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Paragraph D:
What is the problems of the education in China, in the Turks and Caicos Islands, and in Australia? In china: expand school to take in many more students. A shortage of teachers. They result in large class size. In Turks and Caicos island: several different grades are taught in the same classroom. In Australia: too far away from school, which needs distance learning.
Look around your school and list all
the equipment, people and plans that
are needed to run a school.
Look around our school and list the equipment, people and plans needed to run a school.
Some terms:
1 compulsory education 1义务教育 2 free/fee education 2免费/收费教育 3 education for all 3全民教育 4 distance education 4远程教育 5 Rejuvenate the nation 5科教兴国 relying on science and education 6 education popularization 6教育普及 7 The Hope project 7希望工程
Computers TVs Teachers blackboards Students

curriculum timetable

group students offices classrooms
1. Are there any ways in which education in your town could be improved? Which do you think is the most important aspect to change?
2. As a student, what can we do to contribute to “Education for All”?
The passage makes it clear that "Education for All" is essential for the development of a country. The paragraphs mostly deal with measures that should be taken to achieve/reach the target.
in 2000
Post reading:
Which countries use the following methods to help them provide education?
distance learning
China, the USA , Australia China , Turks and Caicos Islands
Paragraph F:
Are there problems on education in the richest country? What are they? How do they solve these problems? What is “distance learning” according to the text?
Detailed reading:
Paragraph A and B
What is “education for all”?
At the World Education Forum in 2000, the member countries of the UNESCO made a commitment to provide “complete, free and compulsory primary education of good quality for all children by 2015”. This goal is called “education for all”.
1)What’s the target of the law? 2)Look at the bar graph. What was the changห้องสมุดไป่ตู้?
Education is the production force. Education is the key to reducing poverty.
mixed-grade classes
money from international China, Lesotho, developing countries, least developed nations organizations in Africa and Asia
money from local organizations
Paragraph c:
Why are parents in some areas unwilling to send their children to school? They don’t have a positive attitude toward education. Agriculture plays an important role, people do not attach importance to education, and parents are sceptical of anything that takes children away from their work on the farm. In some cultures parents are particularly unwilling to send their daughters to school because the custom is to educate boys rather than girls.
Paragraph E:
How dose a country achieve the goal of education for all? Some governments rely mainly on aid from other countries, international organizations and non-governmental organizations. Other countries receive help with particular programmes. Corporations and private citizens also donate money through the Hope Project.
Have you ever seen this picture before?
A public advertisement to encourage people to help poor children
Children are studying under hard condition.
Children got new books at the beginning of a new term with the help of some warmhearted people.
What do you think of the situation of education in China now?
入学率 100% 50% 0%
In 1986,the law of compulsory education was put into practice in China.
Paragraph G:
Is it a easy task for every country to realize the goal?
The situation is different in different countries. It will be a huge task worldwide, especially for the least developed nations of Africa and Asia.
Reading and Correcting
1.There are113 million children not in school today.
2. By 2015 every child will receive nine years of compulsory education. It will be very difficult to meet the goal of providing nine years of compulsory education for every child by 2015. 3. Children who live on farms do not like to attend school. Parents who live on farms often don't want to send their children to school. 4. Class sizes are bigger in city schools than rural schools. The number of students at rural schools is lower than in city schools, so the countryside schools often have mixed grade classes.
“Distance Learning” is a method of study in which instead of going to school, students have lessons by using two-way radio, computer software, mail or e-mail and video conference as well as watching TV programmes.
Choose the best heading for each paragraph ______ G Education for all children worldwide will be difficult to achieve F Solving the problem of teaching quality ______ in remote areas A Compulsory education for all Chinese ______ children D Problems of number and location ______ C Encouraging people in rural areas to ______ accept education E Meeting the cost ______ B Education for All --- an international ______ target