
How do you get to school?
take the subway (go by subway)
take a taxi
(go by taxi)
A: How do you get to school? B: I take a boat. (go by boat)
ride a bike
What are they?
I walk to school.
=I go to school on foot.
How do you get to school?
How do you get to school?
1a:Look at the picture and write:
take the subway 1___________________
2________________ walk
take the train 5________________ drive a car 6________________ take the taxi 7________________ go in a parents’ car 8_________________________
How do they get to school?
They ride their bikes.
How do they get to school? They take the bus.
A: How does he/she get to school? B: He/she takes a bus.(goes by bus)
人教版初中八年级上册英语教学课件 第四单元第一课时

Not Important
big screens comfortable seats best sound popular
close to home cheap new movies buy tickets quickly
seat n.座位;坐处(如椅子等)。
Blue Moon
Dream Clothes
Clothes Stores _B_l_u_e_M__o_o_n____It’s the most expensive. _M__i_ll_e_r_’s______ It has the best clothes. D_r_e_a_m__C__lo_t_h_e_s_ It’s the worst store. _M_i_l_le_r_’s__You can buy clothes the most
Fill in the blanks.
Greg:Hi,I’m Greg.I’m new in town.
Helen:Hi,I’m Helen. Welcome to the
neighborhood! How do you like it so far
Greg:It’s fantastic,but I still don’t really know my
Role-play (2d)
Read the conversation and answer the two questions: (1)Where is the best supermarket?
It is on Center Street.
(2)What is the newest cinema? Sun Cinema.
Unit4 SectionB 1a-1e课件 人教版英语八年级上册

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm
二. 用括号中形容词的适当形式填空。
1. I am very __t_ir_e_d__. But Tom is __m__o_r_e_t_ir_e_d__ than I . Frank is __th_e__m_o_s_t_t_ir_e_d_____. (tired)
_e_x_c_el_l_en__t piano player. A : Yeah, she’s great. And I thought Steve and
his dog were _t_h_e_f_u_n_n_i_es_t_. B : Me, too! I couldn’t stop laughing! And how
人教新目标Go For It八年 级英语上册
Unit4 What's the best movie theater SectionB 1a-1e
➢ Key words & phrases:
creative,performer,most creative, the best performer
A: Who was the best performer?
B: Eliza was the best performer.
我可以是平凡的. 我可以是任何人.
Talk about the school talent show. Talk Show Who do you think was the … perform.
B : _W__h_o_d_i_d_y_o_u__t_h_in__k_w__a_s_t_h_e_w__o_rs_t__? A : Oh, Dennis! He was terrible! He kept

Not Important
1b Listen and match the statements
with the movie theaters.
Town Cinema Screen City Movie World
Movie theaters
It has the biggest screens.
Bona Cinema has a bigger screen.
Poly Cinema has the biggest screen.
¥35 ¥30 ¥25
Poly Cinema Tickets are cheap.
Bona Cinema Tickets are cheaper.
Wanda Cinema Tickets are the cheapest.
Movie World
It’s the most popular near here. Screen City
It’s the closest to home.
Town Cinema
It has the shortest waiting time. Town Cinema
It has the best sound.
1a go to? Write the things in the box under
“Important” or “Not Important”.
comfortable seats big screens cheap
best sound new movies popular
cloБайду номын сангаасe to home buy tickets quickly

Unit Unit44 What's ? What'sthe thebest bestmovie movietheater theater ? Section SectionA A
Please answer the questions. 1.How often do you go to the movies? 2.Do you like going to a movie?
2.形容词的比较级和最高级。 比较级:①一般情况下,直接+er 例:faster ②以不发音字母e结尾的直接加r 例:later ③以辅音+元音+辅音结尾的,双写尾字母+er 例:fatter ④以辅音字母+y结尾的,把y变i+er。 例:funnier ⑤多音节形容词,变比较级要+more+形容词 。
comfortable seats big screens best sound cheap new movies close to home buy tickets quickly popular
Not Important
comfortable seats cheap close to home popular buy tickets quickly new movies big screens
最高级:①一般情况下,直接+est 例:fastest ②以不发音字母e结尾的,直接+st 例:latest ③以辅音+元音+辅音结尾的,双写尾字母+est 例:fattest ④以辅音字母+y结尾的,把y变i+est 例:funniest ⑤多音节形容词,变最高级要+most+形容词。 例:most interesting

➢ 在多音节和部分双音节词的前加 most 或
least beautiful
hard hardest
easy easiest
beautiful most
good beautiful
¥50 ¥40 ¥20
The tickets to Wanda Cinema are __c_h_e_a_p___. 形容词原级
The tickets to UME Moviห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ City are _c_h_e_a_p_e_r_. 形容词比较级
The tickets to Jinyi Cinema are _th_e__c_h_e_a_p_e_st_. 形容词最高级
adj.& adv.(bad和 badly的最高级) 最差/坏/糟(的);
adv.便宜地;低廉地 /'tʃi:pli/
close ticket worst cheaply
n. 歌;歌曲 /sɒŋ/,/ sɔ:ŋ/
n.(电台、电视台、俱乐 部的)音乐节目主持人
Language p1.oIitnhtass the biggest screens. 它有最大的屏幕。
biggest是big的最高级形式。形容词的最高级用于 三者或三者以上(人或物)的比较,最高级的前 面一般要加定冠词the,后面常接of/ in短语来说明 比较的范围。
它是所有苹果中最大的一个。 It’s the biggest apple of all.
新目标英语八年级上Unit 4 整体课件

Ss--/s/ sack safe sad same six self sleep
Tt--/t/ take tale tend tiger time toy tooth Uu--/ʌ/ up bus sum, cup ugly upset us
Vv--/v/ van veal very visit voice vote volt
Ff → /f/
fat fifth first food fun
Gg → /g/ Hh → /h/ Ii → /i/
game get good green egg give hat habit has help hi his happy hit, bit, stick, pin, pig it
Jj → /dʒ/ jeep Jack jacket jam job joke
th → /ð/ they them their the this that those
→ /θ/ thought mouth thank thing thirty
er, ir, ur → /ɜ:/ nurse, girl, sir, purple
tion → /ʃən/ 或者/ʃn/
dictionary generation action station informatio
Ww → /w/ wake wash watch week wet will wife wide width win wise Xx → /ks/ box fox ox ax Yy → /j/ yes, you, yard, year, yell
Zz → /z/
bicycle symbol dusty duty tidy
wh → /w/ wheat when where while white
人教英语八年级上册 Unit4SectionA (1a—1c) (共29张PPT)

What’s the best school? Why?
T: Where do you often go shopping? Why?
Did you go to the movie theater before? Let’s enjoy the pictures.
5. thin_t_h_e__th_i_n_n_e_st
6. big _th__e_b_i_g_gest
7. popular _t_h_e_m__o_s_t_p_o_p_u_l_a_r_
—What’s the best movie theater? —Movie World. It has the most
Birth: 1961,09,27 Height: 1.74m Weight: 64kg
taller shorter heavier thinner older younger more outgoing …
Birth: 1954,04,07 Birth: 1961,09,27 Birth: 1980,08,29
Chen Long is _t_h_e _s_h_o_r_te_s_t and Weight: Xie Tingfeng is _t_h_e _t_a_ll_e_s_t .
Chen Long is _t_h_e _li_g_h_te_s_t and Xie Tingfeng is _th_e_ h_e_a_v_i_e_s_t .
Classmates’ names
funniest quietest tallest

Adaptive Content
The courseware provides adaptive content that adjusts to the student's learning level, ensuring that the material is appropriate and challenging.
People's Education Press 8th Grade English Volume
Overview of courseware contentCharacteristics of courseware designTeaching methods and techniquesCourseware materials and resourcesCourseware evaluation and feedbackApplication and Promotion of Courseware
By creating scenarios, teachers can provide students with a more authentic and immersive learning experience, allowing them to better understand the context and meaning of the lesson.
By actively participating in the lesson, students can develop their communication skills, critical thinking abilities, and协作精神,which are important for their future development.

(1)ill/bad /badly (3)big (5)hot (7)little (9)hard (11)happy (13) careful (15) difficult (17)quiet
(2) busy (4) rude (6) easy (8) fast (10) many /much (12)far (14)good/well (16)small (18) old

Wang Wei: Yes, I like it very much because the air is fresher, the sky is bluer
and the rivers are clearer there
Michael: I think the countryside is m更uch安q静uieter than the city, too. People can 享受大自然的美丽
The rabbit is more beautiful than the cat.
The goose is the most beautiful of three.
Look and say
The dog can swim well. The duck can swim better than the dog.
Task 4.Key points.
Michael: Hey, Wang Wei, what are you thinking about ?
Wang Wei: Oh, I'm thinking about life in the countryside.
Michael: Do you like the countryside?
busy—busier— busiest 4.以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的单词,
双写末尾的辅音字母,再加er/est : big—bigger—biggest , (fat, thin, red, hot)
大部分双音节词和所有的多音节词: more+形容词构成比较级: more beautiful the most+形容词构成最高级: the most beautiful
and the rivers are clearer there
Michael: I think the countryside is m更uch安q静uieter than the city, too. People can 享受大自然的美丽
The rabbit is more beautiful than the cat.
The goose is the most beautiful of three.
Look and say
The dog can swim well. The duck can swim better than the dog.
Task 4.Key points.
Michael: Hey, Wang Wei, what are you thinking about ?
Wang Wei: Oh, I'm thinking about life in the countryside.
Michael: Do you like the countryside?
busy—busier— busiest 4.以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的单词,
双写末尾的辅音字母,再加er/est : big—bigger—biggest , (fat, thin, red, hot)
大部分双音节词和所有的多音节词: more+形容词构成比较级: more beautiful the most+形容词构成最高级: the most beautiful

通过学生的分组活动,激 发兴趣,在用中学,培养 学生口语交际能力。
Step5 Exercise:
(用以上的 调查内容写一篇小短文,讲述周围人上学的方式,字数在50字左 右)
Step6 Homework: Make conversations about transportations.
Unit4 How do you get to school ?
第一课时 (说课)
一 教材分析
(一)教材的地位及作用 1、 新目标英语教材的语言特点是:知识用于行动,强调语言应 用,培养创新,实践能力,它采用的是任务型语言教学,教材每单元都 设计了一些相关的教学任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中,使用英语 获取信息,培养学生的实际能力. 2 、本单元的分析及教材处理:本课是新目标英语八年级上册第四 单元,围绕谈论如何去上学这一话题展开,引导学生通过课本上的 各种活动来学会使用英语谈论乘坐不同的交通工具,,这些与现实 相连,因此在教学过程中,将联系生活,采用多种方式,以说为主,配 以听的练习来解决问题,同时通过How do you get to shool ?I take the bus.以及pairwork的反复练习,进一步提高学生听说读写的能 力.本单元的第一课时,Section A1a—1c主要学习交通工具的单词 以及特殊疑问句How do you get to school?及答语,通过听说读写 的任务活动,将其中的一些活动进行整合,为下一课的学习打下基 础.
这部分主要是通过用图片导入 新课,激发兴趣,学习巩固交 通工具的名称,学习新单词。
Step2 Presentation
1 、Free talk: How do you get to school? 2、 Teacher helps them to answer. 3、 Let students practice in pairs. A: How do you get to school ? B: I ride my bike.(=I get to school by bike .)
人教版八年级英语上册课件:Unit 4(共32张PPT)

•7、凡为教者必期于达到不须教。对人以诚信,人不欺我;对事以诚信,事无不成。2023/12/282023/12/28December 28, 2023 •8、教育者,非为已往,非为现在,而专为将来。2023/12/282023/12/282023/12/282023/12/28
重点词汇精析 1 close的用法 【教材例句】It’s the closest to home. 它离(我们) 家最近。(教材第25页) 【要点思维导图】
8. _n_o__p_r_o_b_l_e_m__ 没问题;没什么;不客气
典型句子 1. What’s the best movie theater? _最__好_的__电__影__院__是_哪__家__?__________________________ 2. It’s the closest to home. _它__离__(我__们__)_家__最__近__。___________________________ 3. Why do you think so? _你__为_什__么__会__这__样_觉__得__?__________________________
常考短语 1. ___m_o_v_i_e_t_h_e_a_te_r_ 电影院 2. __c_o_m__fo_r_t_a_b_le__s_e_a_ts__ 舒适的座位 3. ___b_e_c_l_o_s_e_t_o___ 接近;靠近 4. __c_l_o_th_e_s__s_to__re__ 服装店 5. ___ra_d_i_o_s_t_a_t_io_n__ 广播站 6. ____i_n__to_w__n____ 在镇上 7. _____s_o__fa_r_____ 到目前为止;迄今为止
重点词汇精析 1 close的用法 【教材例句】It’s the closest to home. 它离(我们) 家最近。(教材第25页) 【要点思维导图】
8. _n_o__p_r_o_b_l_e_m__ 没问题;没什么;不客气
典型句子 1. What’s the best movie theater? _最__好_的__电__影__院__是_哪__家__?__________________________ 2. It’s the closest to home. _它__离__(我__们__)_家__最__近__。___________________________ 3. Why do you think so? _你__为_什__么__会__这__样_觉__得__?__________________________
常考短语 1. ___m_o_v_i_e_t_h_e_a_te_r_ 电影院 2. __c_o_m__fo_r_t_a_b_le__s_e_a_ts__ 舒适的座位 3. ___b_e_c_l_o_s_e_t_o___ 接近;靠近 4. __c_l_o_th_e_s__s_to__re__ 服装店 5. ___ra_d_i_o_s_t_a_t_io_n__ 广播站 6. ____i_n__to_w__n____ 在镇上 7. _____s_o__fa_r_____ 到目前为止;迄今为止
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• ticket n. 票;入场券 • e.g. buy tickets quickly 买票快 • I want to buy two tickets. • 我想买两张票。
• a ticket to … …的票 • a train ticket to Beijing • 一张去北京的火车票 • two train tickets to Tianjin • 2张去天津的火车票
• • • • • • • • the key to the door 这扇门的钥匙 the answer to the question 这个问题的答案 the bridge to knowledge 通向知识的桥梁 the way to the school 去学校的路
Unit 4
What’s the best movie theater?
Movie theater
= cinema
comfortable seats
seat n. 座位
• 1、Are there enough seats for everyone? • 座位够吗? • 2、It has the most comfortable seats. • 有最舒适的座位。 • 3、have / take a seat 坐下 • 4、take one’s seat 就坐
=You can buy tickets the most quickly
Movie Theater
Movie World Screen City Town Cinema Town Cinema Screen City
It has the shortest waБайду номын сангаасting time.
It has the best sound.
What is the most important for you in a movie theater?
A: I think comfortable seats are the most important for me . B: For me, … and … are the most important in a movie theater. C: But I think …is the most important. D: In my opinion, I think … is the most important
comfortable Town Cinema has comfortable seats. Screen City has more comfortable seats. Movie World has the most comfortable seats.
cheap Town Cinema is cheap.
It has the biggest screens. It’s the most popular. It’s the closest to home. It’s the cheapest. It has the friendliest service. It has the most comfortable seats.
It has the most comfortable seats.
Movie World
Boy1: Do you want to go the movies? Girl: Sure. Boy2: I’ll go , too. Boy1: OK, great. What’s the best movie theatre to go to? Boy2: Town Cinema. It’s the closest to home. Girl: Yes, but they don’t have the new movies there. Boy2: Maybe not, but it’s the cheapest.
There are a lot of people working there.
You can buy tickets most quickly
Town Cinema is popular.
Screen City is more popular.
Movie World is the most popular.
• Boy1:Well, Town Cinema isn’t crowded, it has the friendliest service. • Girl: It's also in a fun part of town.
• Girl: It’s also in the most fun part • of town. • Boy1: Let’s look at the movie times in the newspaper and then decide. • Girl: OK with me. • Boy2: Me, too.
1. The door closes quietly. 这门关起来不发出什么声音。 关闭;盖上;合上 2. The post office closes at 6. 邮局六点关门。 (商店等)关门,打烊 3. At eleven the conference closed. 十一时大会结束。 结束 以上句子中close是不及物动词。
Screen City is cheaper.
Movie World is the cheapest.
quickly Movie World
You can buy tickets quickly.
Screen City
You can buy tickets more quickly Town Cinema
Screen City
200m Movie World My house
is the closest to my home.
• 1.close adj. • 接近be close to 靠近;在…的附近 • e.g. Our school is close to a park. • 我们的学校靠近一个公园。 • It’s the closest to home. • 离家最近。 • 亲密的,亲近的 • 2.e.g. We are close friends. • 我们是亲密的朋友。 • 关;关闭 v. • 3.e.g. Close the door, please! • 请关上门。
翻译下面句子 The cinema has the biggest screens. He is the most popular singer. It is the closest to home. The clothes are the cheapest. The restaurant has the friendliest service.
Important Not important
I think big screens and comfortable seats are important. I think close to home and cheap are not important.
-comfortable seats-----the most comfortable seats -new movies------the newest movies -big screen----- -the biggest screen -close to home----- -the closest to home -friendly service----- -the friendliest service -in a fun part of town -in the most fun part of town -cheap clothes----- -the cheapest clothes -popular songs----- -the most popular songs
The theater has the most comfortable seats.
1c Talk about the movie you know
A: What’s the best movie theater? B: Sun Cinema. It’s the cheapest. C: But I think Moon Theater has the most comfortable seats. D: For me, …… F: In my opinion, ……
good well bad badly many much far better worse best worst
more farther
most farthest
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Exercise One.
good sound
Town Cinema has good sound.
Movie World has better sound.
Screen City has the best sound.
Town Cinema
is close to my home.
is closer to my home.
big screen
friendly service
What does a good movie theater need?
big screens
comfortable seats
cheap tickets ……