marcroeconomics review
americaneconomicreview体例Title: Economic Analysis of the American Economy: A Review of the American Economic ReviewIntroduction:The American Economic Review (AER) is one of the most prestigious academic journals in the field of economics, offering valuable insights into the American economy. This article aims to review and analyze significant contributions made by the AER that have shaped our understanding of the American economy, covering a wide range of topics such as economic growth, labor markets, fiscal policy, and international trade.I. Economic Growth:One of the most fundamental goals of economic policy is to promote sustainable economic growth. Several notable articles published in the AER have shed light on the determinants of long-run economic growth in the United States. For instance, Robert J. Barro's seminal work on the role of human capitalin economic development has informed policy decisions on education and skill enhancement.II. Labor Markets:The functioning of labor markets is critical to understanding the dynamics of employment, wages, and inequality. The AER has contributed significantly to this area of research. For example, papers by economists such as David Card and Alan Krueger on the minimum wage have challenged conventional views on its negative impact on employment, leading to important policy debates. Similarly, studies on the genderwage gap and discrimination have influenced efforts to reduce inequality in the labor market.III. Fiscal Policy:The role of government in managing fiscal policy andstabilizing the economy has been extensively studied in the AER. Articles have highlighted the effects of taxation,public spending, and debt on economic outcomes, providing insights on optimal policy choices. Notable contributions include studies on the effectiveness of fiscal stimulus measures during recessions and the long-term sustainabilityof public debt.IV. International Trade:Trade plays a crucial role in determining economic growth, employment, and income distribution in an interconnectedglobal economy. The AER has examined various aspects of international trade, including the impact of trade agreements, protectionist measures, and exchange rate volatility on national economies. Contributions from economists like Paul Krugman and Robert C. Feenstra have advanced ourunderstanding of the benefits of trade as well as its distributional consequences.V. Experimental Economics:Experimental economics, a relatively new subfield, has gained significant attention in recent years. The AER has not only provided a platform for experimental economists to presenttheir findings but has also fostered the growth of this areaof research. Experimental studies published in the AER have explored topics such as behavioral economics, market design, and decision-making in a controlled environment, enabling policymakers to make informed decisions based on empirical evidence.Conclusion:This article has reviewed and analyzed influential contributions made by the American Economic Review towards our understanding of the American economy. The journal has played a pivotal role in promoting rigorous research, and the diverse range of topics covered demonstrates its impact on economic policy and decision-making. From economic growth and labor markets to fiscal policy and international trade, the AER continues to shape the landscape of economic thought, providing valuable insights to economists, policymakers, and researchers alike.。
课件CONTENTS •引言与课程概述•经济增长理论•失业、通货膨胀与货币政策•财政政策与国际经济•金融市场与金融机构•经济发展中的政府角色引言与课程概述01宏观经济学研究对象与意义研究对象宏观经济学以整个国民经济活动作为考察对象,研究经济中各有关总量的决定及其变动。
教材与参考资料教材《高级宏观经济学》(David Romer著)参考资料国内外相关领域的学术期刊、研究报告、政策文件等。
Macroeconomics R. GLENN HUBBARD COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY ANTHONY PATRICK O’BRIEN LEHIGH UNIVERSITY MATTHEW RAFFERTY QUINNIPIAC UNIVERSITY Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle RiverAmsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City So Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei TokyoAbout the AuthorsGlenn Hubbard Professor Researcher and Policymaker R. Glenn Hubbard is the dean and Russell L. Carson Professor of Finance and Economics in the Graduate School of Business at Columbia University and professor of economics in Columbia’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences. He is also a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research and a director of Automatic Data Processing Black Rock Closed- End Funds KKR Financial Corporation and MetLife. Professor Hubbard received his Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University in 1983. From 2001 to 2003 he served as chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers and chairman of the OECD Economy Policy Commit- tee and from 1991 to 1993 he was deputy assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury Department. He currently serves as co-chair of the nonpar-tisan Committee on Capital Markets Regulation and the Corporate Boards Study Group. ProfessorHubbard is the author of more than 100 articles in leading journals including American EconomicReview Brookings Papers on Economic Activity Journal of Finance Journal of Financial EconomicsJournal of Money Credit and Banking Journal of Political Economy Journal of Public EconomicsQuarterly Journal of Economics RAND Journal of Economics and Review of Economics and Statistics.Tony O’Brien Award-Winning Professor and Researcher Anthony Patrick O’Brien is a professor of economics at Lehigh University. He received a Ph.D. from the University of California Berkeley in 1987. He has taught principles of economics money and banking and interme- diate macroeconomics for more than 20 years in both large sections and small honors classes. He received the Lehigh University Award for Distin- guished Teaching. He was formerly the director of the Diamond Center for Economic Education and was named a Dana Foundation Faculty Fel- low and Lehigh Class of 1961 Professor of Economics. He has been a visit- ing professor at the University of California Santa Barbara and Carnegie Mellon University. Professor O’Brien’s research has dealt with such issues as the evolution of the U.S. automobile industry sources of U.S. economiccompetitiveness the development of U.S. trade policy the causes of the Great Depression and thecauses of black–white income differences. His research has been published in leading journals in-cluding American Economic Review Quarterly Journal of Economics Journal of Money Credit andBanking Industrial Relations Journal of Economic History Explorations in Economic History andJournal of PolicyHistory.Matthew Rafferty Professor and Researcher Matthew Christopher Rafferty is a professor of economics and department chairperson at Quinnipiac University. He has also been a visiting professor at Union College. He received a Ph.D. from the University of California Davis in 1997 and has taught intermediate macroeconomics for 15 years in both large and small sections. Professor Rafferty’s research has f ocused on university and firm-financed research and development activities. In particular he is interested in understanding how corporate governance and equity compensation influence firm research and development. His research has been published in leading journals including the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis Journal of Corporate Finance Research Policy and the Southern Economic Journal. He has worked as a consultantfor theConnecticut Petroleum Council on issues before the Connecticut state legislature. He has alsowritten op-ed pieces that have appeared in several newspapers including the New York Times. iii Brief Contents Part 1: Introduction Chapter 1 The Long and Short of Macroeconomics 1 Chapter 2 Measuring the Macroeconomy 23 Chapter 3 The Financial System 59 Part 2: Macroeconomics in the Long Run: Economic Growth Chapter 4 Determining Aggregate Production 105 Chapter 5 Long-Run Economic Growth 143 Chapter 6 Money and Inflation 188 Chapter 7 The Labor Market 231 Part 3: Macroeconomics in the Short Run: Theory and Policy Chapter 8 Business Cycles 271 Chapter 9 IS–MP: A Short-Run Macroeconomic Model 302 Chapter 10 Monetary Policy in the Short Run 363 Chapter 11 Fiscal Policy in the Short Run 407 Chapter 12 Aggregate Demand Aggregate Supply and Monetary Policy 448 Part 4: Extensions Chapter 13 Fiscal Policy and the Government Budget in the Long Run 486 Chapter 14 Consumption and Investment 521 Chapter 15 The Balance of Payments Exchange Rates and Macroeconomic Policy 559 Glossary G-1 Index I-1ivContentsChapter 1 The Long and Short of Macroeconomics 1WHEN YOU ENTER THE JOB MARKET CAN MATTER A LOT ........................................................ 11.1 What Macroeconomics Is About........................................................................... 2 Macroeconomics in the Short Run and in the Long Run .................................................... 2 Long-Run Growth in the United States ............................................................................. 3 Some Countries Have Not Experienced Significant Long-Run Growth ............................... 4 Aging Populations Pose a Challenge to Governments Around the World .......................... 5 Unemployment in the United States ................................................................................. 6 How Unemployment Rates Differ Across Developed Countries ......................................... 7 Inflation Rates Fluctuate Over Time and Across Countries................................................. 7 Econo mic Policy Can Help Stabilize the Economy .. (8)International Factors Have Become Increasingly Important in Explaining Macroeconomic Events................................................................................. 91.2 How Economists Think About Macroeconomics ............................................. 11 What Is the Best Way to Analyze Macroeconomic Issues .............................................. 11 Macroeconomic Models.................................................................................................. 12Solved Problem 1.2: Do Rising Imports Lead to a Permanent Reductionin U.S. Employment. (12)Assumptions Endogenous Variables and Exogenous Variables in EconomicModels ........................................................................................................ 13 Forming and Testing Hypotheses in Economic Models .................................................... 14Making the Connection: What Do People Know About Macroeconomicsand How Do They KnowIt .............................................................................................. 151.3 Key Issues and Questions of Macroeconomics ............................................... 16An Inside Look: Will Consumer Spending Nudge Employers to Hire................................ 18Chapter Summary and Problems ............................................................................. 20 Key Terms and Concepts Review Questions Problems and Applications Data Exercise Theseend-of-chapter resource materials repeat in all chapters.Chapter 2 Measuring the Macroeconomy 23HOW DO WE KNOW WHEN WE ARE IN ARECESSION ........................................................... 23Key Issue andQuestion .................................................................................................... 232.1 GDP: Measuring Total Production and Total Income ..................................... 25 How theGovernment Calculates GDP (25)Production and Income (26)The Circular Flow of Income (27)An Example of Measuring GDP (29)National Income Identities and the Components of GDP (29)vvi CONTENTS Making the Connection: Will Public Employee Pensions Wreck State and Local Government Budgets.................................................................... 31 The Relationship Between GDP and GNP........................................................................ 33 2.2 Real GDP Nominal GDP and the GDP Deflator.............................................. 33 Solved Problem 2.2a: Calculating Real GDP . (34)Price Indexes and the GDP Deflator (35)Solved Problem 2.2b: Calculating the Inflation Rate ..........................................................36 The Chain-Weighted Measure of Real GDP ....................................................................37 Making the Connection: Trying to Hit a Moving Target: Forecasting with “Real-Time Data” .................................................................................. 37 Comparing GDP Across Countries................................................................................... 38 Making the Connection: The Incredible Shrinking Chinese Economy ................................ 39 GDP and National Income .............................................................................................. 40 2.3 Inflation Rates and Interest Rates ....................................................................... 41 The Consumer Price Index .............................................................................................. 42 Making the Connection: Does Indexing Preserve the Purchasing Power of Social Security Payments ................................................................ 43 How Accurate Is theCPI ............................................................................................... 44 The Way the Federal Reserve Measures Inflation ............................................................ 44 InterestRates .................................................................................................................. 45 2.4 Measuring Employment and Unemployment .. (47)Answering the Key Question ............................................................................................ 49 An Inside Look: Weak Construction Market Persists.......................................................... 50 Chapter 3 The Financial System 59 THE WONDERFUL WORLD OFCREDIT ................................................................................... 59 Key Issue and Question .................................................................................................... 59 3.1 Overview of the Financial System ...................................................................... 60 Financial Markets and Financial Intermediaries ................................................................ 61 Making the Connection: Is General Motors Making Cars or Making Loans .................... 62 Making the Connection: Investing in the Worldwide Stock Market . (64)Banking and Securitization (67)The Mortgage Market and the Subprime Lending Disaster (67)Asymmetric Information and Principal–Agent Problems in Financial Markets...................68 3.2 The Role of the Central Bank in the Financial System (69)Central Banks as Lenders of Last Resort ..........................................................................69 Bank Runs Contagion and Asset Deflation ....................................................................70 Making the Connection: Panics Then and Now: The Collapse of the Bank of United States in 1930 and the Collapse of Lehman Brothers in2008 (71)3.3 Determining Interest Rates: The Market for Loanable Funds and the Market forMoney .......................................................................................... 76 Saving and Supply in the Loanable Funds Market ........................................................... 76 Investment and the Demand for Loanable Funds ............................................................ 77 Explaining Movements in Saving Investment and the Real Interest Rate (78)CONTENTS .。
american economic review格式 -回复
american economic review格式-回复"American Economic Review Format: A Step-by-Step Guide"Introduction:The American Economic Review (AER) is one of the most prestigious economic journals in the world. Its rigorous review process and the high standards for the quality of research make it a valuable resource for economists. In this article, we will guide you through the process of writing an article in the AER format, providing insights on each step required.Step 1: Research Question and HypothesisThe first step in writing an AER article is to identify a compelling research question. This question should aim to contribute something new to the existing economic literature. Once the research question is defined, formulate a hypothesis based on your initial thoughts and assumptions. Ensuring that your research question and hypothesis are well-defined and unique is crucial at this stage.Step 2: Literature ReviewConducting a thorough literature review is essential for understanding the existing body of knowledge on your research question. Identify key papers, theories, and arguments related to your topic. Present summaries of these works and highlight any gaps or disagreements in the literature that your research aims to address. A comprehensive literature review helps to demonstrate the relevance and novelty of your research.Step 3: Data Collection and MethodologyNext, determine the data sources that will enable you to test your hypothesis and answer your research question. Analyze the strengths and limitations of these data sources and provide justifications for their suitability. Outline the statistical methods and econometric models that you intend to employ in order to analyze the data. Be explicit about the assumptions made and explain how they align with the objectives of your research.Step 4: Data Analysis and ResultsIn this step, perform the data analysis and present the results obtained. Discuss the statistical techniques used and interpret the findings. Clearly present tables, graphs, or any other visual representation that aptly showcases the essence of your analysis. Make sure your results are robust, statistically significant, and support or reject your initial hypothesis. It is essential to be objective and transparent in presenting your results.Step 5: Discussion and ImplicationsAfter presenting the results, delve into a comprehensive discussion of their implications. Explain how your findings contribute to the existing literature and the overall understanding of the research question. Address any limitations or constraints that might affect the reliability of your results. Additionally, explore potential avenues for further research stemming from your findings to encourage future academic exploration of the topic.Step 6: ConclusionSummarize the key findings of your research and restate your main arguments. Emphasize the significance and novelty of yourcontributions, and highlight the implications of your research for policymakers, industry professionals, or academia. End the article with a brief, thought-provoking conclusion that showcases the broader relevance of your research within the economics field.Step 7: Bibliography and CitationsEnsure that your article adheres to the AER's citation guidelines. Format your bibliography meticulously, including all relevant sources cited in your work. Follow the specified citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago) consistently throughout the article.Step 8: Proofreading and RevisionBefore submitting your article, proofread it carefully for any grammar, spelling, or formatting errors. Ensure that the article flows well and that your arguments are logically consistent throughout. Seek feedback from trusted colleagues or mentors in your field, incorporating their suggestions to strengthen your work further.Conclusion:Writing an article in the American Economic Review format requires a systematic approach and adherence to rigorous standards. Defining a research question, conducting a literature review, collecting and analyzing data, and presenting robust results are all crucial steps in the process. By following this step-by-step guide, you will have a solid foundation for crafting a high-quality AER article that makes a valuable and original contribution to the field of economics.。
河北经贸大学学报Journal of Hebei University of Economics and Business2021 年 1 月第42卷第1期Jan. 2021Vol. 42 No.1保罗・米尔格罗姆和罗伯特・威尔逊对当代经济学的贡献——2020年诺贝尔经济学奖得主学术贡献评介张琨】,单海鹏・2(1.河北经贸大学商学院,河北石家庄050061;2.首都经济贸易大学经济学院,北京100070)摘 要:保罗•米尔格罗姆(Paul R. Milgrom )和罗伯特•威尔逊(Robert B.Wilson )被授予2020年诺贝尔经济学奖,以表彰这两位经济学家在"改进拍卖理论和创新拍卖形式"方面做出的重大贡献。
保罗•米尔格罗姆在已有拍卖理论的基础上提出了同时具有私人价值信息和共同价值信息的附加价值模型;罗伯特•威尔逊提出了“竞争性拍 卖机制” “双向拍卖”“整体拍卖与分担拍卖机制”等全新的拍卖形式并将拍卖理论应用于实践,产生了深远的影响。
关键词:诺贝尔经济学奖;拍卖理论;博弈论;信息经济学中图分类号:F06文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-2101( 2021) 01-0034-07—、弓I 言2020年10月12日,瑞典皇家科学院将2020年诺贝尔经济学奖授予保罗•米尔格罗姆(Paul R.Milgrom )和罗伯特•威尔逊(Robert B.Wilson),以 表彰这两位经济学家在“改进拍卖理论和创新拍卖形式”方面做出的重大贡献。
2007年,他与保罗•米尔格罗姆一起被授予科睿 唯安“引文桂冠奖”。
凯恩斯对马歇尔《经济学原理》对西方经济学的贡献的评价约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)是20世纪最重要的经济学家之一,他对经济学的发展和思想的影响无法忽视。
凯恩斯主要对马歇尔的《经济学原理》(Principles of Economics)进行了批判和改写,为西方经济学带来了重大变革。
凯恩斯在他的著作《通论》(The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money)中详细阐述了他的经济学思想,并对马歇尔的经济学原理进行了重建,提出了新的宏观经济学模型。
经济学核心期刊1.经济研究2. 经济学动态3. 经济学家4. 经济科学5. 经济评论6. 南开经济研究7. 当代经济科学8. 当代经济研究9. 中南财经政法大学学报10. 经济纵横11.山西财经大学学报12.经济问题13.现代财经14. 上海财经大学学报15. 经济经纬16.贵州财经学院学报17.首都经济贸易大学学报18. 江西财经大学学报19.河北经贸大学学报20.云南财贸学院学报(改名为:云南财经大学学报)国际经济学期刊四大金刚:AER、Econometrica、JPE、QJE国内经济学期刊四大金刚:《经济研究》、《经济学(季刊)》、《管理世界》、《世界经济》国外主要刊物1 The American economic review 美国经济评论美2 The Economist 经济学家英3 Econometrica 计量经济学美4 The Journal of political economy 政治经济学杂志美5 The Quarterly journal of economics 经济学季刊美6 Journal of economic literature 经济文献杂志美7 Journal of financial economics 金融经济学杂志瑞士8 The Economic quarterly 经济学杂志英9 The Review of economic studies 经济研究评论英10 The Review of economics and statistics 经济学与统计学评论美11 Journal of econometrics 计量经济学杂志瑞士12 Journal of economic theory 经济理论杂志美13 Brookings papers on economic activity 布鲁鑫斯经济活动论文集美14 Journal of monetary economics 货币经济学杂志荷兰15 The Journal of law & economics 法学与经济学杂志美16 Journal of international economics 国际经济学杂志荷兰17 International economic review 国际经济评论美18 Journal of development economics 发展经济学杂志荷兰19 The Journal of economic history 经济史杂志英20 Economics letters 经济学快报瑞士21 Economic inquiry 经济探究美22 Oxford economic papers 牛津经济论文集英23 Cambridge journal of economics 剑桥经济学杂志英24 Journal of international money 国际货币与金融杂志英25 Games and economic behavior 博弈论与经济行为美26 Journal of risk and uncertainty 风险与不确定性杂志荷兰27 Journal of comparative economics 比较经济学杂志美28 Econometric theory 计量经济学理论英29 International journal of game theory 国际博弈理论杂志德30 Scottish journal of political 苏格兰政治经济学杂志英economy31 Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 世界经济评论德32 Journal of institutional and 制度与理论经济学杂志德国内主要刊物1、《中国社会科学》2、《经济研究》3、《经济学家》4、《经济学动态》5、《改革》6、《世界经济》7、《经济工作者学习资料》8、《数量经济技术经济研究》9、《经济日报》10、《财经科学》11、《经济科学》12、《经济评论》13、《经济理论与经济管理》14、《经济研究参考资料》16、《经济研究参考》17、《财经研究》18、《南开经济研究》19、《中国经济问题》20、《宏观经济》21、《财经问题研究》22、《当代经济科学》23、《当代财经》24、《国际经济评论》25、《经济社会体制比较》26、《战略与管理》27、《学习与探索》28、《江苏社会科学》29、《社会科学战线》30、《江海学刊》31、《社会科学研究》32、《学术研究》33、《北京社会科学》34、《社会科学》35、《江汉论坛》36、《浙江学刊》37、《探索与争鸣》38、《求索》39、《社会科学辑刊》40、《天津社会科学》41、《研究与发展管理》42、《当代经济研究》43、《社会主义经济理论与实践》(人大复印资料)44、《理论经济学》(人大复印资料)45、《政治经济学评论》46、《新政治经济学评论》1.《经济学季刊》北京大学中国经济研究中心主办、北京大学出版社出版。
macro-economics review解读
1. Which of the following transactions would represent an addition to a nation’s current gross domestic product? ________A A retailer increases her stock o imported shoes.B A corporation sells shoes from last year’s inventory.C The government increases its domestic purchases of food for use by the military.D A mother sells her car to her daughter.ANSWER: C2. If purchases of education and medical care were counted as investment rather than consumption, gross domestic product would __________?A not change, because there is no change in total expenditures.B increase, because investment is included in gross domestic product but consumption is not.C increase, because consumption is included in gross domestic product but investment is not.D decrease, because investment is weighted more heavily than consumption in calculating gross domestic productANSWER: A3. If real gross domestic product is increasing at 3% per year and nominal gross domestic product is increasing at 7% per year, which of the following is necessarily true?_________A unemployment is increasing.B the price level is increasing.C the economy is in a recession.D the government is running a budget deficit.ANSWER: B (名义GDP 与实际GDP 的差额反映出通货膨胀率,说明物价水平上涨)4. The major different between real and nominal gross domestic product (GDP) is that real GDP _________.A exclude government transfer payments.B excludes imports.C is adjusted for price-level changes using a price index.D measures only the value of final goods and services that are consumed. ANSWER: C (实际GDP等于名义GDP 除以价格指数)5. Which of the following statements exemplifies the concept of structural unemployment? ___________A new entrants into the labor force have trouble finding jobs.B workers leave their current job to find better jobs.C workers are laid off because aggregate demand has decline.D workers are fired because their skills are no longer in demand.ANSWER: D (A是正在找工作的人不算失业。
美国经济评论century paper1
American Economic Review 101 (February 2011): 1–8/articles.php?doi=10.1257/aer.101.1.1100 Y ears of the American Economic Review:The T op 20 ArticlesBy Kenneth J. Arrow, B. Douglas Bernheim, Martin S. Feldstein,Daniel L. McFadden, James M. Poterba, and Robert M. Solow* The Top 20 Committee, consisting of Kenneth J. Arrow, B. Douglas Bernheim, Martin S. Feldstein, Daniel L. McFadden, James M. Poterba, and Robert M. Solow, was appointed by Robert Moffitt with the task of selecting the “Top 20” articles pub-lished in the American Economic Review during its first hundred years. We decided against trying to define formally the criteria for inclusion: they surely comprise sheer intellectual quality, influence on the ideas and practices of economists, and general significance or breadth; but it would be fruitless to try to specify the marginal rates of substitution among these and other qualities. We were looking for 20 admirable and important articles.As a starting point we used citation counts and numbers of searches in JSTOR.This is obviously important and relevant information, but not decisive on its own.Citation counts are biased in favor of subfields of economics with the largest popu-lations. There is also a bias in favor of moderately recent articles, if only because the number of potential readers and writers has been increasing in time; very recent articles suffer from the fact that citations build up over time. In any case we were expected to use our judgment about quality and significance. So we used the citation and JSTOR data only to give us a large group of eligibles. We worried especially about overlooking articles in the very early days of the AER, some by great names in the history of economics. But we found, just to take one striking example, that although Irving Fisher published several articles in the journal, they were all minor or ephemeral pieces.In the event, our early ballots showed an encouraging unanimity or near-unanim-ity, especially about the leading candidates. We very quickly converged on the Top15 articles. There were occasional differences of opinion, only to be expected from agroup with diverse interests, as we filled in the remaining three to five places. Here is our final list, arranged alphabetically, along with a brief reminder about each. There are few, if any, surprises.* Arrow: Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR), Stanford, CA 94305; Bernheim: Stanford University Department of Economics, Economics Building, 247 Stanford, California 94305; Feldstein: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1050 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138; McFadden: University of California, Berkeley, Department of Economics, 508-1 Evans Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720; Poterba: MIT Department of Economics, 50 Memorial Drive, Building E52, Room 350, Cambridge MA 02142; Solow: MIT Department of Economics, 50 Memorial Drive, Building E52, Cambridge MA 02142. We thank Jeffrey Hovis and Andrew McLetchie of JSTOR for their assistance. The 20 articles featured in this paper are available in the online version at /articles.php?doi=10.1257/aer. approach creates the appropriate incentives for management. Many implica-tions of this hypothesis are developed.Arrow, Kenneth J. 1963. “Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care.” American Economic Review, 53(5): 941–73.This paper provided a framework for thinking about the economics of the market for medical care using the language and tools of modern microeconomics. It argued that the aforementioned market is beset by market failures because consumers are exposed to risks that are not fully insurable (in large part due to problems of moral hazard), and because they lack the information and expertise required to assess risks and treatments. It hypothesized that various salient features of the institutions governing the provision of medical care are best understood as social adaptations aimed at redressing the resulting inefficiencies. It also noted that in some cases those institutional adaptations undermine competition and perversely contribute to ineffi-ciency. Though written well prior to the emergence of the formal literature on asym-metric information, the paper anticipated many of the central issues that continue to occupy health economists today.Cobb, Charles W., and Paul H. Douglas. 1928. “A Theory of Production.” American Economic Review, 18(1): 139–65.The cliché surely applies here: this paper needs no introduction. The convenience and success of the constant-elasticity Cobb-Douglas function has spread its use from representing production possibilities, which was of course its original use, to representing utility functions and to much else throughout empirical and theoretical economics. Cobb and Douglas explored the elementary properties and implications of the functional form, and pointed to the approximate constancy of the relative shares of labor and capital in total income as the validating empirical fact.Deaton, Angus S., and John Muellbauer. 1980. “An Almost Ideal Demand System.” American Economic Review, 70(3): 312–26.A vast industry in applied econometrics analyzes the demand for specific prod-ucts, and the impact on consumers of public and private policies that alter market equilibrium. This paper, building on the traditions of Cobb-Douglas, Stone, and Gorman, introduces a practical system of demand equations that are consistent with preference maximization and have sufficient flexibility to support full welfare analy-sis of policies that have an impact on consumers. The Deaton-Muellbauer system is now the standard for empirical analysis of consumer demand.3 VOl. 101 NO. 1ARROW ET Al.:THE TOP 20 ARTIClES OF THE AERDiamond, Peter A.1965. “National Debt in a Neoclassical Growth Model.” American Economic Review, 55(5): 1126–50.Building on Paul Samuelson’s seminal work concerning consumption loans between individuals of different generations, this paper pioneered the analysis of overlapping generations (OLG) models with durable capital goods. It illumi-nated the properties of such models through two fundamental contributions. First, it demonstrated that the competitive equilibria of infinite horizon OLG models can be inefficient, even in the absence of conventional market failures. Second, it identified the mechanisms through which both external and internal debt can potentially reduce the capital stock. In clarifying the general equilibrium effects of displacing physical capital with government debt in individuals’ portfolios, it resolved a long-standing debate concerning the feasibility of using internal debt to shift the burden of paying for public expenditures to future generations.Diamond, Peter A., and James A. Mirrlees. 1971. “Optimal Taxation and Public Production I: Production Efficiency.” American Economic Review, 61(1): 8–27. Diamond, Peter A., and James A. Mirrlees. 1971. “Optimal Taxation and Public Production II: Tax Rules.” American Economic Review, 61(3): 261–78.This paper, in two parts, is the foundation of the theory of optimal taxation and public production in the presence of second-best limitations on redistribution and private production. Diamond and Mirrlees show how the tax system can be tuned to minimize distortions and disincentives, and eliminate production inef-ficiencies. By subjecting tax systems to rigorous microeconomic analysis, this paper opened research on tax mechanism design and minimization of the burden of taxes.Dixit, Avinash K., and Joseph E. Stiglitz.1977. “Monopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity.” American Economic Review, 67(3): 297–308. Under monopolistic competition with differentiated goods and increasing returns to scale in each good, is there too much or too little product differentiation? This paper uses classical tools of microeconomics to answer this question, and in doing so, provides the foundation for an entire literature in which products are endogenous in number and attributes, and general equilibrium welfare analysis can be used to examine the consequences of tastes for variety.Friedman, Milton.1968. “The Role of Monetary Policy.” American Economic Review, 58(1): 1–17.This presidential address is the origin of the “vertical long-run Phillips curve,” along with a contemporary paper by Edmund S. Phelps. It introduced the idea of a “natural” rate of unemployment as the only rate compatible with the sustained coin-cidence of actual and expected rates of inflation. This is the basis of the conclusion that the Phillips curve is vertical in the long run, allowing only a temporary trade-off between unemployment and inflation. From this followed possible implications for4THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW FEBRuARy 2011 the conduct of macro-policy, especially monetary policy. An enormous amount of research and discussion followed.Grossman, Sanford J., and Joseph E. Stiglitz.1980. “On the Impossibility of Informationally Efficient Markets.” American Economic Review, 70(3): 393–408. As pointed out by a number of scholars, in a world of dispersed information, the equilibrium price will itself in general be a source of information to participants, since it incorporates whatever information other participants have. Grossman and Stiglitz examine the implication for the case where information can be acquired at a cost. If there is an equilibrium, some will choose to get informed and others not; the two courses of action must be indifferent. (Very special assumptions are made about the risk aversion characteristics of the population and about its heterogeneity.) In particular, if some individuals can acquire perfect information at a finite cost, then no equilibrium exists, since, if information is acquired by some, it will be reflected in the price and so can be acquired costlessly by others, while if no one acquires information, it will pay any individual to acquire it.Harris, John R., and Michael P. Todaro.1970. “Migration, Unemployment and Development: A Two-Sector Analysis.” American Economic Review, 60(1): 126–42. This widely cited paper starts with the puzzle that in poor developing countries one observes individuals migrating from agricultural areas to urban areas, even though they would have positive marginal product in agriculture but face a substan-tial probability of unemployment in the urban area. The first step in the explanation is to note that there are politically determined minimum wages in the urban areas that prevent wages from adjusting to achieve full employment for all those who come to the urban areas. The equilibrium distribution of potential workers between the rural and urban areas equates the marginal product of labor in agriculture to the expected wage in the urban area, i.e., the product of the wage and the probability of employment.Hayek, F. A. 1945.“The Use of Knowledge in Society.” American Economic Review, 35(4): 519–30.The author addresses the fundamental question of the nature of the economic system and, in particular, its role in dealing with resource allocation when a fun-damental knowledge base is distributed in small bits among a large population. The knowledge needed includes consumer valuations, production relations, and resource availabilities. In particular, general scientific principles, where expert opinion might be best, are only a small part of the knowledge base. The author argues for the importance of a price system in achieving coordination and effi-ciency in resource use without implying an impossible aggregation of information in a central place.Jorgenson, Dale W. 1963. “Capital Theory and Investment Behavior.” American Economic Review, 53(2): 247–59.5 VOl. 101 NO. 1ARROW ET Al.:THE TOP 20 ARTIClES OF THE AERThis paper provided a theoretical framework for investment behavior based on a neoclassical theory of optimal capital accumulation. The paper introduced the user cost of capital as the key variable that combines the cost of finance (interest rates and equity yields) and tax rules (tax rates, depreciation schedules) and combined this user cost measure with the Cobb-Douglas production technology to obtain a desired stock of capital. Jorgenson then used the resulting implied optimal capi-tal stock to derive an econometric equation for investment. Generalizations of the Jorgenson framework (e.g., to allow for more general production functions) made this the standard approach to the empirical study of the determinants of investment. The user cost of capital also became the key concept for the theoretical study of the effects of alternative tax rules.Krueger, Anne O. 1974. “The Political Economy of the Rent-Seeking Society.” American Economic Review, 64(3): 291–303.Many government policies, such as import licenses in developing nations, create rents for some market participants. While the presence of such rents and the distortions that they create have long been noted, this paper recognized the importance of “rent-seeking behavior” and explored its welfare implications. The paper’s central finding is that competitive rent-seeking increases the welfare costs of policies such as trade restrictions. In the context of import restrictions, this result strengthens the case for the use of tariffs rather than import quotas, since quotas create the possibility of rent-seeking behavior. By identifying the impor-tance of rent-seeking activities and providing a framework for analyzing their welfare costs, this paper expanded the economic analysis of the government’s choice of policy instrument to achieve particular goals. It also helped to launch a voluminous literature on the role of corruption and governance in the process of economic development.Krugman, Paul. 1980. “Scale Economies, Product Differentiation, and the Pattern of Trade.” American Economic Review, 70(5): 950–59.The classical theory that foreign trade is determined by comparative advantage fails to explain some important observations, for example, that there is consider-able trade in both directions within what is usually regarded as a single indus-try, and that countries tend to export goods for which the domestic demand is higher. Krugman investigates the determination of foreign trade under increasing returns; he assumes no difference in production conditions between countries. Prices are determined by imperfect competition with costless product differentia-tion. Using simple models, he formalizes foreign trade. When transport costs are introduced, he shows that each country will specialize, so no two will produce the same goods. The larger country will have terms of trade turned in its favor, and wages will be higher there. Some extensions of the model allow varieties within a single industry. It can then be shown that intra-industry trade can emerge and that countries will tend to export those commodities for which the domestic demand is highest.6THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW FEBRuARy 2011 Kuznets, Simon.1955. “Economic Growth and Income Inequality.” American Economic Review, 45(1): 1–28.Data from developing economies indicate that the earlier phases of economic development tend to be characterized by increasing income inequality, as those engaged in the small but growing modern sector of the economy pull away from those still left in agriculture and other subsistence activities. The degree of inequal-ity reaches a peak, however, and then diminishes with further development, as the modern sector comes to dominate the economy and perhaps more so if it creates room for redistributive activity. The resulting “Kuznets curve” has been the subject of much empirical research and discussion within development economics.Lucas, Robert E., Jr.1973. “Some International Evidence on Output-Inflation Tradeoffs.” American Economic Review, 63(3): 326–34.This article introduces a tight but stylized model in which market participants must make decisions without knowing whether local changes in price signal changes in relative price or merely reflect changes in the general price level; they do, however, know the statistical properties of both processes. From this basis emerges a natural-rate model in which the ratio of real-output change to price-level change in response to exogenous shifts in aggregate expenditure depends on the relative variance of those processes. Time-series cross-section data for a number of countries provide some weak evidence consistent with the basic conclusion. The underlying assump-tion has gone out of favor, but the modeling technique has been very influential.Modigliani, Franco, and Merton H. Miller. 1958. “The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment.” American Economic Review, 48(3): 261–97.A central question in corporate finance is how a firm’s financial choices, such as its use of debt rather than equity financing, affect its cost of capital and conse-quently its investment behavior. This paper developed a new framework for address-ing this question by asking how different debt-equity choices would affect the total market value of all of the cash flows that the firm provided to its investors, both bond-holders and stock-holders. The paper’s central result is that, in a setting with complete capital markets and in the absence of tax-induced distortions, a firm’s total market value is invariant to its borrowing behavior. This powerful result can be demonstrated constructively, by developing a straightforward set of borrowing or lending transactions that an equity investor can undertake to offset the consequences of changes in corporate borrowing. The analytical approach in this paper is one of the key foundations for the modern field of financial economics.Mundell, Robert A.1961. “A Theory of Optimum Currency Areas.” American Economic Review, 51(4): 657–65.This paper explains that selecting the optimal geographic area for a single cur-rency involves balancing two considerations. Macroeconomic stability is enhanced if the currency area has a high degree of internal factor mobility relative to the cross-border factor mobility. Taken by itself, this could lead to an excessively large7 VOl. 101 NO. 1ARROW ET Al.:THE TOP 20 ARTIClES OF THE AERnumber of currency areas, in the sense that there would be substantial transaction costs and valuation costs involved in making cross-area purchases. The optimal size of a currency area involves balancing these two considerations. Mundell discussed the potential application of this to the European countries some 30 years before the euro was introduced.Ross, Stephen A.1973. “The Economic Theory of Agency: The Principal’s Problem.” American Economic Review, 63(2): 134–39.This paper was the first to describe and analyze the canonical principal-agent problem with moral hazard, which has since become a cornerstone of microeco-nomic theory. It solved for the optimal compensation scheme using the first-order approach, and compared the solution to the first-best arrangement, noting that the two generally diverge due to the principal’s need to motivate the agent. It charac-terized the class of utility functions for which the principal’s solution is first-best optimal regardless of the payoff structure, as well as the class of payoff structures for which the solution is first-best optimal regardless of the utility functions. In only a handful of terse pages, it anticipated many of the central issues with which the subsequent literature was concerned.Shiller, Robert J.1981. “Do Stock Prices Move Too Much to Be Justified by Subsequent Changes in Dividends?” American Economic Review, 71(3): 421–36. Standard models of asset market equilibrium imply that the value of a share of corporate stock equals the present discounted value of that stock’s expected future payouts. This paper applied an ingenious test of this present value relationship, which compared the variance of annual stock price movements with the variance in corporate dividend payouts, to the US equity market for the period 1870–1979. The results suggested that historical stock price volatility was much greater than the volatility of dividend payouts would appear to warrant. This empirical finding stimulated a wide range of follow-on research exploring various aspects of the effi-cient markets hypothesis, testing for time-varying discount rates in capital markets, and investigating the econometric properties of stock market returns and corporate payouts.REFERENCESAlchian, Armen A., and Harold Demsetz. 1972. “Production, Information Costs, and Economic Orga-nization.” American Economic Review, 62(5): 777–95.Arrow, Kenneth J. 1963. “Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care.” American Eco-nomic Review, 53(5): 941–73.Cobb, Charles W., and Paul H. Douglas. 1928. “A Theory of Production.” American Economic Review, 18(1): 139–65.Deaton, Angus S., and John Muellbauer. 1980. “An Almost Ideal Demand System.” American Eco-nomic Review, 70(3): 312–26.Diamond, Peter A. 1965. “National Debt in a Neoclassical Growth Model.” American Economic Review, 55(5): 1126–50.Diamond, Peter A., and James A. Mirrlees. 1971. “Optimal Taxation and Public Production I: Produc-tion Efficiency.” American Economic Review, 61(1): 8–27.8THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW FEBRuARy 2011 Diamond, Peter A., and James A. Mirrlees. 1971. “Optimal Taxation and Public Production II: Tax Rules.” American Economic Review, 61(3): 261–78.Dixit, Avinash K., and Joseph E. Stiglitz. 1977. “Monopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity.” American Economic Review, 67(3): 297–308.Friedman, Milton. 1968. “The Role of Monetary Policy.” American Economic Review, 58(1): 1–17. Grossman, Sanford J., and Joseph E. Stiglitz. 1980. “On the Impossibility of Informationally Efficient Markets.” American Economic Review, 70(3): 393–408.Harris, John R., and Michael P. Todaro. 1970. “Migration, Unemployment and Development: A Two-Sector Analysis.” American Economic Review, 60(1): 126–42.Hayek, F. A. 1945. “The Use of Knowledge in Society.” American Economic Review, 35(4): 519–30. Jorgenson, Dale W. 1963. “Capital Theory and Investment Behavior.” American Economic Review, 53(2): 247–59.Krueger, Anne O. 1974. “The Political Economy of the Rent-Seeking Society.” American Economic Review, 64(3): 291–303.Krugman, Paul. 1980. “Scale Economies, Product Differentiation, and the Pattern of Trade.” American Economic Review, 70(5): 950–59.Kuznets, Simon. 1955. “Economic Growth and Income Inequality.” American Economic Review, 45(1): 1–28.Lucas, Robert E., Jr. 1973. “Some International Evidence on Output-Inflation Tradeoffs.” American Economic Review, 63(3): 326–34.Modigliani, Franco, and Merton H. Miller. 1958. “The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment.” American Economic Review, 48(3): 261–97.Mundell, Robert A. 1961. “A Theory of Optimum Currency Areas.” American Economic Review, 51(4): 657–65.Ross, Stephen A. 1973. “The Economic Theory of Agency: The Principal’s Problem.” American Eco-nomic Review, 63(2): 134–39.Shiller, Robert J. 1981. “Do Stock Prices Move Too Much to Be Justified by Subsequent Changes in Dividends?” American Economic Review, 71(3): 421–36.This article has been cited by:1.David N. Laband, Suman Majumdar. 2012. Who Are the Giants on Whose Shoulders We Stand?.Kyklos65:2, 236-244. [CrossRef]2.JERRY EVENSKY. 2011. HES PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: WHAT’S WRONG WITHECONOMICS?. Journal of the History of Economic Thought34:01, 1-20. [CrossRef]。
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american economic review格式-回复首先,我们需要了解什么是《American Economic Review》(AER)。
AER 是一本由美国经济学会出版的一流经济学期刊,每年出版六期。
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american economic review体例-回复"American Economic Review体例:综述与分析"引言:American Economic Review(以下简称AER)是世界上最历史悠久、最权威的经济学学术期刊之一。
本文将围绕着AER 的体例、组织结构以及对学术界的影响展开综述和分析,并重点考察AER 发表论文的贡献与特点。
二、AER发表论文的贡献与特点1. 学科覆盖广泛:AER展示了广泛的学科覆盖,涉及宏观经济学、微观经济学、国际贸易、金融市场、经济计量学、行为经济学等多个领域。
2. 硕果累累的贡献:在经济学研究的历史上,AER发表了许多具有里程碑式意义的论文,对经济学界的理论和方法发展起到了重要作用。
以2008年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者Paul Krugman的论文为例,他在1979年发表的一篇关于市场分割的论文,为新贸易理论奠定了基础,引领了后来的研究方向。
3. 方法创新的推动者:AER旨在鼓励经济学研究领域的方法创新和理论突破。
三、AER对学术界的影响1. 学术评价的标杆:AER作为美国经济学会的旗舰期刊,被广泛认可为经济学研究成果的高品质学术评价标准。
资产组合和定价理论1马柯维茨的资产组合理论发布人:圣才学习网发布日期:2010-06-02 14:24 共149人浏览[大] [中] [小]马柯维茨(Harry Markowitz)1927年8月出生于芝加哥一个店主家庭,高中毕业后进入芝加哥大学读经济系。
1952年在《财务学杂志》(Journal of Finance)发表了论文《资产组合的选择》。
马柯维茨的博士论文题目的确定很有戏剧性,他在考尔斯基金会研究负责人的马查克(Jacob Marschak)教授门外等候接见时,有一个自称是股票经纪人的长者建议他研究股票市场,当马柯维茨把这个想法告诉马查克时,马查克欣然同意,但认为自己的专长不适合做这个方向的导师,就将马柯维茨介绍给芝加哥大学商学院院长、《财务学杂志》主编凯彻姆(Marshal Kerch um)教授。
1American economic review2The Economist3Econometrica4Journal of political economy5Quarterly journal of economics,6the Journal of economic literature7Academy of management journal8Journal of finance9Harvard business review10Academy of management review11Journal of financial economics12Journal of marketing13Strategic management journal14Economic journal15the Journal of economic perspectives16Review of economic studies17Journal of marketing research18Review of economics&statistics19the Journal of consumer research20Journal of econometrics21Journal of economic theory22Health care financing review23Brookings papers on economic activity24Journal of monetary economics25Sloan management review26 Journal of law&economics27Journal of business28Journal of health economics29Industrial&labor relations review30Risk analysis31 Journal of human resources32Economy and society33 World development34Journal of business&economic statistics35 Rand journal of economics36Journal of public economics37Human resource management38American journal of agricultural economics39Journal of operational research society40European economic review41Review of financial studies42 Health economics43California management review44Journal of environmental economics&management 45Fortune46 World bank economic review47Journal of international economics48Journal of law,economics&organization49 International economic review50 Journal of money,credit&banking51Economic geography52 Industrial relations53Journal of product innovation management 54Journal of applied econometrics55Journal of international business studies 56Business week57Oxford bulletin of economics&statistics58Journal of labor economics59Journal of development economics60 Journal of economic history61Forbes62 Financial management63Journal of urban economics64 Marketing science65Monthly labor review66Economics letters67Economic history review68Economica69Land economics70Ecological economics71Journal of common market studies72Journal of financial&quantitative analysis73 Southern economic journal74 Economic inquiry75Economic&political weekly76Business insurance77Journal of business ethics78Oxford economics papers79 Journal of industrial economics80National tax journal81Journal of advertising research82Accounting organization and society83 Explorations in economic history84Journal of accounting research85 Public choice86Cambridge journal of economics87Economic development and cultural change 88 Work,employment and society89Business lawyer90 Journal of banking and finance91Journal of public policy&marketing92 Journal of international money&finance93 Games and economic behavior94 Journal of economic dynamics&control95Applied economics96 Development&change97International monetary fund staff papers98Journal of economic behavior&organization99Journal of retailing100Journal of development studies,the101Journal of rural studies102 Industrial marketing management103Journal of risk&uncertainty104 Journal of transport economics&policy105Journal of comparative economics5106Journal of productivity analysis107British journal of industrial relations108Journal of business research109 Econometric theory110Journal of regional science111Regional science&urban economics112 Scandinavian journal of economic113Journal of accounting&economics114 World economy,the115Long range planning116International journal of forecasting117International journal of industrial organization 118Journal of mathematical economics119 International journal of game theory120Journal of economic issues121Canadian journal of economics122Journal of business venturing123Journal of agricultural economics124Journal of risk&insurance125Journal of financial intermediation126 Journal of taxation127Futures:the magazine commodities&options128Business history129 Euromoney130Scottish journal of political economy131Weltwirtschaftliches archiv/review of worldeconomy132Journal of real estate finance&economics133Journal of portfolio management134Journal of world trade135Journal of economic education136Insurance:mathematics&economics137Auditing138Journal of world business139Journal of institutional&theoretical economics 140Economic record141History of political economy142International journal of service industrymanagement 143 Banker,the144Journal of regulatory economics145 Risk management review146OECD observer,the147Challenge148Survey of current business149Federal reserve bulletin150Transnational corporation美国经济评论 美国经济学家英国计量经济学英国政治经济学杂志美国经济学季刊美国经济文献杂志 美国6管理学会志美国7金融杂志美国8哈佛商业评论美国9管理学会评论美国10金融经济学杂志瑞士11市场营销杂志美国12战略管理杂志英国13经济学杂志英国14经济展望杂志美国15经济研究评论英国16市场营销研究杂志美国17经济学与统计学评论美国18消费者研究杂志美国19经济计量学杂志瑞士20经济理论杂志美国21卫生保健资金筹措评论美国22布鲁金斯经济活动论文集美国23货币经济学杂志荷兰24斯隆管理评论美国25法律与经济学杂志美国26商业杂志美国27卫生经济学杂志荷兰28劳资关系评论美国29风险分析美国30人力资源杂志美国31经济与社会英国32世界发展荷兰33商业与经济统计学杂志美国34兰德经济学杂志美国35公共经济学杂志瑞士36人力资源管理美国37美国农业经济学杂志美国38英国运筹学杂志英国39欧洲经济评论荷兰40金融研究评论美国41卫生经济学英国42加利福尼亚管理评论美国环境经济学与环境管理杂美国44幸福(或翻译:财富)美国45世界银行经济评论美国46国际经济学杂志荷兰47法律、经济学与组织学杂志美国48国际经济评论美国49货币,信贷和银行业务杂志美国50经济地理学英国51劳资关系美国52产品革新管理杂志美国53应用计量经济学杂志英国54国际商业研究杂志美国55商业周刊美国56牛津经济学与统计学通报英国57劳动经济学杂志美国58发展经济学杂志荷兰59经济史杂志60福布斯美国61财务管理美国62城市经济学杂志美国63营销学美国64劳动评论月刊美国65经济学快报瑞士66经济史评论美国67经济学英国68土地经济学美国69生态经济学荷兰70共同市场研究杂志英国71财务分析与定量分析杂志美国72南部经济学杂志美国73经济探究美国74经济与政治周刊印度7商业保险美国76商业伦理学杂志荷兰77牛津经济论文集英国78工业经济学杂志英国79全国税务杂志美国80广告研究杂志美国81会计、组织与社会荷兰82经济史研究美国83会计研究杂志美国84公共选择荷兰85剑桥经济学杂志英国86经济发展与文化变革美国87工作、受雇与社会英国88商业律师美国89银行业与金融杂志荷兰90公共政策与营销杂志 91国际货币与金融杂志英国92对策与经济行为美国93经济动力学与控制杂志荷兰94应用经济学英国95发展与变化英国96国际货币基金组织文集美国97经济行为与组织杂志荷兰98零售杂志美国99发展研究杂志英国100农村研究杂志英国101工业销售管理美国102风险与不确定性杂志美国103运输经济与政策杂志英国104比较经济学杂志美国10生产率分析杂志荷兰106英国劳资关系杂志英国107商业研究杂志美国108计量经济理论英国109区域学杂志美国110区域科学和都市经济学荷兰111s斯堪的纳维亚经济学杂志英国112会计学与经济学杂志荷兰113世界经济英国114长远规划荷兰115国际预测杂志荷兰116国际产业组织杂志荷兰117数学经济学杂志瑞士118国际对策论杂志德国119经济问题杂志美国120加拿大经济学杂志加拿大121商业风险杂志美国122农业经济学杂志英国123风险与保险杂志美国124金融媒介杂志美国125税务杂志美国126期货美国127商业史英国128欧洲货币英国129苏格兰政治经济学杂志英国130世界经济文献德国131不动产、金融和经济学杂志荷兰132有价证券管理杂志美国133世界贸易杂志134经济教育杂志美国135保险:数学与经济学荷兰136审计美国137世界商业杂志美国138制度与经济理论杂志德国139经济记录澳洲140政治经济学史美国141国际服务行业管理杂志英国142银行家英国143管制经济学杂志美国144风险管理评论美国145经济合作与发展组织观察家法国146挑战美国147当代商业综览美国148联邦储备通报美国149跨国公司瑞士150。
the review of economic stduies -回复
the review of economic stduies -回复Economic Studies in Review: A Comprehensive AnalysisIntroduction:Economic studies serve as a critical foundation for understanding the complex relationships between individuals, societies, and the global economy. These studies aim to explain how economies function and provide valuable insights into various economic phenomena. In this article, we will embark on a meticulous exploration of economic studies, delving into their key features, research methodologies, and major contributions to the field.I. Overview of Economic Studies:Economic studies encompass a wide range of disciplines, including macroeconomics, microeconomics, international economics, development economics, and econometrics, among others. They investigate the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services and analyze the behavior of different economic agents, such as individuals, households, firms, and governments.II. Key Features of Economic Studies:1. Interdisciplinary Approach:Economic studies often draw upon concepts and theories from other disciplines like mathematics, statistics, sociology, psychology, and political science. This interdisciplinary approach enriches understanding and helps economists to provide holistic analyses.2. Quantitative Analysis:Economic studies employ quantitative analytical methods, enabling researchers to measure, model, and predict economic phenomena. Economists use statistical techniques, mathematical modeling, and empirical data to analyze economic patterns and derive insights.3. Policy Relevance:One of the core aims of economic studies is to contribute to evidence-based policymaking. Applied economic studies often focus on finding optimal policy solutions to address specific economic challenges and promote sustainable development.III. Research Methodologies in Economic Studies:1. Experimental Studies:Experimental economic studies involve controlled experiments to understand human behavior in economic decision-making processes. Researchers manipulate variables and observe individual or group responses to investigate theories or test hypotheses.2. Econometric Analysis:Econometrics utilizes statistical methods to estimate economic relationships and validate economic theories. Researchers collect and analyze data to quantify the impact of various factors on different economic variables.3. Case Studies:Economic case studies involve in-depth analyses of specific economic phenomena, regions, or industries. Researchers employ qualitative data collection techniques like interviews, observations, and document analysis to understand complex economic interactions.IV. Major Contributions of Economic Studies:1. Policy Recommendations:Economic studies provide policymakers with valuable insights and recommendations for formulating effective economic policies. For example, research on the relationship between education and economic growth has helped shape educational policies globally.2. Understanding Market Dynamics:Economic studies provide a better understanding of how markets function and the factors that influence supply and demand, price determination, and market efficiency. This knowledge is essential for investors, entrepreneurs, and policymakers.3. Predictive Models:Through the use of econometric analysis and mathematical modeling, economic studies help to develop predictive models that can forecast economic trends and outcomes. Such models enable policymakers and businesses to anticipate and prepare for potential future events.V. Critiques and Challenges:Economic studies are not devoid of criticism. Some argue that economic studies oversimplify the complexities of real-world dynamics, as assumptions and simplifications are essential for modeling purposes. Moreover, economic studies have faced challenges when it comes to generalizing findings across different contexts and cultures and addressing the influence of psychological factors on economic behavior.Conclusion:Economic studies are indispensable in our quest for understanding the intricate mechanisms of the economy. This review has highlighted the key features, research methodologies, and major contributions of economic studies. By continuing to refine research methodologies and addressing critiques, economic studies will continue to provide valuable insights into our increasingly complex economic world.。
㊃国外经济学家评介㊃理查德㊃罗尔对金融经济学的贡献∗张兆国㊀张㊀翼㊀郑宝红内容提要:美国加州大学洛杉矶分校教授理查德㊃罗尔是一位世界著名的金融经济学家,其研究领域广泛,成就卓越,为推动金融经济学的发展做出了巨大贡献㊂主要研究方向包括有资本资产定价模型㊁套利定价理论㊁利率期限结构理论㊁企业并购理论㊁市场微观结构理论等方面㊂本文梳理和总结了罗尔对金融经济学的主要贡献㊂关键词:资产定价理论㊀利率期限结构理论㊀并购理论㊀市场微观结构理论一㊁理查德㊃罗尔生平简介美国加州大学洛杉矶分校教授理查德㊃罗尔(R i c h a r dR o l l)是一位世界著名的金融经济学家, 1939年10月31日出生于美国阿肯色州㊂早年就读于奥本大学航空工程专业,并于1961年获得该专业的学士学位㊂同年,罗尔进入波音公司工作㊂该公司希望他成为工程管理者,并送他到华盛顿大学攻读工商管理硕士学位㊂在攻读硕士学位期间,罗尔结识了日后的诺贝尔经济学奖得主威廉㊃夏普,对夏普所撰写的关于资本资产定价模型的论文产生了浓厚的兴趣㊂于是,1964年罗尔辞去了波音公司的工作,在夏普和安布罗西亚(A m b r o s i a)的推荐下顺利进入了芝加哥大学攻读博士,师从于日后的诺贝尔经济学奖得主默顿㊃米勒㊂在攻读博士学位期间,罗尔发表了两篇颇具影响力的学术论文:一篇是‘利率风险与利率期限结构:评论“,该文是罗尔公开发表的首篇论文;另一篇是与法马等学者合著的‘股票价格对新信息的反应“(F a m a,F i s h e r,J e n s e n& R o l l,1969)㊂罗尔于1968年获得博士学位,随后,执教于卡内基-梅隆大学㊂期间,结识了当时执教于该校㊁日后的诺贝尔经济学奖得主罗伯特㊃卢卡斯(L u c a s),两人经常在一起讨论如何将理性预期应用于宏观经济计量模型中㊂1973年,罗尔到比利时执教于欧洲研究院㊂1975年,罗尔到法国茹伊昂若萨市执教于高级教育中心㊂1976年,罗尔回到美国执教于加州大学洛杉矶分校至今㊂罗尔一生经历丰富,成就卓越,具有传奇色彩㊂曾先后担任‘金融学期刊“(J o u r n a lo fF i n a n c e)㊁‘金融经济学期刊“(J o u r n a l o fF i n a n c i a lE c o n o m-i c s)㊁‘管理科学“(M a n a g e m e n tS c i e n c e)㊁‘美国经济评论“(A m e r i c a nE c o n o m i cR e v i e w)等学术刊物的副主编㊂他在‘金融学期刊“㊁‘金融经济学期刊“等世界著名学术期刊上发表学术论文百余篇,发表了‘基于异质信念的名义利率和贷款额“㊁‘流动性和交易活动的共同决定因素“等多部学术专著㊂曾担任美国金融学会会长,博士学位论文‘利率的反应:有效资本市场模型对于美国短期国债市场的适应性“曾获美国最佳学位论文奖 欧文㊃费雪奖(I r v i n g F i s h e rA w a r d),罗尔还先后获得‘金融经济学期刊“最佳论文奖 法马奖(F a m a/D F A A-w a r d)㊁莫洛多夫斯基奖(N i c h o l a s M o l o d o v s k y A-w a r d)㊁格雷厄姆和多德奖(G r a h a m&D o d d A-w a r d)㊁利奥㊃梅内姆奖(L e oM e l a m e dP r i z e)㊁杰出学者奖(D i s t i n g u i s h e dS c h o l a rA w a r d)等奖项㊂罗尔不仅是一位世界著名的金融经济学家,而且是一个具有丰富实践经验的管理者㊂他于1985 -1987年担任高盛公司(G o l d m a n,S a c h s&C o)副总裁;1992-1995年担任W P资本管理公司(W P C a p i t a lM a n a g e m e n t)常务董事;1985年和罗斯共同创办了罗尔和罗斯投资管理公司(R o l l a n dR o s s A s s e tM a n a g e m e n tC o r p o r a t i o n),并担任董事会主99‘经济学动态“2014年第2期∗张兆国㊁张翼㊁郑宝红,华中科技大学管理学院,邮政编码:430074,电子邮箱:x u e h a i0225@126.c o m㊂感谢匿名审稿人提出的修改意见,文责自负㊂席;2003年创办了补偿估价股份有限公司(C o m-p e n s a t i o nV a l u a t i o n I n c),并担任董事长至今㊂在罗尔对金融经济学理论的研究中,开创性是他从事学术研究的最鲜明的特征㊂主要研究方向包括有资本资产定价理论㊁套利定价理论㊁利率期限结构理论㊁并购理论和市场微观结构理论等方面㊂本文主要对罗尔在这些研究方面的学术贡献加以评介㊂二、关于对资本资产定价模型的贡献20世纪60年代中期,夏普(1964)等经济学家在马科维茨(1952)创立的投资组合理论的基础上,提出了资本资产定价模型(C A P M)㊂该模型率先在不确定的条件下探讨了证券的期望收益率与其系统风险之间的关系,刻画了在资本市场达到均衡状态时证劵收益的决定机制,为人们分析资本市场的运行规律提供了基本框架㊂然而,由于资本资产定价模型建立在一系列严格的假设条件上,使之在现实中难以得到真实的市场组合,从而不易被检验㊂在资本资产定价模型中,市场组合包括了所有风险资产,但在实证检验中却不可能做到㊂因此,通常用标准普尔S&P500指数或其他股票指数作为市场组合的替代变量,并假设两者之间具有高度的相关性㊂而罗尔对此持反对态度,并于1977年发表了著名论文‘资本资产定价理论检验的批评“,首次对资本资产定价模型的检验提出了质疑和批评㊂其观点主要包括如下两个方面㊂第一个观点认为,在对资本资产定价模型的检验中,市场组合收益的均值-方差是有效的(即在收益水平一定时风险最小的投资组合)这个假设是多余的㊂罗尔认为,如果假设所选择的市场组合是有效的,就能够用数学方法来证明该资产期望回报率与系统性风险之间具有线性关系,即r j=r f +(r m-r f)βj㊂其中,r j表示资产j的期望回报率;r f表示无风险资产回报率;r m表示市场组合回报率;βj=C o v(r m,r j)/V a r(r m),即系统性风险㊂所以,罗尔认为检验资本资产定价模型就等同于检验市场组合的有效性㊂如果市场组合有效,则资本资产定价模型也就成立㊂但是,有很多文献并没有注意到这个问题,如‘有约束借款的资本市场均衡“(B l a c k,1972)㊁‘风险㊁回报和均衡:实证检验“(F a-m a&M a c B e t h,1973)等文献都是假设市场组合是有效的㊂其实,这种假设实际上是多余的㊂第二个观点认为,市场组合有效性的假设是无法检验的㊂罗尔认为,市场组合应包括股票㊁债券㊁期权㊁邮票㊁黄金㊁艺术品等所有风险资产,而对这些风险资产的度量几乎是不可能的㊂虽然可以采用替代变量,但是不同的替代变量对资本资产定价模型的影响却非常大㊂罗尔还举例证明了这一点: B l a c k,J e n s e n&S c h o l e s(1972)所采用的市场组合与S h a r p&L i n t n e r(1973)所采用的市场组合的相关系数高达90%,但前文所得到的零风险回报率为5.976%,显著大于后文的1.920%㊂这就否定了资本资产定价模型的一致性㊂所以,罗尔认为在对资本资产定价模型的检验中,即便衡量市场组合的替代变量有微弱的差异,都会造成实证检验的结果存在较大的误差㊂因为在检验资本资产定价模型时,一种资产的缺少不仅会影响到其他资产所占的比例,而且还会影响到整个市场组合的有效性,继而会影响到 证劵市场线 的有效性㊂罗尔认为,当真实市场组合不是有效时,替代变量可能有效,而当真实市场组合是有效时,替代变量可能无效,因此不能使用替代变量来替代真实市场投资组合㊂这就说明,真实市场组合是无法取得的,其有效性也是无法检验的,从而使得资本资产定价模型无法检验㊂由于真实市场组合无法取得,因此采用资本资产定价模型来评价市场组合管理者的业绩就会造成基准误差(b e n c h m a r ke r r o r s)㊂罗尔所发表的‘业绩评价和基准误差Ⅰ“(1980)和‘业绩评价和基准误差Ⅱ“(1981)两篇论文便论述了这个问题㊂罗尔以未被管理的资产投资组合的回报率为基准,用有经理管理的资产投资组合的回报率与之进行比较,据此评价管理者的业绩㊂他认为,在监控者不知道投资组合是否有效以及存在无风险资产的情况下,采用替代变量来衡量市场组合,就会产生两方面的影响:其一,计算投资组合的β是不准确的,因为它是采用替代变量所计算的系统风险;其二,证劵市场线也是不准确的,因为它是替代变量的风险与无风险投资组合的连线㊂所以,采用资本资产定价模型来评价管理者的业绩并不可靠,会造成误差,这种误差被称为基准误差㊂R e i l l y&A k h t a r(1995)分别使用标准普尔S&P500指数和布里森公司全球证劵市场指数计算了30只股票在三个不同时期的平均β,结果发现不同替代变量的β存在显著差异㊂这就支持了罗尔的观点㊂总之,按照罗尔的上述观点,由于在现实中真实的市场组合不可能取得,因此,资本资产定价模型不001具备可检验性,进而就影响了其实用性和有效性㊂这就告诫人们要谨慎地使用资本资产定价模型㊂罗尔对资本资产定价模型的实证检验提出了批评,但这并不意味着其否定了资本资产定价模型㊂三㊁关于对套利定价理论的贡献对资本资产定价模型实证检验的质疑和批评在一定程度上促进了新的资产定价理论 套利定价理论的诞生㊂1976年,罗斯(R o s s)发表的‘收益㊁风险和套利“㊁‘资产定价的套利理论“等著名论文,以因素模型为基础,系统地论述了套利定价理论㊂其模型可表述为:R i=E i+b i1δ1+ +b i kδk+ʏt㊂其中,R i表示资产i的期望回报率;E i表示无风险回报率;b i k表示资产i的回报率与共同因素k的敏感程度;δk表示共同因素k的某种风险溢价㊂与资本资产定价模型相比,套利定价理论具有如下特点或比较优势:放松了资本资产定价模型的单期㊁投资者均值-方差行为等假设;证劵收益不只是受市场投资组合的影响,还会受许多其他因素的影响;根据单一价格规则,以因素模型为基础,当证劵收益只受单一因素(市场组合)影响时,就可以把资本资产定价模型看成是套利定价理论的特例㊂正是因为具有这些特点或比较优势,套利定价理论在发展资产定价理论方面起到了非常重要的作用,为证劵投资者决策提供了一种更为有效的分析框架,被广泛应用于资本资产定价的分析之中(C o n n o r,1980)㊂但是,从实证研究方面看,罗斯提出的套利定价理论并没有告诉我们该模型包括了多少个共同性风险因素以及这些共同性风险因素是什么㊂如果不明确这些问题,套利定价理论就相当于一个空壳,根本无法检验,更谈不上应用㊂首位对套利定价理论进行实证研究的学者是G e h r,但他只发现了一个共同性风险因素,而且对回报率的影响也很小,因此没有实质意义㊂罗尔和罗斯发表的著名论文‘套利理论的实证研究“(1980)则对套利定价理论进行了科学的检验㊂其思路可分为两步:首先,确定可能存在的影响因素的系数,即根据每个资产回报率的时间序列数据,采用因子分析法,估计期望回报率和影响因素的系数;然后,用这些估计系数去检验定价结论,即判断是否存在非零的系数λ0,λ1 λk,使得E(R i)-λ0=λ1b i1+λ2b i2+ +λk b i k㊂其中,E(R i)为证劵i 期望回报率;λ0表示无风险回报率;λk表示第k个共同风险因素系数的权重㊂他们收集了1962年7月至1972年12月间1260只股票的月报率,并把这些股票按字母顺序分成42个组,每组30只股票㊂他们认为5个因子就足够了,并建立了多因子模型㊂在这个多因子模型中,他们运用极大似然估计法得到估计值,然后利用G L S将估计值与资产回报率进行横截面回归,结果有4个因子具有显著风险溢价㊂在假设无风险利率为6%时,影响显著的因子至少为3个,但不会超过4个㊂此文是第一篇对套利定价理论进行详细论证和检验的文章㊂自此以后,许多学者采用罗尔和罗斯的检验方法对套利定价理论进行了实证研究(B r o w n&W e i n s t e i n,1983;D h r y m e s e t a l,1984;C o n w a y e t a l,1988)㊂上述实证研究是采用因子分析法来估计影响套利定价之因素的个数㊂在此基础上,罗尔和罗斯等学者所发表的论文‘经济力量和股票市场“(R o l l, C h e n&R o s s,1986)估计了影响套利定价的因素有哪些㊂即首先确定一系列代表宏观经济因素的可观察变量,然后对这些变量进行论证和检验,以判断它们是否具有显著意义㊂他们认为,贴现率会影响公司现金流和未来分红能力,因此凡是影响贴现率的宏观经济因素都可能会影响公司股票回报率㊂他们以1958-1984年间美国证劵市场的股票月回报率为样本,考察了工业生产(I n d u s t r i a lP r o d u c t i o n)㊁通货膨胀(I n f l a t i o n)㊁风险溢价(R i s kP r e m i a)㊁期限结构(T e r m S t r u c t u r e)㊁市场指数(M a r k e tI n d i-c e s)㊁消费(C o m s u m p t i o n)㊁原油价格(O i lP r i c e s)等宏观经济因素的影响㊂研究发现,工业生产㊁风险溢价㊁期限结构和通货膨胀对股票期望回报率的影响显著,原油价格的影响相对较弱,而市场指数和消费的影响则不显著㊂由此,他们确定了影响套利定价的四个风险因素,即工业生产㊁风险溢价㊁期限结构和通货膨胀㊂这就进一步推进了套利定价理论的实证研究和应用㊂由此可见,‘套利理论的实证研究“(1980)一文确定了套利定价模型中的共同性风险因素的个数有多少;‘经济力量和股票市场“(1986)一文确定了套利定价模型中的共同性风险因素是什么㊂这些研究深化了套利定价理论的实证研究,为解释套利定价理论提供了经验证据,推动了套利定价理论的发展和应用㊂如果说罗斯是套利定价理论的创立者,那么,罗尔就是套利定价理论实证研究的推动者㊂四㊁关于对利率期限结构理论的贡献利率期限结构是指不同到期日的债券利率与到101‘经济学动态“2014年第2期期期限的关系㊂如果用一条线来描述这种关系,利率期限结构又可称之为利率曲线㊂利率期限结构理论就是研究这种关系及其决定因素和变化规律的学说㊂自从F i s h e r (1896)研究这一问题以来,学术界提出了许多理论模型㊂但按照其均衡基础,可把这些理论分为无套利机会模型和一般均衡模型两大类㊂其中,一般均衡模型是由罗尔基于流动性偏好假说,将利率期限结构纳入资本资产定价模型中而率先提出的㊂随后的瓦西塞克模型(V a s i c e k ,1977)㊁C I R 模型(C o xe t a l ,1985)和朗斯塔夫模型(L o n gs t a f f ,1989)等一般均衡模型都是在罗尔建立的均衡模型的基础上发展起来的㊂1971年,罗尔发表了著名论文‘投资多样化和债券兑付“㊂该文针对利率期限结构理论的研究忽略了风险的影响,而投资组合理论的研究忽略了时间的影响,运用市场均衡模型,分析了利率期限结构理论中的流动性偏好与资本资产定价理论中的风险溢价之间的关系㊂其数学表达式如下:E t -1l n (p n ,t p n +1,t -1)éëùû=R 1,t -1+ðni =1L j +1,t -1-E t -1(L j ,t )[](1)式中,E 为期望回报率;P 为债券价格;L 为流动性偏好㊂上述式(1)的理论结论是:债券的流动性越高,其风险溢价越低㊂但是,由于该式的右边包含了t 期的变化,而左边的价格P 不是恒定的变化,致使该模型只能进行理论分析,而无法进行实证检验㊂为了使该模型的理论结论能够得以检验,就必须对其进行转化,以消除等式右边的t 期变化项㊂为此,罗尔在式(1)的基础上引入了夏普(S h a r p e ,1964)和林特纳(L i n t n e r ,1965)关于存在风险条件下的资本资产定价模型,从而为研究流动性偏好与风险溢价之间的关系提供了技术平台㊂经过整理,可得到如下数学表达式:r k ,t -r H +k ,t -H =βk -βk -1β1(R 1,t -r H +1,t -H )+εH ,k ,t (2)式中,R 1,t -r H +1,t -H 表示远期利率的变化;r k ,t -r H +k ,t -H 表示风险的溢价;β表示风险系数;βk -βk -1β1表示利率变化的系数㊂罗尔以1949年10月至1964年12月间美国的国库券数据为样本,对模型(2)进行了实证检验㊂结果发现,期限较长的债券其流动性较差,所面临的流动性风险也较高,相应的风险溢价也较大㊂这就支持了利率期限结构理论中的流动性偏好假说㊂由此可见,罗尔通过对利率期限结构理论与资本资产定价模型的整合,使得流动性偏好与风险溢价的关系能够从定量的角度加以分析和进行实证检验㊂这就为后来人们研究这种关系提供了一种技术平台,使得利率期限结构理论与资本资产定价模型的整合越来越紧密㊂五、关于对并购理论的贡献随着市场竞争的日趋激烈以及资本市场的迅速发展,企业并购越来越频繁,已成为企业成长和发展的一个重要途径㊂正因为如此,企业并购是现代经济学研究的一个重要领域㊂在这个研究领域中,罗尔做出了重要贡献㊂主要表现在:一是从信息不对称的角度对企业并购进行了理论解释;二是从管理者过度自信的角度对企业并购进行了理论解释;三是从管理者学习行为的角度对企业并购进行了解释㊂后两个方面属于罗尔的开创性贡献,因此本文在这里仅对这两个方面加以评价㊂1986年,罗尔发表了著名的论文‘并购的自大假说“㊂在假设资本市场㊁产品市场和劳动力市场均为有效的条件下,罗尔开创性地提出了管理者 过度自信假说 ,分析了管理者过度自信对企业并购的影响㊂该理论假说认为,在企业并购决策中,过度自信的管理者往往会高估并购所带来的收益和协同效应,从而使本不具有价值的并购活动得以发生㊂罗尔在其上述论文中,运用管理者过度自信假说做出了如下一些预测:(1)被并购企业在并购计划宣布时,其股价将会上涨;但在并购未能成功时,其股价又将会跌到并购计划宣布之前的水平㊂(2)并购企业在并购计划宣布时,其股价将会下跌;但在并购未能成功时,其股价又会上涨㊂(3)并购完成后,被并购企业价值的增加将会被并购企业价值的减少所抵消,也就是说,并购并不会带来社会财富的增加,并购双方的价值相抵之后还可能会产生净损失㊂此外,由于从并购计划的宣布到完成的时间比较短,因此并购双方的价值变化较小㊂对于这些预测的正确性,罗尔并没有直接去检验,而是通过回顾其他人的实证研究结果来间接地加以证明㊂罗尔提出的管理者过度自信假说,无疑为我们从管理者非理性的角度研究企业并购以及企业其他行为问题提供了一种新的路径㊂不过遗憾的是,该201理论假设被提出之后的十多年内并未引起学术界的重视㊂直到最近十多年,随着行为金融学的迅速兴起,学术界才开始认识到该理论假说的重要性㊂但是,近年来,许多学者研究发现,在企业并购中普遍存在另一种现象,即有的企业在连续并购后,累计异常回报率并不显著为负,而是不显著或者显著为正(C o n n e ta l,2004;C r o c i,2005;I s m a i l, 2008;B i l l e t t&Q i a n,2008;A k t a s e t a l,2009)㊂对于这种现象, 过度自信假说 就无法解释了㊂于是,罗尔与其合作者发表了著名论文‘学习,自大和企业连续并购“(A k t a s,B o d t&R o l l,2009),首次提出了管理者 学习行为假说 ,合理地解释了这种现象㊂在该论文中,为了论证C E O具有学习行为,他们构建了A D R模型㊂该模型从如下两个方面分析了C E O学习行为对企业并购的影响:(1)学习行为能使C E O慎重地选择被并购企业,如选择风险较低的被并购企业,从而增加并购企业的价值㊂随着C E O不断地学习,他们会逐渐选择风险较低的被并购企业,使得连续并购企业的累计回报率逐渐减少㊂(2)学习行为能使企业成功并购的时间减少㊂具有学习行为的C E O倾向于选择风险较小的并购项目,可能愿意适当增加并购时的出价,这就使得并购成功的概率增大,并购的时间减少㊂为了更好地验证上述A D R模型的观点,罗尔与其合作者又发表了著名论文‘连续并购者的出价:学习假说的一个实证检验“(A k t a s,B o d t&R o l l, 2011)㊂该文以美国1992-2007年发生的连续并购事件为研究样本,对A D R模型进行了实证检验㊂检验结果与A D R模型的理论预期一致,成功验证了 学习行为假说 ㊂罗尔等提出的 学习行为假说 是继 过度自信假说 之后的又一项重大贡献㊂这两种假说共同构成了一种全新的理论体系,为我们研究企业并购以及企业其他行为提供了一种完整的理论分析框架㊂六、关于对市场微观结构理论的贡献市场微观结构理论是研究市场微观结构一定的情况下资产交易的过程和结果㊂其中,一个重要的问题就是价格的形成机制㊂市场微观结构理论研究这个问题的基本出发点是对买卖价差的考察㊂这是因为买卖价差的大小是衡量交易成本和市场流动性的重要指标㊂在对买卖价差的实证研究中,已提出了许多分解买卖价差构成的模型㊂但按照买卖价差的分解方法,可把这些模型分为两大类:一是协方差分解模型,即基于成交价格的序列协方差来分解买卖价差的构成;二是交易指标分解模型,即基于相关交易指标来分解买卖价差的构成㊂在前一类分解模型中,最早的模型是罗尔在1984年发表的著名论文‘有效市场下一个有效买卖价差的简单测量“中提出的㊂在该论文中,罗尔通过观察成交价格的序列相关特性,提出了一种买卖价差的分解模型㊂该模型建立在如下两个假设基础上:(1)资本市场是有效的;(2)证劵价格的概率分布是稳定的㊂如果用P∗t表示股票真实价值,P t︿表示市场价格,ΔP t表示交易成本,则可得市场价格的变化ΔP︿t:ΔP︿t=P∗t+ΔP t当资本市场有效时,则有:c o v(ΔP∗t,ΔP∗t-j)=0,jʂ0c o v(ΔP∗t,ΔP t-j)=0,j⩾0在较短时间内,当资本市场没有新信息时,则有:c o v(ΔP t︿,ΔP t-1︿)=c o v(ΔP∗t+ΔP t,ΔP∗t+ΔP t-1︿) =c o v(ΔP t,ΔP t-1)=-s24(3)当资本市场有新信息时,则有:c o v(ΔP∗t-1,ΔP t)=c o v(ΔP∗t,ΔP t)=0(4)由(3)㊁(4)式可得,在资本市场有效时的买卖价差为:S t=2-c o v t(其中,c o v t=c o v(ΔP t,ΔP t-1) =c o v(P t-1-P t-2,P t-P t-1))(5)式(5)表明,买卖价差与市场价格变化负相关㊂该模型不但提供了一种衡量有效买卖价差的方法,而且有助于深入认识买卖价差与资产收益的时序特性之间的关系㊂此后,C h o ie ta l(1988)和S t o l l (1989)等对买卖价差分解的研究都是建立在该模型的基础上㊂罗尔对市场微观结构理论的贡献还表现在他首次提出了股票流动性存在共性的观点㊂在早期的市场微观结构理论中,关于股票流动性的研究都只局限于个股,而忽略了整个股票市场的系统流动性㊂因此,早期的市场微观结构理论便无法解释如下事件:1987年国际股票市场的崩溃使整个股票市场的流动性显著地降低;1998年美国债券市场的 信用敏感 (c r e d i t-s e n s i t i v e)引发了全球性的流动性危机㊂针对这些事件,罗尔与其合作者发表了著名论文‘流动性的共性“(R o l l,C h o r d i a&S u b r a h m a n y-301‘经济学动态“2014年第2期a m,2000),开创性地提出了股票流动性存在共性的观点,为解释整个证劵市场的流动性问题提供了理论依据㊂他们在该论文中,从做市商存货和信息不对称的角度解释了存在系统流动性的原因:一是做市商存货,即市场系统性价格波动会造成市场交易量的变化,从而会导致做市商调整其持仓量,这就会使得股票买卖价差及其深度发生变化,造成流动性具有共同波动的特性;二是信息不对称(不包括虚假会计报表,因为虚假会计信息只是某些公司的个体行为),即由于许多公司都存在内幕信息或秘密信息,使得这些公司股票价格表现出系统流动性㊂在此基础上,他们对股票流动性存在共同性之观点进行了检验㊂他们分别采用报价价差㊁深度㊁相对报价价差㊁有效价差和相对有效价差五个指标来衡量股票的流动性,根据回归方程D L j,t=a j+b j D L M,t+εj,t(其中,D L j,t是股票j从t-1时到t时的流动性变化比率,D L M,t是市场中除了股票j之外其他股票流动性的平均权重,b j表示股票j与系统流动性的相关程度),以1992年纽约股票交易所1169只股票在254个交易日的数据为样本,考察了个股流动性的变化与系统流动性的相关性㊂结果发现,采用报价价差㊁深度㊁相对报价价差和有效价差这四个指标来衡量股票流动性时,其回归系数b j均为显著,而采用相对有效价差时,其回归系数b j则不显著㊂这就说明股票流动性存在共同性之特征㊂由于做市商不一定了解所有行业的信息,因此他们又将股票j行业平均流动性引入回归方程D L j,t=a j+b j,M D L M,t+b j,I D L I,t+εj,t(其中, D L I,t表示股票j所属行业但不包括股票j的平均流动性)之中㊂结果表明,除了相对有效价差外,采用其他四个指标衡量股票流动性时,其回归系数b j,M和b j,I均为显著㊂这就说明整个市场的系统流动性和行业的流动性都会显著地影响股票的流动性㊂通过对股票流动性存在共同性特征的检验,他们认为每只股票的流动性不仅会受到其自身的影响,而且还会受到所在行业乃至市场其他股票的影响㊂这就能够有力地解释在股票市场出现新信息或危机时股票的流动性为什么会发生变化,为人们深入地认识和研究市场流动性问题提供了一种理论工具㊂七㊁在其他领域的贡献罗尔的学术贡献除了对上述贡献外,还包括如下几个方面的贡献:(一)对有效市场假说的贡献对有效市场假说的贡献主要表现在:(1)事件研究法㊂罗尔与法马等人发表的论文‘股票价格对新信息的反应“(1969),采用单指数模型研究了公司发生的事件对股票价格的影响㊂结果表明,股票价格会对新信息做出快速反应,从而对股票价格偏离现象进行了解释和验证㊂这不仅支持了有效市场假说,而且所采用的研究方法 事件研究法日益成为了金融学领域检验资本市场是否有效的一种重要方法㊂(2)规模效应㊂罗尔发表的论文‘小企业产生影响的一种解释“(1981)对小规模企业总是比大规模企业会获得更高的风险调整回报率这一异常现象进行了解释㊂该文认为,产生这种现象的主要原因是小规模企业的风险不能准确地衡量㊂小规模企业的股票交易量较小,使价格之间的序列相关性较大,从而使回报率的方差变小㊂(3)橘子市场与天气预报的关系㊂罗尔发表的论文‘橘子与天气“(1984)分析了这一问题㊂美国的橘子98%来自于佛罗里达州㊂天气会影响橘子的产量,继而会影响橘子的价格㊂该文通过分析发现,在气象局的预报存在误差时,橘子的价格不受预报的影响,而受实际天气的影响㊂这就有趣地进一步验证了资本市场是有效性的㊂(二)对抵押贷款证券化研究的贡献对抵押贷款证券化研究的贡献主要表现在:(1)可调利率抵押贷款的提前支付㊂罗尔与其合作者发表的论文‘可调利率的抵押贷款:提前偿付行为“( B a r t h o l o m e w,B e r k&R o l l,1988)通过对固定利率抵押贷款(F R M)的提前偿付与可调利率抵押贷款(A R M)的提前偿付的比较分析后发现,A R M的提前偿付为投资者提供了潜在收益,不过这种收益难以被发现㊂同时,还发现A R M的提前偿付比F R M的提前偿付更具有较准确的预测能力㊂(2)可调利率抵押贷款的估价㊂罗尔及其合作者发表的论文‘可调利率的抵押贷款:估价“(B e r k&R o l l, 1988)根据高盛公司对A R M的估价模型,分别采用资金成本指数和定期国债指数,对A R M的估价问题进行了研究㊂结果表明,利率波动会降低A R M 和F R M的价值,但F R M的价值会降低更多㊂此外,罗尔还对股票指数套利(R o l l,1988)㊁业绩评价(R o l l,1978)㊁会计信息的市场反应(R o l l& K a p l a n,1972,1973;R o l l e t a l,2007)等方面做出了贡献㊂401。
2019年第12期迈克尔㊃克雷默对发展经济学的贡献*2019年度诺贝尔经济学奖得主学术贡献评介张延 王琪摘要:因发展了减轻全球贫困的实验方法,迈克尔㊃克雷默与阿比吉特㊃班纳吉㊁埃丝特㊃迪弗洛共同荣获2019年诺贝尔经济学奖㊂克雷默以经济学理论为指导,将随机对照实验引入减贫问题的研究,为大量发展政策提供了经验证据,并提出了众多缓解全球贫困的有效措施㊂他的研究方法也有助于重塑发展经济学的研究范式,为实验经济学乃至整个实证研究的发展做出了重要贡献㊂本文围绕克雷默在教育㊁健康㊁行为偏误等多个方面的实验研究,对其学术成就进行梳理和归纳,以理解其在贫困问题研究和研究方法论上做出的开创性贡献㊂关键词:迈克尔㊃克雷默 随机对照实验 发展经济学 减贫 诺贝尔经济学奖一㊁引言迈克尔㊃克雷默(M i c h a e lK r e m e r)是美国著名发展经济学家,哈佛大学经济学教授㊂克雷默1964年出生于美国纽约,1985年以优异成绩毕业于哈佛大学并获得本科学位,1992年获得哈佛大学经济学博士学位㊂毕业后曾先后任教于麻省理工学院(1993-1999年)和哈佛大学(1999年至今)㊂克雷默因对发展问题的研究贡献,曾获麦克阿瑟奖,被世界经济论坛评为全球青年领袖,当选为美国艺术与科学学院(A A A S )院士,2006年被‘科学美国人“杂志评选为年度50名研究人员之一㊂2010年起,克雷默担任美国国际开发署(U S A I D )发展创新风险投资(D I V )的创始科学主任,同时还是精准农业发展委员会的一员,美国国家经济研究局(N B E R )㊁发展研究和经济分析社(B R E A D )研究员㊂2019年,克雷默与阿比吉特㊃班纳吉(A b h i j i t B a n e r j e e )㊁埃丝特㊃迪弗洛(E s t h e rD u f l o )共同获得了诺贝尔经济学奖㊂当今时代,尽管世界经济发展取得了巨大进步,但全球仍有7亿多人生活在极度贫困中,每年有大约500万五岁以下儿童死于一些可以通过廉价治疗来预防或治愈的疾病,有一半的儿童仍然没有掌握基本的识字和计算能力就离开了学校(C o m m i t t e e f o r t h eP r i z e i nE c o n o m i cS c i e n c e s i n M e m o r y o f A l f r e dN o b e l ,下文简称t h eP r i z e i nE c o n o m i cS c i e n c e s ,2019)㊂克雷默的研究集中于发展中国家的教育㊁卫生㊁水利和农业,也曾帮助制定了疫苗的先期协议市场承诺(a d v a n c em a r k e t c o m m i t m e n t ,A M C ),以刺激疫苗研发的私人投资并推动发展中国家疾病预防疫苗的普及㊂他从微观角度切入全球贫困问题研究,通过引入随机对照实验的方法设计科学的实地实验,评估不同措施的影响效果,试图寻找有效的干预措施来帮助贫困人口改善生活㊂他的实验研究成果可被广泛用于发展中国家进行教育补贴㊁教师管理㊁疾病预防㊁医疗定价㊁技术推广等现实问题中㊂克雷默开创并推广的实验方法本身也对经济学多个分支具有重大意义,不仅重塑了发展经济学研究,也为整个实证经济学领域提供了更为丰富可信的经验证据和科学有效的研究方法㊂49 *张延㊁王琪,北京大学经济学院,邮政编码:100871,电子邮箱:z h a n g y a n 0989@163.c o m ,w a n g qi 0727@p k u .e d u .c n ㊂感谢匿名审稿人的修改建议,文责自负㊂*本文将介绍克雷默对经济学研究方法论的创新性意义,并通过梳理克雷默在实验中得到的经验证据来理解其对全球发展与减贫工作的重要贡献㊂二㊁随机对照实验:开启经济学研究的新范式克雷默将全球贫困问题分解为与个体或群组相关的更为精确的问题,如提高入学率㊁提高疫苗接种比例等,试图在改善穷人生活状态的微观视角上给出解决办法,其采用一系列巧妙设计的随机对照实验,并寻求与发展中国家部分机构的合作以在真实环境中评估减贫项目的效果㊂这种新的实验设计方法不仅在全球减贫问题上具有重大的实践意义,也重塑了发展经济学的研究范式㊂(一)随机对照实验的早期发展随机对照实验(r a n d o m i z e d c o n t r o l l e d t r i a l ,R C T )最初源于医药学中用于检测某种疗法或药物效果的控制性临床实验㊂尽管早期的对照实验通过一些方法控制了可能影响实验结果的部分客观因素,以尽量提取由不同干预造成的结果差异,但并未强调实验对象需随机分组,这极大地削弱了观测结果的可靠性㊂直至20世纪前叶,罗纳德㊃费希尔(R o n a l dF i s h e r ,1925)在进行农业和生物进化领域的实验研究时,为避免选择性偏误引入了随机化原则,并基于统计理论规范了科学实验的设计方法,由此形成了更为严格的控制实验法随机对照实验㊂科学的实验设计使得观测结果被更为广泛接受,也推动了随机实验方法在各个领域的应用,包括医学㊁药学㊁农学㊁生物学等,并逐渐渗透至社会科学的研究中㊂20世纪80年代之前,实证经济学主要依赖回溯性观测(调查)数据进行估计和预测,这在评估政策影响时遇到了诸多限制(D u f l o ,2006)㊂政策评估中推测因果关系面临的基础难题是由于在任一给定的时间点,个体只能处于参与或未参与该项目其中的一种事实状态,而缺乏与之相对应的反事实结果,例如难以得知参与了某一项目的个体如果未参与该项目将如何表现,这导致研究者无法通过比较事实结果与反事实结果来直接评估在特定时间某一项目对个体的影响㊂一个解决方法是对比受项目影响的群体与由相似个体组成的不受该项目影响的群组,估计项目对一组个体的平均影响,而要使得结果避免选择性偏误等风险,需首先将具有相似特征的个体随机分配至实验组和对照组,并严格控制可能影响结果的其他因素㊂至此,在其他学科实验室中发展了两百多年的随机对照实验的思想被引入社会实验,并逐步发展为实验对象在日常环境中做出选择的实地实验㊂大量的实地实验提供了丰富的观测数据和政策支撑,实验内容涉及收入税㊁健康保险㊁福利改革㊁教育等众多问题㊂值得注意的是,虽然随机对照实验具有随机性㊁对照性等诸多优势,其在实地实验中的应用仍会面临很多复杂的统计问题,不同于实验室中高度可控的环境,在真实生活背景中实施的社会实验通常更难以控制和捕捉差异㊂例如,个体可能拒绝参加实验或中途退出实验,其影响需在实验设计及实验结果中加以考虑(D u f l o &K r e m e r ,2003)㊂与其他领域的随机对照实验的另一个关键性区别是,在实地实验中,干预结果反映的是个体的选择,即经济领域的实验者所探究的因果关系是通过人的行为建立的,因此要理解某一特定干预的影响结果,需理解产生这一结果的个体决策(t h eP r i z e i n E c o n o m i c S c i e n c e s ,2019)㊂例如,随机对照实验在医学中被广泛应用于探究疟疾㊁腹泻等致命疾病的治疗方法,但在相关医疗知识非常丰富的今天,仍有大量的低收入国家的儿童死于这些可以很容易避免的疾病㊂这导致研究者开始思考为什么这些儿童没有受到并不昂贵的预防或治疗,如何以有效的方式克服相关医疗服务不可得的障碍以降低低收入国家儿童死亡率,这些涉及个体行为的问题无法由医学实验回答㊂因此,以克雷默等(M i g u e l&K r e m e r ,2004;K r e m e r &M i g u e l ,2007;K r e m e r ,L e i n o ,M i g u e l&Z w a n e ,2011)为代表的发展经济学家,通过一系列特定的随机对照实验给出了答案㊂(二)基于随机对照实验的实地实验经济学评估干预影响的研究都试图回答这样一个反事实的问题:参与了某一项目的个体在没有这一项目影响下将会如何?没有参与某一项目的个体若在这一项目中将表现何种特征?而在任一给定时间,被观测的个体只存在参与或者未参与该项目中的一种状态,因此难以获得项目对个体影响的估59 张延王琪:迈克尔㊃克雷默对发展经济学的贡献2019年第12期计(t h eP r i z e i nE c o n o m i cS c i e n c e s,2019)㊂若要通过对照实验评估项目影响,克雷默和迪弗洛(D u-f l o&K r e m e r,2003)认为,关键的一步是建立可信的对比㊂以实验组代表受项目影响的个体组,对照组代表不受项目影响的个体组,则可信的对比是指,若实验组未参与该项目,将与对照组具有相似的结果㊂在此基础上,对照组可以预测出实验组个体在没有该项目影响下将是何种特征,通过这样的设计可以给出上述反事实问题在群组层面的答案,即项目的平均影响㊂但在现实中,克雷默和迪弗洛(D u f l o&K r e m e r,2003)研究发现,通常参与了某一项目的个体与未参与的个体本身就有所不同,有些项目也仅允许符合某类特质的人群参与(例如扶贫政策仅针对贫困人口实施),另外,是否参与该项目的决策在很多情况下也是自愿的㊂这导致两组人群的差异不仅反映了项目的影响,还包含了预先存在的差异,即选择性偏误㊂因此,参与人群与未参与人群不能形成可信的对比,实验组和对照组不能简单等同于参与者和未参与者㊂消除选择性偏误的一个方法是在潜在参与人群中随机选择实验组和对照组㊂这种方法使得两组人群平均而言没有显著差别,两者的不同可被归因为参与项目状况所致㊂基于对照和随机这两个基础思想,克雷默及其合作者(V e r m e e r s c h&K r e m e r,2005;K r e m e r, M o u l i n&N a m u n y u,2003;G l e w w e,K r e m e r&M o u l i n,2009)设计了一系列的实地实验,并开展于多个发展中国家,通过与当地机构合作设计干预项目,在实施后评估干预效果㊂他们与当地具有在现实中实施项目的权力并对如何改善项目感兴趣的机构(如政府㊁非政府组织㊁私人企业等)合作,这保证了实验在真实环境中实施㊂研究者和机构均从这一合作中获益(D u f l o,G l e n n e r s t e r&K r e-m e r,2006)㊂一方面,研究者基于经济理论帮助其合作者设计可解决实际问题的项目或政策,同时也可检验理论的现实适用性;另一方面,政府部门通过与研究者合作,可以推出多个改革实验措施用于随机选取的区域或群体,并选出较好的政策加以推广;非政府组织也希望检测新项目的效果或评估现有项目的作用;私人企业出于更好地理解其商业活动及服务客户㊁提高利润的目的,同样需要与研究者合作进行随机实验㊂克雷默及其合作者的创新不仅在于将随机对照实验引入发展经济学,而且还在实地实验的具体情境中提出了很多方便研究者在现实中实现随机化的方法㊂如克雷默等(D u f l o,G l e n n e r s t e r& K r e m e r,2006)所述,经典的临床实验中只需将实验样本随机分为实验组和对照组,其中前者接受某一新的项目干预㊂实地实验也可以沿用这一思想,但现实条件常使得随机分组不易实现㊂例如,存在资源㊁行政约束或需评估的项目是现存而非新引入的,因此研究者发展出超额认购(o v e r s u b s c r i p-t i o n)㊁分阶段随机引入(r a n d o m i z e do r d e r o f p h a s e-i n)等多种方法㊂超额认购是指当资源或实施能力有限且对项目的需求超过供应时,在合格的候选人中随机选择获得该计划的人,这既是一种公平的分配资源的方法,也自然地引入了随机化㊂克雷默及其合作者(A n g r i s t,B e t t i n g e r,B l o o m,K i n g &K r e m e r,2002)在哥伦比亚进行的一项学校票券项目便采用此种方法决定票券的分配㊂另一种方式是将引入项目的顺序随机化,当存在金融或行政限制时,一些项目不得不以阶段性引入的方式进行,最公平的方式是随机决定引入顺序,这允许了参与项目和未参与项目的个体或群体同时存在且是随机选出的,而且这种分期引入的承诺可以促使被随机选为对照组的个体或群体保持与研究者的合作㊂因为对未来收益的期望为受试者提供了合作动机,克雷默等(M i g u e l&K r e m e r,2004)进行驱虫实验时便分为三个阶段,随机选择学校并向其提供驱虫药治疗,以评估驱虫治疗对学生健康和学校出勤率的影响㊂总之,克雷默等人将随机对照实验引入经济学研究用来检验经济理论预测的结论,并通过评估不同项目的因果影响提出明确的政策建议㊂这一实验方法也发现了许多现有模型未能预测到的机制和事实,并促进实施部门设计出更有效的政策或项目㊂(三)对发展经济学的贡献迪弗洛(D u f l o,2006)在总结实地实验在发展经济学中的地位时提到,最初的发展经济学常依赖于搜集原始数据来检验特定假设或研究某一特定问题,因而在很大程度上是由研究的问题决定所需69数据,而非由数据决定可以做的研究㊂但20世纪后期出现了众多高质量㊁大规模的数据集,如普查数据和不同领域的调查数据,丰富的数据来源和自然实验为发展经济学开拓了广阔的研究可能性,也促使更为专业的计量方法被引入,发展经济学采用实证证据的标准被大大提高,而基于原始观测数据的研究不再像之前容易被接受㊂在此背景下,克雷默等(V e r m e e r s c h &K r e m e r ,2005;K r e m -e r ,M o u l i n &N a m u n y u ,2003)在肯尼亚发起了一系列与教育相关的实地实验,在现实环境中引入随机对照的思想,通过对比随机分配至实验组和对照组的个体来评估干预影响㊂这种科学严谨的实地实验既传承了发展经济学从调查中搜集原始数据的方法,又重塑了原始数据调查的权威性和科学性,使得实地调查的结果得以被学术界认可,延续了发展经济学先提出问题后寻找相应数据来回答的传统,再次奠定了实地调查在发展经济学中的地位㊂一旦建立了这一方法的可行性,其在不同项目㊁国家㊁时期等情境下的多样性和可实践性便突显出来,相对于回溯性计量研究的优势也得以被承认㊂在方法论上,随机对照实地实验最大的优势是可以构造任何调查数据或自然实验均无法观测的反事实结果,这得益于其灵活的实验设计和干预选择(D u f l o ,G l e n n e r s t e r&K r e m e r ,2006)㊂观测研究只能评估现实世界中已经存在的事实结果,而实地实验可以通过实施干预创造出自然中无法观测到的事件,从而研究这一干预的影响㊂这使得研究者在政策尚未实施时即可检验其是否如先验知识或理论预测的那样有效,也可以在检验理论预测时通过设计不同的干预引入随机变化㊂在所研究的问题上,随机对照实验在发展经济学理论与政策适用性之间建立起直接桥梁,将贫困背后的主要机制与对于不同政策干预的行为反应融合起来探讨(D u f l o ,2006)㊂实验中干预的设计是由发展经济理论指导的,收集的观测数据是基于微观个体选择的,因此实验结果可以指明理论所发现的机制及政策方向在现实中的有效力,定量地测算某一因果关系,为理论预测提供更有说服力的实证检验㊂(四)相对非实验方法的优势为控制选择性偏误实现反事实推断,基于非实验数据发展出了倾向得分匹配㊁双重差分法㊁断点回归法等政策评估方法,但克雷默(D u f l o &K r e m e r ,2003)指出,这些非实验方法均有各自的局限性㊂倾向得分匹配法是根据可观测的个体特征预测其参与概率,以此为依据为受干预影响的实验组匹配参与倾向相似的对照组,但这一方法依赖于对受干预和未受干预两个群组自身差异的准确识别,这导致当基于某一难以观测的特征实施干预时,估计可能存在偏误㊂双重差分法通过比较受政策影响的某一区域和未实行该政策的区域的增长差异来探究该政策的影响,但结果的可靠性所依据的假设前提是:若没有该政策,两地发展趋势相同㊂而研究者无法检验这一假设,另外还要保证同一阶段两地没有实施其他可能影响结果的政策,以及未受到任何外来持续性冲击,这在现实中均难以实现(G l e w w e ,K r e m e r ,M o u l i n &Z i t z e w i t z ,2004)㊂断点回归所比较的是某一临界值附近参与项目和未参与项目的个体,认为两类群体其他特征相似,结果的差异仅来源于是否参与了项目,但这只适用于可产生此类断点(临界值)的项目,而在具体实施中断点常常是不存在的,尤其在政策实施不严格的发展中国家㊂而即便存在断点,这一方法也很有可能面临错误估计标准误差的风险(B e r -t r a n d ,D u f l o &M u l l a i n a t h a n ,2004)㊂随机对照实验则弥补了非实验的干预效应研究方法的缺陷,使得实证分析在更为广阔的领域和问题上具有可信的结果(D u f l o ,G l e n n e r s t e r&K r e m e r ,2006)㊂实验中干预的实施可供研究者设计并操作,随机化的处理可以控制选择性偏误,实验组和对照组的差异也可以被精准记录㊂整个干预影响及观测过程均可保证科学透明,研究者可以直接获得高质量的对比数据,而无需对样本自身或计量方法做出过高的要求㊂克雷默等(G l e w w e ,K r e m e r ,M o u l i n &Z i t z e w i t z ,2004;G l e w w e ,K r e m e r&M o u l i n ,2009)比较非实验方法和随机对照实验的评估结果发现,两者会有很大差异,其中非实验方法更容易面临选择性偏误㊁遗漏变量等识别问题㊂随机对照实验的引入发展出了一套更为可信的实验设计过程,极大降低了实证中常面临的选择性偏误的风险,使得实验成为经济学研究79 张延王琪:迈克尔㊃克雷默对发展经济学的贡献2019年第12期在检验理论和评估政策时的一种新的强有力的工具㊂另外,克雷默等人创建了一套可迭代的实验研究过程(t h eP r i z e i nE c o n o m i cS c i e n c e s,2019),所谓可迭代即研究者可以在相同环境下使用相同的结果变量和相同的测量技术进行后续研究,可以在已有的实验基础上研究引申问题㊂实证研究中经常会遇到需要进行后续研究的问题,尤其是基于观测数据的研究通常难以作为其他研究的基础被进一步推进,因为初始政策改变时所产生的数据有限,研究引申问题时需要的数据可能并不在这一观测集中,也无法保证其他条件相同来观测在初始政策基础上施加新的干预将产生何种新的影响㊂而实验具有可以控制干预发生的特点,使得研究者可以进行多步骤的序贯实验(s e q u e n t i a l e x p e r i m e n t s),其中每个新的步骤都可以利用较早步骤中的结果,克雷默等(D u f l o,K r e m e r&R o b i n s o n,2008,2011)关于肯尼亚农民化肥使用情况的发现便基于一系列长期序贯的实地实验㊂总之,克雷默将随机对照实验引入经济学研究,形成了一种新的实地研究方法,以可信的方法实施大规模的实验,大大增强了经济学者研究现实问题的能力㊂三㊁随机对照实验在减贫研究中的应用克雷默在现实世界中实施了一系列的经济学实验,内容涉及教育㊁健康㊁理解贫困人口的行为偏误等㊂实验由真正生活于其中的个体做出关乎自身利益的决定,因此可以观测到更直接㊁更贴近现实的行为结果,大规模样本的复杂性也使得研究者可以理解个体间的相互影响和作用,这在减贫实践和理论研究中具有重要意义㊂(一)寻找教育减贫的有效措施自20世纪80年代后期起,宏观经济研究开始强调人力资本在增长和发展中的作用,相关的理论和实证研究常用教育程度近似代表人力资本㊂在考虑了人力资本的作用而进行增长核算时,重要的一步是衡量人力资本回报率,实证工作中常用明瑟收入函数(M i n c e r e a r n i n g s f u n c t i o n)估计的教育收益率代替㊂但这一方法面临三个问题(t h eP r i z e i nE c o n o m i cS c i e n c e s,2019):首先,教育水平在不同部门间的差异是个体选择的结果,这导致基于截面数据来估计教育回报率通常是有偏的㊂其次,回报是根据受教育年限衡量的,但就人力资本获取而言,回报在不同时间和地点上并不相等㊂最后,这一方法对政策改进的作用非常微弱㊂90年代中期,克雷默及其合作者(V e r m e e r s c h&K r e m-e r,2005;K r e m e r,M o u l i n&N a m u n y u,2003;A n g r i s t,B e t t i n g e r,B l o o m,K i n g&K r e m e r, 2002)发起了发展经济学的变革,通过随机化的实地实验探讨了与教育相关的更为精准细微的问题,也正由于教育对于个体实现收入突破㊁国家实现快速增长的重要作用,克雷默等人在现实环境中评估了多种促进贫困地区适龄儿童接受教育的措施㊂1.提高入学率。
浅谈米切尔的经济思想史观及其现代价值一、米切尔与《经济理论的类型》提起美国老制度主义代表人物之一卫斯理·C·米切尔(Wesley C. Mitchell,1874—1948),人们首先想到的是他在经济周期和量化统计方面的研究,而他在经济思想史方面的研究却很少有人关注。
但是,正如著名经济思想史家塞利格曼对其未完成的经济思想史著作《经济理论的类型:从重商主义到制度主义》(Types of Economic Theory:from Mercantilism to Institutionalism) (以下简称《经济理论的类型》) 所评论的:这是一部“可以与熊彼特的《经济分析史》相媲美的划时代巨作”; 另一位著名经济思想史家马克·珀尔曼(Mark Perlman) 也将其称为经济思想史学科的三大权威性著作之一。
米切尔的一名学生约翰·迈耶斯(John Meyers) 在1926—1927学年上米切尔开设的思想史课程时,将他的讲座逐字逐句记录了下来。
米切尔的另一名学生奥古斯都·M·凯利(Augustus M. Kelly)将这些笔记以Lecture Notes on Types of Economic Theory 为题出版。
后来,米切尔的学生,同时也是著名经济思想史学家的约瑟夫·多夫曼(Joseph Dorfman) 在此基础上重新编辑,增加了米切尔的讲义、日记、其他论文中的内容和其他学生的笔记,使得篇幅从原本的600 页扩充到了1500 页,这也就形成了目前我们看到的版本。
此外,在 和 2007 年 度 克 拉 克 奖 得 主 Sus
hey 合作的一系 列 论 文 中,莱 文 研 究 了 联 邦 政 府
的木材竞争性拍卖,其 目 的 在 于 了 解 不 同 的 拍 卖 规
以美国林业局木材 拍 卖 为 例,验 证 了 与 “共 同 价 值”
受到自身 条 件 限 制 不 能 作 为 主 要 商 品 的 采 购 对 象
时,政府会运用采购 制 度 给 予 这 些 企 业 一 定 量 的 订
单,这在一 定 程 度 可 以 起 到 扶 植 企 业 发 展 的 作 用.
例 如 在 美 国,联 ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 政 府 采 购 目 标 很 明 确,每 年 约
将影响准入方式,在 减 少 社 会 剩 余 的 同 时 增 加 收 益
源销售问题进行深 入 研 究 是 否 能 得 到 类 似 的 结 论,
的信号覆 盖 与 预 算 约 束 使 得 频 谱 拍 卖 变 得 异 常 复
2001)中,莱文对私 人 信 息 在 拍 卖 中 的 作 用 深 入 展
完全竞争市场的实 证 方 法、信 贷 与 保 险 市 场 的 信 息
卖 的 往 往 不 止 一 件 物 品. 例 如,政 府 对 石 油、天 然
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宏观期末复习:10.2&10.3,13,14,15,1610.2&10.3 the financial system and business cycle [model for loanable funds] Part I: financial systemFinancial system: the system of financial markets and financial intermediaries through which firms acquire funds from households.Financial markets: markets where financial securities, such as stocks and bonds, are bought and sold.Stock: a financial security that represents partial ownership of a firm.Bonds: a financial security that represents a promise to repay a fixed amount of funds. Financial intermediaries: bank+ mutual fundMutual fund: which is an institution that sells shares to savers and use the proceeds to buy a portfolio of stocks, bonds and other financial securities.Build a macroeconomic model:Recall: Y=I+C+G+NXFor simplify: Y =I+C+G (closed economy) so, I=Y-C-GS= S private+ S publicS Private=Y+TR-C-TS public=T-G-TRSo, S=Y+TR-C-T+T-G-TR=Y-C-GIn conclusion, S=IMarket for loanable funds: the interaction of borrowers and lenders that determine that market interest rate and loanable funds exchanged.The quantity of loanable funds is LThe price of it is the real interest rate (i)The demand for loanable funds comes from firms that want to borrow from investment (I) The supply comes from households that spend less than they earn(S private) and from government saving or dissaving(S public)When the L* Increases, the economy’s capital stock increases and (or) technology improves, so the productivity and livingThe government can encourage an incentive in the economy’s L* by1)Increasing the incentive to save: shift the supply rightBy lowering the tax rate on interest income, by switching from taxing nominal interest to taxing the real interest, or by switching from income tax to a consumption tax2)Increasing firm’s incentive to invest: shift the demand rightBy providing tax credits for investment3)Reducing or eliminating a government budget deficitPart 2: business cycleExpansion: the period of a business cycle during which total production and total employment are increasing.(rising profits, falling unemployment, increasing inflation rate, increasing interest rate)buy bonds=>low demand of stock, low prices downward movement begins before a recessionRecession: the period of a business cycle during which total production and employment are decreasing.( begin with a decline in spending by firms on capital and by households on durables=>falling profits and rising unemployment=>low inflation rate, low stock prices, low interest rate.Business cycle are irregular and unpredictable, but economic indicators tend to begin turn upward or downward before the economy does.1)stock indexes, which are averages of stock price=>first indicatorBecause of low interest rate and low stock prices, people are more likely to buy stockinstead of buying bonds, and then, it will cause the supply of stock prices. This usually begins before expansion so it is why stock indexes id a leading economic indicator.The unemployment rate usually does not increase fall until the latter part of expansion because: 1) firms will increase the work hours of existing workforce, 2) discouraged worker will return to the labor force.Crowding out: a decline in private expenditures as a result of an increase in government purchases. Budget deficitAt the end of expansion, interest rate will be rising, wages are usually rising faster than prices, and as the end of above, the profits of firms will be falling. Toward the end of expansion, both households and firms will have substantially increased their debts.Four reasons that to be more stable in the 1950s-2007 period than in other periods:∙The increasing importance of services and declining importance of goods.∙The establishment of unemployment insurance programs∙The use of active government policyIncreased stability of financial systemChapter 13: aggregate demand and aggregate supply analysis [model for AD and PL]Aggregate demand and aggregate supply model: a model that explains short-run fluctuations in real GDP and in the price level.Aggregate demand curve:a curve that shows the relationship between pl and the quantity demanded of real GDP demanded by households[c], firms[I], governments[G] and rest of world[nx].Slope of AD: when the price level increases, the quantity of real GDP demanded decreases; when the price level decreases, the quantity of real GDP demanded increases.1)The wealth effect explains how a change in the price level affects consumption.The price level increases, the purchasing power decreases and people are more likely spend the less, so the consumption decrease and meanwhile, real GDP decreases2)The interest rate effect explains how a change in the price level affects investmentWhen the price level increases, people have less money to save and the supply of loanable fund decreases, so the interest rate will increase which will cause the firm do not want to borrow money to invest. Meanwhile, the investment will decrease and real GDP will decrease.3)The international-trade effect explains how a change in the price level affects netexports.When the price level increases, the products of USA become more expansive than other countries, and the imports increases, exports decreases, net exports decreases.Meanwhile, the real GDP decreases.If the price level changes, the economy will move along with the stationary AD curve; if other relevant variables change, the AD will shift.1)Monetary and fiscal policy will shift the AD curve2)The money supply and interest rate will shift AD curve: money supply increases, theinterest rate decreases, and then the AD curve shift right.NOTE: If the interest rate changes because of the money supply, AD shift; if it changes because of price level [pl变了,花的多存的少,supply of loanable funds 减少,interest rate增加], AD moves along.3)The G increase, AD shift right.4)Personal income tax increases, AD shifts left.5)Business tax increases, AD shifts left.6)If households are optimistic, they would spend more right now [increase c], then shiftAD curve right. If firms are optimistic, they would invest more [increase I], then shift AD curve right.7)When the growth rate of US is slower than other country, us export grows faster thanimports, NX increases, Shift AD right. When us dollars become cheaper, the exports increase, imports decrease, the NX increases, shift AD right.Potential GDP is the output which firms could produce normally; it is also the unemployment is equal to the normal unemployment rate, the cyclical unemployment rate is 0.Slope of LR AS is vertical because the real GDP won’t be influenced by the PL.Shifts of LRAS: An increase in the quantity of capital per hour worked and improvement in technology will shift the LRASIn the long run, changes in the price level will affect the quantity of real GDP supplied.Slope of SRAS is upward for 2 reasons, 1) some input prices change more slowly than the prices of final goods, 2) some firms adjust the prices of final goods and services more slowly than other firms.If the price level changes, the economy will move along the SRAS; otherwise, SRAS will shift.1)An increase in the quantity of capita per hour worked and improvement in technology t2)The future expected price level decrease, the SRAS shifts right. [automatic mechanism]3)Errors in past expectation about the price level, lower, shift right.4)The input price decreases unexpectedly, SRAS shift right.Supply shock: an unexpected event that causes the SRAS CURVE shift.An increase in AD is usually caused by the optimism.A decrease in AD is usually caused by the pessimism.A decrease in SRAS is mostly caused by an adverse supply shock.Stagflation: a combination of inflation and recession.The government cannot successfully fight with both components of stagflation simultaneously. Business cycle fluctuations are most often caused by shifts in aggregate demand, occasionally by the SRAS.The government taking intervention only through shifting ADFiscal policy: changes in federal taxes and purchases that are intended to achieve macroeconomic policy objectives.Monetary policy:the actions that federal reserve takes to manage the money supply and interest rate to pursue macroeconomics policy objectives.The increase in the number of workers, the accumulation of more machinery and equipment and technological change will shift LRAS right.If the firms and households could predict the future price level, the SRAS will be exactly same as the LRAS.If firms charge higher prices and workers accept lower wage when the economy enters the recession, it will cause economy to return to its long-run equilibrium.总结:automatic mechanism: SRAS increases, fight recession; SRAS decrease, fight inflation Chapter 14.1&14.3 Money and bankAsset: anything of value owned by a firm or a personMoney: assets that people are generally willing to accept in exchange for goods and services or for payments of debts.Barter economy以物换物,要求coincidence=>inefficiency in intermediate tradeMoney is most liquid but it is not the best store of value because of inflation; however, the famous painting is the best store of value other than efficient medium of exchange. Money serves four functions:1) A medium of exchange2) A unit of account: 衡量价值3) A store of value:未来的购买力4) A standard of deferred延迟的paymentCommodity money and fiat moneyM1: the narrowestdefinition of the moneysupply: the sum of currency in circulation, checking account deposits in banks and holdings of traveler’s checks.14.3 How do banks create Money?Reserve: deposits that a bank keeps as cash in its vault or on deposit with the Federal Reserve.Required reserve:reserves that a bank is legally required to hold, based on its checking account deposits.Required reserve ratio: the minimum fraction of deposits banks are required by law to keep as reserves. RRExcess reserve: 现金储备大于法律要求先存再借会一直循环,create money other than wealth.这个过程会停在一个点,银行不能再create loans:Simple deposit multiplier= 1/RR=total change in checking deposits/initial depositTotal change in checking deposits= initial deposit* simple deposit multiplier在现实生活中, real deposit multiplier is less than 1/RRChapter 14.4 the Federal Reserve System AND Chapter 15.1, 15.3&15.6 Monetary policyFractional reserve banking system: the reserves of banks are lower than the required reserve ratio.*on a typical day, about as much money is deposited as is withdrawn from a bank.Bank run: 大家在同一时间取钱但是银行可以向别的银行借钱handle the bank runBank panic: a situation in which many banks experience at the same time.Economy central bank can help stop bank panic.Federal Reserve: THE FED=> central bank of the U.S.建立初衷是为了stop bank panic, 现在的重要意义是1)control money supply 2)act as a banker’s bank 3)regulate financial system.12个分支,总部在D.C.Before the financial crisis of 2007-2009, the fed use only three monetary policy tools to manage the money supply, all of which rely on the deposit multiplier:1)Open market operations:the buying and selling of treasury securities by the feralreserve in order to control the moneysupplyFederal open market committee(FOMC):the Federal Reserve committee responsible for open market operations and managing the money supply in U.S.FOMC每六周见一次,一年大约八次在D.C.If the FOMCdecides to change monetary policy, it sets a new target for the federal fund rate: the interest rate banks charge each other for overnight loans.When the FOMC decides to decrease the money supply, it announces a higher target for the federal funds rate and sell treasury securities to the public. (Open market sales)解释:People想买treasury securities然后从银行里取钱,然后银行的RESERVE减少,从而MONEY SUPPLY就减少了,supply shift left; 同时由于银行缺钱然后borrow federal funds, demand 增加,demand shifts right, 两者同时构成FFR增加。