SONY 高清晰度数字磁带录像机 HDW-2000 HDW-M2000 HDW-M2000P 说明书
本设备经检测符合 FCC(美国通信委员会)规范第 15 部分中规定 的 A 级数字设备的限制参数。 当本设备商用时, 上述限制参数设计 用于防止设备受到有害干扰。 本设备产生、 使用并能够辐射出高频 能量, 如果不按照本操作手册的要求安装与使用, 可能会对无线电 通信设备造成有害干扰。在居民区使用本设备,会产生有害干扰, 需要用户自行消除。 注意, 进行本操作手册中任何未明确批准的变更或改动会, 可能会 无法使用本设备。 本操作手册中推荐的接口屏蔽电缆, 必须与本设备配套使用, 才能 使其符合 FCC(美国通信委员会)规范第 15 部分 B 节中规定的 A 级数字设备的限制参数。
3-1-1 与数字设备的连接 ...................................................................................... 3-1
3-2 基准同步信号 ............................................................................................. 3-2
第4章 录制与重放
4-1 录制 ............................................................................................................. 4-1
4-1-1 录制准备工作 .............................................................................................4-1 4-1-2 录制时间码与用户比特 ............................................................................... 4-2 4-1-3 录制步骤 .................................................................................................... 4-4
异方性导电膜(在接着性薄膜胶带中均匀散布的导电性粒子) 异方性: 当Z轴导通电阻值与XY平面导通电阻值存在差异时,就称为存在异 方性;当此差异超过一定比值时,就可称为良好的导电异方性。 特点: 在Z轴电气导通方向(上下方向)与XY轴绝缘平面(左右方向)的 电阻特性具有明显的差异性,利用此特性,使IC晶片与基板两者之间的
一、ACF介绍 三、ACF应用领域 五、ACF评价参数 七、ACF保存注意事项 二、ACF的基本结构 四、ACF生产工艺流程 六、ACF选用原则 八、ACF发展方向
ACF(Anisotropic Conductive Film)简介
碳粒 导电粒子 构成材料 金属颗粒
塑胶/金属/塑胶颗粒(主要) 热固性高分子(主要)
热塑性高分子 热固性/热塑性混合物
热塑性高分子:具有低温接着,组装快速极容易重工之优点,但亦具有高热 膨胀性和高吸湿性缺点,使其处于高温下易劣化,无法符合可靠性、信赖性 之需求。 热固性高分子:如环氧树脂,具有高温安定性且热膨胀性和吸湿性低等优点, 但加工温度高且不易重工为其缺点,但其可靠性高的优点仍为目前采用最广 泛之材料。 深圳市宇顺电子股份有限公司
COF: Chip on Flex /Film,IC邦定柔性基板上。
作者:童 义 猛 Email: tym_gif@
1.4 ACF 的发展史 ACF 的应用已经有 60 多年的历史,广泛应用与家用电子产品的设计中,尤为突出 的是 LCD 的应用。 ACF 的材料从工艺上来说,从起初 pitch 大小为 800um 到 500um,再到今天广为应 用的 200um,现在最精致的可以做到 35um,粒子大小也从起初的 50um 到今天的 3um,产品升级周期也由起初的数十年年到今天的 1~2 年。可以遇见,ACF 将渗透 于电子行业的各个环节。
作者:童 义 猛 Email: tym_gif@
笔者从近两年的实际调查研究中,将具体应用用通俗的语言概况成常态化,即满足了 不泄露公司级秘密的基本原则,又满足了经验理论化,给读者的日常工作起到借鉴的 作用,是一篇业界很稀有的关于 ACF 技术介绍的科普读本,非常具有参考价值。
1.3 ACF 的应用范围 ACF 应用范围非常广泛,应用最多的是 LCD 厂家,ACF 的发展是伴随着 LCD 的需 求而发展的,从应用范围来说,主要有下列几种:
但随着产品的多元化及客户特殊需要,有很多的特殊应用也逐渐用 ACF 技术,比如 CMOS 的封装,比如某个产品某个特殊部门因为设计上的限制而采用等等,总之, 符合 ACF 工作原理的应用从理论上来说都是可以实现的,但要考虑可行性,比如应 用以后,原来产品的测试从测试软件,到测试站都要经过重新设计,同时还要投入 ACF bonding 设备,基础设施(洁净房,在后续生产环境中着重描述这一环节)等。 4
1.5 ACF 的替代技术 ACF 的替代技术是 ACP 技术,因为 ACF 技术需要投入较昂贵的设备,同事在工艺 制程上控制也较为苛刻,ACP 技术呼之欲出。但从目前来看,ACP 还只能适用于较 大 pitch 的应用,ACP 普遍用于代替某些 hot bar 的应用,通常 pitch 在 500um 以 上。
ACF參數設定 (COG)
所求出之理論值僅為參考依據, 以滿足ACF粒子破裂實際狀態為壓力設定值之修正標準
F (kgf) = Pref.(kgf/cm2) ╳ ACF長(cm) ╳ ACF寬(cm) Main Bonding:
F (kgf) = Pref. (kgf/cm2) ╳ COG IC Total bump面積(cm2)(Input bump + Output bump + Dummy bump)
寬度 1.2 ± 0.1㎜
s1+ s1'´h1 s2+ s2'´h2
T= 2
+ t'+a
a = 0.25´(h1+ h2)
2 t'= bonding後導電粒子厚 約2um
原理:對異向性導電膠施以壓力跟溫度並保持一段時間後,令 ACF膠材充分反應後產生上下層黏著,此時導電粒子破裂在 Z 方向產生訊號導通而水平方向不導通的作用.
Ex:160℃ 3sec 2MPa
上刀頭 緩衝材
Silicon Teflon
ACF thermocouple
注意:thermocouple電極交叉點位置位於ACF寬度中 間位置為最佳
Product Warranty -2Year ExtendedAs standard,Sonifex products are supplied with a 1year back to base warranty.In order to register the date of purchase and so that we can keep you informed of any product design improvements or modifica�ons,it is important to complete the warranty registra�on online.Addi�onally,if you register the product on the Sonifex website,you can increase your product warranty to 2years.Go to the Sonifex website at:/register to apply for your 2year warranty.Sonifex Warranty &Liability Terms &Conditions1.Definitions‘the Company’means Sonifex Ltd and where relevant includes companies within the same group of companies as Sonifex Limited.‘the Goods’means the goods or any part thereof supplied by the Company and where relevant includes:work carried out by the Company on items supplied by the Purchaser;services supplied by the Company;and so�ware supplied by the Company.‘the Purchaser’means the person or organisa�on who buys or has agreed to buy the Goods.‘the Price’means the Price of the Goods and any other charges incurred by the Company in the supply of the Goods.‘the Warranty Term’is the length of the product warranty which is usually 12months from the date of despatch;except when the product has beenregistered at the Sonifex website when the Warranty Term is 24months from the date of despatch.‘the Contract’means the quota�on,these Condi�ons of Sale and any other document incorporated in a contract between the Company and the Purchaser.This is the en�re Contract between the par�es rela�ng to the subject ma�er hereof and may not be changed or terminated except in wri�ng in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.A reference to the consent,acknowledgement,authority or agreement of the Company means in wri�ng and only by a director of the Company.2.Warrantya.The Company agrees to repair or (at its discre�on)replace Goods which are found to be defec�ve (fair wear and tear excepted)and which are returned to the Company within the Warranty Term provided that each of the following are sa��fica�on of any defect is given to the Company immediately upon its becoming apparent to the Purchaser;ii.the Goods have only been operated under normal opera�ng condi�ons and have only been subject to normal use (and inpar�cular the Goods must have been correctly connected and must not have been subject to high voltage or to ionising radia�on and must not have been used contrary to the Company’s technical recommenda�ons);iii.the Goods are returned to the Company’s premises at the Purchaser’s expense;iv.any Goods or parts of Goods replaced shall become the property of the Company; work whatsoever (other than normal and proper maintenance)has been carried out to the Goods or any part of the Goods without the Company’s prior wri�en consent;vi.the defect has not arisen from a design made,furnished or specified by the Purchaser;vii.the Goods have been assembled or incorporated into other goods only in accordance with any instruc�ons issued by the Company;viii.the defect has not arisen from a design modified by the Purchaser;ix.the defect has not arisen from an item manufactured by a person other than the Company.In respect of any item manufactured by a person other than the Company,the Purchaser shall only be en�tled to the benefit of any warranty or guarantee provided by such manufacturer to the Company.b.In respect of computer so�ware supplied by the Company the Company does not warrant that the use of the so�ware will be uninterrupted or error free.c.The Company accepts liability:i.for death or personal injury to the extent that it results from the negligence of the Company,its employees (whilst in the course of their employment)or its agents (in the course of the agency);ii.for any breach by the Company of any statutory undertaking as to �tle,quiet possession and freedom from encumbrance.d.Subject to condi�ons (a)and (c)from the �me of despatch of the Goods from the Company’s premises the Purchaser shall be responsible for any defect in the Goods or loss,damage,nuisance or interference whatsoever consequen�al economic or otherwise or wastage of material resul�ng from or caused by or to the Goods.In par�cular the Company shall not be liable for any loss of profits or other economic losses.The Company accordingly excludes all liability for the same.e.At the request and expense of the Purchaser the Company will test the Goods to ascertain performance levels and provide a report of the results of that test.The report will be accurate at the �me of the test,to the best of the belief and knowledge of the Company,and the Company accepts no liability in respect of its accuracy beyond that set out in Condi�on (a).f.Subject to Condi�on (e)no representa�on,condi�on,warranty or other term,express or implied (by statute or otherwise)is given by theCompany that the Goods are of any par�cular quality or standard or will enable the Purchaser to a�ain any par�cular performance or result,or will be suitable for any par�cular purpose or use under specific condi�ons or will provide any par�cular capacity,notwithstanding that the requirement for such performance,result or capacity or that suchpar�cular purpose or condi�ons may have been known (or ought to have been known)to the Company,its employees or agents.g.i.To the extent that the Company is held legally liable to the Purchaser for any single breach of contract,tort,representa�on or other act or default,the Company’s liability for the same shall not exceed the price of the Goods.ii.The restric�on of liability in Condi�on (g)(i)shall not apply to any liability accepted by the Seller in Condi�on (c).h.Where the Goods are sold under a consumer transac�on (as defined by the Consumer Transac�ons (Restric�ons on Statements)Order 1976)the statutory rights of the Purchaser are not affected by these Condi�ons of Sale.Unpacking Your ProductEach product is shipped in protec�ve packaging and should be inspected for damage before use.If there is any transit damage take pictures of the product packaging and no�fy the carrier immediately with all the relevant details of the shipment.Packing materials should be kept for inspec�on and also for if the product needs to be returned.The product is shipped with the following equipment so please check to ensure that you have all of the items below.If anything is missing,please contact the supplier of your equipment immediately.Repairs &ReturnsPlease contact Sonifex or your supplier if you have any problems with yourSonifex product.Email for the repair/upgrade/returns procedure,or for support &ques�ons regarding the product opera�on.ConformityItemQuan�ty Product Unit1A3Folded Handbook1The products in this manual comply with the essen�al requirements ofthe relevant European health,safety and environmental protec�on legisla�on.The technical jus�fica�on file for this product is available at Sonifex Ltd.The declara�on of conformity can be found at:h�p:///declara�onsWEEE DirectiveThe Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)Direc�ve was agreed on 13February 2003,along with the related Direc�ve2002/95/EC on Restric�ons of the use of certain Hazardous Substancesin electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS).The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Direc�ve (WEEE)aims to minimise the impacts ofelectrical and electronic equipment on the environment during their life �mes and when they become waste.All products manufactured by Sonifex Ltd have the WEEE direc�ve label placed on the case.Sonifex Ltd will be happy to give you informa�on about local organisa�ons that can reprocess the product when it reaches its “end of use”,or alterna�vely all products that have reached “end of use”can be returned to Sonifex and will be reprocessed correctly free of charge.Atmosphere/EnvironmentThis apparatus should be installed in an area that is not subject to excessive temperature varia�on (<0°C,>50°C),moisture,dust or vibra�on.This apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing,and no objects filled with water,such as vases shall be placed on the apparatus.▲Register Online for an Extended 2Year Warranty/registerProduct:Serial No:For the latest Sonifex handbook information please visit the Sonifex website at This handbook is for use with the following products:CM-HPR1Headphone Volume Control CM-HPX1Headphone Volume Control Stock Code:30-366Artwork:AW10919©Sonifex Ltd,2020All Rights ReservedRevision 1.04,February 2020Sonifex Ltd,61,Station Road,Irthlingborough,Northants,NN95QE,England.Tel:+44(0)1933650700Fax:+44(0)1933650726Email:Website:https://Informa�on in this document is subject to change without no�ce and does not represent a commitment on the part of the vendor.Sonifex Ltd shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from the use of informa�on or any error contained in this manual.No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmi�ed in any form or by any means,electronic ormechanical,including photocopying,recording,informa�on storage and retrieval systems,for any purpose other than the purchaser’s personal use,without the express wri�en permission of Sonifex Ltd.Unless otherwise noted,all names of companies,products and persons contained herein are part of a completely fic��ous adapta�on and are designed solely to document the use of Sonifex product.Made in the UK byPassive PacksCM-HPR1Headphone Volume ControlCM-HPX1Headphone Volume ControlHANDBOOKManufacturers of Audio Products for AV,InstalledSound,Broadcast Radio &BroadcastTV1234to CM-LUR1Bal to Unbal Audio Converter CM-LUX1Bal to Unbal Audio Converter CM-AESX33Way Dig AES3Spli�er,XLR CM-AESB33Way Dig AES3ID Spli�er,BNC CM-MS33Way Microphone Spli�erCM-MNT1Desk Mount PanelAll of the products,along with the CM-TBU and CM-TLL,can be mounted to the underside of a desk using the CM-MNT1desk mount plate.This fixes to the top side of the product and screws to the underside of a surface.w w w.s o n i f e x.c o.u k t:+44(0)1933650700f:+44(0)1933650726****************.uk5678CM-HPR1&CM-HPX1Headphone Volume ControlsThese two products allow the connec�on of a stereo balanced line input (RJ45on the CM-HPR1with StudioHub+™pinout and 2x female XLRs on the CM-HPX1)and create a headphone output,with level control.They are transformer balanced,and can be used with any headphones above 150Ωimpedance.The transformer ra�o of 2:1ensures that any headphone load presented at the output is reflected through to the input at a 1:4ra�o (hence a 150Ωset of headphones looks like 600Ωat the input,a suitable load for most good quality line output stages).Fig 1-1:CM-HPR1Front &Rear ViewFig 1-2:CM-HPX1Front &Rear ViewStudioHub+™is a registered trademark of Radio Systems IncFig 1-3:Applica�on Example Using Axia XnodeBlock DiagramsFig 1-4:CM-HPR1Block DiagramFig 1-5:CM-HPX1Block DiagramConnectors &Controls Headphone OutputThe stereo headphone output uses a stereo 6.35mm jack socket with the following connec�ons:Pin Type Connec�on Tip:Le�Ring:Right Screen:GroundThe headphone level will be at half the level of the incoming signal with the volume control at 100%.Volume Level ControlThe volume level control sets the output level of the stereo headphone socket and runs logarithmically from zero to the maximum output level.Analogue Inputs CM-HPX1The stereo analogue input is on two female 3pin XLR connectors with the following pin assignments:Pin 1:0V Common Pin 2:Phase Pin 3:Non PhaseAnalogue Inputs CM-HPR1The stereo analogue input is on a female RJ45connector with the following standard StudioHub+™pin assignments:Pin No.Connec�on 1Le�Phase2Le�Non-Phase 3Right Phase 4Ground 5N/C6Right Non-Phase 7N/C 8N/CTechnical Spec CM-HPR1/CM-HPX1Audio Specifica�onInput/Output Level Ra�o:2:1Input/Output Impedance Ra�o:4:1Minimum Headphone Impedance:150ΩMax Input Level:+28dBu Max Output Level:+22dBuFrequency Response:20Hz to 20kHz,+0/-0.5dBNoise:-115dBu A-wgtd becomes -100dBu A-wgtd Distor�on Ref +8dBu (Output):<0.01%Common Mode Rejec�on:>80dBConnec�onsMain Stereo Input (CM-HPX1):2x XLR 3pin,female Main Stereo Input (CM-HPR1):1x RJ45femaleStudioHub+™pinout Output:¼”(6.35mm)A/B gauge 3-pole stereo jack socketsEquipment Type CM-HPX1:Headphone volume control,XLR input CM-HPR1:Headphone volume control,RJ45inputPhysical Specifica�on Dimensions (Raw):7.7cm (W)x 8.3cm (D)x 4.2cm (H)3.0”(W)x 3.3”(D)x 1.7”(H)Weight:Ne�:0.22kg Gross:0.33kg Ne�:0.49lbs Gross:0.73lbsFig A:CM-MNT1Desk-Mount Plate Fi�ed on CM-AESX3Fig B:CM-MNT1Desk-Mount Plate With Screws。
LCM 耗 材
LCM 耗材ACF用途:Auto Chip Film為異方性導電膠用于連接LCD之ITO與FILM、TCP、FFC電性導通,常用于TAB或COG產品﹔一、ACF種類現階段廠內常用ACF有兩種:一種為HITACH公司,AC7104兩層式導電粒子為10μm﹔另一種為SONY公司,CP7321三層式導電粒子為5μm﹔二、ACF由于備料時間較長,廠內會堆積一定數目的安全存量,所以不同批號不同型號之ACF需分開存放,并把握好先進先出之原則,以免ACF超過其使用期限1、ACF保存方法與使用期限﹔1.1、未開封之ACF,保存條件:-10~5℃,其使用期限為制造后六個月(制造日期及保存條件下有效期ACF之商標會注明)1.2、已開封品之保存條件:-10~5℃其使用期限為SONY15天,HITACH30天﹔1.3、已開封品,并裸露在空氣中,保存之時間僅為7天﹔1.4、未開封之產品如果保存在高溫環境下,會縮短其有效使用期限,加速ACF的熱固化﹔若超過了使用保証期限之過期品,本廠規定:ACF已過期,不開封的ACF從出廠算起,不超過一年時間繼用,超過一年報廢,已開封的ACF直接報廢﹔三、ACF本壓后之產品外觀檢查及壓著狀態判定:1、回不許沒有,SONY經實驗少許氣泡可以,非回路區SPACE上之氣泡測信賴性不影響,未連續之部分即使有氣泡產生對于產品上品質也不會有影響﹔路上有氣泡:1.1、在正常狀況下,回路如PAD連接處起氣泡不允許有,HITACH(日立)完全1.2、外觀判定檢查回路是否有不規則的彩虹般色塊或不同前顏色之區域﹔2、導電粒子破裂狀態:2.1、回路上之導電粒子破裂后之形狀不能有較大程度破裂的現象,未連續之部分即使有較大程度破裂現象,對產品之品質不會有影響﹔2.2、外觀判定檢查回路上導電粒子的壓著破裂程度狀況:2.2.1、導電粒子未破裂(Particle未破)好象為原狀判NG﹔2.2.2、導電粒子破裂20~80%為優良,90%為較好,成橢圓狀破裂線條有1~3條﹔2.2.3、導電粒子破裂100%判NG,三條以上象一朵炸開的花﹔2.3、本壓著導電粒子破裂寬度:TCP、COF產品需為1MM,FPC產品為0.6MM以上﹔四、ACF使用之注意事項:1、ACF不能食用如果萬一與皮膚接觸,應用肥皂清洗﹔2、ACF從冰箱取出后,需放半小時左右,以不影響貼付為准﹔3、ACF如果外觀顏色變黑或有顏色不均現象,應請停止使用﹔4、ACF貼付前與后需檢查ACF上有無異物﹔5、從冰箱拿起ACF一定要看ACF料號使用期限,開封之日期.成份引火點Page 11 of 11。
SONY SCPH-90006 SCPH-90007 快捷参考
reach of small children.
This product has been designed with the highest concern for safety. However, any electrical device, if used improperly, has the potential for causing fire, electrical shock or personal injury. To help ensure accident-free operation, follow these guidelines: • Observe all warnings, precautions and instructions. • Stop use and unplug the AC power cord from the electrical outlet immediately if
• Do not allow dust or foreign matter to build up around the console vents. Remove
the dust with a low-powered vacuum cleaner.
• Set the console in a vertical or horizontal position only. When placing in the
10 cm (4 in)
Read carefully before operating your PlayStation®2 console
A few people may experience epileptic seizures when viewing flashing lights or patterns in our daily environment. These persons may experience seizures while watching TV or playing video games, including DVD-Videos or games played on the PlayStation®2 console. Players who have not had any seizures may nonetheless have an undetected epileptic condition. Consult your physician before operating the PlayStation®2 console if you have an epileptic condition or experience any of the following symptoms while watching TV programs or playing video games: altered vision, muscle twitching, other involuntary movements, loss of awareness of your surroundings, mental confusion and/or convulsions.
sony sacd 读取原理
sony sacd 读取原理Sony SACD (Super Audio CD) is a high-resolution audio format that was developed by Sony and Philips in the late 1990s. It was introduced as a successor to the conventional CD format and aimed to provide improved audio quality and a higher resolution sound. The SACD format was designed to be backward compatible with existing CD players, allowing consumers to play both SACD and CD discs on the same player.The original idea behind SACD was to create a format that could reproduce audio signals that are closer to the original studio recording. To achieve this, several technical advancements were made in the SACD format compared to the traditional CD format.One of the key features of SACD is its use of Direct Stream Digital (DSD) encoding. The DSD format uses a 1-bit sigma-delta modulation technique to convert the analog audio signals into a digital format. This differs from the Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) used in CDs, which samples the analog audio signals at a specific bit depth and sample rate.In the DSD encoding used in SACDs, audio signals are sampled at an extremely high rate of 2.8224 MHz, which is 64 times the sample rate of CDs. This high sampling rate allows for capturing more detail and nuancein the audio signals, resulting in a more faithful representation of the original sound. The 1-bit DSD samples are stored in a digital format on the SACD disc.To read the DSD samples from the SACD disc, a specialized laser pickup system is used in SACD players. This pickup system is capable of detecting the much narrower track pitch used in SACDs compared to CDs and can read the 1-bit DSD samples accurately.The laser beam emitted by the pickup system focuses on the spiral track of the SACD disc, which contains the DSD samples. The reflected laser beam is then converted into an electrical signal using a photodiode. This electrical signal is further processed by a series of analog and digital circuits to extract the audio information from the DSD samples.SACD players also employ a process called Direct Stream Transfer (DST) to compress the DSD audio data on the disc. DST is a lossless compression algorithm that reduces the size of the audio data without any loss of quality. This compression allows more audio data to be stored on the SACD disc, enabling longer playing times compared to conventional CDs.The SACD format also includes the option to include a separate layer on the disc that contains a standard CD format copy of the audio content. This dual-layer approach ensures backward compatibility, allowing SACD discs to be played on existing CD players.In summary, the Sony SACD format utilizes the Direct Stream Digital (DSD) encoding technique to capture and store high-resolution audio signals on the disc. A specialized laser pickup system with a narrower track pitch is used in SACD players to read the DSD samples accurately. The DSD samples are converted into an electrical signal, processed, and played back to recreate the original sound. The SACD format also includes DST compression and backward compatibility with CD players to enhance the overall playback experience.。
Sony cfd-s50 review. Sony service status. Sony service care. Sony service call.
Ghettoblaster mit CD/Kassette Ghettoblaster mit CD/Kassette Contact Support Parts & Repair Ghettoblaster mit CD/Kassette Select or enter your model to view manuals, help guide and other documents. Contact Support Parts & Repair SERVICE MANUAL Sony Corporation Published by Sony Techno Create Corporation M 9-893-903-04 2014C33-1 © 2014.03 US Model Canadian Model AEP Model UK Model Australian Model Saudi Arabia Model Singapore Model Taiwan Model Korean Model Thai Model Ver. 1.3 2014.03 • The service policy of this model is Product Exchange. The following parts are available for service parts of this model. verb list pdf in tamil PARTS LIST 1 2 3 Bottom or 4-474-842-11 MANUAL, INSTRU
索尼 WM-FX290 说明书
To improve broadcast reception C •For FM: Extend the headphones/earphones cord
(antenna). If the reception is still not good, press MENU repeatedly to set the cursor in the display to FM MODE. Then press SET to switch between “LOCAL” and none (DX), or “MONO” and none (stereo) for best reception. •For AM: Reorient the unit itself.
Playing a Tape
1 Insert a cassette. B 2 Press N PLAY.
Adjust the volume with VOL.
To Stop playback Wind rapidly*
Press x STOP M FF or m REW
* If you leave the unit after the tape has been wound or rewound, the battery will be consumed rapidly. Be sure to press x STOP.
Notes • If you cannot complete step 3 or 4 while the indicators
are flashing, repeat from step 2. • If a station is already stored, the new station replaces
❖第一节 磁带录像机的发展
发展进程 磁带录像机的分类
❖第二节 磁带录像机编辑
磁带录像机编辑系统 磁带录像机编辑方式
❖第三节 编辑点的选择
概述 选择动作作为编辑点
第一节 磁带录像机的发展
❖ 发展进程
1956年 美国安培公司 第一台达到实用水平的录 像机
1957年,一英寸录像机,螺旋扫描,有B格式和C格 式,用开盘录像带,操作复杂
❖第三节 编辑点的选择
概述 选择动作作为编辑点
《录像机》 《电子编辑》 《镜头组接原则》
▪ 符合艺术与技术要求 ▪ 符合运动与心理规律 ▪ 防止图像跳动与视觉跳动
第三节 选择图像编辑点
主体动作编辑点是以形体活动为基础,选择主 体外部动作发生显著变化后之处作为动作编辑 点
包括相同主体动作编辑点和不同主体动作编辑 点
第三节 选择图像编辑点
主体位置固定的画面 主体位置移动的画面 主体出入不同空间的画面 主体由动到静或由静到动的画面
第一节 磁带录像机的发展
❖ 发展进程
70年代,U-matic盒 式磁带录像机问世, 简称U型机
1975年,SONY公司, 1/2英寸家用Betamax 格式录像机,俗称小 1/2
第一节 磁带录像机的发展
❖ 发展进程
1976年,JVC公司, 1/2家用VHS录像机, 俗称大1/2
80年代,8mm录像机 出现,录像机向小 型化发展,其高带: Hi8使图像分辨率达 400线
第三节 选择图像编辑点
不同主体的运动或同一主体的不同运动画面, 选择它们之间运动的内在联系作为动作的编辑 点
索尼 XA-300 服务手册
SERVICE MANUALAUX-IN SELECTORUS Model Canadian ModelAEP Model UK Model E ModelSPECIFICATIONSXA-300Ver 1.1 2002.089-873-500-12Sony Corporation2002H0500-1 e Vehicle CompanyC 2002.08Published by Sony Engineering CorporationFEATURESPower requirement12 V DC car battery (negative earth)Current drain 340 mAOperating temperature –10°C to +55°C(14° F to 131° F)Dimensions Approx. 148 × 34 × 101 mm(5 7/8 × 1 3/8 × 4 in.)(w/h/d)Mass Approx. 470 g (1 lb 16 oz.)Supplied accessories BUS cableRCA pin cord Velcro tapeDesign and specifications are subject to change without notice.The XA-300 is an external selector for connecting a Sony BUS system-compatible CD/MD device or a non-compatible portable device (such as a DVD player, MD Walkman, or laptop computer)to a Sony BUS system-compatible master unit.Enjoy the sound of portable media in your car.WALKMAN is trademark of Sony Corporation.2XA-300TABLE OF CONTENTS1.SERVICING NOTES ................................................22.GENERAL ...................................................................33.DIAGRAMS3-1.Note for Printed Wiring Board andSchematic Diagram.........................................................33-2.Printed Wiring Board ......................................................43-3.Schematic Diagram.........................................................53-4.IC Pin Function Description ...........................................64.EXPLODED VIEW ...................................................75.ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST (8)Notes on chip component replacement •Never reuse a disconnected chip component.•Notice that the minus side of a tantalum capacitor may be dam-aged by heat.SECTION 1SERVICING NOTESConnection to repairThis set is controled by master unit with serial communication.Therefore, to operate this set, connect master unit as shown below.Connecting via USBThis set can be connected via its USB connector to a parsonal computer with USB port.BUS CONTROL OUTPUT terminal BUS CONTROL INPUT terminal•Compatible operating systems –Windows ® 98 Second Edition/Windows ® Me/Windows ® 2000(Windows ® 2000 recommended)–Mac OS 8.6 or later(Mac OS 9.0 or later recommended)7XA-300SECTION 4EXPLODED VIEW•Items marked “*” are not stocked since they are seldom required for routine service. Some delay should be anticipated when ordering these items.•The mechanical parts with no reference num-ber in the exploded views are not supplied.•Accessories and packing materials are given in the last of the electrical parts list.•Accessories are given in the last of the elec-trical parts list.NOTE:•-XX and -X mean standardized parts, so they may have some difference from the original one.•Color Indication of Appearance Parts Example:KNOB, BALANCE (WHITE) . . . (RED)↑↑Parts Color Cabinet's ColorRef. No.Part No.Description Remark Ref. No.Part No.Description Remark13-229-695-01CASE (LOWER)23-229-698-01KNOB (VOL)33-229-694-01CASE (UPPER)41-590-519-72CORD (WITH CONNECTOR) (BUS)51-696-287-41CORD, CONNECTION (RCA)#17-685-792-09SCREW +PTT 2.6X6 (S)8XA-300SECTION 5ELECTRICAL PARTS LISTRef. No.Part No.Description Remark Ref. No.Part No.DescriptionRemark MAINNOTE:•Due to standardization, replacements in the parts list may be different from the parts speci-fied in the diagrams or the components used on the set.•-XX and -X mean standardized parts, so they may have some difference from the original one.•RESISTORSAll resistors are in ohms.METAL: Metal-film resistor.METAL OXIDE: Metal oxide-film resistor.F: nonflammable•Items marked “*” are not stocked since they are seldom required for routine service.Some delay should be anticipated when order-ing these items.•SEMICONDUCTORSIn each case, u: µ, for example:uA. .: µA. .uPA. .: µPA. .uPB. .: µPB. .uPC. .: µPC. .uPD. .: µPD. .•CAPACITORS uF: µF •COILS uH: µHMAIN BOARD ***********7-685-535-19SCREW +BTP2.6X10 TYPE2 N-S< CAPACITOR >C1011-126-767-11ELECT 1000uF 20%16V C1021-124-589-11ELECT47uF 20%16V C1031-107-826-11CERAMIC CHIP 0.1uF 10%16V C1041-126-382-11ELECT100uF 20%16V C1051-107-826-11CERAMIC CHIP 0.1uF 10%16V C1061-124-589-11ELECT47uF 20%16V C1071-110-654-11ELECT (BLOCK)0.047F 5.5V C1081-124-589-11ELECT47uF 20%16V C1091-107-826-11CERAMIC CHIP 0.1uF 10%16V C1101-107-826-11CERAMIC CHIP 0.1uF 10%16V C1111-107-826-11CERAMIC CHIP 0.1uF 10%16V C1121-107-826-11CERAMIC CHIP 0.1uF 10%16V C1131-107-826-11CERAMIC CHIP 0.1uF 10%16V C1141-107-826-11CERAMIC CHIP 0.1uF 10%16V C1151-115-467-11CERAMIC CHIP 0.22uF 10%10V C3011-124-589-11ELECT47uF 20%16V C3021-107-826-11CERAMIC CHIP 0.1uF 10%16V C3031-124-635-00ELECT220uF 20% 6.3V C5011-162-918-11CERAMIC CHIP 18PF 5%50V C5021-162-918-11CERAMIC CHIP 18PF 5%50V C5031-107-826-11CERAMIC CHIP 0.1uF 10%16V C5041-124-233-11ELECT10uF 20%16V C5051-107-826-11CERAMIC CHIP 0.1uF 10%16V C5061-124-233-11ELECT10uF 20%16V C5071-107-826-11CERAMIC CHIP 0.1uF 10%16V C5091-107-826-11CERAMIC CHIP 0.1uF 10%16V C5101-107-826-11CERAMIC CHIP 0.1uF 10%16V C5111-107-826-11CERAMIC CHIP 0.1uF 10%16V C5121-162-961-11CERAMIC CHIP 330PF 10%50V C5131-124-233-11ELECT 10uF 20%16V C5141-162-961-11CERAMIC CHIP 330PF 10%50V C5151-124-233-11ELECT 10uF 20%16V C5161-124-233-11ELECT10uF 20%16V C5171-162-977-11CERAMIC CHIP 0.0018uF 10%50V C5181-162-977-11CERAMIC CHIP0.0018uF 10%50V C6011-162-962-11CERAMIC CHIP 470PF 10%50V C6021-162-962-11CERAMIC CHIP 470PF 10%50V C6031-162-962-11CERAMIC CHIP470PF10%50VC6041-162-962-11CERAMIC CHIP 470PF 10%50V C6051-124-233-11ELECT 10uF 20%16V C6061-124-233-11ELECT 10uF 20%16V C6071-124-589-11ELECT 47uF 20%16V C6081-124-589-11ELECT47uF 20%16V C6091-125-837-11CERAMIC CHIP 1uF 10% 6.3V C6101-125-837-11CERAMIC CHIP 1uF 10% 6.3V C6111-124-635-00ELECT220uF 20% 6.3V C7011-162-962-11CERAMIC CHIP 470PF 10%50V C7021-162-962-11CERAMIC CHIP 470PF 10%50V C7031-124-233-11ELECT10uF 20%16V C7041-125-837-11CERAMIC CHIP 1uF 10% 6.3V C7051-162-962-11CERAMIC CHIP 470PF 10%50V C7061-162-962-11CERAMIC CHIP 470PF 10%50V C7071-125-837-11CERAMIC CHIP 1uF 10% 6.3V C7081-124-233-11ELECT10uF 20%16V C7091-162-960-11CERAMIC CHIP 220PF 10%50V C7101-162-960-11CERAMIC CHIP 220PF 10%50V C7111-124-635-00ELECT 220uF 20% 6.3V C7121-124-589-11ELECT47uF 20%16V C7131-107-826-11CERAMIC CHIP 0.1uF 10%16V C7141-107-826-11CERAMIC CHIP 0.1uF 10%16V C7151-124-635-00ELECT 220uF 20% 6.3V C7161-124-635-00ELECT 220uF 20% 6.3V C7171-124-589-11ELECT 47uF 20%16V C7181-124-589-11ELECT47uF 20%16V C7191-125-837-11CERAMIC CHIP 1uF 10% 6.3V C7201-125-837-11CERAMIC CHIP 1uF 10% 6.3V C7211-124-589-11ELECT 47uF 20%16V C7221-124-635-00ELECT220uF 20% 6.3V C7301-162-964-11CERAMIC CHIP0.001uF10%50V (AEP, UK)< CONNECTOR >CN1011-580-907-31PLUG, CONNECTOR (INPUT CONTROL)CN1021-580-907-31PLUG, CONNECTOR (OUTPUT CONTROL)CN1031-815-194-11CONNECTOR, USB (B) (USB)CN1041-778-940-11JACK 2P (INPUT AUDIO)CN1051-764-593-21JACK 2P (AUX IN 2)CN1061-764-593-21JACK 2P (AUX IN 1)CN1071-764-270-21JACK, STEREO MINIATURE (DIA.3.5)(i HEADPHONE)CN1081-778-940-11JACK 2P (OUTPUT AUDIO)Ver 1.1Ref. No.Part No.Description RemarkRef. No.Part No.Description Remark 9XA-300MAIN< DIODE >D1018-719-404-50DIODE MA111-TX D1028-719-404-50DIODE MA111-TX D1038-719-404-50DIODE MA111-TX D1048-719-404-50DIODE MA111-TX < FERRITE BEAD >FB5011-414-813-11FERRITE, EMI (SMD)< IC >IC18-752-926-54IC CXP83412-054Q IC28-759-444-86IC BA8272F-E2IC38-759-713-24IC PCM2702E/2K IC48-759-344-00IC NJM2100E (TE2)IC58-759-344-00IC NJM2100E (TE2)IC68-759-344-00IC NJM2100E (TE2)IC78-759-052-53IC LA4536MIC88-759-682-69IC XC61AN4302MR< COIL >L1011-421-961-11COIL, CHOKE 450uHL1021-410-525-11INDUCTOR, MICRO 220uH L9011-412-006-31CHIP , INDUCTOR 10uH L9021-412-006-31CHIP , INDUCTOR 10uH < TRANSISTOR >Q1018-729-920-85TRANSISTOR 2SD1664-T100-QR Q1028-729-920-85TRANSISTOR 2SD1664-T100-QR Q1038-729-901-05TRANSISTOR DTA124EK-T146Q1048-729-027-43TRANSISTOR DTC114EK-T146Q2018-729-901-81TRANSISTOR 2SC2412K-T-146-R Q2021-801-806-11TRANSISTOR DTC144EK-T146Q2038-729-027-43TRANSISTOR DTC114EK-T146Q3018-729-106-60TRANSISTOR 2SB1132-T101-QR Q3028-729-920-85TRANSISTOR 2SD1664-T100-QR Q3038-729-027-43TRANSISTOR DTC114EK-T146Q4028-729-027-38TRANSISTOR DTA144EK-T146Q8018-729-027-38TRANSISTOR DTA144EK-T146Q8028-729-027-43TRANSISTOR DTC114EK-T146Q8038-729-027-38TRANSISTOR DTA144EK-T146Q8048-729-027-43TRANSISTOR DTC114EK-T146Q9018-729-027-43TRANSISTOR DTC114EK-T146Q9028-729-901-04TRANSISTOR DTA114EK-T146Q9038-729-920-21TRANSISTOR DTC314TK-T-146Q9048-729-920-21TRANSISTORDTC314TK-T-146< RESISTOR/FRRITE BEAD >R1011-216-833-11METAL CHIP 10K 5%1/10W R1021-216-829-11METAL CHIP 4.7K 5%1/10W R1031-216-821-11METAL CHIP 1K 5%1/10W R1431-216-841-11METAL CHIP 47K 5%1/10W R2011-216-821-11METAL CHIP 1K 5%1/10W R2021-216-821-11METAL CHIP 1K 5%1/10W R2031-216-841-11METAL CHIP 47K 5%1/10W R2041-216-841-11METAL CHIP 47K 5%1/10W R3011-216-829-11METAL CHIP 4.7K 5%1/10W R3021-216-817-11METAL CHIP4705%1/10WR3031-216-817-11METAL CHIP 4705%1/10W R4011-216-797-11METAL CHIP 105%1/10W R4021-216-797-11METAL CHIP 105%1/10W R4031-216-797-11METAL CHIP 105%1/10W R4041-216-797-11METAL CHIP 105%1/10W R4051-216-797-11METAL CHIP 105%1/10W R4061-216-797-11METAL CHIP 105%1/10W R4071-216-797-11METAL CHIP 105%1/10W R4081-216-797-11METAL CHIP 105%1/10W R4091-216-797-11METAL CHIP105%1/10WR4101-216-797-11METAL CHIP 105%1/10W R5011-216-857-11METAL CHIP 1M 5%1/10W R5021-216-823-11METAL CHIP 1.5K 5%1/10WR5031-414-813-11FERRITE, EMI (SMD)R5041-414-813-11FERRITE, EMI (SMD)R5051-414-813-11FERRITE, EMI (SMD)R5061-216-834-11METAL CHIP 12K 5%1/10W R5071-216-828-11METAL CHIP 3.9K 5%1/10W R5081-216-834-11METAL CHIP 12K 5%1/10W R5091-216-809-11METAL CHIP 1005%1/10W R5101-216-834-11METAL CHIP 12K 5%1/10W R5111-216-828-11METAL CHIP 3.9K 5%1/10W R5121-216-834-11METAL CHIP 12K 5%1/10W R5131-216-809-11METAL CHIP 1005%1/10W R5141-216-821-11METAL CHIP 1K 5%1/10W R6011-216-821-11METAL CHIP 1K 5%1/10W R6021-216-829-11METAL CHIP 4.7K 5%1/10W R6031-218-867-11METAL CHIP 6.8K 0.5%1/10W R6041-216-809-11METAL CHIP 1005%1/10W R6051-216-829-11METAL CHIP 4.7K 5%1/10W R6061-216-829-11METAL CHIP 4.7K 5%1/10W R6071-216-821-11METAL CHIP 1K 5%1/10W R6081-216-829-11METAL CHIP 4.7K 5%1/10W R6091-218-867-11METAL CHIP 6.8K 0.5%1/10W R6101-216-809-11METAL CHIP 1005%1/10W R6111-216-833-11METAL CHIP 10K 5%1/10W R6121-216-833-11METAL CHIP 10K 5%1/10W R6131-216-833-11METAL CHIP 10K 5%1/10W R6141-216-833-11METAL CHIP 10K 5%1/10W R7011-216-821-11METAL CHIP 1K 5%1/10W R7021-216-829-11METAL CHIP 4.7K 5%1/10W R7031-216-824-11METAL CHIP 1.8K 5%1/10W R7041-216-809-11METAL CHIP 1005%1/10W R7051-216-829-11METAL CHIP 4.7K 5%1/10W R7061-216-829-11METAL CHIP 4.7K 5%1/10W R7071-216-821-11METAL CHIP 1K 5%1/10W R7081-216-829-11METAL CHIP 4.7K 5%1/10W R7091-216-824-11METAL CHIP 1.8K 5%1/10W R7101-216-809-11METAL CHIP 1005%1/10W R7111-216-829-11METAL CHIP 4.7K 5%1/10W R7121-216-829-11METAL CHIP 4.7K 5%1/10W R7131-216-809-11METAL CHIP 1005%1/10W R7141-216-817-11METAL CHIP 4705%1/10W R7151-216-789-11METAL CHIP 2.25%1/10W R7161-216-789-11METAL CHIP2.25%1/10WR7171-216-864-11SHORT 0R7181-216-864-11SHORT0R7191-216-833-11METAL CHIP10K5%1/10WVer 1.1Ref. No.Part No.Description10XA-300MAINR7201-216-833-11METAL CHIP 10K 5%R7211-216-833-11METAL CHIP 10K 5%R7221-216-833-11METAL CHIP 10K 5%R9031-216-833-11METAL CHIP 10K 5%R9041-216-833-11METAL CHIP10K5%< VARIABLE RESISTOR >RV1011-227-432-11RES, VAR (VOL)< RELAY >RY1011-515-762-11RELAY RY1021-515-762-11RELAY RY1031-515-762-11RELAY< VIBRATOR >X1011-795-004-21VIBRATOR, CERAMIC (10MHz)X1021-567-865-11VIBRATOR, CRYSTAL (12MHz)< DIODE >ZD1018-719-069-55DIODE UDZSTE-175.6B ZD1028-719-069-56DIODE UDZSTE-176.2B ZD1038-719-056-93DIODE UDZ-TE-17-18B ZD1048-719-056-84DIODE UDZSTE-177.5B ZD3018-719-056-77DIODE UDZ-TE-17-3.9B ZD4018-719-069-56DIODE UDZSTE-176.2B ZD4028-719-069-56DIODE UDZSTE-176.2B ZD4038-719-069-56DIODE UDZSTE-176.2B ZD4048-719-069-56DIODE UDZSTE-176.2B ZD4058-719-069-56DIODE UDZSTE-176.2B ZD4068-719-069-56DIODE UDZSTE-176.2B ZD4078-719-069-56DIODE UDZSTE-176.2B ZD4088-719-069-56DIODE UDZSTE-176.2B ZD4098-719-069-56DIODE UDZSTE-176.2B ZD4108-719-069-56DIODE UDZSTE-176.2B ZD6018-719-056-77DIODE UDZ-TE-17-3.9B ZD6028-719-056-77DIODE UDZ-TE-17-3.9B ZD6038-719-056-77DIODE UDZ-TE-17-3.9B ZD6048-719-056-77DIODE UDZ-TE-17-3.9B ZD7018-719-056-77DIODE UDZ-TE-17-3.9BZD7028-719-056-77DIODE UDZ-TE-17-3.9B ZD7038-719-056-77DIODE UDZ-TE-17-3.9B ZD9018-719-056-77DIODE UDZ-TE-17-3.9B ZD9028-719-056-77DIODE UDZ-TE-17-3.9BXA-300 MEMO11XA-300REVISION HISTORYClicking the version allows you to jump to the revised page.Also, clicking the version at the upper right on the revised page allows you to jump to the next revised page.Ver.Date Description of Revision1.02001.03New1.12002.08Correction of Printed wiring board and Schematic diagram(ECN-CSA05650)。
3. 基板相机安装高度的确认
3. 基板相机安装高度的确认
如果基板相机的安装高度超出规定范围,则使用基板相机的零件在执行识别作业时,经常发生识别错误,可能导致不 能正确地计算出正确的补正值。 使用安装精度补正前,请使用 “精度提高功能 KIT”上捆绑的 “焦点调整块” ,并确认基板相机的安装高度。 确认步骤如下所示。
请解除写保护。 注 意来自处理正常结束后 , 显示如下信息。
在实装机本体上依次点击 機器設定 (机器设定) J 維修 (维修) J 機器數據之保存 (机器数据的保存) , 保存于机器软盘中 。从步骤 5 已设定的机器数据软盘,读取实装机本体的机器数据。
■ 错误信息与处理方法 显示错误信息时的处理方法如下。 错误信息 处理方法 没发现文件。 会显示未发现文件的路径,请确认。 许可证不符合。 请查询服务点。 写入错误。 机器数据 FD 未设置。 请设置机器数据 FD。
1set 2-672-459-01 2-672-460-01 2-686-958-01 2-686-959-01 2-686-960-01 2-688-843-01 2pcs 1pc 1pc 2pc 2pcs 1pc 1pc
简易测量用玻璃基板 简易测量用玻璃基板框 焦点调整块 夹具 带衬垫的滚花加工旋钮 中继线 许可软盘 · 吸嘴及零件供料器 实施的校正项目与芯片零件有差异。 · 双面胶
1. 概要
1. 概要
(1) 旋转中心校正
使用从 0603CR ﹑ 1005CR ﹑ 1608CR 的品种所选择的任意的芯片零件,随着吸着的零件在识别位置使之旋转 动,是再显示吸嘴的旋转中心位置的功能。 与安装精度补正功能内的旋转中心补正相比,作业时间可以缩短,但补正精度不佳。 交换外轴和小齿轮等时有效。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Sony ACF sample
目前用0.25MPA,180℃,13S试样了20PCS。 测试电性0K,拉力大于600g/cm。做高温高湿
(60℃/90%RH 110H) 确认电性及拉力OK。
Sony ACF sample
温度:180℃;时间:13S;压力:0.2MPA 0.3mm厚热压条与0.45mm厚热压条对比
Sony ACF sample
温度:180℃;时间:13S;压力:0.1MPA 0.3mm厚热压条与0.45mm厚热压条对比
Sony ACF sample
Sony 4um 粒子变形量标准
Sony ACF sample
Sony ACF sample
温度:180℃;压力:0.1MPA 时间:13S
0.1MPA压 力下粒子未 见有开口。
压力加到0.1MPA,本压时间按spec压13S, 与压0.05MPA/16S对比粒子状态无明显变化。
Sony ACF sample
温度:180℃;压力:0.15MPA 时间:13S
压力值目前试的是要到0.15MPa以上才可看到粒子有破口(不同的产品对粒子变 形量有一定影响);现用的是玻璃台阶为0.7~0.8mm厚的玻璃来试样的,若玻璃 台阶较薄可能会压破玻璃之可能。
因粒子为4um,对FPC本压机台的平整度要求很高;压力在0.25~0.3MPA时会有 压碎粒子的情形;调机时需特别注意。
Sony ACF sample
温度:180℃;时间:13S;压力:0.15MPA 0.3mm厚热压条与0.45mm厚热压条对比
Sony 4um 粒子变形量标准 一般粒子變形建議在30~70%的範圍內,依
CP9420ISV粒徑4um為例,變形量約落於 1.2(70%的變形量)~2.8(30%的變形量)的程度 是可接受的.
此ACF本压时间为13S,温度180±10℃;较日立ACF本压时间短3~7S.拉力值不 小于600g/cm.
Sony ACF sample
Jay 2014-3-10
Hitachi ACF
在试样前我们先看一下目前Hitachi的ACF 。 HitachiACF:(粒子直径为10um)
HitachiACF ACF sample
温度:180℃;压力:0.05MPA 时间:16S
HitachiACF 10um粒子 本压状态。
目前使用的日立ACF10um的粒子压着 状态及本压参数。
Sony ACF sample
下面我们试Sony的 ACF 。 Sony ACF样品:(粒子直径为4um)
Sony ACF sample
温度:180℃;压力:0.05MPA 时间:16S
0.05MPA压 力下粒子未 见有开口。
按产品现用HitachiACF机器参数本压。 测得拉力值为907g/cm,1164g/cm,1169/cm。 测试电性OK。
0.3MPA压 力下粒子有 见开口。
0.3MPA/16S与0.3MPA/13S对比粒子 状态无明显变化。
Sony ACF sample
温度:180℃;时间:13S; 压力:0.075MPA/0.25MPA/0.3MPA
压力在0.075时粒子未见开口;0.25MPA时有开口;0.3MP时有开口。 同时可见0.25MPA及0.3MPA时伴有压碎的粒子;可见本压平整度要求很高。
0.15MPA压 力下粒子未 见有开口。
Sony ACF sample
温度:180℃;压力:0.3MPA 时间:13S
0.3MPA压 力下粒子有 见开口。
压力加到0.3MPA时有见粒子变形开口。 拉力615g/cm,677g/cm。 测试电性OK。
Sony ACF sample
温度:180℃;压力:0.3MPA 时间:16S
综上:因粒子压破口所要的压力较大些,可选用0.3mm厚压条加大粒子变形量; 对于STN玻璃可选用小批量产。TFT的玻璃较薄,需试样确认是否会有压破玻璃 之可能。