机械设计外文翻译-- 机械加工介绍

毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系部:机械工程系专业:机械工程及自动化姓名:学号:外文出处:Design of machine elements(用外文写)附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。

附录1:外文原文The machinability of materialThe machinability of a material usually defined in terms of four factors:(1). Surface finish and integrity of the machined part;(2). Tool life obtained;(3). Force and power requirements;(4). Chip control.Thus, good machinability good surface finish and integrity, long tool life, and low force And power requirements. As for chip control, long and thin (stringy) cured chips, if not broken up, can severely interfere with the cutting operation by becoming entangled in the cutting zone.Because of the complex nature of cutting operations, it is difficult to establish relationships that quantitatively define the machinability of a material. In manufacturing plants, tool life and surface roughness are generally considered to be the most important factors in machinability. Although not used much any more, approximate machinability ratings are available in the example below.1. Machinability Of SteelsBecause steels are among the most important engineering materials , their machinability has been studied extensively. The machinability of steels has been mainly improved by adding lead and sulfur to obtain so-called free-machining steels.Resulfurized and Rephosphorized steels. Sulfur in steels forms manganese sulfide inclusions (second-phase particles), which act as stress raisers in the primary shear zone. As a result, the chips produced break up easily and are small; this improves machinability. The size, shape, distribution, and concentration of these inclusions significantly influence machinability. Elements such as tellurium and selenium, which are both chemically similar to sulfur, act as inclusion modifiers in resulfurized steels.Phosphorus in steels has two major effects. It strengthens the ferrite, causing increased hardness. Harder steels result in better chip formation and surface finish.Note that soft steels can be difficult to machine, with built-up edge formation and poor surface finish. The second effect is that increased hardness causes the formation of short chips instead of continuous stringy ones, thereby improving machinability.Leaded Steels. A high percentage of lead in steels solidifies at the tip of manganese sulfide inclusions. In non-resulfurized grades of steel, lead takes the form of dispersed fine particles. Lead is insoluble in iron, copper, and aluminum and their alloys. Because of its low shear strength, therefore, lead acts as a solid lubricant and is smeared over the tool-chip interface during cutting. This behavior has been verified by the presence of high concentrations of lead on the tool-side face of chips when machining leaded steels.When the temperature is sufficiently high-for instance, at high cutting speeds and feeds —the lead melts directly in front of the tool, acting as a liquid lubricant. In addition to this effect, lead lowers the shear stress in the primary shear zone, reducing cutting forces and power consumption. Lead can be used in every grade of steel, such as 10xx, 11xx, 12xx, 41xx, etc. Leaded steels are identified by the letter L between the second and third numerals (for example, 10L45). (Note that in stainless steels, similar use of the letter L means “low carbon,” a condition that improves their corrosion resistance.)However, because lead is a well-known toxin and a pollutant, there are serious environmental concerns about its use in steels (estimated at 4500 tons of lead consumption every year in the production of steels). Consequently, there is a continuing trend toward eliminating the use of lead in steels (lead-free steels). Bismuth and tin are now being investigated as possible substitutes for lead in steels.Calcium-Deoxidized Steels. An important development is calcium-deoxidized steels, in which oxide flakes of calcium silicates (CaSo) are formed. These flakes, in turn, reduce the strength of the secondary shear zone, decreasing tool-chip interface and wear. Temperature is correspondingly reduced. Consequently, these steels produce less crater wear, especially at high cutting speeds.Stainless Steels. Austenitic (300 series) steels are generally difficult to machine. Chatter can be s problem, necessitating machine tools with high stiffness. However, ferritic stainless steels (also 300 series) have good machinability. Martensitic (400series) steels are abrasive, tend to form a built-up edge, and require tool materials with high hot hardness and crater-wear resistance. Precipitation-hardening stainless steels are strong and abrasive, requiring hard and abrasion-resistant tool materials.The Effects of Other Elements in Steels on Machinability. The presence of aluminum and silicon in steels is always harmful because these elements combine with oxygen to form aluminum oxide and silicates, which are hard and abrasive. These compounds increase tool wear and reduce machinability. It is essential to produce and use clean steels.Carbon and manganese have various effects on the machinability of steels, depending on their composition. Plain low-carbon steels (less than 0.15% C) can produce poor surface finish by forming a built-up edge. Cast steels are more abrasive, although their machinability is similar to that of wrought steels. Tool and die steels are very difficult to machine and usually require annealing prior to machining. Machinability of most steels is improved by cold working, which hardens the material and reduces the tendency for built-up edge formation.Other alloying elements, such as nickel, chromium, molybdenum, and vanadium, which improve the properties of steels, generally reduce machinability. The effect of boron is negligible. Gaseous elements such as hydrogen and nitrogen can have particularly detrimental effects on the properties of steel. Oxygen has been shown to have a strong effect on the aspect ratio of the manganese sulfide inclusions; the higher the oxygen content, the lower the aspect ratio and the higher the machinability.In selecting various elements to improve machinability, we should consider the possible detrimental effects of these elements on the properties and strength of the machined part in service. At elevated temperatures, for example, lead causes embrittlement of steels (liquid-metal embrittlement, hot shortness), although at room temperature it has no effect on mechanical properties.Sulfur can severely reduce the hot workability of steels, because of the formation of iron sulfide, unless sufficient manganese is present to prevent such formation. At room temperature, the mechanical properties of resulfurized steels depend on the orientation of the deformed manganese sulfide inclusions (anisotropy). Rephosphorized steels are significantly less ductile, and are produced solely toimprove machinability.2. Machinability of Various Other MetalsAluminum is generally very easy to machine, although the softer grades tend to form a built-up edge, resulting in poor surface finish. High cutting speeds, high rake angles, and high relief angles are recommended. Wrought aluminum alloys with high silicon content and cast aluminum alloys may be abrasive; they require harder tool materials. Dimensional tolerance control may be a problem in machining aluminum, since it has a high thermal coefficient of expansion and a relatively low elastic modulus.Beryllium is similar to cast irons. Because it is more abrasive and toxic, though, it requires machining in a controlled environment.Cast gray irons are generally machinable but are. Free carbides in castings reduce their machinability and cause tool chipping or fracture, necessitating tools with high toughness. Nodular and malleable irons are machinable with hard tool materials.Cobalt-based alloys are abrasive and highly work-hardening. They require sharp, abrasion-resistant tool materials and low feeds and speeds.Wrought copper can be difficult to machine because of built-up edge formation, although cast copper alloys are easy to machine. Brasses are easy to machine, especially with the addition pf lead (leaded free-machining brass). Bronzes are more difficult to machine than brass.Magnesium is very easy to machine, with good surface finish and prolonged tool life. However care should be exercised because of its high rate of oxidation and the danger of fire (the element is pyrophoric).Molybdenum is ductile and work-hardening, so it can produce poor surface finish. Sharp tools are necessary.Nickel-based alloys are work-hardening, abrasive, and strong at high temperatures. Their machinability is similar to that of stainless steels.Tantalum is very work-hardening, ductile, and soft. It produces a poor surface finish; tool wear is high.Titanium and its alloys have poor thermal conductivity (indeed, the lowest of all metals), causing significant temperature rise and built-up edge; they can be difficult tomachine.Tungsten is brittle, strong, and very abrasive, so its machinability is low, although it greatly improves at elevated temperatures.Zirconium has good machinability. It requires a coolant-type cutting fluid, however, because of the explosion and fire.3. Machinability of Various MaterialsGraphite is abrasive; it requires hard, abrasion-resistant, sharp tools.Thermoplastics generally have low thermal conductivity, low elastic modulus, and low softening temperature. Consequently, machining them requires tools with positive rake angles (to reduce cutting forces), large relief angles, small depths of cut and feed, relatively high speeds, andproper support of the workpiece. Tools should be sharp.External cooling of the cutting zone may be necessary to keep the chips from becoming “gummy” and sticking to the tools. Cooling can usually be achieved with a jet of air, vapor mist, or water-soluble oils. Residual stresses may develop during machining. To relieve these stresses, machined parts can be annealed for a period of time at temperatures ranging from C ︒80 to C ︒160 (F ︒175to F ︒315), and then cooled slowly and uniformly to room temperature.Thermosetting plastics are brittle and sensitive to thermal gradients during cutting. Their machinability is generally similar to that of thermoplastics.Because of the fibers present, reinforced plastics are very abrasive and are difficult to machine. Fiber tearing, pulling, and edge delamination are significant problems; they can lead to severe reduction in the load-carrying capacity of the component. Furthermore, machining of these materials requires careful removal of machining debris to avoid contact with and inhaling of the fibers.The machinability of ceramics has improved steadily with the development of nanoceramics and with the selection of appropriate processing parameters, such as ductile-regime cutting .Metal-matrix and ceramic-matrix composites can be difficult to machine, depending on the properties of the individual components, i.e., reinforcing or whiskers, as well as the matrix material.4. Thermally Assisted MachiningMetals and alloys that are difficult to machine at room temperature can be machined more easily at elevated temperatures. In thermally assisted machining (hot machining), the source of heat—a torch, induction coil, high-energy beam (such as laser or electron beam), or plasma arc—is forces, (b) increased tool life, (c) use of inexpensive cutting-tool materials, (d) higher material-removal rates, and (e) reduced tendency for vibration and chatter.It may be difficult to heat and maintain a uniform temperature distribution within the workpiece. Also, the original microstructure of the workpiece may be adversely affected by elevated temperatures. Most applications of hot machining are in the turning of high-strength metals and alloys, although experiments are in progress to machine ceramics such as silicon nitride.SUMMARYMachinability is usually defined in terms of surface finish, tool life, force and power requirements, and chip control. Machinability of materials depends not only on their intrinsic properties and microstructure, but also on proper selection and control of process variables.附录2:外文中文翻译材料的可机加工性一种材料的可机加工性通常以四种因素的方式定义:(1)、分的表面光洁性和表面完整性。

中文4285字附录1LATHES & MILLINGA shop that is equipped with a milling machine and an engine lathe can machine almost any type of product of suitable size.The basic machines that are designed primarily to do turning,facing and boring are called lathes. Very little turning is done on other types of machine tools,and none can do it with equal facility. Because lathe can do boring,facing,drilling,and reaming in addition to turning,their versatility permits several operations to be performed with a single setup of the workpiece. This accounts for the fact that lathes of various types are more widely used in manufacturing than any other machine tool.Lathes in various forms have existed for more than two thousand years. Modern lathes date from about 1797,when Henry Maudsley developed one with a leads crew. It provided controlled,mechanical feed of the tool. This ingenious Englishman also developed a change gear system that could connect the motions of the spindle and leadscrew and thus enable threads to be cut.Lathe Construction.The essential components of a lathe are depicted in the block diagram of picture. These are the bed,headstock assembly,tailstock assembly,carriage assembly,quick-change gearbox,and the leadscrew and feed rod.The bed is the back bone of a lathe. It usually is made of well-normalized or aged gray or nodular cast iron and provides a heavy,rigid frame on which all the other basic components are mounted. Two sets of parallel,longitudinal ways,inner and outer,are contained on the bed,usually on the upper side. Some makers use an inverted V-shape for all four ways,whereas others utilize one inverted V and one flat way in one or both sets. Because several other components are mounted and/or move on the ways they must be made with precision to assure accuracy of alignment. Similarly,proper precaution should betaken in operating a lathe to assure that the ways are not damaged. Any inaccuracy in them usually means that the accuracy of the entire lathe is destroyed. The ways on most modern lathes are surface hardened tooffer greater resistance to wear and abrasion.The headstock is mounted in a fixed position on the inner ways at one end of the lathe bed. It provides a powered means of rotating the work at various speeds. It consists,essentially,of a hollow spindle,mounted in accurate bearings,and a set of transmission gears——similar to a truck transmission——through which the spindle can be rotated at a number of speeds. Most lathes provide from eight to eighteen speeds,usually in a geometric ratio,and on modern lathes all the speeds can be obtained merely by moving from two to four levers. An increasing trend is to provide a continuously variable speed range through electrical or mechanical drives.Because the accuracy of a lathe is greatly dependent on the spindle,it is of heavy construction and mounted in heavy bearings,usually preloaded tapered roller or ball types. Along- itudinal hole extends through the spindle so that long bar stock can be fed through it. The size of this hole is an important size dimension of a lathe because it determines the maximum size of bar stock that can be machined when the material must be fed through the spindle.The inner end of the spindle protrudes from the gear box and contains a means for mounting various types of chucks,face plates,and dog plates on it. Whereas small lathes often employ a threaded section to which the chucks are screwed,most large lathes utilize either cam-lock or key-drive taper noses. These provide a large-diameter taper that assures the accurate alignment of the chuck,and a mechanism that permits the chuck or face plate to be locked or unlocked in position without the necessity of having to rotate these heavy attachments.Power is supplied to the spindle by means of an electric motor through a V-belt or silent-chain drive. Most modern lathes have motors of from 5 to15 horsepower to provide adequate power for carbide and ceramic tools at their high cutting speeds.The tailstock assembly consists,essentially,of three parts. A lower casting fits on the inner ways of the bed and can slide longitudinally thereon,with a means for clamping the entire assembly in any desired location. An upper casting fits on the lower one and can be moved transversely upon it on some type of keyed ways. Thistransverse motion permits aligning the tailstock and headstock spindles and provides a method of turning tapers. The third major component of the assembly is the tailstock quill. This is a hollow steel cylinder,usually about2 to3 inches in diameter,that can be moved several inches longitudinally in and out of the upper casting by means of a hand wheel and screw. The open end of the quill hole terminates in a Morse taper in which a lathe center,or various tools such as drills,can be held. A graduated scale,several inches in length,usually is engraved on the outside of the quill to aid in controlling its motion in and out of the upper casting. A locking device permits clamping the quill in any desired position.The carriage assembly provides the means for mounting and moving cutting tools. The carriage is a relatively flat H-shaped casting that rests and moves on the outer set of ways on the bed. The transverse bar of the carriage contains ways on which the cross slide is mounted and can be moved by means of a feed screw that is controlled by a small hand wheel and a graduated dial. Through the cross slide a means is provided for moving the lathe tool in the direction normal to the axis of rotation of the work.On most lathes the tool post actually is mounted on a compound rest. This consists of abase,which is mounted on the cross slide so that it can be pivoted about a vertical axis,and an upper casting. The upper casting is mounted on ways on this base so that it can be moved back and forth and controlled by means of a short lead screw operated by a hand wheel and a calibrated dial.Manual and powered motion for the carriage,and powered motion for the cross slide,is provided by mechanisms within the apron,attached to the front of the carriage. Manual movement of the carriage along the bed is effected by turning a hand wheel on the front of the apron,which is geared to a pinion on the back side. This pinion engages a rack that is attached beneath the upper front edge of the bed in an inverted position.To impart powered movement to the carriage and cross slide,a rotating feed rod is provided. The feed rod,which contains a keyway through out most of its length,passes through the two reversing bevel pinions and is keyed to them . Either pinioncam be brought into mesh with amating bevel gear by means of the reversing lever on the front of the apron and thus provide “forward” or “reverse” power to the carriage. Suitable clutches connect either the rack pinion orthe cross-slide screw to provide longitudinal motion of the carriage or transverse motion of cross slide.For cutting threads,a second means of longitudinal drive is provided by a lead screw. Whereas motion of the carriage when driven by the feed-rod mechanism takes place through a friction clutch in which slippage is possible,motion through the lead screw is by a direct,mechanical connection between the apron and the lead screw. This is achieved by a split nut. By means of a clamping lever on the front of the apron,the split nut can be closed around the lead screw. With the split nut closed,the carriage is moved along the lead screw by direct drive without possibility of slippage.Modern lathes have a quick-change gear box. The input end of this gearbox is driven from the lathe spindle by means of suitable gearing. The out put end of the gear box is connected to the feed rod and lead screw. Thus,through this gear train,leading from the spindle to the quick-change gearbox,thence to the lead screw and feed rod,and then to the carriage,the cutting tool can be made to move a specific distance,either longitudinally or transversely,for each revolution of the spindle. A typical lathe provides,through the feed rod,forty-eight feeds ranging from 0.002 inch to0.118 inch per revolution of the spindle,and,through the lead screw,leads for cutting forty-eight different threads from 1.5 to 92perinch.On some older and some cheaper lathes,one or two gears in the gear train between the spindle and the change gear box must be changed in order to obtain a full range of threads and feeds.Milling is a basic machining process in which the surface is generated by the progressive formation and removal of chips of material from the workpiece as it is fed to a rotating cutter in a direction perpendicular to the axis of the cutter. .In some cases the workpiece is stationary and the cutter is fed to the work. In most instances a multiple-tooth cutter is used so that the metal removal rate is high,and frequently the desired surface is obtained in a single pass of the work.The tool used in milling is known as a milling cutter. It usually consists of a cylindrical body which rotates on its axis and contains equally spaced peripheral teeth that intermittently engage and cut the workpiece. In some cases the teeth extend part way across one or both ends of the cylinder.Because the milling principle provides rapid metal removal and can produce good surface finish,it is particularly well-suited for mass-production work,and excellent milling machines have been developed for this purpose. However,very accurate and versatile milling machines of a general-purpose nature also have been developed that are widely used in job-shop and tool and die work. A shop that is equipped with a milling machine and an engine lathe can machine almost any type of product of suitable size.Types of Milling Operations. Milling operations can be classified into two broad categories,each of which has several variations:1.In peripheral milling a surface is generated by teeth located in the periphery of the cutter body;the surface is parallel with the axis of rotation of the cutter. Both flat and formed surfaces can be produced by this method. The cross section of the resulting surface corresponds to the axial contour of the cutter. This procedure often is called slab milling.1.In face milling the generated flat surface is at right angles to the cutteraxis and is thecombined result of the actions of the portions of the teeth located on both the periphery and thewith the face portions providing a finishing action.The basic concepts of peripheral and face milling are illustrated in Fig. Peripheral milling operations usually are performed on machines having horizontal spindles,whereas face milling is done on both horizontal-and vertical-spindle machines.Surface Generation in Milling. Surfaces can be generated in milling by two distinctly different methods depicted in Fig. Note that in up milling the cutter rotatesagainst the direction of feed the workpiece,whereas in down milling the rotation is in the same direction as the feed .As shown in Fig., the method of chip formation is quite different in the two cases. In up milling the c hip is very thin at the beginning, where the tooth first contacts the work,and increases in thickness, be-coming a maximum where the tooth leaves the work. The cutter tends to push the work along and lift it upward from the table. This action tends to eliminate any effect of looseness in the feed screw and nut of the milling machine table and results in a smooth cut. However, the action also tends to loosen the work from the clamping device so that greater clamping forcers must be employed. In addition, the smoothness of the generated surface depends greatly on the sharpness of the cutting edges.In down milling,maximum chip thickness occurs close to the point at which the tooth contacts the work. Because the relative motion tends to pull the workpiece into the cutter,all possibility of looseness in the table feed screw must be eliminated if down milling is to be used. It should never be attempted on machines that are not designed for this type of milling. In as mush as the material yields in approximately a tangential direction at the end of the tooth engagement,there is much less tendency for the machined surface to show tooth marks than when up milling is used. Another consider able advantage of down milling is that the cutting force tends to hold the work against the machine table,permitting lower clamping force to be employed. This is particularly advantageous when milling thin workpiece or when taking heavy cuts.Sometimes a disadvantage of down milling is that the cutter teeth strike against the surface of the work at the beginning of each chip. When the workpiece has a hard surface,such as castings do,this may cause the teeth to dull rapidly.Milling Cutters. Milling cutters can be classified several ways. One method is to group them into two broad classes,based on tooth relief,as follows:1. Profile-cutters have relief provided on each tooth by grinding a small land back of the cutting edge. The cutting edge may be straight or curved.2.In form or cam-relieved cutters the cross section of each tooth is an eccentric curve behind the cutting edge,thus providing relief. All sections of the eccentric relief,parallel with the cutting edge,must have the same contour as the cutting edge. Cutters of this type are sharpened by grinding only the face of the teeth,with the contour of the cutting edge thus remaining unchanged.Another useful method of classification is according to the method of mounting the cutter. Arbor cutters are those that have a center hole so they can be mounted on an arbor. Shank cutters have either tapered or straight integral shank. Those with tapered shanks can be mounted directly in the milling machine spindle,whereas straight-shank cutters are held in a chuck. Facing cuttersusually are bolted to the end of a stub arbor.Types of Milling Cutters. Plain milling cutters are cylindrical or disk-shaped,having straight or helical teeth on the periphery. They are used for milling flat surfaces. This type of operation is called plain or slab milling. Each tooth in a helical cutter engages the work gradually,and usually more than one tooth cuts at a given time. This reduces shock and chattering tendencies and promotes a smoother surface. Consequently,this type of cutter usually is preferred over one with straight teeth. Side milling cutters are similar to plain milling cutters except that the teeth extend radially part way across one or both ends of the cylinder toward the center. The teeth may be either straight or helical. Frequently these cutters are relatively narrow,being disklike in shape. Two or more side milling cutters often are spaced on an arbor to make simultaneous,parallel cuts,in an operation called straddle milling.Interlocking slotting cutters consist of two cutters similar to side mills,but made to operate as a unit for milling slots. The two cutters are adjusted to the desired width by inserting shims between them.Staggered-tooth milling cutters are narrow cylindrical cutters having staggered teeth,and with alternate teeth having opposite helix angles. They are ground to cut only on the periphery,but each tooth also has chip clearance ground on the protruding side. These cutters have a free cutting action that makes them particularly effective in milling deep slots. Metal-slitting saws are thin,plain milling cutters,usually from 1/32 to 3/16 inch thick,which have their sides slightly“dished”to provide clearance and prevent binding. They usually have more teeth per inch of diameter than ordinaryplain milling cutters and are used for milling deep,narrow slots and for cutting-off operations.附录2车床和铣床车间里拥有一台车床和一台普通铣床就能加工出具有适合尺寸的各种产品。

外文资料翻译学生姓名:专业班级:机械设计制造及其自动化04级2班指导教师:2008年6月装载机发展概况AbstractThis paper have discussed s.s. ZL-50 type fork-lift truck mainly overall fictitious prototype design as well as some kinds of typical schoolwork operating modes imitate and emulate , include equipment and the overall parts needed build mould. In this design course, have applied ADAMS software and the software of PRO/ENGINEER. ADAMS software is used in the emulation of some kinds of schoolwork operating modes, and the software of PRO/ENGINEER is used to build mould mainly. Through the simulated emulation for some kinds of overall schoolwork operating modes, can see relatively distinctly the overall possible condition in actual schoolwork course that met , can in time modify , have reduced actual design time , have raised production efficiency.The innovation of this design Zhi is in in, imitate and have emulated fork-lift truck the 3 kinds of typical schoolwork operating mode in actual schoolwork, is effect again have imitated in actual schoolwork the hydraulic impact of use, so when being helpful to solve actual loading, the actual problem of meeting the stock that is hard to uninstall can so raise production efficiency.Key words: Fork-lift truck 、fictitious prototype , build mould, emulation, optimization、production efficiencyLoader DevelopmentChina's modern 20 wheel loaders began in the mid-1960s of the Z435. The aircraft as a whole rack, rear axle steering. After years of hard work, the attraction was the world's most advanced technology wheel loader on the basis of the successful development of the power of 162 KW of shovel-fit wheel loaders, stereotypes for Z450 (later ZL50), and in 1971 December 18, formally appraised by experts. Thus the birth of China's first articulated wheel loader, thus creating our industry loader formation and development history.Z450-type loader with hydraulic mechanical transmission, power shift, Shuangqiaoshan drive, hydraulic manipulation, articulated power steering, gas oil Afterburner brake wheel loaders, and other modern, the basic structure of the world's advanced level for the time . Basically represent the first generation of wheeled loading the basic structure. The aircraft in the overall performance of dynamic, and insertion force a rise of power and flexibility, manipulation of light, the higher operating efficiency of a series of advantages.1978, Heavenly Creations by the Department in accordance with the requirements of machinery, worked out to LIUGONG Z450-based type of wheel loaders series of standards. The development of standards, with reservations Zrepresentatives loaders, L replaced by "4" on behalf of wheel, for ZL50 to Z450, it is so developed a LIUGONG ZL50-based China ZL-wheel loaders series of standards, this is Wong loader on the development of China's a major turning point. The standard was worked out by the industry after the division of labor, LIUGONG Xiamen ZL40 the manufacture of the large and medium wheel loaders, as workers, to the following small and medium-sized manufacturing ZL30 wheel loaders, and gradually formed a LIUGONG Xiamen workers, and 10% for workers at the loader to four backbone enterprises. To the late 1970s, early 1980s loader manufacturing enterprises in China has increased to more than 20, China has initially formed the loader industry. So far, China has developed wheel loader to the third generation, but the basic structure is still the Z450 (ZL50) evolved from. Change is not a very large second generation, third generation of some larger changes. 2001 China loader industry-wide total sales have exceeded 30,000 Taiwan, the world loader in the forefront of the market. Therefore, at present, China has become the world's loader marketing power.Prospect of small loaderFor a long time, small loader always been neglected in the status of a government department, not to regulate the management of the industry, well-known businesses loader products is dismissive. However, these did not affect small loader (hereinafter referred to small equipment) rapid development, and now with a small market despite its huge market demand has attracted such as the Long renowned engineering machinery enterprises to participate in the competition, the main battlefield in the rural areas with the small size of the market, sales have already reached 4 ~ 5 million, more than 200 brands to participate in market competition. But small market can be said to be installed speed expansion disorderly competition coexist. How to achieve industrial upgrading is placed in front of the small equipment industry must resolve a problem.Lack industry attributionCompared with large and medium-sized industries loaders, small with the development of the industry can use "plan" to describe, not only government departments related to the absence of industrial policies or development plans, and to date, industry has not completely clear attribution, the reality of the small equipment industries across engineering machinery, agricultural machinery and construction machinery, the three industries of grey areas. Despite the small market with a flourishing, but all small equipment manufacturers and dealers can dodge exists in the industry before the many obstacles to development.Small installed mainly refers to the rated load between 0.3 ~ 0.9 T products, also known as micro-loader. As industry ownership is not clear, with small products has been no unified national technology and quality standards, the overwhelming majority of products are installed in the small-wheeled tractor developed on the basis of the. In addition small installed the product is currently used by the main component partsfrom tractors and light truck, not by the needs of small equipment for low-speed heavy-duty bridge, special bins key component parts, including even small projects with special tires. As a low technical content, resulting in a very low threshold of industry and become the de facto "open" industry, any person, business can be very easily installed into small industries.Small enterprises have installed a number of "fans", according to Construction Machinery Association Scraper Branch Secretary-General Chen Kai Yun, a conservative estimate at more than 200. More concentrated in Shandong Laizhou, Taian, Weifang, in Luoyang, Henan Province, Quanzhou, Fujian Province, and other places, annual sales of more than 2,000 Taiwan enterprises with a small handful, the majority of small businesses with annual sales in 3200 by the following, with the production of small enterprises , the same easy to set up and close down.It is precisely because the strength of small enterprises with very limited products without high technology content, in the vast majority of enterprises to participate in market competition are in the process of basically a single means to price competition to sell products for the purpose, without taking into account future market things. In the common with the credit industry, services, brand competition means small industry basically not installed, in addition to differences in the strength of enterprises and product differentiation, marketing and management philosophy that is thedeep-seated causes.Because users of the products of small equipment to mainly rural users, and users can only cover rural farm machinery sales networks, construction machinery and construction machinery sales are only part of the network coverage in rural areas. And the sale of equipment similar, with small products also requires agents or distributors can take the initiative to sell products to users and to users with standard and thoughtful service, and farm machinery dealers more customary sit shop operator, has no sales force, There is no specialized service teams, more difficult to expect the market planning, customer management. Construction machinery dealers and farm machinery dealers also have a lot of similarities, and engineering machinery dealers not accustomed to deal with rural users. Therefore, the small market is not mature with the sales network, to a large extent affected the market maturation process can not be achieved on the one hand, the user guide, on the other hand, can not be achieved on the manufacturers facilitating role. Operating environment and the use of the different habits, resulting in a lack of support for non-small pieces of installed products can hardly meet the actual needs of users, increasing the cost of services at the same time, improve customer satisfaction become almost impossible task.Increased market differentiationUnlike the preceding two years, with no small on the future of the market is basically no doubts. However, when the small rural installed by the new face of thebuilding the vast potential market demand, whether it is the product itself, or the level of industrial development is clearly not satisfied., And because of the double impact of external factors, with small market differentiation is an inexorable trend.Relying solely on price competition means does not make the small favorably with industry development. In fact, it is due to excessive price competition, leading to small enterprises with low profitability, sales, and the prosperity of the entire industry can not hide the crisis of survival. Anticipate with a few small companies have started the "innovation" in the product upgrades at the same time, learn from the equipment industry and other related industries experience, to establish their own marketing team and distribution network and market competition tends to differentiation.In the high-end users with the needs of small change, directly contributing to small enterprises with the differentiation, with the concept of progress and consumer financial strength of the expansion, some of the rural users (particularly in the industrialized operation of agriculture users) product performance and after-sales service and put forward higher requirements. Liaoning Anshan Haihong such as production of high-end products not only with small to have their own patented technology (use of mechanical devices greatly enhance the performance of its products, avoid using electric control, hydraulic devices, such as product performance after upgrading to the use of rural users increased maintenance costs ), and introduced the "non-controversial" services.Especially in big enterprises with increased involvement of small enterprises with pressure, the end of 2006, the Dragon Holdings acquired Henan Baiyun electrical and mechanical equipment involved in the production of small fields.Small with a huge potential market demand, but only to meet user needs, and guide the user needs, small equipment will have lasting vitality. Existing small enterprises with well-known loaders already facing small enterprises involved with the production sectors and small users to buy equipment or equipment, such as small excavators alternative products twin crises, with the production of small enterprises can take the initiative to upgrade their win more more time and greater market space.Any industries are indispensable for the development of market competition and government regulations two factors. With the status quo on small industries, market competition and excessive government regulation missing, the entire industry in a very low level of operation development, and a lack of development of the industry often staying power will gradually shrink, or even disappear.First to be addressed is the issue of trade with small, small equipment products really have their own products "definition", a special product standards. Although at this stage with small user groups mainly concentrated in the rural market, but themarket coverage of the future is certainly both urban and rural areas, this is because small equipment can be widely used for municipal maintenance, landscape construction, building and construction, underground loading and unloading areas.Second, improve industry access threshold is a feasible solution. Small equipment industry can learn from the industry's largest equipment manufacturers licensing system, in terms of production quality suitable restrictions and improve the industry's manufacturing standards.In recent years loader well-known enterprises in recent years have involved with the production of small areas, such as the Dragon, XCMG, and the mountains, but not really most of the production of one ton of small equipment products, the main reason is hindering their high-end products in the market inadequate capacity. However, this also means that for the small enterprises with not too much time, if not in the relatively short period of time upgrading of enterprises and products, from business philosophy, product marketing idea to the concept of all-round self-improvement,self-transformed into a long-term development objectives and marketcompetition-conscious modern manufacturing enterprises, and a larger-scale sales, in the future and well-known enterprises loader win in the competition may be very small.Mechanical Engineering Society of China was founded in 1936, China was set up earlier, the largest one of the Institute of Engineering. The existing 33 professional chapters, 180,000 members, of whom there are more than 3,000 senior members, more than 500 members of Hong Kong, Macao and overseas, there are more than 4,000 corporate members.Academic exchange is the Institute's basic functions, the Institute is held annually hundreds, and colorful academic conferences. Special is an annual Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society annual meeting, the topic is the integration activities of the various large-scale comprehensive meeting. , The main thrust of the report will include the General Assembly, the topic of academic, scientific and technological progress releases, forums, lectures, display, a number of activities such as presentation, rich in content, as well as inside and outside the country in the industry has had a tremendous impact.Editing, publishing and academic meetings and academic exchanges wings. Over the years, the organization has prepared a "China Materials Engineering ceremony," and "machine repair manual," such as hundreds of large-scale tool, science and technology books and related materials. Academic journals published by the "Journal of mechanical engineering", "Chinese Mechanical Engineering", more than 60 species, and for promoting the development of academic disciplines has played an important role.Member Society is the mainstay of the Institute and the basis for the existence of the necessary conditions for achieving democracy Office will learn organizational guarantee. Member services is the Institute for the work of the main tasks of Institute staff is a sacred duty. Has been the establishment of a wide range of multi-levelstructure and membership of the service system, and conducting appropriate Member activities, and actively explore characteristics of the times with the Member services. Institute of years of development experience has shown that membership is a source of vitality Institute.Continuing education and professional certification is the Institute's an effective way to serve the community. Over the years, have carried out fruitful work. 1983 founded the mechanical engineer degree (now Beijing mechanical engineer OLI), is the first in China to establish a "mechatronics" and the "Industrial Engineering" two professional, and entrusted Quanguokaowei for higher education self-study examination. To welding and nondestructive testing for the representatives of accredited professionals work focused on quality, service-oriented economy, and widely alleged members and the industry peer Road. In recent years, actively promote the international mutual recognition of qualifications engineers.Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society of China's machinery industry is a very important external communication channels, to the industry and the large number of government departments entrusted task of the international exchange and cooperation. Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society of China's accession to the representatives of 11 international organizations, 23 countries and 38 first-class academic institutions and professional organizations has signed bilateral cooperation agreements with more than 60 countries and regions, including more than 1,000 scientific research, teaching, design, manufacturing, consulting, intermediary and social welfare institutions established a good working relationship.I will stick to science and technology and economic integration as the key link, and always bring the Institute for Scientific and Technological Advice as to promote economic development and work closely with the main battlefield, active structures for economic development platform. I will rely on his close "in Beijing Teng-day certification Advisory Center," galaxy of talent and give full play to the advantages of network, enterprises actively carry out technical advice, enterprise certification advisory and development strategy consulting. Not only to learn activities closer to the corporate and service industries, and effectively speed up the Institute's own capabilities and the enhancement of overall strength.International Exhibition is I will carry out international exchanges and cooperation forms an important one. The exhibition platform, organizations Chinese and foreign entrepreneurs, technology sector between the exchanges and cooperation and promote economic and trade development and industrialization of technological progress. As Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society masterpiece in the field of exhibitions, Beijing Essen Welding and Cutting Fair has become first in Asia and second in the world in the welding professional exhibitions.I will set up a "Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society Science and Technology Award", and China Machinery Industry Federation and jointly set up the "China Machinery Industry, Science and Technology Award." Over the years, the China Association for Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Engineering, recommending talents, and actively promote respect for independent innovation, and abide by scientific ethics, and the pursuit of harmony andprogress of scientific thought, effectively mobilize the broad masses of scientific and technological workers initiative and creativity.I will also attach great importance to their work, procedures, scientific management and democratic management, and in 2004 took the lead in the national Institute adopted the ISO9001: 2000 quality management system certification. It is not only that I will work more scientific and standardized At the same time, the community has also been the recognition and praise.翻译:本文主要论述了ZL-50轮式装载机整机虚拟样机设计以及几种典型作业工况的模拟和仿真,包括工作装置和整机所需要部件的建模。


附录ToolPurposeUpon completion of this unit, students will be able to:* Rough and explain the difference between finishing.* Choose the appropriate tool for roughing or finishing of special materials and processing.* Recognition Tool Cutting part of the standard elements and perspective.* The right to protect the cutter blade.* List of three most widely used tool material.* Description of each of the most widely used knives made of the material and its processing of Applications.* Space and inclination to understand the definition.* Grinding different tools, plus the principle of space and inclination.* To identify different forms of space and the inclination to choose the application of each form.The main points of knowledge:Rough-finished alloy steel casting materialScattered surplus carbide ceramic materials (junction of the oxide) ToolWith a chip breaking the surface roughness of the D-cutter knives diamondsAfter Kok flank behind the standard point of (former) angle off-chipSide front-side appearance and the outline of the former Kok (I. Kok)Grinding carbon tool steel front-fast finishing horn of rigid steelDouble or multiple-side flank before the dip angle oblique angleSurface-radius Slice root for curlingRough and finishing toolCutting speed only in the surface roughness not required when it is not important. Rough the most important thing is to remove the excess material scattered. Only in surface roughness of the finishing time is important. Unlike rough, finishing the slow processing speed. Chip off with the D-knives, better than the standard point of knives, in Figure 9-10 A, is designed for cutting depth and design, for example, a 5 / 16-inch box cutter blade of the maximum depth of cut 5 / 16 inches, and an 8 mm square block will be cutting knives Corner to 8 mm deep, this tool will be very fast Corner block removal of surplus metal. Slice merits of the deal with that, in a small blade was close thinning. This tool is also a very good finishing tool. But please do not confuse the thin band Tool and Tool-off crumbs. A chip-off is actually counter-productive tool to cut off the chip flakes.And the standard tool of the Corner, compared with chip breaking tool for the Corner is in its on and get grooving, Figure 9-10 B. This tool generally used to block the Corner of rough finishing. While this tool Corner blocks have sufficient strength to carry out deep cut, but the longer the chip will cut off the plane around after shedding a lot of accumulation. Chip is so because the tangles and sharp, and theoperator is a dangerous, so this is a chip from the need to address the problem. Double, or triple the speed of the feed will help to resolve, but this will require greater horsepower and still easily chip very long. Because of the slow processing, however, this action will be a good tool but also because of the small root radius of the processing will be a smooth surface. Especially when processing grey cast iron especially.Cutting Tools appearanceAppearance, sometimes called the contour of the floor plan is where you see the vision or the top down or look at the surface. Figure 9-11 illustrate some of the most common form, those who could be on the cutting tools and grinding out successfully be used. National Standards in its thread-cutting tool on a tiny plane can be as GB thread, the Anglo-American unity and international standards screw threads. A special tool to outline the thread of the plane is to be ground into the correct size.Tools Corner fixedCorner to a number of knives around the 15 degree angle while the other knives and cutting of the straight. When the mill in Figure 9-12 A and 9-12 B, for example by the space and the inclination, these must factor into consideration in the review. Figure 9-12 B Tool Corner block the angle is zero, compared with 9-12 A map is a heavier cutting tools, and the 9-12 A map will take more heat. The same amount of space in front of the two cases are the same.Tool Corner block component and the angleFigure 9-13 Tool Corner block an integral part of the name, and plans 9-14 point of the name, is the machinery industry standards.Grinding Wheel Tool Corner BlockWhen the cutter is fixed in the middle of Dao, Tool Corner block can not be the grinding. Can not do so for the reasons: because of the large number of Dao and extra weight, making Corner together with the grinding is a clumsy and inefficient way. Too much pressure could be added to round on the sand. This can cause the wheel Benglie wheel or because of overheating and the rift on the Corner Tool damage. There are grinding to the possibility of Dao.GrindingA craftsman in his toolbox, should always be a small pocket lining grinding tool. Alumina lining a grinding tool as carbon tool steel and high speed steel tool tool. The silicon carbide lining grinding tool grinding carbide cutting tools. Cutting Tools should always maintain smooth and sharp edge, so that the life expectancy of long knives and processing the surface smooth.Cutting tool materialsCarbon tool steel cutter Corner block usually contains 1.3 percent to 0.9 percent of carbon. These make use of the cutting tool in their tempering temperature higher than about 400 degrees Fahrenheit (205 degrees Celsius) to 500 degrees Fahrenheit (260 degrees Celsius) remained hardness, depending on the content of carbon. These temperature higher than that of carbon tool steel cutter will be changed soft, and it will be the cutting edge. Damaged. Grinding blades or cutting speed faster when using carbon tool steel cutter will be made of the blue, this will be in the imagination. Toolwill be re-hardening and tempering again. So in a modern processing almost no carbon as a tool steel blade.Low-alloy steel cutting tool in the carbon steel tools added tungsten, cobalt, vanadium alloying elements such as the consequences. These elements and the hardness of high-carbon carbide. Increased tool wear resistance. Alloy tool steel that is to say there will be no hard and fast with hot red when the knife's edge can still continue to use it. Low-alloy steel cutting tool is relatively small for a modern processing.High-speed steel with tungsten of 14 percent to 22 percent, or Containing 1.5% to 6% of the W-Mo (molybdenum which accounted for 6 percent to 91 percent). From high-speed steel tool made of a rigid heat, some high-speed steel also contains cobalt, which is formed of rigid factor. Cobalt containing high-speed steel tool can maintain hardness, more than 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit (or 540 degrees Celsius) blade will become soft and easily damaged. After cooling, the tool will harden. When grinding, you must be careful because of overheating and cold at first, so that profile Benglie Zhucheng a variety of metal alloy materials have a special name called Carbide, such as containing tungsten carbide cobalt chrome. In little or iron carbide. However, its high-speed steel cutting speed than the maximum cutting speed is higher 25 percent to 80 percent. Carbide Tool General for cutting force and the intermittent cutting processing, such as processing Chilled Iron.The past, Carbide Tool is mainly used for processing iron, but now carburizing tool for processing all the metal.Carbide Tool into the body than to the high-speed steel tool or casting - lighter alloy cutting tools, because tend to be used as a tool carbide cutting tools. Pure tungsten, carbon carburizing agent or as a dipping formation of the tungsten carbide, suitable for the cast iron, aluminum, non-iron alloy, plastic material and fiber of the machining. Add tantalum, titanium, molybdenum led to the carbon steel The hardness of higher tool, this tool suitable for processing all types of steel. In manufacturing, or tungsten steel alloy containing two or more of a bonding agent and the mixture is hard carbon steel tool, is now generally containing cobalt, cobalt was inquiry into powder and thoroughly mixed, under pressure Formation of Carbide.These cutting tools in the temperature is higher than 1,660 degrees F (870 degrees C) can also be efficiently used. Carbide Tool hardware than high-speed steel tool, used as a tool for better wear resistance. Carbide Tool in a high-speed Gangdao nearly three times the maximum cutting speed of the cutting rate cutting.Made from diamonds to the cutting tool on the surface finish and dimensional accuracy of the high demand and carbide cutting tools can be competitive, but these tools processing the material was more difficult, and difficult to control. Metal, hard rubber and plastic substances can be effective tool together with diamonds and annoyance to the final processing.Ceramic tool (or mixed oxide) is mixed oxide. With 0-30 grade alumina mixture to do, for example, contains about 89 percent to 90 percent of alumina and 10 percent to 11 percent of titanium dioxide. Other ceramic tool is used with the tiny amount of the second oxides Mixed together the cause of pure alumina.Ceramic tools in more than 2,000 degrees F (1095 degrees C) temperature of the work is to maintain strength and hardness. Cutting rates than high-carbon steel knives to 50 percent or even hundreds of percentage. In addition to diamonds and titanium carbide, ceramic tool in the industry is now all the materials of the most hard cutting tool, especially at high temperatures.Tao structure easily broken in a specific situation, broken only carbon intensity of the half to two-thirds. Therefore, in cut, according to the proportion of cutting and milling would normally not be recommended. Ceramics cutting machine breakdown of failure is not usually wear failure, as compared with other materials, their lack of ductility and lower tensile strength.In short, the most widely used by the cutting tool material is cut high-speed steel, low alloy materials and carbide.Gap and dipSpace and inclination of the principle is the most easily to the truck bed lathe tool bladed knives to illustrate. Shape, size of the gap, and dip the type and size will change because of machining. Similarly a grinding tool Corner block is just like brushing your teeth.Gap tool to stop the edge of friction with the workpiece. If there is no gap in Figure 9-15A in the small blades, knives and the side will wear will not be cutting. If there are gaps in Figure 9-15 B, will be a cutting tool. This basic fact apply to any type of tool.Clearance was cutting the size depends on material and the cutting of the material deformation. For example, aluminum is soft and easy to slightly deformed or uplift, when the cutter Corner into space within the perspective and the perspective of the space under, the equivalent in steel mill and will very quickly broken. Table 9-1 (No. 340) that different materials grinding space and perspective.The correct amount of space will be properly protected edge. Too much space will cause the blade vibration (fibrillation), and may edge of total collapse. Tool Corner for the slab block must have a backlash, behind (in front) gap, knife and cut-corner. The main cutting edge is almost as all the cutting work at the cutting edge of the cutting tool on the edge, on the left or right-lateral knives, or cutting tool in the end, cut off on a cutter.Backlash angle for example, the role of a lathe tool Corner to the left block when it mobile. If there is no backlash Kok, Fig 9-16 A, with the only tool will be part of friction rather than cutting. If a suitable backlash Kok, Fig 9-16 B, will be cutting edge and will be well supported. If I have too many gaps, Fig 9-16 C, the edge will not support leading tool vibration (fibrillation) and may be completely broken.Tool gap to the front or rear of the role when it fixed to zero, as shown in Figure 9-17. If not in front of the Gap. Figure 9-17 A, the tool will not only friction and cutting. If a suitable space in front, Fig 9-17 B, but also a good tool will be cutting edge will be well supported. If a big gap in front of Ms, Fig 9-17 C, the tool will lack support, will have a vibrate, and cutting edge may be pressure ulcer.Figure 9-18 illustrate the gap in front of a lathe tool, when it with a 15 degree angle when fixed. The same amount of space on the front fixed to zero, and around thecutter, but the tool is the relatively thin. So the heat away from the blade less. Typically, front-side or front-not too big in Figure 9-19. It is usually from zero degrees to 20 degrees change, an average of about 15 degrees. There are clear advantages, according to the following: good cutting angle so that the cutting edge of the work was well, but relatively thin chips. Cutting Tools is the weakest part. By the former angle, the blade In the form of points around the workpiece. Cutting Edge shock will cause the entire tool vibration. When cutting the work nearly completed, the final section of metal was to ring, packing iron sheet or tangles in the form of the metal ball away gradually replaced by direct removal. Pressure tends to stay away from the workpiece cutting tool rather than narrow the gap between its parts. 9-19 A in the plan was an example of the use of a 30-degree lateral Cutting Angle tool processing thin slice example. A mathematical proof of the plan 9-19 B in the right-angle triangle trip is to expand the use of a map 9-19 A right triangle in the same way, that is, in the direction of upward mobility to feed a 0.010 inch. Right triangle adjacent to the edge (b) and feed 0.010 feet equivalent.The following formula using triangulation to explain:Kok cosine A = right-angle-B / C XiebianOr cosine of 30 degrees = b / c0.886 = b/0.010b = 0.866 * 0.010b = 0.00866 (bladed too thin)When the mobile tool, the purpose of front-to be processed to eliminate from the surface of the cut-cutting tools. This angle is usually from 8 degrees to 15 degrees, but in exceptional circumstances it as much as 20 degrees to 30 degrees. If there is no gap in Figure 9-20 A, cutting tools will be tied up, sharp beep, and the rivets may be the first to die away. The appropriate space, in Figure 9-20 B, cutting tool will be cutting well.A manufacturing plant or cut off the fast-cutter blade with three space, in a root-surface or surface and the other in bilateral level, in Figure 9-21. If a tool Corner block from the date of the face, It can have up to five space, in Figure 9-22. Grooving tool sometimes known as area reduction tool used to cut a groove in the shallow end of the thread.Inclination is the top tool inclination or, in the Tool Corner block on the surface. Changes depending on the angle of the cutting material. Improvement of the cutting angle, the blade shape, and guidelines from the chip from the edge of the direction. Chip dip under the direction named. For example, if a chip from the edge cutter outflow, it is called anterior horn. If the chip to the back of the outflow, that is, to the Dao, which is known as the horn. Some mechanical error and the staff horn as a front-or knife corner.Single tool like Tool Corner block may be the only edge of the blade side oblique angle, or in the back, only to end on the edge of the horn, or they may have roots in the face or front surface of the main Cutting edge of the blade and cutting edge of the horn and a roll angle of the portfolio. In the latter case, cut off most of the surface with a cutter and a chip to the point of view in the tool horn and roll angle in bothdirections has been moved out.Two different roll angle in Figure 9-23 A and 9-23 B was an example. Angle depends on the size and type of material was processed.9-24 A map in Figure 9-24 B and gives examples of zero to a fixed cutter after the two different angle. In Figure 9-25 B and 9-25 A Tool to the regular 15-degree angle. Figure 9-26 tool to display a 15 degree angle fixed, but in this case a tool to roll angle after angle and the combination of form close to the workpiece. Double or multiple chips to lead the inclination angle of a mobile or two away from the edge of the back and side to stay away from the cutter.Comparison of various horn, shown in Figure 9-27, Corner of the horn of a negative point of view, and zero is the point of view. These dip in the Corner cutter on the manifestation of a decision in the hands of the processing needs of the pieces. After Kok was the size of the type of materials processing, and knives in Dao fixed on the way.The type of lateral oblique angleFigure 9-28 examples of tools Corner blocks and four different types of lateral oblique angle of the cross-sectional. Figure 9-28 A, is zero lateral oblique angle, like some of the brass materials, some bronze and some brittle plastic material is particularly necessary. Standard side oblique angle, in Figure 9-28 B, is the most common one of the bevel side. In the ductile material on the deep cut, easy to chip in the tool around the accumulation of many, and this will cause danger to the operator. The chip will become a deal with the problem. Such a tool to cut off the grey cast iron is the most appropriate.Chip laps volumes, Figure 9-28 C, is one of the best types of inclination, especially in the ductile material on the special deep cutting. Chip small crimp in close formation against the Dao of bladed knives against the will of the rupture. The chip rolled up to maintain a narrow trough of the chip will guarantee that the width of closely Lane V ol. The chip is very easy to handle. V olume circle with a chip is not a cut-chip.Chip cut off, in Figure 9-28 D, leading to chip in the corner was cut off, and then to small chips fell after the chip. The need to cut off a chip provides up to 25 percent of the force. This inclination of the stickiness of the steel is good.Gap KokWhen cutting any material time, the gap should always be the smallest size, but the gap should never angle than the required minimum angle small space. The gap is too small knives Kok will lead to friction with the workpiece. Choice of space at the corner to observe the following points:1. When processing hardness, stickiness of the material, the use of high-speed steel tool cutting angle should be in the space of 6 to 8 degrees, and the use of carbon tool steel cutter at the corner of the gap in size should be 5 degrees to 7 degrees.2. When the processing of carbon steel, low carbon steel, cast iron when the gap angle should be the size of high-speed steel tool 8 degrees to 12 degrees, and carbon tool steel cutter 5 degrees to 10 degrees.3. Scalability when processing materials such as copper, brass, bronze, aluminum,iron, etc. Zhanxing materials, space Kok should be the size of high-speed steel tool 12 degrees to 16 degrees, carbon steel knives 8 degrees to 14 , Mainly because of the plastic deformation of these metals. This means that, when the cutter and around them, the soft metal to some minor deformation or protruding, and this tool will be friction. At this time, we must have a tool on the additional space.刀具目的在完成这一个单元之后,学生将会能够:* 解释粗加工和精加工之间的差别。

外文文献原文:Friction , Lubrication of BearingIn many of the problem thus far , the student has been asked to disregard or neglect friction . Actually , friction is present to some degree whenever two parts are in contact and move on each other. The term friction refers to the resistance of two or more parts to movement.Friction is harmful or valuable depending upon where it occurs. friction is necessary for fastening devices such as screws and rivets which depend upon friction to hold the fastener and the parts together. Belt drivers, brakes, and tires are additional applications where friction is necessary.The friction of moving parts in a machine is harmful because it reduces the mechanical advantage of the device. The heat produced by friction is lost energy because no work takes place. Also , greater power is required to overcome the increased friction. Heat is destructive in that it causes expansion. Expansion may cause a bearing or sliding surface to fit tighter. If a great enough pressure builds up because made from low temperature materials may melt.There are three types of friction which must be overcome in moving parts: (1)starting, (2)sliding, and(3)rolling. Starting friction is the friction between two solids that tend to resist movement. When two parts are at a state of rest, the surface irregularities of both parts tend to interlock and form a wedging action. To produce motion in these parts, the wedge-shaped peaks and valleys of the stationary surfaces must be made to slide out and over each other. The rougher the two surfaces, the greater is starting friction resulting from their movement .Since there is usually no fixed pattern between the peaks and valleys of two mating parts, the irregularities do not interlock once the parts are in motion but slide over each other. The friction of the two surfaces is known as sliding friction. As shown in figure ,starting friction is always greater than sliding friction .Rolling friction occurs when roller devces are subjected to tremendous stress which cause the parts to change shape or deform. Under these conditions, the material in front of a roller tends to pile up and forces the object to roll slightly uphill. This changing of shape , known as deformation, causes a movement of molecules.As a result ,heat is produced from the added energy required to keep the parts turning and overcome friction.The friction caused by the wedging action of surface irregularities can be overcome partly by the precision machining of the surfaces. However, even these smooth surfaces may require the use of a substance between them to reduce the friction still more. This substance is usually a lubricant which provides a fine, thin oil film. The film keeps the surfaces apart and prevents the cohesive forces of the surfaces from coming in close contact and producing heat .Another way to reduce friction is to use different materials for the bearing surfaces and rotating parts. This explains why bronze bearings, soft alloys, and copper and tin iolite bearings are used with both soft and hardened steel shaft. The iolite bearing is porous. Thus, when the bearing is dipped in oil, capillary action carries the oil through the spaces of the bearing. This type of bearing carries its own lubricant to the points where the pressures are the greatest.Moving parts are lubricated to reduce friction, wear, and heat. The most commonly used lubricants are oils, greases, and graphite compounds. Each lubricant serves a different purpose. The conditions under which two moving surfaces are to work determine the type of lubricant to be used and the system selected for distributing the lubricant.On slow moving parts with a minimum of pressure, an oil groove is usually sufficient to distribute the required quantity of lubricant to the surfaces moving on each other .A second common method of lubrication is the splash system in which parts moving in a reservoir of lubricant pick up sufficient oil which is then distributed to all moving parts during each cycle. This system is used in the crankcase of lawn-mower engines to lubricate the crankshaft, connecting rod ,and parts of the piston.A lubrication system commonly used in industrial plants is the pressure system. In this system, a pump on a machine carries the lubricant to all of the bearing surfaces at a constant rate and quantity.There are numerous other systems of lubrication and a considerable number of lubricants available for any given set of operating conditions. Modern industrypays greater attention to the use of the proper lubricants than at previous time because of the increased speeds, pressures, and operating demands placed on equipment and devices.Although one of the main purposes of lubrication is reduce friction, any substance-liquid , solid , or gaseous-capable of controlling friction and wear between sliding surfaces can be classed as a lubricant.V arieties of lubricationUnlubricated sliding. Metals that have been carefully treated to remove all foreign materials seize and weld to one another when slid together. In the absence of such a high degree of cleanliness, adsorbed gases, water vapor ,oxides, and contaminants reduce frictio9n and the tendency to seize but usually result in severe wear; this is called “unlubricated ”or dry sliding.Fluid-film lubrication. Interposing a fluid film that completely separates the sliding surfaces results in fluid-film lubrication. The fluid may be introduced intentionally as the oil in the main bearing of an automobile, or unintentionally, as in the case of water between a smooth tuber tire and a wet pavement. Although the fluid is usually a liquid such as oil, water, and a wide range of other materials, it may also be a gas. The gas most commonly employed is air.Boundary lubrication. A condition that lies between unlubricated sliding and fluid-film lubrication is referred to as boundary lubrication, also defined as that condition of lubrication in which the friction between surfaces is determined by the properties of the surfaces and properties of the lubricant other than viscosity. Boundary lubrication encompasses a significant portion of lubrication phenomena and commonly occurs during the starting and stopping off machines.Solid lubrication. Solid such as graphite and molybdenum disulfide are widely used when normal lubricants do not possess sufficient resistance to load or temperature extremes. But lubricants need not take only such familiar forms as fats, powders, and gases; even some metals commonly serve as sliding surfaces in some sophisticated machines.Function of lubricantsAlthough a lubricant primarily controls friction and ordinarily does perform numerous other functions, which vary with the application and usually are interrelated .Friction control. The amount and character of the lubricant made available to sliding surfaces have a profound effect upon the friction that is encountered. For example, disregarding such related factors as heat and wear but considering friction alone between the same surfaces with on lubricant. Under fluid-film conditions, friction is encountered. In a great range of viscosities and thus can satisfy a broad spectrum of functional requirements. Under boundary lubrication conditions , the effect of viscosity on friction becomes less significant than the chemical nature of the lubricant.Wear control. wear occurs on lubricated surfaces by abrasion, corrosion ,and solid-to-solid contact wear by providing a film that increases the distance between the sliding surfaces ,thereby lessening the damage by abrasive contaminants and surface asperities.T emperature control. Lubricants assist in controlling corrosion of the surfaces themselves is twofold. When machinery is idle, the lubricant acts as a preservative. When machinery is in use, the lubricant controls corrosion by coating lubricated parts with a protective film that may contain additives to neutralize corrosive materials. The ability of a lubricant to control corrosion is directly relatly to the thickness of the lubricant film remaining on the metal surfaces and the chermical composition of the lubricant.Other functionsLubrication are frequently used for purposes other than the reduction of friction. Some of these applications are described below.Power transmission. Lubricants are widely employed as hydraulic fluids in fluid transmission devices.Insulation. In specialized applications such as transformers and switchgear , lubricants with high dielectric constants acts as electrical insulators. For maximum insulating properties, a lubricant must be kept free of contaminants and water.Shock dampening. Lubricants act as shock-dampening fluids in energy transferring devices such as shock absorbers and around machine parts such as gears that are subjected to high intermittent loads.Sealing. Lubricating grease frequently performs the special function of forming a seal to retain lubricants or to exclude contaminants.The object of lubrication is to reduce friction ,wear , and heating of machine pars which move relative to each other. A lubricant is any substance which, when inserted between the moving surfaces, accomplishes these purposes. Most lubricants are liquids(such as mineral oil, silicone fluids, and water),but they may be solid for use in dry bearings, greases for use in rolling element bearing, or gases(such as air) for use in gas bearings. The physical and chemical interaction between the lubricant and lubricating surfaces must be understood in order to provide the machine elements with satisfactory life.The understanding of boundary lubrication is normally attributed to hardy and doubleday , who found the extrememly thin films adhering to surfaces were often sufficient to assist relative sliding. They concluded that under such circumstances the chemical composition of fluid is important, and they introduced the term “boundary lubrication”. Boundary lubric ation is at the opposite end of the spectrum from hydrodynamic lubrication.Five distinct of forms of lubrication that may be defined :(a) hydrodynamic;(b)hydrostatic;(c)elastohydrodynamic (d)boundary; (e)solid film.Hydrodynamic lubrication means that the load-carrying surfaces of the bearing are separated by a relatively thick film of lubricant, so as to prevent metal contact, and that the stability thus obtained can be explained by the laws of the lubricant under pressure ,though it may be; but it does require the existence of an adequate supply at all times. The film pressure is created by the moving surfaces itself pulling the lubricant under pressure, though it maybe. The film pressure is created by the moving surface to creat the pressure necessary to separate the surfaces against the load on the bearing . hydrodynamic lubrication is also called full film ,or fluid lubrication .Hydrostatic lubrication is obtained by introducing the lubricant ,which is sometime air or water ,into the load-bearing area at a pressure high enough to separate the surface with a relatively thick film of lubricant. So ,unlike hydrodynanmic lubrication, motion of one surface relative to another is not required .Elasohydrodynamic lubrication is the phenomenon that occurs when a lubricant is introduced between surfaces which are in rolling contact, such as mating gears or rolling bearings. The mathematical explanation requires the hertzian theory of contact stress and fluid mechanics.When bearing must be operated at exetreme temperatures, a solid film lubricant such as graphite or molybdenum disulfide must be use used because the ordinary mineral oils are not satisfactory. Must research is currently being carried out in an effort, too, to find composite bearing materials with low wear rates as well as small frictional coefficients.In a journal bearing, a shaft rotates or oscillates within the bearing , and the relative motion is sliding . in an antifriction bearing, the main relative motion is rolling . a follower may either roll or slide on the cam. Gear teeth mate with each other by a combination of rolling and sliding . pistions slide within their cylinders. All these applications require lubrication to reduce friction ,wear, and heating.The field of application for journal bearing s is immense. The crankshaft and connecting rod bearings of an automotive engine must poerate for thousands of miles at high temperatures and under varying load conditions . the journal bearings used in the steam turbines of power generating station is said to have reliabilities approaching 100 percent. At the other extreme there are thousands of applications in which the loads are light and the service relatively unimportant. a simple ,easily installed bearing is required ,suing little or no lubrication. In such cases an antifriction bearing might be a poor answer because because of the cost, the close ,the radial space required ,or the increased inertial effects. Recent metallurgy developments in bearing materials , combined with increased knowledge of the lubrication process, now make it possible to design journal bearings with satisfactory lives and very good reliabilities.中文译文:轴承的摩擦与润滑现在看来,有很多这种情况,许多学生在被问到关于摩擦的问题时,往往都没引起足够的重视,甚至是忽视它。

外文原文Options for micro-holemakingAs in the macroscale-machining world, holemaking is one of the most— if not the most—frequently performed operations for micromachining. Many options exist for how those holes are created. Each has its advantages and limitations, depending on the required hole diameter and depth, workpiece material and equipment requirements. This article covers holemaking with through-coolant drills and those without coolant holes, plunge milling, microdrilling using sinker EDMs and laser drilling.Helpful HolesGetting coolant to the drill tip while the tool is cutting helps reduce the amount of heat at the tool/workpiece interface and evacuate chips regardless of hole diameter. Butthrough-coolant capability is especially helpful when deep-hole microdrilling because the tools are delicate and prone to failure when experiencing recutting of chips, chip packing and too much exposure to carbide’s worst enemy—heat.When applying flood coolant, the drill itself blocks access to the cutting action. “Somewhere about 3 to 5 diameters deep, the coolant has trouble getting down to the tip,” said Jeff Davis, vice president of engineering for Harvey Tool Co., Rowley, Mass. “It becomes wise to use a coolant-fed drill at that point.”In addition, flood coolant can cause more harm than good when microholemaking. “The pressure from the flood coolant can sometimes snap fragile drills as they enter the part,” Davis said.The toolmaker offers a line of through-coolant drills with diameters from 0.039" to 0.125" that are able to produce holes up to 12 diameters deep, as well as microdrills without coolant holes from 0.002" to 0.020".Having through-coolant capacity isn’t enough, though. Coolant needs to flow at a rate that enables it to clear the chips out of the hole. Davis recommends, at a minimum, 600 to 800 psi of coolant pressure. “It works much better if you have higher pressure than that,” he added.To prevent those tiny coolant holes from becoming clogged with debris, Davis also recommends a 5μm or finer coolant filter.Another recommendation is to machine a pilot, or guide, hole to prevent the tool from wandering on top of the workpiece and aid in producing a straight hole. When applying a pilot drill, it’s important to select one with an included angle on its point that’s equal t o or larger than the included angle on the through-coolant drill that follows. The pilot drill’sdiameter should also be slightly larger. For example, if the pilot drill has a 120° included angle and a smaller diameter than a through-coolant drill with a 140° included angle, “then you’re catching the coolant-fed drill’s corners and knocking those corners off,” Davis said, which damages the drill.Although not mandatory, pecking is a good practice when microdrilling deep holes. Davis suggests a pecking cycle that is 30 to 50 percent of the diameter per peck depth, depending on the workpiece material. This clears the chips, preventing them from packing in the flute valleys.Lubricious ChillTo further aid chip evacuation, Davis recommends applying an oil-based metalworking fluid instead of a waterbased coolant because oil provides greater lubricity. But if a shop prefers using coolant, the fluid should include EP (extreme pressure) additives to increase lubricity and minimize foaming. “If you’ve got a lot of foam,” Davis noted, “the chips aren’t being pulled out the way they are supposed to be.”He added that another way to enhance a tool’s slipperiness while extending its life is with a coating, such as titanium aluminum nitride. TiAlN has a high hardness and is an effective coating for reducing heat’s impact when drilling difficult-to-machine materials, like stainless steel.David Burton, general manager of Performance Micro Tool, Janesville, Wis., disagrees with the idea of coating microtools on the smalle r end of the spectrum. “Coatings on tools below 0.020" typically have a negative effect on every machining aspect, from the quality of the initial cut to tool life,” he said. That’s because coatings are not thin enough and negatively alter the rake and relief angles when applied to tiny tools.However, work continues on the development of thinner coatings, and Burton indicated that Performance Micro Tool, which produces microendmills and microrouters and resells microdrills, is working on a project with others to create a submicron-thickness coating. “We’re probably 6 months to 1 year from testing it in the market,” Burton said.The microdrills Performance offers are basically circuit-board drills, which are also effective for cutting metal. All the tools are without through-coolant capability. “I had a customer drill a 0.004"-dia. hole in stainless steel, and he was amazed he could do it with a circuit-board drill,” Burton noted, adding that pecking and running at a high spindle speed increase the drill’s effectiveness.The requirements for how fast microtools should rotate depend on the type of CNC machines a shop uses and the tool diameter, with higher speeds needed as the diameter decreases. (Note: The equation for cutting speed is sfm = tool diameter × 0.26 × spindlespeed.)Although relatively low, 5,000 rpm has been used successfully by Burton’s customers. “We recommend that our customers find the highest rpm at the lowest possible vibration—the sweet spot,” he said.In addition to minimizing vibration, a constant and adequate chip load is required to penetrate the workpiece while exerting low cutting forces and to allow the rake to remove the appropriate amount of material. If the drill takes too light of a chip load, the rake face wears quickly, becoming negative, and tool life suffers. This approach is often tempting when drilling with delicate tools.“If the customer decides he wants to baby the tool, he takes a lighter chip load,” Burton said, “and, typically, the cutting edge wears much quicker and creates a radius where the land of that radius is wider than the chip being cut. He ends up using it as a grinding tool, trying to bump material away.” For tools larger than 0.001", Burton considers a chip load under0.0001" to be “babying.” If the drill doesn’t snap, premature wear can result in abysmal tool life.Too much runout can also be destructive, but how much is debatable. Burton pointed out that Performance purposely designed a machine to have 0.0003" TIR to conduct in-house, worst-case milling scenarios, adding that the company is still able to mill a 0.004"-wide slot “day in and day out.”He added: “You would think with 0.0003" runout and a chip load a third that, say,0.0001" to 0.00015", the tool would break immediately because one flute would be taking the entire load and then the back end of the flute would be rubbing.When drilling, he indicated that up to 0.0003" TIR should be acceptable because once the drill is inside the hole, the cutting edges on the end of the drill continue cutting while the noncutting lands on the OD guide the tool in the same direction. Minimizing run out becomes more critical as the depth-to-diameter ratio increases. This is because the flutes are not able to absorb as much deflection as they become more engaged in the workpiece. Ultimately, too much runout causes the tool shank to orbit around the tool’s center while the tool tip is held steady, creating a stress point where the tool will eventually break.Taking a PlungeAlt hough standard microdrills aren’t generally available below 0.002", microendmills that can be used to “plunge” a hole are. “When people want to drill smaller than that, they use our endmills and are pretty successful,” Burton said. However, the holes can’t be very deep because the tools don’t have long aspect, or depth-to-diameter, ratios. Therefore, a 0.001"-dia. endmill might be able to only make a hole up to 0.020" deep whereas a drill of the same sizecan go deeper because it’s designed to place the loa d on its tip when drilling. This transfers the pressure into the shank, which absorbs it.Performance offers endmills as small as 5 microns (0.0002") but isn’t keen on increasing that line’s sales. “When people try to buy them, I very seriously try to tal k them out of it because we don’t like making them,” Burton said. Part of the problem with tools that small is the carbide grains not only need to be submicron in size but the size also needs to be consistent, in part because such a tool is comprised of fe wer grains. “The 5-micron endmill probably has 10 grains holding the core together,” Burton noted.He added that he has seen carbide powder containing 0.2-micron grains, which is about half the size of what’s commercially available, but it also contained grains measuring 0.5 and 0.6 microns. “It just doesn’t help to have small grains if they’re not uniform.”MicrovaporizationElectrical discharge machining using a sinker EDM is another micro-holemaking option. Unlike , which create small holes for threading wire through the workpiece when wire EDMing, EDMs for producing microholes are considerably more sophisticated, accurate and, of course, expensive.For producing deep microholes, a tube is applied as the electrode. For EDMing smaller but shallower holes, a solid electrode wire, or rod, is needed. “We try to use tubes as much as possible,” said Jeff Kiszonas, EDM product manager for Makino Inc., Auburn Hills, Mich. “But at some point, nobody can make a tube below a certain diameter.” He added that some suppliers offer tubes down to 0.003" in diameter for making holes as small as 0.0038". The tube’s flushing hole enables creating a hole with a high depth-to-diameter ratio and helps to evacuate debris from the bottom of the hole during machining.One such s inker EDM for producing holes as small as 0.00044" (11μm) is Makino’s Edge2 sinker EDM with fine-hole option. In Japan, the machine tool builder recently produced eight such holes in 2 minutes and 40 seconds through 0.0010"-thick tungsten carbide at the hole locations. The electrode was a silver-tungsten rod 0.00020" smaller than the hole being produced, to account for spark activity in the gap.When producing holes of that size, the rod, while rotating, is dressed with a charged EDM wire. The fine-hole option includes a W-axis attachment, which holds a die that guides the electrode, as well as a middle guide that prevents the electrode from bending or wobbling as it spins. With the option, the machine is appropriate for drilling hole diameters less than 0.005".Another sinker EDM for micro-holemaking is the Mitsubishi VA10 with a fine-hole jig attachment to chuck and guide the fine wire applied to erode the material. “It’s a standardEDM, but with that attachment fixed to the machine, we can do microhole d rilling,” said Dennis Powderly, sinker EDM product manager for MC Machinery Systems Inc., Wood Dale, Ill. He added that the EDM is also able to create holes down to 0.0004" using a wire that rotates at up to 2,000 rpm.Turn to TungstenEDMing is typically a slow process, and that holds true when it is used for microdrilling. “It’s very slow, and the finer the details, the slower it is,” said , president and owner of Optimation Inc. The Midvale, Utah, company builds Profile 24 Piezo EDMs for micromachining and also performs microEDMing on a contract-machining basis.Optimation produces tungsten electrodes using a reverse-polarity process and machines and ring-laps them to as small as 10μm in diameter with 0.000020" roundness. Applying a10μm-dia. electrode produces a hole about 10.5μm to 11μm in diameter, and blind-holes are possible with the company’s EDM. The workpiece thickness for the smallest holes is up to 0.002", and the thickness can be up to 0.04" for 50μm holes.After working with lasers and then with a former EDM builder to find a better way to produce precise microholes, Jorgensen decided the best approach was DIY. “We literally started with a clean sheet of paper and did all the electronics, all the software and the whole machine from scratch,” he said. Including the software, the machine costs in the neighborhood of $180,000 to $200,000.Much of the company’s contract work, which is provided at a shop rate of $100 per hour, involves microEDMing exotic metals, such as gold and platinum for X-ray apertures, stainless steel for optical applications and tantalum and tungsten for the electron-beam industry. Jorgensen said the process is also appropriate for EDMing partially electrically conductive materials, such as PCD.“The customer normally doesn’t care too much about the cost,” he said. “We’ve done parts where there’s $20,000 [in time and material] involved, and you can put the whole job underneath a fingernail. We do everything under a microscope.”Light CuttingBesides carbide and tungsten, light is an appropriate “tool material” formicro-holemaking. Although most laser drilling is performed in the infrared spectrum, the SuperPulse technology from The Ex One Co., Irwin, Pa., uses a green laser beam, said Randy Gilmore, the company’s director of laser technologies. Unlike the femtosecond variety, Super- Pulse is a nanosecond laser, and its green light operates at the 532-nanometer wavelength. The technology provides laser pulses of 4 to 5 nanoseconds in duration, and those pulses are sent in pairs with a delay of 50 to 100 nanoseconds between individual pulses. The benefits of this approach are twofold. “It greatly enhances material removal compared to other nanosecond lasers,” Gilmore said, “and greatly reduces the amount of thermal damagedon e to the workpiece material” because of the pulses’ short duration.The minimum diameter produced with the SuperPulse laser is 45 microns, but one of the most common applications is for producing 90μm to 110μm holes in diesel injector nozzles made of 1mm-t hick H series steel. Gilmore noted that those holes will need to be in the 50μm to 70μm range as emission standards tighten because smaller holes in injector nozzles atomize diesel fuel better for more efficient burning.In addition, the technology can produce negatively tapered holes, with a smaller entrance than exit diameter, to promote better fuel flow.Another common application is drilling holes in aircraft turbine blades for cooling. Although the turbine material might only be 1.5mm to 2mm thick, Gilmore explained that the holes are drilled at a 25° entry angle so the air, as it comes out of the holes, hugs the airfoil surface and drags the heat away. That means the hole traverses up to 5mm of material. “Temperature is everything in a turbine” he said, “because in an aircraft engine, the hotter you can run the turbine, the better the fuel economy and the more thrust you get.”To further enhance the technology’s competitiveness, Ex One developed apatent-pending material that is injected into a hollow-body component to block the laser beam and prevent back-wall strikes after it creates the needed hole. After laser machining, the end user removes the material without leaving remnants.“One of the bugaboos in getting lasers accepted in the diesel inject or community is that light has a nasty habit of continuing to travel until it meets another object,” Gilmore said. “In a diesel injector nozzle, that damages the interior surface of the opposite wall.”Although the $650,000 to $800,000 price for a Super- Pulse laser is higher than amicro-holemaking EDM, Gilmore noted that laser drilling doesn’t require electrodes. “A laser system is using light to make holes,” he said, “so it doesn’t have a consumable.”Depending on the application, mechanical drilling and plunge milling, EDMing and laser machining all have their place in the expanding micromachining universe. “People want more packed into smaller spaces,” said Makino’s Kiszonas.中文翻译微孔的加工方法正如宏观加工一样,在微观加工中孔的加工也许也是最常用的加工之一。


[英文资料].SawingSawing is the parting of material by using metal disks, blades, bands, or abrasive disks as the cutting tools. Sawing a piece from stock for further machining is called cutoff sawing, while shaping of forming a piece is referred to as contour sawing.Machine sawing of metal is performed by five types of saws or processes: hacksawing, babd sawing, cold sawing, friction sawing, and abrasive sawing.Hacksaws are used principally as cutoff tools. The toothed blade, held in tension, is reciprocated across the workpiece. A vise holds the stock in position. The blade is fed into the work by gravity or spring. Sometimes a mechanical or hydraulic feed is used. Automatic machines, handling bar-length stock, are used for continuous production.Band saws cut rapidly and are suited for either cutoff or contour sawing. The plane in which the blade operates classifies the machine as being either vertical or horizontal. Band saws are basically a flexible endless band of steel running over pulleys or wheels. The band has teeth on one side and is operated under tension. Guides keep it running true. The frame of the horizontal type is pivoted to allow positioning of the workpiece in the vise. Horizontal machines are used for either straight or angular cuts. A table that supports the workpiece and the wide throat between the upright portions of the blade makes the vertical band saw ideal for contour work. Band saws operating at high speed are frequently used as friction saws.Cold sawing is principally a cutoff operation. The blade is a circular disk with cutting teeth on its periphery. Blades range in size from a few inches to several feet in diameter. The cutting teeth may be cut into the periphery of the disk or they may be inserts of a harder material. The blade moves into the stock witha positive feed. Stock is positioned manually in some cold-sawing machines, while other models are equipped for automatic cycle sawing.Friction sawing is a rapid process used to cut steel as well as certain plastics. This process is not satisfactory for cast iron and nonferrous metals. Cutting is done as the high-speed blade wipes the metal from the kerf after softening it with frictional heat. Circular alloy-steel blades perform cutoff work, thile frictional band saws do both cutoff and contour sawing. Circular blades are frequently cooled by water or air. Circular blades are adcanced into the work, thile thick work-pieces require power-table feed then friction-cut on a band saw.Abrasive sawing is a cutoff process using thin rubber or bakelite bonded abrasive disks. In addition to steel, other materials such as nonferrous metals, ceramics, glass, certain plastics, and hard rubber are cut by this method. Cutting is done by the abrasive action of the grit in the disk.Abrasive disks are operated either wet or dry. For heavy cutting a cooling agent is generally used. The workpiece is firmly held while the wheel traverses through it. Machines are made in manually operated and automatic models.DrillingHoles are one of the most common features in products manufactured today. There-fore, drilling and other related processes and tools are extremely important. Holes as small as 0.005in.may be drilled using special techniques. On the other hand , holes larger than 2 to 1in.in diameter are seldom drilled, because other 22processes and techniques are less expensive.The twist drill (shown in Fig.12-3) is the most common type of drill. The shank of the drill is held by the machine tool, which in turn imparts an rotary motion. This shank of the drill is held by the machine tool. Which in turn imparts a rotary motion. This shank may be straight or tapered. The body of the drill is typically made up of two spiral grooves known as flutes, which are defined by a helix angle that is generally about 30ºbut can vary depending on the material properties of the workpiece. The point of the drill (see Fig.12-3) generally form a118ºangle and includes a 10 clearance angle and chisel edge. The chisel edge is flat with a web thickness of approximately 0.015 * drill diameter. This edge can cause problems in hole location owing to its ability to “walk”on a surface before engaging the workpiece. In the case of brittle materials, drill point angles of less than 118º are used, while ductile materials use larger points angles and smaller clearance angles.Complex hole configurations may often be called for; these include multiple diameters, chamfers, countersinks, and combinations of these, as illustrated in Fig.12-4.In each of these cases in is possible to make special combination drills that can produce the configurations shown in a single operation. Although expensive, they can be economically justified for sufficient volume.The flat chisel edge, which can “walk”on the surface of the workpiece, and the long , slender shaft and body of the twist drill, which can deflect, make it difficult to machine holes to tight tolerances. A combination center drill and countersink can be used to accurately start a hole, owing to its small web thickness and its tendency to deflect only very small amounts (because of a relatively large diameter-to-length ratio) . Truing of the hole to make it straight is accomplished by boring. Reaming the hole provides a better finish as well as more accurate sizing.The feed rate of a drill is normally proportional to its diameter, because it depends on the volume of chips the flutes can handle. However the feed is independent of the cutting speed, which is a function of the tool-work combination. A rule of thumb would give a feed rate as approximately d/65,so that a 3/4-in.-diameter drill would have a feed rate of about 0.012 in. /rev. Although the hole wall tends to support the drill when the hole depth exceeds three times the drill diameter, there is a tendency for buckling to occur and the feed rate should be reduced.Most drills are made from high –speed steel because of its relatively low cost and ease of manufacture. Some types of carbide drills are now available commercially.The demands of numerically controlled machine tools have led to the development of drills that will produce pore precise holes and that will originate a hole in line with the centerline of the drill-press spindle. Drills that have heavier webs, less stickout, double margins, and are ground with a spiral point help meet these new demands.ReamingReaming is a machining process for enlarging, smoothing and/ or accurately sizing existing holes by means of means of multiedge fluted cutting tools (reamers) . As the reamers and / or workpiece is rotated and advanced relative to each other, chips are produced to remove relatively small amounts of material from the hole wall. Reaming may be performed on the same type of machines used for drilling.Accuracy of the hole and quality of finish produced by reaming depends primarily upon the condition of the starting bole, rigidity of the machine and fixture, correct speeds and feeds, a suitable and properly applied cutting fluid, and precise resharpening of dull tools.Since stock removal is small and must be uniform in reaming , the starting holes (drilled or otherwise produced) must have relatively good roundness, straightness, and finish. Reamers tend to follow the existing centerline of the hole being reamed, and in limited instances it may be necessary to bore the holes prior to reaming to maintain required tolerances. With the proper conditions and operating parameters, reaming can produce close tolerances and smooth finishes.ReamersAreamer is a rotary cutting tool, generally of cylindrical or conical shape, intended for enlarging and finishing holes to accurate dimensions. It is usually equipped with two or more peripheral channels or flutes, either parallel to its axis or in a right– or left-hand helix as required. Those with helical flutes provide smooth shear cutting, are less subject to chatter, and produce a better finish. The flutes form cutting teethand provide channels for removing the chips.Kinds of ReamersReamers are made in many different forms, including solid and inserted-blade types, adjustable and nonadjustable; they are available for either manual operation (hand reamers) or for machine use (chucking reamers). Materials from which cutting elements of most production reamers are made include high-speed steeland cemented carbides. of most production reamers are made include high-speed steel and cemented carbides.Carbide reamers These tools are being used increasingly because of their linger life, improved accuracy, and resistance.Bore reamers These tools combine boring and reaming in a single operation to minimize problems with respect to hole size, straightness, and finish. Single-point bore reamers, for use in applications for which guide bushings can be used, have a single-point cutting edge on the end of the tool, followed by a reaming section. Multipoint bore reamers are available for applications for applications for which bushings cannot be used.Coolant-fed reamers These tools, having means (usually internal passages) for directing coolant to the cutting edges, offer advantages for some applications, particularly when reaming blind holes. In such applications, reduced friction and temperatures at the reamer /workpiece interface decrease wear and lengthen tool life. In some cases, feeds and speeds can be increased and improved accuracies and smoother finishes obtained. The initial cost of coolant-fed reamers is higher , but increased productivity and improved quality often make them economically desirable.Reamer Holders/ DriversReamers are commonly held and driven by three-jaw chucks, straight sleeves and setscrews, and, for taper shanks, sleeves or sockets. Reamers with adapters for quick-change chucks are used for productionapplications.When reamers must guide themselves into previously made holes, they require gloating holders to maintain alignment. There are several types of floating holders. Some permit angular float, others permit a parallel (axial) float, and still others permit both angular and parallel float.Floating holders have some limitations. If the reamer axis is vertical, floating reamer drives often do a good job of correcting for small amounts of misalignment. When the workpieces rotate, however, as is the case on screw machines, lathes, and some other machine tools, floating holders are sometimes inadequate. This is because relatively large amounts of misalignment are often found on these machines and because the weight of the reamer and holder tend to push the tool into an off-center position.Some full floating holders, which compensate for both angular and parallel misalignment, are equipped with springs or other components to counterbalance the mass of the holder. A floating holder cannot generally operate both vertically and horizontally and still correct for both angular and parallel misalignment. Application details (vertical or horizontal operation and rotating or stationary tool) should be specified when a floating holder is ordered.Workholding for ReamingJig design and the use of bushings for reaming are essentially the same as for drilling. Major functions of the jigs and bushings are accurate locating, supporting, and securing of the workpieces, and precise guiding of the tools. A difference for reaming is that closer tolerances are generally required on both the jigs and bushings.Operating Parameters for ReamingFactors that must be established for efficient and economical reaming include the proper cutting speed, feed rate, and cutting fluid to be used Other importantconsiderations are resharpening the reamers and troubleshooting the operations.[ 译文如下 ]锯削锯削是利用金属圆锯、锯条、带锯或砂轮作为切削工具将材料分开。

Machine design theoryThe machine design is through designs the new product or improves the old product to meet the human need the application technical science. It involves the project technology each domain, mainly studies the product the size, the shape and the detailed structure basic idea, but also must study the product the personnel which in aspect the and so on manufacture, sale and use question.Carries on each kind of machine design work to be usually called designs the personnel or machine design engineer. The machine design is a creative work. Project engineer not only must have the creativity in the work, but also must in aspect and so on mechanical drawing, kinematics, engineerig material, materials mechanics and machine manufacture technology has the deep elementary knowledge.If front sues, the machine design goal is the production can meet the human need the product. The invention, the discovery and technical knowledge itself certainly not necessarily can bring the advantage to the humanity, only has when they are applied can produce on the product the benefit. Thus, should realize to carries on before the design in a specific product, must first determine whether the people do need this kind of productMust regard as the machine design is the machine design personnel carries on using creative ability the product design, the system analysis and a formulation product manufacture technology good opportunity. Grasps the project elementary knowledge to have to memorize some data and the formula is more important than. The merely service data and the formula is insufficient to the completely decision which makes in a good design needs. On the other hand, should be earnest precisely carries on all operations. For example, even if places wrong a decimal point position, also can cause the correct design to turn wrongly.A good design personnel should dare to propose the new idea, moreover is willing to undertake the certain risk, when the new method is not suitable, use original method. Therefore, designs the personnel to have to have to have the patience, because spendsthe time and the endeavor certainly cannot guarantee brings successfully. A brand-new design, the request screen abandons obsoletely many, knows very well the method for the people. Because many person of conservativeness, does this certainly is not an easy matter. A mechanical designer should unceasingly explore the improvement existing product the method, should earnestly choose originally, the process confirmation principle of design in this process, with has not unified it after the confirmation new idea.Newly designs itself can have the question occurrence which many flaws and has not been able to expect, only has after these flaws and the question are solved, can manifest new goods come into the market the product superiority. Therefore, a performance superior product is born at the same time, also is following a higher risk. Should emphasize, if designs itself does not request to use the brand-new method, is not unnecessary merely for the goal which transform to use the new method.In the design preliminary stage, should allow to design the personnel fully to display the creativity, not each kind of restraint. Even if has had many impractical ideas, also can in the design early time, namely in front of the plan blueprint is corrected. Only then, only then does not send to stops up the innovation the mentality. Usually, must propose several sets of design proposals, then perform the comparison. Has the possibility very much in the plan which finally designated, has used certain not in plan some ideas which accepts.How does the psychologist frequently discuss causes the machine which the people adapts them to operate. Designs personnel''s basic responsibility is diligently causes the machine to adapt the people. This certainly is not an easy work, because certainly does not have to all people to say in fact all is the most superior operating area and the operating process.Another important question, project engineer must be able to carry on the exchange and the consultation with other concerned personnel. In the initial stage, designs the personnel to have to carry on the exchange and the consultation on the preliminary design with the administrative personnel, and is approved. This generally is through the oral discussion, the schematic diagram and the writing material carries on. In order to carry on the effective exchange, needs to solve the following problem:(1) designs whether this product truly does need for the people? Whether there is competitive ability(2) does this product compare with other companies'' existing similar products?(3) produces this kind of product is whether economical?(4) product service is whether convenient?(5) product whether there is sale? Whether may gain?Only has the time to be able to produce the correct answer to above question. But, the product design, the manufacture and the sale only can in carry on to the above question preliminary affirmation answer foundation in. Project engineer also should through the detail drawing and the assembly drawing, carries on the consultation together with the branch of manufacture to the finally design proposal.Usually, can have some problem in the manufacture process. Possibly can request to some components size or the common difference makes some changes, causes the components the production to change easily. But, in the project change must have to pass through designs the personnel to authorize, guaranteed cannot damage the product the function. Sometimes, when in front of product assembly or in the packing foreign shipment experiment only then discovers in the design some kind of flaw. These instances exactly showed the design is a dynamic process. Always has a better method to complete the design work, designs the personnel to be supposed unceasingly diligently, seeks these better method.Recent year, the engineerig material choice already appeared importantly. In addition, the choice process should be to the material continuously the unceasing again appraisal process. The new material unceasingly appears, but some original materials can obtain the quantity possibly can reduce. The environmental pollution, material recycling aspect and so on use, worker''s health and security frequently can attach the new limiting condition to the choice of material. In order to reduce the weight or saves the energy, possibly can request the use different material. Comes from domestic and international competition, to product service maintenance convenience request enhancement and customer''s aspect the and so on feedback pressure, can urge the people to carry on to the material reappraises. Because the material does not select when created the product responsibility lawsuit, has already had the profoundinfluence. In addition, the material and between the material processing interdependence is already known by the people clearly. Therefore, in order to can and guarantees the quality in the reasonable cost under the premise to obtain satisfaction the result, project engineer makes engineers all to have earnestly carefully to choose, the determination and the use material.Makes any product the first step of work all is designs. Designs usually may divide into several explicit stages: (a) preliminary design; (b) functional design; (c) production design. In the preliminary design stage, the designer emphatically considered the product should have function. Usually must conceive and consider several plans, then decided this kind of thought is whether feasible; If is feasible, then should makes the further improvement to or several plans. In this stage, the question which only must consider about the choice of material is: Whether has the performance to conform to the request material to be possible to supply the choice; If no, whether has a bigger assurance all permits in the cost and the time in the limit develops one kind of new material.In the functional design and the engineering design stage, needs to make a practical feasible design. Must draw up the quite complete blueprint in this stage, chooses and determines each kind of components the material. Usually must make the prototype or the working model, and carries on the experiment to it, the appraisal product function, the reliability, the outward appearance and the service maintenance and so on. Although this kind of experiment possibly can indicate, enters in the product to the production base in front of, should replace certain materials, but, absolutely cannot this point take not earnestly chooses the material the excuse. Should unify the product the function, earnestly carefully considers the product the outward appearance, the cost and the reliability. Has the achievement very much the company when manufacture all prototypes, selects the material should the material which uses with its production in be same, and uses the similar manufacture technology as far as possible. Like this has the advantage very much to the company. The function complete prototype if cannot act according to the anticipated sales volume economically to make, or is prototypical and the official production installment has in the quality and the reliable aspect is very greatly different, then this kind of prototypedoes not have the great value. Project engineer is best can completely complete the material in this stage the analysis, the choice and the determination work, but is not remains it to the production design stage does. Because, is carries on in the production design stage material replacement by other people, these people are inferior to project engineer to the product all functions understanding. In the production design stage, is should completely determine with the material related main question the material, causes them to adapt with the existing equipment, can use the existing equipment economically to carry on the processing, moreover the material quantity can quite be easy to guarantee the supply.In the manufacture process, inevitably can appear to uses the material to make some changes the situation. The experience indicated that, may use certain cheap materials to take the substitute. However, in the majority situation, in will carry on the production later to change the material to have in to start before the production to change the price which the material will spend to have to be higher than. Completes the choice of material work in the design stage, may avoid the most such situations. Started after the production manufacture to appear has been possible to supply the use the new material is replaces the material the most common reason. Certainly, these new materials possibly reduce the cost, the improvement product performance. But, must carry on the earnest appraisal to the new material, guarantees its all performance all to answer the purpose. Must remember that, the new material performance and the reliable very few pictures materials on hand such understood for the people. The majority of products expiration and the product accident caused by negligence case is because in selects the new material to take in front of substitution material, not truly understood their long-term operational performance causes.The product responsibility lawsuit forces designs the personnel and the company when the choice material, uses the best procedure. In the material process, five most common questions are: (a) did not understand or cannot use about the material application aspect most newly the best information paper; (b) has not been able to foresee and to consider the dusk year possible reasonable use (for example to have the possibility, designs the personnel also to be supposed further to forecast and the consideration because product application method not when creates consequence.ecent years many products responsibilities lawsuit case, because wrongly uses theplaintiff which the product receives the injury to accuse produces the factory, and wins the decision); (c) uses the material data not entire perhaps some data are indefinite, works as its long-term performance data is the like this time in particular;(d) the quality control method is not suitable and not after the confirmation; (e) the personnel which completely is not competent for the post by some chooses the material.Through to the above five questions analysis, may obtain these questions is does not have the sufficient reason existence the conclusion. May for avoid these questions to these questions research analyses the appearance indicating the direction. Although uses the best choice of material method not to be able to avoid having the product responsibility lawsuit, designs the personnel and the industry carries on the choice of material according to the suitable procedure, may greatly reduce the lawsuit the quantity.May see from the above discussion, the choice material people should to the material nature, the characteristic and the processing method have comprehensive and thebasic understanding.翻译:机械设计理论机械设计,通过设计新产品或改进老产品,以满足人类需要的应用技术科学。

英文原文:SteelsSteel is one of the most valuable metals known to man; approximately 200 million tons can be produced in the United States annually. In 1900, US capacity was but 21 million tons. Although the process of steelmaking is familiar to most engineers, a review of this process would be appropriate at this time.Iron ore, limestone, and coal are the principal raw materials used in making iron and steel. Coke is produced by heating bituminous coal in special ovens. Skip cars go up the skip hoist with loads of iron ore, coke, and limestone and dump them into the top of the blast furnace. Hot air from the stove is blown into the furnace near the bottom. This causes the coke to burn at temperatures up to 3000°F. The ore is changed into drops of molten iron that settle to the bottom of the blast furnace. The limestone that has been added joins with impurities to form a slag that floats on top of the pool of liquid iron. Periodically , the molten iron is drained into a ladle for transporting to either the Bessemer converter, electric furnace or open-hearth furnace. The slag is removed separately so as mot to contaminate the iron.The making of steel from iron involves a further removalof impurities. Regardless of which process is used for making steel-open-hearth, Bessemer-converter, or electric-furnace-steel scrap is added along with desired alloying elements and the impurities are burned out.Liquid steel removed from the furnace is poured into ingot molds. The ingots are then removed to “soaking pits” where they are brought to a uniform rolling temperature.At the rolling mill, the white-hot steel passes through rolls that form the plastic steel into the desired shape: blooms, slabs, or billets. These three semifinished shapes then go to the finishing mills where they are rolled into finished forms as structural steel, plates and sheets, rods, and pipes.Steel is the basic and most valuable material used in apparatus manufactured today. Its application is based on years of engineering experience, which serves as a guide in choosing a particular type of steel. Each variable, such as alloy, heat treatment, and processes of fabrication has its influence on the strength, ductility, machinability, and other mechanical properties, and affects the type of steel selected. The following basic concepts also assist in determining which steel should be used:1. The modulus of elasticity in tension falls within therange of 28×106to 30×106lb/in2, regardless of composition or form; therefore, sizes as determined by deflection remain the same regardless of the steel chosen.2. Carbon content determines the maximum hardness of steel regardless of alloy content. Therefore, the strength desired, which is proportional to hardness, can determine the carbon content.3. The ability of the steel to be uniformly hardened throughout its volume depends on the amount and kind of alloy. This is more complex, but does not necessarily change the calculation of the size of the part.4.Ductility decreases as hardness increases.The preliminary choice of steel for a part as well as for other factors, such as notch sensitivity, shrinkage, blowholes, corrosion, and wear, is simplified when based on the above principles. The final selection is made by matching the material with the process of manufacture used in order to obtain the shape, surface, and physical requirements of the part. The selection may be made from among low-carbon steels, low-alloy steels, high-carbon steels, and high-alloy steels.Steel is one of the few common metals that has an endurance limit. You will recall that fatigue is the failure of amaterial due to repeated loading. Most metals become tired as they are subjected to stress over and over again. The stress a material can withstand under constant loading is much less than under static loading. As steel is continually loaded, it will reach a lower limit of strength. This property is quite pronounced in wire shapes. Common copper and aluminum wire can easily be broken by flexing the wire in a local spot. Normally after a few dozen flexes, the wire breaks. Steel wire, however, is very tough and flexing the wire simply cold works the material making the process futile for the unknowing person trying to break a steel wire. At some point steel will resist weakening due to repeated loading. This is known as an “endurance limit”. The endurance limit of steel is around 60% of its original strength.This property of having an endurance limit makes steel invaluable for use in structural applications like bridges, springs, struts, beams, etc. Of course, there are many factors that effect the endurance limit of a material. A primary factor is the surface quality of the material and/or the manufacturing process used to produce the specimen.Fatigue is attributable to the initial material mot being an ideal homogeneous solid. In each half cycle, irreversibleminute strains are produced. Fatigue failure usually develops from:1.Repeated cyclic stresses that cause incremental slip and cold working locally in the material.2.Gradual reduction of ductility of the strain hardened areas that develop into cracks.3.A notching effect from submicroscopic cracks.The endurance limits of steels create some very desirable physical properties. These properties can be detrimental to the manufacturability of the material. For instance, in the cold rolling of steel the endurance limit creates a limitation on the amount of cold working that can be input to any part. After this limit has been reached the material must be heated above its critical temperature to permit further cold working.Plain carbon steels represent the major proportion of steel production. Carbon steels have a wide diversity of application, including castings, forgings, tubular products, plates, sheets and wire products, structural shapes, bars, and tools. Plain carbon steels, generally, are classified in accordance with their method of manufacture as basic open hearth, acid open hearth, or acid Bessemer steels, and by carbon content.The principal factors affecting the properties of the plain carbon steels are the carbon content and the microstructure. The microstructure is determined by the composition of the steel (carbon, manganese, silicon, phosphorus, and sulfur, which are always present, and residual elements including oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen) and by the final rolling, forging, or heat-treating operation. However, most of the plain carbon steels are used without a final heat treatment and , consequently, the rolling and forging operations influence the microstructure.Carbon steels are predonminantly pearlitic in the cast, rolled, or forged conditions. The constituents of the hypoeutectoid steels are therefore ferrite and pearlite, and of the hypereutectoid steels are cementite and pearlite.Alloy steel is an alloy of iron and carbon containing alloying elements, one or more of which exceeds the following: manganese, 1.65 percent; silicon, 0.60 percent; copper, 0.60 percent; and/or specified amounts of other alloying elements, including aluminum, boron , and chromium up 3.99 percent; cobalt, niobium, molybdenum, nickel, tungsten, vanadium, zirconium, or other elements added in sufficient quantity to give the desired properties of the steel.Since there are more elements , some expensive, to be kept within the specified ranges in alloy steel than are required in carbon steel , alloy steel requires more involved techniques of quality control and, consequently, is more expensive.Alloy steel can give better strength, ductility, and toughness properties than can be obtained in carbon steel. Consequently, the engineer should consider alloy steels I designs subject go high stresses and/or impact loading.Almost all alloy steels are produced with fine-grain structures. A steel is considered to be fine-grained if its grain size is rated 5, 6, 7, or 8. Number1 grain size shows 1 .5 grains/in. of steel area examined at 100diameters magnification. Fine-grain steels have less tendency to crack during heat treatment and have better toughness and shock-resistance properties. Coarse grained steels exhibit better machining properties and may be hardened more deeply than fine-grained steels.To select the alloy steel that is best suited for a given design, the effects of the principal alloying elements must be taken into account. They are as follows.1.Nickel provides toughness, corrosion resistance, anddeep hardening.2.Chromium improves corrosion resistance, toughness,and hardenability.3.Manganese deoxidizes, contributes to strength andhardness, decreases the critical-cooling rate.4.silicon deoxidizes, promotes resistance tohigh-temperature oxidation, raises the criticaltemperature for heat treatment, increases thesusceptivity of steel to decarburization andgraphitization.5.Molybdenum promotes hardenability, increases tensileand creep strengths at high temperatures.6.vanadium deoxidizes, promotes fine-grained structure.7.Copper provides resistance to corrosion and acts asstrengthening agent.8.Aluminum deoxidizes, promotes fine-grained structure,and aids nitriding.9.boron increases hardenability.The term “stainless steel” denotes a large family of steels containing at least 11.5percent chromium. They are not resistant to all corroding media.Stainless steel competes with nonferrous alloys of copper and nickel on a corrosion-resistance and cost basis and with light metals such as aluminum and magnesium on the basis of cost and strength-weight ratio. Stainless steel has a number of alloy compositions and there are many supplies. Information on its properties and fabrication can be obtained readily. Sound techniques have been evolved for casting, heat treating, forming, machining, welding, assembling, and finishing stainless steel. It will be found that this material usually work-hardens(which makes machining, forming, and piercing more difficult), and it must be welded under controlled conditions and under inert gas. It has desirable high strength, corrosion resistance, and decorative properties.A bright, clean surface is essential for best corrosion resistance. Traces of scale and foreign matter should be removed by machining, pickling, or polishing. Dipping in nitric acid will ensure the formation of a good oxide film on new pieces. Stainless steels may be electroplated and electropolished, anodically etched covered with porcelain enamel, or given colored coatings through the dying of surface oxides. Highly polished sheets may be purchased directly from stainless-steel producers. A coating of plastic may be used to protect thesurface during fabrication.Stainless steel can be made very hard and its strength can be more than doubled by cooling to 300°F and simultaneously rolling under high pressure, then heating to 750°F for 24hours.Corrosion resistance is the most important single characteristic of the stainless steels. This quality is due to a thin transparent film of chromium oxide that forms on the surface. It will withstand oxidizing agents such as nitric acid , but will be attacked by reducing agents such as hydrochloric acid or any of the halogen salts. Scaling and corrosion are accelerated in applications in which the oxide layer is constantly being broken. Repeated heating and cooling, with the accompanying expansion and contraction, cracks off the oxide layers. Since the straight-chromium grades of stainless steel have lower thermal expansion than the chromium-nicket grades, they serve best where constant heating and cooling is involved. Most stainless steels show good short-time strength at 1500°F and a few special types are good at 2000°F. Compare this with ordinary carbon steels, which lose their usefulness above 900 to 950°F. The heatconducting properties of stainless steel are poor, so copper cladding is often used in cooking utensils to distribute heat.中文:钢钢是人们所熟悉的最有用的金属材料之一;美国每年大约要生产2亿吨钢,1990年美国的钢生产能力只有2100吨。

本科毕业设计(论文)外文资料及翻译年级: 2007级学号:姓名:专业: 工程机械指导老师:2011年 5 月Loading machinesFor materials handing in construction,use is made of loaders.Practice has shown that excavators are less effective in the capacity of loads in quarries and storages of nonmetallic materials than loaders.By the kind of loads handled,loaders are classified as forklift loads and scooping loaders for loose materials.Sooping loaders are divided into single-bucket and continuous-action Multi-bucket loaders.Single-bucket loaders are general-purpose machines suited engineering and in applications requring continuous working process.Depending on the kind of running gear,crawler and anailable.Crawler loaders have a high passblibity and develop a great thrust efftort. Wheeled loaders feature a high manoeuvrability and high traveling speeds making no damage to the road pavement and the storage areas. Unloaders are used for unloading sand, gravel, crushed stone, cement form railway cars.Power and pneumatic unloaders are used,power for unloading materials from flat cars or gondola cars(open wagons)and pneumatic for unloading cement.The main working member of fork-lift loaders is the fork serving to load and unload piece loads. These loaders have different change attachments. When equipped with buckets or grabs, they are used for loading loose and small-piece materials, and the boom attachment makes these loaders suited for hoisting loads to a small heighe and sometimes for erection work in construction.Fork-lift loaders are operated on hard-pavement areas,therefore they are mainly used in storehouse and as factory materials-handing equipment.They are made on the basis of a truck therefore they are also called truck loaders.they are powered by internal combustion engines or electric motors with storage batteries.Engine powered truck are used for large warehouse and stock-handing application, for general yard work and fpr loading and unloading of vehicles. Torque converter transmission provides smooth operation; power steering and all-weather cabs are options available.Single-bucket loaders have a crawler tractor or a wheeled truck as a carrier mounting. The loader permits mechanization of loading construction and erection and work with the aid of change attachments,of which the main one is the bucket. The loading equipment is available in three modifications: front-end,overloading, and half-swing,jib-type. The front-end attachment provides also side unloading.The overloading modifiactaion permits back unloading. Presently front-end loader with the positive displacement hydraulic drives for the attachment are most widely used.The output of multi-bucket loaders is 40 to 60 percent higher than of single-bucket machines at the same power rating,it is expedient to use them in brickyards,prefabricated concrete products plants,railway stations with large volumes of loading-unloading operatins and also for loading loose materials.In addition,they are suited for size grading of loose materials,for which purpose they are provided with special vibrating screens.Multi-bucket loaders are very efficient in unloading flatcars with side dumping of the handle material.These loaders can be applied in the production lines of prefabricatde ainstruction products plants and also in road building.In the latter case they are used for loading sand and gravel into drying drums and mixers.The working member of the loader is a screw feeder consisting of tow right-hand and left-hand screws,which are arranged on both sides of a bucket elecator.When the feeder rotates,the loaded material is delivered to the buckets to make the scooping easier.A scraper is secured underneath the screw feeder.The elevator of the multi-bucket loader usually dischanges the material onto belt conveyers that deliver it to tiansport facilities.Some loaders discharge the handle material into tranport facilities through hoppers or chutes.装载机在建筑施工中,材料的装卸是用装载机和写在机进行的。

附录附录1:英文原文Selection of optimum tool geometry and cutting conditionsusing a surface roughness prediction model for end milling Abstract Influence of tool geometry on the quality of surface produced is well known and hence any attempt to assess the performance of end milling should include the tool geometry. In the present work, experimental studies have been conducted to see the effect of tool geometry (radial rake angle and nose radius) and cutting conditions (cutting speed and feed rate) on the machining performance during end milling of medium carbon steel. The first and second order mathematical models, in terms of machining parameters, were developed for surface roughness prediction using response surface methodology (RSM) on the basis of experimental results. The model selected for optimization has been validated with the Chi square test. The significance of these parameters on surface roughness has been established with analysis of variance. An attempt has also been made to optimize the surface roughness prediction model using genetic algorithms (GA). The GA program gives minimum values of surface roughness and their respective optimal conditions.1 IntroductionEnd milling is one of the most commonly used metal removal operations in industry because of its ability to remove material faster giving reasonably good surface quality. It is used in a variety of manufacturing industries including aerospace and automotive sectors, where quality is an important factor in the production of slots, pockets, precision moulds and dies. Greater attention is given to dimensional accuracy and surface roughness of products by the industry these days. Moreover, surface finish influences mechanical properties such as fatigue behaviour, wear, corrosion, lubrication and electrical conductivity. Thus, measuring and characterizing surface finish can be considered for predicting machining performance.Surface finish resulting from turning operations has traditionally received considerable research attention, where as that of machining processes using multipoint cutters, requires attention by researchers. As these processes involve large number of parameters, it would be difficult to correlate surface finish with other parameters just by conducting experiments. Modelling helps to understand this kind of process better. Though some amount of work has been carried out to develop surface finish prediction models in the past, the effect of tool geometry has received little attention. However, the radial rake angle has a major affect on the powerconsumption apart from tangential and radial forces. It also influences chip curling and modifies chip flow direction. In addition to this, researchers [1] have also observed that the nose radius plays a significant role in affecting the surface finish. Therefore the development of a good model should involve the radial rake angle and nose radius along with other relevant factors.Establishment of efficient machining parameters has been a problem that has confronted manufacturing industries for nearly a century, and is still the subject of many studies. Obtaining optimum machining parameters is of great concern in manufacturing industries, where the economy of machining operation plays a key role in the competitive market. In material removal processes, an improper selection of cutting conditions cause surfaces with high roughness and dimensional errors, and it is even possible that dynamic phenomena due to auto excited vibrations may set in [2]. In view of the significant role that the milling operation plays in today‟s manufacturing world, there is a need to optimize the machining parameters for this operation. So, an effort has been made in this paper to see the influence of tool geometry(radial rake angle and nose radius) and cutting conditions(cutting speed and feed rate) on the surface finish produced during end milling of medium carbon steel. The experimental results of this work will be used to relate cutting speed, feed rate, radial rake angle and nose radius with the machining response i.e. surface roughness by modelling. The mathematical models thus developed are further utilized to find the optimum process parameters using genetic algorithms.2 ReviewProcess modelling and optimization are two important issues in manufacturing. The manufacturing processes are characterized by a multiplicity of dynamically interacting process variables. Surface finish has been an important factor of machining in predicting performance of any machining operation. In order to develop and optimize a surface roughness model, it is essential to understand the current status of work in this area.Davis et al. [3] have investigated the cutting performance of five end mills having various helix angles. Cutting tests were performed on aluminium alloy L 65 for three milling processes (face, slot and side), in which cutting force, surface roughness and concavity of a machined plane surface were measured. The central composite design was used to decide on the number of experiments to be conducted. The cutting performance of the end mills was assessed using variance analysis. The affects of spindle speed, depth of cut and feed rate on the cutting force and surface roughness were studied. The investigation showed that end mills with left hand helix angles are generally less cost effective than those with right hand helix angles. There is no significant difference between up milling and down milling with regard tothe cutting force, although the difference between them regarding the surface roughness was large. Bayoumi et al. [4]have studied the affect of the tool rotation angle, feed rate and cutting speed on the mechanistic process parameters (pressure, friction parameter) for end milling operation with three commercially available workpiece materials, 11 L 17 free machining steel, 62- 35-3 free machining brass and 2024 aluminium using a single fluted HSS milling cutter. It has been found that pressure and friction act on the chip – tool interface decrease with the increase of feed rate and with the decrease of the flow angle, while the cutting speed has a negligible effect on some of the material dependent parameters. Process parameters are summarized into empirical equations as functions of feed rate and tool rotation angle for each work material. However, researchers have not taken into account the effects of cutting conditions and tool geometry simultaneously; besides these studies have not considered the optimization of the cutting process.As end milling is a process which involves a large number f parameters, combined influence of the significant parameters an only be obtained by modelling. Mansour and Abdallaet al. [5] have developed a surface roughness model for the end milling of EN32M (a semi-free cutting carbon case hardening steel with improved merchantability). The mathematical model has been developed in terms of cutting speed, feed rate and axial depth of cut. The affect of these parameters on the surface roughness has been carried out using response surface methodology (RSM). A first order equation covering the speed range of 30–35 m/min and a second order equation covering the speed range of 24–38 m/min were developed under dry machining conditions. Alauddin et al. [6] developed a surface roughness model using RSM for the end milling of 190 BHN steel. First and second order models were constructed along with contour graphs for the selection of the proper combination of cutting speed and feed to increase the metal removal rate without sacrificing surface quality. Hasmi et al. [7] also used the RSM model for assessing the influence of the workpiece material on the surface roughness of the machined surfaces. The model was developed for milling operation by conducting experiments on steel specimens. The expression shows, the relationship between the surface roughness and the various parameters; namely, the cutting speed, feed and depth of cut. The above models have not considered the affect of tool geometry on surface roughness.Since the turn of the century quite a large number of attempts have been made to find optimum values of machining parameters. Uses of many methods have been reported in the literature to solve optimization problems for machining parameters. Jain and Jain [8] have used neural networks for modeling and optimizing the machining conditions. The results have been validated by comparing the optimized machining conditions obtained using genetic algorithms. Suresh et al. [9] have developed a surface roughness prediction model for turning mild steel using a response surface methodology to produce the factor affects of the individual process parameters. They have also optimized the turning process using the surface roughness prediction model as theobjective function. Considering the above, an attempt has been made in this work to develop a surface roughness model with tool geometry and cutting conditions on the basis of experimental results and then optimize it for the selection of these parameters within the given constraints in the end milling operation.3 MethodologyIn this work, mathematical models have been developed using experimental results with the help of response surface methodolog y. The purpose of developing mathematical models relating the machining responses and their factors is to facilitate the optimization of the machining process. This mathematical model has been used as an objective function and the optimization was carried out with the help of genetic algorithms.3.1 Mathematical formulationResponse surface methodology(RSM) is a combination of mathematical and statistical techniques useful for modelling and analyzing the problems in which several independent variables influence a dependent variable or response. The mathematical models commonly used are represented by:where Y is the machining response, ϕ is the response function and S, f , α, r are milling variables and ∈ is the error which is normally distributed about the observed response Y with zero mean.The relationship between surface roughness and other independent variables can be represented as follows,where C is a constant and a, b, c and d are exponents.To facilitate the determination of constants and exponents, this mathematical model will have to be linearized by performing a logarithmic transformation as follows:The constants and exponents C, a, b, c and d can be determined by the method of least squares. The first order linear model, developed from the above functional relationship using least squares method, can be represented as follows:where Y1 is the estimated response based on the first-order equation, Y is the measured surface roughness on a logarithmic scale, x0 = 1 (dummy variable), x1, x2, x3 and x4 are logarithmic transformations of cutting speed, feed rate, radial rake angle and nose radius respectively, ∈is the experimental error and b values are the estimates of corresponding parameters.The general second order polynomial response is as given below:where Y2 is the estimated response based on the second order equation. The parameters, i.e. b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b12, b23, b14, etc. are to be estimated by the method of least squares. Validity ofthe selected model used for optimizing the process parameters has been tested with the help of statistical tests, such as F-test, chi square test, etc. [10].3.2 Optimization using genetic algorithmsMost of the researchers have used traditional optimization techniques for solving machining problems. The traditional methods of optimization and search do not fare well over a broad spectrum of problem domains. Traditional techniques are not efficient when the practical search space is too large. These algorithms are not robust. They are inclined to obtain a local optimal solution. Numerous constraints and number of passes make the machining optimization problem more complicated. So, it was decided to employ genetic algorithms as an optimization technique. GA come under the class of non-traditional search and optimization techniques. GA are different from traditional optimization techniques in the following ways:1.GA work with a coding of the parameter set, not the parameter themselves.2.GA search from a population of points and not a single point.3.GA use information of fitness function, not derivatives or other auxiliary knowledge.4.GA use probabilistic transition rules not deterministic rules.5.It is very likely that the expected GA solution will be the global solution.Genetic algorithms (GA) form a class of adaptive heuristics based on principles derived from the dynamics of natural population genetics. The searching process simulates the natural evaluation of biological creatures and turns out to be an intelligent exploitation of a random search. The mechanics of a GA is simple, involving copying of binary strings. Simplicity of operation and computational efficiency are the two main attractions of the genetic algorithmic approach. The computations are carried out in three stages to get a result in one generation or iteration. The three stages are reproduction, crossover and mutation.In order to use GA to solve any problem, the variable is typically encoded into a string (binary coding) or chromosome structure which represents a possible solution to the given problem. GA begin with a population of strings (individuals) created at random. The fitness of each individual string is evaluated with respect to the given objective function. Then this initial population is operated on by three main operators – reproduction cross over and mutation– to create, hopefully, a better population. Highly fit individuals or solutions are given the opportunity to reproduce by exchanging pieces of their genetic information, in the crossover procedure, with other highly fit individuals. This produces new “offspring” solutions, which share some characteristics taken from both the parents. Mutation is often applied after crossover by altering some genes (i.e. bits) in the offspring. The offspring can either replace the whole population (generational approach) or replace less fit individuals (steady state approach). This new population is further evaluated andtested for some termination criteria. The reproduction-cross over mutation- evaluation cycle is repeated until the termination criteria are met.4 Experimental detailsFor developing models on the basis of experimental data, careful planning of experimentation is essential. The factors considered for experimentation and analysis were cutting speed, feed rate, radial rake angle and nose radius.4.1 Experimental designThe design of experimentation has a major affect on the number of experiments needed. Therefore it is essential to have a well designed set of experiments. The range of values of each factor was set at three different levels, namely low, medium and high as shown in Table 1. Based on this, a total number of 81 experiments (full factorial design), each having a combination of different levels of factors, as shown in Table 2, were carried out.The variables were coded by taking into account the capacity and limiting cutting conditions of the milling machine. The coded values of variables, to be used in Eqs. 3 and 4, were obtained from the following transforming equations:where x1 is the coded value of cutting speed (S), x2 is the coded value of the feed rate ( f ), x3 is the coded value of radial rake angle(α) and x4 is the coded value of nose radius (r).4.2 ExperimentationA high precision …Rambaudi Rammatic 500‟ CNC milling machine, with a vertical milling head, was used for experimentation. The control system is a CNC FIDIA-12 compact. The cutting tools, used for the experimentation, were solid coated carbide end mill cutters of different radial rake angles and nose radii (WIDIA: DIA20 X FL38 X OAL 102 MM). The tools are coated with TiAlN coating. The hardness, density and transverse rupture strength are 1570 HV 30, 14.5 gm/cm3 and 3800 N/mm2 respectively.AISI 1045 steel specimens of 100×75 mm and 20 mm thickness were used in the present study. All the specimens were annealed, by holding them at 850 ◦C for one hour and then cooling them in a furnace. The chemical analysis of specimens is presented in Table 3. The hardness of the workpiece material is 170 BHN. All the experiments were carried out at a constant axial depth of cut of 20 mm and a radial depth of cut of 1 mm. The surface roughness (response) was measured with Talysurf-6 at a 0.8 mm cut-off value. An average of four measurements was used as a response value.5 Results and discussionThe influences of cutting speed, feed rate, radial rake angle and nose radius have been assessed by conducting experiments. The variation of machining response with respect to the variables was shown graphically in Fig. 1. It is seen from these figures that of the four dependent parameters, radial rake angle has definite influence on the roughness of the surface machined using an end mill cutter. It is felt that the prominent influence of radial rake angle on the surface generation could be due to the fact that any change in the radial rake angle changes the sharpness of the cutting edge on the periphery, i.e changes the contact length between the chip and workpiece surface. Also it is evident from the plots that as the radial rake angle changes from 4◦to 16◦, the surface roughness decreases and then increases. Therefore, it may be concluded here that the radial rake angle in the range of 4◦to 10◦would give a better surface finish. Figure 1 also shows that the surface roughness decreases first and then increases with the increase in the nose radius. This shows that there is a scope for finding the optimum value of the radial rake angle and nose radius for obtaining the best possible quality of the surface. It was also found that the surface roughness decreases with an increase in cutting speed and increases as feed rate increases. It could also be observed that the surface roughness was a minimum at the 250 m/min speed, 200 mm/min feed rate, 10◦radial rake angle and 0.8 mm nose radius. In order to understand the process better, the experimental results can be used to develop mathematical models using RSM. In this work, a commercially available mathematical software package (MATLAB) was used for the computation of the regression of constants and exponents.5.1 The roughness modelUsing experimental results, empirical equations have been obtained to estimate surface roughness with the significant parameters considered for the experimentation i.e. cutting speed, feed rate, radial rake angle and nose radius. The first order model obtained from the above functional relationship using the RSM method is as follows:The transformed equation of surface roughness prediction is as follows:Equation 10 is derived from Eq. 9 by substituting the coded values of x1, x2, x3 and x4 in terms of ln s, ln f , lnαand ln r. The analysis of the variance (ANOVA) and the F-ratio test have been performed to justify the accuracy of the fit for the mathematical model. Since the calculated values of the F-ratio are less than the standard values of the F-ratio for surface roughness as shown in Table 4, the model is adequate at 99% confidence level to represent the relationship between the machining response and the considered machining parameters of the end milling process.The multiple regression coefficient of the first order model was found to be 0.5839. This shows that the first order model can explain the variation in surface roughness to the extent of58.39%. As the first order model has low predictability, the second order model has been developed to see whether it can represent better or not.The second order surface roughness model thus developed is as given below:where Y2 is the estimated response of the surface roughness on a logarithmic scale, x1, x2, x3 and x4 are the logarithmic transformation of speed, feed, radial rake angle and nose radius. The data of analysis of variance for the second order surface roughness model is shown in Table 5.Since F cal is greater than F0.01, there is a definite relationship between the response variable and independent variable at 99% confidence level. The multiple regression coefficient of the second order model was found to be 0.9596. On the basis of the multiple regression coefficient (R2), it can be concluded that the second order model was adequate to represent this process. Hence the second order model was considered as an objective function for optimization using genetic algorithms. This second order model was also validated using the chi square test. The calculated chi square value of the model was 0.1493 and them tabulated value at χ2 0.005 is 52.34, as shown in Table 6, which indicates that 99.5% of the variability in surface roughness was explained by this model.Using the second order model, the surface roughness of the components produced by end milling can be estimated with reasonable accuracy. This model would be optimized using genetic algorithms (GA).5.2 The optimization of end millingOptimization of machining parameters not only increases the utility for machining economics, but also the product quality toa great extent. In this context an effort has been made to estimate the optimum tool geometry and machining conditions to produce the best possible surface quality within the constraints.The constrained optimization problem is stated as follows: Minimize Ra using the model given here:where xil and xiu are the upper and lower bounds of process variables xi and x1, x2, x3, x4 are logarithmic transformation of cutting speed, feed, radial rake angle and nose radius.The GA code was developed using MATLAB. This approach makes a binary coding system to represent the variables cutting speed (S), feed rate ( f ), radial rake angle (α) and nose radius (r), i.e. each of these variables is represented by a ten bit binary equivalent, limiting the total string length to 40. It is known as a chromosome. The variables are represented as genes (substrings) in the chromosome. The randomly generated 20 such chromosomes (population size is 20), fulfillingthe constraints on the variables, are taken in each generation. The first generation is called the initial population. Once the coding of the variables has been done, then the actual decoded values for the variables are estimated using the following formula:where xi is the actual decoded value of the cutting speed, feed rate, radial rake angle and nose radius, x(L) i is the lower limit and x(U) i is the upper limit and li is the substring length, which is equal to ten in this case.Using the present generation of 20 chromosomes, fitness values are calculated by the following transformation:where f(x) is the fitness function and Ra is the objective function.Out of these 20 fitness values, four are chosen using the roulette-wheel selection scheme. The chromosomes corresponding to these four fitness values are taken as parents. Then the crossover and mutation reproduction methods are applied to generate 20 new chromosomes for the next generation. This processof generating the new population from the old population is called one generation. Many such generations are run till the maximum number of generations is met or the average of four selected fitness values in each generation becomes steady. This ensures that the optimization of all the variables (cutting speed, feed rate, radial rake angle and nose radius) is carried out simultaneously. The final statistics are displayed at the end of all iterations. In order to optimize the present problem using GA, the following parameters have been selected to obtain the best possible solution with the least computational effort:Table 7 shows some of the minimum values of the surface roughness predicted by the GA program with respect to input machining ranges, and Table 8 shows the optimum machining conditions for the corresponding minimum values of the surface roughness shown in Table 7. The MRR given in Table 8 was calculated bywhere f is the table feed (mm/min), aa is the axial depth of cut (20 mm) and ar is the radial depth of cut (1 mm).It can be concluded from the optimization results of the GA program that it is possible to select a combination of cutting speed, feed rate, radial rake angle and nose radius for achieving the best possible surface finish giving a reasonably good material removal rate. This GA program provides optimum machining conditions for the corresponding given minimum values of the surface roughness. The application of the genetic algorithmic approach to obtain optimal machining conditions will be quite useful at the computer aided process planning (CAPP) stage in the production of high quality goods with tight tolerances by a variety of machining operations, and in the adaptive control of automated machine tools. With the known boundaries of surface roughness and machining conditions, machining could be performed with a relatively high rate of success with the selected machining conditions.6 ConclusionsThe investigations of this study indicate that the parameters cutting speed, feed, radial rake angle and nose radius are the primary actors influencing the surface roughness of medium carbon steel uring end milling. The approach presented in this paper provides n impetus to develop analytical models, based on experimental results for obtaining a surface roughness model using the response surface methodology. By incorporating the cutter geometry in the model, the validity of the model has been enhanced. The optimization of this model using genetic algorithms has resulted in a fairly useful method of obtaining machining parameters in order to obtain the best possible surface quality.中文翻译选择最佳工具,几何形状和切削条件利用表面粗糙度预测模型端铣摘要:刀具几何形状对工件表面质量产生的影响是人所共知的,因此,任何成型面端铣设计应包括刀具的几何形状。

翻译部分英文原文High-speed machining and demand for the development ofHigh-speed machining is contemporary advanced manufacturing technology an important component of the high-efficiency, High-precision and high surface quality, and other features. This article presents the technical definition of the current state of development of China's application fields and the demand situation.High-speed machining is oriented to the 21st century a new high-tech, high-efficiency, High-precision and high surface quality as a basic feature, in the automobile industry, aerospace, Die Manufacturing and instrumentation industries gained increasingly widespread application, and has made significant technical and economic benefits. contemporary advanced manufacturing technology an important component part.HSC is to achieve high efficiency of the core technology manufacturers, intensive processes and equipment packaged so that it has a high production efficiency. It can be said that the high-speed machining is an increase in the quantity of equipment significantly improve processing efficiency essential to the technology. High-speed machining is the major advantages : improve production efficiency, improve accuracy and reduce the processing of cutting resistance.The high-speed machining of meaning, at present there is no uniform understanding, there are generally several points as follows : high cutting speed. usually faster than that of their normal cutting 5 -10 times; machine tool spindle speed high, generally spindle speed in -20000r/min above 10,000 for high-speed cutting; Feed at high velocity, usually 15 -50m/min up to 90m/min; For different cutting materials and the wiring used the tool material, high-speed cutting the meaning is not necessarily the same; Cutting process, bladed through frequency (Tooth Passing Frequency) closer to the "machine-tool - Workpiece "system the dominant natural frequency (Dominant Natural Frequency), can be considered to be high-speed cutting. Visibility high-speed machining is a comprehensive concept.1992. Germany, the Darmstadt University of Technology, Professor H. Schulz in the 52th on the increase of high-speed cutting for the concept and the scope, as shown in Figure 1. Think different cutting targets, shown in the figure of the transition area (Transition), to be what is commonly called the high-speed cutting, This is also the time of metal cutting process related to the technical staff are looking forward to, or is expected to achieve the cutting speed.High-speed machining of machine tools, knives and cutting process, and other aspects specific requirements. Several were from the following aspects : high-speed machining technology development status and trends.At this stage, in order to achieve high-speed machining, general wiring with high flexibility of high-speed CNC machine tools, machining centers, By using a dedicated high-speed milling, drilling. These equipment in common is : We must also have high-speed and high-speed spindle system feeding system, Cutting can be achieved in high-speed process. High-speed cutting with the traditional cutting the biggest difference is that "Machine-tool-workpiece" the dynamic characteristics of cutting performance is stronger influence. In the system, the machine spindle stiffness, grip or form, a long knife set, spindle Broach, torque tool set, Performance high-speed impact are important factors.In the high-speed cutting, material removal rate (Metal Removal Rate, MRR), unit time that the material was removed volume, usually based on the "machine-tool-workpiece" whether Processing System "chatter." Therefore, in order to satisfy the high-speed machining needs, we must first improve the static and dynamic stiffness of machine spindle is particularly the stiffness characteristics. HSC reason at this stage to be successful, a very crucial factor is the dynamic characteristics of the master and processing capability.In order to better describe the machine spindle stiffness characteristics of the project presented new dimensionless parameter - DN value, used for the evaluation of the machine tool spindle structure on the high-speed machining of adaptability. DN value of the so-called "axis diameter per minute speed with the product." The newly developed spindle machining center DN values have been great over one million. To reduce the weight bearing, but also with an array of steel products than to the much more light ceramic ball bearings; Bearing Lubrication most impressive manner mixed with oil lubrication methods. In the field of high-speed machining. have air bearings and the development of magnetic bearings and magnetic bearings and air bearings combined constitute the magnetic gas / air mixing spindle.Feed the machine sector, high-speed machining used in the feed drive is usually larger lead, multiple high-speed ball screw and ball array of small-diameter silicon nitride (Si3N4) ceramic ball, to reduce its centrifugal and gyroscopic torque; By using hollow-cooling technology to reduce operating at high speed ball screw as temperature generated by the friction between the lead screw and thermal deformation.In recent years, the use of linear motor-driven high-speed system of up to'' Such feed system has removed the motor from workstations to Slide in the middle of all mechanical transmission links, Implementation of Machine Tool Feed System of zero transmission. Because no linear motor rotating components, from the role of centrifugal force, can greatlyincrease the feed rate. Linear Motor Another major advantage of the trip is unrestricted. The linear motor is a very time for a continuous machine shop in possession of the bed. Resurfacing of the very meeting where a very early stage movement can go, but the whole system of up to the stiffness without any influence. By using high-speed screw, or linear motor can greatly enhance machine system of up to the rapid response. The maximum acceleration linear motors up to 2-10G (G for the acceleration of gravity), the largest feed rate of up to 60 -200m/min or higher.2002 world-renowned Shanghai Pudong maglev train project of maglev track steel processing, Using the Shenyang Machine Tool Group Holdings Limited McNair friendship company production plants into extra-long high-speed system for large-scale processing centers achieve . The machine feeding system for the linear guide and rack gear drive, the largest table feed rate of 60 m / min, Quick trip of 100 m / min, 2 g acceleration, maximum speed spindle 20000 r / min, the main motor power 80 kW. X-axis distance of up to 30 m, 25 m cutting long maglev track steel error is less than 0.15 mm. Maglev trains for the smooth completion of the project provided a strong guarantee for technologyIn addition, the campaign machine performance will also directly affect the processing efficiency and accuracy of processing. Mold and the free surface of high-speed machining, the main wiring with small cut deep into methods for processing. Machine requirements in the feed rate conditions, should have high-precision positioning functions andhigh-precision interpolation function, especially high-precision arc interpolation. Arc processing is to adopt legislation or thread milling cutter mold or machining parts, the essential processing methods. Cutting Tools Tool Material developmenthigh-speed cutting and technological development of the history, tool material is continuous progress of history. The representation ofhigh-speed cutting tool material is cubic boron nitride (CBN). Face Milling Cutter use of CBN, its cutting speed can be as high as 5000 m / min, mainly for the gray cast iron machining. Polycrystalline diamond (PCD) has been described as a tool of the 21st century tool, It is particularly applicable to the cutting aluminum alloy containing silica material, which is light weight metal materials, high strength, widely used in the automobile, motorcycle engine, electronic devices shell, the base, and so on. At present, the use of polycrystalline diamond cutter Face Milling alloy, 5000m/min the cutting speed has reached a practical level. In addition ceramic tool also applies to gray iron of high-speed machining; Tool Coating : CBN and diamond cutter, despite good high-speed performance, but the cost is relatively high. Using the coating technology to make cutting tool is the low price, with excellent mechanical properties, which can effectively reduce the cost. Now high-speed processing of milling cutter, with most of the wiring between the Ti-A1-N composite technologyfor the way of multi-processing, If present in the non-ferrous metal or alloy material dry cutting, DLC (Diamond Like Carbon) coating on the cutter was of great concern. It is expected that the market outlook is very significant;Tool clamping system : Tool clamping system to support high-speed cutting is an important technology, Currently the most widely used is a two-faced tool clamping system. Has been formally invested as a commodity market at the same clamping tool system are : HSK, KM, Bigplus. NC5, AHO systems. In the high-speed machining, tool and fixture rotary performance of the balance not only affects the precision machining and tool life. it will also affect the life of machine tools. So, the choice of tool system, it should be a balanced selection of good products.Process ParametersCutting speed of high-speed processing of conventional shear velocity of about 10 times. For every tooth cutter feed rate remained basically unchanged, to guarantee parts machining precision, surface quality and durability of the tool, Feed volume will also be a corresponding increase about 10 times, reaching 60 m / min, Some even as high as 120 m / min. Therefore, high-speed machining is usually preclude the use of high-speed, feed and depth of cut small cutting parameters. Due to the high-speed machining cutting cushion tend to be small, the formation of very thin chip light, Cutting put the heat away quickly; If the wiring using a new thermal stability better tool materials and coatings, Using the dry cutting process for high-speed machining is the ideal technology program. High-speed machining field of applicationFlexible efficient production lineTo adapt to the needs of new models, auto body panel molds andresin-prevention block the forming die. must shorten the production cycle and reduce the cost of production and, therefore, we must make great efforts to promote the production of high-speed die in the process. SAIC affiliated with the company that : Compared to the past, finishing, further precision; the same time, the surface roughness must be met, the bending of precision, this should be subject to appropriate intensive manual processing. Due to the extremely high cutting speed, and the last finishing processes, the processing cycle should be greatly reduced. To play for machining centers and boring and milling machining center category represented by the high-speed machining technology and automatic tool change function of distinctions Potential to improve processing efficiency, the processing of complex parts used to be concentrated as much as possible the wiring process, that is a fixture in achieving multiple processes centralized processing and dilute the traditional cars, milling, boring, Thread processing different cutting the limits of technology, equipment and give full play to the high-speed cutting tool function, NC is currently raising machine efficiency and speed up productdevelopment in an effective way. Therefore, the proposed multi-purpose tool of the new requirements call for a tool to complete different parts of the machining processes, ATC reduce the number of ATC to save time, to reduce the quantity and tool inventory, and management to reduce production costs. More commonly used in a multifunctional Tool, milling, boring and milling, drilling milling, drilling-milling thread-range tool. At the same time, mass production line, against the use of technology requires the development of special tools, tool or a smart composite tool, improve processing efficiency and accuracy and reduced investment. In the high-speed cutting conditions, and some special tools can be part of the processing time to the original 1 / 10 below, results are quite remarkable. HSC has a lot of advantages such as : a large number of materials required resection of the workpiece with ultrafine, thin structure of the workpiece, Traditionally, the need to spend very long hours for processing mobile workpiece and the design of rapid change, short product life cycle of the workpiece, able to demonstrate high-speed cutting brought advantages.中文译文高速切削加工的发展及需求高速切削加工是当代先进制造技术的重要组成部分,拥有高效率、高精度及高表面质量等特征。

外文原文Introduction to Mechanical DesignMechanical design is the application of science and technology to devise new or improved products for the purpose of satisfying human needs. It is a vast field of engineering technology which not only concerns itself with the original conception of the product in terms of its size, shape and construction details, but also considers the various factors involved in the manufacture, marketing and use of the product.People who perform the various functions of mechanical design are typically called designers, or design engineers. Mechanical design is basically a creative activity. However, in addition to being innovative, a design engineer must also have a solid background in the areas of mechanical drawing, kinematics, dynamics, materials engineering, strength of materials and manufacturing processes.As stated previously, the purpose of mechanical design is to produce a product which will serve a need for man. Inventions, discoveries and scientific knowledge by themselves do not necessarily benefit people; only if they are incorporated into a designed product will a benefit be derived. It should be recognized, therefore, that a human need must be identified before a particular product is designed.Mechanical design should be considered to be an opportunity to use innovative talents to envision a design of a product, to analyze the system and then make sound judgments on how the product is to be manufactured. It is important to understand the fundamentals of engineering rather than memorize mere facts and equations. There are no facts or equations which alone can be used to provide all the correct decisions required to produce a good design. On the other hand, any calculation made must be done with the utmost care and precision. For example, if a decimal point is misplaced, a otherwise acceptable design may mot function.Good designs require trying mew ideas and being willing to take a certain amount of risk, knowing that if the mew idea does not work the existing method can bereinstated. Thus a designer must have patience, since there is no assurance of success for the time and effort expended. Creating a completely new design generally requires that many old and well-established methods be thrust aside. This is not easy since many people cling to familiar ideas, techniques and attitudes. A design engineer should constantly search for ways to improve an existing product and must decide what old, proven concepts should be used and what new, untried ideas should be incorporated.New designs generally have “bugs” or unforeseen which must be worked out before the superior characteristics of the new designs can be enjoyed. Thus there is a chance for a superior product, but only at higher risk. It should be emphasized that, if a design does not warrant radical new methods, such methods should not be applied merely for the sake of change.During the beginning stages of design, creativity should be allowed to flourish without a great number of constraints. Even though many impractical ideas may arise, it is usually easy to eliminate then in the early stages of design before firm details are required by manufacturing. In this way, Innovative ideas are not inhibited. Quite often, more than one design is developed, up to the point where they can be compared against each other. It is entirely possible that the design which is ultimately accepted will use ideas existing in one of the rejected designs that did not show as much overall promise.Psychologists frequently talk about trying to fit people to the machines they operate. It is essentially the responsibility of the engineer to strive to fit machines to people. This is not an easy task, since there is really no average person for which certain operating dimensions and procedures are optimum.Another important point which should be recognized is that a design engineer must be able to communicate ideas to other people if they ate to be incorporated. Communicating the design to others is the final, vital step in the design process. Undoubtedly many great designs, inventions, and creative works have been lost to mankind simply because the originators were unable or unable or unwilling to explain their accomplishments to others. Presentation is a selling job. The engineer whenpresenting a new solution to administrative, management, or supervisory persons, is attempting to sell or to prove to them that this solution is a better one. Unless this can be done successfully, the time and effort spent on obtaining the solution have been largely wasted.Basically, there ate only three means of communication available to us. These are the written, the oral, and the graphical forms. Therefore the successful engineer will be technically competent and versatile in all three forms of communication. A technically competent person who lacks ability in any one of these forms is severely handicapped. If ability in all three forms is lacking, no one will ever know how competent that person is!The competent engineer should not be afraid of the possibility of not succeeding in a presentation. In fact, occasional failure should be expected because failure or criticism seems to accompany every really creative idea. There is a great deal to learn from a failure, and the greatest gains ate obtained by those wiling to risk defeat. In the final analysis, the real failure would lie in decoding not to make the presentation at all. To communicate effectively, the following questions must be answered:1、Does the design really serve a human need?2、Will it be competitive with existing products of rival companies?3、It is economical to profit?4、Can it be readily maintained?5、Will it sell and make a profit?Only time will provide the true answers to the preceding questions, but the product should be designed, manufactured and marketed only with initial affirmative answers. The design engineer also must communicate the finalized design to manufacturing through the use of detail and assembly drawings.Quite often, a problem will occur during the manufacturing cycle. It may be that a exchange is required in the dimensioning or tolerancing of a part so that it can be more readily produced. This falls in the category of engineering changes which must be approved by the design engineer so that the product function will not be adversely affected. In other cases, a deficiency in the design may appear during assembly ortesting just prior to shipping.Engineering design is a systematic process by which solutions to the needs of humankind are obtained. The process is applied to problems (needs) of varying complexity. For example, mechanical engineers will use the design process to find an effective, efficient method to convert reciprocating motion to circular motion for the drive train in an internal combustion engine; electrical engineers will use the process to design electrical generating systems using falling water as the power source; and materials engineers use the process to design ablative materials which enable astronauts to safely the earth’s atmosphere.The va st majority of complex problems in today’s high technology society depend for solution not on a single engineering discipline, but on teams of engineers, scientists, environmentalists, economists, sociologists, and legal personnel. Solutions are not only dependent upon the appropriate applications of technology but also upon public sentiment, government regulations and political influence. As engineers we are empowered with the technical expertise to develop new and improved products and systems, but at the same time we must be increasingly aware of the impact of our actions on society and the environment in general and work conscientiously toward the best solution in view of all relevant factors.Design is the culmination of the engineering educational process; it is the salient feature that distinguishes engineering from other professions.A formal definition of engineering design is found in the curriculum guidelines of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (AENT). ABEN accredits curricula in engineering schools and derives its membership from the various engineering professional societies. Each accredited curriculum has a well-deigned design component which falls within the ABEN guideline. The ABEN statement on design reads as follows:Engineering design is the process of devising a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. It is a decision making process (often iterative ), in which the basic sciences, mathematic, and engineering sciences are applied to convert resources optimally to meet a stated objective. Among the fundamental elements of the designprocess are the establishment of objectives and criteria, synthesis, analysis, construction, testing, and evaluation. The engineering design component of a curriculum must include most of the following features: development of student creativity, use of open-ended problems, development and use of modern design theory mad methodology, formulation of design problem statements and specifications, consideration of alternative solutions, feasibility considerations, production processes, concurrent engineering design, and detailed system descriptions. Further, it is essential to include a variety of realistic constraints such as economic factors, safety, reliability, aesthetics, ethics, and social impact.If anything can be said about the last half of the twentieth century, it is that we have had an explosion of information. The amount of data that can be uncovered on most subjects is overwhelming. People in the upper levels of most organizations have assistants who condense most of the things that they must read, hear, or watch. When you begin a search for information, be prepared to scan many of your sources and document their location so that you can find them easily if the date subsequently appear to be important.Some of the sources that are available include the following:1、Exiting solutions. Much can be learned from the current status of solutions toa specific need if actual products can be located, studied and, in some cases, purchased for detailed analysis. An improved solution or an innovative new solution new solution cannot be found unless the existing solutions are thoroughly understood.2、Your library. Many universities have courses that teach you how to use your library. Such courses are easy when you compare them with those in chemistry and calculus, but their importance should not be underestimated. There are many sources in the library that can lead you to the information that you are seeking. You may find what you need in an index such as the Engineering Index. There are many other indexes that provide specialized information. The nature of your problem will direct which ones may be helpful to you. Don’t hesitate to ask for assistance from the librarian. You should use to advantage the computer databases found in libraries and often available through CD-ROM technology.3、Professional organizations. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers isa technical society that will be of interest to students majoring in mechanical engineering. Each major in your college is associated with not one but often several such societies. The National Society of Professional Engineers is an organization that most engineering students well eventually join, as well as at least one technical society such as the society of manufacturing engineers, the American Society of civil engineers (ASCE), or any one of dozens that serve the technical interests of the host of specialties with which professional practices seem most closely associated. May engineers are members of several associations and societies.4、Trade journals. They are published by the hundreds, usually specializing in certain classes of products and services. Money and economics are part of engineering design and decision making. We live in a society that is based on economics and competition. It is no doubt true that many good ideas never get tried because they are deemed to be economically infeasible. Most of us have been aware of this condition in our daily lives. We started with our parents explaining why we could not have some item that we wanted because it cost too much. Likewise, we will not put some very desirable component into our designs because the value gained will not return enough profit in relation to its cost.Industry is continually looking for new products of all types. Some are desired because the current product is not competing well in the marketplace. Others are tried simply because it appears that people will buy them. How do manufacturers know that a new product will be popular? They seldom know with certainty. Statistics is an important consideration in market analysis. Most of you will find that probability and statistics are an integral part of your chosen engineering curriculum. The techniques of this area of mathematics allow us to make inferences about how large groups of people react based on the reactions of a few.中文译文机械设计简介机械设计是为了满足人类需要而制定出的新产品或者改进旧产品时对科学与技术的应用。

中国地质大学长城学院本科毕业设计外文资料翻译系别:工程技术系专业:机械设计制造及其自动化姓名:侯亮学号:052115072015年 4 月 3 日外文资料翻译原文Introduction of MachiningHave a shape as a processing method, all machining process for the production of the most commonly used and most important method. Machining process is a process generated shape, in this process, Drivers device on the work piece material to be in the form of chip removal. Although in some occasions, the workpiece under no circumstances, the use of mobile equipment to the processing, However, the majority of the machining is not only supporting the workpiece also supporting tools and equipment to complete.Machining know the process has two aspects. Small group of low-cost production. For casting, forging and machining pressure, every production of a specific shape of the workpiece, even a spare parts, almost have to spend the high cost of processing. Welding to rely on the shape of the structure, to a large extent, depend on effective in the form of raw materials. In general, through the use of expensive equipment and without special processing conditions, can be almost any type of raw materials, mechanical processing to convert the raw materials processed into the arbitrary shape of the structure, as long as the external dimensions large enough, it is possible. Because of a production of spare parts, even when the parts and structure of the production batch sizes are suitable for the original casting, Forging or pressure processing to produce, but usually prefer machining.Strict precision and good surface finish, machining the second purpose is the establishment of the high precision and surface finish possible on the basis of. Many parts, if any other means of production belonging to the large-scale production, Well Machining is a low-tolerance and can meet the requirements of small batch production. Besides, many parts on the production and processing of coarse process to improve its general shape of the surface. It is only necessary precision and choose only the surface machining. For instance, thread, in addition to mechanical processing, almost no other processing method for processing. Another example is the blacksmith pieces keyhole processing, as well as training to be conducted immediately after the mechanical completion of the processing.Primary Cutting ParametersCutting the work piece and tool based on the basic relationship between the following four elements to fully describe : the tool geometry, cutting speed, feed rate, depth and penetration of a cutting tool.Cutting Tools must be of a suitable material to manufacture, it must be strong, tough, hard and wear-resistant. Tool geometry -- to the tip plane and cutter angle characteristics -- for each cutting process must be correct.Cutting speed is the cutting edge of work piece surface rate, it is inches per minute toshow. In order to effectively processing, and cutting speed must adapt to the level of specific parts -- with knives. Generally, the more hard work piece material, the lower the rate.Progressive Tool to speed is cut into the work piece speed. If the work piece or tool for rotating movement, feed rate per round over the number of inches to the measurement. When the work piece or tool for reciprocating movement and feed rate on each trip through the measurement of inches. Generally, in other conditions, feed rate and cutting speed is inversely proportional to.Depth of penetration of a cutting tool -- to inches dollars -- is the tool to the work piece distance. Rotary cutting it to the chip or equal to the width of the linear cutting chip thickness. Rough than finishing, deeper penetration of a cutting tool depth.Rough machining and finishing machiningThere are two kinds of cuts in machine- shop work called, respectively, the "roughing cut" and the "finishing cut". When a piece is "roughed out", it is quite near the shape and size required, but enough metal has been left on the surface to finish smooth and to exact size." Generally speaking, bars of steel, forging, castings, etc. are machined to the required shape and size with only one roughing and one finishing cut. Sometimes, however, certain portions of a piece may require more than one roughing cut. Also, in some jobs, for example, when great accuracy is not needed, or when a comparatively small amount of metal must be removed, a finishing cut may be all that is required. The roughing cut, to remove the greater part of the excess material, should be reasonably heavy, that is, all the machine, or cutting tool, or work, or all three, will stand. So the machinist’s purpose is to remove the excess stock as fast as he can without leaving, at the same time, a surface too torn and rough, without bending the piece if it is slender, and without spoiling the centers. The finishing cut, to make the work smooth and accurate, is a finer cut. The emphasis here is refinement - very sharp tool, comparatively little metal removed, and a higher degree of accuracy in measurement. Whether roughing or finishing, the machinist must set the machine for the given job. He must consider the size and shape of the work and the kind of material, also the kind of tool used and the nature of the cut to be made, then he proceeds to set the machine for the correct speed and feed and to set the tool to take the depth of cut desired.Automatic Fixture Design外文资料翻译译文机械制造工艺机械加工是所有制造过程中最普遍使用的而且是最重要的方法。

精密机械加工工艺设计外文文献翻译In the process of machining。
the XXX cutting force。
centrifugal force。
inertia force。
In order to ensure that the workpiece XXX external forces。
XXX displacement。
XXX workpiece.XXX Clamping DeviceThere are many types of clamping devices。
but their XXX.1.Power DeviceThe source of clamping force XXX force。
The device that can generate force is called the power device of the XXX used power devices include pneumatic devices。
hydraulic devices。
electric devices。
ic devices。
gas-liquid linkage devices。
it does not have a power device.2.Clamping PartThe part that accepts and transfers the original force and transforms it into clamping force and performs XXX consists of the following mechanisms:1) Mechanisms that accept the original force。
such as handles。
and mechanisms used to connect the XXX.2) Intermediate force transfer mechanisms。

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(本文摘译自《Fundamentals of Manufacturing》)The introduce of mechanical working1 LathesLathes are machine tools designed primarily to do turning, facing and boring, Very little turning is done on other types of machine tools, and none can do it with equal facility. Because lathes also can do drilling and reaming, their versatility permits several operations to be done with a single setup of the work piece. Consequently, more lathes of various types are used in manufacturing than any other machine tool.The essential components of a lathe are the bed, headstock assembly, tailstock assembly, and the leads crew and feed rod.The bed is the backbone of a lathe. It usually is made of well normalized or aged gray or nodular cast iron and provides s heavy, rigid frame on which all the other basic components are mounted. Two sets of parallel, longitudinal ways, inner and outer, are contained on the bed, usually on the upper side. Some makers use an inverted V-shape for all four ways, whereas others utilize one inverted V and one flat way in one or both sets, They are precision-machined to assure accuracy of alignment. On most modern lathes the way are surface-hardened to resist wear and abrasion, but precaution should be taken in operating a lathe to assure that the ways are not damaged. Any inaccuracy in them usually means that the accuracy of the entire lathe is destroyed.The headstock is mounted in a foxed position on the inner ways, usually at the left end of the bed. It provides a powered means of rotating the word at various speeds . Essentially, it consists of a hollow spindle, mounted in accurate bearings, and a set of transmission gears-similar to a truck transmission—through which the spindle can be rotated at a number of speeds. Most lathes provide from 8 to 18 speeds, usually in a geometric ratio, and on modern lathes all the speeds can be obtained merely by moving from two to four levers. An increasing trend is to provide a continuously variable speed range through electrical or mechanical drives.Because the accuracy of a lathe is greatly dependent on the spindle, it is of heavy construction and mounted in heavy bearings, usually preloaded tapered roller or ball types. The spindle has a hole extending through its length, through which long bar stock can be fed. The size of maximum size of bar stock that can be machined when the material must be fed through spindle.The tailsticd assembly consists, essentially, of three parts. A lower casting fits on the inner ways of the bed and can slide longitudinally thereon, with a means for clamping the entire assembly in any desired location, An upper casting fits on the lower one and can be moved transversely upon it, on some type of keyed ways, to permit aligning the assembly is thetailstock quill. This is a hollow steel cylinder, usually about 51 to 76mm in diameter, that can be moved several inches longitudinally in and out of the upper casting by means of a hand wheel and screw.The size of a lathe is designated by two dimensions. The first is known as the swing. This is the maximum diameter of work that can be rotated on a lathe. It is approximately twice the distance between the line connecting the lathe centers and the nearest point on the ways, The second size dimension is the maximum distance between centers. The swing thus indicates the maximum work piece diameter that can be turned in the lathe, while the distance between centers indicates the maximum length of work piece that can be mounted between centers.Engine lathes are the type most frequently used in manufacturing. They are heavy-duty machine tools with all the components described previously and have power drive for all tool movements except on the compound rest. They commonly range in size from 305 to 610 mm swing and from 610 to 1219 mm center distances, but swings up to 1270 mm and center distances up to 3658mm are not uncommon. Most have chip pans and a built-in coolant circulating system. Smaller engine lathes-with swings usually not over 330 mm –also are available in bench type, designed for the bed to be mounted on a bench on a bench or cabinet.Although engine lathes are versatile and very useful, because of the time required for changing and setting tools and for making measurements on the work piece, thy are not suitable for quantity production. Often the actual chip-production tine is less than 30% of the total cycle time. In addition, a skilled machinist is required for all the operations, and such persons are costly and often in short supply. However, much of the operator’s time is consumed by simple, repetitious adjustments and in watching chips being made. Consequently, to reduce or eliminate the amount of skilled labor that is required, turret lathes, screw machines, and other types of semiautomatic and automatic lathes have been highly developed and are widely used in manufacturing.2 Numerical ControlOne of the most fundamental concepts in the area of advanced manufacturing technologies is numerical control (NC). Prior to the advent of NC, all machine tools ere manually operated and controlled. Among the many limitations associated with manual control machine tools, perhaps none is more prominent than the limitation of operator skills. With manual control, the quality of the product is directly related to and limited to the skills of the operator. Numerical control represents the first major step away from human control of machine tools.Numerical control means the control of machine tools and other manufacturing systems through the use of prerecorded, written symbolic instructions. Rather than operating a machinetool, an NC technician writes a program that issues operational instructions to the machine tool. For a machine tool to be numerically controlled, it must be interfaced with a device for accepting and decoding the programmed instructions, known as a reader.Numerical control was developed to overcome the limitation of human operators, and it has done so. Numerical control machines are more accurate than manually operated machines, they can produce parts more uniformly, they are faster, and the long-run tooling costs are lower. The development of NC led to the development of several other innovations in manufacturing technology:Electrical discharge machining,Laser cutting,Electron beam welding.Numerical control has also made machine tools more versatile than their manually operated predecessors. An NC machine tool can automatically produce a wide of parts, each involving an assortment of widely varied and complex machining processes. Numerical control has allowed manufacturers to undertake the production of products that would not have been feasible from an economic perspective using manually controlled machine tolls and processes.Like so many advanced technologies, NC was born in the laboratories of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The concept of NC was developed in the early 1950s with funding provided by the U.S. Air Force. In its earliest stages, NC machines were able to made straight cuts efficiently and effectively.However, curved paths were a problem because the machine tool had to be programmed to undertake a series of horizontal and vertical steps to produce a curve. The shorter the straight lines making up the steps, the smoother is the curve, Each line segment in the steps had to be calculated.This problem led to the development in 1959 of the Automatically Programmed Tools (APT) language. This is a special programming language for NC that uses statements similar to English language to define the part geometry, describe the cutting tool configuration, and specify the necessary motions. The development of the APT language was a major step forward in the fur ther development from those used today. The machines had hardwired logic circuits. The instructional programs were written on punched paper, which was later to be replaced by magnetic plastic tape. A tape reader was used to interpret the instructions written on the tape for the machine. Together, all of this represented a giant step forward in the control of machine tools. However, there were a number of problems with NC at this point in its development.A major problem was the fragility of the punched paper tape medium. It was common for the paper tape containing the programmed instructions to break or tear during a machining process. This problem was exacerbated by the fact that each successive time a part wasproduced on a machine tool, the paper tape carrying the programmed instructions had to be rerun through the reader. If it was necessary to produce 100 copies of a given part, it was also necessary to run the paper tape through the reader 100 separate tines. Fragile paper tapes simply could not withstand the rigors of a shop floor environment and this kind of repeated use.This led to the development of a special magnetic plastic tape. Whereas the paper carried the programmed instructions as a series of holes punched in the tape, the plastic tape carried the instructions as a series of magnetic dots. The plastic tape was much stronger than the paper tape, which solved the problem of frequent tearing and breakage. However, it still left two other problems.The most important of these was that it was difficult or impossible to change the instructions entered on the tape. To made even the most minor adjustments in a program of instructions, it was necessary to interrupt machining operations and make a new tape. It was also still necessary to run the tape through the reader as many times as there were parts to be produced. Fortunately, computer technology became a reality and soon solved the problems of NC associated with punched paper and plastic tape.The development of a concept known as direct numerical control (DNC) solved the paper and plastic tape problems associated with numerical control by simply eliminating tape as the medium for carrying the programmed instructions. In direct numerical control, machine tools are tied, via a data transmission link, to a host computer. Programs for operating the machine tools are stored in the host computer and fed to the machine tool an needed via the data transmission linkage. Direct numerical control represented a major step forward over punched tape and plastic tape. However, it is subject to the same limitations as all technologies that depend on a host computer. When the host computer goes down, the machine tools also experience downtime. This problem led to the development of computer numerical control.3 TurningThe engine lathe, one of the oldest metal removal machines, has a number of useful and highly desirable attributes. Today these lathes are used primarily in small shops where smaller quantities rather than large production runs are encountered.The engine lathe has been replaced in today’s production shops by a wide variety of automatic lathes such as automatic of single-point tooling for maximum metal removal, and the use of form tools for finish on a par with the fastest processing equipment on the scene today.Tolerances for the engine lathe depend primarily on the skill of the operator. The design engineer must be careful in using tolerances of an experimental part that has been produced onthe engine lathe by a skilled operator. In redesigning an experimental part for production, economical tolerances should be used.Turret Lathes Production machining equipment must be evaluated now, more than ever before, this criterion for establishing the production qualification of a specific method, the turret lathe merits a high rating.In designing for low quantities such as 100 or 200 parts, it is most economical to use the turret lathe. In achieving the optimum tolerances possible on the turrets lathe, the designer should strive for a minimum of operations.Automatic Screw Machines Generally, automatic screw machines fall into several categories; single-spindle automatics, multiple-spindle automatics and automatic chucking machines. Originally designed for rapid, automatic production of screws and similar threaded parts, the automatic screw machine has long since exceeded the confines of this narrow field, and today plays a vital role in the mass production of a variety of precision parts. Quantities play an important part in the economy of the parts machined on the automatic screw machine. Quantities less than on the automatic screw machine. The cost of the parts machined can be reduced if the minimum economical lot size is calculated and the proper machine is selected for these quantities.Automatic Tracer Lathes Since surface roughness depends greatly on material turned, tooling , and feeds and speeds employed, minimum tolerances that can be held on automatic tracer lathes are not necessarily the most economical tolerances.In some cases, tolerances of 0.05mm are held in continuous production using but one cut . groove width can be held to 0.125mm on some parts. Bores and single-point finishes can be held to 0.0125mm. On high-production runs where maximum output is desirable, a minimum tolerance of 0.125mm is economical on both diameter and length of turn教师评语教师签名:2011年03月11日。