







































作为一个市场上颇受用户欢迎的英语学习类 APP——英语流利说,上线 6 年就成功上市,目前已经有 1.6亿的下载量,成为教育行业的新晋独角兽公司,具有一定的知名度,但是在激烈的市场营销中,也同样面临着营销上的压力。


本文在对英语流利说 APP的发展现状、外部环境、竞争形势、盈利模式进行分析的基础上,运用4C营销理论和场景营销理论深入探究了英语流利说APP的营销策略。






The creation and promotion of ‘Micro-Chatting’ based on the media technologies1 IntroductionMicro-Chatting is an APP which serves for chatting and it supports to send voice messages, video, pictures and text (including facial expressions). Micro-Chatting makes users keep communications with friends at all times and places. Besides, the function of sending voice and video enhances the interactivity of chat. In addition, users may get to know the people nearby through Micro-Chatting so as to expand the social network. Micro-Chatting is an APP of location based service. The purpose of this report is to construct two digital media platforms to create and promote Micro-Chatting and make a comparative analysis of the two digital media platforms so as to make plans for Micro-Chatting’s design and promotion. This report mainly consists of six parts. Firstly, it comes to the introduction, which introduces the background and the aims of report. Secondly, it is the basic information of product. Thirdly, it is the pre-production of digital promotion for Micro-Chatting. Fourthly, it comes to the plan for the creation of the branding.Fifthly, it is the comparative analysis of the two digital media platforms. Finally, it comes to the conclusions.2 The basic information of product2.1 A narrative describing of Micro-Chatting微聊一个为智能终端提供即时通讯服务的免费应用程序,微聊支持跨通信运营商、跨操作系统平台通过网络快速发送免费(需消耗少量网络流量)语音短信、视频、图片和文字。



• 课程,评价结果,和排名展示
– 通过简单的网页应用实现 – 微信和网页应用之间数据互通
• 结果页面分享
– 同一页面,分享者和TA的朋友看到的是不同的内容(上图。 用户自己看见 “求鼓励”,朋友看见“app下载”)
• 易信公众号接口与微信接口规范完全一致 • 直接移植微信应用到易信
Native App? 微App? 轻应用?
• “路线”的选择取决于产品特点和时间点 • 英语流利说应用的特点:
– 强交互 – 语音为核心 – 短时长(碎片时间)
• 很适合微信、易信的交互方式
– 公众账号:“英语流利说”
• 后端:Ruby on Rails + MySQL • 使用到的微信接口
• 记录每个用户的各种和公众号交互的状态
– 选择关卡,闯到第几关,练习到第几句,每句的平均得分, 关卡平均份等等 – 使用State Machine实现针对每个用户不同状态的不同处理
• 课程媒体文件的管理
– 每天自动将课程语音上载微信服务器,得到媒体ID (可复用) – 媒体ID三天后失效:后台自动检查媒体ID过期的语音文件, 并重新上载
– 自定义菜单接口 – 获取用户基本信息(昵称,性别等) – 发送被动响应消息(文本,语音,图文) – 主动发送消息(客服接口) – 媒体文件(语音)的上传和下载
• 接收用户的语音消息
• 得到语音消息媒体id以后,调用多媒体文件下载接 口拉取speex格式的语音数据 • 将语音数据送入打分引擎(自主研发),得到分数。
英语流利说接入微信和 请替换讲义标题 易信平台的一点体会







主题1.微信营销模式的诞生In recent years。


they are still XXX face risks in the marketing process。

the associated costs increaseXXX。

XXX greater returns on sales with small XXX mode。

The main way XXX is through a nal code。

The emergence of this code has beena XXX enterprises。

both domestic and nal。

and has XXX to thedevelopment of the marketing and media XXX's increasingly competitive market。

many enterprises are using WeChat's nal code。

which offers a low-cost。

quick ork marketing mode.From a WeChat business perspective。

dealers XXX into the platform to XXX n。

industry n。

business activities。



介绍流利说app的英语作文FluentSay is a language learning app that helps users improve their speaking skills in English and other languages. It provides a platform for users to practice speaking with native speakers, participate in language exchange, and receive feedback from language tutors.FluentSay has a user-friendly interface that allowsusers to easily navigate the app and find language partners to practice with. The app also offers a wide range oftopics for users to choose from, so they can practice speaking about subjects that interest them. Additionally, FluentSay provides a variety of speaking exercises and games to help users improve their pronunciation, vocabulary, and fluency.One of the key features of FluentSay is its ability to connect users with native speakers for language exchange. This feature allows users to practice speaking with native speakers of their target language, and in return, they can help native speakers practice their language skills. This creates a supportive and collaborative environment forlanguage learning, and it allows users to receive real-time feedback on their speaking abilities.Another important aspect of FluentSay is its language tutor service. Users can book sessions with professional language tutors to receive personalized feedback and guidance on their speaking skills. This allows users to receive targeted support for their language learning goals and improve their speaking abilities more efficiently.In addition to these features, FluentSay also offers a community forum where users can ask questions, share resources, and connect with other language learners. This creates a sense of community and support for users as they work towards improving their language skills.Overall, FluentSay is a valuable tool for language learners who want to improve their speaking abilities. Its user-friendly interface, language exchange feature, language tutor service, and community forum make it a comprehensive and effective platform for language learning.流利说是一款帮助用户提高他们的英语和其他语言口语能力的语言学习应用。



英语流利说app产品分析报告目录英语流利说app产品分析报告 (1)一、市场分析 (3)1. 行业趋势 (3)2. 产品市场现状 (4)二、产品定位 (5)三、用户分析 (6)1. 用户画像 (6)2. 用户使用场景 (9)四、商业模式画布 (10)普通用户 (11)付费用户 (11)1. 高质量的AI技术; (12)2. 拥有庞大的中国人英语数据库; (12)3. 口语搜索引擎。

(12)五、内容分析 (13)1. 个性化定制 (14)(1)用户的英语层次 (14)(2)词汇的重要性 (15)(3)学习的趣味性 (15)2. 口语练习 (19)培养语感 (20)考试/考证 (20)生活口语 (21)技能类 (21)3. 模仿英语 (21)4. 学以致用 (23)六、核心功能分析 (25)1. 懂你英语 (25)七、总结与思考 (43)1. 产品特色 (43)2. 产品不足之处 (44)3. 建议与思考 (45)一、市场分析1. 行业趋势根据2017年10月9日,由知名第三方研究机构艾瑞咨询联合国内最大互联网学习平台沪江,对外发布的《2017年中国成人在线外语教育行业白皮书》可以得知:2017年中国在线教育行正处于初步成熟期过渡阶段。





微信的影响英语作文The influence of WeChat is truly remarkable. It's become such a big part of our daily lives, it's hard to imagine going without it. Whether it's staying connected with friends, getting news updates, or even doing business, WeChat has it all.For many, WeChat is the go-to app for staying in touch with loved ones. It's so convenient to send a quick message or share a funny video with friends and family, no matter where they are. And the voice and video call features make it feel like we're right there with them, even if we're miles away.But it's not just about socializing. WeChat is also a great source of information. Whether it's breaking news, trending topics, or just the latest gossip, you can find it all on WeChat. And with so many official accounts and subscriptions available, it's easy to customize your newsfeed to fit your interests.Businesses have also jumped on the WeChat bandwagon.It's become a powerful tool for marketing and customer service. From promoting products and services to handling customer inquiries, WeChat has made it easier for businesses to reach out to their customers and vice versa.Of course, like any other technology, WeChat has its downsides. There's the issue of privacy and security, as well as the temptation to spend too much time on it. But overall, the convenience and functionality of WeChat make it hard to resist.In conclusion, WeChat has revolutionized the way we communicate and stay informed. It's a powerful tool that has changed the way we。



互联网+时代英语流利说APP的营销策略研究在当今互联网+时代,移动学习应用程序如雨后春笋般涌现,英语流利说 APP 便是其中备受瞩目的一款。


本文将对英语流利说APP 的营销策略进行深入研究。

一、英语流利说 APP 概述英语流利说 APP 是一款融合了人工智能技术的英语学习软件,为用户提供了个性化的学习课程、口语练习、听力训练等多种功能。


二、市场环境分析1、政策环境随着国家对教育信息化的重视和推动,在线教育行业得到了政策的支持和鼓励,为英语流利说 APP 的发展提供了有利的政策环境。



4、技术环境互联网技术的不断进步,特别是人工智能、大数据等技术的应用,为英语流利说APP 提供了技术支持,使其能够为用户提供更加个性化、高效的学习体验。

三、英语流利说 APP 的营销策略1、产品策略(1)个性化学习体验通过人工智能技术对用户的英语水平进行评估,为用户定制个性化的学习课程和练习计划,满足不同用户的需求。









- 206-校园英语 / 基础教育研究微信在初中英语口语教学实践中的应用济南市历下区龙奥学校/于珊珊【摘要】近年来,智能手机技术飞速发展,各种手机应用层出不穷。



【关键词】微信 英语口语 教学一、微信的功能与英语口语教学在2011年,腾讯成功的推出了一款新的即时通讯服务软件--微信,具有发送文字、图片、视频、语音短信等多种功能。


































三 如 何 高效进行 微 信营 销 组 建优 秀 的创业 团队 一个 团 结协 作 的创 业 团 队 为 了 共 同 目标 一起高效 默契 的 奋 斗 才是 创 业成 功 的根本保 障 唯 家英语 作 为 大 学生 的创 业项 目 就是 一 支 年 轻有 活 力 的创 业 团 队 项 目组 成 员 都 是 有 活 力 有 耐 心 有 责任 心 有 创 新意 识 的上 进 青年 除 了 具 有 丰 富教 学 和 实 践经验 的指 导 教 师 团 队里 还 必 须 要 有 优 秀 的领 头 人 领 头 人必 须要 有 激情 有 斗 志 敢 于 承担责任 引领 整个 团 队 发展 团 队成 员 之 间分 工 明 确 作为 唯 家 英 语 项 目 的负责 人 首先 要制定 好计 划 合理 安 排 团队 成 员 的工 作 谁 负 责 微 信平 台 图文 编辑 谁 负责 推 送 推 广 谁 负责 招 收 老 师 谁 负 责 安 排辅 导 课 程 谁 负 责线 下 与 家 长 交 流反 馈 学 员 情 况 必须 明 确 并落实 到个 人 必 须让 小 组成 员 明 白 自己 的 责任是 什 么 同时 还 要 注 重对 团 队 成 员 的培 训 与 监 督 培训 的内 容包 括 技 术方 面 的处 理 如 图片 音频 和 视 频 的 剪 辑 及文 学素 养 的 培养等 必要 时根据 市 场需 求 推荐 团 队 成 员 阅读 有 品质 的文 章 鼓励 他 们积 极 参 加 讲座 从 而 提高其文 化 涵 养 最 终提 升项 目的服务 品质 注 重推 广和 反 馈 环节 微信 公众 号是 否 做 的成 功 与 其 推 广 方 式 有 很 大 的联 系 目前 微 信 营 销 模 式 主 要 有 四 种 ① 品 牌 活 动 式 漂流瓶 ② , 式 二 维 码 扫 置 式 模 描 ③地 理 位 推送 引 ④社 交 分 享 模 式 唯 家英语 主 要针 对家 长 和 大 学生 这两 个受 众群 体 运 用 其 中两 种基本 模 式 对 于 大 学 生使 用 社交分 享 式 利 用 微 信 朋 友 圈 功 能或 者第 三 方 应 用 如 微博 百 度 贴 吧 同城 等 分 享 每次 的推 送 当 然这 样 的分享 必 须建 立 在高 品质 的 内 容之 上 推 送 有 品质 的信 息 是 吸 引 人 关 注 的关 键 关 注 微 信 公 众 号 的主 动权 在 用 户 手中 如果你 的 内容有 质 量 用户 自然 会 关 注 唯 家英语 推 送 的内容 主 要 面 向大 学生 英 语学 习 方 面 可 以 提 升 唯 家英 语 的 培训教 师 大学 生 的素 质 对 于 家 长 主 要 使用 二 维码 扫描模 式 将 二 维码 印 刷在 宣 传 单上 在 中小 学 放 学 时 派发 或 张 贴传 单 或放 学 时在 中小 学 门 口 让家 长 直 接 扫描 二维 码来 取 得 关 注 吸 引 了 用 户 只 是第 一 步 要 想 长 期地 留住 用 户 保持粉 丝 的增 长 必 须对 用 户 的 需求 做 出 及 时反 馈 唯 家英语 在 后 台 会 收到一 些家 长 对辅 导 课 程 孩子 学 习 情况 的咨 询 客服 人 员 都 会及 时 一一 回 复 利用 后 台反 馈 我 们 可 以 及 时 了 解 家 长 的需求 是什么 从 而 不 断 调 整 教学方 案 为孩 子提 供 更好 的辅 导 参考 文 献 仁 马 肖涧松 新 媒体 时代 的 微信营 销策略研 究 司 商业时代



L3-U 1Interview actionsAS you can see in my resume,i have extensive experience with social network marketing.I was a personal assistant so i learned how to anticipate future needs.My title was creative director, but to be honest there was only one other creative in the studio.I’ve managed sales teams which include motivating them to produce the highest sales in the company history.When a laptop isn’t pligged in for a long time ,it will shut downTo screen someone means to determine whether thet meet basic job requirements.Hiring skilled employees is important for a business to succeed.College majorsBiology is the study of life,including its structure and evolotion.Majors learn about how life curvive and reporduces.Biology graduates may go on to work in lab research , education or healthcare. Math majors is the study of numbers ,shapes ,patters and change.People with a mathematice degree ,may go on to work in engineering ,finance or educationComputer science is the study of how computer are used,and prugrammde .Computer science may go on to work in soft or IT tecknecktions. Language and literature majors learn about written works and language. Language and literature graduates may go on to work Computer science graduates often go on to work in publishing media or education. Economics majors Learn about How money resource are produced, used and transferred .People work in accouting,finance,or education.JOBS AT THE OFFICEA ReceptionistReceptionist sit at the front of the officeThe usually answer phone calls, greet people and sign for packages. Receptionists need to deal with people in a friendly wayIT techniciansIT technicians maintain an office’s computer networkMay also provide technical support to employees.IF your computer or internet connection had a problem you can call it technicianHR managersan HR manager Are responsible for hiring or retaining employeesThey need to find people with the right qualifications for a position DesignerDesigner Planning the look and fuction of something before it is made.They work in a variety of areas, such as Fashion architecture, or technology Engineers design, test ,and maintain things systematically .Engineers Help to develop things like software, cars ,or Buildings AccountantsAccountants maintain and organize a company’s Finances.Accountants Keep track of how much money a company earns or spends.Getting AheadM:Hi, I don’t think we have met,my name is Mike!J:NO ,I don’t think we have ,I’m jenny,It’s nice to meet mikeM:Nice to meet you too,So ,jenny,Where do you work?I work at Maxwell, an e-commerce company.We sale clothes and we accessories onlineM:I’ve heard of your company,my girlfriend uses it all the timeReally,That’s cool!So What do you do,mike?M:I work for J.Hill ,It,s a fashion company.J:What do you do there?M:I’m a Shop assistant at one of their stores, i assist customers and make sure our items are well-displayed.Well i don’t usually need a lot of shop assistant, at these network events.M:Well,I’m looking for a career change.I want stay in fashion ,and I also wantWhat kind of your job are you interested in ?M:Well i Majored in business in college.I enjoy help customers about Good products,So i want to do something in sale or MarketingThat’s interesting, Why don’t you try to find a Marketing position at j-hill M:I don’t think there are a lot of opportunities for me there.Well,Our Marketing team is hiring interns right now.Of course that position doesn’t pay,but our interns have a lot of opportunities. M:That’s good to know, pay don’t very goodIf you in There is more information on a company’s websiteM:Th for your suggestion I will looking to itHere is my business card,Fell free to contract me if you have any questions M:Thank again,It was nice talking with youNice talking too0000000000000。



微信营销中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:WeChat Marketing ReviewJohn Scouriaspresent situationWeChat micro-blog marketing be just unfolding, and quicklybecame the brand manufacturers in addition to the official micro-blog another Internet marketing hot. Since August 18, 2012WeChat public platform officially launched, the media, brands and celebrities use more methods to their fans push all kinds of information, more and more WeChat marketing effectcan not be ignored. WeChat marketing, and gradually spread to the domestic industry salesfield, and plays an important role to change the existing marketing mode. This paper is a summary of the relevant WeChat marketing research summary of predecessors, throughanalysis, summary of the scholars of the WeChat marketing research. The advantages and disadvantages of WeChat marketing mode, and WeChat marketing prospects, existing problems and countermeasures are summarized, and put forward the direction of theirthinking.Theme1.WeChat born marketing modelIn recent years, although the domestic enterprises in the electronic marketing aspects withgreatly improved but it is still will be influenced and restricted by social environment. When the enterprise risk in the marketing process, then because of the risk and the cost will rise, while the sales of the product will be affected, thisis very dangerous for enterprises. How to get agreater return on sales by small investment, has become a key issue in the enterprise need to consider, there WeChat is become a ready-made panacea to solve the enterprise marketing mode. The main way WeChat platform for public communication is a two-dimensional code,the emergence of a two-dimensional code is a creative transformation of many enterprises for domestic and international, it is the marketing and media industry has brought new impetus to the development of. In today's increasingly competitive market, WeChat these two-dimensional code, low cost, quick network marketing mode was used by many enterprises.From the opening of WeChat business point of view, they will put the dealer to WeChat camp,the enterprise can make some backbone staff participation, establishing a business WeChatarmy. From the information released, mainly in brand information, industry information,business activities, the official website, promotional activities, in fact, are for business promotion, brand building, information push to build a good platform.2. on the WeChat marketing model to explore(1)on the WeChat marketing mode is known as the following four modes:(2)LBS+see nearby "function,mining potential customers,opening up new channels of enterprise sales;(3)O2O+ "two-dimensional code scanning" function, boost brand virality, key entrancethrough online and offline businesses;(4)WeChat public platform+"circle of friends"new features,to create anew social relationships chain,to create a new mode of enterprise reputation; (5)WeChat interactive push, push through a brand can develop personalized,interactive activities and"fans",to provide more direct interaction experience.Zhang Li (2013) used in the analysis of enterprise marketing WeChat when, think to the enterprise, WeChat marketing or marketing mode must be used to distinguish, for differententerprises of different products and services, to adopt different marketing methods, such asO2O+, two-dimensional code scanning mode is suitable for dining, entertainment and otherproducts or services and users closely related enterprises; she also pointed out that WeChatmarketing cost is low, the advantages of potential customers.parison of definition of WeChat marketing and traditional modeWeChat marketing is the era of network economy on the innovation of marketing mode, and is accompanied by a kind of network marketing way of WeChat, WeChat has no distance limit,the user registration WeChat, and around the same registration "friends" to form aconnection, users subscribe to their required information businesses, by providing the needed information, the way of marketing to promote their products.Han Mei (2013) said WeChat is defined as a new media, the new network marketing channels,and to WeChat as an example, through the contrast WeChat platform for traditional network platform characteristics and advantages compared, analyzed the enterprise three characteristics by WeChat platform to carry outmarketing activities that word of mouth communication, content positioning precision marketing, the geographical position of marketing. To accept a high degree of accuracy and content is the use of the two characteristics of network marketing WeChat platform, and the two is the lack of the traditionalmass media marketing mode..I think,WeChat marketing to solve the major problems in marketing-- Discussion on precision marketing,WeChat marketing based on the mobile Internet is the first attempt to pioneer the precision marketing.WeChat public platform authentication account background according to the various conditions on the classification of the user,user specific information can be sent to a certification account classification.The dissemination of information WeChat public accountis the first by the user to choose,the user of the information rejection is small,and themessage type is rich,support mixed map and text or video,audio,flexible and diverse forms.As a mobile social networking application,the possibility of WeChat also provides greater public accounts and individual users to interact.Marketing: in WeChat public platform, everyone can use a QQ number, create an ownWeChat public number, and in the WeChat platform to achieve text, pictures, voice andspecific groups of the full range of communication, interaction. The recent wave of Cadillachad "found heart Highway No. 66" activities, WeChat public account every day will send a group of the most beautiful travel image to the user, in order to resonate. Other content, basic to the main models of beauties, suchas overseas spy photos show. Cadillac also use theaccount to publish real-time content, such as before the Shanghai released orange rainstormwarning, made a safe travel alert.This kind of marketing mode in Shandong auto show in Ji'nan has also been used, there is thepublic platform Cadillac exhibitors booth, visitors can scan two-dimensional code concern the public platform, to understand the dynamic Cadillac automobile 4S shop.Starbucks"woke up"mode:interactive push WeChatMarketing:to push through a brand can develop personalized,interactive activities and"fans",to provide more direct interaction experience.When users add as friend,"Starbucks"expresses feelings with WeChat expression,Starbucks will be based on the user sends amood,with"wake up"the album's music in response to user.This kind of marketing is in line with the characteristics of consumer groups,and the shape of the Starbucks image better.4. on the WeChat marketing potential problem analysisTan Kai (2012) in WeChat marketing and puts forward some technical problems can not beavoided. LBS, two-dimensional code scanning, circle of friends, speech function and a series of multimedia features, companies can provide users with more extensive services, to develop more specific marketing strategy. However, from another and see, due to excessiveenthusiasm of enterprises, WeChat marketing will bring a lot of trouble to the user. WeChatmarketing the "license",only the user license, the enterprise can force a dialogue with theuser, although this part of the user can be defined as a loyal user of enterprise, but they can always close interaction with the enterprise. So how to maintain the relationship between theuser and will become the key WeChat marketing promotion.Feng Haichao (2013) also believe that, WeChat as a new means of marketing and marketing platform, WeChat is strong enough, the value of it is self-evident, but can actually achievewhat quantity but if the new super star as a marketing platform, there are still some problemscan not be ignored, nor can WeChat expectations too much. He pointed out a problem the most direct WeChat marketing, public platform and WeChat user demand does not match theproblem. He also believes that the core issue in the WeChat marketing team must consider is,do the user relationship or information, it is worth considering.Wu En,Mao Xiuli(2013)compared with the WeChat micro-blog marketing ability,analysis showed that the number WeChat than micro-blog in client type less,WeChat marketing abilityis limited,WeChat to want to go to the transformation,expanding client types,expand the deFei Qun,the development of more kinds of information,better meet consumer demand.SummaryFrom the analysis of literature, the WeChat micro-blog marketing, research has been more perfect, scholars from the current use of WeChat, and according to the WeChat propagation mode, enterprise applications, WeChat existing marketingproblems and other aspects were investigated in detail. But through our research on these documents, found in the enterprises in the use of WeChat marketing, also need according to its role and effectiveness for further.analysis, how to measure marketing effectiveness, only to see how many fans are not convinced.On the other hand, WeChat marketing is not only a marketing tool, It can be transformed into customer relationship maintenance.翻译:微信营销综述现状微博营销方兴未艾,微信又迅速成为众品牌商除官方微博外另一互联网营销热地。



微信的竞争优势英语作文In the realm of social media and communication applications, WeChat stands out as a multifaceted platform with a range of features that give it a competitive edge. Here's a closer look at the factors that contribute to WeChat's success in the digital landscape.1. Integration of Social Networks and Messaging: WeChat is not just a messaging app; it also incorporates social networking features, allowing users to connect with friends, join groups, and follow public accounts, which is a significant advantage over traditional messaging apps.2. Mobile Payment Solutions: With WeChat Pay, the app offersa secure and convenient way to make transactions. This feature has been particularly successful in China, where it has become a staple of everyday commerce, giving it a competitive edge in the mobile payment market.3. Mini Programs: WeChat's mini programs allow users to access a variety of services without leaving the app. From ordering food to booking a taxi, these mini programs provide a seamless user experience and increase the app's stickiness.4. O2O (Online to Offline) Services: WeChat's ability to bridge the gap between online interactions and offline services is a key advantage. Users can find local businesses, make reservations, and even pay bills through the app, whichenhances its utility and appeal.5. Cross-Platform Functionality: WeChat is available on multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS. This cross-platform availability ensures that a wide range of users can access the app regardless of their device preference.6. Privacy and Security: WeChat offers end-to-end encryption for its messages, which is a significant draw for users concerned about privacy. This focus on security helps build trust and loyalty among its user base.7. Personalization and Customization: Users can tailor their WeChat experience with custom stickers, themes, and settings. This level of personalization helps users feel more connected to the app and encourages continued use.8. Global Expansion: While WeChat is particularly popular in China, it has been making strides in expanding globally. The app's ability to adapt to different markets and cultures is a testament to its flexibility and competitive strength.9. Marketing and Advertising Tools: Businesses can leverage WeChat's marketing tools to reach their target audience effectively. The app's advertising platform allows for precise targeting and analytics, which is a significant advantage for businesses looking to promote their products and services.10. Community Engagement: WeChat's community features, suchas Moments and Group Chats, facilitate engagement and interaction among users. This social aspect not only keeps users engaged but also fosters a sense of community.In conclusion, WeChat's competitive advantages lie in its comprehensive approach to communication, its integration of various services, and its ability to adapt to the needs of its users. As technology continues to evolve, WeChat's innovative features and services will likely remain a key factor in its ongoing success.。






1.1 市场现状目前,我国的英语教育市场呈现出多样化、个性化的发展趋势。



1.2 竞争对手分析在新媒体英语运营领域,已经出现了一些具有一定知名度和影响力的竞争对手,例如“英语流利说”、“扇贝”、“51Talk”等。



1.3 市场机会和挑战尽管竞争对手已经占据了一定的市场份额,但新媒体英语运营市场的空间依然巨大。



二、运营目标2.1 短期目标(1)在6个月内,扩大用户规模,实现用户量的翻倍增长。



2.2 长期目标(1)打造品牌影响力,成为用户心目中最信赖的英语学习品牌。



三、运营策略基于市场分析和运营目标,我们将采取以下策略来进行新媒体英语运营:3.1 用户体验优化用户体验是新媒体英语运营的核心竞争力,我们将从产品功能、内容更新、界面设计、交互体验等多个方面入手,不断优化用户体验,提高用户满意度和忠诚度。



英语流利说用户体验报告1. 引言英语流利说是一款专注于英语学习的手机应用程序,旨在帮助用户提升英语口语能力并提供个性化学习体验。


2. 总体评价根据使用体验和用户反馈,我们对英语流利说的总体体验进行评价如下:2.1 优点- 广泛的学习资源:英语流利说提供了丰富多样的学习内容,包括听力练习、口语对话、语法讲解等,用户可以根据自己的需求进行选择。

- 个性化学习计划:根据用户的英语水平和学习目标,英语流利说能够制定个性化的学习计划,并提供相应的学习材料和练习。

- 口语练习功能:英语流利说的口语练习功能非常实用,用户可以选择不同的主题和语言难度进行练习,并获得针对性的反馈和建议。

- 社区互动:英语流利说的社区功能使用户能够与其他学习者交流和互动,分享学习心得和经验。

2.2 不足之处- 部分学习内容质量参差不齐:虽然英语流利说提供了丰富的学习资源,但其中一些内容的质量较低,包括一些语法讲解不够清晰、部分原声材料难以辨识等。

- 口语练习反馈有限:尽管口语练习功能提供了针对性的反馈和建议,但有些用户反馈表示希望能够得到更加详细和个性化的指导,例如针对发音、语速等方面的具体指导。

- 社区管理不善:英语流利说的社区功能虽然鼓励用户交流和互动,但有些用户反映社区中存在大量垃圾信息和不当言论,希望能够有更好的管理机制。

3. 用户反馈根据对英语流利说用户的调查和反馈,我们整理了以下一些比较典型的用户意见和建议:1. 用户A:希望能够提供更加系统化的英文听力材料,以便更好地锻炼自己的听力能力。

2. 用户B:建议增加正式考试的模拟练习,例如托福、雅思等,以帮助用户更好地应对考试。

3. 用户C:希望能够加强语法练习,提供更多的语法习题和例句,以帮助用户掌握语法知识。

4. 用户D:反映口语练习功能有时候会出现网络连接问题,希望能够提供更稳定的网络支持。

5. 用户E:建议加强社区管理,清理垃圾信息和不当言论。

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在潜在用户感兴趣的时候,就会进入到APP 界面,就在此界面中有浮层、弹窗,引导用户进行测试,在了解整体内容的时候弹窗就会自动弹出“测试你的英语口语”,在“英语流利说”营销策略中将“测试”作为APP营销的重点功能。









