested in my current research area, and will probably continue with it after I go to UIUC.3) What will you do in USA?why will you finished you degree in five years?Usually, for Ph.D. of engineering in UIUC, it will take us 7 years to finish our study. But a schoolmate of mine who is now studying in UIUC told me that if we work hard enough, we can finished our courses and research project in five years.why will you want to finish you degree in five years?4) Are you going to study in USA?5) When/where did you get your BS/MS?I’ll get my Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry at the beginning of this July form Peking University.6) What/where are you studying now?I am studying for my bachelor’s degree in Chemistry in Peking University at present.7) How long will you study in USA?8) Do you have any scholarship/financial aid?Yes. The University of Illinois has offered me a position of research assistant. Besides the tuition waiver, I will get a monthly stipend of 1500 dollars during my graduate study.9) What do you want to study in USA?I want to study for my Ph.D. Degree in Materials Science and Engineering in the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. This program in UIUC ranks top 3 in the United States.Why transfer your major?Actually my present specific field of study is Material chemistry, it is also a branch of material science. (it is a interdisciplinary major between chemistry and material science) So my graduate major will be essentially the same as what I have studying now. would you like to my paper published on Chemistry of materials during my undergraduate research?10) What do you do with your work for BS?I have learned for more than 50 courses and carry on research work on my specific area.what do you do with your work for Ph.D.?In the first year, I will mainly take courses. Later I will join a research group that I am interested in to carry out research. I will try to finish my work and dissertation and get my degree in five years.11) What is your purpose for the visa?I need an F-1 visa in order to study for my Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering in UIUC.12) What is your academic background?I have been studied in the chemistry department of Peking University since 1997. I will get my bachelor’s degree in Chemistry at the beginning of July. My interested area of study is Material Chemistry, which is a branch of Material Science. I have been doing research in this field for more than one year and published some papers. so I have built up some background in materials science. What I am doing now is try to synthesis some nanoscale materials.13) How do you know this Univ.?I knew UIUC from many channels such as US news because it is very famous for its school of Engineering. It has a top 3 graduate program in Material science and Engineering in the United States.。



伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(UIUC)一、学校简介伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,缩写为UIUC),建立于1867年,位于伊利诺伊州幽静的双子城:厄巴纳—香槟市,是一所享有世界声望的一流研究型大学。

该校CollegeFactual 美国最佳大学排名伊利诺伊州排第3位,在《美国新闻与世界报道》2015年美国公立大学排名第11位,世界大学排名第35位;在《泰晤士高等教育》2014年世界大学排名第29位;在《上海交通大学》2014年世界大学学术排名第28位。

该校是美国“十大联盟(Big Ten)”创始成员,美国大学协会(AAU)成员,被誉为“公立常春藤”。







此外,伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校拥有全美最大校友关系最广覆盖领域最全面的精算系,是北美精算协会(Centers of Actuarial Excellence)的最早一批成员。

在US NEWS 2014年美国大学学科排名中,该大学排名全美前10名的研究生专业有物理学、化学、计算机科学、心理学、教育学、会计学、人力资源与劳资关系、大众传播学、图书馆科学、音乐、数论、代数、逻辑学、微生物学。

【天道世界名校介绍】伊利诺伊大学香槟分校University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

【天道世界名校介绍】伊利诺伊大学香槟分校University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

【天道世界名校介绍】伊利诺伊大学香槟分校University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 学校网址:地理位置:UIUC位于美国伊利诺伊州的twin cities Champaign和Urbana之间,学校到两个城市的市中心分别有20分钟路程,学校属于大学城,校园很大很漂亮,安静适合学习,交通方便,校车通达校园各处。



UIUC俗称玉米地大学,因为Illinois是美国玉米供应地,所以玉米地很多, 但是学校附近的玉米田还真不是特别多, 都在urbana,champaign两个城之外,离学校还挺远,学校有一块牌子插在一小块玉米试验田里以纪念学校为玉米研究事业做出的贡献。

相比附近其他城市这里还算比较繁华了, 起码好多中餐馆, 韩国餐馆, 几个大超市, 5家书店. 采购日常补给品基本没有问题, 坐公交半个小时可以去Walmart, Meijer, Target, BestBuy, Market Place(有Macy’s,JCPenny, 和一些其他商店). 校园附近有County Market, Walgreen. 再加上可以网购,基本上不出Champaign就可以过得很滋润了.当然学校再往外走就很荒凉,比较村,没车的话去远地方就不太方便。

学校简介:校训:Learning and Labor公立大学,创立于1867年,University of Illinois 公立大学系统旗舰校(另外两所是Chicago 和Springfield 分校),占地1400多英亩,本科生31000多,研究生10000多,国际学生19%.UIUC属于超大规模公立综合类研究型大学,属于典型的美国中部公立大学,白人占主导。



伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)是美国一所位于伊利诺伊州香槟市的世界知名公立大学,也是一所顶尖大学,其申请条件要求也是十分严格的。

首先,申请者必须具备优良的教育背景,其学校绩点(GPA)必须达到 3.5以上。






伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-尚佩恩分校 (2)yi

伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-尚佩恩分校 (2)yi

Cover:University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign●It was founded in 1867, it is a first-class public research university enjoying a worldwide reputation;●In the scientific community and industry it creates a brilliant achievement, is a "public Ivy" in AmericanUniversities;●It has dozens of sports clubs and major sports venues, is a founding member the US "Big Ten."Page 1Directory●Entering the orange gorgeous castle (profile)●Timeless "public ivy" (history)●The technology leader under academic rendering (advantage)●The quality learning paradise with four distinct seasons (environment)●The historic footprints standing in the academic pinnacle(elites)Page 2 Entering the orange gorgeous castle (profile)Name of college:University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)School motto in mind: learning and labor (Learning and Labor)Starting origin: founded in 1867,The home factions: public universitiesThe current president: Robert EasterCultural advertised: famous alumni (Yao Qizhi, John Bard een, Ang Lee, etc.)Main departments: College of Engineering, Literature and Science, College of Agriculture,Department School Status: total of 42,728 students;Institute including: 17 affiliated collegesPage 3 Timeless "public ivy" (history)The school was founded in 1867, when the Civil War had just ended, Urbana was becoming the state's important railway junctions. State Assembly decided to establish a university in the town in response to the US government's plan to land division, which was the Illinois Institute of Technology. The school was founded with intention to engage in agricultural, industrial and military aspects of education, the school engraved the school motto of "study and work" on the badge.In 1885 it was renamed the University of Illinois, and last for up to a hundred years, until 1982 Illinois state government decided to create a University of Illinois at Chicago and Springfield, the school began to use its current name, but in academia and industry University of Illinois are still commonly used to call the school, the school also use the State name as a short. In the 1911 - 1920 period, the University of Illinois sheltered and trained up to one-third of Chinese students in America, which is one of the most friendly universities to Chinese students. Today, the school has inherited the tradition of industrial universities in early creation period, benefitting from the quiet environment and convenient transportation in the region, the university quickly became the major US public universities and research university. Schools not only created a brilliant achievement for the scientific community and industry, but also cultivated a lot of science dean and politician, became the university's "public Ivy ' in US. Also the school is a founding member of the US "Big Ten", having dozens of sports clubs and major sports venues.Page 4 The technology leader under academic rendering (advantage)In terms of infrastructure, University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign’s area is 4,552 acres, has more than 40,000 students, more than 2,500 professors and teaching staff, the school has 17 colleges, covering 150 disciplines, is a public university with the large size. The school has excellent infrastructures and a huge amount of collection books, the library has more than 24 million books, visitors are up to 1 million person-time, has become the third largest University Library, second only to Harvard University and Yale University.In academic research, University of Illinois Champaign emphasizes academic research, in 1995 in the scientific and engineering research and development the costs were as high as approximately $ 205 million. Amount of funding received from the National Science Foundation in the United States ranked first every year in US. The US National Supercomputing Application Center located in this university has been a world leader at thehigh-performance computing, networking and information technology research and deployment.In the college building, business schools and polytechnics is a world leader, the library science has always been reelected first, wherein the school always is prestigious in science and technology, its engineering college in the nation and around the world can be called the supreme level position; according to the US USNEWS magazine 2008 ranking, Department of Accounting and Department of Civil Engineering of the school ranked first in this field, materials Engineering was second, electrical engineering and computer science were the fourth and fifth respectively.Page 5 The quality learning paradise with four distinct seasons (environment) University is located in the plains south of Lake Michigan, with flat terrain, is the traditional agricultural areasin Illinois. The climate here is temperate continental, with four distinct seasons: summer and autumn are drought, spring and winter snow more due to the influence of the lake. The transportation in the University is convenient, there are 74 high-speed, No. 72 high-speed and No. 57 high-speed communication with the surrounding Chicago, Indianapolis and St. Louis and other cities. In addition to railway running through the town, the school has its own operated Willy De Airport and Aviation Flight College, the airport can connect Chicago, Detroit and Dallas together.The entire buildings in university is orange color-based. There are two more distinctive landmarks, one is a small experimental field in campus, planting agricultural crops; the other is an underground library in the west side of the experimental field, namely Undergraduate Library, the library underground corridor connecting the main library, is undergraduates study place. In the campus there are North American red oak trees planted with thefire-like red leaves and charming autumn color. The whole school is quiet and beautiful, is a good field of learning and research.In the University of Illinois Champaign campus there are numerous students, the equipments in school are perfect advanced. Majoring courses in school provided are more than 150 kinds, in addition to providing a highly diversified education, their outstanding educational quality is deeply praised. And the academic level in this school not only won 5 stars of the highest level rating, also was rated as one of the top universities offering a diversified curriculums in US.Engineering Library Memorial StadiumPage 6 The historic footprints standing in the academic pinnacle(elites) University of Illinois Champaign’s known alumni are distributed all walks of life, in which the academic alumni are most prominent: A total of 24 professors or alumni who had won the Nobel Prize; second only to the University of California, Berkeley in the US public universities. In addition, there were two alumni who had won the Turing Award, a professor who had won the Fields Medal, 17 alumni who had won the Pulitzer Prize, 11 professors who had won the National Medal of Science.Yao Qizhi Paul Christian Lauterbur John Bardeen (Computer Scientist) (awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine) (twice awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics)Fidel Ramos Steve Chen Ang Lee(Former Philippine president) (YouTube co-founder) Chinese famous director)。

Illinois university

Illinois university

Illinois universityIllinois UniversityIntroduction:Illinois University, also known as UIUC (the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), is one of the top public research universities located in Urbana and Champaign, Illinois. Established in 1867, it has a rich history of academic excellence and innovative research. With a diverse and vibrant student body, UIUC offers a wide range of academic programs and has been consistently ranked among the top universities in the United States.Academic Programs:Illinois University boasts a comprehensive and impressive array of academic programs, spanning across various disciplines. It offers undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees in fields such as engineering, computer science, liberal arts and sciences, business, agriculture, education, and more. With over 150 undergraduate majors and 100 graduate and professional programs, students can pursue their academic interests and prepare for successful careers in their chosen fields.Research and Innovation:One of the key strengths of Illinois University lies in its commitment to cutting-edge research and innovation. The university is home to several prestigious research centers and institutes, facilitating groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in various fields. From the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) to the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, UIUC provides ample opportunities for students and faculty to engage in transformative research and contribute to the advancement of knowledge.Campus Life:The vibrant campus life at Illinois University ensures that students have a well-rounded college experience. With over 1,000 student organizations, there is something for everyone, whether it's academic, cultural, or recreational interests. Students can join clubs, participate in sports, engage in community service, and attend various events and performances throughout the year. The culturally diverse atmosphere fosters inclusivity and encourages students to interact with people from different backgrounds, enhancing their personal growth and understanding.Facilities:Illinois University boasts state-of-the-art facilities that provide students with an enriching learning environment. The Main Library, one of the largest academic research libraries in the country, offers extensive resources, digital collections, and study spaces. The Krannert Center for the Performing Arts showcases a wide range of performances, including theater, music, dance, and more. The university also houses modern research labs, lecture halls, and athletic facilities ensuring that students have access to the resources they need to succeed academically and personally.Global Opportunities:Illinois University understands the importance of global exposure in today's interconnected world and offers numerous opportunities for students to expand their horizons. With study abroad programs, exchange programs, and international internships, students can immerse themselves in different cultures, gain a global perspective, and develop valuable skills that will benefit them in their future careers. The university also attracts students from around the world, creating a truly international environment on campus.Alumni Network:Illinois University takes pride in its extensive and influential alumni network, which spans across the globe. UIUC graduates have achieved remarkable success in various fields and have made significant contributions to society. The alumni network serves as a valuable resource for current students, providing mentorship, networking opportunities, and career guidance.Conclusion:Illinois University offers a world-class education, distinguished faculty, and a vibrant campus life. With its commitment to research, innovation, and global engagement, UIUC provides students with valuable skills and knowledge that empower them to make a positive impact in the world. Whether studying engineering, business, or liberal arts, students at Illinois University are equipped to excel in their chosen fields and become leaders in their communities.。



伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校申请攻略(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(缩写UIUC),创建于1867年,位于伊利诺伊州幽静美丽的双子城。





概览:推荐指数:65%录取率:65%申请难度:中学费:32864语言要求:雅思 7.5 托福100本科生比例:0%申请截止日期:02月01日专业设置(本科、研究生):Δ美术教育学这个专业从名字上就可以看出来了,为国家输送美术老师的。











UniversityofIllinoisatUrbana-Champaign Urbana,IL61801,USA

UniversityofIllinoisatUrbana-Champaign Urbana,IL61801,USA
1 For example, a group of programmers using Rosette (an actor language developed at Microelectronics and Computer Technology Consortium (MCC) in collaboration with the rst
A number of distinct parallel and distributed architectures and interconnection networks have been designed. Although building a \general-purpose" architecture has been a key design goal for most computer architects, the reality is that many algorithms have di erent structural characteristics which make them more suitable for execution on very speci c kinds of architectures. Some algorithms require very close interaction between processors, making architectures with high processor connectivity suitable. Other algorithms may be partitioned into components which have strong locality properties. In this case, distributed memory architectures are appropriate. A third group of algorithms exhibits a high degree of data parallelism. For example, algorithms for solving a sparse system of linear equations partition the system of equations into smaller blocks, and are therefore suitable for a



美国伊利诺伊大学厄本那香槟分校奖学金的详细介绍学校名称:美国分校(得尔瑞欧)所在位置:美国美国伊利诺伊香槟大学(University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign,UIUC)成立于1867年,是一所位于美国伊利诺伊州的公立研究型大学,也是伊利诺伊大学校园系统的主校区,长久以来一直是全美理工科方面最顶尖最有名望的高等学府之一。



奖学金美国伊利诺伊香槟大学为学生提供优秀学生奖学金(Merit-Based Scholarships),主要包括以下几种:1、大学成绩奖学金(University Achievement Scholarship)美国伊利诺伊香槟大学大学成绩奖学金(University Achievement Scholarship)主要根据学生的成绩来进行评选,主要是供伊利诺伊州以外的学生申请。


2、Matthews Scholars美国伊利诺伊香槟大学Matthews Scholars奖学金主要是为奖励那些具有杰出的学习成绩、过人的领导能力以及有志于为校园和集体做贡献的新生。






祝贺天和学子收获伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校计算机(University of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignMaster of Science in Computer Science)Offer!University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,缩写为UIUC),创建于1867年,位于伊利诺伊州幽静的双子城厄巴纳–香槟市,是一所享有世界声望的顶尖研究型大学。

该校是美国“十大联盟(Big Ten)”创始成员,美国大学协会(AAU)成员,被誉为“公立常春藤”,与加州大学伯克利分校及密歇根大学安娜堡分校并称“美国公立大学三巨头”。





Master of Science in Computer Science该项目所在计算机科学系,在发展革命性技术方面享有盛名,着力突破性的研究解决了现实世界的问题。




托马斯西贝尔计算机科学中心(Thomas M. Siebel Center)拥有伊利诺伊大学校园内最好的教室、研究和教学实验室,同时CS的研究人员可以使用全世界大学中速度最快之一的BlueWaters超级计算机。



University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 伊利诺伊大学厄本那香槟分校1. 学校名称:University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 伊利诺伊大学厄本那香槟分校2. 官网:/3. 学校地址:Champaign, Illinois4. 招生办地址901 West Illinois Street, Urbana, IL61801Phone: 217-333-0302,5. 2014本科综合排名:416. 2014本科专业排名2014年USNews美国大学本科最佳商学院第16名2014年USNews美国大学本科最佳工程专业第5名7. 成立时间:1867年8. 校园面积:4,724 acres9. 学校类型:公立、四年制大学、男女合校10. 可授予的学位:学士、硕士、博士11. 学生人数及比例共有学生:4.4万余人本科生:32,812研究生及博士生:11,256女生:45.3%12. 师生比:1: 1613. 费用学杂费:$35,232/年食宿费:$10,848/年14. 申请截止日期EA截止日期:11月1日RD截止日期:1月2日EA:12月中旬RD:2月14日16. 要求的考试TOEFL 托福成绩要求:79以上(工程、传媒和商学院要求100以上)IELTS 雅思成绩要求:6.5分以上,单项不低于6分SAT 居中成绩范围SAT 阅读:540 - 660SAT 数学:690 - 780SAT 写作:590 - 680ACT 居中成绩范围ACT 总分:26 - 31ACT 英语:26 – 32ACT 数学:27 - 34ACT 写作:25 - 3017. 是否有双录取:无18. 国际学生是否有春季招生:无19. 是否有面试:无20. 申请费:75美元21. 录取者GPA数段在高中阶段排名前10%的比例:56%在高中阶段排名前25%的比例:93%22. 录取相关统计申请人数:27,291录取人数:18,298报到人数:6,934录取率:67.00%23. 招收本科生的学院Agricultural and Environmental sciences农业及环境科学学院Business School 商学院Education 教育学院College of Engineering工程学院College of fine arts and crafts美术及工艺美术学院The College of Arts & Science 文理学院Communications 传媒学院24. 学校的特长专业Engineering 工程学Physics 物理Chemistry 化学Accounting会计psychology心理学25. 最受学生欢迎专业Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services 商学、管理学、市场营销及相关学科Psychology 心理学Biological and Biomedical Sciences 生物和生物科学Social Sciences 社会科学Engineering 工程学26. 学校评价学校坐落于香槟市和厄本那市中间,距芝加哥140英里,距印第安纳波利斯125英里,圣路易斯180英里。



uiuc毕业UIUC,全称 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,即伊利诺伊大学香槟分校,是美国知名的公立研究型大学。




















伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,缩写为UIUC),建立于1867年,是美国中西部“大十盟校”(The Big Ten Conference)成员,是全美最优秀的工科大学之一,工科在“大十盟校”中同密歇根大学并列第一。



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Department of Computer Science
“The navigation payload software for the next block of Global Positioning System upgrade recently completed testing. ... This design would have been difficult or impossible prior to the development of rate monotonic theory”, L. Doyle, and J. Elzey, “Successful Use of Rate Monotonic Theory on A Formidable Real-Time System”, in the Proceedings of 11th IEEE Workshop on Real-Time Operating Systems and Software, pp. 74, 1994.
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Department of Computer Science
A Brief History
Networked Real Time Embedded System Laboratory
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
University of Illinois at of Computer Science
International Space Station
“Through the development of Rate Monotonic Scheduling [theory], we now have a system that will allow [Space Station] Freedom's computers to budget their time, to choose between a variety of tasks, and decide not only which one to do first but how much time to spend in the process”
Deputy Administrator of NASA, Aaron Cohen, “Charting The Future: Challenges and Promises Ahead of Space Exploration”, pp. 3, October 1992.
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
She and her students developed the Open Real-Time Computing architecture and its underlying principles. This architecture allows independently developed real-time and non-real-time applications to effectively share computing and communication resources without interfering each other.
His seminal work pioneered schedulability analysis - It is a foundation for many of the subsequent research in realtime computing. Among many other awards, Prof. Liu received the 1st Outstanding Technical Achievement Award from the IEEE Real-Time System Committee in 1999 for his seminal work on real-time computing.
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Department of Computer Science
Imprecise Computation
During late 80’s and early 90’s, Professors Jane Liu and Kwei Jay Lin pioneered the research on the imprecise computation technique which allows for flexible trade-offs between timeliness and precision and is a effective means to handle overload conditions and provide graceful degradation in real-time environments.
To enable its use in application domains as diverse as databases, real-time control and data communication, they developed a relational query processor that returns partial answers with increasing accuracy as more data is retrieved and processed, determined the quality/time tradeoffs of direct digital controllers, and evaluated the effectiveness of this technique for multimedia traffic congestion control.
They and their students developed algorithms for scheduling imprecise tasks to trade quality for time and fault tolerance strategies based on this technique.
Department of Computer Science
Schedulability Analysis
The Networked Real-Time Embedded System Laboratory (NRTESL) at UIUC has a long and distinguished record on fundamental research with great impacts on the engineering of real-time embedded systems. The laboratory was founded by David Liu and Jane Liu in the 70’s. Professor David C. L. Liu analyzed the basic properties of the two mostly widely used scheduling algorithms, the rate monotonic and deadline scheduling algorithms for independent periodic tasks. The Rate Monotonic Scheduling algorithm was used in the NASA Apollo program /apollo.html
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Department of Computer Science
Open Real Time Computing Architecture
Professor Jane Liu's other work include algorithms for end-to-end scheduling in multiprocessor and distributed systems and rigorous and tractable methods to bound the effect of timing anomalies exhibited by tasks in these systems. In the early 90's, she led the effort in the development of PERTS (Prototyping Environment for Real-Time Systems). This system of schedulers and tools enables its users to experiment with alternative real-time resource management strategies, to synthesize and tune the run-time system, and to validate the timing properties of the resultant system. PERTS is the earliest of such tools and is still the most widely marketed and used one.
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Department of Computer Science
Generalized Rate Monotonic Scheduling