Monitor and Control of Mobile Agent Applications




R e s e a r c h p a p e rDOI: 10.13346/j.mycosystema.200223研究论文22 March 2021, 40(3): 547-556 Mycosystema ISSN1672-6472 CNU-5180/Q新疆苹果黑星病菌野生型菌株对腈菌唑的敏感性 基线高立强106李贤成m杨家荣1西北农林科技大学植物保护学院陕西杨凌712100摘要:为建立苹果黑星菌对腈菌唑的敏感性基线,对田间苹果黑星菌的抗药性监测和病害防治提供科 学指导,选用从新疆长期未施任何化学农药的废弃果园中采集分离的37个苹果黑星菌野生型菌株,采用 分生孢子萌发法和菌丝生长速率法进行不同浓度梯度杀菌剂腈菌唑(m y c l o b u t a n i l )的敏感性测定。

结果 表明:苹果黑星菌对腈菌唑的敏感性分布范围为0.028-1.017m g /L ,平均值为0.283m g /L »本研究结果和 检测方法对监测施药果园中苹果黑星菌对腈菌唑敏感性的动态变化,以及为指导病害防治有效药剂的选 择和风险评估提供了理论依据。

关键词:苹果黑星菌,腈菌唑,野生型菌株,敏感性[引用本文】高立强,李贤成,杨家荣,2021.新疆苹果黑星病菌野生型菌株对腈菌唑的敏感性基线.菌物学报,40(3>:547-556 Gao LQ, Li XC, Yang JR, 2021. Baseline sensitivities of apple scab (V e n tu ria in o e q u a lis ) to myclobutanil in Xinjiang, northwestern China. Mycosystema, 40(3): 547-556Baseline sensitivities of apple scab (Venturia inoequalis) to myclobutanil in Xinjiang, northwestern ChinaGAO Li -Qiang 100LI Xian -Cheng 1®YANG Jia -Rong 1College of Plant Protection, Northwest A & F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, ChinaAbstract: Thirty-seven wild isolates of Venturia inaequolis , causal agent of apple scab , werecollected from abolished orchards without application of fungicides in Xinjiang for determining the baseline sensitivity of the pathogen to myclobutanil in order to monitor fungicide-resistance of the pathogen and disease control in the field . Baseline sensitivity of Venturia inoequalis to myclobutanil were tested by use of in vitro bioassay methods of determining conidial germ tube elongation and monoconidial hyphal growth rates of the fungus cultivated on fungicide-amended基金项目:高等学校学科创新引智计划(B 07049);中央高校基本科研业务费(Z109021203);陕西省科技统筹创新工程 计划项目(2015TTC-N-10-5)Supported by the Program of Introducing Talents of Discipline to Universities (B07049), Central University Basic Research Service Fee (Z109021203), and Shaanxi Provincial Science and Technology Co-ordination and Innovation Project Program (2015TTC-N-10-5). o Corresponding author. E-mail: *********************.cn o Contributed equally to this work.Received: 2020-07-07, accepted: 2020-08-17Copyright © 2021 Institute of Microbiology, CAS. All rights reserved. | **********.cnKctp://Tel: +86-10-64807521菌物学报547高立强等/新疆苹果黑星病菌野生型菌株对腈菌唑的敏感性基线R e se a rch p ap e ragar with various concentrations of myclobutanil.The EC5〇of the baseline population was determined,ranging from 0.028mg/L to 1.017mg/L,with a mean value of0.283mg/L.The tested isolates show certain sensitivities to myclobutanil,and no resistant isolates are found in the treated orchard.The in vitro tests imply that the baseline of0.460mg/L could be used as a value to monitor V.inaequalis resistance to myclobutanil and disease control risk assessment for fungicide application in orchard.Key words:Venturia inaequalis,myclobutanil,wild type,baseline sensitivities苹果黑星病是由苹果黑星菌Venrur/cf /'naequa//_s侵染引起的苹果上的重要病害,发 病严重时通常造成叶片畸形脱落,果面形成 黑色疮痂,病果率可达70%以上(Machardy 1996)。



托管式话务员级w e b管理手册上海欣方智能系统有限公司产品部本文的创建本文的修改本文的摘要目录1。

概述 (5)1。

1座席系统概述 (5)1.2座席DCP内部架构 (5)1。

3座席系统功能说明 (5)1.4电话条功能 (6)1.5普通话务员功能 (6)1。


1呼叫接听、挂机 (6)1.5。

2外呼 (6)1.5.3控制话路状态的改变(保持和接回) (6)1。

5.4咨询呼叫和取消咨询(咨询和接回) (6)1。

5.5切换呼叫 (6)1。

5.6单步转移 (6)1.5。

7三方通话 (6)1。

6质检员功能 (7)1.6.1监听 (7)1。

6.2强插 (7)1。


3代答/拦截 (7)1。

6.4强拆 (7)2.操作界面 (8)2。

1登录 (8)2。

2普通话务员 (8)2.2.1主界面 (8)2.2。

2来电接听 (8)2。

2.3保持 (8)2。

2.4接回 (8)2。

2.5咨询 (8)2。


6转移 (8)2.2.7外呼 (8)2.2。

8单步转移 (8)2.3质检员 (9)2。

3.1主界面 (9)2。


2相关功能操作界面 (9)1.1 座席系统概述座席系统是欣方呼叫中心的一个重要组成部分,是座席话务员直接面向客户,通过相关软件模块为客户提供各项服务的操作平台。






GL规范是什么篇一:GL规范Rules for Classification and ConstructionI Ship Technology1 Seagoing Ships3 Electrical InstallationsEdition 2002The following Rules e into force on 1st March, 2002.The respective latest edition of the "General Terms and Conditions for Classification" are applicable(see Rules for Classification and Construction, I –Ship Technology, Part 0 – Classification and Surveys)Reproduction by printing or photostatic means is only permissible with the consent of Germanischer Lloyd.Germanischer LloydHead OfficeVorsetzen 35, D-20459 HamburgTelephone: 0 40/36 14 9-0, Telefax: 0 40/36 14 92 00 Telex: 21 28 28 glhh d, Cables: klassenlloyd hamburge-mail:Published by: Germanischer Lloyd Printed by: Gebrüder Braasch, Hamburg Alterations to the preceding Edition are marked by beams at the text margin. I - Part 1GL 2002Table of Contents Chapter 3Page 3Table of ContentsSection 1 General Requirements and InstructionsA. General ....... 1- 1B. Definitions .. 1- 1C. Documents forApproval ............................................. ...................................................... ......... 1- 4D. Ship'sDocumentation ........................................ ...................................................... ................... 1- 4E. AmbientConditions ........................................... ...................................................... ................... 1- 7F. Operating...................................................... ................. 1- 10G. Power SupplySystems .............................................. ...................................................... ............ 1- 10H. Voltages andFrequencies .......................................... ...................................................... ........... 1- 11I. Visual and Acoustical SignallingDevices .............................................. .................................... 1- 11J. Materials andInsulation ........................................... ...................................................... ............ 1- 11K. ProtectiveMeasures ............................................. ...................................................... ................. 1- 13Section 2 Installation of Electrical EquipmentA. Availability of Main Power............................................. 2- 1B. Generators .. 2- 1C. StorageBatteries ............................................ ...................................................... ....................... 2- 2D. PowerTransformers ......................................... ...................................................... .................... 2- 3E. Electronics .. 2- 4F. Low-VoltageSwitchboards ......................................... ...................................................... ......... 2- 4G. Appliances for Medium Voltages (> 1 kV - 17,5 kVAC) .................................................. ........ 2- 4Section 3 Power Supply InstallationsA. Electrical Power...................................................... ...... 3- 1B. Main Electrical PowerSupply ............................................... ..................................................... 3- 1C. Emergency Electrical PowerSupply ............................................... ............................................ 3- 5D. Operation of the emergency generator inport ................................................. ........................... 3- 7Section 4 Installation Protection and Power DistributionA. Three-Phase MainGenerators ........................................... ...................................................... ... 4- 1B. Emergency Three-PhaseGenerators ........................................... ................................................ 4- 2C. Direct Current...................................................... .......... 4- 3D. PowerTransformers ......................................... ...................................................... .................... 4- 3E. StorageBatteries ............................................ ...................................................... ....................... 4- 3F. PowerElectronics .......................................... ...................................................... ....................... 4- 3G. ShoreConnection ........................................... ...................................................... ...................... 4- 3H. Consumer ProtectionEquipment ............................................ .................................................... 4- 4 I. Power...................................................... ....................... 4- 4Chapter 3Page 4Table of Contents I - Part 1GL 2002Section 5 Low-Voltage Switchgear AssembliesA. General ....... 5- 1B. Calculations 5- 1C.Construction ......................................... ...................................................... ................................ 5- 2D. Selection ofSwitchgear ........................................... ...................................................... ............. 5- 4E. Choice of Electrical ProtectionEquipment ............................................ .................................... 5- 5F. Conductors and Busbar................................................... 5- 6 G. Measuring Instruments and InstrumentTransformers ......................................... ....................... 5- 8H. Testing of Switchboards andSwitchgear ........................................... ........................................ 5- 8Section 6 Power ElectronicsA. General ....... 6- 1B.Construction ......................................... ...................................................... ................................ 6- 1C. Rating andDesign ............................................... ...................................................... ................. 6- 1D. Cooling ....... 6- 2E. Control andMonitoring ........................................... ...................................................... ............. 6- 2F. ProtectionEquipment ............................................ ...................................................... ............... 6- 2G. Tests ........... 6- 2Section 7 Power equipmentA. SteeringGear ................................................. ...................................................... ....................... 7- 1B. Lateral Thrust Propellers and ManoeuvringAids ................................................. ..................... 7- 3C. Variable Pitch Propellers for Main PropulsionSystems .............................................. .............. 7- 4D. Auxiliary Machinery andSystems .............................................. ................................................ 7- 4 E. DeckMachinery ............................................ ...................................................... ....................... 7- 6F. Electrical Heating Equipment andHeaters .............................................. ................................... 7- 6G. Heel-CompensatingSystems .............................................. ...................................................... .. 7- 7 H. Cross-FloodingArrangements ......................................... ...................................................... ..... 7- 7Section 8 Medium-Voltage InstallationsA. Scope .......... 8- 1B. GeneralProvisions ........................................... ...................................................... .................... 8- 1C. Network Design and ProtectionEquipment ............................................ ................................... 8- 2D. ElectricalEquipment ............................................ ...................................................... ................ 8- 4E. Installation .. 8- 7Section 9 Control, Monitoring and Ship's Safety SystemsA. GeneralRequirements ......................................... ...................................................... ................. 9- 1B. Machinery Control and MonitoringInstallations ........................................ ............................... 9- 2C. Ship ControlSystems .............................................. ...................................................... ............. 9- 4D. Ship SafetySystems .............................................. ...................................................... ............... 9- 7I - Part 1GL 2002Table of Contents Chapter 3Page 5Section 10 Computer SystemsA. General ....... 10- 1B. Requirementclasses .............................................. ...................................................... ................ 10- 1C. SystemConfiguration ........................................ ...................................................... ................... 10- 4D. Testing of ComputerSystems .............................................. ....................................................... 10- 6 Section 11 Lighting and Socket-Outlets篇二:GL船级社规范德国劳氏船级社 2002 第3-1页第3节电源装置A. 电力需求1.须提交电气设备的功率平衡表以验证发电、蓄电和变电装置的定额是足够的。



水带firehose消防服turnouts防火门fireproof door窗window破拆工具 entrytool消防靴firefighter'sboots防火涂料 fire-resistant paint机动泵 motorpump消防手套 insulatedrubbergloves-绝缘胶手套(后跟中文的是不知道准不准的,下同.我不是英语专业也不是消防专业的,见谅)感烟器smokedetector机动水炮 turret nozzle-车载消防炮 turret pipe-车载水炮导向绳 guide ring自动喷淋 automatic spray无火花工具 non-sparking tools消防腰斧 fireman'saxe监控探头 monitor and control probe (这个是自己翻译的- -#)金属切割机 metal-cutting machine(自己翻译的- -#)个人报警器 personalalarmdevice自动报警系统 automatic fire alarm system-火灾自动报警系统绝缘工具 isolated tool消防头盔 firehat液压扩张器 hydraulic spreader照明灯具 lighting burner-照明灯消防栓 firehydrantchamber消火栓井排烟机 smokeventilator空气呼吸器 aerophore-呼吸器水泵结合器 firedepartmentpumperconnection各类梯子 ladder<1> abandonment 离弃(指见死不救的行为)<2> abatement of smoke 消减烟雾(法)<3> ABC extinguisher [消]ABC灭火器(能用来扑灭A、B、C类火灾的灭火器)<4> ABC method 心肺复苏法<5> ABC powder extinguishing agent [消]ABC 干粉灭火剂(适用于扑救A类、B类和C 类火灾的干粉灭火剂)<6> ablation characteristics 烧蚀特征<7> ablation of melting body 熔融物体的烧蚀<8> ablation-product radiation 烧蚀生成物的辐射<9> abnormal combustion 异常燃烧(发动机爆震,早燃等不正常的总称)<10> abnormal condition 反常情况,不正常状态,非正常状态<11> absolute temperature 绝对温度<12> absolute temperature scale 绝对温标<13> absorbed gas 吸收状态气体(或瓦斯)<14> absorbent for confining spills 限制溢出物蔓延的吸收性材料<15> Acceptance check and reception systems of plant 设备验收交接制度<16> Acceptance regulation of equipment repair quality 设备修理质量验收制度<17> Accessible Means of Egress 易通行的疏散通道<18> Accident due to quality 质量事故<19> Accident management regulation of plant 设备事故管理制度<20> Accommodation stairway 简易楼梯<21> acousto-optic effect 声光效应<22> Added value rate of plant assets 设备资产增值率<23> Addressable alarm system 可编程(址)报警系统<24> Adjustable piston valve 活动式汽阀<25> Adjustable pressure limiting valve 可调限压阀<26> Adjustable retrictor valve 可调节流阀<27> Aerial extinguisher 航空灭火装置<28> Aerial ladder fire truck 云梯消防车<29> Afterbirth-like crystal 胞状晶<30> Agricultural fire pump 农用消防泵<31> Air inlet 进风口<32> Air lift pump 气泡泵<33> Air pressure balance for fire control 均压防灭火<34> Air-foam fire branch 空气泡沫枪<35> Air-lift pump 气升泵<36> Airport crash fire vehicle 机场消防车<37> Alarm 报警<38> Alarm (in control room) (控制室内)报警<39> Alarm and protection system 报警保护系统<40> Alarm device 报警装置<41> Alarm display panel 报警显示器<42> Alarm for voltage 电压报警器<43> Alarm gamma ray survey 报警器伽玛测量<44> Alarm of fire 火灾警报<45> Alarm pressure 报警压力<46> Alarm signal 报警信号<47> Alarm system 报警系统<48> Alarm unit 报警单元<49> Alcohol resistant foam concentrate 抗溶泡沫液<50> Alert data 报警数据<51> Amino group powder 氨基干粉<52> An1quan2fang1mian4de5wei1xian3 安全方面的危险<53> Analog warning accuracy 模拟报警精度<54> analog warning test 模拟报警试验<55> analogue detection and alarm system 模拟量探测报警系统<56> Ancient and rare trees 古树名木<57> Annular pressure loss 环空泵压损失<58> Anti-burning mechanical draft cooling tower 阻燃型冷却塔<59> Anti-collision warning device 防碰报警装置<60> Appliance carrying fire vehicle 器材消防车<61> Aqueous film forming foam concentrate 水成膜泡沫液<62> arc resistance 耐电弧性<63> Area of Refuge 避难区域<64> Areal (departmental) repair center 地区(部门)修理中心<65> Arson 放火<66> Automatic explosion suppression system 自动抑爆系统<67> Automatic fire a1arm system 火灾自动报警系统<68> Automatic fire alarm system 火灾自动报警系统<69> automatic fire equipment 自动消防设备<70> Automatic fire signa1 自动火灾信号<71> automatic light control 自动光强控制装置<72> Automatic sprinkling fire extinguishing system 自动喷水灭火系统<73> Auxiliary fire vehicle 后援消防车<74> average deviation 平均偏差<75> Average pump pressure 平均泵压<76> against all risk 综合险,保一切险,保全险<77>AA auto-alarm 自动报警<78>AAB Aircraft Accident Board 飞行事故调查委员会<79>AAC automat and automatical control 自动装置与自动控制<80>AACC American automatic control council 美国自动控制委员会<81>AACC American Association for Contamination control 美国控制污染协会<82>AAE American Association of Engineers 美国工程师协会<83>AAEC Australian Atomic Energy commission 澳大利亚原子能委员会<84>AAEE American Association of Electrical Engineers 美国电气工程师委员会<85>AAJ Architectural Association of Japan 日本建筑协会<86>AAR aircraft accident report 飞机事故报告<87>AAS American Association for the advancement of Science 美国科学促进协会<88>Ab air-breaker 空气断路器<0> baby Bangor [消]小拉梯〈一种没有绳索和滑轮的拉梯,主要用于建筑物内部〉<1> back flame [消]复燃火焰〈熄灭后再燃的火焰〉<2> back pack [消]背包式灭火器〈背负的五加仑灭火器,内装泵,用于扑救草地和灌木丛〉<3> back pack pump tank 背负式带泵灭火器<4> back pack pump tank fire extinguisher [消]小型背负泵式灭火器<5> back pressure valve 止回阀,背压阀<6> back scattering 反向(后向)散射<7> back stair 后楼梯,辅助楼梯<8> back staircase 后楼梯,辅助楼梯间<9> back step [消](消防车的)后踏板<10> back stopping [矿]上向梯段回采<11> back strack 由原路退回<12> back stretch [消]反向铺设水带<13> back up 1、备用的,候补的2、倒转,回退<14><15> back-up battery 备用电源<16> back-up breaker 备用断路器<17> Back-up safety functions 辅助安全功能<18> baffle 1、隔板 2、[消]水箱隔板 3、隔火板 4、缓冲板 5、导流叶片 6、遮护物<19> balanced system 1、[消]均衡系统 2、均衡系统,对称系统<20> Balancing pressure on stopping 均压防灭火<21> ball blanket [消]塑料球覆盖层<22> ball cock 浮球阀<23> ball hydrant [消]球形消防栓<24> ballast tank 1、压载水枪 2、压载舱<25> ball-float liquid-level meter 球形浮子液面计<26> Base injection foam extinguishing system 液下喷射泡沫灭火系统<27> Beat fireproof 建防火带<28> Bell character 报警字符<29> Biological Chip 生物芯片<30> biplane butterfly valve 平板蝶阀<31> Blower extinguishment 风机灭火<32> Blow-off valve seat 放水阀座<33> Boiler safety valve 安全阀<34> Boilor check valve seat 止回阀座<35> Branch crystal 树枝晶<36> Budget of installation 安装预算<37> bulk range 喷射距离<38> Burn (Verb) 燃烧(动词)<39> Burning behaviour 燃烧性能<40> Bursting 爆裂<41> butterfly valve 蝴蝶阀<42> by-pass valve 旁通阀<0> Cabinet extinguishing equipment 柜式灭火装置<1> Cabinet foam extinguishing eguipment 柜式泡沫灭火装置<2> cabinet foam extinguishing equipment [消]柜式泡沫灭火装置<3> cabinet type hose washing machine [消]柜式洗水带机<4> cable line-type fixed temperature detector [消]缆式线型定温探测器〈采用缆式线结构的线型定温探测器〉<5> cable tray fire break 电缆槽盒阻火物<6> cable vault 电缆进线室<7> cable-tray penetration 电缆槽盒穿透(度)<8> cable-tray temperature sensor 缆式温度传感器<9> calamity damage insurance 火灾保险<10> calculation of probabilities [林]可能性推算<11> calibration criterion 校准标准<12> call back 1、[消]火灾报警箱 2、[英]公用电话亭 3、[消]召回<13> Calorific potential 潜热能<14> camp boss [林]营地管理员〈负责建立和管理一个消防营地的人〉<15> campaign fire [林]战役火灾〈要花一天以上才能扑灭的森林火灾〉<16> campfire [林]营火<17> camshaft 凸轮轴,分配轴<18> can [口][消]灭火器<19> Canadian Association of fire Chiefs 加拿大消防长官协会<20> Canadian Association of fire Investigators 加拿大火灾调查委员会<21> Canadian Automotive Rescue Society 加拿大汽车救援协会<22> Canadian Centre for Emergency Preparedness 加拿大应急准备中心<23> Candela 坎德拉<24> Capital investment recovery period of plant 设备投资产出比<25> Carbon dioxide extinguishing agent 二氧化碳灭火剂<26> Carbon dioxide extinguishing system 二氧化碳灭火系统<27> Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher 二氧化碳灭火器<28> Carbon dioxide fire vehicle 二氧化碳消防车<29> casting-state structure 铸态组织<30> Catchpit 集流坑<31> Ceiling screen 挡烟垂壁<32> Central alarm station 中央报警站<33> Central fire alarm control unit 集中火灾报警控制器<34> Centralized maintenance 集中维修<35> centrifugal pump 离心泵<36> Centrifugal pump drainage 离心泵排水<37> Centrifugal water pump 离心式水泵<38> Check point 检测点<39> Check valve 止回阀<40> Chemical foam 化学泡沫<41> Chemical reaction extinguisher 化学反应式灭火器<42> Chemical reaction fire extinguisher 化学反应式灭火器<43> Chimney effect 烟囱效应<44> Chip 芯片<45> Chute rail smoke extinguishing system 滑道架式烟雾灭火系统<46> CIF of imported equipment 进口设备到岸价<47> city fire station 城镇消防站<48> city path for fire wehicles 城镇消防通道<49> Claims for equipment 设备索赔<50> Class A A类火<51> Class B B类火<52> Class C C类火<53> Class D D类火<54> class of safety protection 安全防护等级<55> Classified management of plant 设备分级管理<56> CO&sub2; fire extinguishing system 二氧化碳灭火<57> Cocrystallization 共晶体<58> Coefficient of pump pressure 泵压系数<59> Coercionary service system 强制保养制<60> coercive force 矫顽力<61> Combination of design, manufacturing and operation 设计、制造与使用相结合<62> combination of professional management and mass management 专业管理与群众管理相结合<63> Combination of repair, modernization and renewal 修理、改造与更新相结合<64> Combination of service and planned maintenance 维护与计划检修相结合<65> combination of technical management and economic management 技术管理与经济管理相结合<66> Combination type fire detector 复合式火灾探测器<67> Combined agent extinguishing system 混合灭火系统<68> Combined extinguishing 综合灭火<69> Combined maintenance 混合维修<70> Combined smoke and powder extinguishing system 烟雾干粉联用灭火系统<71> combustibility 可燃性<72> Combustiblc 可燃的<73> Combustion 燃烧<74> Command and communication fire vehicle 通讯指挥消防车<75> Commodity inspection 商检(商品检验)<76> complete discharge 完全喷射<77> Complete set of plant 设备的成套性<78> Complexity coefficient of repair 修理复杂系数<79> Comprehensive utilization ratio of plant 设备综合利用率<80> Compressed air pump drainage 压气泵排水<81> Constitution ratio of plant 设备构成比<82> containment spray system 安全壳喷淋系统[压水堆]<83> contract change and cancellation 合同变更与解除<84> control valve 调节阀<85> Coordinate Bond 配价键<86> Coordination Compound 配位化合物<87> Copper 铜<88> core spray system 堆芯喷淋系统[沸水堆]<89> Corridor 走廊<90> cost for re-building the historical and cultural relics 文物建筑重建费<91> Criticality alarm system 临界报警系统<92> crystal boundary 晶界<93> Crystal particle 晶粒<94> ctric spark 电火花<95> Current consumption at alarm 报警电流<96> current density 电流密度<97> cyindrical plug valve 圆柱形转阀<98> cylindrical crystal 柱状晶<99> cylindrical valve 圆筒阀<100>CAFS compressed air foam system [消]压缩空气泡沫系统<0> dabo 护墙板,墙裙<1> Dahill hoist 达希尔升降机〈一种以压缩气体为动力的升降机〉<2> daily burning cycle [林]日火烧周期〈24小时的燃烧周期,从上午10算起〉<3> daily activity level [林]日常活动等级<4><5><6> damage 损害,损失<7> damage area [消]1、烧毁面积 2、受损地区,毁坏地区<8> damage control tender [消]防损车〈用于预防或减少灭火战斗中水渍等损失的消防车〉<9> damage length 烧毁长度〈烧毁面积在特定的方向的最大距离〉<10> damagerous articles package 危险品包装<11> Damkohler number 丹姆克尔数<12> damming 修筑隔墙<13> damp atmosphere 湿大气<14> damp down fire (用沙子灭等)灭火,消火<15> damped 被(瓦斯)窒息的<16> damper control 风门控制装置<17> damposcope 爆炸瓦斯指示器<18> danger index [林]火险指数<19> danger meter [林]火险尺(法)<20> Dangerous Chemical Substances or Hazardous Chemicals 化学危险物品<21> data processing system security 数据处理系统安全性<22> Data security 数据安全<23> Date of residual magnetism 剩磁数据<24> dead air 1、含有大量CO2的空气。



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第1篇IntroductionDialogue teaching is an effective method for enhancing students' English communication skills. It involves engaging students in interactive conversations that mimic real-life situations, thereby promoting active listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. This paper presents a practical dialogue teaching session designed to improve students' proficiency in English, focusing on the use of appropriate vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.ObjectiveThe primary objective of this dialogue teaching practice is to enable students to engage in meaningful conversations in English. By the end of the session, students should be able to:1. Use a variety of vocabulary related to a specific theme.2. Apply correct grammar structures in their conversations.3. Pronounce words and phrases accurately.4. Listen actively and respond appropriately to their peers.Materials- Whiteboard and markers- Handouts with vocabulary and grammar exercises- A set of flashcards with pictures or words related to the theme- A timer or stopwatchPreparation1. Choose a theme for the dialogue: For this session, the theme is "Travel and Tourism."2. Prepare a list of vocabulary and grammar points relevant to the theme.3. Create a scenario or situation that students can engage in, such as planning a trip or discussing favorite travel destinations.4. Design a set of questions and prompts to guide the conversation.Dialogue Teaching Practice1. Introduction (5 minutes)- Begin by introducing the theme and explaining the purpose of the dialogue session.- Briefly review the vocabulary and grammar points that will be used during the conversation.2. Warm-up Activity (10 minutes)- Distribute handouts with vocabulary and grammar exercises related to the theme.- Have students work in pairs to complete the exercises, ensuring they understand the new vocabulary and grammar structures.3. Presentation of the Scenario (10 minutes)- Present the scenario for the dialogue session: "You and your friendare planning a trip to Paris. Discuss the following points: What do you want to see? Where will you stay? What are your favorite foods?"- Use flashcards to introduce key vocabulary and concepts related to the scenario.4. Guided Dialogue (20 minutes)- Divide the class into pairs and assign each pair a specific role (e.g., traveler, travel agent, friend).- Provide each pair with a set of questions and prompts to guide their conversation.- Monitor the pairs and offer assistance if needed, ensuring they are using the correct vocabulary and grammar.5. Free-Flow Dialogue (15 minutes)- Allow the pairs to engage in a free-flow dialogue based on the scenario, without the use of prompts or questions.- Encourage students to speak confidently and listen actively to their peers.6. Reflection and Feedback (10 minutes)- Bring the class back together and ask each pair to share a highlight from their conversation.- Provide feedback on the students' vocabulary usage, grammar, pronunciation, and listening skills.- Discuss any common errors or challenges faced during the dialogue and offer strategies for improvement.7. Extension Activity (10 minutes)- Assign a follow-up activity to reinforce the learning from the dialogue session. For example, students could write a short essay about their favorite travel destination or create a presentation about their planned trip to Paris.ConclusionDialogue teaching is a valuable tool for enhancing students' English communication skills. By engaging students in interactive conversations, teachers can help them develop confidence, fluency, and accuracy intheir use of the language. This practical dialogue teaching session, focusing on the theme of "Travel and Tourism," provides a structured and engaging way to improve students' proficiency in English. Through active participation, reflection, and feedback, students can gain valuable experience in real-life communication situations, ultimately leading to better overall language skills.第2篇Introduction:Dialogue teaching is an essential component of language learning, particularly in English instruction. It allows students to engage inreal-life conversations, develop their listening and speaking skills, and enhance their cultural understanding. This essay will describe a practical dialogue teaching experience that was conducted in a secondary school English classroom. The focus will be on the planning, implementation, and reflection of the lesson.I. Lesson PlanningA. Objectives:1. To improve students' fluency and confidence in speaking English.2. To enhance students' listening skills and comprehension of different accents.3. To promote cultural awareness and understanding through simulated conversations.B. Materials:1. Handouts with conversation scenarios and vocabulary lists.2. Audio recordings of native speakers for listening practice.3. Whiteboard and markers for interactive activities.4. Digital projector for displaying visual aids.C. Procedure:1. Warm-up activity: Group discussion on familiar topics to activate prior knowledge.2. Listening activity: Students listen to a short dialogue and answer comprehension questions.3. Vocabulary introduction: Teacher presents new vocabulary and phrases related to the dialogue topic.4. Role-playing: Students work in pairs to practice the dialogue using the provided scenarios.5. Cultural exploration: Teacher leads a class discussion on cultural aspects mentioned in the dialogue.6. Feedback and reflection: Students share their experiences and receive constructive feedback from peers and the teacher.II. Implementation:A. Warm-up Activity:The lesson began with a group discussion on "Hobbies and interests." Students shared their own hobbies and asked their peers about theirs. This activity helped to create a relaxed and interactive atmosphere, making students more comfortable with speaking English.B. Listening Activity:The teacher played an audio recording of a dialogue between two native speakers discussing their favorite hobbies. After listening, students answered comprehension questions to check their understanding. This activity not only improved their listening skills but also exposed them to different accents and pronunciations.C. Vocabulary Introduction:The teacher introduced new vocabulary and phrases related to hobbies, such as "enjoy," "passion," and "spend time doing." The words were written on the board, and students were encouraged to use them in sentences.D. Role-playing:Students were divided into pairs and given different conversation scenarios, such as "Discussing a favorite hobby" or "Inviting a friend to join an activity." They were encouraged to use the new vocabulary and phrases they had learned. The teacher walked around the classroom, monitoring and giving feedback on their pronunciation and fluency.E. Cultural Exploration:The teacher led a class discussion on the cultural aspects mentioned in the dialogue, such as the different hobbies and interests of people from different countries. This activity helped students to develop a better understanding of cultural diversity and promote tolerance and empathy.F. Feedback and Reflection:At the end of the lesson, students shared their experiences and received feedback from their peers and the teacher. The teacher provided constructive criticism and encouraged students to continue practicing their speaking skills outside of class.III. Reflection:The dialogue teaching experience was a success, as evidenced by the positive feedback from students and their improved speaking andlistening skills. The following points were observed during the reflection:1. The use of real-life conversation scenarios and role-playingactivities helped students to engage more actively in the lesson and develop their fluency.2. The introduction of new vocabulary and phrases was well-received, as students were able to incorporate them into their conversations.3. The cultural exploration activity promoted a deeper understanding of cultural diversity and enhanced students' global awareness.4. The feedback and reflection session allowed students to assess their progress and identify areas for improvement.Conclusion:Dialogue teaching is an effective method for enhancing language learning in English classrooms. By incorporating real-life conversation scenarios, role-playing activities, and cultural exploration, teachers can createan engaging and interactive learning environment that promotes student participation and skill development. The practical dialogue teachingexperience described in this essay serves as an example of how these strategies can be implemented to achieve language learning goals.第3篇IntroductionDialogue teaching is a crucial component of language learning,especially in the context of English as a Foreign Language (EFL). It allows learners to engage in meaningful conversations, practicelistening and speaking skills, and develop their fluency and pronunciation. This paper presents a practical approach to dialogue teaching, focusing on a series of activities and techniques that can be implemented in a classroom setting.Setting the SceneClassroom: A well-lit, spacious classroom equipped with desks, chairs, a whiteboard, and multimedia facilities.Participants: A group of 30 intermediate-level EFL learners.Materials: Handouts, flashcards, multimedia resources, and a timer.Activity 1: Warm-Up and IcebreakerObjective: To create a relaxed and interactive atmosphere, and to familiarize students with the dialogue teaching approach.Teacher (T): Good morning, everyone! How are you all today? Let's start with a warm-up activity. I'm going to show you a series of pictures, and you need to describe them to your partner in English. Remember to use full sentences and try to be as descriptive as possible.Process:1. T displays a series of pictures (e.g., animals, food, transportation) on the whiteboard.2. Students work in pairs, taking turns to describe the pictures.3. T walks around the classroom, monitoring and providing feedback.Reflection:This activity helps students to practice their descriptive language skills and encourages them to communicate with their peers. It also serves as a quick icebreaker, breaking the initial silence and fostering a collaborative learning environment.Activity 2: Role-PlayingObjective: To improve students' speaking skills and ability to engage in conversations.T: Now, let's move on to a role-playing activity. I'm going to divide you into groups of three, and each group will perform a short dialogue based on a given scenario. You can use the handouts for guidance, but feel free to add your own ideas.Scenarios:1. At the airport2. In a restaurant3. At the doctor's officeProcess:1. Students work in groups, reading the scenario and discussing their roles.2. Each group performs their dialogue in front of the class.3. T provides feedback and encourages students to improve their pronunciation and fluency.Reflection:Role-playing activities provide a fun and interactive way for students to practice their speaking skills. It also allows them to explore different contexts and scenarios, enhancing their real-life communication abilities.Activity 3: Question and AnswerObjective: To improve students' listening and comprehension skills, and to encourage them to ask questions.T: For the next activity, I'm going to read a short passage aloud, and you need to answer the questions that follow. Listen carefully, and remember to ask questions if you're not sure about the answer.Passage:John and Sarah are going on a trip to Paris. They are discussing their plans.Questions:1. Where are John and Sarah going on vacation?2. What are they packing for the trip?3. How are they planning to get to Paris?Process:1. T reads the passage aloud.2. Students answer the questions individually.3. T asks for volunteers to answer the questions aloud.Reflection:This activity helps students to practice their listening and comprehension skills, and encourages them to ask questions to clarify their understanding. It also promotes active learning and participationin the classroom.Activity 4: StorytellingObjective: To improve students' creative writing and storytelling skills, and to enhance their fluency.T: In this activity, you will be working individually. I want you to write a short story about a day in your life. You can choose any topic you like, but make sure to include a beginning, middle, and end. Remember to use a variety of sentence structures and vocabulary.Process:1. Students work individually, writing their stories.2. T circulates around the classroom, providing feedback and guidance.3. Students share their stories with the class.Reflection:Storytelling activities encourage students to express their thoughts and ideas in a creative way. It also helps them to improve their writing skills and develop their fluency.ConclusionDialogue teaching is an effective method for enhancing English communication skills. By incorporating a variety of activities and techniques, teachers can create a dynamic and engaging learning environment that encourages students to practice their language skills in real-life contexts. Through these activities, students can improve their speaking, listening, and writing skills, and develop their confidence in using English in both formal and informal settings.。



1B+D 普通座席接口AACD Automatic Call Distributor 自动呼叫分配器/排队机Active User Active User Component Web用户端AIT Attendant Communication Card 排队机座席通信板APC Attendant Process Card 排队机座席通信卡(座席侧)ApLogic Application Logic Server 应用逻辑服务器API Application Programming Interface 应用编程接口AS Access Server 接入服务器ANI Automatic Number Identification 自动号码识别ASL Analogue Subscriber Line Board 模拟用户板ASP Applications Service Provider 应用服务供应商BBHCA Busy Hour Calling Attempt 忙时小时试呼次数BRI Basic Rate Interface 基本速率接口BAM Back Administration Module 后台管理模块CCCCBar Call Center Connection Control Bar 通用座席CCP Common Communication Proxy 网络通信代理CCS Call Center Server 呼叫中心服务器CCM Call Control Module 呼叫控制模块CCITT Consultative Committee on International国际电报电话咨询委员会Telegraphy and TelephonyChange Server Change Server 传真转换服务COM/DCOM Component Object Model/Distributed组件对象模型/分布式组件对象模型Component Object ModelCRM Customer Relationship Management 客户关系管理CPU Center Process Unit 中央处理单元CSTA Computer Supported Telephone Applications CSTA协议CTI Server Computer&Telephony Integration Server 计算机与交换机集成服务CTI Computer&Telephony Integration 计算机与电话集成技术DDLL Dynamic Link Library 动态链接库DNIS Dialled Number Identification ServiceDT Digital Trunk 数字中继EECC Enterprise Call Center 企业或机构租用电信经营商的Public Call Center Platform而建设的呼叫中心(即虚拟呼叫中心)FFP Fax Peripheral 传真台HHLR Home Location Register 归属位置寄存器HTML Hypertext Mark-up Language 超文本链接标示语言IICD Intelligent Call Distribution 智能呼叫分配ICDComm Intelligent Call Distribution Communication 智能呼叫分配通讯INtessLink INtess Protocol Link INtess通信协议ISDN Integrated Service Digital Network 综合业务数字网ISUP Integrated Services Digital Network User Part 综合业务数字网用户部分IRC Intelligent Routing Center 智能路由中心IVR Interactive Voice Response 交互式语音应答JJTAPI Java Telephony APIMMDS Monitor Daemon Server 监控代理服务器MAS Manage Application Server 管理应用服务器MCP MAS Connection Proxy 管理应用服务器连接代理MEM Memory (数据)存储板MailM Email Media Server Email媒体服务器MAP Mobile Application Part 移动应用部分MMP Management & Monitor SystemMTP Message Transfer Part 消息转移部分MSC Management System Client 管理系统客户端OOutbound Outbound System 呼出管理系统PPBX Private Branch Exchange 专用分组交换机PLMN Public Land Mobile Network 公共陆地移动通信网PCM Pulse Code Modulation 脉冲编码调制PRI Primary Rate Interface 基群速率接口PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network 公用电话交换网PCCP Public Call Center Platform 公共呼叫中心平台(是运营商建设的Call Center平台)SSCE Service Creation Environment 业务生成环境SCCP Signaling Connection and Control Part 信令连接控制部分SIB Service Independent Building Block 业务独立构件SIG Signal Tone Board 信号音板SPT Special Tone Board 智能语音板TTAPI Telephone Application Program Interface 电话应用程序接口TSAPI Telephony Services Application Program电话服务应用程序接口InterfaceTCP/IP Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol 传输控制协议/网间协议TUA Tele User Agent 远程电话业务代表TNPP Telephony Network Paging Protocol TNPP寻呼协议TUP Telephone User Part 电话用户部分UUIS User Interface Server 用户接口服务器UVID User Visit ID 客户访问标识UIDB User Information Database 用户信息数据库UDP User Datagram Protocol 用户数据报协议VVDN Virtual Directory Number 虚拟引导号VCC Virtual Call Center 虚拟呼叫中心VP V oice Peripheral 语音台WWCCA Web Client Communicate Agent Web客户通讯助理WebM Web Media Server Web交互媒体服务器WECC Web Enabled Call Center Web集成呼叫中心WMG Web Message Gateway Web消息网关。

UANTA COMPUTER INC. Quanta LB4M系列二层、三层和IPv6加QoS管理交

UANTA COMPUTER INC. Quanta LB4M系列二层、三层和IPv6加QoS管理交

How to log in.....................................................................................................49
2.5.6 Quick Start up Downloading from Out-of-Band PC to Switch (Only XMODEM) 44
2.5.7 Quick Start up Downloading from TFTP Server ............................................45
Set Up your Switch Using Telnet Access...........................................................48
4 Web-Based Management Interface..........................................................................49
6.1.3 show eventlog ..............................................................................................59



USER INFORMATION - 使用者需知................................................................................1 About this instruction - 关于本说明书 .............................................................................. 1 Symbols - 符号................................................................................................................. 1 EU Directives and Harmonized Standards - EU 指示和符合标注 ................................... 1 EC declaration of conformity - 符合 EC 的声明 ............................................................... 2 General safety instructions - 总的安全指导 ..................................................................... 2 Markings - 标识................................................................................................................ 2 Packaging, handling and transport - 包装,处置和运输 ................................................. 3 Protection of the atomizer - 雾化器的保护....................................................................... 3 Recycling and disposal - 循环利用和处理 ....................................................................... 4 Disposal of packaging 包装的处理 .................................................................................4 Disposal of the rotary atomizer and accessories - 雾化器和附件的处理 ......................4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.7.1 2.7.2 2.8 2.9 2.9.1 2.9.2 2.9.3 2.9.4 2.10 2.10.1 2.10.2 2.10.3 2.10.4 2.10.5


并将发现的问题、意见和建议函告杭州市建设工程质量安全监督总站[地址:莫干山路 100 号耀江国际大厦 A 座 12 楼,邮政编码:311005],以供修订时参考。
本规范主编单位、参编单位、主要起草人和主要审查人: 本规范主编单位:杭州市建设工程质量安全监督总站
本规范共分 10 章,主要技术内容包括:1 总则;2 术语;3 基本规定;4 牵引及降压变 电所;5 刚性架空接触网;6 柔性架空接触网;7 接触轨;8 杂散电流腐蚀防护系统;9 可视 化接地系统;10 电力监控与电能质量管理系统。
Code for acceptance of construction quality of power supply system engineering of urban rail transit
DB33/T ××/××××-201×
主编单位:杭州市建设工程质量安全监督总站 中铁电气化局集团有限公司 中铁二局集团有限公司
中铁电气化局集团有限公司 中铁二局集团有限公司 本规范参编单位:中国电建集团华东勘测设计研究院有限公司 杭州市地铁集团有限责任公司 宁波市轨道交通集团有限公司 中铁十一局集团电务工程有限公司 中铁一局集团电务工程有限公司 浙江丽水宏瑜建设有限公司 浙江德光建筑工程有限公司 浙江瓯立园林建设有限公司 纳琦绿能工程有限公司 浙江鸿旭园林建设有限公司 浙江罗邦建设有限公司 丽水市金丰建筑工程有限公司 丽水市鼎旺建设工程有限公司 浙江瓯业园林建设有限公司 丽水市汇桦市政园林有限公司 浙江屹立建设有限公司 浙江华歌建设有限公司 本规范主要起草人:史文杰 周静增 肖国军 雷 鸣 蔡佳旻 周 军 施云琼 王祥涛 于镇川 郭润桥 唐兆军 孙海东 王海涛 左传文 郭 忠 叶波涛 徐 俊 吴赟胤 王存建 王 波 朱智文 赵加建 范 卿 韩明学 陈俊卿 周洪波 何贵龙 黄美香 潘国平 蒋 真 本规范主要审查人:石西全 赵宇宏 戴新国 游劲秋 张 燕 袁 林 刘 伟 洪秀敏



接合座 自适应总线-digital data highway to which(almost) any number of inputs 地址-electronic code identifying each part of computer memory,each address bit or information unit being routed to different address adhesion 粘接 adhesive tape 粘胶带 adjacent to 邻近的 可调水平安定面-horizontal stabilizer of an airplane which may be adjustable stabilizer adjusted in flight to trim the airplane for hands-off mode in flight admittance 导纳-in AC circui,reciprocal of impedance advance drawing 图纸先行更改通知 change notice(ADCN) advanced 先进的-new sophisticated and typifying latest technology advanced switch 步进电门 adverse effect 不利影响;严重后果 advisory circular(AC) 咨询通报 advisory Message 咨询信息 aerodynamic 空气动力的 aerodynamic smoother 空气动力平滑胶 aeroelastic torsion 气动弹性扭曲 aeronautical 航空的 aerosol 烟雾,浮质-colloid of finely divided solid or liquid disperesed in aft looking forward 从后向前看 afterbody drag 后体阻力 afterburner 加力燃烧室 尾喷管喷火-sometimes called torching,a condition resulting from afterfiring unburrnt fuel being ignited in the exhaust nozzle age-hardening 时效,硬化 ageing=aging 时效处理 aging 老龄的 agent 试剂 aileron 付翼 aileron authority 付翼效能 付翼传动力限制器-electro-mechanical device for limiting the control aileron force limiter wheel movement by the autopilot during autopilot operation aileron programmer 付翼程序器-convert central lateral control actuator motion to control air bleed valve 放气活门 减速板;阻力板-a plate or series of plates that may be projected into air brake airport's slipstream to provide turbulence and drag to slow the air carrier 航空营运者-any company which provides commercial air transportation air conditioning 空调 空气循环机;涡轮冷却器-a compressor & turbine on a common shaft for air cycle machine cooling air in an air conditioning system 大气数据计算机-one which produces air data air data computer information(altitude,airspeed ect) based on pressure and temperature 中断飞行-a change from original flight plan due to a known or air interruption suspected malfunction&/ defect during flight air lock 气锁,气塞-a trapped pocket of air that blocks the flow of fluid 空气封严件;气密封圈;气封严-usually thin rotating or staionary rims air seal designed to act as air DAMS to reduce airflow leakage air ground 起落架位置传感器;空地传感器-an electrical device operated by the sensor landing gear for transmitting airport position for systems operation air tapping 抽气管座 空中返航-return of airplane to airplane of origin as a result of air turnback malfunction or suspected defect of any item on airplane airborne 空中飞行的;机载的

FUJITSU Software BS2000 SNMP-AGENTS V1.0 数据手册说明书

FUJITSU Software BS2000 SNMP-AGENTS V1.0 数据手册说明书

DatasheetFUJITSU Software BS2000 SNMP-AGENTS V1.0 SNMP agents for system and application monitoring in BS2000SNMP management in BS2000Based on the SNMP protocol, integrated network, system and application management is now possible. Heterogeneous IT components from different manufacturers can be integrated into a uniform management system.In combination with the NET-SNMP component of the BS2000 operating system, the product SNMP-AGENTS serves to connect BS2000 systems to a central management system via the SNMP standard management protocol.With SNMP-AGENTS, Fujitsu provides its customers with a series of agents for system and application monitoring in BS2000. Agents are also available for monitoring and managing various applications, the console interface, BS2000 subsystems, spool and storage systems and log files, as well as for the HSMS, openFT, open SM2 and openUTM products.Product CharacteristicsThe release unit NET-SNMP of the BS2000 operating system and the product SNMP-AGENTS offer the basic functionality for BS2000 systems to be integrated into SNMP-based management environments.NET-SNMP and SNMP-AGENTS allow network, system and application management via SNMP from a central management station. SNMP management architectureWith the product SNMP-AGENTS, Fujitsu provides a series of agents for system and application monitoring in BS2000. Agents are also available for monitoring and managing various applications, the console interface, BS2000 subsystems, spool and storage systems and log files, as well as for the HSMS, openFT, open SM2 and openUTM products.The basic functionalities for SNMP in BS2000 are generally available with the operating system component NET-SNMP. In addition to the SNMP daemon snmpd, the SNMP trap daemon and SNMP client tools, NET-SNMP also includes the Event Agent and the Scheduler Agent.In addition, SNMP agents are provided in individual products, which complement the BS2000 agents implemented in SNMP-AGENTS:■BCAM agent in openNet Server■FTP agent in internet Services■SESAM agent in SESAM/SQLDescription of SNMP agentsApplication Monitor AgentThe Application Monitor Agent enables the monitoring of user applications, BCAM applications, DCAM applications, BS2000 subsystems and log files. Information written to a log file can be sent as a message (SNMP trap) to a management station. The agent also can generate SNMP traps for state changes of subsystems in BS2000. Additionally, the Application Monitor can evaluate job variables and thereupon generate SNMP traps as a message.Logically related components of a process (applications, log files, subsystems and job variables) can be monitored together as a group. Console Monitor AgentThe Console Monitor Agent monitors the console interface. The agent is used to record console messages and to enter console commands. It will rarely make sense to pass on all console messages to the management station. Therefore, the Console Monitor Agent offers options for filtering console messages to limit the flood of messages. SNMP agent for HSMSThe HSMS agent allows you to read and modify global HSMS data. It also provides detailed information on HSMS orders and their statuses. The scope of the display can be limited by the selection criteria "condition" and "place of origin". SNMP agent for Host ResourcesThe Host Resources agent provides information about the system, devices, file systems, installed software and status changes.SNMP agent for openFT (BS2000)The openFT agent is used■for starting and stopping openFT (BS2000)■for obtaining information about system parameters of openFT (BS2000)■to change the public key for encryption■to output statistical data and partner information■for controlling the diagnosticsThe proprietary MIB for openFT (BS2000) provides objects for the management tasks mentioned above.SNMP agent for openSM2The performance agent for openSM2 provides basic information about the openSM2 itself, i.e. the status of the subsystem, the version, the size of the measurement interval and the sampling cycle.The measured values correspond to the SM2-known report groups and inform for example about■the CPU usage,■I/O activities,■the utilization of the main memory and the virtual address space, ■the allocation of the main memory by the four standard categories of tasks,■input and output operations on peripheral devices during a measurement interval,■application-specific data of UTM applications,■individual virtual machines of a VM2000 system,■consumption values of individual tasks.SNMP agent for openUTMThe openUTM agent offers the following services:■monitoring and control of selected UTM applications■information about system parameters, physical and logical terminals, terminal pools, transaction codes, transaction classes, user data, connections■statistical data■changing application properties and system parameters■locking or unlocking UTM data stations■changing the configuration file■terminating an UTM applicationSNMP agent for Spool & Print ServicesThe Spool & Print Service agent is used to monitor SPOOL and RSO devices. The Print Service agent is delivered with a proprietary MIB that provides information about devices and print jobs.TopicsSNMP agent for StorageThe agent for storage management provides information about pubsets and disks as well as the availability of the storage management products HSMS, MAREN and ROBAR. Accordingly, a proprietary MIB is delivered with the agent, which contains in addition to the global data of the agent four groups with the following information:■general information about HSMS, MAREN and ROBAR■resources information■display of all pubsets in a table■display of all disks in a tableTechnical DetailsRequirementsTechnical Requirements Hardware FUJITSU Server BS2000 SE seriesTechnical Requirements Software FUJITSU Software BS2000 OSD/XC from V11.0, correction level as of KP1/2018 Demands on the user Knowledge of BS2000Installation and operationOperating mode Interactive (dialog) and batch modeUser interface Commands in English, message texts in German/EnglishInstallation By the customer according to the release noticeDocumentationDocumentation The manuals concerned are available on the manual server.PurchasingConditions This software product can be leased by the customer in accordance with theconditions for the use of software products.Ordering and delivery This software product may be obtained from your local Fujitsu TechnologySolutions GmbH regional office.Products/global/products/In addition to the Fujitsu BS2000, Fujitsu offers a full portfolio of other computing products.Computing products■ Storage systems: ETERNUS■ Server: PRIMERGY, PRIMEQUEST, Fujitsu SPARC M10, BS2000/OSD Mainframe ■ Client Computing Devices: LIFEBOOK, STYLISTIC, ESPRIMO, FUTRO, CELSIUS ■ Peripherals: Fujitsu Displays, Accessories ■ Software ■ NetworkProduct Support Services with differentservice levels agreements are recommended to safeguard each product and ensure smooth IT operation.Solutions/global/solutions The Fujitsu solutions combine reliable Fujitsu products with the best in services, know-how and worldwide partnerships. Fujitsu's Solutions include parts of one or more activity groups (e.g., planning, implementation, support, management, and training services) and are designed to solve a specific business need.Infrastructure Solutions are customer offerings created by bringing Fujitsu’s best products, services and technologies together with those from partners to deliver benefit to our customers’ businesses .Industry Solutions are tailored to meet the needs of specific verticals.Business and Technology Solutions provide a variety of technologies developed to tackle specific business issues such as security and sustainability, across many verticals. /global/services/ Several customizable Fujitsu Service offerings ensure that IT makes a realdifference and delivers true business value. We do this by leveraging our extensive experience in managing large, complex, transformational IT programs to help clients in planning, delivering and operating IT services in a challenging and changing business environment.Application Services support the development, integration, testing,deployment and on-going management of both custom developed and packaged applications. The services focus on delivering business and productivity improvements for organizations.Business Services respond to the challenge of planning, delivering and operating IT in a complex and changing IT environment. Managed Infrastructure Services enable customers to deliver the optimal IT environment to meet their needs –achieving high levels of IT service quality and performance for data center and end user environments./global/about/environment/ Fujitsu Green Policy Innovation is ourworldwide project for reducing burdens on the environment. Using our global know-how, we aim to resolve issues of environmental energy efficiency through IT. Please find further information at:Learn more about Fujitsu, please contact your Fujitsu sales representative, Fujitsu business partner, or visit our website./fts© 2018 Fujitsu Technologie Solutions and the Fujitsu logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Fujitsu Limited in Japan and other countries. BS2000 is a trademark or (a) registered trademark of Fujitsu Technologie Solutions GmbH in Germany and other countries. Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.Technical data subject to modification and delivery subject to availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual or correct is excluded. Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owner.More informationContactFujitsu Technology Solutions GmbHMies-van-der-Rohe-Straße 8, 80807 München Website: /fts January, 31 2019 EN。

SIMATIC Energy Manager PRO V7.2 - Operation Operat

SIMATIC Energy Manager PRO V7.2 - Operation Operat
Disclaimer of Liability We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.
2 Energy Manager PRO Client................................................................................................................. 19
2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6
Basics ................................................................................................................................ 19 Start Energy Manager ........................................................................................................ 19 Client as navigation tool..................................................................................................... 23 Basic configuration ............................................................................................................ 25 Search for object................................................................................................................ 31 Quicklinks.......................................................................................................................... 33 Create Quicklinks ............................................................................................................... 33 Editing Quicklinks .............................................................................................................. 35 Help .................................................................................................................................. 38

Mobile Phone Monitor Software 说明书

Mobile Phone Monitor Software 说明书

Mobile Phone Monitor Software User’s ManualFor Blackberry onlyTable of Contents1OVERVIEW (3)1.1General Introduction (3)1.2Feature (3)1.3Environment (3)2SOFTWARE INSTALLATION (4)3OPERATION (5)3.1DVR Setup (5)3.1.1Encode (5)3.1.2Account (5)3.2Mobile Phone Software (6)3.2.1Software Login (6)3.2.2Main Interface (7)3.2.3Video Browser (7)3.2.4PTZ Control (8)3.2.5Set (8)3.2.6Exit (9)1 Overview1.1 General IntroductionThis user’s manual is to help you install and use the mobile phone monitor software based on Blackberry mobile phone.1.2 FeatureThis software has the following features:Use mobile phone to view real-time video.Support PTZ control operation.1.3 EnvironmentBlackberry 9000 (Version 4.6.0).The connected devices shall support RTSP service.2 Software InstallationPlease refer to the Blackberry mobile phone user’s manual to install the software to the mobile phone. Usually you need to use the Blackberry desktop manager to install.3 Operation3.1 DVR SetupPlease set the connected DVR encode information to make the device suitable for the mobile phone monitor.You can go to the DVR Web or go to the DVR local end to complete the setup. In this user’s manual, we introduce how to finish setup at the local end.NoteIn case the mobile phone monitor adversely affects the regularly monitor, the mobile phone just gets the extra stream (not the main stream) to realize the real-time monitor. So, before the operation, please make sure current DVR supports dual stream function.3.1.1 EncodeEncode interface is shown as in Figure 3-1.You can refer to the following setup:Resolution: CIF/QCIF.Frame Rate: The value ranges from 5 to 10.Bit rate type: CBRBit Rate: 64-256Kb/SFigure 3-1You can adjust the setup according to your mobile phone performance and network environment. You can lower the frame rate to guarantee fluent video if the network is not so good.3.1.2 AccountFor mobile phone account, please make sure it is reusable (support multiple users using the same account to login at the same time) and has PTZ control right. See Figure 3-2.Then, when other uses are monitor properly, you can use mobile phone to monitor and realize PTZ control operation.Figure 3-23.2 Mobile Phone Software3.2.1 Software LoginIn the mobile phone, from Function to the Download, you can see the software shortcut menu. Now you can see an interface is shown as in Figure 3-3.Figure 3-3Click the button; you can see an interface is shown as in Figure 3-4.Device IP: Device IP or domain name.Device port: Device login port.User name: Please input the user name here.Password: Please input the corresponding password.Network: Please select the network here. It includes two options: WiFi/Other.Figure 3-4Mobile phone monitor software can remember the recent login device information, so that you can login conveniently the next time.If you can not login, please check:Input information is valid.Server is running properly now.Network connection is OK (please access a website via browser to make sure you have connected to the Internet.)3.2.2 Main InterfaceAfter you logged in, the interface is shown as below. See Figure 3-5. Here you can see the channel available.Back: Click it to exit current interface.Exit: Exit the monitor software.Figure 3-53.2.3 Video BrowserPlease select the corresponding channel you want to view; you can see an interface is shown as in Figure 3-6.Camera: Go to channel setup interface.PTZ: Display/Hide PTZ.Full: Click it to go to the full-screen display mode. You can click the rolling ball to exit the full-screen mode. The “space” button is the full-screen short cut button. It is valid in videomonitor mode.Set: Go to video monitor setup interface.Exit: Exit current monitor software.Figure 3-63.2.4 PTZ ControlPlease select the PTZ button to go to the PTZ operation interface. You can use the rolling ball to select the corresponding button here. See Figure 3-7.In the full-screen mode, you can use the rolling ball directly to control the PTZ direction.In video monitor mode, you can use E/S/X/F to realize the up/down/left/right PTZ operation.Figure 3-73.2.5 SetClick set button, you can see the following interface. See Figure 3-8.RTSP port: You can set device listening port. Default value is 554.Stream type: You can select the stream type. It includes two options: main stream/extra stream.Figure 3-83.2.6 ExitSelect exit button, you can see the following interface. See Figure 3-8.Select the Yes button; you can exit the mobile phone monitor software.Figure 3-9NoteThis user’s manual is for reference only. Slight difference may be found in user interface. All the designs and software here are subject to change without prior written notice. Please visit our website for more information.。

Control of Agent(英文代理人控制)

Control of Agent(英文代理人控制)

Control of Agent(英文代理人控制) Control of Agent (英文代理人控制)IntroductionThe control of agent refers to the relationship between the principal and the agent, where the principal has the authority to control and direct the actions of the agent. This document highlights the importance of agent control in English law.Definition of AgentUnder English law, an agent is a person who acts on behalf of another person, known as the principal, in conducting legal or business matters. The agent has the authority to represent the principal and make decisions on their behalf.Factors that Indicate Agent ControlTo determine whether an agent is under the control of the principal, the following factors are considered:1. Supervision and direction: The principal has the right to supervise and direct the agent's actions in carrying out their duties. This includes providing instructions, guidance, and setting standards of performance.2. Power of dismissal: The principal has the power to terminate the agency relationship at any time, indicating control over the agent's activities.3. Right to modify agent's actions: The principal has the authority to modify or change the agent's actions if they are contrary to the principal's interests or instructions.Consequences of Agent ControlAgent control has significant legal implications, including:1. Liability: The principal may be held liable for the actions or omissions of the agent, as long as the agent was acting within the scope of their authority.2. Binding effect: Contracts entered into by the agent within the scope of their authority are binding on the principal.3. Agency relationship termination: The principal can terminate the agency relationship if the agent fails to fulfill their obligations or violates the principal's instructions.ConclusionIn English law, the control of agent is crucial in determining the legal relationship between the principal and the agent. The principal's authority to control and direct the agent's actions has important consequences concerning liability and contract binding. Understanding the concept of agent control is essential for both principals and agents in conducting legal and business matters.。

IBM Agent Management Services (IBM AMS):策略、架构和功能说明

IBM Agent Management Services (IBM AMS):策略、架构和功能说明
Provides an Agent Management Services workspace under Windows, Linux, and UNIX Managed System navigation nodes (see next slide).
Provides TakeActions that stop/start/recycle/reset daily restart count and enable/disable watchdogging for a given agent
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Software Group | Tivoli software
Agents can be put under management by watchdog remotely using a TakeAction. Centralized Configuration feature in FP2 supports the distribution of updated CAP files to owning
Operational & Historical reporting of agent downtime
start, stop, status
Database monitor syslogd probe Remote Control Other
© 2010 IBM Corporation
Agents can be managed AS-IS, leading to fast time to value for our customers and the ability to quickly enable agents that are new to the portfolio.


- 43 -
Telnet Service 设置界面
- 44 -
Web service 的使用及特点
以HTTP Server的方式运行,提供Web 管理接口 通过指定端口(1054)连接远端或者本地的
HostMonitor(需要打开RCI支持) 客户端与Server点通讯数据加密传输 可以以服务(Service)方式运行 客户端权限控制,不同的用户拥有不同的管理及操作
检查本地或者远端主机的CPU利用率,当利用率大于指定 值时报警
Windows:需要用指定账号连接到远端机器,且远端主机 的 Remote Registry Service 服务必须打开 也可通过RMA for win 实现
UNIX: 使用RMA 进行监控
- 34 -
Windows 相关监控—— Performance Counter 监控
系统运维从“被动管理”向 “主动管理” 转变 第一时间发现系统异常,避免问题向事故转化 对系统运行状态的集中化管理 辅助系统管理员快速判断问题及解决问题
提供多种故障告警方式,及时通知相关责任人,避免故障 发生
收集系统及应用的运行日志,分析发现其中的异常,预测 系统可能出现的问题,将问题消灭在萌芽状态
- 14 -
• CPU、内存、磁盘等性能容量采集
• 容量管理基础数据积累 • 容量指标异常时,可能预示故障
- 15 -
• IT系统风险点的识别 • 监控指标的识别 • 配置的识别 • 容量的识别



Model : GND15Instruction manual ArrayThank you for purchasing an in-line refractometer. This instruction manual is designed to guide you to understand the functions and characteristics of the sensor. Before using the instrument, please read this manual carefully to ensure safe and correct use. Please keep this manual for future referenceThe In-line Brix-Monitor GND15 is a refractometer that detects the Refractive Index of a sample and outputs the Brix(%) value on the display , can also transmit measured data to external devices via 4 to 20mA or RS485 . GND15 series has the function of automatic temperature compensation according to the temperature of the tested medium , when the tested medium temperature changes , the Brix value ( soluble solids ) after temperature compensation is displays and the output changes accordinglyIf the Refractive Index of air under atmospheric pressure is 1, then whenlight enters medium χ, the ratio of the sine of the incident angle αmeasured against the phase boundary to the sine of the refracting angleβ is called the Refractive Index of the medium χ.The Refractive Index varies with the wavelength of light andtemperature and is represented as follows:For example: Refractive Index of water at 20℃ under the D-line is:= 1.33299: , (Generally expressed as nD = 1.33299.)The Refractive Index of a substance varies with temperature. Thus, when using a refractometer to measure the Refractive Index of a liquid, the measurement value will vary with the sample temperature. The GND15 always detects the prism temperature. The value of the measurement is automatically corrected for temperature by a built-in processor, so that the displayed value is equal to the value measured at 20℃ (provided that the sample temperature is within the range of 5 to 85℃) ,the Brix(%) values are automatically temperature compensated . n : Represents the Refractive Indext : Temperature (℃)D : D-line of natrium (589nm) Model : GND15 Working PrincipleTemperature correction & compensationAutomatic temperature compensationLightweight , compact and easy to install on site .LED display ,Easy to operate, easy to connect with other devices for automatic controlInline real-time monitoring and control of liquid substance concentration in various industriesCutting oil , mold release agent , quenching liquid , cleaning liquid , emulsion in the machining industry Chemicals and allied , pulp & paper , tobacco , environmental protectionBiorefining , Metals and miningFood industry , Dairy , Beverage industry , Fruit and effect processingStarch sweetener , Sugar and sweetenersWater-based solutionsIn factories that produce liquid products such as beverages, medicines, chemicals, etc., the raw materials (stock solution) must be processed in multiple processes, or two or more mixed solutions must be added through multiple production lines and multiple processes, such as: juicing, filtering , cooking, dilution, blending, mixing, fermentation, etc., each process, the concentration will change. If only detectthe finished product concentration, when there is a substandard product, it is impossible to know which process has the problem, and the produced defective product causes cost waste. Therefore, an online refractometer is installed on the production line (production pipeline, tank) of each process. , It can continuously detect the concentration of samples in the pipeline in real time, monitor the quality of samples in each process, and discover unqualified products in time, which can reduce production costs, improve the pass rate and product quality. cost, improve inspection efficiency, real-time display of brix value , and intuitively guide production personnel to operate.Model : GND15①Prism : Corrosion resistant optical glass, with a polished surface to reflect light.② Prism stage :Connected to the sample inlet and fastened by a O-Ring and clamp band .③Radiator: Disperses heat when measuring high temperature samples to prevent the electric circuit from overheating.④2-pins plug for unit power (24VDC)⑤4-pins plug for output ( 4-20mA or 4-20mA + RS485 ) , connect to a recorder.Note: our GND15 as no power switch. Turn off the power (DC24V) prior to connecting cables to the individual units. When power is supplied to the GND15 , The Brix(%) value will be displayed when sample flows onto the prism surface, the measurement value display illuminates , the unit work commences. If there is no sample on the prism surface (only air), the error message [LLLL] will be displayed.①Measurement brix value display : Digitally displays the measurement value [Brix(%)], setting mode, andother setting values.②Measurement value display : Digital switch displays the measure value [ nD and T]③Menu: Switches or sets the display mode of the measurement value and the setting mode, and save the setting value .④ESC: Exit key⑤︿:Up keys :Increase the value in each setting mode.⑥﹀:Down key: decrease the value in each setting mode .In the measurement interface, press Menu to enter the first level menu, and ESC to return to the measurement interface. Under the first level menu, you can use the up and down keys to select the corresponding options. When you press Menu, you will enter the second level menu. The up and down keys will adjust the corresponding options. After adjustment, press Menu to save the settings and return to the first level menu. After adjustment, press ESC to not save and Return to the first level menu.Step ① : Wipe the prism surface clean before starting the measurementStep ② : Connect the power to GND15 the measurement starts .Step ③ : Calibrate 0 with distilled water ( The factory Settings of the product have been validated ) Step ④ : Install well our GND15 on the location that needs to be measure .Step ⑤ : When the sample flows into the prism surfaceStep ⑥: measurement starts , brix (%) value and current temperature T will be displayed .Boot displayNo solution display Brix exceeds the measuring range ayNormal measurement display nD & T polling displayCalibration 0 failure display EE0 You can choose to display only Tor nD or both through the menu.Model : GND15◆ The installation form of this product is a hoop quick-installation type;◆ When installing, please pay special attention not to scratch the prism and probe;◆ When installing, please pay special attention to avoid strong impact on the instrument; ◆ When installing, please pay special attention not to miss the sealing ring;◆ Ensure that the cable is correctly connected to the port;◆ The power can be turned on only after the product is installed;◆ Immediately turn off the power (DC24V) if the unit begins to overheat, smoke or emit an abnormal smell. Small curve pipe Neck to increase flow rate pipe Normal curve pipeDigester with scraper and steam Container Big pipeModel : GND15Mounting type 2:① Install the GND15 so that the prism surface is at a right angle to the ground.② Attach the flow pipe to the GND15 with O-ring (accessory) inserted between them, and fasten them together with the clamp band (accessory). ③ The prism surface may become contaminated with solids, dirt and/or grease. If this happens, the prism surface must be cleaned by hand.Note : Cleaning the Prism instruction in the next pageThe sample inlet unit should be installed in such a manner that it can be easily removed to allow access to the prism for cleaningNote : Suspending the GND15 (2.5kg) when using the sample inlet unit to connect to the piping is dangerous , Use of the optional stand is recommended.Model : GND15ZHYQ Sensor&Control Page 11 of 14Model : GND15◆If the sample solution could potentially stain the prism, immediately clean the prism after measurement .◆Before running hazardous substance(s) through any precautions should be taken to ensure the safe handling of the hazardous system, necessary substance(s). If using a sample inlet unit, use caution when disconnecting the GND15 .◆Cleaning liquids up to 150℃ can be used for CIP or SIP . The cleaning liquid can be used safely for 30 minutes at one time. The momentary difference between the sample liquid temperature and the cleaning liquid temperature must be no more than 80℃. When using cleaning liquids at temperatures over 150℃, the power source (DC24V) must be turned off.◆Detach the clamp band that connects the main unit to the sample inlet unit, piping or tank.◆Clean the prism surface carefully with a soft tissue soaked with warm water or ethyl alcohol. If the sample solution contains oil or grease, use ethyl alcoholto ensure the prism surface does not develop a film. Development of a film on the prism could cause erroneous measurements.◆NEVER clean the prism with an abrasive material.◆ Cleaning the prism with an abrasive material could cause scratches on the prism which could lead to erroneous measurements.◆After cleaning is complete, re-attach the GND15 unit to the sample inlet unit, piping or tank. The procedure is described on the instruction manual.Note :we also can supply Auto or manual washing device for optional, if need , Please specify when confirming the orderModel : GND15◆ If the unit begins to overheat, smoke, or emit an abnormal smell , immediately turn off the power and unplug the unit from the power supply.◆ DO NOT measure any sample that can damage the prism or the sample inlet unit , sample temperature should be kept between 5℃ and 100℃ when the power is turned on .◆ Do not put the instrument in a damp place, Maximum average relative humidity: 95% RH (25℃);◆ Atmospheric pressure: 80kPa ~ 106kPa;◆ Places where there is no corrosion or destruction of insulating gas, steam or dust;◆ Use the instrument at altitudes below 2000 meters (altitude).◆ Use the instrument indoor.◆ Do not change the ambient temperature of the instrument suddenly◆ Do not use instrument in areas with large amount dust and strong vibrations◆ Do not put the instrument in low temperature place◆ Do not put heavy objects on the instrument◆ Do not install the instrument In direct sunlight or near the heating source.If measurement of concentration transmitter is abnormal, please check input power supply first. If power supply is ok, check if the measurement window of transmitter has been covered by contamination or not, and make sure that measurement window can contact solution well at the mean time. If it is problem of transmitter itself, please return it to the factory for maintenance.◆Protected from direct rain and snow, the packaged transmitter can be applied to various modes of transportation, such as water, land and air transportation.◆ The packaged transmitter can be stored for more than 12 months with temperature ranging from -40℃~60℃, and relative humidity less than 90%◆ Live plug-in and pull-out should be strictly prohibited under live working condition, otherwise, it will damage the concentration and infrared transmitter easily.with * are required, with --- is optional5-6F No.8 Building No.115 ,Lane 1276 Nanle Road Songjiang District Shanghai 201600 China Tel:+86-21-51691919 67755189 Fax:+86-21-67755185 E-mail:*******************Shanghai Zhaohui Pressure Apparatus Co., Ltd. Model : GND15ZHYQ Sensor&Control Page 14 of 14Ordering Guide:。



人民银行业务系统、业务术语英文简称汇总中国现代化支付系统⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯CNAPS 大额支付系统⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯HVPS 小额支付系统⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯BEPS 清算账户管理系统⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯SAPS 支付管理信息系统⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯PMIS 支付业务统计分析系统⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯PSAS 支付业务监控系统⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯PMCS 中央银行会计集中核算系统⋯⋯⋯⋯ABS 国家金库会计核算系统⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯TBS 城市处理中心⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯CCPC 国家处理中心⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯NPC 前置机系统⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯MBFE 支票影像交换系统⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯CIS 支付信用信息查询系统⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯PCIS 中央银行会计核算数据集中系统⋯⋯ACS 中央银行会计监督系统⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ACCS 中央债券综合业务系统⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯CBGS 行名行号管理系统⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯BCMS、中国现代化支付系统中国现代化支付系统(China National Advanced Payment System, 简称CNAPS )是中国人民银行按照我国支付清算需要,利用现代计算机和网络通讯技术所开发建设的,用于处理各银行、清算组织办理异地、同城各种支付业务及其资金清算和货币市场交易的资金清算应用系统。


现代化支付系统共有4 个主要的应用系统,分别是:(1 )大额实时支付系统(HVPS ):处理同城和异地跨行之间和行内的大额贷记及紧急小额贷记支付业务,人民银行系统的贷记支付业务以及即时转账业务等。


(2)小额批量支付系统(BEPS ):处理同城和异地纸凭证截留的商业银行跨行之间的定期借记支付业务,人民银行会计和国库部门办理的借记支付业务,以及每笔金额在规定起点以下的小额贷记支付业务。

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Monitor and Control of Mobile Agent ApplicationsPaolo Bellavista, Antonio CorradiDipartimento di Elettronica, Informatica e Sistemistica, Università di BolognaViale Risorgimento, 2 - 40136 Bologna - ItalyPh.: +39-051-2093001 - Fax: +39-051-2093073E-mail: {pbellavista, acorradi}@deis.unibo.itCesare StefanelliDipartimento di Ingegneria, Università di FerraraVia Saragat, 1 – 44100 Ferrara - ItalyPh.: +39-0532-293831 - Fax: +39-0532-768602E-mail: cstefanelli@ing.unife.itAbstractMobile agents raise significant security concerns that have been the focus of several research activities. However, some security-related issues, such as the protection against denial of service attacks and the accounting of agent resource consumption, still need further investigation. Solutions to these problems require monitoring the resource state during agent execution, in order to control and possibly limit resource usage. The paper presents solution guidelines for the on-line monitoring and control of Java-based mobile agents. In particular, it describes the implementation of MAPI, an on-line monitoring component integrated in the SOMA mobile agent platform. MAPI exploits the JVMPI and JNI technologies to achieve full visibility of the state of both Java and platform-dependent resources from within the Java Virtual Machine.1IntroductionNotwithstanding the advantages of the Mobile Agent (MA) technology in several application domains, and the availability of many MA platforms, we still lack examples of medium- and large-scale MA-based "industrial" services. One of the motivations stems from the fact that software companies still have doubts about the exploitation of the MA technology, mainly because of security problems.Researchers have obtained significant results in the MA security area, both in protecting execution environments from running agents and in defending agents from their current contexts of execution [1] [2]. Most MA platforms permit to define and enforce policies to rule the agent access to available resources. The enforcement of security policies depends on a preliminary phase of authentication of the agent responsible, usually called agent principal, and on the association of the principal with the correct access permissions. Different MA systems provide different levels of flexibility for agent authentication (e.g., based on code source, on credentials, or both) and for expressing access control policies (e.g., role-based access [3]).Investigation supported by the Italian “Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche” in the framework of the Project “Global Applications in the Internet Area: Models and Programming Environments” and by the University of Bologna (Funds for Selected Research Topics: "An integrated Infrastructure to support Secure Services").However, traditional access control techniques are not targeted to protect against such security attacks as denial-of-service, and cannot support the accounting to agent principals of resource consumption. These issues require to support the measurement, the monitoring and the limitation of resource usage of running agents while they execute. For instance, even if several agents of the same principal are authorized to execute on one host, the administrator may want that the total CPU time consumed by those mobile agents do not overcome a specified percentage threshold, to preserve the availability of other services running on that host. Similarly, an authenticated agent may have the permission to open network connections on one host, but should be accounted for the amount of generated traffic. We claim that the possibility to monitor and control resource usage during agent execution, i.e. agent on-line monitoring, is a critical factor for the acceptance and the diffusion of the MA technology.All recent MA platforms use Java as the implementation language. The adoption of the Java platform presents undeniable advantages for MA systems (dynamic class loading, serialization, security mechanisms and policies, directly provided as basic facilities of the language environment). However, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) level of abstraction tends to hide platform-dependent information and seems an obstacle when dealing with on-line monitoring. Some extensions of the Java technology can help in overcoming this transparency: the JVM Profiler Interface(JVMPI) [4] exports several JVM internal events for debugging and monitoring purpose, while the Java Native Interface (JNI) [5] permits to integrate Java programs with platform-dependent executable code.We claim that the on-line monitoring functionality should be considered a basic facility of any MA platform. The availability of a monitoring component integrated in an MA system permits to control agents at runtime, and to enable corrective actions to enforce the desired policies in resource usage. In addition, the same monitoring component gives mobile agents the visibility of the current state of the systems where they operate, thus facilitating the implementation of MA-based distributed monitoring tools.We have defined a Monitoring Application Programming Interface (MAPI) and implemented it as a monitoring component of the Secure Open Mobile Agent (SOMA)* platform [6] [7]. The MAPI implementation exploits JVMPI to collect several application-level events produced by Java applications (e.g., object allocation and method invocation). In addition, it employs the JNI technology to make possible the integration with platform-dependent native monitoring mechanisms, that we have currently implemented for Windows NT, Solaris and Linux.2Technologies for On-line Monitoring of Java-based Mobile AgentsWe define JVM resources all the resources supported by the JVM and visible to a Java-based running agent. The set of JVM resources coincides with the local and remote resources accessible as Java objects. We call Operating System (OS) resources all other execution resources used by Java-based running agents but transparent because of the abstraction layer of the virtual machine. For instance, authorized Java agents use CPU, memory, and in/out bandwidth of their current execution environment, but the JVM limits their visibility of the usage of these resources, e.g., the effective CPU time and the allocated memory of a specific agent thread.The Java programming environment provides mechanisms to control the access to any JVM resource. Java-based MA platforms exploit the Java SecurityManager, either in its basic version or in a proprietary specialization: in this way, MA platforms can control the JVM resource access via the definition of suitable permission classes and security policies. Nevertheless, the SecurityManager mechanism can only control Java code access * SOMA is available at Mobile agents also require other mechanisms and tools, able to dynamically ascertain the quality of usage in accessing resources, both JVM and OS ones.Therefore, MA systems call for facilities for on-line measurement and control of resource consumption in Java. Two solution guidelines are feasible.The first is to build ad-hoc resource managers for any type/instance of resource potentially accessible by mobile agents, and to force agents to work on resources only via these intermediary entities. In this case, agents have no direct visibility of resources, and always pass through resource proxies. This solution requires to write at least one manager for each type of recognized resource, and also imposes the overhead of a proxy.The second possibility is to organize an on-line monitoring service that inspects the state of both JVM and OS resources during agent execution. This is possible by exploiting both JVMPI and JNI technologies to extend the visibility achievable from within the JVM.JVMPI can help in monitoring and controlling the consumption of Java resources. JVMPI is an experimental interface featured by the Java 2 platform and mainly designed to help developers in the debugging of Java applications. JVMPI is a two-way API between the JVM and a dedicated profiler agent. In one direction, the JVM notifies several internal events (e.g., Java thread state change, class loading operations, object allocation/deallocation) to the profiler agent. In the other direction, the profiler agent can enable/disable the notification of specific types of events and can perform some limited management actions on the JVM (e.g., suspend/resume Java threads and enable/disable/force the garbage collector execution).JNI is the standard way to invoke platform-dependent code with visibility of OS resource state within the standard JVM. JNI is a two-way API interface that permits Java threads to invoke native methods, i.e., platform-specific functions typically written in C/C++, usually available as Windows NT Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL) and as Shared Object (SO) libraries under Solaris and Linux. In one direction, any Java program can invoke a native method, simply by declaring the method with the keyword native and with no body. After the binding obtained by calling the System.loadLibrary() method, the JVM uses JNI to call the requested function in the native library during the execution. JNI specifies the mode of method invocation: for instance, it rules how to perform parameter marshalling/unmarshalling between the Java invoking thread and the invoked native method. In the other direction - from the native library to call JVM entities), JNI provides native methods with callbacks to the Java environment and to the invoking Java object, that can access and modify object values, call Java methods, and raise Java exceptions.3Local Monitoring and Control of SOMA AgentsSOMA is an MA framework that provides services for agent migration, naming, communication, security and interoperability. It has been designed in a modular way, as a set of layered middleware services to support the implementation of SOMA-based applications (see Figure 1), by using a Java implementation to achieve portability. SOMA mobile agents allow the dynamic installation and the extension of infrastructure/service components by permitting code migration during execution. Other articles [6] [7] give a general presentation of the SOMA platform and of its middleware services, while here we focus on the specific solutions adopted for the monitoring and control of SOMA agents.Any SOMA execution environment can host an on-line monitoring component, called MAPI, that is able to inspect the state of local JVM and OS resources, and to operate simple management actions on local mobile agents. The MAPI component is optional to reduce the space needed for SOMA installation, and can eventually be added at runtime.SOMAServices Figure 1MAPI monitors the state of resources used by agents at any single host, and exploits the SOMA platform itself to coordinate different local monitoring entities (see Section 4). This organization achieves a global vision of the monitored distributed infrastructure and performs the on-line management of SOMA-based services.Figure 2 shows the architecture of the MAPI component, implemented by the ResourceManager class. ResourceManager exploits an ad-hoc profiler agent to gather application-level information about any Java thread running on the monitored target. The MAPI profiler agent collects and processes JVMPI events on-line, to offer concise monitoring indicators during service execution. The JVMPI-based monitoring functions are portable for any architecture that can host the JVM version 2. ResourceManager exploits JNI to integrate monitoring functions implemented as native libraries for different platforms (WindowsRM DLL on Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, SolarisRM SO on SUN Solaris 2.7, and LinuxRM SO on SuSE Linux 6.2). At run-time the ResourceManager class transparently loads the correct native library for the current monitored target, thus providing MAPI users with the required platform independence.MAPI provides the set of monitoring methods reported in Figure 3. They return concise monitoring parameters to summarize the current state of all resources on the local host. The MAPI intrusion can be tuned to service-specific time requirements: all MAPI methods have amsec invocation parameter that indicates the millisecond interval of invoking native libraries and of refreshing indicators about the collected JVMPI events.package res;public class ResourceManager{String getOS(); // current operating system ProcessInfo[] getProcessInfo(long msec);ProcessInfo getProcessInfo(int pid,long msec);ThreadInfo getThreadInfo(Thread thread,long msec);NetworkInfo getNetworkInfo(long msec);FileSystemInfo[] getFSInfo(long msec);FileSystemInfo getFSInfo(int pid,long msec); }public class ProcessInfo{int pid; // Process IDString name; // Namefloat cpu; // %CPUlong time; // CPU timelong physMem; // Physical memorylong virtMem; // Virtual memorylong totalMem; // Total phys. memoryThreadInfo[] thread;} // Thread infopublic class ThreadInfo{int tid; // thread idfloat cpu; // %CPUlong time;} // CPU timepublic class JavaThreadInfoextends ThreadInfo{Thread thread; // thread objectint classLoad; // # loaded classes int monContended; // # monitorsint objAlloc; // # objectsint objLiveAlloc; // # live objectsint objSize; // heap allocationint objLiveSize; // live heap methodCall; // invoked methodsint tcpRead; // TCP read opsint tcpWrite; // TCP write opsint udpReceive; // UDP read opsint udpSend; // UDP write opslong time;} // life timepublic class NetworkInfo{int udpPackIn; // # UDP packets in int udpPackOut; // # UDP packets out int udpPackInErr; // # UDP errorsint tcpConn; // # TCP connections int tcpSegIn; // # TCP segments in int tcpSegOut; // # TCP segments outint ipPackIn; // # IP packets inint ipPackOut; // # IP packets out int ipPackInErr; // # IP errors}public class FileSystemInfo{Int pid; // process IDString name; // process Namelong available; // total FS avail.float available%; // as above, perc.FileInfo[] openFiles;}public class FileInfo{String absFileName;// abs. file namelong time; // time from openingint modalities;// 0 only reading,// 1 only writing, 2 both int readOps; // # read ops in session int writeOps;// # write ops in session }Figure 3. The ResourceManager class interface.MAPI methods return an object (or an array of objects) of the three classes ProcessInfo, NetworkInfo, and FileSystemInfo. The ProcessInfo object maintains all data related to the current pid process. Monitored data include the CPU usage (percentage and total time) for any specified process, its allocated memory (physical and virtual), and miscellaneous information on its composing threads. It is possible also to obtain additional data about the threads possibly contained in a process. In case of JVM threads (e.g., when monitoring SOMA agents), the tool collects data about the reference to the Java thread object, the number of loaded classes, used monitors, allocated objects, invoked methods, and network operations. For non-Java threads, MAPI provides the thread identifier and the percentage/effective time of CPU usage.The NetworkInfo class reports aggregated data about the utilization of the communication infrastructure in the target host. Monitored data include the total number of sent/received UDP/IP packets, of TCP connections and sent/received segments, and of received UDP/IP packets with errors. These parameters are useful to evaluate the traffic and to identify congestion situations in the network locality of the monitored host.Finally, the FileSystemInfo class maintains information about the file system of the target (disk free space and its percentage on total size) and, in particular, about currentlyopened files: for any active process and for any file opened in the current session, the class can return the opening time, its opening mode (read/write/both/locked), and the number of read/write operations.4Distributed Monitoring and Control of SOMA AgentsThe MAPI component exploits several on-line monitoring indicators to control the operations of all SOMA local agents. In addition, mobile agents act as distributed components over distributed systems, and they are the solution to monitor and control the distributed state of resource consumption. For instance, a service administrator can enforce policies involving a set of distributed resources, e.g., "the total CPU time per day consumed by all SOMA agents of principal A is lower than xxx sec".We are working on the implementation of this distributed monitoring and control of SOMA agents. We have designed and implemented two types of SOMA agents (monitoring managers and monitoring slaves), both employing MAPI functionality. Each slave agent monitors all SOMA agents running on one target, while the manager agent commands the slaves, puts together their local monitoring data and presents the results to system administrators. We currently use one manager agent to coordinate all slave agents running on the hosts of one administered region. Administered regions can coincide with a local area network or can include different (possibly overlapping) network localities. Slave agents are considered common monitoring facilities, and different authorized managers can command the same slave agent if regions overlap (see Figure 4).From the point of view of inter-agent communication, slave and manager agents can exchange monitoring information and control commands by using the SOMA communication service. The current implementation exploits only asynchronous non-blocking messages sent over either secure or insecure channels (in case of trusted controlled region). Message exchange permits to implement both polling monitoring strategies (manager agents command slaves to return the current value of specific monitoring indicators), and trap-based monitoring strategies (slave agents communicate the overcoming of a predefined threshold to their managers).Any manager agent collects on-line monitoring information in its controlled region, and coordinates the operations of slave agents. In particular, it asks them to gather specific monitoring data, with specified alert thresholds and update frequencies, and can also command slave behavior. In addition, a manager can create new monitoring slaves at run-time to migrate to new targets entering the administered region.Slave agents observe the state of JVM and OS resources by invoking the local MAPI component. Slave agents aggregate and filter monitoring data on their local targets, by calculating even complex health functions. They permit to significantly reduce the network monitoring traffic [8], and autonomously perform local management operations without manager/administrator intervention.We have two types of monitoring slaves: the JVMPISlave and the JNISlave agents. The JVMPISlave agent perform autonomous operations to control and manage agent threads, by exploiting MAPI to obtain JavaThreadInfo monitoring data. It can modify the agent priority and can force agent suspension/termination. For instance, a JVMPISlave agent can control the local memory occupation, and if any agent thread exceeds a specified threshold, it can alert its manager or even terminate the responsible thread if required by the enforced management policy. Any JVMPISlave can tune dynamically the introduced overhead by enabling/disabling the notification of specific kinds of events. In addition, it can modify the frequency to refresh monitored data at runtime.The JNISlave agent is in charge of invoking the MAPI native functions, not only to collect OS resource data, but also to allow local management of non-Java processes. In particular, the JNISlave can yield back the monitoring information organized in NetworkInfo ,FileSystemInfo , and a part of ProcessInfo classes (excluding the JavaThreadInfo one). In addition, similarly to the JVMPISlave, the JNISlave agent can be launched with alert thresholds that the responsible Manager is authorized to modify dynamically: when thresholds are exceeded, the agent can either notify its Manager or take autonomous corrective operations. The JNISlave agent allows the dynamic tuning of the sampling frequency for monitoring data. If the JVMPISlave sample time represents only the refresh interval (JVMPI events are continuously notified, independently of the sampling frequency), the JNISlave sample time represents the interval between successive invocations of the native monitoring functions.The definition and implementation of a unique MAPI is an important contribute towards design simplicity and usability. However, the provision of differentiated JVMPISlave and JNISlave agents is motivated by a clean separation of JVMPI-based subset of monitoring functions. These functions make possible a partial monitoring of also the targets that do not support yet an implementation of the MAPI native monitoring methods (such as HP-UX workstations and PalmOS personal digital assistants).MonitoredLocal Area Network B Local Area Network ALocal Area Network CLocal Area Network DMonitored Region 2JVMPISlaveJNISlave JNI Slave JVMPIJNI Slave JNISlaveSlave JNISlave agent Manager modSampleTime()Figure 5. Manager and slave monitoring agents for the distributed control of SOMA agents.5 Lessons Learned and Directions of Future WorkThe initial tests in controlling resource consumption of SOMA agents have shown, on the one hand, the feasibility of Java-based on-line monitoring, and, on the other hand, the necessity to enable the dynamic tuning of the monitoring overhead by adjusting both the sample frequency and the set of collected data. In normal working conditions, all tests show that monitoringSOMA agents causes a negligible overhead when the sample frequency goes under 0.35 Hz [9].Notwithstanding the encouraging results obtained, much work is still to be done to achieve a complete and flexible control of SOMA agent resource consumption. We are currently working at:experimenting different strategies of distribution for slave and manager agents, possibly related to the topology of networks where SOMA agents operate. We are testing (and evaluating the performance of) solutions with different numbers of managers/slaves for each controlled region/host, even allowing manager agents to be organized hierarchically; defining flexible policies to express distributed state control thresholds, and actions to be performed at their overcoming.References[1]G. Vigna (ed.), Mobile Agents and Security, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1419,Springer Verlag, 1998.[2] A. Corradi, M. Cremonini, R. Montanari and C. Stefanelli, "Mobile Agents Integrity forElectronic Commerce Applications", Information Systems, Special Issue on Information Systems Support For Electronic Commerce, Elsevier, Vol. 24, No. 6, 1999.[3]M. Vandenwauver, R. Govaerts and J: Vandewalle, "Role-based Access Control in DistributedSystems", IFIP Working Conf. Communications and Multimedia Security, 1997.[4]Sun Microsystems - Java Virtual Machine Profiler Interface (JVMPI), /products/jdk/1.3/docs/guide/jvmpi/jvmpi.html.[5]R. Gordon, Essential Java Native Interface, Prentice Hall, 1998.[6]P. Bellavista, A. Corradi and C. Stefanelli, "Protection and Interoperability for Mobile Agents:A Secure and Open Programming Environment", IEICE Transactions on Communications,IEICE/IEEE Special Issue on Autonomous Decentralized Systems, E83-B(5), 2000.[7]P. Bellavista, A. Corradi and C. Stefanelli, "An Integrated Management Environment forNetwork Resources and Services", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication, Special Issue on Recent Advances in Network Management and Operations, 18(5), 2000.[8] D. Gavalas, M. Ghanbari, M. O’Mahony and D. Greenwood, "Enabling Mobile AgentTechnology for Intelligent Bulk Management Data Filtering", IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), USA, 2000.[9]P. Bellavista, A. Corradi and C. Stefanelli, "Java-based On-line Monitoring of HeterogeneousResources and Systems", 7th Workshop HP OpenView University Association, Greece, 2000.。
