





[参考范文]The student union has recently agreed to set up an English club.It aims to encourage students to learn English outside of class, to raise English abilities and to create a favorable English-learning atmosphere.During this term foreign experts will give lectures on English and American cultures once a week, and students can meet once a week at the English corner.Besides, we will also have lectures given on the study of English.anyone in the school is welcome to join the club by filling in the related from and providing one photo by the end of this month.1, our first meeting will be held in the school gym at 5:00 p.m.Friday, 21 February, 2004.The student union 14 February, 2004 欢迎词:[题目要求] 一批外宾到你们学校参观,并决定参加你班的英语晚会,会上由你致词表示欢迎,并介绍班级情况。






应用文写作常考信件写作,如辞职信、投诉信、感谢信、表扬信、会议 MEMO等都是考生应重点把握的。

以下分别介绍:PETS英语写作模板之一-辩论式议论文模版1 Some people believe (argue, recognize, think) that 观点1. But other people take an opposite side. They firmly believe that 观点 2. As for me, I agree to the former/latter idea. There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief. First of all,论据1. More importantly,论据2. Most important of all,论据3. In summary,总结观点。

As a college student,I am supposed to 表决心。

或 From above, we can predict that 预测。

模版2 People hold different views about X. Some people are of the opinion that 观点1, while others point out that 观点 2. As far as I am concerned,theformer/latter opinion holds more weight. For one thing,论据1. For another,论据2. Last but not the least,论据3. To conclude,总结观点。




不同的人有不同的看法,有的认为______,有的认为____________,还有的认为____________我认为最重要的一点是____________.第一段:T h e r e i s n o d e n y i n g t h e f a c t t h a t (w h y/h o w/w h a t) ____________i s a h o t t o p i c w h i c h i s m u c h t a l k e d a b o u t[n o t o n l y b y____________,b u t a l s o b y____________/b y p e o p l e a c r o s s t h e w o r l d/i n am o d e r n s o c i e t y].或:T h e r e i s n o d e n y i n g t h e f a c t t h a t(w h y/h o w/w h a t)____________i s a p o p u l a r t o p i cw h i c h h a s c a u s e d h e a t e d d e b a t e o v e r a l o n g p e r i o do f t i m e (b e c a u s e i t a f f e c t s e v e r y b o d y i n h i s o r h e r d a i l y l i v e s).或:T h e r e i s n o d e n y i n g t h e f a c t t h a t(w h y/h o w/w h a t)____________i s a b a s i c(m o r a l/p h i l o s o p h i c a l)p r o b l e m t h a t c a n n o t b ec i r c u m v e n t ed b y a n y b o d y,(be c a u s e t h e o p i n i o n o n t h i s p r o b l e m w i l l d e t e r m i n e o n e’s a t t i t u d e t o w a r d t h e w o r l d a n d t h e l if e).或:(如果是针对某一事件的题目,不是什么p o p u l a r t o p i c)____________(W h y p e o p l e v i s i t m u s e u m s) i s a i n t e r e s t i n g q u e s t i o n t h a t d e s e r v e s c a r e f u li n v e s t i g a t i o n n o t o n l y b y_______________(m u s e u m m a n a g e r s),b u t a l s o b y____________(v i s i t o r st h e m s e l v e s).P e o p l e w i t h d i f f e r e n t e x p e r i e n c e,l i f e s t y l e a n d d i f f e r g r e a t l y i n t h e i r a t t i t u d e s t o w a r d t h i s [p r o b l e m /q u e s t i o n]. S o m e p e o p l e h o l d t h e o p i n i o n t h a t ____________. O t h e r s, [h o w e v e r/o n t h e c o n t r a r y],m a i n t a i n t h a t____________.S t i l l o t h e r s,c o n v i n c e d b y t h e v i e w t h a t____________, a r g u e t h a t____________.A c c o r d i n g t ot h e m,____________.B u t a s f a r a s I a m c o n c e r n e d, I c o n s i d e r t h e[c h i e f r e a s o n/m o s t i m p o r t a n tq u a l i t y]i s____________.A n d h e r e a r e t h r e er e a s o n s t h a t I’d l i k e t o p o i n t o u t.第二段:第一点第二点第三点第三段:I n a w o r d,____________(t h e t h r e e p o i n t sm e n t i o n e d a b o v e)a r e t h e m a i n o p i n i o n s o n____________ h o l d b y [c o m m o n/m o s t] p e o p l e. B u t m y i d e a i s t h a t ____________________, a n d I s i n c e r e l yb e l i e v e t h a t i t i s r i g h t.2.____________的确是一个值得探讨的话题。


With so many choices it seems very difficult for us to prefer one to another ause all of them have their advantages( and disadvantages) to the extent that it is hard to distinguish. Yet that does not mean they are all the same to me. Which one I prefer depends on my own experience, life style and [emotional concerns / educational background/____________]. To be frank, I would prefer A if personal quality is considered as a criterion to choose things. (However, it is unfair to draw a quick conclusion without serious onsiderations.) There are no less than three advantages in A as rendered below:
In conclusion, (it must be noted that these three reasons sometimes intertwine to form an organic whole and thus become more persuasive than any one of them.) Only these three reasons can make me draw the conclusion that ______________ , not to mention there are more ([reasons/advantages of A] that can account for my fondness for it). (Anyway, it is confined to me, and different persons can make different choices according to their personality and fondness.)



最新公共论说文英语作文模板6PETS论说文模板简化版(一) 对立观点式1.一个事物对立的两个放面/两对立事物要求考生支持一方并进行说明。

(which类型)(Who/how/what ……) is a prevalent topic undergoing serious debate.There exist two obvious and definite opinions regarding thiscontroversy A and B. personally I would like to vote for A forthree reasons.The main reason for my propensity for A is that……What is also worth noticing fact is that……A is superior in another way this is…It is undeniable that B has its own merits. However B can only beachieved conditionally because…From what has been discussed above we may safely draw theconclusion that ……2.给出两种观点要求考生比较他们的优缺点。

(compare & contrast)To choose A or B is something of a dilemma to the public becausethey sometimes are confused by the seemingly good qualities of Aand neglect the genuinely good aspects of B.For A A 的一个优势However this "advantage" betrays a hidden drawback of A. A如何如何。



pets1作文万能模板英文回答:Pets are wonderful companions and bring so much joy to our lives. They become a part of our families and provideus with unconditional love and support. Having a pet can be a truly rewarding experience.Firstly, pets offer us companionship. They are always there for us, ready to listen and provide comfort. When I come home after a long day at work, my dog is alwaysexcited to see me. He jumps up and down and wags his tail, showing his happiness. It instantly lifts my mood and makes me feel loved. We often cuddle on the couch together, andit's a great way to relax and de-stress.Secondly, pets teach us responsibility. Taking care ofa pet requires time, effort, and commitment. For example, I have to make sure my cat has fresh food and water every day, clean her litter box regularly, and take her to the vet forcheck-ups. It's a lot of work, but it teaches me the importance of being responsible and taking care of another living being.Furthermore, pets can improve our mental and physical health. Numerous studies have shown that interacting with animals can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and increase serotonin levels. When I play with my cat, I feela sense of calmness and happiness. It's like therapy for me. Additionally, having a pet encourages us to be more active.I take my dog for daily walks, and it not only benefits him but also keeps me fit and healthy.In addition to these benefits, pets also provide uswith endless entertainment. They have their own unique personalities and quirks that make us laugh and smile. For instance, my dog loves to chase his tail and play fetch.It's always amusing to watch him run around in circles or catch a ball mid-air. These little moments of joy brighten up our lives and create lasting memories.中文回答:宠物是令人愉悦的伴侣,给我们的生活带来了很多快乐。



2020年公共英语三级论说文模板大全:模板简化下面是公共英语论说文模板,特别为您搜集整理,内容如下:PETS论说文模板简化版(一) 对立观点式1.一个事物对立的两个放面/两对立事物,要求考生支持一方并实行说明。

(which类型)(Who/how/what ……) is a prevalent topic undergoing serious debate. There exist two obvious and definite opinions regarding this controversy: A and B. personally, I would like to vote for A for three reasons. The main reason for my propensity for A is that……What is also worth noticing fact is that……A is superior in another way,this is…It is undeniable that B has its own merits. However, B can only be achieved conditionally because…From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the concl usion that ……2.给出两种观点,要求考生比较他们的优缺点。

(compare & contrast)To choose A or B is something of a dilemma to the public because they sometimes are confused by the seemingly good qualities of A, and neglect the genuinely good aspects of B. For A, A 的一个优势However, this "advantage" betrays a hidden drawback of A. A如何如何。

英语pets 2级考试作文模板

英语pets 2级考试作文模板

英语pets 2级考试作文模板English: When it comes to owning pets, there are numerous benefits that come with the responsibility. Firstly, having a pet provides companionship and unconditional love that can greatly improve mental health and reduce feelings of loneliness. Pets also encourage physical activity through daily walks or playtime, promoting better overall health and well-being. Additionally, taking care of a pet can teach valuable life skills such as responsibility, patience, and empathy. Lastly, pets have been shown to decrease stress levels and provide a sense of comfort during challenging times. Overall, owning a pet can bring immense joy and fulfillment to one's life.中文翻译: 拥有宠物有许多好处,伴随着这种责任而来。






pet英语作文模板英文回答:Pet English Composition Template。


Begin with a hook to capture the reader's attention.State your thesis statement, which should express your main argument or opinion about pets.Body Paragraph 1: Benefits of Pets。

Discuss the emotional and physical benefits of owning a pet.Provide specific examples and evidence to support your claims.Use transition words to connect ideas.Body Paragraph 2: Choosing the Right Pet。

Explain the different types of pets available andtheir unique characteristics.Discuss factors to consider when selecting a pet, such as lifestyle, family dynamics, and financial resources.Provide advice on how to adopt or purchase a pet responsibly.Body Paragraph 3: Responsibilities of Pet Ownership。

Emphasize the importance of providing proper care for your pet.Discuss essential tasks such as feeding, grooming, exercise, and veterinary care.Highlight the emotional and financial commitmentsinvolved in pet ownership.Body Paragraph 4: The Human-Animal Bond。



PETS 作文论说文模板论说文是直接说明事理、阐发见解、宣示主张的文章。


(一) 对立观点式(1)给出两个对立的事物或者一个事物对立的两个方面,要求考生支持一方并进行说明。

具体表述如下:TOPIC: Some people like A; others like B. Which one do you prefer - - A or B? Give specific reasons and examples to illustrate your answer.(2)给出两个对立事物或一个事物对立的两个方面,要求考生说明二者为什么不同或比较它们的优缺点,并给出理由。

具体表述如下:TOPIC: Some people believe that A while others consider B more appropriate. Give advantages and disadvantages of the two positions and explain which position you support.对立观点式的三种模板:1.人们往往看到B 的明显优点而忽视了它的缺点,同时A 的内在优势没有被重视。

第一段:To choose A or to choose B is something of a dilemma to the public ause they sometimes are confused by the seemingly good qualities of B while neglect the genuinely good aspects of A.第二段:[For B, people are often driven to believe that / It is quite easy for common people to CHOOSE B because of the obvious reason that] ____________. (As a proverb says, Everything has two sides.) Although B does have its seemingly profound advantages, in the meantime [there lie [harmful characteristics/ intrinsic drawbacks] in it such as ____________ / it。



宠物作文模板英语版范文Pets Essay Template: The Benefits of Owning a Pet。


Pets have been a part of human life for centuries, providing companionship, love, and joy to their owners. Whether it's a dog, cat, bird, or fish, pets have a special place in our hearts. In this essay, we will explore the many benefits of owning a pet and how they can positively impact our lives.Body Paragraph 1: Companionship。

One of the most significant benefits of owning a pet is the companionship they provide. Pets are loyal and loving, and they can be a source of comfort and support during difficult times. They are always there for us, ready to offer a listening ear or a warm snuggle. Studies have shown that owning a pet can reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation, and can even improve mental health.Body Paragraph 2: Physical Health。



宠物作文模板英语Title: Pets Essay Template in English。

Introduction:Pets are an important part of many people's lives. They provide companionship, love, and joy to their owners. In this essay, we will explore the benefits of having a pet, the responsibilities of pet ownership, and the different types of pets that people can have.Body:1. Benefits of Having a Pet:Pets provide companionship and can help reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation.They can also provide emotional support and comfort during difficult times.Having a pet can encourage physical activity and outdoor time, especially for dog owners who need to walk their pets regularly.Pets can also teach responsibility, empathy, and compassion to children.2. Responsibilities of Pet Ownership:Owning a pet is a big responsibility and requires a commitment of time, money, and energy.Pets need regular feeding, grooming, and veterinary care to ensure their health and well-being.Owners also need to provide a safe and comfortable living environment for their pets, including proper shelter and exercise.3. Types of Pets:Dogs: Dogs are one of the most popular pets and come in various breeds, sizes, and temperaments. They are known for their loyalty and can be great companions for people of all ages.Cats: Cats are independent and low-maintenance pets that can provide comfort and entertainment to their owners. They are also known for their hunting instincts and can help keep pests at bay.Birds: Birds, such as parrots and canaries, are popular pets for their beautiful plumage and ability to mimic human speech. They require a lot of attention and social interaction.Fish: Fish are low-maintenance pets that can add a sense of tranquility to a home with their colorful and graceful movements. They require a properly maintained aquarium and regular feeding.Conclusion:In conclusion, pets bring joy, love, and companionship to their owners. However, owning a pet also comes with responsibilities that should not be taken lightly. It is important for pet owners to provide proper care and attention to their pets to ensure their well-being. Whether it's a dog, cat, bird, or fish, the bond between a pet and its owner is a special and rewarding experience.。



英语考试作文PETS作文论说文模板(三)(三)选择观点式具体表述如下:TOPIC: In order to do XXX, there are many ways: A, B, C, D. Which do you choose? Give specific reasons and examples to illustrate your answer.注:在模板中用大写XXX表示一件事情,A,B,C,D代表做此事所用的不同方法。




第一段:With so many choices it seems very difficult for us to prefer one to another because all of them have their advantages( and disadvantages) to the extent that it is hard to distinguish. Yet that does not mean they are all the same to me. Which one I prefer depends on my own experience, life style and [emotional concerns / educationalbackground/____________]. To be frank, I would prefer A if personal quality is considered as a criterion to choose things. (However, it is unfair to draw a quick conclusion without serious onsiderations.) There are no less than three advantages in A as rendered below:第二段:第一点原因。



英语考试作文PETS作文:高分论说文模板(九)(四)原因解释型 1. 给出一个事实,要求解释它的原因. 陈述这个事实 As is know by all, ……Among countless factors which contribute to XXX, there exist three most conspicuous ones: One of the primary causes is that…XXX also results from…… is responsible for xxx, as well.To put all into a nutshell, I draw the conclusion that A,B and C are three main contributors to XXX 2. What should we do? How do something influence our lives? what are the characters of something. 背景描述There are numerous approaches to solving…/impacts on sth. /characteristics of…, and I would explore the most conspicuous ones there. One of the primary method, to my mind, is that…one of the primary impact, to my mind, is that…one of the primary characteristic, to my mind, is that… a more subtle point which we must consider is that…In addition/ furthermore ……In conclusion, Taking into account of all these methods/ affects / aspects, we may reachthe conclusion that……。



2020 年公共英语三级论说文模板大全:通用句型下面是公共英语论说文模板,特别为您搜集整理,内容如下:通用句型:(并不固定在某个模板中,在每个模板中都能够用到)This may explain why ___________ /As aconsequence ___________It goes without saying that ___________In fact, we can observe easily that in modern society,As a proverb says, "Everything has two sides".As a proverb says, "Where there is a will there is a way".As is known to all, "No pains, no gains."Let 's bring our discussion here to a more present and practical context. In today 's world, _________________I can say that if you have no experiences like these, your life is an inadequate of great benefit/damage to sb./sth.The reason of ___________ is not so much ___________ asPeople differ greatly in their attitudes towards this problem. Some people hold the opinion that ________________________Others, [ however/on the contrary], maintain thatIt is [urgent/necessary/convenient/desirable/advisable] for sb. to do sth.have [trouble/a difficult time] [in doing sth./with sth.]举例证:It can be given by a (well known/concrete) example that _________________ . / In order to see this pointclearly, let us to see an example :____________ /To illustrate this, there is an example that is very persuasive :第一点原因:The main/first reason is that ___________ .First, we can observe easily that in modern society, ...In the first placeTo begin with, (a good roommate should ___________ )第二点原因:Besides, the further reason why I advocate AAA is that[The second/another] reason for [my/people 's] propensity for A is that ___________[The second/another] desirable quality for a good roommate is that _________________________第三点原因:Moreover, ___________The third reason, [not the last/however], goes this way写完三条原因还能够再写:Maybe there are some other reasons( to show ___________ ). Butit is generally believed that the reasons mentioned above are commonly acceptable.最后意犹未尽或者字数不够能够加这么一句:Nevertheless I must admit that people can do well without AAA, but no one can ignore the additional convenience and satisfaction offered by AAA. Such experience will definitely be helpful in one ' s later life.。



宠物作文模板英语版初中Pets Essay Template for Middle School。

Title: My Pet Dog。

Introduction:Introduce the topic of pets and the specific pet you have (in this case, a dog).Explain why you chose to write about your pet dog and what makes them special to you.Body:Paragraph 1:Describe the physical appearance of your pet dog.Discuss their breed, size, color, and any unique features they have.Paragraph 2:Talk about your pet dog's personality and behavior.Explain their likes and dislikes, their favorite activities, and how they interact with you and your family.Paragraph 3:Share some memorable experiences or moments you've had with your pet dog.Discuss any funny or heartwarming stories that showcase your bond with them.Paragraph 4:Explain the responsibilities that come with having a pet dog.Discuss the care and attention they require, such as feeding, grooming, exercise, and healthcare.Paragraph 5:Discuss the benefits of having a pet dog.Talk about the companionship, love, and joy they bring to your life, as well as the lessons they teach you about responsibility and empathy.Conclusion:Summarize the special bond you share with your pet dog.Reflect on the ways they have enriched your life and express your gratitude for having them as a beloved companion.。

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PETS论说文模板简化版(一) 对立观点式1.一个事物对立的两个放面/两对立事物,要求考生支持一方并进行说明. (which 类型)(Who/how/what ……) is a prevalent topic undergoing serious debate. There exist two obvious and definite opinions regarding this controversy: A and B. personally, I would like to vote for A for three reasons.The main reason for my propensity for A is that……What is also worth noticing fact is that……A is superior in another way, this is…It is undeniable that B has its own merits. However, B can only be achieved conditionally because…From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that ...2.给出两种观点,要求考生比较他们的优缺点. (compare & contrast)To choose A or B is something of a dilemma to the public because they sometimes are confused by the seemingly good qualities of A, and neglect the genuinely good aspects of B.For A, A 的一个优势However, this "advantage" betrays a hidden drawback of A. A如何如何. For instance, Furthermore, A的一个大缺点. …A good case in point is...On the contrary, B的优点1, A particular example for this is…Moreover, B的优点2,for example…From what has been discussed above, I may safely draw the conclusion that B fits me better in two ways : B的优点1. B的优点2.(二)单一观点式两种形式:(1)给出一个论点,此论点不包括两种事物的比较,要求考生支持或反对并给出理由。

具体表述如下:TOPIC: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? AAA. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.(2)给出一个论点,主要是对两个事物进行比较的陈述,要求考生支持或反对并给出理由。

具体表述如下:TOPIC: A is superior to B. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons to support your point of view.注:在模板中用A、B表示相比较的两个事物,这种形式与对立观点式有着很大的相似之处,考生可以进行适当的借鉴。



第一段:There is no denying the fact that ____________(if one should ____________ /if ____________ is right) is a hot topic which is much talked about [not only by ____________, but also by ____________ /by people across the world/ in a modernsociety].或:There is no denying the fact that ____________(if one should ____________ /if ____________ is right) is a popular topic which has caused heated debate over a long period of time (because it affects everybody in his or her daily lives).或:There is no denying the fact that ____________(if one should ____________ /if ____________ is right) is a basic (moral/philosophical) problem that can not be circumvented by anybody,( because the opinio n on this problem will determine one’s attitude toward the world and the life).或:(如果是针对某一事件的题目,不是什么popular topic)If ____________(it is announcedthat a new movie theater may be built ____________), I will not be surprised to see ____________ (whether the plan should be supported or opposed) become a popular topic which is much talked about not only by ____________, but also by ____________. Before rendering my opinion, I think it is important to take a glance at the arguments on both sides.第二段:People who support AAA usually give (some, even all of) the following reasons. 第一点原因。



第三段:At the first glance, the opinion saying yes to the above question perhaps sounds reasonable and appealing. Nevertheless, [many people do not think this view can hold water / we can find that it presents us with numerous negative effects along with its benefits.]或:Although ____________(the opinion in question) does have its seemingly profound [advantages/reasons], in the meantime [there lie intrinsic [harmful characteristics /drawbacks/faults] in [it/this method] such as ____________ / it can be achieved only conditionally because____________].Some [people/experts] [maintain/warn] that____________. Unfortunately, it is often overlooked by [the public/most people]. (Therefore we have no complete evidence to conclude that the statement is right.) What is more, ____________第四段:In a word, despite the fact that the argument I disagree does hold a little bit of water, I think that____________2.Agree或disagree都可以用。


(下面是按agree写的,容易改为disagree的模板)第一段第一句同1 ,第二句:At first glance it seems very difficult for us to draw a [definite/quick] conclusion that ____________ is right or wrong, [because it has both advantages and disadvantages / since everything has two sides]. However, after serious considerations we can see that under most circumstances ____________(this approach) [will do more good than harm / is a rather wise viewpoint].或:As far as I am concerned, I agree with the opinion. However, it is unfair to draw a quick conclusion without serious considerations. There are no less than [three advantages in A/three reasons to agree with the opinion] as rendered below:第二段第一点原因。
