Agricultural Land Conversion Application
一、农业科学专业英语词汇1. Agricultural science/agronomy 农业科学/农学2. Crop cultivation 农作物栽培3. Soil fertility 土壤肥力4. Crop rotation 农作物轮作5. Pest control 害虫防治6. Irrigation 灌溉7. Weed management 杂草管理8. Plant breeding 植物育种9. Genetic engineering 基因工程10. Fertilizer application 施肥11. Harvesting 收获12. Silage making 青贮制作13. Livestock breeding 畜牧养殖14. Dairy farming 奶牛养殖15. Poultry farming 家禽养殖16. Aquaculture 水产养殖17. Veterinary medicine 兽医学18. Agribusiness 农业经营19. Sustainable agriculture 可持续农业20. Organic farming 有机农业二、农作物栽培技术1. Soil preparation 土壤准备Soil preparation involves clearing the land, removing weeds and debris, and loosening the soil to improve its structure and drainage.2. Seed selection 种子选择Seed selection is an important step in crop cultivation. Farmers should choose high-quality seeds that are resistant to diseases and pests, and have high yield potential.3. Planting 种植Planting refers to the process of sowing seeds or transplanting seedlings into the soil. It is essential to provide the right spacing and depth for optimal plant growth.4. Fertilization 施肥Fertilization is the application of nutrients to the soil to provide essential elements for plant growth. It can be done through organic or inorganic fertilizers, depending on the specific nutrient requirements of the crop.5. Weed control 杂草防治Weeds compete with crops for nutrients, water, and sunlight. Effective weed control methods include manual weeding, the use of herbicides, and mulching to suppress weed growth.6. Pest management 害虫管理Pests can cause significant damage to crops. Integrated pest management techniques, such as biological control, cultural practices, and the judicious use of pesticides, help minimize pest damage while protecting the environment.7. Disease prevention 病害预防Crop diseases can reduce yield and quality. Disease prevention involves crop rotation, use of disease-resistant varieties, proper sanitation, and timely application of fungicides if necessary.8. Irrigation 灌溉Irrigation is essential for crop growth in areas with insufficient rainfall. It involves providing the right amount of water at the right time to ensure optimal plant health and productivity.9. Harvesting 收获Harvesting is the process of gathering mature crops for consumption or further processing. It involves careful timing to ensure maximum yield and quality.10. Storage and processing 储存和加工Proper storage and processing ensure that harvested crops remain fresh and maintain their nutritional value. This may involve drying, curing, canning, or freezing, depending on the specific crop.结语本文介绍了一些常用的农业科学专业英语词汇和农作物栽培技术,希望能帮助读者增加对农业科学领域的理解和掌握。
土地资源管理专业英语术语1.土地管理 land administration2.土地政策 land policy3.土地管理体制 land administration system4.土地管理学 science of land administration5.土地权属管理 land tenure administration6.地权确认 adjudication of land tenure7.土地权属证明 certification of land rights8.土地权属审核 certification of land title9.土地权属审核公告 declaration of land adjudication10.地权流转管理 administration of land transaction11.税收地籍 fiscal cadastre12.产权地籍 juridical cadastre13.多用途地籍 multipurpose cadastre14.地籍管理 cadastre administration15.土地登记 land registration16.初始土地登记 initial land registration17.变更土地登记 alterant land registration18.注销土地登记 nullification of land registration19.更正登记 rectification of initial registration20.土地登记通告 land registration announcement21.土地登记申请人 land registration petitioner22.无主土地 land in open access23.土地登记申请书 land registration application form24.土地登记申请代理 agency application of land registration25.土地登记批准 approval of land title26.登记注册 land registering27.土地登记卡 registration sheet28.土地登记簿 land register29.土地归户卡 registration of sheet by household30.土地归户册 register by household31.土地证书 land title32.土地登记公开查询 public inquiring of land register33.土地统计 land statistics34.基层土地统计 base statistics of land35.国家土地统计 state statistics of land36.初始土地统计 initial land statistics37.经常土地统计 regular land statistics38.土地台帐 land account book39.土地统计簿 land statistics book40.土地统计分析 land statistics analysis41.地籍档案管理 cadastral archives management42.地籍档案 cadastral archives43.土地利用管理 land use administration44.土地利用控制 land use control45.土地利用计划管理 planned administration of land use46.土地用途管制 land use regulation47.土地用途管制制度 land use regulation system48.土地利用规划 land use planning49.土地利用总体规划 integrated land use planning50.土地利用专项规划 special –purpose land use planning51.土地开发规划 land development planning52.土地整理规划 land readjustment planning ;land consolidation planning53.土地复垦规划 land reclamation planning54.土地改良规划 land improvement planning55.土地调查 land survey56.土地测量 earth survey ;land survey57.土地资源调查 land resource survey58.地籍调查 cadastral survey59.土地监测 land monitoring60.土地资源组成要素调查 land components survey61.土地条件调查 natural condition survey62.土地类型调查 land type survey63.土地覆被调查 land cover survey64.土地利用调查 land use survey65.宜农荒地调查 agricultural land reserves survey66.耕地后备资源调查 cultivated land reserves survey67.土地普查 land inventory68.路线调查 traverse survey69.样地调查 sample area survey70.综合方法调查 integrated land survey71.勘察性调查 reconnaissance survey72.概略调查 semi-detailed survey73.详细调查 detailed survey74.外业调绘 field investigation and plotting75.作业面积 working area76.直接解译 direct interpretation77.间接解译 indirect interpretation78.内业工作 indoor work79.航空像片转绘 conversion of aerial photograph80.专题成图 thematic mapping81.土地面积量算 area measurement82.初始地籍调查 initial cadastral survey83.变更地籍调查 conversion cadastral survey84.土地产权调查 adjudication investigation85.宗地 cadastral parcel权属界址线所封闭86.混合宗地 co-ownership parcel87.破宗地 separate parcel图斑单一地类地块或有行政界线权属界址线火线撞地类地物分割的单一. 制图最小单元分子表示图斑分母地类.容积率总建筑面积比土地面积..88.邻宗地 adjoining parcel89.飞地 non-continuous parcel独立于其行政区域外90.插花地 mosaic parcel没有明确归属91.宗地合并 amalgamation of cadastral parcel92.宗地分割 subdivision of cadastral parcel93.宗地编号 title number94.宗地位置 location of cadastral parcel95.界址点 boundary point宗地权属界址线的转折点96.界址线 boundary line宗地四周的权属界线97.四至 relative location of adjoining parcels每宗地四邻的名称98.指界 demarkation of cadastral parcel通过相邻双方权利人和地籍调查员对权属界址状况进行实地调查,并予以确认的过程99.地籍测量 cadastral survey100.图解地籍测量 graphic method of cadastral survey101.数值地籍测量 coordinative method of cadastral survey102.地籍控制测量 cadastral control survey103.地籍平面控制测量 horizontal control of cadastral surveying104.地籍高程控制测量 vertical control of cadastral surveying105.地籍细部测量 detailed cadastral surveying106.地籍图根控制测量 supplementary control of cadastral survey107.平面控制点 horizontal control point具有平面坐标值的控制点控制点以一定精度测定其位置的固定点108.图根控制点 supplementary boundary point109.地籍补测 renewal cadastral surveying 修测补测全测110.土地复丈 recertification of initial adjudication111.土地征用定位测量 site survey for land condemnation112.地籍图 cadastral map113.地籍要素 cadastral attributes114.基本地籍图 basic cadastral map115.基本地籍图更新 renewal of basic cadastral map116.宗地图 parcel map117.土地信息 land information118.土地信息系统 land information system119.基础数据库 basic database120.空间数据库 spatial database121.矢量格式空间数据 vector format spatial data122.网格格式空间数据 grid format spatial data123.属性数据库 attribute database124.土地数据处理 data processingof land125.土地信息应用模型 land information application model126.土地信息应用模型库 mode base of land information application127.规划目标 goal;objectives128.规划指标 targets129.规划区 planning area130.规划期限 planning period131.规划任务书 terms of reference132.土地利用问题 land use problems133.土地利用方针 land use strategy134.土地利用配置 land use allocation135.土地利用规划协调 negotiation of land-use options136.土地利用总体规划方案 integrated land-use plan.土地利用总体规划公告 proclamation of overall land use plan.土地利用总体规划实施 implementation of integrated land use plan.公众参与 public participation140.土地利用平衡表 balance table of land allocation141.土地利用总体规划图 master map of integrated land use plan142.土地利用总体规划文本 main report of integrated land use plan143.土地利用总体规划说明 specification of integrated land use plan144.土地管制分区 land use zoning145.土地利用分区 land use regionalization146.土地用途管制规则 zoning regulations147.土地利用计划 land use plan148.土地利用年度计划 annual land use plan149.土地利用中期规划 medium-term land use plan150.建设用地管理 building land regulations151.建设用地预审制度 pre-examination system for building land152.建设用地审批制度 permission system for building land153.建设用地备案制度 recordation system for building land154.建设用地审批权限 limits of authority for building land examination 155.建设供地目录 catalogue for building land supply156.建设用地定额 quota for building land supply157.土地市场管理 land market administration ;land market control158.土地估价师制度 land valuer registration system159.地价公告制度 land price proclamation system160.地价申报制度 land price declaration system161.最低、最高限价制度 land price ceilings system162.优先购买权制度 preemptive right system163.土地信息管理 land information management164.数据标准化 data standardization165.编码标准化 code standardization166.网络协议 network protocol167.土地执法 law enforcement on land168.土地监察 land supervision169.土地违法行为 illegal act against civil laws170.民事违法行为 illegal act against civil laws171.犯罪 criminal act172.土地行政处理 conduct by land administrative order173.土地行政处罚 administrative punishment for illegal act on land174.土地行政强制执行 compulsory enforcement to land administrative order 175.土地行政诉讼 litigation for land administrative order176.土地行政复议 judicial review of land administrative order。
农转用组卷流程As we consider the process of agricultural land conversion in China, it’s important to acknowledge the complex and often contentious nature of this issue. 随着中国农用地转作他用的进程,我们必须承认这个问题的复杂性和争议性。
The conversion of agricultural land for other purposes, such as development or industrial use, is a controversial topic that has both economic and environmental implications. 农用地转作他用,比如用于发展或工业用途,是一个充满争议的话题,它涉及经济和环境两方面的影响。
On one hand, there is the need for urban expansion and industrial development to support a growing population and economy. 一方面,城市扩张和工业发展需要支持不断增长的人口和经济。
On the other hand, the loss of agricultural land has significant implications for food security and the preservation of natural resources. 另一方面,农用地的流失对粮食安全和自然资源的保护有着重大的影响。
From an economic perspective, the conversion of agricultural land for development and industrial use can be seen as a necessary step for progress and growth. 从经济角度来看,农用地转作他用,用于发展和工业用途,可以被视为进步和增长的必要步骤。
土地资源在不断减少英语作文Land resources are constantly decreasing due to various reasons such as urbanization, industrialization, and agricultural expansion. This trend has raised concerns about the future availability of land for various purposes such as housing, agriculture, and conservation. In this essay, I will discuss the factors contributing to the decrease in land resources and suggest some possible solutions to address this issue.One of the main reasons for the decrease in land resources is the rapid urbanization and industrialization. As more and more people move from rural areas to urban areas in search of better opportunities, the demand for land for housing, infrastructure, and industrial development has increased significantly. This has led to the conversion of agricultural land and natural habitats into urban and industrial areas, resulting in the loss of valuable land resources.In addition, the expansion of agriculture to meet the growing demand for food has also contributed to the decrease in land resources. Large-scale farming andmonoculture practices have led to the degradation of soil fertility and loss of biodiversity, further reducing the availability of arable land. Moreover, the conversion of forests and other natural habitats into agricultural land has resulted in the loss of important ecological functions and services provided by these ecosystems.Furthermore, the unsustainable use of land resources, such as deforestation, overgrazing, and land degradation, has also contributed to the decrease in land resources. These activities have led to soil erosion, desertification, and loss of soil productivity, making the land unsuitable for agricultural and other purposes.To address the issue of decreasing land resources, various measures can be taken at different levels. At the national and regional level, land use planning and management can be improved to ensure sustainable use of land resources. This includes identifying and protecting valuable land for agriculture, conservation, and other purposes, as well as promoting sustainable land management practices.At the local level, efforts can be made to promote sustainable urban development and reduce the conversion of agricultural land and natural habitats into urban and industrial areas. This can be achieved through better land use regulations, incentives for brownfield redevelopment, and promotion of compact and mixed-use development patterns.In addition, sustainable agricultural practices such as agroforestry, organic farming, and conservation agriculture can be promoted to improve soil fertility, biodiversity,and overall land productivity. This can help reduce the pressure on land resources and promote more sustainable and resilient agricultural systems.Furthermore, efforts can be made to restore degradedland through reforestation, afforestation, andrehabilitation of degraded ecosystems. This can help increase the availability of land for conservation andother purposes, as well as provide various ecological and social benefits.In conclusion, the decrease in land resources is a significant challenge that needs to be addressed through coordinated efforts at different levels. By promotingsustainable land use planning and management, sustainable urban development, and sustainable agricultural practices, we can help ensure the availability of land for future generations and protect the valuable ecological functions and services provided by land ecosystems.土地资源的不断减少是由于城市化、工业化和农业扩张等多种原因。
Operations Research and Fuzziology 运筹与模糊学, 2023, 13(5), 5581-5587Published Online October 2023 in Hans. https:///journal/orfhttps:///10.12677/orf.2023.135557耕地“非农化”影响因素分析——以贵州省为例阳丹贵州大学经济学院,贵州贵阳收稿日期:2023年9月3日;录用日期:2023年10月17日;发布日期:2023年10月25日摘要中国坚持十八亿亩农田红线,是保证国家粮食生产安全的重要基石,但在中国城市化进程加速发展的大背景下,有限的耕地资源面临巨大的压力,了解耕地非农化的驱动因素,并有针对性的进行管理和制定相应政策具有重要意义。
关键词耕地“非农化”,影响因素,多元回归分析,SPSS软件Analysis of the Factors Influencing the“Non Agricultural Conversion” of Cultivated Land—Taking Guizhou Provinceas an ExampleDan YangSchool of Economics, Guizhou University, Guiyang GuizhouReceived: Sep. 3rd, 2023; accepted: Oct. 17th, 2023; published: Oct. 25th, 2023AbstractChina’s adherence to the red line of 1.8 billion acres of farmland is an important cornerstone for阳丹ensuring national food production security. However, in the context of the accelerated develop-ment of urbanization in China, limited arable land resources are facing enormous pressure. Un-derstanding the driving factors of non agricultural conversion of arable land, and conducting tar-geted management and formulating corresponding policies are of great significance. This article uses SPSS software for regression analysis to analyze the driving factors of “non agricultural con-version” of cultivated land in Guizhou Province. The results indicate that the “non agricultural”transformation of cultivated land is influenced by various factors such as economy and popula-tion, among which the added value of the human secondary and tertiary industries is positively correlated with the degree of non agricultural transformation of cultivated land in Guizhou Prov-ince. The degree of non agricultural conversion of arable land is negatively correlated with the per capita GDP growth rate, urbanization growth rate, and per capita disposable income growth rate of rural permanent residents. Research conclusion: The “non agricultural transformation” of cul-tivated land is influenced by various factors such as economy and population. When formulating regulatory and management policies, the government should focus on the driving or inhibitory ef-fects of these factors on the “non agricultural transformation” of cultivated land, and take meas-ures from different perspectives to strengthen the protection of cultivated land.Keywords“Non Agricultural Conversion” of Cultivated Land, Influencing Factors, Multiple RegressionAnalysis, SPSS Software Array Copyright © 2023 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc.This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0)./licenses/by/4.0/1. 引言耕地资源是保护粮食安全的根基,同时也是保障人类生存和可持续发展的重要基础。
农业领域中的专业英文词汇第一章:农作物1.主要粮食作物A.水稻(Rice)a)稻谷(Paddy)b)稻田(Paddy field)c)水稻品种(Rice varieties)d)稻田灌溉(Paddy field irrigation)e)稻田管理(Paddy field management)B.小麦(Wheat)a)小麦品种(Wheat varieties)b)春小麦(Spring wheat)c)秋小麦(Winter wheat)d)小麦收获(Wheat harvesting)e)小麦贮藏(Wheat storage)C.玉米(Maize/Corn)a)玉米品种(Maize varieties)b)玉米种植(Maize cultivation)c)玉米田(Cornfield)d)玉米收割(Maize harvesting)e)玉米加工(Corn processing)D.大米(Millet)a)小米(Foxtail millet)b)粟米(Proso millet)c)黍米(Broomcorn millet)d)燕麦(Oats)e)小米种植(Millet cultivation)E.谷子(Sorghum)a)甜高粱(Sweet sorghum)b)非洲高粱(Sudan grass)c)碱基高粱(Kafir corn)d)高粱种植(Sorghum cultivation) F.大豆(Soybean)a)大豆品种(Soybean varieties)b)大豆种植(Soybean cultivation)c)大豆收割(Soybean harvesting)d)大豆加工(Soybean processing) G.马铃薯(Potato)a)马铃薯品种(Potato varieties)b)马铃薯种植(Potato cultivation)c)马铃薯收获(Potato harvesting)d)马铃薯储藏(Potato storage) H.甘薯(Sweet Potato)a)甘薯品种(Sweet potato varieties)b)甘薯种植(Sweet potato cultivation)c)甘薯收获(Sweet potato harvesting)d)甘薯储藏(Sweet potato storage)I.大麦(Barley)a)大麦品种(Barley varieties)b)大麦种植(Barley cultivation)c)大麦收割(Barley harvesting)d)大麦加工(Barley processing)2.主要经济作物A.棉花(Cotton)a)棉花品种(Cotton varieties)b)棉花种植(Cotton cultivation)c)棉花采摘(Cotton picking)d)棉花加工(Cotton processing)e)棉花纺织(Cotton textile)B.糖蔗(Sugarcane)a)糖蔗品种(Sugarcane varieties)b)糖蔗种植(Sugarcane cultivation)c)糖蔗收割(Sugarcane harvesting)d)糖蔗加工(Sugarcane processing)e)糖蔗制糖(Sugar production)C.咖啡(Coffee)a)咖啡豆(Coffee beans)b)咖啡树(Coffee tree)c)咖啡生产(Coffee production)d)咖啡种植(Coffee cultivation)e)咖啡加工(Coffee processing)D.茶叶(Tea)a)茶叶品种(Tea varieties)b)茶园管理(Tea plantation management)c)茶叶采摘(Tea leaf picking)d)茶叶加工(Tea processing)e)茶叶质量评估(Tea quality assessment) E.可可(Cocoa)a)可可豆(Cocoa beans)b)可可树(Cocoa tree)c)可可种植(Cocoa cultivation)d)可可收割(Cocoa harvesting)e)可可加工(Cocoa processing)F.橡胶(Rubber)a)橡胶树(Rubber tree)b)橡胶种植(Rubber cultivation)c)橡胶采集(Rubber tapping)d)橡胶加工(Rubber processing)e)天然橡胶(Natural rubber)G.烟草(Tobacco)a)烟草品种(Tobacco varieties)b)烟草种植(Tobacco cultivation)c)烟叶收割(Tobacco leaf harvesting)d)烟草加工(Tobacco processing)e)烟草制品(Tobacco products)3.主要园艺作物A.蔬菜(Vegetables)a)蔬菜品种(Vegetable varieties)b)蔬菜种植(Vegetable cultivation)c)蔬菜园管理(Vegetable garden management)d)蔬菜收获(Vegetable harvesting)e)蔬菜销售(Vegetable marketing)B.水果(Fruits)a)水果品种(Fruit varieties)b)水果树(Fruit trees)c)水果种植(Fruit cultivation)d)水果收获(Fruit harvesting)e)水果贮藏(Fruit storage)C.花卉(Flowers)a)花卉品种(Flower varieties)b)花卉种植(Flower cultivation)c)花卉养护(Flower care)d)花卉市场(Flower market)e)花卉插花(Flower arrangement) D.草坪草(Turfgrass)a)草坪草品种(Turfgrass varieties)b)草坪草播种(Turfgrass seeding)c)草坪草生长(Turfgrass growth)d)草坪草修剪(Turfgrass mowing)e)草坪草管理(Turfgrass maintenance) E.香料植物(Herbs)a)香料植物品种(Herb varieties)b)香料植物种植(Herb cultivation)c)香料植物收获(Herb harvesting)d)香料植物干燥(Herb drying)e)香料植物加工(Herb processing) F.葡萄(Grapes)a)葡萄品种(Grape varieties)b)葡萄栽培(Grape cultivation)c)葡萄收获(Grape harvesting)d)葡萄酒生产(Wine production)e)葡萄园管理(Vineyard management)G.坚果(Nuts)a)坚果品种(Nut varieties)b)坚果树(Nut trees)c)坚果种植(Nut cultivation)d)坚果收获(Nut harvesting)e)坚果加工(Nut processing)第二章:土壤与土地管理4.土壤类型A.砂土(Sand)a)砂质土壤(Sandy soil)b)砂壤(Arenosol)c)砂壤土壤质地(Sandy soil texture)d)砂土排水(Sand drainage)e)砂土改良(Sand soil improvement)B.粘土(Clay)a)黏性土壤(Clayey soil)b)黏土(Clay)c)黏土土壤质地(Clayey soil texture)d)黏土结构(Clay structure)e)黏土改良(Clay soil improvement)C.壤土(Loam)a)壤土(Loam soil)b)壤土类型(Loam types)c)壤土养分(Loam soil nutrients)d)壤土pH值(Loam soil pH)e)壤土管理(Loam soil management)D.石灰土(Calcareous Soil)a)石灰土(Calcareous soil)b)石灰土性质(Calcareous soil properties)c)石灰土肥力(Calcareous soil fertility)d)石灰土酸碱性(Calcareous soil acidity)e)石灰土改良(Calcareous soil improvement)E.盐碱土(Saline-Alkaline Soil)a)盐碱土(Saline-alkaline soil)b)盐碱土特性(Saline-alkaline soil characteristics)c)盐碱土改良(Saline-alkaline soil improvement)d)盐碱土排水(Saline-alkaline soil drainage)e)盐碱土耐盐性作物(Salt-tolerant crops for saline-alkaline soil) F.沙壤土(Sandy Loam Soil)a)沙壤土(Sandy loam soil)b)沙壤土特性(Sandy loam soil characteristics)c)沙壤土管理(Sandy loam soil management)d)沙壤土改良(Sandy loam soil improvement)e)沙壤土透水性(Sandy loam soil permeability)G.腐殖土(Humus)a)腐殖土(Humus)b)腐殖质含量(Humus content)c)腐殖土形成(Humus formation)d)腐殖土功能(Humus function)e)腐殖土保肥作用(Humus role in soil fertility)5.土壤组成A.土壤结构(Soil Structure)a)土壤颗粒(Soil particles)b)土壤团聚体(Soil aggregates)c)土壤孔隙(Soil pores)d)土壤密度(Soil density)e)土壤排水性(Soil drainage)B.土壤有机质(Soil Organic Matter)a)有机质含量(Organic matter content)b)腐殖质(Humus)c)土壤有机碳(Soil organic carbon)d)有机肥料(Organic fertilizers)e)生物降解(Biodegradation)C.土壤微生物(Soil Microorganisms)a)土壤细菌(Soil bacteria)b)土壤真菌(Soil fungi)c)土壤细胞微生物(Soil microbial communities)d)土壤微生物生态系统(Soil microbial ecosystem)e)土壤微生物多样性(Soil microbial diversity) D.土壤无机成分(Soil Inorganic Components)a)矿物质(Minerals)b)矿物颗粒(Mineral particles)c)土壤矿物含量(Soil mineral content)d)土壤pH值(Soil pH)e)土壤盐分(Soil salinity)E.土壤水分(Soil Moisture)a)土壤水分含量(Soil moisture content)b)土壤水分循环(Soil moisture cycling)c)土壤水分胁迫(Soil moisture stress)d)土壤水分测量(Soil moisture measurement)e)土壤水力性质(Soil hydraulic properties)F.土壤气体(Soil Gases)a)土壤氧气(Soil oxygen)b)土壤二氧化碳(Soil carbon dioxide)c)土壤氮气(Soil nitrogen)d)土壤气体交换(Soil gas exchange)e)土壤通气性(Soil aeration)G.土壤微量元素(Soil Trace Elements)a)土壤微量元素含量(Soil trace element content)b)土壤微量元素循环(Soil trace element cycling)c)土壤微量元素生物有效性(Soil trace element bioavailability)d)土壤微量元素监测(Soil trace element monitoring)e)土壤微量元素补充(Soil trace element supplementation)6.土壤改良方法A.土壤改良剂(Soil Amendments)a)有机肥料(Organic fertilizers)b)矿物质肥料(Mineral fertilizers)c)生物固氮(Biological nitrogen fixation)d)腐植酸(Humic acid)e)石灰(Lime)B.翻耕(Tillage)a)深耕(Deep tillage)b)中耕(Medium tillage)c)浅耕(Shallow tillage)d)耕作机械(Tillage machinery)e)耕地保护(Conservation tillage)C.绿肥(Green Manure)a)绿肥作物(Green manure crops)b)绿肥覆盖(Green manure cover)c)绿肥种植(Green manure cultivation)d)绿肥种类(Types of green manure)e)绿肥割除(Green manure incorporation) D.有机物添加(Organic Matter Addition)a)堆肥(Compost)b)生物残留物(Crop residues)c)动物粪便(Manure)d)沼气废弃物(Biogas slurry)e)腐殖质(Humus)E.石灰施用(Lime Application)a)石灰施用量(Lime application rate)b)石灰种类(Types of lime)c)石灰处理(Lime treatment)d)pH调节(pH adjustment)e)酸性土壤中和(Acid soil neutralization) F.土壤覆盖(Soil Covering)a)茅草覆盖(Straw mulch)b)塑料覆盖(Plastic mulch)c)土壤覆盖作物(Cover crops)d)覆盖作物栽培(Cover cropping)e)土壤保温覆盖(Soil insulation cover) G.生物多样性增加(Increasing Biodiversity)a)种植树木(Planting trees)b)多种植物轮作(Crop rotation)c)生物多样性保护(Biodiversity conservation)d)林地复合种植(Agroforestry)e)生物多样性提升项目(Biodiversity enhancement projects)第三章:作物生长与管理7.播种A.播种(Sowing)a)播种方法(Sowing methods)b)直播(Direct seeding)c)育苗(Seedling raising)d)播种机械(Sowing machinery)e)播种时间(Sowing time)B.种子处理(Seed Treatment)a)种子消毒(Seed disinfection)b)种子浸种(Seed soaking)c)种子包衣(Seed coating)d)种子处理剂(Seed treatment agents)e)种子质量检测(Seed quality testing)C.播种密度(Seeding Density)a)单株播种量(Planting density per plant)b)每亩播种量(Seeding rate per acre)c)每公顷播种量(Seeding rate per hectare)d)播种行距(Row spacing)e)播种深度(Seeding depth)D.播种机械(Sowing Machinery)a)播种机(Seeder)b)种子播种机(Seed drill)c)压实机(Packers)d)播种组合机械(Combined seeders)e)自动播种机(Automatic seeders)E.播种管理(Sowing Management)a)播种前准备(Preparation before sowing)b)播种后管理(Post-sowing management)c)播种技术培训(Sowing technique training)d)播种记录(Sowing records)e)播种期监测(Sowing period monitoring)F.播种系统(Sowing Systems)a)滚筒播种系统(Roller seeding system)b)蓄水式播种系统(Water storage seeding system)c)直播播种系统(Direct seeding system)d)点播播种系统(Point seeding system)e)定位播种系统(Precision seeding system)G.播种时间(Sowing Time)a)春季播种(Spring sowing)b)秋季播种(Autumn sowing)c)季节性播种(Seasonal sowing)d)最佳播种时间(Optimal sowing time)e)播种日历(Sowing calendar)8.种植A.种植(Planting)a)种植技术(Planting techniques)b)种植季节(Planting season)c)种植密度(Planting density)d)种植方式(Planting method)e)种植距离(Planting distance)B.种植管理(Crop Management)a)种植计划(Crop planning)b)种植周期(Crop rotation)c)种植保护(Crop protection)d)种植监测(Crop monitoring)e)种植技术培训(Crop management training) C.作物选择(Crop Selection)a)作物品种(Crop varieties)b)作物适应性(Crop adaptability)c)作物周期(Crop cycle)d)作物耐旱性(Crop drought resistance)e)作物抗病性(Crop disease resistance) D.栽培技术(Cultivation Techniques)a)水分管理(Water management)b)施肥技术(Fertilization techniques)c)病虫害防治(Pest and disease control)d)土壤改良(Soil improvement)e)采收技术(Harvesting techniques) E.作物生长(Crop Growth)a)生长周期(Growth cycle)b)生长环境(Growth environment)c)生长调节剂(Growth regulators)d)生长监测(Growth monitoring)e)生长速率(Growth rate)F.种植机械(Planting Machinery)a)种植机(Planter)b)植保机(Sprayer)c)耕作机(Tiller)d)水肥一体机(Fertilizer applicator)e)收割机(Harvester)9.施肥A.施肥(Fertilization)a)肥料(Fertilizers)b)施肥方案(Fertilization plan)c)施肥周期(Fertilization schedule)d)施肥方法(Fertilization method)e)施肥量(Fertilizer application rate)B.肥料类型(Types of Fertilizers)a)有机肥料(Organic fertilizers)b)化学肥料(Chemical fertilizers)c)生物肥料(Biological fertilizers)d)微量元素肥料(Micronutrient fertilizers)e)缓释肥料(Slow-release fertilizers) C.主要营养元素(Major Nutrients)a)氮(Nitrogen)b)磷(Phosphorus)c)钾(Potassium)d)钙(Calcium)e)镁(Magnesium)D.微量营养元素(Micronutrients)a)锌(Zinc)b)铜(Copper)c)锰(Manganese)d)钼(Molybdenum)e)铁(Iron)E.施肥技术(Fertilization Techniques)a)叶面施肥(Foliar fertilization)b)滴灌施肥(Fertigation)c)土壤施肥(Soil fertilization)d)喷施肥料(Spray fertilization)e)肥料混施(Fertilizer blending)F.肥料管理(Fertilizer Management)a)肥料选择(Fertilizer selection)b)肥料配比(Fertilizer blending)c)施肥时间(Fertilization timing)d)施肥量调整(Fertilizer rate adjustment)e)肥料效果评估(Fertilizer effectiveness assessment) G.环境友好施肥(Environmentally Friendly Fertilization)a)精准施肥(Precision fertilization)b)节水施肥(Water-saving fertilization)c)节能施肥(Energy-saving fertilization)d)有机肥料应用(Organic fertilizer application)e)生物肥料利用(Biological fertilizer utilization)10.施药A.施药(Pesticide Application)a)农药(Pesticides)b)施药方法(Pesticide application method)d)施药时机(Pesticide application timing)e)施药装备(Pesticide application equipment) B.农药分类(Types of Pesticides)a)杀虫剂(Insecticides)b)杀菌剂(Fungicides)c)除草剂(Herbicides)d)杀线虫剂(Nematicides)e)杀鼠剂(Rodenticides)C.选择合适农药(Pesticide Selection)a)农药筛选(Pesticide screening)b)农药安全性评估(Pesticide safety assessment)c)农药效果评估(Pesticide efficacy evaluation)d)农药适应性(Pesticide suitability)e)生物农药(Biopesticides)D.施药技术(Pesticide Application Techniques)a)喷雾施药(Spray application)b)灌溉施药(Irrigation application)c)粉尘施药(Dust application)d)雾化施药(Fogging application)e)薄膜施药(Film application)E.施药管理(Pesticide Management)b)施药记录(Pesticide application records)c)施药安全措施(Pesticide safety measures)d)施药剩余物处理(Pesticide residue management)e)施药后监测(Post-application monitoring)F.环境友好施药(Environmentally Friendly Pest Control)a)集约化施药(Integrated pest management, IPM)b)生物防治(Biological control)c)天敌引入(Introduction of natural enemies)d)生态保护区施药(Pesticide application in ecological reserves)e)低毒或无毒农药(Low-toxic or non-toxic pesticides)G.抗药性管理(Resistance Management)a)抗药性监测(Resistance monitoring)b)抗药性管理策略(Resistance management strategies)c)交替使用不同农药(Rotation of different pesticides)d)混合使用不同类别农药(Mixing different classes of pesticides)e)使用低剂量农药(Using low doses of pesticides)11.灌溉A.灌溉(Irrigation)a)灌溉系统(Irrigation system)b)灌溉水源(Irrigation water source)c)灌溉设备(Irrigation equipment)d)灌溉方案(Irrigation plan)e)灌溉效率(Irrigation efficiency)B.灌溉方法(Irrigation Methods)a)地面灌溉(Surface irrigation)b)滴灌(Drip irrigation)c)喷灌(Sprinkler irrigation)d)微喷灌(Micro-irrigation)e)管道灌溉(Subsurface irrigation)C.灌溉水质(Irrigation Water Quality)a)水质检测(Water quality testing)b)水质净化(Water purification)c)盐碱化处理(Salinization treatment)d)水质监测站(Water quality monitoring station)e)水质改善技术(Water quality improvement techniques) D.灌溉管理(Irrigation Management)a)灌溉计划(Irrigation scheduling)b)灌溉监测(Irrigation monitoring)c)灌溉自动化(Irrigation automation)d)水资源管理(Water resource management)e)灌溉效率改进(Irrigation efficiency improvement)E.灌溉水量(Irrigation Water Volume)a)灌溉量(Irrigation volume)b)水量计量(Water metering)c)灌溉水需求(Irrigation water requirement)d)水资源利用率(Water use efficiency)e)水分利用效率(Water use efficiency)F.灌溉工程(Irrigation Engineering)a)灌溉渠道(Irrigation canals)b)灌溉管道(Irrigation pipelines)c)泵站(Pumping stations)d)沉淀池(Sedimentation ponds)e)水库(Reservoirs)G.节水灌溉技术(Water-saving Irrigation Techniques)a)集雨灌溉(Rainwater harvesting irrigation)b)土壤水分传感器(Soil moisture sensors)c)定量灌溉(Quantitative irrigation)d)水肥一体化(Integration of water and fertilizer)e)水资源再利用(Water reuse)12.水资源管理A.水资源管理(Water Resource Management)a)水资源规划(Water resource planning)b)水资源评估(Water resource assessment)c)水资源分配(Water resource allocation)d)水资源保护(Water resource conservation)e)水资源利用效率(Water resource utilization efficiency)B.水文学(Hydrology)a)水文监测(Hydrological monitoring)b)水文模型(Hydrological models)c)水文地质学(Hydrogeology)d)水文循环(Hydrological cycle)e)水文数据分析(Hydrological data analysis)C.水权制度(Water Rights System)a)水权分配(Water rights allocation)b)水权交易(Water rights trading)c)水权许可(Water rights permits)d)水权转让(Water rights transfer)e)水权法律(Water rights laws)D.水资源调配(Water Allocation)a)水资源分配方案(Water allocation plan)b)跨区域水资源调配(Inter-basin water transfer)c)水资源调度(Water resource scheduling)d)水资源分配机构(Water allocation agencies)e)水资源调控政策(Water resource regulation policies)E.水资源可持续利用(Sustainable Water Resource Management)a)水资源再生利用(Water recycling)b)水资源节约(Water conservation)c)水资源保护区(Water conservation zones)d)水资源治理(Water resource governance)e)水资源管理规划(Water resource management planning) F.农田水利工程(Agricultural Water Management)a)灌溉管理(Irrigation management)b)农田水利设施(Agricultural water facilities)c)农田排水系统(Agricultural drainage systems)d)土壤保水措施(Soil moisture conservation measures)e)耕地水资源管理(Arable land water resource management)第四章:病虫害防治10.常见病害A.病害管理(Disease Management)a)病害防治(Disease prevention and control)b)病害监测(Disease surveillance)c)病害防治策略(Disease management strategies)d)病害预警系统(Disease early warning systems)e)病害防治措施(Disease control measures)B.作物病害分类(Classification of Crop Diseases)a)真菌性病害(Fungal diseases)b)细菌性病害(Bacterial diseases)c)病毒性病害(Viral diseases)d)线虫性病害(Nematode diseases)e)真菌性腐烂病(Fungal rot diseases)C.常见病害名称(Common Disease Names)a)枯萎病(Wilting disease)b)白粉病(Powdery mildew)c)锈病(Rust)d)炭疽病(Anthracnose)e)灰霉病(Gray mold)f)褐斑病(Brown spot disease)g)叶斑病(Leaf spot disease)h)病毒花叶病(Virus mosaic disease)D.病害传播途径(Transmission of Diseases)a)空气传播(Airborne transmission)b)接触传播(Contact transmission)c)土传播(Soilborne transmission)d)种子传播(Seedborne transmission)e)昆虫传播(Insect vector transmission) E.病害防治方法(Methods of Disease Control)a)化学防治(Chemical control)b)生物防治(Biological control)c)遗传抗性(Genetic resistance)d)文化防治(Cultural control)e)物理防治(Physical control)F.病害诊断与监测(Disease Diagnosis and Monitoring)a)病害诊断技术(Disease diagnosis techniques)b)病害监测系统(Disease monitoring systems)c)病害病原检测(Disease pathogen detection)d)病害症状识别(Disease symptom recognition)e)病害防治效果评估(Assessment of disease control efficacy)G.病害抗性育种(Disease Resistance Breeding)a)抗病性遗传育种(Genetic breeding for disease resistance)b)分子标记辅助选育(Marker-assisted selection for disease resistance)c)杂交育种(Hybrid breeding for disease resistance)d)基因编辑技术(Gene editing techniques for disease resistance)11.常见虫害A.虫害管理(Pest Management)a)虫害监测(Pest surveillance)b)虫害防治(Pest control)c)虫害防治策略(Pest management strategies)d)虫害防治措施(Pest control measures)e)虫害防治技术(Pest control techniques)B.害虫分类(Classification of Pests)a)害虫种类(Types of pests)b)昆虫害虫(Insect pests)c)线虫害虫(Nematode pests)d)啮齿类害虫(Rodent pests)e)螨虫害虫(Mite pests)C.常见害虫名称(Common Pest Names)a)蚜虫(Aphids)b)白粉虫(Whiteflies)c)菜青虫(Cabbage loopers)d)蜗牛(Snails)e)甲虫(Beetles)f)蝗虫(Locusts)g)蜘蛛螨(Spider mites)h)叶蝉(Leafhoppers)D.害虫生物学与生态学(Pest Biology and Ecology)a)害虫生活史(Pest life cycle)b)害虫天敌(Natural enemies of pests)c)害虫趋光性(Phototaxis of pests)d)害虫繁殖率(Reproduction rate of pests)e)害虫食性(Feeding habits of pests)E.害虫传播途径(Transmission of Pests)a)空气传播(Airborne transmission)b)直接接触传播(Direct contact transmission)c)间接接触传播(Indirect contact transmission)d)矢量传播(Vector-borne transmission)e)土壤传播(Soilborne transmission)F.害虫防治方法(Methods of Pest Control)a)生物防治(Biological control)b)化学防治(Chemical control)c)物理防治(Physical control)d)遗传防治(Genetic control)G.害虫诊断与监测(Pest Diagnosis and Monitoring)a)害虫识别技术(Pest identification techniques)b)害虫监测系统(Pest monitoring systems)c)害虫防治效果评估(Assessment of pest control efficacy)d)害虫防治方案调整(Adjustment of pest control strategies)12.农药A.杀虫剂(Insecticides)a)有机磷杀虫剂(Organophosphate insecticides)b)拟除虫菊酯(Pyrethroids)c)新一代杀虫剂(Neonicotinoids)d)氯氟氰菊酯(Chlorpyrifos)e)吡虫啉(Imidacloprid)f)灭螨剂(Acaricides)B.杀菌剂(Fungicides)a)三唑酮类杀菌剂(Triazole fungicides)b)多菌灵(Mancozeb)c)氧化锌(Zinc oxide)d)丙环唑(Propiconazole)e)苯醚甲环唑(Methyl benzimidazole carbamate) C.除草剂(Herbicides)a)非选择性除草剂(Non-selective herbicides)b)除草剂混剂(Herbicide mixtures)c)除草剂抗性(Herbicide resistance)d)草甘膦(Glyphosate)e)氯吡氯(Atrazine)f)苯醚乙草胺(2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) D.杀线虫剂(Nematicides)a)卡布杀线虫(Carbamate nematicides)b)磺胺类杀线虫剂(Sulfonylurea nematicides)c)噻嗪类杀线虫剂(Thiazole nematicides)d)多菌灵(Mancozeb)e)拜尔(Bayer)f)噻虫嗪(Thiacloprid)E.杀鼠剂(Rodenticides)a)抗凝血剂(Anticoagulant rodenticides)b)磷化合物(Phosphorus compounds)c)铝磷(Aluminum phosphide)d)防除鼠药(Rat poison)e)鼠药毒性(Toxicity of rodenticides)F.生物农药(Biopesticides)a)细菌制剂(Bacterial formulations)b)真菌制剂(Fungal formulations)c)植物提取物(Plant extracts)d)昆虫性激素(Insect growth regulators)e)酶制剂(Enzyme formulations)G.农药应用技术(Pesticide Application Techniques)a)农药喷雾器(Pesticide sprayers)b)农药施洒系统(Pesticide application systems)c)农药喷雾技术(Pesticide spraying techniques)d)农药喷洒量(Pesticide spraying volume)e)农药安全使用指南(Guidelines for safe pesticide use)13.生物防治A.生物防治(Biological Control)a)天敌释放(Natural enemy release)b)生物防治剂(Biological control agents)c)生物入侵防治(Biological invasion control)d)生物控制方案(Biological control programs)e)生物防治技术(Biological control techniques)B.天敌(Natural Enemies)a)捕食性昆虫(Predatory insects)b)寄生性昆虫(Parasitic insects)c)天敌昆虫(Entomophagous insects)d)天敌微生物(Entomopathogenic microorganisms)e)天敌植物(Entomophagous plants)C.拮抗生物(Antagonistic Organisms)a)拮抗真菌(Antagonistic fungi)b)拮抗细菌(Antagonistic bacteria)c)拮抗线虫(Antagonistic nematodes)d)拮抗植物(Antagonistic plants)e)拮抗性病毒(Antagonistic viruses)D.天敌培育与释放(Rearing and Release of Natural Enemies)a)天敌培育技术(Natural enemy rearing techniques)b)天敌大规模培育(Mass rearing of natural enemies)c)天敌释放策略(Strategies for natural enemy release)d)天敌释放效果评估(Assessment of natural enemy release efficacy)e)天敌库建设(Establishment of natural enemy reservoirs)E.引种与引进(Introduction of Natural Enemies)a)外来天敌引进(Introduction of exotic natural enemies)b)天敌适应性评估(Assessment of natural enemy adaptability)c)天敌引种效果监测(Monitoring of natural enemy introduction effects)d)天敌引种审批与管理(Approval and management of natural enemyintroductions)e)天敌引种风险评估(Risk assessment of natural enemy introductions) F.生物防治在综合防治中的应用(Integration of Biological Control)a)生物防治与化学防治的综合应用(Integration of biological andchemical control)b)生物防治与生物灭菌的综合应用(Integration of biological control andbio fumigation)c)生物防治与物理防治的综合应用(Integration of biological andphysical control)d)生物防治与遗传抗性育种的综合应用(Integration of biological controland genetic resistance breeding)e)生物防治与文化防治的综合应用(Integration of biological control andcultural control)第五章:收获与储存14.收割A.收割机械(Harvesting Machinery)a)收割机(Harvester)b)脱粒机(Thresher)c)打捆机(Baler)d)切茎机(Stalk chopper)e)摘菜机(Vegetable harvester)f)摘果机(Fruit harvester)B.收割作业(Harvesting Operations)a)收割期(Harvesting season)b)收割计划(Harvesting schedule)c)收割技术(Harvesting techniques)d)收割速度(Harvesting speed)e)收割效率(Harvesting efficiency) C.收割产品(Harvested Products)a)庄稼(Crop)b)作物(Crop)c)农产品(Agricultural produce)d)果实(Fruit)e)蔬菜(Vegetable)f)谷物(Grain)g)饲料(Fodder)D.收割后处理(Post-harvest Handling)a)储藏(Storage)b)保鲜(Preservation)c)加工(Processing)d)运输(Transportation)e)包装(Packaging)f)分级(Grading)E.收割管理(Harvest Management)a)收割时间(Harvesting time)b)收割条件(Harvesting conditions)c)收割质量(Harvesting quality)d)收割损失(Harvesting losses)e)收割成本(Harvesting costs)f)收割后土壤管理(Post-harvest soil management) F.收割技术(Harvesting Techniques)a)手工收割(Manual harvesting)b)机械收割(Mechanical harvesting)c)自动化收割(Automated harvesting)d)GPS导航收割(GPS-guided harvesting)e)智能收割系统(Smart harvesting systems)f)水稻插秧机(Rice transplanter)G.收割安全(Harvesting Safety)a)安全操作规程(Safety procedures)b)作业安全设备(Safety equipment)c)危险警示(Hazard warnings)d)事故预防(Accident prevention)e)应急处理(Emergency procedures)f)培训和教育(Training and education)15.采摘A.采摘工具(Harvesting Tools)a)采摘篮(Picking basket)b)采摘器(Picker)c)采摘剪(Pruning shears)d)采摘袋(Picking bag)e)采摘器械(Harvesting equipment) B.采摘作业(Picking Operations)a)采摘时间(Picking time)b)采摘季节(Picking season)c)采摘技术(Picking techniques)d)采摘速度(Picking speed)e)采摘员(Picker)C.采摘产品(Harvested Products)a)水果(Fruit)b)蔬菜(Vegetable)c)茶叶(Tea leaves)d)坚果(Nuts)e)花卉(Flowers)f)果实(Produce)D.采摘后处理(Post-picking Handling)a)分类(Sorting)b)清洗(Washing)c)包装(Packaging)d)贮存(Storage)e)运输(Transportation)f)销售(Marketing)E.采摘管理(Picking Management)a)采摘计划(Picking schedule)b)采摘质量(Picking quality)c)采摘成本(Picking costs)d)采摘效率(Picking efficiency)e)采摘损失(Picking losses)F.采摘技术(Picking Techniques)a)手工采摘(Hand picking)b)机械采摘(Mechanical picking)c)自动化采摘(Automated picking)d)选择性采摘(Selective picking)e)连续采摘(Continuous picking)G.采摘安全(Picking Safety)a)安全装备(Safety gear)b)安全操作规程(Safety procedures)c)危险警示(Hazard warnings)d)事故预防(Accident prevention)e)应急处理(Emergency procedures)f)培训和教育(Training and education)16.农产品储存A.储存设施(Storage Facilities)a)仓库(Warehouse)b)储藏室(Storage room)c)冷库(Cold storage)d)空调库(Air-conditioned storage)e)粮仓(Granary)f)储存罐(Storage tank)B.储存技术(Storage Techniques)a)空气调节(Air ventilation)b)低温储存(Low-temperature storage)c)干燥储存(Dry storage)d)控温储存(Temperature-controlled storage)e)控湿储存(Humidity-controlled storage)f)气调储存(Modified atmosphere storage) C.储存条件(Storage Conditions)a)温度(Temperature)b)湿度(Humidity)c)光照(Lighting)d)通风(Ventilation)e)气体组成(Gas composition)f)空气质量(Air quality)D.储存器具(Storage Containers)a)箱子(Box)b)袋子(Bag)c)桶(Bucket)d)罐子(Can)e)管道(Pipeline)f)网袋(Net bag)E.储存管理(Storage Management)a)储存计划(Storage plan)b)储存检查(Storage inspection)c)储存标记(Storage labeling)d)储存记录(Storage records)e)储存库存(Storage inventory)f)储存安全(Storage security)F.储存损耗(Storage Losses)a)质量损失(Quality loss)b)量损失(Quantity loss)c)损耗预防(Loss prevention)d)损耗控制(Loss control)e)损耗评估(Loss assessment)f)损耗减少策略(Loss reduction strategies) G.储存保鲜剂(Storage Preservatives)a)防腐剂(Preservatives)b)抗氧化剂(Antioxidants)c)抑菌剂(Antimicrobials)d)除湿剂(Desiccants)e)包装材料(Packaging materials)f)灭菌剂(Sterilants)17.农产品加工A.加工设备(Processing Equipment)a)磨粉机(Milling machine)b)榨油机(Oil press)c)搅拌机(Mixer)d)烘干设备(Drying equipment)e)破碎机(Crusher)f)分选机(Sorter)B.加工工艺(Processing Techniques)a)热处理(Heat treatment)b)冷冻(Freezing)c)脱水(Dehydration)d)腌制(Pickling)e)发酵(Fermentation)f)烟熏(Smoking)C.加工产品(Processed Products)a)食品(Food products)b)饲料(Feed)c)油脂(Oils and fats)d)饮料(Beverages)e)粉末(Powders)f)谷物制品(Cereal products)D.加工工厂(Processing Plants)a)食品加工厂(Food processing plant)b)油压厂(Oil mill)c)粉磨厂(Flour mill)d)糖厂(Sugar mill)e)酿酒厂(Brewery)f)乳品加工厂(Dairy processing plant) E.加工流程(Processing Processes)a)清洗(Washing)b)切割(Cutting)c)研磨(Grinding)d)榨取(Extraction)e)烘焙(Baking)f)包装(Packaging)F.加工质量控制(Processing Quality Control)a)原料检验(Raw material inspection)b)加工过程监控(Processing process monitoring)c)成品检验(Finished product inspection)d)质量管理体系(Quality management system)e)卫生标准(Hygiene standards)f)安全标准(Safety standards)G.加工创新技术(Advanced Processing Technologies)a)超临界流体提取(Supercritical fluid extraction)b)微波加热(Microwave heating)c)超声波处理(Ultrasonic processing)d)真空冷冻干燥(Vacuum freeze-drying)e)纳米技术应用(Nanotechnology applications)f)3D打印食品(3D printed food)第六章:畜牧业与养殖业18.主要家畜品种A.牛类(Cattle)a)奶牛(Dairy cattle)b)肉牛(Beef cattle)c)犊牛(Calves)d)母牛(Heifers)e)公牛(Bulls)f)阉牛(Steers)B.羊类(Sheep)a)绵羊(Merino sheep)b)肉羊(Meat sheep)c)母羊(Ewes)d)公羊(Rams)e)羔羊(Lambs)C.猪类(Pigs)a)种猪(Breeding pigs)b)肉猪(Meat pigs)c)母猪(Sows)d)公猪(Boars)e)仔猪(Piglets)D.家禽(Poultry)a)鸡(Chickens)b)鸭(Ducks)c)鹅(Geese)d)鸽子(Pigeons)E.马类(Horses)a)马(Horses)b)马匹(Equines)c)马驹(Foals)d)母马(Mares)e)公马(Stallions)19.主要家禽品种A.鸡(Chickens)a)肉鸡(Broilers)b)蛋鸡(Layers)c)母鸡(Hens)d)公鸡(Roosters)e)鸡雏(Chicks)B.鸭(Ducks)a)肉鸭(Meat ducks)b)家鸭(Domestic ducks)c)鸭雏(Ducklings)d)鸭母(Ducks)C.鹅(Geese)a)家鹅(Domestic geese)b)野鹅(Wild geese)c)鹅雏(Goslings)d)公鹅(Ganders)e)母鹅(Geese)20.畜禽养殖管理A.畜禽养殖管理(Livestock and Poultry Farm Management)a)养殖计划(Farming plan)b)畜禽场(Livestock farm)c)禽舍(Poultry house)d)养殖场地规划(Farm layout planning)e)养殖管理系统(Farming management system)f)养殖技术培训(Farming technology training)B.畜禽饲养管理(Livestock and Poultry Feeding Management)a)饲料配制(Feed formulation)b)饲料供应(Feed supply)c)饲料管理(Feed management)d)饲料成本分析(Feed cost analysis)e)饲料搭配(Feed rationing)f)自动喂食系统(Automatic feeding system)C.畜禽健康管理(Livestock and Poultry Health Management)a)疫病预防(Disease prevention)b)免疫接种(Vaccination)c)畜禽健康监测(Livestock and poultry health monitoring)d)疾病控制(Disease control)e)兽医服务(Veterinary services)f)健康记录管理(Health record management)D.畜禽繁殖管理(Livestock and Poultry Reproduction Management)a)繁殖计划(Breeding plan)b)繁殖选择(Breeding selection)c)繁殖管理(Breeding management)d)繁殖技术(Breeding techniques)e)生殖健康(Reproductive health)f)繁殖效率评估(Reproductive efficiency assessment)E.畜禽舍环境管理(Livestock and Poultry Housing EnvironmentManagement)a)温湿度控制(Temperature and humidity control)b)空气质量管理(Air quality management)c)照明管理(Lighting management)d)床料管理(Bedding management)e)水源管理(Water source management)f)粪便处理(Waste management)F.畜禽品质管理(Livestock and Poultry Quality Management)a)产品质量控制(Product quality control)b)安全生产管理(Safe production management)c)产品认证标准(Product certification standards)d)品种改良计划(Breeding improvement plan)e)养殖环境优化(Farming environment optimization)f)食品安全管理(Food safety management)第七章:农业经济与市场21.农产品市场。
农用地转用报批手续流程英文回答:Agricultural Land Conversion Approval Process.1. Submit an application to the relevant local planning authority. The application should include a detailed description of the proposed conversion, including the location, size, and intended use of the land.2. The local planning authority will review the application and consult with relevant stakeholders, such as the Environment Agency and Natural England.3. The local planning authority will make a decision on the application based on the following criteria:The impact of the conversion on the local environment.The need for the conversion.The availability of alternative land for the proposed use.4. If the application is approved, the local planning authority will issue a planning permission. This will allow the landowner to proceed with the conversion.5. The landowner must comply with the conditions of the planning permission. This may include carrying out environmental mitigation measures or providing public access to the land.中文回答:农用地转用报批手续流程。
Land Fragmentation and Consolidation in Albania
Fatbardh Sallaku Agricultural University of Tirana, AlbaniaLand Fragmentation and Consolidation in AlbaniaOVERVIEWCountry ProfileLand ReformDegree of FragmentationLand Consolidation activity in AlbaniaLessons LearnedStrategy for the futureConclusions¾28 000 km2¾3.8 million inhabitants¾50 % Rural Population¾24 % Agricultural Land¾28-30 % Share of Agricultural in GDP ¾The lowest amount of agricultural land per capita (0.22 hectares) in the region.¾There are 387 930 farms in totalLand Reform in AlbaniaThere are two outstanding characteristics of the development of land relations since 19919The first is the creation of a nation of smallholders-owners of small farms held in freehold tenure brought about by Law 7501. freehold tenure brought about by Law 75019The second characteristic and one that is directly related to the first is the exuberant urban development and rapid growth of land market that has taken placePrivatization of Rural LandThe land privatization process began in 1991 with the approval of Law 7501 (dated 19.07.1991), On LandMain CriteriaÎEquity Principle according to quality and productivity of the soil and the number of people in the family registered in the civil registry in August, 1991.Using a per capita basis, each family received equal amounts of arable and non-arable land, fruit trees, vineyards and olive trees.Results of this privatization process a)Over 90% of agricultural land is now in private ownershipb)On ex-co-operative land, 353,718 families owned 439,139 ha of land with over 90% granted via a tapi.c)On ex-state farm land, the figures are 91000 families owning 123.334 hectares of landd)On average each family owns 4-6 parcels of land, sometimes separated quite widely.A nation of family smallholding has beencreated.Degree of Fragmentation•up to 1.8 million parcels•4-6 parcels per Owner as an average•Average family land surface 1.17 ha •Average parcel size 0.55-0.2 ha •Average farmer’s distance to the parcel from 1 to 6 kmMain reasons of land fragmentation •Content of law itself •Demographic development of villages and population concentration in particular areas •Land privatization during several stages•Different interpretations of law on land•Natural fragmentation •InheritanceLand Consolidation Activity in Albania In the year 2002, the World Bank and GoA has started the implementation of a Pilot Agricultural Land Consolidation Program in four pilot communes in order to:… facilitate and encourage land consolidation by facilitating market transactions in land with a focus on parcel exchanges, rentals and purchase/sales.The specific objectives were:9to respond to the perceived need and expressed desire for consolidationactivities by rural residents9to overcome the information constraint about land consolidation9to address questions of costs and benefits of a policy intervention;9to create a body of experience, techniques and procedures to guide a national level program and to judge the usefulness of such a program.The main activities of this project: a.Facilitation of transactions through thesponsoring of a participatory process ofnegotiated exchange and rental;b.Subsidies to the transaction costsinvolved in formal land markettransactions;c.Public information and educational activityabout parcel grouping, formation ofassociations and land market transactions d.Legal assistance when needed.The importance of the project…9The project played an important role and had a significant impact both directly forthe beneficiaries in the pilot areas and toa lesser extent indirectly on the politicallevel among decision makers;9The simple fact that the project was the first of its kind in Albania it had a crucialkick-off effect not only in terms of givingland fragmentation a much higher priority and attention but more notably inproviding concrete alternatives to overcome unsustainable farm structures.9By looking at the gradual increase of transactions over the project period it may indicate that the adopted methodology is indeed practical, hands-on, simple and efficient and suits the farmers’requirements;9Through the transactions made an agricultural land size of 94 ha has been consolidated;9From all this land size, 49 ha has been transferred from one owner to the other through sales, exchanges and leasing adding to the initial land size of 45 Ha.9Although initially farmers showed reluctance to the whole concept of land consolidation the fears to ‘loose out’ or ‘give up’ became gradually less.The main achievementsThe findings from the pilot areas in Albania provided reliable evidence that the projecthas been instrumental to give way and stimulate the following processes:•The project provided guidance for farmers on how to use the new asset land in a more productive and efficient way;9It raised awareness and brought the issue of land fragmentation to the attention of decision-makers and other stakeholders and it provided concrete alternatives to current unsustainable agriculture structures;9It designed and implemented simple, local, hands-on, cost-effective and easy multipliable solutions to overcome land fragmentation;9It stimulated local land market development, contributed to farm intensification as well as it contributed totrust and confidence building both horizontally between farmers and verticallyamong farmers and (local) authorities;9It provided guidance and an operating manual for the land consolidation component which provides farmers andother stakeholders an insight into theconcept of land consolidation and clearindications on how to proceed with therelevant transactions.9As the land fragmentation remains a very important constraint with negativeimpact in Albanian agriculture, one of the factors, which could positively affect the situation, is the development of landmarket.9The normal procedures to complete an agricultural land transaction was too long (from 2 to 4 weeks).9Another serious hindrance fortransaction finalization is that adultpersons are not always present at thetime of land transactions. (According to “The Heritage Law”, persons over 18 years of age should be present to sign for transactions or provide aPower of Attorney authorizing otherpeople to act on their behalf)9Mistakes made in the landownership documentationowned by farmers and the IPRSsystem impede the process ofcarry out of the transactions and artificially increase the cost of a transaction;The Strategy for the futureThe following issues should be integrated into the long termland consolidation scheme in Albania;The Strategy for the future9Give preference and put more emphasize on land exchangesand/or amalgamation of plots and a cost sharing scheme involving all relevant stakeholders;9Review and update the current methodology integrating lessons learned from the pilot sites and best practices from other elsewhereThe Strategy for the future9Preparation of an appropriate, easy-understandable and differentiated landvaluation scheme for both agriculture land and other land use systems;9Moratorium to prohibit changes in land use in rural areas with immediate effect and theestablishment of a clear and transparent land market/land value information system9Analyse models and possibilities to ease access to financial services such as mortgage-secured credit schemes using land ascollateral and the development of acomprehensive rural-regional developmentstrategyConclusions:Although Albania is faced with political, economic and social problems, important steps have been achieved.A legal framework for land management has been created since 1991 but it consist of too many ‘reactive”laws; too many laws dealing with just one issue; laws which do not have a common philosophy9In order to impede the further fragmentarization of the agricultural land, a review of the existinglegislation is required, aiming tomarginate parcel borders out ofwhich the division of the parcelswould be impeded by law, even incases when a family member isseparated by the family tree.9It is recommended the review of the current legislation and theestablishment of a permanentinter-institutional/agency working group including representativesfrom different line ministries andagencies, local authorities, farmer associations, the private sectorand civil society.Conclusions:9Critical pre-conditions such as the establishment of an easy-understandable and differentiated land valuation scheme for both agricultureland and other land use purposes,clear and transparent land priceinformation systems, restrictions onland sale and land lease, potential land conflicts and disputes, minimumtraining needs for staff members etc.are the main issues to be consideredin the future.9The Pilot ConsolidationProgram was not enough tocover the broad spectre of the agricultural land consolidation issues.So, it’s recommended that other similar initiatives on landconsolidation should continue.9The agricultural land consolidation in larger areas could be unrealistic for themoment and need a very strong financial support to improve rural infrastructure,mechanization, irrigation, agroprocessing and marketing.9The Albanian government and donors must commit time andresources and coordinate efforts to overcome these impediments andallow for security of tenure and afully functioning land marketOK, that’s it.I hope you enjoyed it andThank YOU_____________________________© Fatbardh Sallaku(sallaku@) Agricultural University of Tirana。
A8 first class category 8 个一级类a "landlord' s market”土地所有者的市场a “soft”rental market “疲软的”出租市场a bundle of entitlements 一组权利束a debased currency 一种贬值的流通货币a last resort 最后手段(办法)a prima facie 证据确凿accessibility (n. ) 易接近,可到达的accountability ( n. ) 有责任,有义务,可说明性accrue (vi. ) 自然增加,产生acreage (n. ) 英亩数,面积adequacy (n. ) 适当,足够adjacent (adj. ) 邻近的,接近的adjudication ( n. ) 判决,(法院的)宣告,确认adjudication of land-rights 土地确权administrative boundaries 行政边界advisable ( adj. ) 可取的,明智的aerial photographs 航空照片aerial photographs 航片aesthetic (adj. ) 美学的,审美的,有审美感的affordability (n. ) 可支付性affordable housing 可支付住房aggravating ( adj. ) 使恶化的,加重的,恼人的aggregate (n. ) 合计,总计,集合体;(adj. )合计的,集合的,聚合的;(v. )聚集,集合,合aggressive pursuit 不顾一切地追求agrarian structure 土地所有制agricultural census data 农业普查数据air photographs 航片airphoto 摄影,航空摄影图片albeit (conj. )虽然Albers Equal Area Conic projection 亚尔勃斯正轴等积割圆锥投影align (vi. )排列,成一条线(vt. )使结盟,使成一行;对准,校直,调准,校正,调整以达到恰当的关系或方位all-equity bank 完全权益银行allocative efficiency 配置效率allowable Use 许可利用ambiguities (n. ) 含糊,不明确amenities ( n. ) 令人愉快之事物amenity values 娱乐价值amortized loans 分期偿还的贷款an effective demand for housing 住房的有效需求an offsite improvement 场地之外的改良物analogous (adj. ) 类似的,相似的,可比拟的analysis area 分析区域annexation (n. ) 合并apartments (n. ) 公寓appreciation (n. ) 涨价,增值appropriate (vt. ) 拨出(款项);占用,据为己有;盗用,挪用;充当,充用aquatic (adj. ) 水的,水上的,水生的,水栖的arbitrage (n. ) 仲裁,套汇,套利交易arbitrament ( n. ) 仲裁,裁裁判,裁决artery (n. ) 动脉,要道ascendancy (n. ) 优势,支配(或统治)地位assemblages (n. ) 与会者(集合称) ,集合,集会,装配asset structure 资产结构ASTER Terra 卫星上的一种高级光学传感器,包括了从可见光到热红外共14 个光谱通道,可以为多个相关的地球环境资源研究领域提供科学、实用的卫星数据asymmetry (n. ) 不对称:缺乏平衡或对称性at odds 不一致at short notice 在短时间内,立刻atlas (n. ) 地图,地图集,地图册attorney (n. ) <美>律师,(业务或法律事务上的)代理人atypical (adj. )非典型的auspices (n. ) 由……主办及赞助authenticity (n. )确实性,真实性automate the classification 自动分类available ( adj. ) 可用到的,利用的,有用的,有空的,接受探访的average product of labor 劳动力的平均产量avow (v. ) 承认azimuthal (adj. )方位角的的azimuthal projection 方位投影Bbaby boom 婴儿潮back up 支持backlog ( n. ) 储备备backlogs of work 工作积压backstop (v. ) 止住balance资产负债表barren (adj. )不生育的,不孕的,贫瘠的(n. )荒地be comprised of 由……组成below-cost leases 低于成本的租约benchmark prices 基准价格benchmark 基准Benefit-to-Cost ratio 成本收益率betterment levy 地产增值税BHCS 金融控股公司bid-rent curves 竞租曲线biological (adj. ) 生物学的的birth peak 生育高峰bleak (adj. )寒冷的,阴冷的,荒凉的,凄凉的,黯淡的blunder (v. ) 跌跌撞撞地走. 做错(n. ) 大错,失误误boards (n. ) 理事会;董事会bona fide 很好的承诺,信用bond issues 发行债券boulevard (n. ) 林阴大道boundary of polygons 多边形边界boundary survey 边界调查(测量)boycott (v. )联合抵制,联合排斥某国货物或与某国绝交bracken (n. ) 欧洲蕨breach (n. ) 违背,破坏,破裂,裂口(vt. ) 打破,突破brown fields 棕色地带(待重新开发的城市用地)buffer zones 缓冲带带build to suit 定制建造bundle of rights 权利束burdensome (adj. ) 繁重的,烦累的,难以承担的Bureau of Land Management (BLM) 土地管理局bushel (n. ) 蒲式耳(谷物计量单位) buttress (n. ) 扶墙;拱壁buyer's market 买方市场buys up 买光ccadastral administration 地籍管理cadastral like management 地籍档案管理cadastral inventory 地籍调查cadastral management 地籍管理cadastral maps 地籍图cadastral survey 地籍调查(测量) cadastral system 地籍系统cadastre (n. ) 地籍簿call for 需要;要求;值得canyon (n. ) 峡谷capital arbitrage 资本套利capital farm land 基本农田capital gains tax 资本收益.capitalization rates 资本化率capitalized estate values 资本化的房地产价值carrot (n. )胡萝卜cartel (n. ) 企业联合,卡特尔cartography (n. )绘图法,绘图,制图catalyst (n. ) 催化剂catalytic converters 接触型转换器CBD (Central Business District) 商务中心区cemetery (n. )墓地,公墓cesium (n. ) [化]铯change land registration 变更土地登记chartered bank 特许银行classical economics 古典经济学classification of land 土地分类clients (n. ) 顾客,客户,委托人climatological (adj. ) 气候的Coase theorem 科斯定律code of conduct 行为规范coincide (vi. )一致,符合coincide with (vi. ) 与........一致致(相同,相符合)coincidental (adj. ) 一致的,符合,的,巧合的collateral (n. ) 抵押品,担保物collateral (n. ) 担保物collateral (adj. ) 间接;并行的,平行的;伴随的,附属的collectible (n. )收藏品collective ownership right 集体土地所有权collective-owned land usership right 集体土地使用权collide (vi. ) 抵触collusive (adj. ) 共谋的color infrared aerial remote sensing technology 彩红外航空遥感技术command (n. ) 令,掌握,司令部;(v. )命令,指挥,克制,支配commensurate ( adj. ) 相称的,相当的commercial office buildings 商业写字楼commodification of housing 住房商品化common pool resources 共享资源commonplace ( n. ) 平凡的事,平常话;(adj. ) 平凡的common-property regimes 共有产权制度comparative advantage 比较优势compatible (adj. )谐调的,一教的,兼容的compelling ( adj. ) 强制的,强迫的,引入注目的compendium (n. ) 纲要,概略complexes (adj. ) 多功能复合住房建筑composition ( n. ) (地图)编绘comprehensive land consolidation 综合土地整理compulsory (adj. ) 义务的,强制的concession (n. )让步condominium (n. ) 共管,共同统治权condos (n. ) 分户出售公寓大厦conformal ( adj. ) (地图投影中)正形投影的,等角的conformal projection 等角投影,正形投影connotation (n. ) 含蓄,蓄的东西(词、语等入内涵consensus (n. ) 意见一致consigner (n. ) 委托人,交付人consistency ( n. ) 一致性,连贯性constellation [天]星群,星座,灿烂的一群constitutional ( adj. ) 构成的,宪法的consumer surplus 消费者剩余contemplate ( v. ) 凝视,沉思,预期,企图contingent ( n. ) 偶然的事情,分道队,代表团contradictory ( adj. ) 反驳的,反对的,抗辩的(n. )矛盾因素,对立物contravention ( n. ) 违反违背,矛盾control point 控制点controls urveying 控制测量convene (n. ) 会议召集人conveyance (n. ) 财产让与conveyancer (n. ) 运输者,传达者,办理不动产等让与事务者coordination (n. ) 协调copper (n. ) 铜,警察coppice (n. ) 矮林;灌木林corporate real estate (CRE) 非房地产公司持有的不动产corporate restructuring 公司重组cost approach 成本法cost of equity 股权成本counterparts (n. ) 非常相似的人(或物),配对物covenant (n. ) 契约,盟约credit risk 信贷风险cross-reference ( n. ) 相互(交叉)对照cross-sectional model横截面模型culpable (adj. )该宙备的,有罪的,不同到的cultivated land reserves survey 耕地后备资源调查cumbersome (adj. ) 麻烦的cumulative (adj. 顺积的currency (n. )时效性cushion (n. ) 缓冲customary tenure 习惯保有cyclical volatility 周期波动性cyclicality 周期性cylindrical (adj. ) 圆柱形的,圆柱体的cypress (n. ) [植]柏科树的,柏木厉植物D'data hungry' techniques 数据高需求型技术. data processing 数据处理:数据加工de facto (adj. ) 事实的,实际的de jure (adj. ) (拉)理上的,权利上的dearth缺乏debt ratio 负债率decision area 决定区域deductibility (n )可推断性deed (n. ) 行为,契约deface (Vt. ) 损伤外观, 丑化,失面子deity (n. ) 神, 神性delineates (v. ) 描绘demographic (adj. ) 大门统计学的demographic echo 人口回声效应depreciable (adj. ) 可贬值的depreciation (n. ) 贬值,减价, 跌落,折旧. 轻视depreciation deductions折旧扣除额derelict land 废弃土地derived (type of) demand 引致需求derived from 来自,源自designate (vt. ) 指明,指出任命,指派(v. )指定,指派desired outcome 预期成果deterioration (n. ) 变坏,退化,堕落determination ( n. ) 决心,果断detrimental (adj. ) 有害的deviation (n: )背离diagrammatic (adj. ) 图表的,概略的dictum (n. ) 格言,(法津)法官的附带意见,声明differential ( adj. )微分的;(n. ) 微分digital differential rectification 数字差分校正dimension ( n. ) 尺寸,尺度,维(数),度(数) ,元diminishing marginal productivity 递减的边际生产率diminishing returns 回报,递减dire (adj. ) 可怕的disadvantaged group 弱势群体discard (vt. ) 丢弃, 抛郊discern) (v. ) 辨别,看清楚discount rate 还原利率、贴现利率discounted cash flow analysis 贴现现金流分析discrepancy (n. ) 相差,差异,矛盾discretion (n. ) 判断力disease-resistant 抗病disequilibrium (n. )不均衡,不安定Disincentive (n. ) 障碍Dissertation (n. ) (学位)论文,专题,论述,学术演讲Distort (vt. ) 扭曲,歪曲(真理、事实等)误报,使变形diversification benefit 多样化收益dividend-paying common stock 支付股息的普通股票divisibility 可分性doomsday (n. ) 世界末日double duty 双重用途doubling up 同住一屋dryland agriculture 旱地农业dwelling stock 住房存量dynamic ( adj. ) 动力的,动力学的,动态的dynamic monitoring 动态监测dynasty (n. ) 皇室,朝代Eearth's ecosystems 地球生态系统easement (n. ) 缓和,减轻,(律)在他人土地上的通行权(或类似的权力) ,(法)地役权ecological economics 生态经济学economic analysis 经济分析economic depression 经济萧条economic effective demand 经济有效需求economic premise 经济前提economic supply of land 土地的经济供给economic surplus 经济剩余economically sound 在经济上可靠efficacy (n. ) 功效,效验efficiency (n. ) 效率1 效能,实力,生产能力;功率;产最;有效作用Elaborate ( adj. ) 精心制作的,详细阐述的,精细(vt. )精心制作,详细阐述elastic (adj. )弹性的Elm (n. )榆树embodiment ( n. ) 体现,具体化,化身empirical (adj. ) 完全根据经验的,经验主义的,【化】实验式encumbrance (n. ) 阻碍,累赘,妨害物endorse (v. ) 背面签名,签注endowment funds 捐赠基金endue (vt. ) 穿上,授予,赋予energy efficiency 能源效率enforceability (n. ) 可强迫实施性entity (n. ) 实体:统一体;存在(物) ;(有别于属性等的)本质;组织,机构,团体entrenchment hypothesis 防御假说entrust with 委托entry point 切入点enumeration (n. ) 列举environmental degradation 环境退化environmental economics 环境经济学equal area azimuthal projection 等积方位投影equal area projection 等( 面) 积投影equidistant (adj. ) 等距的equidistant azitnuthal projection 等距方位投影equidistant projection 等距投影equitable (adj. ) 公平的,公正的Equivalent projection等积投影Era ( n. ) 时代,纪元,时期,【地】代espouse (vt. ) 支持,赞成ethical criterion 伦理道德标准ethical principles 伦理法则evacuation ( n. ) 疏散,撤退,走开eviction (n. ) 逐出ex Post 依据过去经济发展情形分析的exacerbate (vt . ) 使加剧exclusive sales covenants 排他性的销售租约exclusivity (n) 排他性exhaustive ( adj. ) 无遗漏的,彻底的,详尽的,无遗的existing home 存量住房expected benefits 预期收益expedient (adj. ) 有利的(n . )权宜之计expendable (n. ) 消耗品,牺牲的expertise (n. )专家的意见,专门技术exploitation tactics 开发策略exploration ( n. ) 探险,踏勘,探测external clues 外部线索external diseconomy 外部不经济external economy 外部经济extractive ( adj. ) 可提出的;可抽出的;消耗资源的Extraordinary (adj. )非常的,特别的,非凡的,特派的Ffacet (n. ) (多面体的)面,(宝石等的)刻面,小平面,方面,琢面;(Vi. )在···上刻画facilitate (vt. ) 促进fair market value 公平市场价值farmland preservation 农田保护fashion conscious 追求时尚fertility rate 人口出生率fetch (vt. )接来,取来,带来,售得,引出(vi. )取物,绕道而行(n. ) 取得,拿,诡计fieldwork (n. ) 野外工作,实地调查,现场工作financial analysis 财务分析financial leverage 财务杠杆Fir (n. )冷杉,枞树,杉木fiscal (adj. ) 财政的fiscal and monetary policy 财政金融政策fixed and current assets 固定和流动资产fixed-rate mortgages 固定利率按揭贷款fixture (n. ) 固定物flexibility and simplicity 简单灵活floating-rate loan 浮动利率贷款floor area ratios (FAR) 容积率floor space 房屋面积,建坪flow (n. ) 流程,流动,(河水)泛滥,洋溢(vi. )流动,涌流(vt. ) 溢过,淹没forced sale 强行拍卖foreclosure (n. ) 丧失抵押品赎回权,排斥foregoing (adj. ) 在前的,前述的foreshadow (v. ) 预示formulate (vt. ) 用公式表示明确地表达,作简洁陈述(v. )阐明forthcoming (adj. ) 即将来临的fraction (n. ) 小部分,微量,片断,分数fragile (adj. ) 易碎的,脆的的fragment (v. ) 分裂fragmented holdings 破碎化的士地fragmented landownership 不完整的土地产权Framework for Land Evaluation 土地评价大纲Freehold ( n. ) 自由保存,不动产Freehold /leasehold 永久业权/租用业权Fringe (n. ) 边缘frontage (n. )房子的正面,前方,临街fundamental (adj. ) 基础的,基本的;(n. )基本原则,基本原理funneled (adj. ) 漏斗状的Ggearing ratios 资本充足率gender inclusion 性别包含general plans 总体规划generalize (vt. )归纳,概括, 推广,普及(vi. ) 由归纳法得出一结论,形成一般的概念或结论generally accepted valuation principles 普适评估准则Genesis (n. ) 起源geodetic (adj. ) 测地学的,测量的geographic (adj. ) 地理学的,地理的geographic dimension 地理的尺寸; 维数geographic information system 地理信息系统geographical features 地理特征geologist (n. )地质学者geometric polynomial rectification 几何多项式校正geomorphology 地形学geopedological地质土壤的geostatistical methods 土地统汁方法geosynchronous (adj. ) 与地球的相对位置不变的,相对地球是静止的globe position system 全球定位系统going concern value 持续经营价值government insured loan 由政府担保的贷款graduated symbol渐变符号grazing land 牧草地greenhouse effect 温室效应gross margin 毛利润ground resolution 地面分辨率groundwater ( n. ) 地下水guarantee law 担保法guarantor (n. ) 【律】保证人Guided land development (GLD) 定向土地开发Hharshness (n. ) 粗糙的事物hay-making 割草heterogeneous (adj. )不同种类的,异类的hierarchy (n. ) 层次;划分,区分,分等级highest and best use 最高最佳用途Highlight (vt. ) 加亮,使显著,以强光照射,突出HIS transform HIS变换Historic site 历史遗迹holding (n. ) 所有物,财产home ownership 住房所有权homeownership rate 住房自有率homestead (n ) 家园,田产homogeneous (adj. )同类的,相似的,均一的,均匀的Horizontal (adj. ) 地平线的,水平的house purchasers 房屋购买者housing allowance 住房补贴housing construction bonds 住房债券housing expenditure 住房支出housing finance 住房金融housing land registration 住宅土地登记housing policy 住房政策housing provident funds ( HPFs) 住房公积金housing voucher 住房资助券human resources 人力资源human-made capital人造资本hydrology ( n. ) 水文学Iidentical ( adj. ) 同一的,梓的ideological principle 意识形态原则idiosyncratic (adj. ) 特殊物质的,特殊的,异质的illegal expropriation of the land 土地的不合法征用illustrate (vt. )举例说明,图解加插图于,阐明;(vi. )举例image merging 图像融合image mosaic 图像镶嵌image rectification 图像校正image resolution 图像分辨率image tone adjust 图像灰度凋整immovable property 不可移动的产权impetus (n. ) 推动力,促进implication (n. ) 牵连,含意,暗示implicitly (adv. )含蓄地,暗中地impose a tax on sulphur emissions 征收硫的排放税improvements (人工)改良物in a lump sum 一次全部付清的款额in certain cases 在某种场合in conjunction with 与……协力in kind 以货代钱in line with 符合in nature 实际上,本质上in physical and/or economic terms 在自然或经济方面in place 在适当的位置in pursuit of a profitable return 追求利润的回报in similar fashion 以同样的方式inanimate (adj. ) 死气沉沉的没生命的,单调的income capitalisation approach 收益资本化法increasing financial and institutional pressure 渐增的经济和制度的压力incremental (adj. ) 增加的incur (vt. ) 遭遇incurred costs 引致成本individual consolidation initiatives 个别土地整理倡议indoor interpretation 室内解译indoor transfer of aerial photo 航片室内转绘inelastic (adj. ) 无弹性的inept (adj. ) 不适当的,无能的,不称职的inflict (v. ) 造成,施加,蒙受information banks 信息库informative (adj. )情报的,提供情报的,见闻广博的,提供信息的,提供消息的Initial land registration 初始土地登记insolvency ( n. )无力偿还,破产inspection and acceptance 检查验收instalment (n. ) 分期付款institution (n. )制度instructive ( adj. ) 有益的,教教教育性的instrumental ( adj. ) 有帮助的insulate (vt. ) 使绝缘,隔离insurable value 保险价值intangible (adj. ) 难以明了的,无形的Intellectual property 知识产权interchangeably (adv. )可交地,可交替地interdependence (n. ) 互相依赖interdisciplinary way 以学科交叉的方式interest-rate risk 利率风险interlace (vt. ) 使交织,使交错(vi. ) 交错,交织、交错,隔行扫描intermediate ( adj. ) 中间的,居中的(n )媒介,中间人,中间体,媒介物internal rate of return 内部收益率International Institute for Aerospace Survey & earth Sciences (ITC) 国际空间测量和地球科学协会International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) 国际地球参照框架International Union of Soil Science 国际土壤联合会international valuation standards committee(IVSC) 国际评估标准委员会Internet applications 因特网应用Interoperability (n. )互用性,协同工作的能力intra-community 社区内intrinsic (adj. ) (指价值、性质)间有的,内在的,本质的intrinsic value 内在价值invalidate (v ) 使无效inventory (n. ) 详细目录,存货,财产清册,总量investment value or worth 投资价值iron out 消除,解决(困难等)ironic (adj. ) 说反话的,讽刺的irregularly shaped 不规则形状的irrigated agriculture 灌溉农业irrigation and drainage infrastructure 灌排设施JJensen abnormal return 延森非正常收益jurisdiction (n. ) 权限,司法(权) jurisdiction (n. ) 权限KK 一L transform 离散( Karhunen-Loeve)变换LLambert Conformal Conic projection 兰勃特正形圆锥投影land accounting book 土地统计台账land acquisition 土地征购land administration 土地行政管理Land agriculturally unproductive 不适合农业用途的贫瘠亡地land bank 土地银行land banking 土地储备land ceiling acts 土地限制法案land certification 土地证书land consolidation 土地整理理land dealings 土地交易land development 土地开发land dispute 土地权属争议land evaluation土地评价land expropriation 土地征收(征用)land grading and land price 土地等级和土地价格Land hierarchy 士地层次Land Information System ( LIS) 土地信息系统land investigation 土地调查Land leveling 土地平整land management 土地技术管理Land Mapping Unit 土地制图单元Land Monitoring and Statistic Division 土地监测与统计处Land ownership survey 土地权属调查Land parcel宗地land performance土地性能land pooling/readjustment土地整理land record土地档案land registration agent 土地登记代理Land Registration Division土地登记处land registration 土地登记Land Related Information Syste m ( LRIS)土地相关信息系统land reserves 土地储备land suitability 土地适宜性Land Survey Division 土地调查处Land Tenure Division 土地权属处land tenure 地权land titling/registration system 土地产权/登记系统land transaction safety 土地交易安全land transfers 土地转让land use types 土地利用类型Land Utilization survey 土地利用调查Land Utilization Type 土地利用类型landform (n. ) 地形landlord (n. ) 房东,地主landlord (n. ) 房东,地主,(旅旅馆等的)老板Landsat TM 美国地球资源探测卫星land-use planning 土地利用规划layout (n. ) 规划,设计,(书刊等)编排,版面,配线,企划,设计图案,(工厂等的)布局图;版面设计lease (n. ) 租赁权lease tie-ins 捆绑租约leasehold 租赁期legal assistance 合法援助legal responsibilities and obligations 法律责任和义务legend (n. ) 图例legislation (n. ) 立法,法律的制定(或通过) level off 平整,变平,稳定levy (v. ) 征收,征集levy betterment taxes 征收(不动产)增值税liability rules 义务条款life expectancy 平均寿命limits-to-growth增长的极限line (n. ) 一连串有关的人或事物liquidation or forced sale value 清算价值liquidity (n. ) 流动性living floor space 生活用房面积look ahead 计划未来low-cost, high-quality scanners 价廉质优的扫描仪low-income family 低收人家庭low-priced privatization of public housing公房低价私有化Mmacroeconomics 宏观经济学mainstream economics 主流经济学mainstream satellite RS data 主流的卫星遥感数据make concession 让步management action 管理行为mandate (n. ) 命令,要求mandatory (adj. ) 命令的,受委托的mangrove (n. ) 红树林manipulate (vt. ) (熟练地)操作,巧妙地处理Maple (n. ) 枫,枫木,淡棕色mar (v. ) 弄坏,毁坏,损害marginal (adj. ) 记在页边的,边缘的,边际的marginal product 边际产量market clears 市场出清market distortions 市场扭曲market value 市场价值marketable 可出售的market-oriented societies 市场经济社会market-to-book value ratio 市价对账面价值比marriage vale 联合价值measurement level量度水准median income 中等收人metaphor (n. ) 隐喻,暗喻,比喻,说法meteorology (n. ) 气象学methodology (n. ) 方法学,方法论Methods for Publicity and Consultation of Land Registration Information 土地登记信息公开查询方法metropolitan area 大都市micro-economic concept 微观经济概念micro-economics 微观经济学microeconomics 微观经济学military bases 军事基地mimic (adj. ) 模仿的,假装的;[生]拟态的(n. )模仿者,小丑,仿制品模仿,摹拟minimum legible delineation 最小上图面积misdirect (vt. ) 误导,写错地址mitigate (v. ) 减轻mitigation (n. ) 缓解,减轻,平静mixed purposes 多种目的mobility (n. ) 迁移率modeling functions 建模功能modified historical cost accounting 修订后的原始成本会计molecular [化]分子的,由分子组成的momentum (n. ) 动力,要素monitoring station 监测站monopolistic or oligopolistic competition 寡头垄断控制下的竞争mortgage (n. ) 抵押,抵押权,抵押契据(vt. )抵押,以……作担保,把……许给mortgage and lease 抵押和出租mortgage credit 抵押贷款mortgage debt outstanding (MDO) 购房抵押贷款余额mortgage finance 按揭贷款融资mortgage lending 按揭贷款mortgage loans 抵押贷款mortgage market 按揭市场mortgagor (n. ) (mortgager) 抵押人MSCL market index 摩根史丹利资本国际(MSCL)市场指数数multi-dimensional多尺度multiple-unit rental market 多户式住房租赁市场multiple-unit residential building 多户式住房建筑multiplicity (n. ) 多样性multiply (v. ) 乘,增加multi-spectral 多谱线的,多谱段的multi-spectral and panchromatic bands 多光谱和全色波段multi-temporal and spatiotemporal analysis 多时相和时空分析multivariate [统][数]多变量的,多元的multivariate linear regression model多元线性回归模型NNationality Autonomous Region 民族自治地区natural breaks 自然分割(法) ,自然分界,自然截断natural resource and environmental economics 自然资源和环境经济学natural resource stocks 自然资源储量natural resources 自然资源navigational (adj. ) 航行的,航海的necessary condition 必要条件neighborhood communities 邻里社区NEPA ( National Environmental Policy Act) 国家环境政策法案net income 净收益Net Present Value (NPV) 净现值neutral (n. ) 中立者,中立国,非彩色。
PROTECTINGTHE RICE BOWLTEXT BY SAM DAVIESILLUSTRATION BY WANG SIQI AND PHOTOGRAPHS FROM VCG38With Covid-19 affecting domestic farmingand global food supplies, can China everreach its goal of food security?疫情等因素加剧了农业生产与供应困难,中国该如何保障粮食安全、保住全民“饭碗”?A s farmers headed to their fieldsof golden ripe wheat nearZhumadian in central China’sHenan province this June, thevillage Party secretary wasn’t farbehind.In a viral video posted on Weibo onJune 22, the secretary berates a farmerwho has just begun harvesting his crops:“Get a Covid test!” he roars, as a crowdof villagers watch on. “You can’t harvestuntil you’ve got one!” Sickle in hand, thefarmer retorts: “It’s already ripe, how canI not harvest it?” The official persists untileventually the exasperated farmer leavesthe scene with the words, “Fine, then youdo it yourself!”Since the pandemic began, Covid-19has been more than just a strain onthe country’s medical system and thelivelihoods of ordinary people: It hasplaced huge pressure on China’s wholeagricultural sector, threatening thecountry’s food production and distributionnetworks. When the northeastern Jilinprovince, the country’s second-biggestcorn producer and fifth biggest producerof all grains, imposed travel restrictionsand months-long lockdowns to battleits worst Covid-19 outbreak this spring,farmers reported being unable to go outinto their fields, while many who worked39in the cities in the off-seasons weren’t able to return to their hometowns for planting.These challenges have affected consumers too—in November last year, China’s Ministry of Commerce encouraged families to stockpile daily necessities for the winter, sparking fears that food shortages were on the horizon. And in Shanghai, which entered a months-long citywide lockdown at the beginning of April this year, residents struggled to get food, and even resorted to bartering for daily necessities, as supply chains broke down.For most of China’s population, food scarcity during wars and the “three years of starvation” in the mid-20th century are distant memories today—if they even remember it at all. Y et food security has never been off the national agenda, and China’s leaders are keen to make the country self-sufficient in food production as the pandemic disrupts international supply chains, countries start banning exports on vital foodstuffs, and China’s diplomatic relations deteriorate with several major food trading partners.Feeding 20 percent of the world’spopulation on 7 percent of itsarable land, and perhaps only 5percent of its water resources, posesa massive challenge. Urbanizationand industrialization, an agriculturalsystem dominated by smallhousehold farms, deterioratingecological resources, and increasingfood consumption levels all makecompeting demands, while new goalsto increase self-sufficiency sometimescontradict the country’s long-termagricultural sustainability.Food production in China hassoared over the last three decadesas farms have become increasinglymechanized and productive. Thecountry’s grain production rose from430 million tons in 2003 to 682.9million in 2021. Under China’s 14thFive Y ear Plan, which runs to 2025,the country intends to maintainannual grain production of 650million tons.Yet growing incomes have causedconsumption to also rise sharply. In1980, the Chinese consumer ate anaverage of 2,163 kilocalories a day,but that rose to 3,200 kilocalories by2018 according to the UN Food andAgricultural Organization, higherthan the likes of Japan and NewZealand. China is also the largestmeat consumer (though not the largestper capita) in the world.According to the Global Food Index,which ranks countries on their foodsecurity, China ranked second in theworld in 2021 for the “availability” offood in the country, but it placed 34thoverall for “food security,” which takesinto account the affordability of food,resilience of agricultural production,and food safety.For farmers, rising costs are aserious impediment to answering thecountry’s call to increase production,and to earning a livelihood. ShenBaolu, a 64-year-old farmer inAnyang, Henan province, works his 20mu (1.33 hectare) plot of land alone“for basically no income,” despiteusing more machinery in recent years.“The harvests have definitely becomelarger than before, but the costs havegone up too,” Shen tells TWOC. “Uscommon folk are suffering.”Input costs for fertilizer, manpower,and land rents have risen sharply in40the last two years. Wang Fengjiang,a rice farmer in Liming village, Jilin province, has been farming for over 20 years on the two hectares that belong to his family, in addition to around four hectares that he contracted from other villagers this year. Those contracting fees have risen from over 8,000 yuan per shang (a unitof measurement used in Northeast China equal to 15 mu or roughly one hectare) in 2016, to 11,000 yuan this year. Wang tells TWOC the price of fertilizer has doubled over the last few returns. During the spring plantingand autumn harvest seasons, eachspanning one month, he sometimesleaves for the fields at 3 a.m. andworks for 12 or 13 hours a day. “Iwork until my waist is sore and myback aches.”These financial struggles comedespite China’s Ministry ofAgriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA)giving over 289 billion US dollars insubsidies to agricultural producers in2021, according to the Organizationfor Economic Cooperation andper mu of land. Before, they used togive it to us very promptly, but nowit’s very delayed. After a whole year’sworth of planting, you get to the nextyear and they still haven’t given it,”he complains, calling it a “pitiful”amount anyway.The government also sets minimumprices for the purchase of strategicgrains, but these are so low that Wangsays it’s the “equivalent to working fornothing.”Getting buy-in from farmers is asignificant stumbling block for China’sstrategic food reserves. “You can’t justexpect the farmers to foot the bill forthe country’s food security,” arguesDr. Zhang Hongzhou, a researchfellow at Nanyang TechnologicalUniversity in Singapore and authorof the 2018 book Securing the Rice Bowl:China and Global Food Security. “Staple[grains] are not profitable at all.Basically…when the farmers producewheat, they suffer losses even with thegovernment subsidies.”After declining steadily from 2015to 2019, agricultural subsidies haveramped up significantly during thepandemic. Shandong province,for example, paid grain farmers acollective one-off subsidy of 1.53billion yuan in 2021. But a widerconcern with food security haspreoccupied China’s rulers even sinceancient times: leaders who providedadequate food supplies often enjoyedmore political legitimacy, Zhangargues.In more recent times, memoriesof food shortages and faminesthroughout the 20th century live onfor many, “including China’s currentleaders,” Zhang says, explaining whyfood security has come to occupysuch an important place in Chinesepolicymaking. Even now, with foodmuch easier to come by, Zhang recallsthat his grandparents, who migratedfrom Henan to Shaanxi in the 1950sviewed “wasting grain as a crime,”years, while wages for the three to five laborers he occasionally hires to help with harvesting have almost doubled as well. The price for rice, meanwhile, has fallen.As a result of these shrinking margins, he plants less: just six hectares compared to the 20 hectares he farmed in 2018. “I normally farm 80 to 90 mu, but sometimes I feel exhausted and only do 30 to 40 mu,” Wang tells TWOC, explaining that the extra effort is not worth the limited Development, far more than the 98billion dollars and 53 billion dollarsthe EU and US gave to their farmersin the same year. China’s subsidies aremeant to help farmers make a livingand encourage them to plant staplegrain products the government deemsstrategic, rather than more lucrativecash crops like fruit and vegetables.But even with cash incentives, Shenfinds his wheat and corn are rarelyprofitable, and the payments arebecoming less reliable. “I get 80 yuanRapid urbanization sometimes occupiespreviously agricultural land, piling pressureon China’s food production41Issue 4 /2022and would pick up food dropped on the floor without hesitation. “They cherished food.”Shen, who grew up as one offive children in the 1950s and 60s, remembers that when he was a child “people were all skinny because they didn’t have enough to eat, and then they had to work the fields, which took a lot [of energy].” Shen and his family ate a diet mainly of “sweet potatoes, pumpkin, and steamed buns.” Only at the Lunar New Y ear would they eat meat, he says, remembering that “when we cooked, we would dip a chopstick in the cooking oil and just put one or two drops [in the pan].”“Of course, we cherished food, because we came from a very poor time, and I taught my children to save food too,” Shen continues. “We don’t leave any grain or food left over; we make sure to eat it all…otherwise I feel like it’s a waste.” Nowadays, Shen believes, younger generations are less concerned with cleaning their plates. China’s policy makers are similarly concerned with ensuring food supplies. In 2006, as part of the 11th Five Y ear Plan, the country established a “red line” level of arable land (set at 1.8 billion mu or 120 million hectares) that the country must maintain, even as urbanization and industrialization progress rapidly. That red line has held, but only just. The amount of arable land decreased from 2.03 billion mu in 2009, to 1.91 billion mu in 2019, according to official figures. Declining levels of arable land, mainly due to its conversion to other uses (urban, industrial, or woodland), is a severe problem, particularly in more developed regions where cities are still expanding fast. For much of the last two decades, selling off land to real estate developers has also been a quick vehicle for local governments to raise funds. But “the biggest threat to our food security and food safetyis large-scale overuse of cultivated land,” Li Renqing, general secretaryof the Chinese Academy of SciencesAgricultural Society Research Center,told China News Weekly in June thisyear.In particular, the use of chemicalfertilizers, which has tripled in the pastthree decades, has degraded the qualityof China’s soil, making it more difficultor even impossible to grow crops in it.A team led by Weng Boqi, a researcherat Fujian Academy of AgriculturalSciences, found that nearly a fifthof China’s arable land (19.5 millionhectares) is strongly acidic. Meanwhile,intensive irrigation has led to salinationof soil in drier regions, alreadyaffecting 660 million mu (44 millionhectares), a third of China’s arableland, according to state broadcasterCCTV.“We hear about China’s ‘grainmiracle,’ how China was able tofeed over 20 percent of the world’spopulation with only 7 percent ofthe arable land. The other half ofthe story is that China uses about35 percent of global fertilizer andpesticide, or even higher,” says Zhang.This use of chemicals affects watersupplies too, already scarce in much ofChina.Over the last few decades, grainproduction has gradually been movingnorth in China, as the south and easthave become more urbanized andindustrialized. But the north is far drierthan the south, meaning intensiveirrigation is necessary. While China’sper capita water supply is only around25 percent of the world’s average,irrigation of crops takes up 60 percentof the country’s total water demand.But in 2018, the Ministry of Ecologyand Environment found over 15percent of China’s groundwater wastoo polluted even for agricultural use.The government has been trying toreduce the use of chemical fertilizersand pesticides for years as well asmaking efforts to improve the amountof “high quality” cultivated land inthe country, while also launchingthe South-to-North Water DiversionProject in 2002 to transfer wateracross the country at an estimatedcost of 62 billion US dollars. In1996, the Ministry of Land andResources, replaced by the Ministryof Natural Resources in 2018, begansystematically assessing the qualityof the country’s soil with every cityrequired to file annual reports. MARAset a target of adding 6.66 millionhectares of “high quality farmland”this year. Pilot projects using rice seeds4243Issue 4 /2022complicating government efforts to increase grain production. Zhang’s parents used to grow corn in their farm in Shaanxi, but they switched to kiwifruits in the 1990s because it was more profitable. Their small 0.7 hectare plot of land is located in what was once a major wheat-growing area, but “right now , no one in my hometown grows wheat,” Zhang says. His parents can earn around 10 times more for their kiwi harvest each year, despite much higher input costs, compared to planting wheat. One reason why it’s hard to profit from grain-farming is the extreme fragmentation of China’s agricultural sector: consisting of around 200 million small family farms averaging less than one hectare in area (compared to just over 2 million farms averaging 180 hectares in the US). This makes the use of machinery impractical on many farms, while farmers spend more on seedlings and equipment because they can’t buy in bulk. Furthermore, since rural land is owned collectively by villages, and can only be leased for limited periods rather than sold, scaling up farms remains a difficult and unprofitable process. Shen’s two daughters and one son, all between 30 and 40 years old now , all left the village after middle school and went to work in textile factories and construction sites. “I hope they don’t take up farming…there’s no future in farming at home,” he says.Likewise, Tan’s two sons, now 30 and 20 years old, “have basically never done farm work.” After graduating from vocational middle school, they went to work in the prosperous Pearl River Delta region. Wang’s son is 22 and is studying to be a high-speed rail attendant in Jilin’s provincial capital, Changchun. “He doesn’t have basic knowledge about [farming],” says Wang. “But also, in our village, there’snot one person from his generation at home farming.”that can be planted in seawater have also been trialed in eastern parts of the country in the hope this can solve some water scarcity issues in the country . According to Tan Xiaoming, a rice farmer in Qidong county , Hunan province, more efficient pesticides means that while he used to have to spray his rice fields five or six times a year, now they only need spraying twice. Wang, however, feels things are getting worse. “The insect and pest problem has gotten bigger,” he tells TWOC, fresh from a six-hour session of spraying pesticides. He also believes that another policy , which stops farmers from burning leftover straw in fields in order to reduce air pollution, causes the straw to rot, seep into the soil, and create fertile breeding grounds for more pests. The weather can be another menace too, and one that is becoming more unpredictable. “In 2021, there was a flood. I didn’t get a penny from the corn I planted,” says Shen, whose fields were destroyed. Tan tells TWOC that he planted a dozen oil seed camellia trees last year on part of his small plot of less than half a hectare, but they failed to bloom because of a long period of drought. In the 2013 to 2014 season, Wang recalls making almost no profit because of flooding and hailstorms which damaged his rice crop: “Normally one shang can yield 9,000 kilograms, [but] because of the hail we only got 7,000 to 8,000.”Last summer, severe floods in Henan province damaged 2.4 million acres of crops, with nearly half of the affected fields seeing yields fall 30 percent as a result. This year too, severe flooding in the south damaged over 39,000 hectares of rice paddies, while record high temperatures this summer threatened corn production in the north and central regions of the country . In 2020, researchers at Peking University and the International Food Policy Research Institute predicted that under the worst climate change scenario—a global rise in average temperature of around 4.3 degrees Celsius by 2100—wheat yields in China would decline by 9.4 percent by 2050 without mitigating measures.For farmer Wang, everything depends on the weather. “We rely on the heavens to eat,” he says. “This year I planted over 90 mu [6 hectares], I don’t know what the harvest will be like…there may be hailstorms...It depends on God.”With such uncertainty and rising costs, farmers are increasingly looking for alternative livelihoods or hardier, more cost-effective crops, further Heavy rains inHenan provincein July last year44Wang has considered leaving thefields himself. Last autumn before theharvest, he worked at a constructionsite in town for two months for 200yuan a day—but the boss ran off withthe money, leaving Wang to return tofarming, for now. Urbanization hasseen millions move from rural areasto the cities, leaving fewer people towork the fields and some land idle.Now nearly 65 percent of China’spopulation live in cities, while onlyaround 260 million people still activelywork in the fields, many of themelderly. What this means for the futureof farming is unclear.Technology could provide somesolutions. Genetically modifiedorganisms (GMOs) can be moreefficient and give higher-yield cropswith less labor and chemical-use, butthe Chinese public is strongly opposedto their use, with many suspicious theymight cause health problems (despiteoverwhelming scientific evidencethat they are safe), and as yet noGMO crops have been approved forcommercial planting in China.China is also investing heavily inbiotechnologies like seed research.“With these new technologies, there’sa chance that you can use less inputto produce more,” says Zhang, “Butthere’s no guarantee it will happen,and no one knows how long thetransition will take.”Preventing waste would help. A2015 report by the Chinese Academyof Sciences found that residents ofthe country’s largest cities, includingBeijing and Shanghai, wasted 17 to18 million tons of food a year, whileanother paper by researchers at theChinese Academy of AgriculturalSciences in the same year found 35billion kilograms of food in China islost during transportation, processing,and storage. An anti-food waste law,enacted in April 2021, stipulates finesof up to 10,000 yuan for restaurantsthat encourage customers to over-official documents. But the Covid-19pandemic, as well as deterioratingrelations between China and majorfood providers such as the US,Australia, and Canada, has seen areversal. The government hopesto develop a “Food Silk Road” todiversify food imports from regionslike Africa and Latin America, but thiswill struggle to make up the shortfallfrom agricultural giants like the US.Zhang argues becoming totallyself-sufficient is “impossible” in partbecause China simply doesn’t haveenough land to produce all the cropsit needs. With challenges aplenty, nopiece of land can be left unfarmed.Farmer Tan says that in the past twoyears, the government has called oneveryone to plant the fields and notto let any go to waste. Tan has alsobegun receiving additional subsidies inthis period for seeds, rice planting, andto not abandon arable land, thoughhe claims this only amounts to a fewdozen yuan per mu.Tan worries that “if farmland fallsinto decay, once there’s a naturaldisaster or a war, the country will facea serious food crisis. I think [villagers]who are still healthy will still farm,even if not much, just enough forthemselves to eat.”In some areas, the pandemic hasshown the effects that letting the landlie unfarmed can have in China. Atleast in this regard, Wang has beencomparatively lucky: He only needsto take a nucleic acid test everythree days and he’s free to work hisfields as normal. “When the virus isprevalent, they make us stay home,but if it’s spring planting time, theyhave to open up,” says Wang. “If noone is planting, where will the foodcome from?”– ADDITIONAL REPORTING BY TAN YUNFEI(谭云飞) AND CHEN YUANZHU (陈远瞩)order or cause “obvious waste,” whilebanning competitive and binge-eatingcontent online and in other media.Another solution would be toimport more from abroad. China’simports have grown over the last fewdecades, with the country becominga net importer of corn, for example,in 2010. In 2013, there appeared tobe an acknowledgement that totalself-sufficiency was unfeasible, withthe need for “domestic supply withmoderate imports” introduced in。
农业专业英语词汇(FG)一、作物种植类1. Agriculture(FG):农业2. Crop(FG):作物3. Planting(FG):种植4. Harvest(FG):收获5. Irrigation(FG):灌溉6. Fertilizer(FG):肥料7. Pesticide(FG):农药8. Seedling(FG):幼苗9. Germination(FG):发芽10. Cultivation(FG):耕作二、土壤与肥料类1. Soil(FG):土壤2. Fertility(FG):肥力3. Humus(FG):腐殖质4. Loam(FG):壤土5. Sandy soil(FG):沙土6. Clay soil(FG):黏土7. Organic matter(FG):有机物8. Compost(FG):堆肥9. Manure(FG):粪肥10. Nitrogen(FG):氮11. Phosphorus(FG):磷12. Potassium(FG):钾三、农业技术类1. Agricultural technology(FG):农业技术2. Biotechnology(FG):生物技术3. Genetic engineering(FG):基因工程4. Plant breeding(FG):植物育种5. Transgenic(FG):转基因6. photosynthesis(FG):光合作用7. Respiration(FG):呼吸作用8. Growth regulator(FG):生长调节剂9. Integrated pest management(FG):病虫害综合治理10. Precision agriculture(FG):精准农业四、农业机械设备类1. Tractor(FG):拖拉机2. Plow(FG):犁3. Harrow(FG):耙4. Seeder(FG):播种机5. Sprayer(FG):喷雾器6. Reaper(FG):收割机7. Thresher(FG):脱粒机8. Grain dryer(FG):粮食烘干机9. Silo(FG):粮仓10. Irrigation system(FG):灌溉系统五、农产品加工类1. Processing(FG):加工2. Milling(FG):磨粉3. Pressing(FG):榨取4. Fermentation(FG):发酵5. Drying(FG):干燥6. Canning(FG):罐装7. Freezing(FG):冷冻8. Preservation(FG):保鲜9. Packaging(FG):包装10. Quality control(FG):质量控制六、农业经济与管理类1. Agricultural economics(FG):农业经济学2. Farm management(FG):农场管理3. Marketing(FG):市场营销4. Supply chain(FG):供应链5. Cooperative(FG):合作社6. Subsidy(FG):补贴7. Policy(FG):政策8. Sustainable development(FG):可持续发展9. Rural development(FG):农村发展10. Food security(FG):粮食安全七、农业生态与环境类1. Agroecology(FG):农业生态学2. Biodiversity(FG):生物多样性3. Ecosystem(FG):生态系统4. Conservation(FG):保护5. Sustainable agriculture(FG):可持续农业6. Organic farming(FG):有机农业7. Environmental impact(FG):环境影响8. Climate change(FG):气候变化9. Soil erosion(FG):土壤侵蚀10. Water management(FG):水资源管理八、畜牧业相关词汇1. Animal husbandry(FG):畜牧业2. Livestock(FG):牲畜3. Pasture(FG):牧场4. Grazing(FG):放牧5. Breeding(FG):繁殖6. Milking(FG):挤奶7. Vaccination(FG):疫苗接种8. Feed(FG):饲料9. Manure management(FG):粪便管理10. Meat processing(FG):肉类加工九、渔业与水产养殖类1. Fisheries(FG):渔业2. Aquaculture(FG):水产养殖3. Fish farming(FG):养鱼4. Pond(FG):池塘5. Fish feed(FG):鱼饲料6. Harvesting(FG):捕捞7. Fish processing(FG):鱼类加工8. Marine conservation(FG):海洋保护9. Freshwater ecosystem(FG):淡水生态系统10. Aquatic biodiversity(FG):水生生物多样性十、农业教育与培训类1. Agricultural education(FG):农业教育2. Vocational training(FG):职业培训3. Extension service(FG):推广服务4. Farmer field school(FG):农民田间学校5. Demonstration plot(FG):示范田6. Capacity building(FG):能力建设7. Knowledge transfer(FG):知识转移8. Scholarships(FG):奖学金9. Internship(FG):实习10. Continuing education(FG):继续教育十一、农业法律法规与政策类1. Agricultural law(FG):农业法2. Land tenure(FG):土地所有权3. Intellectual property rights(FG):知识产权4. Food safety regulations(FG):食品安全法规5. Environmental regulations(FG):环境法规7. Export subsidy(FG):出口补贴8. Import quota(FG):进口配额9. Tariff(FG):关税10. Agricultural policy(FG):农业政策十二、农业研究与开发类1. Research and development(FG):研究与开发2. Experimental station(FG):试验站3. Laboratory(FG):实验室4. Innovation(FG):创新5. Grant(FG):资助6. Patent(FG):专利7. Technical paper(FG):技术论文8. Peer review(FG):同行评审9. Research project(FG):研究项目10. Technology transfer(FG):技术转移十三、农业市场营销与贸易类1. Market analysis(FG):市场分析2. Consumer behavior(FG):消费者行为3. Branding(FG):品牌化4. Distribution channel(FG):分销渠道6. Export(FG):出口7. Import(FG):进口8. Commodity market(FG):商品市场10. International trade(FG):国际贸易十四、农业灾害与风险管理类1. Drought(FG):干旱2. Flood(FG):洪水3. Pest(FG):害虫4. Disease(FG):病害5. Disaster management(FG):灾害管理6. Risk assessment(FG):风险评估7. Insurance(FG):保险8. Crop loss(FG):作物损失9. Early warning system(FG):预警系统10. Emergency response(FG):紧急响应。
翻译硕士CATTI笔译常用词汇分类:农业保护耕地protectarableland病虫害防治pestanddiseasecontrol播种面积sownarea“菜篮子”工程theVegetableBasketProject餐饮业cateringtrade产业化扶贫reducepovertythroughindustrialdevelopment城乡低保urbanandruralrecipientsofsubsistenceallowances 单位面积产量yieldperunitarea滴灌dripirrigation动植物检疫animalandplantquarantine扶贫povertyalleviation/anti-povertyeffort扶贫政策povertyreliefpolicy复种multiplecropping副产品by-products副业sidelineproduction改良土壤soilimprovement耕地保护制度systemforprotectingarableland耕作设施farmingequipment灌溉面积irrigatedarea国家收购粮grainpurchasedbythestate旱地arid/non-irrigatedland洪涝灾害floodandwaterlogging集体林权制度改革reformofthesystemofcollectiveforestrights集约/粗放型农业intensive/extensiveagriculture加强农产品市场调控strengthenregulationofthefarmproductsmarket 减免农业税reduceandexempttheagriculturaltax减轻农民负担lightentheburdenonthepeasants建设高标准农田developfarmplotsthatmeethighstandards节约用地制度systemforeconomizingontheuseofland经济作物cashcrops开垦荒地reclaimwasteland抗病/虫/旱性disease-/pest-/drought-resistant科教兴农invigorateagriculturebyrelyingonscienceandeducation 联合国粮食与农业组织theUNFoodandAgricultureOrganizationFAO良种补贴subsidiesforsuperiorcropvarieties粮食安全foodsecurity粮食产业建设项目projectsforindustrializinggrainproduction粮食储备grainreserves粮食品种grainvarieties粮食直补directsubsidiestograinproducers粮食综合生产能力overallgrainproductioncapacity粮食最低收购价minimumgrainpurchasingprices粮食作物cerealcrops绿色革命GreenRevolution绿色食品greenfood绿色证书greencertificate苗圃seedlingnursery民工潮farmer’sfrenziedhuntforworkincities奶制品dairyproduct内陆水域inlandwaters农产品精深加工和销售intensiveprocessingandsaleofagriculturalproducts农产品质量监管monitorthequalityofagriculturalproducts 农村公益事业性建设项目ruralpublicfacilities农村集市ruralfair农村居民人均纯收入ruralpercapitanetincome农村民生工程projectsdesignedtoimprovethelivesofruralresidents 农村综合改革comprehensivereformsinruralareas农机具购置补贴subsidiesforthepurchaseofagriculturalmachineryandtools农林牧副渔全面发展all-rounddevelopmentof/infarming,forestry,animal,sidelineproduc tionandfishery农贸市场farmproducemarket农民的积极性farmers’enthusiasm农民工ruralmigrantworkers农民专业合作社specializedfarmercooperatives农田水利化bringlandunderirrigation农田水利建设constructionofwaterconservancyworks农业基础设施agriculturalinfrastructure农业技术agriculturaltechnology农业科技创新成果推广expandapplicationofinnovationsinagriculturalscienceandtechnolog y农业科技投入spendonagriculturalscienceandtechnology农用物资farminputs农资综合补贴generalsubsidiesforagriculturalproductionsupplies 喷灌sprinklerirrigation人均占有量percapitaavailability“三农”agriculture,ruralareasandfarmers社会主义新农村SocialistNewCountryside收购价purchasingprice薯类作物tubercrops水产品aquaticproduct水产业aquaticproductsindustry;fishery水稻田paddyfield水利设施waterconservancyfacilities水土保持waterandsoilconservation水土流失soilerosion太空育种spacebreeding糖料作物sugar-bearingcrops特色现代农业modernagriculturewithdistinctivelocalfeatures梯田terracedfield土地承包经营权流转transferoflanduserights土壤肥力soilfertility脱贫shakeoffpoverty温饱型企业subsistenceagriculture沃地fertileland消费信贷consumercredit小城镇建设developmentofsmalltowns小额信贷microcredit;microloan;microlending兴修水利undertakewaterconservancyprojects畜牧业animalhusbandry遗传学研究geneticresearch议价粮grainsoldatanegotiatedprice优化品种结构optimizethevarietymix油料作物oil-bearingcrops有机肥organicfertilizer中国人口的70%多是农民.Morethan70percentofChina’spopulationisfarmers.推进社会主义新农村建设,我们必须把重点放在发展农村经济,增加农民收入上.Topromotetheconstructionofanewsocialistcountryside,wemustfocuso ndevelopingtheruraleconomyandincreasingfarmers’incomes.发展现代农业,推进新农村建设,我们要靠政策、靠投入、靠科技、靠改革. Wemustdevelopmodernagricultureandpromotethebuildingofanewcountr ysidethroughgovernmentpolicy,funding,applicationofscienceandtec hnologyandreform.农业、农村和农民问题,是关系全面建设小康社会和现代化事业全局的重大问题.Theissuesrelatedtoagriculture,ruralareasandfarmershaveamajorimp actonbuildingamoderatelyprosperoussocietyinallrespectsandonthem odernizationdrive.坚持稳定和完善农村基本经营制度,坚持因地制宜,从实际出发,坚持尊重农民意愿,维护农民权益,反对形式主义和强迫命令. Wewillcontinuetostabilizeandimprovethebasicsystemforruraloperat ionsandcontinuetotailormeasurestosuitlocalconditions,proceedfro mthereality,respectthewishesoffarmers,safeguardtheirrightsandin terests,andopposeformalismcoercionandcommandism.我们要巩固和加强农业基础地位,促进农业稳定发展和农民持续增收.Wewillconsolidateandstrengthenthepositionofagricultureasthefoun dationoftheeconomy,promotingsteadydevelopmentofagricultureandco ntinuousincreaseinfarmer’sincomes.我们要切实稳定种植面积,着力提高单产,优化品种结构,推进全国新增粮食生产能力建设. Wewilleffectivelykeeptheareaplantedwithgraincropsstable,focuson increasingtheyieldperunitareaandoptimizingthevarietymix,andincr easethecountry’sgrainproductioncapacity.我们要以市场需求为导向调整农业结构. Wewilladjusttheagriculturalstructurebasedonmarketdemand.我们要多渠道促进农民增收.Wewillincreasefarmer s’incomesinavarietyofways.我们要加大扶贫开发力度. Wewillintensifyoureffortstoalleviatepovertythroughdevelopment.我们要较大幅度提高粮食最低收购价,保持农产品价格合理水平,提高种粮农民积极性. Wewillsignificantlyraiseminimumgrainpurchasingpricesandkeepthep ricesofagriculturalproductsatareasonableleveltoencouragefarmers togrowmore.我们要现有土地承包关系要保持稳定并长久不变,赋予农民包括离乡农民工更加充分而有保障的土地承包经营权.Wewillensurethatexistinglandcontractrelationshipsremainstablean dunchangedforalongtimetocomeandallowfarmers,includingmigrantwor kerswholeavetheirhomevillages,toenjoytheirfullandguaranteedrigh tstocontractandmanageland.土地承包经营权流转必须坚持依法自愿有偿的原则. Thetransferoflanduserightsmustproceedonthebasisofvoluntaryparti cipationandcompensationandinaccordancewiththelaw.我们要启动新一轮农村电网改造,扩大农村沼气建设规模. Wewillbeginanewroundoftheupgradingofruralpowergridsandbuildmore ruralmethanefacilities.我们要着力提高城镇综合承载能力,发挥城市对农村的辐射带动作用,促进城镇化和新农村建设良性互动. Wewillincreasetheoverallcarryingcapacityofcitiesandtowns,ensure thaturbanareasstimulatethedevelopmentofsurroundingruralareas,an dpromotepositiveinteractionbetweenurbanizationandthebuildingofa newcountryside.城乡建设都要坚持最严格的耕地保护制度和最严格的节约用地制度,切实保护农民合法权益.Whendevelopingurbanandruralareas,wemustadheretothestrictestsyst emsforprotectingarablelandandeconomizingonlandtoprotectthelegit imaterightsandinterestsoffarmers.我们要大力发展农产品加工业,推进农业产业化经营,支持批发市场和农贸市场升级改造,推动生产与市场对接. Wewilldeveloptheprocessingindustryforagriculturalproducts,promo teindustrializationinagriculture,supportandtheupgradingandrenov ationofmarketsforwholesaleandfarmproduce,andmaintainclosertiesb etweenproductionandthemarket.我们要坚持不懈地消除贫困落后,让农民群众早日过上富裕安康的生活. Wewillworkunremittinglytoeradicatepovertyandbackwardnesssothatr uralresidentscansoonliveaprosperousandhappylife.我们要加强对产粮大县的财政扶持. Wewillincreasefiscalsupportformajorgrain-producingcounties.。
农用地转宅基地申请书范文英文回答:An application for homestead conversion of agricultural land requires a thorough understanding of the relevant laws and regulations. Here is a comprehensive guide on how to write an effective application:1. Determine Eligibility.Before submitting an application, it is crucial to ascertain your eligibility for homestead conversion. Generally, only owners of agricultural land are eligible. The land should be classified as agricultural in the local zoning regulations and must have been actively used for agricultural purposes for a specified period.2. Identify Legal Requirements.Each jurisdiction has its own specific requirements forhomestead conversion applications. These requirements may include providing proof of ownership, a detailed description of the land, and a statement of intended use. Consulting with local authorities or legal professionals can help ensure that all necessary requirements are met.3. Gather Supporting Documentation.The application should be accompanied by supporting documentation that demonstrates compliance with legal requirements. This may include a copy of the deed, tax assessment, and any permits or approvals related to the land's agricultural use.4. Outline the Proposed Use.Clearly state how the land will be used once the conversion is approved. This should include details about the intended residential structures, landscaping, and any other proposed improvements.5. Address Environmental Concerns.The application should address any potential environmental concerns associated with the conversion. This may involve providing information about soil quality, drainage, and any measures to mitigate environmental impacts.6. Submit the Application.After carefully preparing the application and gathering all necessary documentation, submit it to the appropriate local authority. The application will be reviewed for completeness and compliance with legal requirements.7. Attend Hearing.In most cases, a public hearing will be held to allow for community input and possible objections. Be prepared to present your case and answer questions from the hearing panel.8. Decision and Appeals.The decision on the application will be made after considering all relevant factors, including the applicant's eligibility, the proposed use, and any public input. If the application is denied, you may have the right to appeal the decision through the appropriate legal channels.中文回答:农用地转宅基地申请书范文。
办理农转用手续流程的文件英文回答:Step-by-Step Guide to Agricultural Land Conversion Procedures.1. Application.Submit an application to the local land resources department.Provide supporting documents, such as the land certificate, property tax receipt, and proof of ownership.2. Approval Process.The land resources department reviews the application and conducts a site inspection.If the conversion is deemed符合standards, thedepartment issues an approval notice.3. Land Conversion Agreement.The applicant signs a land conversion agreement with the local government.The agreement specifies the terms and conditions of the conversion, including the use of the land and any compensation.4. Registration.The land conversion agreement is registered at the land registry office.The land is then officially converted to non-agricultural use.5. Development and Construction.The applicant can now proceed with the development andconstruction of the project.Regular inspections may be conducted by the local authorities to ensure compliance with the terms of the conversion agreement.Additional Requirements:Environmental impact assessment may be required depending on the nature and scale of the conversion project.Compensation may be payable to affected individuals or communities.The conversion process may involve multiple steps and approvals from various government agencies.中文回答:农转用手续办理流程。
林地转园地报批手续流程英文回答:The process of converting forest land into agricultural land involves several steps and requires various approvals. Here, I will outline the general procedure for obtainingthe necessary permits and licenses.Firstly, it is essential to conduct a feasibility study to determine if the land is suitable for agricultural use. This study includes assessing the soil quality, water availability, and the potential impact on the environment.Once the feasibility study is completed and the land is deemed suitable for agricultural purposes, the next step is to apply for a land use change permit. This permit isusually obtained from the local government or relevant authorities responsible for land management. Theapplication typically includes detailed information aboutthe land, such as its location, size, and proposed land use.After submitting the application, a thorough review process takes place. This involves evaluating the potential impact of the land conversion on the surrounding environment, including any potential effects on wildlife habitats or water sources. The authorities may also consider factors such as the availability of infrastructure and the compatibility of the proposed land use with the surrounding area.If the application passes the review process, the next step is to obtain an environmental impact assessment (EIA). The EIA evaluates the potential environmental consequences of the land conversion and proposes measures to mitigate any adverse effects. This assessment is crucial in ensuring sustainable land use practices and minimizing environmental damage.Once the EIA is completed and approved, the applicant can proceed with obtaining the necessary permits and licenses for land conversion. These may include permits for land clearing, water usage, and the construction ofnecessary infrastructure such as irrigation systems or access roads.After obtaining all the required permits and licenses, the landowner can begin the process of converting theforest land into agricultural land. This may involve activities such as clearing vegetation, preparing the soil, and planting crops or establishing livestock operations.In conclusion, the process of converting forest land into agricultural land involves conducting a feasibility study, applying for a land use change permit, undergoing a review process, obtaining an environmental impact assessment, and acquiring the necessary permits and licenses. This process ensures that land conversion is carried out in a sustainable and environmentally responsible manner.中文回答:将林地转为农业用地涉及多个步骤,并需要获得各种批准。
养殖地复议申请书范本英文回答:Application for Reclassification of Agricultural Land.1. Introduction.An application for the reclassification of agricultural land is submitted to the relevant authorities to request a change in the current land use designation. Thisapplication is typically made by the landowner or developer seeking to convert agricultural land to a different use, such as residential, commercial, or industrial development.2. Grounds for Reclassification.The application should provide justification for the proposed reclassification, outlining the specific reasons why the current land use designation is no longer appropriate or feasible. Common grounds forreclassification include:Economic factors: Changes in market conditions or agricultural practices may have made the current use economically unviable.Environmental factors: Environmental concerns, such as soil erosion, water pollution, or habitat loss, may necessitate a change in land use.Social factors: Population growth or changes in community needs may require the conversion of agricultural land to meet other societal demands.3. Development Plan.If the application is for conversion to non-agricultural use, a detailed development plan should be included. This plan should outline the proposed land use, density, and infrastructure requirements. It should also demonstrate how the development will comply with relevant zoning regulations and environmental standards.4. Public Participation.The application process often includes a public participation component. This may involve public hearings, workshops, or other opportunities for stakeholders to provide input on the proposed reclassification. The applicant is typically required to provide notice of the application and solicit public feedback.5. Decision-Making Process.The decision to reclassify agricultural land is typically made by a local or regional planning authority. This authority will consider the justification provided in the application, the development plan (if applicable), and the input received from the public. The decision-making process may involve multiple hearings and reviews.6. Appeal Process.If the application is denied, the applicant may havethe right to appeal the decision. The appeal process may vary depending on the jurisdiction and the specific grounds for denial.中文回答:养殖地复议申请书范本。
办理农转用手续流程的文件I understand that you are looking for information on the process of applying for agricultural land conversion procedures. This process involves converting farmland for non-agricultural use, such as building development or infrastructure projects. In China, this process is regulated by the government to ensure sustainable land use practices and protect agricultural resources for future generations.我知道您正在寻求办理农转用手续的相关信息。
The first step in the process of applying for agricultural land conversion procedures is to submit an application to the local government or relevant land management department. This application typically includes detailed information about the proposed land use change, such as the purpose of conversion, the location of the land, and the impact on the surrounding environment.办理农转用手续的第一步是向当地政府或相关土地管理部门提交申请。
Agricultural land,also known as arable land,is the foundation of food production and an essential resource for human survival and development.Protecting arable land is crucial for ensuring national food security and sustainable development.Here are some key points to consider when discussing the policy of protecting arable land:1.Policy Objectives:The primary goal of arable land protection policies is to maintain a certain amount of highquality land for agricultural use,thereby ensuring the countrys food security and supporting the sustainable development of agriculture.nd Use Planning:Governments should establish comprehensive land use plans that prioritize the protection of arable land.These plans should consider the ecological carrying capacity and the potential for agricultural productivity.3.Zoning Regulations:Implement zoning regulations that designate specific areas for agricultural use,protecting them from nonagricultural development such as urban sprawl and industrial encroachment.4.Legal Framework:Strengthen the legal framework to enforce the protection of arable land.This includes laws that penalize illegal land conversion and reward those who maintain and improve the quality of their land.5.Incentive Mechanisms:Create incentive mechanisms to encourage farmers to adopt sustainable farming practices that protect and enhance soil fertility and prevent soil erosion.cation and Awareness:Increase public awareness about the importance of arable land protection through education campaigns and community engagement.7.Technological Advancements:Utilize modern agricultural technologies to improve land use efficiency and reduce the need for land expansion at the expense of arable land.8.International Cooperation:Engage in international cooperation to share best practices, technologies,and policies related to arable land protection.9.Monitoring and Evaluation:Establish a robust system for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of arable land protection policies to ensure they are achieving the desired outcomes.10.Adaptation to Climate Change:Develop policies that help arable land adapt to the impacts of climate change,such as droughts,floods,and temperature fluctuations,tomaintain productivity.11.Financial Support:Provide financial support to farmers for land conservation efforts, including subsidies for sustainable farming practices and grants for land restoration projects.munity Involvement:Involve local communities in the decisionmaking process regarding land use to ensure that policies are responsive to local needs and conditions.By implementing these strategies,governments can effectively protect arable land, ensuring a stable food supply for the population and contributing to the overall wellbeing and sustainability of the environment.。
关于中国农业的英语作文万能句子Here is an English essay about Chinese agriculture, with the content exceeding 1000 words as per your instructions. The title is not included in the word count.The agricultural sector in China has undergone remarkable transformations over the past few decades, evolving from a predominantly subsistence-based system to a more diversified and technologically advanced industry. As the world's most populous country, China's ability to ensure food security and sustainable agricultural practices is of paramount importance, not only for its own people but also for the global community.One of the key drivers of China's agricultural success has been the government's commitment to modernizing the sector through strategic policies and investments. The country has implemented a series of land reforms, including the introduction of the household responsibility system, which has empowered farmers to make decisions about their land and crops, leading to increased productivity and efficiency.Moreover, the Chinese government has made significant strides inimproving agricultural infrastructure, such as the construction of irrigation systems, the development of transportation networks, and the expansion of storage and processing facilities. These initiatives have helped to reduce post-harvest losses, enhance the distribution of agricultural products, and improve the overall competitiveness of the sector.Technological advancements have also played a crucial role in transforming Chinese agriculture. The country has embraced the use of precision farming techniques, including the application of GPS-guided machinery, the adoption of advanced irrigation systems, and the implementation of data-driven decision-making tools. These technologies have enabled farmers to optimize resource utilization, increase yields, and reduce the environmental impact of agricultural practices.In addition to technological innovations, China has also placed a strong emphasis on the development of agricultural research and extension services. The country has established a network of research institutes and universities that are dedicated to exploring new crop varieties, improving farming methods, and addressing the challenges faced by the agricultural sector. These efforts have led to the development of high-yielding and drought-resistant crops, as well as the introduction of more efficient and sustainable farming practices.One of the most notable achievements in Chinese agriculture has been the significant improvements in food production and security. Over the past few decades, China has managed to feed its massive population while also contributing to global food supplies. This success can be attributed to the country's ability to increase crop yields, diversify its agricultural production, and enhance the efficiency of its food distribution systems.However, the agricultural sector in China is not without its challenges. The country faces issues such as land degradation, water scarcity, and the impact of climate change, which threaten the long-term sustainability of its agricultural practices. To address these challenges, the Chinese government has implemented a range of policies and initiatives aimed at promoting sustainable agriculture, including the development of renewable energy sources, the implementation of water conservation measures, and the adoption of more eco-friendly farming methods.Moreover, the rapid urbanization and industrialization of China have also posed challenges to the agricultural sector, as the conversion of farmland to non-agricultural uses has led to a decline in arable land. To mitigate this issue, the government has implemented policies to protect and preserve agricultural land, as well as to encourage the development of urban agriculture and the integration of agricultural activities with urban planning.Despite these challenges, the future of Chinese agriculture remains promising. The country's commitment to technological innovation, research and development, and sustainable practices, coupled with its vast natural resources and growing domestic and international markets, position it as a global leader in the agricultural sector.As China continues to modernize its agricultural industry, it will undoubtedly serve as a model for other developing countries seeking to enhance their own food security and sustainable agricultural practices. By sharing its experiences and best practices, China can play a crucial role in addressing the global challenges of food production, environmental protection, and climate change adaptation.In conclusion, the transformation of Chinese agriculture has been a remarkable success story, driven by a combination of strategic policymaking, technological advancements, and a strong commitment to sustainability. As the world's second-largest economy and a major player in the global food system, China's continued progress in the agricultural sector will have far-reaching implications for the well-being of its own people and the global community as a whole.。
Measures on the Management of thePesticide Production LicenseChapter I GeneralArticle 1 To regulate pesticide production practices, strengthen pesticide production management and ensure the quality of pesticides, the Measures on the Management of the Pesticide Production License (the Measures) is hereby developed in accordance with the Regulations on the Management of Pesti-cides.Article 2 The pesticide production referred to in the Measures includes the production of the TC (TK), formulation processing or repackaging.Article 3 The Measures shall apply to the application, review, issuance, supervision and management of a pesticide production license.Article 4 The Ministry of Agriculture shall be responsible for the nationwide supervision and guidance regarding the management of a pesticide production license and establishment of production condition requirements and review rules.The agricultural authorities under the provincial people’s government (hereinafter referred to as the agricultural authorities at the provincial level) shall be responsible for accepting, reviewing applica-tions and issuing a pesticide production license.Local agricultural authorities above the county level shall strengthen the supervision and manage-ment of a pesticide production license within their respective administrative areas.Article 5 The pesticide production license shall be managed on the principle of one license for one enterprise, and a pesticide producer will be granted only one pesticide production license.Article 6 Pesticide production shall comply with national industrial policies, and pesticide producers shall not produce products considered obsolete by the state, or use any technology, equipment or raw materials considered obsolete by the state during pesticide production, and shall not add the production of products restricted by the state, or add any technology, equipment or raw materials restricted by the state for the purpose of pesticide production.Article 7 Agricultural authorities at all levels shall strengthen information-based management of a pesticide production license. The Ministry of Agriculture shall accelerate the creation of a uniform nation-al pesticide management information platform, and gradually realize the uniform handling of pesticide production license applications, acceptances, reviews, issuances and printing through the pesticide management information platform. Local agricultural authorities shall timely upload and update pesti-cide production licenses, and details pertaining to supervision and management and other information in a timely manner.Chapter II Application and ReviewArticle 8 Enterprises engaged in pesticide production shall meet the following requirements:(1) comply with national industrial policies;(2) have in place management, technology, operations, inspection and special post personnel, etc.meeting the requirements of the production process;(3) have in place a permanent production site;(4) have in place reasonably arranged plants, and where a newly established chemical pesticideproducer or non-chemical pesticide producer expands the production scope of chemical pesticide, it shall establish factories in a chemical industry park above the provincial level; where a newlyestablished non-chemical pesticide producer, household hygienic insecticide producer or chemical pesticide producer increases the production scope of the TC (TK), they shall be located in a chemical industry park or industry park above the municipal level;(5) have in place automation production equipment and facilities suitable for the pesticide itproduces, as well as the facilities used in production and sales with traceable product electronic information codes;(6) have in place a specialized quality testing organization, complete testing instruments andequipment, and integrated quality assurance system and technical standards;(7) have in place a complete management system, including raw material procurement, processingequipment, quality control, product sales, product recall, product storage and transportation,production safety, occupational health, environmental protection, pesticide waste collection and disposal, sta training, documenting and recording, and other management systems.(8)other conditions speci ed by the Ministry of Agriculture.Where there are other requirements on the production conditions of enterprises regarding work safety and environmental protection laws and regulations, the pesticide producers shall comply with the requirements and consciously accept the supervision of relevant management authorities. Article 9 The following materials shall be submitted to the local agricultural authority at the provincial level in the application for a pesticide production license:(1) an application form for a pesticide production license;(2) a copy of the enterprise’s business license;(3) identity certi cates and basic information of the legal representative (person in charge);(4) copies of resumes and quali cation certi cates of main management personnel, technicalpersonnel and inspection personnel, as well as basic information of relevant personnel engaged in pesticide production;(5) oor plan layout, land use or lease certi cate of the production site;(6) process charts for production devices of the TC (TK) or formulation types of the pesticides to beproduced in the application, oor layout of production devices, process chart and process speci ca-tion, as well as the name, quantity and pictures of the corresponding main plant, equipment and facilities and ancillary facilities ensuring normal operation;(7) product quality standards and the list of main test instruments and equipment for the TC (TK) orformulation types to be produced in the application;(8) product quality assurance les and les pertaining to the management system;(9) primary records of three batches of pesticides manufactured in a trial production and for whichthe application is made, in accordance with the requirements found in the product quality assur-ance documents and the management system;(10) authenticity and legitimacy statements for application data;(11) other data speci ed by the Ministry of Agriculture.The application data shall be submitted in both paper and electronic forms.Article 10 For the application data submitted by the applicant, the agricultural authorities at the provin-cial level shall treat them respectively based on the following circumstances:(1) where no pesticide production license is required, the applicant shall be timely informed that theapplication is not accepted;(2) where any error is found in the application data, the applicant shall be allowed to correct it onsite;(3) Where the application data is not complete or consistent with legal forms, the applicant shall beinformed of all the contents that should be corrected or supplemented once and for all on site or within ve working days; if the applicant is not informed within the aforesaid period, the application shall be deemed as accepted upon receipt of the application data;(4) where the application data is complete, consistent with legal forms, or the applicant submits allsupplemental or corrected data as required, the application shall be accepted.Article 11 The agricultural authorities at the provincial level shall review in writing and conduct a technical assessment of the application data, and if necessary, carry out an on-the-spot investigation. The agricultural authorities shall make a decision on whether the production license should be issued within twenty working days upon acceptance. If the conditions are met, the pesticide production license shall be issued; if not, written notice indicating the reasons to the applicant shall be given.The technical assessment may be conducted by professionals in the elds of pesticide management, production, quality control, etc., and the time needed is not included in the license term and shall not exceed ninety days.Article 12 The pesticide production license pattern and the format of the forms will be uniformly deter-mined by the Ministry of Agriculture.The pesticide production license shall clearly indicate the license number, name of the producer, uniform social credit code, domicile, legal representative (person in charge), scope of production, production address, validity period, etc.The numbering format of the pesticide production license: pesticide production license + abbrevia-tion of province + serial number (four numerals).The production scope of the pesticide production license shall be marked according to the follow-ing regulations:(1) category of the TC (TK);(2) formulation type, with the chemical pesticides and non-chemical pesticides distinguished.Chapter III Alteration and RenewaArticle 13 The pesticide production license is valid for ve years. In case of any change of name, domi-cile, legal representative (person in charge) of a pesticide producer or narrowing of production scope, an application for change shall be led to the agricultural authority at the provincial level within thirty days from the date of change and related proof of materials shall also be submitted.The agricultural authority at the provincial level shall approve or disapprove an application forchange upon acceptance within twenty working days. If the application is quali ed, the change will be approved; if not, a written notice indicating the reasons will be given to the applicant.Article 14 In case a pesticide producer expands the production scope or changes the production site, he or she shall apply for a new pesticide production license according to the Measures. In case of relocation, chemical pesticide producers shall be relocated into a chemical industry park or industrial park above the municipal level.For a newly increased production site, it shall be subject to the requirements on newly established pesticide producers.Article 15 If the production of a pesticide needs to continue upon expiration of the period of validity, the pesticide producer shall apply to the agricultural authority at the provincial level for renewal ninety days before the expiration.Article 16 For the application of a pesticide production license renewal, the producer shall submit the application form, production report and other materials. The agricultural authorities shall review the application data. Where the application is not led within the speci ed time limit, or the conditions are not met, the renewal will not be approved.Article 17 In case of loss or damage of the pesticide production license, the pesticide producer shall state the reasons and provide relevant supporting documents, as well as apply to a local agricultural authority at the provincial level for re-issuance.Chapter IV Supervision and InspectionArticle 18 Pesticide producers shall organize production in accordance with the product quality stan-dards and provisions of the production license, ensue the pesticide products are consistent with those registered, and be responsible for the quality of pesticides they produce.Within the pesticide production license scope, pesticide producers may accept the entrustment of new pesticide developers and other pesticide producers to toll or repack pesticides, as well as the entrustment of enterprises exporting pesticide to China to repack pesticides according to Article 19 of the Regulations on the Management of Pesticides.Article 19 Pesticide producers shall upload production and sales data of the last quarter within fteen days upon the end of each quarter to the pesticide management information platform speci ed by the Ministry of Agriculture. In case of tolling or subpacking of pesticides, the entrusting party shall be respon-sible for such reporting.Article 20 The local agricultural authority above the county level shall strengthen the supervision and inspection of pesticide producers, conduct regular surveys and statistics on pesticide production, and establish pesticide production credit les and publish them.Article 21 Agricultural authorities at the provincial level shall withdraw a pesticide production license according to law, in the event of any of the following circumstances:(1) a fake pesticide is produced;(2) a sub-standard pesticide is produced (considered a severe circumstance);(3) the continued production of pesticides when no longer meeting the requirements of a pesticideproduction license, and refusal to rectify or still fail to satisfy the requirements after recti cation;(4) a violation of regulations speci ed in Article 53 and Article 54 of the Regulations on the Manage-ment of Pesticides;(5) due to a transfer, lease or loan of the pesticide production license;(6) due to the employment of any personnel speci ed in Paragraph I, Article 63 of the Regulationson the Management of Pesticides for pesticide production activities;(7) other circumstances where the pesticide production license shall be revoked according to law. Article 22 Agricultural authorities at the provincial level shall revoke a pesticide production license according to law, in the event of any of the following circumstances:(1) the decision of granting the pesticide production license is made by the personnel of the issuingauthority through an abuse of powers or a neglect of their duties;(2) the decision for granting the pesticide production license is made by the issuing authorityagainst legal procedures;(3) the pesticide production license is granted by the issuing authority to an applicant who isunquali ed or does not conform to the statutory requirements;(4) the applicant obtained the pesticide production license by fraud, bribery and other impropermeans;(5) other circumstances where the pesticide production license shall be revoked according to law. Article 23 In the event of any of the following circumstances, the original issuing authority shall cancel its pesticide production license according to law:(1) if the enterprise applies for cancellation;(2) if the quali cations of the subject are terminated according to law;(3) if the application for renewal is not led upon expiration of the term of validity of the pesticideproduction license;(4) if the pesticide production license is withdrawn, canceled or revoked according to law;(5) based on other circumstances where the license shall be canceled according to law.Article 24 Any pesticide producer shall be deemed as not validly holding a pesticide production license under any of the following circumstances:(1) if the continued production of pesticides is beyond the term of validity of the pesticide production license;(2) if the production of pesticides is beyond the scope of the pesticide production license;(3) if the production of pesticides in other places is carried out without approval;(4) if an enterprise which has obtained the pesticide production license is entrusted to process orsub-package pesticides beyond the scope of the license;(5) other circumstances where the pesticide production license is deemed not obtained.Article 25 The Ministry of Agriculture shall strengthen supervision and inspection of pesticide business licensing management by agricultural authorities at the provincial level, and if any personnel is found violating rules, the personnel shall be ordered to correct such a violation, and if punishment shall be imposed according to the law, suggestions for punishment shall be made to the personnel’s appointment and removal agency or supervision agency.Article 26 Agricultural authorities above the county level and their personnel shall be ordered to remedy any of the following actions below. Those who bare such direct responsibility for any such actions shall be investigated. Punishment shall be meted out according to the law, and if the actions constitute a crime, they shall be held criminally liable. The actions include:(1) a failure to perform pesticide production supervision and management duties, and if illegal pesticide production activities in their administrative region caused material loss or adverse social in uence;(2) granting a production license to any unquali ed applicant, or withholding a production license to any quali ed applicant;(3) being engaged in pesticide production and operation activities;(4) playing favoritism and committing irregularities, abusing powers and neglecting duties.Article 27 If any unit or individual nds any one is engaged in pesticide production activities in violation of the law, it has the right to report the violation to the agricultural authority, and the agricultural authori-ty shall verify such reporting, deal with the issue in a timely manner, and keep con dential the informa-tion of the informer. If the case is veri ed to be true and plays an active role in production safety or saves great loss, a reward or award shall be given according to relevant national regulations.Article 28 If a pesticide producer is engaged in illegal pesticide production activities, it shall be punished according to the stipulations in the Regulations on the Management of Pesticides; if the afore-said activities constitute a crime, the pesticide producer shall he held criminally liable according to law.Chapter V Supplementary ProvisionsArticle 29 Chemical pesticides mentioned in the Measures refer to pesticides arti cially synthesized with chemical substances.Article 30 The Measures will come into force from August 1, 2017.If any pesticide producer has obtained a production approval certi cate or license before the Measures come into e ect, it is allowed to continue such production of corresponding pesticides within the validity term. Where the production of pesticides needs to continue upon expiration of the term of validity, the pesticide producer shall apply for a new pesticide production license at the agricultural authority of the provincial level ninety days before expiration of the term of validity in accordance with the Measures.If any pesticide producer which has obtained a pesticide registration certi cate, but not the approv-al certi cate for pesticide production or a pesticide production license before the implementation of the Measures and needs to continue the production of pesticides, it shall obtain a pesticide produc-tion license within two years after the implementation of the Measures.。
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523S.A. Shahid et al. (eds.), Developments in Soil Classifi cation, Land Use Planning and Policy Implications: Innovative Thinking of Soil Inventory for Land Use Planning and Management of Land Resources , DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-5332-7_29,© Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013A bstract L and capability classi fic ation has been used for sensible land reallocation and distribution for settlement purposes. A case study has been conducted to assess how much fertile agricultural land is converted to urban use between 1995 and 2003. This conversion has been assessed in terms of total as well as under each land capa-bility class to examine whether competition between land use for agriculture and housing is leading to landlessness. Assessment is made by superimposing the maps on grid transparent papers using 1995 capability map. Land area possession per family is calculated by dividing total cropland area with total number of households in the village. Interviews and discussions with inhabitants witnessed their feelings about land conversion and subsequent impact on farmers’ possession of arable land and livelihood. The assessment demonstrated that 234.9 ha (23.7% of the highly and moderately potential cropland) has been converted to urban use, including 146.5 ha (38.5% of the capability class I land) being reallocated for settlement. Cultivable land area possession per household is reduced (1–0.35 ha) causing land fragmenta-tion and landlessness in the village affecting the livelihood in general and speci fi c ally women-farmers-led families. Based on the present study, it has been concluded that the available land capability classi fi c ation system has not been properly practiced in the reallocation and distribution of land for settlement purpose.K eywords A gricultural land • A rable land • L and capability classi fi c ation • L and reallocation • L and-use planning and urban useT . D . R ustu (*)D epartment of Land Resources and Environment , H amelmalo Agricultural College ,P .O. Box 7807 ,A smara ,E ritreae-mail: t ewolded@C hapter 29Agricultural Land Conversion: Application of Land Capability Classi fi c ation in Land-Use Planning of Embaderho Village in Eritrea T ewoldemedhin D . R ustu524T.D. Rustu 29.1 I ntroductionT he conversion of prime agricultural land into built-up area (agriculture to urbanization) is a historical phenomenon associated with the economic modernization in the past and a sociopolitical issue in the recent years (Leland 2001).Though humans have been modifying land for thousands of years, current rates, extents, and intensities of land change are far greater than ever recorded in the history, driving unprecedented changes in ecosystems and environmental processes at local, regional, and global scales. These changes encompass the greatest environmental concerns of human populations today (Ellis 2007). The land conversion usually results in the loss of agricultural output and the positive externalities associated with farming and wide-open space (Leland 2001).R ecently, land conversion assessments have been made by many researchers. In China, the dynamic changes and optimal allocation of arable land conversion has been studied by Hengzhou et al. (2007). Later, Liu et al. (2009)reported most of the arable land is lost to urbanization and rural settlements development. In a socio-economy study, Xie et al. (2005)identi fie d socioeconomic driving forces responsi-ble for arable land conversion. Whereas, Oli (2001)expressed that city areas will continue to grow on good agricultural land unless intervened by planning process by land-use planners and decision makers.T he competition for land between urbanization and agriculture is becoming acute and complex (FAO 1999). In many densely populated regions, land demand for resi-dential purpose is the major driving force to transform prime agricultural land out of agriculture production (Ellis 2007); therefore, the protection of prime agricul-tural land has become the world focus. Government of Eritrea (2004)has realized the urgent need for wiser use of the scarce rural land resources through land-use planning. In the developing countries, land capability classi fic ation is used to protect prime agricultural lands from urbanization, in the village land reorganization and for new settlements (Dent and Young 1981).Government of Eritrea (1995)has already acknowledged that there is a high land demand for urban expansion, as well as urgent need to protect agricultural land loss in the highlands of Eritrea.T otal population of Eritrea is about 4.0 million. It is estimated that population will grow on an average of about 2.7% per year (World Bank 2002).The land (12,432,000 ha) is the most important natural resource of Eritrea, of which 439,000 ha (3.5% of the total land area) is arable land (FAO 1994).E ritrea is predominantly a rural society, and about 80% of the population lives in rural areas depending on subsistence agriculture for their livelihood (FAO 1994). In general, the demands for both arable land and urban development are increasing every year. The current cropland is under heavy pressure owing to the increasing population densities. According to Ministry of Agriculture (2002)estimates, aver-age rural population density is 7.2 persons per ha of cropland, or 0.14 ha cropland per capita. With population increase, per capita cultivable land will decline. The fig ure may be even less as land becomes alienated from agriculture to urbanization. Moreover, natural and human impact on the land may degrade it, and hence this resource may become marginal for cultivation (Bojo 1995).52529 Agricultural Land Conversion: Application of Land Capability Classification…A ll land in Eritrea is owned by the state. The state allocates land to community or individuals for purposes such as agriculture, housing, and other developments (Castellani 2000; Government of Eritrea 2004). Recently, the government of Eritrea proclaimed that land be reallocated and distributed to the needy population.C ustomarily, villages and towns in Eritrea occur in hilly and mountainous area or on barren and affected land. This is for security reasons and principally to secure potential agricultural land for crop and livestock production. However, recently, it has been observed that fertile agricultural lands have been encroached by the villages and towns. The reason being that reallocation and distribution of land for construction purposes to the needy has long been restrained to meet the land demand of growing population. Besides population growth in small towns, villages and Asmara (capital city) has been critical and intense. The dramatic population growth in Asmara and the subsequent paucity of houses are acutely affecting the periphery villages for the purpose of housing demand. The rate at which these are taking place is not allowing alternatives for the needed urban expansion other than engul fin g arable land. Furthermore, nearly all villages and small towns are located in the vicinity of agricultural land, even though the village boundary is con fin ed to barren land. Naturally, when a village or town grows, it begins to encroach arable land.I n the past, the villagers were extremely careful to consider land capability when deciding where to grow crops and where to construct houses. The local knowledge and the good practices seem to have disappeared in the modern society. Landlessness has never been a problem in Eritrea, but now may become one as hundreds of hect-ares of fertile agricultural land are being converted to construction sites. The loss of land in subsistence agriculture must be equated with the loss of livelihood. Thirteen villages in the periphery of the Asmara city were recently incorporated into the municipal boundary. Therefore, concentrating on areas around Asmara would be the most logical approach when studying conversion of agricultural land to human settlements. One of these villages around Asmara recently incorporated under Asmara city town planning is Embaderho. Its cultivable area is under the shadow of loss due to urbanization.T his chapter provides a case study of the conversion of agricultural land to urban uses between 1995 and 2003 in Embaderho village of Eritrea. The aim of the study is to determine how much fertile land is converted to residential area and whether a system of land capability classi fic ation is employed in the reallocation of land, and whether competition for land use between agriculture and housing is causing land-lessness in the village.29.2 O bjectiveT he objective of the present study is to examine if an appropriate system of land capability classi fic ation is practiced in the process of land reallocation and distribu-tion for housing purpose. Thus, the assessment will be made to see how much total agricultural land has been converted to urban use in the village and principally the526T.D. Rustu conversion in terms of land capability classes. The study also looked into the effect of conversion on individual household’s land possession and whether the conversion, competition for land use between agriculture and housing is causing landlessness in the village.29.3 M aterials and Methods29.3.1 D escription of the Study AreaT he Embaderho village (biggest in the highlands) is located in the Maekel zone and Serejeka subzone, approximately 12 km North East of Asmara (capital city) along the main road to Keren town at latitude of 1,704,753.20 m N and longitude of 488,623.18 m E. Its altitude is about 2,200 m above sea level (asl). Total village area is about 2,687 ha, of which 1,124.63 ha is arable. Primarily the area consists of undulating, gently sloping terrain and plains. The gentle slopes and the plains in between are the arable areas. Steeper hills also occur in the area.T he village has mild to fairly cold climate with a rainy season from June to August, mean annual rainfall of about 500 mm, and mean annual air temperature of 17.5°C.T he dominant soils belong to three soil orders (Lithosols, Cambisols, and Luvisols). Generally, the soils are very shallow; however, in the lower plains where deposition of eroded soil from higher areas has taken place, the soil depth varies between 0.8 and 1.5 m. The soils are poorly managed and therefore present low organic matter content and soil fertility.T he major crops grown are barely wheat and beans in rainfed farmland and potatoes and cabbages in irrigated land. Total area under irrigation is 32.17 ha; rest of the area is rainfed.T he natural vegetation includes R umex nervosa spp., E uphorbia spp., E chinops giganteus,A loe,C ynodon dactylon, and H yparrhenia species. Vegetation cover is very low due to trees clearance for fir ewood. Recently, efforts have been made in planting eucalyptus and acacias in limited area.T otal population of Embaderho village is 6,446 based on the census conducted in early 2004. This includes native people and outlandish people permanently residing in the village. There are about 1,310 households, which give an average size of fiv e persons per household.T he land tenure system in Embaderho village is called “diessa.” In a diessa system, the land is owned communally by the whole village. Every eligible person (native permanent resident) gets an equal share of land for cultivation. Land is redistributed every 5–7 years by elected representatives, normally community elders. In the past, only married men above the age of 18 years were eligible to get land, but very recently, government introduced a new system allowing women to obtain the land. Agricultural land shares of migrated and died persons are reserved for reallocation to newly married couples.527 29 Agricultural Land Conversion: Application of Land Capability Classification…29.3.2 L and Classi fic ationL and is not the same everywhere and there has to be a key to equal and fair division of agricultural land to families. This is addressed in the village through a local land classi fic ation system. In this traditional classi fic ation system, land is classi fie d according to the potential or fertility of the land and distance from the village. Land is then again subdivided into individual farms capable of producing similar amount. Every family has to receive a share of fertile land as well as poor land in different locations. This process of redistribution of land is carried out through the drawing of lots, called “echa.”A nother land classi fic ation system practiced in the Embaderho village is the modi fie d USDA capability classi fic ation (Haile et al. 1998). Based on this system, Ministry of Land, Water, and Environment (MoLWE-Department of Land, Asmara, Eritrea) classi fie d agricultural land into highly and moderately potential cropland comprising capability class I, II, and III land; less potential cropland as capability class IV land; and fallow and grazing land to capability class IV, VI, and VII land. This modern capability classi fic ation is used by the government. Land-use map of Embaderho is shown in Fig. D ata Collection and AnalysisL and-use cover change is assessed and mapped between 1995 and 2003, for which maps are available with the MoLWE. The maps are prepared by superimposing the existing maps. Table 29.1illustrates land-use cover changes between the years 1995 and 2003.L and capability classi fic ation system is the most widely used method for eval-uating and identifying best agricultural land (Van Lanen 1991).Land capability map prepared by MoLWE is used to analyze area of land converted from agricul-ture to urban use in each capability class. When analyzing, the land-use cover and the land capability maps are redrawn into transparent paper using colored pens. Each land-use cover map is then separately overlaid with the capability map for area calculation. Change in area (hectares) of the land that falls into the different capability classes in the study area as a result of urban encroachment between 1995 and 2003 is given in Table 29.2. Table 29.3shows distribution of land-use cover change (hectares) against each land capability classes of the study area between 1995 and 2003.A rea of land owned by single family household is calculated by dividing total cropland area by the total number of households in the village. Discussion and interviews are held with the village leading farmers, local government, and agri-culture experts to look into the farmers’ perception on agricultural land conver-sion and its impact on farmers’ arable land possession and on their livelihood.528T.D. Rustu F ig. 29.1 L and-use map of Embaderho (Source: MoLWE)52929 Agricultural Land Conversion: Application of Land Capability Classification…29.4R esults and Discussion 29.4.1 T he Process of Land Reallocation and Distribution The village community fully supports and is the key player in the land reallocation and distribution for residential development. It selects where, within its demesne territory, it wants its housing development to be and sets the criteria a permanent resident of the village has to ful fi l l to be eligible to apply for land for housing. With the approval of the government, it then distributes the land to the eligible person. F our main bodies in fl u ence the process of rural agricultural area conversion to residential land use. These include the village “tiessa” committee, the local government, the village community members, and the Ministry of Land, Water, and Environment. T able 29.1 L and-use cover changes between 1995 and 2003 L and-use coverA rea (ha) 1995 A rea (ha) 2003 C hange a (ha)H ighly and moderately potential cropland980.63 754.80 −225.83 L ess potential cropland144.00 144.00 0F allow and grazing land1,417.08 1,049.10 −367.98 T ree plantation46.94 157.0 +110.06 W et land1.90 1.90 0N ursery2.50 2.50 0D am23.40 14.30 −9.1 S ettlement67.95 560.80 +492.85 C emetery2.60 2.60 0T otal2,687.00 2,687.00 0 a − shows decrease in land-use cover; + shows increase in land-use coverT able 29.2 L and capability classes’ changes depicted between 1995 and 2003L and capability class A rea (ha) 1995 A rea (ha) 2003 C hange a (ha) I380.16 233.68 −146.48 II 88.88 65.21 −23.67 I II511.59 455.91 −55.68 I V1,263.41 968.16 −295.25 V I276.93 204.20 −72.73 V II20.74 20.74 0.00 V III (wet land)1.90 1.90 0.00 T ree plantation46.94 157.00 110.06 N ursery2.50 2.50 0.00 D ams23.40 14.30 −9.10 C emetery2.60 2.60 0.00 S ettlement67.95 560.80 +492.85 T otal 2,687.00 2,687.00 0a − shows decrease in land-use cover; + shows increase in land-use cover530T.D. RustuT able 29.3 L and-use cover change against land capability classes between 1995 and 2003L and-use cover C apability class A rea (ha) 1995 A rea (ha) 2003 C hange a(ha)H ighly and moderatelypotential cropland I380.16 233.68 −146.48 I I 88.88 65.21 −23.67 I II 511.59 455.91 −55.68 T otal 980.63 754.80 −225.83L ess potential cropland I V 144.00 144.00 0F allow and grazing land I V 1,119.41 824.16 −295.25V I 276.93 204.20 −72.73V II 20.74 20.74 0.00T otal 1,417.08 1,049.10 −367.98T ree plantation V I 46.94 157.00 +110.06W et land V III 1.90 1.90 0.00N ursery –2.50 2.50 0.00D am –23.40 14.30 −9.10C emetery –2.60 2.60 0.00S ettlement –67.95 560.80 +492.85G rand total 2,687 2,687 0a− shows decrease in land-use cover; + shows increase in land-use coverAll these activists have different roles. The main promoter is the village “tiessa” committee, a special committee which is selected by the village community with the responsibility of administering the reallocation and distribution of land for housing purpose. In the process of reallocation and distribution, the village “tiessa” commit-tee locates and selects area for residential development. Upon approval by the local government and the village community members, the selection of the area is com-municated to the ministry. The ministry then makes all the necessary preparation: land leveling, roads and parcels cutting, land reserving for infrastructural and poten-tial mining development, and other government interests. Concurrently, the village “tiessa” committee registers applications and selects eligible individuals. The result of the selection is then conversed again with the ministry for approval.29.4.2 P otential Agricultural Land ConversionT he study shows that 492.85 ha (20.19% of the total agricultural area) inclusive of 234.93 ha (23.74% of the highly and moderately potential cropland) is converted to settlement (tiessa expansion) between 1995 and 2003 (Table 29.1). Of this fig ure, 146.48 ha (38.53% of the land capability class I) represents prime farmland, land that is ideal for agriculture, converted to urban settlement (Table 29.3). These fig ures demonstrate that the amount of total agricultural land lost to urbanization in the village is small relative to the total supply of this land. However, the percentage of prime farmland, capability class I land, lost to urbanization is signi fic ant. The results531 29 Agricultural Land Conversion: Application of Land Capability Classification…support the estimation and the concern of land conversion made by the ministry in 2002. Despite the 2002 estimates of the ministry that only a tiny fraction of Eritrea’s arable land is likely to be converted to settlement over the next few decades, there is a concern of potential problems and with special minority groups like women which may be adversely affected by conversion of agricultural land to urbanization.T able 29.3indicates 225.83 ha (23.03% of the highly and moderately potential agricultural land) which comprises capability class I, II, and III land is allocated to urban use. These fig ures suggest that available land capability classi fic ation might not have been used properly if used at all in the land-use planning process, land real-location, and distribution for settlement. According to the 2002 estimates of the ministry, land-use planning is a new practice in Eritrea, and its application through land capability classi fic ation in managing land is stalled by the current land tenure system. Much arable land could be preserved in agricultural production if develop-ment is more wisely managed using capability classi fic ation (Oli 2001).A concern for meeting present needs might have led to short-term objectives and inappropriate land-use practices in the highlands of Eritrea (Zemenfes 2002).A rable land area possession per family was on average 1 ha in the village. The study shows a reduction from 1 to 0.35 ha between 1995 and 2003. This represents a 65% reduction in single household’s land area possession because of land conver-sion to settlement. There is a long-standing tradition of family farming in the village as is true with all rural areas of Eritrea. Conversion of agricultural land to urban uses together with population growth has resulted in fragmentation of the available ara-ble land. Arable land holdings have now become too small to sustain the livelihood of farming families. These families have lost their cultivable land and now have to fin d an alternative means of livelihood. The effect of loss in arable land to urban use on the livelihood of the farmers is clearly re fle cted in the reduction of total and per capita crop production. As obtained from interviews and discussion with farmers, total crop production from the village has reduced by more than 50%.T he village arable land is under further threat of loss due to urbanization. According to discussion with village community members, it is expected that more arable land will be converted to settlement soon. Any permanent resident of the vil-lage above the age of 18 years is entitled to get land for residential development. Reallocation and distribution of land to eligible individuals is not a onetime endeavor and so does the threat from urbanization as there will be many people who will turn on 18 every year and have to get land too.C urrently, conversion of agricultural land to residential settlement is supported by the whole community despite the fact that it has caused a reduction in their arable land and loses of their livelihood. This has been found mainly for the following reasons. First, in the current land tenure system, people have only the right to use the arable land as long as they or their family stayed in the village and not migrated or died and is returned to the village thereafter. The system allows only married male and divorced female above the age of 18 years to get land for cultivation. Thus, all unmarried ones are disadvantaged by the agricultural area deriving their preference for land for housing.532T.D. Rustu S econd, by law, the government owns all lands in Eritrea; therefore, it can engage any size of land wherever it is located and for any purpose. For example, during the study period, about 37 ha of fertile and potential irrigable land is utilized by the Ministry of Defense for a project of growing flo wers and vegetables. This creates a competition for land between the government and the community and pushes the community to prefer land for housing than for agriculture.T hird, even though families fully depend on subsistence agriculture for their livelihood, they do not produce enough. The agricultural land cannot be sold. Thus, the allocation of agricultural land for residential development is perceived as an attractive opportunity for the community to sell the land at a very attractive price. The amount gained is incomparable with the annual income per capita to be derived from agricultural production on the same land. Currently, value or price of land allocated for housing is exaggerated in Eritrea.F ourth, the conversion of agricultural land to residential development has given the farmers an economic opportunity. They can generate more income from house rent than from subsistence agriculture. Of the urban population of Eritrea, about 55% (487,000) live in Asmara with estimated urban growth rate of about 5% per year. The urban primacy and thus the demands for housing are very much marked. For the village included in the municipal boundary of the city, its transportation infrastructure is upgraded to enjoy the Asmara city bus services making it attractive to reside there. This results in in flu x of urban people to look for a rental house in the village. This has increased the value of houses in the village giving selection advan-tage to land for housing over land for agriculture.S ocieties have some concern about potential negative social in flu ences that urbanization entails. Communities perceive in flo w of new residents as a cause for loss of their belongings to the village or erosion of their social cohesion. This has now changed in the village according to discussion and interviews with village community members. The discussion and interviews reveal that village community members would like to see in flo w of residents. The study suggests that urbanization and a shift in the livelihood of the farmers from agriculture have changed the attitude of the community about in flo w of residents to their territory.29.5 C onclusionsT his chapter, through a case study, has examined if available system of land capability classi fic ation is being used in land reallocation and distribution for settlement pur-pose in villages around Asmara city, Eritrea. It has analyzed if the decisions on land use are affecting families’ arable land possession and farmers’ livelihood. The study suggests that reallocation and distribution of land for residential use is causing the transformation of signi fic ant portion of the most fertile agricultural land out of pro-duction. Because of agricultural land conversion, arable land is being fragmented; families are losing their cultivable land, and this is causing a shift in the long-held traditional farming system of livelihood of many farmers.533 29 Agricultural Land Conversion: Application of Land Capability Classification…R eferencesB ojo J (1995) Land degradation in Eritrea. Mimeograph paper. World Bank, Washington, DCC astellani LG (2000) Recent developments in land tenure law in Eritrea, Horn of Africa. Workingpaper no 37. Legal Tenure Center, Institute for Research and Education on Social Structure, Rural Institutions, Resources Use and Development. University of Wisconsin, MadisonD ent D, Young A (1981) Soil survey and land evaluation. 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