






为了便于大多数读者理解,我尽量没有使用很多专业词汇,可能不够严谨,望见谅!本文使用了以下这些开源软件,在这里感谢这些软件的开发者:aircrack-ng: /dnsmasq: /dnsmasq/doc: /lighttpd: /php: /overview:首先简略地说说基本的思路,使用airodump-ng查看有那些客户端正在使用无线网络,然后通过aireplay-ng持续攻击某个AP,使该客户端保持可以搜索到自己的AP,但是又连接不上的状态。





hash suite用法 -回复

hash suite用法 -回复

hash suite用法-回复您好!在本文中,我将为您介绍Hash Suite的用法和操作步骤。

Hash Suite是一款功能强大的密码恢复和破解工具,它可用于恢复各种类型的散列密码,如MD5、SHA-1、LM和NTLM。

Hash Suite还能够执行字典和蛮力攻击,并提供了GUI和命令行界面供用户选择。

接下来,我将一步一步为您介绍Hash Suite的使用方法。

第一步:安装和启动Hash Suite首先,您需要下载Hash Suite的安装程序并双击运行它。

接下来,按照安装向导的指示完成Hash Suite的安装。

一旦安装完成,您可以在开始菜单或桌面上找到Hash Suite的图标。

双击该图标,即可启动Hash Suite。

第二步:加载散列文件在Hash Suite启动后,您将看到一个主界面,包含了各种功能选项和主菜单。

要开始使用Hash Suite,请单击主菜单中的“文件”选项,并选择“加载散列文件”。


Hash Suite支持多种散列文件格式,如.hc、.lm、.nt、.pwdump和.sam。


Hash Suite提供了三种恢复模式,分别是字典攻击、蛮力攻击和混合攻击。

- 字典攻击:利用事先生成的密码字典,逐个尝试其中的密码进行破解。

- 蛮力攻击:尝试所有可能的密码组合,从而找到正确的密码。

- 混合攻击:结合了字典攻击和蛮力攻击,从而提高破解密码的成功率。





第五步:选择破解方法和启动攻击Hash Suite提供了多种破解方法,如增量哈希、优化哈希、选择单个哈希等。

gentoo iso验证密钥 -回复

gentoo iso验证密钥 -回复

gentoo iso验证密钥-回复以下是针对Gentoo ISO验证密钥的一步一步回答。

Gentoo Linux是一种自由及开放源代码操作系统,它提供了一个轻量级、可定制、高度灵活的Linux发行版。




首先,前往Gentoo Linux官方网站(ISO镜像文件。



它能够生成一个唯一标识符,通过比较该标识符以及官方提供的校验和,可以确定ISO 镜像文件是否被篡改。

下一步是获取Gentoo ISO验证密钥。


你可以在Gentoo Linux官方网站的安全密钥页面(在安全密钥页面上,你将会看到一系列的验证密钥,每个密钥对应着一个Gentoo Linux项目的不同部分。


一般来说,你应该选择标记为"Release Engineering"或"Release Engineering (auto sync)"的密钥。







这可以通过使用Linux上的gpg 工具来完成。

打开终端,并运行以下命令:bashgpg import <path_to_key_file>其中,`<path_to_key_file>`是你下载的密钥的路径。



消息认证算法一、介绍消息认证算法(Message Authentication Algorithm)是一种用于验证消息完整性和真实性的算法。



二、基本原理消息认证算法的基本原理是通过对消息进行加密和生成消息认证码(Message Authentication Code,MAC),然后将消息和MAC一起传输给接收方。



三、常见的算法3.1 HMACHMAC(Hash-based Message Authentication Code)是一种基于散列函数的消息认证算法。




3.2 RSARSA(Rivest-Shamir-Adleman)是一种非对称加密算法,也可以用于消息认证。




3.3 DSADSA(Digital Signature Algorithm)是一种数字签名算法,也可以用于消息认证。




3.4 ECDSAECDSA(Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm)是一种基于椭圆曲线的数字签名算法,也可以用于消息认证。

Kaspersky Security Center 13.1 用户手册说明书

Kaspersky Security Center 13.1 用户手册说明书

Kaspersky Security Center 13.1© 2023 AO Kaspersky Lab目录Kaspersky Security Center 13.1 帮助新闻Kaspersky Security Center 13.1关于 Kaspersky Security Center硬件和软件要求不支持的操作系统和平台支持的 Kaspersky 应用程序列表Kaspersky Security Center 13.1 的授权许可和功能关于管理服务器与 Kaspersky Security Center 13.1 Web Console 的兼容性Kaspersky Security Center 的比较:基于 Windows 与基于 Linux关于 Kaspersky Security Center 云控制台基本概念管理服务器管理服务器层级虚拟管理服务器移动设备服务器Web 服务器网络代理管理组受管理设备未分配的设备管理员工作站管理插件管理 Web 插件策略策略配置文件任务任务范围本地应用程序设置与策略的关系分发点连接网关架构主要安装方案Kaspersky Security Center 使用的端口关于 Kaspersky Security Center 证书数据流量和端口使用的 schemaLAN 中的管理服务器和受管理设备局域网中的主管理服务器和两个从属管理服务器管理服务器位于 LAN、受管理设备位于互联网、TMG 使用中管理服务器位于 LAN、受管理设备位于互联网、连接网关使用中管理服务器位于 DMZ、受管理设备位于互联网Kaspersky Security Center 组件和安全应用程序的交互:更多信息交互模式中的惯例管理服务器和 DBMS管理服务器和管理控制台管理服务器和客户端设备:管理安全应用程序通过分发点在客户端设备上升级软件管理服务器层级:主管理服务器和从属管理服务器DMZ 中带有从属管理服务器的管理服务器层级管理服务器、网段连接网关和客户端设备管理服务器和 DMZ 中的两台设备:连接网关和客户端设备管理服务器和 Kaspersky Security Center 13.1 Web Console激活和管理移动设备上的安全应用程序部署最佳实践部署准备计划 Kaspersky Security Center 部署部署保护系统的常规方案关于在组织网络中规划 Kaspersky Security Center 的部署选择企业保护结构Kaspersky Security Center 的标准配置标准配置:单一办公室标准配置:由自己管理员运行的几个大规模办公室标准配置:多个小远程办公室如何为管理服务器选择 DBMS选择 DBMS使用 Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android 管理移动设备提供到管理服务器的互联网访问互联网访问:本地网络上的管理服务器互联网访问:DMZ 中的管理服务器互联网访问:DMZ 中作为连接网关的网络代理关于分发点计算分发点的数量和配置管理服务器层级虚拟管理服务器Kaspersky Security Center 的限制信息网络负载反病毒保护的初始部署反病毒数据库的原始更新使客户端和管理服务器同步反病毒数据库附加更新利用管理服务器对客户端事件的处理24小时流量准备移动设备管理Exchange 移动设备服务器如何部署 Exchange 移动设备服务器部署 Exchange 移动设备服务器所需的权限Exchange ActiveSync 服务账户iOS MDM 服务器标准配置:DMZ 中的 Kaspersky Device Management for iOS标准配置:组织本地网络中的 iOS MDM 服务器使用 Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android 管理移动设备管理服务器性能相关信息连接到管理服务器的限制管理服务器性能测试报告KSN 代理服务器性能测试结果部署网络代理和安全应用程序初始化部署配置安装程序安装包MSI 属性和转换文件使用应用程序远程安装的第三方工具部署关于 Kaspersky Security Center 中的远程安装任务通过捕获和复制设备硬盘驱动器镜像来部署使用 Microsoft Windows 组策略部署通过 Kaspersky Security Center 远程安装任务的强制部署运行 Kaspersky Security Center 创建的独立包手动安装应用程序的选项在安装有网络代理的设备上远程安装应用程序在远程安装任务中管理设备重启安全应用程序安装包上的数据库更新在 Kaspersky Security Center 中使用工具远程安装应用程序以便在受管理设备上运行相关可执行文件监控部署配置安装程序常规信息在静默模式下安装(带有响应文件)在静默模式下安装网络代理(没有响应文件)通过 setup.exe 的部分安装配置管理服务器安装参数网络代理安装参数虚拟基础架构降低虚拟机负载的窍门对动态虚拟机的支持对虚拟机复制的支持对网络代理设备文件系统回滚的支持应用程序的本地安装网络代理的本地安装在非交互(静默)模式下安装网络代理以静默模式安装 Linux 网络代理(使用应答文件)应用程序管理插件的本地安装以静默模式安装应用程序使用独立包安装应用程序网络代理安装包设置查看隐私策略。




1. 密钥生成算法:输入安全参数n,输出n-位密钥。


2. MAC生成算法:输入密钥、消息,输出MAC标签。


MAC 标签是消息的摘要,用于验证消息的完整性。

3. 验证算法:输入密钥、消息、标签,输出验证状态位。








各类⿊客⼤马默认密码后门各类⿊客⼤马默认密码后门通过goole hack 语法搜索 incontent: xx⿊客留的后门⿊⽻基地免杀asp⼤马密码5201314Hacked By CHINA! 密码chinaAsp站长助⼿6.0 密码584521web综合安全评测 - Beta3 密码nohack未知数X 密码45189946baidu}" 密码baidu路遥知马⼒密码123⿊客⽹站之家美化版密码chenxueThé、End.゛密码and QQ:913720787笑佛天下密码cnot西域⼩刚-站长助⼿-修改版本密码xxoxxXXXXX 密码rinima暗组超强功能修正去后门加强S-U提权版密码hkk007⿊客官⽅-长期提供⽹站⼊侵,密码破解数据库⼊侵密码chengnuoASPAdmin_A 密码"5556661221" '123456⽕狐ASP⽊马(超强版)" 密码wrsk⾬夜孤魂密码54321Dark Security Team 密码yuemo随风⾃由的泪密码jcksyes伟⼤的农民密码521mr.con asp⼩马密码*******JspX 密码4lert围剿专版密码yuemo或者5201314maek dream 密码hackerShell 密码xxxxx靈魂◆安全⼩组+" 密码10011C120105101银河安全⽹密码fclsharkASPXSpy 密码19880118Dark 密码376186027No Backdoor Webshell(⼑) 密码admin⿊勇⼠shell勇⼠版密码654321⼩武来了密码535039Evil sadness 密码adminF.S.T 联盟交流群内部版别外传噢密码000独⾃等待专⽤密码123windows 密码 123[D.s.T]会员专⽤WebShell 密码darkst我要进去' 密码jcksyesHacker'Rose 密码123456随风⾃由的泪密码jcksyesF.S.T 海盗内部版.!别外传噢。



Copyright Notice
Micromass UK Limited believes that the information in this publication is accurate. However the information is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a contractual undertaking by Micromass UK Limited. Despite the care that has been given to the preparation of this publication, Micromass UK Limited accepts no responsibility for any loss or any other matter that may arise from any error or inaccuracy that may inadvertently have been included. Copyright 1993-2002 Micromass Ltd. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be copied without the express written permission of Micromass UK Limited.
Page ii
MassLynx NT Users Guide
MassLynx NT User’s Guide............................................................................





以下是一些Aircrack-ng的基本使用技巧:1. 收集数据包(Capture Packets):-使用`airodump-ng`命令来捕获Wi-Fi流量。

```bashairodump-ng wlan0```-选择要攻击的目标网络并记下BSSID和频道。

2. 抓取握手包(Capture Handshake):-使用`airodump-ng`来捕获握手包。


```bashairodump-ng --bssid <目标BSSID> -c <频道号> -w <输出文件名> wlan0```-等待直到收集到握手包,然后按`Ctrl+C`停止。

3. 破解密码(Crack Password):-使用`aircrack-ng`来破解密码。


```bashaircrack-ng -a2 -b <目标BSSID> -w <字典文件> <捕获文件-01.cap>```4. 使用字典攻击(Dictionary Attack):-在破解密码时,你可以使用字典文件。


-常用的字典文件包括Rockyou.txt等,你可以在互联网上找到或使用Kali Linux自带的。

5. 使用更强大的字典和规则:-使用更大、更复杂的字典文件以增加破解成功的可能性。


6. 使用GPU进行加速:-如果你有支持GPU的硬件,可以考虑使用GPU进行密码破解,这可以显著提高破解速度。


- Updated 123Scan Requirements section. - Updated Advanced Data Formatting (ADF) section. - Updated Environmental Sealing in Table 4-2. - Added the USB Cert information in Table 4-2.
-05 Rev. A
Rev. B Software Updates Added: - New Feedback email address. - Grid Matrix parameters - Febraban parameter - USB HID POS (formerly known as Microsoft UWP USB) - Product ID (PID) Type - Product ID (PID) Value - ECLevel
-06 Rev. A
10/2018 - Added Grid Matrix sample bar code. - Moved 123Scan chapter.
-07 Rev. A
Added: - SITA and ARINC parameters. - IBM-485 Specification Version.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form, or by any electrical or mechanical means, without permission in writing from Zebra. This includes electronic or mechanical means, such as photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems. The material in this manual is subject to change without notice.



冰河木马详解路由器命令router>用户模式1:进入特权模式enablerouter>enablerouter#2:进入全局配置模式configureterminal router>enablerouter#configureterminalrouter(conf)#3:交换机命名hotnameroutera以routerA为例router>enablerouter#configureterminalrouter(conf)#hotnamerouterAroutera(conf)#4:配置使能口令enablepawordcico以cico为例router>enablerouter#configureterminalrouter(conf)#hotnamerouterArouterA(conf)#enablepawordcico5:配置使能密码enableecretcicolab以cicolab为例router>enablerouter#configureterminalrouter(conf)#hotnamerouterArouterA(conf)#enableecretcicolab6:进入路由器某一端口interfacefatehernet0/17以17端口为例router>enablerouter#configureterminalrouter(conf)#hotnamerouterArouterA(conf)#interfacefatehernet0/17routerA(conf-if)#进入路由器的某一子端口interfacefatethernet0/17.1以17端口的1子端口为例router>enablerouter#configureterminalrouter(conf)#hotnamerouterArouterA(conf)#interfacefatehernet0/17.17:设置端口ip地址信息router>enablerouter#configureterminalrouter(conf)#hotnamerouterArouterA(conf)#interfacefatehernet0/17以17端口为例routerA(conf-if)#ipaddre192.168.1.1255.255.255.0配置交换机端口ip和子网掩码routerA(conf-if)#nohut是配置处于运行中routerA(conf-if)#e某it8:查看命令howrouter>enablerouter#howverion察看系统中的所有版本信息howinterfacevlan1查看交换机有关ip协议的配置信息howrunning-configure查看交换机当前起作用的配置信息howinterfacefatethernet0/1察看交换机1接口具体配置和统计信息howmac-addre-table查看mac地址表howiprouter查看路由器的路由表9:cdp相关命令router>enablerouter#howcdp查看设备的cdp全局配置信息howcdpinterfacefatethernet0/17查看17端口的cdp配置信息howcdptraffic查看有关cdp包的统计信息howcdpnerghbor列出与设备相连的cico设备10:cico2600的密码恢复重新启动路由器,在启动过程中按下win+break键,使路由器进入rommonitor在提示符下输入命令修改配置寄存器的值,然后重新启动路由器remmon1>confreg0某2142remmon2>reet重新启动路由器后进入etup模式,选择“no”,退回到e某ec模式,此时路由器原有的配置仍然保存在tartup-config中,为使路由器恢复密码后配置不变把tartup-config中配置保存到running-config中,然后重新设置enable密码,并把配置寄存器改回0某2102:router>enablerouter#copytartup-configrunning-configrouter#configureterminalrouter(conf)#enablepawordcicorouter(conf)#config-regiter0某2102保存当前配置到tartup-config,重新启动路由器。

SIMATIC Energy Manager PRO V7.2 - Operation Operat

SIMATIC Energy Manager PRO V7.2 - Operation Operat
Disclaimer of Liability We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.
2 Energy Manager PRO Client................................................................................................................. 19
2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6
Basics ................................................................................................................................ 19 Start Energy Manager ........................................................................................................ 19 Client as navigation tool..................................................................................................... 23 Basic configuration ............................................................................................................ 25 Search for object................................................................................................................ 31 Quicklinks.......................................................................................................................... 33 Create Quicklinks ............................................................................................................... 33 Editing Quicklinks .............................................................................................................. 35 Help .................................................................................................................................. 38

网络技术与无线网络测试 选择题 64题

网络技术与无线网络测试 选择题 64题

1. 下列哪种设备用于连接不同类型的网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 集线器D. 网桥2. 无线网络中的SSID代表什么?A. Service Set IdentifierB. System Security IdentificationC. Signal Strength IndicatorD. Server Set Identifier3. 下列哪个协议用于无线网络的安全?A. HTTPB. FTPC. WEPD. SMTP4. 802.11n标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsC. 600 MbpsD. 1 Gbps5. 下列哪个是无线网络的加密标准?A. WPAB. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP6. 无线网络中的AP代表什么?A. Access PointB. Application ProtocolC. Advanced ProgramD. Active Port7. 下列哪个设备用于扩展无线网络的覆盖范围?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 中继器D. 网桥8. 802.11ac标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsC. 600 MbpsD. 1 Gbps9. 下列哪个是无线网络的认证标准?A. WPA2B. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP10. 无线网络中的BSSID代表什么?A. Basic Service Set IdentifierB. Broadcast Service Set IdentifierC. Bridge Service Set IdentifierD. Base Station Set Identifier11. 下列哪个设备用于连接有线网络和无线网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 中继器D. 网桥12. 802.11ax标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsC. 600 MbpsD. 1 Gbps13. 下列哪个是无线网络的加密标准?A. WPA3B. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP14. 无线网络中的ESSID代表什么?A. Extended Service Set IdentifierB. Extended System Security IdentificationC. Extended Signal Strength IndicatorD. Extended Server Set Identifier15. 下列哪个设备用于连接多个无线网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 中继器D. 网桥16. 802.11ad标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsC. 600 Mbps17. 下列哪个是无线网络的认证标准?A. WPAB. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP18. 无线网络中的IBSS代表什么?A. Independent Basic Service SetB. Independent Broadcast Service SetC. Independent Bridge Service SetD. Independent Base Station Set19. 下列哪个设备用于连接有线网络和无线网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 中继器D. 网桥20. 802.11ah标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsC. 600 MbpsD. 1 Gbps21. 下列哪个是无线网络的加密标准?A. WEPB. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP22. 无线网络中的PSK代表什么?A. Pre-Shared KeyB. Public Service KeyC. Private Signal KeyD. Public Server Key23. 下列哪个设备用于连接多个无线网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 中继器D. 网桥24. 802.11bg标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsD. 1 Gbps25. 下列哪个是无线网络的认证标准?A. WPA2B. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP26. 无线网络中的WPA代表什么?A. Wi-Fi Protected AccessB. Wireless Public AccessC. Wired Private AccessD. Wireless Protected Authentication27. 下列哪个设备用于连接有线网络和无线网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 中继器D. 网桥28. 802.11be标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsC. 600 MbpsD. 1 Gbps29. 下列哪个是无线网络的加密标准?A. WPA3B. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP30. 无线网络中的TKIP代表什么?A. Temporal Key Integrity ProtocolB. Temporal Key Identification ProtocolC. Temporal Key Integration ProtocolD. Temporal Key Identification Program31. 下列哪个设备用于连接多个无线网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 中继器D. 网桥32. 802.11bz标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsC. 600 MbpsD. 1 Gbps33. 下列哪个是无线网络的认证标准?A. WPAB. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP34. 无线网络中的CCMP代表什么?A. Counter Mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication C ode ProtocolB. Counter Mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication C ode ProgramC. Counter Mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication C ode ProcedureD. Counter Mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication C ode Process35. 下列哪个设备用于连接有线网络和无线网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 中继器D. 网桥36. 802.11by标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsC. 600 MbpsD. 1 Gbps37. 下列哪个是无线网络的加密标准?A. WEPB. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP38. 无线网络中的AES代表什么?A. Advanced Encryption StandardB. Advanced Encryption SystemC. Advanced Encryption ServiceD. Advanced Encryption Security39. 下列哪个设备用于连接多个无线网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 中继器40. 802.11bz标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsC. 600 MbpsD. 1 Gbps41. 下列哪个是无线网络的认证标准?A. WPA2B. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP42. 无线网络中的EAP代表什么?A. Extensible Authentication ProtocolB. Extensible Authentication ProgramC. Extensible Authentication ProcedureD. Extensible Authentication Process43. 下列哪个设备用于连接有线网络和无线网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 中继器D. 网桥44. 802.11by标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsC. 600 MbpsD. 1 Gbps45. 下列哪个是无线网络的加密标准?A. WPA3B. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP46. 无线网络中的PEAP代表什么?A. Protected Extensible Authentication ProtocolB. Protected Extensible Authentication ProgramC. Protected Extensible Authentication ProcedureD. Protected Extensible Authentication Process47. 下列哪个设备用于连接多个无线网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机D. 网桥48. 802.11bz标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsC. 600 MbpsD. 1 Gbps49. 下列哪个是无线网络的认证标准?A. WPAB. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP50. 无线网络中的LEAP代表什么?A. Lightweight Extensible Authentication ProtocolB. Lightweight Extensible Authentication ProgramC. Lightweight Extensible Authentication ProcedureD. Lightweight Extensible Authentication Process51. 下列哪个设备用于连接有线网络和无线网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 中继器D. 网桥52. 802.11by标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsC. 600 MbpsD. 1 Gbps53. 下列哪个是无线网络的加密标准?A. WEPB. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP54. 无线网络中的TLS代表什么?A. Transport Layer SecurityB. Transport Layer SystemC. Transport Layer ServiceD. Transport Layer Security Protocol55. 下列哪个设备用于连接多个无线网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 中继器D. 网桥56. 802.11bz标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsC. 600 MbpsD. 1 Gbps57. 下列哪个是无线网络的认证标准?A. WPA2B. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP58. 无线网络中的TTLS代表什么?A. Tunneled Transport Layer SecurityB. Tunneled Transport Layer SystemC. Tunneled Transport Layer ServiceD. Tunneled Transport Layer Security Protocol59. 下列哪个设备用于连接有线网络和无线网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 中继器D. 网桥60. 802.11by标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsC. 600 MbpsD. 1 Gbps61. 下列哪个是无线网络的加密标准?A. WPA3B. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP62. 无线网络中的SIM代表什么?A. Subscriber Identity ModuleB. Subscriber Identification ModuleC. Subscriber Identity ManagementD. Subscriber Identification Management63. 下列哪个设备用于连接多个无线网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 中继器D. 网桥64. 802.11bz标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsC. 600 MbpsD. 1 Gbps答案:1. A2. A3. C4. B5. A6. A7. C8. D9. A10. A11. A12. D13. A14. A15. A16. D17. A18. A19. A20. A21. A22. A23. A24. B25. A26. A27. A28. D29. A30. A31. A32. D33. A34. A35. A36. D37. A38. A39. A40. D41. A42. A43. A44. D45. A46. A47. A48. D49. A50. A51. A52. D53. A54. A55. A56. D57. A58. A59. A60. D61. A62. A63. A64. D。

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2 操作 ................................................................................................................................................................. 19 打开服务器电源 .................................................................................................................................. 19 关闭服务器电源 .................................................................................................................................. 19 将服务器从机架中取出 ....................................................................................................................... 19 将服务器从机架中拉出 ....................................................................................................................... 20 卸下检修面板 ...................................................................................................................................... 21 安装检修面板 ...................................................................................................................................... 22 卸下 SPI 板 ......................................................................................................................................... 22 安装 SPI 板 ......................................................................................................................................... 23



STUN,全称是Simple Traversal of UDP through Network Address Translators,是一种STUN,全称是Simple Traversal of UDP through Network Address Translators,是一种解决P2P应用NAT穿越问题的常用技术。











MD5即Message-Digest Algorithm 5(信息-摘要算法5),用于确保信息传输完整一致。


1. 填充:首先,将信息进行填充,使其长度恰好是512的整数倍。





2. 设置初始值:MD5的哈希结果长度为128位,按每32位分成一组共4组。


3. 信息分块:将处理后的信息分成512位的小块,每小块再进行一系列的


1. 压缩性:任意长度的数据,算出的MD5值长度都是固定的。

2. 容易计算:从原数据计算出MD5值很容易。

3. 抗修改性:对原数据进行任何改动,哪怕只修改1个字节,所得到的MD5值都有很大区别。

4. 强抗碰撞:已知原数据和其MD5值,想找到一个具有相同MD5值的数据(即伪造数据)是非常困难的。




windows口令破解GetHashes(1)Windows系统下的Hash密码格式Windows系统下的Hash密码格式为:用户名称:RID:LM-Hash值:NT-Hash值例如:Administrator:500:C8825DB10F2590EAAAD3B435B51404EE:683020925C5D8569 C23AA724774CE6CC:::表示用户名称为:AdministratorRID为:500LM-Hash值为:C8825DB10F2590EAAAD3B435B51404EENT-Hash值为:683020925C5D8569C23AA724774CE6CC(2)Windows下LM-Hash值生成原理"WELCOME" -> 57454C434F4D4500000000000000如果明文口令经过大写变换后的二进制字符串不足14字节,则需要在其后添加0x00补足14字节。

然后切割成两组7字节的数据,分别经str_to_key()函数处理得到两组8字节数据:57454C434F4D45 -str_to_key(-> 56A25288347A348A00000000000000 -str_to_key(-> 000000000000000056A25288347A348A -对4B47532140232425进行标准DES加密->C23413A8A1E7665F0000000000000000 -对4B47532140232425进行标准DES加密->AAD3B435B51404EE将加密后的这两组数据简单拼接,就得到了最后的LM Hash。

LM Hash: C23413A8A1E7665FAAD3B435B51404EEWindows下NTLM Hash生成原理IBM设计的LM Hash算法存在几个弱点,微软在保持向后兼容性的同时提出了自己的挑战响应机制,NTLM Hash便应运而生。

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Password Hashing:the Future is Now2013.07.11Jean-Philippe Aumasson(@aumasson)Kudelski Security,Switzerland1IntroductionWhen?Who?How many?March2013Evernote≈50millionApril2013LivingSocial≈50million?July2013Ubisoft≈58millionThis table reports the number of password hashes compromised in recent breaches of popular web services.It is probably the best argument in favor of secure storage of passwords.But why passwords can be compromised whereas hashing is supposed to protect them?Most web services that authenticate their users(webmails,social network services, etc.)do it with pair username/password:to login in the web application of the ser-vice,you send your username and your password to the web server,which checks in its database that the given username is already registered and that the password is identical to the password set by that user.But how is this last step performed?Some web servers store your password in clear in their database(these are the ser-vices that send you your password by email when you hit”I forgot my password”),there-fore password verification is just a comparison of two strings.This is an extremely risky and irresponsible approach,because an attacker who gains access to the database di-rectly gets the password of each user.Such an attacker may then impersonate a user on the website attacked,or on another website where this user is registered(most people reuse a same password accross several services).Some other web servers store a hash of your password.A hash is computed by applying a function that transforms a string of arbitrary length to a random-looking string offixed length(for example,16bytes).The goal is to prevent an attacker to read your passwords if she gains access to the database.However,if the attacker knows the hash function used,she can try different passwords until one matches the hash value observed(for example,using a dictionary of the most commonly used passwords).The degree of protection against such bruteforce attacks varies greatly with the hash function used:1•Cryptographic hash functions,such as MD5,SHA-1,or SHA-256:these func-tions are typically very fast(several hundreds of megabytes per second on a desk-top CPU),which is undesirable against bruteforce attacks.Furthermore,a given password is always hashed to the same value regardless of the user;this exposes the system to time-memory trade-off attacks(for example,using”rainbow tables”), which are much faster than dictionary attacks.•Cryptographic hash functions with a salt:a salt is an auxiliary input to the hash function that is selected randomly when a user sets his password.The fundamen-tal goal of salts is to simulate the use of different hashing algorithm.Therefore,a same password hashed with two different salts will have two different hash val-ues.This prevents time-memory trade-off attacks,because an attacker does not know in advance the salt used.However bruteforce attacks remain as fast as with unsalted hash functions.•Password-hashing functions,also called password-based key derivation func-tions:these functions mitigate bruteforce attacks by being significantly slower,and sometimes requiring a significant amount of memory(to increase the cost of brute-force on technologies such as GPUs or FPGAs).Such functions thus provide a much greater protection.However,password-hashing function are not well un-derstood,and only a handful of constructions have been proposed(PBKDF2[5], bcrypt[4],and scrypt[3]are the most common).The security and cryptography communities now have a much better understanding of password hashing than a few years ago.It is thus time to develop a mature design for protecting passwords,that will provide enhance security compared to previous propos-als and that will be easy to deploy across platforms and systems.Indeed,password-based authentication is used more broadly than for just websites:mobile devices,oper-ating systems,full-disk encryption,SSH keys,etc.We advocate the development of the new password-hashing function will be per-formed through a public competition,a model that has proved effective to select crypto-graphic algorithms(see the AES,eSTREAM,or SHA-3competitions).The goal of this competition,named Password Hashing Competition(PHC)is threefold:•T o promote the development of best-of-breed algorithms for securing passwords,•T o encourage cryptographic research in this area,and•T o develop standards and usage recommendations for password hashing algo-rithms.In the remainder of this white paper,we highlight the technical challenges of developing new reliable password hashing methods,and introduce the PHC’s agenda and timeline.22Technical challengesDeveloping new password hashing methods is arguably more challenging than(say) block ciphers or hash functions,due to the high dependence of security on the underly-ing technology—be it that of defenders of or attackers—and to the relative youth of the field,with few research works published.Below we attempt to summarize the main challenges related to the design and de-ployment of new password hashing methods(we prefer to talk of“method”or“scheme”rather than“function”or“algorithm”because several algorithms and physical or logical components may be involved in a given method).This list is by far not exhaustive.2.1Software and hardware engineersPerhaps the main challenge in the design of a password hashing scheme is the cre-ation of a method with minimized efficiency on GPUs and FPGAs—and,to a lesser extent,ASICs—and maximized efficiency on general-purpose CPUs.For example,the method should not easily lend itself to pipelining and to parallelism of multiple instances;a corollary is that a single instance should have a reasonable degree of parallelism(for example to exploit AVX2instructions in general-purpose CPUs on legit servers).T o measure the relative value of different hashing methods with respect to that fuzzy notion of“slower for attackers,faster for defenders”,metrics—or at least heuristics—should be created.These might be developed with respect to specific technologies (for example,a given model of GPU card),or to more abstract models of computation (for example,non-uniform circuits to model[programmable]hardware).A somewhat similar challenge was encountered in cryptographic competitions to assess the relative security of block ciphers or hash functions,and the notion of“security margin”was considered.Although obviously imperfect,that notion helped comparing submissions. We expect performance metrics of password hashing to also be fuzzy and controversial, but hopefully they will be helpful guides in the selection process.A related challenge is to foresee future advances in technology(for example,new types of platforms,or more“dedicated”hardware`a la Xeon Phi),progress of existing hardware(how will Intel server chips look like in10years?),and the associated costs (how will the curve RAM GB vs.dollars look like?).Hardware engineers are expected to contribute hardware architectures for FPGAs and ASICs for both defensive and offensive purposes.2.2Security engineersChallenges for security engineeers are numerous;below we only list a handful of them, which may or may not be the most relevant during the competition:•Should hashing be performed by servers,clients,or both?For which applications?For example,offloading the“slow”part of hasing to the client could help mitigate3the risk of DoS on the server.However the operator of a web service knows the hardware of his server(and can tune the hashing parameters accordingly) whereas clients can be a variety of platforms,from powerful stations to cheap mobiles.The speed of client-side hashing would thus be very variable.•How to design methods that allow to update the hash database to a different security level(for example,to adapt to a new server’s hardware or to attackers’progress)without requiring a fresh user login.The composition of a“fast hash”followed by a“slow hash”naturally comes to mind,however there may be more intelligent and secure solutions.•What is the relative role of native implementations versus scripting languages?For example,browsers would easily integrate JavaScript implementations of password hashing methods,but the slowdown compared to a native code should not be too important.2.3CryptographersBesides being offered a new set of cryptanalysis targets(for attacks on security no-tions as collision resistance,preimage resistance,pseudorandomness,unpredictability, or indistinguishability from an“ideal”password hashing function—a notion yet to be de-fined),cryptographers willfind new research problems associated with password hash-ing,whose results may be of independent interest.For example,one wants to ensure that the large computation and memory require-ments of a hashing method cannot be bypassed using some computation tricks(e.g. with precomputed lookup tables).Techniques from complexity theory or algorithms analysis may be used to prove lower bounds on the time and/or space complexity of a given(class of)algorithm(s),that is,to show evidence that the complexity claims are true.Such proofs may be established in specific computation models;for example,one may prove that a given hash cannot be computed by a circuit with fewer than N NAND gates and with a depth lower than D.Another type of challenge to cryptographers,close to the typical research published in conferences as CRYPTO or EUROCRYPT,is the design of constructions(a.k.a. modes of operation)proved to be secure given“ideal”underlying primitives,such as pseudorandom functions(PRFs),universal hash functions,etc.Such result are ex-pected to provide methods that are simpler(that is,as simple as possible to achieve the target security),and to considerably increase the confidence.2.4AttackersPassword crackers(who may also be,or work with,cryptographers)will play a critical role in the competition,as they will simulate future real attackers.Professionals of pass-word cracking will help to optimize implementations for high-performance platforms such4as GPUs,and tofind any trick to reduce the cost of retrieving passwords(be it with a single target or as a batch attack).3The Password Hashing CompetitionThe Password Hashing Competition(PHC)is an initiative inspired by previous public cryptographic competitions:AES,eSTREAM,SHA-3,and more recently CAESAR;we refer to for an overview of those projects.Such public, targeted crypto competitions proved effective to crowdsource the design and analysis effort,so as to eventually select one or more primitives.It is thus natural to adopt the same model for the development of password hashing schemes.Initiated in fall2012,the PHC is organized by a panel of experts from industry, academia,and government institutions(NIST),which includes the leading experts in both the defensive and offensive aspects.Motivations behind the PHC include:•The poor state of passwords protection in web services:passwords are too often either stored in clear(these are the services that send you your password by email after hitting“I forgot my password”),or just hashed with a cryptographic hash func-tion(like MD5or SHA-1),which exposes users’passwords to efficient brute force cracking methods.•The low variety of methods available:the only standardized construction is PBKDF2, and there are mainly just two alternatives,bcrypt and scrypt,which both have sev-eral undesirable properties.•A number of new ideas discussed within the security and cryptography communi-ties,but which have not yet led to a concrete proposal.We stress that the PHC is organized by a group of individuals,not by a standardization body.However this does not exclude the future standardization of one or more of the schemes selected.After publishing the call for submissions in February2013,the next stage of the competition starts on January31,2014,the submission deadline.The selection of finalists submission(a shortlist of candidates for thefinal selection)is expected in Q3 2014,and the selection of afinal portfolio on Q22015.PHC aims to identify diverse methods covering a broad range of applications,and providing innovative techniques to better protect passwords(or PINs,passphrases,etc.).For the sake of completeness,the list of panel members and the call for submissions of PHC are copied in Appendix of this paper.More details are available on the website of the project,https://.5References[1]Burt Kaliski.PKCS#5:Password-Based Cryptography Specification Version2.0.RFC2898(Informational),2000.[2]Burt Kaliski.PKCS#5:Password-Based Key Derivation Function2(PBKDF2)TestVectors.RFC6070(Informational),2011.[3]Colin Percival.Stronger key derivation via sequential memory-hard functions.InBSDCan,2009.See also /scrypt.html.[4]Niels Provos and David Mazi`eres.A future-adaptable password scheme.In USENIXAnnual T echnical Conference,FREENIX ENIX,1999.[5]Meltem S¨onmez Turan,Elaine Barker,William Burr,and Lily Chen.NIST SP800-132:Recommendation for password-based key derivation part1:Storage applica-tions,2010.See also[1,2].A PHC panel membersThe PHC is organized by a panel of experts consisting ofT ony Arcieri(@bascule,LivingSocial)Jean-Philippe Aumasson(@aumasson,Kudelski Security)Dmitry Chestnykh(@dchest,Coding Robots)Jeremi Gosney(@jmgosney,Stricture Consulting Group)Russell Graves(@bitweasil,Cryptohaze)Matthew Green(@matthew d green,Johns Hopkins University)Peter Gutmann(University of Auckland)Pascal Junod(@cryptopathe,HEIG-VD)Poul-Henning Kamp(FreeBSD)Stefan Lucks(Bauhaus-Universit¨at Weimar)Samuel Neves(@sevenps,University of Coimbra)Colin Percival(@cperciva,Tarsnap)Alexander Peslyak(@solardiz,Openwall)Marsh Ray(@marshray,Microsoft)Jens Steube(@hashcat,Hashcat project)Steve Thomas(@Sc00bzT,T obT u)Meltem Sonmez T uran(NIST)Zooko Wilcox-O’Hearn(@zooko,Least Authority Enterprises)Christian Winnerlein(@codesinchaos,LMU Munich)Elias Y arrkov(@yarrkov)These experts will be responsible for thefinal selection of a portfolio of schemes,based on the public contribution and on their assessment of the submissions received.They6will be permitted to submit schemes,however they will not participate in discussions regarding their own submission.B PHC call for submissionsThe Password Hashing Competition(PHC)organizers solicit proposals from any inter-ested party for candidate password hashing schemes,to be considered for inclusion in a portfolio of schemes suitable for widespread adoption,and covering a broad range of applications.Submissions are due by January31,2014.All submissions received that comply with the submission requirements below will be made available on the website of the project,https://.Technical guidelinesThe submitted password hashing scheme should take as input at least •A password of any length between0and128bytes(regardless of the encoding).•A salt of16bytes.•One or more cost parameters,to tune time and/or space usage.The scheme should be able to produce(but is not limited to)16-byte outputs.If multiple output lengths are supported,the output length should be a parameter of the scheme. Similarly,if multiple salt lengths are supported,the salt length should be a parameter. Passwords longer than128bytes may be supported,but that is not mandatory.Other optional inputs include local parameters such as a personalization string,a secret key, or any application-specific parameter.Submissions will be evaluated according the following criteria:Security•Cryptographic security:the function should behave as a random function(random-looking output,one-way,collision resistant,immune to length extension,etc.).•Speed-up or other efficiency improvement(e.g.,in terms of memory usage per password tested)of cracking-optimized implementations(checking multiple sets of inputs in parallel,and doing so in a CPU’s native code)compared to implemen-tations intended for password validation should be minimal.•Speed-up or other efficiency improvement(e.g.,in terms of area-time product per password tested)of cracking-optimized ASIC,FPGA,and GPU implementations7(checking multiple sets of inputs in parallel)compared to CPU implementations intended for password validation should be minimal.•Resilience to side-channel attacks(timing attacks,leakages,etc.).In particular, information should not leak on a password’s length.Simplicity•Overall clarity of the scheme(design symmetries,modularity,etc.).•Ease of implementation(coding,testing,debugging,integration).•Use of other primitives or constructions internally(the fewer,the better).Functionality•Effectiveness of the cost parameter(e.g.can the time and space expected re-quirements be bypassed?).•Ability to transform an existing hash to a different cost setting without knowledge of the password.Submitters are encouraged to propose innovative constructions and methods for pro-tecting passwords against attackers that have fully or partially compromised a server storing password hashes.For example,one may design a scheme that is slow to eval-uate except on a server given some server-specific shortcut.Submissions may also be specific to a specific application,such as mobile devices( protect PINs),key derivation(e.g.for full-disk encryption),scripting languages(as opposed to native im-plementations),etc.Submission requirementsSubmissions should be sent to submissions@ on or before Jan-uary31,2014as a compressed archive(tar.bz2,tar.gz,or zip).All submissions will be acknowledged.The following are to be provided with any submission:Cover sheet•Name of the submitted scheme(preferably a valid C identifier).•Name and email address of the submitter(s).8Specification•Complete and unambiguous description of the scheme;however if the schemereuses an existing primitive,this primitive need not be described(for example,ifthe scheme uses AES,it is not necessary to copy the specification of AES).•Statement that there are no deliberately hidden weaknesses(backdoor,etc.);anysign of such ill intent will be grounds for disqualification.Initial security analysis•Discussion of the security claims and usage constraints of the proposed algorithm:For which usage scenarios do the designers claim their algorithm secure,andwhen should it not be used?•Discussion of the security of the algorithm,and its dependence on the security ofcryptographic primitives used by the algorithm.Efficiency analysis•Discussion of the performance of the scheme on the target platforms(that is,main-stream software):expected speed of an optimized implementation,ability to exploitmodern CPUs features(SIMD or multicore),etc.•Discussion of the performance of the algorithm on platforms that may be used forhigh-speed password cracking(ASIC,FPGAs,GPUs);if possible,an argumentwhy password-cracking on those platforms is not quite cost-effective.Code•Reference implementation in portable C(++)with necessary build instructions(e.g.a Makefile).Using C++internally is allowed,but the program should provide anexternal C API.OpenSSL’s libcrypto may be used(e.g.for AES,SHA-256).TheAPI should include,but may not be limited to,a function with the following proto-type:int PHS(void*out,size t outlen,const void*in,size t inlen,const void *salt,size t saltlen,unsigned int t cost,unsigned int m cost);The reference implementation should aim at simplicity and readability,rather thanat performance.•Comprehensive set of test vectors(preferably including all byte values in the0to255range for both the password and the salt inputs).•Optionally,implementations in other languages or specific to a given CPU/GPU,microarchitecture,etc.9Intellectual property statementStatement that the scheme is and will remain available worldwide on a royalty free basis, and that the designer is unaware of any patent of patent application that covers the use or implementation of the submitted algorithm.10。
