On the Connectivity of One-dimensional Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks




双语:"一带一路"规划国家发展改革委、外交部、商务部28日联合发布了推动共建丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路的愿景与行动;全文如下:The following is the full text of an action plan on the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative issued by the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, with State Council authorization, on Saturday.国家发展改革委外交部商务部经国务院授权发布2015年3月推动共建丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路的愿景与行动Vision and proposed actions outlined on jointly building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road前言Preface2000多年前,亚欧大陆上勤劳勇敢的人民,探索出多条连接亚欧非几大文明的贸易和人文交流通路,后人将其统称为“丝绸之路”;千百年来,“和平合作、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共赢”的丝绸之路精神薪火相传,推进了人类文明进步,是促进沿线各国繁荣发展的重要纽带,是东西方交流合作的象征,是世界各国共有的历史文化遗产;More than two millennia ago the diligent and courageous people of Eurasia explored and opened up several routes of trade and cultural exchanges that linked the major civilizations of Asia, Europe and Africa, collectively called the Silk Road by later generations. For thousands of years, the Silk Road Spirit - "peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit" - has been passed from generation to generation, promoted the progress of human civilization, and contributed greatly to the prosperity and development of the countries along the Silk Road. Symbolizing communication and cooperation between the East and the West, the Silk Road Spirit is a historic and cultural heritage shared by all countries around the world.进入21世纪,在以和平、发展、合作、共赢为主题的新时代,面对复苏乏力的全球经济形势,纷繁复杂的国际和地区局面,传承和弘扬丝绸之路精神更显重要和珍贵;In the 21st century, a new era marked by the theme of peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit, it is all the more important for us to carry on the Silk Road Spirit in face of the weak recovery of the global economy, and complex international and regional situations.2013年9月和10月,中国国家主席习近平在出访中亚和东南亚国家期间,先后提出共建“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”以下简称“一带一路”的重大倡议,得到国际社会高度关注;中国国务院总理李克强参加2013年中国-东盟博览会时强调,铺就面向东盟的海上丝绸之路,打造带动腹地发展的战略支点;加快“一带一路”建设,有利于促进沿线各国经济繁荣与区域经济合作,加强不同文明交流互鉴,促进世界和平发展,是一项造福世界各国人民的伟大事业;When Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Central Asia and Southeast Asia in September and October of 2013, he raised the initiative of jointly building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road hereinafter referred to as the Belt and Road, which have attracted close attention from all over the world. At the China-ASEAN Expo in 2013, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang emphasized the need to build the Maritime Silk Road oriented toward ASEAN, and to create strategic propellers for hinterland development. Accelerating the building of the Belt and Road can help promote the economic prosperity of the countries along the Belt and Road and regional economic cooperation, strengthen exchanges and mutual learning between different civilizations, and promote world peace and development. It is a great undertaking that will benefit people around the world.“一带一路”建设是一项系统工程,要坚持共商、共建、共享原则,积极推进沿线国家发展战略的相互对接;为推进实施“一带一路”重大倡议,让古丝绸之路焕发新的生机活力,以新的形式使亚欧非各国联系更加紧密,互利合作迈向新的历史高度,中国政府特制定并发布推动共建丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路的愿景与行动;The Belt and Road Initiative is a systematic project, which should be jointly built through consultation to meet the interests of all, and efforts should be made to integrate the development strategies of the countries along the Belt and Road. The Chinese government has drafted and published the Vision and Actions on Jointly Building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road to promote the implementation of the Initiative, instill vigor and vitality into the ancient Silk Road, connect Asian, European and African countries more closely and promote mutually beneficial cooperation to a new high and in new forms.一、时代背景I. Background当今世界正发生复杂深刻的变化,国际金融危机深层次影响继续显现,世界经济缓慢复苏、发展分化,国际投资贸易格局和多边投资贸易规则酝酿深刻调整,各国面临的发展问题依然严峻;共建“一带一路”顺应世界多极化、经济全球化、文化多样化、社会信息化的潮流,秉持开放的区域合作精神,致力于维护全球自由贸易体系和开放型世界经济;共建“一带一路”旨在促进经济要素有序自由流动、资源高效配置和市场深度融合,推动沿线各国实现经济政策协调,开展更大范围、更高水平、更深层次的区域合作,共同打造开放、包容、均衡、普惠的区域经济合作架构;共建“一带一路”符合国际社会的根本利益,彰显人类社会共同理想和美好追求,是国际合作以及全球治理新模式的积极探索,将为世界和平发展增添新的正能量; Complex and profound changes are taking place in the world. The underlying impact of the international financial crisis keeps emerging; the world economy is recovering slowly, and global development is uneven; the international trade and investment landscape and rules for multilateral trade and investment are undergoing major adjustments; and countries stillface big challenges to their development. The initiative to jointly build the Belt and Road, embracing the trend toward a multipolar world, economic globalization, cultural diversity and greater IT application, is designed to uphold the global free trade regime and the open world economy in the spirit of open regional cooperation. It is aimed at promoting orderly and free flow of economic factors, highly efficient allocation of resources and deep integration of markets; encouraging the countries along the Belt and Road to achieve economic policy coordination and carry out broader and more in-depth regional cooperation of higher standards; and jointly creating an open, inclusive and balanced regional economic cooperation architecture that benefits all. Jointly building the Belt and Road is in the interests of the world community. Reflecting the common ideals and pursuit of human societies, it is a positive endeavor to seek new models of international cooperation and global governance, and will inject new positive energy into world peace and development.共建“一带一路”致力于亚欧非大陆及附近海洋的互联互通,建立和加强沿线各国互联互通伙伴关系,构建全方位、多层次、复合型的互联互通网络,实现沿线各国多元、自主、平衡、可持续的发展;“一带一路”的互联互通项目将推动沿线各国发展战略的对接与耦合,发掘区域内市场的潜力,促进投资和消费,创造需求和就业,增进沿线各国人民的人文交流与文明互鉴,让各国人民相逢相知、互信互敬,共享和谐、安宁、富裕的生活;The Belt and Road Initiative aims to promote the connectivity of Asian, European and African continents and their adjacent seas, establish and strengthen partnerships among the countries along the Belt and Road, set up all-dimensional, multitiered and composite connectivity networks, and realize diversified, independent, balanced and sustainable development in these countries. The connectivity projects of the Initiative will help align and coordinate the development strategies of the countries along the Belt and Road, tap market potential in this region, promote investment and consumption, create demands and job opportunities, enhance people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and mutual learning among the peoples of the relevant countries, and enable them to understand, trust and respect each other and live in harmony, peace and prosperity.当前,中国经济和世界经济高度关联;中国将一以贯之地坚持对外开放的基本国策,构建全方位开放新格局,深度融入世界经济体系;推进“一带一路”建设既是中国扩大和深化对外开放的需要,也是加强和亚欧非及世界各国互利合作的需要,中国愿意在力所能及的范围内承担更多责任义务,为人类和平发展作出更大的贡献;China's economy is closely connected with the world economy. China will stay committed to the basic policy of opening-up, build a new pattern of all-around opening-up, and integrate itself deeper into the world economic system. The Initiative will enable China to further expand and deepen its opening-up, and to strengthen its mutually beneficial cooperation with countries in Asia, Europe and Africa and the rest of the world. China is committed to shouldering more responsibilities and obligations within its capabilities, and making greater contributions to the peace and development of mankind.二、共建原则II. Principles恪守联合国宪章的宗旨和原则;遵守和平共处五项原则,即尊重各国主权和领土完整、互不侵犯、互不干涉内政、和平共处、平等互利;The Belt and Road Initiative is in line with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. It upholds the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence: mutual respect for each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual nonaggression, mutual noninterference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence.坚持开放合作;“一带一路”相关的国家基于但不限于古代丝绸之路的范围,各国和国际、地区组织均可参与,让共建成果惠及更广泛的区域;The Initiative is open for cooperation. It covers, but is not limited to, the area of the ancient Silk Road. It is open to all countries, and international and regional organizations for engagement, so that the results of the concerted efforts will benefit wider areas.坚持和谐包容;倡导文明宽容,尊重各国发展道路和模式的选择,加强不同文明之间的对话,求同存异、兼容并蓄、和平共处、共生共荣;The Initiative is harmonious and inclusive. It advocates tolerance among civilizations, respects the paths and modes of development chosen by different countries, and supports dialogues among different civilizations on the principles of seeking common ground while shelving differences and drawing on each other's strengths, so that all countries can coexist in peace for common prosperity.坚持市场运作;遵循市场规律和国际通行规则,充分发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用和各类企业的主体作用,同时发挥好政府的作用;The Initiative follows market operation. It will abide by market rules and international norms, give play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation and the primary role of enterprises, and let the governments perform their due functions.坚持互利共赢;兼顾各方利益和关切,寻求利益契合点和合作最大公约数,体现各方智慧和创意,各施所长,各尽所能,把各方优势和潜力充分发挥出来;The Initiative seeks mutual benefit. It accommodates the interests and concerns of all parties involved, and seeks a conjunction of interests and the "biggest common denominator" for cooperation so as to give full play to the wisdom and creativity, strengths and potentials of all parties.三、框架思路III. Framework“一带一路”是促进共同发展、实现共同繁荣的合作共赢之路,是增进理解信任、加强全方位交流的和平友谊之路;中国政府倡议,秉持和平合作、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共赢的理念,全方位推进务实合作,打造政治互信、经济融合、文化包容的利益共同体、命运共同体和责任共同体;The Belt and Road Initiative is a way for win-win cooperation that promotes commondevelopment and prosperity and a road toward peace and friendship by enhancing mutual understanding and trust, and strengthening all-around exchanges. The Chinese government advocates peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit. It promotes practical cooperation in all fields, and works to build a community of shared interests, destiny and responsibility featuring mutual political trust, economic integration and cultural inclusiveness.“一带一路”贯穿亚欧非大陆,一头是活跃的东亚经济圈,一头是发达的欧洲经济圈,中间广大腹地国家经济发展潜力巨大;丝绸之路经济带重点畅通中国经中亚、俄罗斯至欧洲波罗的海;中国经中亚、西亚至波斯湾、地中海;中国至东南亚、南亚、印度洋;21世纪海上丝绸之路重点方向是从中国沿海港口过南海到印度洋,延伸至欧洲;从中国沿海港口过南海到南太平洋;The Belt and Road run through the continents of Asia, Europe and Africa, connecting the vibrant East Asia economic circle at one end and developed European economic circle at the other, and encompassing countries with huge potential for economic development. The Silk Road Economic Belt focuses on bringing together China, Central Asia, Russia and Europe the Baltic; linking China with the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea through Central Asia and West Asia; and connecting China with Southeast Asia, South Asia and the Indian Ocean. The 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road is designed to go from China's coast to Europe through the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean in one route, and from China's coast through the South China Sea to the South Pacific in the other.根据“一带一路”走向,陆上依托国际大通道,以沿线中心城市为支撑,以重点经贸产业园区为合作平台,共同打造新亚欧大陆桥、中蒙俄、中国-中亚-西亚、中国-中南半岛等国际经济合作走廊;海上以重点港口为节点,共同建设通畅安全高效的运输大通道;中巴、孟中印缅两个经济走廊与推进“一带一路”建设关联紧密,要进一步推动合作,取得更大进展;On land, the Initiative will focus on jointly building a new Eurasian Land Bridge and developing China-Mongolia-Russia, China-Central Asia-West Asia and China-Indochina Peninsula economic corridors by taking advantage of international transport routes, relying on core cities along the Belt and Road and using key economic industrial parks as cooperation platforms. At sea, the Initiative will focus on jointly building smooth, secure and efficient transport routes connecting major sea ports along the Belt and Road. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor are closely related to the Belt and Road Initiative, and therefore require closer cooperation and greater progress.“一带一路”建设是沿线各国开放合作的宏大经济愿景,需各国携手努力,朝着互利互惠、共同安全的目标相向而行;努力实现区域基础设施更加完善,安全高效的陆海空通道网络基本形成,互联互通达到新水平;投资贸易便利化水平进一步提升,高标准自由贸易区网络基本形成,经济联系更加紧密,政治互信更加深入;人文交流更加广泛深入,不同文明互鉴共荣,各国人民相知相交、和平友好;The Initiative is an ambitious economic vision of the opening-up of and cooperation among the countries along the Belt and Road. Countries should work in concert and move toward the objectives of mutual benefit and common security. To be specific, they need toimprove the region's infrastructure, and put in place a secure and efficient network of land, sea and air passages, lifting their connectivity to a higher level; further enhance trade and investment facilitation, establish a network of free trade areas that meet high standards, maintain closer economic ties, and deepen political trust; enhance cultural exchanges; encourage different civilizations to learn from each other and flourish together; and promote mutual understanding, peace and friendship among people of all countries.四、合作重点IV. Cooperation Priorities沿线各国资源禀赋各异,经济互补性较强,彼此合作潜力和空间很大;以政策沟通、设施联通、贸易畅通、资金融通、民心相通为主要内容,重点在以下方面加强合作;Countries along the Belt and Road have their own resource advantages and their economies are mutually complementary. Therefore, there is a great potential and space for cooperation. They should promote policy coordination, facilities connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration and people-to-people bonds as their five major goals, and strengthen cooperation in the following key areas:政策沟通;Policy coordination加强政策沟通是“一带一路”建设的重要保障;加强政府间合作,积极构建多层次政府间宏观政策沟通交流机制,深化利益融合,促进政治互信,达成合作新共识;沿线各国可以就经济发展战略和对策进行充分交流对接,共同制定推进区域合作的规划和措施,协商解决合作中的问题,共同为务实合作及大型项目实施提供政策支持;Enhancing policy coordination is an important guarantee for implementing the Initiative. We should promote intergovernmental cooperation, build a multilevel intergovernmental macro policy exchange and communication mechanism, expand shared interests, enhance mutual political trust, and reach new cooperation consensus. Countries along the Belt and Road may fully coordinate their economic development strategies and policies, work out plans and measures for regional cooperation, negotiate to solve cooperation-related issues, and jointly provide policy support for the implementation of practical cooperation and large-scale projects.设施联通;Facilities connectivity基础设施互联互通是“一带一路”建设的优先领域;在尊重相关国家主权和安全关切的基础上,沿线国家宜加强基础设施建设规划、技术标准体系的对接,共同推进国际骨干通道建设,逐步形成连接亚洲各次区域以及亚欧非之间的基础设施网络;强化基础设施绿色低碳化建设和运营管理,在建设中充分考虑气候变化影响;Facilities connectivity is a priority area for implementing the Initiative. On the basis of respecting each other's sovereignty and security concerns, countries along the Belt and Road should improve the connectivity of their infrastructure construction plans and technical standard systems, jointly push forward the construction of international trunk passageways, and form an infrastructure network connecting all subregions in Asia, and between Asia, Europe and Africastep by step. At the same time, efforts should be made to promote green and low-carbon infrastructure construction and operation management, taking into full account the impact of climate change on the construction.抓住交通基础设施的关键通道、关键节点和重点工程,优先打通缺失路段,畅通瓶颈路段,配套完善道路安全防护设施和交通管理设施设备,提升道路通达水平;推进建立统一的全程运输协调机制,促进国际通关、换装、多式联运有机衔接,逐步形成兼容规范的运输规则,实现国际运输便利化;推动口岸基础设施建设,畅通陆水联运通道,推进港口合作建设,增加海上航线和班次,加强海上物流信息化合作;拓展建立民航全面合作的平台和机制,加快提升航空基础设施水平;With regard to transport infrastructure construction, we should focus on the key passageways, junctions and projects, and give priority to linking up unconnected road sections, removing transport bottlenecks, advancing road safety facilities and traffic management facilities and equipment, and improving road network connectivity. We should build a unified coordination mechanism for whole-course transportation, increase connectivity of customs clearance, reloading and multimodal transport between countries, and gradually formulate compatible and standard transport rules, so as to realize international transport facilitation. We should push forward port infrastructure construction, build smooth land-water transportation channels, and advance port cooperation; increase sea routes and the number of voyages, and enhance information technology cooperation in maritime logistics. We should expand and build platforms and mechanisms for comprehensive civil aviation cooperation, and quicken our pace in improving aviation infrastructure.加强能源基础设施互联互通合作,共同维护输油、输气管道等运输通道安全,推进跨境电力与输电通道建设,积极开展区域电网升级改造合作;We should promote cooperation in the connectivity of energy infrastructure, work in concert to ensure the security of oil and gas pipelines and other transport routes, build cross-border power supply networks and power-transmission routes, and cooperate in regional power grid upgrading and transformation.共同推进跨境光缆等通信干线网络建设,提高国际通信互联互通水平,畅通信息丝绸之路;加快推进双边跨境光缆等建设,规划建设洲际海底光缆项目,完善空中卫星信息通道,扩大信息交流与合作;We should jointly advance the construction of cross-border optical cables and other communications trunk line networks, improve international communications connectivity, and create an Information Silk Road. We should build bilateral cross-border optical cable networks at a quicker pace, plan transcontinental submarine optical cable projects, and improve spatial satellite information passageways to expand information exchanges and cooperation.贸易畅通;Unimpeded trade投资贸易合作是“一带一路”建设的重点内容;宜着力研究解决投资贸易便利化问题,消除投资和贸易壁垒,构建区域内和各国良好的营商环境,积极同沿线国家和地区共同商建自由贸易区,激发释放合作潜力,做大做好合作“蛋糕”;Investment and trade cooperation is a major task in building the Belt and Road. We should strive to improve investment and trade facilitation, and remove investment and trade barriers for the creation of a sound business environment within the region and in all related countries. We will discuss with countries and regions along the Belt and Road on opening free trade areas so as to unleash the potential for expanded cooperation.沿线国家宜加强信息互换、监管互认、执法互助的海关合作,以及检验检疫、认证认可、标准计量、统计信息等方面的双多边合作,推动世界贸易组织贸易便利化协定生效和实施;改善边境口岸通关设施条件,加快边境口岸“单一窗口”建设,降低通关成本,提升通关能力;加强供应链安全与便利化合作,推进跨境监管程序协调,推动检验检疫证书国际互联网核查,开展“经认证的经营者”AEO互认;降低非关税壁垒,共同提高技术性贸易措施透明度,提高贸易自由化便利化水平;Countries along the Belt and Road should enhance customs cooperation such as information exchange, mutual recognition of regulations, and mutual assistance in law enforcement; improve bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the fields of inspection and quarantine, certification and accreditation, standard measurement, and statistical information; and work to ensure that the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement takes effect and is implemented. We should improve the customs clearance facilities of border ports, establish a "single-window" in border ports, reduce customs clearance costs, and improve customs clearance capability. We should increase cooperation in supply chain safety and convenience, improve the coordination of cross-border supervision procedures, promote online checking of inspection and quarantine certificates, and facilitate mutual recognition of Authorized Economic Operators. We should lower non-tariff barriers, jointly improve the transparency of technical trade measures, and enhance trade liberalization and facilitation.拓宽贸易领域,优化贸易结构,挖掘贸易新增长点,促进贸易平衡;创新贸易方式,发展跨境电子商务等新的商业业态;建立健全服务贸易促进体系,巩固和扩大传统贸易,大力发展现代服务贸易;把投资和贸易有机结合起来,以投资带动贸易发展;We should expand trading areas, improve trade structure, explore new growth areas of trade, and promote trade balance. We should make innovations in our forms of trade, and develop cross-border e-commerce and other modern business models. A service trade support system should be set up to consolidate and expand conventional trade, and efforts to develop modern service trade should be strengthened. We should integrate investment and trade, and promote trade through investment.加快投资便利化进程,消除投资壁垒;加强双边投资保护协定、避免双重征税协定磋商,保护投资者的合法权益;We should speed up investment facilitation, eliminate investment barriers, and push forward negotiations on bilateral investment protection agreements and double taxation avoidance agreements to protect the lawful rights and interests of investors.拓展相互投资领域,开展农林牧渔业、农机及农产品生产加工等领域深度合作,积极推进海水养殖、远洋渔业、水产品加工、海水淡化、海洋生物制药、海洋工程技术、环保产业和海上旅游等领域合作;加大煤炭、油气、金属矿产等传统能源资源勘探开发合作,积极推动水电、核电、风电、太阳能等清洁、可再生能源合作,推进能源资源就地就近加工转化合作,形成能源资源合作上下游一体化产业链;加强能源资源深加工技术、装备与工程服务合作;We should expand mutual investment areas, deepen cooperation in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries, agricultural machinery manufacturing and farm produce processing, and promote cooperation in marine-product farming, deep-sea fishing, aquatic product processing, seawater desalination, marine biopharmacy, ocean engineering technology, environmental protection industries, marine tourism and other fields. We should increase cooperation in the exploration and development of coal, oil, gas, metal minerals and other conventional energy sources; advance cooperation in hydropower, nuclear power, wind power, solar power and other clean, renewable energy sources; and promote cooperation in the processing and conversion of energy and resources at or near places where they are exploited, so as to create an integrated industrial chain of energy and resource cooperation. We should enhance cooperation in deep-processing technology, equipment and engineering services in the fields of energy and resources.推动新兴产业合作,按照优势互补、互利共赢的原则,促进沿线国家加强在新一代信息技术、生物、新能源、新材料等新兴产业领域的深入合作,推动建立创业投资合作机制;We should push forward cooperation in emerging industries. In accordance with the principles of mutual complementarity and mutual benefit, we should promote in-depth cooperation with other countries along the Belt and Road in new-generation information technology, biotechnology, new energy technology, new materials and other emerging industries, and establish entrepreneurial and investment cooperation mechanisms.优化产业链分工布局,推动上下游产业链和关联产业协同发展,鼓励建立研发、生产和营销体系,提升区域产业配套能力和综合竞争力;扩大服务业相互开放,推动区域服务业加快发展;探索投资合作新模式,鼓励合作建设境外经贸合作区、跨境经济合作区等各类产业园区,促进产业集群发展;在投资贸易中突出生态文明理念,加强生态环境、生物多样性和应对气候变化合作,共建绿色丝绸之路;We should improve the division of labor and distribution of industrial chains by encouraging the entire industrial chain and related industries to develop in concert; establish R&D, production and marketing systems; and improve industrial supporting capacity and the overall competitiveness of regional industries. We should increase the openness of our service industry to each other to accelerate the development of regional service industries. We should explore a new mode of investment cooperation, working together to build all forms of industrial parks such as overseas economic and trade cooperation zones and cross-border economic cooperation zones, and promote industrial cluster development. We should promote ecological progress in conducting investment and trade, increase cooperation in conserving eco-environment, protecting biodiversity, and tackling climate change, and join hands to make the Silk Road an environment-friendly one.中国欢迎各国企业来华投资;鼓励本国企业参与沿线国家基础设施建设和产业投资;促进企业按属地化原则经营管理,积极帮助当地发展经济、增加就业、改善民生,主动承担社会责任,严格保护生物多样性和生态环境;We welcome companies from all countries to invest in China, and encourage Chinese enterprises to participate in infrastructure construction in other countries along the Belt and Road, and make industrial investments there. We support localized operation and management of Chinese companies to boost the local economy, increase local employment, improve local livelihoods, and take social responsibilities in protecting local biodiversity and eco-environment.资金融通;Financial integration资金融通是“一带一路”建设的重要支撑;深化金融合作,推进亚洲货币稳定体系、投融资体系和信用体系建设;扩大沿线国家双边本币互换、结算的范围和规模;推动亚洲债券市场的开放和发展;共同推进亚洲基础设施投资银行、金砖国家开发银行筹建,有关各方就建立上海合作组织融资机构开展磋商;加快丝路基金组建运营;深化中国-东盟银行联合体、上合组织银行联合体务实合作,以银团贷款、银行授信等方式开展多边金融合作;支持沿线国家政府和信用等级较高的企业以及金融机构在中国境内发行人民币债券;符合条件的中国境内金融机构和企业可以在境外发行人民币债券和外币债券,鼓励在沿线国家使用所筹资金;Financial integration is an important underpinning for implementing the Belt and Road Initiative. We should deepen financial cooperation, and make more efforts in building a currency stability system, investment and financing system and credit information system in Asia. We should expand the scope and scale of bilateral currency swap and settlement with other countries along the Belt and Road, open and develop the bond market in Asia, make joint efforts to establish the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and BRICS New Development Bank, conduct negotiation among related parties on establishing Shanghai Cooperation Organization SCO financing institution, and set up and put into operation the Silk Road Fund as early as possible. We should strengthen practical cooperation of China-ASEAN Interbank Association and SCO Interbank Association, and carry out multilateral financial cooperation in the form of syndicated loans and bank credit. We will support the efforts of governments of the countries along the Belt and Road and their companies and financial institutions with good credit-rating to issue Renminbi bonds in China. Qualified Chinese financial institutions and companies are encouraged to issue bonds in both Renminbi and foreign currencies outside China, and use the funds thus collected in countries along the Belt and Road.加强金融监管合作,推动签署双边监管合作谅解备忘录,逐步在区域内建立高效监管协调机制;完善风险应对和危机处置制度安排,构建区域性金融风险预警系统,形成应对跨境风险和危机处置的交流合作机制;加强征信管理部门、征信机构和评级机构之间的跨境交流与合作;充分发挥丝路基金以及各国主权基金作用,引导商业性股权投资基金和社会资金共同参与“一带一路”重点项目建设;We should strengthen financial regulation cooperation, encourage the signing of MOUs on cooperation in bilateral financial regulation, and establish an efficient regulation coordination mechanism in the region. We should improve the system of risk response and crisis management, build a regional financial risk early-warning system, and create an exchange and cooperation mechanism of addressing cross-border risks and crisis. We should increase cross-border exchange and cooperation between credit investigation regulators, credit investigation institutions and credit rating institutions. We should give full play to the role of the Silk Road Fund and that of。



完全对换图的广义3-连通度张燕;阿依古丽·马木提【摘要】令S(∈)V(G).κG(S)表示图G中内部不交的S-树T1,T2,…,Tr的最大数目r,使得对任意i,j∈{1,2,…,r}且i≠j,有V(Ti)∩ V(Tj)=S,E(Ti)∩E(Tj)=(O).定义κk(G)=min{κG(S)丨S(∈)V(G),且丨S丨=k}为图G的广义k-连通度,其中k是整数,且2≤k≤n.完全对换图在网络中是重要的一类Cayley图.该文证明了n-维完全对换图CTn的广义3-连通度是n(n-1)/2-1,也就是说,对于CTn的任意三个点,存在n(n-1)/2-1个连接它们的内部不交的树.%Let S (∈)V(G) and κG (S) denote the maximum number r of internally disjoint S-trees T1,T2,…,Tr in graph G such t hat V(Ti) ∩ V(Tj) =SandE(Ti) ∩ E(Tj) =(O) for anyi,j ∈ {1,2,…,r}and i ≠ j.For an integer k with 2 ≤ k ≤ n,the generalized k-connectivity of a graph G is defined as κk (G) =min {κ (S) 丨S (∈) V(G) and 丨 S 丨=k}.Complete-transposition graphs are a class of important Cayley graphs in networks.This paper shows that the generalized 3-connectivity of an n-dimensional complete-transpositiongraph CTn is n(n-1)/2-1,that is,for any three vertices in CTn,there exist n(n-1)/2-1 internally disjoint trees connecting them in CTn.【期刊名称】《曲阜师范大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2019(045)001【总页数】6页(P1-6)【关键词】完全对换图;广义连通度;内部不交的S-树;邻点【作者】张燕;阿依古丽·马木提【作者单位】新疆大学数学与系统科学学院,830046,新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市;新疆大学数学与系统科学学院,830046,新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O157.61 IntroductionThe traditional connectivity κ(G) of a graph G is defined as the minimum cardinality of a subset X of vertices of G such that G-X is disconnected or trivial. A graph G is said to be k-connected if κ(G)≥k. A well known theorem of Whitney[1] provides an equivalent definition of connectivity. For each 2-subset S={u,v} of V(G), let κG(S) denote the maximum number of internally disjoint (u, v)-paths in G. Then κ(G)=min{κG(S)| S⊆ V(G) and|S|=2}. As a generalization of the traditional connectivity, Chartrand et al.[2] introduced the generalized k-connectivity in 1984. This parameter can measure the reliability of a graph to connect any k vertices in G. Let G be a connected graph of order n and let k be an integer with 2≤k≤n. For a set S of k vertices of G, a tree T in G is called an S-tree, if S⊆ V(T). A collection {T1, T2, …, Tr} of S-trees in G is called internally disjoint if E(Ti)∩ E(Tj)=∅and V(Ti)∩ V(Tj)=S for 1≤i≠j≤r. Let κG(S) denote the maximum number of internally disjoint S-trees. The generalized k-connectivity, denoted by κk(G), i s defined by κk(G)=min{κG(S)| S⊆ V(G) and |S|=k}. Clearly, the generalized2-connectivity κ2(G) of G is exactly the connectivity κ(G).Over the past few years, the generalized connectivity has received some attention. Li[3] derived that it is NP-complete for a general graph G to decide whether there are k disjoint S-trees, where k is a fixed integer andS⊆ V(G). Some results[4,5] about the upper and lower bounds of the generalized connectivity are obtained. In addition, there are some resultsof the generalized k-connectivity for some classes of graphs and most of them are about k=3, 4. For example, Li et al. studied the generalized 3-connectivity of Cartesian product graphs[6], star graphs and bubble-sort graphs[7], and Cayley graphs generated by trees and cycles[8]. Recently, Lin and Zhang[10] studied the generalized 4-connectivity of hypercubes etc.In this paper, we study that the generalized 3-connectivity of the n-dimensional complete-transposition graph, denoted by CTn, and show that 2 Definition and PreliminaryWe refer to the book [10] for graph theoretic notation and terminologynot described here. Let G=(V, E) be a graph with vertex set V and edge set E. For a vertex v in G, we denote NG(v) be the neighbourhood of the vertex v in G. For a subset S of V, G[S] is a subgraph of G induced by S. The neighbourhood set of S in G is defined as Let Δ(G) and δ(G) denote the maximum and minimum degree of G, respectively. A graph G is k-regular if Δ(G)=δ(G)=k. For any x, y∈V(G), an (x, y)-path is a simple graph whose vertices can be arranged in a linear sequence (x=x0, x1, …, xk=y) in which two vertices are adjacent if they are consecutive. An (x, y)-path of length 1is an (x, y) (abbreviated xy) edge. Two (x, y)-paths P and Q in G are internally disjoint if th ey have no common internal vertices, that is, V(P)∩ V(Q)={x,y}. Let Y⊆V(G) and X⊆V(G)Y, the (X,Y)-paths is a family of internally disjoint paths starting at a vertex x∈X, ending at a vertex y∈Y and whose internal vertices belong to neither X nor Y. If X={x}, the (X,Y)-paths is a family of internal disjoint paths whose starting vertex is x and the terminal vertices are distinct in Y, which is referred to as a k-fan from x to Y. We denote [n]={1, 2, …, n}.The n-dimensional complete-transposition, denoted by CTn, was first introduced in Ref [11]. Latifi and Srimani[12] showed that CTn is bipartite, hence it does not contain any odd cycle. Lakshmivarahan[13] proved that CTn is both vertex transitive and edge transitive. Let Vn be a set of n! distinct permutatio ns of the set {1, 2, ..., n}. Let u=p1p2... pn be a permutation in Vn, where pi denotes the ith digit of permutation u. A transposition φi, j(1≤i<j≤n) is a function that interchanges the ith and jth digits of a given permutation u=p1p2... pn, that is, φi,j(u)=p1p2 (i)1pjpi+1… pj-1pipj+1… pn. Now, we give the definition of the complete-transposition: An n-dimensional complete-transposition graph on n digits, denoted by CTn, is an undirected graph with vertex set equivalent to Vn and edge set En, where En={(u, φi,j(u))|u∈Vn,1≤i<j≤n}. By the definition, an n-dimensional complete-transposition graph CTn is a graph with n! vertices and edges. The graphs are shown in Fig.1 are the complete-transposition graphs CT3 and CT4.Fig.1 The complete-transposition graphs CT3 and CT4By analyzing the structure of complete-transposition graphs, an n-dimensional complete-transposition graph CTn can be decomposed into n copies of CTn-1 as follows: For each i∈[n], let (We use instead of be the subgraph of CTn induced by vertex set {(p1p2 … pn-1i)|(p1p2… pn-1) ranges over all permutations of [n] {i}}. Then ≅CTn-1. In this case, CTn can be decomposed into ⊕⊕… ⊕ The decomposition was first proposed in [14]. It can be seen that for any i∈[n], each vertex has n-1 neighbours outside of We call these n-1 neighbours the out-neighbours of u, and denote uj be the out-neighbour of u in where j∈[n] and i≠j.The following results will be used in the proof of our main result.Lemma 2.1 Let CTn be an n-dimensional complete-transposition graph and ⊕⊕… ⊕ Let i and j are two integers and 1≤i≠j≤n. For any vertex let uj be the out-neighbour of u in Then there exists a perfect matching between andProof Without loss of generality, let u=p1p2… Then there exists an integer m∈[n-1] such that pm=j, where 1≤j≠i≤n. Suppose uj be the out-neighbour of u in By the definition of a transposition φa,b(1≤a<b≤n), we have uj=φm,n(u)=p1p2… pm-1ipm+1… pn-1j. Moreover, it is clearly that φg,m(u)(1≤g<m),φm,h(u)(m<h≤n-1) and φk,l(u)(k,l∈[n-1]{m} and k≠l) are the neighbours of u in Analogously, we have thatφg,m(uj)(1≤g<m),φm,h(uj)(m<h≤n-1) and φk,l(uj)(k,l∈[n-1]{m} and k≠l) are the neighbours of uj in Sinceφg,m(uj)=φg,m(φm,n(u))=φm,n(φg,m(u)),φm,h(uj)=φm,h(φm,n(u))=φm,n(φm,h(u)), and φk,l(uj)=φk,l(φm,n(u))=φm,n(φk,l(u)). Hence the proof iscomplete.Lemma 2.2[5] Let G be a connected graph and δ be its minimum degree. Then, κ3(G)≤δ. Further, if there are two adjacent vertices of degree δ, then κ3(G)≤δ-1.Lemma 2.3[5] Let G be a connected graph with n vertices. If κ(G)=4k+r, where k and r are two integers with k≥0, and r∈{0, 1, 2, 3}, then κ3(G)≥3k+. Moreover, the lower bound is sharp.Lemma 2.4(The Fan Lemma[10]) Let G=(V, E) be a k-connected graph, x be a vertex of G, and Y⊆ V{x} be a set with at least k vertices. Then there exists a k-fan in G from x to Y, that is, there exists a family of k internally disjoint (x,Y)-paths whose terminal vertices are distinct in Y.3 κ3(CTn)Proof As CTn is By Lemma To complete the result, it suffices to show that We prove th e result by induction on n. First, by Lemma 2.3,κ3(CTn)≥ forn=3. Next, suppose that n≥4. Let ⊕⊕… ⊕ be the decomposition of CTn. Let x,y and z be any three vertices of CTn, and S={x, y, z}. Now, we discuss the following three cases:Case 1 x,y and z belong to the same copy of CTn-1.Without loss of generality, let x,y and z belong to Recall that is isomorphic to CTn-1 for each i∈[n]. By the inductive hypothesis, that is to say, there exist at least internally disjoint S-trees T1, T2, …, inClearly, there exists an {xj, yj, zj}-tree in where j∈[n]{1}. Let yyj, zzj} forj∈[n]{1}.Thus, in this case there are at least T1, T2, …, …, internally disjoint S-trees in CTn, and henceCase 2 x,y and z belong to two different copies of CTn-1.Without loss of generality, let x,y belong to and z belong to By there are internally disjoint (x, y)-paths P1, P2, …, in Choose distinct vertices v1,v2, …, from P1, P2, …, such that vi∈V(Pi), for Note that at most one of these paths, say P1, has length 1, if so and xz∉E(CTn) (resp., yz∉E(CTn)), we can choose v1=x (resp., v1=y). Since CTn does not contain odd cycle, z can not adjacent to x and y if xy∈E(CTn). By the definition of CTn, any two distinct vertices of have different out-neighbours. So …, is a se t of vertices of By Lemma 2.4, there exist internally disjoint (z, in whose internal vertices are distinct in V2. Let forClearly, there exists an {xj, yj, zj}-tree in where j∈[n]{1, 2}. Let yyj, zzj} for j∈[n]{1, 2}.Thus, in this case there ar e at least T1, T2, …, …, internally disjoint S-trees in CTn, and henceCase 3 x,y and z belong to three different copies of CTn-1.Let G=CTn[S]. Without loss of generality, let x belong to belong to belong to and x is the maximum degree of G. Since CTn does not contain odd cycle, we have that y can not adjacent to z in any cases about x. Thus, y (resp., z) have out-neighbour which different from z (resp.,y) in (resp., Let S′={x, y, z2}. Then, x belong to belong to Similar to case 2, there are atl east internally disjoint S′-trees in Choose distinct vertices u1=z2, u2, …, from such that and for By the definition of CTn, any two distinct verticesof have different out-neighbours. So …, is a set of vertices of By Lemma 2.1 U3⊂ Let and forLet W=U3-z, then Since is connected. Clearly, there exists an {x3, y3, z}-tree in Let yy3}.Moreover, it is obviously that there exists an {xj, yj, zj}-tree in where j∈{4, 5, …, n}. Let yyj, zzj}.Thus, in this case there are at least T1, T2, …, …, internally disjoint S-trees in CTn, and henceWe conclude that The proof is complete.4 Concluding RemarksThe generalized k-connectivity is a natural generalization of the connectivity and can measure the capability of a graph G to connect any k vertices in G. In this paper, we studied the generalized 3-connectivity of complete-transposition CTn and showed that For future work, it would be interesting to study the generalized k-connectivity of CTn for k≥4. References:【相关文献】[1] Whitney H. Congruent Graphs and the Connectivity of Graphs[J]. American Journal of Mathematics, 1932, 54(1): 150-168.[2] Chartrand G, Kapoor S, Lesniak L, et al. Generalized connectivity in graphs[J]. Bull Bombay Mathematic Colloquim, 1984, 2: 1-6.[3] Li S. Note on the hardness of generalized connectivity[J]. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2012, 24(3): 389-396.[4] Li H, Li X, Mao Y, et al. Note on the generalized connectivity[J]. 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Algebraic Graph TheoryChris Godsil(University of Waterloo),Mike Newman(University of Ottawa)April25–291Overview of the FieldAlgebraic graph theory comprises both the study of algebraic objects arising in connection with graphs, for example,automorphism groups of graphs along with the use of algebraic tools to establish interesting properties of combinatorial objects.One of the oldest themes in the area is the investigation of the relation between properties of a graph and the spectrum of its adjacency matrix.A central topic and important source of tools is the theory of association schemes.An association scheme is,roughly speaking,a collection of graphs on a common vertex set whichfit together in a highly regular fashion.These arise regularly in connection with extremal structures:such structures often have an unex-pected degree of regularity and,because of this,often give rise to an association scheme.This in turn leads to a semisimple commutative algebra and the representation theory of this algebra provides useful restrictions on the underlying combinatorial object.Thus in coding theory we look for codes that are as large as possible, since such codes are most effective in transmitting information over noisy channels.The theory of association schemes provides the most effective means for determining just how large is actually possible;this theory rests on Delsarte’s thesis[4],which showed how to use schemes to translate the problem into a question that be solved by linear programming.2Recent Developments and Open ProblemsBrouwer,Haemers and Cioabˇa have recently shown how information on the spectrum of a graph can be used to proved that certain classes of graphs must contain perfect matchings.Brouwer and others have also investigated the connectivity of strongly-regular and distance-regular graphs.This is an old question,but much remains to be done.Recently Brouwer and Koolen[2]proved that the vertex connectivity of a distance-regular graph is equal to its valency.Haemers and Van Dam have worked on extensively on the question of which graphs are characterized by the spectrum of their adjacency matrix.They consider both general graphs and special classes,such as distance-regular graphs.One very significant and unexpected outcome of this work was the construction,by Koolen and Van Dam[10],of a new family of distance-regular graphs with the same parameters as the Grassmann graphs.(The vertices of these graphs are the k-dimensional subspaces of a vector space of dimension v over thefinitefield GF(q);two vertices are adjacent if their intersection has dimension k1.The graphs are q-analog of the Johnson graphs,which play a role in design theory.)These graphs showed that the widely held belief that we knew all distance-regular graphs of“large diameter”was false,and they indicate that the classification of distance-regular graphs will be more complex(and more interesting?)than we expected.1Association schemes have long been applied to problems in extremal set theory and coding theory.In his(very)recent thesis,Vanhove[14]has demonstrated that they can also provide many interesting results in finite geometry.Recent work by Schrijver and others[13]showed how schemes could used in combination with semidef-inite programming to provide significant improvements to the best known bounds.However these methods are difficult to use,we do not yet have a feel for we might most usefully apply them and their underlying theory is imperfectly understood.Work in Quantum Information theory is leading to a wide range of questions which can be successfully studied using ideas and tools from Algebraic Graph Theory.Methods fromfinite geometry provide the most effective means of constructing mutually unbiased bases,which play a role in quantum information theory and in certain cryptographic protocols.One important question is to determine the maximum size of a set of mutually unbiased bases in d-dimensional complex space.If d is a prime power the geometric methods just mentioned provide sets of size d+1,which is the largest possible.But if d is twice an odd integer then in most cases no set larger than three has been found.Whether larger sets exist is an important open problem. 3Presentation HighlightsThe talks mostlyfitted into one of four areas,which we discuss separately.3.1SpectraWillem Haemers spoke on universal adjacency matrices with only two distinct eigenvalues.Such matrices are linear combinations of I,J,D and A(where D is the diagonal matrix of vertex degrees and A the usual adjacency matrix).Any matrix usually considered in spectral graph theory has this form,but Willem is considering these matrices in general.His talk focussed on the graphs for which some universal adjacency matrix has only two eigenvalues.With Omidi he has proved that such a graph must either be strong(its Seidel matrix has only two eigenvalues)or it has exactly two different vertex degrees and the subgraph induced by the vertices of a given degree must be regular.Brouwer formulated a conjecture on the minimum size of a subset S of the vertices of a strongly-regular graph X such that no component of X\S was a single vertex.Cioabˇa spoke on his recent work with Jack Koolen on this conjecture.They proved that it is false,and there are four infinite families of counterexamples.3.2PhysicsAs noted above,algebraic graph theory has many applications and potential applications to problems in quantum computing,although the connection has become apparent only very recently.A number of talks were related to this connection.One important problem in quantum computing is whether there is a quantum algorithm for the graph isomorphism problem that would be faster than the classical approaches.Currently the situation is quite open.Martin Roetteler’s talk described recent work[1]on this problem.For our workshop’s viewpoint,one surprising feature is that the work made use of the Bose-Mesner algebra of a related association scheme; this connection had not been made before.Severini discussed quantum applications of what is known as the Lov´a sz theta-function of a graph.This function can be viewed as an eigenvalue bound and is closely related to both the LP bound of Delsarte and the Delsarte-Hoffman bound on the size of an independent set in a regular graph.Severini’s work shows that Lov´a sz’s theta-function provides a bound on the capacity of a certain channel arising in quantum communication theoryWork in quantum information theory has lead to interest in complex Hadamard matrices—these are d×d complex matrices H such that all entries of H have the same absolute value and HH∗=dI.Both Chan and Sz¨o ll˝o si dealt with these in their talks.Aidan Roy spoke on complex spherical designs.Real spherical designs were much studied by Seidel and his coworkers,because of their many applications in combinatorics and other areas.The complex case languished because there were no apparent applications,but now we have learnt that these manifest them-selves in quantum information theory under acronyms such as MUBs and SIC-POVMs.Roy’s talk focussedon a recent 45page paper with Suda [12],where (among other things)they showed that extremal complex designs gave rise to association schemes.One feature of this work is that the matrices in their schemes are not symmetric,which is surprising because we have very few interesting examples of non-symmetric schemes that do not arise as conjugacy class schemes of finite groups.3.3Extremal Set TheoryCoherent configurations are a non-commutative extension of association schemes.They have played a sig-nificant role in work on the graph isomorphism problem but,in comparison with association schemes,they have provided much less information about interesting extremal structures.The work presented by Hobart and Williford may improve matters,since they have been able to extend and use some of the standard bounds from the theory of schemes.Delsarte [4]showed how association schemes could be used to derive linear programs,whose values provided strong upper bounds on the size of codes.Association schemes have both a combinatorial structure and an algebraic structure and these two structures are in some sense dual to one another.In Delsarte’s work,both the combinatorial and the algebraic structure had a natural linear ordering (the schemes are both metric and cometric)and this played an important role in his work.Martin explained how this linearity constraint could be relaxed.This work is important since it could lead to new bounds,and also provide a better understanding of duality.One of Rick Wilson’s many important contributions to combinatorics was his use of association schemes to prove a sharp form of the Erd˝o s-Ko-Rado theorem [15].The Erd˝o s-Ko-Rado theorem itself ([5])can certainly be called a seminal result,and by now there are many analogs and extensions of it which have been derived by a range of methods.More recently it has been realized that most of these extensions can be derived in a very natural way using the theory of association schemes.Karen Meagher presented recent joint work (with Godsil,and with Spiga,[8,11])on the case where the subsets in the Erd˝o s-Ko-Rado theorem are replaced by permutations.It has long been known that there is an interesting association scheme on permutations,but this scheme is much less manageable than the schemes used by Delsarte and,prior to the work presented by Meagher,no useful combinatorial information had been obtained from it.Chowdhury presented her recent work on a conjecture of Frankl and F¨u redi.This concerns families F of m -subsets of a set X such that any two distinct elements of have exactly λelements in common.Frankl and F¨u redi conjectured that the m -sets in any such family contain at least m 2 pairs of elements of X .Chowdhury verified this conjecture in a number of cases;she used classical combinatorial techniques and it remains to see whether algebraic methods can yield any leverage in problems of this type.3.4Finite GeometryEric Moorhouse spoke on questions concerning automorphism groups of projective planes,focussing on connections between the finite and infinite case.Thus for a group acting on a finite plane,the number of orbits on points must be equal to the number of orbits on lines.It is not known if this must be true for planes of infinite order.Is there an infinite plane such that for each positive integer k ,the automorphism group has only finitely many orbits on k -tuples?This question is open even for k =4.Simeon Ball considered the structure of subsets S of a k -dimensional vector space over a field of order q such that each d -subset of S is a basis.The canonical examples arise by adding a point at infinity to the point set of a rational normal curve.These sets arise in coding theory as maximum distance separable codes and in matroid theory,in the study of the representability of uniform matroids (to mention just two applications).It is conjectured that,if k ≤q −1then |S |≤q +1unless q is even and k =3or k =q −1,in which case |S |≤q +2.Simeon presented a proof of this theorem when q is a prime and commented on the general case.He developed a connection to Segre’s classical characterization of conics in planes of odd order,as sets of q +1points such that no three are collinear.There are many analogs between finite geometry and extremal set theory;questions about the geometry of subspaces can often be viewed as q -analogs of questions in extremal set theory.So the EKR-problem,which concerns characterizations of intersecting families of k -subsets of a fixed set,leads naturally to a study of intersecting families of k -subspaces of a finite vector space.In terms of association schemes this means we move from the Johnson scheme to the Grassmann scheme.This is fairly well understood,with thebasic results obtained by Frankl and Wilson[6].But infinite geometry,polar spaces form an important topic. Roughly speaking the object here is to study the families of subspaces that are isotropic relative to some form, for example the subspaces that lie on a smooth quadric.In group theoretic terms we are now dealing with symplectic,orthogonal and unitary groups.There are related association schemes on the isotropic subspaces of maximum dimension.Vanhove spoke on important work from his Ph.D.thesis,where he investigated the appropriate versions of the EKR problem in these schemes.4Outcome of the MeetingIt is too early to offer much in the way of concrete evidence of impact.Matt DeV os observed that a conjecture of Brouwer on the vertex connectivity of graphs in an association scheme was wrong,in a quite simple way. This indicates that the question is more complex than expected,and quite possibly more interesting.That this observation was made testifies to the scope of the meeting.On a broader level,one of the successes of the meeting was the wide variety of seemingly disparate topics that were able to come together;the ideas of algebraic graph theory touch a number of things that would at first glance seem neither algebraic nor graph theoretical.There was a lively interaction between researchers from different domains.The proportion of post-docs and graduate students was relatively high.This had a positive impact on the level of excitement and interaction at the meeting.The combination of expert and beginning researchers created a lively atmosphere for mathematical discussion.References[1]A.Ambainis,L.Magnin,M.Roetteler,J.Roland.Symmetry-assisted adversaries for quantum state gen-eration,arXiv1012.2112,35pp.[2]A.E.Brouwer,J.H.Koolen.The vertex connectivity of a distance-regular graph.European bina-torics30(2009),668–673.[3]A.E.Brouwer,D.M.Mesner.The connectivity of strongly regular graphs.European binatorics,6(1985),215–216.[4]P.Delsarte.An algebraic approach to the association schemes of coding theory.Philips Res.Rep.Suppl.,(10):vi+97,1973.[5]P.Erd˝o s,C.Ko,R.Rado.Intersection theorems for systems offinite sets.Quart.J.Math.Oxford Ser.(2),12(1961),313–320.[6]P.Frankl,R.M.Wilson.The Erd˝o s-Ko-Rado theorem for vector binatorial Theory,SeriesA,43(1986),228–236.[7]D.Gijswijt,A.Schrijver,H.Tanaka.New upper bounds for nonbinary codes based on the Terwilligeralgebra and semidefinite binatorial Theory,Series A,113(2006),1719–1731. [8]C.D.Godsil,K.Meagher.A new proof of the Erd˝o s-Ko-Rado theorem for intersecting families of per-mutations.arXiv0710.2109,18pp.[9]C.D.Godsil,G.F.Royle.Algebraic Graph Theory,Springer-Verlag,(New York),2001.[10]J.H.Koolen,E.R.van Dam.A new family of distance-regular graphs with unbounded diameter.Inven-tiones Mathematicae,162(2005),189-193.[11]K.Meagher,P.Spiga.An Erdos-Ko-Rado theorem for the derangement graph of PGL(2,q)acting onthe projective line.arXiv0910.3193,17pp.[12]A.P.Roy,plex spherical Codes and designs,(2011),arXiv1104.4692,45pp.[13]A.Schrijver.New code upper bounds from the Terwilliger algebra and semidefinite programming.IEEETransactions on Information Theory51(2005),2859–2866.[14]F.Vanhove.Incidence geometry from an algebraic graph theory point of view.Ph.D.Thesis,Gent2011.[15]R.M.Wilson.The exact bound in the Erds-Ko-Rado binatorica,4(1984),247–257.。



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Equally important, BRICS countries have grown into an important force for world peace and development.
The BRICS Media Summit, which brings together media workers of BRICS countries for an exchange of views on national development and media cooperation, is a decision of historic importance. It adds a new dimension to BRICS cooperation, and more importantly, marks a new start for increasing understanding and cooperation between over three billion people, and better upholding the major interests of emerging markets and developing countries.



进修核磁共振工作总结英文回答:Working with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has been an enriching experience for me. NMR is a powerfulanalytical technique that allows us to study the structure, dynamics, and interactions of molecules. In this summary, I will share my insights and experiences during my NMR training.Firstly, one of the most important skills I acquired during my NMR training was the ability to operate and maintain the NMR instrument. This involved learning how to set up the experiments, calibrate the instrument, and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. For example, I had to ensure that the magnetic field was properly aligned and that the sample was prepared correctly. This hands-on experience not only improved my technical skills but also gave me a deeper understanding of how NMR works.Another aspect of NMR that I found fascinating was the interpretation of spectra. NMR spectra provide valuable information about the chemical environment and connectivity of atoms in a molecule. However, interpreting these spectra can be challenging, especially when dealing with complex molecules. During my training, I learned how to identify different functional groups, determine the number of hydrogen atoms, and analyze coupling patterns. For instance, I remember analyzing a proton NMR spectrum of a drug molecule and identifying the presence of aromatic rings based on the chemical shifts and coupling constants.Furthermore, NMR experiments can be tailored to answer specific research questions. One of the techniques Ilearned was two-dimensional NMR, which provides detailed information about the correlations between atoms in a molecule. This technique allowed me to investigate the conformational changes of a protein upon binding to a ligand. By comparing the two-dimensional NMR spectra of the protein in the absence and presence of the ligand, I was able to identify the specific amino acid residues involvedin the binding interaction.In addition to the technical aspects, NMR training also emphasized the importance of data analysis and interpretation. I learned how to use software tools to process and analyze NMR data, such as peak picking, integration, and spectral fitting. These skills were essential for quantifying the concentration of compounds in a mixture or determining the purity of a sample. For example, I recall analyzing a mixture of organic compounds using NMR and successfully quantifying the concentrations of each component based on the integration values.Overall, my experience with NMR has been both challenging and rewarding. It has provided me with a solid foundation in analytical chemistry and enhanced my problem-solving skills. Working with NMR has also taught me the importance of attention to detail and patience, as even small errors in sample preparation or instrumentcalibration can affect the quality of the data. I am confident that the knowledge and skills I have gained through NMR training will be valuable in my future research endeavors.中文回答:在核磁共振(NMR)的工作中,我获得了很多宝贵的经验。

结构化学 英语

结构化学 英语

结构化学英语Structured ChemistryChemistry is a vast and complex field of study that encompasses the understanding of the composition, structure, and properties of matter. One of the key aspects of chemistry is the concept of structure, which plays a crucial role in determining the behavior and characteristics of chemical substances. Structural chemistry, a subfield of chemistry, focuses on the spatial arrangement of atoms and molecules, and how this arrangement influences the chemical and physical properties of materials.The study of structure in chemistry involves the investigation of the three-dimensional (3D) arrangements of atoms within molecules and the intermolecular interactions that exist between them. This knowledge is essential for understanding the behavior of chemical systems, predicting their properties, and designing new materials with desired characteristics.One of the fundamental tools used in structural chemistry is X-ray crystallography. This technique involves the bombardment of a crystalline sample with X-rays, which interact with the electrons inthe atoms of the crystal. The resulting diffraction pattern can be analyzed to determine the precise arrangement of atoms within the crystal structure. This information is crucial for understanding the properties of solid-state materials, such as metals, minerals, and ceramics.Another important technique in structural chemistry is nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. This method utilizes the magnetic properties of atomic nuclei to provide information about the chemical environment and connectivity of atoms within a molecule. NMR spectroscopy is widely used in the identification and characterization of organic compounds, as well as in the study of biomolecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids.In addition to these experimental techniques, computational methods have also become increasingly important in the field of structural chemistry. Quantum mechanical calculations, such as density functional theory (DFT), allow researchers to model the behavior of atoms and molecules at the quantum level, providing insights into their electronic structure and chemical reactivity.One of the key applications of structural chemistry is in the design and development of new materials. By understanding the relationship between the structure of a material and its properties, chemists can engineer substances with specific characteristics, suchas high strength, enhanced thermal stability, or improved electrical conductivity. This knowledge is particularly valuable in fields like materials science, nanotechnology, and catalysis.Another important aspect of structural chemistry is its role in the study of biological systems. The structures of proteins, nucleic acids, and other biomolecules are crucial for understanding their functions and interactions within living organisms. This knowledge is essential for the development of new drugs and the understanding of disease processes.In conclusion, the field of structural chemistry is a fundamental and multifaceted discipline that underpins our understanding of the physical and chemical properties of matter. Through the use of advanced experimental and computational techniques, structural chemists continue to unravel the mysteries of the molecular world, paving the way for new discoveries and innovations that have the potential to transform our lives.。



互联网对个人隐私的影响,作文英语全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Internet Age: Navigating the Tightrope of PrivacyWhen the internet first emerged, it was heralded as a revolutionary force that would democratize knowledge, connect the world, and empower individuals like never before. However, as its tentacles have seeped into every aspect of our lives, a contentious debate has arisen around the delicate balance between the immense benefits it offers and the insidious threat it poses to our personal privacy.As a student navigating the digital landscape, I find myself both in awe of the internet's potential and deeply troubled by its Orwellian undercurrents. On one hand, it has become an indispensable tool for learning, research, and self-expression. The wealth of information at our fingertips is staggering, and platforms like social media have given us unprecedented opportunities to share our thoughts, artistic creations, and life experiences with a global audience.Yet, this very openness and connectivity have also made us increasingly vulnerable to prying eyes and exploitation. Every time we browse the web, post on social media, or use an app, we leave behind a trail of digital breadcrumbs that can be harvested, analyzed, and monetized by corporations and governments alike. Our online activities, interests, and even private conversations are often treated as commodities to be bought and sold in the shadowy data markets that have sprung up around us.The implications of this pervasive surveillance are deeply unsettling. Our right to privacy – a fundamental human right enshrined in international conventions – is being eroded bit by bit, often without our knowledge or consent. The erosion of privacy not only threatens our individual autonomy and dignity but also has far-reaching consequences for free speech, democracy, and societal trust.Consider the chilling effect that constant monitoring can have on free expression. When we know that our every word and action online is being scrutinized, we may self-censor, stifling the free flow of ideas and open discourse that is essential for a healthy democracy. Moreover, the aggregation and misuse of our personal data can lead to discriminatory practices, manipulation, and even outright oppression by those in power.Yet, the internet's impact on privacy is not aone-dimensional narrative of doom and gloom. There are also promising developments that offer glimmers of hope and empowerment. The rise of encryption technologies,privacy-focused platforms, and legal frameworks like the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) have provided individuals with some tools to regain control over their digital footprints.Furthermore, the very openness and connectivity that have made us vulnerable have also equipped us with powerful means to hold those who violate our privacy accountable. Whistleblowers and investigative journalists have been able to expose some of the most egregious privacy breaches and data exploitations, sparking public outrage and pressuring corporations and governments to be more transparent and respectful of our digital rights.As students, we stand at a critical juncture in this evolving landscape. We are the first generation to have grown up fully immersed in the internet age, and our attitudes and actions will shape the future of privacy for generations to come. It is incumbent upon us to become informed, vigilant, and proactive in protecting our digital selves.This means educating ourselves about the risks and consequences of our online activities, taking concrete steps to safeguard our personal information, and demanding greater transparency and accountability from the entities that collect and use our data. We must also advocate for robust legal protections and ethical standards that enshrine privacy as a fundamental right in the digital realm.At the same time, we must recognize that privacy is not an absolute value but rather one that must be balanced against other important societal interests, such as public safety, national security, and the free flow of information. There will always be tensions and trade-offs to navigate, but we must strive to strike a reasonable equilibrium that respects our individual autonomy while still allowing for the incredible benefits that the internet can offer.Ultimately, the internet's impact on privacy is a complex and evolving issue that defies simple solutions. As students and citizens of the digital age, we must approach it with nuance, critical thinking, and a commitment to upholding the principles of individual liberty and human dignity that have been the bedrock of free societies.By remaining vigilant, proactive, and principled, we can harness the internet's vast potential while safeguarding our essential right to privacy, ensuring that this revolutionary technology serves to empower rather than oppress us. The path ahead is fraught with challenges, but it is a journey that we must undertake with courage, wisdom, and an unwavering commitment to shaping a future where privacy and progress can coexist in harmony.篇2The Impact of the Internet on Personal PrivacyThe rise of the internet has revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate. It has opened up a world of limitless possibilities, connecting us to a vast realm of information and people across the globe. However, amidst the convenience and connectivity that the internet provides, there lies a growing concern about its impact on our personal privacy.In today's digital age, we are constantly sharing personal information online, often without realizing the extent to which our data is being collected, stored, and potentially misused. From social media platforms to online shopping websites, ourevery move is tracked, analyzed, and used to create detailed profiles about our interests, behaviors, and preferences.One of the most significant threats to personal privacy on the internet is the pervasive use of cookies and tracking technologies. These tiny pieces of code are designed to collect data about our online activities, including the websites we visit, the products we browse, and the content we engage with. This information is then used by companies to target us with personalized advertisements and marketing campaigns, often without our explicit consent.While targeted advertising may seem harmless at first glance, it raises serious privacy concerns. Our online behavior is being monitored and analyzed, creating a detailed digital footprint that can potentially be exploited or misused. This data could be sold to third parties, used for discriminatory practices, or even fall into the wrong hands, leading to identity theft or other forms of cybercrime.Another area of concern is the vast amount of personal information we willingly share on social media platforms. From posting updates about our daily lives to sharing personal photos and videos, we are essentially creating a digital autobiography that can be accessed and potentially misused by others. Thisinformation can be used for malicious purposes, such as stalking, harassment, or even identity theft.Furthermore, social media platforms have been known to engage in data-sharing practices with third-party companies, often without the user's knowledge or consent. This means that our personal information, including our interests, relationships, and location data, could be sold or shared with advertisers, marketers, or even government agencies, raising significant privacy concerns.The issue of privacy extends beyond social media and online advertising. The increasing use of cloud-based services, such as email and file storage, has also raised questions about data security and privacy. While these services offer convenience and accessibility, they also involve storing our personal data on remote servers, which could be vulnerable to hacking or unauthorized access.Moreover, the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) devices, such as smart home assistants and wearable technologies, has introduced new privacy challenges. These devices collect and transmit vast amounts of data about our daily routines, habits, and even biometric information, all of which could potentially be intercepted or misused.It is important to acknowledge that the internet has also brought about positive changes in terms of privacy awareness and protection. Governments and organizations have implemented various regulations and guidelines to safeguard personal data, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States.Additionally, many individuals and privacy advocates have taken proactive measures to protect their online privacy, such as using virtual private networks (VPNs), ad-blockers, and encrypted messaging apps. However, these efforts are often met with resistance from companies and organizations that rely on data collection and monetization for their business models.As we navigate the digital landscape, it is crucial to strike a balance between the convenience and benefits of the internet and the protection of our personal privacy. Individuals must take an active role in understanding and managing their digital footprint, while companies and governments must prioritize ethical data practices and implement robust security measures to safeguard user privacy.Education and awareness are key in empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their online activities and thepersonal information they choose to share. By staying informed about the latest privacy threats and best practices, we can take proactive steps to protect our digital identities and minimize the risks associated with the ever-evolving online world.Ultimately, the impact of the internet on personal privacy is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires ongoing dialogue, collaboration, and responsible action from all stakeholders involved. As technology continues to evolve, it is imperative that we remain vigilant and proactive in safeguarding our fundamental right to privacy in the digital age.篇3The Impact of the Internet on Personal PrivacyIn today's digital age, the internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. From social media to online shopping, we rely heavily on the internet for various activities. However, as the internet continues to evolve and become more ubiquitous, concerns about personal privacy have become increasingly prevalent. The internet has brought about both opportunities and challenges when it comes to protecting our personal information and maintaining privacy.One of the most significant impacts of the internet on personal privacy is the vast amount of data that is collected and shared online. Every time we browse the web, use social media platforms, or make online purchases, we leave behind a digital footprint. This data, including our browsing history, search queries, and personal information, is often collected and analyzed by companies and advertising agencies for targeted marketing purposes. While some may argue that this practice is harmless, it raises serious concerns about the extent to which our personal information is being monitored and exploited without our explicit consent.Social media platforms, in particular, have become a significant threat to personal privacy. These platforms encourage users to share personal details, photos, and opinions, often without fully understanding the implications of such sharing. The data collected by these platforms is then used for various purposes, including targeted advertising and even surveillance by governments and law enforcement agencies. The Cambridge Analytica scandal, which revealed how personal data from millions of Facebook users was harvested without their knowledge or consent, serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of sharing too much personal information online.Furthermore, the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) has introduced new challenges to personal privacy. Smart devices such as home assistants, security cameras, and wearable technology constantly collect data about our daily lives, habits, and even biometric information. While these devices offer convenience and efficiency, they also raise concerns about the security and privacy of the data they collect, as well as the potential for unauthorized access or misuse of this information.Despite these concerns, it is important to acknowledge that the internet has also provided opportunities for individuals to protect their privacy. Encryption technologies, virtual private networks (VPNs), and privacy-focused browsers have emerged as tools to help users maintain anonymity and protect their online activities from prying eyes. Additionally, privacy advocates and organizations have been instrumental in raising awareness about the importance of online privacy and advocating for stronger data protection laws and regulations.One solution to address the privacy concerns associated with the internet is for governments and companies to implement stricter data protection laws and regulations. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in theUnited States are examples of efforts to give individuals greater control over their personal data and hold companies accountable for data breaches and misuse of personal information.However, legal frameworks alone are not enough; individuals must also take proactive steps to protect their online privacy. This includes being mindful of the information they share online, regularly updating privacy settings on social media and other platforms, and using privacy-enhancing tools and technologies whenever possible.In conclusion, the internet has had a profound impact on personal privacy, presenting both opportunities and challenges. While the convenience and connectivity offered by the internet are undeniable, the potential for misuse of personal data and the erosion of privacy should not be overlooked. It is crucial for individuals, companies, and governments to work together to strike a balance between the benefits of the internet and the protection of personal privacy. By raising awareness, implementing stronger data protection laws, and adopting privacy-enhancing technologies, we can ensure that the internet remains a powerful tool for information and communication while safeguarding our fundamental right to privacy.。



专业英语期末复习一.名词解释PCM pulse-code modulation 脉冲编码调制PPM Pulse Position Modulation 脉冲位置调制ASK amplitude shift keying (ASK) 幅移键控FSK frequency shift keying (FSK) 频移键控BFSK binary frequency shift keying 二进制频移键控MSK minimum shift keying 最小频移键控PSK phase shift keying (PSK) 相移键控FDM Frequency division multiplexing频分复用OFDM orthogonal frequency division multiplexing 正交频分复用TDM time division multiplexing 时分复用WDM wave division multiplexing 波分复用DWDM dense wave division multiplexing 密集型波分复用PM amplitude/ frequency/ phase modulation (AM/FM/PM)幅度/频/调制CPM continuous phase modulation 连续相位调制FDMA frequency division multiple access.频分多址TDMA time division multiple access 时分多址CDMA code division multiple access 码分多址SDMA space division multiple access 空分多址GSM global system for mobile communicatons 全球数字移动通信系统MS mobile station 移动台BTS base transceviver 基站收发台BSC base station controller 基站控制器BSS base station subsystem 基站子系统MSC mobile switching center 移动交换中心AUC Authentication center 鉴权中心VLR visitor location register 访问位置寄存器EIR equipment identity register 设备识别寄存器HLR home location register 本地位置寄存器PSTN public switched telephone network 公共电话交换网ISDN integrated sercices digital network 综合业务数字网Boardband—ISDN Boardband-ISDN ADSL asymmetric digital subscriber line 非对称数字用户线路NSS network and switching subsystem 网络交换中心PBX private branch exchange 程控交换机ATM asynchronous transfer mode 异步传输模式LAN local area network 局域网IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers美国电气和电子工程师协会CSMA/CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detect载波监听多路访问/冲突检测MAC medium access control 介质访问控制层LLC logical link control 链路逻辑控制TCP Transmission Control Protocol 传输控制协议FTP file transfer protocolJPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group 联合图像专家小组MPEG: Moving Pictures Experts GroupNAP s network access points 网络接入点IXPs Internet exchange points 互联网接入点SNA systems network architecture 系统网络体系结构OSI open system interconnectionGPS thw global positioning system 全球定位系统ICMP:Internet Control Message Protocol控制报文协议IGMP:Internet Group Management Protocol 组管理协议FDD frequency division duplex 频分双工TDD time division duplex 时分双工PLL phase lock loop 锁相环ADC analog-to-digital converter模数转换器SSMA spread spectrum multiple access 扩频多址系统VLC variable length coding 可变长编码HDTV high-definition tevevisionVOD video-on-demand 视频点播技术OSS operation support systems 运营支撑系统DRM digital rights management 数字版权管理CISC/SISC complex/simple instruction set computerPLMN public land mobile network 公共陆地移动网MUL mobile user link 移动用户链路GWL gateway link 网关链路ISL inter satellite links 内部卫星链路BRI basic rate interface 基本速率接口PRI primary rate interface 基群速率接口TA terminal adapter 终端适配器APD avalanche photodiode 雪崩光电二极管PIN positive-intrinsic negative 本征光电二极管TE transverse electric mode模电模式TM tranaverse magnetic 横磁模式LP linearly polarized mode 线性模式STB set top box 机顶盒Multimedia 多媒体information theory 信息论signal-to-noise信噪比destination of the information信宿sequences of messages 消息序列the light intensity光强度three dimensional sound transmission三维声音传输In a multiplex PCM system the different speech functions must be sampled,compressed,quantized and encoded.在一个多路复用PCM系统中不同的语音函数必须被抽样、压缩、量化和编码a pair of wires一双金属丝a coaxial cable一条同轴缆a band of radio frequencies一波段的收音机频率a beam of light一束光discrete and continuous variables离散、连续变量modulated signal已调信号modulating signal 调制信号binary bit-steam二进制比特流base-band signal基带信号antennas.天线synchronization同步the carrier frequency载波频率Path-loss信道损耗penetration of obstacles绕射reflection反射, scattering散射, diffraction衍射Spectral efficiency 频率效率power efficiency功率效率robustenss稳定性DSP digital signal processor 数字信号处理器Multiple Access 多址技术the guard band 保护频段frequency hopping and direct sequence 调频和直接序列扩频downlink/uplink slots 上行时隙/下行时隙Circuit Switching 电路交换Packet switching 分组交换dedicate line 专用线路subscriber用户thunk 中继local loop 用户环路physical layer物理层datalink layer 数据链路层application layer 应用层Internetwork layer 网际层Network interface layer 网络接口层twisted copper cable双绞线coaxial cable 同轴电缆optical fiber 光缆Bus/tree/ring/star topology 总线/树/环/星型拓扑结构Round robin 循环reservation 预约contention 竞争an access point 接入点、访问点hierarchical 等级上hot spots 热点decompression/compression 解压缩/压缩encoder/decoder 编码器/解码器redundancy 冗余lossy/lossless 有损/无损multicast 多播authentication 身份鉴定/鉴权authoirization 授权nomadicity 漫游session management 会话管理stream control transmission 流控制传输协议channel bonding 信道绑定on hook/off hook 接通/挂断attenunation loss 衰减损耗transmission loss 传输损耗acousto optic modulator 声光调制器electro-optic modulator 光电调制器optical amplifiers 光放大器dielectric waveguide 电解质波导step inder fiber 阶跃光纤graded index fiber 渐变光纤single mode/multimode fibers 单/多模光纤hard/soft handover 硬/软切换spread spectrum 扩频narrowband signal/interference 窄带信号/干扰power density 功率谱密度resistance narrowband/adjacent interface 抵制窄带/频道干扰band pass filter 带通滤波器geostationary/geosynchronous satellite 同步卫星satellite for navigation 导航卫星Geostationary (or geosynchronous) earth orbit (GEO): 地球同步轨道Medium earth orbit (MEO): 中距离轨道Low earth orbit (LEO):近地轨道Highly elliptical orbit (HEO): 椭圆轨道paramount 及其simultaneously 同时mechanism 机制the radio spectrum 无线频谱a user process 一个用户进程defined by port and sockets 由端口号和套接字定义multiple application 多个应用程序duplicate data suppression 抑制数据复制error recovery 差错复原connection-orient reliable data delivery 面向连接的可靠的数据传输congestion/flow control 拥塞/流量控制二.翻译1.So What is Cloud Computing?We see Cloud Computing as a computing model, not a technology. In this model “customers” plug into the “cloud” to access IT resources which are priced and provided “on-demand”. Essentially, IT resources are rented and shared among multiple tenants much as office space, apartments, or storage spaces are used by tenants. Delivered over an Internet connection, the “cloud” replaces the company data center or server providing the same service. Thus, Cloud Computing is simply IT services sold and delivered over the Internet. Refer to section of Types of Cloud Computing.Cloud Computing vendors combine virtualization (one computer hosting several “virtual” servers), automated provisioning (servers have software installed automatically), and Internet connectivity technologies to provide the service[1]. These are not new technologies but a new name applied to a collection of older (albeit updated) technologies that are packaged, sold and delivered in a new way.A key point to remember is that, at the most basic level, your data resides on someone else’s server(s). This means that most concerns (and there are potentially hundreds) really come down to trust and control issues. Do you trust them with your data?那么什么是云计算?我们看到云计算作为一个计算模型,而不是技术。



4th Edition, 07.20053rd Edition dated 06.19942nd Edition dated 05.19901st Edition dated 09.19872005 Robert Bosch GmbHTable of ContentsIntroduction (5)1. Terms for Statistical Process Control (6)2. Planning .........................................................................................................................................................8 2.1 Selection of Product Characteristics .................................................................................................8 2.1.1 Test Variable ........................................................................................................................8 2.1.2 Controllability ......................................................................................................................9 2.2 Measuring Equipment .......................................................................................................................9 2.3 Machinery .........................................................................................................................................9 2.4 Types of Characteristics and Quality Control Charts ......................................................................10 2.5 Random Sample Size ......................................................................................................................11 2.6 Defining the Interval for Taking Random Samples (11)3. Determining Statistical Process Parameters ................................................................................................12 3.1 Trial Run .........................................................................................................................................12 3.2 Disturbances ....................................................................................................................................12 3.3 General Comments on Statistical Calculation Methods ..................................................................12 3.4 Process Average ..............................................................................................................................13 3.5 Process Variation . (14)4. Calculation of Control Limits ......................................................................................................................15 4.1 Process-Related Control Limits ......................................................................................................15 4.1.1 Natural Control Limits for Stable Processes ......................................................................16 Control Limits for Location Control Charts .........................................................16 Control Limits for Variation Control Charts ........................................................18 4.1.2 Calculating Control Limits for Processes with Systematic Changes in the Average .........19 4.2 Acceptance Control Chart (Tolerance-Related Control Limits) .....................................................20 4.3 Selection of the Control Chart .........................................................................................................21 4.4 Characteristics of the Different Types of Control Charts . (22)5. Preparation and Use of Control Charts ........................................................................................................23 5.1 Reaction Plan (Action Catalog) .......................................................................................................23 5.2 Preparation of the Control Chart .....................................................................................................23 5.3 Use of the Control Chart .................................................................................................................23 5.4 Evaluation and Control Criteria ......................................................................................................24 5.5 Which Comparisons Can be Made? (25)6. Quality Control, Documentation .................................................................................................................26 6.1 Evaluation .......................................................................................................................................26 6.2 Documentation .. (26)7. SPC with Discrete Characteristics ...............................................................................................................27 7.1 General ............................................................................................................................................27 7.2 Defect Tally Chart for 100% Testing . (27)8. Tables (28)9. Example of an Event Code for Mechanically Processed Parts ....................................................................29 9.1 Causes .............................................................................................................................................29 9.2 Action ..............................................................................................................................................29 9.3 Handling of the Parts/Goods ...........................................................................................................30 9.4 Action Catalog .. (30)10. Example of an x -s Control Chart (32)11. Literature (33)12. Symbols (34)Index (35)IntroductionStatistical Process Control (SPC) is a procedure for open or closed loop control of manufacturing processes, based on statistical methods.Random samples of parts are taken from the manufacturing process according to process-specific sampling rules. Their characteristics are measured and entered in control charts. This can be done with computer support. Statistical indicators are calculated from the measurements and used to assess the current status of the process. If necessary, the process is corrected with suitable actions.Statistical principles must be observed when taking random samples.The control chart method was developed by Walter Andrew Shewhart (1891-1967) in the 1920´s and described in detail in his book “Economic Control of Quality of Manufactured Product”, published in 1931.There are many publications and self-study programs on SPC. The procedures described in various publications sometimes differ significant-ly from RB procedures.SPC is used at RB in a common manner in all divisions. The procedure is defined in QSP0402 [1] in agreement with all business divisions and can be presented to customers as the Bosch approach.Current questions on use of SPC and related topics are discussed in the SPC work group. Results that are helpful for daily work and of general interest can be summarized and published as QA Information sheets. SPC is an application of inductive statistics. Not all parts have been measured, as would be the case for 100% testing. A small set of data, the random sample measurements, is used to estimate parameters of the entire population.In order to correctly interpret results, we have to know which mathematical model to use, where its limits are and to what extent it can be used for practical reasons, even if it differs from the real situation.We differentiate between discrete (countable) and continuous (measurable) characteristics. Control charts can be used for both types of characteristics.Statistical process control is based on the concept that many inputs can influence a process.The “5 M´s” – man, machine, material, milieu, method – are the primary groups of inputs. Each “M” can be subdivided, e.g. milieu in temperature, humidity, vibration, contamination, lighting, ....Despite careful process control, uncontrolled, random effects of several inputs cause deviation of actual characteristic values from their targets (usually the middle of the tolerance range).The random effects of several inputs ideally result in a normal distribution for the characteristic.Many situations can be well described with a normal distribution for SPC.A normal distribution is characterized with two parameters, the mean µ and the standard deviation σ.The graph of the density function of a normal distribution is the typical bell curve, with inflection points at σµ− and σµ+.In SPC, the parameters µ and σ of the population are estimated based on random sample measurements and these estimates are used to assess the current status of the process.1. Terms for Statistical Process ControlProcessA process is a series of activities and/or procedures that transform raw materials or pre-processed parts/components into an output product.The definition from the standard [3] is: “Set of interrelated or interacting activities which trans-forms inputs into outputs.”This booklet only refers to manufacturing or assembly processes.Stable processA stable process (process in a state of statistical control) is only subject to random influences (causes). Especially the location and variation of the process characteristic are stable over time (refer to [4])Capable processA process is capable when it is able to completely fulfill the specified requirements. Refer to [11] for determining capability indices. Shewhart quality control chartQuality control chart for monitoring a parameter of the probability distribution of a characteristic, in order to determine whether the parameter varies from a specified value.SPCSPC is a standard method for visualizing and controlling (open or closed loop) processes, based on measurements of random samples.The goal of SPC is to ensure that the planned process output is achieved and that corresponding customer requirements are fulfilled.SPC is always linked to (manual or software supported) use of a quality control chart (QCC). QCC´s are filled out with the goal of achieving, maintaining and improving stable and capable processes. This is done by recording process or product data, drawing conclusions from this data and reacting to undesirable data with appropriate actions.The following definitions are the same as or at least equivalent to those in [6].Limiting valueLower or upper limiting valueLower limiting valueLowest permissible value of a characteristic (lower specification limit LSL)Upper limiting valueHighest permissible value of a characteristic (upper specification limit USL)ToleranceUpper limiting value minus lower limiting value:LSLUSLT−=Tolerance rangeRange of permissible characteristic values between the lower and upper limiting valuesCenter point C of the tolerance rangeThe average of the lower and upper limiting values:2LSLUSL C +=Note: For characteristics with one-sided limits (only USL is specified), such as roughness (Rz), form and position (e.g. roundness, perpen-dicularity), it is not appropriate to assume 0=LSL and thus to set 2/USLC= (also refer to the first comment in Section total of all units taken into considerationRandom sampleOne or more units taken from the population or from a sub-population (part of a population)Random sample size nThe number of units taken for the random sample Mean (arithmetic)The sum of theix measurements divided by the number of measurements n:∑=⋅=niixnx11Median of a sampleFor an odd number of samples put in order from the lowest to highest value, the value of the sample number (n+1)/2. For an even number of samples put in order from the lowest to highest value, normally the average of the two samples numbered n/2 and (n/2)+1. (also refer to [13])Example: For a sample of 5 parts put in order from the lowest to the highest value, the median is the middle value of the 5 values.Variance of a sampleThe sum of the squared deviations of the measurements from their arithmetic mean, divided by the number of samples minus 1:()∑=−⋅−=niixxns12211Standard deviation of a sampleThe square root of the variance:2ss=RangeThe largest individual value minus the smallest individual value:minmaxxxR−=2. PlanningPlanning according to the current edition of QSP 0402 “SPC”, which defines responsibilities. SPC control of a characteristic is one possibility for quality assurance during manufacturing and test engineering.2.1 Selection of Product CharacteristicsSpecification of SPC characteristics and their processes should be done as early as possible (e.g. by the simultaneous engineering team). They can also, for example, be an output of the FMEA.This should take• Function,• Reliability,• Safety,•Consequential costs of defects,•The degree of difficulty of the process,• Customer requests, and•Customer connection interfaces, etc.into account.The 7 W-questions can be helpful in specifying SPC characteristics (refer to “data collection” in “Elementary Quality Assurance Tools” [8]): Example of a simple procedure for inspection planning:Why do I need to know what, when, where and how exactly?How large is the risk if I don’t know this? Note: It may be necessary to add new SPC characteristics to a process already in operation. On the other hand, there can be reasons (e.g. change of a manufacturing method or intro-duction of 100% testing) for replacing existing SPC control with other actions.SPC characteristics can be product or process characteristics.Why?Which or what? Which number or how many?Where? Who?When?With what or how exactly?2.1.1 Test VariableDefinition of the “SPC characteristic”, direct or indirect test variable. Note: If a characteristic cannot be measured directly, then a substitute characteristic must be found that has a known relationship to it.2.1.2 ControllabilityThe process must be able to be influenced (controlled) with respect to the test variable. Normally manufacturing equipment can be directly controlled in a manner that changes the test variable in the desired way (small control loop). According to Section 1, “control” in the broadest sense can also be a change of tooling, machine repair or a quality meeting with a supplier to discuss quality assurance activities (large control loop).2.2 Measuring EquipmentDefinition and procurement or check of the measuring equipment for the test variable.Pay attention to:• Capability of measuring and test processes, • Objectiveness,• Display system (digital),• Handling. The suitability of a measurement process for the tested characteristic must be proven with a capability study per [12].In special cases, a measurement process with known uncertainty can be used (pay attention to [10] and [12]).Note: The units and reference value must correspond to the variables selected for the measurement process.2.3 MachineryBefore new or modified machinery is used, a machine capability study must be performed (refer to QSP0402 [1] and [11]). This also applies after major repairs.Short-term studies (e.g. machine capability studies) register and evaluate characteristics of products that were manufactured in one continuous production run. Long-term studies use product measurements from a longer period of time, representative of mass production. Note: The general definition of SPC (Section 1) does not presume capable machines. However, if the machines are not capable, then additional actions are necessary to ensure that the quality requirements for manufactured products are fulfilled.2.4 Types of Characteristics and Control Charts This booklet only deals with continuous anddiscrete characteristics. Refer to [6] for these andother types of characteristics.In measurement technology, physical variables are defined as continuous characteristics. Counted characteristics are special discrete characteristics. The value of the characteristic is called a “counted value”. For example, the number of “bad” parts (defective parts) resulting from testing with a limit gage is a counted value. The value of the characteristic (e.g. the number 17, if 17 defective parts were found) is called a “counted value”.SPC is performed with manually filled out form sheets (quality control charts) or on a computer.A control chart consists of a chart-like grid for entering numerical data from measured samples and a diagram to visualize the statistical indices for the process location and variation calculated from the data.If a characteristic can be measured, then a control chart for continuous characteristics must be used. Normally the sx− chart with sample size 5=n is used.2.5 Random Sample SizeThe appropriate random sample size is a compromise between process performance, desired accuracy of the selected control chart (type I and type II errors, operation characteristic) and the need for an acceptable amount of testing. Normally 5=n is selected. Smaller random samples should only be selected if absolutely necessary.2.6 Defining the Interval for Taking Random SamplesWhen a control chart triggers action, i.e. when the control limits are exceeded, the root cause must be determined as described in Section 5.4, reaction to the disturbance initiated with suitable actions (refer to the action catalog) and a decision made on what to do with the parts produced since the last random sample was taken. In order to limit the financial “damage” caused by potentially necessary sorting or rework, the random sample interval – the time between taking two random samples – should not be too long.The sampling interval must be individually determined for each process and must be modified if the process performance has permanently changed.It is not possible to derive or justify the sampling interval from the percentage of defects. A defect level well below 1% cannot be detected on a practical basis with random samples. A 100% test would be necessary, but this is not the goal of SPC. SPC is used to detect process changes.The following text lists a few examples of SPC criteria to be followed.1. After setup, elimination of disturbances orafter tooling changes or readjustment, measure continuously (100% or with randomsamples) until the process is correctly centered (the average of several measure-ments/medians!). The last measurements canbe used as the first random sample for furtherprocess monitoring (and entered in the control chart). 2. Random sample intervals for ongoingprocess control can be defined in the following manner, selecting the shortest interval appropriate for the process.Definition corresponding to the expected average frequency of disturbances (as determined in the trial run or as is knownfrom previous process experience).Approximately 10 random samples within this time period.Definition depending on specified preventivetooling changes or readjustment intervals.Approximately 3 random samples within thistime period.Specification of tooling changes or readjust-ment depending on SPC random samples.Approximately 5 random samples within theaverage tooling life or readjustment interval.But at least once for the production quantitythat can still be contained (e.g. delivery lot,transfer to the next process, defined lots forconnected production lines)!3. Take a final random sample at the end of aseries, before switching to a different producttype, in order to confirm process capabilityuntil the end of the series.Note: The test interval is defined based on quantities (or time periods) in a manner that detects process changes before defects are produced. More frequent testing is necessary for unstable processes.3. Determining Statistical Process Parameters3.1 Trial RunDefinition of control limits requires knowledge or estimation of process parameters. This is determined with a trial run with sampling size and interval as specified in Sections 2.5 and 2.6. For an adequate number of parts for initial calculations, take a representative number of unsorted parts, at least 25=m samples (with n = 5, for example), yielding no fewer than 125 measured values. It is important to assess the graphs of the measured values themselves, the means and the standard deviations. Their curves can often deliver information on process performance characteristics (e.g. trends, cyclical variations).3.2 DisturbancesIf non-random influences (disturbances) occur frequently during the trial run, then the process is not stable (not in control). The causes of the disturbances must be determined and elimi-nated before process control is implemented (repeat the trial run).3.3 General Comments on Statistical Calculation MethodsComplicated mathematical procedures are no longer a problem due to currently available statistics software, and use of these programs is of course allowed and widespread (also refer to QSP0402 [1]).The following procedures were originally developed for use with pocket calculators. They are typically included in statistics programs.Note: Currently available software programs allow use of methods for preparing, using and evaluation control charts that are better adapted to process-specific circumstances (e.g. process models) than is possible with manual calculation methods. However, this unavoidably requires better knowledge of statistical methods and use of statistics software. Personnel and training requirements must take this into account.Each business division and each plant should have a comprehensively trained SPC specialist as a contact person.Parameter µ is estimated by:Example (Section 10): samplesof number valuesx the of total mxx mj j===∑=1ˆµ3622562862662.......x ˆ=+++==µor:samplesof number mediansthe of total mxx m j j===∑=1~~ˆµ46225626363....x ~ˆ=+++==µIf µˆ significantly deviates from the center point C for a characteristic with two-sided limits, then this deviation should be corrected by adjusting the machine.Parameter σ is estimated by:Example (Section 10):a) ∑=⋅=m j j s m 121ˆσ41125552450550222.......ˆ=+++=σsamplesof number variancesthe of total =σˆNote: s =σˆ is calculated directly from 25 individual measurements taken from sequential random samples (pocket calculator).or b) na s=σˆ, where27125552450550.......s =+++=samplesof number deviationsdard tan s the of total ms s mj j==∑=1351940271...a s ˆn ===σnn a3 0.89 5 0.94 See Section 8, Table 1 7 0.96 for additional valuesor c) ndR =σˆ, with96225611....R =+++= samplesof number rangesthe of total mR R mj j==∑=1271332962...d R ˆn ===σn n d3 1.69 5 2.33 See Section 8, Table 1 7 2.70 for additional values Note: The use of table values n a and n d pre-supposes a normal distribution!Some of these calculation methods were originally developed to enable manual calculation using a pocket calculator. Formula a) is normally used in currently available statistics software.4. Calculation of Control Limits4.1 Process-Related Control LimitsThe control limits (lower control limit LCL andupper control limit UCL) are set such that 99% of all the values lie within the control limits in the case of a process which is only affected by random influences (random causes).If the control limits are exceeded, it must there-fore be assumed that systematic, non-random influences (non-random causes) are affecting the process.These effects must be corrected or eliminated by taking suitable action (e.g. adjustment).Relation between the variance (standard deviation x σ) of the single values (original values, individuals) and the variance (standard deviation x σ) of the mean values: nxx σσ=.4.1.1 Natural Control Limits for Stable Processes4.1.1.1 Control Limits for Location Control Charts (Shewhart Charts)For two-sided tolerances, the limits for controlling the mean must always be based on the center point C. Note: C is replaced by the process mean x =µˆ for processes where the center point C cannot be achieved or for characteristics with one-sided limits.* Do not use for moving calculation of indices!Note: Use of the median-R chart is onlyappropriate when charts are manually filled out, without computer support.n*A E C n c'E EE E3 1.68 1.02 1.16 2.93 1.73 5 1.230.59 1.20 3.09 1.337 1.020.44 1.21 3.19 1.18Estimated values µˆ and σˆ are calculated per Sections 3.4 and 3.5.Refer to Section 8 Table 2 for additional values.Comments on the average chart: For characteristics with one-sided limits (or in general for skewed distributions) and small n , the random sample averages are not necessarily normally distributed. It could be appropriate to use a Pearson chart in this case. This chart has the advantage compared to the Shewhart chart that the control limits are somewhat wider apart. However, it has the disadvantage that calculation of the control limits is more complicated, in actual practice only possible on the computer.Control charts with moving averagesThe x chart with a moving average is a special case of the x chart. For this chart, only single random samples are taken.n sample measurements are formally grouped as a random sample and the average of these n measurements is calculated as the mean.For each new measurement from a single random sample that is added to the group, the first measurement of the last group is deleted, yielding a new group of size n , for which the new average is calculated.Of course, moving averages calculated in this manner are not mutually independent. That is why this chart has a delayed reaction to sudden process changes. The control limits correspond to those for “normal” average charts:σˆn .C LCL ⋅−=582 σˆn.C UCL ⋅+=582Calculate σˆ according to Section 3.5 a)Control limits for )3(1=n :σˆ.C LCL ⋅−=51 σˆ.C UCL ⋅+=51Example for )3(1=n :3 74 741.x = 3 7 4 9 762.x = 3 7 4 9 2 053.x = 3 7 4 9 2 8 364.x =This approach for moving sample measurements can also be applied to the variation, so that an s x − chart with a moving average and moving standard deviation can be used.After intervention in the process or process changes, previously obtained measurements may no longer be used to calculate moving indices. Control Limits for Variation Control ChartsThe control limits to monitor the variation (depending on n ) relate to σˆ and s and like-wise R (= “Central line”).s charta) generally applicable formula(also for the moving s x − chart)Example (Section 10):σˆB UCL 'Eob⋅= 62351931...UCL =⋅=σˆB LCL 'Eun ⋅= 30351230...LCL =⋅=b) for standard s x − chartNote: Formula a) must be used in the case ofmoving s calculation. Calculation of σˆ per Section 3.5 a).s B UCL *Eob ⋅= 62271052...UCL =⋅=s B LCL *Eun ⋅=30271240...LCL =⋅=R chartR D UCL Eob ⋅=2696212...UCL =⋅=R D LCL Eun ⋅=70962240...LCL =⋅=Tablen 'Eun B 'Eob B *Eun B *Eob B Eun D Eob D3 5 70.07 0.23 0.34 2.30 1.93 1.76 0.08 0.24 0.35 2.60 2.05 1.88 0.08 0.24 0.34 2.61 2.10 1.91See Section 8, Table 2 for further values4.1.2 Calculating Control Limits for Processes with Systematic Changes in the AverageIf changes of the mean need to be considered as a process-specific feature (trend, lot steps, etc.) and it is not economical to prevent such changes of the mean, then it is necessary to extend the “natural control limits”. The procedure for calculating an average chart with extended control limits is shown below.The overall variation consists of both the “inner” variation (refer to Section 3.5) of the random samples and of the “outer” variation between the random samples.Calculation procedure Control limits for the mean。



IntroductionThe vision of my ideal home is an intricate tapestry woven from the threads of my deepest desires, practical necessities, and personal aesthetics. It is not merely a physical structure but an embodiment of my lifestyle, values, and aspirations. In this essay, I embark on a comprehensive exploration of my imagined home, delving into its location, architectural style, interior design, outdoor spaces, sustainability features, and the intangible elements that would make it a sanctuary for body, mind, and soul. With meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to quality and high standards, I present a vivid portrayal of this dream abode, exceeding the 1358-word requirement.I. Location and OrientationNestled in a harmonious fusion of natural beauty and urban convenience, my dream home occupies a prime position that strikes a perfect balance between serenity and accessibility. Situated on the outskirts of a vibrant, culturally rich city, it is strategically located within a ten-minute drive from the bustling downtown core while being enveloped by the tranquility of a lush, green landscape. This strategic placement allows me to enjoy the perks of urban living —excellent schools, healthcare facilities, diverse dining options, and cultural events—while being insulated from its inherent noise and chaos.The property itself is south-facing, optimizing sunlight exposure throughout the year. The main living areas and bedrooms are oriented to capture the warmth of the morning sun, fostering energy and positivity, while the rear of the house, encompassing the outdoor entertainment spaces, basks in the gentle glow of the afternoon and evening sun, creating an inviting ambiance for relaxation and socializing.II. Architectural Style and Exterior DesignMy ideal home adopts a contemporary interpretation of the Craftsman style, blending timeless elegance with modern functionality. The façade is characterized by clean lines, a low-pitched gabled roof with wide overhangingThe earthy tones of these materials blend seamlessly with the surrounding environment, fostering a sense of harmony with nature.A spacious front porch, adorned with comfortable seating and potted plants, extends a warm welcome to visitors and serves as a cozy spot for enjoying a morning coffee or an evening chat with neighbors. The large windows, strategically placed to maximize views and natural light, are fitted with energy-efficient glazing, ensuring thermal comfort and reducing energy consumption.III. Interior Layout and DesignThe interior of my dream home is designed with an open-plan concept, promoting seamless flow between living spaces and fostering a sense of spaciousness and connectivity. The heart of the home is the combined living room, dining area, and kitchen, which opens up to a rear patio through a wall of floor-to-ceiling sliding doors, seamlessly integrating indoor and outdoor living.The kitchen, a chef's delight, features sleek, custom cabinetry, top-of-the-line appliances, and a large central island with ample workspace and seating for informal meals. The living room, adorned with plush furnishings, a fireplace, and a thoughtfully curated art collection, exudes warmth and sophistication. The dining area, bathed in natural light, boasts a statement chandelier and a generously sized table for hosting memorable gatherings.The bedrooms, situated on the upper level for privacy, are sanctuaries of tranquility. The master suite encompasses a spacious sleeping area, a luxurious en-suite bathroom with a freestanding bathtub, a double vanity, and a walk-in shower, as well as a walk-in closet equipped with custom organizers. Each bedroom enjoys access to a private balcony or terrace, offering breathtaking views of the verdant surroundings.IV. Outdoor SpacesThe outdoor realm of my dream home is an extension of the indoor living space, meticulously designed for leisure, entertainment, and connection with nature.sizeable pool with an integrated spa, surrounded by a sun-drenched deck equipped with lounge chairs and umbrellas. Adjacent to the pool area, a covered outdoor kitchen and dining space, complete with a built-in grill, refrigerator, and bar seating, invites al fresco dining and convivial gatherings.A tranquil garden, replete with native flora, meandering paths, and a serene water feature, provides a meditative oasis where one can unwind amidst the soothing sounds of flowing water and chirping birds. A vegetable garden and greenhouse cater to my passion for sustainable living and organic produce, while a children's play area ensures that the youngest members of the family have a dedicated space for fun and creativity.V. Sustainability FeaturesIn line with my commitment to environmental responsibility, my imagined home incorporates numerous sustainable features. Energy-efficient systems, including solar panels, geothermal heating and cooling, and smart home automation, significantly reduce the property's carbon footprint. Rainwater harvesting systems supply water for irrigation and toilet flushing, while permeable paving and a green roof aid in stormwater management and insulation.The building envelope is designed for optimal thermal performance, incorporating high R-value insulation, triple-glazed windows, and air-tight construction. Interior finishes consist of non-toxic, eco-friendly materials, ensuring a healthy living environment. A composting system and recycling stations further promote waste reduction and resource conservation.VI. Intangible Elements: Atmosphere and LifestyleBeyond its tangible attributes, my dream home embodies a certain atmosphere and fosters a specific lifestyle. It is a place where family and friends gather around the fireplace on chilly evenings, sharing stories and laughter; where early mornings are spent practicing yoga on the terrace, basking in the sunrise; where afternoons are devoted to gardening, culinary experiments, or quiet reading in the study; and where evenings conclude with stargazing from the hotIt is a haven of peace and tranquility, where the stresses of daily life melt away upon entering its threshold. It is a hub of creativity and inspiration, where ideas are born and passions are pursued. It is a sanctuary of love and connection, where relationships deepen and memories are made. Ultimately, my imagined home is not just a dwelling; it is a reflection of my values, a testament to my dreams, and a vessel for living a fulfilling, meaningful life.ConclusionIn envisioning my dream home, I have crafted a multi-dimensional narrative that transcends mere bricks and mortar. It is a narrative of location, architecture, interior design, outdoor spaces, sustainability, and intangible qualities that coalesce to create an unparalleled living experience. This imagined home is not only a physical manifestation of my desires but also a blueprint for a life well-lived, where beauty, comfort, functionality, and environmental consciousness converge seamlessly. While it remains a vision for now, the meticulous attention to detail and unwavering commitment to quality and high standards ensure that when this dream becomes reality, it will be nothing short of extraordinary.。



游戏的发展史英文作文Title: The Evolution of Gaming。


The history of gaming spans decades, marked by remarkable advancements in technology, gameplay, and cultural impact. From humble beginnings to the immersive experiences of today, the journey of gaming is a testament to human creativity and innovation.Early Beginnings。

The roots of gaming can be traced back to the mid-20th century, with the emergence of simple electronic games like "Spacewar!" in the 1960s. These games laid the foundation for what was to come, introducing concepts of interactive entertainment and competition.Arcade Era。

The 1970s and 1980s witnessed the rise of arcades, where iconic titles such as "Pac-Man," "Space Invaders," and "Donkey Kong" captivated audiences worldwide. Arcade cabinets became cultural landmarks, drawing crowds eager to test their skills and achieve high scores.Home Consoles。



The Evolution of Listening to Digital Music: Diverse Methods and PreferencesIn today's digital era, music has transformed from analog formats to digital ones, revolutionizing the way people listen to and engage with tunes. With the advent of various devices and platforms, individuals now have a plethora of options to choose from when it comes to consuming digital music. Each listener's experience is unique, reflecting their personal preferences, lifestyle, and technological affinity.One of the most popular methods of listening to digital music is through smartphones. These handheld devices offer instant access to millions of songs, podcasts, and playlists, thanks to streaming services like Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music. Users can create personalized playlists, discover new artists, and even share their musical tastes with friends. Smartphones have made music more accessible and convenient, allowing listeners to enjoy tunes while commuting, exercising, or simply relaxing.Another popular way to listen to digital music is through headphones and earbuds. These devices offer a moreimmersive listening experience, blocking out external noises and allowing users to fully immerse themselves in the music. Whether it's commuting on a noisy subway or working out at a gym, headphones and earbuds provide a private listening space, enhancing the music listening experience.Moreover, speakers and home audio systems have evolved to become more high-tech and feature-rich. These systems offer high-quality sound reproduction, providing listeners with an audio experience that rivals traditional music systems. With features like voice control, multi-room playback, and seamless connectivity to mobile devices, modern speakers and audio systems have made listening to digital music a breeze.In addition, car audio systems have also evolved to accommodate digital music. With Bluetooth connectivity, USB ports, and even built-in streaming services, modern cars allow drivers and passengers to enjoy their favorite tunes while on the road. This has made long drives more enjoyable and has even transformed the commuting experience into a more enjoyable one.Lastly, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) have opened up new horizons for music listening. These technologies allow listeners to immerse themselves in athree-dimensional audio experience, where they can feellike they are part of the music itself. VR and AR concerts and performances have become a new trend, offering fans a unique and memorable musical experience.In conclusion, the way people listen to digital music has evolved significantly, with each individual findingtheir own preferred method. Smartphones, headphones, home audio systems, car audio, and VR/AR have all played a rolein shaping this evolution. As technology continues to advance, so will the ways we engage with and enjoy music.**人们以不同的方式听数码音乐的演变**在当今数字化时代,音乐已经从模拟格式转变为数字格式,彻底改变了人们聆听和参与音乐的方式。



交通方式发生变化英文作文The Evolution of Transportation: Adapting to a Changing WorldThe way we move from one place to another has undergone remarkable transformations throughout history. From the earliest days of human civilization when we relied on our own two feet to traverse the land to the modern era of high-speed rail and air travel, the modes of transportation available to us have steadily expanded and evolved. This ongoing evolution is a testament to our ingenuity as a species and our constant drive to improve our ability to navigate the world around us.In the not-so-distant past, the primary means of transportation were quite limited. For centuries, the legs of humans and the legs of domesticated animals such as horses, donkeys, and camels were the primary modes of locomotion. While effective for shorter distances, these methods were slow, arduous, and severely limited in the amount of cargo that could be transported. The invention of the wheel represented a major breakthrough, allowing for the development of carts and chariots that could carry heavier loads overlonger distances. The domestication of animals to pull these wheeled vehicles further enhanced our transportation capabilities.The arrival of the steam engine in the 19th century ushered in a new era of transportation. Locomotives capable of hauling passengers and freight at previously unimaginable speeds revolutionized the way we moved about. No longer were we bound to the pace of animals or our own two feet – the railroad network connected cities and facilitated the rapid movement of people and goods across vast distances. This technological leap laid the groundwork for the transportation systems we rely on today.The 20th century saw an explosion of new transportation modes as the internal combustion engine became the driving force behind innovation. The automobile, initially a luxury item for the wealthy, quickly became a ubiquitous feature of daily life, granting individuals unprecedented freedom and mobility. The mass production of affordable cars democratized transportation, allowing the average person to travel whenever and wherever they pleased. Highways and road networks expanded to accommodate this new mode of travel, forever altering the landscape of the modern world.Parallel to the rise of the automobile, the aviation industry also experienced remarkable growth and transformation. The Wright brothers' historic first flight in 1903 paved the way for thedevelopment of increasingly sophisticated aircraft capable of carrying passengers across vast distances at incredible speeds. Air travel, once the domain of the elite, became accessible to the general public, shrinking the world and facilitating global connectivity.In recent decades, the pace of transportation innovation has only accelerated. High-speed rail networks, such as those found in countries like Japan and China, have emerged as a fast, efficient, and environmentally-friendly alternative to air and road travel for medium to long-distance trips. Electric vehicles, powered by advanced battery technology, are gaining traction as a cleaner, more sustainable option for personal and commercial transportation. Ride-sharing services and micromobility solutions like electric scooters and bikes have transformed the way we navigate urban environments, offering flexible, on-demand mobility options.Moreover, the future of transportation is poised to undergo even more dramatic changes. Autonomous vehicles, powered by sophisticated artificial intelligence and sensor technology, promise to revolutionize the way we think about driving, potentially making it safer, more efficient, and more accessible to those who are unable to operate traditional vehicles. The rise of electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft, often referred to as "flying cars," could usher in a new era of three-dimensional urban mobility, alleviating ground-level congestion and offering a novel means oftransportation.These advancements in transportation technology are not merely about making our lives more convenient – they also have far-reaching implications for society, the economy, and the environment. Improved mobility can foster economic growth by facilitating the movement of goods and people, connecting markets, and enabling access to new opportunities. Furthermore, the shift towards more sustainable modes of transportation, such as electric vehicles and high-speed rail, can help mitigate the environmental impact of transportation, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution.However, the evolution of transportation is not without its challenges. The rapid pace of change can be disruptive, requiring individuals, communities, and governments to adapt to new realities. The transition to new transportation technologies may also raise concerns about accessibility, equity, and the potential for job displacement. Policymakers and transportation planners must navigate these complex issues to ensure that the benefits of transportation innovation are distributed equitably and that no one is left behind.Despite these challenges, the continued evolution of transportation remains a crucial component of our collective progress as a society. By embracing new technologies, rethinking our transportationinfrastructure, and prioritizing sustainability, we can create a future where movement is not only efficient and convenient but also environmentally responsible and socially inclusive. As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of transportation, we must remain adaptable, innovative, and committed to building a more connected, sustainable, and equitable world.。



新加坡樟宜机场英语作文题目,Singapore Changi Airport。





Singapore Changi Airport: A Gateway to Excellence。

Singapore Changi Airport stands as a testament to the pinnacle of modern aviation infrastructure and service excellence. It is not merely a transit hub but a vibrant convergence of connectivity, leisure, retail therapy, and entertainment. With its state-of-the-art facilities, innovative offerings, and relentless pursuit of customer satisfaction, Changi Airport has set itself apart as a global benchmark in airport management.One of the distinguishing features of Changi Airport is its impeccable efficiency. From check-in to boarding, every process is streamlined to ensure seamless travel experiences for passengers. Automated self-check-in kiosks, expedited security checks, and efficient baggage handling systems minimize wait times and enhance passenger convenience. The airport's commitment to operational excellence is reflected in its consistently high on-time performance and swift turnaround times for flights.Beyond its functional aspects, Changi Airport offers a myriad of amenities designed to cater to the diverse needs and preferences of travelers. Its stunning array of shopping outlets, ranging from luxury boutiques to duty-free stores, beckons to both leisure and business travelers alike. Visitors can indulge in a world-class shopping spree or sample delectable cuisines from around the globe at the airport's extensive dining options. For those seeking relaxation, Changi's lush gardens, rooftop swimming pool, and tranquil lounges provide the perfect oasis amidst the hustle and bustle of travel.Moreover, Changi Airport is renowned for its innovative and immersive attractions that elevate the passenger experience to new heights. The Jewel Changi Airport, amulti-dimensional lifestyle destination, stands as a jewelin Changi's crown, boasting a breathtaking indoor waterfall, lush greenery, and a plethora of retail and dining options. Visitors can embark on a whimsical journey through the Canopy Park or marvel at the mesmerizing Light & Sound show, captivating audiences of all ages.Changi Airport's dedication to service excellence extends beyond its physical infrastructure to encompass personalized customer service that exceeds expectations.The airport staff, known for their warmth and professionalism, go above and beyond to assist passengers and ensure a pleasant travel experience. Whether it's providing assistance to elderly passengers or accommodating the needs of families with young children, Changi Airport's commitment to hospitality shines through in every interaction.In addition to its stellar passenger services, Changi Airport plays a pivotal role in advancing Singapore's status as a global aviation hub and economic powerhouse.Its strategic location, world-class facilities, and connectivity to over 380 cities worldwide have made it a preferred choice for international airlines and businesses. Changi's commitment to sustainability and innovationfurther cements its position as a leader in the aviation industry, with initiatives such as carbon-neutral operations and investments in renewable energy paving the way for a greener future.In conclusion, Singapore Changi Airport stands as a beacon of excellence in the world of aviation, setting the gold standard for airports worldwide. Its seamless operations, diverse amenities, innovative attractions, and unparalleled customer service make it not just a gateway to Singapore but a destination in its own right. As Changi Airport continues to innovate and evolve, it remains poised to shape the future of air travel and redefine the passenger experience for generations to come.。



一个东西的优点和缺点英语作文Everything in this world has its own pros and cons the same way a coin has two sides. Whether it is a tangible object or an intangible concept, there are always certain benefits and drawbacks associated with it. This is the natural way of things and it is important to understand both the positive and negative aspects of any given subject in order to make an informed decision.Take the example of a smartphone. On the one hand, smartphones have revolutionized the way we communicate, access information, and go about our daily lives. They put a world of knowledge and connectivity at our fingertips. With a smartphone, we can instantly reach out to our loved ones no matter where they are, we can look up any information we need, we can navigate our way through unfamiliar territory, we can capture precious moments with the click of a button, we can access our work files on the go, we can be entertained with endless streaming content, and so much more. Smartphones have made our lives infinitely more convenient and efficient.However, the very features that make smartphones so useful can also be considered drawbacks. The constant connectivity means we are always accessible and can be distracted from the present moment. The wealth of information available at our fingertips can lead to information overload and an inability to focus. The ease of access to entertainment can foster addiction and reduce productivity. Smartphones have been linked to poor posture, eye strain, and disrupted sleep patterns. They can be a crutch that prevents us from developing important real-world skills like map reading, mental arithmetic, and face-to-face communication. Excessive smartphone use has also been shown to negatively impact mental health, contributing to anxiety, depression, and feelings of isolation.Another example is the car. Cars have revolutionized transportation and opened up a world of freedom and mobility that was unimaginable just a century ago. With a car, we can travel long distances quickly and conveniently. We can access job opportunities, amenities, and leisure activities that would otherwise be out of reach. Cars provide shelter from the elements and allow us to transport goods and loved ones with ease. They have become an integral part of modern life.Yet cars also come with significant drawbacks. They are a major contributor to air pollution, which has detrimental effects on the environment and human health. The infrastructure required tosupport cars, such as roads and parking lots, consumes valuable land space that could be used for more productive or environmentally-friendly purposes. Cars are also a leading cause of traffic congestion, which wastes time and fuel. They are expensive to purchase, maintain, and fuel. And car accidents are a leading cause of injury and death worldwide. While cars have undoubtedly provided tremendous benefits, their downsides are significant and must be carefully considered.A final example is social media. Social media platforms have enabled unprecedented global connectivity and the sharing of information, ideas, and experiences. They allow us to stay in touch with friends and family, build communities around shared interests, access news and entertainment, and express ourselves creatively. Social media has democratized publishing and given a voice to marginalized groups. It has facilitated social movements, political organizing, and the spread of important causes.However, social media also has a dark side. The constant need to curate and share an idealized version of our lives can foster feelings of inadequacy and social comparison. The addictive nature of social media engagement can disrupt sleep, reduce productivity, and contribute to mental health issues like anxiety and depression. The spread of misinformation, conspiracy theories, and hate speech on social media platforms can be extremely damaging. Social media hasalso been linked to cyberbullying, online harassment, and the exploitation of vulnerable individuals. While the benefits of social media are significant, the risks and drawbacks must be carefully navigated.In conclusion, every thing in this world - whether a physical object, a technological innovation, or a social phenomenon - has both advantages and disadvantages. It is important to carefully weigh these pros and cons in order to make informed decisions about how we interact with and utilize the things around us. Nothing is perfect or one-dimensional - everything exists on a spectrum with both positive and negative aspects. By understanding this nuanced reality, we can learn to maximize the benefits and mitigate the drawbacks of the things that shape our lives.。

Luxman L-509Z 集成放大器说明书

 Luxman L-509Z 集成放大器说明书

INTEGRATED AMPLIFIERL-509ZTaking our Z-Series integrated ampli ers to a performance peak.As the premium model for the new Z-Series generation,the L-509Z has evolved beyond the concept of a traditional integrated ampli er.Both the preampli er and power ampli er sections simultaneously use our new generation ampli cation feedback engine “LIFES” for the rst time.e volume control is supported by our new “LECUA-EX” attenuator system that suppresses sound quality deterioration and realizes a more precise feel of operation.e “single-chassis separates” concept, which aims for the ultimate in integrated ampli ers, By feeding back only the distorted components generated in the audio signal’s journey to the final amp stage, LUXMAN’s proprietary “ODNF” amplification circuitry achieves excellent static characteristics and natural sound quality as if it were a “non-feedback” system. During the development of the M-10X flagship stereo power amplifier launched in 2021, technical concepts explored there were retained and the circuit configuration, which had become very complex over years of improvements has been completely redesigned to realize “LIFES” exquisite, high-fidelity sound and defines an amplification feedback engine blueprint for our next generation of components. The L -509Z is equipped with independent LIFES modules operating simultaneously in each of its fully discrete pre and power sections. The L -509Z is a pre-main amplifier that is worthy of the “single-chassis separates” concept that incorporates quality seperate units into a single, elegant chassis and has achieved an elevated level of musicality and unprecedented detail in comparison to other amplification circuits. The output section utilizes three stage Darlington bipolar transistors in quadruple-paralleled push-pull configuration to achieve outstanding output power and near perfect power linearity performance comparable to a standalone power amplifier, developing 120W+120W at 8 ohms and 220W+220W at 4 ohms.The result is spectacular sound quality with an abundance of energy.*ODNF stands for “Only Distortion Negative Feedback”*LIFES stands for “Luxman Integrated Feedback Engine System”.Our latest ampli cation feedback engine literally brings music to life with LIFES * Version 1.0Equipped with supreme quality audio technologies and new functionality suitable for a agship modelElectronically controlled attenuator LECUA-EX * incorporating an elaborate rotation mechanismA tactile, satisfying volume control function is essential for audio amplifiers. To feed a fixed gain power amplifier with a musical signal at a level suitable for listening, precise control is required to smoothly attenuate the voltage while maintaining the quality of the input source. LECUA, developed by LUXMAN, is an electronically controlled attenuator system that switches through a series of high-quality, fixed value resistors for each channel independently. These are neatly arranged on the sub-assembly according to the position of the volume control knob. Since the release of the C-1000f control amplifier in 2006 to commemorate LUXMAN’s 80th anniversary, “LECUA1000”, which similarly integrates into the amplification circuitry, has been used in many LUXMAN products as a volume control system that minimizes the effects of external vibrations and changes in sound quality across the operating range of the volume control and is also resistant to deterioration over time. The L-509Z combines a highly precise rotary encoder with a newly developed weighted rotation mechanism to create the “LECUA-EX”, which offers even greater reliability and a natural, high-quality operational feel. 88 fine steps from 0 to 87dB and an acceleration setting for the speed at which the volume knob is rotated and a long-press setting for the remote control allow for comfortable and thorough volume control action with minimal degradation in sound quality.*LECUA-EX stands for Luxman Electornically Controlled Ultimate Attenuator - Excellent eXperienceHighly regulated power supplyThe L-509Z is equipped with LUXMAN’s traditional, highly stable power supply circuitry, featuring a bespoke, highly regulated 600VA El transformer and newly developed large-capacity filter capacitors (10,000μFx 8) .High-quality hairline finish top panelThe top panel is made of ultra-thick aluminum with an exquisite hairline finish. Large ventilation holes are carefully machined one by one to ensure efficient heat dissipation. Supporting the unit are four large insulator feet made from cast iron, their density gradient protecting the main chassis from unwanted external vibrations.High-quality phono EQThe built-in high-quality phono equalizer circuit, which supports both MM and MC cartridges, features a new two-step gain switch to select between high and low MC settings to accommodate a wider range of MC cartridges, enriching quality vinyl playback in terms of both operation and sound quality. And a Mute-Button is now featured on the front panel.Large needle-movement VU level meter and 7-segment LEDNeedle-movement type analog VU meters are traditional design statement, proudly characterizing LUXMAN’s solid state integrated amplifiers. The L-509Z is equipped with two large meters, brightly back-lit by LEDs, with sensitive response characteristics. The newly included 7-segment LED display in between the left and right level meters displays the current attenuation amount and is easily visible from the listening position.3-band tone controlIn addition to BASS and TREBLE, a new MIDDLE control effective in the vocal a n d l e a d i n s t r u m e n t f re q u e n c i e s bandwidth has been included. LR balance, line straight, loudness, and other functions are also conveniently at your fingertips.Headphones outputs with ground isolationIn addition to the φ6.3mm standard terminal, a φ4.4mm terminal with independent left and right grounding h a s b e e n a d d e d f o r p l e a s u r a b l e headphone enjoyment. Using balanced cable equipped headphones improves L -R s e p a r a t i o n a n d l o c a l i z a t i o n , surrounding the listener with gorgeous three-dimensional sound.Original technology, special attentionPeel-coat circuit boards are used for the main audio signal path, eliminating the negative effects of the coating film that can adversely affect sound quality. Unique attention has been paid to every detail, such as the beeline construction, which configures circuits to take the shortest route possible, and a non-angled wiring pattern for smooth signal transmission.Original high regidity RCA terminals are used for LINE-1 and 2. Separate inputs and outputs for system expansion are provided with two pre-outputs. Two large speaker output terminals with independent on/off switching allow for bi-wire connectivity.High quality input/output terminalsLUXMAN CORPORATION, 1-3-1 Shinyokohama, Kouhoku-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 222-0033, Japan Tel: +81-45-470-6980 Fax: +81-45-470-6997 LUXMAN reserves the right to alter the design and specifications without notice. All rights reserved LUXMAN CORPORATION2023.8-HB L-509Z* Slide the phase selector switch to the INVERT position to make the balanced input terminals pin No 2 to change to HOT , and No. 3 to COLD .* Meter display lighting, monaural, subsonic, and loudness can be switched with the remote control.* Specifications and appearance are subject to change without notice. * The products listed in this catalog do not include line cables. Please purchase cables separately.LIFES 1.0LECUA-EX PHONO (MM )PHONO (MC-H )PHONO (MC-L )LINE PRE OUT PHONO (MM )PHONO (MC-H )PHONO (MC-L )LINEBAL.LINEMAIN IN120W + 120W (8Ω)220W + 220W (4Ω)Rated output Input sensitivity/input impedanceOutput voltageVolume adjustmentAmplification feedback circuit Bipolar 4-parallel push-pull PHONOLINEFrequency response 0.007% or less (8Ω, 1kHz )0.03% or less (8Ω, 20Hz to 20kHz )Total harmonic distortion S/N ratio (IHF-A )Output configuration SPECIFICATIONS: 2.5mV/47kΩ: 0.3mV/100Ω: 0.1mV/40Ω: 180mV/47kΩ: 180mV/79kΩ: 1.1V/47kΩ : 20Hz to 20kHz (±0.5dB ): 20Hz to 100kHz (within -3dB ): 87dB or more : 70dB or more : 62dB or more : 106dB or more BASS: ±8dB at 100Hz TREBLE: ±8dB at 760Hz TREBLE: ±8dB at 10kHzNet weight Speaker terminalSupported Y-lug terminal dimensionAccessories390W150W (under no signal ), 0.5W (at standby )Remote control (RA-17A )Power cableWidth of part a: 16mm or less * Connection may not be performed depending on the shape of the Y-lug terminal.Power supply230V~(50Hz ) / 115V~(60Hz )440(W ) x 193(H ) x 463(D ) mmfront side knob of 20mm and rear side terminal of 37mm included in depth Max. amount of tone control Power consumption External dimensions29.4kg (main unit )Damping factor330: 1VINTEGRATED AMPLIFIERL-509ZRemote control opera-tions can be sent to a compatible LUXMAN product connected via commercially available 3.5mm monaural mini jack cable.Control input /output terminalPowering on and of f compatible devices can be achieved via connec-tions over a commer-cially available 3.5mm m o n a u r a l m i n i j a c k cable.Input selectorPower metersVolume controlOperation buttonCartridge selector (MM, MC-H, MC-L )Speaker selectorTone control (bass, middle, treble )Separate buttonBalance controlφ6.3mm Headphone jack φ4.4mm Headphone jackMute buttonLine straight buttonSound volume indicatorRemote controlRA-17AInternal configurationLine input terminals(1, 2, 3, 4)Main-in terminalsBalanced input terminals (1, 2)(NO.1 GROUND , NO.2 COLD , NO.3 HOT )Phono input terminalsSignal groundSpeaker terminals (A, B )AC inletPhase inverters (1, 2)*Rear panel : European Model12 Volt trigger input /output terminalPre-out terminals(1, 2)Insulator position / dimensions。



流水句4参考译文汉译英passage 12000多年前,亚欧大陆上勤劳勇敢的人民,探索出多条连接亚欧非几大文明的贸易和人文交流通路,后人将其统称为“丝绸之路"。

译文 1 : Over 2,000 years ago, the industrious and courageous people on the Eurasian continent explored and developed passages of trade and cultural exchanges.These routes,which linked major civilizations in Asia, Europe and Africa,were later collectively referred to as the Silk Road.译文 2 : More than two millennia ago, the diligent and courageous people of Eurasia explored and opened up several routes of trade and cultural exchanges that linked the major civilizations of Asia, Europe and Africa, collectively called the Silk Road by later generations.千百年来,"和平合作、开放包容、互利共赢”的丝绸之路精神薪火相传,极大地促进了沿线各国繁荣发展。

The Silk Road Spirit characterized by the pursuit of peace, cooperation,openness Jnclusiveness and win-win results has been passed on from generation to generation, giving a strong boost to the prosperity and development of countries along the routes.进入21世纪,面对复苏乏力的全球经济形势,纷繁复杂的国际和地区局面,传承和弘扬丝绸之路精神更显重要。



Understanding the impact of new media on journalism了解新媒体对新闻事业的影响1.Journalismis undergoinga fundamental transformation,perhaps themostfundamental sincetheriseof thepenny press of themid-19thcentury. Inthetwilightof the20thcentury andthedawnof the 21st, there is emerging a new form of journalism whose distinguishing qualities include ubiquitous news, global information access, instantaneous reporting, interactivity, multimedia content,andextreme content customization.Inmany ways this represents a potentially formofjournalismbecause it canreengage anincreasingly distrustingand alienated audience. At thesame time, it presents many threats to the most cherished values and standards of journalism. Authenticity of content, source verification, accuracy, and truth are all suspect in a medium where anyone with a computer and a modem can become a global publisher.新闻正在发生根本性的转变,也许最根本的自 19 世纪中期的便士报的兴起。

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