human diseases4
第三十一页,编辑于星期日:二十三点 四十分。
手术:可根据造模目的不同,选择切除和保留的肠段及其 长度。 一般小肠长度应少于100cm
第四十六页,编辑于星期日:二十三点 四十分。
大鼠诱发模型(其中之一) 动物:大鼠 180~200g 药物:胆固醇、猪油、甲基硫氧嘧啶 方法:1%~4%胆固醇
10%猪油 0.2%甲基硫氧嘧啶 86%~89%基础饲料 时间:连续饲喂7~10天
第三十页,编辑于星期日:二十三点 四十分。
动物:250~300g大鼠 方法一:手术分离血管(动脉或静脉),欲致内膜损
药物:D-半乳糖 氧化钾
方法:50%D-半乳糖生理盐水+5mg当量氯化钾,大鼠 腹腔注射7.5mg/kg/日、共两周
第四十一页,编辑于星期日:二十三点 四十分。
胎儿宫内生长迟缓动物模型(部分结扎 子宫动脉法)
动物:兔 方法:妊娠7天的兔,手术暴露双侧子宫角,将3/0钢
丝线平行放置一侧子宫动脉中,用3/0丝线结 扎该动脉及钢丝,然后抽出钢丝。 时间:孕后21天杀死动物取出胎儿,经称量即可判 定,亦可在此期间进行相关实验。
第九页,编辑于星期日:二十三点 四十分。
1.疾病的基本病理过程动物模型 2.各系统疾病动物模型
第十页,编辑于星期日:二十三点 四十分。
⑧The boy pretended to have known it.
1.以上句子分别使用了不同的________或________形式 来表达“完成”的概念。
2.根据以上例句,表示“完成”动作的形式有: ________时态(句①), ______时态(句②和句③),过去完成进行 时态(句⑥), ______时态(句④), ______的完成式(句⑧),动词ing形式的完成式(句⑤),含有情态动词的完成时态(句⑦)。
灵长类动物的成功克隆获得了全世界的赞誉,被认为是一 项巨大的突破,从而为治愈多种疾病、延缓衰老提供线索。
【答案】3.led to; how to prevent
4.For years, there had been ________ animals artificially. 多年来,人们一直在尝试人工克隆动物。 5.At first, Dolly grew normally, but later she ________ that is more normally found in much older animals. 起初,多莉发育正常,但后来患上了一种疾病,这种疾病 更常见于衰老的动物。 【答案】4.attempts to clone 5.developed an illness
things and discover the differences between them.
5.If you say that something will happen or continue forever,
Bioethical Review in HTA involving Human Subjects 独立审核 Independent review 由于研究者有多种合法的利益,他们有潜在的利益冲突。 独立评审可使利益冲突最小化 独立审核也向社会保证不为自己的利益而滥用受试者
Bioethical Review in HTA involving Human Subjects 美国联邦法规要求知情同意书应包括8项要素: ——受试者参与的目的和参与的时间 ——风险 ——备选方案 ——利益 ——记录的保密 ——损伤补偿 ——有问题时的联系人 ——自愿参加、有权退出
Nuremberg doctors Trial and formulation of the Nuremberg Code ( 1946-49 )
纽伦堡法典中一些主要的原则如下: 受试者的参加必须出于自愿 在参加任何临床试验之前,必须知情同意 必须有实验研究提供有力的科学依据 不允许对受试者造成肉体或精神上的损害或伤害,既“do no harm” 在试验进行中的任何时间受试者有权退出
Bioethical Review in HTA involving Human Subjects 尊重受试者 ——保护秘密 ——允许退出 ——提供新的信息 ——监督提供的福利 ——为受试者提供研究的信息
Bioethical Review in HTA involving Human Subjects 有关问题: 在某些情况下,独立评审和知情同意可免除 8项伦理要求可能存在冲突,没有简单的解决方法,不 同的方法可能都是符合伦理道德的 有时为了符合伦理要求,需要调整设计 8项原则具普遍适用性 8项原则必须适应当地卫生、经济、文化和技术环境, 如在评价风险与收益时
Epigenetic Diseases
Trauma Suffocate Radiatsorders
More than 100 types,mental retardation and growing development delaying are common characteristics. Numerical abnormalities and structure aberration 3000 types Abnormal chromosome in live infant is 5% Abnormal types: aneuploid (Trisomy 21, 18, 13),deletion, duplication, circular choromosome, translocation, inversion, isochromosome
per 100,000 inhabitants
Types of Treatment
Etiology Treatment
Symptom Treatment
Bring down a fever Stop pain Operation
Depressurization Replacement
Antibiotics Nutrition
Multiple Genetic Diseases
Autism(90%), Schizophrenia (80%), Congenital asthma (80%), Cleft lips and Palate(76%), Juvenile Diabetes (75%), Congenital dislocation of the hip (70%), Coronary heart disease (65%), Hypertension (62%), Idiopathic epilepsy (57.4%), Congenital heart disease (55%) .
Symptoms Diagnosis of AIDS
The symptoms of AIDS
Way not infected with HIV
• • • • •
Air; Drinking water, food; The daily work and life; Swimming Pool; Blood sucking insects and mosquitoes, fleas, lice; • A protective care, care of AIDS patients; • Squat toilet and urinal。
Andy Lau - love in the sun
An AIDS patient who cannot afford treatment in hospital 患者没钱上医院治疗
A women with her grandson, whose father died of AIDS, he is HIV positive now. 儿子死于艾滋病, 留下一个孙子也 是艾滋病毒携带者
AIDS virus
• The AIDS virus, namely "human immunodeficiency virus", referred to as HIV. • The HIV virus is a human immune system to attack the virus. It is the most important human immune system T4 cells as a target, a large number of phagocytosis, destruction of T4 lymphocytes, thereby destroying the human immune system, the collapse of the immune system, so that the body of various diseases due to the loss of the ability to resist disease and death.
Chapter 1Human Body as a WholeMedical TerminologyLearn the following combining forms, prefixes and suffixesand write the meaning of the medical term in the space provided.1. a hormone secreted from the adrenal gland2. inflammation of the adrenal gland3. pertaining to medicine4. pertaining to biology5. pertaining to chemistry6. pertaining to the blood vessel7. pertaining to cells8. pertaining to molecules9. pertaining to the medicine of the living thing10. the study of the living thing11. pertaining to the physics of the living thing12. the study of the heart13. the disease of the heart14. the record of the heart waves15. the study of the human inner secretion from glands16. pertaining to the production of hormone17. the study of inner gland secretion18. the red blood cell19. the white blood cell20. the lymph cell21. the study of cell22. the study of chemistry of cell23. the study of biology of cell25. the tumor of the embryo26. the study of the disease of the embryo27. the study of the human inner secretion from glands28. pertaining to the inside of the heart29. pertaining to the inside of the cell30. above the skin31. above the skin32. inflammation of the skin33. red blood cells34. instrument of measuring red blood cells35. to breathe out the waste gas36. to drive somebody or something out37. to spread outside38. sth that produces diseases39. the study of blood40. blood cells41. the study of tissues42. the study of tissue pathology43. therapy treatment, hence tissue treatment44. pertaining to the base45. pertaining to the toxin46. pertaining to symptoms47. the study of body’s auto protection from diseases48. protected from49. deficiency in the immune system of the body50. substance from the adrenal gland51. water from it52. the study of societies53. the study of urinary system55. lymph cells56. tumor of the lymphatic system57. the study of the lymphatic system58. the study of physical growth59. a doctor of internal medicine60. treatment by physiological methods61. the new growth ,tumor62. the study of mind63. abnormal condition of the mind64. the study of the relationship between psychology and biology65. a condition of over activity of the thyroid gland66. the condition of under activity of the thyroid gland67. the inflammation of the thyroid gland68.cutting apart the human body as a branch of medical sciences69. cut open the cut the heart open71. pertaining to the blood vessel72. inflammation of the blood vessel73. pertaining to the lymphatic system and the blood vesselKey to the Exercises B.1.(embryo)embryology2.(process/condition) mechanism3.(heart) cardiovascular4.(color) chromatin5.(secretion) endocrinology6.(cell) cytology7.(sth. that produces or is produced) pathogen8.(lymph) lymphatic9.(the study of) psychology10.(pertaining to) regularLanguage Points:put together组成known as 叫做joints between bones关节to provide points of attachment for the muscles that move the body牵动骨骼肌引起各种运动hip joint髋关节flexible有韧性的cushioning缓冲replaced by bone 骨化one bone moves in relation to the other两骨彼此靠近产生运动contents物质nourishment营养物质function发挥功能waste products废物accumulate积聚poison the body危害生命distributes运送needed materials有用的物质unneeded ones废物is made up of包括protect…against foreign invaders防止外来侵袭(See! Power Point)identical对等的receives吸收traveled through流经forced out压送reenter流入directly直接地channels 管道filters过滤larynx喉管trachea气管two lungs左右肺very large number of 大量的air spaces肺泡release释放出extending 延伸到broken down分解absorbed into吸收进chewing咀嚼esophagus食管Key to the Section B Passage 1 Exercises B.1. (The skeletal system consists of bones, joints and soft bones.)2. (Heart is generated when muscles are contracted, which helps keep the bodytemperature constant.)3. (The circulation of blood carries useful materials to all body cells while removing wasteones.)4. (Oxygen is inhaled and carbon dioxide is exhaled in the process of respiration.)5. (The digestion of food involves both mechanical and chemical procedures.)6. (The urinary system keeps normal levels of water and of certain chemicals in the body.)7. (The pituitary is a major gland located under the brain in the middle of the head.)8. (The brain collects and processes information and then sends instructions to all parts ofthe body to be carried out.)9. (The main function of the male reproductive system is to generate, transport and keepactive male sex cells.)10. (The largest of the body’s organs, the skin protects the inner structure of the body with acomplete layer.)Key to the Section A Passage 1 Exercises E.1.cardiovascular diseases2. function of the pituitary3. the urinary tract4. molecules5. artery6. endocrinology7. dyspnea / difficulty in respiration 8. saliva9. histology 10. blood circulation11. hematology 12. physiology13. anatomy 14. the female reproductive15. nervous cells 16. immunology17. indigestion / poor in digestion 18. voluntary muscle19. embryology 20. psychologySection B, Passage 2 Cells and TissuesLanguage PointsOrganized组(构)成arranged in to构成in turn are grouped into又进一步组成serves its specific有特定的bear in mind记住result from源于billions亿万determind确立fit on合在一起by contrast相比之下machinary机构while normally在正常情况下function with great efficiency高效地发挥作用are subject to易于发生result in导致millionth百万分之一equal等于average一般 a speck barely visible基本上看不见的一个小点The science that deals with cells on the smalleststructural and functional level is called molecular biology.从最小的结构及功能水平研究细胞的科学叫分子生物学。
1. How can you decide that a specific disease belongs to one of the body systems? That depends on a patient’s account of how he/she feels, say, where it hurts, where it feels very bad, etc.
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Unit 1 Registration and Visiting a Doctor
Reading A
Endocrine Disorders
Endocrine system disorders occur either due to too much or too little or sometimes no hormone. These disorders may lead to abnormal growth pattern, diabetes, high cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Endocrine system disorders include hyperthyroidism, growth hormone deficiency and hypothyroidism.
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国际疾病分第十版ICD-10 CID-10 三位表List of three-character categories Categorias de três caracteres 国际疾病分第十版ICD-10 CID-10 本文根据世界卫生组织20061月26日的『CUMULATIVE OFFICIAL UPDATES TO ICD-10』的文本制作封面及目由澳门卫生局附加。
This document is prepared from the text published in the “CUMULATIVE OFFICIAL UPDATES TO ICD-10” of the World Health Organization. The cover and table of contents are supplemented by Health Bureau Macao SAR. Este documento foi preparado em acordo com o texto actualizado da CID-10 daOrganizao Mundial de Saúde OMS. A capa e quadros foram aplicados pelos Servi??os de Saúde da RAEM. 国际疾病分 第十版ICD-10 CID-10 根据世界卫生组织2006 1月26日的CUMULATIVE OFFICIAL UPDATES TO ICD-10 修正2006.12.05 I 目INDEX ??NDICE 第一章Chapter l Capítulo I 某些传染病和寄生虫病A00-B99 Certain infectious and parasitic diseases A00-B99 Algumas doen??as infecciosas e parasitárias A00-B99 1 A00-A09 肠道传染病Intestinal infectious diseases Doen??as infecciosas intestinais 1 A15-A19 结核病Tuberculosis Tuberculose 1 A20-A28 某些动物传染的细菌性疾病Certain zoonotic bacterial diseases Algumas doen??as bacterianas zoonóticas 1 A30-A49 其他细菌性疾病Other bacterial diseases Outras doen??as bacterianas 1 A50-A64 主要为性传播模式的感染Infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission Infeces de transmiss??o predominantemente sexual 2 A65-A69 其他 旋体病Other spirochaetal diseases Outras doen??as por espiroquetas 2 A75-A79 克次氏体病Rickettsioses Rickettsioses 2 A80-A89 中枢神经系统的病毒性感染Viral infections of the central nervous system Infeces virais do sistema nervoso central 3 A90-A99 节肢动物媒介的病毒性发热和病毒性出血热Arthopod-borne viral fevers and viral haemorrhagic fevers Febres por arbovírus e febres hemorrágicas virais 3 B00-B09 特徵为皮肤和粘膜损害的病毒性感染Viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions Infeces virais caracterizadas por les??es de pele e mucosas 3 B15-B19 病毒性肝炎Viral hepatitis Hepatite viral 3 B20-B24 人 免疫缺陷病毒HIV病Human immunodeficiency virus HIV disease Doen??a pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana VIH 4 B25-B34 其他病毒性疾病Other viral diseases Outras doen??as por vírus 4B35-B49 霉菌病Mycoses Micoses 4 B50-B64 原生动物性疾病Protozoal diseases Doen??as devidas a protozoários 4 B65-B83 蠕虫病Helminthiases Helmintíases 5B85-B89 虱病、病和其他病虫侵染Pediculosis acariasis and other infestations Pediculose acaríase e outras infestaes 5 B90-B94 传染病和寄生虫病的后遗症Sequelae of infectious and parasitic diseases Sequelas de doen??as infecciosas eparasitárias 5 B95-B97 细菌、病毒和其他传染性病原体Bacterial viral and other infectious agents Agentes de infeces bacterianas virais e outros agentes infecciosos 6 第二章Chapter II Capítulo II 肿瘤C00-D48 Neoplasms C00-D48 Tumores NeoplasiasC00-D48 6 C00-C97 性肿瘤Malignant neoplasms Tumores malignos 6 C00-Cl4 唇、口腔和 性肿瘤Malignant neoplasms of lips oral cavity and pharynx Tumores malignos do lábio cavidade oral e faringe 6 C15-C26 消化器 性肿瘤Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs Tumores malignos dos órg??os digestivos 6 C30-C39 呼吸和胸腔内器官 性肿瘤Malignant neoplasms of respiratory and intrathorcic organsTumores malignos do aparelho respiratório e dos órg??os intratorácicos 7 C40-C41 骨和关节软骨 性肿瘤Malignant neoplasms of bone and articular cartilage Tumores malignos dos ossos e das cartilagens articulares 7 C43-C44 皮肤的黑色素瘤和其他 性肿瘤Melanoma and other malignant neoplasms of skin Melanoma e outros tumores malignos da pele 7 C45-C49 间皮组织和软组织 性肿瘤Malignant neoplasms of mesothelial and soft tissue Tumores malignos do tecido mesotelial e tecidos moles 7 C50 乳房 性肿瘤Malignant neoplasm of breast Tumor maligno da mama 7 C51-C58 性生殖器官 性肿瘤Malignant neoplasms of female genital organs Tumores malignos dos órg??os genitais femininos 7 国际疾病分 第十版ICD-10 CID-10 根据世界卫生组织2006 1月26日的CUMULATIVE OFFICIAL UPDATES TO ICD-10 修正2006.12.05 IIC60-C63 男性生殖器官 性肿瘤Malignant neoplasms of male genital organs Tumores malignos dos órg??os genitais masculinos 8 C64-C68 道 性肿瘤Malignant neoplasms of urinary tract Tumores malignos do aparelho urinário: 8 C69-C72 眼、脑和中枢神经系统其他部位的 性肿瘤Malignant neoplasms of eye brain and other parts of central nervous system Tumores malignos dos olhos do encéfalo e de outras partes do sistema nervoso central 8 C73-C75 甲 腺和其他内分 腺 性肿瘤Malignant neoplasms of thyroid and other endocrine glands Tumores malignos da tiróide e de outras gl??ndulas endócrinas 8 C76-C80 明确的、继发的和未特指部位的 性肿瘤Malignant neoplasms of ill-defined secondary and unspecified sites Tumores malignos de localizaes mal definidas secundárias e de localizaes n??o especificadas 8 C81-C96 巴、造血和有关组织的 性肿瘤Malignant neoplasms of lymphoidhaematopoietic and related tissue Tumores malignos do tecido linfático hematopoético e de tecidos correlatos 8 D00-D09 原位肿瘤In situ neoplasms Tumores in situ 9 D10-D36 性肿瘤Benign neoplasms Tumores benignos: 9 D37-D48 动态未定或动态未知的肿瘤Neoplasms of uncertain or unknown behaviour Tumores de comportamento incerto ou desconhecido 10 第三章Chapter III Capítulo III 血液及造血器官疾病和某些涉及免疫机制的疾患D50-D89 Diseases of the blood andblood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism D50-D89 Doen??as do sangue e dos órg??os hematopoéticos e algumas alteraes do sistema imunitário D50-D89 10 D50-D53 营养性贫血Nutritional anaemias Anemias nutricionais 10 D55-D59 溶血性贫血Haemolytic anaemias Anemias hemolíticas 11D60-D64 再生障碍性及其他贫血Aplastic and other anaemias Anemias aplásticas e outras anemias 11 D65-D69 凝血缺陷、紫癜和其他出血性情况Coagulation defects purpura and other haemorrhagic conditions Defeitos da coagulao púrpura e outras Alteraes hemorrágicas 11 D70-D77 其他血液和造血器官疾病Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs Outras doen??as do sangue e dos órg??oshematopoéticos 11 D80-D89 某些涉及免疫机制的疾患Certain disorders involving the immune mechanism Algumas alteraes que envolvem o mecanismo imunitário 11 第四章Chapter IV Capítulo IV 内分 、营养和代谢疾病E00-E90 Endocrinenutritional and metabolic diseasesE00-E90 Doen??as endócrinas nutricionais e metabólicas E00-E90 12 E00-E07 甲 腺疾患Disorders of thyroid gland Alteraes da gl??ndula tiróide 12 E10-E14 病Diabetes mellitus Diabetes mellitus 12 E15-E16 其他葡萄 调节和胰腺内分 的疾患Other disorders Of glucose regulation and pancreatic internal secretion Outras alteraes da regulao da glicose e da secreo pancreáticaendógena 12 E20-E35 其他内分 腺疾患Disorders of other endocrine glands Alteraes de outras gl??ndulas endócrinas 12 E40-E46 营养 Malnutrition Desnutrio 12 E50-E64 其他营养缺乏Other nutritional deficiencies Outrasdeficiências nutricionais 13 E65-E68 肥胖和其他营养过 Obesity and other hyperalimentation Obesidade e outras formas de hiperalimentao 13 E70-E90 代谢紊 Metabolic disorders Alteraes metabólicas 13 第五章Chapter V Capítulo V 精神和 为障碍F00-F99 Mental and behavioural disordersF00-F99 Perturbaes mentais e de comportamentoF00-F99 14 F00-F09 器质性包括症 性精神障碍Organicincluding symptomatic mental disorders Perturbaes mentais org??nicas inclusive assintomáticas 14 F10-F19 使用精神活性物质引起的精神和 为障碍Mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive substance use Perturbaes mentais e comportamentais devidos ao uso de subst??ncia psicoativa 14 国际疾病分 第十版ICD-10 CID-10 根据世界卫生组织2006 1月26日的CUMULATIVE OFFICIAL UPDATES TO ICD-10 修正2006.12.05 III F20-F29 精神 症、分 型障碍和妄想性障碍Schizophrenia schizotypal and delusional disorders Esquizofrenia perturbaes esquizotípicos e delirantes 15 F30-F39 心境情感障碍Mood affective disorders Perturbaes do humor afectivas 15 F40-F48 神经性应激相关的以及躯体形式的障碍Neurotic stress-related and somatoform disorders Perturbaes neuróticas perturbaes relacionados com o quotstressquot e perturbaes somáticas: 15F50-F59 与生 紊 和躯体因素有关的 为综合徵Behavioural syndromes associated with physioloical disturbances and physical factors Síndromes comportamento associadas a disfunes fisiológicas e a factores físicos 15 F60-F69 成人人格和 为障碍Disorders of adult personality and behaviour Perturbaes da personalidade e do comportamento do adulto 15 F70-F79 精神发育迟滞Mental retardation Deficiência mental 16 F80-F89 心 发育障碍Disorders of psychological development Perturbaes do desenvolvimento psicológico 16 F90-F98 通常起病於童 与青少 期的 为和情绪障碍Behavioural and emotional disorders With onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence Perturbaes de comportamento e Perturbaes emocionais específicas da inf??ncia ou da adolescência 16 第章Chapter VI Capítulo VI 神经系统疾病G00-G99 Diseases of the nervous system G00-G99 Doen??as do sistema nervoso G00-G99 17 G00-G09 中枢神经系统炎性疾病lnflammatory diseases of the central nervous system Doen??as inflamatórias do sistema nervoso central 17 G10-G13 主要影响中枢神经系统的全身性萎缩Systemic atrophies primarily affecting the central nervous system Atrofias sistémicas que afectam principalmente o sistema nervoso central 17 G20-G26 锥体外束和运动疾患Extrapyramidal and movement disorders Doen??as extrapiramidais e Perturbaes dos movimentos 17 G30-G32 神经系统的其他变性性疾病Other degenerative diseases of the nervous system Outras doen??as degenerativas do sistema nervoso 17 G35-G37 中枢神经系统的脱髓鞘疾病Demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system Doen??as desmielinizantes do sistema nervoso central 17 G40-G47 发作性和阵发性疾患Episodic and paroxysmal disorders Afeces episódicas e paroxísticas 18 G50-G59 神经神经根和神经丛疾患Nerve nerve root and plexus disorders Afeces dos nervos das raízes e dos plexos nervosos 18 G60-G64 多神经病和周围神经系统的其他疾患Polyneuropathies and other disorders of the peripheral nervous system Polineuropatias e outras afeces do sistema nervoso periférico 18 G70-G73 肌神经接点和肌肉疾病Diseases of myoneural junction and muscle Afeces musculares e neuromusculares: 18 G80-G83 大脑性麻痹瘫痪和其他麻痹瘫痪综合徵Cerebral palsy and other paralytic syndromes Paralisia cerebral e outras síndromes paralíticas 18 G90-G99 神经系统的其他疾患0ther disorders of the nervous system Outrasafeces do sistema nervoso 18 第七章Chapter VII Capítulo VII 眼和附器疾病H00-H59 Diseases of the eye and adnexa H00-H59 Doen??as do olho e anexos H00-H59 19 H00-H06 眼睑 器系和眼眶疾患Disorders of eyelid lacrimal system and orbit Alteraes da pálpebra do aparelho lacrimal e da órbita: 19 Hl0-H13 结膜疾患Disorders of conjunctiva Alteraes da conjuntiva 19 H15-H22 巩膜角膜虹膜和睫 体疾患Disorders of sclera cornea iris and ciliary body Alterao da esclerótica da córnea da íris e do corpo ciliar 19 H25-H28 晶 体疾患Disorders of lens Alteraes do cristalino 19 H30-H36 脉络和视网膜疾患Disorders of choroid and retina Alteraes da coróide e da retina 20 H40-H42 青光眼Glaucoma Glaucoma 20H43-H45 玻璃体和眼球疾患Disorders of vitreous body and globe Alteraes do humor vítreo e do globo ocular 20 H46-H48 视神经和视 疾患Disorders of optic nerve and visual pathways Alteraes do nervo óptico e das vias ópticas 20 国际疾病分 第十版ICD-10 CID-10 根据世界卫生组织2006 1月26日的CUMULATIVE OFFICIAL UPDATES TO ICD-10 修正2006.12.05 IV H49-H52 眼球外肌、双眼运动、调节和屈光疾患Disorders of ocular muscles binocular movementaccommodation and refraction Alteraes dos músculos oculares do movimento binocular da acomodao e da refrao 20 H53-H54 视觉障碍和盲Visual disturbances and blindness Perturbaes da vis??o e cegueira 20 H55-H59 眼和附器的其他疾患Other disorders of eye and adnexa Outras alteraes do olho e anexos 20 第八章Chapter VIII Capítulo VIII 耳和乳突疾病H60-H95 Diseases of the ear and mastoid processH60-H95 Doen??as do ouvido e da apófise mastoideia H60-H95 20 H60-H62 外耳疾病Diseases of external ear Doen??as do ouvido externo 21 H65-H75 中耳和乳突疾病Diseases of middle ear and mastoid Doen??as do ouvido médio e da mastóide mastoideia: 21 H80-H83 内耳疾病Diseases of inner ear Doen??as do ouvido interno 21 H90-H95 耳的其他疾患Other disorders of ear Outras Afeces do ouvido 21 第九章Chapter IX Capítulo IX 循环系统疾病I00-I99 Dieases of the circulatory system I00-I99 Doen??as do aparelho circulatório I00-I99 21 I00-I02 急性风湿热Acute rheumatic fever Febre reumática aguda 21 I05-I09 慢性风湿性心脏病Chronic rheumatic heart diseases Cardiopatia reumática crónica 21 I10-I15 高血压病Hypertensive diseases Doen??a hipertensiva 22 I20-I25 缺血性心脏病Ischaemic heart diseases Cardiopatia isquémica 22 I26-I28 肺原性心脏病和肺循环疾病Pulmonary heart disease and diseases of pulmonary circulation Doen??a cardio pulmonar e doen??as da circulao pulmonar 22 I30-I52 其他 型的心脏病0ther forms of heart disease Outrascardiopatias 22 I60-I69 脑血管病Cerebrovascular diseases Doen??ascérebro-vasculares 23 I70-I79 动脉小动脉和毛细血管疾病Diseases of arteries arterioles and capillaries Doen??as das artérias das arteríolas e dos capilares 23 I80-I89 静脉 巴管和 巴结疾病可归 在他处者Diseases of veins lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes not elsewhere classified Doen??as das veias dos vasos linfáticos e dos g??nglios linfáticos n??o classificadas em outra parte 23 I95-I99 循环系统其他和未特指的疾患Other and unspecified disorders of the circulatory system Outras alteraes e as n??o especificadas do aparelho circulatório 23 第十章Chapter X Capítulo X 呼吸系统疾病J00-J99 Diseases of the respiratory system J00-J99 Doen??as do aparelho respiratório J00-J99 24 J00-J06 急性上呼吸道感染Acute upper respiratory infections Infeces agudas das vias aéreas superiores 24 J09-J18 性感冒和肺炎Influenza and pneumonia Gripe Influenza e pneumonia 24 J20-J22 其他急性下呼吸道感染Other acute lower respiratory infections Outras infeces agudas das vias aéreas inferiores 24 J30-J39 上呼吸道的其他疾病Other diseases of upper respiratory tract Outras doen??as das vias aéreas superiores 24 J40-J47 慢性下呼吸道疾病Chronic lower respiratory diseases Doen??as crónicas das vias aéreas inferiores 25 J60-J70 出於外部物质引起的肺部疾病Lung diseases due to external agents Doen??as pulmonares devidas a agentes externos 25 J80-J84 主要影响间质的其他呼吸性疾病Other respiratory diseases principally affecting the interstitium Outras doen??as respiratórias que afectam principalmente o interstício 25 J85-J86 下呼吸道化脓性和坏死性情况Suppurative and necrotic conditions of lower respiratory tract Afeces necróticas e supurativas das vias aéreas inferiores 25 J90-J94 胸膜的其他疾病Other diseases of pleura Outras doen??as da pleura 25 J95-J99 呼吸系统的其他疾病Other diseases of the respiratory system Outras doen??as do aparelho respiratório 26 第十一章消化系统疾病K00-K93 Diseases of the digestive system K00-K93 Doen??as do aparelho digestivo K00-K93 26 国际疾病分 第十版ICD-10 CID-10 根据世界卫生组织2006 1月26日的CUMULATIVE OFFICIAL UPDATES TO ICD-10 修正2006.12.05 VChapter XI Capítulo XI K00-K14 口腔涎腺和颌疾病Diseases of oral cavity salivary glands and jaws Doen??as da cavidade oral das gl??ndulas salivares e dos maxilares 26 K20-K31 食管胃和十二指肠疾病Diseases of oesophagus stomach and duodenum Doen??as do esófago do est??mago e do duodeno 26 K35-K38 阑尾疾病Diseases of appendix Doen??as do apêndice 26 K40-K46 疝Hernia Hérnias 27 K50-K52 非感染性肠炎和结肠炎Noninfective enteritis and colitis Enterites e colites n??o-infecciosas 27K55-K63 肠的其他疾病Other diseases of intestines Outras doen??as dos intestinos 27 K65-K67 腹膜疾病Diseases of peritoneum Doen??as do peritoneu 27 K7-K77 肝疾病Diseases of liver Doen??as do fígado 27 K80-K87 胆囊胆道和胰.。
2018年4级英语试卷Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the importance of reading ability and how to develop it. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes)Section A.Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.News Report One.Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.1. A) The return of a bottled message to its owner's daughter.B) A New Hampshire man's joke with friends on his wife.C) A father's message for his daughter.D) The history of a century - old motel.2. A) She wanted to show gratitude for his kindness.B) She wanted to honor her father's promise.C) She had been asked by her father to do so.D) She was excited to see her father's handwriting.News Report Two.Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.3. A) People were concerned about the number of bees.B) Several cases of Zika disease had been identified.C) Two million bees were infected with disease.D) Zika virus had destroyed some bee farms.4. A) It apologized to its customers.B) It was forced to kill its bees.C) It lost a huge stock of honey.D) It lost 2.5 million dollars.News Report Three.Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.5. A) It stayed in the air for about two hours.B) It took off and landed on a football field.C) It proved to be of high commercial value.D) It made a series of sharp turns in the sky.6. A) Engineering problems.B) The air pollution it produced.C) Inadequate funding.D) The opposition from the military.7. A) It uses the latest aviation technology.B) It flies faster than a commercial jet.C) It is a safer means of transportation.D) It is more environmentally friendly.Section B.Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Conversation One.Questions 8 to 11 will be based on the following conversation.8. A) It seems a depressing topic.B) It sounds quite alarming.C) It has little impact on our daily life.D) It is getting more serious these days.9. A) The man doesn't understand Spanish.B) The woman doesn't really like dancing.C) They don't want something too noisy.D) They can't make it to the theatre in time.10. A) It would be more fun without Mr. Whitehead hosting.B) It has too many acts to hold the audience's attention.C) It is the most amusing show he has ever watched.D) It is a show inappropriate for a night of charity.11. A) Watch a comedy.B) Go and see the dance.C) Book the tickets online.D) See a film with the man.Conversation Two.Questions 12 to 15 will be based on the following conversation.12. A) Most of her schoolmates are younger than she is.B) She simply has no idea what school to transfer to.C) There are too many activities for her to cope with.D) She worries she won't fit in as a transfer student.13. A) Seek advice from senior students.B) Pick up some meaningful hobbies.C) Participate in after - school activities.D) Look into what the school offers.14. A) She has packed too many things.B) She has bought a lot of gifts.C) She has made a tight schedule.D) She has overspent on her card.15. A) To give her help whenever she needs it.B) To find her accommodation on campus.C) To introduce her to her roommates.D) To show her around the campus.Section C.Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Passage One.Questions 16 to 18 will be based on the following passage.16. A) They help farmers keep diseases in check.B) Many species remain unknown to scientists.C) Only a few species cause trouble to humans.D) They live in incredibly well - organized colonies.17. A) They are larger than many other species.B) They can cause damage to people's homes.C) They can survive a long time without water.D) They like to form colonies in electrical units.18. A) Deny them access to any food.B) Keep doors and windows shut.C) Destroy their colonies close by.D) Refrain from eating sugary food.Passage Two.Questions 19 to 21 will be based on the following passage.19. A) The function of the human immune system.B) The cause of various auto - immune diseases.C) The viruses that may infect the human immune system.D) The change in people's immune system as they get older.20. A) Report their illnesses.B) Offer blood samples.C) Act as research assistants.D) Help to interview patients.21. A) Strengthening people's immunity to infection.B) Better understanding patients' immune system.C) Helping improve old people's health conditions.D) Further reducing old people's medical expenses.Passage Three.Questions 22 to 25 will be based on the following passage.22. A) His students had trouble getting on with each other.B) A lot of kids stayed at school to do their homework.C) His students were struggling to follow his lessons.D) A group of kids were playing chess after school.23. A) Visit a chess team in Nashville.B) Join the school's chess team.C) Participate in a national chess competition.D) Receive training for a chess competition.24. A) Most of them come from low - income families.B) Many have become national chess champions.C) A couple of them have got involved in crimes.D) Many became chess coaches after graduation.25. A) Actions speak louder than words.B) Think twice before taking action.C) Translate their words into action.D) Take action before it gets too late.Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)Section A.Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the word bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the wordsin the word bank more than once.Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.When someone commits a criminal act, we always hope the punishment will match the offense. But when it comes to one of the cruelest crimes - animal fighting - things 26 work out that way. Dog - fighting victims are 27 and killed for profit and "sport," yet their criminal abusers often receive a 28 sentence for causing a lifetime of pain. Roughly half of all federally - convicted animal fighters only get probation (缓刑).Some progress has been made in the prosecution (起诉) of animal fighters. But federal judges often rely heavily on the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines when they 29 penalties, and in the case of animal fighting, those guidelines are outdated and extremely 30.The U.S. Sentencing Commission, which 31 these sentencing guidelines,is revisiting them, proposing to raise the minimum sentence from 6 - 12 months to 2 - 3 years. This is a step in the right 32, but we'd like to see the U.S. Sentencing Commission make further changes to the guidelines.Along with this effort, we're working with animal advocates and state and federal lawmakers to 33 anti - animal - fighting laws across thecountry. Our goal is to 34 the maximum penalty for animal fighting offenses to a felony (重罪) - level crime.These changes are sorely needed. Animal fighting is a(n) 35 form of abuse that has no place in a civilized society.A) convenient.B) creates.C) critically.D) determine.E) direction.F) hesitate.G) inadequate.H) inspired.I) method.J) minimal.K) rarely.L) reinforce.M) severe.N) sheltered.O) torture.Section B.Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.Is Breakfast Really the Most Important Meal of the Day?A) Along with old - fashioned oatmeal (燕麦片), eggs have been a breakfast staple (主要食物) for generations. But are they really the best way to start your day? Recent research has cast some doubt on the long - held belief that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.B) The idea that breakfast is essential for weight control has been around for a long time. The theory is that when you skip breakfast, your body goes into "starvation mode," slowing down your metabolism (新陈代谢) and making it more likely that you'll gain weight. However, a number of recent studies have challenged this view. For example, one study of more than 50,000 adults in the United States found that those who skipped breakfast were no more likely to be obese (肥胖的) than those who ate breakfast regularly.C) Another common argument for the importance of breakfast is that it improves cognitive function (认知功能). Breakfast is said to give your brain the fuel it needs to start the day, improving your concentration, memory, and problem - solving abilities. But again, research has not always supported this claim. A study of school - age children found that while breakfast did seem to improve cognitive performance in some areas, such as short - term memory, it had no effect on other areas, like long - term memory or attention span.D) So if breakfast isn't necessary for weight control or cognitive function, why has it been so highly recommended? One reason may be that the breakfast food industry has a lot to gain from promoting the idea that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Cereal (谷类食品) companies, for example, spend millions of dollars on advertising campaigns to convince consumers that their products are a healthy and essential part of a good breakfast.E) Another factor may be that many health experts have simply assumed that breakfast is important without really examining the evidence. In the past, it was common for doctors and nutritionists to recommend breakfast based on anecdotal evidence (轶事证据) or traditional beliefs rather than scientific research.F) However, this doesn't mean that breakfast is completely unimportant. For some people, especially those with certain medical conditions or who are very active in the morning, breakfast can be beneficial. For example, people with diabetes (糖尿病) may need to eat breakfast to help regulate their blood sugar levels. And athletes may need the extra energy that breakfast provides to perform at their best.G) It's also important to note that the type of breakfast you eat matters. A high - sugar, low - fiber breakfast like a donut or a sugary cereal may not be as healthy as a breakfast that includes whole grains, protein, and healthy fats. In fact, a bad breakfast can be worse than no breakfast at all.H) So should you skip breakfast? It depends on your individual circumstances. If you're trying to lose weight, skipping breakfast may not be the best strategy, but it's not necessarily a bad thing either. Ifyou're generally healthy and not overly active in the morning, you may be able to get away with skipping breakfast without any negative consequences.I) In conclusion, while breakfast has long been considered the most important meal of the day, recent research suggests that this may not be entirely true. While breakfast can be beneficial for some people in some situations, it's not essential for everyone. And the type of breakfast you eat is just as important as whether or not you eat it at all.36. Some previous studies have shown that breakfast helps controlweight because it can speed up metabolism.37. Cereal companies promote breakfast because they can benefit from it.38. Recent studies have found that breakfast has no effect on some cognitive functions.39. Some health experts used to recommend breakfast without scientific research.40. For some people, breakfast is beneficial because they have certain medical conditions or are very active in the morning.41. A bad - quality breakfast may be less healthy than having no breakfast.42. Whether one should skip breakfast depends on individual situations.43. Recent research has questioned the long - held belief thatbreakfast is the most important meal of the day.44. One study shows that skipping breakfast is not more likely to leadto obesity.45. The type of breakfast is as important as having breakfast or not.Section C.Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage One.Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.You may have heard some of the fashion industry horror stories: models eating tissues or cotton balls to hold off hunger, and collapsing from hunger - induced heart attacks just seconds after they step off the runway.Excessively skinny models have been a point of controversy for decades, and two researchers say a model's body mass index (BMI) should be a factor in determining whether she is a suitable candidate for the runway."Our study suggests that the current standards for determining whether a model is healthy are not sufficient," said Dr. Steven Bleich, a co - author of the study. "We should also consider a model's BMI when making these decisions."The researchers analyzed data from more than 500 fashion models. They found that a significant number of models had a BMI below what is considered healthy.The use of extremely thin models on the runway has led to increased pressure on women to achieve the same body type. This can lead to eating disorders and other health problems."We need to change the way we think about beauty and health in the fashion industry," said Dr. Bleich. "Models should not be required to be extremely thin to be considered beautiful."The researchers suggest that fashion shows should include models with a range of body types, including those with a healthy BMI.This would help to promote a more realistic and healthy view of beauty, they said.46. What is the long - standing issue about fashion models?A) They are extremely thin.B) They have eating disorders.C) They are under great pressure.D) They are not physically healthy.47. What does Dr. Steven Bleich think of the current standards for determining model's health?A) They are out of date.B) They are too strict.C) They are not enough.D) They are not scientific.48. What did the researchers analyze?A) Data from fashion shows.B) Data from models with eating disorders.C) Data from more than 500 fashion models.D) Data from models below a healthy BMI.49. What can be inferred from the passage?A) Extremely thin models are not beautiful.B) A model's BMI is not a factor in her health.C) Fashion shows should not use thin models.D) People's views on beauty and health need to be changed.50. What is the passage mainly about?A) The health problems of fashion models.B) The importance of a model's BMI.C) The current standards for model selection.D) The influence of fashion shows on women.Passage Two.Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.The latest in cat research reveals that the lovely animal seems to have a basic grasp of both arithmetic and geometry.In a recent experiment, Japanese researchers taped 30 domestic cats reacting to two moving dots on a screen. One dot was larger than the other. The cats could touch either the large or the small dot by pawing the screen. They chose the larger dot more often than the smaller one, indicating that they can distinguish between different sizes.In another experiment, the researchers showed the cats two boxes - one empty and one containing a small object. The cats were then shown two different screens. One screen showed the empty box and the other showed the box with the object. The cats looked at the screen showing the box with the object more often than the screen showing.。
International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects人体生物医学研究国际伦理指南国际医学科学组织委员会2002年8月修订标题和类目第1条:人体生物医学研究的伦理合理性与科学性伦理学审查第2条:伦理审查委员会第3条:国外机构发起研究的伦理审查知情同意第4条:个体的知情同意第5条:获取知情同意:前瞻性研究受试者必须知晓的信息第6条:获取知情同意:申办者与研究者的职责第7条:招募受试者第8条:参加研究的受益和风险第9条:研究中涉及不能给予知情同意的受试者时关于风险的特殊限定* * * * *第10条:在资源有限的人群和社会中的研究* * * * *第11条:临床试验中对照的选择弱势人群第12条:在研究中受试者人群选择时负担和利益的公平分配第13条:涉及弱势人群的研究第14条:涉及儿童的研究第15条:涉及受试者智力或行为障碍而不能给予充分知情同意的研究妇女作为受试者第16条:妇女作为受试者第17条:孕妇作为受试者* * * * *第18条:保守机密* * * * *第19条:受损伤的受试者获得治疗和赔偿的权利* * * * *第20条:加强伦理和科学审查能力以及生物医学研究能力* * * * *第21条:国外申办者提供健康医疗服务的道德义务* * * * *附录1:人体生物医学研究方案(或相关文件)中包含的项目。
•2 •中国糖尿病杂志2021 年 1月第 29 卷第丨期 Chin J Diabetes January 2021,V〇l. 29, No. 1 20世纪全球性瘟疫流行与启示甄橙【提要】20 f t纪以来,人流感、禽流感、埃博拉出血热和登革热等疫情在全球范围内不断传播。
【关键词】人流感;禽流感;寨卡热;埃博拉出血热;传染病;历史doi: 10. 3969/j. issn. 1006-6187. 2021.01.002The history and enlightenment of infectious diseases in the 20th century ZH EN Cheng. Center fo r theHistory o f M edicine ’Peking University,Beijing 100191,Chi7m【Summary】F lu,Avian flu,Ebola hemorrhagic fever,and dengue fever have continued to spreadaround the world since the 20th century *which caused huge shocks. With the development of globalization,the speed of new pathogens spread has accelerated rapidly. At the end of 2019, the new coronavirus cunninglyappeared among human beings daily life, which once again made people think about the prevention andtreatment of infectious diseases. This article reviews the occurrence of some major infectious diseases afterthe 20th century. On the one hand, it demonstrates the struggle between humans and diseases, and on theother hand, it shows that people rethinks profoundly of the relationship and the attitudes towards diseases.This paper also points out that respecting life, respecting nature, protecting the environment and maintaininghealth are unchanging beliefs and pursuits of human beings.【Key words】Human flu;Avian flu;Zika fever;Ebola;Infectious diseases;History20世纪以来,全球流行多种传染病。
The Ethics of Human Genetic Editing
The Ethics of Human Genetic EditingThe ethics of human genetic editing is a complex and controversial issue that has been debated extensively in recent years. On one hand, genetic editing has the potential to cure genetic diseases and improve the quality of life for millions of people. On the other hand, it raises significant ethical concerns about the potential misuse of this technology and the potential for unintended consequences.One of the main arguments in favor of genetic editing is that it has the potential to cure genetic diseases. For example, genetic editing could be used to correct the genetic mutations that cause diseases such as cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anemia. This could potentially save the lives of millions of people who suffer from these diseases.Another argument in favor of genetic editing is that it could be used to improve the quality of life for people who are born with genetic disorders. For example, genetic editing could be used to improve cognitive function in people with Down syndrome or to increase muscle mass in people with muscular dystrophy.Despite these potential benefits, there are also significant ethical concerns about the use of genetic editing. One concern is that it could be used for non-medical purposes, such as to enhance physical or intellectual abilities. This could create a divide between those who have access to these enhancements and those who do not, leading to social inequality.Another concern is the potential for unintended consequences. Genetic editing is a relatively new technology, and we do not yet fully understand the long-term effects of manipulating genes. There is a risk that genetic editing could have unintended consequences that could harm future generations.There are also concerns about the potential misuse of genetic editing. For example, genetic editing could be used to create “designer babies” with specific physical or intellectual traits. This could lead to a society where people are valued based on their genetic makeup rather than their individual qualities and achievements.In conclusion, the ethics of human genetic editing is a complex issue that requires careful consideration. While genetic editing has the potential to cure genetic diseases and improve the quality of life for millions of people, it also raises significant ethical concerns about the potential misuse of this technology and the potential for unintended consequences. As we continue to develop and refine genetic editing technology, it is important to carefully consider the ethical implications of its use and to ensure that it is used in a responsible and ethical manner.。
disease and history托福阅读
disease and history托福阅读Disease and HistoryIntroduction:Disease has always been an integral part of human history, shaping societies, influencing cultural practices, and leaving lasting effects on populations. From ancient civilizations to modern times, the impact of diseases on human history cannot be understated. In this article, we will explore the relationship between disease and history, examining how epidemics have shaped societies, influenced politics, and altered the course of human events.1. The Role of Diseases in Shaping Societies:Throughout history, diseases have played a significant role in shaping the structure and development of societies. The Black Death, also known as the Bubonic Plague, which ravaged Europe in the 14th century, drastically reduced the population and changed the economic and social fabric of the region. With a scarcity of labor, peasants demanded higher wages, leading to the decline of feudalism and the emergence of a new social order.2. Disease and Political Power:Diseases have often had a profound impact on political power. The smallpox epidemic among Native American populations during the colonization of the Americas helped to facilitate European conquest. The lack of immunity among indigenous populations led to a significant decreasein their numbers, weakening their ability to resist colonization and paving the way for European dominance.3. Disease and Exploration:The age of exploration in the 15th and 16th centuries brought European sailors into contact with new diseases in distant lands. Diseases, such as malaria and yellow fever, had a devastating impact on explorers and their crews, often resulting in high mortality rates. This influenced the course of exploration and shaped the colonization efforts of European powers.4. Disease and Medical Advances:Disease outbreaks have also been catalysts for medical advancements throughout history. The discovery of antibiotics, for example, was a response to the widespread prevalence of infectious diseases and the need for effective treatments. As diseases evolved, so did medical practices, leading to significant breakthroughs in healthcare.5. Disease and Cultural Practices:Diseases have not only had physical consequences but also affected cultural practices and beliefs. The emergence of HIV/AIDS in the 20th century, for instance, led to a transformation in sexual norms and practices, as well as increased awareness about safe sex practices and public health measures. Similarly, the fear surrounding the outbreak of SARS in Asia altered social behaviors and increased hygiene practices.6. Disease and Globalization:With the advancement of transportation and increasing global connectivity, diseases have become global threats. The rapid spread of diseases, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, has demonstrated the interconnectedness of our world. Disease outbreaks have highlighted the need for international cooperation, improved healthcare systems, and global health policies.Conclusion:Disease and history are intertwined, with epidemics leaving deep imprints on societies, politics, and human behavior. Throughout history, diseases have shaped societies, altered power dynamics, influenced cultural practices, and spurred medical advancements. Understanding the historical context of diseases can provide valuable insights into how to effectively respond to current and future health crises. By studying the past, we can better navigate the challenges presented by diseases in the present and the future.。
• -美国医疗研究机构公布To Err is Human研 究汇报: 可防止之医疗错误高居十大死因之第 七位。
• -英、澳等各国所进行医疗不良事件比率约 在 2.9%/16.6%之间,平均 10% 即: 平均每 10个入院患者便有1个受医疗失误影响,失 误最终造成严重伤残甚至死亡。
• 吗啡 10mg/ml
氢吗啡酮 10mg/ml
• morphine
• 剂量关系: 10mg 氢吗啡酮相当于60mg 吗啡
• 年7月,69岁外伤患者10mg吗啡镇痛,护士误给氢 吗啡酮10mg,患者死亡
对策: 护士站不存放氢吗啡酮
Situational Factors
Latent Failure
• 工作性质 • 工作环境 • 个人原因 • 病人原因
• 护士辛勤工作没有得到社会尊重和认 可
• 经济收入、职称评定等方面不合理, 不认
• 可护士价值, 使护士心理不平衡, 造成 护士消极倦怠心理而易发生护理不良 事件。
• 护士能力不足、缺乏工作经验“ 重点” 护士如新上岗情绪化指数高护士、带 教实习护士。
• 重点患者, 如新入院患者、危重患者、 大手术后患者。
• 皮肤损伤(包含压疮) 晚期癌症患 者有压疮危险, 不愿配合翻身;术前 患者备皮时显著皮肤刮伤
①上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院 上海 201999通信作者:蒋筠婓IgG4、IgG4/IgG、IgG4/IgG1在米库利兹病中的诊断价值王瑛① 蒋筠婓①【摘要】 目的:探究IgG4、IgG4/IgG、IgG4/IgG1在米库利兹病(MD)中的诊断价值。
方法:回顾性选取2015年3月—2022年3月上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院收治的20例MD 患者及30例原发性干燥综合征(PSS)患者。
将MD 患者纳入MD 组,PSS 患者纳入PSS 组。
两组均进行IgG 亚类检测及抗核抗体(ANA)、抗SSA 抗体和抗SSD 抗体阳性率检测。
比较两组IgG1、IgG2、IgG3、IgG4及IgG 水平及IgG4浓度升高发生率,ANA、抗SSA 抗体、抗SSB 抗体阳性率,比较两组IgG 亚类比值(IgG1/IgG、IgG2/IgG、IgG3/IgG、IgG4/IgG 及IgG4/IgG1),分析IgG4、IgG4/IgG 及IgG4/IgG1对MD 的诊断价值。
结果:MD 组IgG2、IgG4、IgG 水平均高于PSS 组,IgG1水平低于PSS 组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。
MD 组IgG4浓度升高发生率高于对照组(χ2=38.437,P =0.000)。
MD 组IgG4/IgG、IgG4/IgG1均高于PSS 组,IgG1/IgG、IgG3/IgG 均低于PSS 组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。
PSS 组ANA、抗SSA 抗体及抗SSB 抗体阳性率均高于MD 组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。
IgG4/IgG、IgG4/IgG1诊断MD 的AUC 值均高于IgG4(Z =3.627、2.515,P =0.003、0.004)。
结论:IgG4、IgG4/IgG 及IgG4/IgG1均在MD 的诊断中具有良好的效能,但IgG4/IgG 及IgG4/IgG1诊断效能优于IgG4,临床可将上述指标作为MD 诊断的辅助指标。
Reprinted from THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE (ISSN 0028-4793)Vol. 353:1374-1385(September 29, 2005). Copy right c 2005 Massachuselts Medical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in CHINA, Tel: (8610) 64036988 Fax: (8610) 64064469
on Human Influenza A/H5
作者单位:The writing committee consisted of the following: John H. Beigel, M. D., National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,NIH, Bethesda, Md.; Jeremy Farrar, D.Phil., Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Aye Maung Han, M.B., B.S., Department of Child Health, Institute of Medicine, Yangon, Myanmar; Frederick G. Hayden, M.D. (rapporteur), University of Virginia, Charlottesville; Randy Hyer, M.D., World Health Organization, Geneva; Menno D. de Jong, M.D., Ph.D., Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Sorasak Lochindarat, M.D., Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health, Bangkok, Thailand; Nguyen Thi Kim Tien, M.D., Ph.D., Pasteur Institute, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Nguyen Tran Hien, M. D., Ph.D., National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Hanoi; Tran Tinh Hien, M.D., Ph.D., Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Angus Nicoll, M.Sc., Health Protection Agency, London; Sok Touch, M.D., Ministry of Health, Phnom Penh, Cambodia; and Kwok-Yung Yuen, M.D., University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China. Address reprint requests to Dr. Hayden at the Department of Internal Medicine, P.O. Box 800473, University of Virginia Health Sciences Center, Charlottesville, VA 22908, or at fgh@.
环境污染与人类健康(Environmental pollution and human health)The environment is the human survival space, not only including the natural environment, daily life, learning and working environment, including the scientific allocation and use of the products of modern life. Environmental pollution not only affects the sustainable development of social economy in our country, but also highlighted the influence to the safety of people's health and quality of life, now has attracted more and more attention. Only through the joint efforts of the whole society, effective control of environmental pollution, improve environmental quality, so that we can breathe clean air, drink safe water, safe food, have safe working and living environment.The basis of human health is the survival of the human environment, only the rich biological diversity, stability and sustainable development of the ecological system, in order to ensure human health, stability and sustainable development, and environmental pollution is the enemy of human health, the relationship between life and the environment is the life with the elements of the environment to build their own.The health effects of the human environment the main pollutants from wastewater, the formation of the industrial production process of waste gas, waste residue, including city garbage. The characteristics of environmental pollutants affect human health, is a large area of effect, because all the pollutants will flow with the biogeochemical cycle, and for all of the contacts are affected; the two is the role of a long time, because of slow degradation many toxic substances in the environment and human body.Environmental pollutants into the main way of human respiratory tract and digestive tract, but also through the skin and other ways to enter. Gaseous pollutants enter the body through the respiratory tract is generally. The structure of the various parts of the respiratory tract, the absorption rate of pollutants are also different. Human alveolar area of 90 square meters, poison the lung absorption fast, after intravenous injection. The diameter of pollutants into the alveoli is generally not more than 3 m, and the diameter of particles larger than 10 m, most of adhesion in the respiratory tract, the trachea and bronchial mucosa. The larger water soluble gaseous substances, such as chlorine, sulfur dioxide, tend to be dissolved and the upper respiratory tract irritation of the upper respiratory tract, rarely enter the alveolar; and the water soluble gaseous poison less (such as nitrogen dioxide), most can reach the alveoli. The pollutants enter the body, from the blood to the body. The distribution of toxic substances in different tissues of the human body is different. In general, heavy metals are often distributed in the human skeleton, and "DDT" organic pesticides are often distributed in adipose tissue. Poison long hidden within the organization, and in the organization of enrichment, potential danger caused by the body. In addition a few water-soluble pollutants, the relative molecular mass of tiny can the original newspaper excreted, most go through certain enzymes or metabolic transformation, thus changing its toxicity, enhance its water solubility and easy excretion. Human liver, kidney, gastrointestinal and other organs have certain effects on the biotransformation of pollutants. The liver is the most important. Pollutants can be divided into two steps: the in vivo process, the first step isthe oxidation reduction and hydrolysis, the metabolism and mixed function oxidase system; the second step is the binding reaction, usually after a step or two step reaction, the toxic substances originally activity can be transformed to an inert substance and detoxification. But there are also increased activity, such as pesticide 1605 oxidation in the body 1600, the more toxic.All kinds of pollutants in the body by biotransformation, the kidney, gastrointestinal and respiratory tract excreted by a small amount of milk, sweat, saliva secretion of various liquid discharge, or through the skin and leave the body hair to The new supersedes the old.In addition to the body through the accumulation, metabolism and excretion of three ways to change the toxicity of pollutants, the body has a series of adaptation and tolerance mechanisms, but the body's tolerance is very limited, exceeds a certain limit, the human body will appear symptoms of poisoning, and even death. Influence of environmental pollutants on human effects mainly include: dose, reaction time, reaction conditions and individual sensitivity etc.. In general,Different pollutants are different on the body damage critical concentration and critical time, only when environmental pollutants accumulate to toxic threshold in vivo, harm will occur.Lifestyle changes can also cause environmental pollution disease. Such as television, air conditioning, fan disease disease disease. Computer disease, and electromagneticinterference, radiation, chemical pollution and so on. Only closely related with people's lives on phosphorus washing wastewater to the impact of the human body, the side effect is very obvious. Because of direct and indirect stimulation of high phosphorus washing powder, palm burning, pain, itching, peeling, blistering, cracks, a frequently occurring disease in Department of Dermatology, and a contact dermatitis, baby diaper rash, palmoplantar keratoderma and other common diseases stimuli.The original crust has more than 100 kinds of chemical elements, due to the influence of human activities, destroy the balance of earth element. Human geological activities these elements diffusion, migration, enrichment through the food chain, transferred to humans, affect people's health. Specifically how it transfer, such as mining, the place of gold, with a medicine containing arsenic diffusion in the mining process, after water transfer, and then transferred to the human body through the food chain. So the environmental pollution is much more than we imagine, its problems is very serious.Modern science has proven that the body of toxic substances enrichment amplification is amazing. The world famous pollution events, including the Hou County water mercury under the water as soon as the Japanese attack, and that of Toyama County, the Itai Itai disease pesticide pollution, industrial wastewater, industrial waste gas and waste residue emissions to the environment pollution caused by cadmium in the environment, so that local residents planted crops such as rice cadmium content exceed the standard of residents. The long-term consumption of cadmium contaminated food and vegetables, leadcadmium cadmium load gradually increased, the in vivo biological half-life of 10 to 30 years, known as the most easily in the accumulation of toxic substances. Cadmium accumulation, can make the contact results in various diseases. Acute or long-term inhalation of cadmium smoke can cause lung inflammation, bronchitis, emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis and lung cancer. Mainly produce long term and low dose exposure to cadmium pollution in renal lesions showed renal tubular absorption function decreased, increased urinary low molecular protein content. Cadmium poisoning, renal calcium and phosphorus absorption rate decreased on vitamin D metabolism, if things go on like this can lead to contact the cadmium, osteoporosis or osteomalacia. Cadmium can cause lung, prostate and testicular tumor. Is the food chain bioaccumulation and amplification results. The famous physicist Newton in 1692 due to suffering from severe insomnia, indigestion, forgetfulness, anxiety and paranoid symptoms and died. 100 years later, the people of physicists hair samples, found that Newton died of lead, arsenic, cadmium poisoning. These elements are made of metal Newton alchemy experiments, from the "run out of Pandora's box". Newton was absolutely not think that your body absorbs his alchemy elements, and died.Look at some of the United Nations statistics. A book from 1998 to 1999, the United Nations Development Programme and the World Bank jointly published the "world resources report" --. The report pointed out that 1/4 of the earth's disease and environmental factors. That is to say, the disease is not caused by a virus. A virus or genetic factors, there are at least 1/4 is related to environmental changes. Because of environmental pollution, according to their statistics, eleven million of theworld's children live in less than 5 years old. In addition, claimed the lives of 4 million children each year due to air pollution caused by acute respiratory infection. This data is already very serious. Many domestic and foreign research shows that the earth is about 80% to 90% of the high-risk disease is caused by severe environmental pollution. There are high risk disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes mellitus. The three diseases referred to as high-risk disease. Our statistics show: every 13 seconds one person died of cardiovascular disease; more than 30000 people died of cancer each year in Taiwan province of china,1 million 300 thousand people died of cancer and cancer of the mainland each year in our country since 1997 rose for the first cause of death.Pay attention to the environment is to pay attention to our human health, people love life, love ourselves. Therefore, with the development of society, a person with breadth of vision more and more attention to the environment, let us further raise awareness, enhance the consciousness of environmental protection, let us human living environment become more and more beautiful!。
贵州师范大学作业题目:细胞凋亡课程名称:分子与细胞生物学任课教师姓名: XXXXXXXXXX研究生姓名: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX学号: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX年级: 2010级专业:动物学学院(部、所):生命科学学院任课教师评分:评阅意见:任课教师签名:年月日细胞凋亡摘要:人体内的细胞注定是要死亡的,有些死亡是生理性的,有些死亡则是病理性的,有关细胞死亡过程的研究,近年来已成为生物学、医学研究的一个热点,到目前为此,人们已经知道细胞的死亡起码有两种方式,即细胞坏死与细胞凋亡。
关键词:细胞凋亡Bcl-2家族、caspase家族、癌基因 C-myc、 抑癌基因P53Abstract:The human body cell is doomed to die, and some death is physical in nature, some deaths are a pathological, the process of cell death, in recent years has become a biology, medical research, a hot spot, to the currently Therefore, cell death has been known at least two ways, namely, necrosis and apoptosis. Cell necrosis has long been recognized as a cell death and apoptosis is gradually being recognized in recent years, a cell death, Apoptosis is a basic biological phenomenon cells, in multicellular organisms to remove unwanted or abnormal cells plays an essential role. Its evolution in the organism, the environment, stability and development of multiple systems plays an important role. Apoptosis is not only a special type of cell death, but also have important biological significance and complexity of the molecular biological mechanisms.Apoptosis is a tightly controlled process of multiple genes. These genes are conserved between the species, such as Bcl-2 family, caspase family of oncogenes such as C-myc, tumor suppressor gene P53, etc., with the development of molecular biology techniques, the process of apoptosis with a variety of considerable understanding, but so far the exact mechanism of apoptosis is not fully understood. The disorder may be associated with apoptosis in many diseases have a direct or indirect relationship. Such as cancer, autoimmune diseases, can induce apoptosis in a number of factors, such as radiation, drugs and so on.Keywords: apoptosis Bcl-2 family caspase family C-myc P53 tumor suppressor gene细胞凋亡的研究历史1. 凋亡概念的形成1965年澳大利亚科学家发现,结扎鼠门静脉后,电镜观察到肝实质组织中有一些散在的死亡细胞这些的溶酶体并未被破坏,显然不同于细胞坏死。
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When an antibody hooks up with an antigen, it often puts the antigen out of action by inactivating or covering a key portion of the harmful substance. In some cases, through the process of opsonization, antibodies "butter" the surface of some antigens and make them "tastier" to phagocytes, which engulf the antigens. Sometimes an antibody hooks to a bacterial antigen but needs an intermediate, or complement, to actually destroy the bacterium. As the antibody- antigen complex circulates in the blood, the complex "fixes" complement to it. In turn, the complement causes powerful enzymes to eat through the bacterial cell wall and make the organism burst. 当一个抗体与一个抗原粘和上以后,氨基酸常通过使抗原失去活性或覆盖, 它的关键有害部分来使抗原失去其作用。在某些情况下,通过调理素作用的 过程,抗体在抗原表面涂抹上一些“奶油”,让吞噬细胞更喜欢吞噬它们。 在另一些情况下,抗体和一个细菌抗原粘和上以后,却需要一个中间体,或 补体来实施对该细菌的消灭。于是,当抗体和抗原的结合体随血液循环时, 该结合体会有一个补体附体。结果是补体产生一种强烈的酶,咬穿了细菌的 细胞壁,细菌有机体就爆开了。
The body has a special way of handling infection.
It has a system that fends off the first traces of an infectious substance and then, through a "memory," gives the body a long-lasting immunity against future attacks by the same kind of invader.
Antigens: substances could harm the body if they
ever entered it. Range from bacteria and pollen to transplanted organ
Antibodies: To fight them the body makes spen first strikes, the immunity system does not seem to be working. 2.During the first day or so, Antibodies against the infection cannot be found in the blood. 3.The antibody level starts to rise on about the second day of infection and then zooms upward. 4.By the fifth day the antibody level has risen a thousandfold.
• IgM:the largest,particularly effective against bacteria, IgM is made at the first signs of an antigen. • IgG : the most plentiful and versatile • IgA:the next plentiful • Other immunoglobulins are tied in with allergic reactions.
贫血 解剖 分解 分析师 抗生素 抗体 抗原 透析 直径 心电图
• • • • • • •
electromyogram electroencephalogram rheumatic disorder rheumatic arthritis rheumatic edema rheumatic fever rheumatic disease
肌电图 脑电图 风湿病 风湿性关节炎
风湿热 风湿性心脏病
• Has you been vaccinated against smallpox? • Are you allergic to any medication?
How we become immune to disease?
Heavy chain (amino acids)
Light chain
The light chain has special sites where the amino acids can link with their complements.
• Antibodies and antigens • The functions of antibodies • Three kinds of immunoglobulins
Human disease
--How we become immune to disease
Translate the following words
• • • • • • • • • • anemia anatomy analysis analyst antibiotic antibody antigen dialysis diameter electrocardiograph