



华信惠悦人力资本指数华信惠悦人力资本指数(HCI,Human Capital Index)目录∙1人力资本指数的概念∙2人力资本指数公式∙3人力资本与股东价值的关系∙4人力资本指数的应用意义∙5案例分析人力资本指数的概念人力资本指数HCI(Human Capital Index)是全球知名人力资源公司华信惠悦(WatsonWyatt Wordwide)发明的用来计算人力资本和股东价值相关性的方法。


华信惠悦(Watson Wyatt)开发了一系列量度标准,来定量分析人力资源政策、实务对股东价值的影响。



Watson Wyatt开发了一系列量度标准,来定量分析人力资源政策、实务对股东价值的影响。











我们的目标 和期待是什
我们将在哪 些方面参与
在收益和业绩方面 成为专业保险公司 中的佼佼者;
将XX公司在保险范 围、服务和定价等 的全球性战略扩展 至欧洲。
个人领域: HNWI
商业领域: 细分市场( 比如跨国公司);
占据主导地位的金融 专业;
在最具潜力的市场强 化我们的存在,脱离 无利可图的市场。
在所选市场 中,我们将 如何取胜?
客户满意的优质产品和服 通过与本公司保持特殊关系
的经纪人进行产品和服务销 售; 其他形式的销售; 保险业的卓越性,其将处于 我们业务的中心位置; 积极/主动地利用再保险、 以调节市场保险行业需求和 我们的风险欲望。
定岗定编在我国计划经济时代是由国家有关部门来承担的,当时的企业并 不需要过多地考虑这方面问题。随着国家经济体制和企业管理体制的改革, 企业面临日益激烈的市场竞争,定岗定编已经成为许多企业急需考虑和解 决的一个重要问题。
岗位是指组织中为完成某项任务而设立的工作职位。 定岗的过程就是岗位设计的过程。岗位设计也称为工作设计,是指根据组织
整分合原则。 在企业组织整体规划下应实现岗位的明确分工,又在分工基础上有 效地综合,使各岗位职责明确又能上下左右之间同步协调,以发挥最大的企业效 能。
最少岗位数原则。 既考虑到最大限度地节约人力成本,又要尽可能地缩短岗位之 间信息传递时间,减少“滤波”效应,提高组织的战斗力和市场竞争力。
规范化原则。 岗位名称及职责范围均应规范。对企业脑力劳动的岗位规范不宜过 细,应强调留有创新的余地。



时, 潜在员工也想追求 自己理想的工作场所而实现个人的职业生涯规划。因此 , “ 雇主品牌” 这个在
国际社 会 早 已得 到 广 泛应 用 的概 念 也 就频 频 出现 在 国内 企业 的视 野 中并 被 逐 步应 用 到 企业 的人
才招聘 中, 成为了企业吸引 、 争夺 、 留住人才的一种重要手段。以下笔者就雇主品牌在企业招聘中 的推广和应用谈谈浅见 。
雇 主 品牌 理念 在企业 招聘 中的推广 和应 用
黄 颖秋
( 福建 师范大学 福清分校管理系 , 福建 福清 3 5 0 3 0 0 )

要: 近几年来 , 雇主品牌理念正被逐步应用到企业的人 才招聘 中。本 文分 别从企业和潜在员工角度
谈如何看待雇主品牌 ; 介 绍雇 主品牌理念在企 业招聘 中的贯彻方式和六种 宣传方式 以及失误之 处。由此 , 提 出建 言: 雇主 品牌 的核心是 以员工为本 , 企业不能光靠外部 “ 购 买员工” , 更应通过雇主品牌 建设 “ 培育员工忠
他的利益相关人 、 更大范 围的社会群体 以及潜在雇员 的一种情感关系 , 通过各种方式表 明企业是
最值得期望和尊重 的雇主。雇 主品牌理论是建立在人力资本理论 、 心理契约理论和品牌资产理论 基础上的 , 并借助营销学与市场学 的方法 , 深入应用到企业的人力资源管理中。部分学者从外部视 角来定义雇主 品牌 ,将其看作是企业在人 力资源市场上 的形象 。E w i n g . P i t t , d e B u s s y和 B e  ̄ h o n f 2 0 0 2 1 认为 ,雇主品牌就是企业建立起来 的,与其它企业相 比,本企业是最佳工作场所的形象。
工爱岗敬业 , 在行动上维护企业利益 , 降低公司管理和业务风险。







4.2 职位评估的实施YDTB公司实施职位评估的方法是采用华信惠悦公司所提供的GGS全球职等系统,应用计算机对职位进行评估,该系统共分为25个职位等级,根据公司的业务性质及规模确定公司最高职位等级,把公司的员工分为职能管理和专业人员两大类;然后通过对不同职位的领导责任或专业技术发挥等情况进行评价,把各职等分为1~6个职等段;再通过对专业知识、业务专长、团队领导、解决问题、影响性质、影响领域、人际关系技巧七个职位要素对具体的职位进行评估,从而得出该职位的职位等级。



美国:涉及52个国家,超过 5000家公司,超过2000个职位;欧洲:涉及50个国家,超过2500个公司,超过150个职位;亚太地区:涉及11个国家,超过1200个公司,超过150个职位。


华信惠悦人力资本指数(HCI,Human Capital Index)

华信惠悦人力资本指数(HCI,Human Capital Index)

华信惠悦人力资本指数华信惠悦人力资本指数(HCI,Human Capital Index)目录[隐藏]1 人力资本指数的概念2 人力资本指数公式3 人力资本与股东价值的关系4 人力资本指数的应用意义5 案例分析6 外部链接人力资本指数的概念人力资本指数HCI(Human Capital Index)是全球知名人力资源公司华信惠悦(WatsonWyatt Wordwide)发明的用来计算人力资本和股东价值相关性的方法。


华信惠悦(Watson Wyatt)开发了一系列量度标准,来定量分析人力资源政策、实务对股东价值的影响。



Watson Wyatt开发了一系列量度标准,来定量分析人力资源政策、实务对股东价值的影响。















4.2 职位评估的实施YDTB公司实施职位评估的方法是采用华信惠悦公司所提供的GGS全球职等系统,应用计算机对职位进行评估,该系统共分为25个职位等级,根据公司的业务性质及规模确定公司最高职位等级,把公司的员工分为职能管理和专业人员两大类;然后通过对不同职位的领导责任或专业技术发挥等情况进行评价,把各职等分为1~6个职等段;再通过对专业知识、业务专长、团队领导、解决问题、影响性质、影响领域、人际关系技巧七个职位要素对具体的职位进行评估,从而得出该职位的职位等级。



美国:涉及52个国家,超过 5000家公司,超过2000个职位;欧洲:涉及50个国家,超过2500个公司,超过150个职位;亚太地区:涉及11个国家,超过1200个公司,超过150个职位。





把人力作为资本来运作一家企业投资 5000 万元进行一项技术创新,项目进行到快要完成但是还没有出成果时,一家外企来挖墙脚,15%的技术股份就把该项目主管挖走了,虽然这个项目主管没有带走任何资料以及数据,但企业的这个项目还是搞不下去了,原因是这个项目失去了最重要的人力资本。









著名经济学家、清华大学教授魏杰说“谁把人力资本视若打工者,谁必将丧失竞争力” 。

其实人力作为一种资本,虽没有出资,但它一般却相当于企业 38%左右的产权。


浙江的一家企业引进了价值 2000 万的设备,而该厂惟一懂得维修保养该设备的工人的月工资仅 400 元,这位工人最终不得不与厂家解除了劳动合同。



殊不知我国技术工人已经求大于供,高级技工更成了“稀缺资源” 。




2006年第6期总第100期福建行政学院福建经济管理干部学院学报Jo urnal of Fuji an School of Administ ratio n and Fujian In sti tut e of Economics and Management No.6,2006G e neral No.100传统文化与人力资源管理杨明芳(福建行政学院人事处,福建福州350002)摘 要:人力资源作为一种新的管理模式,已经越来越多地被接受,但在发展过程中存在相应的体制和机制上的问题,需要吸取传统文化在重人、选人、激励方面的合理因素,以此启发用人单位在人力资源的开发与创新中加以运用和借鉴。

关键词:人力资源;管理;传统文化;借鉴中图分类号:C961 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008584X(2006)06005804收稿日期6作者简介杨明芳(6),女,福建漳州人,福建行政学院人事处。




一、问题的提出 20世纪90年代后期,国内开始大量引入西方的人力资源管理理论与技术:如工作分析法、工作评价法、360度考核等。











关键词:企业;经济效益;人力资源管理中图分类号:f272.92 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1001-828x (2013)01-00-01一、企业经济效益与人力资源管理关系的概述“我们的员工是我们最重要的资产”,许多企业都用这句话来说明员工在组织中的重要性。


华信惠悦咨询公司从组织过一项对欧洲、北美和亚太地区的2000多家公司进行名为“人力资源指数”(human capital index)的全面调查,得出这样的结论,以企业员工为核心的人力资源管理,创造超额股东价值,为企业获得了绝对优势。





而hr们大都称自己压力比较大,这样看来,不正是自身素质的不够才让他们有这种想法吗?建议:企业应重视人力资源管理者在组织中的重要性,虽然他们不是公司盈利的直接创造者,但确实公司业务部门的伙伴;对于hr 培训,不能过分引进外国的管理模式更套在我国上,这样反而得不偿失;在招聘环节就应严格筛选,方式有申请表、笔试、绩效模拟测试、面谈、履历调查、体格测试,录用专业知识和实践知识强,同时沟通能力好的人员。



保 健 因 素 包 括 : 绩 效 评 估 、激 励 、环 境 、授 权 、发 展 机 会 等 ; 而 激 励 因 素 只
有一个, 就是企业文化。保健因素所起到的作用是: 如果具备这些因素,
员工没有不忠诚, 但是员工也不会因此而忠诚。而激励因素是激发员工
董创春 员工忠诚与忠诚度的研究综述
谭 远 发 、王 挺( 2004) 认 为 , 员 工 忠 诚 度 下 降 的 原 因 一 是 多 元 化 的 需 求, 二是企业管理理念, 三是法制不健全。
蒋 建 华 、杨 廷 钫( 2004) 认 为 , 员 工 忠 诚 度 下 降 的 原 因 一 是 对 人 的 重 要性认识不足, 二是缺乏良好的沟通, 三是员工缺乏团队意识, 四是员工 缺乏就业安全, 五是薪酬福利政策不合理, 六是员工难以实现自我, 七是 招聘方法不科学。
陈萍( 2004) 从心理契约角度分析认为, 现实中造成员工对企业的忠 诚度下降的原因主要在于员工与企业的心理契约不协调。 3.3 培养和提高员工忠诚度的对策和措施
吴庆平, 张西龙( 2000) 认为, 培养员工忠诚度的对策有: 一是慎重的 招聘策略, 二是提供事业发展的机会, 三是经常交流与沟通, 四是提供经 济保障和分享工作成果。
3.1 影响员工忠诚的因素
周 亚 越 、俞 海 山( 2003) 提 出 了 影 响 员 工 忠 诚 的 三 维 因 素 : 员 工 个 人
因 素( 包 括 个 人 品 质 、个 性 特 质 、职 业 成 熟 、技 术 和 年 龄) 、企 业 本 身 因 素
( 包括企业规模和经营状况、人力资源管理制度、裁员及工作环境) 、社会
3 有关员工忠诚与忠诚度的内容研究
目前国内外对员工忠诚与忠诚度的探讨还处于初始阶段, 仅有的一


制度的执行是落实企业文化建设中的难点, 领导者的例外行为是对制度文化的最大威胁
北京 天津 成都 武汉 上海 南京 大连
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
本地化与专业化的矛盾 条块管理的矛盾 突出表现为总部的命令和政策不能完全贯彻下去, 尾大难调(中国企业表现更明显,这是文化问题— 天高皇帝远,将在外君命有所不授) 地产行业是地域性最强的行业,于是上述矛盾更 为突出。
万科的成功不在于制度创新而在于它 真执行了制度
–总部控制了人事权不等于控制了结果-“自己人做大也 可以不听话” –制度是建立在公司价值观基础上的,是公司价值观的表 现。 –如果制定下来的制度得不到执行,实际上是对公司价值 观的否定。 –程序错了,结果再对也不能“下不为例” ,因为人与 电脑在程序上的最大区别—结果不同
集团董事长 集团人力资源部 集团职委会
如果你是这个分公司经理会不会同意炒 这个人?
公司总部人力资源部接到投诉后,立即着手开始调查此事,调查过程中了解到, A公司坚持认为该员工不服从管理,应该予以辞退,同时销售经理本人也表示, 如果总部要撤消辞退决定,他就立刻辞职。人力资源部经过研究讨论,认为按 照规定,基层管理者如果在工作上犯了错误,首先应该是降职,如果降职后仍 然表现不好,才能将其辞退,仅凭这位主管因工作问题与上司发生冲突,并不 足以将其辞退。另外,公司《职员手册》在程序上明确规定,要辞退一个员工, 也必须是在征得分公司老总和总部人力资源部共同同意、并征询职委会意见下 方可进行。由此看来,A公司的做法不符合程序,但考虑到A公司已经出了公 告,为了维护公司管理层的权威和尊严,还是决定维持原判,同时说明下不为 例,并将此意见反馈给职委会。职委会收到事件调查报告后,对此提出了异议, 认为既然《职员手册》是公司应该遵循的规章大法,为什么不遵照执行?如果 开了这样的先例,是不是今后任何一个部门经理只要对员工不满意,都可以随 意的辞退?那员工的利益还如何得到保障?因此,职委会对辞退该名员工表示 反对,认为这样的先例不能开 最后,人力资源部和职委会的意见分歧集中汇总到集团的最高决策层——集团 董事长王石先生处



hci是人力资本指数(Human Capital Index)。

人力资本指数(Human Capital Index)是全球知名人力资源公司华信惠悦(WatsonWyatt Wordwide)发明的用来计算人力资本和股东价值相关性的方法。
















4.2 职位评估的实施YDTB公司实施职位评估的方法是采用华信惠悦公司所提供的GGS全球职等系统,应用计算机对职位进行评估,该系统共分为25个职位等级,根据公司的业务性质及规模确定公司最高职位等级,把公司的员工分为职能管理和专业人员两大类;然后通过对不同职位的领导责任或专业技术发挥等情况进行评价,把各职等分为1~6个职等段;再通过对专业知识、业务专长、团队领导、解决问题、影响性质、影响领域、人际关系技巧七个职位要素对具体的职位进行评估,从而得出该职位的职位等级。



美国:涉及52个国家,超过 5000家公司,超过2000个职位;欧洲:涉及50个国家,超过2500个公司,超过150个职位;亚太地区:涉及11个国家,超过1200个公司,超过150个职位。


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W W W . W A T S O N W Y A T T . C O MAsia -Pacific Human Resource TrendsFourth Quarter 2003 –Summary of TrendsReference Sources:The Economist Group The Straits Times The Business Times Channel News AsiaCountries CoveredAustraliaIndonesiaSingapore ThailandIndia Malaysia Philippines Hong KongTaiwanSouth KoreaJapan ChinaNew ZealandHR Trends UpdateAUSTRALIAGDP, Inflation & Pay trends from 1999 -20040.0%1.0%2.0%3.0%4.0%5.0%6.0%GDP * 4.7% 2.8% 2.7% 3.6% 2.9% 3.6%CPI *1.5% 4.5% 4.4% 3.0%2.8% 2.8%Salary Increase5.3%5.2%5.1%4.2%4.1%3.7%199920002001200220032004AnticipatedFigures for GDP and CPI were obtained from the Economist Group●Australia’s economy faces a difficult transition in 2004. Growth in the real estate and related construction sectors, which has boomed for several years, is expected to slow in the face of higher interest rates and greater caution by consumers. Despite strong demand for commodity exports overall export growth is also in danger of slowing as the higher Australian dollar undermines the competitive advantage of rural, services and manufactured exports. Despite this, most local analysts believe domestic demand will remain quite firm (with retail sales growth staying close to the 8.6% year-on-year pace set in October) and new investment in the resources sector will offset slower growth in housing construction.●Long-term unemployment is at its lowest level in more than 13 years according to new data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The level of long-term unemployment (those unemployed for two years or more) is reported to have fallen by 40,700 (or 38.0 per cent) since March 1996.AustraliaHR Trends UpdateCHINA-2.0%0.0%2.0%4.0%6.0%8.0%10.0%GDP 7.2%8.0%7.3%8.0%8.8%8.3%CPI-1.3%0.4%0.7%-0.8%0.9% 1.4%Salary Increase8.3%7.2%7.5%8.0%7.5%7.50%199920002001200220032004Anticipated GDP, Inflation & Pay trends from 1999 -2004Figures for GDP and CPI were obtained from the Economist Group●China ’s official economic growth figure for 2003 is likely to be close to 9%. Concerns persist about the pace of investment and credit growth in China--if a bubble is building, this could have significant repercussions, not just for China itself but for the rest of the region, which has been benefiting from the recent strong demand in that key emerging market. However, It is believed that talk of the economy overheating will subside over the next few months as Beijing ’s measures to cool the few sectors with very strong growth (e.g. steel, construction materials, automobiles) are working well.●Signs are that trade troubles for China will continue to mark 2004 what with the US slapping a major anti-dumping against it.●Regional press reports indicate the Beijing is drafting rules to curb the rapid expansion of large-scale foreign retailers. There has been exceptional growth in these types of stores in recent years from a very low base. The new rules may allow Beijing to block any further expansion by those foreign retailers who have not adhered to Beijing ’s existing guidelines. This may include foreign stores that have simply sought local approval before setting up.ChinaHR Trends UpdateHONG KONG-5.0%0.0%5.0%10.0%15.0%20.0%GDP 3.0%10.5%0.1% 2.0% 1.5% 6.0%CPI-4.0%-3.8%-1.6%-3.0%-2.0%0.5%Salary Increase0.6%1.8%3.1%0.2%0.39%0.26%199920002001200220032004AnticipatedGDP, Inflation & Pay trends from 1999 -2004Figures for GDP and CPI were obtained from the Economist GroupHong Kong●The modest upturn that emerged in HK’s economy in Q3 continues to build and is expected todeliver GDP growth of close to 6% in 2004.●Unemployment for the three months to November fell to 7.5%, the fourth consecutive month ofdecline (the rate is measured in 3-month blocks).●The surge in PRC tourists over the last two months has enabled retailers to end the deepdiscounts that were launched to counter the impact of SARS in Q2. Spending by Chinese tourists pushed October retail sales up 3.8% year-on-year by value and 4.6% year-on-year by volume. A growing number of local forecasters have now moved their 2004 GDP forecasts up to 6%.HR Trends Update INDIA0.0%5.0%10.0%15.0%20.0%25.0%30.0%35.0%40.0%45.0%50.0%GDP 6.8% 6.1% 4.0% 5.4% 4.6%7.2%CPI 9.0% 5.5% 5.0% 4.5% 3.8% 4.5%Salary Increase 15.0%15.0%15.0%11.4%12.3%12.2%199920002001200220032004AnticipatedGDP, Inflation & Pay trends from 1999 -2004Figures for GDP and CPI were obtained from the Economist Group* Figures are a percentage of total guaranteed remuneration minus variable bonusIndia●India’s economy has started to boom on the back of one of the best monsoons in a decade andthis is producing an array of very favourable economic results that point to particularly strong and stable growth in 2004. Most GDP estimates for the fiscal year ending March 31 have now been revised up to 7-8%.●Strong consumer demand plus lower inflation and lower interest rates are expected to trigger asurge in investment spending by corporates in 2004. Record foreign exchange reserves –which just exceeded US$100bn for the first time –have enabled the government to start prepaying foreign loans in an effort to reduce its interest costs. According to the latest Ascon survey for the first nine months of the current fiscal, as many as 17 industries recorded 20% plus growth rate in production as against just thirteen in the corresponding period last financial year (the Economic Times India). The CII survey which covered 134 manufacturing associations revealed that the automobile sector has continued to be the outperformer.●India has risen to the second position among nations ranked according to the size of investment bythe World Bank’s private sector investment arm, International Finance Corporation (IFC). Just three years ago, India ranked No 6.HR Trends Update INDONESIA0.0%5.0%10.0%15.0%20.0%25.0%GDP 0.9% 4.9% 3.4% 3.7% 4.3% 4.5%CPI 2.0%9.4%12.6%10.0% 5.3% 6.0%Salary Increase 22.3%17.5%17.4%15.4%12.0%11.0%199920002001200220032004AnticipatedGDP, Inflation & Pay trends from 1999 -2004Figures for GDP and CPI were obtained from the Economist GroupIndonesia●Indonesia is poised for a parliamentary election in April and the country's first ever directpresidential vote in July (which could be followed by a second round in September, if the first vote produces no clear winner). Political uncertainty in the run-up to the elections is likely to prevent any significant recovery in foreign or domestic investment this year, however.●On December 20 the IMF approved the last tranche(US$505m) of its $5.3bn program to assistIndonesia’s recovery set up in February 2000. Inflation and inte rest rates are low by historical standards and still falling; foreign reserves are a reasonable US$35bn; growth has stabilized around 4%; the banking system recapitalised; the Rupiah has recovered some ground; and the government’s fiscal performance has been good (this year’s budge t deficit will be held to 1.9% of GDP).HR Trends Update JAPAN-2.0%-1.0%0.0%1.0%2.0%3.0%4.0%5.0%GDP 0.8% 2.4%-0.5%0.1% 2.3% 2.0%CPI -0.3%-0.7%-1.0%-0.9%-0.4%0.8%Salary Increase ** 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 3.4% 2.6% 2.5%199920002001200220032004AnticipatedGDP, Inflation & Pay trends from 1999 -2004Figures for GDP and CPI were obtained from the Economist GroupJapan●Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi said this week that the Japanese economy has recovered fromrecession, the first time he has made such an assessment since taking office in 2001. Sustaininga recovery will not be easy, analysts said, because the rising cost of caring for Japan's agingpopulation is curbing consumer spending, which makes up more than half the economy.● A rising yen threatens to dent the recovery from a third recession in 12 years by crimpingoverseas sales of Japanese companies. Japan sold a record ¥20.1 trillion, or $189 billion, last year, as it sought to slow the yen's 11 percent gain against the dollar.●Japan's jobless rate in December fell to 4.9 percent, the lowest level in more than two years, butfears remained that the nation's export-led recovery was not translating into sufficient job growth.HR Trends Update MALAYSIA0.0%1.0%2.0%3.0%4.0%5.0%6.0%7.0%8.0%9.0%GDP 6.1%8.3%0.4% 4.2% 5.0% 5.5%CPI 2.8% 1.5% 1.2% 1.8% 1.0% 1.5%Salary Increase 5.5% 6.6%7.6% 5.9% 5.4% 5.5%199920002001200220032004AnticipatedGDP, Inflation & Pay trends from 1999 -2004Figures for GDP and CPI were obtained from the Economist GroupMalaysia●The new PM Abdullah Badawi is winning the approval of both foreign and local analysts for hisshake-up of the government bureaucracy and willingness to tackle difficult policy decisions left over from the Mahathir-era, which ended on October 31.●Following upward government revisions to August and September tr ade data, Malaysia’seconomy now looks set to nudge at 5% year-on-year GDP growth for 2003. Industrial production for October jumped 11.3% year-on-year as factories geared up for year end shipments to major overseas markets. The trade outlook for 2004 is very positive due to the import strength in late 2003 (some 71% of all imports are intermediate goods for export manufacturing). The US dollar peg is not proving as beneficial to the export recovery as might be thought as Malaysia’s domestic manufacturers as well as it exporters requiring Japanese components face sharply rising costs on their non-US dollar imports. This has ignited a local debate on whether the time has come to unpeg the Ringgit from its 3.80 tie to the US dollar.HR Trends UpdateNEW ZEALAND0.0%1.0%2.0%3.0%4.0%5.0%6.0%GDP - 3.4% 2.5% 4.2% 3.0% 2.8%CPI - 4.0% 1.8% 2.7% 1.1% 1.7%Salary Increase 2.8% 2.6% 3.7% 5.2% 3.0% 3.0%199920002001200220032004AnticipatedGDP, Inflation & Pay trends from 1999 -2004Figures for GDP and CPI were obtained from the Economist Group* Figures pertain to senior executivesNew Zealand●New Zealand consumer prices rose in the fourth quarter at the fastest pace in 18 months,increasing the chance of an interest-rate rise next week, the government statistics agency said this week.●The government has signaled looser controls on foreign purchases of local companies, withofficials due to draw up new laws by June that are likely to end any special restrictions on foreign companies buying local companies. The move would give New Zealand a more liberal investment policy.HR Trends Update PHILIPPINES0.0%2.0%4.0%6.0%8.0%10.0%12.0%14.0%GDP 3.7% 4.0% 3.4% 4.2% 4.2% 4.5%CPI 6.6% 4.4% 6.1% 3.5% 3.2% 3.4%Salary Increase 11.7%11.3%11.4%9.4%8.8%8.9%199920002001200220032004AnticipatedGDP, Inflation & Pay trends from 1999 -2004Figures for GDP and CPI were obtained from the Economist GroupPhilippines●December saw Japan and the Philippines agree to formal talks aimed at a free trade agreement(FTA) between the two countries. Japan is the largest exporter to the Philippines (mainly machine and car parts) and is the second largest importer of Filipino goods (typically semi-conductors and electronic machinery). A recent study estimated that the benefit to the Philippines of a FTA with Japan would be a boost to GDP of between 1.7 and 3.0% of GDP.● A slow recovery is expected to emerge over the next six months. A variety of factors, includinginvestor uncertainty ahead of the May presidential election, will prevent growth from reaching the government's targeted 4.9-5.9% range. Consumer spending will be helped by record remittances from offshore Filipino workers according to the latest central bank estimates, while unemployment has started edging down from a July high of 12.6% to 10.1% in October, the lowest rate in two years. Exports also look set to add mildly to the economy with the trade deficits for each of the first nine months being replaced by small surpluses in October and November as exports belatedly followed the export recovery elsewhere in Asia. However, political uncertainty is likely to hinder any investment recovery in 2004.HR Trends Update SINGAPORE-4.0%-2.0%0.0%2.0%4.0%6.0%8.0%10.0%12.0%GDP 5.9%10.3%-2.0% 2.8% 1.0% 5.0%CPI 0.1% 1.3% 1.0%-0.5%0.4% 1.2%Salary Increase 2.6% 5.6% 4.9% 3.4% 3.2% 3.1%199920002001200220032004AnticipatedGDP, Inflation & Pay trends from 1999 -2004Figures for GDP and CPI were obtained from the Economist GroupSingapore●Indicators across the Singapore economy point towards much stronger growth in 2004.●Retail sales have also been higher than expected in recent months (though in part due to“buying-up” before a 1% point sales tax increase in 2004). The stock mar ket is performing very well with a wave of IPOs in late 2003. The main moderating factor is the export data, which is weak —a point of concern because some of Singapore’s neighbours such as Taiwan and South Korea are seeing exceptional export growth. Despite this an industrial recovery is expected to produce a sharp GDP rebound as Singapore’s giant manufacturing f irms swing from two years of savage inventory rundown to a modest inventory rebuilding in early ’04.●Analysts remain optimistic about Singapore's economic recovery, despite concerns about thespread of bird flu in the region. Researchers at United Overseas Bank, for instance, estimate the outbreak, if contained within the poultry industry, will only trim Asia's GDP by just 0.036 percentage point.●Singapore's unemployment rate dropped one percentage point to 4.5 per cent in December as ittracked the country's improving economy more quickly than expected, the Government said this week. In this quarter’s HR Trends Survey, we found that slightly more than 70% of companies intend to restructure their wage systems in 2004. Of these companies, the top three approaches they plan to adopt is capping the salary range in each grade to 50% (59% of respondents chose this option), followed by reviewing & adjusting the compensation mix (53%) and moving towardsa competency based merit pay system (40%).●Close to 70% of companies that responded to this survey also indicated their intention of hiringnew employees within the next 12 months. The majority of new hires would have at least 1 –5 years of relevant working experience. The top 5 job functions of intended new hires are sales, followed by engineering, finance & accounting, marketing and customer service.Singapore●In a glimpse into what Singaporeans' pay cheques may look like in the future, a high-leveltaskforce appointed by the Government has unveiled its blueprint on how to restructure wages.The recommendations are meant to give employers more flexibility and to save jobs in a downturn.●The ideal would be to have an employee's basic wage -the fixed component -making up 70 percent of his total annual salary, with the remaining 30 per cent being variable. For middle managers, it should be 60 per cent fixed and 40 per cent variable, while for top management, it should be 50-50. The variable component should be made up of two parts -a monthly variable component, and an annual variable component.HR Trends Update SOUTH KOREA0.0%2.0%4.0%6.0%8.0%10.0%12.0%GDP10.7%9.3% 3.0% 6.2% 2.7% 6.5%CPI0.8% 2.3% 3.2% 2.9% 2.8% 3.5%Salary Increase 6.7%10.2%9.6%9.2%7.8%7.7%199920002001200220032004Anticipated GDP, Inflation & Pay trends from 1999 -2004Figures for GDP and CPI were obtained from the Economist GroupSouth Korea●For South Korea, 2003 was a most challenging year. In 2004 real GDP is forecast to grow by 5.1%, almost double the rate of 2.7% estimated for last year. The outlook for domestic demand over the short term is mixed. Having contracted last year, private consumption is expected to grow by 2.8%, but constrained household balance sheets could limit the speed of recovery. Business investment should accelerate in 2004 as export conditions improve. However,the fragile financial state of many South Korean firms and the uncertain political scene will ensure that the pace of recovery remains slow.●Foreign investment is believed to have fallen significantly in 2003 in the face of rising political uncertainty, North Korea risk and labour strikes. Yet a strong FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) recovery is expected to be possible in 2004 as global manufacturers look for high quality production facilities to serve the nearby Chinese market. US firms have already found that exports from their Korean factories into China are booming and are likely to lift investment in new export capacity in 2004.●Singapore and South Korea have agreed to conclude a free trade agreement by the end of this year. This follows their first round of negotiations in the city-state which wrapped up on Thursday. Besides removing tariffs on goods, the deal could also open up the countries' services industries in areas like construction and financial services.HR Trends UpdateTAIWAN-5.0%0.0%5.0%10.0%15.0%20.0%GDP 5.4% 6.0%-2.2% 3.3% 3.0% 4.0%CPI 0.2% 1.3%0.0%0.5%0.2%0.3%Salary Increase 5.9% 6.2% 5.3% 3.2% 3.4% 3.7%199920002001200220032004AnticipatedGDP, Inflation & Pay trends from 1999 -2004Figures for GDP and CPI were obtained from the Economist GroupTaiwan●Forecasts for GDP growth in 2004 are becoming more optimistic, with the CEPD upping itsforecast from 4.7% to 5% on the basis of strong global demand for Taiwan's exports and some foreign analysts tipping 6%. Industrial production has surged over the last few months with November exports jumping 16.2% year-on-year to a record US$13.8bn. The Economist retains its more conservative forecast of 4% GDP growth pending the outcome of the March 2004 election.●Apart from one recent SARS infection case, which briefly shook markets, the rise in politicaltension in the next few months could well undermine domestic consumer confidence and put at risk the massive commercial links between China and Taiwan. As these links are particularly critical to the global IT industry this requires close watching.The NT dollar is expected to remain steady on the US dollar until the election, provided tensions with China do not reach dangerous levels; thereafter it is expected to gradually appreciate.●Taiwan's electronics makers are expanding to meet surging demand in China, where factoryproduction is growing at a record pace and per capita disposable incomes in towns and cities last year topped $1,000 for the first time. The expansion of the electronics industry is helping to create jobs and revive growth in the Taiwanese economy. Electronics account for more than a fifth of Taiwan's overseas sales, which in turn contribute about half of the island's gross domestic product. Total exports rose 21 percent to a record $14 billion in December and electronics shipments grew 33 percent. Shipments to China, which account for about a third of the island's overseas sales, jumped 33 percent.HR Trends Update THAILAND0.0%5.0%10.0%15.0%20.0%25.0%30.0%GDP * 5.0% 4.6% 1.9% 4.9% 6.4% 6.8%CPI *0.3% 1.5% 1.7%0.7% 1.7% 2.0%Salary Increase 5.3% 6.7% 5.1% 4.9% 6.0% 6.3%199920002001200220032004AnticipatedGDP, Inflation & Pay trends from 1999 -2004Figures for GDP and CPI were obtained from the Economist GroupThailand●The Thai economy is one of the best performing in the region for2003, second only to China.Despite the key tourist industry being hit by the SARS outbreak,the economy has managed to perform beyond expectations, all thanks to strong exports, and equally-buoyant domestic demand. Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has already announced a 2004 growth forecast of 8 percent. Once again, his optimism has been met with widespread skepticism. At the start of 2003, some analysts had laughed at the government's optimistic forecast of 6.5 percent GDP growth. However, many are now saying that since he has been able to pull it off once, he might be lucky enough to do it again.● A recent concern is that the poultry sector will be affected this year as numerous countries haveplaced bans on Thai chicken. Thailand is the largest chicken exporter in Asia, with exports this year previously targeted at some $1 billion. However, Kanit Sangsubhan, director of the Fiscal Policy Research Institute, said that while the poultry sector would definitely be affected, the impact on total exports of $80 billion was expected to be small.He said a three-month ban on chicken exports would affect total export revenues by just 0.4% and cut only 0.11 percentage points from annual growth.THE END。
