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1.土地管理 land administration

2.土地政策 land policy

3.土地管理体制 land administration system

4.土地管理学 science of land administration

5.土地权属管理 land tenure administration

6.地权确认 adjudication of land tenure

7.土地权属证明 certification of land rights

8.土地权属审核 certification of land title

9.土地权属审核公告 declaration of land adjudication

10.地权流转管理 administration of land transaction

11.税收地籍 fiscal cadastre

12.产权地籍 juridical cadastre

13.多用途地籍 multipurpose cadastre

14.地籍管理 cadastre administration

15.土地登记 land registration

16.初始土地登记 initial land registration

17.变更土地登记 alterant land registration

18.注销土地登记 nullification of land registration

19.更正登记 rectification of initial registration

20.土地登记通告 land registration announcement

21.土地登记申请人 land registration petitioner

22.无主土地 land in open access

23.土地登记申请书 land registration application form

24.土地登记申请代理 agency application of land registration

25.土地登记批准 approval of land title

26.登记注册 land registering

27.土地登记卡 registration sheet

28.土地登记簿 land register

29.土地归户卡 registration of sheet by household

30.土地归户册 register by household

31.土地证书 land title

32.土地登记公开查询 public inquiring of land register

33.土地统计 land statistics

34.基层土地统计 base statistics of land

35.国家土地统计 state statistics of land

36.初始土地统计 initial land statistics

37.经常土地统计 regular land statistics

38.土地台帐 land account book

39.土地统计簿 land statistics book

40.土地统计分析 land statistics analysis

41.地籍档案管理 cadastral archives management

42.地籍档案 cadastral archives

43.土地利用管理 land use administration

44.土地利用控制 land use control

45.土地利用计划管理 planned administration of land use

46.土地用途管制 land use regulation

47.土地用途管制制度 land use regulation system

48.土地利用规划 land use planning

49.土地利用总体规划 integrated land use planning

50.土地利用专项规划 special –purpose land use planning

51.土地开发规划 land development planning

52.土地整理规划 land readjustment planning ;land consolidation planning

53.土地复垦规划 land reclamation planning

54.土地改良规划 land improvement planning

55.土地调查 land survey

56.土地测量 earth survey ;land survey

57.土地资源调查 land resource survey

58.地籍调查 cadastral survey

59.土地监测 land monitoring

60.土地[资源组成]要素调查 land components survey

61.土地条件调查 natural condition survey

62.土地类型调查 land type survey

63.土地覆被调查 land cover survey

64.土地利用调查 land use survey

65.宜农荒地调查 agricultural land reserves survey
