Meeting 2 FA 2011
1.have a meeting 开会。 meeting 会议中。 a meeting 召集会议。
4.meeting point 集合地点。 meeting 商务会议。
6.annual meeting 年会。
7.general meeting 股东大会。
8.weekly meeting 周会。
9.monthly meeting 月会。
10.quarterly meeting 季会。
11.annual general meeting 年度股东大会。
12.quarterly general meeting 季度股东大会。
13.monthly general meeting 月度股东大会。
14.weekly general meeting 周度股东大会。
15.regular meeting 定期会议。
16.monthly review meeting 月度评审会议。
17.quarterly review meeting 季度评审会议。
18.annual review meeting 年度评审会议。
19.weekly review meeting 周度评审会议。
20.monthly management meeting 月度管理会议。
APP软件云视讯APP用户手册文档版本:05发布日期:2019-07-30所有© 北京会畅教育科技有限公司。
目录第1章概述 (4)第2章加入会议 (7)第3章登录 (9)3.1“会议”功能模块 (10)3.1.1 我的会议室 (10)3.1.2 预约会议 (12)3.2“加入会议”功能模块 (1)3.3“我”功能模块 (2)3.3.1 个人信息 (2)3.3.2 设置 (3)3.3.3 密码 (4)3.3.4 邀请好友使用 (5)3.3.5 关于 (6)第4章会议控制 (8)4.1静音 (8)4.2停止视频 (8)4.3会议管理 (8)4.4主讲视图 (9)4.5更多 (10)4.6挂断 (10)第1章概述会畅教育APP是一款配合会畅教育·云视讯平台使用的手机移动客户端,可在各大手机软件商店、免费下载使用。
会畅教育APP 可以通过两种方式配合会畅教育·云视讯平台进行使用,一种是临时用户,免登录直接加入会议,另一种是受信用户,登录账号可获取更多功能。
会议纪要格式模板范文英语 English Answer:Meeting Minutes Template.Meeting Information.Date:Time:Location:Attendees:Absent:Agenda.Call to order.Approval of minutes from previous meeting.Discussion of new business.Action items.Adjournment.Minutes.Call to order.The meeting was called to order by the Chair, [Chair's Name], at [Time].Approval of minutes from previous meeting.The minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed and approved.Discussion of new business.The following items were discussed under new business: [Item 1][Item 2][Item 3]Action items.The following action items were assigned:[Action Item 1]: Assigned to [Person Responsible][Action Item 2]: Assigned to [Person Responsible][Action Item 3]: Assigned to [Person Responsible]Adjournment.The meeting was adjourned at [Time] by the Chair.Next Meeting.The next meeting will be held on [Date] at [Time] in [Location].Chinese Answer:会议纪要模板。
目录1 注册登录客户端 (4)2 创建会议 (6)2.1 发起会议 (6)2.2 预约会议 (7)3 进入会议 (8)3.1 受邀入会 (8)3.2 会议ID入会 (10)3.3 呼叫会议ID入会 (11)3.4 无登录帐号入会 (12)4 会议控制 (14)4.1 邀请与会者 (15)4.2 共享内容 (16)4.3 会议录制 (17)4.4 发送即时消息 (17)4.5 发言功能 (19)4.6 切换主持人/与会者角色 (20)4.7 设置画面布局 (21)5 通讯录管理 (25)6 系统设置 (33)6.1 企业资源/我的资源总览......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
6.2 切换企业 (33)6.3 创建企业 (34)6.4 个人设置 (35)6.5 通用设置 (36)6.6 会议设置 (37)1 注册登录客户端你可以通过以下方式下载亿联会议客户端:•从苹果或安卓的应用商店,搜索"亿联会议",免费下载。
备注: 亿联会议移动端支持Android 5.0及以上,iOS 10.0及以上版本的操作系统。
1. meeting([ˈmiːtɪŋ],名词) - 会议。
- 例句:We have a meeting every Monday morning.2. colleague([ˈkɒliːɡ],名词) - 同事。
- 例句:My colleague helped me finish the project.3. deadline([ˈdedlaɪn],名词) - 截止日期。
- 例句:The deadline for this task is next Friday.二、商务交易词汇。
1. invoice([ˈɪnvɔɪs],名词) - 发票。
- 例句:Please send me the invoice for this order.2. discount([ˈdɪskaʊnt],名词/动词) - 折扣;打折。
- 例句:They offer a 10% discount on all products. (名词) - 例句:This store often discounts its goods. (动词)3. transaction([trænˈzækʃn],名词) - 交易。
- 例句:The online transaction was very smooth.三、日常办公词汇。
1. file([faɪl],名词/动词) - 文件;归档。
- 例句:I can't find that important file. (名词)- 例句:Please file these documents in order. (动词) 2. printer([ˈprɪntə(r)],名词) - 打印机。
- 例句:The printer is out of paper.3. stapler([ˈsteɪplə(r)],名词) - 订书机。
- 例句:Pass me the stapler, please.。
(1)Do you ever feel as though you spend all your time in meetings?(2)Henry Mintzberg, in his book The Nature of Managerial Work, found that in large organizationsmanagers spent 22 percent of their time at their desk, 6 percent on the telephone, 3 percent on other activities, but a whopping 69 percent in meetings.(3)There is a widely-held but mistaken belief that meetings are for “solving problems” and“making decisions.” For a start, the number of people attending a meeting tends to be inversely proportional to their collective ability to reach conclusions and make decisions. And these are the least important elements.(4)Instead hours are devoted to side issues, playing elaborate games with one another. It seems,therefore, that meetings serve some purpose other than just making decisions.(5)All meetings have one thing in common: role-playing. The most formal role is that of chairman.He sets the agenda, and a good chairman will keep the meeting running on time and to the point.Sadly, the other, informal role-players are often able to gain the upper hand. Chief is the “constant talker”, who just loves to hear his or her own voice.(6)The there are the “can’t do” types who want to maintain the status quo. Since they have oftenbeen in the organization for a long time, they frequently quote historical experience as an excuse to block change: “it won’t work, we tried that last year and it was a disaster.” A more subtle version of the “can’t do” type, the “yes, but …” has emerged recently. They have learnt about the need to so und positive, but they still can’t bear to have things change.(7)Another whole sub-set of characters are people who love meetings and want them to continueuntil 5:30 p.m. or beyond. Irrelevant issues are their specialty. They need to call or attend meetings, either to avoid work, or to justify their lack of performance, or simply because they do not have enough to do.(8)Then there are the “counter-dependents”, those who usually disagree with everything that issaid, particularly if it comes from the chairman or through consensus from the group. These people need to fight authority in whatever form.(9)Meetings can also provide attenders with a sense of identification of their status and power. Inthis case, managers arrange meetings as a means of communicating to others the boundaries of their exclusive club: who is “in”, and who is not.(10)Because so many meetings end in confusion and without a decision, another game is played atthe end of meetings, called reaching a false consensus. Since it is important for the chairman to appear successful in problem-solving and making a decision, the group reaches a false consensus. Everyone is happy, having spent their time productively. The reality is that the decision is so ambiguous that it is never acted upon, or if it is, there is continuing conflict, for which another meeting is necessary.(11)In the end, meetings provide the opportunity for social intercourse, to engage in battle in frontof our bosses, to avoid unpleasant or unsatisfying work, to highlight our social status and identity. They are, in fact, a necessary though not necessarily productive psychological sideshow. Perhaps it is our civilized way to moderating, if not preventing, change.。
红杉树网络视频会议用户操作手册版本:V 4.1红杉树信息技术有限公司网站:电话:400 672 1386版权声明本文档版权归红杉树信息技术有限公司所有,未经红杉树信息技术有限公司所有书面许可,任何单位或个人不得以任何形式或任何手段复制或传播本文档的一部分或全部内容。
Copyright © 2009 InfowareLab Inc. All Rights Reserved.This document is proprietary to InfowareLab Inc., which regards information contained herein as its intellectual property. Under the copyright laws, no part of this document may be copied, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable form, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of InfowareLab Inc.前言随着互联网的日益普及和快速发展,在企业中,传统的通讯方式如电话、传真等由于无法达到“面对面”的沟通效果,不能满足人们日益增长的交流需求。
红杉树视频会议系统(InfowareLab Conference)是红杉树信息技术有限公司推出的新一代实时互动工作平台。
conference meetingcongress session辨异
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系表 ) 被动 语 态 可 以 有许多 的时态变 化 而 系表结构没有进行时态 如 t 一) o ! 一 1 阮i g c a i 臀f ll y ( 被动 、 我们的计划正 在 r d 被 成 功 地 实施 w w d 1 u o 2 )o pl i d ( 系表 ) 我们 的计划实施得很好
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福特汽车公司(Ford Motor Company)油类产品说明书
SPECIFICATIONS INFORMATION BULLETINBULLETIN NUMBER: 20180205TO: Lubrication Information users, All FormatsFROM: MOTOR Specifications Data AcquisitionDATE: February 6, 2018SUBJECT: Update of Oil GradePlease be advised, Ford does not recommend the use of CK-4 or FA-4 grade oil for any of their diesel engines. Ford diesels that take CJ-4 or any older C category fluids (CH-4, CG-4, etc.) must be updated to an oil that meets Ford’s WSS-M2C171-F1 (SEO84) specification.P 248.312.2710 • 1301 W. Long Lake Road, Suite 300 • Troy, MI 48098 • Updated Ford Motor Company CK-4/FA-4 Ford PositionStatementDue to Ford Motor Company’s commitment to continuous improvement, Ford will keep our customer informed of changes to this situationOn December 1, 2016 the American Petroleum Institute (API) began licensing two new diesel motor categories CK-4 and FA-4. API CK-4 was released to replace CJ-4. FA-4 is a low viscosity diesel oil released for diesel engines designed for a lower viscosity oil.API FA-4Due to its low viscosity FA-4 should not be used in any Ford diesel vehicles at this time.API CK-4Ford will not be recommending the use of CK-4 motor oils in any Ford diesel engines, new or old. Ford testing has shown some CK-4 type formulations have shown inadequate wear protection compared to CJ-4 formulations developed and licensed before 2016.Ford now recommends using oils that meet our OEM specification, Ford Material Engineering Specification WSS-M2C171-F1. Similar to many other diesel engine manufacturers who also only recommend oils meeting their own OEM specifications. WSS-M2C171-F1 contains all the requirements of CK-4 with additional Ford requirements for added engine protection. The customer should use an oil that meets this Ford specificationFor a short period of time an oil showing CJ-4 in the API donut, without showing CK-4, would be acceptable for service even if not showing WSS-M2C171-F1. This oil would most likely be an older CJ-4 formulation, developed and licensed prior to 2016. Years of experience and Ford testing has shown that these older CJ-4 formulations provide the necessary engine protection in all Ford diesel engines where CJ-4 and older C categories are recommended. Some of these CJ-4 oils could be available for up to a year after December 1, 2016.To insure you protect your Ford diesel engine use Motorcraft Super Duty Motor meeting API CJ-4. A Motorcraft Super Duty Motor meeting WSS-M2C171-F1 will be available 1st quarter 2017. Check this Motorcraft website for diesel motor oils approved by Ford Motor Company for servicing Ford diesel engines;https:///main/category.asp?select=%5BMotor%20 Oil%5DExtra PrecautionThe customer should not use oils labeled CK-4/SN unless they have been approved by Ford Motor Company to meet WSS-M2C171-F1. This is possible with SAE 10W-40,15W-40, 5W-40 and 0W-40 oils. At this time SAE 10W-30 oils showing CK-4/SN cannot meet WSS-M2C171-F1 and should be avoided. So if unsure avoid CK-4 oils that also shows SN in the API donut.AND NEVER use C category oils in gasoline engines with emissions catalysts, even if they show SN in the API donut, like CK-4/SN, CJ-4/SN, etc, UNLESS they also show the Starburst symbol on the front label stating “American Petroleum Institute Certified for Gasoline Engines”. SN oils without a Starburst symbol can be harmful to your vehicles catalyst and reduce fuel economy.。
课时分层作业(十一)Ⅰ.单句语法填空1. His story was so moving (move) that we were all moved to tears.2. Knowing the disappointing results, his parents felt disappointed (disappoint).3.My purpose is to help(help) him, not to teach him a lesson.4. The door remained locked (lock)when he came back again from work.5. Don't get too excited (excite) by the sight of your name in print.6.As we joined the big crowd, I got separated(separate) from my friends.7. Her lifelong dream was to be(be) a famous writer.8.From his puzzled face, we could see he was puzzled(puzzle).9. Our achievements in the fight against COVID19 are very encouraging(encourage)to other countries.10. Students' job is to study(study) hard so as to realize their great ambitionin the future.Ⅱ.完形填空 ..m.fathe.drille.(钻孔,, th.littl.thing... .One day, a boy was transferred into my mother's 6 . He had a long record of misbehavior, including eight suspensions(暂时停学)from his 7 school.His teacher still remembered being 8 about how he would influence her classroom.However, my mother welcomed him with a smile and kindly 9 the rules and expectations for her class.The next day, he 10 directions with, “What are you going to do if I don't do it?”My mother still smiled at him.She explained that she was there to help him and 11 he could do well.Day after day, she praised everything he did that was 12 . It was a few tiring months, 13 he gradually turned into one of the best students that year.By 14 a loving heart with right classroom management measures, teachers can do 15 in a single school year.【语篇解读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。
以下是商务会议常用的准确用语:1. 邀请参加会议:- We would like to invite you to attend a meeting on [date] at [time] in [location]. 我们诚邀您参加在[date]举行的会议,时间为[time],地点位于[location]。
- We request your presence at an important meeting on [date] at [time] in [location].我们请求您出席在[date]举行的一场重要会议,时间为[time],地点位于[location]。
2. 确定会议时间和地点:- The meeting is scheduled to take place on [date] at [time] at [location].会议定于[date]在[location]的[time]召开。
- We have arranged a meeting on [date] at [time] in [location].我们已经在[date]安排了一场会议,地点位于[location],时间为[time]。
3. 提议议程:- Here is a proposed agenda for the meeting.这是会议的议程提案。
- We suggest the following items to be included in the agenda.我们建议在议程中包括以下事项。
4. 确认出席人员:- Please confirm your attendance by [date].请在[date]前确认您的出席。
- We would appreciate it if you could let us know whether you will be able to attend the meeting.若能让我们知道您能否参加会议,我们将不胜感激。
Developing ideas
Activity 1
Watch the video and answer the questions. 1 How many artworks did you see? 2 What methods did they use to create the artworks?
6 However, the increase in the amount and variety of art __p_r_o_d_u_c_e_d_
interascutrwroituhntdhineigrs____________(surround). They canaaslso watch
______ (随着) the different scenes change from daylight into
5 The art-tech combination is also changing our _c_o_n_c_e_p_t_s_(概念) of "art" and the "artist". Not only _c_a_n_ we interact with art, but also take part in its creation. __W__i_th_ new technological tools __a_t _o_u_r_f_in_g_e_r_t_ip_s___( 伴随着...近在咫 尺), more and more people are exploring their creative sides ( 创新的一面 ) . The result has been exciting new art forms, such as digital paintings and videos.
When it comes to writing an English essay on how to conduct a meeting,its important to structure your essay in a clear and logical manner.Here are some key points you might want to include in your essay:1.Introduction:Start by explaining the importance of meetings in various contexts such as business,education,or community organizations.Mention that effective meetings require careful planning and execution.2.Setting the Objective:Discuss the importance of having a clear objective for the meeting.This should be communicated to all participants beforehand to ensure everyone is prepared.3.Planning the Meeting:Elaborate on the steps involved in planning a meeting,such as: Choosing a suitable date and time.Selecting a venue or platform for virtual meetings.Deciding on the duration of the meeting.4.Invitations and Agenda:Explain how to send out invitations with an agenda that includes:The purpose of the meeting.A list of topics to be discussed.Time allocated for each topic.5.Preparation:Discuss the preparations needed for a successful meeting,such as: Gathering necessary materials or documents.Preparing presentations or reports if required.Ensuring technical setup for virtual meetings.6.Conducting the Meeting:Describe the process of running the meeting,including: Starting on time.Welcoming participants and introducing the agenda.Managing the discussion by giving everyone a chance to speak.Keeping the meeting on track and within the allotted time.7.Participation and Engagement:Highlight the importance of active participation and engagement from all attendees.Discuss strategies to encourage this,such as:Asking openended questions.Encouraging feedback and suggestions.Addressing concerns promptly.8.Decision Making:Explain how decisions are made during meetings,which could involve:Voting on issues.Consensus building.Assigning tasks or responsibilities.9.Conclusion and Followup:Discuss how to conclude the meeting effectively by summarizing key points and decisions.Mention the importance of followup actions,such as:Sending out minutes of the meeting.Setting deadlines for tasks.Scheduling the next meeting if necessary.10.Conclusion:End your essay by reiterating the importance of wellconducted meetings and how they contribute to the success of any organization or project.Remember to use clear and concise language,provide examples where appropriate,and ensure your essay flows logically from one point to the next.。
all hands meeting 意义
all hands meeting 意义摘要:1.全体大会的定义和目的2.全体大会的益处3.如何有效地参与全体大会4.结论正文:全体大会(All Hands Meeting)是一种在公司或组织中定期举行的会议,旨在让所有员工了解公司的整体状况、发展战略和重要决策。
召开会议前简单流程英文回答:Pre-Meeting Essentials: A Step-by-Step Guide.1. Define the Meeting's Purpose and Objectives.Clearly articulate the reason for the meeting and what you hope to achieve. This will help you focus the agenda and ensure everyone is on the same page.2. Set the Agenda and Timeline.Structure the meeting by outlining the main topics to be discussed and allocating time for each. This will keep the meeting organized and on track.3. Identify Participants and Roles.Determine who needs to attend the meeting and assignspecific roles, such as facilitator, note-taker, and timekeeper. This will ensure everyone contributes effectively.4. Prepare Materials and Send Invitations.Gather any necessary documents, presentations, or materials and distribute them to participants in advance. Clearly state the meeting details in the invitations and request confirmation of attendance.5. Establish Ground Rules.Set clear expectations for the meeting, such as start and end times, participation guidelines, and confidentiality. This will create a positive and respectful environment.6. Create a Meeting Space.Choose a suitable meeting room or virtual platform and ensure it has adequate seating, equipment, and materials.7. Test Equipment and Technology.Confirm that all necessary equipment, such as video conferencing tools, projectors, or microphones, is functioning properly.8. Break the Ice and Build Rapport.Start the meeting with a brief icebreaker or social activity to encourage interaction and build trust among participants.中文回答:开会前的简易流程。
会议的各种英文(总2页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--会议场地:ceremony开幕典礼Room. 会议厅Conference Room国际会议厅;venue 会议地点meeting 正式会议conference 研讨会7. forum;symposium 座谈会8. tea party 茶话会9. hall大堂Bar餐厅自助餐厅, 会议厅入口13. exit 会议厅出口会议各种名称:1.汇报会(status meeting):领导组织(leader-led),单向交流(one-way communication)的汇报(reporting)。
2.工作会(work meeting):产生一个结果,例如做出一个决定。
3.员工会(staff meeting):经理(manager)与下属的会议。
4.碰头会(team meeting):分工合作的同事一起开的会。
5.非例行会议(ad-hoc meeting):为了一个专门的目的开的会。
6.管理层会议(management meeting):经理们开的会。
7.董事会会议(board meeting):董事会(board of directors)开的会。
8.一对一会议(one-on-one meeting):两个人开的会。
9.外出静思会/退修会(off-site meeting/offsite retreat):在英国叫awayday meeting,指不在工作场所开的会。
10.项目启动会(kick-off meeting):项目组(project team)以及项目雇主(client)的首次会议,讨论分工等。
11.标前会(pre-bid meeting):指招标前与所有竞争者开的情况介绍会。
12.学术会议(academic conference)12.业务会(business conference)12.研讨会(seminar/workshop)13.新闻发布会(news conference)14.和解会议(settlement conference):诉讼案件(lawsuit)中原被告(plaintiff and respondent)之间的和解会。
公司会议室使用规定1. 会议室的预定- 会议室预定应提前至少三个工作日提交申请,并通过公司内部预定系统进行登记。
- 预定申请需包括会议室名称、预定日期、预计使用时间、参会人数等基本信息。
- 若会议室已被预定,其他人员需寻找其他可用的会议室。
2. 会议室的使用时间- 会议室使用时间应在工作日的办公时间范围内。
- 使用会议室时,不得超出已预定的时间,确保会议的准时开始和结束。
- 若预定时间变更或取消,需提前通知会议室管理员。
3. 会议室的使用行为- 在使用会议室时,保持安静,不得产生噪音干扰其他工作人员。
- 会议室内禁止吸烟,保持空气清新。
- 禁止在会议室内饮食,如需要就餐,应选择其他指定区域。
- 使用完毕后,应保持会议室的整洁和原状,清理桌面、擦拭白板并关闭设备。
- 对于损坏或遗失的设备,需承担责任并及时向会议室管理员报告。
4. 会议室的设施使用- 使用会议室内的设备和配套设施应当爱护,遵守正确使用方法。
- 若需要额外设备或特殊服务,应提前向会议室管理员提出要求。
5. 会议室的优先级- 公司内部高级别会议优先使用会议室。
- 若有冲突,公司高层决定会议室使用顺序。
6. 违规行为处理- 未经批准私自使用他人预定的会议室,将受到相应纪律处分。
- 违反会议室使用规定多次者,将限制其会议室使用权限。
祝各位工作顺利!---Translation:1. Booking of Meeting Rooms- Reservation requests should include basic information such as the meeting room name, reservation date, expected duration, and number of participants.- If a meeting room is already booked, other individuals should find an available alternative.2. Usage Time of Meeting Rooms- Meeting rooms should only be used within regular office hours on working days.- When using a meeting room, the reserved time should not be exceeded to ensure punctuality in starting and ending the meeting.- In case of rescheduling or cancellation, a prior notice should be provided to the meeting room administrator.3. Conduct in Meeting Rooms- Maintain a quiet environment in the meeting room to avoid disturbing other employees.- Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the meeting rooms to ensure fresh air quality.- Eating is not allowed inside the meeting rooms. If meals are necessary, designated areas should be chosen.- After use, the meeting room should be left clean and in its original condition. Clear the desktop, wipe the whiteboard, and turn off the equipment.- Responsible parties should report any damaged or lost equipment promptly to the meeting room administrator.4. Usage of Meeting Room Facilities- Equipment and facilities in the meeting rooms should be used appropriately and with care.5. Priority of Meeting Room Usage6. Handling of Violations- Unauthorized usage of a meeting room reserved by others will result in disciplinary action.- Repeated violations of the meeting room usage regulations will lead to restrictions on meeting room access.。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Examination of Model Paragraph
Structure of a paragraph: Examine the paragraph on the handout. Look for: topic and concluding sentences, supporting ideas, alternation between general supporting ideas and specific details, methods used to introduce specific details, transitional expressions
Student Examples
Here are examples of topic sentences from our in-class writing sample. Critique them.
1. In the world, there are many countries. 2. Many people in this world want to have the best education. 3. There is a big difference between the university life in my country and the university life in the USA. 4. In all over the world, there are so many universities and they all have different methods in teaching, books, buildings, and classes. 5.What I think about university life in the USA is a little boring. 6. University life in the USA differs from university life in China with respect to teaching methods.
Narrowing the Topic
Step 1 to develop a paragraph: Narrow the topic: cell phones 1. 2. 3.
These are our narrowed topics. This is our general – or broad – topic.
1. Read Chapters 2, 3, and 4 in your textbook. 2. Read the Writing Project 1 (WP1) general assignment guidelines posted to OnCourse under “Resources” --> “Writing Project 1.”. 3. Review the Model Paragraph Structure for ALL Paragraphs hanure
Characteristics of A Paragraph An Essay
Topic Sentence – introduces the topic of the paragraph and expressed controlling idea Body – state supporting ideas and supporting details/examples that support the topic Concluding Sentence - reemphasizes the main point of the paragraph Introduction and thesis statement.
Body Paragraphs – support the main idea of the essay.
Concluding Paragraph
Topic Sentence
A topic sentence has two parts: 1) narrowed topic; and 2) the controlling idea. The topic sentence is the most important sentence because: 1) introduces the general topic 2) expresses the writer’s own voice about the topic
Class Notes
W001 – Aug 24, 2011
Attendance Sign-In Sheet/Student Info Sheet Reading Quiz 1 Homework Paragraph Structure Topic Sentences: Explanation Topic Sentences: Student Examples Handout: Model Paragraph Structure