Surface effects and ferroelectric phase transitions in BaTiO3 ultrathin films



V0 . 13l
21 0 0年 1 2月
高 等 学 校 化 学 学 报
No 1 .2
2 3 ~2 4 3 9 3 3
常 温 环 境 下 壳 聚 糖 诱 导 合 成 单 斜 羟 基 磷 灰 石 纳 米 晶 体 及 其 结 构 表 征
摘要 以壳 聚糖 作 为 生 物 大 分 子 诱 导 剂 ,在 室 温 环 境 下 , 用 常规 合 成 方 法 制 备 了 片 状 羟 基 磷 灰 石 ( A ) 采 H P
纳米 晶体.采用 x射线粉 末衍 射 、电感耦合 等离子体 (C ) I P 和红外光谱 、透射 电镜及选 区电子衍 射对获得 的
性和较 高 的强 度 , 以作 为抗 酸腐 蚀 型牙釉 质修 复 材 料 , 于修 复 由酸 蚀 引起 的牙 齿微 创 .本 文采 用 可 用 壳 聚糖水 相体 系 , 室温 环境 下 制备 了单 斜型 羟基 磷 灰石 纳 米 晶体 , 进 行 了表 征 , 讨 了其 形成 机 在 并 探
示, 较低 p H值 和较长的培养时 间能够获得形 貌规则及长径 比较大 的晶体.X D、 区电子衍射 和高分辨 透 R 选
射 电 镜 的 表 征 结 果 表 明 ,在 壳 聚 糖 的诱 导 作 用 下 形成 的 羟 基 磷 灰 石 纳 米 晶体 属 于单 斜 晶 系 . 关 键词 羟 基 磷 灰 石 ; 斜 ; 聚糖 单 壳
收 稿 日期 : 0 0 )-6 2 1 450 .
基 金 项 目 :国 家 自然 科 学 基 金 ( 准 号 : 0 7 6 2 资 助 . 批 3801 )
联系人简介 : 李


示 。该 红 外 光 谱 仪 由作 为 黑 体 源 的 热 灯 丝 、该
● 藿

( c )
图 1 () a 斜蒸 发 几何 结 构 示 意 图, () 间可 变多 b空 层 滤光 片 结构 ,() 0层 A 2 3G l s S i e C2 s 一 es 2 es 4 S A 方 法 的研 究 [. 外 与 毫 米 J红 1
波学报 , 0 6 2 () 4 4 . 2 0 , 5 5:32 34
t soy 【 . e a C e sr, 00 7 () 15 r cp J C r l hmi y 20 , 72: 5— o 】 e t
哥召开 的 “ 红外 系统与光 电子技 术” S I PE专题
会议上 , 土耳其 比尔肯特大 学的研 究人员 HE a .s t
IF A E M N HY/ O . , o7 U 00 N R R D( O T L )V L 1 N .,J L2 1 3
图 2 该 红 外光 谱 仪 实验 装 置 的草 图
【 8 】Do el . iee t tn i eu n o —i e u w lFE D f rni ig t o s dn nvt o s a vr a r
d r u um e t k r e s b sn e ri fa e p e wh a e n l y u i g n a —n r r d s e — ・ -
1 . 58
[ ] i b O 6 . ai a d nndsrci 1 Tg u M, dnP C R pd n o-et t e 2 a u v
a a y i fv g u fPi u a u a s e s u i g sn l n l ss o i o r o n s p t l e d sn i g e s e e r i fa e r n m it n e s c r n u — e d n a n r r d t a s t a c pe t a a d m l



骨架非稠合的非富勒烯受体占肖卫【期刊名称】《物理化学学报》【年(卷),期】2019(035)004【总页数】2页(P351-352)【作者】占肖卫【作者单位】北京大学工学院材料科学与工程系,北京 100871【正文语种】中文相对于富勒烯类电子受体,新型非富勒烯受体具有吸光能力强,能级和结构可调等优点,对于提升有机太阳电池光电转换效率具有重要意义。

近年,基于稠环结构的电子受体(FREAs)受到了国内外研究者们最多的关注 1,2。


另外,基于FREAs体系的有机太阳电池能量损失也可以低至0.4-0.5 eV 3。

基于以上稠环结构的设计策略,科研人员设计并合成了许多稠环电子受体,所制备的有机太阳电池器件效率突破了 14% 4。


并且目前各个课题组的研究方向更是在分子结构中并入了更多的芳环或者使用更复杂的稠环结构,其合成的难度还会成倍增大 5,6。




最近,该团队进一步设计了一种结构简单的骨架非稠合的电子受体分子(ICTP),中心骨架仅有一个苯环和两个噻吩环;同时利用该团队之前掌握的碳氢活化技术 9,简单高效地合成了目标产物,并成功将其应用到了有机太阳电池中。

该工作已在物理化学学报上在线发表(doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB201805091) 10。



附件6作者姓名:卢滇楠论文题目:温敏型高分子辅助蛋白质体外折叠的实验和分子模拟研究作者简介:卢滇楠,男,1978年4月出生, 2000年9月师从清华大学化工系生物化工研究所刘铮教授,从事蛋白质体外折叠的分子模拟和实验研究,于2006年1月获博士学位。










基于金纳米粒子局域表面等离子体共振吸收检测卡托普利X许 丹(西南大学化学化工学院,重庆 400715) 摘 要:柠檬酸根稳定的金胶在一定盐浓度下由于盐的电荷屏蔽效应而发生聚集。

加入一定浓度的卡托普利后,由于卡托普利分子中含有巯基和羧基,其分子中的巯基可以通过Au -S 键连在金纳米粒子表面,同时,在pH9.91的条件下,其分子中的羧基去质子化形成-COO -,导致金胶表面负电荷增多,纳米粒子之间的静电排斥力增大,金胶的聚集得到了抑制。


该方法的线性范围为0.04~1.2L M ,检出限为20nM 。


关键词:金纳米粒子;卡托普利;表面等离子体共振吸收 中图分类号:T Q460.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006—7981(2012)03—0006—03 卡托普利(1-[(2S )-2-甲基-3-巯基-1-氧化丙基]-L -脯氨酸,Cap,结构如下图所示)是一种人工合成的血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂,目前广泛应用于治疗高血压及心力衰竭等疾病。




图1 实验原理图近年来,金纳米粒子由于其独特的表面等离子体共振吸收性质被广泛用于色度传感。

13nm 柠檬酸根包被的金胶呈现酒红色,一旦发生聚集则呈现紫色或蓝色[4]。


金胶在一定浓度的NaCl 溶液中发生聚集,在本研究中,我们发现当体系中同时存在卡托普利后,金胶的聚集能得到抑制,基于此现象,建立了一种金胶由聚集到分散的状态来高灵敏检测卡托普利的新方法。



温度梯度铁电材料热释电性质的微观机制研究李元宏 安祥鲁 陈明雨 李文治 张新欣 陈辉*沈阳化工大学理学院 辽宁沈阳 110142摘要:在平均场近似的理论框架下,采用拓展的横场伊辛模型理论,引入分布函数描述材料内部的量子起伏效应和温度梯度导致的铁电畸变,探讨影响温度梯度铁电材料热释电性质的微观机制。



关键词:伊辛模型 温度梯度 量子起伏 铁电畸变 热释电系数中图分类号:O469文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3791(2024)03-0049-03 Reaearch on the Microscopic Mechanism of the PyroelectricProperties of Temperature Gradient Ferroelectric Materials LI Yuanhong AN Xianglu CHEN Mingyu LI Wenzhi ZHANG Xinxin CHEN Hui* College of Science, Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, Shenyang, Liaoning Province, 110142 China Abstract:Under the theoretical framework of mean field approximation, the extended transverse Ising model theory is adopted, a distribution function is introduced to describe the quantum fluctuation effect in the material and ferroelectric distortion caused by temperature gradient, and the micro mechanism that affects the pyroelectric prop‐erties of temperature gradient ferroelectric materials is explored. Research has shown that the quantum fluctuation effect and ferroelectric distortion are two important factors affecting the pyroelectric properties of ferroelectric ma‐terials. As the quantum fluctuation effect increases, the peak value of the pyroelectric coefficient gradually decreases, but it has no significant effect on the position of the peak value of the pyroelectric coefficient. Due to the presence of ferroelectric distortion, the peak value of the pyroelectric coefficient of the material is greatly increased, and the moment of phase transition in the first layer of temperature gradient ferroelectric materials is the most significant factor affecting the appearance of the peak of the pyroelectric coefficient of the material.Key Words: Ising model; Temperature gradient; Quantum fluctuation; Ferroelectric distortion; Pyroelectric coef‐ficient热释电效应在红外探测、热成像技术、能量转化、自供电线系统等诸多领域都有着十分广泛的应用。


DOI 0 3 8 / g b 0 3 0 . 4 :1 . 7 8 f x 2 1 2 5 0 1 1 1
体 材料 已被应 用 于核 医学影 像诊 断设 备正 电子发 射 断层 成 像 ( oio msi o orpy P T Psr E i o T m gah , E ) tn sn
C e是储 量最 高 的稀土元 素 ¨ , 是 最便 宜 的 也 稀 土元 素之 一 , 给研 发 和应 用 c ” 激 活 的发 光 这 e
中。2 1 我 国发 射 的“ 娥 二 号 ” 星 上 的 一 0 0年 嫦 卫 射 线谱 仪 , 由于探 测 材料 采 用 了 LB C ¨ 闪烁 a r: e
T ) A . ( a e T ) O 中 ,激 发源 发 b Mg 1O L ,C , b P 等 射 的 24n 的紫 外光 主 要 由 c ¨ 离 子 吸收 ,然 5 m e
后再通过 c¨.b e T ¨之间的无辐射能量传递 , 使 T ¨产生 F 发射。在适 当的基质 中, b D一 , 通过
是 目前应用最广 泛的 白光 L D荧光粉 ; i E Y SO :
基质中 c ¨离子都有较强 的发射 。由于 5 为 e d
外 层 轨 道 , 能 量 受 晶体 场影 响较 大 , 以在 不 其 所 同 的基 质 晶格 中 , e 离 子 的 f c¨ - 迁 有 较 宽 范 d跃 围变 化 。如 在 LF a 中 , e 离 子 发 射 约 2 6n c¨ 8 m 的紫外 光 ; 在 Y O S中 , e 离 子 发 射 约 60 而 : c¨ 7
体, 能量分辨率相 比” 嫦娥一号” 提高 了近 3倍 , 探 测灵 敏度 也 有 大 幅提 高 。在 照 明和 显示 领 域 ,

光热催化 原位表征

光热催化 原位表征




1. 原位红外光谱(Infrared Spectroscopy):通过红外光谱技术可以监测催化剂表面吸附物种的变化,如吸附态中间体、反应产物等。

2. 原位拉曼光谱(Raman Spectroscopy):拉曼光谱技术可以提供催化剂表面振动模式的信息,从而揭示催化剂表面结构的变化。

3. 原位X射线吸收光谱(X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy):X射线吸收光谱技术可以用来研究催化剂表面的元素组成、化学价态和配位环境等信息。

4. 原位透射电子显微镜(Transmission Electron Microscopy,TEM):TEM技术可以提供催化剂表面形貌和结构的高分辨率图像,揭示催化剂纳米结构的演变和催化反应中的动态过程。

5. 原位质谱(Mass Spectrometry):质谱技术可以监测催化反应中产物的生成和消失,从而了解催化剂的活性和选择性。




sg i c n o r l t n wa sa l h d b t e n t e tt lp e o i o t n n o a a o od c n e t h c mp y in f h o a h n l c ne ta d t tlf v n i o tn ,w ih i l i o s c l
Ab t a t C i e e a o e fh sb e h s n t v l ae i n ixd n fr dc l ・ sr c : h n s l e la a e n c o e o e a u t t a t i a to i as OH n ・ P b s g s o a a d DP H y u i n t e r e t c s f m i e e tk n s o ov n s a d d t r nn h t e h r s a c reai n b t e h ci e h i x r t i a ' df r n i d fs le t n e e mi i g w eh r t e e i o r l t ewe n t e a t o f o v
c m p ne t n c pa ii e . Th i nt xia c p biiis o o n a d a b lt s i e r a i d nt a a lte we e v l td o r e auae qu ntttv l wih C5 a iai ey t I 0.The xr t e tac
示最 高。分析华芦荟 中黄酮或酚含量 与 F A R P的相关性 , 明定华芦荟 叶的抗 氧化能力 主要与酚含量相关 。 表
关键 词 : 芦荟 ; 氧化性 ; 抗 黄酮 ; 总酚 中图分类 号 : 2 55 R 8. 文献标 志码 : A


表面积 、 大 的孔容 、 较 可调 变 的孔径 和骨架 成分 , 其孔 径范 围为 2~ 0 n 不 利 于生 物大 分 子及 营 但 5 m,
养物质 的传输 , 而 限制 了其在 骨修 复领域 中 的应 用 .而 单纯 的大 孔 材料 的 比表 面积 小 , 物 组装 量 从 药 少 ,释放快 .因此理 想 的骨修 复材料应 为具 有大 孔. 孔复合 孔道 结构 的体 系 , 中三维 大孔 相 的孔 径 介 其
李晓丰 ,曲凤 玉 , 蒋晶洁 张 , 旭 王 宇 聂 鑫 , ,
( .哈 尔 滨 师 范 大 学 化 学 化 工 学 院 , 1 2 .黑龙 江 省先 进 功 能 材 料 与 激 发 态 重 点 实 验 室 , 尔 滨 10 2 ) 哈 50 5
以 天 然植 物 大 蓟髓 芯为 大 孔 模 板 ,以嵌 段 共 聚 物 为 介 孔 软 模 板 , 备 了 孔 径 为 6 制 O~10 m、孔 壁 为 0
方 面 具 有潜 在应 用前 景 .
大蓟;复合孔 ; 生物活性玻璃 ; 成骨性能 0 1 .2 6 37 文献标识码 A 文章编 号 0 5 7 0 2 1 ) 2 2 -5 2 1 9 (0 0 1 -120 1
生物 活性玻璃 ( G ) B s 是一种 新型 的骨修 复材料 .它与 骨组 织及 软 组 织都 有 良好 的结 合性 ,其 主要 成分包 括 C OPO 一i MO( =N , 等 ) a — SO一 M a Mg .在置 人 体 内后 , 物 活 性玻 璃 表 面 立 即与 体 液 发生 离 生 子交换 , 终在 材料表 面形 成类 似骨 中无机 矿物 的羟基磷 灰石 ( A ) 最 H P ,从 而能 够更 迅 速地诱 导 骨修 复 与再 生.因此 , 生物 活性 玻璃 已经被 广泛应 用 于 骨科 、牙科 和 骨组 织 工程 等 领域 ¨ .近 年来 开 始研 究 J 的介孔生 物 活性玻 璃 ( G ) 有着 比传统 的生物 活性玻 璃 ( G ) 更 优越 的性 能 , MB s B s 如具 有较 高 的 比







结果表明,盐酸二甲双胍pH敏感性水凝胶微球的优选处方如下:壳聚糖与海藻酸钠的总浓度为2%(质量体积比),海藻酸钠与壳聚糖的质量比为1∶1,药物与海藻酸钠的质量比为2∶5,氯化钙的交联浓度为3.5%(质量体积比);盐酸二甲双胍pH敏感性水凝胶微球在人工胃液中6 h累积释放度小于4%,在人工肠液中6 h累积释放度最大可达96.4%。


关键词:药剂学;盐酸二甲双胍;海藻酸钠/壳聚糖;pH敏感性;水凝胶;微球中图分类号:O175.8;R944文献标识码:A文章编号:1008-1542(2021)01-0060-07盐酸二甲双胍为双胍类口服降糖药,多年来一直是肥胖及2型糖尿病患者的首选用药[1],但盐酸二甲双胍的生物半衰期较短(2~3 h),一般需要大剂量使用或频繁给药(2~3次/d),因而易产生一定程度的不良反应,常见为胃肠道不良反应(如恶心、呕吐、食欲减退等)[2-3]。


为减轻盐酸二甲双胍对胃的刺激,实现其在肠道内释放,本实验以盐酸二甲双胍为主药,壳聚糖、海藻酸钠为复合载体,制备盐酸二甲双胍pH敏感性水凝胶微球,并对其pH 敏感性及体外释药特性等进行考察,以期获得一种新型结构的盐酸二甲双胍给药系统。


different concentrations of solutions.To bioengineered
scaffold,their physical
the biosafety and possibility biological chacraterizations
CACM were also assessed.The purpose of this present study was also to detect the availabi!ity and detailed mechanism
2-9d,时,每l小时作为1个观察点,共分为8组;组织学检查显示以浓度为0.1% 的SDS溶液在37℃处理7d,时后,角膜原有的三维显微空问结构保留良好,基质片 内无细胞成分残留;遂以此处理条件得到的脱细胞角膜片(SDS弋ACM组)进行后 续检测; 2.脱细胞角膜基质物理学特性的鉴定:从SDS-CACM,ADM-CACM,PBS—CACM三组 中,每组随机抽取相同厚度的12只角膜基质片,分别将三组植片固定于紫外一 可见光谱仪密闭的样品仓中,选择250nm-800nm作为观测的波长范围,连续测定 两组植片的透光率;每组随机抽取24只角膜基质,置于50℃烘箱里烘干24小 时,电子天平测其恒重G,后浸入PBS缓冲液,在角膜片吸水后的不同时段取出, 称重为G1;吸水率测量分为二组,每组12只。第一组测量时间持续2小时,每 问隔lO分钟测量1次;第二组测量持续时间12小时,每间隔l小时测量1次, 计算吸水率;上述三组角膜片按lcm2试样表面积加lOmL细胞培养液的比例在 37。C的培养箱内浸提24小时,用MTT法评价各组植片对细胞生长活性的影响。 3.脱细胞基质力学特性的鉴定:模拟正常角膜的结构制作力学模具,从 SDS—CACM,ADM—CACM,PBS。CACM三组和空白组中每组随机抽取12只角膜 基质,通过充气一破裂实验的结果,选择SDS.CACM,PBS—CACM和空白组角 膜片每组12只进行应力一应变实验,将拍摄所得数据输入电脑,测量并计算逐渐



正交设计优选半枫荷多酚提取工艺研究韦春玲;卢海啸;施海敏;黄贝贝;陈玫玲;刘娜【摘要】目的优选出半枫荷多酚最佳的制备技术.方法考察溶剂、提取方法、每次提取时间、溶剂体积分数、料液比、提取次数、温度7个因素的影响,并在波长254 nm处,以反式-白藜芦醇葡萄糖苷峰面积为评价指标,测定半枫荷多酚的量,采用(73)正交试验法进行优选提取工艺.结果半枫荷多酚的最佳工艺为:热回流法提取,提取溶剂为甲醇,提取体积分数为75%,料液比为1:45,提取时间为150分钟,提取次数为3次,提取温度为70℃,产率约为2.67%.结论试验结果表明优选出的提取工艺产率较高、方便可靠.【期刊名称】《玉林师范学院学报》【年(卷),期】2017(038)002【总页数】4页(P75-78)【关键词】半枫荷;多酚;单因素;正交设计【作者】韦春玲;卢海啸;施海敏;黄贝贝;陈玫玲;刘娜【作者单位】玉林师范学院生物与制药学院,广西玉林 537000;北海能信中药有限责任公司,广西北海 536000;玉林师范学院生物与制药学院,广西玉林 537000;玉林师范学院生物与制药学院,广西玉林 537000;玉林师范学院生物与制药学院,广西玉林 537000;玉林师范学院生物与制药学院,广西玉林 537000;玉林师范学院生物与制药学院,广西玉林 537000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R284.2半枫荷(Semiliquidarnbar cathayensis H.T.Chang)根、茎、枝叶入药,味涩微苦,新鲜根具红色液汁.具有祛风除湿,舒筋活血之功,为民间常用的草药,常用于治疗风湿跌打、瘀积肿痛和产后风瘫等病症[1-4].由于其药用价值高,民间使用广泛,随着中草药资源的开发利用,半枫荷已被部分地区用于医院临床[5].据报道,半枫荷根的醇提物具有轻度的镇痛作用和很好的抗炎作用[6],半枫荷提取物对血瘀模型大鼠,有活血化瘀的作用[7].其化学成分主要为齐墩果酸衍生物和鞣酸衍生物[8,9].采用RP-HPLC法测定半枫荷中原儿茶酸的含量[10].1.1 主要仪器设备安捷伦1260型高效液相色谱仪(安捷伦科技(中国)有限公司),色谱柱(ZOR BA×SB-C18),KQ-500DV数控超声波清洗器(昆山市超声仪器有限公司),RV10 digital旋转蒸发器(德国IKA),BS124S型电子分析天平(赛多利斯科学仪器(北京)有限公司).1.2 药材与试剂半枫荷根,采于桂林宛田乡;反式-白藜芦醇葡萄糖苷对照品,自制(HPLC法测定,纯度为96 %);甲醇(德国默克公司,色谱纯)、乙腈(德国默克公司色谱纯),其余试剂均为分析纯,天津市百世化工有限公司.2.1 供试品溶液制备准确称取5.0 g半枫荷干燥粉末,过药典2号筛,按照要求加入一定量的提取剂,在一定温度下回流提取一定时间,抽滤,蒸干,再用色谱纯甲醇溶解,定容至1 mL,用0.45 μm微孔滤膜过滤,即得到半枫荷供试品.2.2 对照品溶液制备精密称取干燥至恒重的反式-白藜芦醇葡萄糖苷对照品1.0 mg,加甲醇制成浓度为1.0 mg·mL-1的溶液,即得.2.3 色谱条件色谱柱填料为C18(250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm),波长为254 nm,流速1 mL·min-1;进样量10 μL,检测波长254 nm,柱温:30℃,流动相为乙腈-0.4 %磷酸(18:82).2.4 标准曲线制作取反式-白藜芦醇葡萄糖苷对照品溶液0.2 mg·mL-1、0.4 mg·mL-1、0.6 mg·mL-1、0.8 mg·mL-1、1.0 mg·mL-1,分别取10 μL进样,按上述色谱条件测定.以峰面积积分值(A)为纵坐标,对照品进样量(C,mg)为横坐标,进行线性回归.2.5 单因素试验考察提取方法、溶剂、溶剂体积分数、料液比、每次提取时间、提取次数、温度7个单因素,分别比较在不同的影响条件下多酚的提取率高低,选取提取率较高及最符合实际生产情况的单因素条件.2.6 正交设计试验观测提取方法、溶剂、溶剂体积分数、料液比、每次提取时间、提取次数、温度对多酚提取率的影响,每个单因素设立3 个水平,选取(73) 正交表的试验法优化多酚的提取工艺.3.1 标准曲线绘制标准曲线图,其中C表示反式-白藜芦醇葡萄糖苷浓度(mg·mL-1) ,A表示峰面积积分值,回归方程为:A=4.12×103C+1.21×102(r=0.999 6).3.2 单因素试验3.2.1 提取方法对多酚提取率的影响分别量取5份质量为5.0 g过药典2号筛的半枫荷干燥粉末,分别加入50 mL的95 %乙醇,再分别进行冷浸提取、超声波提取、索氏回流提取、渗漉提取、热回流提取.分别提取2 h,过滤,浓缩后定容,得供适品液.结果:热回流提取法对多酚提取率最高.3.2.2 溶剂对多酚提取率的影响分别量取5份质量为5.0g过药典2号筛的半枫荷干燥药材粉末,分别加入乙醇、甲醇、丙酮、氯仿、乙酸乙酯各50 mL,再用热回流提取方法提取2 h,过滤,平行量为3次.浓缩后定容,得供试品液.结果:甲醇对多酚提取率最高.3.2.3 溶剂体积分数对多酚提取率的影响分别量取5份质量为5.0 g过药典2号筛的半枫荷干燥药材粉末,分别加入10倍的50%、60%、70%、80%、90%的乙醇.热回流提取2 h.结果:70%乙醇对多酚提取率最高.3.2.4 料液比对多酚提取率的影响分别量取5份质量为5.0 g过药典2号筛的半枫荷干燥粉末,分别加入与半枫荷质量比为20∶1、30∶1、40∶1、60∶1、80∶1的70 %的乙醇,热回流提取2 h.结果:料液比为40∶1时对多酚提取率最高.3.2.5 提取时间对多酚提取率的影响分别量取5份质量为5.0 g过药典2号筛的半枫荷干燥粉末,分别用的70%的乙醇,采用热回流提取法,分别提取30 min、60 min、90 min、120 min、180 min.结果:提取时间120 min对多酚提取率最高.3.2.6 提取次数对多酚提取率的影响分别量取5份质量为5.0 g过药典2号筛的半枫荷干燥粉末,分别用料液比为40∶1的70%的乙醇,用热回流提取方法,分别提取1次、2次、3次、4次、5次,提取时间120 min.结果:提取次数为3次对多酚提取率最经济.3.2.7 温度对多酚提取率的影响分别称量取质量为5.0 g过药典2号筛的半枫荷干燥粉末5份,再分别入料液比为40:1的70%的乙醇进行热回流提取120 min·次-1,提取温度分别为50℃、60℃、70℃、80℃、90℃,分别提取4次.结果:温度为70℃时对多酚提取率最高.3.3 正交试验正交试验结果如表1所示,R值中提取方法>料液比=提取温度>提取时间>溶剂>体积分数>提取次数,所以在这七种条件中,影响半枫荷多酚提取率最大的因素是提取方法,其次是料液比,最后是提取次数.在这18种试验方法中,试验号4的提取率最大,为52.6%.但从各方面考虑,应该是在这七种最优条件的组合下提取率为最高,即将5.0 g半枫荷粉末热回流法提取,提取溶剂为甲醇,提取体积分数为75%,料液比为1:45(g·mL-1),提取时间为150 min,提取次数为3次,提取温度为70℃,结果提取率为2.67%,所以此组合为提取半枫荷多酚的最优提取工艺.本实验从提取方法、溶剂、体积分数、料液比、提取时间、提取次数、提取温度七个方面考察半枫荷多酚的最佳单因素提取条件,通过正交设计实验比较,最符合生产实际情况并且能取得较高提取率的条件为热回流法提取,提取溶剂为甲醇,提取体积分数为75%,料液比为1∶45(g·mL-1),提取时间为150min,提取次数为3次,提取温度为70℃,也证明了在此组合下,总多酚的提取率最高,为2.67%;影响半枫荷总多酚提取率从大到小的因素为提取方法>料液比=提取温度>提取时间>溶剂>体积分数>提取次数.【相关文献】[1]傅立国. 中国植物红皮书——稀有濒危植物[M]. 第一册. 北京:科学出版社,1992.[2]广西中药资源普查办公室. 广西中药资源名录[M]. 南宁:广西民族出版社,1993.[3]中国科学院中国植物志编辑委员会.中国植物志电子版[M].北京:科学出版社,1996,26:042.[4]陈国德,吴海霞,半枫荷的叶片活性成分测定[J].热带林业,2013,41(4):6-8.[5]李云燕,张玉娥,徐毅,等.半枫荷散治疗膝关节骨性关节炎50例疗效观察[J].新中医,2005,37(7):17-18.[6]杨武亮,姚振生,罗小泉,等. 金缕半枫荷的镇痛和抗炎作用[J]. 江西科学,1999,17(3):176-179.[7]梁伟江,卢海啸,曾梦,等. 半枫荷提取物对血瘀模型大鼠的影响[J]. 中药材,2015,38(2):367-369.[8]周光雄,杨永春,石建功,等. 金缕半枫荷化学成分研究[J]. 中草药,2002,33(7):589-591.[9]卢海啸,吴卓玲,梁伟江,等. 半枫荷根的化学成分研究[J]. 中药材,2015,38(12):2543-2546.[10]林华,吴钉红,楼步青. RP-HPLC法测定半枫荷中原儿茶酸的含量[J].中国药房,2010,21(7):617-618.。
















内容本研究以纳米羟基磷灰石(nano-hydroxyapatite,n-HA)、聚多巴胺(polydopamine,PDA)、顺铂(cisplatin,DDP)、氧化海藻酸钠(oxidized sodium alginate,OSA)、壳聚糖(chitosan,CS)为主要成分,在室温条件下制备一种具有近红外光响应的新型复合材料:首先,多巴胺(dopamine,DA)在弱碱性条件下发生自聚合形成PDA,然后PDA负载化疗药物DDP,同时功能化修饰n-HA,从而最终形成PHA-DDP复合物。



原位载铁生物炭(In situ Fe-bearing biochar)是一种高效、可持续的土壤改良剂,具有良好的抗旱性、肥力保持性和抗病虫害性,能够提高土壤肥力和改善土壤质量。



磁混凝含藻絮体热裂解制备原位载铁生物炭(Magnetically-assisted thermal decomposition of algal flocs for in situ Fe-bearing biochar)是一种新的制备原位载铁生物炭的方法。

该方法使用磁混凝剂(magnetic flocculant)将藻类细胞团结在一起,形成藻絮体,然后将其热裂解,从而制备出原位载铁生物炭。






响应面法优化硫酸软骨素提取的酶解工艺陈亚;徐晓燕【期刊名称】《中国生化药物杂志》【年(卷),期】2012(033)005【摘要】目的以猪喉软骨为原料,提取硫酸软骨素,优化酶解工艺条件.方法采用碱提-酶解-醇沉的方法提取硫酸软骨素,在单因素试验的基础上,通过响应面分析优化酶解工艺.结果酶解最佳工艺组合为:胰酶浓度1.0%、pH值8.6、酶解温度46℃、酶解时间2.8h.结论采用上述组合,以氨基葡萄糖含量为指标,氨基葡萄糖含量达25.94%.研究结果具有工业应用价值.%Purpose The chondroitin sulfate was isolated from pig laryngeal cartilage. The technique of enzymatic hydrolysis of chondroitin sulfate extraction was improved. Methods The chondroitin sulfate was isolated through the process of alkali extraction-enzymatic hydrolysis-alcohol precipitation. Based on the single factor tests, the technique of enzymatic hydrolysis of chondroitin sulfate extraction was improved by response surface methodology. Results To extract the chondroitin sulfate from pig laryngeal cartilage in enzymatic hydrolysis,the best combination of extracting technique was; the enzyme concentration of 1.0% ,8. 6 of pH, the temperature of 46℃ , and the timeof 2. 8 h. Conclusion The content of glu-cosamine in the chondroitin sulfate was 25. 94% after the optimization of the technique. The results can be calculated for industrial use.【总页数】4页(P548-551)【作者】陈亚;徐晓燕【作者单位】江苏省滩涂生物资源与环境保护重点建设实验室,江苏省盐城技师学院,江苏盐城224002;江苏省滩涂生物资源与环境保护重点建设实验室,江苏省盐城技师学院,江苏盐城224002【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R282.74;TQ464.1【相关文献】1.响应面法优化中性蛋白酶提取牡蛎牛磺酸酶解工艺条件 [J], 刘亚南;张志胜;佟海菊;孙克岩;宋欣2.响应面法优化鲨鱼硫酸软骨素的提取条件 [J], 张弘;谢果凰;茅大振;何斌辉;傅春燕;刘冰冰;杨文鸽3.响应面法优化鹅全骨硫酸软骨素的酶法提取工艺 [J], 谢晶;尹义捐;杨欲成;金晨钟;王双辉;卢超4.响应面法优化鹿骨多肽酶解工艺及其体外抗氧化活性 [J], 揣欣欣;郭冰洁;刘露露;牛红梅;马月;张亚丽;刘小瑜;苑广信5.响应面法优化蛋壳膜硫酸软骨素提取工艺 [J], 刘涛;张铁鹏;栾欣悦;刘贺;刘宁因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。














同时,得益于SF@TiO_(2)忆阻功能层在300~380 nm之间较强的紫外光吸收,该复合器件在紫外光照射下具有明显的忆阻电流响应,启动电压(V SET)和置位电压(V RESET)显著降低。




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Surface effects and ferroelectric phase transitions in BaTiO3ultrathinfilmsS.Tinte and M.G.StachiottiInstituto de Fı´sica Rosario,Universidad Nacional de Rosario,27de Febrero210Bis,2000Rosario,Argentina͑Received9July2001;published8November2001͒We present afinite-temperature study of ferroelectric phase transitions in BaTiO3ultrathinfilms using an atomic-level simulation approach.This is based on a shell model for BaTiO3with parameters obtained from first-principles calculations.While transitions involving in-plane electric polarization are practically unper-turbed by the presence of the surface,surface atomic relaxations act as a strong perturbation on the ferroelectric order perpendicular to the surface.However,a strain induced ferroelectric polydomain phase with an out-of-plane orientation of polarization is stabilized in a not short-circuitedfilm as thin as20Å.A reduction of the out-of-plane polarization at thefilm surface is observed.DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.64.235403PACS number͑s͒:77.55.ϩf,77.80.Dj,77.84.DyI.INTRODUCTIONThe potential utilization of ferroelectric͑FE͒thinfilms in a new generation of devices has driven a large amount of research worldwide.These have as a general advantage re-duced size and weight,which can be exploited,for example, in the fabrication of high-density nonvolatile random access memories.1For that reason,the question of the minimum film thickness with switching polarizations is a crucial point. Recently,high qualityfilms of PbZr0.2Ti0.8O3grown on Nb-doped͑001͒SrTiO3single-crystal substrates have been ob-served to exhibit ferroelectricity down to a thickness of4 nm.2However,what is the thinnest ferroelectric layer that can still yield stable polarization remains as an unsolved question.Phenomenological theories have provided a deep insight into the FE properties of thinfilms.Wang et al.3calculated the spontaneous polarization and electrostatic potential in FE films with domain structure.They found that the polarization is reduced at thefilm surface;and,from a free-energy analy-sis,they led to the conclusion that ferroelectricity of very thinfilms with domain structure may be unstable.An abrupt transition from a monodomain to a polydomain state has been found in FE thinfilms with a passive͑nonferroelectric͒layer at the FE-electrode interface.4It was shown that this domain structure,which is important for the problem of switching,exists for any value of the passive layer thickness. Regarding the effect of thefilm-substrate misfit strain,a phe-nomenological thermodynamic theory of FE thinfilms epi-taxially grown onto cubic substrates predicts distinct phases depending on the misfit strain.5It was also shown that the2D clamping and straining of thefilm by the substrate leads to the appearance of ferroelectricity in SrTiO3films.6 These are just a few representative examples of the im-portant role played by the phenomenological theories in the understanding of FE thinfilm properties.However,these type of theories are based on the continuous medium ap-proximation and,therefore,they are not applicable for ultra-thinfilms where an accurate atomic-level description is nec-essary.The indispensability of an atomic-level approach was borne out by recentfirst-principles calculations on BaTiO3 slabs,7,8which demostrated that the surface relaxation ener-gies are many times larger than the bulk ferroelectric well depth,which would indicate that the surface is capable of acting as a strong perturbation on the ferroelectric order.Re-cently,an effective Hamiltonian approach9showed that,un-der short-circuit electrical boundary conditions,PbTiO3films as thin as three unit cells exhibit a perpendicularly polarized ground state,with significant enhancement of the polariza-tion at the surface.However,this model does not include surface relaxation effects.Althoughfirst-principles methods are extremely precise, they are quite computer demanding.So,these calculations are restricted to the investigation of zero-temperature prop-erties of perovskites involving a rather small number of at-oms.For the study of the thermal behavior,or to handle larger system sizes,other methods are necessary.Recently,we have developed an atomistic model for BaTiO3͑Ref.10͒by mappingfirst-principles underlying potential surfaces.In the present paper we address the question of how the ferro-electric phase transitions of bulk BaTiO3are modified in ultrathinfilms using the same atomistic model.The phase transition sequence in a not short-circuited stress-free ultra-thinfilm is studied by molecular dynamics simulations.As an important factor which can influence ferroelectricity is the strain effect produced by the lattice mismatch between a given substrate and the ultrathinfilm,we investigate the ef-fects produced by the strain on the ferroelectric properties of the ultrathinfilm.II.MODEL AND COMPUTATIONAL DETAILS The atomistic model for bulk BaTiO3was developed by mappingfirst-principles potential energy surfaces for various configurations of some carefully selected atomic displace-ments.The potential parameters were obtained by perform-ing afit of interatomic potentials to these energy surfaces. Thefirst-principles total energy calculations were done within the local density approximation to density functional theory,using the full-potential LAPW method.For the atomistic simulation we chose the nonlinear oxy-gen polarizability model.Here each ion is modeled as a mas-sive core linked to a massless shell.An anisotropic core-shell interaction is considered at the OϪ2ions,with a fourth-order core-shell interaction along the O-Ti bond.This emphasizes the large anisotropic polarization effects at the oxygens pro-PHYSICAL REVIEW B,VOLUME64,235403duced by variations of the Ti-O distance.In addition to the Coulombic interactions,the model contains pairwise short-range potentials which are defined as V(r)ϭae(Ϫr/␳)Ϫc/r6. These potentials account for the effects of the exchange re-pulsion together with the van der Waals attraction betweenatoms.The material-specific potential parameters were deter-mined byfitting the model energy behavior tofirst-principlesresults.See Ref.10for more details of the model building.The resulting model was able to reproduce delicate prop-erties of BaTiO3in very good agreement withfirst-principles and experimental data.The model yields clear ferroelectric instabilities with similar energetics compared with the LAPW calculations.Energy lowerings ofϷ1.2,1.65,and1.9 mRy/cell are obtained for the͑001͒,͑011͒,and͑111͒ferro-electric mode displacements,respectively.The model also reproduces several zero-temperature properties which are rel-evant for this material:bulk modulus,Born effective charges, the presence of two-dimensional instabilities in the phonon dispersion curves,⌫-phonon frequencies,and eigenvectors.10 The temperature-dependent properties of the bulk material were investigated by constant-pressure molecular dynamics ͑MD͒simulations.We showed that the nontrivial phase tran-sition sequence͑cubic-tetragonal-orthorhombic-rombohedral͒was correctly reproduced.An excellent overall agreement with the experimental data was obtained for the structural parameters and expansion coefficients,showing that the model reproduces the delicate structural changes in-volved in the transitions.The drawback is,however,that the theoretically determined transition temperatures͑190,120, and90K͒tend to be too small compared with experiment ͑393,278,183K͒.A similar behavior was obtained by an effective Hamiltonian approach whose parameters were also fitted tofirst-principles calculations.11The model also provides a good description of the natureof the dynamics in each phase,where order-disorder wasfound to be the dominant dynamical mechanism for thetransitions.12This mechanism leads to the presence of arhombohedral local enviroment of Ti in all phases.This localstructure appears because of the slow dynamics associatedwith a relaxational motion of local polarizations,which cor-relate within chainlike precursor domains in the paraelectricphase.In the present paper we consider a͑001͒TiO2-terminatedslab of28Åwidth to perform molecular dynamics͑MD͒simulations.The study is carried out using the DL-POLYpackage,13where the adiabatic dynamics of the electronicshells is approximated by assigning small masses to them.The runs were performed employing a Hoover constant-(␴¯,T)algorithm;all cell lengths and cell angles were al-lowed tofluctuate.Our calculations are carried out in a pe-riodic slab geometry,as it is usual infirst-principles calcula-tions of surface properties.The slab is28Åthick containing 8TiO2layers and7BaO layers(6ϫ6ϫ7.5unit cells,1368 atoms͒.To minimize the interaction between periodic im-ages,a vacuum region of20Åseparates the periodic slabs. We tested the sensibility of the results with respect to the vacuum region size:by increasing the vacuum gap by20%, the resulting polarization profiles changed by less than0.5%. The reason for this almost negligible interaction between pe-riodic images comes out from the fact that,in all the cases analyzed in this paper,the net out-of-plane polarization of the slab is zero.So,there is no a dipole-dipole interaction between images but only higher order multipole-multipole interactions,which are weaker.In this sence,the slab could be consider as isolated.III.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONSA.Static surface effectsThe achievements reached by our model in the description of the bulk properties do not necessarily indicate that the same model͑i.e.with the same parameters͒is able to repro-duce BaTiO3surface effects.As ourfinal goal is to perform finite-temperature simulations on ultrathinfilms,it is very important to check if the bulk model describes properly the static surface properties of BaTiO3.Although a comparison with experimental data is,of course,the best way to validate a model,experimental studies of perovskites surfaces are complicated by the difficulties of preparing clean and defect-free surfaces.Therefore,most experimental investigations have not been very conclusive.Furthermore,we are not aware of experimental studies of BaTiO3surfaces.So,we take recentfirst-principles total-energy calculations on peri-odic slabs7,8as benchmark results to compare with.To this end,we determined the equilibrium atomic positions for the same kind of slabs used in the ab initio calculations.Al-though the detailed results of this comparison with ab initio results have been recently published,14we would like to highlight several achievements.So,in this section we present static calculations on periodic slabs of BaTiO3to compare atomic relaxations and surface energies with the above men-tioned ab initio studies of BaTiO3surfaces.This constitutes a very important initial step in order to validate the model to perform a furtherfinite-temperature study.Padilla and Vanderbilt8studied symmetrically BaO termi-nated and TiO2terminated slabs of tetragonal and cubic BaTiO3whose coordinates have been fully relaxed by mini-mizing the total energy.Therefore,a comparison with their results could be considered as a very exigent test for our model.Following their steps,wefirst determined the equi-librium atomic positions for the two types of slabs in the cubic phase,starting from the ideal structure.By symmetry, there are no forces along the x and y directions for the cubic surfaces,so we only compare the atomic displacements along the z direction,which is perpendicular to the surface. As in thefirst-principles calculations,8each slab contains seven layers of atoms and the vacuum region is three lattice constants thick.The results are listed in Table I,together with the ab initio results which are shown in parentheses.It is worth mentioning that the relaxation patterns obtained with the model are in full agreement with the ab initio ones. In particular,the model reproduces satisfactorily the relax-ation direction of the surface-layer atoms,which move in-wards the slab͑this is indicated by a negative sign in the table͒.Regarding the magnitude of the atomic displacements, they are,in general,slightly overestimated with respect to thefirst-principles results;except for thefirst-layer atoms of the BaO surface,which are underestimated.S.TINTE AND M.G.STACHIOTTI PHYSICAL REVIEW B64235403As was pointed out by Cohen,7the average surface energy can be calculated by adding the energies of the Ba-terminated and the Ti-terminated slabs,which gives the en-ergy of7BaTiO3units.Then,we subtract7times the bulk energy per cell and the result corresponds to4surfaces.In this way,we obtain the average surface energy for the unre-laxed͓E sup(unrel)͔and the relaxed͓E sup(relax)͔cubicslabs.The difference between these energies(⌬E)gives the surface relaxation energy.We compare our calculated values with those obtained previously by ab initio calculations inTable II.The agreement is quite good.We note that⌬E is many times larger than the bulk ferroelectric well depth,es-timated to be of the order of0.03eV.Finally,in order to study the influence of surface relax-ation effects upon the in-plane ferroelectric distortion,we determine the equilibrium atomic positions for the tetragonal phase with FE polarization parallel to the surface in the two symmetric terminated slabs.We compare,in Table III,theaverage ferroelectric distortion(␦FE)for each layer of the tetragonal slabs,which is defined as␦FEϭ␦x(Ba)Ϫ␦x(O III) for BaO planes,and␦FEϭ␦x(Ti)Ϫ͓␦x(O I)ϩ␦x(O II)͔/2for TiO2planes.The bulk values are given for reference in thelast row of the table.For the TiO2-terminated surface,one can see a clear increase in the average ferroelectric distor-tions␦FE when going from the bulk values to the surface layer.Just the opposite behavior is found for the BaO-terminated surface.So,the principal feature obtained by our calculation͑in agreement with the ab initio result͒is that the in-plane ferroelectricity is strongly enhanced at the Ti-terminated surface and suppressed at the Ba-terminated sur-face.In summary,we have shown that the model developed for the bulk material proves also successful for describing sur-face properties,such as structural relaxations and surface en-ergies,which are found to be in quite good agreement with recentfirst-principles total energy calculations.In particular, a very good description is obtained for the TiO2surface.For the BaO surface,the description is not so accurate.Never-theless,the relaxation patterns obtained with the model for both slabs are in full qualitative agreement with the ab initio ones.The average surface energy and the relaxation energy are in quite good agreement withfirst-principles calculations. The energy gain on displacing the surface ions is much greater than the bulk ferroelectric well depth,which indicates that ionic motions on surfaces could indeed dominate the bulk energetics for thin slabs.B.Phase transition sequence in a stress-free slabIn this section we present the results of molecular dynam-ics simulations for a͑001͒TiO2-terminated stress-free slab of28Åwidth.We chose a TiO2-terminated slab because,as it was shown in the precedent section,it provides a very precise description of the surface effects when it is compared with ab initio results.In Fig.1͑top panel͒we show the three components of the mean polarization obtained by MD simulations as a function of temperature.P x and P y are the polarization components parallel to the slab surface,while P z is the one perpendicular to the surface.The lattice parameters are displayed in the bottom panel.As it is expected,the polarization component perpendicular to the slab surface is zero at all temperatures, that is the slab cannot develop a net out-of-plane polarization just as a consequence of the boundary conditions used, where the surfaces are not short-circuited.On the other hand, the behavior of the other two components indicates a se-quence of transitions which leads to the appearance of ferro-electric phases with in-plane polarization͑i.e.,polarization parallel to the surface͒.In order to clarify the description we have divided the phase diagram,shown in Fig.1,into four temperature ranges.At high temperatures͑stage A͒,the polarization com-ponents are all very close to zero indicating a paraelectric phase.As the system is cooled down͑stage B͒,P x acquires a value clearly different from zero while P yӍ0,and the struc-ture presents a considerable in-plane strain.When the tem-perature is further reduced to stage C the two mentionedTABLE I.Atomic relaxations of the TiO2͑left panel͒and BaO-terminated͑right panel͒surfaces in the cubic͑C͒phase,given as percent of theoretical unit cell parameter a,with repect to ideal positions.For comparison,ab initio results͑Ref.8͒are shown in parentheses.Atom␦z͑C͒Atom␦z͑C͒Ti͑1͒-4.14͑-3.89͒Ba͑1͒-0.72͑-2.79͒O I(1)-2.74͑-1.63͒O III(1)-1.09͑-1.40͒O II(1)-2.74͑-1.63͒Ti͑2͒ 1.70͑0.92͒Ba͑2͒ 2.36͑1.31͒O I(2) 2.75͑0.48͒O III(2)-0.50͑-0.62͒O II(2) 2.75͑0.48͒Ti͑3͒-0.81͑-0.75͒Ba͑3͒-0.69͑-0.53͒O I(3)-0.72͑-0.35͒O III(3)-0.28͑-0.26͒O II(3)-0.72͑-0.35͒TABLE II.Average surface energy for the unrelaxed E sup(unrel) and relaxed cubic slabs E sup(relax),given in eV per surface unit cell.⌬E is the surface relaxation energy.E sup(unrel)E sup(relax)⌬E present calculation 1.359 1.1720.187 Ref.8 1.358 1.2410.117 Ref.70.92TABLE III.Average layer-by-layer ferroelectric distortions␦FE of the relaxed slabs,in percent of the theoretical lattice constant c. Ab initio results͑Ref.8͒are shown in parentheses.Ti-O terminated Ba-O terminated layer␦FE͑BaO͒␦FE(TiO2)␦FE͑BaO͒␦FE(TiO2)1 4.87͑4.38͒ 1.07͑1.56͒2 1.41͑1.44͒ 1.60͑1.82͒3 3.61͑3.44͒0.81͑1.31͒4 2.45͑1.65͒ 2.64͑3.32͒Bulk 2.45͑1.50͒ 2.32͑3.20͒ 2.45͑1.50͒ 2.32͑3.20͒SURFACE EFFECTS AND FERROELECTRIC PHASE...PHYSICAL REVIEW B64235403features of stage B are magnified.In both stages,B and C,the slab has a net polarization along the ͑100͒direction.Fi-nally,in stage D,P x ӍP y different from zero,and the slab has a net ͑110͒polarization.The cell-by-cell in-plane polarization profiles across the slab at different temperatures are shown in Fig.2.All profiles show increments of the local polarization in the two unit cells nearest to the surface,at both sides of the slab.This surface polarization enhancement arises from the fact that we are simulating a TiO 2-terminated slab.On the contrary,we find a decrease of the surface polarization for a BaO-terminated slab.So,the polarization behavior near the sur-face depends on the surface termination,a fact which is in agreement with the above static results.The local polariza-tions of the inner cells display a rather flat plateau.The mag-nitude of the electric polarization for these cells in stages C and D coincides with the bulk polarization components ob-tained with the model for the tetragonal (Ϸ17␮C/cm 2)and orthorhombic phases (Ϸ14␮C/cm 2),respectively.Moreover,the transition temperatures for the paraelectric-͑100͒polar-ized and the ͑100͒-͑110͒polarized phase transitions practi-cally coincide with the cubic-tetragonal and tetragonal-orthorhombic transition temperatures of the bulk material.10These observations lead to the conclusion that ferroelectric phase transitions involving in-plane electric polarization are practically unperturbed by the presence of the surface.One important difference with the bulk is,however,the appear-ance of a surface phase transition at stage B,where the two unit cells nearest to the surface are polarized,while the inner cells are not ͓see Fig.2͑open squares ͔͒.So,in this tempera-ture range,the slab is composed by an in-plane polarized ferroelectric surface layer on both sides of a paraelectric bulk material.Although experimental studies of perovskites sur-faces are complicated by the difficulties of preparing defect-free surfaces,the achievement of McKee et al.15who re-ported layer-by-layer growth of BaTiO 3on MgO in which the perovskite structure was stabilized at the unit-cell level,should allow a test of the existence of this two dimensional ferroelectric layer.To understand the nature of the microscopic dynamics leading to the presence of this in-plane polarized ferroelectric surface layer,we analyzed,in the high temperature paraelec-tric phase,the time evolution of local polarizations for a surface and an inner cell.For both we observe in Fig.3that fast oscillations around finite polarization values coexist with much slower polarization reversals.Therefore,as in the bulk material,12a relaxational slowing-down process is respon-sible for the appearance of the in-plane polarized phase in the film.Since the relaxation time of the surface cells is Ϸ10times larger than the one for the inner cells,thepolarizationFIG.1.Phase diagram of the BaTiO 3film resulting from the MD simulations.Top panel:the three components of the average polarization;and bottom panel:the corresponding cell parameters (a z was calculated as the slab width/7͒.FIG.2.Cell-by-cell in-plane polarization profiles across the slab at differenttemperatures.FIG.3.Time evolution of the local polarization p x for an inner ͑top panel ͒and a surface ͑bottom panel ͒cell in the paraelectric phase at T ϭ220K.S.TINTE AND M.G.STACHIOTTI PHYSICAL REVIEW B 64235403‘‘freezes’’first in the surface,in such a way that the surface orders at a higher temperature than the interior of the film.As was previously shown in Fig.1,the mean polarization perpendicular to the slab surface is zero at all temperatures.This was expected because the slab cannot develop a net out-of-plane polarization as a consequence of the boundary conditions used.However,a vanishing total polarization could arise from the crystal break into domains.We show that this is not the case by analyzing the polarization profile across the slab,which is presented in the top panel of Fig.4͓see the case ␩ϭ0͑open circles ͔͒.In this figure,the cell-by-cell out-of-plane polarization profile of a randomly chosen chain perpendicular to the slab surface is shown.In the present case,the same profile is obtained for all the chains in the slab.It is clear,from this profile,that the two unit cells nearest to the surface develop a small polarization.This local polarization of the surface cells,at both sides of the slab,are pointing inwards towards the bulk,so the net polarization vanishes.This inward direction of the local surface polariza-tion is just a consequence of the surface atomic relaxation pattern analyzed in the above section.Indeed,this polariza-tion profile and the magnitude of the local polarization of the surface cells shown in Fig.4at T ϭ0K,remain unchanged at higher temperatures,even in the paraelectric phase.The fact the inner cells of the slab are not polarized could arise from a surface tension effect,i.e.,as a consequence of the inwards movement of the surface layers,the interior of the slab could be denser than the bulk material inhibiting ferroelectricity.To address this point,we have measured the interlayer distance between two consecutive TiO 2planes atthe surface and in the interior of the slab.While this distance is 3.89Åat the surface,indicating that the surface layers contract substantially,it reaches the value of 3.99Åat only two unit cells from the surface.So,the interior of the slab is not considerably denser than the bulk material.Therefore,as was already shown from the static calculations,the competi-tion between the energy gain on the surface relaxation and the energy gain on the ferroelectric distortion seems to be crucial for the out-of-plane ferroelectricity in ultrathin films.As it is well known,ferroelectricity is strongly affected by volume in AB O 3perovskites.In particular,the elongation of a perovskite crystal along its polar direction favors ferroelec-tricity in that direction.So,it would be interesting to inves-tigate how the microscopic features obtained for the stress-free slab are affected by the lattice strain.C.Strain effectAn important factor which can influence the ferroelectric properties of a thin film is the effect produced by the lattice mismatch between a given substrate and the film.5In a recent experimental work,it was demostrated that there is a consid-erable increase in the spontaneous polarization and out-of-plane lattice parameter in epitaxially grown thin films in comparison with relatively thicker films.16Both observations have been interpreted as an effect of internal stresses due to lattice mismatch.Experimental data on BaTiO 3films depos-ited on SrTiO 3substrates 17showed a shift of T c towards higher temperatures.They conclude that this effect should be due to epitaxial strain,showing that the lattice parameter a of a 10monolayer-thick film is exactly the same as that of the substrate.So,if the substrate is sufficiently thick,the in-plane strains of the film at the interface are totally controlled by the thick substrate,which produces a two dimensional clamping and straining of the film.In this section we investigate the strain effects on the FE properties of the slab.We assume that the above mentioned internal elastic fields are homogeneous,so the 2D clamping holds throughout the ultrathin film.So,we force the simula-tion cell to be square in the x -y plane with different lattice parameters.However,the simulation cell is allowed to ex-pand and contract in the z direction until the zz component of stress is zero throughout.For the sake of simplicity,we de-fine a misfit strain as ␩ϭ(b Ϫa )/b ,where b is the imposed lattice constant in the x -y plane ͑which could be related with lattice constant of a hypothetic substrate ͒and a is the lattice parameter of the stress-free film.Since positive values of ␩will tend to suppress even more the out-of-plane ferroelec-tricity,we only investigate the effects produced by negative strains,which will tend to elongate the out-of-plane lattice constant of the slab,reinforcing ferroelectricity in that direc-tion.We show in Fig.4the p z (z )͑top panel ͒and p x (z )͑bot-tom panel ͒profiles at T ϭ0K of a randomly chosen chain perpendicular to the slab surface for different misfit strains.It is clear from this figure that,under negative strains,indi-vidual chains develop a net out-of-plane polarization.This feature seems to be in contradiction with the fact that we are simulating a not short-circuited slab,and amonodomainFIG.4.Cell-by-cell out-of-plane ͑top panel ͒and in-plane ͑bot-tom panel ͒polarization profiles of a randomly chosen chain perpen-dicular to the slab surface for different misfit strains (␩)at T ϭ0K.In the in-plane polarization profiles p y ϭp x .SURFACE EFFECTS AND FERROELECTRIC PHASE ...PHYSICAL REVIEW B 64235403ferroelectric state should not be stabilized due to the pres-ence of a very strong depolarizing field.However,although the individual chains shown in Fig.4diplay a perpendicular nonvanishing polarization,the net out-of-plane polarization of the slab is zero due to the development of polarized do-mains,as it is shown in Fig.5for the case ␩ϭϪ2.5%.For this value of ␩the local polarization vector of the inner cells lies along the z direction (p x ϭp y ϭ0,see Fig.4͒,so 180°polarized domains are developed.However,for higher values of ␩(␩ϭϪ1.0%),the net in-plane polarization is not zero and the domain configuration is more complex.We can de-scribe the behavior of the local polarization vector under strain in the following way.The stress-free film is polarized along the ͑110͒direction.When the film is negatively strained,the polarization vector starts rotating towards the z axes.In this case a domain configuration is developed be-cause the polarization vector rotates towards the positive z axis in one domain,while in the other it rotates in the oppo-site direction.Finally,at a given value of ␩the polarization vector of each domain lies along the z axis,giving arise to 180°polarized domains.In all cases the net out-of-plane polarization is zero and the domain wall is not charged.So,we demonstrate that a strain induced ferroelectric polydo-main state with an out-of-plane orientation of the polariza-tion is indeed stable in the ultrathin film.It is known that domains are favored because of the reduction of the depolar-izing field energy in spite of the increased surface energy of the domain walls.So,if electrodes are deposited on the film surfaces cancelling out the depolarizing field,a single-domain structure is expected to become more stable.To ad-dress that point,a different boundary condition should be used,and this investigation is in progress.It is interesting to point out that the cell-by-cell out-of-plane polarization profiles shown in the top panel of Fig.4display a considerable reduction of the polarization at the surface cells,indicating that the surface produces a weaken-ing of ferroelectricity,in agreement with a phenomenological study.3It is clear from Fig.5that the 180°domain configuration is of stripe type.It is important to remark,however,that theequilibrium value of the domain width cannot be determined from the present simulations,since this magnitude is con-strained by the dimension of the simulation cell.We per-formed simulations using longer supercells along the x and y directions 8ϫ8and 10ϫ10.In both cases we obtain similar results to the one previously reported;namely,the develop-ment of a stripe-type domain structure with a domain width of half of the supercell dimension.So,although the equilib-rium value of the domain width cannot be determined in the thermodynamic limit due to computational limitations,this test constitutes a clear evidence of the existence of a ferro-electric polydomain state.We are also able to provide an-other valuable microscopic information:the 180°domain wall is centered on a Ba-O plane,i.e.,the atomic displace-ments have odd symmetry across ͑and vanish on ͒the BaO plane,which indicates that the domain boundary is indeed very sharp,its width being of approximately one lattice con-stant,in agreement with domain walls simulations in bulk.18Finally,we performed molecular dynamics simulations to determine the temperature where the out-of-plane polariza-tion of each domain vanishes.This transition temperature is determined by monitoring the polarization of each domain as a function of temperature under heating.For the simulations we chose the case ␩ϭϪ1.5%.Note that for this value of strain the in-plane polarizations of the slab are zero ͑see Fig.4͒,so there is only one phase transition at finite temperature involving the z component of the domain polarization (P zdomain).The results are shown in Fig.6.The transition temperature obtained for the film of 28Åwidth is Ϸ225K.It is interesting to remark that the behavior of P z domainwith temperature resembles the temperature dependence of the or-der parameter in a ‘‘second-order phase transition.’’To find out which is the minimum film thickness (d c )with stable out-of-plane ferroelectricity we have done simulations on slabs of different widths using the same mechanical bound-ary condition (␩ϭϪ1.5%).The results are also shown in Fig.6.It is clear that the transition temperature decreases when the film thickness decreases.We can predict from these simulations that d c Ϸ20Å.It is interesting to remark that the predicted minimum film thickness is just one unit celllongerFIG.5.Top view of the out-of-plane polarization pattern for the case ␩ϭϪ2.5%.The symbols ϫor ᭺on each chain denote op-posite polarizationdirections.FIG.6.Out-of-plane component ͑z ͒of the domain polarization as a function of temperature for different slab widths.S.TINTE AND M.G.STACHIOTTI PHYSICAL REVIEW B 64235403。
