













我系目前的研究领域有:智能计算(包括分布式计算、遗传算法、演化算法等)、数据挖掘与知识发现、演 化硬件、以及人工智能及专家系统开发、电子商务、多媒体技术等。近年来承担20余项科研项目,包括国家自然 科学基金项目、863高新技术项目、国防科工委项目、湖北省自然科学基金项目,以及湖北省科技攻关项目、原 地矿部科技攻关项目等。
成立于2006年9月,重组于2009年9月,由原计算机应用系和信息系统研究所组成,主要负责计算机应用专业 硕士点建设,空间信息与数字工程本科专业建设,以及《C语言程序设计》和《VC++程序设计》省级精品课程建 设,《数据库原理》课程建设。
现有师资力量20人,其中教授5人,博士生导师2人,副教授5人,讲师10人。具有博士学位8人,正在攻读博 士学位7人。
中国地质大学(武汉)远程与 继续教育学院
01 学院概况
03 人才培养 05 现任领导
02 院系介绍 04 师资队伍 06 教学设施
中国地质大学(武汉)是教育部直属的全国重点大学,是国家“211工程”重点建设的大学;是国家办有研究 生院的大学之一;是一所国务院学位委员会、人事部授权可自行审批增列博士生导师、自行审定教授任职资格的 大学;是一所以地球科学为特色,理、工、文、管、经、法、教、哲协调发展的多科性大学。学校创建于1952年, 前身是北京大学、清华大学、天津大学、唐山铁道学院等系(科)合并组建而成的北京地质学院,1960年被国家 确定为全国重点院校。1970年迁出北京,1975年定址武汉,1987年经国家教委批准更名为中国地质大学资字 -京ICP证030173号 - Data © 智图中国地质大学-远程 与继续教育学院



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☆ 课程课件:选择课程链接到视频课件,是学习平台中的重要模块。

☆ 答疑讨论:关于学习内容与高校老师沟通的平台。

☆ 平时作业:完成在线作业,保证成绩合格的关键。






























( 2015年秋季 )一.单项选择题在每小题给出的四个选项中,请选出符合题目要求的一项。

1 .计算: |-3|×2 的值等 A.6 B.-6 C.±6 D.-1答案:A2 双曲线14922=-y x 的虚轴是 ( ) A.2 B.4 C.6 D.8答案:B3 设曲面),(y x f z =与平面0y y =的交线在点)),(,,(000y x f y x o 处的切线与x 轴正向所成的角为6π,则 。

A 、236cos),(00==πy x f x ; B 、21)62cos(),(00=-=ππy x f y ;C 、336),(00==πtg y x f x ; D 、3)62(),(00=-=ππtg y x f y 。

答案:C 4 曲线xy -=11的渐近线的条数是( )A.0B.1C.2D.3答案:C5 假设检验时,当样本容量一定时,缩小犯第Ⅱ类错误的概率,则犯第Ⅰ类错误的概率( )A .必然变小B .必然变大C .不确定D .肯定不变答案:B 6 设2a 0π<<,则=→x x sin lim a x ( )A.0B.1C.不存在D.aasin答案:D7 =→xsin x 1sinx lim20x ( )A .1B .∞C .不存在D .0答案:D17 下列级数中条件收敛的是( )A .∑∞=--11)32()1(n n n B .∑∞=--11)1(n n nC .∑∞=--11)31()1(n nn D .∑∞=-+-1212)1(n n n n答案:B 8 幂级数 ∑∞=---1n n1n n)1x ()1( 的收敛区间是( ) A.(]2,0 B.(]1,1- C.[]0,2-D.()+∞-∞,答案:A 9 =+→)2x (x x2sin lim 0x ( )A.1B.0C.∞D.2答案:A10 已知方程y-ln x z=0确定函数z=z(x,y),则y x z ∂∂∂2=( )A .0B .xC .e yD .xe y答案:C11 设=0,,则下列结论必定正确的是( )A .为f(x)的极大值点 B. 为f(x)的极小值点C .不为f(x)的极值点 D.可能不为f(x)的极值点答案:A12 下列运算中正确的有( )A. =1B. =1C. =1D.=1答案:C13 设f(0)=0,且存在,则等于( )A .B.C. f(0)D.答案:B14 极限等于( )A.B. eC.D. 1答案:C15等于( )A .2 B.1 C.1/2 D.0答案:D16 曲线y=x 2+x -2在点(47,23)处的切线方程为( ) A.16x -4y -17=0B.16x+4y -31=0C.2x-8y+11=0D.2x+8y -17=0答案:A17 抛物线y=x 2在哪一点处切线的倾角为45°( ) A.(0,0) B.(21,41) C.(41,2) D.(1,1)答案:B18 反比例函数的图象经过点P (2-,1),则这个函数的图象位于A.第一、二象限B.第一、三象限C.第二、四象限D.第三、四象限答案:C19 设',)(',)()(y x f e e f y x f x 则存在且==( )A .)()()()('x f x x f x e e f e e f +B .)(')(')(x f e e f x f x ⋅C .)(')()(')()(x f e e f e e f x f x x f x x ⋅++D .)()('x f x e e f答案:C20 设)(x f 在1=x 处可导,且21)1()21(lim0=--→h f h f h ,则=)1('f ( )A . 21B . 21-C . 41D .41-答案:D21 设)(x f 在2=x 处可导,且2)2('=f ,则=--+→hh f h f h )2()2(lim0( ) A .4 B .0 C .2 D .3答案:A22 若e cos x y x =,则'(0)y =( )A .0B .1C .1-D .2答案:C23 当0>x 时, xx y 1sin =( )A .有且仅有水平渐近线B .有且仅有铅直渐近线C .既有水平渐近线,也有铅直渐近线D .既无水平渐近线,也无铅直渐近线答案:A24 设总体X 在区间〔-1,1〕上均匀分布, X 1,X 2,…,X n 为其样本,则样本均值 X =n1∑=ni 1X i 的方差为() A .0 B .31 C .3D .n 31答案:D25 假设检验时,犯第二类错误的概率应为( ) A .P{接受H 0 | H 0 为真} B .P{拒绝H 0 | H 0 为真} C .P{接受H 0 | H 1 为真} D .P{拒绝H 0 | H 1 为真}答案:C26 设ζ为随机变量,E ζ=2,D ζ=4,则E ζ2=( )A .1B .2C .4D .8答案:D27 5个人排成一行,则甲排在正中间的概率是 ( )A .21 B. 52 C. 51 D.101答案:C28 在一次选举活动中, 要从 7名男同学,5名女同学中任意选取一名主席,那么不同的选法有( )(A )5种. (B )7种. (C )12种. (D )35种.答案:D29 某一批花生种子,如果每1粒发芽的概率为45,那么播下3粒种子恰有2粒发芽的概率是 ( ) A .12512 B .12516 C .12548 D .12596答案:C30 某企业有职工150人,其中高级职称15人,中级职称45人,一般职员90人,现抽取30人进行分层抽样,则各职称人数分别为 ( ) A .5,10,15 B .3,9,18 C .3,10,17 D .5,9,16答案:B31 设函数y x e z +-=,则全微分=)1,1(dz ( ) A .dy dx -- B .dy dx + C .dy dx - D .dy dx +-答案:D32 若βα,是两个不重合的平面,m l ,是两条不重合的直线,现给出下列四个命题: ①若βαα⊥,//l ,则β⊥l ;②若βα⊥⊥⊥m l m l ,,,则βα⊥; ③若βα⊥⊥l l ,,则βα//;④若αα⊄⊥⊥m l m l ,,,则α//m其中正确的命题是 ( ) A. ①② B. ②④ C. ③④ D. ②③④答案:D 33 两直线13411+=-=-z y x 和1222-=-+=zy x 的夹角为( ) A.2π B. 3πC.4πD. 6π答案:C34 四个命题:①过平面外一点有无数条直线和这个平面垂直; ②过平面外一点只有一条直线和这个平面平行; ③过平面外一点有无数个平面和这个平面垂直; ④过平面外一点有无数个平面和这个平面平行;其中正确的命题是 ( ) A.① B.② C.③ D.④答案:C35 在空间直角坐标系中,点A (-1,2,4)关于xy 面的对称点A 1的坐标是( ) A.(1,-2,4) B.(1,-2,-4) C.(-1,2,-4) D.(1,2,4)答案:C36 若从一批有8件正品,2件次品组成的产品中接连抽取2件产品(第一次抽出的产品不放回去),则第一次取得次品且第二次取得正品的概率是( )A .91B .92C .458D .4516答案:C37 设f(x,y)=⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=≠++),0,0()y ,x (,0);0,0()y ,x (,yx y 2x 22;则f x (0,0)=( ) A.0 B.1 C.2 D.不存在答案:B38 设f(x)在(-∞,+∞)内连续,则⎰2x 0)t (f 1dx d dt=( )A.f(x 2)B.2xf(x 2)C.f′(x 2)D.2xf′(x 2)答案:B39 设f(x)=⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧<>,0x ,x 1sin x ;0x ,x 1sin 那末lim 0x → f(x)不存在的原因是( )A.f(0)无定义B.lim 0x -→ f(x)不存在C.lim 0x +→ f(x)不存在 D.lim 0x -→f(x)与lim 0x +→f(x)都存在但不等答案:C40 =⎰→2x sin limx tdt x( ) A .∞ B .0 C .21D .1答案:C41 0lim =∞→n n u 是级数∑∞=0n n u 发散的 。



( 2015年秋季)一.PhoneticsIn each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or l etter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identi fy the one that is different from the others in pronunciation.1 A. here B. girl C. skirt D. shirt2 A. work B. worker C. doctor D. word3 A.face B.skate C.wake D.have4 A. speech B. stomach C. charge D. church5 A. burst B. church C. turn D. hurry二.Vocabulary and StructureFor each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence6 I hate ______when people talk with their mouths full.A.itB.thatC.theseD.them7 Dr.Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge, I can‘t remember _____.A.whereB.thereC.whichD.that8 The _____ from the forest fire could be seen ten miles away.A. smellB. sparkC. steamD. smoke9 “Here is the money I promised,” he said. “I always _____ promises.”A. agreeB. followC. makeD. keep10 Joe’s handwriting is ________ Mary’s.A. more betterB. as well asC. much better thanD. more better than11 In his time he enjoyed a reputation _______.A. as great as Mozart, if not greater thanB. as great as, if not greater than, MozartC. as great, if not greater, as MozartD. greater, if not as great as Mozart12 ______ my surprise, I got a high grade in this test.A. ForB. ToC. To beD. On13 He had a pain _______ his back.A. onB. withC. inD. onto14 After running for nearly half an hour, I was ________.A. out of placeB. out of controlC. out of breathD. out of practic15 The mother told the little boy to do all the things _______.A. on himselfB. on his ownC. to himselfD. by own16 Next year we’ll have an opportunity __________ the beautiful city, Singapore.A. visitingB. visitedC. to visitD. have visited17 Don’t ________ about things so much. It will make you stressed out.A. afraidB. terrifyC. terrifiedD. worry18 Some students were afraid _________ in class because they thought their classmatesmight laugh at them.A. of speakB. to speakC. speakD. to speaking19 Paper money was in _____use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in_______ thirteenth century.A.the;不填B.the;theC.不填;theD.不填;不填20 _______ him and then try to copy what he does.A.MindB.Glance atC.Stare atD.Watch三.Reading ComprehensionEach passage is followed by several questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose one best answer for each questio n.Well,Santa comes to homes on Christmas Eve around the world,but not exactly like he did in the poem we know as“It was the Night before Christmas”.Nowadays you might f ind him in a home,quietly going about his job of filling the stockings(长筒袜) that are hu ng here and there.How he got into the house,no one seems to know.But he certainly didn't come down the chimney and get his red clothes all sooty(被煤烟弄脏的).You might see him taking gifts out of his big bag and putting them where they’ll be found on Christmas morning by“good”boys and girls,along with gifts for everyone else in t he house.And someone might even have left him a plate of homemade Charismas cookies and a glass of milk, or more likely a cup of coffee to enjoy when he sits down in a co mfortable chair for a little rest from his work. At least this is how we expect a mo dern S anta Claus to deliver (投送) his Christmas gifts.But you don’t find Santa Claus just in homes and not just on Christmas Eve after chi ldren are all in bed.Throughout most of the Western world,by the beginning of Decemb er you’ll begin to see Santa C lauses here and there in the big department stores,and at s chool Christmas parties for children,sometimes at office parties for adults, thousands of Sa nta Clauses,all dressed up more or less like this:a red hat and suit trimmed(装饰)with i mitation(人造的)white fur.and the long white whiskers(连鬓胡子)and maybe some white c otton for eyebrows.They’re supposed to make Santa look like a very old,but very kind a nd jolly(快乐的)friend of children.21 Legend(传说)has it that ____________.A.Santa C1aus comes down the chimney on Christmas Eve to stuff gifts into stockings tha t are hung here and thereB.Santa C1aus comes to every home to deliver gifts to all childrenC.Santa C1aus comes to play and sing with the poorD.Santa Claus comes to give gifts to handicapped(伤残)children22 What is an indication mentioned in the passage that he didn’t go down the chimney? A.His red clothes did not get sooty.B.The big bag he carried was too big to go through the chimneyC.He was too fat to go through the chimney.D.He liked to dance in through the door.23 Which of the following images is the traditional image of Santa Claus?A.A kind, jolly old man wearing red hat and long white whiskers, with his red suit trimm ed with fur.B.A serious-looking tall man standing upright, with his right hand waving to the people.C.A white-bearded old man greeting people coming to his restaurant.D.A young man with a small moustache dressed in baggy trousers with a stick in his righ t hand.24 Besides Christmas Eve,Santa Claus can be the big department stores during Christmas time or at school parties for children B.standing in front of every restaurant carC. greeting people in the center of a townD.riding on a fast-running deer25 What kind of children are supposed to get gifts from Santa Claus?A.Naughty boys and girls.B.Poor boys and girls.C.Disabled boys and girls.D.Good boys and girls.Some people seem to have a knack for learning languages.They can pick up new voca bulary, master rules of grammar,and learn to write in the new language more quickly tha n others.They do not seem to be any more intelligent than others, so what makes langua ge learning so much easier for them? Perhaps if we take a close look at these successful 1anguage learners we may discover a few of the techniques which make language learning easier for them.First of all,successful language learners are independent learners.They do not depend on the book or the teacher;they discover their own way to learn the language.Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain,they try to find the patterns and the rules for thems elves.They are good guessers who look for clues and form their own conclusions.When t hey guess wrong,they guess again.They try to learn from their mistakes.Successful language learning is active learning.Therefore,successful learners do not wa it for a chance to use the language;they look for such a chance.They find people who speak the language and they ask these people to correct them when they make a mistake. They will try anything to communicate.They are not afraid to repeat what they hear or to say strange things;they are willing to make mistakes and try again.When communicati on is difficult, they can accept information that is inexact or incomplete.It is more import ant to for them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaning of every wo rd.Finally,successful language learners are learners with a purpose.They want to learn t he language because they are interested in the language and the people who speak it.It i s necessary for them to learn the language in order to communicate with these people an d to learn from them.They find it easy to practice using the language regularly because t hey want to learn with it.What kind of language learner are you? If you are a successful language learner, you have probably been learning independently,actively,and purposefully.On the other hand, if your language learning has been less than successful,you might do well to try some of the techniques outlined above.26 Why is language learning easier for some people according to the first paragraph? A.Because they are much more clever.B.Because they use some good methods in their learning.C.Because they learn things more quickly.D.Because they are good at guessing the answers to the teacher’s q uestions.27 What does “knack” in Paragraph 1 mean?A.Success.B.Taste.C.Skill D.Interest.28 The main idea of Paragraph 3 is“________”.A.Successful language learners are active learnersB.Successful learners always look for a chance to use the languageC.Successful learners are not afraid to make mistakesD.The purpose of language learning is to communicate with people29 The purpose of this passage is that language learning is not so difficult as some people might the importance of communication in language learningC.encourage the readers to use some learning techniquesD.tell the readers what kind of language learner the author is30 It is implied in the last paragraph are a successful are not a successful learnerC.less successful language learners should use some of the techniques mentioned above D.if you learn independently,actively and purposefully,you will probably be able to lear n the language successfully“Fingers were made before forks” when a person gives up good manners, puts aside knife and fork, and dives into his food, someone is likely to repeat that saying.The fork was an ancient agricultural tool, but for centuries no one thought of eating with it. Not until the eleventh century, when a young lady from Constantinople brought her for k to Italy, did the custom reach Europe.By the fifteenth century the use of the fork was widespread in Italy. The English explanati on was that Italians were averse to e ating food touched with fingers, “Seeing all men’s fin gers are not alike clean.” English travelers kept their friends in stitches while describing thi s ridiculous Italian custom.Anyone who used a fork to eat with was laughed at in England for the next hundred year s. Men who used forks were thought to be sissies, and women who used them were calle d show-offs and overnice. Not until the late 1600’s did using a fork become a common cu stom.31 The custom of eating with a fork w as _______.A. brought to Europe from AmericaB. begun when forks were inventedC. brought to Europe from AsiaD. invented by Italians32 By the fifteenth century forks were used _______.A. all over ItalyB. only in ConstantinopleC. widely in EuropeD. In England33 To English travelers in Italy, the use of forks seemed _______.A. cleverB. necessaryC. good mannerD. ridiculous34 The English thought that Italians used forks in order to ________.A. imitate the people of the EastB. keep their food cleanC. impress visitors with their good mannersD. amuse the English35 In England, people who used forks at that time were considered ______.A. well manneredB. sissiesC. show-offs and overniceD. both B and CThe home computer industry has been growing rapidly in the United States for the last te n years. Computers used to be large, expensive machines that were very difficult to use. B ut scientists and technicians have been making them smaller and cheaper while at the sa me time they have been made easier to use. As a result, their popularity has been increa sing as more people have been buying computers for their homes and businesses. Computers have been designed to store information and compute problems that are difficul t for human beings to work out. Some have voices that speak with the operators. Stores use computers to keep records of their inventories (库存货物) and to send bills to their c ustomers. Offices use computers to copy letters, record business and keep in touch with ot her offices. People have been using computers in their homes to keep track of the money they spend.One important new use for computers is for entertainment. Many new games have been d esigned to be played on the computers. People of all ages have been playing these games. People also have been buying home computers to play computer games, watch movies and listen to concerts at home. They have become very popular indeed.36 Computers used to _______.A. work rapidlyB. be large and expensiveC. be easy to useD. be used for fun37 In recent years, computers are being made _______.A.larger and more expensive B. smaller and cheaperC. more difficult to useD. to work more slowly38 Home computers can be used for _______.A. writing lettersB. playing gamesC. doing businessD. all of the above39 Salesmen use computers mainly to _______.A. check the list of goods and materials that are kep t in the store houseB. play games for pleasureC. talk with their friendsD. write letters40 The best title for the passage would be _______.A. New Uses For ComputersB. The Popularity of Home ComputersC. The Home Computer IndustryD. Computers At HomeDo you find getting up in the morning so difficult that it is painful? This might be called l azi ness, but Dr. Kleitman has a new explanation. He has proved that everyone has a daily energy cycle.During the hours when you labour through your work you may say that you’re “hot”. Tha t’s true. The time of day when you feel most energetic is when your cycle of body tempe rature is at its peak. For some people the peak comes during the forenoon. For others it comes in the afternoon or evening. No one has discovered why this is so, but it leads to such familiar monologues (自言自语) as. “Get up, John! You’ll be late for work again!” The possible explanation to the trouble is that John is at his temperature-and-energy peak in the evening. Much family quarrelling ends when husbands and wives realize what these en ergy cycles mean, and which cycle each member of the family has.You can’t change your energy cycle, but you can learn to make your life it better. Habit c an help, Dr. Kleitman believes. Maybe you’re sleepy in the evening but feel you must s tay up late anyway. Counteract (对抗) your cycle to some extent by habitually staying up late r than you want to. If your energy is low in the morning but you have an important job to do early in the day, rise before your usual hour. This won’t change your cycle, but you’ll get up steam (鼓起干劲) and work better at your low point.Get off to a slow start which saves your energy. Get with a leisurely yawl and stretch. Sit on the edge of the bed a minute before putting your feet on the floor. Avoid the troubl e some search for clean clothes by laying them out the night before. When ever possible, do routine work in the afternoon and save tasks requiring more energy or concentration f or your sharper hours.41 If a person finds getting up early a problem, most probably _______.A.he is a lazy personB.he refuses to follow his own energy cycleC.he is not sure when his energy is lowD.he is at his peak in the afternoon or evening42 Which of the following may lead to family quarrels according to the passage?A. Unawa reness of energy cycles.B. Familiar monologues.C. A change in a family member’s energy cycle.D.Attempts to control the energy cycle of other family member.43 If one wants to work more efficiently at his low point in the morning, he should ___ __.A. change his energy cycleB. overcome his lazinesssC. get up earlier than usualD. go to bed earlier44 You are advised to rise with a yawn and stretch because it will to keep your energy for the day’s you to control your temper early in the dayC.enable you to concentrate on your routine workD.keep your energy cycle under control all day45 Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?A.Getting off to work with a minimum effort helps save one’s energy.B.Dr. Kleitman explains why people reach their peak at different hours of day.C.Habit helps a person adapt to his own energy cycle.D.Children have energy cycles, too.四.ClozeFor each blank in the following passage , there are four choices marked A , B , C and D . Choose the one that is most suitableGeorge and Margaret Glenn and their children live at 140, Davis Street, across the street f rom a small park. Their house is 1 off the main road. George 2 goes to work by bus, but sometimes he goes 3 his car. The children usually go to school by bus.The Glenns' house is 4 hidden among the trees. It has small bushes (灌木) 5 around it. There is a fence 6 it and the house next door. It is a two-storey house, with the living room, dinning room and kitchen on the first floor, and the bedrooms and bathroom on t he second floor.The Glenn spent a lot of time at home. 7 now they are at dinner. Conversation (谈话) a t the Glenns' house is usually lively at mealtime. The children are 8 trips they would lik e to take.Susan, who has never 9 on a plane, says," I'd like to 10 a plane to California. " Henry, who is 11 , thinks it would be fun to be on a ship, heading for adventure (冒险) in A frica. Teddy, the youngest child, says, "I want to go around the world on a train." His elde r brother and sister are still trying to 12 to him why this is not possible when their mo ther says, "Children, you've spent too much time at the table. Henry and Susan, go and 13 your homework. Teddy, it's time you were in bed. "Soon there is silence throughout the 14 . Teddy is in bed, Susan and Henry are in their rooms studying, and Mr. And Mrs. Glenns are in their living room, 15 George is sitting in his favourite chair, reading the paper and Margaret is sitting on the sofa, doing some-sew ing.46 A. only B. just C. nearly D. almost47 A. sometimes B. often C. usually D. seldom48 A. by B. on C. in D. for49 A. hardly B. almost C. much D. far50 .A. crowded B. set C. put D. planted51 A. among B. between C. from D. across52 A. Almost B. Right C. Just D. Every53 A. discussing B. talking C. speaking D. saying54 A. ridden B. fled C. been D. gone55 A. ride B. fly C. take D. travel56 A. elder B. older C . bigger D. larger57 A. explain B. say C. tell D. speak58 A. make B. do C. learn D. review59 A. room B. home C . house D. Glenns'60 A. there B. here C. where D. now。



《大学英语1》模拟题一.单选题(试题中附有参考答案)1. I just (A)at the office for most of the day, and I do no exercise.A.sit aroundB. sit inC. sit down2. I come here twice a week to swim and (B)A. workB. work outC. work to3. On my way home, I quite often(C )the milk man.A. see withB. meet intoC. come across4. You can paint the walls and (A)posters. You can do what you want.A. put upB. put downC. put on5. But I (B )weight if I don’t exercise.A. put upB. put onC. put with6. I am getting too fat. I have to (A)my weight.A. work offB. work ofC. work out7. A: So, do you like the cinema near HydePark?B: Yes, I (A)it.A. loveB. am lovingC. loves8.It often (B)in winter in the north of China.A. snowB. is snowingC. snows9. It (C)heavily here at this moment.A. rainB. rainsC. is raining10. The workers usually (B )work at 8:30.A. are startingB. startC. starts11. Rose is in the garden. She (A )her afternoon tea with her boyfriend.A. is havingB. hasC. have12. Quite often after dinner, they _______ music in a pub and _______ home about midnight.(C)A. a re playing…are goingB. will play… are goingC. play…go13. I’d like (A )apples, please.A. someB. anyC. /14. Have you got (B)lychees?A. someB. anyC. /15.I don’t need _______mineral water, but I’d like ________tea, th anks.(C)A. some, anyB. any, anyC. any, some16. Do you have_______ friends in Shanghai? (B)A. manyB. anyC. not17. He hasn’t got _______ cousins.(A )A. anyB. someC. many18. I don’t want _______ milk in my coffee.(A)A. anyB. someC. many19. A: I like documentaries on TV.B: _______. (B )A. So am IB. So do IC. So have I20. A:I am from England.B: _______. (A )A. So am IB. So do IC. So have I21. A: I have a light breakfast early in the morning.B:_______. (B)A. So have IB. Me tooC. So am I22. A:He has got two sisters.B:_______. (A )A. So have IB. So am IC. So do I23.A:I don’t get up lat e on Sundays.B:_______. (C)A. Neither have IB. Neither am IC. Neither do I24. A: I haven’t got a car.B: _______. (A )A. Neither have IB. Neither do IC. Neither am I25. A:The area is too noisy.B: Yes, I agree. It’s _______. (C )A. no enough quietB. not enough quietC. not quiet enough26. A:The classroom is not big enough for 50 students. (A)B:Yes, I agree. It’s _______.A. too smallB. no enoughC. not enough bigger27. A: The shops in this area are _______. (B)B: Yes, I agree. They are not modern enough.A. enough old-fashionedB. old-fashionC. too old-fashioned28. A: The chair is not comfortable enough.B: Yes, I agree. It is _______. (B )A. to be not comfortableB. too uncomfortableC. no comfortable29. The French restaurants are nice, but they are _______! (C)A. not enough niceB. comfortableC. too expensive30. The news is not new at all. It is _______. (B)A. noB. quite oldC. enough old31. This radio is _______ than that one. (A)A. more expensiveB. quite oldC. enough old32. James is _______ French than Polly. (A)A. a bit better atB. a bit more good atC. a bit good at33. This watch is _______ that one. (A)A. as expensive asB. very expensive thanC. more expensive to34. I’m bad at spelling, but Jane is _______ m e. (B)A. bad withB. worse thanC. less than35. John is _______ experienced at training than Mary is. (A)A. moreB. worseC. less than36. This is his book. Could you give it _____ him? (A)A. toB. withC. for37. I'm a deputy manager. I work ________ an IT company. (A)A. forB. aboutC. with38. I am not keen_______ sports. (A)A. onB. withC. in39. Rose is experienced _________ training. (A)A. atB. ofC. in40. Chris usually go to the gym _________ the weekend. (C)A. fromB. inC. at41. R ose is experienced _________ training. (A)A. atB. ofC. in42.Chris usually go to the gym _________ the weekend. (C)A. fromB. inC. at43. A: _________________?B: I've got a bad cough. (A)A. What's the matter with youB. What is it likeC. How was your day yesterday44. A: How much is the rent of the flat?B: _________________. (B )A. The hotel room is expensiveB. It is 450 pounds a monthC. It is near the center of the city45. A: What does she look like?B: _________________. (B)A. She likes playing tennisB. She's slim with long, straight black hairC. She's very nice and kind46. A: What does her boyfriend look like?B: _________________. (C )A. He is intelligent and confidentB. He likes playing footballC. He is quite tall with fair curly hair47. A: What does your English teacher look like?B: _________________. (B )A. She likes singingB. She's tall and has long, wavy hairC. She looks sad48. A: How do I get there?B: _________________. (A)A. You take the number 866 bus from the supermarketB. It takes about an hour to get thereC. I'd like to see them49. A: Excuse me, where is the nearest bank, please?B: _________________. (C )A. It's not sureB. That's all rightC. It's next to the newsagent50. A: What time does the train leave?B: _________________. (C)A. On TuesdayB. In the morningC. At half past five51. A: How long does it take from Beijng to London by plane?B: _________________. (B )A. It costs 1,200 dollarsB. It takes about 7 hoursC. It's not near enough52. Hurry up. We don't have _____ time. (B )A. manyB. enoughC. too many53. How many _____ would you like to buy? (C)A. coffeeB. oilC. oranges54. How many _____ can you see on the table ? (A)A. cups of milkB. cup of milkC. a cup of milk55.You can paint the walls and _____ posters. You can do what you want. (A)A. put upB. put downC. put on56. The house is very close to the railway station, so it's very _____ for transport. (C)A. expensiveB. noisyC. convenient57. Lily and Lucy are _____ a picture-book in their room. (C)A. lookingB. watchingC. reading58. Mark is responsible _____ the international market. (B )A. inB. forC. of59. I'm _____ a list of things to buy. (A)A. makingB. doingC. looking60. He can _____good English. (A)A. speakB. talkC. say。



《高等数学一》模拟题(补)一. 填空题1.0sin 2limx xx→= 2 ,2.2lim(1)xx x→∞+= 2e ,3.已知0'()1f x =, 则000(2)()limx f x x f x x∆→+∆-=∆ 2 , 4.函数0()2d x F x t ⎛= ⎝⎰的单调减区间为 1(,)4-∞ , 5.微分方程 0y y ''+=的通解是12cos sin y C x C x =+ ,6.'1-7.(2)x x d e += 2l n 2xx e + , 8.21d 1x x =+⎰a r c t a n x C + 。

二.单项选择题 1.设()1, 04f x x =≤≤, 则)(2x f 的定义域是( B )。

A .[ 0 , 4 ] B .[ -2 , 2 ] C .[ 0 , 2 ] D .[ 1 , 3 ]2.设()2,01cos ,0x a x f x x x π⎧+≥=⎨+<⎩在0x =上连续,则a 的值为( D )。

A .-1B .0C .1D .2 3.对于函数()f x x =,下面叙述正确的是( B )。

A .函数连续且一阶导数也连续B .函数连续但一阶导数不连续C .函数不连续但一阶导数连续D .函数不连续且一阶导数也不连续 4.设()F x 是()f x 的一个原函数,则有下面成立的是( C )。

A .⎰=)()(x F dx x fB .⎰=)()(x f dx x FC .⎰+=C x F dx x f )()(D .C x f dx x F +=⎰)()(5.微分方程32()34sin y xy x '+=的 阶 数 为( B )。

A .0B .1C .2D .3 6.函数()ln(1)arcsin f x x x =+的定义域是( A )。

A (-1 , 1 ]B [ -1 , 1 ]C (-1 , 2 ]D [-1 , 2 ] 7.当0x →时,()tan sin f x x x =-是x 的( D )。


第一栏 学生基本信息栏
学 号



《中国近现代史纲要》模拟题(开卷)(补)一.单项选择题1.在中国封建社会的经济中,占主导地位的经济是( A )。

A. 封建地主土地所有制B. 农民土地所有制C. 奴隶主土地所有制D. 资产阶级所有制2.揭开近代中国人民大规模反侵略武装斗争的第一页的是( C )。

A. 太平天国运动B. 义和团运动C. 三元里人民的抗英斗争D. 镇南关大捷3.近代中国第一个资产阶级革命政党是( D )。

A. 兴中会B. 华兴会C. 岳王会D. 同盟会4.第一次国共合作建立的标志是( A )。

A. 国民党一大的召开B. 中共三大C. 黄埔军校的建立D. 北伐战争5.以下属于抗战期间战略防御阶段的正面战场是( C )。

A. 平型关大捷B. 百团大战C. 徐州会战D.长沙会战6.全面内战的爆发是在( A )。

A. 1946年6月B. 1947年8月C. 1945年8月D. 1948年8月7.新民主主义社会的性质是( B )。

A. 独立的社会形态B. 过渡的社会性质C. 封建社会D. 社会主义社会8.确立建立社会主义市场经济体制改革目标的会议是( D )。

A. 中共十三大B. 中共十二大C. 中共十五大D. 中共十四大9.中国封建社会的文化思想体系以( C )为核心。

A.道家思想B.民本思想C.儒家思想D.资产阶级思想10.中法战争期间的,导致了法国茹费理内阁的倒台是( D )。

A.三元里斗争B.黄海海战C.马尾海战D.镇南关大捷11.五四运动的导火线是( D )。

A. 二十条B.一战C.十月革命D.巴黎和会上中国外交失败12.新政协的召开是在( D )。

A.1946年B.1947年C.1945年D.1949年13.邓小平南方讲话是在( C )年。

A.1990B.1991C.1992D.1993二.多项选择题1.近代中国社会主要矛盾是( AB )。

A. 帝国主义与中华民族的矛盾B. 封建主义与人民大众的矛盾C. 资产阶级与无产阶级的矛盾D. 官僚资产阶级与民族资产阶级的矛盾2.资本——帝国主义侵略中国的主要表现是( ABCD )。



《构造地质学》模拟题(补)一.单项选择题1.确定岩层产状的两个基本要素( )。





A. σ2直立,σ1σ3水平B. σ1直立,σ2σ3水平C. σ3直立,σ1σ2水平6.断层走向与岩层走向基本直交的断层是()。

















一经发现有任何抄袭、代写等作弊行为且情节严重的,正在撰写者,取消写作资格,论文成绩不及格;已经评定成绩者,成绩作废;实习报告不及格者,按照未修满教学计划规定学分处理,在最高修业年限内可重新写作2.关于远程教育,下面说法不正确的是?()A.远程教育的本质上是教的行为与学的行为的时空分离,不存在面授的形式B.在时空分离的情况下,学生与教师、学生与教学组织之间,采取多种媒体方法,进行系统教学和通信联系的教育形式C.我国的远程教育应该说从函授到广播再到电视,发展到现在依托于卫星、互联网的现代远程教育,走过了四代的发展过程D.远程教育是相对于常规教育而言的:常规教育是一种在师生双方面对面交流情况下开展的教育形式;而远程教育由于有媒体和技术的支持,教师和学生双方大多数情况下不直接见面,相互的交流主要依靠各种技术和媒体来实现,从而达到超越时空限制进行教与学活动的目的3.现代远程教育给教与学的概念赋予了新的内涵,给教育带来深刻的变革,推动教育观念、教育思想、教育模式和教学方法的更新,他的优势不包括哪个? ()A.有利于扩大教育规模,提供更多的学习机会和更灵活的学习方式B.有利于构建终身学习体系和学习型社会C.有利于扩大文化差异D.有利于跨越数字鸿沟,实现优质教学资源的共享E.有利于实现个别化学习4.远程教育的特点决定了远程学习以自学为主,学习者没有课堂的氛围,为克服这些困难,远程学习者应具备的基本能力不包括?()A.远程学习者必须端正自己的学习动机,化学习的外动力为内动力,这样学习动力才能够持久B.自主学习的能力学习者应该具备自己确定、安排和实施学习活动的能力,如自己决定在学习上投入多少时间,自己制定学习计划,选择并逐渐适应一种学习方法。

中国地质大学(北京) 成人高等教育授予学士学位工作 实施细则(暂行)

中国地质大学(北京) 成人高等教育授予学士学位工作 实施细则(暂行)




































《遥感原理与应用》模拟题(补)一.单项选择题1. 到达地面的太阳辐射与地面目标相互作用后能量可分为三部分,不包括下面哪种辐射()。

A.反射B.吸收C.透射D.发射2. NDVI= (Ch2 - Ch1)/(Ch2 + Ch1)指的是()。

A.比值植被指数B.差值植被指数C.差比值植被指数D.归一化差值植被指数3. 大气窗口是指()。

A.没有云的天空区域B.电磁波能穿过大气层的局部天空区域C.电磁波能穿过大气的电磁波谱段D.没有障碍物阻挡的天空区域4. 图像灰度量化用6比特编码时,量化等级为()。

A.32个B.64个C.128个D.256个5. 图像融合前必须先进行()。

A.图像配准B.图像增强C.图像分类6. 大气对太阳辐射的影响是多方面的,下列()影响并不改变太阳辐射的强度。


A. 吸收率为0B.反射率为0C.发射率为0D.透射率为18. 遥感图像目视解译方法中,利用遥感影像解译标志和解译者的经验,直接确定目标地物属性的,是下面哪种方法()。




























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中国地质大学(北京)继续教育学院 现代远程学历教育 2016年秋季入学测试《高等数学、大学英语》综合模拟题高等数学部分:一:选择题:在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的,把所选项前的字母填在题后的括号内.1、函数1122222-++--=y x y x y 的定义域是( B ).A.(){}21,22≤+≤y x y x B.(){}21,22<+<y xy xC.(){}21,22≤+<y x y x D(){}21,22<+≤y x y x2、.两个向量a 与b垂直的充要条件是( C ).A.0=⋅b aB.0 =⨯b aC.0 =-b aD.0 =+b a3. 函数xy y x z 333-+=的极小值是( B ). A.2 B.2- C.1 D.1-4. 设y x z sin =,则⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛∂∂4,1πyz=( D ).A.22B.22-C.2D.2- 5. 幂级数nn x ∑∞=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛02在收敛域内的和函数是( C ).A.x -11B.x -22C.x -12D.x -21 6. 微分方程0ln =-'y y y x 的通解为( D ).A.x ce y =B.x e y =C.x cxe y =D.cxe y =7. 点()1,3,41M ,()2,1,72M 的距离=21M M ( C ).A.12B.13C.14D.158. 设两平面方程分别为0122=++-z y x 和05=++-y x ,则两平面的夹角为( B ).A.6πB.4πC.3πD.2π9. 函数()22arcsin yx z +=的定义域为( A ).A.(){}10,22≤+≤y x y x B.(){}10,22<+<y xy xC.()⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧≤+≤20,22πy x y xD.()⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧<+<20,22πy x y x 10. 点()1,2,1--P 到平面0522=--+z y x 的距离为( B ).A.3B.4C.5D.611. 函数22232y x xy z --=的极大值为( A ).A.0B.1C.1-D.21 12. 设223y xy x z ++=,则()=∂∂2,1xz().A.6B.7C.8D.913. 若几何级数∑∞=0n nar是收敛的,则( C ).A.1≤rB.1≥rC.1<r D.1≤r14. 幂级数()nn xn ∑∞=+01的收敛域为( D ).A.[]1,1-B.[)1,1-C.(]1,1-D. ()1,1-15. 级数∑∞=14sin n n na 是( B ).A.条件收敛B.绝对收敛C.发散D.不能确定16. 微分方程0ln =-'y y y x 的通解为( A ) e y =B.x ce y =C.x e y =D.xcxe y =17. 幂级数()nn xn ∑∞=+01的收敛域为( D ).A.[]1,1-B.[)1,1-C.(]1,1-D. ()1,1- 18、二阶行列式 2 -3 的值为( D )4 5A 、10B 、20C 、24D 、22 19、设a=i+2j-k,b=2j+3k ,则a 与b 的向量积为( C )A 、i-j+2kB 、8i-j+2kC 、8i-3j+2kD 、8i-3i+k二、填空题:把答案填在题中的横线上.1、 一平面过点()3,0,0A 且垂直于直线AB ,其中点()1,1,2-B ,则此平面方程为_0622=+--z y x .2、已知单位向量e 1,e 2的夹角为α,且cos α=13.若向量a =3e 1-2e 2,则|a |=3.3、已知A ,B ,C 为圆O 上的三点,若AO →=12(AB →+AC →),则AB →与AC →的夹角为90°.4、若圆C 的半径为1,其圆心与点(1,0)关于直线y =x 对称,则圆C 的标准方程为 x 2+(y -1)2=1,5、设双曲线C 经过点(2,2),且与y 24-x 2=1具有相同渐近线,则C 的方程为x 23-y 212=1;渐近线方程为y =±2x .6、函数)1ln()(2x x f +=在区间[]2,1-的最大值是5ln ,最小值是 0 ; 7、=⎰-113cos xdx x0 ;8、微分方程023=+'-''y y y 的通解是:xx e C e C 221+9、函数()xy z sin =的全微分是()()xdy ydx xy +cos .10、设13323+--=xy xy y x z ,则=∂∂∂y x z219622--y y x . 11、曲面2242y x z -=在点()4,1,2处的切平面方程为488=--z y x .12、直线L 1:x=y=z 与直线L 2:的夹角为z y x =-+=-1321_____218arcsin ,182cos ar ______。

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1.设A 为n 阶矩阵,且2=A ,则=A 2( )。

A .n 2
B .12-n
C .12+n
D .4 2.n 维向量组 s ααα,,, 21(3 ≤ s ≤ n )线性无关的充要条件是( )。

A .s ααα,,, 21中任意两个向量都线性无关
B .s ααα,,, 21中存在一个向量不能用其余向量线性表示
C .s ααα,,, 21中任一个向量都不能用其余向量线性表示
D .s ααα,,, 21中不含零向量
3.下列命题中正确的是( )。

A .任意n 个1+n 维向量线性相关
B .任意n 个1+n 维向量线性无关
C .1+n 个n 维向量线性无关
D .任意1+n 个n 维向量线性相关任意
4.n 元非齐次线性方程组AX=B 有唯一解的充要条件是( )。

A .r(A )=n
B .r(A )=r(A,B )=n
C .r(A )=r(A,B )<n
D .r(A )=r(A,B )
5.矩阵A 的特征值为1,2,3,则其行列式|A |为( )。

A .6
B .18
C .36
D .72
6.方阵A 与B 相似,则下列说法错误的是( )
A .方阵A 与
B 有相同的特征向量 B .方阵A 与B 有相同的特征值
C .方阵A 与B 有相同的行列式
D .方阵A 与B 有相同的迹
7.三元非齐次线性方程组AX=B 的解向量321,,ααα满足
T T )2,4,2(,)1,0,1(3221-=+=+αααα,则其导出组AX=0的一个解为( )
A .T )1,0,1(
B .T )1,2,1(-
C .T )3,4,1(--
D .T
021 。

321321x x x x x x x x x λλλ只有零解,则λ应满足 。

3.当k= 时,向量组)2,,2(),1,2,1(21k ==αα线性相关。

⎫ ⎝⎛-=2011A ,则A -1= 。

5.矩阵A 的特征值分别为1, -1, 2, 则|A 2+2I |= 。

6.写出二次型32312123222132164524),,(x x x x x x x x x x x x f -++++=对应的对称矩阵。

1.问a 取何值时,下列向量组线性无关?123112211,,221122a a a ααα⎛⎫⎛⎫-⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪=-==- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪-⎝⎭ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭。

⎫ ⎝⎛=320030002A 的全部特征值和特征向量。

a a a a
a ---+的值。

⎫ ⎝⎛=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛---=300020001,313211212B A ,求1)(-AB 。



=211121112A ,求正交矩阵T 使得AT T 1-为对角矩阵。

1.设n 阶方阵A 满足022=--I A A ,求证A 和(A -I )都可逆并求其逆。

2.设n 阶方阵A 满足032=--I A A ,求证A-2I 和A +I 都可逆。
