
1. If you could have any job or career you wanted. Which would you choose and why? Give specific details to explain your response.If I could have any job I wanted, I would choose to be a writer. There are a couple of reasons why I want to be writer. Firstly, being a writer doesn’t need to go to office or a place full of many other people. Writers usually stay at a quiet place and write articles or books. I enjoy being alone, thinking alone and writing things alone. Every time I am alone, I write stories. Secondly, I love the art of telling stories. Writing stories not only pleases myself but may entertain other people, the readers, as well. I especially like the scene in which people laugh and think when they are reading my stories.2. Some people who unexpectedly received a large amount of money spend it on practical things, while others spend it for pleasure only. Which do you think is better and why?I think spending it on practical things is better. Spending large amount of money for pleasure only is nota wise way to handle money. It’ll only make people want to spend more because human desire is insatiable. If you buy a big house, there will be a bigger house. If you buy a large company, there will be a larger company. So wiser people should spend the money on practical things such as setting up a fund for charity, helping those who are in urgent need of food and sanitation, building schools for kids who live in the rural areas and so on. Even opening a bookstore is better than just spending the money only for pleasure.3. The man expresses his opinion about the student's suggestions that are made in the letter. State the man's opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.The writer suggests that health center hire more doctors so that each patient receives quality treatment and that health center open on weekends in order to treat people who get sick over the weekend. The man in the conversation doesn’t think the two suggestions will do much good. As for the first suggestion, the man says the health center is tiny. It suffers lack of space. Unless it builds more treat room or offices, problems can’t besolved. About the second suggestion, the man says most students aren’t here on weekend. There are just not a lot of people here. Most of them are in town. Plus, students leave more often on weekend. All these mean that there is not much demand for treatment on weekends.4. Using the example from the lecture, explain what social loafing is and how it affects people's behavior.Social loafing happens when individuals in a group perform less well than they do on their own, which leads to less personal efficiency. The professor uses a study to illustrate this phenomenon. In the study, people were asked to peel potatoes, to peel as many potatoes as possible at a given amount of time. Some chose to work alone and were told that the number of potatoes each peeled will be record. Others chose to work in a group and they were told that only the total number of potatoes peeled would be recorded. So it was impossible to tell how many one person had done. Then the researchers compared the average number of potatoes peeled alone and that peeled together. They found out that people who worked as a group peeled significantly fewer potatoes thanthose who worked alone.5. The students discuss two possible solutions to the man's problem. Briefly summarize the problem. Then state which of the solutions you prefer and explain why.None of the bookstores in the campus area has the book the man wants and it’ll take about two weeks to have the book in stock. But the class will be discussing the book next Tuesday. The first solution is to buy the book on the Internet and use Russia order delivery. But it’ll cost twice as much money as it takes to buy one in a bookstore. The second solution is to share the woman’s copy until he can get a book from a bookstore. He can read part of the book one day and then the woman can read part of the book another day. But the man worries that he won’t get the book back to her in time. I prefer the second solution. Just like the woman says, as long as the two students keep careful, they won’t delay each other. Furthermore, they only have to share the book for two weeks, since bookstores will have the book in two weeks.6. Using points and examples from the talk, explain internal and external locus of control.The professor uses two interviewees as examples to explain internal and external locus of control. In the first example, the girl who has internal locus of control believes her success and preparation are her responsibilities. So she worked hard ahead of time. If she succeed, she will think its because of her hard work. If she fails, she will be disappointed and try to figure out how she can improve for the next time. Another example is a man who has external locus of control. He thinks interviewers have more influence on his interview, which means his success depends on luck. So he didn’t work hard to prepare for the interview. He is more likely to take risks, interviewing jobs that he is not qualified for. If he gets it, he thinks it’s because interviewers are having a good day. If he doesn’t get it, he will blame the interviewers and won’t try to figure out how he might have done better.。

1.托福口语 Task3 简介
2.Task3 的答题技巧
3.Task3 的备考策略
托福口语 Task3 是托福考试中一个重要的部分,主要考察考生在听、说、读三个方面的综合能力。
首先,我们来了解一下 Task3 的答题技巧。
在阅读部分,考生需要在 45 秒内快速找到文章的重点,了解文章的主题和内容。
接下来,我们来探讨一下 Task3 的备考策略。
首先,考生需要熟悉托福口语的题型和考试要求,了解 Task3 的答题技巧和策略。
总之,托福口语 Task3 是一个综合性很强的题型,考生需要具备良好的阅读、听力和口语能力。

托福TPO3阅读真题原文题目及答案Part2托福TPO作为托福的模考工具,它的题目对于我们备考托福很有参考价值,为了帮助大家备考,下面小编给大家整理了托福TPO3阅读真题及答案Part2,望喜欢!托福TPO3阅读真题原文Part2Depletion of the Ogallala AquiferThe vast grasslands of the High Plains in the central United States were settled by farmers and ranchers in the 1880s. This region has a semiarid climate, and for 50 years after its settlement, it supported a low-intensity agricultural economy of cattle ranching and wheat farming. In the early twentieth century, however, it was discovered that much of the High Plains was underlain by a huge aquifer (a rock layer containing large quantities of groundwater). This aquifer was named the Ogallala aquifer after the Ogallala Sioux Indians, who once inhabited the region.The Ogallala aquifer is a sandstone formation that underlies some 583,000 square kilometers of land extending from northwestern Texas to southern South Dakota. Water from rains and melting snows has been accumulating in the Ogallala for the past 30,000 years. Estimates indicate that the aquifer contains enough water to fill Lake Huron, but unfortunately, under the semiarid climatic conditions that presently exist in the region, rates of addition to the aquifer are minimal, amounting to about half a centimeter a year.The first wells were drilled into the Ogallala during the drought years of the early 1930s. The ensuing rapid expansion of irrigation agriculture, especially from the 1950s onward, transformed the economy of the region. More than 100,000 wellsnow tap the Ogallala. Modern irrigation devices, each capable of spraying 4.5 million liters of water a day, have produced a landscape dominated by geometric patterns of circular green islands of crops. Ogallala water has enabled the High Plains region to supply significant amounts of the cotton, sorghum, wheat, and corn grown in the United States. In addition, 40 percent of American grain-fed beef cattle are fattened here.This unprecedented development of a finite groundwater resource with an almost negligible natural recharge rate-that is, virtually no natural water source to replenish the water supply-has caused water tables in the region to fall drastically. In the 1930s, wells encountered plentiful water at a depth of about 15 meters; currently, they must be dug to depths of 45 to 60 meters or more. In places, the water table is declining at a rate of a meter a year, necessitating the periodic deepening of wells and the use of ever-more-powerful pumps. It is estimated that at current withdrawal rates, much of the aquifer will run dry within 40 years. The situation is most critical in Texas, where the climate is driest, the greatest amount of water is being pumped, and the aquifer contains the least water. It is projected that the remaining Ogallala water will, by the year 2030, support only 35 to 40 percent of the irrigated acreage in Texas that is supported in 1980.The reaction of farmers to the inevitable depletion of the Ogallala varies. Many have been attempting to conserve water by irrigating less frequently or by switching to crops that require less water. Others, however, have adopted the philosophy that it is best to use the water while it is still economically profitable to do so and to concentrate on high-value crops such as cotton. The incentive of the farmers who wish to conserve water is reduced by their knowledge that many of their neighbors are profiting byusing great amounts of water, and in the process are drawing down the entire region's water supplies.In the face of the upcoming water supply crisis, a number of grandiose schemes have been developed to transport vast quantities of water by canal or pipeline from the Mississippi, the Missouri, or the Arkansas rivers.Unfortunately, the cost of water obtained through any of these schemes would increase pumping costs at least tenfold, making the cost of irrigated agricultural products from the region uncompetitive on the national and international markets. Somewhat more promising have been recent experiments for releasing capillary water (water in the soil) above the water table by injecting compressed air into the ground. Even if this process proves successful, however, it would almost triple water costs. Genetic engineering also may provide a partial solution, as new strains of drought-resistant crops continue to be developed. Whatever the final answer to the water crisis may be, it is evident that within the High Plains, irrigation water will never again be the abundant, inexpensive resource it was during the agricultural boom years of the mid-twentieth century.Paragraph 1: The vast grasslands of the High Plains in the central United States were settled by farmers and ranchers in the 1880s. This region has a semiarid climate, and for 50 years after its settlement, it supported a low-intensity agricultural economy of cattle ranching and wheat farming. In the early twentieth century, however, it was discovered that much of the High Plains was underlain by a huge aquifer (a rock layer containing large quantities of groundwater). This aquifer was named the Ogallala aquifer after the Ogallala Sioux Indians, who once inhabited the region.托福TPO3阅读真题题目Part21.According to paragraph 1, which of the following statements about the High Plains is true?○Until farmers and rancher s settled there in the 1880s, the High Plains had never been inhabited.○The climate of the High Plains is characterized by higher-than-average temperatures.○The large aquifer that lies underneath the High Plains was discovered by the Ogallala Sioux Indians.○Before the early 1900s there was only a small amount of farming and ranching in the High Plains.Paragraph 2: The Ogallala aquifer is a sandstone formation that underlies some 583,000 square kilometers of land extending from northwestern Texas to southern South Dakota. Water from rains and melting snows has been accumulating in the Ogallala for the past 30,000 years. Estimates indicate that the aquifer contains enough water to fill Lake Huron, but unfortunately, under the semiarid climatic conditions that presently exist in the region, rates of addition to the aquifer are minimal, amounting to about half a centimeter a year.2. According to paragraph 2, all of the following statements about the Ogallala aquifer are true EXCEPT:○The aquifer stretches from South Dakota to Texas.○The aquifer's water comes from underground springs.○Water has been gatheri ng in the aquifer for 30,000 years.○The aquifer's water is stored in a layer of sandstone.3. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.○Despite the current impressive size of the Ogallala aquifer, the region's climate keeps the rates of water addition very small.○Although the aquifer has been adding water at the rate of only half a centimeter a year, it will eventually accumulate enough water of fill Lake Huron.○Because of the region's present climatic conditions, water is being added each year to the aquifer.○Even when the region experiences unfortunate climatic conditions, the rates of addition of water continue to increase.Paragraph 3: The first wells were drilled into the Ogallala during the drought years of the early 1930s. The ensuing rapid expansion of irrigation agriculture, especially from the 1950s onward, transformed the economy of the region. More than 100,000 wells now tap the Ogallala. Modern irrigation devices, each capable of spraying 4.5 million liters of water a day, have produced a landscape dominated by geometric patterns of circular green islands of crops. Ogallala water has enabled the High Plains region to supply significant amounts of the cotton, sorghum, wheat, and corn grown in the United States. In addition, 40 percent of American grain-fed beef cattle are fattened here.4. The word "ensuing" in the passage is closest in meaning to○continuing○surprising○initial○subsequent5. In paragraph 3, why does the author provide the information that 40 percent of American cattle are fattened in the High Plains?○To suggest that crop cultivation is not the most importantpart of the economy of the High Plains○To indicate that not all economic activity in the High Plains is dependent on irrigation○To provide another example of how water from the Ogallala has transformed the economy of the High Plains○To contrast cattle-fattening practices in the High Plains with those used in other region of the United StatesParagraph 4: This unprecedented development of a finite groundwater resource with an almost negligible natural recharge rate-that is, virtually no natural water source to replenish the water supply-has caused water tables in the region to fall drastically. In the 1930s, wells encountered plentiful water at a depth of about 15 meters; currently, they must be dug to depths of 45 to 60 meters or more. In places, the water table is declining at a rate of a meter a year, necessitating the periodic deepening of wells and the use of ever-more-powerful pumps. It is estimated that at current withdrawal rates, much of the aquifer will run dry within 40 years. The situation is most critical in Texas, where the climate is driest, the greatest amount of water is being pumped, and the aquifer contains the least water. It is projected that the remaining Ogallala water will, by the year 2030, support only 35 to 40 percent of the irrigated acreage in Texas that is supported in 1980.6. The word "unprecedented" in the passage is closest in meaning to○difficult to control○without any restriction○unlike anything in the past○rapidly expanding7. The word "virtually" in the passage is closest in meaningto○clearly○perhaps○frequently○almost8. According to paragraph 4, all of following are consequences of the heavy use of the Ogallala aquifer for irrigation EXCEPT:○The recharge rate of the aquifer is decreasing.○Water tables in the region are becoming increasingly lower.○Wells now have to be dug to much greater depths than before.○Increasingly powerful pumps are needed to draw water from the aquifer.9. According to paragraph 4, compared with all other states that use Ogallala water for irrigation, Texas○has the greatest amount of farmland being irrigated with Ogallala water○contains the largest amount of Ogallala water underneath the soil○is expected to face the worst water supply crisis as the Ogallala runs dry○uses the least amount of Ogallala water for its irrigation needsParagraph 5: The reaction of farmers to the inevitable depletion of the Ogallala varies. Many have been attempting to conserve water by irrigating less frequently or by switching to crops that require less water. Others, however, have adopted the philosophy that it is best to use the water while it is still economically profitable to do so and to concentrate on high-value crops such as cotton. The incentive of the farmers who wish to conserve water is reduced by their knowledge that many of their neighbors are profiting by using great amounts of water, and in the process are drawing down the entire region's water supplies.10. The word "inevitable" in the passage is closest in meaning to○unfortunate○predictable○u navoidable○final11. Paragraph 5 mentions which of the following as a source of difficulty for some farmers who try to conserve water?○Crops that do not need much water are difficult to grow in the High Plains.○Farmers who grow crops that need a lot of water make higher profits.○Irrigating less frequently often leads to crop failure.○Few farmers are convinced that the aquifer will eventually run dry.Paragraph 6: In the face of the upcoming water supply crisis, a number of grandiose schemes have been developed to transport vast quantities of water by canal or pipeline from the Mississippi, the Missouri, or the Arkansas rivers. Unfortunately, the cost of water obtained through any of these schemes would increase pumping costs at least tenfold, making the cost of irrigated agricultural products from the region uncompetitive on the national and international markets. Somewhat more promising have been recent experiments for releasing capillary water (water in the soil) above the water table by injectingcompressed air into the ground. Even if this process proves successful, however, it would almost triple water costs. Genetic engineering also may provide a partial solution, as new strains of drought-resistant crops continue to be developed. Whatever the final answer to the water crisis may be, it is evident that within the High Plains, irrigation water will never again be the abundant, inexpensive resource it was during the agricultural boom years of the mid-twentieth century.12.According to paragraph 6, what is the main disadvantage of the proposed plans to transport river water to the High Plains?○The rivers cannot supply sufficient water for the farmer's needs.○Increased irrigation costs would make the products too expensive.○The costs of using capillar y water for irrigation will increase.○Farmers will be forced to switch to genetically engineered crops.Paragraph 5: The reaction of farmers to the inevitable depletion of the Ogallala varies. Many have been attempting to conserve water by irrigating less frequently or by switching to crops that require less water. █Others, however, have adopted the philosophy that it is best to use the water while it is still economically profitable to do so and to concentrate on high-value crops such as cotton. █The ince ntive of the farmers who wish to conserve water is reduced by their knowledge that many of their neighbors are profiting by using great amounts of water, and in the process are drawing down the entire region's water supplies. █Paragraph 6: In the face of the upcoming water supply crisis, a number of grandiose schemes have been developed totransport vast quantities of water by canal or pipeline from the Mississippi, the Missouri, or the Arkansas rivers. █Unfortunately, the cost of water obtained through any of these schemes would increase pumping costs at least tenfold, making the cost of irrigated agricultural products from the region uncompetitive on the national and international markets. Somewhat more promising have been recent experiments for releasing capillary water (water in the soil) above the water table by injecting compressed air into the ground. Even if this process proves successful, however, it would almost triple water costs. Genetic engineering also may provide a partial solution, as new strains of drought-resistant crops continue to be developed. Whatever the final answer to the water crisis may be, it is evident that within the High Plains, irrigation water will never again be the abundant, inexpensive resource it was during the agricultural boom years of the mid-twentieth century.13.Look at the four squares [█] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passageBut even if uncooperative farmers were to join in the conservation efforts, this would only delay the depletion of the aquifer.Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage.14.Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.The Ogallala aquifer is a large underground source of water in the High Plains region of the United States.●●●Answer choices○The use of the Ogallala for irrigation has allowed the High Plains to become one of the most productive agricultural regions in the United States.○Given the aquifer's low recharge rate, its use for irrigation is causing water tables to drop and will eventually lead to its depletion.○Releasing capillary water and introducing drought-resistant crops are less-promising solutions to the water supply crisis than bringing in river water○The periodic deepening of wells and the use of more-powerful pumps would help increase the natural recharge rate of the Ogallala.○In Texas, a great deal of attention is being paid to genetic engineering because it is there that the most critical situation exists.○Several solutions to the upcoming water supply crisis have been proposed, but none of them promises to keep the costs of irrigation low.托福TPO3阅读真题答案Part2参考答案:1. ○42. ○23. ○14. ○45. ○36. ○37. ○48. ○19. ○310. ○311. ○212. ○213. ○314. The use of the Ogallala for…Given the aquifer's low recharge…Several solutions to the upcoming…托福TPO3阅读翻译Part2奥加拉拉蓄水层的枯竭19世纪80年代,在美国中部北美大平原的广阔草原上定居着农场主们和牧场主们。

托福口语task3回答模板大家好,今天我来为大家分享一份托福口语Task 3回答的模板。
托福口语Task 3 主要是针对一个给定的话题进行综合性阐述,通常是在听力材料和阅读材料的基础上展开讨论。
1. 观点对比(Contrast of Opinions)针对听力材料和阅读材料中的观点对比,我们可以结合具体的事例和论证来说明不同的观点。
2. 契合实际(Practicality)在回答问题时,我们可以考虑观点的实际可行性,即这种观点是否能够在实际中得以落地并产生积极的效果。
3. 综合观点(Integration)在回答问题时,我们可以针对两种观点提出一个更加综合和全面的观点,以期能够在最大程度上满足各方面的需求。
综上所述,以上是一份托福口语Task 3回答模板的详细分析和讲解。


Man: Yeah. Take her first suggestion: I mean, have you seen the health center.
Woman: Of course! Why?
Man: Well…it’s tiny. It suffers from lack of space, so, unless they build more treatment rooms or offices or something…
The man expresses his opinion about the student’s suggestions that are made in the letter. State the man’s opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.
Megan Finch
Now listen to two students discussing the letter.
Woman: Did you read that letter in the paper?
Man: Sure, and though she’s right about the problems, I don’t think what she proposes will do much good.
Woman: Oh, I see…
Man: And also, her second suggestion.
Woman: It seems like that’ll help things out…

TPO16 综合写作听力+阅读原文ReadingThe United Kingdom (sometimes referred to as Britain) has a long and rich history of human settlement. Traces of buildings, tools, and art can be found from periods going back many thousands of years: from the Stone Age, through the Bronze Age, the Iron Age, the time of the Roman colonization, the Middle Ages, up to the beginnings of the industrial age. Yet for most of the twentieth century, the science of archaeology,dedicated to uncovering and studying old cultural artifacts,was faced with serious problems and limitations in Britain.First, many valuable artifacts were lost to construction projects. The growth of Britain's population, especially from the 1950s on, spurred a lot of new construction in British cities, towns, and villages. While digging foundations for new buildings, the builders often uncovered archaeologically valuable sites. Usually, however, they proceeded with the construction and did not preserve the artifacts. Many archaeologically precious artifacts were therefore destroyed.Second, many archaeologists felt that the financial support for archaeological research was inadequate. For most of the twentieth century, archaeology was funded mostly through government funds and grants, which allowed archaeologists to investigate a handful of the most important sites but which left hundreds of other interesting projects without support. Furthermore, changing government priorities brought about periodic reductions in funding.Third, it was difficult to have a career in archaeology. Archaeology jobs were to be found at universities or with a few government agencies, but there were never many positions available. Many people who wanted to become archaeologists ended up pursuing other careers and contributing to archaeological research only as unpaid amateurs.ListeningIn 1990, new rules and guidelines were adopted in United Kingdom and that had changed the whole feel of Archaeology in that country. The new guidelines improved the situation in all 3 areas discussed in the passage. First, the new guidelines state that before any construction project can start, the construction site has to be examined by archaeologists to see whether the site is of archaeological interest or value. If the site is of archaeological interest, the next step is for the builders, archaeologists and local government officials to get together and make a plan for preserving the archaeological artifacts, either by building around them or by excavating a document in themproperly before the construction is allowed to proceed.Second, an important part of new guidelines is the rule that any archaeological work done on the construction site will be paid for by the construction company not by the government. The construction company has to pay for the initial examination of the site, and then for all the work carried out under the preservation plan. This is whole new source of financial support. The funding from the construction company has allowed researchers to study a far great range of archaeological sites than they could in past. Last, the new guidelines provide a lot of paid work for archaeologists, work that didn’t e xist before. Expert archaeologists are now hired all stage of the process to examine the site for archaeological value, then have to drop the preservation plan to do the researcher and professional scientific manner and finally to process the data and write reports and articles. The increased job career opportunities in Archaeology have increased the number professional archaeologists in Britain which is now the highest it’s ever been.由于篇幅有限,托福综合写作满分范文,在雷哥托福微信公众号获取。

新托福TPO16阅读原文(三):Planets in Our Solar SystemTPO16-3:Planets in Our Solar SystemThe Sun is the hub of a huge rotating system consisting of nine planets, their satellites, and numerous small bodies, including asteroids, comets, and meteoroids. An estimated 99.85 percent of the mass of our solar system is contained within the Sun, while the planets collectively make up most of the remaining 0.15 percent. The planets, in order of their distance from the Sun, are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Under the control of the Sun's gravitational force, each planet maintains an elliptical orbit and all of them travel in the same direction.The planets in our solar system fall into two groups: the terrestrial (Earth-like) planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) and the Jovian (Jupiter-like) planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune). Pluto is not included in either category, because its great distance from Earth and its small size make this planet's true nature a mystery.The most obvious difference between the terrestrial and the Jovian planets is their size. The largest terrestrial planet, Earth has a diameter only one quarter as great as the diameter of the smallest Jovian planet, Neptune, and its mass is only one seventeenth as great. Hence, the Jovian planets are often called giants. Also, because of their relative locations, the four Jovian planets are known as the outer planets, while the terrestrial planets are known as the inner planets. There appears to be a correlation between the positions of these planets and their sizes.Other dimensions along which the two groups differ markedly are density and composition. The densities of the terrestrial planets average about 5 times the density of water, whereas the Jovian planets have densities that average only 1.5 times the density of water. One of the outer planets, Saturn, has a density of only 0.7 that of water, which means that Saturn would float in water. Variations in the composition of the planets are largely responsible for the density differences. The substances thatmake up both groups of planets are divided into three groups—gases, rocks, and ices—based on their melting points. The terrestrial planets are mostly rocks: dense rocky and metallic material, with minor amounts of gases. The Jovian planets, on the other hand, contain a large percentage of the gases hydrogen and helium, with varying amounts of ices: mostly water, ammonia, and methane ices.The Jovian planets have very thick atmospheres consisting of varying amounts of hydrogen, helium, methane, and ammonia. By comparison, the terrestrial planets have meager atmospheres at best. A planet's ability to retain an atmosphere depends on its temperature and mass. Simply stated, a gas molecule can "evaporate" from a planet if it reaches a speed known as the escape velocity. For Earth, this velocity is 11 kilometers per second. Any material, including a rocket, must reach this speed before it can leave Earth and go into space. The Jovian planets, because of their greater masses and thus higher surface gravities, have higher escape velocities (21-60 kilometers per second) than the terrestrial planets. Consequently, it is more difficult for gases to "evaporate" from them. Also, because the molecular motion of a gas depends on temperature, at the low temperatures of the Jovian planets even the lightest gases are unlikely to acquire the speed needed to escape. On the other hand, a comparatively warm body with a small surface gravity, like Earth's moon, is unable to hold even the heaviest gas and thus lacks an atmosphere. The slightly larger terrestrial planets Earth, Venus, and Mars retain some heavy gases like carbon dioxide, but even their atmospheres make up only an infinitesimally small portion of their total mass.The orderly nature of our solar system leads most astronomers to conclude that the planets formed at essentially the same time and from the same material as the Sun. It is hypothesized that the primordial cloud of dust and gas from which all the planets are thought to have condensed had a composition somewhat similar to that of Jupiter. However, unlike Jupiter, the terrestrial planets today are nearly void of light gases and ices. The explanation may be that the terrestrial planets were once much larger and richer in these materials but eventually lost them because of these bodies' relative closeness to the Sun, which meant that their temperatures were relatively high.TPO16-3译文:太阳系中的行星九大行星、它们的卫星以及数以亿计的小天体,包括小行星、彗星和陨星,共同构成了一个巨大的公转系统而太阳是这个公转系统的核心。

托福TPO16综合写作阅读原文文本:The United Kingdom(sometimes referred to as Britain)has a long and rich history of human settlement.Traces of buildings,tools,and art can be found from periods going back many thousands of years:from the Stone Age,through the Bronze Age,the Iron Age,the time of the Roman colonization,the Middle Ages,up to the beginnings of the industrial age.Yet for most of the twentieth century,the science of archaeology,dedicated to uncovering and studying old cultural artifacts,was faced with serious problems and limitations in Britain.First,many valuable artifacts were lost to construction projects.The growth of Britain's population,especially from the1950s on,spurred a lot of new construction in British cities,towns,and villages.While digging foundations for new buildings,the builders often uncovered archaeologically valuable ually, however,they proceeded with the construction and did not preserve the artifacts. Many archaeologically precious artifacts were therefore destroyed.Second,many archaeologists felt that the financial support for archaeological research was inadequate.For most of the twentieth century,archaeology was funded mostly through government funds and grants,which allowed archaeologists to investigate a handful of the most important sites but which left hundreds of other interesting projects without support.Furthermore,changing government priorities brought about periodic reductions in funding.Third,it was difficult to have a career in archaeology.Archaeology jobs were to be found at universities or with a few government agencies,but there were never many positions available.Many people who wanted to become archaeologists ended up pursuing other careers and contributing to archaeological research only as unpaid amateurs.托福TPO16综合写作听力原文文本:In1990,new rules and guidelines were adopted in United Kingdom and that had changed the whole feel of Archaeology in that country.The new guidelines improved the situation in all3areas discussed in the passage.First,the new guidelines state that before any construction project can start,the construction site has to be examined by archaeologists to see whether the site is of archaeological interest or value.If the site is of archaeological interest,the next step is for the builders, archaeologists and local government officials to get together and make a plan for preserving the archaeological artifacts,either by building around them or by excavating a document in them properly before the construction is allowed to proceed. Second,an important part of new guidelines is the rule that any archaeological workdone on the construction site will be paid for by the construction company not by the government.The construction company has to pay for the initial examination of the site,and then for all the work carried out under the preservation plan.This is whole new source of financial support.The funding from the construction company has allowed researchers to study a far great range of archaeological sites than they could in st,the new guidelines provide a lot of paid work for archaeologists,work that didn’t exist before.Expert archaeologists are now hired all stage of the process to examine the site for archaeological value,then have to drop the preservation plan to do the researcher and professional scientific manner and finally to process the data and write reports and articles.The increased job career opportunities in Archaeology have increased the number professional archaeologists in Britain which is now the highest it’s ever been.托福TPO16综合写作满分范文:The professor explained three aspects of the new guidelines adopted in the United Kingdom,each of which has successfully addressed the problems mentioned in the reading passage concerning the preservation of artifacts,the funding of archaeological research,and career opportunities in archaeology.First,the professor pointed out that according to the new guidelines,any construction project must undergo an evaluation process in order for the archaeological value of the site to be ascertained.If a site is determined to contain precious objects,a panel of experts is convened to draw up a preservation plan.This measure has proven very effective in addressing the first problem mentioned in the reading–careless and irresponsible construction projects being pursued without any regard for archaeological preservation.Second,the lecturer explained that the new guidelines shifted the responsibility for funding archaeological work,from initial examination to future preservation,from the government to construction companies. As a result of this shift,the second problem highlighted in the reading concerning insufficient government funds for archaeological research has been significantly addressed.The professor’s last point concerned the final problem raised in the reading material–a decline in archaeology-related job opportunities.She argued that thanks to the new guidelines,many skillful,full-time archaeological experts and professionals are now needed to handle work at various stages of archaeological investigation,research,and preservation.以上是给大家整理的托福TPO16综合写作阅读原文+听力原文+满分范文,希望对你有所帮助!。

下面是我为您整理的关于托福tpo 口语task3,希望对你有所帮助。
托福tpo口语task3阅读文本:Letter in the Centerville College NewsThe administration has plans to acquire a new sculpture for campus. We should all oppose this plan. The universitys poor financial condition led it to increase the price for campus housing and tuition by 15% this past year. Surely then it is no financial position to purchase such an expensive sculpture. Moreover, just look at the sculpture: several 60-foot ling steel plates, jutting out of the earth at odd angles! Its so large, itll take up all the green space in front of the campus center! This is public space that should be reserved for students to use.托福tpo口语task3听力文本:Now listen to two students discussing the opinion expressed in the letter.(man) Did you see Pauls letter in the paper about the new sculpture?(woman) Yeah, but it was totally unconvincing. His reasons for opposing the plan are just totally off. I am glad that well finally have some nice art on campus. Id like to shake the donors hand and say "thank you. '(man) What do you mean the donor?(woman) You didnt know? An anonymous donor is paying the bill for most of the sculpture.(man) Not the university?(woman) No! His assumptions about whos paying are all wrong!(man) Still, I wonder if he has a point about the space itll take up?(woman) Well, you know why Paul is upset. He and his friends are always out there on the lawn right where the sculpture will be, kicking around the soccer ball. Now theyll just have to use another part of the campus to play. (man) Oh! So he just doesnt want to have to move.(woman) Yeah! For him, its sculpture versus convenience.托福tpo口语task3题目文本:Explain why the woman disagrees with the reasons expressed in the letter.托福口语Task3考试分析●题型分析我个人认为Task3是新托福口语部分最有挑战性的题目。

2019年TPO16托福口语Task3原文及参考答案 TPO16口语Task3题目:PassageStudent Health Services Need ImprovementThe situation at the health center is unacceptable: you sit in a crowded waiting room for hours waiting to get treatment for minor ailments. Then when it’s your turn, you get about three minutes with an overworked doctor. I have two suggestions: first, the heath center needs to hire more doctors so that each patient receives quality treatment. And as far as the wait time issue is concerned, the health center is currently open Monday through Fridays, which means that people who get sick over the weekend wait until the following week to get treatment. So, opening the health center on weekends should solve that problem too.Sincerely,Megan FinchConversationNow listen to two students discussing the letter.Woman: Did you read that letter in the paper?Man:Sure, and though she’s right about the problems, I don’t think what she proposes will do much good.Woman: Really?Man: Yeah. Take her first suggestion: I mean, have you seen the health center.Woman: Of course! Why?Man:Well…it’s tiny. It suffers from lack of space, so, unless they build more treatment rooms or offices or something…Woman:Oh, I see…Man: And also, her second suggestion.Woman:It seems like that’ll help things out…Man:Well…not necessarily…I mean…think about it. Alot of students aren't even here on the weekends.Woman:That’s true.Man:They leave town and get away; there’s not a lot of people here.Woman:Yeah, like me, I got home probably…at leasttwice a month.Man: Right, and a lot of us leave campus for the weekend even more often than that. So there’s just not a lot of demand for treatment then. See what I mean?QuestionThe man expresses his opinion about the student’s suggestions that are made in the letter. State the man’s opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.。

托福口语第三题备考模版:注:模版只是参考,请同学们自己总结1、The school has implemented a new policy that ... due to ... . And the man/womanholds a positive/negative view towards the announcement.The first reason s/he gives is that ... . And the second one is based on the fact that ... .2、From the reading material, we know that (the college) is going to ...Obviously, the man/woman in the conversation thinks that this is a great/bad idea, due to the following reasons..One reason is that……. Another is,…….万一有时间So that’s all the reasons s/he has to form that opinion. (尽量记,听为主)3、The man/woman’s opinion about STH is that…….(选择方案型:听选择的原因。

托福TPO3口语Task3阅读文本+听力文本+题目+满分范文为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO3口语T ask3阅读文本+听力文本+题目+满分范文,希望对大家备考有所帮助。
托福TPO3口语Task3阅读文本:Hot Breakfasts EliminatedBeginning next month, Dining Services will no longer serve hot breakfast foods at university dining halls. Instead, students will be offered a wide assortment of cold breakfast items in the morning. These cold breakfast foods, such as breads, fruit, and yogurt, are healthier than many of the hot breakfast items that we will stop serving, so health-conscious students should welcome this change. Students will benefit in another way as well, because limiting the breakfast selection to cold food items will save money and allow us to keep our meal plans affordable.托福TPO3口语Task3听力文本:Now listen to two students discussing the announcement.(woman) Do you believe any of this? It's ridiculous.(man) What do you mean? It is important to eat healthy foods.(woman) Sure it is! But they are saying a yogurt is better for you than an omelet or than hot cereal? I mean, whether something is hot or cold, that shouldn't be the issue. Let's say maybe on a cold morning, in that case, which is going to be better for you, a bowl of cold cereal or a nice warm omelet? It's obvious. There's no question.(man) I'm not gonna argue with you there.(woman) And this whole thing about saving money.(man) What about it?(woman) Well, they are actually going to make things worsefor us, not better. Cause if they start to cutting back and we can't get what we want here on campus, well, we are going to going off campus and pay off-campus prices. And you know what? That'll be expensive. Even if it's only two or three mornings a week, it can add up.托福TPO3口语Task3题目:The woman expresses her opinion of the change that has been announced. State her opinion and explain her reasons for holding that opinion.托福TPO3口语Task3满分范文:Well, the woman disagrees with the announcement for two main reasons. For one thing she believes that students will need hot food from time to time. For example on cold mornings students will need hot food like hot cereal more than cold food like yogurt. Secondly she argues that the students will go off-campus to pay more prices to get what they want due to the cutting back of meals. As a result the cost will actually add up and is therefore a worse situation for the students. All in all, the woman disagrees with the announcement for the reasons stated above. (103 words)以上是给大家整理的托福TPO3口语Task3阅读文本+听力文本+题目+满分范文,希望对你有所帮助!。

tpo16口语题目TPO16的口语题目如下:Task 1:1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is important to have good table manners when dining in a restaurant.Task 2:2. Some people believe that it is important to follow traditional customs and practices when celebrating special occasions, while others think that it is more important to create new ways of celebrating. Which view do you agree with?Task 3:3. A university has decided to provide a new program for students called "First-Year Experience." This program will include a variety of activities designed to help students make friends, acclimate to theuniversity environment, and gain confidence in their abilities. Do you think this program is a good idea? Why or why not?Task 4:4. A company is considering implementing a new policy that would require employees to work a four-day workweek. Do you think this policy would be beneficial for employees and the company? Why or why not?Task 5:5. Some people believe that the best way to learn a new skill or subject is through self-study, while others believe that the best way is to take a class or workshop taught by an expert. Which do you prefer and why?。

托福口语task3题目范文TPO2托福综合口语Task3阅读文本:Bus Service Elimination PlannedThe university has decided to discontinue its free bus service for students. The reason given for this decision is that few students ride the buses and the buses are expensive to operate. Currently, the buses run from the center of campus past university buildings and through some of the neighborhoods surrounding the campus. The money saved by eliminating the bus service will be used to expand the overcrowded student parking lots.TPO2托福综合口语Task3听力文本:(Man): I dont like the universitys plan.(Woman): Really? Ive ridden those buses and sometimesthere were only a few people on the bus. It did seem like a kind of a waste.(Man): I see your point, but I think the problem is that the route is out of date. It only goes to the neighborhood that have gotten too expensive for students to live in. It is ridiculous that they have not already changed route, you know, so it goes where most off-campus students live now.I bet if they did that, theyd get plenty of students riding those buses.(Woman): Well, at least they are adding more parking, it has gotten really tough to find a space.(Man): That is the other part I do not like, actually. Cutting back the bus service and adding parking just encourage more students to drive on campus and that just adds to noise around campus and create more traffic. And that II increase the need for more parking spaces.(Woman): Yeah, I guess I can see your point. Maybe it would be better if more students use the buses instead of driving. (Man): Right. And the university should make it easier to do that, not harder.TPO2托福综合口语Task3题目文本:The man expresses his opinion of the universitys plan to eliminate the bus service. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.TPO2托福综合口语Task3满分范文:Well, the man disagrees with the plan for two main reasons. First of all, he believes that the route is out-of-date since it only goes through the neighborhoods that are too expensive for students to live in. If they change the bus route making it go through areas where most off-campus students live now, they will have plenty of students riding those buses. On top of that, the man thinks that the plan will encourage students to drive on campus, which will cause not only more traffic and noise but also deficient parking spaces on campus. So the man disagrees with the plan for the reasons stated above. (110 words)TPO48托福综合口语Task3题目+解析+思路+范文Question:The man expresses his opinion about the letter-writers proposal. Briefly summarize the proposal. Then state the mans opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.1、题目。

TPO16ReadingThe United Kingdom (sometimes referred to as Britain) has a long and richhistory of human settlement. Traces of buildings, tools, and art can be foundfrom periods going back many thousands of years: from the Stone Age, through theBronze Age, the Iron Age, the time of the Roman colonization, the Middle Ages,up to the beginnings of the industrial age. Yet for most of the twentiethcentury, the science of archaeology,dedicated to uncovering and studying oldcultural artifacts,was faced with serious problems and limitations inBritain.First, many valuable artifacts were lost to construction projects. Thegrowth of Britain's population, especially from the 1950s on, spurred a lot ofnew construction in British cities, towns, and villages. While diggingfoundations for new buildings, the builders often uncovered archaeologicallyvaluable sites. Usually, however, they proceeded with the construction and didnot preserve the artifacts. Many archaeologically precious artifacts weretherefore destroyed. Second, many archaeologists felt that the financial supportfor archaeological research was inadequate. For most of the twentieth century,archaeology was funded mostly through government funds and grants, which allowedarchaeologists to investigate a handful of the most important sites but whichleft hundreds of other interesting projects without support. Furthermore,changing government priorities brought about periodic reductions in funding.Third, it was difficult to have a career in archaeology. Archaeology jobswere to be found at universities or with a few government agencies, but there were never many positions available. Many people who wanted to become archaeologists ended up pursuing other careers and contributing to archaeological research only as unpaid amateurs.ListeningIn 1990, new rules and guidelines were adopted in United Kingdom and thathad changed the whole feel of Archaeology in that country. The new guidelines improved the situation in all 3 areas discussed in the passage. First, the new guidelines state that before any construction project can start, the construction site has to be examined by archaeologists to see whether the site is of archaeological interest or value. If the site is of archaeological interest, the next step is for the builders, archaeologists and local government officials to get together and make a plan for preserving the archaeological artifacts, either by building around them or by excavating a document in them properly before the construction is allowed to proceed. Second, an important part of new guidelines is the rule that any archaeological work done on the construction site will be paid for by the construction company not by the government. The construction company has to pay for the initial examination of the site, and then for all the work carried out under the preservation plan. This is whole new source of financial support. The funding from the construction company has allowed researchers to study a far great range of archaeological sites than they could in past. Last, the new guidelines provide a lot of paid work for archaeologists,work that didn’t exist before. Expert archaeologists are。
【托福听力备考】TPO16 听力文本——Lecture 3

【托福听力备考】TPO16 听力文本——Lecture 3众所周知,托福TPO材料是备考托福听力最好的材料。
TPO 16 Lecture 3 biologyNarrator:Listen to a part of a lecture in a biology class.ProfessorOK. Let’s continue our discussion about animal behavior by talking aboutdecisions that animals face, complex ones. Animals, even insects, carry out whatlook like very complex decision making processes.The question is how. I mean no one really thinks that, say a bee goes throughweighing the pros and cons of pollinating this flower or that flower. But thenhow do animals solve complex questions, questions that seem to require decisionmaking. The answer we’ll propose of course is that their behavior is largely amatter of natural selection. As an example, let’s look at foraging behavioramong beavers.Beavers eat plants, mostly trees. And they also use trees and tree branchesto construct their homes in streams and lakes. So when they do forage for foodand for shelter materials, they have to leave their homes and go up on landwhere their main predators are. So there are a number of choices that have to bemade about foraging.So for example, um... they need to decide what kind of tree they should cutdown. Some trees have higher nutritional value than others, and some are betterfor building material, and some are good for both... um...aspen trees. Beavers peel off the bark to eat and they also use the branches for building their shelters. So aspens do double duty. But ash trees, beavers use ash trees only for construction.Another decision is when to forage for food. Should they go out during the daytime when it’s hotter outside and they have to expend more energy, or at night when the weather is cooler but predators are more active? Ok, but there are two more important issues, really the most central, the most important, OK?First, let’s say a beaver could get the same amount of wood from a single large tree, one that has lots of branches, as it could get from three small trees. Which should it choose? If it chooses one large tree, it’ll have to carry that large piece of wood back home, and lugging a big piece of wood 40 or 50yards is hard work, takes a lot of energy. Of course it’ll have to make only onetrip to get the wood back to the water. On the other hand, if it goes for three small trees instead, it will take less energy per tree to get the wood backhome, but it’ll have to make three trips back and forth for the three trees. Andpresumably, the more often it wanders from home, the more it’s likely to be exposed to predators. So which is better, a single large tree or three smalltrees?Another critical issue and it’s related to the first, to the size issue, is how far from the water should it go to get trees. Should it be willing to travela greater distance for a large tree, since it’ll get so much wood from it?Beavers certainly go farther from the water to get an aspen tree than for an ash tree. That reflects their relative values. But what about size? Will it travel farther for a larger tree than It will for a smaller tree?Now I would have thought the bigger the tree, the farther the beaver would be willing to travel for it. That would make sense, right? If you’re going to travel far, make the trip worth it buy bringing back most wood possible.But actually, the opposite is true. Beavers will cut down only large trees that are close to the water. They will travel far only to cut down certain small trees that they can cut down quickly and drag back home quickly. Generally, thefarther they go from the water, the smaller the tree they will cut down. They’rewilling to make more trips to haul back less wood, which carries a greater risk of being exposed to predators. So it looks as though beavers are less interested in minimizing their exposure to predators and more interested in saving energy when foraging for wood, which may also explain why beavers forage primarily during the evenings.OK, so why does their behavior indicate more of a concern with how muchenergy they expend than with being exposed to predators? No one believes abeaver consciously weighs the pros and cons of each of these elements. The answer that some give is that their behavior has evolved over time. It’s been shaped by constraints over vast stretches of time, all of which comes down to the fact that the best foraging strategy for beavers isn’t the one that yields the most food or wood. It’s the one that results in the most descendants, the most offspring. So let’s discuss how this idea works.。
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Student Health Services Need Improvement
The situation at the health center is unacceptable: you sit in a crowded waiting room for hours waiting to get treatment for minor ailments. Then when it’s your turn, you get about three minutes with an overworked doctor. I have two suggestions: first, the heath center needs to hire more doctors so that each patient receives quality treatment. And as far as the wait time issue is concerned, the health center is currently open Monday through Fridays, which means that people who get sick over the weekend wait until the following week to get treatment. So, opening the health center on weekends should solve that problem too.
Megan Finch
Now listen to two students discussing the letter.
Woman: Did you read that letter in the paper?
Man: Sure, and though she's right about the problems, I don't think what she proposes will do much good.
Woman: Really?
Man: Yeah. Take her first suggestion: I mean, have you seen the health center
Woman: Of course! Why?
Man: Well…it's tiny, right?. It suffers from lack of space, so, unless they build more treatment rooms or offices or something…
Woman: Oh, I see…
Man: And also, her second suggestion.
Woman: It seems like that'll help things out…
Man: Well…not necessarily…I mean…think about it. A lot of students aren't even here on the weekends.
Woman: That's true.
Man: They leave town and get away; there's not a lot of people here.
Woman: Yeah, like me, I got home probably…at least twice a month.
Man: Right, and a lot of us leave campus for the weekend even more often than that. So there's just not a lot of demand for treatment then. See what I mean?
The man expresses his opinion about the student’s suggestions that are made in the letter. State the man’s opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.
Well, the man disagrees with the suggestions in the letter for two major reasons. First of all, he thinks that hiring more doctors won't solve the problem simply because the health center is tiny and therefore wouldn't support more doctors or patients. So he believes that there should be more room before hiring more doctors. Secondly, he says that opening the health center on weekends wouldn't fix the problem either, since students are generally away on weekends—there won't be many students there. Opening the health center on weekends makes no point at all. So the man disagrees with the suggestions in the letter. (104 words)