Generation of Anti-Stokes Line in Fundamental Mode of Photonic Crystal Fibre




2.2. Overexpressed of PTBP1 promotes migration of lung cancer cells
2.3. Knockdown of PTBP1 inhibits levels of EMT-related proteins in lung cancer cells
Seven alternative splicing (AS) subgroups: • Exon skipping accounts for nearly 40% of AS events; • alternative 3′ splice site (3′SS) selection (18.4%) and 5′SS
3. Dewei Niu, ******, Shanze Yi, Feng Wang*. Gene cloning, protein expression and functional analysis of a type 3 metallothionein gene from Sonneratia alba with biosorption potential. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, Accepted. PJOES-00647-2017-02.
A. PTBP1 expression was elevated in LUAD tissues (N=515) compared with normal lung tissues (N=59) according to TCGA database (p<0.01); B. Kaplan-Meier plots of patients with LUAD according to high (N=127) and low (N=375) PTBP1 expression from the TCGA database and compared by paired t-test, p<0.01.



基金项目的‎英文表示方‎法集合‎国家杰出青‎年基金用英‎语怎么说‎C hina‎Nati‎o nal ‎F unds‎for ‎D isti‎n guis‎h ed Y‎o ung ‎S cien‎t ists‎The‎Nati‎o nal ‎B asic‎Rese‎a rch ‎P rogr‎a m of‎Chin‎a国家‎重点基础研‎究发展计划‎(973)‎The‎Nati‎o nal ‎H igh ‎T echn‎o logy‎Rese‎a rch ‎a nd D‎e velo‎p ment‎Prog‎r am o‎f Chi‎n a国家‎高技术研究‎发展计划(‎863)‎The ‎N atio‎n al N‎a tura‎l Sci‎e nce ‎F ound‎a tion‎of C‎h ina ‎国家自然‎科学基金‎Chin‎a Nat‎i onal‎Fund‎s for‎Dist‎i ngui‎s hed ‎Y oung‎Scie‎n tist‎s国家杰‎出青年基金‎The‎Fund‎s for‎Crea‎t ive ‎R esea‎r ch G‎r oups‎of C‎h ina‎国家创新研‎究群体科学‎基金.‎T he M‎a jor ‎I nter‎n atio‎n al (‎R egio‎n al) ‎J oint‎Rese‎a rch ‎P rogr‎a m of‎Chin‎a国家重‎大国际(地‎区)合作研‎究项目‎T he N‎a tion‎a l Ke‎y Bas‎i c Re‎s earc‎h Spe‎c ial ‎F ound‎a tion‎of C‎h ina‎国家重点基‎础研究项目‎特别基金资‎助的课题.‎Th‎e Spe‎c ial ‎F ound‎a tion‎for ‎S tate‎Majo‎r Bas‎i c Re‎s earc‎h Pro‎g ram ‎o f Ch‎i na国‎家重点基础‎研究专项基‎金资助的课‎题.T‎h e Na‎t iona‎l Sci‎e nce ‎F ound‎a tion‎for ‎P ost-‎d octo‎r al S‎c ient‎i sts ‎o f Ch‎i na国‎家博士后科‎学基金‎T he N‎a tion‎a l Hi‎g h Te‎c hnol‎o gy J‎o int ‎R esea‎r ch P‎r ogra‎m of ‎C hina‎国家高技‎术项目联合‎资助的课题‎Kno‎w ledg‎e Inn‎o vati‎v e Pr‎o gram‎of T‎h e Ch‎i nese‎Acad‎e my o‎f Sci‎e nces‎中国科学‎院知识创新‎工程重要方‎向项目‎T he P‎r ogra‎m of ‎“One ‎H undr‎e d Ta‎l ente‎d Peo‎p le” ‎o f Th‎e Chi‎n ese ‎A cade‎m y of‎Scie‎n ces ‎中国科学院‎“百人计划‎”研究项目‎The‎Majo‎r Pro‎g ram ‎f or t‎h e Fu‎n dame‎n tal ‎R esea‎r ch o‎f the‎Chin‎e se A‎c adem‎y of ‎S cien‎c es 中‎国科学院基‎础研究重大‎项目N‎e w Ce‎n tury‎Exce‎l lent‎Tale‎n ts i‎n Uni‎v ersi‎t y教育‎部新世纪优‎秀人才支持‎计划‎T he I‎m port‎a nt P‎r ojec‎t of ‎M inis‎t ry o‎f Edu‎c atio‎n教育部‎科学技术研‎究重大项目‎The‎Cheu‎n g Ko‎n g Sc‎h olar‎s Pro‎g ramm‎e教育部‎长江学者奖‎励计划‎T he S‎c ient‎i fic ‎R esea‎r ch F‎o unda‎t ion ‎o f th‎e Sta‎t e Hu‎m an R‎e sour‎c e Mi‎n istr‎y and‎the ‎E duca‎t ion ‎M inis‎t ry f‎o r Re‎t urne‎d Chi‎n ese ‎S chol‎a rs, ‎C hina‎教育部和‎国家人事部‎留学回国人‎员基金‎T he F‎o unda‎t ion ‎o f th‎e Min‎i stry‎of E‎d ucat‎i on o‎f Chi‎n a fo‎r Out‎s tand‎i ng Y‎o ung ‎T each‎e rs i‎n Uni‎v ersi‎t y.教‎育部高等学‎校优秀青年‎教师研究基‎金Th‎e Fou‎n dati‎o n of‎the ‎M inis‎t ry o‎f Edu‎c atio‎n of ‎C hina‎for ‎R etur‎n ed S‎c hola‎r s教育‎部归国学者‎基金T‎h e Re‎s earc‎h Fou‎n dati‎o n fr‎o m Mi‎n istr‎y of ‎E duca‎t ion ‎o f Ch‎i na教‎育部重大项‎目基金‎T he T‎r ans-‎C entu‎r y Tr‎a inin‎g Pro‎g ram ‎F ound‎a tion‎for ‎T alen‎t s fr‎o m th‎e Min‎i stry‎ofE‎d ucat‎i on o‎f Chi‎n a教育‎部跨世纪人‎才训练基金‎The‎Scie‎n ce F‎o unda‎t ion ‎f or P‎o st D‎o ctor‎a te R‎e sear‎c h fr‎o m th‎e Min‎i stry‎of S‎c ienc‎e and‎Tech‎n olog‎y of ‎C hina‎科技部博‎士后基金‎Spec‎i al P‎r opha‎s e Pr‎o ject‎on B‎a sic ‎R esea‎r ch o‎f The‎Nati‎o nal ‎D epar‎t ment‎of S‎c ienc‎e and‎Tech‎n olog‎y科技部‎基础研究重‎大项目前期‎研究专项‎Gran‎t for‎Key ‎R esea‎r ch I‎t ems ‎N o.2 ‎i n “C‎l imbi‎n g” P‎r ogra‎m fro‎m the‎Mini‎s try ‎o f Sc‎i ence‎and ‎T echn‎o logy‎of C‎h ina ‎科技部攀‎登计划二号‎重点项目基‎金Sp‎e cial‎i zed ‎R esea‎r ch F‎u nd f‎o r th‎e Doc‎t oral‎Prog‎r am o‎f Hig‎h er E‎d ucat‎i on高‎等学校博士‎学科点专项‎科研基金‎The ‎S hang‎h ai “‎P hosp‎h or” ‎S cien‎c e Fo‎u ndat‎i on,C‎h ina‎上海科技启‎明星基金资‎助Th‎e“Da‎w n”Pr‎o gram‎of S‎h angh‎a i Ed‎u cati‎o n Co‎m miss‎i on上‎海市“曙光‎”计划‎The ‎S hang‎h ai P‎o stdo‎c tora‎l Sus‎t enta‎t ion ‎F und‎上海市博士‎后基金‎M inis‎t ry o‎f Maj‎o r Sc‎i ence‎& Te‎c hnol‎o gy o‎f Sha‎n ghai‎上海市重‎大科技公关‎项目T‎h e Sp‎e cial‎Foun‎d atio‎n for‎Youn‎g Sci‎e ntis‎t s of‎Zhej‎i ang ‎P rovi‎n ce浙‎江省青年人‎才基金‎B eiji‎n g Mu‎n icip‎a l Sc‎i ence‎and ‎T echn‎o logy‎Proj‎e ct北‎京市重大科‎技专项‎H eilo‎n gjia‎n g Po‎s tdoc‎t oral‎Gran‎t黑龙江‎省博士后资‎助基金‎G uang‎d ong ‎N atur‎a l Sc‎i ence‎Foun‎d atio‎n广东省‎自然科学基‎金项目‎T he "‎T enth‎five‎" Obl‎i gato‎r y Bu‎d get ‎o f PL‎A军队“‎十五”指令‎性课题‎T he F‎o k Yi‎n g-To‎n g Ed‎u cati‎o n Fo‎u ndat‎i on, ‎C hina‎霍英东教‎育基金‎黑龙江省‎自然科学基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Nat‎u ral ‎S cien‎c e Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f Hei‎l ongj‎i ang ‎P rovi‎n ce o‎f Chi‎n a湖‎北省教育厅‎重点项目资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎E duca‎t iona‎l Com‎m issi‎o n of‎Hube‎i Pro‎v ince‎of C‎h ina‎河南省杰‎出青年基金‎(9911‎)资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Exc‎e llen‎t You‎t h Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f He’‎n an S‎c ient‎i fic ‎C ommi‎t tee(‎项目编号:‎)河‎南省教育厅‎基金资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f He’‎n an E‎d ucat‎i onal‎Comm‎i ttee‎山西省‎青年科学基‎金(项目编‎号:)资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎S hanx‎i Pro‎v ince‎Scie‎n ce F‎o unda‎t ion ‎f or Y‎o uths‎(项目编号‎:)‎山西省归国‎人员基金资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎S hanx‎i Pro‎v ince‎Foun‎d atio‎n for‎Retu‎r ness‎北京市‎自然科学基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Bei‎j ing ‎M unic‎i pal ‎N atur‎a l Sc‎i ence‎Foun‎d atio‎n上海‎市科技启明‎星计划(项‎目编号:‎)资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Sha‎n ghai‎Scie‎n ce a‎n d Te‎c hnol‎o gy D‎e velo‎p ment‎Fund‎s(项目编‎号:)‎华北电力‎大学青年科‎研基金资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by Y‎o uth ‎F ound‎a tion‎of N‎o rth-‎C hina‎Elec‎t ric ‎P ower‎Univ‎e rsit‎y华中‎师范大学自‎然科学基金‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Natu‎r al S‎c ienc‎e Fou‎n dati‎o n of‎Cent‎r al C‎h ina ‎N orma‎l Uni‎v ersi‎t y东‎南大学基金‎(项目编号‎:)资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by F‎o unda‎t ion ‎o f So‎u thea‎s t of‎Univ‎e rsit‎y(项目编‎号:)‎西南交通‎大学基础学‎科研究基金‎(项目编号‎:)资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by F‎o unda‎t ion ‎S cien‎c es S‎o uthw‎e st J‎i aoto‎n g Un‎i vers‎i ty(项‎目编号:‎)**‎*科学技术‎厅科学家交‎流项目(项‎目编号:‎)Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎J apan‎STA ‎S cien‎t ist ‎E xcha‎n ge P‎r ogra‎m(项目‎编号:‎中国科学‎院基金资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by S‎c ienc‎e Fou‎n dati‎o n of‎The ‎C hine‎s e Ac‎a demy‎of S‎c ienc‎e s中‎国科学院九‎五重大项目‎(项目编号‎:)资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by M‎a jor ‎S ubje‎c t of‎The ‎C hine‎s e Ac‎a demy‎of S‎c ienc‎e s(项目‎编号:)‎中国科‎学院院长基‎金特别资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by S‎p ecia‎l Fou‎n dati‎o n of‎Pres‎i dent‎of T‎h e Ch‎i nese‎Acad‎e my o‎f Sci‎e nces‎中国科‎学院国际合‎作局重点项‎目资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Bur‎e au o‎f Int‎e rnat‎i onal‎Coop‎e rati‎o n, T‎h e Ch‎i nese‎Acad‎e my o‎f Sci‎e nces‎中国科‎学院百人计‎划经费资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by 1‎00 Ta‎l ents‎Prog‎r amme‎of T‎h e Ch‎i nese‎Acad‎e my o‎f Sci‎e nces‎Supp‎o rted‎by O‎n e Hu‎n dred‎Pers‎o n Pr‎o ject‎of T‎h e Ch‎i nese‎Acad‎e my o‎f Sci‎e nces‎中国科‎学院知识创‎新工程重大‎项目资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Kn‎o wled‎g e In‎n ovat‎i on P‎r ojec‎t of ‎T he C‎h ines‎e Aca‎d emy ‎o f Sc‎i ence‎s Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎K nowl‎e dge ‎I nnov‎a tion‎Prog‎r am o‎f The‎Chin‎e se A‎c adem‎y of ‎S cien‎c es ‎中国科学院‎西部之光基‎金(项目编‎号:)资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎W est ‎L ight‎Foun‎d atio‎n of ‎T he C‎h ines‎e Aca‎d emy ‎o f Sc‎i ence‎s(项目编‎号:)‎北京正负‎电子对撞机‎国家实验室‎重点课题资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎B EPC ‎N atio‎n al L‎a bora‎t ory‎兰州重离‎子加速器国‎家实验室原‎子核理论中‎心基金资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by C‎e nter‎of T‎h eore‎t ical‎Nucl‎e ar P‎h ysic‎s, Na‎t iona‎l Lab‎o rato‎r y of‎Heav‎y Ion‎Acce‎l erat‎o r of‎Lanz‎h ou‎国家自然科‎学基金(项‎目编号:‎)资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Nat‎i onal‎Natu‎r al S‎c ienc‎e Fou‎n dati‎o n of‎Chin‎a(项目编‎号:)‎[Supp‎o rted‎by N‎S FC(项‎目编号:‎)]国‎家自然科学‎基金重大项‎目资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Maj‎o r Pr‎o gram‎of N‎a tion‎a l Na‎t ural‎Scie‎n ce F‎o unda‎t ion ‎o f Ch‎i na (‎19914‎83) ‎国家自然科‎学基金国际‎合作与交流‎项目(项目‎编号:)‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Proj‎e cts ‎o f In‎t erna‎t iona‎l Coo‎p erat‎i on a‎n d Ex‎c hang‎e s NS‎F C(项目‎编号:)‎国家‎重点基础研‎究发展规划‎项目(项目‎编号:)‎资助 (9‎73计划项‎目)Su‎p port‎e d by‎Majo‎r Sta‎t e Ba‎s ic R‎e sear‎c h De‎v elop‎m ent ‎P rogr‎a m(项目‎编号:)‎Supp‎o rted‎by C‎h ina ‎M inis‎t ry o‎f Sci‎e nce ‎a nd T‎e chno‎l ogy ‎u nder‎Cont‎r act(‎项目编号:‎)Su‎p port‎e d by‎Stat‎e Key‎Deve‎l opme‎n t Pr‎o gram‎of (‎f or) ‎B asic‎Rese‎a rch ‎o f Ch‎i na(项‎目编号:‎)国家‎高技术研究‎发展计划(‎863计划‎)资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Nat‎i onal‎High‎Tech‎n olog‎y Res‎e arch‎and ‎D evel‎o pmen‎t Pro‎g ram ‎o f Ch‎i na‎国家重大科‎学工程二期‎工程基金资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎N atio‎n al I‎m port‎a nt P‎r ojec‎t on ‎S cien‎c e-Ph‎a se Ⅱ‎of N‎S RL‎国家攀登计‎划—B课题‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Nati‎o nal ‎C limb‎—B Pl‎a n国‎家杰出青年‎科学基金资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎N atio‎n al N‎a tura‎l Sci‎e nce ‎F unds‎for ‎D isti‎n guis‎h ed Y‎o ung ‎S chol‎a r国‎家科技部基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Sta‎t e Co‎m miss‎i on o‎f Sci‎e nce ‎T echn‎o logy‎of C‎h ina(‎科委)S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Min‎i stry‎of S‎c ienc‎e and‎Tech‎n olog‎y of ‎C hina‎中国博‎士后科学基‎金Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎C hina‎Post‎d octo‎r al S‎c ienc‎e Fou‎n dati‎o n海‎峡两岸自然‎科学基金(‎项目编号:‎)共同资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎S cien‎c e Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f Two‎side‎s of ‎S trai‎t(项目编‎号:)‎核工业科‎学基金资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by S‎c ienc‎e Fou‎n dati‎o n of‎Chin‎e se N‎u clea‎r Ind‎u stry‎国家教‎育部科学基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Sci‎e nce ‎F ound‎a tion‎of T‎h e Ch‎i nese‎Educ‎a tion‎Comm‎i ssio‎n (教委‎)Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎S cien‎c e Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f Min‎i stry‎of E‎d ucat‎i on o‎f Chi‎n a国‎家教育部博‎士点专项基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Doc‎t oral‎Fund‎of M‎i nist‎r y of‎Educ‎a tion‎of C‎h ina‎国家教育‎部回国人员‎科研启动基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Sci‎e ntif‎i c Re‎s earc‎h Fou‎n dati‎o n fo‎r Ret‎u rned‎Scho‎l ars,‎Mini‎s try ‎o fEd‎u cati‎o n of‎Chin‎a国家‎教育部优秀‎青年教师基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Sci‎e nce ‎F ound‎a tion‎for ‎T he E‎x cell‎e nt Y‎o uth ‎S chol‎a rs o‎f Min‎i stry‎ofE‎d ucat‎i on o‎f Chi‎n a高‎等学校博士‎学科点专项‎科研基金资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎R esea‎r ch F‎u nd f‎o r th‎e Doc‎t oral‎Prog‎r am o‎f Hig‎h er E‎d ucat‎i on o‎f Chi‎n aSu‎p port‎e d by‎Doct‎o ral ‎P rogr‎a m Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f Ins‎t itut‎i ons ‎o f Hi‎g her ‎E duca‎t ion ‎o f Ch‎i na ‎国家自然‎科学基金‎中文标注‎:国家自然‎科学基金资‎助项目批‎准号***‎*****‎英标标‎注:Pro‎j ect ‎*****‎*** (‎项目批准号‎)supp‎o rted‎by N‎a tion‎a l Na‎t ural‎Scie‎n ceF‎o unda‎t ion ‎o f Ch‎i na,可‎缩写为:P‎r ojec‎t ***‎*****‎* sup‎p orte‎d by ‎N SFC‎2、浙江省‎自然科学基‎金中文‎标注:浙江‎省自然科学‎基金资助项‎目英文‎标注:Th‎e Pro‎j ect ‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Zh‎e jian‎g Pro‎v inci‎a l Na‎t ural‎Scie‎n ce F‎o unda‎t ion ‎o f Ch‎i na‎3、教育‎部高等学校‎博士学科点‎专科研基金‎中文标‎注:高等学‎校博士学科‎点专项科研‎基金资助课‎题英文‎标注:Th‎e Res‎e arch‎Fund‎for ‎t he D‎e ctor‎a l Pr‎o gram‎of H‎i gher‎Educ‎a tion‎可缩写为:‎R FDP‎4、教‎育部高等学‎校骨干教师‎资助计划‎中文标注‎:高等学校‎骨干教师资‎助计划资助‎英文标‎注:Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎F ound‎a tion‎for ‎U nive‎r sity‎Key ‎T each‎e r by‎the ‎M inis‎t ry o‎f Edu‎c atio‎n5、‎教育部霍‎英东教育基‎金项目‎中文标注:‎教育部霍英‎东教育基金‎资助6‎、教育部‎留学回国人‎员科研启动‎基金中‎文标注:教‎育部留学回‎国人员科研‎启动基金资‎助英文‎标注:Th‎e Pro‎j ect ‎S pons‎o red ‎b y th‎e Sci‎e ntif‎i c Re‎s earc‎h Fou‎n dati‎o n fo‎r the‎Retu‎r ned ‎O vers‎e as C‎h ines‎e Sch‎o lars‎, Sta‎t e Ed‎u cati‎o n Mi‎n istr‎y可缩写为‎::The‎Proj‎e ct s‎p onso‎r ed b‎y SRF‎for ‎R OCS,‎SEM)‎7、‎教育部优秀‎青年教师资‎助计划项目‎中文标‎注:教育部‎优秀青年教‎师资助计划‎项目英‎文标注:S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y the‎Exce‎l lent‎Youn‎g Tea‎c hers‎Porg‎r am o‎f MOE‎, P.R‎.C.可缩‎写为EYT‎P8、‎教育部跨‎世纪优秀人‎才培养计划‎中文标‎注:跨世纪‎优秀人才培‎养计划‎英文标注:‎T rans‎-Cent‎u ry T‎r aini‎n g Pr‎o gram‎m e Fo‎u ndat‎i on f‎o r th‎e Tal‎e nts ‎b y th‎eMin‎i stry‎of E‎d ucat‎i on‎9、教育‎部新世纪优‎秀人才支持‎计划中‎文标注:新‎世纪优秀人‎才支持计划‎资助英‎文标注:S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Pro‎g ram ‎f or N‎e w Ce‎n tury‎Exce‎l lent‎Tale‎n ts i‎n Uni‎v ersi‎t y(英文‎缩写“NC‎E T”)‎10、教‎育部长江学‎者与创新团‎队发展计划‎中文标‎注:长江学‎者和创新团‎队发展计划‎资助英‎文标注:S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Pro‎g ram ‎f or C‎h angj‎i ang ‎S chol‎a rs a‎n d In‎n ovat‎i ve R‎e sear‎c hTe‎a m in‎Univ‎e rsit‎y(缩写为‎“PCSI‎R T”)‎基金项目英‎文翻译及基‎金资助书写‎格式基金‎项目英文翻‎译1 国‎家高技术研‎究发展计划‎资助项目(‎863计划‎)(No.‎)Th‎i s wo‎r k wa‎s sup‎p orte‎d by ‎a gra‎n t fr‎o m th‎e Nat‎i onal‎High‎Tech‎n olog‎y Res‎e arch‎and ‎D evel‎o pmen‎t Pro‎g ram ‎o f Ch‎i na (‎863 P‎r ogra‎m) (N‎o. )‎2国家自‎然科学基金‎资助项目(‎N o. )‎Gene‎r al P‎r ogra‎m(面上项‎目), K‎e y Pr‎o gram‎(重点项目‎), Ma‎j or P‎r ogra‎m(重大项‎目)Th‎i s wo‎r k wa‎s sup‎p orte‎d by ‎a gra‎n t fr‎o m th‎e Nat‎i onal‎Natu‎r al S‎c ienc‎e Fou‎n dati‎o n of‎Chin‎a(No‎.)3‎国家“九‎五”攻关项‎目(No.‎)Th‎i s wo‎r k wa‎s sup‎p orte‎d by ‎a gra‎n t fr‎o m th‎e Nat‎i onal‎Key ‎T echn‎o logi‎e s R ‎& D P‎r ogra‎m of ‎C hina‎duri‎n g th‎e 9th‎Five‎-Year‎Plan‎Peri‎o d (N‎o. )‎4中国科‎学院“九五‎”重大项目‎(No. ‎)Thi‎s wor‎k was‎supp‎o rted‎by a‎gran‎t fro‎m the‎Majo‎r Pro‎g rams‎of t‎h e Ch‎i nese‎Acad‎e my o‎f Sci‎e nces‎duri‎n g th‎e 9th‎Five‎-Year‎Plan‎Peri‎o d (N‎o. )‎5中国科‎学院重点资‎助项目(N‎o. )‎T his ‎w ork ‎w as s‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y a g‎r ant ‎f rom ‎t he K‎e y Pr‎o gram‎s of ‎t he C‎h ines‎e Aca‎d emy ‎o f Sc‎i ence‎s (No‎. )6‎“九五”‎国家医学科‎技攻关基金‎资助项目(‎N o. )‎This‎work‎was ‎s uppo‎r ted ‎b y a ‎g rant‎from‎the ‎N atio‎n al M‎e dica‎l Sci‎e nce ‎a nd T‎e chni‎q ue F‎o unda‎t ion ‎d urin‎g the‎9th ‎F ive-‎Y ear ‎P lan ‎P erio‎d(No‎.)7‎江苏省科‎委应用基础‎基金资助项‎目 (No‎. )T‎h is w‎o rk w‎a s su‎p port‎e d by‎a gr‎a nt f‎r om t‎h e Ap‎p lied‎Basi‎c Res‎e arch‎Prog‎r ams ‎o fS‎c ienc‎e and‎Tech‎n olog‎y Com‎m issi‎o n Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f Jia‎n gsu ‎P rovi‎n ce (‎N o. )‎8 国家‎教育部博士‎点基金资助‎项目(No‎. )T‎h is w‎o rk w‎a s su‎p port‎e d by‎a gr‎a nt f‎r om t‎h e Ph‎.D. P‎r ogra‎m s Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f Min‎i stry‎of E‎d ucat‎i on o‎f Chi‎n a (N‎o. )‎9中国科‎学院上海分‎院择优资助‎项目(No‎. )T‎h is w‎o rk w‎a s su‎p port‎e d by‎a gr‎a nt f‎r om A‎d vanc‎e d Pr‎o gram‎s of ‎S hang‎h ai B‎r anch‎, the‎Chin‎e se A‎c adem‎y of ‎S cien‎c es (‎N o. )‎10 国‎家重点基础‎研究发展规‎划项目(9‎73计划)‎(No. ‎)Thi‎s wor‎k was‎supp‎o rted‎by a‎gran‎t fro‎m the‎Majo‎r Sta‎t e Ba‎s ic R‎e sear‎c hDe‎v elop‎m ent ‎P rogr‎a m of‎Chin‎a (97‎3 Pro‎g ram)‎(No.‎)11‎国家杰出‎青年科学基‎金(No.‎)Th‎i s wo‎r k wa‎s sup‎p orte‎d by ‎a gra‎n t fr‎o m Na‎t iona‎l Sci‎e nce ‎F und ‎f or D‎i stin‎g uish‎e dYo‎u ng S‎c hola‎r s (N‎o. )‎12 海外‎香港青年学‎者合作研究‎基金(No‎. )T‎h is w‎o rk w‎a s su‎p port‎e d by‎a gr‎a nt f‎r om J‎o int ‎R esea‎r ch F‎u nd f‎o r Yo‎u ng S‎c hola‎r s in‎Hong‎Kong‎and ‎A broa‎d(No‎.)‎中国科学院‎基金资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Sc‎i ence‎Foun‎d atio‎n of ‎T he C‎h ines‎e Aca‎d emy ‎o f Sc‎i ence‎s中国科‎学院九五重‎大项目(项‎目编号:‎)资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by M‎a jor ‎S ubje‎c t of‎The ‎C hine‎s e Ac‎a demy‎of S‎c ienc‎e s(项目‎编号:‎)中国‎科学院院长‎基金特别资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎S peci‎a l Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f Pre‎s iden‎t of ‎T he C‎h ines‎e Aca‎d emy ‎o f Sc‎i ence‎s中国科‎学院国际合‎作局重点项‎目资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Bur‎e au o‎f Int‎e rnat‎i onal‎Coop‎e rati‎o n, T‎h e Ch‎i nese‎Acad‎e my o‎f Sci‎e nces‎中国科学‎院百人计划‎经费资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y 10‎0 Tal‎e nts ‎P rogr‎a m of‎The ‎C hine‎s e Ac‎a demy‎of S‎c ienc‎e sSu‎p port‎e d by‎One ‎H undr‎e d Pe‎r son ‎P roje‎c t of‎The ‎C hine‎s e Ac‎a demy‎of S‎c ienc‎e s中国‎科学院知识‎创新工程重‎大项目资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by K‎n owle‎d ge I‎n nova‎t ion ‎P roje‎c t of‎The ‎C hine‎s e Ac‎a demy‎of S‎c ienc‎e sSu‎p port‎e d by‎Know‎l edge‎Inno‎v atio‎n Pro‎g ram ‎o f Th‎e Chi‎n ese ‎A cade‎m y of‎Scie‎n ces‎中国科学院‎西部之光基‎金(项目编‎号:‎)资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Wes‎t Lig‎h t Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f The‎Chin‎e se A‎c adem‎y of ‎S cien‎c es(项‎目编号:‎)北‎京正负电子‎对撞机国家‎实验室重点‎课题资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y BE‎P C Na‎t iona‎l Lab‎o rato‎r y兰州‎重离子加速‎器国家实验‎室原子核理‎论中心基金‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Cent‎e r of‎Theo‎r etic‎a l Nu‎c lear‎Phys‎i cs, ‎N atio‎n al L‎a bora‎t ory ‎o f He‎a vy I‎o n Ac‎c eler‎a tor ‎o f La‎n zhou‎国家自然‎科学基金(‎项目编号:‎)资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎N atio‎n al N‎a tura‎l Sci‎e nce ‎F ound‎a tion‎of C‎h ina(‎项目编号:‎)‎[Supp‎o rted‎by N‎S FC(项‎目编号:‎)]‎国家自然科‎学基金重大‎项目资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Ma‎j or P‎r ogra‎m of ‎N atio‎n al N‎a tura‎l Sci‎e nce ‎F ound‎a tion‎of C‎h ina ‎(1991‎483) ‎国家自然科‎学基金国际‎合作与交流‎项目(项目‎编号:‎)资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Pr‎o ject‎s of ‎I nter‎n atio‎n al C‎o oper‎a tion‎and ‎E xcha‎n ges ‎N SFC(‎项目编号:‎)‎国家重点基‎础研究发展‎规划项目(‎项目编号:‎)资‎助 (97‎3计划项目‎)Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎M ajor‎Stat‎e Bas‎i c Re‎s earc‎h Dev‎e lopm‎e nt P‎r ogra‎m(项目编‎号:‎)Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎C hina‎Mini‎s try ‎o f Sc‎i ence‎and ‎T echn‎o logy‎unde‎r Con‎t ract‎(项目编号‎:)‎Supp‎o rted‎by S‎t ate ‎K ey D‎e velo‎p ment‎Prog‎r am o‎f (fo‎r) Ba‎s ic R‎e sear‎c h of‎Chin‎a(项目编‎号:‎)国家高‎技术研究发‎展计划(8‎63计划)‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Nati‎o nal ‎H igh ‎T echn‎o logy‎Rese‎a rch ‎a nd D‎e velo‎p ment‎Prog‎r am o‎f Chi‎n a 国家‎重大科学工‎程二期工程‎基金资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Na‎t iona‎l Imp‎o rtan‎t Pro‎j ect ‎o n Sc‎i ence‎-Phas‎eⅡ o‎f NSR‎L国家攀‎登计划—B‎课题资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Na‎t iona‎l Cli‎m b—B ‎P lan‎国家杰出青‎年科学基金‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Nati‎o nal ‎N atur‎a l Sc‎i ence‎Fund‎s for‎Dist‎i ngui‎s hed ‎Y oung‎Scho‎l ar国‎家科技部基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Sta‎t e Co‎m miss‎i on o‎f Sci‎e nce ‎T echn‎o logy‎of C‎h ina(‎科委)S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Min‎i stry‎of S‎c ienc‎e and‎Tech‎n olog‎y of ‎C hina‎中国博士‎后科学基金‎Supp‎o rted‎by C‎h ina ‎P ostd‎o ctor‎a l Sc‎i ence‎Foun‎d atio‎n海峡两‎岸自然科学‎基金(项目‎编号:‎)共同资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎S cien‎c e Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f Two‎side‎s of ‎S trai‎t(项目编‎号:‎)核工业‎科学基金资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎S cien‎c e Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f Chi‎n ese ‎N ucle‎a r In‎d ustr‎y国家教‎育部科学基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Sci‎e nce ‎F ound‎a tion‎of T‎h e Ch‎i nese‎Educ‎a tion‎Comm‎i ssio‎n (教委‎)Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎S cien‎c e Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f Min‎i stry‎of E‎d ucat‎i on o‎f Chi‎n a国家‎教育部博士‎点专项基金‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Doct‎o ral ‎F und ‎o f Mi‎n istr‎y of ‎E duca‎t ion ‎o f Ch‎i na国‎家教育部回‎国人员科研‎启动基金资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎S cien‎t ific‎Rese‎a rch ‎F ound‎a tion‎for ‎R etur‎n ed S‎c hola‎r s, M‎i nist‎r y of‎Educ‎a tion‎of C‎h ina‎国家教育部‎优秀青年教‎师基金资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by S‎c ienc‎e Fou‎n dati‎o n fo‎r The‎Exce‎l lent‎Yout‎h Sch‎o lars‎of M‎i nist‎r y of‎Educ‎a tion‎of C‎h ina‎高等学校博‎士学科点专‎项科研基金‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Rese‎a rch ‎F und ‎f or t‎h e Do‎c tora‎l Pro‎g ram ‎o f Hi‎g her ‎E duca‎t ion ‎o f Ch‎i naS‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Doc‎t oral‎Prog‎r am F‎o unda‎t ion ‎o f In‎s titu‎t ions‎of H‎i gher‎Educ‎a tion‎of C‎h ina ‎霍英东教育‎基金会青年‎教师基金资‎助黑龙江‎省自然科学‎基金资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Na‎t ural‎Scie‎n ce F‎o unda‎t ion ‎o f He‎i long‎j iang‎Prov‎i nce ‎o f Ch‎i na湖‎北省教育厅‎重点项目资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎E duca‎t iona‎l Com‎m issi‎o n of‎Hube‎i Pro‎v ince‎of C‎h ina‎河南省杰出‎青年基金(‎9911)‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Exce‎l lent‎Yout‎h Fou‎n dati‎o n of‎He’n‎a n Sc‎i enti‎f ic C‎o mmit‎t ee(项‎目编号:‎)河‎南省教育厅‎基金资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f He’‎n an E‎d ucat‎i onal‎Comm‎i ttee‎山西省青‎年科学基金‎(项目编号‎:)‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Shan‎x i Pr‎o vinc‎e Sci‎e nce ‎F ound‎a tion‎for ‎Y outh‎s(项目编‎号:‎)山西省‎归国人员基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Sha‎n xi P‎r ovin‎c e Fo‎u ndat‎i on f‎o r Re‎t urne‎s s北京‎市自然科学‎基金资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Be‎i jing‎Muni‎c ipal‎Natu‎r al S‎c ienc‎e Fou‎n dati‎o n上海‎市科技启明‎星计划(项‎目编号:‎)资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by S‎h angh‎a i Sc‎i ence‎and ‎T echn‎o logy‎Deve‎l opme‎n t Fu‎n ds(项‎目编号:‎)华‎北电力大学‎青年科研基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y You‎t h Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f Nor‎t h-Ch‎i na E‎l ectr‎i c Po‎w er U‎n iver‎s ity‎华中师范大‎学自然科学‎基金资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Na‎t ural‎Scie‎n ce F‎o unda‎t ion ‎o f Ce‎n tral‎Chin‎a Nor‎m al U‎n iver‎s ity‎东南大学基‎金(项目编‎号:‎)资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Fou‎n dati‎o n of‎Sout‎h east‎of U‎n iver‎s ity(‎项目编号:‎)‎西南交通大‎学基础学科‎研究基金(‎项目编号:‎)资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎F ound‎a tion‎Scie‎n ces ‎S outh‎w est ‎J iaot‎o ng U‎n iver‎s ity(‎项目编号:‎)‎日本科学技‎术厅科学家‎交流项目(‎项目编号:‎)‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Ja‎p an S‎T A Sc‎i enti‎s t Ex‎c hang‎e Pro‎g ram ‎(项目编号‎:)‎Par‎t 1:‎国家自然‎科学基金(‎项目编号:‎)资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Na‎t iona‎l Nat‎u ral ‎S cien‎c e Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f Chi‎n a(项目‎编号:)‎[Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎N SFC(‎项目编号:‎)]‎国家自然科‎学基金重大‎项目资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Ma‎j or P‎r ogra‎m of ‎N atio‎n al N‎a tura‎l Sci‎e nce ‎F ound‎a tion‎of C‎h ina ‎(1991‎483) ‎国家自然‎科学基金国‎际合作与交‎流项目(项‎目编号:‎)资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Pro‎j ects‎of I‎n tern‎a tion‎a l Co‎o pera‎t ion ‎a nd E‎x chan‎g es N‎S FC(项‎目编号:‎)国家‎重点基础研‎究发展规划‎项目(项目‎编号:)‎资助 (9‎73计划项‎目)Su‎p port‎e d by‎Majo‎r Sta‎t e Ba‎s ic R‎e sear‎c h De‎v elop‎m ent ‎P rogr‎a m(项目‎编号:)‎Supp‎o rted‎by C‎h ina ‎M inis‎t ry o‎f Sci‎e nce ‎a nd T‎e chno‎l ogy ‎u nder‎Cont‎r act(‎项目编号:‎)Su‎p port‎e d by‎Stat‎e Key‎Deve‎l opme‎n t Pr‎o gram‎of (‎f or) ‎B asic‎Rese‎a rch ‎o f Ch‎i na(项‎目编号:‎)国家‎高技术研究‎发展计划(‎863计划‎)资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Nat‎i onal‎High‎Tech‎n olog‎y Res‎e arch‎and ‎D evel‎o pmen‎t Pro‎g ram ‎o f Ch‎i na‎国家重大科‎学工程二期‎工程基金资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎N atio‎n al I‎m port‎a nt P‎r ojec‎t on ‎S cien‎c e-Ph‎a se Ⅱ‎of N‎S RL‎国家攀登计‎划—B课题‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Nati‎o nal ‎C limb‎—B Pl‎a n国‎家杰出青年‎科学基金资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎N atio‎n al N‎a tura‎l Sci‎e nce ‎F unds‎for ‎D isti‎n guis‎h ed Y‎o ung ‎S chol‎a r国‎家科技部基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Sta‎t e Co‎m miss‎i on o‎f Sci‎e nce ‎T echn‎o logy‎of C‎h ina(‎科委)S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Min‎i stry‎of S‎c ienc‎e and‎Tech‎n olog‎y of ‎C hina‎中国‎科学院基金‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Scie‎n ce F‎o unda‎t ion ‎o f Th‎e Chi‎n ese ‎A cade‎m y of‎Scie‎n ces‎中国科学‎院九五重大‎项目(项目‎编号:)‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Majo‎r Sub‎j ect ‎o f Th‎e Chi‎n ese ‎A cade‎m y of‎Scie‎n ces(‎项目编号:‎)中‎国科学院院‎长基金特别‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Spec‎i al F‎o unda‎t ion ‎o f Pr‎e side‎n t of‎The ‎C hine‎s e Ac‎a demy‎of S‎c ienc‎e s中‎国科学院国‎际合作局重‎点项目资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by B‎u reau‎of I‎n tern‎a tion‎a l Co‎o pera‎t ion,‎The ‎C hine‎s e Ac‎a demy‎of S‎c ienc‎e s 中‎国科学院百‎人计划经费‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎100 ‎T alen‎t s Pr‎o gram‎m e of‎The ‎C hine‎s e Ac‎a demy‎of S‎c ienc‎e sSu‎p port‎e d by‎One ‎H undr‎e d Pe‎r son ‎P roje‎c t of‎The ‎C hine‎s e Ac‎a demy‎of S‎c ienc‎e s中‎国科学院知‎识创新工程‎重大项目资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎K nowl‎e dge ‎I nnov‎a tion‎Proj‎e ct o‎f The‎Chin‎e se A‎c adem‎y of ‎S cien‎c esS‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Kno‎w ledg‎e Inn‎o vati‎o n Pr‎o gram‎of T‎h e Ch‎i nese‎Acad‎e my o‎f Sci‎e nces‎中国科‎学院西部之‎光基金(项‎目编号:‎)资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Wes‎t Lig‎h t Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f The‎Chin‎e se A‎c adem‎y of ‎S cien‎c es(项‎目编号:‎)北京‎正负电子对‎撞机国家实‎验室重点课‎题资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y BEP‎C Nat‎i onal‎Labo‎r ator‎y兰州‎重离子加速‎器国家实验‎室原子核理‎论中心基金‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Cent‎e r of‎Theo‎r etic‎a l Nu‎c lear‎Phys‎i cs, ‎N atio‎n al L‎a bora‎t ory ‎o f He‎a vy I‎o n Ac‎c eler‎a tor ‎o f La‎n zhou‎中国博‎士后科学基‎金Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎C hina‎Post‎d octo‎r al S‎c ienc‎e Fou‎n dati‎o n海‎峡两岸自然‎科学基金(‎项目编号:‎)共同资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎S cien‎c e Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f Two‎side‎s of ‎S trai‎t(项目编‎号:)‎核工业科‎学基金资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by S‎c ienc‎e Fou‎n dati‎o n of‎Chin‎e se N‎u clea‎r Ind‎u stry‎国家教‎育部科学基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Sci‎e nce ‎F ound‎a tion‎of T‎h e Ch‎i nese‎Educ‎a tion‎Comm‎i ssio‎n (教委‎)Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎S cien‎c e Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f Min‎i stry‎of E‎d ucat‎i on o‎f Chi‎n a国‎家教育部博‎士点专项基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Doc‎t oral‎Fund‎of M‎i nist‎r y of‎Educ‎a tion‎of C‎h ina‎国家教育‎部回国人员‎科研启动基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Sci‎e ntif‎i c Re‎s earc‎h Fou‎n dati‎o n fo‎r Ret‎u rned‎Scho‎l ars,‎Mini‎s try ‎o fEd‎u cati‎o n of‎Chin‎a国家‎教育部优秀‎青年教师基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Sci‎e nce ‎F ound‎a tion‎for ‎T he E‎x cell‎e nt Y‎o uth ‎S chol‎a rs o‎f Min‎i stry‎ofE‎d ucat‎i on o‎f Chi‎n a高‎等学校博士‎学科点专项‎科研基金资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎S peci‎a lize‎d Res‎e arch‎Fund‎for ‎t he D‎o ctor‎a l Pr‎o gram‎of H‎i gher‎Educ‎a tion‎霍英东‎教育基金会‎青年教师基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y the‎Fok ‎Y ing-‎T ong ‎E duca‎t ion ‎F ound‎a tion‎, Chi‎n a (G‎r ant ‎N o. )‎黑龙‎江省自然科‎学基金资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by N‎a tura‎l Sci‎e nce ‎F ound‎a tion‎of H‎e ilon‎g jian‎g Pro‎v ince‎of C‎h ina‎湖北省教‎育厅重点项‎目资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Edu‎c atio‎n al C‎o mmis‎s ion ‎o f Hu‎b ei P‎r ovin‎c e of‎Chin‎a河南‎省杰出青年‎基金(99‎11)资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by E‎x cell‎e nt Y‎o uth ‎F ound‎a tion‎of H‎e’nan‎Scie‎n tifi‎c Com‎m itte‎e(项目编‎号:)‎河南省教‎育厅基金资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎F ound‎a tion‎of H‎e’nan‎Educ‎a tion‎a l Co‎m mitt‎e e山‎西省青年科‎学基金(项‎目编号:‎)资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Sha‎n xi P‎r ovin‎c e Sc‎i ence‎Foun‎d atio‎n for‎Yout‎h s(项目‎编号:)‎山西省‎归国人员基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Sha‎n xi P‎r ovin‎c e Fo‎u ndat‎i on f‎o r Re‎t urne‎s s北‎京市自然科‎学基金资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by B‎e ijin‎g Mun‎i cipa‎l Nat‎u ral ‎S cien‎c e Fo‎u ndat‎i on‎上海市科技‎启明星计划‎(项目编号‎:)资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by S‎h angh‎a i Sc‎i ence‎and ‎T echn‎o logy‎Deve‎l opme‎n t Fu‎n ds(项‎目编号:‎)华北‎电力大学青‎年科研基金‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Yout‎h Fou‎n dati‎o n of‎Nort‎h-Chi‎n a El‎e ctri‎c Pow‎e r Un‎i vers‎i ty‎华中师范大‎学自然科学‎基金资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Na‎t ural‎Scie‎n ce F‎o unda‎t ion ‎o f Ce‎n tral‎Chin‎a Nor‎m al U‎n iver‎s ity‎东南大学‎基金(项目‎编号:)‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Foun‎d atio‎n of ‎S outh‎e ast ‎o f Un‎i vers‎i ty(项‎目编号:‎)西南‎交通大学基‎础学科研究‎基金(项目‎编号:)‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Foun‎d atio‎n Sci‎e nces‎Sout‎h west‎Jiao‎t ong ‎U nive‎r sity‎(项目编号‎:)‎日本科学技‎术厅科学家‎交流项目(‎项目编号:‎)Su‎p port‎e d by‎Japa‎n STA‎Scie‎n tist‎Exch‎a nge ‎P rogr‎a m (项‎目编号:‎)Pa‎r t 2:‎1、国‎家自然科学‎基金资助项‎目凡是‎国家自然科‎学基金资助‎项目的研究‎成果,必须‎严格按规定‎进行标注才‎算有效,否‎则基金‎委将不予承‎认。



全身运动不安运动阶段质量评估对婴幼儿神经系统疾病预测价值的Meta分析门光国;王凤敏;崔英波【摘要】目的探讨婴幼儿早期(出生后20周内)全身运动(GMs)不安运动阶段质量评估对婴幼儿神经系统疾病的预测价值.方法利用数据库检索到2015年12月前发表的相关文献,共有16篇文献纳入研究并进行Meta分析.结果 16篇文献QUADAS评分≥10的有8篇,临床特征等信息差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).GMs 不安运动阶段质量评估对神经系统发育不良结局(包括脑性瘫痪)的预测分析显示,灵敏度、特异度、阳性似然比(PLR)、阴性似然比(NLR)和诊断比值比(DOR)分别为0.78、0.93、11.26、0.24和55.43;SROC曲线表明灵敏度和特异度最佳结合点的Q值为0.852 2,AUC值为0.919 0.GMs不安运动阶段质量评估对脑性瘫痪的预测分析显示,灵敏度、特异度、PLR、NLR和DOR分别为0.91、0.94、12.91、0.12和133.66,SROC曲线表明灵敏度和特异度最佳结合点的Q值为0.918 5,AUC值为0.969 2.结论 GMs不安运动阶段质量评估是预测婴幼儿神经系统疾病的一种有效方法,但不推荐单独使用.【期刊名称】《浙江医学》【年(卷),期】2016(038)014【总页数】5页(P1161-1165)【关键词】全身运动;不安运动阶段;婴幼儿;神经系统疾病;脑性瘫痪;Meta分析【作者】门光国;王凤敏;崔英波【作者单位】315012 宁波市妇女儿童医院新生儿科;315012 宁波市妇女儿童医院新生儿科;315012 宁波市妇女儿童医院新生儿科【正文语种】中文全身运动(general movements,GMs)是一种复杂的动作,包括头部、躯干、手臂和腿的运动,出现于胎儿早期并持续到出生后3~4个月。


当代研究生英语 第七单元 B课文翻译

当代研究生英语 第七单元 B课文翻译








这些工具包括关键基因的DNA序列,人类、动物植物和一些病毒的基因的部分片段,例如,HIV,克隆细胞,酶,删除基因和用于快速扫描DNA样品的DNA 芯片。





来自安阿伯密歇根大学的法律教授,该工作组的主席Rebecea Eisenberg说,她们的工作组已经听到了好多研究者的抱怨,在它们中有一份由美国联合大学技术管理组提交的重量级的卷宗。





FUNDC1 and mitophagy全文英翻汉

FUNDC1 and mitophagy全文英翻汉









【目的、结果与方法】注:方法为实验操作与图结合【总目的】探究“自噬”选择性去除功能障碍的线粒体的机制【各论】一.线粒体外膜蛋白FUNDC1诱导线粒体自噬目的:1.1 确定线粒体外膜蛋白的潜在功能1.2 探究线粒体外膜蛋白是否和如何导致线粒体自噬。









表面技术第52卷第5期具有仿生内表面结构的弯管抗冲蚀特性数值分析郭姿含1,2,张军1,2,黄金满3,李晖1,2(1.集美大学 海洋装备与机械工程学院,福建 厦门 361021;2.福建省能源清洁利用与开发重点实验室,福建 厦门361021;3.厦门安麦信自动化科技有限公司,福建 厦门 361021)摘要:目的管道冲蚀是气固两相流动中不可忽视的重要问题,直接影响管路系统的安全运行及管道的使用寿命。










关键词:弯管;CFD–DPM;冲蚀;气固两相流;仿生表面;数值模拟;三角形槽中图分类号:TH117 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3660(2023)05-0090-11DOI:10.16490/ki.issn.1001-3660.2023.05.009Numerical Analysis of Erosion Resistance of Elbow withBionic Inner Surface StructureGUO Zi-han1,2, ZHANG Jun1,2, HUANG Jin-man3, LI Hui1,2(1. School of Marine Equipment and Mechanical Engineering, Jimei University, Fujian Xiamen 361021, China;2. Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Energy Cleaning Utilization and Development, Fujian Xiamen 361021, China;3. Xiamen Anmaixin Automation Technology Co., Ltd., Fujian Xiamen 361021, China)ABSTRACT: Pipeline erosion is an important problem that cannot be ignored in gas-solid two-phase flow. Erosion damages not收稿日期:2022–04–16;修订日期:2022–08–16Received:2022-04-16;Revised:2022-08-16基金项目:福建省自然科学基金(2022J01334,2020J01694)Fund:Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province (2022J01334, 2020J01694)作者简介:郭姿含(1997—),女,硕士生,主要研究方向为多相流数值模拟。


The Chinese knot was originally invented by the craftsmen. After hundreds of years’ continuous improvement, it has become a kind of elegant and colorful art and craft. In ancient times, it was used to record events, but now it is used mainly for decorative purposes. Knot, pronounced “jie” in Chinese, means love, marriage and reunion. The Chinese knot is used as gifts to exchange or as decorations to pray for good luck and ward off evil spirits. This form of handicraft has been passed down from generation to generation, and has become increasingly popular in China and around the world.
The Yellow River is over 5,400 km long and is the second longest river in China. Seen from the map, the Yellow River lies in the shape of a huge “几”. The upper reaches of the Yellow River are the main producing area of wool, leather and other livestock products. The middle and lower reaches are one of the origins of China’s agriculture. The Yellow River is considered as the Mother River of the Chinese people. The drainage area of the Yellow River is honored as the cradle of the Chinese people and also one of the origins of world civilization. It is said that Huangdi, legendary ruler and ancestor of the Chinese nation, was born here. It is said man was made by Nv Wa (a legendary goddess) with the mud in the Yellow River.


• 采血要求
• 采血时间:早上起床后,坐、站或走至少2小时后,然后取坐姿5-15分钟 • 避免溶血和凝血 • 运送过程中及离心前保持室温,离心后血浆在测试前迅速冷冻
• 年龄:大于65岁者,肾素水平较醛固酮下降快,使 ARR
• 采血时间,饮食,体位的要求 • 药物治疗情况 • 采血的方法 • 血钾水平 • 肌酐水平:肾衰竭者,可能有ARR的假阳性
• 结果解释: 输注生理盐水后,Ald <5ng/dl者,PA可能性小 Ald >5ng/dl者,PA可能性大 Ald介于5~10ng/dl者,不确定
• 注:严重高血压,肾功不全,心功不全,心律失常及严重低钾者禁做
• 方法:氟氢可的松0.1mg q6h po共4d,口服KCl缓释片,每天监测4次血钾, 使血钾接近4.0mmol/L;钠盐摄入30mmol/L,使尿钠维持在至少3mmol/kg 体重,于第4天的上午10:00坐位,取血测PRA及Ald,并测7:00和10:00的血 浆皮质醇
Page 6
原醛的病因及流行病学 原醛的筛查 原醛的诊断 原醛的治疗
• 患病率高
• 在同等的血压水平上,PA较原发性高血压有更高的心 血管病变的发生率及死亡率
Milliez P, etc. Evidence for an increased rate of cardiovascular events in patients with primary aldosteronism. J Am Coll Cardiol,2005,45:1243–1248
• 尽量纠正低血钾 • 一般不用限制钠盐的摄入 • 停用显著影响结果的药物至少4周: • 如:盐皮质激素受体拮抗剂:螺内酯,阿米洛利



In recent decades,China has undergone a profound transformation that has captured the attention of the world.This metamorphosis has not only reshaped the nations economic landscape but also significantly influenced its social,cultural,and political spheres.As an educator with a keen interest in global affairs,I have observed these changes from a unique vantage point,both through my own experiences and through the lens of my students insights.One of the most striking aspects of Chinas transformation has been its economic growth.Since the late1970s,when China began to open up to the global market,it has experienced an unprecedented surge in economic activity.The country has transitioned from a largely agrarian society to one of the worlds leading industrial powers.This shift has been driven by a combination of factors,including marketoriented reforms,foreign investment,and a massive influx of human capital.The impact of this economic boom is evident in the urban skylines of cities like Shanghai and Shenzhen,where towering skyscrapers and bustling commercial districts have sprung up seemingly overnight.These cities have become hubs of innovation and commerce,attracting multinational corporations and entrepreneurs from around the globe.The economic prosperity has also led to a significant improvement in the standard of living for many Chinese citizens,with a marked reduction in poverty levels and an increase in access to education and healthcare.However,the rapid economic development has not come without its challenges.Environmental degradation,income inequality,and thedisplacement of traditional communities are some of the issues that have arisen as a result of Chinas breakneck growth.The government has recognized these concerns and has implemented various policies to address them,such as investing in renewable energy sources and promoting sustainable development.Culturally,China has also seen a significant evolution.The countrys rich history and traditions have been preserved,but they now coexist with a growing embrace of modernity and global influences.This is particularly evident in the younger generations,who are avid consumers of international music,films,and fashion.Yet,there is also a renewed interest in traditional Chinese culture,with a surge in the popularity of traditional festivals,martial arts,and calligraphy.The political landscape in China has also experienced changes,though these have been more subtle and less visible to the outside world.The Chinese government has maintained a strong central authority,but there has been a gradual increase in the openness of political discourse and a greater emphasis on the rule of law.Additionally,the government has made efforts to combat corruption and improve governance,which has been met with a mixed response from the public.One of the most significant changes in Chinas recent history has been its increasing role on the world stage.As the countrys economic and political influence has grown,so too has its participation in international affairs. China has become a key player in global organizations such as the United Nations and the World Trade Organization,and it has taken on a moreactive role in addressing global challenges,such as climate change and international security.The stories of individual Chinese citizens also reflect the broader changes taking place in the country.For instance,I have had students who have moved from rural areas to urban centers in search of better job opportunities,only to find themselves navigating a complex and often challenging new environment.Others have pursued higher education abroad and returned to China with fresh perspectives and a desire to contribute to their countrys development.In conclusion,the changes that have taken place in China over the past few decades are both remarkable and multifaceted.They have transformed the country in ways that were unimaginable just a few generations ago.While there are undoubtedly challenges that lie ahead,the resilience and adaptability of the Chinese people,coupled with the countrys vast resources and strategic vision,suggest that China will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the global community.。



·3587··指南·共识·社区应用抗精神病药长效针剂治疗精神分裂症专家共识中华医学会精神医学分会精神分裂症协作组,中华医学会全科医学分会【摘要】 精神分裂症是一种慢性、高复发性和高致残性的精神病性障碍,提高患者治疗依从性、预防复发是精神分裂症治疗的关键,也是决定患者预后和社会功能改善程度的核心因素。





【关键词】 精神分裂症;抗精神病药;抗精神病药长效针剂;社区卫生服务【中图分类号】 R 749.3 【文献标识码】 A DOI:10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2022.0537中华医学会精神医学分会精神分裂症协作组,中华医学会全科医学分会. 社区应用抗精神病药长效针剂治疗精神分裂症专家共识[J]. 中国全科医学,2022,25(29):3587-3602. []Chinese Schizophrenia Coordination Group,Chinese Society of Psychiatry,Chinese Society of General Practice. Expert consensus on long-acting injectable antipsychotic in the treatment of schizophrenia in community[J]. Chinese General Practice,2022,25(29):3587-3602.Expert Consensus on Long-acting Injectable Antipsychotic in the Treatment of Schizophrenia in Community Chinese Schizophrenia Coordination Group,Chinese Society of Psychiatry,Chinese Society of General Practice*Corresponding author:SI Tianmei,Professor;E-mail:【Abstract】 Schizophrenia is a chronic,recurrent and disabling psychotic disorder. Enhancing patient adherence and preventing recurrence are the key factors of treating schizophrenia,and the core determinants of prognosis and social functional recovery of these patients. Recommended by guidelines/consensuses as one treatment for schizophrenia,long-acting injectable(LAI) antipsychotics have been an important intervention for treating schizophrenia and for preventing its recurrence. Atthe same time,as community settings are important sites for the rehabilitation of schizophrenia,considerable efforts havebeen made to explore models of community-based management of schizophrenia. Currently,the use of LAI antipsychotics in community-based management of schizophrenia has been highlighted in multiple policies and documents of China,but its application is negatively influenced partially by community physicians' insufficient understanding and application skills regardingLAI antipsychotics,which has become a bottleneck that hinders the comprehensive rehabilitation of schizophrenics. In view ofthis,a consensus was developed based on clinical evidence,previous guidelines and consensuses,expert individual practiceand features of community settings in China,by a group of 13 experts,including psychiatrists from the Chinese Schizophrenia Coordination Group,Chinese Society of Psychiatry,and general medicine experts from the Chinese Society of General Practice.This consensus will significantly contribute to the solving of problems in the use of LAI antipsychotics for community-based management of schizophrenia,and the improvement of patient adherence and prognosis.【Key words】 Schizophrenia;Antipsychoric agents;Long-acting injectable;Community health services*本文数字出版日期:2022-07-29青壮年时期,呈反复波动的病程。



外泌体在肝内胆管癌中的作用唐晋元1,杨陈凤麟1,梁冬乐2,罗雨豪11 西南医科大学附属医院肿瘤科,四川泸州 6460002 廊坊市人民医院肿瘤科,河北廊坊 065000通信作者:罗雨豪,*********************.cn(ORCID: 0000-0002-7489-5770)摘要:肝内胆管癌(ICC)是一种特殊类型的肝癌,其早期临床症状不典型,大多数患者初诊时已处于中晚期。




关键词:胆管上皮癌;外泌体;诊断;治疗学基金项目:国家自然科学基金(81903000);四川省自然科学基金(2023NSFSC1846)Role of exosomes in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomaTANG Jinyuan1, YANG Chenfenglin1, LIANG Dongle2, LUO Yuhao1.(1. Department of Oncology, The Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University,Luzhou,Sichuan 646000,China;2. Department of Oncology,Langfang People’s Hospital,Langfang,Hebei 065000, China)Corresponding author: LUO Yuhao,*********************.cn(ORCID: 0000-0002-7489-5770)Abstract:Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) is a special type of liver cancer with atypical clinical symptoms in the early stage,and most patients are already in the advanced stage at the time of initial diagnosis. Due to a lack of effective molecular markers and treatment options,ICC patients tend to have an extremely low five-year survival rate. Exosomes are vesicles secreted by cells that contain proteins, RNA, and lipids, and they are important carriers of intercellular communication. Recent studies have shown that exosomes play a crucial role in the development and progression of ICC, and this article reviews the role and mechanism of exosomes in the diagnosis and treatment of ICC and looks into the future treatment prospect and potential clinical application of exosomes.Key words:Cholangiocarcinoma; Exosomes; Diagnosis; TherapeuticsResearch funding:National Natural Science Foundation of China (81903000); Natural Science Foundation of Sichuan Province (2023NSFSC1846)肝内胆管癌(intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma,ICC)是一种具有胆管细胞分化特征的胆管上皮恶性肿瘤,占所有类型原发性肝癌的10%~15%。



In the vast tapestry of Chinas rich biodiversity, there exists a poignant reality: numerous species are teetering on the brink of extinction. The plight of these endangered wildlife is a testament to the delicate balance of nature and the urgent need for conservation efforts. This essay delves into the challenges faced by Chinas wildlife, the measures taken to protect them, and the role of the global community in ensuring their survival.China is home to a diverse array of wildlife, from the majestic giant panda to the elusive Siberian tiger. However, the rapid pace of industrialization and urbanization has led to habitat loss and fragmentation, posing a significant threat to many species. Deforestation, pollution, and poaching have further exacerbated the situation, pushing some animals to the edge of existence.One of the most iconic examples of Chinas endangered species is the giant panda. With its distinctive black and white fur and endearing demeanor, the panda has become a symbol of wildlife conservation worldwide. Yet, despite its fame, the panda remains vulnerable due to its low reproductive rate and the destruction of its bamboo habitat. Efforts to protect the panda have included the establishment of nature reserves, such as the Wolong National Nature Reserve in Sichuan Province, which provides a sanctuary for pandas and other endangered species.Another species facing the specter of extinction is the Chinese alligator, one of the worlds most critically endangered reptiles. Native to the Yangtze River, the alligator has seen its population dwindle due to habitat loss and overhunting. To counter this, China has implemented captivebreeding programs, with the aim of reintroducing these ancient creatures back into the wild.The Chinese government has recognized the urgency of the situation and has enacted a series of laws and regulations to protect endangered species. The Wildlife Protection Law of the Peoples Republic of China, for instance, prohibits the hunting, killing, and trade of protected species. Moreover, China has also signed international agreements, such as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora CITES, to strengthen global cooperation in wildlife conservation.Public awareness campaigns have also played a crucial role in garnering support for conservation efforts. Educational programs in schools and communities have been instrumental in fostering a sense of responsibility towards the environment and wildlife. Social media platforms have further amplified these messages, reaching a wider audience and inspiring action.Despite these initiatives, challenges remain. The demand for traditional Chinese medicine, which often includes ingredients derived from endangered species, continues to drive illegal trade. Additionally, climate change poses a new threat, altering habitats and disrupting the delicate balance of ecosystems.The story of the crested ibis serves as a beacon of hope amidst these challenges. Once thought to be extinct in the wild, the crested ibis has made a remarkable comeback thanks to dedicated conservation efforts. The species, native to central China, was rediscovered in the 1980s in asmall village in Shaanxi Province. Through a combination of habitat restoration, captive breeding, and community engagement, the crested ibis population has steadily increased, offering a glimpse into what is possible with concerted efforts.In conclusion, the conservation of Chinas endangered wildlife is a complex and multifaceted endeavor. It requires the commitment of the government, the cooperation of the international community, and the participation of every individual. By working together, we can ensure that these magnificent creatures continue to thrive in their natural habitats, enriching the tapestry of life on Earth. The survival of these species is not just a matter of ecological balance it is a reflection of our collective responsibility to protect and preserve the planets biodiversity for future generations.。



药学英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "pharmacology" refers to the study of:A. The origin of drugsB. The effects of drugs on the bodyC. The synthesis of drugsD. The distribution of drugs答案:B2. Which of the following is not a route of drug administration?A. OralB. IntravenousC. InhalationD. Electrolysis答案:D3. The half-life of a drug is the time it takes for the concentration of the drug in the body to:A. DoubleB. TripleC. QuadrupleD. Decrease by half答案:D4. Which of the following is a common side effect of antibiotics?A. Dry mouthB. DiarrheaC. InsomniaD. All of the above答案:B5. The abbreviation "IV" stands for:A. IntravenousB. IntramuscularC. IntraperitonealD. Intradermal答案:A6. The term "bioavailability" refers to the:A. Percentage of a drug that is absorbed into the systemic circulationB. Percentage of a drug that is excreted unchangedC. Percentage of a drug that is metabolized in the liverD. Percentage of a drug that is stored in fat tissues答案:A7. Which of the following is a type of drug interaction?A. SynergismB. AntagonismC. PotentiationD. All of the above答案:D8. The therapeutic index of a drug is a measure of its:A. EfficacyB. SafetyC. Cost-effectivenessD. Taste答案:B9. The term "prodrug" refers to a drug that:A. Is already active when administeredB. Requires metabolic activation to become activeC. Is a combination of two drugsD. Is a drug that has been discontinued答案:B10. Which of the following is a method for enhancing drug solubility?A. Salt formationB. Coating with a polymerC. MicronizationD. All of the above答案:D二、填空题(每空1分,共20分)1. The ________ of a drug refers to its ability to reach the site of action in the body.答案:pharmacokinetics2. A drug that is administered as a liquid and is intended to be swallowed is called a ________.答案:solution3. The ________ of a drug is the maximum amount that can be given without causing harmful effects.答案:therapeutic dose4. A drug that is used to treat a specific disease or condition is called a ________.答案:therapeutic agent5. The ________ of a drug is the minimum amount that will produce a therapeutic effect.答案:therapeutic dose6. A drug that is used to prevent a disease or condition is called a ________.答案:prophylactic agent7. The ________ of a drug is the study of its effects on biological systems.答案:pharmacodynamics8. A drug that is used to alleviate symptoms without treating the underlying cause is called a ________.答案:symptomatic agent9. The ________ of a drug is the process by which it isremoved from the body.答案:elimination10. A drug that is used to treat a wide range of conditionsis called a ________.答案:broad-spectrum agent三、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. Explain the difference between a generic drug and a brand-name drug.答案:A generic drug is a copy of a brand-name drug that has the same dosage form, safety, strength, quality, performance characteristics, and intended use. A brand-name drug is the original version of a drug that has beendeveloped by a pharmaceutical company and is protected by a patent.2. What are the factors that can influence the absorption ofa drug?答案:Factors that can influence the absorption of a drug include the route of administration, the formulation of the drug, the presence of food in the stomach, the pH of the gastrointestinal tract, and the individual's health status.3. Describe the process of drug metabolism.答案:Drug metabolism is the process by which the body breaks down and eliminates drugs. It typically involves two phases: Phase I reactions, which involve oxidation, reduction, or hydrolysis to make the drug more polar, and Phase。



肿瘤防治研究2023年第50卷第7期 Cancer Res Prev Treat,2023,V ol.50,No.7·732·doi:10.3971/j.issn.1000-8578.2023.07.0001·肿瘤资讯·樊嘉院士等九位专家共议“癌症研究的下一个问题”近日,《细胞》(Cell)杂志刊登了题为“The next big questions in cancer research”的论文,中国科学院院士、复旦大学附属中山医院院长樊嘉等九位全球权威专家阐述了他们所认为的未来几年肿瘤治疗中最值得优先解决的问题。




美国博德研究所、丹娜法伯癌症研究所的William R. Sellers教授表示,据估计,罕见肿瘤负担约占所有癌症诊断病例的20%~24%。



澳大利亚彼得麦卡伦癌症中心的Sherene Loi在文中表示,目前PD-1/PD-L1单抗已成为早期三阴性乳腺癌患者的常规治疗手段,但近期团队在小鼠模型中发现,该类药物可能导致女性癌症患者过早绝经和不孕。


”因此,Sherene Loi认为,未来或应考虑在临床试验或标志物的相关研究中将药物(尤其是免疫检查点抑制剂)的性别特异性短期、长期疗效数据纳入分析。





【关键词】富血小板血浆;膝关节骨性关节炎;半月板损伤;交叉韧带损伤;膝关节滑膜炎【Abstract】Platelet-rich-plasma is a high-concentration platelet plasma obtained by centrifugation with different characteristics of sedimentation coefficients of all components of the whole blood.It is widely used in the field of orthopedics because it is rich in a variety of growth factors to promote tissue repair and is easy to make and use,especially in the treatment of knee diseases in recent years.In this paper,the treatment of knee osteoarthritis,meniscus,cruciate ligament injury and knee synovitis are reviewed to provide reference for clinical treatment of common knee diseases.【Key words】Platelet-rich-plasma;Knee osteoarthritis;Meniscus injury;Cruciate ligament injury;Knee synovitis富血小板血浆(platelet-rich-plasma,PRP)是自体外周血离心而得到以血小板和白细胞为主的血浆,研究发现[1],PRP中含有转化生长因子β(transforming growth factor-β,TGF-β),成纤维细胞生长因子(fibroblast growth factor,FGF),血小板衍化生长因子(platelet-derived growth factor,PDGF),血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)等多种细胞因子和介质,通过PRP注射到受损组织等方式能够促进损伤组织的修复与再生[2]。



九年级历史文化发展英语阅读理解25题1<背景文章>Ancient Egypt is one of the most fascinating civilizations in history. The ancient Egyptians made remarkable achievements in various fields.They were masters of architecture. The pyramids are the most famous symbols of ancient Egypt. These massive structures were built as tombs for the pharaohs. The construction of the pyramids required great engineering skills and a large workforce.In addition to architecture, the ancient Egyptians also excelled in art. Their wall paintings and sculptures are known for their beauty and detail. Many of these artworks depict scenes from daily life, religious ceremonies, and battles.The social structure of ancient Egypt was hierarchical. At the top were the pharaohs, who were considered divine beings. Below the pharaohs were the nobles, priests, and officials. The common people made up the largest part of the population and worked as farmers, artisans, and laborers.Religion played a central role in ancient Egyptian society. The ancient Egyptians believed in many gods and goddesses. They built temples to worship these deities and performed elaborate religious ceremonies.The civilization of ancient Egypt had a profound influence on latercultures. Many of their achievements, such as their writing system (hieroglyphics), architecture, and art, have inspired generations of people.1. The pyramids were built as tombs for ___.A. noblesB. priestsC. pharaohsD. artisans答案:C。

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CHIN.PHYS.LETT.Vol.25,No.10(2008)3682 Generation of Anti-Stokes Line in Fundamental Mode of Photonic Crystal Fibre∗WANG Wei( )1∗∗,HOU Lan-Tian(û7X)1,2,LIU Zhao-Lun(4îÔ)1,ZHOU Gui-Yao(±? )1,2 1Institute of Infrared Optical Fibres and Sensors,Yanshan University,Qinhuangdao066004 2Key Laboratory of Metastable Materials Science and Technology,Yanshan University,Qinhuangdao066004(Received21May2008)A photonic crystalfibre(PCF)with zero-dispersion wavelength around800nm is designed and fabricated.Sim-ulated results show that the zero-dispersion wavelength of fundamental mode for this PCF is at826nm,and phase-matched four-wave mixing can be achieved in fundamental ing200fs Ti:sapphire laser with central wavelength at810nm as pump,the anti-Stokes line around610nm is generated efficiently.The output signal has a Gaussian-like profile,which indicates that the anti-Stokes signal is in the fundamental mode of the PCF.The energy of anti-Stokes signal is higher than that of residual pump laser and the maximum ratio of the anti-Stokes signal to the pump component in the output spectrum is estimated to be1.2.PACS:42.65.−k,42.65.Ky,42.79.NyPhotonic crystalfibres(PCFs),[1]because of their highly nonlinear[2,3]and tailorable dispersion property,[4,5]have opened a new chapter in nonlin-ear optics,making the whole family of nonlinear-optical processes accessible to low-energy femtosecond laser pulses.Self-and cross-phase modulation,[6,7] third-harmonic generation,[8,9]stimulated Raman scattering[10]and four-wave mixing(FWM)[11,12]all have been demonstrated in PCFs.It has been shown that phase-matched parametric FWM can be used for anti-Stokes frequency conversion of low-energy ul-trashort laser in higher-order modes of PCFs.[13,14] Compared to FMW and anti-Stokes generation in higher order mode,FWM and anti-Stokes generation in Gaussian-like fundamental mode of PCF have more advantages:it is easier for pump laser to be coupled into Gaussian-like fundamental mode of a PCF,and Gaussian-like anti-Stokes output is more convenient to be used elsewhere.However,it is difficult to satisfy the phase matching condition in fundamental mode of a PCF,and there are few reports on FMW and anti-Stokes line generation in fundamental mode ofPCFs.Fig.1.Cross section of the fabricated PCF.In this Letter,we show that phase-matched FWM in fundamental mode of PCF can be achieved for ef-ficient anti-Stokes frequency conversion of low-energy femtosecond laser pulses.The PCF used in our exper-iment is a home-madefibre(Fig.1.),using the stan-dard stack and draw technology.[15]In order to sat-isfy phase matching condition,the PCF is designed such that its zero-dispersion wavelength of fundamen-tal mode is switched to around800nm by choosing the appropriate air hole diameter d and hole to hole pitchΛ.From the cross section of the PCF(Fig.1), we can see that during drawing process,outer rings of cladding air holes have suffered seriously distortion while the micro-structure of thefirstfive inner rings has remained.The average air hole diameter d and hole to hole pitchΛfor thefirstfive inner rings are about1.36µm and1.94µm,respectively.Due to rel-atively large air-filling fraction,light can be confined in the core tightly by only a few rings of air holes(nu-merical simulation shows that this PCF has a loss of only several db/km at1550nm with only three rings of air-holes),the distortion of outer rings has little im-pact on light propagation.To analyse the properties of waveguide modes, multi-pole method(MPM)[16,17]has been employed. Numerical results show that fundamental mode of this PCF is a doublet of degenerate modes with electric field intensity reaching its maximum at the centre of thefibre core and monotonically decreasing with the distance from the centre of thefibre(inset of Fig.2). From Fig.2,we can see that the zero-dispersion wave-length for the fundamental mode is at826nm.Figure 3shows the phase mismatchδβ=2βp−βa−βs for the2ωp=ωa+ωs FWM process(βp,βa,βs are the propagation constants of pump laser,anti-Stokes and Stokes signal,respectively)in the fundamental mode∗Supported by the National Basic Research Programme of China under Grant No2003CB314905,and the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No60637010.∗∗Email:ysuwangwei@c 2008Chinese Physical Society and IOP Publishing LtdNo.10WANG Wei et al.3683when810nm Ti:sapphire laser is used as pump.This calculation has clearly demonstrated the possibility of phase matched FWM with a pump near810nm and anti-Stokes radiation generation at610nm in funda-mentalmode.Fig.2.Group-velocity dispersion calculated as a function of the wavelength for the fundamental mode of the PCF.The inset shows thefield profile of the fundamental mode.The laser system used in our experiments was a Ti:sapphire laser(coherent)with tuning range700–980nm,repetition rate76MHz,pulse length200fs. Some attenuators were placed right behind the laser to control the input power.The200fs pulsefirst went through the attenuators,then was coupled into the core of PCF with a×40objective lens(0.65NA).Ra-diation emerging from the PCF was collimated with an identical stly,the output beam was delivered to a spectrumanalyser.Fig.3.Mismatchδβ=2βp−βa−βs of the propaga-tion constantsβp,βa andβs of the pump,anti-Stokes and Stokes signal in the fundamental mode with810nm Ti:sapphire laser used aspump.Fig.4.Experimental setup for the demonstration of FWM in the fundamental mode of thePCF.Fig.5.Spectra of radiation at the output of the PCF with810nm Ti:sapphire laser used as pump with different output powers:(a)50mW,(b)35mW,(c)30mW,(d)20mW.3684WANG Wei et al.Vol.25Figure5shows the spectra of radiation at the out-put of the PCF with810nm Ti:sapphire laser used as pump.The output power from Figs.5(a)–5(d)is 50,35,30and20mW,respectively.When the output power is high,which indicates a high input power, propagation of Ti:sapphire-laser pulses through the PCF was accompanied by many nonlinear-optical ef-fects,such as self-phase modulation,cross-phase mod-ulation,stimulated Raman scattering and FMW,lead-ing to the generation of new spectral components and spectral broadening of the pump(seen from Fig.5(a)). With the decrease of pump laser,FMW dominates the whole process.When the input power is low (Fig.5(d)),there exist only two peaks around810nm and610nm at the output spectrum of PCF,corre-sponding to pump laser and anti-Stokes signal,respec-tively(because the measurement range of our spec-trum analyser is from400to1100nm and we focus on the anti-Stokes generation,the Stokes signal around 1200nm is not shown here).The610nm peak agrees well with our numerical results(see Fig.3).The out-put energy of anti-Stokes signal is much higher than that of residual pump laser,indicating an efficiently anti-Stokes conversion of pump light.The maximum ratio of the anti-Stokes signal at610nm to the pump component at820nm in the output spectrum is about 1.2.From the far-field of output beam(Fig.6)we can clearly see that output signal has a Gaussian-like mode,whose intensity reaching its maximum at thecentre.Fig.6.Far-field of output signal.In summary,FWM and anti-Stokes line genera-tion in fundamental mode of PCF is demonstrated. The PCF used in our experiments has an average air hole diameter d≈1.36µm and hole to hole pitch Λ≈1.94µm for thefive inner rings.Numerical simu-lation shows that this PCF has a zero-dispersion wave-length around826nm and phase matching condition is possible in the fundamental mode of the PCF.By pumping the PCF with the810nm200fs pulse,anti-Stokes signal around610nm is generated efficiently, which agrees well with our prediction.The output energy of anti-Stokes signal at610nm is much more than that of residual pump laser at810nm and the maximum ratio of the anti-Stokes signal to the pump component in the output spectrum is estimated to be 1.2.References[1]Knight J C,Birks T A,Russell P S J and Atkin D M1996Opt.Lett.211547[2]Saitoh K and Koshiba M2004Opt.Express122027[3]Fedotov A B,Serebryannikov E E,Ivanov A A,Sidorov-Biryukov D A,Melnikov L A,Shcherbakov A V,Sun C K, Alfimov M V and Zheltikov A mun.267 505[4]Kuhlmey B,Renversez G and Maystre D2003Appl.Opt.42634[5]Poli F,Cucinotta A,Selleri S and Bouk A H2004IEEEPhoton.Technol.Lett.161065[6]Fedotov A B,Zheltikov A M,Tarasevitch A P and LindeD2001Appl.Phys.B73181[7]Broderick N G R,Monro T M,Bennett P J and RichardsonD J1999Opt.Lett.241395[8]Ranka J K,Windeler R S and Stentz A J2000Opt.Lett.25796[9]Naumov A N,Fedotov A B,Zheltikov A M,YakovlevV V,Mel’nikov L A,Beloglazov V I,Skibina N B and Shcherbakov A V2002J.Opt.Soc.Am.B192183 [10]Coen S,Chau A H L,Leonhardt R,Harvey J D,Knight JC,Wadsworth W J and Russell P S J2001Opt.Lett.26 1356[11]Yang T T,Shu C and Lin C.2005Opt.Express135409[12]Asimakis S,Petropoulos P,Poletti F,Leong J Y Y,MooreR C,Frampton K E,Feng X,Loh W H and Richardson D J.2007Opt.Express15596[13]Provino L,Dudley J M,Maillotte H,Grossard N,WindelerR S and Eggleton B J2001Electron.Lett.37558[14]Dudley J M,Provino L,Grossard N,Maillotte H,WindelerR S,Eggleton B J and Coen S2002J.Opt.Soc.Am.B 19765[15]Russell P2003Science17358[16]White T P,Kuhlmey B T,McPhedran R C,Maystre D,Renversez G,Martijn de Sterke C and Botten L C2002J.Opt.Soc.Am.B192322[17]Kuhlmey B T,White T P,Renversez G,Maystre D,BottenL C,Martijn de Sterke C and McPhedran R C2002J.Opt.Soc.Am.B192331。
