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结果:经过 4 周的治疗,手法整脊组对脾胃虚弱型痞满病中医证
候群的疗效结果:治疗 4 周后,观察组组患者证候群中除恶心呕吐、 困倦乏力外,余各证候均较治疗前显著好转(P<0.01 或 P<0.05) 。观 察组患者证候群中胃脘或脘腹胀满、 暖气返酸二项疗效非常显著优于 对照组组(P<0.01) 。治疗 4 周后观察组证候群总改善率 96.7%,无 效率 3.3%;对照组证候群总改善率 80.3%,无效率 19.7%。结果表明
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Method: According to the principle of randomized trials, randomly
divide the patients accordant to Chinese and Western inclusion criteria into two groups, 30 cases in treatment group with the massage of thoracic 5-8 joint therapy, 30 cases in control group with the use of domperidone,
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手法整复胸 5-8 关节紊乱治疗痞满脾胃虚弱证患者的 临床研究 中 文 摘 要
疾病相关,其中手法手法整脊纠正胸 5-8 小关节紊乱可更有效地改善 部分胃功能性疾病的相关症状和调节胃电活动。通过对 60 例胸 5-8 小关节紊乱并痞满脾胃虚弱证患者进行分组治疗, 分别观察和对比手 法整脊整复胸 5-8 小关节紊乱和内服吗叮啉两种处理方法对患者胃电 图及对脾胃虚弱型痞满病患者中医证候群的疗效的改善情况综合临 床研究来观察、验证手法整脊纠正胸 5-8 小关节紊乱对脾胃虚弱型痞 满病患者中医证候群的疗效及胃电图的改善作用, 并分析各观察指标 改善之间的相关性,阐释手法整脊整复胸 5-8 关节紊乱对痞满脾胃虚 弱证可能的现代医学机理。
研究方向: 完成日期:
Leabharlann Baidu
原 创 性 声 明
本人郑重声明:本人所呈交的学位论文,是在导师的指导下独立 进行研究所取得的成果。 学位论文中凡引用他人已经发表或未发表的 成果、数据、观点等,均已明确注明出处。除文中已经注明引用的内 容外, 不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的科研成果。 对 本文的研究成果做出重要贡献的个人和集体, 均已在文中以明确方式 标明。 本声明的法律责任由本人承担。
患者均有一定的治疗作用。 对改善脾胃虚弱型痞满病患者的脾虚证候 群、胃电节律有一定的疗效,而且手法整脊组的治疗效果优于内服吗 丁啉组。本课题研究证实手法整脊治疗脾虚气滞型痞满病疗效确切, 痞满病患者中医证候群的改善与现代医学胃电参数改善相一致, 从而 推断手法整脊组治疗脾虚气滞型痞满病的机理之一可能是通过改善 该病患者的胃电参数来实现的。
Objective: Our previous study showed that
thoracic small joint
disorder has some relationship with some functional gastrointestinal disorders, and manipulation massage correct chest 5-8 small joint disorder can more effectively improve partial gastric functional diseases and the regulation of gastric electrical activity. Through the 60 cases of treatment to thoracic 5-8 small joint disorder and PI patients with spleen and stomach weakness, observe and compare the treatments of manual chest 5-8 small joint disorder and oral domperidone methods on Electro gastrogram and on the syndrome patient groups of spleen deficiency stagnation of Piman disease, colligate the clinical studies to examine, verify the function of correct massage chest 5-8 small joint disorder on the spleen deficiency stagnation of Piman disease patients of syndrome of traditional Chinese medicine group and on promoting gastrointestinal. At the same time, analyze the relationship between the observed improvement of index, explains the possible modern medicine mechanism of the massage for 5-8 joint disorders on the chest fullness of spleen stomach deficiency.
Results: After 4 weeks of treatment, massage on the results of the
spleen deficiency stagnation of Piman disease patients of syndrome of traditional Chinese medicine group: after 4 weeks of treatment, except nausea and vomiting, the other symptoms have improved than before(P<0.01-P<0.05). Two efficacy of syndrome of stomach or abdominal distension and heating acid reflux of observation group are significantly better than the control group(P<0.01). After 4 weeks of treatment, the total improvement rate of observation group was 96.7%, and the ineffective rate was 3.3%; the total improvement rate of control group was 80.3%, and the inefficiency rate was 19.7%. The results showed that spinal manipulation technique of thoracic 5-8 joint disorder on the fullness of spleen and stomach weakness after 4 weeks of treatment with syndrome of chiropractic manipulation group curement rate was 40%, marked effective rate is 36.7%, effectiveness 20%, ineffectiveness 3.3%; The cure rate of Motilium group is 20%, marked effective rate is 36.7%, efficiency rate is 30%, and in efficiency rate is 16.7%. Statistically, massage group effects better than domperidone group(P<0.05). Massage group syndrome total improvement rate was 96.7%, ineffective rate was 3.3%; Motilium group total improvement rate was 80.3%, and inefficiency was 19.7%. Two methods to the weakness of spleen and stomach fullness disease have both good curative effect, and the total efficiency has no
机分为两组, 即治疗组 30 例:采用手法整脊整复胸 5-8 关节疗法;对照 组 30 例:采用内服吗叮啉。共治疗痞满脾胃虚弱证患者 60 例。按照 治疗方案进行治疗,两组治疗均以 4 周为一个疗程,治疗结束后,判 断治疗效果。综合以上临床研究来观察,并分析各观察指标改善之间 的相关性,并将观察结果进行统计学处理,得出结论。
分类号: R274.33 密 级:公开
学 号:113042 学位类型:专业学位

手法整复胸 5-8 关节紊乱治疗痞满脾 胃虚弱证患者的临床研究
研 导 究 生: 师: 孙刚 周学龙 教授
院系(部所) : 骨伤学院 专 业: 中医骨伤科学 胃肠疾病的整脊治疗研究 2014 年 3 月 16 日
手法整脊整复胸 5-8 关节紊乱对痞满脾胃虚弱证治疗 4 周后手法整脊 组证候痊愈率 40.0%,显效率 36.7%,有效率 20.0%,无效率 3.3%; 内服吗叮啉组证候痊愈率 20.0%,显效率 33.3%,有效率 30.0%,无 效率 16.7%,经统计学处理,手法整脊组证候疗效优于内服吗叮啉组 (P<0.05) 。手法整脊组证候群总改善率 96.7%,无效率 3.3%;内服吗 丁啉组证候群总改善率 80.3%,无效率 19.7%,两方对脾胃虚弱型痞 满病均有较好疗效,总有效率无明显差别(P>0.05) 。健脾理气方对 脾虚气滞型痞满病患者胃电参数影响的结果:治疗 4 周后观察组与对 照组餐前胃电参数之 DF、DP、N%均较治疗前显著升高;T%、B%、 DFIC 均较治疗前显著下降。观察组与对照组治疗后餐后胃电参数中 DF、DP、N%均较治疗前显著升高;T%、B%、DFIC、DPIC 均较治疗 前显著下降。组间比较显示,治疗后餐前胃电参数中观察组之 DP、 N%较对照组非常显著升高(P<0.01);T%、B%、DFIC 较对照组显 著下降(P<0.01 或 P<0.05);DF、DPIC 组间比较无统计学意义。组 间比较显示, 治疗后餐后胃电参数中观察组之 DP、 N%较对照组显著 升高(P<0.01);T%、B06、DFIC、DPIC 较对照组显著下降(P<0.01 或 P<0.05) 。因此,经过四周治疗后手法整脊组能够显著改善脾虚气 滞型痞满病患者胃电节律,并且疗效优于内服吗丁啉组。
in total of 60 cases of spleen stomach deficiency syndrome. Cure them in accordance with the treatment plan, and a course of treatments in the two groups was 4 weeks. After the treatment, determine the effectiveness of treatment. Colligate the above clinical studies, analyze the relationship between the observed indicators improvement, and analyze statistically the results to get conclusion.
关键词:手法整复,胸 5-8 关节,脾胃虚弱型痞满,临床研究
The Spine-Massage Method
chest 5-8 small
joint disorder results of the spleen deficiency stagnation clinical research ABSTRACT