Can SUSY be found at the Tevatron Run II
功夫熊猫传奇故事传颂着一名传奇武士Legend tells of a legendary warrior,他的功夫无人能敌whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend.浪迹江湖一路行侠仗义He travelled the land in search of worthy foes.既然你这么爱吃试吃看看我的拳头如何!I see you like to chew. Maybe you should chew on my fist. 武士一言未发因为他嘴里塞满了食物The warrior said anything for his mouth was full。
但他一口把食物吞下然后说”少啰唆!接招吧!”看招Then he swallowed。
And then he spoke. Enough talk。
Let's fight。
他的致命招数无人能挡敌人都被他的正义之光闪瞎了眼He was so deadly in fact,that his enemies will go blind, from over exposure to pure awesomeness。
我看不见了! 他武功盖世!极具魅力My eyes!He's too awesome!我们该怎么报答你呢?And attractive. How can we re-pay you?”路见不平,拔刀相助" 无需回报!There is no charge for awesomeness. Or attractiveness。
爆发吧!千军万马全被踏在足下艺高人胆大It mattered not how many foes he faced。
They were no match for his voracity.有史以来最使人敬畏又最令人销魂的熊猫Never before had a panda been so feared, and so loved.即使是打败天下无敌手的中原五侠客也对他佩服得五体投地Even the most heroic heroes in all of China,The Furious Five。
魔戒首部曲之魔戒现身HDrip-加长版这世界改变了The world is changed.我从水中触摸到I feel it in the water.我从地上感觉到I feel it in the earth.我从空气中嗅到I smell it in the air.过去的一切Much that once was...都已失落 lost.现在没有人记得了For none now live who remember it.这一切都从铸造魔戒开始It began with the forging of the Great Rings.精灵族得到三只戒指Three were given to the Elves.'他们能够长生不老也是最有智慧、最公平的种族Immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings.矮人族分到七只戒指Seven to the Dwarf-lords.'他们很会挖掘矿坑是山洞的巧心工匠Great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls. 而人类…And nine...则分到九只戒指...nine rings were gifted to the race of Men...他们比别人更贪图权力...who, above all else, desire power.中土世界每只戒指都拥有统治每个种族的力量For within these rings was bound the strength and will to govern each race.但他们都受到欺骗But they were all of them deceived.因为还铸造了另一只For another ring was made.魔多在魔多末日火山的烈焰中In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom...黑暗魔君索伦暗中铸造了可以奴役世界的…...the Dark Lord Sauron forged in secret a Master Ring...至尊魔戒 control all others.他在至尊魔戒中注入他的邪恶、残酷And into this Ring he poured his cruelty, his malice...以及统治天下的可怕欲望...and his will to dominate all life.一只驾驭一切的至尊魔戒One Ring to rule them all.一个接一个One by one...中土世界的自由之土感受到至尊魔戒的力量...the Free Lands of Middle-earth fell to the power of the Ring.但是有些人群起反抗But there were some who resisted.组成了精灵和人类的最后同盟对抗魔多的邪恶兵团 A Last Alliance of Men and Elves marched against the armies of Mordor.他们在险恶的末日火山为中土世界的自由奋战And on the slopes of Mount Doom, they fought for the freedom of Middle-earth.胜利终于在望Victory was near.但是至尊魔戒的力量But the power of the Ring...无人能敌...could not be undone.就在这时候It was in this moment...当大家都失去希望之际...when all hope had faded...人皇之子埃西铎拾起他父亲的宝剑...that Isildur, son of the king, took up his father's sword.黑暗魔君索伦, 中土世界自由人民之敌终于被击败Sauron, the enemy of the Free Peoples of Middle-earth, was defeated.至尊魔戒落入埃西铎手中The Ring passed to Isildur...他只有一次机会永远摧毁邪恶...who had this one chance to destroy evil forever.但是人心But the hearts of Men...很容易受到蛊惑...are easily corrupted.而且至尊魔戒力量不受到控制And the Ring of Power has a will of its own.它背叛了埃西铎It betrayed Isildur...最后害死了他 his death.不该被遗忘的东西And some things that should not have been forgotten...也遗失了...were lost.历史成为传说History became legend...传说成为神话...legend became myth.两千五百年来And for two and a half thousand years...至尊魔戒的下落无人得知...the Ring passed out of all knowledge.命运巧妙的安排Until, when chance came...让它蛊惑一个新的持有者 ensnared a new bearer.我的宝贝My precious.至尊魔戒落入咕鲁手中The Ring came to the creature Gollum...他把它带到迷雾山脉的洞穴中...who took it deep into the tunnels of the Misty Mountains.他的身心完全被魔戒占据And there it consumed him.它落到我手中It came to me.这是我的, 我的爱, 是我的My own. My love. My own.我的宝贝My precious.它让咕鲁得到违反自然的长寿The Ring brought to Gollum unnatural long life.五百年来它扭曲他的心智For years it poisoned his mind.它在咕鲁阴暗的洞穴中静静地等待And in the gloom of Gollum's cave, it waited.黑暗再度笼罩大地Darkness crept back into the forests of the world.谣传东方升起邪恶力量Rumor grew of a shadow in the East...人们心中产生无比的恐惧...whispers of a nameless fear.于是至尊魔戒知道And the Ring of Power perceived...它即将再度现身...its time had now come.它舍弃了咕鲁It abandoned Gollum.但是出乎至尊魔戒的意料之外But something happened then the Ring did not intend. 它被一个料想不到的人捡到It was picked up by the most unlikely creature imaginable. 这是什么?What's this?一个哈比人A Hobbit.夏尔的比尔博巴金斯Bilbo Baggins of the Shire.一只戒指A ring.不见了!Lost!我的宝贝不见了!My precious is lost!不久的将来For the time will soon come...哈比人将决定世界的命运...when Hobbits will shape the fortunes of all.瑞文戴尔年The nd day of September...月日 the year ...哈比屯以夏尔历法计算 Shire-reckoning.夏尔哈比屯西区, 巴榭路, 袋底洞Bag End, Bagshot Row, Hobbiton, Westfarthing...伊利雅德夏尔...the Shire...中土世界...Middle-earth.世界第三纪元The Third Age of this world."去而复返:There and Back Again.'哈比人的故事"A Hobbit's Tale.比尔博巴金斯著By Bilbo Baggins."去而复返:哈比人的故事" 比尔博巴金斯著现在…Now...该从何说起呢?...where to begin?是了Ah, yes..."关于…"Concerning...关于哈比人…哈比人"...Hobbits."哈比人一直都在夏尔的四区开恳种植、安居乐业Hobbits have been living and farming in the four Farthings of the Shire...数百年来...for many hundreds of years...都乐于受到世人遗忘...quite content to ignore and be ignored...也就是世上的其他人种 the world of the Big Folk.毕竟中土世界充满不计其数的奇怪生物Middle-earth being, after all, full of strange creatures beyond count...哈比人的存在微不足道...Hobbits must seem of little importance...他们并非骁勇善战的武士...being neither renowned as great warriors...也不算是聪明绝顶的智者...nor counted among the very wise.佛罗多, 有人在敲门Frodo! Someone at the door.老实说, 有人说In fact, it has been remarked by some...哈比人唯一的热爱就是食物...that Hobbits' only real passion is for food.但这是很不公平的说法A rather unfair observation...因为我们也很喜欢酿啤酒 we have also developed a keen interest in the brewing of ales...和抽烟草...and the smoking of pipe-weed.但是我们真正的最爱But where our hearts truly lie...就是和平宁静 in peace and quiet...还有肥沃的土地...and good, tilled earth.每一个哈比人都热爱从土里长出来的东西For all Hobbits share a love of things thatgrow.别人一定会觉得我们的日子过得太悠闲And, yes, no doubt to others, our ways seem quaint.但是今天更是印证了我的想法But today of all days, it is brought home to me.'能过朴实简单的生活真的是一种幸福It is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life. 生日快乐比尔博巴金斯佛罗多, 快去开门Frodo, the door!讨厌, 那小子呢?Sticklebacks. Where is that boy?佛罗多Frodo!外面风景多美丽Down from the door where it began我要踏上这旅程And I must follow if I can眼前道路无止尽The road goes ever on and on蜿蜒崎岖又漫长Down from the door where it began虽然路程尚遥远Now far ahead the road has gone-我必须继续前进-你迟到了- And I must follow if I can - You're late.巫师绝对不会迟到佛罗多巴金斯A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins.也不会早到他一定是按照计划准时到Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.见到你真好, 甘道夫It's wonderful to see you, Gandalf!我怎么会错过你比尔博叔叔的生日?You didn't think I'd miss your Uncle Bilbo's birthday?那老不死还好吧?How is the old rascal?听说生日宴会非常盛大I hear it's going to be a party of special magnificence.你也知道比尔博他把这儿搞得鸡飞狗跳You know Bilbo. He's got the whole place in an uproar.这样他应该高兴了Well, that should please him.夏尔有一半人都被邀请Half the Shire's been invited.另外一半也不请自来And the rest of them are turning up anyway.夏尔的哈比人如往常一样过着日子And so life in the Shire goes on...从古到今都一样...very much as it has this past Age...自给自足、快乐幸福没有什么太大的改变...full of its own comings and goings, with change coming slowly.也许也不会有所改变If it comes at all.因为夏尔的一切历久弥新For things are made to endure in the Shire...一代一代地传下去...passing from one generation to the next.巴金斯家族一直都有成员住在山丘下的…There's always been a Baggins living here under the Hill...袋底洞 Bag End.以后也一定会有And there always will be.不过说实话最近比尔博有点怪To tell you the truth, Bilbo's been a bit odd lately. 跟以前比起来更古怪I mean, more than usual.他成天把自己关在书房He's taken to locking himself in his study.我每次趁他不注意偷看都看到他总是在研究地图He spends hours poring over old maps when he thinks I'm not looking.它跑哪儿去了?Where's it gone?他一定在搞什么名堂He's up to something.-好吧, 你不说拉倒-什么?- All right, then. Keep your secrets. - What?我知道你一定脱不了关系But I know you have something to do with it.真是的Good gracious me.在你出现前巴金斯家族一向都很规矩Before you came along, we Bagginses were very well thought of.这倒是真的Indeed.我们从不冒险或犯规Never had any adventures or did anything unexpected.如果你指的是那只恶龙那件事与我无关If you're referring to the incident with the dragon, I was barely involved.我只是推了你叔叔一把All I did was give your uncle a little nudge out of the door. 不管怎样你都正式被列为捣乱份子Whatever you did, you've been officially labeled a disturber of the peace.真的吗?Oh, really?甘道夫! 甘道夫!Gandalf! Gandalf!放烟火, 甘道夫Fireworks, Gandalf!-甘道夫-放烟火, 甘道夫- Gandalf! - Fireworks, Gandalf!甘道夫?Gandalf?-你回来了, 我好高兴-我也是, 好孩子- I'm glad you're back. - So am I, dear boy. 我也是So am I.不要, 多谢了No, thank you!我不欢迎访客、祝寿者或远亲We don't want any more visitors, well-wishers or distant relations!那么一个老朋友呢?And what about very old friends?甘道夫?Gandalf?-比尔博巴金斯-甘道夫老友- Bilbo Baggins. - My dear Gandalf!见到你真好岁大寿, 谁会相信?Good to see you. years old! Who would believe it? 你一点都没老You haven't aged a day.进来吧Come on, come in!欢迎Welcome, welcome.来吧Oh, here we are.喝杯茶? 或是小酌两杯?Tea? Or maybe something a little stronger?我还有几瓶年的陈年好酒I've got a few bottles of the Old Winyard left. .很好的年份, 几乎跟我一样老Very good year. Almost as old as I am.我老爸珍藏的, 开一瓶如何?It was laid down by my father. What say we open one, eh? 我喝茶就好, 谢谢Just tea, thank you.你上礼拜就该到了I was expecting you sometime last week.你一向都想来就来、就走就走Not that it matters. You come and go as you please. Always have and always will.只是我有点措手不及家里只有冻鸡和腌黄瓜You caught me a bit unprepared. We've only got cold chicken and a bit of pickle...还有乳酪, 不行, 太寒酸了There's some cheese here. No, that won't do.我有覆盆子果酱、苹果馅饼We've got raspberry jam, an apple tart...但是好像还不太够哦, 不, 我没问题But not much for afters. Oh, no, we're all right. 我找到一些海绵蛋糕I've just found some sponge cake.孤山我可以煮几个蛋…I could make you some eggs if you'd...-茶就行了, 谢谢-好吧- Just tea, thank you. - Oh, right.-你介意我吃吗?-你尽管吃吧- You don't mind if I eat, do you? - No, not at all. 比尔博巴金斯Bilbo! Bilbo Baggins!说我不在家I'm not at home!塞克维尔巴金斯It's the Sackville-Bagginses.-我知道你在家-他们在打我房子的主意- I know you're in there! - They're after the house.我这么老不死他们一直都不原谅我They've never forgiven me for living this long.我被这些像苍蝇成天黏著我的亲戚I've got to get away from these confounded relatives, hanging on the bell all day...吵得一刻不得安宁...never giving me a moment's peace.我好想再看到高耸的山脉I want to see mountains again. Mountains, Gandalf!然后找一个安静的地方写书啊, 茶滚了And then find somewhere quiet where I can finish my book. Oh, tea.-你真的要实现你的计划?-对, 一切都在计划中- So you mean to go through with your plan? - Yes, yes. It's all in hand.我全都安排好了All the arrangements are made.谢谢你Oh, thank you.佛罗多起了疑心Frodo suspects something.当然了他可是巴金斯家的人Of course he does. He's a Baggins...不是硬瓶家的笨小孩...not some blockheaded Bracegirdle from Hardbottle.你会告诉他吧?You will tell him, won't you?-你会告诉他吧?-他很喜欢你- Yes, yes. - He's very fond of you.我知道I know.我开口的话他一定会跟我去He'd probably come with me if I asked him.但他还是衷心深爱夏尔的家园I think in his heart, Frodo's still in love with the Shire. 绿油油的树林和草地The woods, the fields.潺潺的溪流Little rivers.我老了, 甘道夫I am old, Gandalf.虽然我看起来并不老但是我的心老了I know I don't look it, but I'm beginning to feel it in my heart.我的意志变得很薄弱I feel thin.一切都索然无味Sort of stretched...就像面包上的牛油涂得不够多 butter scraped over too much bread.我需要一个很长的假期I need a holiday. A very long holiday.我并不打算回来And I don't expect I shall return.我打定主意不回来In fact, I mean not to.老托比种的南区最好的烟草Old Toby. The finest weed in the Southfarthing.甘道夫老友Gandalf, my old friend...这将是令人难忘的一晚...this will be a night to remember.你好Hello, hello.小胖博哲很高兴见到你, 欢迎Fatty Bolger. Lovely to see you. Welcome, welcome.山姆, 快去邀萝丝跳舞Go on, Sam. Ask Rosie for a dance.-我想再喝一杯啤酒-不行啦- I think I'll just have another ale. - Oh, no, you don't. 去呀Go on!我站在那儿So there I was...面对三个可怕的食人妖 the mercy of three monstrous trolls.它们吵著…And they were all arguing amongst themselves...要怎么把我们煮来吃...about how they were going to cook us.是一口就把我们给吞了或是一个接著一个把我们压扁Whether it be turned on a spit, or to sit on us one by one, squash us into jelly.他们喋喋不休吵个没完没了They spent so much time arguing the whithertos and the whyfors...结果天亮的第一道曙光...that the sun's first light crept over the top of the trees... 把它们都变成石头...and turned them all to stone!快点Quickly.飞走了Up they go!最大的那个啦No, the big one.抱腹太太, 很高兴见到你欢迎, 欢迎Mrs. Bracegirdle, how nice to see you. Welcome, welcome.这都是你的小孩吗?Are all these children yours?老天爷, 你还真能生呀Good gracious, you have been productive.比尔博?Bilbo?塞克维尔巴金斯Sackville-Bagginses!快躲起来Quickly, hide!谢了, 好侄子Thank you, my boy.你真是个好孩子, 佛罗多You're a good lad, Frodo.我一直都很自私I'm very selfish, you know.我真的很自私自利Yes, I am. Very selfish.你爸妈死后我收养了你不过并不是出于好心I don't know why I took you in after your mother and father died...but it wasn't out of charity.我想是因为…I think it was because...在这么多亲戚里头...of all my numerous relations...只有你有一种冒险的精神 were the one Baggins that showed real spirit.比尔博, 你是不是偷喝了老爹自己酿的啤酒?Bilbo, have you been at the Gaffer's home brew?没有No.但是这并不重要Well, yes, but that's not the point.重要的是…The point is, Frodo...你一定会过得很好'll be all right.-插好了-你应该把它插在地上- Done! - You're supposed to stick it in the ground. -插好了呀-要插在外面啦- It is in the ground. - Outside!这都是你的馊主意This was your idea.比尔博Bilbo.当心那只飞龙Bilbo, watch out for the dragon!这儿有一千年没出现飞龙了Nonsense. There hasn't been a dragon in these parts for a thousand years.-这儿有一千年没出现飞龙了-再来一次- That was good. - Let's get another one.梅里亚达克.烈酒鹿和彼利坚.图克Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took.我就知道I might've known.致词, 比尔博Speech, Bilbo!致词!Speech!致词!Speech!亲爱的巴金斯家和波芬家My dear Bagginses and Boffins...图克家和烈酒鹿家...Tooks and Brandybucks...葛卢伯家、丘伯家...Grubbs, Chubbs...吹号者家...Hornblowers...博哲家...Bolgers...抱腹家...Bracegirdles...-和傲脚家-是傲足啦...and Proudfoots. - Proudfeet!今天是我岁生日Today is my th birthday!生日快乐Happy birthday!但是年的时光太短了我真想多跟你们在一起But alas, eleventy-one years is far too short a time to live among...这么杰出优秀的哈比人...such excellent and admirable Hobbits.我只认识你们一丁点I don't know half of you half as well as I should like...而你们一丁点也不值得我喜欢...and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.我要做一件事I have things to do.这件事我拖了太久I've put this off far too long.很遗憾我要宣布宴会结束了I regret to announce this is the end!我要走了I'm going now.我要向大家道别I bid you all a very fond farewell.再见Goodbye.你一定觉得这招很高明I suppose you think that was terribly clever.你没看到他们的表情吗?Come on, Gandalf. Did you see their faces?世上有很多神奇戒指但是不该随便乱用There are many magic rings in this world, and none of them should be used lightly.我只是开个玩笑It was just a bit of fun.不过就像平常一样, 你说的对Oh, you're probably right, as usual.-你会照顾佛罗多吧?-当然会- You will keep an eye on Frodo, won't you? - Two eyes. 我会好好照顾他As often as I can spare them.-我要把一切都留给他-那只戒指呢?- I'm leaving everything to him. - What about this ring of yours?-那也要留下来吗?-当然- Is that staying too? - Yes, yes.我用信封装好放在壁炉上面It's in an envelope over there on the mantelpiece.不对, 等一下…No. Wait, it's...它在我的口袋 in my pocket.真奇怪, 不是吗?Isn't that...? Isn't that odd, now?是呀, 有何不可呢?Yet, after all, why not?-我何不留著它?-你应该把戒指留下来- Why shouldn't I keep it? - I think you should leave the ring behind.有这么困难吗?Is that so hard?没有呀Well, no.当然有And yes.现在我突然不想把它给别人Now it comes to it, I don't feel like parting with it. 它是我的, 是我找到的It's mine. I found it! It came to me!-你也没必要动肝火吧-这全是你的错- There's no need to get angry. - Well, if I'm angry, it's your fault!它是我的It's mine.我一个人的My own.-我的宝贝-宝贝?- My precious. - Precious?以前也有别人这么叫过它It's been called that before, but not by you.这是我的戒指, 与你无关What business is it of yours what I do with my own things? 那只戒指你留着够久了I think you've had that ring quite long enough.-你只想独吞它-比尔博巴金斯!- You want it for yourself! - Bilbo Baggins!别把我当成一个江湖术士Do not take me for some conjurer of cheap tricks.我并不想抢你的东西I am not trying to rob you.我只想帮助你I'm trying to help you.我们都认识这么久了All your long years, we've been friends.请你像以前一样相信我Trust me as you once did.放手吧Let it go.你说得对You're right, Gandalf.戒指一定要留给佛罗多The ring must go to Frodo.天色晚了, 路还很长It's late. The road is long.是时候了Yes, it is time.比尔博Bilbo, the ring is still in your pocket.戒指还在你的口袋我替我的书想到一个结尾I've thought up an ending for my book:"他从此快乐地生活下去直到他寿终正寝""And he lived happily ever after to the end of his days."你一定会的, 老友And I'm sure you will, my dear friend.再见了, 甘道夫Goodbye, Gandalf.再见了, 比尔博Goodbye, dear Bilbo.眼前道路无止尽…The road goes ever on and on后会有期了Until our next meeting.它是我的, 我一个人的It's mine. My own.我的宝贝My precious.黑暗中的谜语Riddles in the dark.比尔博Bilbo!比尔博Bilbo!我的宝贝My precious.宝贝Precious.他走了, 对吧?He's gone, hasn't he?他一直都说要离开这儿He talked for so long about leaving...没想到他真的走了...I didn't think he'd really do it.甘道夫?Gandalf?比尔博的戒指Bilbo's ring.他去和精灵住在一起He's gone to stay with the Elves.他把袋底洞留给你He's left you Bag End.还有他所有的财产Along with all his possessions.戒指是你的了The ring is yours now.-把它藏起来-你要去哪儿?- Put it somewhere out of sight. - Where are you going? -我一定要去办些事-什么事?- There are some things that I must see to. - What things? -我有一些疑问一定要得到解答-你才刚到- Questions. Questions that need answering. - You've only just arrived.我不明白I don't understand.我也不明白Neither do I.你要保密Keep it secret.把它藏起来Keep it safe.夏尔!Shire!巴金斯!Baggins!"第二纪元的年"The year of the Second Age.以下是埃西铎的记载刚铎之王…Here follows the account of Isildur, High King of Gondor...以及找到至尊魔戒的过程"...and the finding of the Ring of Power.""我终于拿到手了"It has come to me.这只至尊魔戒将是我的镇国之宝The One Ring. It shall be an heirloom of my kingdom. 我的后代将永远对它效忠All those who follow in my bloodline shall be bound to its fate...我绝不容许魔戒受到任何损伤...for I will risk no hurt to the Ring.这是我的宝贝It is precious to me...我经过多少痛苦才得到它...though I buy it with great pain.戒环的刻痕逐渐褪色The markings upon the band begin to fade.那些赤焰般的文字现在全部消失The writing, which at first was as clear as red flame, has all but disappeared.只有火焰能让秘密显现"A secret now that only fire can tell."夏尔Shire.巴金斯Baggins.巴金斯家族都住在哈比屯There's no Bagginses around here. They're all up in Hobbiton. 在那边That way.我的身心已疲惫To heal my heart and drown my woe阵阵风雨不停歇Rain may fall and wind may blow但是我仍有…But there still be好长的路要走Many miles to go雨滴声音多美妙Sweet is the sound of the pouring rain大珠小珠落玉盘And the stream that falls From hill to plain不管雨水或清泉Better than rain or rippling brook都比不上这儿的啤酒Is a mug of beer inside this Took最近有一些陌生人经过夏尔There's been some strange folk crossing the Shire.包括矮人族和更可怕的坏人Dwarves and others of a less than savory nature.一场大战即将来临War is brewing.山里头来了一群妖魔鬼怪The mountains are fair teeming with goblins.这些只是谣传或是小孩子的童言童语而已Far-off tales and children's stories, that's all that is.你越来越像比尔博巴斯金别跟他一样疯言疯语You're beginning to sound like that old Bilbo Baggins. Cracked, he was.佛罗多先生, 你叔叔是有点疯Young Mr. Frodo here, he's cracking.我以他为荣And proud of it.-干杯, 老爹-干杯- Cheers, Gaffer. - Cheers.夏尔以外的事跟我们无关It's none of our concern what goes on beyond our borders. 你们只要不去惹麻烦麻烦就不会找上门Keep your nose out of trouble, and no trouble'll come to you.-晚安了, 小伙子-晚安- Good night, lads. - Good night.晚安了, 美丽的姑娘Good night, sweet maiden of the golden ale.他最好别打她的主意Mind who you're sweet-talking.放心啦, 山姆萝丝知道他是个浑人Don't worry, Sam. Rosie knows an idiot when she sees one.真的吗?Does she?-晚安, 山姆-晚安, 佛罗多先生- Good night, Sam. - Good night, Mister Frodo.你有守密吗? 它安全吗?Is it secret? Is it safe?你在做什么?What are you doing?把手伸出来Hold out your hand, Frodo.很冰凉It's quite cool.你看到什么?What can you see?你看到什么吗?Can you see anything?没有Nothing.什么也没有There's nothing.等等Wait.上面有刻痕There are markings.好像是精灵文, 我看不懂It's some form of Elvish. I can't read it.很少人看得懂There are few who can.这是魔多的古文字我现在不能念出来The language is that of Mordor, which I will not utter here.魔多!Mordor!它说的是In the common tongue, it says:"至尊戒, 驭众戒"One Ring to rule them all...至尊戒, 寻众戒...One Ring to find them...魔戒至尊引众戒...One Ring to bring them all...禁锢众戒黑暗中"...and in the darkness bind them."这只至尊魔戒This is the One Ring...是黑暗魔君索伦用末日火山的烈焰铸成...forged by the Dark Lord Sauron in the fires of Mount Doom.埃西铎从索伦手中夺过来Taken by Isildur from the hand of Sauron himself.比尔博找到它Bilbo found it.-在咕鲁的洞穴中-是的- In Gollum's cave. - Yes.比尔博六十年来不动声色持有至尊魔戒For years, the Ring lay quiet in Bilbo's keeping...他因此而延长了寿命延迟了老化...prolonging his life, delaying old age.但是状况已经改变了邪恶在魔多蠢蠢欲动But no longer, Frodo. Evil is stirring in Mordor.至尊魔戒被唤醒了The Ring has awoken.它听到主人的召唤It's heard its master's call.但是索伦已经被消灭了But he was destroyed. Sauron was destroyed.不, 佛罗多No, Frodo.索伦的灵魂没有死The spirit of Sauron endured.他的生命和至尊魔戒紧紧相系His life force is bound to the Ring, and the Ring survived. 至尊魔戒仍然幸存Sauron has returned.他的半兽人大军与日俱增His Orcs have multiplied.他在魔多也重建了要塞巴拉多His fortress at Barad-d? R is rebuilt in the land of Mordor.索伦只要得到至尊魔戒就能让黑暗再度笼罩大地Sauron needs only this Ring to cover all the lands in a second darkness.他在搜寻至尊魔戒He is seeking it.全心全意、不择手段地搜寻Seeking it. All his thought is bent on it.同时至尊魔戒也渴望For the Ring yearns above all else...回到它主人的手中 return to the hand of its master.他们本为一体They are one...至尊魔戒和黑暗魔君...the Ring and the Dark Lord.佛罗多Frodo...绝对不能让他找到至尊魔戒...he must never find it.好All right.那就把它藏起来再也不提We put it away. We keep it hidden. We never speak of it again. 没人知道它在这儿, 是吧?No one knows it's here, do they?是不是? 甘道夫Do they, Gandalf?有一个人知道比尔博得到至尊魔戒There is one other who knew that Bilbo had the Ring. 我到处在找咕鲁I looked everywhere for the creature Gollum.但是魔君先找到他But the enemy found him first.他不晓得被拷打了多久I don't know how long they tortured him.但是在可怕的哀嚎和呻吟声中他们听出两个名字:But amidst the endless screams and inane babble, they discerned two words.'夏尔Shire!巴金斯Baggins!夏尔Shire.巴金斯他们会找到这里来Baggins. But that would lead them here!什么人?Who goes there?你拿去, 甘道夫Take it, Gandalf!-拿去-不行- Take it! - No, Frodo.-你一定要拿去-你不能把魔戒给我- You must take it! - You cannot offer me this ring! -我要把它给你-别引诱我, 佛罗多- I'm giving it to you! - Don't tempt me, Frodo! 我不敢拿I dare not take it.我更不能保护它Not even to keep it safe.你要了解Understand, Frodo...我只希望利用至尊魔戒行善事...I would use this Ring from a desire to do good.但是它透过我将释放无法想像的邪恶力量But through me, it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine.-它不能留在这儿-没错- But it cannot stay in the Shire! - No.的确不能No, it can't.我该怎么做?What must I do?-你一定要尽快离开-我该去哪里?- You must leave. And leave quickly. - Where? Where do I go?离开这儿, 赶到布理村Get out of the Shire. Make for the village of Bree.布理Bree.-那你呢?-我会等你- What about you? - I'll be waiting for you...在跃马旅店 the inn of the Prancing Pony.-魔戒在那儿安全吗?-我不知道, 佛罗多- And the Ring will be safe there? - I don't know, Frodo.我无法回答你I don't have any answers.我必须去见巫师长他有智慧及力量, 相信我I must see the head of my order. He is both wise and powerful. Trust me, Frodo.他知道该怎么做He'll know what to do.你不能用巴金斯这名字You'll have to leave the name of Baggins behind you.这名字在夏尔之外不安全That name is not safe outside the Shire.白天赶路, 别走大道Travel only by day. And stay off the road.我可以穿过农田I can cut across country easily enough.好孩子My dear Frodo.哈比人真不可思议Hobbits really are amazing creatures.只要一个月就能了解他们You can learn all that there is to know about their ways in a month.但一百年后And yet, after a hundred years...他们仍然让你吃惊不已...they can still surprise you.趴下来Get down.可恶的山姆卫斯詹吉你一直在偷听吗?Confound it all, Samwise Gamgee! Have you been eavesdropping?我才没有偷听什么我只是在窗外除草而已I haven't been dropping no eaves. Honest. I was cutting the grass under the window.现在除草未免太晚了A little late for trimming the verge, don't you think?-我听到说话声-你听到什么? 快说- I heard raised voices. - What did you hear? Speak!。
In the realm of competitive sports,running races are a testament to the spirit of competition and personal achievement.However,these events are not without their risks, as the following narrative illustrates.It was a bright,sunny day,perfect for the annual school sports meet.The air was filled with the scent of freshly mowed grass and the buzz of excitement from the gathered crowd.Among the many events scheduled for the day,the100meter dash was the highlight,drawing the largest audience and the most anticipation.The runners,a diverse group of students from various grades,gathered at the starting line. Their faces were a mix of determination and nervousness,each hoping to claim victory in this sprint of speed and endurance.The atmosphere was electric as the starters pistol was raised,signaling the imminent start of the race.As the shot rang out,the runners burst forward,their legs pumping like pistons as they charged down the track.The initial phase of the race was a blur of motion,with the athletes jostling for position.It was during this chaotic start that the unfortunate incident occurred.One of the runners,a tall,lanky boy with a reputation for speed,was trying to overtake another competitor.In his eagerness,he misjudged the distance and collided with the runner in front of him.The impact was sudden and forceful,causing both boys to stumble and fall to the ground.The crowd gasped as the fallen runners struggled to regain their footing amidst the chaos. The race continued around them,with the remaining competitors pushing forward,their initial advantage now even more significant.The fallen runners,however,were not so lucky.Bruised and shaken,they were helped off the track by concerned officials and medical staff.The incident cast a somber tone over the rest of the event.While the race was ultimately won by a swift and agile girl,the victory was somewhat overshadowed by the earlier collision.It served as a stark reminder of the inherent risks involved in such highspeed sports and the importance of safety and caution in all competitive endeavors.In the aftermath,the school took measures to review the rules and procedures of the race to prevent similar incidents in the future.The two runners involved in the collision received medical attention and were commended for their sportsmanship,despite the unfortunate turn of events.The story of the running race that was marred by a collision is a poignant one.It highlights the unpredictable nature of sports and the need for athletes to be mindful of their actions,not only for their own safety but also for the wellbeing of their fellow competitors.It is a lesson in resilience,as both the runners and the audience learned to appreciate the spirit of the competition beyond the outcome of the race itself.。
高考英语语法填空热点话题押题:神舟飞船天宫空间站航天员16篇 (神舟17号飞船+载人航天20周年)
高考英语语法填空热点话题押题预测专题31 神舟飞船天宫空间站航天员16篇(神舟17号飞船+载人航天20周年)解析版养成良好的答题习惯,是决定高考英语成败的决定性因素之一。
【原创】China is set to launch a new spacecraft, Shenzhou-17, to 1 (it) space station in October from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China.The spacecraft will dock with the forward port of the Tianhe core module of the China Space Station (CSS), forming a 2 (combine) of three modules and three spaceships. The CSS currently 3 (consist) of three modules – the core module Tianhe and two lab modules, Wentian and Mengtian.This year marks 4 20th anniversary after the launch of Shenzhou-5 spacecraft, China's first manned space mission 5 sent astronaut Yang Liwei into space on October 15, 2003, solidifying China's position 6 the third country, following the former Soviet Union and the United States, to achieve 7 (man) spaceflight.Over the past two decades, China's manned space program 8 (achieve) remarkable milestones. Chinese astronauts Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng set out for space on October 12, 2005. During the five-day flight, the astronauts conducted activities and experiments on board, 9 (remove) their space suits for the first time.Astronaut Jing Haipeng, the first 10 (go) into space for a fourth time, entered space on May 30, 2023, with Zhu Yangzhu, the country's first flight engineer, and Gui Haichao, the country's first payload specialist and civilian, for a five-month journey.(2023春·吉林长春·高二长春外国语学校校考阶段练习)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Recent ly, the domest ic milita ry BBS appear ed fighte rs - 20, 2011 stealt h fighte r machin e pictur es of ground high-speedtaxi tests, causevariou s discus sions and specul ation. Featur es senior col. du wenlon g said in an interv iew with CCTV "worldview", annihi lates - 20 or change new motiva tionsystem, may switch to a domest ic "heart", fullyimplem ent locali zatio n.Sincethe fighte rs - 20 aircra ft flight in Januar y 2011 for the firsttime sincethe trendof advanc ed fighte r jets has been in contin uousattent ion from the outsid e. Have, accord ing to the analys is aftersevera l timesof low-speedtaxiin g test, 2011 fighte rs - 20 is expect ed to launch its maiden flight in recent ly.Du Wenlon g specul ate that annihi lates - 20 or entera stateof the protot ype, is now the ground high-speedtaxi tests. "If the engine is not bad, the test was repeat ed tests, it is not necess ary." He pointe d out that www.yzxyj annihi lates - 20 of 2001 and 2002 at low speedand high speedtest has been comple ted, no need to test. Annihi lates - 20, he said, couldchange the new type of powersystem, may to the improv ement of the domest ic "heart".-But once built, the projec t fighte rs - 20 domest ic engine will be used. This meansthat annihi lates - 20 from the appear ancedesign, stealt h perfor mance, to all realiz e locali zatio n of powersystem, fire contro l system.Du Wenlon g said that a planeis very import ant for the powersystem, becaus e of this, in the aviati on indust ry has been put it as a leadin g projec t. , accord ing to his analys is from the disclo sureof releva nt photos, foundthat the test of the fighte rs - 20 jet nozzle is apartfrom the backen d is obviou sly far more, namely the jet nozzle to shrink, this meansthat couldshorte n the length of the engine, the use of the engine and before use may be comple telydiffer ent, is an import ant sign of the new engine and the signal.。
Lesson Two Waiting for the PoliceKey to exercises1. TranslateInto Chinese1.夜生活2.吃和住3.供吃住的寄宿舍4.一秒钟都不到5.玻璃弹子6.抽打死马(做徒劳无益的事)7.阿司匹林片8.在此情况下9.提前,事先10.走过场11.楼梯间平台的窗户12.紧张气氛13.毛线针14.梦游15.飞机翼展Into whip up a little keep the ball set the ball eccentric allot tighten one’s make a stretch out one’s moisten one’s complain of the plunge the stick into the turn on get on one’s put something out of someone’s come off the do a crossword blow one’s powder one’s give an alibi2. Replace the italicized derogatory words int eh following sentences with commendatory ones.1. slim2. robust3. famous4. orator5. wonderful/terrific/superb/excellent6. beauty7. mansion8. innocent; kind-hearted9. principle10. revolutionaries11. debates12. boom13. thrifty; honesty or common decency14. Discussion15. Stability16. regulate3. Translate1.It is a miracle how our company has become a multinational in such a short span of time.2.The average life span in that country has increased from 42 years to 50 years in a matter oftwo decades.3.The conflict between the two countries has spanned more than half a century.4.There are four bridges spanning the river.5.I’m much obliged to you. Without your help, I would never have finished the book.6.No, you are not obliged to go to the party. You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.7.She’s always ready to oblige when people come to her for help.8.In the valley is a small lake right between a meadow and a hill. It is a perfect spot for a picnic.9.Sitting in a shady spot, he soon dozed off.10.He criticized me on the spot when he saw me throw a plastic bad down by the roadside.11.It was a white shirt with blue spots. It looked quite pretty.12.The detective spotted the suspect, and he walked over and arrested him.13.One of the balloons popped, and it gave me quiet a start.14.It is very impolite to keep popping in and out of the classroom when the class is still going on.15.When he saw the young man ready to pay for the BMW in cash, his eyes almost popped outof his head.16.In those countries, water is worth a lot more than oil. Friends will often bring ten dollars’worth of water as a gift.17.When this project is completed, it will benefit about a hundred thousand people. It will bewell worth the effort and investment.18.This movie is not worth seeing twice. In fact, it is not worth seeing at all.19.I think it is worthwhile to visit that place. I hear they have kept all their traditional houseintact – houses that were built in Ming-Qing styles.20.Jia Baoyu was sick and tired of being his father’s worthy son. He yearned for freedom.4. Put the most appropriate words in the blanks.1-6 B D A B B D7-12 B A CC A D5. Tell the difference between the following pairs or groups of words.1. 1) earnest/ serious2) serious3) serious4) earnest/serious5) serious2. 1) make full use of2) took advantage of3) take advantage of4) take full advantage of/ make full use of5) take advantage of6) make some use of3. 1) weird2) strange3) eccentric4) odd5) strange/unusual/odd; peculiar/weird4. 1) advise2) advised3) suggest4) proposed5) suggest6) propose7) proposes/suggests5. 1) always/constantly2) regularly3) normally/usually4) constantly5) always6) regularly; always7) normally/usually6. Study the following sentences and point out what it is that is being startled she was2.the fat that she never seemed to stop he has been touring the world to give lectures for all food is removed or destroyed leaving nothing for the enemy5.his poor shooting6.his chronic tardiness7.his dumbness8.the strong smell of the cheese9.his eagerness to please powerful people10.his complete absence of moral considerations in his attempt to grab hunger12.difficulties in life13.the number of people14.the amount of medicine15.the heavy pompous word7. Choose the best word or phrase for each blank from the four supplied in brackets.1.While2.average3.under4.being5.mutual6.favorable7.account8.status9.relate10.stay11.On12.actual13.friendly14.nervousness15.inMore work on the Text1.Grammar in context1.1) In the circumstances: explanatory2) approximately: explanatory3) as you know: afterthought4) and Mr. Houghton was ruined, there was no doubt about that: afterthought5) he explained: afterthought6) the trick of interrupting here: explanatory7) in fact: transitional8) I’ve often wondered: afterthought9) for his part: transitional10)it’s true: afterthought11) if anyone should ask my opinion: afterthought12) ‘for its part’ and ‘on the other hand’: both transitional2.Study and summarize ways of making suggestions.Using a question:1)Shouldn’t…2)Shall we…5)Why don’t you/weUsing an imperative sentence:6) Suppose we…7) Let’s…Using ‘suggest/propose’’3)I propose…4) I suggested…2.Insert the appropriate parenthetical expression into the sentences from the list below.1.In fact2.Especially at an advanced level3.It was that long, I am sure4.Of course5.However6.On the other hand7.I suppose8.Forty-five years ago9.Whether invited or not10.For example11.Voluntarily orinvoluntarily12.It had been tested only onceplete the senteces below by translating the Chinese in the brackets.1.I suggest/propose we break up for two weeks.2.Shouldn’t we get a lawyer3.Why don’t you go and have a look in4.Suppose we take/ Let’s take5.Why don’t we just stay home/ Let’s just stay home6.Take a shortcut through the sports-ground7.We propsoe that the UN security Council meet at the earliest possible time8.Shouldn’t they be informed of9.Let’s/ why don’t we draw lots10.Shall we set a limit4.Translate1.It seems the patient has no relatives in this city.2.It’s easy to make friends but difficult to keep them.3.He can always understand what his friends are thinking and worrying about.4.Perhaps it wasn’t Xiao Jiang at all who had left the tap running all night.5.The boy had no idea how he had become an old man in half a day.6.I wonder how Wang Ning has been doing in London. I havent heard from him for almost ayear.7.It doesn’t matter what family you were born into. The real test is how far you can go fromwhere you started.8.She simply couldn’t believe what she saw. It was only yesterday that the twin towers werestanding there.9.Juror No. 8 pointed out that it might have been someone else who had stabbed the boy’s fatherto death.10.In the market economy, it is primarily by idividuals and firms rather tha by governmentagencies that decisions about what to produce, how much to produce are made.5.1. are making, were considered, are, are being used, don’t compact, have, starting, do2. will work, is, are , reproduces, deplete, is, are fueled, add3. can move, don’t tear, skin, will never take, are6.1-5 C D B C A6-10 D C A B B11-16 D A D C A B。
11 Heat and Material Balance(热量与物料平衡)
11. HEAT AND MATERIAL BALANCEFig. 1. Heat and Material Balance workbook with IN1, OUT1 and BAL sheets.Heat balance calculations are usually carried out when developing new chemicalprocesses and improving old ones(开发新化学反应或者改善老反应), because noprocess can work if too much heat is released or if there is a lack of thermal energy tomaintain the reaction temperature. This module calculates the real or constrained heatbalances, with given mass-balances as the boundary conditions, but not the theoreticalbalances at equilibrium conditions.The heat balance application always contains IN1, OUT1 and BAL sheets. A pair of INand OUT sheets is called a Balance area, which may be considered equivalent to acontrol volume. A total number of 127 balance areas may be inserted, to create a multiplebalance area workbook. Multiple balance area workbooks are explained in more detail inchapter 10. Multiple balance areas. For simplicity only the first balance area (IN1, OUT1)will be described in the following chapters.The basic idea of the heat balance module is that the user specifies the IN1 and OUT1species, temperatures and amounts and the Heat Balance module automatically calculatesthe heat and material balances using the BAL sheet. The Heat balance module updates thecalculated results on the BALANCE row at the bottom of the form each time the userchanges the input data. Please do not modify the BAL sheet.Since the program uses and creates new balance areas according to the name of the sheets,it is extremely important that the automatically created sheet names, i.e. the BAL, INxand OUTx sheets, should not be modified.You can also add new sheets for other spreadsheet calculations using the Insert Sheetand Insert Excel Sheet selections in the menu. The other sheets work very much like MSExcel worksheets, for example, you can:- rename the sheet name by double clicking the sheet tab- type formulae into the cells- use similar cell references as in Excel- use most of the Excel functions- link the sheet to IN1 sheet using normal Excel cell references, for example, for converting elemental analysis of the raw material to amounts of the components.- use the heat balance calculation results in OUT1 sheet as the initial values for other spreadsheet calculations.In addition the Heat Balance menu provides a wide range of Excel type features, such as:number, font, alignment and border formatting, defined names settings and cell protection.Because they are not necessarily needed in heat balance calculations, these features arenot described here in detail.The new heat balance module offers several ways to calculate heat and material balances:1.The user types the input and output species, temperatures and amounts into the IN1and OUT1 sheets respectively. This is a simple way to calculate heat and materialbalances and was available already in HSC 2.0. However, the problem with the oldversion was that the user had to manually maintain the material balance when theinput feed changed.2.Materials (species) are given as groups of substances, called streams. Thesestreams can be the same as the phases, but they can also be a mixture of phases.3.The output amounts can be linked with the input amounts with Excel type cellreferences, or vice versa.11.1 Basic Calculation Procedure(基本计算程序)The following procedure will describe the most simple way to calculate Heat Balance:1.Introduce the input substances (raw materials), temperatures and amounts on theIN1 sheet. It is possible to either type amounts in kmol, kg or Nm3. It is advised touse kmol and kg because missing density data may cause inaccuracy with Nm3units.2.Introduce the output substances (products), temperatures and amounts on the OUT1sheet. Type amounts in either kmol, kg or Nm3 as preferred.3.When feeding additional energy (electricity) to the process, enter this amount intothe Total column in the last empty row of the IN1 sheet. You can also type forexample “Extra Heat” in the first column of this row, see Fig. 20. The Databasemodule will convert the color of a ll “inert“ text in the first column to green, if thistext is not identified in the database as a substance. Notice that:1 kWh = 3.6 MJ = 0.8604 Mcal (th).H owever, the Balance module will automatically recalculate green text whenchanging units from the menu. If the green text cell contains a formula, it willautomatically be changed according to the new unit. For example a change from °C to K will add “+ 273.15” to the end of the formula.4.If heat loss values are known then type them into the last empty row of the OUT1sheet in the last column (Total). A first estimate of heat losses for an air-cooled reactor (natural convection) can easily be calculated using the following formula in kcal/h:Hloss = (6.8 + 0.046 * T2) * (T2 - T1) * A [1] Where: A = Outer surface area of the reactor (m2)T2= Surface temperature of the reactor (°C)T1= Room temperature (°C)P lease use the Heat Loss module if more accurate heat loss approximations are needed.5.HSC automatically and immediately updates the heat balance on the bottom line assoon as changes to any input data are made.6.HSC also automatically updates the material amount balances in mol, kg and Nm3units. Notice that only the mass balance in kg units on the bottom row should be zero; the mole or volume balances can easily change in any chemical process.7.The element balance can be checked by selecting Element Balance from theCalculate menu, see Figs. 1 and 2.8.By selecting Temperature Balance from the Calculate menu it is possible to seethe estimated temperature of the products when the heat balance = 0, see Figs. 1 and 3.Fig. 2. Element Balance.Fig. 3. Temperature of the products (adiabatic process).9.To insert an empty row in the table, select Row from the Insert menu or bypressing the right mouse button and selecting Insert Row from the popup menu.10.Rows can be deleted by selecting Row from the Delete menu or pressing the rightmouse button and selecting Del Row from the popup menu.11.You can change the order of the substances by inserting an empty row and usingthe Copy - Paste method to insert the substance in the new row. The Drag and Dropmethod can also be used. However, it is extremely important to Copy and Pastethe whole row not only the formula, because of auxiliary data in the hiddencolumns on the right side of the IN1 and OUT1 sheets.Please keep the Copy Mode selection on in the Edit menu when rearranging thespecies, as this will force the program to select the whole row. When formatting thecolumns and cells, turn the Copy Mode selection off in the Edit menu.12.Temperature units can be changed by selecting the C or K from the Units menu.13.Energy units can be changed by selecting Mcal, MJ or kWh from the Units menu.14.If a paper copy is needed, select Print from the File menu. This option will copyall the data on the same Print sheet and will also print this sheet on paper if the userpresses OK. Notice that you can delete this Print sheet by activating it and thenselecting Sheet from the Delete menu. The Print Sheet selection in the File menuwill print only the active sheet.15.To save the sheets, select Save from the File menu. Please save sheets often usingdifferent names, because you may wish to make small changes later or to return tothe original sheet. Saving sheets is important, because the Undo feature is notavailable in HSC Chemistry.16.It is possible to take into account the water/steam pressure compensation bymoving the cursor to an H2O or H2O(g) species and selecting Insert/Pressurecorrection H2O from the menu. This will open the Pressure and Temperaturecalculator, where it is possible to specify the pressure for the species. This is usefulwhen calculating for example steam processes.11.2 Formatting the WorksheetThe heat balance module offers several Excel type formatting possibilities. These may beselected in the Format menu:- Number, Font, Font Default, Alignment, Border, Pattern, Object (for graphical objects), Sheet, Options- Column Width, Row Height- Define Names, Refresh Names- Protection On, Off, Lock all Cells, Unlock all CellsThe window size may also be changed from the View menu. The Normal selection givesa VGA size window, Full Height selection uses the whole height of the screen and FullWidth fills the whole screen.11.3 Specification of Substance Groups (Streams)The new HSC Chemistry 5.0 offers the possibility to specify the input and outputsubstances in streams. These streams can be made of one or several physical phases orspecies which have the same fixed temperature and elemental composition. Although heatand material balance calculations can be made without using the streams, division intostreams helps considerably when changing temperatures and material amounts. Noticethat when using formulae/links in temperature cells the temperature cells are not updatedif the species are not divided into streams.Examples of “one-phase streams” are, for example:1.Air feed.2.Process gas output.3.Homogenous liquid and solid inputs and outputs.Examples of “multi-phase streams” are, for example:1.Liquid material with solid particles (suspension) as input or output.2.Solid feed mixture of the process, made of different substances, such as mineralconcentrate, coal and sand.3.Gas feed with liquid droplets or solid powder.The species rows in the IN1 and OUT1 sheets are divided into separate groups by specialstream rows. These rows can be inserted in the sheet using the Stream selection in theInsert menu or using the same selection in the popup menu from the right mouse button.The heat balance module automatically makes the following modifications to the sheetwhen you insert a new stream (group) row in the sheet:1.Asks for a name for the new group, which you can change later if necessary.2.Inserts a new empty row above the selected cell with a light blue pattern.3.HSC assumes that all rows under the new group row will belong to the new groupdown to the next group row.4.Inserts Excel type SUM formulae in the new group row for calculating the totalamount in the group using kmol, kg and Nm3 units.Once the insert procedure is ready, you can edit the group row in the following way:1.The stream name (label) can be edited directly in the cell.2.The stream temperature can also be changed directly in the cell and will affect thetemperature of all the species in this group.3.The total material amount of the group can be changed simply by typing a newamount in the group row in kmol, kg or Nm3units. This amount can be typeddirectly over the SUM formula and the program will automatically change theamounts of the species keeping the overall composition constant. The program willthen regenerate the original SUM formula after calculating the new amounts.4.It is important to note that you are unable to type formulae in the amount andenthalpy columns of the stream row, because the SUM formulae must be in thestream row.To change the amounts of species in a stream using kmol, kg or Nm3 units, simply typethe new amount in the corresponding cell. The program will automatically update theamounts in the other columns, total amount of the stream and the total material and heatbalance as well.An example of the species streams can be seen in Fig. 4. The output species have beendivided into four streams. In this example the species in each stream exist in the samephase. Process Gas is a gaseous mixture phase, Slag is a molten mixture phase andWhite Metal is a pure molten substance.Fig. 4. The OUT1 sheet of the Heat Balance module. The species have been divided into three streams, which are the same as the existing phases.11.4 Formulae in the CellsExcel-type formulae and cell references can be used, for example, in order to link theinput and output amounts with each other and to maintain the material balanceautomatically when the input amounts change. The input and output amounts can belinked using two main methods:1.An Excel-type formula can be typed in the kmol column, which expresses thedependence of the output mole amount on the input mole amount. For example, ifCu2S in the cell OUT1!C10 contains 93.8 % of copper input then you may typeformula = 0.938*IN1!C7 in cell OUT1!C10, see Fig 5.2.The Heat balance module automatically calculates input and output mole amountsfor elements. The cell names for input amounts are: InAc, InAg, InAl, InAm andthe equivalent for output elements are called OutAc, OutAg, OutAl, OutAm, etc.For balance areas with a higher number (for example the IN2 and OUT2 sheets) thecorresponding cell names are simply InAc2, InAc3 and OutAc2, OutAc3, etc.These names can be used in the formulae. The formula in the previous example canalso be written:=0.938*(InCu-C12)/2 using these defined names, see Fig. 5. Thecells with element amounts are not visible to the user.Please be very careful when using default input and output names simultaneously,because it is very easy to end up with circular references. An indication of acircular reference is that the heat and material balance, which can be seen on theBALANCE row, changes even after a recalculation (Calculate/ReCalc from themenu). By selecting Format/Options from the menu and highlighting theIteration checkbox under the Calculation tab, it is possible to automatically iteratethe circular references. This is, however, not recommended for very largeworksheets.Within the IN1 and OUT1 sheets it is recommended to use formulae only in the kmolcolumn and not in the other Amount columns. You can use the formulae also in othercolumns, but please be very careful. In the other sheets there are no special limitations forthe formulae.Fig. 5. The OUT1 sheet of the Heat Balance module. Copper output has been linked with copper input with a formula and defined name: InCu.11.5 Elemental CompositionsThe elemental compositions of the species groups may be calculated using the StreamCompositions selection in the Calculate menu, see Fig. 6. This procedure calculates theelemental compositions of each group, creates new In1-% and Out1-% sheets and printsresults on these new sheets in mol-% and wt-% units.Notice that a procedure to convert elemental analysis back to species analysis is not yetavailable in the heat balance module. A general solution to this kind of problem is quitedifficult and in many cases impossible. However, a custom-made solution for anindividual case is possible with a little effort and normal Excel-type formulae:1.Create a new sheet using the Sheet selection in the Insert menu, see Fig. 6.2.Rename the new sheet by double clicking the tab, for example to “Compositions”.Notice that you can use also the Input-% sheet as the starting point as you rename it.3.Type the elemental and species compositions on the new sheet.4.Notice that you can insert Formula Weights in this new sheet by selecting thechemical formula cells and then selecting Mol Weight from the Insert menu.5.Create Excel-type formulae, which convert the elemental analysis of a group tomole amounts of species using formula weights of the elements and species.6.Type formulae in the kmol columns of the IN1 sheet, which refer to speciesamounts in the Compositions sheet.Fig. 6. The Out1-% sheet of the Heat Balance module. This sheet shows the elemental compositions of the phases, after the Stream Compositions option has been selected from the Calculate menu.11.6 Additional SheetsThe Heat Balance workbook consists at least of the IN1, OUT1 and BAL sheets. The usermay, however, add up to 256 sheets to one workbook. These additional sheets may beused, for example, to convert the elemental compositions of raw materials to amounts ofspecies which are needed in the IN1 sheet. These sheets can also be used to collect themain results from the OUT1 sheet in one summary table. Do not use the reserved namesIN1, OUT1, BAL and Target as sheet names.To add sheets select Insert Sheet from the menu. This will add one sheet on the selectedlocation. To rename this new sheet, double click the Tab on the bottom of the form. Youcan also import Excel sheets by selecting Insert Excel Sheet from the menu. Thisselection allows you first to select the file and then the sheet which you want to insert intothe active Heat Balance workbook.The example in Fig. 7 shows a FEED sheet, which is used to specify the raw materialsamounts to the IN1 sheet. The user may give the compositions and amounts in column C,this data will then be used to calculate the amounts of species in column F. The materialamounts in IN1 sheet are given using relevant cell references to column F in the FEEDsheet. This example can be found from your HSC5\Balance directory under the nameCUCONV2.BAL. The user can construct the layout of the additional sheets freely.The “Red Font Shield”property is a useful way to prevent accidental modification of thedata in the cells. If this property is set using menu selection Format, Red Font Shieldthen only cells with red font can be edited. However, it is recommended to save the workregularly using different names, for example, test1.bal, test2.bal, test3.bal, etc. in order torecover the original situation after harmful modifications.Fig. 7. Additional sheets can be added to the Heat Balance workbook.11.7 Target DialogThe user can iterate manually, for example, the fuel amount which is needed to achievezero heat balance by changing the fuel amount until the heat balance is zero. The Targetsheet offers a faster automatic way to carry out these kind of iterations. The followinginstructions will explain this procedure in more detail:1.Select Target Dialog from the menu. This will also automatically create a Targetsheet, which is similar to previous HSC versions.2.Select one cell on row 4 in the Target dialog if not selected.3.Select one cell which will be used as a first variable and select Set variable cell.This will add the cell reference of this variable to the Target dialog in column B.You can also type the cell references manually in the Target dialog. Note: Pleaseuse only Stream temperature cells as variables for the temperature iterations, ie. donot use species temperature cells.4.Select one cell which will be used as first variable and select Set target cell. Thiswill add the cell reference of this variable to the Target dialog in column B.5.Repeat steps 3 and 4 if you want to add more variables and targets.6.Set valid Min and Max limits in columns D and E as well as the Target Value incolumn H. You may also type names in columns A and F.ually it is also necessary to give estimated initial Test Values in column C forthe automatic iterations. Iteration ends when the target value (col H) or iterationnumber (col I) is reached. Accuracy can be improved by increasing the number ofdecimals used in columns G and H with the Format Number selection.8.Select the rows (> 3) on the Target sheet which you want to iterate and pressIterate selected rows or F8. If all rows should be iterated, simply press Iterate All.In the following example, shown in Fig. 8, you can select for example row 4 and press F8.This will evaluate the copper scrap amount which is needed to maintain the heat balancein the given conditions. Row 5 can be used to iterate the iron content of the matte in thesame conditions and row 6 to achieve a given FeS amount.Important note: Please use only Stream temperature cells as variables for the temperatureiterations, ie. do not use species temperature cells.Fig. 8. Target dialog specifies the variables and target cell references.11.8 GraphicsOccasionally it is useful to see the results, of for example a heat balance calculation, ingraphical format. This can be carried out manually by making step by step changes to onevariable cell and collecting data from interesting cells, for example, to an Excel sheet.Sometimes further calculations may be required after every step, which can be specifiedusing the Diagram Dialog. Step by step the procedure is as follows:1.Select Diagram/Diagram Dialog from the menu.2.Select the variable cell and press Set X-cell from the dialog. Select, for example,cell C11, see Fig. 7.3.Select a cell for the y-axis and press Set Y-cell from the dialog. Select, for example,the Heat Balance cell at the bottom right of the form. You may repeat this step andcollect several cells whose values will be drawn to the diagram.4.If other calculations are required between every step, press Target iteration andthe Target sheet will automatically open. Select the calculation rows that should beiterated before the Y-row and press Set Target rows from the menu. The row datawill now be tranferred to the Diagram dialog into columns 4, 5, etc.5.Fill the Diagram Settings as shown in Fig. 9. You must specify the MIN, MAX andSTEP values for the X-Axis. You can also specify the cell references, labels andunits manually in this form.6.Press Diagram to create the tabular data for the diagram and Diagram once againto see the final diagram, Fig 9.7.The diagram can be modified, copied and printed in the same manner as otherdiagrams in HSC Chemistry.8.Show/Toolbar shows the drawing menu and Show/Object Editor shows theobject editor, which lets you specify the objects manually.9.To return to the Heat Balance module, press Exit at the bottom left corner of thediagram form.From the diagram shown in Fig. 9 you can see that roughly 68 kg/h of scrap is needed toadjust the heat balance to zero. Notice that the units in the diagram are kg/h and kW.Fig. 9. Simple heat balance diagram.In the following diagram (Fig. 10) the heat balance is automatically calculated beforeeach step, which is indicated by the number “4” in the Target row 1 column. This is doneby pressing the Target iteration button, selecting row 4 on the Target sheet and clickingthe Set Target rows button. The x-axis now gives the Fe wt-% and the y-axis the coolingscrap required. The diagram may then be interpreted as the quantity of cooling scraprequired to make the heat balance zero, when the Fe wt-% varies from 20% to 25%.Fig. 10. Diagram where the heat balance is automatically iterated to zero before every calculation step.11.9 Multiple balance areas(多个物料平衡)The previous Balance modules up to HSC 4.0 were restricted to one balance area (orcontrol volume) only. Since most processes consist of multiple balance areas, the newBalance module enables the user to create up to 127 multiple balance areas. A balancearea consists of an INx and an OUTx sheet, where x denotes the number of the balancearea. These can then be connected to each other creating a realistic simulation of aprocess. The example file FSF_process.BAL contains a highly simplified multibalancemodel of an Outokumpu Flash Smelting Furnace process.A new balance area is created by selecting either Insert/Balance Area to Right orInsert/Balance Area to Left from the menu. This will insert a pair of INx and OUTxsheets to the corresponding position. A balance area may easily be deleted by selectingDelete/Balance Area. Deleting a single sheet of a balance area, for example an INx sheet,is not possible. The balances are all automatically collected into the BAL sheet so pleasedo not modify this sheet.Fig. 11. The BAL sheet when the worksheet consists of 5 balance areas.Linking the balance areas with each other is recommended to carry out after eachindividual balance areas operate properly. Linking may be achieved either manuallywith formulae or automatically with the Copy - Paste Stream combination. Simply placethe cursor on a stream row in an OUTx sheet, or on a row that belongs to a stream, andselect Edit/Copy. Then place the cursor on a row in an INx sheet and select Edit/PasteStream. The stream will now be copied here so that the first row of the stream is the cursor position. The kmol column of the pasted stream will consist of links (formulae) to the copied stream, so that the material amounts of the streams will remain equal. The other cells are directly copied as values. If the stream temperature cell in the copied stream is a formulae then it will not be copied. In this case it is up to the user to decide how the stream temperature for the pasted stream should be calculated.It is also possible to create return streams, i.e. streams that return to a previous part of the process, thus creating loops in the process. When pasting a stream into an already linked part, a circular reference might occur. This is the case when links eventually refer back to each other, i.e. iterations are needed to calculate the worksheet. Automatic iterations may be done by selecting Format/Options from the menu and highlighting the Iteration checkbox under the Calculation tab. Please be careful when changing the inputs of a worksheet consisting of circular references. For example if a cell, which is part of a circular reference, shows the message #VALUE!, it will not recover unless the links in the cells are changed thus breaking the circular reference. Saving the worksheet regularly using different names (Test1, Test2, etc.) is thus always recommended.Fig. 12. The IN1 sheet (Flash Furnace) of the FSF_process.BAL example. The stream Flue dust is a return stream from the boiler (Copy/Paste stream), thus creating circular references in the worksheet.Automatically updated defined names (input and output kmol amounts) vary according to thebalance area. For example InAl, InC, OutFe for the first balance area will become InAl2, InC2,OutFe2 for the second etc. Note that the defined names of the first balance area do not haveindex numbers.Fig. 13. The OUT2 sheet (Converter I), gives the output from the first part of the converter. The formula =InCa2*Analysis!L29/100 in cell C5 means that the total Ca is distributed as the percentage given in cell L29 on the Analysis sheet.Drawing Flowsheets (Flowcharts)Additional sheets may be used to collect, for example, all the necessary input for the processinto one sheet. They may also be used to collect calculated process parameters, for examplethe amount of Cu in a stream. Figure 14 shows the process layout for the Flash SmeltingFurnace process."Insert, Graphical Object, ..." selection gives possibility to draw lines, rectangles, etc. on theadditional sheets. However, it is recommended to draw flowsheets using "Format, Border, ..."and "Format, Pattern, ..." selection because these properties are more compatible with Excel95, 97 and 2000. Arrows may be drawn using "Insert, Graphical Object, Arrow" selection.HSC graphical objects are compatible only with Excel 95. This means that if you want to getthe graphical objects to Excel-files then you should save using "File, Save XLS 5 file, ..."dialog.Fig. 14. Process layout and input sheet for the Flash Smelting Furnace process.。
2021-2022学年天津市河北区中考英语试卷(含答案)2021-2022学年天津市河北区中考英语试卷(含答案)He''s_______ good English teacher and all the students like him very much.()A. anB. aC. theD. /I like the red T-shirt. Can I _______?()A. try on itB. try it onC. try on themUsing public chopsticks is____ when we have dinner with other people.()A. impossibleB. dangerousC. strangeD. necessaryWe can make the Chinese Dream come true___ working together.()A. byB. betweenC. withoutD. outside-What''s your favourite_______,Simon?-PE.It''s veryimportant now.()A. foodB. sportC. hobbyD. subjectDavid wrote a story about the life of a sixteen-year-old boy, and it ____as a book in2012.()A. pointed?outB. found?outC. tried?outD. came?outOur job is very important and we had better make sure it is done____.()A. hardlyB. properlyC. suddenlyD. hungrilyI haven''t seen Bruce recently. He____ be busy with his work.()A. canB. needC. mustD. shouldThe development in the medical research helped____ the terrible illness.()A. allowB. inviteC. protectD. controlThe heroes set good examples to society____ they pass on their kindness to people around them.()A. becauseB. althoughC. beforeD. ifPeter___ many places of interest at home and abroad severaltimes.()A. have?goneB. has?been?toC. has?gone?toThis kind of 5G mobile phone____ by Huawei two years ago.()A. producedB. is?producedC. was?producedD. will?be?producedWe''d better follow the seven-step hand- washing method healthy.()A. to?keepB. keepC. keepingD. keeps-I don''t know____. -Maybe she had something important to do.()A. why?she?leaves?earlyB. why?did?she?leave?earlyC. why?she?left?early-Our Chinese ancient poems are really great. We should learn more. -____It''s our duty to spread our traditional culture.()A. It?doesn''t?matterB. I?agree?with?you.C. Have?nice?trip.D. Me?neither.Joe has a happy family,in Joe''s family,there are (16) people.Football is Joe''s (17) sport.He often(18) it after school.Joe''s father,Bill,is(19) art teacher in Joe and Mary''sschool.He plays basketball (20) .He is in the basketball team of the town.Joe has a sister.Her name is Mary.Mary likes sports very much.So she often(21) in the summer holiday.Joe and Mary like to (22) their father playing football(23) their friends.Joe''s mother,Diana,likes sports,(24).She is good at(25) tennis,and at the same time she often takes Mary(26) clothes.But (27) only some small shops in the town. Saturday is Mary''s birthday,Mary likes all colors,but she likes purple best,so her mother buys pretty clothes for Mary like purple shirt and (28) trousers.She also buys some food(29) Mary''s birthday party.Mary''s cousin,Jane will come to birthday party with her pet dog,oh,(30)name is Coco . All the family like sports and they often go to the sport center on weekends.A. fiveB. fourC. threeD. sixA. favoriteB. loveC. likeD. enjoyA. playB. to playC. playsD. playingA. aB. anC. theD. /A. wellB. goodC. niceD. easyA. do sportsB. does sportC. does sportsD. doing sportsA. watchB. listenC. playD. goA. onB. withC. forD. aboutA. alsoB. eitherC. neitherD. tooA. playingB. to playC. playsD. playA. buyB. to buyC. buyingD. buysA. there isB. there areC. haveD. hasA. whiteB. colorsC. purpleD. colorA. forB. toC. withD. onA. itsB. hisC. herD. theirQDear sir/madam, I am writing to ask for information about the courses in your school. I am especially interested in the four-week intensive course (强化课程). I have been studying English for three years at a language school in Madrid, Spain. I''m good at listening, reading and writing. However, my speaking skills need to be improved. I have looked at the course introduction on your website but there is no information about the dates and price for the course. Are you offering it next month?I would also like to know where your students are from. Are they from different cultures? ????Finally, hope to know what type of accommodations (住处) is available (可获得的). My sister is going to visit me while I am there for one week. We would prefer to stay together. Would that be possible? By the way, I don''t plan to spend much money on accommodations. I would bethankful if you could send me the information to maria@gmail. com or call me at 09568893. Thank you for your time. Looking forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, MariaHow long is the intensive course?A. About one week.B. About two weeks.C. About one month.D. About two months.Maria hopes to improve her skills in ____.A. listeningB. readingC. writingD. speakingWhat did Maria do to get information about the intensive course before writing this email?A. She asked her sister.B. She called the school.C. She visited the school''s website.D. She asked a teacher from the school.What information does Maria want to know?? ①dat es of the intensive course ②price of the intensive course ③accommodations of the school ④teaching experience of the teachersA. ①②③B. ①②④C. ②③④D. ①③④Maria provides ____ way (s) to get in touch with her.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. fourRThis past fall was really unforgettable for me. I was at a neighbourhood pool party on a Friday afternoon.I live in Texas so it''s warm even in October. My friend and I went outside to look for a pair of swimming glasses and saw someone at the bottom of the pool. We thought it was one of our friends playing but we quickly realised that it was a little boy who didn''t'' know how to swim. knew something was wrong right away. We looked around, but the adults(成年人) were talking far away in the backyard (后院) and there was no time to spare. jumped in the pool,dove (潜) underwater, and came close to the little boy. I swam as hard as I could and pulled the little boy onto a step in thepool. As soon as got him out of the water, my friend and started shouting for help.once the adults heard us, they ran over. The little boy wasn''t breathing(呼吸),which was really terrible. One neighbour did CPR(心肺复苏) and someone else called120. Soon the doctors came and took the little boy to the hospital. Luckily, the little boy is doing great now. I was worried that I wouldn''t be able to get him out of the water quickly enough, but I did. I''ve been taking swimming lessons since I was three years old, and I''m thankful that I''m a strong swimmer. My parents take pride in me and say,"Wow! You saved that little boy."People tell me I''m hero, but what else could I have done? He needed help, and knew what to do.The story happened ______ .A. in summerB. on a weekendC. in the eveningD. in autumnWhen the writer was saving the little boy, the adults were ______ .A. shouting for helpB. talking to each otherC. preparing for a partyD. looking for swimming glassesWho did CPR on the little boy? ______A. A doctor.B. The writer.C. The writer''s friend.D. The writer''s neighbour.What can we know about the writer? ______A. He is good at swimming.B. He doesn''t like going to parties.C. He and the little boy became good friends.D. He started to take swimming lessons three years ago.What does the writer want to tell in the last paragraph?______A. He just did what he was asked to.B. It''s something everyone can do.C. He just did what he should do.D. It''s something he is proud of.SIngvar Kamprad was born on 30th March 1926 in Ljungby, Sweden. He is the wealthiest European-born person and the seventh wealthiest person in the world. A businessman fromchildhood, he grew up from selling matches to his neighbours as a young boy to selling household items(用商品) to the world as the creator of furniture store IKEA. Kamprad discovered the secret of business at a young age. He realised that he could buy matches in bulk(批发)from Stockholm and sell them separately at reasonable prices, and still make a great deal of money. He developed his business successfully from matches to fish, Christmas cards and pens. When Kamprad was at the age of seventeen, his father gave him money as a prize for the progress he made in his studies. With this money. IKEA was born. IKEA is one of the most famous shops in the world. It sells furniture, accessories(配件),bathroom and kitchen items."IKEA" is known for always giving names instead of numbers to each of its products. This is because of Kamprad''s dyslexia(阅读障碍). Actually, he found names easier to remember than product codes (代码). The store''s name comes from Ingvar Kamprad''s initials (首字母)- IK, those of the family farm where he was born - Elmtaryd and the village close by - Agunnaryd. "IKEA" now has stores in over forty different countries. Kamprad is famous for his frugality. He doesn''t wear suits, and he flies economy class(经济舱). He also requires that his employees(员工) write on both sides of sheet of paper. He also drives fifteen-year-old Volvo, and is known to buy wrapping (包装)paper and Christmas paper in the post, especially during Christmas sales. However, Kamprad owns house with large garden in Switzerland and vineyard(葡萄园) in France.As a young boy, Kamprad made money by ______ .A. studying hardB. selling matchesC. selling furnitureD.making furnitureWhere did Kamprad get money to create IKEA? ______A. From the bank.B. From his father.C. From his school.D. From his friends.Why does IKEA give names instead of numbers to each of its products? ______A. Because Kamprad doesn''t like numbers.B. Because numbers look strange to customers.C. Because names are easier for Kamprad to remember.D. Because codes are easier for customers to remember.Which of the following has the closest meaning of the word "frugality"in Paragraph 4? ______A. Being careful about spending money.B. Being weak in remembering names.C. Being afraid of driving cars.D. Being good at taking photos.The main idea of the passage is probably about ______ .A. the family farm where Kamprad was bornB. the most famous furniture shops in the worldC. the prize for the progress Kamprad made in studiesD. the life of a successful businessman. Ingvar KampradA. What''s that?B. What are you going to do?C. Learn tocook on vacation? D. When are you going to take it? E. How are you going to be a volunteer(志愿者)? F. I am thinking about a volunteer vacation. G. Maybe I''ll go to an island and relax on the beach. A: Hi, Carol! I want to talk to you about my vacation. B:OK.(1) ______ A: In August. I have one week of vacation time. B:Lucky you. Where will you go?A:(2)______ B:That would be nice. A week is enough time to do that. A: Well, I also like to cook. So I want to do that on vacation. B:(3)______ That''s a good idea. A:Yes. Several countries offer cooking vacations. B: That sounds fun. I also have a plan for my vacation.(4) ______ A: Oh! You can do volunteer work like collecting or serving food or building houses. What a wonderful idea! B: Yes. But to do that, I''d like one thing. A:(5) ______ B: A longer vacation!(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)萨姆找到了扫帚,然后扫走了窗下的碎玻璃。
Investigating diurnal and seasonal climatic response to land use and land cover change over monsoon Asia with the Community Earth System Model Zhongfeng Xu 1,2,Rezaul Mahmood 3,Zong-Liang Yang 1,4,Congbin Fu 5,2,1,and Hua Su 41RCE-TEA,Institute of Atmospheric Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,China,2Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for Climate Change,Nanjing University,Nanjing,China,3Department of Geography and Geology,Western Kentucky University,Bowling Green,Kentucky,USA,4Department of Geological Sciences,Jackson School of Geosciences,University of Texas at Austin,Austin,Texas,USA,5Institute for Climate and Global Change Research and School of Atmospheric Sciences,Nanjing University,Nanjing,ChinaAbstract Land use and land cover change (LULCC)is primarily characterized as forest conversion to cropland for the development of agriculture.Previous climate modeling studies have demonstrated the LULCC impacts on mean climate and its long-term trends.This study investigates the diurnal and seasonal climatic response to LULCC in monsoon Asia through two numerical experiments with potential and current vegetation cover using the fully coupled Community Earth System Model.Results show that LULCC leads to a reduced diurnal temperature range due to the enhanced (reduced)diurnal cycle of the ground heat flux (sensible heat flux).Daily minimum surface air temperature (T min )exhibits a clear seasonality over India as it increases most in the premonsoon season and least during the summer monsoon season.Similarly,a strong anticyclonic anomaly is present at 850hPa over India in spring and over eastern China in autumn,but weak changes in circulation appear in winter and summer.In addition,the LULCC results in signi ficant changes in the variability of the 2m air temperature,as characterized by an enhanced variability in India and a reduced variability in northern China to eastern Mongolia in autumn and winter.Possible land-atmosphere feedback loops involving surface albedo,soil moisture,evapotranspiration,atmospheric circulation,and precipitation are offered as biogeophysical mechanisms that are responsible for the region-speci fic LULCC-induced diurnal and seasonal response.1.Introduction Human activities have signi ficantly altered land use and land cover primarily by transforming natural ecosystems into agricultural areas over the past centuries.The most signi ficant land use and land coverchange (LULCC)has occurred in East Asia,South Asia,Europe,and North America [Ramankutty and Foley ,1999].The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report documents that the LULCChas led to a global radiative forcing of À0.15±0.10W m À2since 1750due to the increased surface albedo[Myhre et al .,2013].In addition to the radiative effect [Eliseev and Mokhov ,2011a],nonradiative forcing,suchas changes in evapotranspiration,is also important,particularly at the regional scale [Pitman et al .,2009;Lawrence and Chase ,2010].Model simulations show that the impacts of LULCC on temperature andprecipitation are less important than those of large-scale sea surface temperature (SST)anomalies at theglobal scale.However,in regions with signi ficant LULCC,their impacts can be equal to or more than thosecaused by SST forcing [Findell et al .,2009].In addition to the mean climate,LULCC also strongly impactstemperature and rainfall extremes,which can amplify or mask the effect of increasing CO 2[Pitman et al .,2012;Avila et al .,2012].Monsoon Asia,which comprises South,Southeast,and East Asia,is a typical monsoon region with intensehuman activities.Approximately half of the world ’s population lives in monsoon Asia,where the land coverhas been dramatically changed by human activities over the past centuries [Ramankutty and Foley ,1999;Goldewijk ,2001;United Nations ,2013].Because of this reason,the potential impacts of LULCC on monsoonAsian climate have drawn more and more attention.Numerous studies have been performed using climatemodels in various subregions of monsoon Asia,such as the Tibetan Plateau [e.g.,Cui et al .,2006],north China[e.g.,Zhang ,2004],northwest China [e.g.,Lv and Chen ,1999;Ding et al .,2005],south China [e.g.,Zheng et al .,PUBLICATIONSJournal of Geophysical Research:AtmospheresRESEARCH ARTICLE10.1002/2014JD022479Key Points:•LULCC-induced climate changes showclear seasonality•LULCC led to signi ficant changes inclimate variability•The mechanisms of LULCC-inducedchanges in regional climate areelucidated Supporting Information:•Readme •Tables S1–S4•Figure S1•Figure S2•Figure S3•Figure S4•Figure S5•Figure S6•Figure S7•Figure S8Correspondence to:C.Fu,fcb@ Citation:Xu,Z.,R.Mahmood,Z.-L.Yang,C.Fu,andH.Su (2015),Investigating diurnal andseasonal climatic response to land useand land cover change over monsoonAsia with the Community Earth SystemModel,J.Geophys.Res.Atmos.,120,1137–1152,doi:10.1002/2014JD022479.Received 26AUG 2014Accepted 15JAN 2015Accepted article online 20JAN 2015Published online 12FEB 2015This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License,which permits use and distri-bution in any medium,provided the original work is properly cited,the use is non-commercial and no modi fications or adaptations are made.2002a,2002b],India[e.g.,Sud and Smith,1985;Douglas et al.,2006,2009;Sen Roy et al.,2007,2011],East Asia [Zhang and Gao,2009],Southeast Asia[e.g.,Delire et al.,2001],and Asia[Takata et al.,2009]over the recent decades.Different from these earlier studies,especially Zhang and Gao[2009]and Takata et al.[2009],our focus here is on the entire monsoon Asian region,using a significantly more sophisticated climate system model with afiner spatial resolution and with explicit ocean-atmosphere interactions.Many of previous modeling studies on the climatic effects of land cover change did not consider ocean-atmosphere interactions [e.g.,Fu,2003;Findell et al.,2009;Pitman et al.,2009;Avila et al.,2012;Boisier et al.,2012],but recent works suggest that the ocean-atmosphere coupling effect may modulate the magnitude of the climate response to LULCC[Delire et al.,2001;Davin and de Noblet-Ducoudré,2010;Ma et al.,2012].Using the National Center for Atmospheric Research(NCAR)Community Climate System Model(CCSM)with fully dynamic atmosphere, ocean,sea ice,and land surface(vegetation),Notaro et al.[2011]examined the response of global monsoons to an idealized reduction in the vegetation fraction.Their results show that the East Asian monsoon season occurs earlier in the year,while the change in the Indian monsoon is weak.Lawrence and Chase[2010]simulated the impacts of LULCC on the global climate in terms of changes in temperature,precipitation,energy,and the hydrological budget over different regions using the CCSM version3.In this study,we investigate the LULCC impacts on the monsoon Asian climate by generally following the experimental design of Lawrence and Chase[2010].However,our simulations use the Community Earth System Model(CESM),which includes the updated representation of the land surface as the Community Land Model version4(CLM4).Compared to the earlier CLM3,which was used in CCSM3in Lawrence and Chase [2010],CLM4better simulates soil moisture dynamics,surface albedo,and soil temperature[Lawrence et al., 2011].In addition,our analysis focuses on the diurnal and seasonal response of the monsoon Asian climate to LULCC,with an in-depth investigation of biogeophysical feedbacks involving land cover,soil moisture,surface albedo,soil temperature,and atmospheric circulation,an important topic that has not been thoroughly addressed in previous studies.2.Methodology2.1.Model DescriptionThis study uses CESM version1[Gent et al.,2011].CESM is a fully coupled Earth system model comprising four separate models that simultaneously simulate the Earth’s atmosphere,ocean,land surface,and sea ice. The atmospheric model is the Community Atmosphere Model(CAM)with the Lin-Roodfinite volume core [Lin,2004]and26vertical layers.The horizontal grid resolution was set to2.5°×1.875°.The ocean component is the Parallel Ocean Program version2[Smith et al.,2010],which is a three-dimensional general ocean circulation model.The land surface model is the Community Land Model version4(CLM4),with15vertical levels for vegetated,wetland,and glacier land units and10vertical levels for lakes.CLM4includes15plant functional types,as well as bare ground,lakes,and glaciers.Each vegetation type has its own leaf and stem areas,root distributions,optical properties,and canopy top and bottom heights[Dai et al.,2003].CLM4 does not differentiate the types of crops.All types of crops are given the same parameters.CLM4includes improved soil evaporation and snow parameterizations compared with its predecessor.These updates result in more realistic soil moisture dynamics,snow cover,soil temperature in organic-rich soils,and albedos in forests and grasslands[Lawrence et al.,2011].The sea ice component is the Community Ice Code,which is a dynamic-thermodynamic model that includes a subgrid-scale ice thickness distribution[Bitz et al.,2001; Lipscomb,2001].CESM and its predecessors,the Community Climate System Model(CCSM),have been widely used to study the paleoclimate and climate of the recent past and to project future climate change.The fully coupled CCSM3greatly improves South Asian monsoon rainfall relative to the atmosphere model(CAM3) due to the presence of thermodynamic air-sea coupling over the South Asia region[Meehl et al.,2006]. In comparison with CCSM3,CCSM4produces more realistic simulations of soil water from one season to the next,which improves the simulation of the latent heatflux in the dry and transitional seasons [Gent et al.,2011].The seasonality of LULCC-induced changes in the surface air temperature and land-atmosphere interactions are closely related to the precipitation and soil moisture climatology,which is elucidated in the next section.In addition,the intraseasonal and interannual variabilities in the Asia-Australian monsoon in CCSM4are improved relative to CCSM3[Meehl et al.,2012].The improvements in the simulatedTable1.LULCC-Induced Fractional Change in CLM Plant Functional Types(CurVeg-PotVeg)Over the Land Area in India (10–30°N,70–90°E)and in Eastern China(20–50°N,105–125°E)aPFT India Eastern China BareÀ5.15À1.72 Needleleaf evergreen temperate treeÀ0.73À15.19 Needleleaf evergreen boreal tree0.00À0.49 Needleleaf deciduous boreal tree0.000.00 Broadleaf evergreen tropical treeÀ3.07À0.23 Broadleaf evergreen temperate treeÀ0.25À0.44 Broadleaf deciduous tropical treeÀ38.21À1.29 Broadleaf deciduous temperate treeÀ6.20À15.58 Broadleaf deciduous boreal tree0.00À2.16 Evergreen temperate shrub0.000.00 Deciduous temperate shrubÀ4.10À0.66 Deciduous boreal shrub0.00À0.04C3grass arctic0.00+0.02C3grass nonarcticÀ0.04+7.11C4grass+3.65+5.71 Crop+46.71+20.79 Urban+7.40+4.16a Only the grid cells over land with surface pressure higher than850hPa were included in the statistics. precipitation,soil water,and monsoon variabilities provide more confidence for investigating the impacts of LULCC on Asian climate using CESM.2.2.Experimental DesignTo examine the effect of large-scale LULCC on monsoon Asia climate,two experiments were conducted using the fully coupled CESM.Thefirst experiment(PotVeg)was driven by potential vegetation cover data,and the second(CurVeg)was driven by current vegetation cover data.The potential vegetation distribution data were provided by Lawrence and Chase[2010]and were derived from the global land cover change data created by Ramankutty and Foley[1999].In the CurVeg experiment,a remote sensing vegetation map valid in 2000from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer data was used.In this study,the vegetation types and their fractional cover do not change with time;the leaf area index(LAI)varies monthly but not interannually.The soil color,soil texture,and areal percentages of lakes and glaciers in each grid cell are identical in all of the experiments.The ocean model was initialized from the present-day oceanic temperature and salinity conditions and from a state of rest.Both simulations were integrated for100years.Note that the deep ocean requires hundreds of years to reach an equilibrium state,but the upper ocean can reach equilibrium within a few decades.Investigating interannual variability requires the upper ocean be in a reasonable state of equilibrium[Kantha and Clayson,2000].In our simulations,the annual mean SST can reach equilibrium within10–20years in the western Pacific and northern Indian Oceans,which is generally consistent with previous studies[e.g.,Abe et al.,2003;Wohlfahrt et al.,2004;Kioth,2004].Deep soil moisture takes approximately30years to reach equilibrium in eastern China and India(not shown).Therefore,thefirst 40years of the simulations were discarded for spin-up purposes.Table1shows the fractional changes in various plant functional types(PFTs)between the current and potential vegetation maps over India and eastern China.In India,the loss of natural PFTs is dominated by decreases in broadleaf deciduous tropical trees,and cropland increases by approximately47%.In eastern China,the primary loss of natural PFTs is due to the losses of needleleaf evergreen temperate trees and broadleaf deciduous temperate trees by approximately15%,respectively.Consequently,cropland increases by approximately21%.These changes in PFTs are generally consistent with those in Lawrence and Chase [2010].As a result of these PFTs’changes,LAI shows a remarkable decrease over eastern China,the Indo-China peninsula,and India(Figure1).The decrease in LAI is greater in India than in eastern China throughout the year because a higher percentage of forest is converted into cropland in India than in China(Tables1and S1 in the supporting information).The needleleaf evergreen temperate trees have a smaller albedo than the broadleaf deciduous tropical trees.As a result,the LULCC leads to a larger increase in surface albedo in eastern China than in India(Table S2).2.3.Data and Statistical MethodThe National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)–National Center for Atmospheric Research(NCAR)reanalysis data [Kalnay et al .,1996]and Climatic Research Unit (CRU)data [Harris et al .,2014]were used to validate the performance of CESM in simulating monsoon Asian climate.The statisticalsigni ficance of the difference in the time series between the CurVeg and PotVeg experiments wasevaluated using the Student ’s t test,which takes the serial correlation into account [Zwiers and vonStorch ,1995].A field signi ficance test [Livezey and Chen ,1983;Elmore et al .,2006]was employed toevaluate the collective signi ficance of the differences between two spatial distributions.The F test wasemployed to examine the signi ficance of differences in the standard deviations between the CurVeg andPotVeg experiments.3.Results3.1.Evaluation of the Simulated Climate in Monsoon AsiaA 100year modern day CESM simulation was produced,and the last 60years were compared with observationsor the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis data.CESM well reproduces the spatial patterns of sea level pressure and 850hPavector winds over monsoon Asia.A high-pressure system is centered over the Asian continent in winter,which is associated with northerly winds over East Asia and easterly winds over South Asia;a reversedpattern occurs in summer (Figure S1).In spring and autumn,the 850hPa circulation is generally weakerthan in winter and summer in both the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis and CESM simulations.CESM can reasonablysimulate the Asian monsoon circulation and precipitation in a way similar to CCSM4[Meehl et al .,2012].However,relative to the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis wind,CESM displays signi ficant biases in monsooncirculation (Figure S1),as characterized by overestimated 850hPa wind speeds over monsoon Asia inwinter,spring,and autumn.Similar to its predecessors,CESM does a fairly good job in reproducing the annual cycle of precipitation inmonsoon Asia and the timing of the monsoon onset [Meehl et al .,2006;Notaro et al .,2011;Lee et al .,2013],but signi ficant precipitation biases are noted.For example,in comparison with CRU data,the simulatedprecipitation is underestimated by 0.02mm d À1(2.5%)over eastern China in winter but is overestimatedby 1.33,0.95,and 0.75mm d À1(41%,20%,and 38%)in spring,summer,autumn,respectively.Over India,the precipitation is overestimated by 0.01,2.00,1.64,and 0.55mm d À1(2.3%,35%,74%,and 56%)inspring,summer,autumn,and winter,respectively.CESM captures the annual cycle of T max ,T min ,and diurnaltemperature range (DTR)over both India and eastern China (Figure S2).However,the simulated T max is lowerthan CRU data by about 2°C throughout the year,and the simulated T min is signi ficantly higher than CRUby 2–4°C in India throughout the year (Figure S2c).As a result,DTR is underestimated by 1–4°C in India(Figure S2e).In eastern China,the simulated T min is signi ficantly higher than CRU data by 2–3°C from April toSeptember but is lower by 1–2°C in winter (Figure S2d).The errors in the DTR are generally smaller in easternChina than in India (Figures S2e andS2f).Figure 1.LULCC-induced changes (CurVeg-PotVeg)in leaf area index (LAI)in (a)winter (December-January-February)and(b)summer (June-July-August).3.2.Diurnal and Seasonal Climatic Response to LULCC3.2.1.Surface Air TemperatureLULCC leads to a signi ficant decrease in T max by 1–1.5°C in eastern China in both winter and summer(Figures 2a and 2b).A weak decrease (increase)in T max is found in India in winter (summer)(Figures 2a and2b).In contrast,T min is signi ficantly increased by 0.5–1°C (0.5–1.5°C)in eastern China and 0.5–3°C (0.5–2°C)inIndia in winter (summer)(Figures 2c and 2d).The magnitude of the change in the daily mean air temperatureis similar to that in T max and T min but closer to that in T min (not shown),suggesting that the nighttimetemperature increase plays a more important role than the daytime temperature decrease in determining thechange in the daily mean air temperature.A signi ficant decrease in the DTR is found over India and easternChina in both seasons due to the signi ficant increase in T min and the decrease (or weak increase)in T max .Thechanges in T min and DTR are larger over India in winter than in summer (Figures 2c –2f).To examine the time dependence of LULCC-induced changes in the surface climate,the annual cycle of thechanges in T max ,T min ,T2m,and DTR over India and eastern China were assessed.In India,the LULCC-inducedchange in T max is weak throughout the year (Figure 3a).However,the LULCC leads to a signi ficant increaseinFigure 2.Difference in the 2m air temperature (°C)between the CurVeg and PotVeg experiments in (a,c,and e)winter(December-January-February)and (b,d and f)summer (June-July-August).T max :daily maximum temperature,T min :dailyminimum temperature,and DTR:diurnal temperature range (°C).The shaded areas denote the signi ficance level of 0.05.All changes in T max ,T min ,and DTR have a field signi ficance level of 0.05.T min throughout the year.The change in T min shows a clear seasonality characterized by signi ficant warming(1.5°C)in spring and a smaller warming (0.5°C)in summer.The annual cycle of the daily mean T2m basicallyfollows that of T min except that the change is smaller.The maximum decrease in the DTR (À1.7°C)appearsin February-March-April and the minimum decrease (À0.4°C)during the Indian summer monsoon season(Figure 3a).In eastern China,the LULCC results in a signi ficant cooling in T max and a signi ficant warming inT min throughout the year.The DTR is reduced by approximately 1°C throughout the year without a clearseasonality (Figure 3b).Kalnay and Cai [2003]also found that LULCC could lead to a decrease in the DTRwhen contrasting reanalysis data with observation data.To investigate the causes of the LULCC-induced changes in the surface air temperature and its seasonality,wecomputed all components of the land surface energy balance equation using the three-hourly output fromthe PotVeg and CurVeg experiments:R a ÀL ↑ÀL ↓ÀÁÀH ÀλE ÀG ¼0(1)The longwave radiation emitted from the land surface can be written as follows:σT 4¼R a þL ↓ÀH ÀλE ÀG (2)where σis the Stefan-Boltzmann constant (5.67×10À8W m À2K À4),T is the land surface temperature(radiative temperature),R a is the absorbed solar radiation at the land surface (ASR),L ↑is the upward longwaveradiation from the surface,L ↓is the downward atmospheric longwave radiation (ALR),H is the sensible heatflux (SH),λE is the latent heat flux (LH),and G is the ground heat flux (GHF).Subsequently,we can determinewhich component(s)of the energy budget is responsible for the change in the land surface temperatureby analyzing changes in the land surface fluxes.A similar approach was employed in Boisier et al .[2012]toattribute changes in the monthly surface air temperature in North America and western Eurasia to changes inthe surface energy budget components.The climatology of land surface fluxes simulated by CESM is important to understand the impact of LULCCon regional climate.We brie fly introduce the climatology of the land surface fluxes before analyzing theLULCC-induced changes.The climatological GHF exhibits a clear diurnal cycle characterized by a downwardheat flux (positive)in the day and an upward heat flux (negative)at night throughout the year (not shown).The downward GHF transfers energy from the land surface into deeper soil,which decreases the land surfacetemperature in the day.The upward GHF transfers energy from deeper soil to the land surface andincreases the land surface temperature at night.The sensible heat flux also shows a similar diurnal cyclebut with an upward (positive)flux during the day and a downward (negative)flux at night (not shown).The positive (negative)SH transfers energy from the land surface (atmosphere)to the atmosphere(land surface),which then cools (warms)the land surface and warms (cools)the atmosphere.We onlydiscuss the climatology of GHF and SH because they are the most important variables regarding thechanges in diurnal cycle of surface air temperature based on the following analysis.The LULCC-induced changes in GHF,SH,LH,ASR,ALR,and their sum over India and eastern China wereassessed.The GHF,SH,and LH were multiplied by À1,respectively,for convenient comparison.Thus,apositiveFigure 3.Annual cycle of the LULCC-induced (CurVeg-PotVeg)change in the daily maximum and minimum 2m air temperature (°C),daily mean temperature,and DTR over the land grid cells (a)in India (10–30°N,70–90°E)and (b)in eastern China (22–40°N,105–120°E).Only the grid cells over land with surface pressures higher than 850hPa were included in the statistics.The open circles indicate differences that reach the signi ficance level of 0.05.(negative)change in the sum of the five variables warms (cools)the land surface based on equation (2).The sum of GHF,SH,LH,ASR,and ALR for both the day and night is positive,indicating a warming of the land surface over India (Figures 4a and 4b).The daytime land surface warming favors an increase in T max at 2m.However,the LULCC-induced decrease in SH (Figure 4a)reduces the energy transfer from the land surface to the atmosphere,thereby reducing T max .As a result,no signi ficant change is found in T max over India (Figure 3a).In eastern China,no signi ficant change is found in land surface temperature;thus,the weakening of SH accounts for the decrease in T max (cooling)throughout the year (Figures 3b and 4c).At night,the sum of GHF,SH,LH,ASR,and ALR is also positive,indicating a land surface warming in eastern China (Figure 4d).In addition,the weakening of the downward sensible heat flux helps maintain the nighttime air temperature and cools the land surface.As a result,T min signi ficantly increases over India and eastern China throughout the year (Figures 3a,3b,4b,and 4d).Clearly,the LULCC-induced subdaily changes in the GHF and SH are signi ficant in both India and eastern China throughout the year and are the primary factors leading to a signi ficant decrease in DTR.Interestingly,the most signi ficant increase in T min over India occurs before the summer monsoon season,with a smaller increase during the summer monsoon season (Figure 3a).A similar seasonality of T2m is also found over western Eurasia,as characterized by the most signi ficant decrease in T2m in spring [de Noblet-Ducoudréet al .,2012].The LULCC leads to an enhanced diurnal cycle of GHF,suggesting that more energy enters deeper soil during the day throughout the year.The energy transmitted to and absorbed by the deeper soils during the day is transferred toward the surface at night,leading to an increased nighttime surface temperature and a reduced DTR [cf.Oke ,1987;Rosenberg et al .,1983].On the other hand,the LULCC leads to a decrease intheFigure 4.Annual cycle of the changes (CurVeg-PotVeg)in the daytime and nighttime fluxes (W m À2)(a,b)in India (10–30°N,70–90°E)and (c,d)in eastern China (20–40°N,105–125°E).Only the grid cells over land with surface pressures higher than 850hPa were included in the statistics.GHF:ground heat flux,SH:sensible heat flux,LH:latent heat flux,ASR:absorbed solar radiation at the land surface,ALR:atmospheric longwave radiation,and sum:sum of the five variables.The GHF,SH,and LH were multiplied by À1,respectively,for convenient comparison.A positive (negative)change warms up (cools)the land surface.The stippled bars indicate differences that reach the signi ficance level of 0.05.Daytime (nighttime):UTC 09(UTC 21)for India and UTC 06(UTC 18)for eastern China.surface roughness length,which enhances the aerodynamic resistance.Consequently,the sensible heatflux shows a weakened diurnal cycle.The reduced downward SH from the atmosphere to the land surface at night is also favorable for maintaining the air temperature.Clearly,the maximum change in GHF and SH appears in spring and accounts for the most significant increase in T min over India in spring(Figures3a and4b).The maximum change in GHF is related to the highest absorbed solar insolation and the driest soil condition in spring(Figure S3).These conditions cause stronger and more effective heat transfer between the land surface and deeper soils,thereby increasing the downward GHF during the day and the upward GHF at night.Previous studies also suggest that drier soil and degradation of vegetation can lead to a reduction in DTR across North Africa and global monsoon regions[Zhou et al.,2007;Notaro et al.,2011].A recent study using observed ground heatflux and radiation data from the Ecosystem Research Network developed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences suggests that the GHF is positively(negatively)correlated with net radiation(soil heat capacity)at the subdaily timescale[Li et al.,2012],which are consistent with our results.Yang et al.[1999]investigated theinfluence of vegetation on ground heatflux by using two land surface models;their study suggested that vegetation dampens the solar radiation at the surface and reduces the amplitude of the diurnal cycle of temperature,which in turn reduces the amplitude of the ground heatflux,and vice versa.LULCC is primarily characterized by a degradation of vegetation,which typically enhances the diurnal cycle of the GHF.The enhanced GHF and reduced SH plays a dominant role in determining T2m at the subdaily time scale in both India and eastern China.However,on the daily mean or longer time scales,the change in the daytime GHF(SH) is partly canceled out by the change in the nighttime GHF(SH).In this case,the changes in other land surface fluxes,such as LH,become important[Lawrence and Chase,2010].3.2.2.Frequency Distribution of Daily2m Air TemperatureTo examine the features of daily air temperature in response to the LULCC,the frequency of the dailyair temperature anomalies in various temperature bins was computed(Figures S4and S5).In India,the frequency distribution of T min is shifted to warmer conditions by roughly2°C in spring and winter and less than1°C in summer and autumn,suggesting the LULCC leads to more warm nights and less cold nights throughout the year.In contrast,the frequency of the daily T max shows either no clear change or a slight shift to the cooler conditions throughout the year.The change in the frequency of T min is related to the changes in the GHF and SH.The frequency of the nighttime GHF shows a clear shift to negative values in all seasons, indicating that the LULCC induces more strong GHF events and less weak GHF events at night,i.e.,favoring a shift in T min toward warmer conditions(not shown).The frequency of the nighttime SH exhibits a positive shift,which is also favorable for the increase in the warmer T min events(not shown).In eastern China,the change in the frequency distribution of the surface air temperature is generally much weaker than that in India(Figures S4and S5).The frequency distribution of T max(T min)shifts to colder (warmer)conditions throughout the year,indicating that the LULCC leads to more cold days and warm nights (Figure S5).The change in the frequency distribution of T max is clearer than that of T min in eastern China,in contrast to that in India.The cold shift in T max is stronger in summer and winter than in spring and autumn in eastern China.The frequency distributions of the GHF and SH are similar to those in India,which result in a shift in T min to the warmer conditions(not shown).However,the warm shift in T min is weaker in eastern China than in India because the LULCC leads to a larger increase in the land surface albedo in eastern China than in India(Table S2).The higher land surface albedo leads to lower daytime land surface temperatures, which partly negates the increase in the GHF and the nighttime land surface temperature.Meanwhile,the enhanced land surface albedo is favorable for the cold shift in the T max distribution.3.2.3.Precipitation and CirculationLULCC leads to a decrease in precipitation over northern India throughout the year with a maximum decrease of1mm dÀ1in August(Figure S6).In terms of the percentage change in precipitation,the maximum decrease(30%)occurs over northern India in spring.However,the changes in precipitation do not reach the field significance level of0.05.The LULCC causes an air temperature increase of0.2–0.4°C from the surface to 850hPa and a decrease of0.2–0.4°C between700hPa and200hPa over India(not shown).The difference between the CurVeg and PotVeg experiments shows a clear anticyclonic circulation anomaly at850hPa over India in spring(Figure5b);the circulation anomaly is associated with a tropospheric anomalous subsidence, which suppresses precipitation(Figures6a and S6c).For the vertical circulation and precipitation,similar responses to the reduced vegetation are also found in autumn by Notaro et al.[2011].The anticyclonic and subsidence anomalies are likely related to the LULCC-induced increase in the surface albedo(Table S2)and。
Four Laws of Ecology1 In broad outline,there are environmental cycles which govern the behavior of the three great global systems:the air,the water,and the soil.Within each of them live many thousands of different species of living things.Each species is suited to its particular environmental niche,and each,through its life processes,affects the physical and chemical properties of its immediate environment.1概括来讲,地球的三大系统—空气、水和土壤的行为由环境循环所决定。
2 Each living species is also linked to many others.These links are bewildering in their variety and marvelous in their intricate detail.An animal,such as a deer,may depend on plants for food;the plants depend on the action of soil bacteria for their nutrients;the bacteria in turn live on the organic wastes dropped by the animal on the soil.At the same time.the deer is food for the mountain lion. Insects may live on the juices of plants or gather pollen from their flowers.Other insects suck blood from animals.Bacteria may live on the internal tissues of animals and plants.Fungi degrade the bodies of dead plants and animals.All this,many times multiplied and organized species by species in intricate,precise relationships,makes up the vast network of life on the earth.2每个生物物种也与许多其他的物种相联系。
人类是否应该继续进行海洋探索的英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Should We Keep Exploring the Oceans?Hi there! My name is Sam, and I'm 10 years old. Today, I want to talk to you about something that I think is really, really interesting and important. It's all about the oceans and whether we humans should keep exploring them or not.I love learning about the oceans. They're just so fascinating, don't you think? Covering almost three-quarters of our planet, the oceans are like a whole different world waiting to be discovered. Just imagine all the cool creatures and mysterious places that are still out there, hidden beneath those deep, dark waters.Of course, we've already learned quite a bit about the oceans over the years. Scientists and explorers have gone on underwater expeditions and made some amazing discoveries. Like, did you know that the ocean's deepest point, called the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench, is almost 7 miles deep? That's incredible! And what about all the weird and wonderful sea creaturesthey've found, like the anglerfish with that glowing lure on its head or the vampire squid with those big, red eyes? So cool!But as awesome as those discoveries are, I think there's still so much more waiting to be uncovered in the oceans. Just think about how mind-blowing it would be to find a whole new species that we never even knew existed before! Or maybe there are ancient shipwrecks from long, long ago, just sitting on the ocean floor with all sorts of treasures and artifacts inside. Who knows what other secrets are lurking in those unexplored regions of the sea?That's why I believe we should definitely keep exploring the oceans. It's a chance to learn so many new things and make groundbreaking discoveries that could change everything we thought we knew. Plus, the more we understand about the oceans, the better we can protect them and all the amazing life they contain.Some people might say that ocean exploration is too dangerous or too expensive. And sure, it's not exactly a walk in the park. There are risks like powerful currents, extreme water pressure, and maybe even terrifying sea monsters (just kidding (I)think). It also requires lots of fancy equipment and technology,which isn't cheap. But in my opinion, the potential rewards far outweigh the costs and challenges.Think about everything we've accomplished already by exploring the oceans: we've mapped the seafloor, found underwater mountain ranges and volcanoes, and even visited the remains of the Titanic! With perseverance and cutting-edge technology, who's to say we can't make even more incredible breakthroughs in the future?And let's not forget how important the oceans are for our planet and our survival. They generate most of the oxygen we breathe, absorb a bunch of carbon dioxide, regulate our climate, and provide food for billions of people. By learning as much as we can about this vital part of our world, we're giving ourselves the best shot at protecting it for generations to come.So in conclusion, while ocean exploration has its risks and costs, I wholeheartedly believe it's absolutely worth it for all the knowledge and understanding we can gain. The oceans make up such a huge part of our planet, yet there are still countless mysteries waiting to be unraveled in their murky depths. With continued exploration, perhaps one day we'll finally uncover all their secrets and wonders. To me, that potential is thrilling andincredibly exciting! Who's with me on the next deep sea adventure?篇2Should We Keep Exploring the Ocean?The ocean is a vast, mysterious place that covers most of our planet. For someone my age, it's hard to imagine just how big and deep it really is! Even though people have been sailing across the ocean for a very long time, there is still so much of it that remains unexplored and unknown to us.I think we should definitely keep exploring the ocean because there are so many amazing discoveries just waiting to be found! Who knows what kinds of incredible creatures are lurking in the deepest, darkest parts of the sea? Maybe there are fish larger than any whale, or sharks with glowing teeth, or octopuses that can change colors like a kaleidoscope. The possibilities are endless and utterly fascinating to think about.Not only could we find new animals, but also new landscapes and geographical features. There could be underwater mountains taller than the Himalayas, canyons deeper than the Grand Canyon, and volcanic vents spewing hot, colorful streams. Some places in the ocean are so far down that thepressure is greater than you'd experience at the very deepest depths of a coal mine! Those extreme environments might have rocks and minerals that have never been seen before.By continuing to explore, we could make discoveries that change our understanding of life on Earth and the origins of our planet. It's mind-blowing to think that the ocean's secrets could be holding clues about the very first living things and how life began. Some of those oldest lifeforms might still be alive today, just waiting to be found by a deep-sea explorer's submarine cameras.Ocean exploration could also help solve some of the biggest mysteries we have about things like currents, tides, and weather patterns. By studying the depths, we might finally get answers to why whirlpools and giant waves form, or what causes El Niño and other weird changes in temperature. Having a better understanding of the ocean could really help communities and animals that live along the coasts.Another important reason we need to keep exploring is to learn more about how human activities are affecting and changing the ocean. Pollution, overfishing, climate change, and other environmental issues are putting the ocean in a stressed condition. By mapping out the impacts in detail, ocean explorerscould help create solutions to better protect this vital resource that covers most of our planet.Just imagine a world where we stopped exploring the ocean out of a lack of curiosity or motivation. We could be missing out on discovering a life-saving medicine from a deep-sea sponge, or learning about a new energy source hidden in the ocean's depths. Our knowledge and capabilities would remain limited if we failed to push forward into the unknown realms of the ocean.Of course, ocean exploration isn't easy - it requires lots of expensive equipment like research vessels, submarines, deep-sea cameras and vehicles that can withstand immense pressure. It also involves highly trained teams of scientists, engineers, navigators, and other experts. Not to mention, exploring the deep is an extremely dangerous occupation with risks like getting lost, running out of air, or being crushed by the intense pressure of the depths. Even unmanned robotic probes can easily get tangled or lost.But despite all the challenges, the pursuit of ocean exploration is crucial for humanity to expand the boundaries of our understanding and knowledge. The ocean covers more than two-thirds of our planet's surface and plays a huge role in supporting life on Earth. It holds the answers to countlessmysteries about our world, our origins, and perhaps even our future.To me, it's simply unimaginable to let all those secrets remain hidden and unexplored when we have the curiosity and potential to uncover them. The ocean's wonders are vast, beautiful, and magical. Our spirit of exploration is what allowed humans to spread across the globe and now travel into space. Shouldn't we bring that same sense of daring and inquiry to investigate the remote depths of the seas as well? The ocean is our world's largest remaining frontier for discovery, and I believe it's our responsibility to respectfully explore, study, and unlock its marvels.篇3Should We Keep Exploring the Oceans?The oceans cover almost three-quarters of our planet's surface! They are vast, deep, and mostly unexplored by human eyes. We have ventured to the moon and peered into the farthest corners of our galaxy, but there is still so much of the underwater world that remains a mystery to us. I think we should absolutely keep exploring the oceans – who knows what incredible discoveries await us beneath the waves?Just think about all the awesome things we've already found in the oceans. There are bizarre, glowing creatures that light up the inky depths, like the anglerfish with its freaky, dangling lure. Other ocean animals are just plain huge, like the giant squid that could easily wrap its tentacles around a bus! And don't forget about all the tiny critters too, like the mesmerizing coral polyps that construct those dazzling underwater cities we call reefs.But those are just the creatures we've managed to spot so far. Who's to say there aren't even weirder, more mind-blowing life forms still hiding in the unexplored regions? With ridiculously high pressure, near-freezing temperatures, and total darkness in the deepest trenches, those areas are like a totally different world compared to the surface waters. Maybe there are bioluminescent sharks down there, or transparent fish, or slimy creatures without any eyes at all! We just don't know, and isn't not knowing part of what makes exploring so exciting?It's not just about finding new species of sea critters either. By studying the oceans, we could unlock clues to the biggest mysteries in science. For example, some scientists think the answers to how life on Earth first began could be found at deep-sea hydrothermal vents, where scorching, mineral-rich fluids spew out from the ocean floor. Exploring these ventsmight help reveal insights about the very origins of life itself on our planet and maybe even other worlds!We've also barely scratched the surface when it comes to mapping the twisting maze of undersea mountain ranges, trenches, and canyons that make up the vast submarine landscape. With modern technology like robotic submersibles and sonar imaging, we could construct a far more detailed picture of what the ocean floor actually looks like than the rough maps we have now. That could lead to important discoveries about how the continents drifted and shifted shape over millions of years.Plus, who knows what other treasures are down there just waiting to be uncovered? Sunken shipwrecks from centuries ago, maybe even holding fortunes in gold and jewels! Or ancient ruins of cities that got swallowed up by rising seas thousands of years ago. Heck, maybe we'd even find artifacts left behind by alien visitors in the ancient past. You never know!Some people might argue that we've already explored enough of the oceans and it's too expensive, dangerous, or damaging to the environment to keep going. But to me, those reasons not to explore just aren't very good ones.Money shouldn't be an issue - the United States alone spends over 700 billion per year on its military. Surely a small fraction of that money could go towards funding awesome ocean missions instead of making bigger bombs and fighters jets. As for it being too dangerous, well, it's certainly riskier than sitting at home watching TV. But that's true of pretty much any kind of exploration, whether it's climbing mountains or trekking across Antarctica or yes, diving to the ocean depths. Society wouldn't get anywhere if we just played it safe all the time and never ventured into the unknown.And while it's important to be mindful of protecting marine habitats, modern exploration technologies like robotic probes allow us to study the oceans in a much less disruptive way than the old-school methods of dredging, drilling, and sending humans down in clunky submarines. With some sensible rules and planning, there's no reason why exploration has to destroy the very environment we're trying to understand.So in my opinion, the pros of ocean exploration massively outweigh the cons. It would be an absolute shame, even a tragedy, if humanity just stopped pursuing the task of unraveling the secrets of the last great unexplored frontier on planet Earth. Beneath the waves could lie the keys to answering some of themost profound questions of our existence – where we came from, what awaits in the future, and whether we are alone in the universe. Or at the very least, we'll get to see lots of really bizarre, slimy, blobby critters that will blow our minds! The oceans clearly have far too much awesomeness left to uncover. Full ocean exploration ahead!篇4Should We Keep Exploring the Oceans?Have you ever been to the beach and looked out at the vast ocean stretching to the horizon? The ocean covers most of our planet, yet there is still so much of it that remains unexplored and mysterious. Should human beings keep venturing out to study and discover the secrets of the deep blue sea? I think the answer is definitely yes!There are many important reasons why we need to continue exploring the oceans. One big reason is that the oceans provide food for billions of people around the world. By better understanding ocean life, currents, and habitats, we can learn how to manage fishing more sustainably so fish populations stay healthy and we have enough to eat.Another crucial reason is to learn more about climate change and how it is affecting marine ecosystems. As the Earth gets warmer due to human activities, the oceans are absorbing a lot of that extra heat. This causes sea levels to rise, putting coastal cities at risk of flooding. It's also making the water more acidic, which can harm marine creatures like coral reefs. We need to explore the changes happening in the oceans so we know how to address this global threat.There are also many potential benefits from exploring the ocean's vast array of life forms and natural resources. Marine plants and animals may hold the keys to developing new medicines to treat diseases. Valuable minerals and energy sources could be found on the ocean floors. New frontiers and their discoveries often lead to new technologies that improve our lives in unexpected ways.However, some people worry that exploring the oceans could do more harm than good. They are concerned that sending ships, submersibles, and drilling equipment into the depths could threaten and disturb fragile ecosystems. There have already been tragic cases of pollution, habitat destruction, and species going extinct due to human activities in marineenvironments. We would need to be very careful to avoid further damaging this critical part of our planet's biosphere.Those are valid concerns, but I believe the potential benefits of responsible ocean exploration far outweigh the risks. We simply must find more sustainable ways to use and protect the oceans, which cover over 70% of the Earth's surface and are indispensable to all life. By sending scientists, researchers, and explorers into the deep, while prioritizing conservation and environmental regulations, we can gain invaluable knowledge to help safeguard the seas for future generations.Just imagine all the wonders that still await discovery! Bioluminescent creatures that light up the perpetual darkness of the ocean depths. Undiscovered species of fish, whales, sharks, and other marine life. Vast underwater mountain ranges and canyons sculpted over millennia. Remnants of long-lost civilizations that could teach us about our ancient ancestors who lived along the coasts and explored the seas with primitive boats and rafts.To me, the greatest reason to keep exploring the oceans is that they remain one of the most mysterious and thrilling frontiers, comprising an entire world unto itself. The drive to discover and understand is a fundamental part of human nature.The seas have captured our imagination and spirit of adventure for as long as humanity has existed. I can't wait to see and learn about what other incredible marvels are still out there, waiting to be revealed by the intrepid ocean explorers of tomorrow.Who knows what they might find? Sunken pirate ships laden with treasures of lore? New islands and archipelagos that could become future homes and sanctuaries? Technological innovations like better ways to desalinate water and provide fresh drinking water for our growing population? The oceans are brimming with possibilities as exciting and vast as their millions of square miles.So let's keep sailing, diving, and uncovering the oceans' secrets to help make the world a better place. With courage, perseverance, and respect for the majesty and power of the seas, I know we can navigate these uncharted waters and continue the noble tradition of ocean exploration. The human journey to discover all the wonders of our ocean planet is far from over. Full steam ahead, brave mariners! The depths await your curiosity.篇5Should We Keep Exploring the Oceans?Have you ever gone to the beach and looked way out at the big blue ocean? It seems to go on forever, doesn't it? Well, believe it or not, scientists have only explored a tiny part of the oceans on our planet. Most of it is still a huge mystery!The oceans cover about 70% of the Earth's surface. But even though the oceans are so incredibly big, humans have only explored maybe 20% of them. That means a whopping 80% of the oceans are still largely unexplored by us! Can you believe that? With all our science and technology, we've only seen a small fraction of the wonders that lie beneath the ocean waves.Some people think we should just leave the rest of the oceans alone. They argue that exploring the oceans costs a lot of money that could be spent on other important things. Or they worry that exploring the oceans could harm ocean life and habitats. I understand those concerns, but I strongly believe we need to keep exploring and learning more about the oceans. Here's why:New Scientific DiscoveriesThe ocean is teeming with undiscovered life forms and natural wonders we know nothing about yet. Every time scientists go on a deep ocean expedition, they find bizarre new creatures and geological formations unlike anything we've seenbefore. Who knows what other mind-blowing discoveries are waiting to be uncovered?By exploring more of the oceans, we could make new scientific breakthroughs that lead to better medicines, innovative technologies, and a deeper understanding of our world. The oceans are a vast repository of knowledge just waiting to be tapped into. We'd be missing out big time if we didn't keep probing their secrets.Resources for the FutureThe oceans don't just contain undiscovered life – they likely hold valuable resources that could help the human race as well. There may be unique minerals or energy sources hidden in the ocean floors that we could use for new products or sources of fuel and power. The oceans could provide resources to support a growing human population on a crowded planet.If we don't explore the oceans further, we may be missing out on resources that could make life better for billions of people in the future. It would be short-sighted of us to completely neglect the vast resource potential of the underwater world.Understanding Climate ChangeDid you know the oceans absorb a huge portion of the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere? Or that patterns of ocean circulation play a major role in driving weather and climate conditions around the globe? By studying the oceans in greater depth, scientists can gain crucial insights into climate change and how to mitigate its effects.The oceans are intricately connected to the environmental health of the entire planet. The more we can learn about them through exploration, the better equipped we'll be to protect the oceans themselves and the Earth as a whole from climate change moving forward.Inspiring Human ImaginationWhen I picture the wonders of the ocean depths, like bioluminescent fish that glow in the dark, hydrothermal vents gushing super-heated fluid, and giant submarine canyons wider than any canyon on land, I feel endless curiosity and amazement. Learning about the oceans sparks creativity and imagination in a way few frontiers can match.Continuing to explore the oceans will open up new worlds of incredible discoveries to capture the imagination of kids like me. It will inspire us to pursue careers in science, ask big questions about our planet, and push the boundaries of what's possiblethrough human exploration. That sense of curiosity and wonder is invaluable.Of course, any future ocean exploration needs to be done responsibly and with care for the ocean environment. We can't just go explore recklessly and damage precious ecosystems. Scientists have to be thoughtful about their methods and make sure not to cause harm.But as long as we're smart about it, I believe the potential benefits of opening up the last unexplored frontier on Earth far outweigh any costs or risks. The oceans are a vast unexplored marvel waiting to be appreciated and understood. We'd be missing out on so much if we just ignored them.s are built to explore and discover – it's a huge part of what makes our species so special. We've already learned so much by venturing out on land and into space. And now, the uncharted waters of the oceans are calling to us. We owe it to ourselves to dive in and embrace the wonders and opportunities they contain.So pack up your swim trunks and scuba gear, because the human race is just getting started when it comes to exploring the azure blue depths of our world's oceans. The discoveries and possibilities waiting for us beneath the waves are moreincredible than we can even imagine yet. Full ocean exploration ahead!篇6Should We Keep Exploring the Oceans?The oceans are really cool! They cover most of our planet with their bright blue waters. But did you know that we have only explored about 20% of the oceans so far? That means there is still 80% of the oceans left for us to discover and learn about. I think we should definitely keep exploring the oceans, and here's why.First of all, the oceans are home to so many amazing plants and animals that we haven't even seen yet. Can you imagine how exciting it would be to be the first person to discover a brand new species of fish or whale or octopus? There could be some really bizarre and colorful creatures lurking in the deep, dark trenches at the bottom of the sea. Just think of all the awesomely weird stuff that's out there, just waiting to be found!In school, we learned about the food chain and how every living thing depends on other living things to survive. Well, the oceans are a huge part of that food chain. By exploring more of the oceans, scientists can learn about how different oceanecosystems work and how the plants and animals rely on each other. That's important knowledge for protecting those ecosystems and making sure nothing goes extinct.The oceans also play a major role in our weather patterns and climate on land. The currents and temperatures of the oceans have a big effect on things like hurricanes, droughts, and global warming. If we understand the oceans better by exploring them, we can better predict dangerous storms and work on solutions for climate change.Another reason to explore is that the oceans could have some amazing resources that we haven't discovered yet. Maybe there are new energy sources or materials down there that could really help humanity. Or maybe there are new medicines hidden in the venom of a freaky sea creature! You never know what we might find.I also want to learn more about the geography and geology of the ocean floors. There are massive mountain ranges, deep trenches, and volcano systems that we know very little about. Wouldn't it be awesome to get up close to an underwater volcano or walk around on a mountain ridge at the bottom of the sea? That would be like exploring an alien planet!Of course, exploring the oceans is also really important for shipwrecks and underwater archaeology. There could be sunken ships and ruins down there from ancient civilizations that we didn't even know existed. Just imagine discovering a 2,000 year old sunken city or treasure from pirates and Vikings and stuff. How insanely cool would that be?Some people might say that we've already explored enough of the oceans, or that it's too expensive and dangerous to explore the deep ocean trenches and volcanos. But I think those people are just being lazy and boring.Ocean exploration is exciting and full of chances to make astonishing new discoveries! Who knows what amazing creatures, artifacts, and knowledge are just waiting to be found under the waves? With better technology like robot submarines and stuff, we can explore farther and safer than ever before.In my opinion, leaving 80% of the oceans unexplored would be a huge missed opportunity for science, archaeology, medicine, and just pure adventure. Earth is a planet with oceans covering most of its surface, so exploring them is key to truly understanding our own planet.The spirit of exploration is what led humans to spread out across the whole globe in the first place. Now it's time to explorethe last frontier of our world - the deep blue oceans! Who's ready to suit up, hop in a submarine, and join the adventure? I know I am! Let's keep diving into the mysteries under the sea.。
吉林省长春市第104中学2023-2024学年七年级英语第二学期期末检测模拟试题满分120分,时间90分钟一、单项选择(共10小题,满分20分)1、—What a sunny day! How about playing baseball?—________ Let’s go.A. That sounds good.B. It doesn’t matter.C. You are welcome.D. I don’t think so.2、— How time flies! It is ten years ago when we met last time.— ________, I still remember what you wore that day.A. As usualB. At that momentC. Believe it or notD. From then on3、When you ________ at the square, you can see all the people hurrying like ants.A. look afterB. look upC. look downD. look out4、—Do you have anything else to say?—I told you everything. I have nothing to ________.A. hideB. holdC. hitD. hunt5、— Did you win the first prize in the running race?— No, at the last second, Lisa shot past me and crossed the finishing line.A. stayed quietlyB. moved slowlyC. ran quickly6、how+形容词/副词+主语+谓语!分析句子结构可知,句子中心词“goldfish”是不可数名词,所以用what修饰,故选D。
介绍宇航员一天的英语作文七年级全文共5篇示例,供读者参考篇1A Day in the Life of an AstronautHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm going to tell you all about what a day is like for an astronaut in space. It's a really cool job and not many people get to do it!Astronauts live and work on a spacecraft called the International Space Station or ISS. It's a huge laboratory that orbits around the Earth. The day starts very early for astronauts, usually around 6am. They have to wake up right when an alarm goes off because their schedule is super busy.The first thing they do is put on their space clothes called a spacesuit. Spacesuits are really important because they allow the astronauts to go outside the spacecraft and work or explore in space. Without a spacesuit, the astronauts wouldn't be able to breathe or stay warm in the freezing temperatures of space.After putting on their spacesuit, astronauts start doing some exercises. This helps their muscles and bones stay strong since there is no gravity in space. On Earth, gravity pulls us down whichworks our muscles, but in space there is no gravity so the astronauts have to exercise every day.Next, it's time for breakfast! Astronauts can pick from foods like fruits, nuts, cookies, and drinks. But they can't have anything with crumbs because crumbs could float around and get inside important equipment which would be bad. So no cookies with lots of crumbs! The food has to be sealed up tightly so it doesn't go everywhere.After breakfast, the astronauts get instructions from mission control about what tasks they need to do that day. Sometimes they have to go outside on a spacewalk to fix part of the space station or do experiments. Other times they stay inside and run experiments in the lab. They also have to make sure all the systems on the space station are running ok and nothing is broken.Spacewalks are really cool but also very dangerous. When going on a spacewalk, astronauts have to spend hours putting on their big bulky spacesuits and going through safety checks. Then they leave the safety of the space station and go outside where it's freezing cold and there is no air to breathe. If their spacesuits get a hole in them, the astronauts could die, so they have to be extremely careful.While outside during a spacewalk, astronauts do all sorts of jobs. Maybe they have to repair something on the outside of the station using big tools. Or they might do scientific experiments to study things in space. Sometimes they just go on spacewalks to move equipment to new locations. No matter what, spacewalks are always really hard work in a tough environment.After finishing up the spacewalk or whatever their tasks for the day were, astronauts get a little bit of free time. They might just relax, read, play games, or video call friends and family back on Earth. Since they are travelling at over 17,000 miles per hour, astronauts on the space station get to see 16 sunrises and sunsets every single day which is pretty amazing!For dinner, they reheat packages of food like pasta, rice, or beans. The food has to be sealed up tightly because crumbs would be a big problem floating around in the station. After eating, astronauts go through checklists and routines to get ready for bedtime and the cycle starts all over again the next day.As you can see, being an astronaut is a very cool but also very difficult job. Astronauts work extremely hard doing science experiments and repairs in a harsh environment where any mistake could be deadly. But it's such an exciting adventuregetting to live and work in space! Maybe someday I'll become an astronaut myself. A kid can dream, right?篇2A Day in the Life of an AstronautHi everyone! Today I'm going to tell you all about what a typical day is like for an astronaut in space. It's a really cool job that not many people get to do. Becoming an astronaut takes years of hard work and training, but the experience of living and working in space must be out of this world (get it?!).An astronaut's day starts way earlier than a regular school day - they wake up at around 6 AM. But there's no hitting the snooze button up there! Once you're awake, you have to start going through your morning routine right away. First up is the daily inspection where the astronauts check all the systems and equipment on the spacecraft to make sure everything is working properly. No skipping this chore!Next, it's time to get cleaned up and ready for the day ahead. Taking a shower in space is super weird. The water just blobs up and floats around instead of falling down like on Earth! Astronauts use a tiny little vacuum to suck up the water blobswhen they're done. I think I'd rather take a space shower than a bath though - can you imagine the rings you'd leave in the tub?!While getting ready, the astronauts also set up the spacecraft's schedule for the day and go through their morning briefing over a space radio. That's like the teacher going over your lessons for the day, except way cooler when you're an astronaut!After they're all prepped, it's breakfast time! The astronauts get dehydrated food like vacuum-sealed scrambled eggs or strawberries. They have to add water to make them edible again. Personally, I think I'd get sick of eating the same old space snacks every day. At least they get to look out at the amazing views of Earth from the windows while they munch!Now it's time for the main part of the astronaut's work day to begin. This usually involves lots of running experiments and doing research. Maybe they're testing how objects fall differently in space, or seeing what happens when you burn things without gravity affecting the flames. Often they are carrying out experiments designed by scientists on Earth too.No matter what though, astronauts always have to be extremely careful and follow instructions precisely. One tiny mistake could ruin an important experiment that took years toprepare! Can you imagine how disappointed you'd be if you messed up something so huge? No catching up on your homework this time!Part of their daily routine also includes inspections and maintenance of the spacecraft itself. Astronauts need to check for any damage to the outside, clear up trash and waste building up inside, and make sure all the equipment is still functioning properly. After all, it's a complex machine they're living in and one small thing breaking could cause big problems!In between their work duties, astronauts also have to take time to exercise every day. This is really important because the lack of gravity causes astronauts to lose muscle and bone mass over time. To prevent that, they spend at least two hours per day working out on special aerobic machines and resistance exercise equipment. It must be so hard to find the motivation whenyou're already tired from a day of chores and experiments!At last, after a busy day of work, it's time for the evening routine to wind down. This includes talking to friends and family back on Earth through video calls and personal time for hobbies and relaxation. Even astronauts need breaks sometimes! They might look out at the beautiful views of stars and planets, readbooks, play games or watch movies. Just no late night snacking - food floats away too easily in zero gravity!Finally, it's time for bed around 8:30 PM. But astronauts can't just hop into a normal cozy bed. They have to strap themselves into a sleeping bag attached to the wall. Otherwise, they'd just float around all night in the weightlessness! Seems like it would be hard to get a good night's rest like that. At least they get to wake up to an incredible sunrise over Planet Earth each morning.Phew, that was one jam-packed day in the life of an astronaut! So much work and responsibility at every turn. While living in space seems endlessly fascinating, I'm not sure I could handle that much discipline and such a demanding routine day after day. For now, I'll stick to learning about the life of an astronaut from down here on Earth. Maybe one day if I work hard enough though, I'll get to experience that incredible journey for myself! A kid can dream, right?篇3A Day in the Life of an AstronautHi friends! Have you ever wondered what it's like to be an astronaut? Today I'm going to tell you all about a typical day forsomeone living and working in space! It's a really cool job but also super tough and dangerous. Let's blast off!The day starts very early for astronauts, usually around 6 AM. They have to get up before the sun rises so they have plenty of time to get ready. The first thing they do is put on their spacesuit and make sure it's working properly with plenty of air and battery power. Can you imagine having to put on a spacesuit just to start your day? So crazy!Next it's breakfast time, but the food is a little different than what you're used to. Since there's no gravity in space, astronauts can't just pour a bowl of cereal. All the milk and cereal pieces would just float away! Instead, they have special packaged meals that are either semi-liquid foods they can suck through a straw or drinks, or solid foods like tortillas that don't give off many crumbs. Mealtime is very efficient with no dishes to clean up.After fueling up, the astronauts get a schedule from mission control about their tasks for the day. If it's their turn, they'll spend a couple hours working out and exercising intensely. It's super important for their muscles and bones to stay strong since there's no gravity pulling on them in space. Some of the exercises include running on a treadmill while strapped down and lifting special weighted machines.When exercise time is done, it's time to get to work on the main jobs for the day. Maybe they have to do a spacewalk outside the spacecraft to repair something or conduct an experiment. Or sometimes they are monitoring systems, running tests, or doing scientific research inside the station. Everything takes much longer when you're floating around constantly!One really neat part of the job is getting to look out the windows and take pictures of planet Earth below. Astronauts see sunrises and sunsets every 90 minutes as they orbit around quickly. They get an amazing view of cities at night with all the glowing lights, weather patterns likehuricanes and forests, and other cool geographic features. If they're really lucky, they might even get to watch a rocket launch from space!Throughout the day, astronauts also have to make time to talk to mission control and their families back on Earth. Can you imagine being able to video call with people while floating in space? They use special computers and communication systems to keep in touch while they are away for months at a time.When they get a little free time, astronauts can squeeze in some fun activities like reading, listening to music, watching movies, or looking through their individual bag of small personalitems from home. But the day is pretty packed with all their important duties.In the evening, the crew wraps up their tasks for the day and has dinner together, which is usually packaged, dehydrated meals that look a little strange but taste pretty good. Things like pasta, rice dishes, and boiled eggs are common. After cleaning up, the astronauts get read for bed around 10 PM. They can't just hop into a cozy sleeping bag though! They have to strap themselves into a special sleeping station so they don't go floating around and bumping into things while they sleep.Phew, what an adventure being an astronaut must be! Between the intense training, difficulties of living in microgravity, constant important tasks, and being crammed into a small spacecraft for months, it's definitely not your typical day job. But getting to travel in outer space and contribute to humanity's exploration and understanding of the cosmos makes it all worth it for these brave explorers. I don't know about you, but I think a day in their shoes sounds out of this world!篇4A Day in the Life of an AstronautHave you ever dreamed of becoming an astronaut and traveling to outer space? I know I have! I can't even imagine how amazing it would be to float around in zero gravity and look at our beautiful planet Earth from up above. But being an astronaut is not all fun and games - it's also a lot of really hard work! Let me tell you all about a typical day for these space explorers.An astronaut's day starts very early, usually around 6 AM. They wake up to an alarm just like you and me, except instead of hearing a normal beeping sound, they get woken up by an audio tone played over the spacecraft's speakers. After a quick visit to the bathroom (which is a lot trickier when you're weightless and can't sit down!), it's time for breakfast. The food astronauts eat is specially packaged and doesn't require any refrigeration. Things like fruit purees, cereal bars, and dehydrated scrambled eggs and sausages are common menu items. They have to add water to reconstitute their food before eating.While they're eating, the astronauts will spend some time going over the plan for the day with their mission control team back on Earth. This allows them to go through a checklist and make sure they are prepared for all the experiments and tasks scheduled. Just like regular scientists in labs, astronauts have to be extremely organized and detail-oriented.After breakfast is complete, the real work begins! If the astronauts are on a spacewalk that day (which means venturing outside the spacecraft), they will spend a couple hours getting into their bulky spacesuits and safety gear. These suits are like miniature spaceships that provide oxygen, temperature control, and protection from the harsh environment of space. It takes quite a bit of effort just to get suited up!The spacewalks allow astronauts to perform maintenance and repairs on the exterior of their spacecraft or space station. They might need to test new equipment, collect experiment samples from outside, or even pick up space debris to bring back for study. While these spacewalks only last around 6 hours, they are extremely exhausting due to the heavy suits and difficulty of maneuvering in zero-g.If the astronauts aren't doing a spacewalk, they will probably spend much of their day working on scientific experiments and research studies inside the spacecraft's laboratory module. Some cool things they investigate include physics principles in microgravity, studying combustion and fires in space, growing plants and food crops in specialized chambers, and even exploring biological changes by analyzing their own bodies! The astronauts are like real-life science fair champions up there.At some point in the afternoon, the astronauts will take a break to squeeze in some exercise. Even though there is no gravity pulling them down, it's super important for astronauts to work out every day so their muscles and bones don't get weak from the weightlessness. Their exercise machines need to be specialized to create resistance without relying on gravity and body weight. Astronauts might run on a treadmill while wearing a harness, use a stationary bike with ropes and pulleys, or do squats and lifting with exercise bungees. I bet gym class would be a lot more fun if we got to work out like that!I'm getting kind of hungry just thinking about all that exercise! For lunch and dinner, the astronauts will heat uppre-cooked meal pouches and eat things like pastas, rice dishes, soups, and sandwiches. Since the food items have been dehydrated and vacuum-sealed ahead of time, they have to be very careful not to make a mess and let the crumbs float all over the place. I imagine they use lots of straws and drink pouches so nothing spills out!As if their days weren't busy enough already, astronauts also have to spend time doing routine maintenance on their spacecraft's systems. Things like checking for air leaks, repairing equipment, and cleaning filters are all important jobs. Theastronauts basically have to be plumbers, electricians, and handy-people all rolled into one!In the evening hours, the astronauts get a little bit of free time to relax and have fun. They might choose to take video calls with their families back on Earth, read books or magazines, or even watch movies together. Some astronauts also like to look out the windows at the incredible views of Earth and the galaxies beyond whenever they can. I'm sure the sunrises and sunsets look absolutely breathtaking from up there. Even though it's the same view every day, I bet it never gets old.Finally, around 8 or 9 PM, it's time for the astronauts to get ready for bed. They follow good sleep habits like we learn about in school - sticking to a routine, relaxing before bedtime, and avoiding screens for a while. Getting proper rest is crucial when you have such a demanding job! The astronauts sleep in sleeping bags attached to the walls, sort of like campers. Except there's no ground to lie on, just magical floating. I'll bet많I would have astronaut dreams every single night!As you can see, being an astronaut is definitely not your typical 9-to-5 desk job. It's an extreme career path only for the bravest and hardest workers. Astronauts are real-life heroes constantly pushing the boundaries of exploration and humanachievement. While their schedules are intense and the work is hard, I'm sure the incredible views and pride of representing planet Earth in space makes it all worth it. Maybe one day if I study really hard, get excellent grades, and never give up on my dreams, I could have the amazing opportunity to experience a day in the life of an astronaut too. Out of this world!篇5Here's an essay introducing a day in the life of an astronaut, written in English with a 7th grader's tone and style, around 2000 words long:A Super Cool Day as an Astronaut in Space!Hey there, friends! Have you ever dreamed of going to space? Like, whooshing up through the clouds and feeling the rocket's massive engines roar beneath you? Yeah, me too! Well, today I'm going to tell you all about what a typical day is like for a real-life astronaut orbiting the Earth. It's going to be out of this world –get it? Haha!So, an astronaut's day begins pretty early, around 6 AM. They're woken up by a mission control audio tone or one of their crew mates. After rubbing the sleepies out of their eyes, the first thing they do is put on some fresh underwear and socks. Hey,just because you're in space doesn't mean you can be gross and smelly!Next up is exercising for about two hours. This is super important because without gravity, astronauts' muscles and bones can get really weak up there. Some of the exercises they do are running on a cool little treadmill that's tied down and lifting weights attached to a vacuum cylinder thingy. Phew, I'd be pooped after all that working out!When exercise time is over, the astronauts make themselves a tasty breakfast. Sounds yummy, right? Well, actually, the food isn't exactly gourmet. It's mostly dehydrated meals that have been vacuum-sealed, kinda like the camping food you add hot water to. Still, it beats going hungry up in space! While eating, the crew checks their schedule for the day and gets briefed on any upcoming activities.After breakfast is when the real fun begins – astronauts get to do lots of amazing science experiments! Some of these explore how zero gravity affects different materials and processes. Other times, they perform medical tests to see how living in space impacts the human body. My personal favorite would be the ones where they get to go outside the spacecraftfor spacewalks and work on the exterior. How cool is that? Just floating around soaking up those stellar views!All experiments and tasks are super important though, not just for learning more about our universe but also for getting ready to travel to Mars and beyond one day. The astronauts have to carefully follow instructions from mission control on Earth too. If they get stumped on anything, there are experts down below who can help out.Around noon, it's lunchtime! The astronauts take a break from their work to rehydrate some more vacuum-packed meals. The food packaging is designed so they don't have to use utensils – the food can flow right into their mouths like a little pouch, since there's no gravity to make everything spill everywhere. I bet it looks pretty funny when the astronauts eat! After lunch, there's usually some more exercise scheduled to stay in tip-top shape.The rest of the afternoon is dedicated to more experiments, space walks if any are planned, and just regular maintenance work. Keeping the spacecraft clean and all systems running smoothly is crucial. The astronauts also have to continually run tests on the equipment, checking for any possible glitches orneeded repairs. Space is awesome, but also pretty dangerous if something were to malfunction!Finally, around 7 PM Houston time, the work day winds down for some chill time. Astronauts can video call with friends and family back on Earth, which I can only imagine must be so wonderful but also maybe a little sad since they're so far apart. For fun, they can watch movies, read books, or even do a little free-floating around the ship's open spaces. How wild would that be – just drifting and tumbling through the air?When it's time for bed around 9:30 PM, the astronauts all climb into their own little sleeping bags or crew cabins. Of course, they don't just fall asleep standing up since there's no gravity pulling them down! The astronauts have to strap themselves in so they don't go drifting all over the place while snoozing. Then it's lights out until the whole cycle begins again the next morning. Crazy, right?Being an astronaut seems like the most adventurous,out-of-this-world job ever. Can you imagine the thrill of thundering off Earth, the beauty of gazing out at our planet from above, and the wonder of making discoveries that help humanity? Plus, you'd be part of such an elite, highly trained crew working as a team to accomplish incredible feats. If I ever got the chanceto be an astronaut for just one day, I would be over the moon with excitement! Alright, that's enough space puns from me. Until next time, keep reaching for the stars!。
我最喜欢的电影是流浪地球英语作文全文共5篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Favorite Movie is The Wandering EarthHi friends! Today I want to tell you about my absolute favorite movie ever - The Wandering Earth. It's a super cool science fiction movie from China that came out a few years ago. I've watched it like a million times and I never get tired of it!The movie is set in the future, when the sun is about to explode and destroy the whole solar system. All the countries on Earth have to work together to try to save humanity. They come up with this crazy plan to use these huge engines to propel the entire planet Earth out of the solar system to go find a new home in a different galaxy! How cool is that?The main character is named Liu Peiqiang. He's this kind of grumpy, serious guy who used to be an astronaut. Now he works keeping watch over one of the Earth engines in China. His son is all grown up and helps take care of the engine too. Liu Peiqiang is brave and always putting the mission first, even if it means putting himself in danger.There's also this super genius teenager named Han Duoduo. She's only 17 but she's wicked smart and figures out a lot of the science stuff that helps them navigate Earth through space. Han Duoduo is my favorite character because she never gives up and she's always cracking jokes even when things look really bad.Okay, so let me tell you what happens in the movie. In the beginning, everything is going okay with the Earth engines pushing Earth slowly through space. But then something goes wrong with the engine systems and Earth starts getting pulled back towards the sun! Uh oh, not good.Liu Peiqiang and his team have to go on this crazy dangerous spacewalk outside the space station to try to fix the engines while Earth is drifting back towards the sun. There are some really intense scenes where they're just drifting through space and their air is running out. I was on the edge of my seat!Meanwhile, Han Duoduo and the other scientists are trying to figure out how to restart the engines from Earth before it's too late. They come up with this plan to use nuclear bombs to give Earth an extra push away from the sun's gravity. It's their last chance to save Earth!The scenes when they're trying to pull off setting off the nukes are so suspenseful and exciting. You'll have to watch themovie to see if their crazy plan works or not! I don't want to spoil the ending for you. But I can tell you there's an awesome part where Han Duoduo gets to do some really cool zero-g floating around while she's working on the engines. I want to be able to do that someday!What I love most about The Wandering Earth is how it mixes awesome sci-fi ideas with really relatable human stories about families and working together even when things seem impossible. The special effects are mind-blowing too - the Earth looks so real drifting through space! And the scenes with the sun about to explode made my heart race in a good way.I also loved learning about how the movie took inspiration from the classic science fiction novel of the same name by Liuxing Huabut Ii. It's so cool that The Wandering Earth brought a beloved Chinese sci-fi story to the big screen in such an epic, visually dazzling way. Movies like this get me really interested in science and space exploration.Watching The Wandering Earth makes me feel brave and like maybe one day if Earth was really in trouble, kids like me could help think of creative solutions to save humanity - just like Han Duoduo and the other heroes did. It's the kind of movie that makes you believe in the power of human ingenuity andperseverance against any obstacle, even something as huge as having to move an entire planet!So those are all the reasons why The Wandering Earth is my favorite movie of all time. I really really hope they make a sequel because I need to know what happens to Liu Peiqiang, Han Duoduo and the rest of the crew after they...oops, almost spoiled the ending there! You'll just have to watch it yourself to see how this epic journey through space turns out.If you love awesome action, mind-bending sci篇2My Favorite Movie is The Wandering EarthHi everyone! Today I want to tell you about my absolute favorite movie ever - The Wandering Earth! It's a really cool science fiction movie from China that came out in 2019. I've probably watched it like a million times already because I love it so much. Get ready, because I'm going to tell you all about why this movie is the best!First of all, the story is just so amazingly creative and exciting. Basically, in the future, scientists figure out that the sun is about to turn into a red giant star and destroy the Earth. That's really scary! But the humans are super smart and come up with a planto move the entire planet Earth to a new home in another galaxy by attaching huge engines to it. How cool is that?! Just imagining a bunch of rockets pushing around the whole Earth ismind-blowing.But of course, things don't go perfectly according to plan. That would be too easy! About halfway through moving the Earth, something goes wrong with the engines and the Earth goes off course. It ends up getting pulled towards the Jupiter system by the gravity of Jupiter. Uh oh!That's when the real adventure and danger begins. A crew of astronauts has to go on a mission to try to get the Earth back on track before it crashes into Jupiter or one of its moons. The special effects during these intense outer space scenes are absolutely incredible. It's like you're really there, floating in zero gravity while trying to save the whole world. My heart was pounding during these parts!The characters are also really interesting and fun to watch. My favorite is Liu Peiqiang, played by Wu Jing who is super tough and brave. He's the one leading the mission to save the Earth. But I also loved his teenage son Liu Qi, who is left behind on Earth and has to figure out a way to help his dad from there. The father-son story between them is very touching.Another awesome part of the movie is getting to see what life is like for the humans living on the moveable Earth habitat. Since the planet has these huge thrusters attached, there are some crazy scenes of cities being crushed or knocked over as the Earth accelerates through space. It's insane! The special effects team for this movie deserves tons of awards.I also have to mention the zero-g scenes inside the space stations. The characters are just floating around in mid-air and have to use thrusters to push themselves anywhere. Even simple things like trying to eat a meal become total chaos without gravity to hold you down. I thought those scenes were hilarious.Overall, The Wandering Earth delivers pure imagination and spectacle from start to finish. From the huge big-picture concept of moving an entire planet, to the intense action and special effects, to the emotional family story at the core - it's just an endlessly entertaining movie. It makes you dream big about the possibilities of futuristic science while also telling a very human story you can relate to.I really can't recommend The Wandering Earth enough, especially if you're a fan of mind-bending sci-fi adventures. I've watched it so many times already but I still find myself being totally glued to the screen every single time. The creativity,excitement and heartfelt story lingers with me long after the credits roll.If you haven't seen this movie yet, you are seriously missing out! It's my absolute favorite film of all time and I have a feeling you'll love it too once you experience the thrill of The Wandering Earth. So hurry up and watch it as soon as you can. You won't regret it! Thanks for reading my movie review!篇3My Favorite Movie is The Wandering EarthHi everyone! I want to tell you about my absolute favorite movie of all time - The Wandering Earth! It's a super cool science fiction movie from China that came out a few years ago. Even though the movie is kind of long at over 2 hours, I was never bored for even a single second while watching it. There's so much amazing stuff happening all the time!The Wandering Earth is set in the future when the sun is about to explode and destroy the whole solar system, including the Earth of course. If that happened, it would be really really bad and everyone would die. But the smart scientists and engineers in the movie come up with an incredible plan to save humanity and the planet itself.Using these gigantic engines that are even bigger than whole cities, they decide to push the Earth out of its regular orbit around the sun and into deep space. That way, when the sun explodes, the Earth will be far enough away to not get destroyed! Isn't that just the coolest idea you've ever heard?Of course, moving an entire planet is no easy task, even for all the intelligent grown-ups in the story. There are a lot of challenges and close calls that made me sit on the edge of my seat. Like when some of the engines malfunction and Stop working properly. Or when the Earth gets stuck behind Jupiter's gravity and struggles to escape. There are also some bad guys who don't want to cooperate with the plan and cause a lot of trouble.But I don't want to spoil too much of the movie for you! Just know that the visual effects of the Earth traveling through space are out of this world (get it?). When you see our tiny blue planet cruising among the stars, galaxies, and nebulae of the cosmos, it's just breathtaking. And whenever the engines need to fire up to give the Earth a push, you can feel the rumbling and power behind those thrusters shaking you in your seat.While all the sci-fi spectacle is super awesome to look at, the best part of The Wandering Earth for me is the emotionalstorytelling and amazing characters. At its core, it's a tale about humanity banding together and finding hope even when faced with terrifying circumstances that seem impossible to overcome.The main character is a man named Liu Peiqiang, but everyone just calls him IP Man (like the kung fu master!). He's a genius scientist, but also a funny and caring dad to his young son Liu Qi. When the Earth's engines start failing, IP Man volunteers to go on a dangerous space journey to try and restart them, even though that means leaving behind Liu Qi and his wife for possibly forever.Speaking of Liu Qi, he's definitely my favorite character. He's just a little kid, but he's so brave and never stops believing that his dad will find a way to save the day. At one point, Liu Qi gets separated from his grandparents when an accident happens at their shelter. Instead of giving up though, he teams up with another girl around his age and they go on an amazing adventure through the underground tunnels to try and reunite with their families.Watching little Liu Qi overcome obstacles, make new friends, and keep his spirits up no matter what really inspired me. If a kid like him can be so courageous when his whole world is being threatened, then I have no excuses to be scared or quit on mydreams when things get tough. Whenever I'm facing a difficult challenge, I just imagine what Liu Qi would do and find my brave heart again.Overall, The Wandering Earth is an unforgettable movie experience that dazzles your eyes with incredible imagery while also warming your heart with powerful storytelling. It mixes huge, mind-blowing science fiction ideas with very human,down-to-earth emotions and characters you can't help but love.I really can't recommend this movie enough to everyone - kids, parents, grandparents, you name it. Make sure to watch it on the biggest screen possible to fully appreciate thejaw-dropping outer space visuals. And don't forget to bring some tissues, because the brave heroes' sacrifices and acts of hope against all odds are guaranteed to make you shed some happy tears.The Wandering Earth proves that amazing, intelligent, and heartfelt science fiction cinema can come from any country in the world, not just Hollywood. China's movie industry is reaching for the stars (literally!) and delivering an out-of-this-world theatrical experience that everyone needs to journey along for the ride.If I had to rate The Wandering Earth, I would give it a billion out of just 5 stars. Seriously, it's that good of a movie in my young but honest opinion. I've probably already watched it like 20 times and I never ever get tired of seeing how Liu Qi, IP Man, and all the other characters fight to save our one and only home - the wandering Earth.篇4My Favorite Movie is The Wandering EarthHi friends! Today I want to tell you about my absolute favorite movie ever - The Wandering Earth! It's a super cool science fiction movie from China that came out a few years ago. Get ready because I'm going to tell you all about why I love it so much!The story takes place in the future when the sun is about to explode and destroy the Earth. Isn't that crazy? The whole planet has to work together on this huge plan to use giant engines to move the Earth to a new home in another galaxy far, far away. Just picture having to move your whole house to a new neighborhood, but this time it's the entire Earth moving across the universe! Mind blown, right?The main characters are a family - there's a dad named Liu Peiqiang who is this genius scientist working on the Earth Engine project. His son is Liu Qi, who is around my age at the start of the movie. Liu Qi's mom died a long time ago, so it's just him and his dad. Even though Liu Peiqiang is really smart, he's not the best dad ever since he's always busy working and doesn't spend much time with his son. That makes Liu Qi pretty sad and lonely.Then crazy stuff starts happening when the engines pushing Earth start to malfunction! Liu Peiqiang and his team have to go on this dangerous mission to try to fix things before it's too late. Meanwhile, Liu Qi gets stuck in an underground city and has to team up with this cool girl named Han Duoduo to survive on their own. The two kids are super brave and have to figure out how to get fuel for a truck, escape some scary robots, and meet up with the rescue teams before it's too late.My favorite parts are all the awesome action scenes with the spaceships flying around and firing lasers, and the robots attacking the underground cities. The special effects aremind-blowing! Everything looks so real and high-tech. I also loved the scenes in space when you could see the entire Earth slowly moving across the galaxy trailing these crazy ion clouds.It's beautiful but also terrifying to think about having to move an entire planet like that.What I really loved most though was the story between Liu Qi and his dad. Even with all the crazy disaster stuff going on, the movie has a huge heart. Liu Peiqiang learns that he hasn't been a good enough dad and that he needs to be there more for his son, especially in such a scary situation. By the end, father and son are closer than ever after going through such an insane experience together. It made me appreciate my own parents so much after watching.I'm not going to spoil how it all ends, but just know that the finale is epic! The Earth is in the biggest crisis it has ever faced. Every country in the world has to work as one to save humanity. It's downright inspiring to see everyone put aside their differences to focus on survival. I'll never forget the moment when... oh wait, no spoilers! You'll just have to watch it yourself to see.The Wandering Earth really made me think about how small we are compared to the vastness of space and how lucky we are to be alive on this amazing planet. It also got me dreaming about the future of space exploration and what crazy adventures we might one day have among the stars. Who knows, maybe I'lleven grow up to be an astronaut or work on an Earth Engine mission myself someday!I really can't recommend this movie enough, especially if you like exciting science fiction stories. From the insane premise of literally moving an entire planet, to the terrifying robot attacks, to the heartwarming family story, The Wandering Earth has everything! It makes you feel every emotion from fear to sadness to hope. I've watched it like ten times already and it gets better every time. Next time I watch it, you should join me! Just make sure you have plenty of snacks, because once this movie starts you won't be able to look away, I promise.So what did you think of my movie review? Have you seen The Wandering Earth before or want to watch it now? Let me know! I could talk about this movie forever and never get bored. It's just that awesome and amazing. A true classic that everyone needs to experience!篇5My Favorite Movie is The Wandering EarthHi friends! Today I want to tell you about my absolute favorite movie of all time - The Wandering Earth! It's a really cool science fiction film from China that came out a few years ago.Even though the movie is in Chinese, I've watched the English version like a million times. I just love everything about it!The Wandering Earth is set in the future, when the sun is about to explode and destroy the whole solar system. All the countries on Earth have to work together to build these giant rocket engines to propel the planet away from the sun and find a new home in another galaxy. Isn't that the craziest idea ever? Moving the entire Earth with engines? My mind was totally blown when I first heard the premise.The special effects in this movie are just mind-blowing. I've never seen anything like the incredible scenery and spaceships and crazy disasters they show. There's this one part where these huge cosmic winds and storms are whipping across the surface of the Earth as it's flying through space. Lightning is crackling everywhere and cities are getting flattened. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time! The visual effects team did such an amazing job making everything look so real and exciting.But the best part of the movie in my opinion is the characters and their storylines. The main character is a man named Liu Peiqiang who used to be this hotshot genius scientist working on the Earth engines. But then something really sad happened and he quit his job. Years later, when the Earth is already flyingthrough space, he gets called back into action to help save the day.Liu Peiqiang reminds me a lot of my own dad. He seems kind of grumpy on the outside, but really he's just a total softy who wants to protect the people he cares about. I cry every time I watch the scenes where Liu is saying goodbye to his son before going on his dangerous mission. You can really feel how much he loves his family. It's heartbreaking but beautiful at the same time.My favorite character though has to be Han Duoduo. She's this badass teenage girl who is super brave and good at fixing things. Han gets separated from her dad on Earth and has to go on this epic quest through all kinds of crazy disaster zones to try and find him. She's only a kid but she never gives up! Han is exactly the kind of strong, fearless heroine that I want to be when I grow up.There are so many other cool characters too like the goofy spaceship pilots, the cheerleader-turned-soldier, and Liu Peiqiang's nerdy but loyal scientist friend. By the end of the movie you feel like you know everyone so well. Whenever Ire-watch it, it's like reuniting with old friends.I don't want to give away too many spoilers, but let's just say the finale is totally insane. People are risking their lives left and right to try and get the Earth to safety. Huge plot twists get revealed that I never saw coming. The special effects reach a new level of crazy beautiful and intense. My heart was pounding during the entire last hour! It's just such an adrenaline-packed and deeply emotional rollercoaster ride.Even after seeing The Wandering Earth like 20 times, I'm still not sick of it at all. In fact, I find myself noticing cool new details every time I watch it again. The movie does such a brilliant job of blending awesome sci-fi action with really meaningful messages about humanity, family, and the importance of working together. It makes me imagine what I would do if I was in that situation - how would I try to help save the world?I really can't recommend The Wandering Earth enough. Every kid and grownup needs to experience this spectacular movie at least once. You'll come out of the theater feeling amazed at what people can accomplish when they join forces. And you'll probably feel inspired to go give your parents or siblings a big hug too! Even just thinking about my favorite scenes is making me want to re-watch it again right now.Hmm...maybe I will! See ya later, friends - I've got a planet to go save!。
Title: The Thrilling Chase of a Cat and a MouseAs a high school student with a keen interest in observing the natural world, I find myself often captivated by the simple yet fascinating interactions between animals. One such encounter that I recently witnessed was a thrilling game of cat and mouse that unfolded right before my eyes.It was a lazy Sunday afternoon, and I was sitting by the window, sipping a cup of hot chocolate, when I noticed a small, nimble mouse scurrying across the backyard. The mouse was busy nibbling on some fallen seeds, completely unaware of the danger lurking nearby. My heart skipped a beat as I spotted a sleek, black cat stealthily approaching the unsuspecting rodent.The cat, with its eyes fixed on the mouse, moved with an almost eerie silence, its every muscle tense and ready to spring into action. The mouse, engrossed in its meal, had no idea of the impending threat. I held my breath, my eyes glued to the scene, as the cat inched closer, its body low to the ground, ears perked up, and tail twitching with anticipation.Suddenly, the cat launched itself at the mouse with a swift, powerful leap. The mouse, startled by the sudden movement, darted away in a panic, its tiny legs a blur as it tried to escape the predator. The chase was on!The backyard transformed into a battlefield, with the cat and mouse weaving in and out of bushes, leaping over obstacles, and dashing acrossthe grass. The cat was relentless, its sharp claws digging into the earth as it pursued its prey with fierce determination. The mouse, on the other hand, was a master of evasion, zigzagging and darting in unexpected directions, narrowly avoiding the cats grasp.As the chase continued, I found myself cheering for the mouse, admiring its agility and resilience. The cat, however, was not to be outdone. With a sudden burst of speed, it closed the gap between itself and the mouse, its sharp claws outstretched, ready to strike.In a final, desperate attempt to evade capture, the mouse darted towards a small hole in the ground. The cat lunged, but the mouse was just a fraction of a second too quick, disappearing into the safety of its burrow. The cat, frustrated and panting, stared at the hole for a moment before reluctantly retreating, its prey having narrowly escaped its clutches.The thrilling chase had come to an end, leaving me with a newfound appreciation for the incredible survival instincts of these small creatures. It was a reminder of the delicate balance of nature and the constant struggle for survival that takes place in the world around us. As I returned to my hot chocolate, I couldnt help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the drama that had unfolded right outside my window.。
喷气压缩已就绪Atmospheric compression.休斯顿发现号你们可以发射升空了Discovery Houston, you're a go at throttle up.收到休斯顿指令正在点火发射Roger Houston, going throttle up.发射推力达到104%Throttling back up to 104 percent.目前所有推进引擎读数均为104%All engines showing 104 percent at this time.那么So...安格斯Angus.这些新药应该能缓解脑血栓New meds should help the Transient Ischaemic Attacks. 脑血栓室颤心绞痛TIA, Atrial Fibrillation, Angina.就你知道那些的病Well you know the score.库玛医生下周回来的时候我会告知他Doctor Kumar is back next week and I'll fill him in.还觉得头晕吗Any more dizziness?有哮喘晕眩的迹象吗Breathlessness, fainting?没有No.不能再开车了No more driving.你一个人生活吗You live alone?我刚搬到我女儿那一块儿住Just moved in with my daughter.好极了Excellent.安格斯坚持与病魔斗争吧Keep up the good fight, Angus.不然你也知道放弃是什么结局Because what's the alternative?太空人嘿Hey.罗茜你在上边过得怎么样啊How ya doing, Rosie?爷爷Granddad?能让我看看吗Can I look?可以啊只要你还叫我爷爷就行Yeah, as long as you stop calling me granddad.真是近在眼前Looks so close.是啊Yeah.就像伸手可摘星辰Like you can reach out and touch it.人们一直都在仰望星空People have been looking up at the stars forever.而且我觉得都有着相同的原因And I think it's always for the same reason.什么原因What?想看看我们在大千宇宙中身处何处To see where we belong.我究其一生也在寻找这个问题的答案That's a question I've been asking myself my whole life. 我真希望我是个宇航员I wish I could be an astronaut.你可以当啊You can.你想当什么都可以You can be anything you want.他们只招聪明人They only want smart people.你不就很聪明嘛Well, you're smart.我数学都没及格I got a D in math.我以前数学成绩也不好Hey, I wasn't very good at math myself.罗茜以前老是说Rosie used to say,遇到特别场合的时候你可以许个愿'on every special occasion, you make a wish.'现在天上的那颗流星and that comet,就是一个特别场合that's a special occasion.老爸说许愿是不会变成现实的Dad says wishes don't come true.他是那么说的吗He does?总算把他压箱底的天文望远镜拿出来了Finally got his telescope out of the shed.那是好事啊That's good.别忘了你今晚还有作业要做Hey don't forget you have homework tonight.也许安格斯能指导指导你Maybe Angus can help you out.-好的我去做作业了-我可以指导啊- Yeah, I'll finish it. - Wait, I can help him.爸这杯给你Here, dad.你确定要喝那杯酒吗Should you be drinking that?你的心脏Your heart.红酒对他的心脏有好处爸你喝好It's good for his heart, enjoy dad!谢了Thanks.安格斯Angus!过来一下Come here!有人在呼唤我I've been summoned.到他了It's him!今晚我们的演播厅Tonight in our studio,请来了身家上亿的企业家马克斯·布朗We have the billionaire, entrepreneur, Marcus Brown 即将宣布一份特殊的声明making a very special announcement.马克斯Marcus.你之前谈到你父亲是如何一如既往地You've spoken about how your father always supported 支持着你飞上太空的执着your passion to go into space.他一直都相信着每个人都应该Well, he always believed everyone should have有机会实现他们的梦想a chance to achieve their dreams.虽然他最近去世了He died recently...而文图拉竞赛And the Ventura competition就是以这样的形式来纪念他will honour his memory用抽签的方式来选出那些敢于梦想的人a lottery to choose someone who dares to dream big. 抽签的奖励是什么And the prize?乘坐首架商用的航天飞机A two-week journey to space进行一次为期两周的太空之旅on the first commercial space plane.我们将从抽签罐中抽取十二位中签者We'll pull twelve names from the lottery hat然后由大众投票选出优胜者then the public votes and for the winner.-同另外六名宇航员-声音调大点- Who will join six other-- -Turn it up!-你们准备好了吗-我们万事俱备- Are you ready? - We're ready.目前竞赛已经上线了The competition is live now.报名者须在星期五晚十二点前提交申请So get your entry in before midnight on Friday.我们三月一日的发射计划即将到来Our March the 1st launch is coming up fast.可能选中的就是你哦And I could be taking you.报名开始了It's started!你知道全国有多少条跑道You know how many runways there are能有那么长吗that are that long in the whole country?可能就两三条Maybe two or three.跑道之所以需要那么长And they need that length because是因为这架飞船是像航天飞机一样起飞的this ship takes off like an aeroplane使用液氢作为燃料and it's fuelled by liquid hydrogen.他们肯定是对原来的那条跑道Boy, they must have done some serious reinforcement 好好改造了一番to that original runway.飞机得配上合适的道啊Got to have the right road.有些人说你顶着风险Some have said you've taken risks就是为了开启首次商业太空旅行in order to be the first commercial space flight.所有事情都有一定的风险Everything has an element of risk.但是安全依然是我们优先考虑的But, safety is our first priority.重中之重Always.安格斯你看Angus, look that this.如果你胜出了公司还会倒贴你钱If you win, companies pay you money.你再看下面Look at that.年龄要求18到65岁Age requirement, eighteen to sixty-five.你应该报个名You should sign up.巴尼Barney.那是抽奖It's a lottery.就像中彩票一样It's like winning a lottery.他们要的是身体健康或者健壮的人They need people who are fit or in shape,他们是不会要老人的you know, they don't want old.你可以装成65岁啊You could look sixty-five.别打岔了No, I couldn't.晚安马克斯Good night, Marcus.晚安Have a good night.你就在这等着You stay here.等着妈咪过来You wait for mommy.安格斯别忘了参加竞赛Angus, don't forget about the competition.妈妈再见Bye mom!等下家教Hey, the tutor-付给家教的钱the money for the tutor.没事拿上了Got it, okay.谢了爸Thanks, dad.你以前那个娃娃的名字叫什么来着What was the name of that doll you had,就你妈给你买的那个你去哪都要带着god, you carried it everywhere, that mom bought you? 拍拍Patty.对拍拍Patty, right.因为你得在她打嗝之前拍拍她的背Because you had to pat her before she burped.爸房产中介说我们应该Dad, the realtor thinks that we should lower把房子的售价再压一压the price on the house.那这房子我可能就不卖了Maybe I won't sell her.但考虑到妈欠下的那些债It's just all the debt Mom got into.她不知道她在做什么Aw she didn't know what she was doing她欠下那些债的时候她头脑不清楚when she did that, she was not in the right mind.是什么公司居然忍心把驴保护区What kind of company sells a donkey sanctuary 卖给一个75岁的to a seventy-five year old woman,-老年痴呆的女人-违法的那种- with dementia? - A criminal one.爸我们也应该谈谈卖掉养老屋的事情Dad, we should talk about selling that too.我呢You know um,我就一个人去遛狗吧I'm gonna take the dog for a walk alone.你身上带了手机吗Do you have your phone on you?我是老了但腿脚还利索You know, I can still walk.路面冻融了是吧Freeze thaw, huh?道路底层下面可能有石灰岩The subsurface may have some limestone.所以才会造成这些塌陷That's what's causing all the cavings.这些路在当初设计的时候You know these roads were only meant to last 就只有二十年的寿命about twenty years.是吗Yah.我会记着的I'll keep that in mind.莫莉Molly.莫莉Molly.他到底在干嘛What the hell's he doing now?安格斯Angus.安格斯拜托小声点Angus, please.我们明天还得上班呢Some of us gotta work tomorrow.好的马上Yes, one minute.谢谢Thank you.-爸你还好吗-没事- Dad, are you ok? - Yeah.要给你把呼吸喷雾拿来吗Do you need your spray?好了慢点深呼吸爸爸Okay, okay, deep breaths, daddy.深呼吸Deep breaths.有我照顾你呢爸爸I got you, daddy.我很期待听到你的消息哦Well, I look forward to hearing from you.谢谢再见Thank you. Bye.你长得真帅You're lovely.乔晚餐好了Dinner time, Joe.听着你爸爸Listen, your father,他在这愿意待多久就待多久he can stay here if he wants但你别忘了当初照顾你妈的时候有多辛苦but remember how sick you got with your mother. 你整天都没法合眼而且一直处于焦虑You never slept, you were always anxious,你都放弃了考教师资格证you gave up on your teacher's degree,你爸也没帮上什么忙your father couldn't cope.结果所有的事情都落在了你肩上You were left doing it all.我不要让你再经历一次I'm not having you go through that again.你是在说你自己不想再经历一次了吧You mean, you don't want to go through that again. 你别想着把我爸塞进什么养老院里Don't you dare try to shove my father into a home. 不是我想把他塞到养老院里I'm not trying to shove him in a home,是他自己说他不想成为负担he's said he didn't want to be a burden.他还没到要住进养老院的程度呢He's not there yet, not even close.即便是时候到了那也得由我来决定And when the time comes, it will be my decision. 而不由你Not yours!爸爸Dad.爸爸Dad.爸爸要不是因为你他也不会搬过来He wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, dad.小巴事情没你想的那么简单More complicated than that Barn.他还是可以回家看我们的He can always come back home.铺的什么烂路Crappy stuff.-你一定是安格斯了-没错- You must be Angus. - Yes.谢谢你这么快就帮我们登记入住了Thank you for getting us in so fast.你太客气了Oh you're welcome.现在还有些表格So, here are the forms需要填一下to fill out.不过我们还是想先看看But, we'll see how we do.我觉得他可能就是想来试试I think he just wants to have a trial.正如你所听到的我们正在安装As you can hear, new fire doors新的防火系统are being installed.我们还在解决磨合期的一些小问题We're working on the teething problems.午饭Lunch-午饭是在中午开餐晚饭六点开餐lunch is at noon, dinner at six.他晚上8点才会饿Doesn't get hungry until eight.以后就会习惯的Well, he will here.这个房间很不错的This is a lovely room.而且我大部分都会待在办公室Now, I am always in my office.有什么问题可以随时来找我谈So you can come and talk to me, anytime.你随时都可以加入我们的活动Now, feel free to join in比如撸撸狗啊唱唱歌啊for pat the dog and songs.他不唱歌He doesn't sing.好吧Right, okay.这是你的呼叫铃There's your bell.你可以随时呼叫我们You can ring any time.一听到铃声我们就会马上赶过来的And we will be right there, right away.好啦爸爸Okay Dad.电话放在这里了好吗Here's your phone, okay?等会打给你I'm going to call you later.希望你有个愉快的晚餐Have a good dinner.走吧巴尼C'mon Barns.你不该在这里的You shouldn't be here.这是为入选者设置的一些问题你看看Some questions to ask the short listed contestants. '你为什么想要去太空''Why do you want to go to space?'问题还是这么老套Original question.又不是我写的I didn't write them.氢气管道还是有泄露Hydrogen line is still leaking.我们可能要推迟发射时间We may have to push the launch.他们会解决的They'll fix it.接近有30万的人提交了申请Nearly three hundred thousand submissions.12个入选名额Twelve names.一个获胜者One ticket.所以发射时刻要足够精彩Take off has to be a great show.文图拉太空竞赛的报名截止时间是And finally, submissions for the Ventura space competition 今晚12点但现在已有上万人申请了close at midnight with already thousands of applicants.其中只有12个人能参与抽奖Twelve of those names will be drawn from the lottery hat, 没准你就是其中的一个幸运儿呢so could one of them be you?这也太疯狂了Nut cases.吃早餐吧Breakfast.我还不想吃Um, I'm not- I don't-吃吧Yeah, yeah, you will.这些鸡蛋不怎么好吃These eggs are rubbery.只要我想我随时都可以离开这里I can leave this joint anytime I want.女士们先生们不要忘了Don't forget. ladies and gentlemen今天理发师的工作时间是10点到16点the hairdresser will be in today from 10 til 4.♪我孤身一人♪♪I ain't got nobody ♪♪也没人在乎我♪♪And nobody cares for me ♪她唱得不太行啊你不觉得吗She's a little flat ,don't you think?♪我孤身一人♪♪I ain't got nobody ♪♪也没人在乎♪♪And nobody cares for- ♪♪没人在乎♪♪Nobody cares for- ♪♪没人在乎我♪♪Nobody cares for me ♪♪雪花有九瓣难道不是天赐吗♪♪Snowflake is nine, aint that devine ♪♪你是我的♪♪Won't you be mine ♪谢谢Thank you.我们下周见And I'll see some of you next week.莫莉爸就问候一下你还好吗你还好吗我打了你的电话接啊要去跳舞吗Do you want to dance?一切都会好起来的It does get better, you know.好了伦恩安格斯Right then, Len,Angus.-该进去啦-你看见了吗- Time to come in. - Did you see the thing?天黑啦其他人都已经进去了in the pitch black, and guest residents inside now. -我会照顾他的-我要关门了哦- I'll take care of him. - I've got to close up.安格斯快进来Angus.-晚安-晚安- Night. - Night.我都懂我都懂I know, I know.文图拉太空竞赛现在进入加入我们全名安格斯斯图尔特电子邮箱年龄段你有糖尿病焦虑症或者心脏病吗你的健康状况怎么样你有糖尿病吗Do you suffer from diabetes?焦虑症Anxiety?心脏疾病Heart condition?都没有No.身体状况完美P-e-r-f-e-c-t.照片Photo.照片照片照片Photo, photo, photo.安格斯·斯图尔特土木工程师搞定Good.应该被选中的理由'Reasons why I should be chosen.'准备提交Ready to submit.你说什么我没听明白What? I don't understand.安格斯Angus!对不起爸我们迟到了Sorry we're late dad我给你打过电话I tried calling you.他们逼我做完那烦人的数学题才让我来的They made me stay back for more stupid math.以后你会感谢我们的Yeah, well, you'll thank me when you're older.那你可有得等了Yeah, when I'm like dead older.打扰一下莉兹有事儿跟你说Pardon me, Liz would like a word.好Okay.安格斯住得怎么样啊Angus, are you settling in nicely?我只能说我在这里呆不了多久I really don't think I'm going to be here for very long.胡说八道Nonsense.-你命还长着呢-爸我很快就回来- You are very robust. - Dad, I'll be right back.巴尼Barney.咋了What?你都不猜一下吗What, you're not even going to guess?猜啥Guess what?你说过我看起来像一个65岁的老头Well you said I could look 65.不会吧不会吧No no no, no no no,你申请了You entered the competition?没错Yup!天呐太棒了太棒了Oh my gosh, yes yes yes!那他知道这事吗Does he know?他的名字叫伦恩His name is Len.他怎么都不说话啊Why doesn't he talk?因为没人听得懂Because nobody listens.随着他的自理能力变差我们也会As his needs increase we will move him from plan D 从计划D换到计划Bto plan B.他不太适合计划CHe's not really right for plan C.再然后我们就会实施计划A了And then later we move him up to Plan A.但是他But he um他可能想回家he may want to come back home.我知道你有点难以接受It's always a shock ,isn't it?你爱的人可能就要在这渡过余生了Accepting the fact that this may be your loved one's last home. 这样吧我们还是一周1800美元So how about we continue with eighteen hundred的计划然后看看有什么效果a week and see how it goes?这样可以吗Yes?12个幸运儿已经被挑选出来Twelve names have been chosen参加文图拉太空游比赛的抽奖活动for the Ventura Space Trip Competition lottery.这12个人将会参加一个直播采访The short listed contestants will take part in a live TV interview. 到时候现场观众们可以为他们投票Where you, the public, vote for your-第三个下面有Number three down is...11个空Eleven letters那这里应该填"侥幸"and it's 'A fluke.'我要看新闻I want to watch the news.新闻News?那个才不是新闻That's not the News.不就是一些老套的废话嘛It's the same old crap.都烂大街了Around and around it goes.文图拉太空游竞赛的最后三个入选人And the final three lottery winner names分别是for the space trip competition are-把遥控器还给我Give it back.按到野生动物的节目了Ah, wildlife.嘿把频道换回去Hey, turn it back.康纳·克兰斯顿Conor Cranston.阿德里安·塞米缇Adrian Ciminitti.安格斯·斯图尔特Angus Stewart.以上就是我们的入选名单So those are our lucky short listers.当12位入选者在节目上介绍自己的时候Which one will you be voting for观众们可以为其投出宝贵的一票as they present themselves on the live TV interview? 获胜者会同马库斯·布朗以及The winner will join Marcus Brown and six other其他六位付钱乘坐的旅客一起去太空遨游paying passengers, some who have paid-运气好而已Serendipity.就是这样That's the answer.巴尼Barney!这是巴尼学费账单OK,Barney's school fees...养老院账单Retirement home bills...还有一些是你的我不知道是啥and I don't know something for you.巴尼Barney!你应该早点叫我的You should've woken me up.你什么时候早起成功过Since when did you become an early riser?今天我在新闻上看到了You know I saw on the news um一个叫安格斯·斯图尔特的人Some guy named Angus Stewart入选了那个太空旅游竞赛entered that space competition.他的名字就在入选名单上His name came up in the lottery.真是无奇不有跟咱爸同名同姓Kinda weird, same name.说起这个Speaking of which,今天下班后我打算把望眼镜带过去I thought I'll take Angus' telescope to him after work today, 这样他还能做些自己喜欢的事情give him something to do there.对哈爸爸会很高兴的Yeah, he'd like that.我要去I'll come.我还得去爸爸的房子一趟I have to go to Dad's house.房产中介说他们准备带人来看房子了The realtor says that they're going to have a showing.我得过去收拾一下I'll pick up some boxes.爸爸我能晚点做数学作业吗Dad? Can I skip math.不行No, you can't.你啥时候能做完What time do you finish?两点呸4点Two. Four.那就4点Four it is.慢点等等我Take your bar.我忘拿文件了I forgot a file.慢点Hey, take your bar.停职停薪通知走开Go away!你赢得了那个太空之旅You won the space trip.我还没赢呢I didn't win anything yet.走开Go away!你就是赢了You have!大家在这干嘛呢What's everybody doing?太阳下山了安格斯The sun is out, Angus.不如出去转转吧Why don't you get some fresh air?你个走狗屎运的混蛋Lucky bastard.看我干嘛What?你真的觉得我能做到吗You really think I could, huh?你可以的You can do it.我就知道你是能说话的I knew you could speak.石灰岩的侵蚀土木工程论文作者:安格斯·斯图尔特有人吗Hello?威廉姆斯太太你在吗Hello Mrs Williams?日落山谷庄园那么多的数学公式烦死了And then we did more boring equations, 还有百分比啊圆周率啊then percentages, then pi...就是这样啊你以后会用到的小巴Yeah, well you need math Barn.我以后要当宇航员所以可以不用学I'm going to be an astronaut, so I don't. 宇航员就更要学好数学科学这些了That's all math and science.安格斯就不喜欢数学Angus didn't like math.但他还是可以当宇航员啊And he's going to be an astronaut.等一下你刚刚说什么Woah woah woah, what?小巴Barn...没什么啊Nothing.没什么是吗Nothing, huh?爸爸爸Dad, dad, dad.不要告诉他我说溜嘴了Don't tell him I said anything.我本该保守秘密的It's supposed to be a secret.听着巴尼不要担心Hey Barns, don't worry about it,我不会跟他提的I'm not going to make any mention it.把这个盒子搬到安格斯的房间Just take the box up to Angus's room然后再给我们倒杯咖啡好吗and get us some coffee, alright?安格斯你居然参加了那个太空竞赛Angus, you entered the space competition?莫莉没来吗Where's Molly?她正带着房地产经纪人的客户看你的房子Showing your house to the realtor's clients.你怎么觉得你能去太空竞赛呢How did you think that you were going to get away with this? 你已经八十岁了You're eighty years old.-七十五-而且你在这- Seventy five. - And you're here.你难道不应该去你想去的地方吗Well, shouldn't you be where you're suppose to be?做你的怎么说来着交易吗Doing some of your, what is it? Deals?听我说Listen to me,我被坐办公室的那帮家伙给炒了I worked my ass off from office boy up.这一切都是谁付钱的Who's paying for all of this?安格斯Angus.我不是故意要告诉他的I didn't mean to tell him.没事大家都知道了Oh it's okay, everybody knows.但他们选了你But they picked you.你会赢得比赛的You're going to win the competition.你将成为一名宇航员You're going to be an Astronaut!安格斯你得跟他们说实话Angus, you're going to have to tell them the truth. 我们得帮你好好准备下We need to get you ready.到浴光室跟我汇合Meet me in that sunroom place.-我们要挑件行头-安格斯- We need to pick an outfit. - Angus.安格斯Angus!什么意思Excuse me?-这件怎么样-不行不行- What about this? - No no no,不要黄色的Not the yellow. Not the yellow.请问大家是谁Who is everybody?我能去吗Can I come?什么What?我们要给你化个妆We need to do something with your face.我的脸怎么了What's wrong with my face?你看起来太苍白了You're too pale.这里一切都还好吗Everything alright in here?好吧Alright.巴尼你要知道Look Barney, you gotta understand这是场持久战你姥爷很虚弱this is a long shot, your grandfather is frail.我们明天演练Tomorrow, we rehearse.光是起飞就可能要了你的命The lift off alone may kill you.这太荒唐了This is ridiculous,他们要的是年轻健康意志坚定的人they want young, healthy, thick.-宇航员啊-别那么叫他- Astronaut! - Don't call him that.在某种意义上讲没错Kind of, yes, in a way.这纯属是骗人的It was completely conned.她在报纸上看到了这个广告She saw this ad in the newspaper,她不知道用什么办法买下来了驴群somehow she just bought the donkey herd,土地所有的东西the land, the whole thing.几千美金把所有东西都划在信用卡上Thousands of dollars, put the whole thing on a credit card 直到木已成舟我才发现发生了什么so I didn't even know it was happening until it was too late. 我刚刚向伦恩讲你妈妈和驴群的事I just told Len about your mother and the donkey herd.我带了些东西过来So I brought some things over下周我就能完工车库and I'll finish the garage next week.爸爸是户很好的人家It's a nice family, dad.爸爸房地产经纪人觉得我们可以Dad, the realtor thinks we could sell the donkeys把驴群卖个好for a good-不行No.把房子卖了就是这样Sold the house. And that is that.-还好吗伦恩-你从来没有去看过它们- How you doing, Len? - You've never even visited them.我想我要去躺下睡一觉You know, I think I'm going to and lie down and take a nap. 我们刚刚卖掉了他的房子We just sold his home.准备好了吗Ready?爸爸问他几个问题让他练习一下Dad, ask him some questions so he can practice.我不会参与的巴尼I am not getting involved in this, Barney.安格斯你喜欢你工作的哪一点Angus, what did you like about your job?我喜欢修东西I like to fix things.你都修些什么呢What things did you fix?那些你不太容易想到的Um, well, things that you don't really think about.比如公路还有跑道Like roads and runways.有一次有个跑道One time, there was this runway.建在一层浅灰岩上That was built on a bed of oolitic limestone.水在石灰岩上侵蚀出了一个洞And water eroded a hole in the limestone这种情况在地下水结冰时会发生and that can happen when ground water freezes.埋在跑道底下的管子炸了石灰岩溶解Then the pipe underneath the runway, burst and the limestone dissolved 这个过程叫做冻融破碎this process is called Freeze thaw shattering...Agnus 这跟比赛没关系Agnus, thanks, thanks. It's not relevant.-爸这很有意思-这跟比赛无关- Dad, it's interesting. - It's not relevant.跟比赛有关系It is relevant.跑道上的天坑A sinkhole in a runway?大爆炸Kaboom.你得建一条好的道路You got to have the right road.安格斯你为什么想赢得这场比赛Angus. Why do you want to win this?对安格斯你为什么想赢得比赛Yeah Angus, why do you want to win this trip?我一直都想去I've always wanted to go.我是说一直I mean, always.从比你还小的时候就开始了I mean, since I was younger than you.想象一下巴尼Just imagine, Barney,你进入太空you go up into space,你转过身来就看到了地球and you turn around and there's earth漂浮在太空中Floating.什么都挡不住你Nothing's holding it up.太壮观了And it's so magnificent漂亮得像块华丽的大理石and beautiful like a gorgeous marble.多少人能有这等机遇How many people have that opportunity?至于我现在为什么要这么做and why am I doing it now?因为我不会再有第二次机会了Because I ain't gonna get another opportunity如果我让这次机会白白溜走就太傻了and I'd be a damn fool to let one this pass.你准备好了You're ready.来点音乐Let's have some music.我来I'll do it.安格斯Angus.你要在彗星上许愿You need to make a wish on the comet.一对一赢得去太空的免费船票head to head to win the one free ticket to space.就像我说的永远不要放弃你的梦想Never give up on your dreams is what I say,这是为那些幸运的入围者准备的一首舞曲so here's a song to dance to for those lucky short listers. ♪我说话吞吞吐吐♪♪I get tongue tied ♪♪只因看到你秋水明眸♪♪just looking in your eyes ♪♪我突然喜不能言♪♪and I go speechless ♪♪只因你要次蜻蜓点水♪♪when you say you want a little kiss ♪♪我变得笨口拙舌♪♪and I am struck dumb ♪♪当你说你想赠与我♪♪when you say you wanna give me some ♪♪只有三个字能让你满意♪♪It's just like three words can do for you ♪♪现在我有话想对你说♪♪Now there are things that I'd like to say ♪♪宝贝儿但我不会说♪♪to you baby but I won't ♪♪话语如鲠在喉♪♪words get caught up in my throat ♪♪当我看见你曼妙的舞姿♪♪when I see that body dancing across the floor ♪♪任何华丽辞藻都无法形容♪♪Lordy Shorty can't express ♪♪有什么奖励♪♪What that booty and that woah ♪♪对我做的事♪♪Doing to me ♪♪必须拥有♪♪Got to have it ♪宇航员Astronaut.安格斯我明白了Angus, I get it.最后一次欢呼One last hurrah.但我们可以送你上游轮But we can send you on a cruise.光鲜亮丽又暖和Nice, warm.茉莉知道你失业了吗Does Molly already know you lost your job?你怎么知道的How did you know?很多好人都丢了饭碗A lot of good men lost their jobs.发生了什么What happened?你做了什么What did you do?这事很复杂It's complicated.你要给自己请个律师You have to get yourself a lawyer.如果我赢了的话我会坚持到底的You know if I win, I'm going to be drowning-你不会赢的You're not going to win,你更有可能找到自己的生活you're more likely to get yourself--茉莉会杀了我-好了好了- Molly will kill me. - Hey, hey, hey我们谈论的是我不是你we're not talking about me, we're talking about you. 首先Number one,我可以帮你I can help you.最重要的是And most important,别让茉莉知道现在还不是时候don't tell Molly anything, not yet.晚安小巴Night, Barn.走吧Hey, come on.爸爸Dad.如果安格斯明天赢了的话If Angus wins tomorrow,我在学校认识会做假ID的人I know someone at school who can do fake IDs.假IDFake IDs?我是把你送到哪里上得学Where the hell am I sending you to school?只是一个驾照Just a drivers license.帮帮他吧老爹Help him dad.求你了Please.Marcus 这是你25年来的梦想Marcus, this has been your dream for 25 years.为什么这个旅行对你如此重要Why is this journey so important to you?听着Listen,想象一下Imagine.先在大气中翱翔Soaring first through the atmosphere,在高层大气上the upper atmosphere.当我们通过的时候Then when we get through一切都很安静一切都静止了everything's quiet, everything's still然后你低下头来看看地球and you're looking down back at earth你开始看到我们在宇宙中的位置and you begin to see where we are in the universe你开始看到And you begin to see我们与宇宙的关系where we are in relation to the universe.你看到了我们未来的一切可能You see everything that's possible for us in the future. 让你喘不过气来不是吗And takes your breath away doesn't it?安格斯快来出发了Angus, come on, let's go!参赛者进来吧Contestants, enter.我很紧张我不舒服Listen, I am nervous, I am not comfortable with this. 我们就忘掉这些好吗Let's just forget this, okay?你太闪亮了You're too shiny.-闭上眼睛-好别太用力- Close your eyes. - Ok, not too hard因为它跑到皱纹里去了because it goes into the lines.好吧安格斯。
Instead of trying to keep the mosquitos away, it attracts them, then catches them and finally kills them! Basically, it will attract the mosquitos into the Mosquitron, with a completely harmless UV-PT producing light. Next to the UV-PT light is a powerful reverse (反向的)fan that sucks (吸)the mosquitos through a one-way trapdoor. Once they are trapped in the drying basket« they are dried to death by the fan in 2 minutes.
Now known as "Grandma of Chenchen" with 200,000 fans, she has tried on many different Chinese traditional clothing, dutiful headwear and fans with traditional Chinese pammgs are some of her favorite parts in dressing. Liu, also a lover of Hanfu. said he wanted to share happy memories with his grandma and to record her life at old age. And he foundshe was quite suitable for the clothing.
行尸之惧 -第5季第2集-字幕-对白-纯英文-看美剧学英语
If you're watching this,it means I probably didn't make it.Sarah. Wendell. Charlie.It's onto you to do what I couldn't.Just know that I tried.Hey, kitty.Can we just take a breath, Daniel?I'm aware I have a distinctive timbre...hearing it now, seeing my face,removing all doubt,you may be inclined to instantly pull the trigger. Perhaps involuntarily.A Pavlovian response of self-defense.So, can we just...take a breath before we begin?You still talk too much, Victor.Turn around.Slowly.I'm unarmed.Skidmark likes you.He has good taste.He licks his own ass.You knew I was here?- Yes. - Then why are you here?I understand that we partedunder difficult circumstances, but things have changed.I'm a...Sometimes they don't trip.Yeah.Come inside.It's not safe to talk out here.Skidmark, Skidmark!Get in there.Get in there.Well, whatever it was she came to check's gone.What do you mean "Gone"?You said she pinned it to the ground.Well, the rain turned the ground to mush.Must've slipped free.I don't know. Maybe she followed it.Maybe she's just chasing the story like she does, you know. You really believe that?I mean, with everything we've seen since the crash?I guess I want to.But if I'm being No, I don't.John, Alicia, over here.So, whoever took Al took all the weapons and the ammo.I saw what you packed in there, too.You were ready for D-Day.There's a road back there.If somebody took her, took all of this,they probably had a vehicle.- Okay, so we'll check it out. - All right.Grab whatever's worth keeping,- and take it back to the truck. - All right.- Walkie if you get into trouble. - Mm-hmm.But be careful... we don't know who's listening.I should've stopped her.Hey, we're not gonna go to regrets just yet.- We can't. - It's Al.I should've known.I got it.- Let me help. - No, it's fine.Okay, you know what?Here's your next dose.All right, that'll help take the edge off.I can't feel my fingers.Yeah, that's normal.The bar... it was close to the brachial plexus.It's gonna take a while for this to heal.When will I be able to play the accordion?You play the accordion?I was thinking of learning.Yeah, you need to rest. You push it...You're gonna need something a lot stronger than this. Anything?No sign of Al.I scavenged what I could.Some bits of food.First-aid supplies.And I found these.Thought Polar Bear might have a route or two in there.I also found this out there.I also found this out there.Figure any book that can survivea hurricane and a plane crashwith just a few singed pagesmight be worth hanging onto.- Thank you, John. - Sure.Morgan and Alicia headed north, see what they could see. - Yeah. - I figured we'd just head the opposite direction. - I can't leave her alone. - I won't be alone.I only need one hand to operate the radio.It's not like I'm playing the accordion.No.This is the drugs talking, right?Yeah.Oh, well, we're running short on weapons,but if you run into trouble,this should take care of it.I'll try and reach Strand on the CB.See if he heard Al's message.Okay.Follow me.Don't touch anything.So, where did you get this veritable bounty from?- You could say I inherit it. - From whom?Victor, you're in no position to be asking questions.I have a few.What are you doing here? What do you want?Well, I was told you may have a small plane.Who told you that?Althea.The journalist? You know her?How do you think I found you?A small world.Well, therefore, we have an ineluctable responsibility to those who remain. Hey, you know them, Daniel.Madison?She's gone.Nick, too.But Alicia, she remains.And your plane...I need it to help her.To help Al. To help all our friends.Why can't you be honest?It's for you.It's for you, and no one else.I know who you are.You don't have to believe me.Do you have a long-range radioamongst this treasure trove?Please.Please.Luciana, 31 North is blocked.Got more of those radiation signs.Copy that.Heard anything from Strand?Not yet, but I'll let you know when he makes contact. - Because he will. - What makes you so sure?I just know. And it's not from the drugs.The accordion stuff is from the drugs.The what?Olvídalo.Never mind.Copy that.If Al's in there...She will come through this.We don't even know what "This" is.Alicia, this isn't all on you.Yes, it is. That's what we decided at the River Mill. I'd keep everyone safe. You'd handle the rest. Yeah, we didn't decide that. You did.We all got on the plane.We all came here.And we're all do whatever it takes to find Al. Yeah.It's warm.Take off your clothes.All of them.I know how this looks. But I don't want to shoot you. So just do as I say. Please.- I don't understand. - Don't talk.Talking's bad. Breathing's bad.At least right now.Cut yourself looseand slowly back away from the body.Toss the ropes onto the tarp,and, remember... breathe as little as possible.I'm gonna need to get that back.It's, um... It's kind of important to me.Well, shit. You're really a talker, aren't you? Remember what I said about talking?I don't want to have to do it this way.Drop it.Where is she?- Where is she? - Who?- Our friend. - Hey, Alicia...Al went back to the planebecause she saw someone wearing a mask.Where is she?I don't know.But let me keep you from losing another friend.Alicia.Why?There are two Pressurized Water Reactors13 miles north of here.The cooling system failed in one.The reactor melted down last year,killing a lot of people who were trying to keep it humming. Including that corpse, which means his body's carrying some particularly dangerous particles.Some of them may have gotten onto... what's your name? - Morgan. - Some of them may have gotten onto Morgan. He needs to be decontaminated.Exactly how do we do that?I can show you. Back in my truck.She could be lying.What's your name?Grace.Grace, you telling us the truth?Yes.Let's let her go.I'm holding on to this.I'm still gonna need you to take your clothes off.Scrub yourself down, not too hard.Careful of those scratches.Make sure you clean under your nails,- oh, and your wedding ring. - What about it?Take it off.Clean under it.Once you're done with all that,keep the water running.Lift your right foot, rinse it,place it on the ground.Then do the same thing with the left.Clothes are over there.Sorry about the selection.Sorry about the selection.Laundry day's next week.He should be okay.- Can I have my gun back? - I'm gonna hang on to it. What happened to your friend?We don't know. She went missing last night.I can help you look.As soon as I take care of him.Thanks.What are those?Dosimeters.They measure exposure to radiation.See them on the dead... run the other way.Is it even safe to be here?As long as you stay on this side of the signs.What about the dead tied across the road?Are you trying to scare people off?That definitely was not me.I run away from those things. You should, too.That was your plane that crashed yesterday.Bet that drew a lot of the dead.- We handled it. - How many'd you kill?I don't really count.I'm gonna need you to take me to the crash site.We don't have time for that.You could be contaminated.So could your friend.Anybody copy? We've had a bit of a hiccup.Our truck gave out on us. We're gonna have to hoof it from here. John, be careful when killing the dead.They could be contaminated.Contaminated with what?Radiation. The signs were real.Turns out a reactor melted down nearby.So we can't kill them?Not if they have...dosimeters on their necks.They're like small, round cylinders.Look like pens.Copy that.Boy, this place just keeps getting friendlier and friendlier, don't it? That's exactly why we need to be here.Little bit of sunshine in a dark place.Maybe so.Lookie here.That was on the van the kids were driving.If that's where they're from...Maybe they went back.Max?Dylan?Annie?They didn't want to be found yesterday.They want to be found.They sure got a funny way of showing it.When I ran, I'd wake up every morninghoping it'd be the day that you'd find me.Then why'd you keep running?Part of me was scared that you'd stopped'd given up.It's easier to keep moving than toface the possibility that you weren't out there.I don't know if the kids are here,but someone sure called this place home.Yeah.Fought for it.They mighta just won, too.That fence has been repaired.You hear that?Alicia?Al? Do you copy?Morgan?John?Luciana?Signal's not strong enough.They crashed on the other side of the mountain.Why weren't you on that plane, Victor?The dead flooded the runway. Someone had to clear them. And that unselfish, heroic someone had to be you.I did it to help my friends.The last time I heard you say that,a dam exploded and someone shot me in the face.I'm so sorry, Daniel.I'm not the same man that I was in Mexico.You do have a new haircut.You don't think a man can change?Some men.I know I've done things.Terrible things.Things that I might not be able to make up for. But...I'm trying.I hope you can believe that.Let me do that.You're missing half the upper bands.These are clean.I got this.Hey, so, about my stick.Am I ever gonna get that back?You can't. The wood is porous.There's no way of cleaning it.It's not about it being just pointy, huh?These are all clean.Great, let's keep moving.Wait.You knocked down my fence.I don't have any bird traps over here.That was the only thing keeping themfrom crossing the eastern border.We need to search the area, put up more fencing. Okay, we need to find our friend.We're wasting time chasing the dead.Is that what you think this is?Al's still alive. They're not.That's one of mine.- Give me my gun. - I told you.I'm hanging on to it.Alicia, let her do what she does.Get your gear. You help her.I'll take care of the rest of them.- It's not safe. - I'll do it safe.You want to risk going terminal to get your killing in? We don't have time for this.Let's go.We'll get the tarp. Come on.Back of the truck.Help me with my suit.- Grab the tape. - Okay.Shit.I can't tell which one's which.Get away from them.Water tank's empty. We gotta move.Get the tarp.It's got to be one of these.Throw me my gun.Come on.This one's clear.Alicia, hang on.One more.Hurry!This is our guy.You could've been exposed,and I don't have any more water in my tank.I couldn't have decontaminated you.I know you want to find your friend...but she wouldn't want you to get sick and die, either.迪利Help me with the body?Yeah.You knew them.I worked at the plant.Ran operations.Once things started going south,I called in all the shifts to help keep the place running.Once things got worse, I called in their families.We had food, supplies, fuel to last for months.The place was designed to keep terrorists out,so the dead weren't a problem.I was.Once the cities fell,they didn't need the power we were making.I just couldn't see that things weren't going back to the way they were.I should've evacuated the plant.We didn't have the infrastructureto keep the place going the right way.Well, how many of them are still left out there?63.I couldn't take care of them then.So I have to take care of them now.Anybody copy? Repeat, anybody copy?We copy. You all right?We are.You know those cylinders you told us to watch out for? We just might've found a whole bunch of them.Don't touch anything.We're on our way.Did you touch anything?Did you breathe any of that ash?No, ma'am, we stayed up-wind.Burning them doesn't kill the radiation?Just releases it into the air.Who did this?They could be very sick.They're not sick.You don't have to do this to yourself.Don't.They could be contaminated, too.This is why finding the dead matters.This is why no one else can kill them.Those people were exposed.They thought they were protecting themselves. Strand?Do you copy?Strand, are you there?Luciana.Strand, I'm here.Where are you?At the truck stop.I got hurt really bad in the crash.June had to operate. I'll recover.I don't think my jacket will.And the others?Al is missing.We can't find her. We found some other people. We're trying to help them, but this place...we can't stay here for long.You won't have to. I got Al's message.The man with the plane?I found him.And, Luciana, I know him.Alicia knows him.He's gonna help us.Luciana?Lucia... Luciana, do you copy?Strand?Are you there?Luciana?Luciana, do you copy?Do you believe me now?They need help.It's worse than I thought.Yes, they do.Follow me.Someone there?This one has keys.And three quarters of a tank.It's got a lot of seats... room for us all.Kids, too.Yeah.It's Luciana. Is anybody there?Yeah, we copy.Strand got Al's message.He's getting the plane right now.Luciana, you talked to him?Not for long.The wind... it took out the long-range antenna.Are you outside right now? You shouldn't be on your feet. It's fine. I'm feeling much better.Luciana, get back inside. Lock the doors.We're heading back to you now.You okay?She was right.Those people didn't know what they were doing.I did.And it's not because I didn't believe her. I did.I just still did it anyway.I used to think that killing was the only thing that I could do. It is the only thing I can do.I haven't helped anyone.I haven't found anyone on those tapes.I couldn't stop Al from going missing.Every walker I kill,that's one less dangerous thing out there.Yeah, it used to be like that for me.But, was worse.I was lost. I was stuck.I didn't know it.You don't know ituntil somebody tells you, so, uh...I got to tell you.I'm really sorry I didn't say this before,but, uh, these things haven't always gonethe way that I would hope.You are not locked in.The door opens.There is a way out.A way out to what?There isn't any safety.There's no way to really protect yourself.You can't put a weapon between you and losing people, and you can't even run away from them, either.I'm telling you that because I tried.The way out is opening the door.To people.To possibility.To the hurt that will happen.Well, that's what I did.I've found the way, and I opened the door,and then my life started all over again.Yours will, too.Hey, where you going?There's some caverns near the plant.I bury the bodies there so this kind of thing doesn't happen. And you've really got to take my stick.Yeah.You shouldn't stay here long.This whole place needs to be cleaned.You don't have to do this alone.- You can't help me. - We can.I mean, you said there are 63 left,and we just found half of them in the ashes.We could help you find the rest.And then once we find Al, those kids,maybe you can come back with us.We got a plane coming.I can't go back with you.The people who died, you tried to stop something like this from happening to them. This isn't about whether I deserve it.After the accident,I went back into the plant for days,looking for survivors.I was careful, but I was still exposedto more alpha emitters than most people see in a lifetime. I'm not risking anyone else's well-being.I'm not doing that.How long do you have?I don't know.Well, what you're doing for your people,we would like to help,so if you change your mind... and I think you should... we'll be on the other end of that walkie, channel 7.I hope you find your friend.You see any of my friends,I'm on the other side of this walkie, too.You said this was gonna be hard.Yeah.Yeah, I did.Luci? Luciana?Luci? Shh, shh, shh, shh.Are you all right?Where are they? - Who?The dead.Somebody knows we're here.They're trying to scare us.I don't know what I'm seeing.You know what I'm seeing?Whole lotta effort when they coulda just left a note. This, the roadblocks,means we're getting close to something.Strand's gonna get here with that plane.We're gonna find Al. We're gonna find those kids. And we're gonna get home.Where do you keep the plane?It's time for you to leave, Victor.Hey, I don't understand.Our friends need help.Yes, they do. But not from you.What the hell are you talking about?You heard Luciana.You told me the reason you were not on that plane was because you wanted to help your friends. Doesn't look like it worked out that way.Daniel. Please!Alicia is resourceful like her mother.Althea is a survivor. They'll manage.I'm not giving you the plane,'cause you'll make it all worse for them.Every time you help people, you end up hurting them. No one knows that better than I do.And if you come back,the next one will be in your face.。
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a r X i v :h e p -p h /0112280v 1 20 D e c 2001StockholmsUniversity USIP 2001-519December,20011IntroductionSupersymmetry(SUSY)is believed to be one of the most attractive scenarios for physics beyond the Standard Model.In the last few years around150papers on experimentalsearches for SUSY were published,out of which around100were related to the LEP results and close to30to the Tevatron results.This large number of papers reflects perhaps as well the large number of free parameters relevant to SUSY models at the presently exploredenergy scale.LEP and Tevatron are complementary from the experimental point of view: LEP has lower energy reach,but it is better suited to explore corners of SUSY models in a relatively assumption independent way,while the Tevatron can discover SUSY providedthe Nature has chosen a version of the model with favourable signatures.For this reason perhaps,LEP and Tevatron results are rarely analysed in a consistent framework,andusually models used to interpret LEP results are less constrained.In this paper the results obtained by LEP experiments and these of the Tevatron Run I are analysed within two consistent scenarios:the gravity-mediated constrained MSSMframework and the minimal SUGRA scenario.In these frameworks,limits much beyond LEP’s kinematic reach can be set,and the allowed mass range for particles which are not directly observable at LEP(sneutrino and gluino)can be explored.This has directconsequences for designing the searches at the Tevatron.In the Minimal Supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model(MSSM)[1],eachStandard Model particle has a supersymmetric partner with the same couplings and with spin differing by¯h/rge corrections to the Higgs mass from interactions involving virtual particles(heavy quarks in particular)are partially cancelled due to their super-partners.If they are lighter than1-10TeV/c2this solves the so called hierarchy problem [2].Moreover,supersymmetric particles modify the energy dependence of the electromag-netic,weak and strong coupling constants,and help them to unify at the scale of around 1015GeV[3].The Higgs sector of the MSSM has to be extended to two complex Higgs doubletsH1,H2responsible for giving masses to the up and down-type fermions.Five physical Higgs boson mass states remain after the Electroweak Symmetry breaking.The lightest scalar neutral Higgs boson h0and the heavier pseudoscalar neutral Higgs boson A areof interest for this paper.On the tree level,masses of the Higgs bosons depend on just two parameters,which can be chosen as tanβ,the ratio of vacuum expectation valuesof the two Higgs doublets,and m A.In particular m h<m Z∗|cos2β|1,however due to radiative corrections mentioned above(which depend on the top quark mass,and on the mass terms of the superpartners of heavy quarks),the upper limit on the mass of thelightest Higgs boson grows to m h<∼135GeV/c2[4,5].If m A>∼150GeV/c2the lightest supersymmetric Higgs boson resembles very much the one of the Standard Model.Precise electroweak measurements[6]suggest that theHiggs boson is relatively light2,m h=88+53−36GeV/c 2,well in the range of the MSSMprediction.Searches for the Standard Model like Higgs boson at LEP[7,8]set a lower limit for m h,m h>114.1GeV/c2(if tanβ<6,or m A>120GeV/c2),constraining heavily the MSSM.The2.1σ“excess”observed at LEP[9]of events compatible with production of the Standard Model Higgs boson with m h∼114−117GeV/c2,together with the EWconstraints,makes low m h,just above the reach of LEP,quite probable.The Run II of the Tevatron should cover the whole mass range allowed for m h0in the MSSM,providing a definite answer to whether the MSSM is a valid extension of the Standard Model[10,11].The MSSM provides a phenomenologically interesting wealth of superpartners of the Standard Model particles.Supersymmetric partners of gauge and Higgs bosons(gauginosand higgsinos)mix to realize four neutral mass states,neutralinos,˜χ0i:i=1,4,and fourcharged mass states,charginos,˜χ±1,˜χ±2.Superpartners of left-handed and right-handed fermions,“right-handed”and“left-handed”scalar quarks(squarks)and scalar leptons (sleptons)can mix.This leads to the off-diagonal“left-right”terms in their mass matrices and induces an additional mass splitting between the lighter and the heavier state.While the Higgs sector is well constrained in the MSSM,very little can be said about the superpartners mass spectrum unless one makes some additional assumptions.Experi-mental searches at LEP and the Tevatron(discussed in more detail in section5)constrain the lightest chargino and the sfermions to be heavier than∼100GeV/c2,except for patho-logical mass configurations which are discussed later.The Supersymmetry has thus to be broken.The pattern of the sparticle mass spectrum depends primarily on the mechanism of its breaking.In the models with gravity mediated supersymmetry breaking which will be discussed in this paper,the lightest neutralino(˜χ01)is usually the Lightest Supersymmetric Particle (LSP).If R-parity3is conserved the LSP does not decay,and it is an ideal cold dark matter candidate[12].R-parity conservation was introduced to suppress baryon and lepton number violating terms in the MSSM Lagrangian and thus to prevent the proton from decaying.However it is not the only and perhaps not the best[13]way to achieve this aim.Constraints on models with broken R-parity will be only briefly discussed in this paper along with a detailed discussion of R-parity conserving models.Experimental searches motivated by the MSSM with R-parity conservation and gravity-mediated supersymmetry breaking exploit features of the model independent of further assumptions,like the strength of superpartner couplings to the gauge bosons, pair-production of sparticles,and the missing energy and momentum signature due to escaping LSPs in thefinal state.The same is to a large extent true for searches in the MSSM with R-parity violation,except that single sparticle production and complicated decays of the LSP have to be taken into account.However,to cover“pathological”situations withfinal states which cannot be efficiently detected or situations where the production cross-sections are low,orfinally to achieve more predictivity and set limits on masses of the sparticles which are not directly observ-able(e.g.the LSP in the R-parity conserving model),additional model assumptions have to be made.In this paper two“flavours”of such constraining assumptions are discussed (see section2):the constrained MSSM with non-universal Higgs parameters(CMSSM with nUHP),which is often used to interpret LEP results,and an even more constrained minimal SUGRA scenario(mSUGRA)4,often used to interpret Tevatron results and forbenchmark searches at future colliders[15].It is shown in section5that in both models LEP results can be used to exclude sparticles much beyond the kinematic limit of LEP. Perspectives tofind sparticles at the Tevatron are discussed in section6.2The models:CMSSM with nUHP and mSUGRA To make the MSSM more predictive,the unification of some parameters at a high mass scale typical of Grand Unified Theories(GUT)can be assumed.In this section,approx-imate relations between the model parameters and the superparners masses which are important to understand the experimental limits will be quoted without explanations. For a more complete information see e.g.[1].2.1CMSSM with nUHPAs well as the already mentioned tanβand m A,the following parameters are relevant in the constrained MSSM with non-universal Higgs parameters:•µ,the Higgs mass parameter,•M1,M2,M3,the U(1)×SU(2)×SU(3)gaugino masses at the electroweak(EW) scale.Gaugino mass unification at the GUT scale is assumed,with a common gaug-ino mass of m1/2.The resulting relation between M1and M2is M1=5and m˜g>∼310GeV/c2.If the sleptons are heavy the chargino mass limit excludes regions in(M2,|µ|)plane (see e.g.[18]).For tanβ>∼,2|µ|>∼100GeV/c2is excluded up to very high values of M2 (of the order of1000GeV/c2or more)while M2<∼100GeV/c2is excluded for|µ|>∼100 GeV/c2.Electroweak symmetry imposes the following relation between the masses of the su-perpartners of the left-handed electron(˜e L)and of the neutrino(˜ν),1)m˜eL 2=m˜ν2+m2W|cos2β|.The assumption of sfermion mass unification relates masses of the“left-handed”(m L) and the“right-handed”(m R)“light”sfermions,“light”squark masses,and the gaugino mass parameter M2.For example:2)m˜ν2=m20+0.77M22−0.5m Z2|cos2β|3)m2L=m20+0.77M22+(0.5−sin2θW)m Z2|cos2β|4)m2R=m20+0.22M22+sin2θW m Z2|cos2β|5)m dL=m20+9M22+(0.5−1/3sin2θW)m Z2|cos2β|Thus,for example,m dL>∼310GeV/c2,if m˜χ±1>∼103.5GeV/c2.Mixing between left and right states(present for superpartners of heavy fermions) gives rise to off-diagonal“left-right”mixing terms in their mass matrices,which lead to a mass splitting between the lighter and the heavier state.At the EW scale these terms are proportional to mτ(Aτ−µtanβ),m b(A b−µtanβ)and m t(A t−µ/tanβ) for˜τ,˜b and˜t,respectively,where Aτ,A b,A t are free parameters.Therefore,for large µthis can give light stau and sbottom states if tanβis large,or a light stop for small tanβ.For large m A,the lightest Higgs boson mass depends primarily on tanβ,m top and the mixing in the stop sector X t(expressed here as X t=A t−µ/tanβ),and this dependence is maintained whether any additional constraints on the MSSM are imposed or not.The top quark mass is presently known with the uncerntainty(1σ)of around5GeV/c2[19], and the resulting uncerntainty of the lightest Higgs boson mass calculation is around 6.5GeV/c2,as∆m h0/m h0≃2∆m top/m top.It was shown in[5]that for a given tanβand top mass,the maximal m h0occurs for X t/m SUSY=√6.m SUSY is typically taken to be of the order of the gluino mass,or of the diagonal terms in the squark mass matrices,and m h0grows with m SUSY.It should be noted that the off-diagonal terms in mass matrices of the third family sparticles cannot be too big compared to the diagonal terms,in order for a real solution for sparticle masses to exist.As diagonal terms grow with m0and M2,for every given value of the off-diagonal term a lower limit is set on the corresponding combination of m0 and M25.(m ll−m rr)2+4∗m2lrwhere m lr is the off-diagonal mixing term,and m ll,m rr are the diagonal mass terms.For example,for the stop we have m lr=m top X t and,2.2mSUGRAIn the minimal SUGRA model not only the sfermion masses,but also the Higgs massesm H1and m H2,are assumed to unify to the common m0at the GUT scale.Then m2H2becomes negative at the EW scale in most of the parameter space,thus ensuring EW symmetry breaking.The additional requirements of the unification of the trilinear couplings to a common A0and the correct reproduction of the EW symmetry scale,whichfixes the absolute value ofµ,defines the minimal gravity-broken MSSM(mSUGRA).The value ofµ2can be determined minimising the Higgs potential and requiring the right value of m Z.At tree level[1]:6)µ2=−1/2m2Z+m2H1−m2H2tan2βs=207GeV.This value can be used to set a conservative h0mass limit in the MSSM.It follows that the SM mass limit6TeV/c2,the condition above sets a lower limit on a combination of m20and M22:m02+8.5M22>0.39TeV/c2Thus,if m0<300GeV/c2we must have M2>190GeV/c2.6For low tanβ,m2A≃m20+3m21/2−m2Z.As m h0grows with m A and A t(see section1),Higgs searches can be used to set a limit on m1/2(M2)which depends on tanβ,A0,and m topholds in the MSSM if tan β<6and/or m A >120GeV /c 2(where e +e −→Z ∗→h 0Z and h 0→b ¯b dominate 7),unless there are supersymmetric particles to which h 0decays or which enhance other branching-ratios via virtual loops.For h 0→˜χ01˜χ01(or h 0decaying to other experimentally invisible final states)there exist a limit m h >114.4GeV /c 2set by LEP [8].For m A ≤1000GeV /c 2,A t -µ/tan β=√s =207GeV.Searches at the Tevatron Run I [26]impose mh 0>120GeV /c 2for tan β>70,and m h 0>110GeV /c 2for tan β>60.3.2Searches for charginos and neutralinosAfter the Higgs,charginos were the most important SUSY discovery channel at LEP.Unless there is a light sneutrino 8,the chargino pair production cross-section is predicted to be large if m ˜χ±1<√s ∼205GeV,the average energy of theyear 2000data)is excluded for ∆M >20GeV /c 2[20,31],where ∆M =m ˜χ±1−m ˜χ01or ∆M =m ˜χ±1−m ˜ν.If these limits are combined,a chargino production cross-sectionabove 0.05pb-0.1pb can be excluded.The limit on chargino mass of m ˜χ±1>∼100GeV /c 2can be set for the light sneutrino as well,as long as ∆M >∼10GeV /c 2.If sfermion mass unification is assumed,searches for ˜e R can be used to set a lower limit on the sneutrino mass,and thus on the chargino mass in the case of a light sneutrino and ∆M <10GeV /c 2.Moreover,if ˜e L and ˜e R are light,neutralino production in the gaugino region is enhanced 9,and neutralino searches set an indirect limit on the sneutrino massin some regions of the parameter space.In R-parity conserving scenarios,another ”blind-spot”in chargino searches arises when the ˜τ1is light and close in mass to the ˜χ01[18,28].Chargino decays ˜χ±1→˜τ1νwith ˜τ1→˜χ01τthen dominate,and lead to an “invisible”final state;but the search for neutralino production can be used [18,28]in this case.If neutralinos decay via light stau states andm ˜τis close to m ˜χ01,˜χ01˜χ02production with ˜χ02→˜ττand ˜τ→˜χ01τleads to only one τvisible in the detector;nevertheless limits on the cross-section times branching ratio are of theorder of 0.1-0.4pb [31].The search for ˜χ02˜χ02in the same region reaches a sensitivity of 0.06pb [18].In the CMSSM with nUHP,the region in (M 2,µ,m 0)space where the stau is degenerate in mass with the LSP depends on mixing parameters:A τ,and A b ,A t .It is possible to find configurations of mixing parameters (typically with |µ|few times larger than M 2and m 0)such that the stau is light and close in mass to ˜χ01while the selectrons are heavy,rendering the neutralino cross-section small.However,the chargino production cross-section is large in this case,and this region can be explored by the search for ˜χ±1˜χ±1γproduction [18,32,33]where the photon arises from initial state radiation and is detected together with a few low energy tracks originating from ˜χ02→˜ττand ˜τ→˜χ01τdecay chain.In mSUGRA,|µ|2is in the range 3.3m 21/2-0.5m 2Z <µ2<m 20+3.8m 21/2for tan β>2and and light stau cannot be degenerate with neutralino for large m 0.Thus neutralinosearches set a limit on the chargino mass for small m ˜τ1−m ˜χ01which is close to the one obtained for heavy sleptons (around 103GeV /c 2).It is perhaps worth mentioning that,because in the higgsino region (M 1>>|µ|)the˜χ01˜χ02production cross-sections at LEP are large,˜χ01˜χ02production can be excluded nearly up to the kinematic limit as long as m ˜χ01is not too close to m ˜χ02(M 2<∼1500GeV /c 2in the constrained MSSM).For 200<M 2<1500GeV /c 2a lower limit on the LSP massof 70GeV /c 2was set by DELPHI [42],using the data collected at√coupling of ˜χ01to Z,and e +e −→˜χ01˜χ02can only be mediated via t-channel selectron exchange.depending on the neutralino and on the squark masses,assuming100%branching fractionto the above decay modes.For the minimal coupling to Z/γand for∆M=m˜t(m˜b )−m˜χ01>15GeV/c2,the˜t(˜b)with mass below95(93)GeV/c2is then excluded[28].The CDF Run I searches exclude a stop quark lighter than115GeV/c2,ifm˜χ01<50GeV/c2.However,searches at LEP exclude m˜χ01<50GeV/c2in most of theparameter space(see section5).If CDF and LEP results on the sbottom searches are combined,a˜b1lighter than140GeV/c2can be excluded for m˜χ01<60GeV/c2and∆M=m˜b−m˜χ01>7GeV/c2[28,27].4Other experimental constraintsOther experimental constraints which be can used to evaluate SUSY models are the measurements of the b→sγdecay rate(via B→X sγdecay),the measurement of the muon magnetic moment(g-2)and,in R-parity conserving scenarios,the relict abundance of the LSP given by the model.These constraints are discussed briefly below.A possible discrepancy with the Standard Model was recently reported in the g-2 experiment[34],suggesting a presence of sparticles[15,35,36]lighter than a few hundrets of GeV/c2’s.However,the experimental results are still very fresh and need a cross-check with more statistics.In the constrained MSSM,the SUSY contribution to B→X sγdepends primarily on the charged Higgs-top quark loops and chargino-stop quark loops.The result obtained bythe CLEO collaboration,B→X sγ=(3.21±0.43±0.27+0.18−0.10)10−4[37],is compatible withthe recent result of BELLE B→X sγ=(3.34±0.50+0.34+0.26−0.37−0.28)10−4[38]and compatiblewith the next-to-leading order SM prediction including non-perturbative effects,B→X sγ=(3.71±0.31)10−4[39].Thus the overall SUSY contribution(which can be either positive or negative)has to be small.A relatively conservative estimate of the allowed range for the SUSY contribution would be to use weighted(with the statistical errors) average of BELLE and CLEO results and to treat systematic errors and theory errors as fully correlated.The experimental result is then B→X sγ=(3.27±1.15(2.5σ)±0.27±0.2)10−ing2.5σ(95‘%confidence level)statistical error and assuming that the systematic and theory errors can induce a correlated shift of the result,one arrives at a conservative allowed range for the discrepancy beetween the theoretical(SM+MSSM) and the experimental value(EX);−2×10−4<∼(MSSM+SM)-EX<∼2×10−4.In the constrained MSSM,SUSY contribution is small for a large m A(and thuslarge m H±as M2H±=M2W+M2A),and in the gaugino region for the chargino wherethe chargino-stop coupling is smaller.For example,the charged Higgs-top contribution is below0.25(1)×10−4for m A>1000(250)GeV/c2and low tanβ[40,41].The chargino-stop contribution in the gaugino region(M2<0.2|µ|)is of the order of0.25×10−4form˜χ±1=m˜t=300GeV/c2and of the order of2×10−4for m˜χ±1=m˜t=100GeV/c2,closeto the experimental lower mass limit.The charged Higgs-top contribution always adds to the SM one,whereas there can be a destructive interference between the SM and the chargino-stop contribution.Both contributions grow at large tanβ.The charged Higgs-top contribution contains tanβdependent NLO terms.The chargino-stop contribution grows with∼A tµtanβfor high values of tanβalready in the leading order.It was shownin[41]that there is a cancelation between the leading and next-to-leading order terms for A t>0andµ>0and the chargino-stop contribution is never very large.For example, for A t=µ=500GeV,m˜t=250GeV/c2and tanβ<40the chargino-stop contributionis smaller than0.25×10−4.For A t=−µ=−500GeV and tanβ=20(40)it is however of the order of2(4)and,if A tµ<0,can be partially cancelled by the charged Higgs-stopcontribution.Thus if A t<0,the positiveµis favoured and for tanβ>20one must have either˜t1or˜χ±1heavier than∼250GeV/c2or m H±(m A)of the order of250(200)GeV/c2. In mSUGRA A t≃0.25A0−2m1/2,thus it is negative unless one considers large and positive A0values.As M2,µ,m H±,A t,and the stop and the chargino masses are related, the B→X sγmeasurements can be used to exclude regions of(m1/2(M2);m0)space.This was discussed in e.g.[15,16]for A0=0.Somewhat less conservative estimate of the allowed experimental range of B→X sγwas used there than sugested in this paper.>∼100GeV/c2, At tanβ<10,there is essentially no constraints forµ>0and m˜χ±1whereas either a heavy chargino or a squark is required ifµ<0.For tanβ>20(35),the limit of∼200(300)GeV/c2is set for m1/2if m0<∼600GeV/c2.This corresponds to a lower limit on the diagonal terms in the squark mass matrix(or on the masses of the superpartners of light quarks)of the order of600-700GeV/c2.However,the sbottom squark can still be made lighter via mixing.The bounds mentioned above cannot have an interpretation of limits at95%level.For that,a more sophisticated estimate of the allowed range of the experimental value should be employed,and SUSY contribution to B→X sγshould be calculated for A0values other than0(10)If R-parity is conserved,the Universe could befilled with the neutralino relict of the Big Bang.The relict LSP density(ΩLSP h2)is governed by their annihilation rate at decoupling time[12].If the annihilation rate was too small we could have enough LSP Dark Matter to have collapsed the Universe by now.The annihilation rate is proportional to the neutralino self-interaction cross-section and to the interaction cross-section between LSPs and other supersymmetric particles(co-annihilation)which are suitably close in mass(see e.g.[48]).For higgsino type neutralinos,the self-interaction can be mediated by the Z and the<∼10TeV/c2. cross-sections are large enough to keepΩLSP h2<0.3,as long as m˜χ01For gaugino-like neutralinos the cross-sections are smaller,and the tree-level interac-tion process has to be mediated by sfermions or Higgs bosons.The annihilation rate is roughly inversely proportional to the neutralino and the slepton mass scale,if one neglects the resonant annihilation˜χ01˜χ01→H[15]or˜χ01˜χ01→A[16]or the resonant co-annihilation ˜χ01˜τ1[15].Except for˜χ01˜χ01→A(H),which can occur for high m A(H)when the width of A(H)is large,other resonant annihilation conditions imply a slightlyfine tuned mass relation between˜χ01and˜τ1.If one ignores the resonant annihilation channels mentioned above,ΩLSP h2<0.3im-poses m0<∼500GeV/c2and M2<∼600GeV/c2for tanβ<50,and m0<∼150(200)GeV/c2 and M2<∼300GeV/c2for tanβ<10(20).This implies an upper limit on the LSPmass of200-mass of150-300GeV/c2depending on tanβand,for example,on the m˜eR600GeV/c2,if the lightest neutralino is a gaugino.This is typically the case in mSUGRA,where3.3m21/2-0.5m2Z<µ2,and the gaugino region is thus favoured.Neutralino dark matter has received a lot of attention in the literature(see for example[16]and references therein).To set constraints on SUSY models it is often required that the LSP relict density should provide all the non-baryonic dark matter for whichexperimental evidence exists.This implies a lower bound onΩLSP h2.However,such a bound cannot be regarded as an experimental constraint,as there may be other suitablesources of the non-baryonic dark matter.5LimitsThe searches described in the previous section were used to set limits on sparticlesmasses in the CMSSM with non universal Higgs parameters and in mSUGRA.Whenever available,combined LEP cross-section limits and mass limits were used.These concernchargino,slepton and squark searches.For the neutralino cascade decays via stau whichwere searched for so far only by DELPHI and ALEPH[18,33,42,43],it was assumed that other LEP collaborations can reach a similar sensitivity.It was also assumed thatσ(hZ)BR(h→b¯b)<∼0.07pb,in accordance with the results of searches for the Higgs boson production.m top=174.3GeV/c2was used,the dependence of results on this value is discussed further.Limits presented in this section are valid in the R-parity conserving scenario and in all R-parity violating scenarios where a chargino limit of103GeV/c2 or more can be set by LEP experiments,as discussed below.5.1Limits in the CMSSM with nUHPHiggs boson searches and chargino searches set limits in this scenario.”Holes”which arise in chargino searches in the R-parity conserving scenario are covered by selectron, neutralino,Higgs and squark searches.All limits presented in this section are for m A=1000GeV/c2.This choice is conservative from the point of view of the experimental limit set at low and moderate tanβbecouse the h0mass grows with m A.Although for 92<m A<120GeV/c2and tanβ>6the limit on m h0degrades to91-110GeV/c2, this is not expected to affect significantly any of the results presented in this sec-tion.High value of m A ensures that the SUSY contribution to b→sγis small,at least for A t>0,in agreement with the present experimental value[37,38,40,41](see section4).The following range of parameters was studied;−2000≤µ≤2000GeV/c2, 0≤M2≤2000GeV/c2,0≤m0≤1000GeV/c2,3≤tanβ≤60,0≤A t≤500GeV/c2, Aτ=A b=0.Limits on the mass of the lightest neutralino4042444648505254102030405060Higgs and SUSYSUSY onlyHiggs and SUSY, M τ∼1 < M χ∼0+3A t =500A t=0tan βχ∼01 M a s s (G e V /c 2)χ∼01 mass limit nUHP30A t =0A t =500A t =500Figure 1:The lower limit at 95%confidence level on the mass of the lightest neutralino,˜χ01,as a function of tan βassuming a stable ˜χ01.The dashed and dotted (solid)curves shows limits obtained for A t =500GeV /c 2(A t =0GeV /c 2),and with mixing in the third family of the form:(A τ−µtan β,A b −µtan β,A t −µ/tan β,with A b =A τ=0).For lines marked “Higgs and SUSY”,constraints both from SUSY and Higgs searches were imposed.Thin dark lines show the limit obtained when a lower limit on the Higgs production cross-section as described in the text was imposed,while for the limit shown with the thicker lighter line,it was assumed that 2.1σ“excess”observed by LEP represents a real signal and it was required that 0.03pb <∼σ(hZ )BR(h →b ¯b )<∼0.07pb at√If only the SUSY searches are exploited the limit drops at tanβ<10due to the”hole”inchargino searches,where the chargino is close in mass to the sneutrino.The”hole”is par-tially covered by selectron and neutralino searches,and it is less”deep”for A t=500GeV/c2 as higher m0is required to avoid the tachyonic stop(section2.1).It is covered by theHiggs search for A t=0,as higher M2and m0are required to get m h0>∼114GeV/c2. At higher tanβvalues this sneutrino hole is covered,because a higher m0is required toget the˜τ1heavier than the experimental limit,as the mass splitting between the heav-ier and the lighter stau grows with|Aτ−µtanβ|.If m˜τ1=m˜χ01is allowed(the dotted line)the limit drops at high tanβto46GeV/c2,because another hole in chargino and stau searches develops.This”hole”is partially covered by neutralino and“degenerate”chargino searches,but it is not covered by the Higgs searches(unless it is assumed that 2.1σobserved at LEP represents the real signal and0.03pb<∼σ(h0Z)BR(h0→b¯b) <∼0.07pb is imposed,which excludes h0→˜τ1˜τ1which dominates in this region).This limit represents the most conservative scenario and it is maintained even if mixing in all the three families is treated as totally independent and assumed to have an arbitraryµdependence.For other limits the condition m˜τ1-m˜χ01>5GeV/c2was imposed.Radiativecorrections according to[17]were applied.Only the range of tanβ>3was analysed,because in the mixing model used in this paper tanβ<3is excluded by the Higgs search.Although2.4(2.0)<∼tanβ<3 for m top=174.3(179)GeV/c2is allowed for the maximal mixing in the stop sector,a relatively high m0or M2is implied either to avoid a tachyonic stop,or to obtain m h0>∼114GeV/c2.Thus,the limit m˜χ01>46GeV/c2is valid for tanβ>1,and essentially independentof the mixing scenario.If R-parity is violated there are no holes in chargino searches.Both for purely leptonicand purely hadronic R-parity violating terms,the limit m˜χ01>50-51GeV/c2was set byDELPHI[29]for tanβ>2.For a mixed leptonic-hadronic(LQ¯D)R-parity violating term,ALEPH’s limit onthe chargino mass at high m0can be translated to m˜χ01>∼51GeV/c2at tanβ>2.Although the region of the lowest chargino production cross-section is excluded by the ˜νe and˜e R mass limits of91and93GeV/c2[30]and by the Higgs limit,the cross-section limits from all LEP experiments have to be combined to set a similar mass limit on the lightest chargino(and neutralino)as for purely hadronic and leptonic terms.The neutralino mass limit is set in the gaugino region,at high|µ|values.In thehiggsino region˜χ01˜χ02and˜χ±1˜χ±1production cross-sections at LEP are higher and m˜χ01is closer to m˜χ±1,than in the gaugino region.In the higgsino region m˜χ±1<86GeV/c2can be excluded even if m˜χ01is very close or equal to m˜χ±1[21].For|µ|<0.5M2,limitson the cross-sections for˜χ01˜χ02and˜χ±1˜χ±1production set by LEP exclude m˜χ01<80GeV/c2. Limits on the sfermion masses and on the gluino mass。