Marva Collins‘Way翻译
Marva Collins' Way Marva Collins之路
章节内容简介 一、Marva上课过程实录
Hale Waihona Puke 开学的第二天, Marva给同学们讲了一个民间故事— —《小红母鸡与麦粒》,然后在学生对故事的兴趣正浓时, 通过启发学生回答问题的方式增强学生的自信和学习兴趣, 并且学会思考问题,思考人生中的很多问题。在此过程中 也会强硬地制止学生的一些不良行为,恩威并济。
问的问题相当简单,基本是让学生重复她之前说的话,但是能帮助学生提高自信,敢于开口说话 ,回答问题。 “它做了所有的什么?它做了所有的工作,是吗?它播种、收割、打谷,它将小麦搬到磨子前磨 成面粉,还烤了面包。而其它的动物都很懒,不愿帮助小红母鸡做任何工作,它们只愿‘帮’它 吃面包。这个故事告诉了我们什么道理?它教给了我们什么东西?如果我们不工作,我们便没有 食物可吃。如果我们不工作,我们便没有什么?” “没有食物可吃”
在工作中遇到大家不愿意自愿回答的事情,可以提出一些意见,鼓励大家回答问题,逐渐让学 生们知道表达自己的观点很正常,不会丢人,敢于表达自己的意见。
在教会学生道理时既要循循善诱,又要在必要时声厉词严。 “你们来学校时便已知道怎样玩链条了。”Marva老师说。“玩链条很容易学吧?将它放下,认 真听我讲故事吧。我给你们读这个故事不是仅仅为了娱乐你们,我们也有东西要学的。从今往后 ,大家最好都能认真对待这样的课程,否则我们所生活的世界将会是一团糟。”Marva老师又补 充道:“孩子们,尽管有时我会矫正你们,会与你们有认识的分歧,但请你们记住,我永远是爱 你们的。” 恩威并济,同时对待学生真诚。在工作中,学生犯错误了要及时纠正,同时告诉他为什么这样 做是错误的,帮助他及时改正,并且要给学生保留自尊。 但把Marva同她身边那些住黑人小木屋的孩子区别开来的是:在其他孩子选择顺从和妥协时,她 始终怀抱着希望与理想。而这并不是受贫穷所迫:Marva成长于富裕的环境,久居小城镇的纯朴 的父亲一直对她宠爱有加。她一直享有着别人只能梦想的自由。 在20世纪40年代,阿拉巴马州在牲口拍卖时会像其他场合一样实行种族隔离。尽管大家实在为同 一头牲口竞价,但黑人和白人是坐在分开来的购买区的。Marva就是在这样的种族主义环境下长 大:别人会一直提醒着你是黑人这个事实,期待你能够知晓自己的位置。黑人只能使用分隔开来 的饮水机及休息室。餐馆不会接待黑人;如果想要食物,他们只能去后窗购买。父亲总是对 Marva说,如果发现她去参观后面的柜台买东西,将会打得她皮开肉绽。 家庭环境对学生发展很重要,不同学生家庭不同,要照顾不同学生的家庭情况,避免有些 语言会伤害到有些同学。
Marva Collins
MARVA COLLINSExcerpts from Ordinary Children, Extraordinary Teachers and Marva Collins’ WayBACKGROUNDMarva Collins began her teaching career in Monroe County Training School, Alabama as a nineteen-year-old in 1957. Two years later she moved to Garfield Park, a suburb on the west side of Chicago. Teaching took on a new dimension when she began teaching children from the inner city. Although she knew little about educational theory to begin with, the help of experienced colleagues, natural talent, and years of her own teaching experience made Marva an excellent teacher.Becoming disillusioned by the failure of the public school system and the lack of real educating being done, she left her teaching position and decided to start her own school. Westside Prep opened its doors in September 1975 with four students. By 1980, enrollment had increased to two hundred students with a waiting list of five hundred more. Working with students having the worst of backgrounds, those who were working far below grade level, and even those who had been labeled as "unteachable," Marva was able to overcome the obstacles. News of third grade students reading at ninth grade level, four-year-olds learning to read in only a few months, outstanding test scores, disappearance of behavioral problems, second-graders studying Shakespeare, and other incredible reports, astounded the public.What was the secret of her success with these inner city children —or this "miracle" as many called it? The answer lay in her love for each one of her students, a positive approach to education, complete dedication to her teaching role, a refusal to give up, and a great deal of common sense.AVOIDING MEDIOCRITY AS A TEACHER"…make the poor student good and the good student superior…" OCET, p. 9"The good ones [teachers] are constantly trying to find answers; the poor ones are constantly making excuses." OCET, p. 11"Some teachers think that just what is given to them in the classroom is all there is to be used. These are very poor teachers. You have to go beyond." OCET, p. 20"To just read what is given to me in a classroom and not explore other means and not explore other connecting topics, still guarantees failure as a teacher. Learning is everywhere. I think that is the one thing that is missing in the minds of many teachers. Everything in life has knowledge attached to it, and students are just waiting to learn things." OCET, p. 21"We can all pay teachers to teach, but how much do you really pay a teacher to care?" A dedicated staff will "take personally the failure of just one child." OCET, p. 23A school will only work "because of motivated leadership and dedication from the teachers." OCET, p. 23"Students may know nothing, they may be complete illiterates, but they know when we know, and they respect when we know. A good teacher must be more than a 2x4 teacher —bounded by the four walls of a classroom and the two covers of a book. I have a passion for being the very best teacher than I can be." OCET, p. 27"I hear teachers and educators complaining about how far a child is behind; what a child doesn’t know…That’s what we’re there for. It’s not a problem. You can see it as a problem, or you can see it as a challenge…you innately have all the right stuff that it takes to make a good teacher, if you eradicate yourself of the idea that these children cannot learn." OCET, pp.34-35"…you can only do one day at a time. You can’t teach a whole year in one day. Prepare to be the very best teacher you can be that one day, in that classroom. Then come home Day One and prepare to be the very best teacher you can be on Day Two." OCET, p. 40Have a positive attitude toward teaching. "…think of the power that you possess to manage a whole group of children. You can bend them like a piece of putty. You can make them what you want." OCET, p. 42"…teach every day. Do whatever profession you’re in, do it every day, every moment, as if the whole world were watching. I teach as if Jesus Christ Himself were in that classroom. And when you do that, you’re bound to see great things happening." OCET, p. 43"Each of us can make a difference. Each of us has what it takes to make a difference —and that’s a passion for being excellent in what we do …All of us are what we are, and are where we are, because of the excellence of somebody before us." OCET, p. 44The "miracle" of teaching is "…dedication, common-sense, determination, and a love for our students." OCET, p. 109"… most human beings are as good as they are because some unknown teacher cared enough to continue polishing until a shiny luster came shining through; because some teacher cared enough to remove the previous fetid tags and labels of failure from their psyches." OCET, p. 152FOSTERING A POSITIVE ATTITUDE TOWARD LEARNING"…the teacher can never write anything negative about a child…Everything is positive." OCET, p.10"…find something positive to say about a child every morning." OCET, p. 11"When our children walk in the door, I say, ‘Welcome to success. Say goodbye to fai lure because you are not going to fail. I’m not going to let you fail.’" OCET, p. 16"We have created an attitude that puts joy back into learning, that creates satisfaction at doing something correctly." OCET, p. 20"We always find something positive to say about their papers —‘Very good, but let’s proofread this.’ No teacher ever uses the words, ‘That’s wrong.’ We always find something positive to say about a child." OCET, p. 26"Create an ambience of positiveness in the classroom where children learn that it takes more courage to be wrong than to play it safe without ever responding to questions." OCET, p. 110"Children respond to love and positive feedback rather than negative programming." OCET, p. 110"Write encouraging notes to children, not just when they are in trouble." OCET, p. 111"Never let students say ‘I can’t.’ Say to them, ‘We remove the ‘t’ from the ‘can’t’ and we have ‘can.’" OCET, p. 111"When a child gives an incorrect answer, say, ‘Very good try, but not quite.’" OCET, p. 113"Praise is essential in developing the right attitude toward learning and toward school. We all know this in theory. In practice we often forget the importance of praise in dealing with children." MCW, pp. 42-43DISCIPLINE"…I usually detect a child who wants to act out…I stand right behind that child…and talk directly to him because the children who are behaving do not need my attention. [These children] usually see themselves as failures." It is good to "give them a taste of success." OCET, pp. 15"In our school, t he children do not give a ‘problem child’ an audience. Therefore, there is no need for him to act out; there is no laughing if he gets smart-alecky or if he comes out with a comment." OCET, p. 16"...turn disciplinary situations into positive lessons...react positively to whatever children do (I)think we tend to make too much out of nothing." OCET, p. 17If a child is drawing in class, compliment him on his beautiful picture and have him write about it.∙If a child is chewing gum in class, have him write a composition on the history∙of gum; grade it as a regular assignment.∙Have a child write a composition or deliver a speech entitled "Why I Am Too Bright to Waste Time in School."∙If a child shoots a rubber band, take the rubber band away. Don’t turn it into a big deal."Usually when children act out, or when children refuse to learn, it is a signal that something is wrong, just as an illness or pain is a signal that something is p hysically wrong with us (I)consider myself parent and teacher. It is my responsibility to let my lessons go for a few minutes to find out what may be bothering this child. I try to empathize with whatever is bothering him…" OCET, p. 18"…we do not have the discipline problems that most schools have…a child will say to another one, ‘You’ve taken away my right to learn.’…Or if a child insists on acting up, we will say, ‘Why aren’t you going to do that?’ Their retort to us is, ‘Because I’m too bright to waste my time.’" OCET, p. 31"…anybody can send a child to the office; that’s a very poor teacher. The superior teacher always has the idea that just one more time will do it…" OCET, p. 36"Children respect the fact that you care. They rebel against order, but they respect nothing else…They respect the fact that you maintain your own classroom." OCET, p. 36"…ignoring it [negative behavior] is saying negative behavior is right." OCET, p. 40"Never place problem students in the corners or in the back of the classroom. Keep them near you; remember, we need to reach the troubled child quickly." OCET, p. 111"Avoid telling parents negative things about their children. You and the child attempt to solve the problems that arise in your classroom. You earn the respect and trust of your students, and you become a more effective teacher." OCET, p. 111"Do not send students to the office. Remember, you, the teacher, must be able to handle your own ‘family and your own household.’ Your household in this case being your classroom." OCET, p. 112"Always make friends with each student before there is a discipline problem." OCET, p. 114."Reduce ridicule and laughter in the classroom by telling the student who speaks out that he or she is very courageous, and it took courage to be wrong, but they who stood silent or laughed took the easy path, and the child who speaks out is to be praised not mocked. …create a spirit of group effort in the classroom." OCET, p. 115THE TEACHER’S EXAMPLE —CARING FOR EVERY CHILD"The teacher sets the ambience in any classroom. The teacher has total control over the learning environment and children respond exactly to the atmosphere a teacher creates. Teachers have been known to ridicule children, or to laugh if a child cannot get the answer, even subtly. Nothing could be worse for a child. In our school the teacher and the rest to the children pull for a child to get it right." OCET, pp. 10-11A classroom is "like a total family, and it starts with the teacher, setting the climate for support and care." OCET, p. 11"…when the other children see me accepting the child, they learn to accept that child too …As a teacher, you have to be accepting of everyone…" OCET, p. 12"Some of my mo st important work with children takes place at lunchtime…I have always insisted on eating lunch with my children instead of being separated off with the other teachers.I try to rotate, sitting next to a different child every day." OCET, p. 12"You say …by your actions, that you are accepting that child and you expect the rest of the children to accept him too…You are providing a model of behavior for all children to follow." OCET, pp. 12-13Get to know all of your students …fraternize with the children. OCET, pp. 40-41You establish rapport with the children "by letting them know that you truly care about them." OCET, p. 43"Some students are not easy to like, but never pick on a student. If you find a student with undesirable behavior, go out of your way to like this student, and you will find out that one day, you will like the student." OCET, p. 111HIGH AND CONSISTENT EXPECTATIONS"Our approach pushes students to excel, and students like to be pushed. They want to do well. They want to succeed. And once they have a taste of it, they will never again settle for mediocrity." OCET, p. 20Be consistent in your expectations. "If we allow children to use incomplete sentences in our classes, and then we write on their papers ‘incomplete sentences’…We’ve allowed them to speak in incomplete sentences, so they don’t know what writing complete sentences is all about." OCET, p. 25"…when you aim low, there’s really no place to go." OCET, p. 28"…we are in a just good enough attitude generation …we have to get back to that precision, that doing it right again." OCET, p. 38"We let them know whatever they do must be the very, very best that they can do." OCET, p.39"The problem with our schools is that our expectations are too low." OCET, p. 58"Excellence is not an act but a habit. The more you do something the better you will become." OCET, p. 114THE VALUE OF CLASSICS —NECESSITY OF TEACHING VALUES"We emphasize a total learning experience. Not only must students be able to pass tests, perform academically, and work through social situations, but they must also have a sense of humanity and compassion." OCET, p. 12"I’ll often say to my students that we can be ever so clever, but we also have to learn first how to be human. That’s why I emphasize philosophy as found in some of the world’s classic literary works." OCET, p. 12"Everything a teacher does affects children. That’s why you, as a teacher, must be aware of what resources are available, and you must know the moralities of what children read, the actual lessons of life you want them to take into the world." OCET, p. 14"As soon as our children learn to read, they must read one classic every two weeks and report it to us orally. That means every teacher in our school must also have read that book." OCET, p. 26"…we’ve removed the values from our schools, and we wonder why they behave the way they do. We’re expecting them to behave the way we think they should behave, because we grew up on certain values. But these children have not been exposed to those values." OCET, p. 37Teach children the classics with the lesson inherent in each and we will have different students. "These lessons will take them through life, not just a reading exercise to fill the school day." OCET, pp. 58-59"Remember a few years ago how lessons were prefaced with Casey at the Bat; Paul Revere’s Ride; Aesop’s Fables; and The Boy Who Cried Wolf? —the classics that taught us the hard knocks of life and perseverance?" OCET, p. 60"Let us once again return the teaching of classics and poetry to our children. Let us once again set our children adrift in a sea of morality …Could it be that we have allowed them to grow up without direction, without morals? Without attempting to help them arrange the puzzles in their minds? Without giving them heroes and heroines to believe in? Is their definition of a hero just a sandwich? OCET, pp. 61-62"There was a time in our curriculums in American schools when virtue occupied center stage. There was also a time when children memorized poetry and had to tell what the moral lessonin that poem meant to them…The large objective of schools some time ago was to train the moral character and nourish the souls of the students." OCET, p. 76"Pure scholarship purged of every other moral concern is, in my opinion, dangerous scholarship." OCET, p. 81TEACHING IN GENERAL"…syllogistic reasoning is so important…unfortunately…We have gotten away from any kind of deep thinking in our teaching…" OCET, p. 15"We give all of our students daily exercises in phonics. I am convinced it is the most effective way to teach reading…" OCET, p. 18"…all teachers need…to admit they do not know…that he or she has a great deal left to learn." OCET, p. 20"None of our teachers has a desk. Every teacher walks from student to student to mediate errors before they become permanent errors…If you red-mark papers and give them back to students a week, two weeks later, the errors mean very little to them." OCET, pp. 25-26"…we use a lot of the Socratic Method: teacher-pupil dialogue. We are not much for the Xerox sheets where children only have to check ‘T’ for true or ‘F’ for false, or guess at multiple-choice questions. There is a dialogue between the teacher and pupil every day. Our blackboards are perhaps the most utilized tool in our classrooms." OCET, p. 26"Every child in our school is articulate. Every child speaks standard English…Our teachers are correcting consistently – all day, every moment, infinitely – throughout the entire year. We have been correcting the children’s grammar until they realize that there is the standard grammar that must be spoken universally if we are going to function." OCET, p. 28Whether reading a story or teaching history, you have to make it come alive. In teaching math, "remove yourself from the pre-packaged lesson plans. For example, we’ll take an entire group of children and we’ll go ‘Seven times three! Plus two! Divided by four! Minus six! Plus eight!’ Every child is listening because the next child knows that he or she is It." OCET, p. 42"Let us once again teach our children to tell time as well as purchase digital watches for them. Let us once again teach our children to tie their shoelaces as well as provide Velcro closures for them. Let us once again teach our children the multiplication tables before we buy them calculators. Let us once again teach our children that the mind is the best computer before we put them on computers." OCET, p. 62"The good school does not place readiness above thoroughness, memory above mastery, glibness above sincerity, uniformity above originality, and the rules and modes of the dead past above the work of the living present." OCET, p. 92"To see things as they really are is one of the crowning privileges of the educated man, and to help others to see them so is one of the greatest services he can render to society." OCET, p.92"Reinforce what has been learned in class. If a recently-introduced vocabulary word is appropriate, use it when speaking to a child. Say, for example, ‘I am chagrined at your behavior right now.’" OCET, pp. 110"Do not be afraid to be wrong and to admit that you are wrong. None of us have all of the answers all of the time. Have children proofread the blackboard for errors; remember, children cannot create havoc and find your errors, too. Make children a part of the learning environment." OCET, p. 110"I find that children often understand a concept better when you take them to the blackboard rather than trying to show them at their seat. This practice helps the rest of the class at the same time, especially the shy child who will never come out and say that he or she does not understand…One child’s errors become a lesson for the whole class." MCW, p. 43"…I stress proper speech and pronunciation with my own students. I try to get them in the habit of using correct grammar when they speak and I have them read aloud every day so I can check pronunciation as well as comprehension. Having children read silently in class only allows their mistakes to go unnoticed." MCW, p. 44"Another reason for reading aloud is to build vocabulary. A child reading silently skips over big words he doesn’t know. When I am there listening to a child read, I can interrupt to ask the meaning. The whole class benefits as we can look up the definition, the base word within the larger word, and the part of speech. I also have my students read aloud for tone, inflection, and punctuation." MCW, p. 44"I even have them read their composition aloud every day. It makes children more conscious of sentence structure, allows them to proofread for punctuation errors and word omissions, and helps them develop a certain presence and authority in front of an audience." MCW, p. 45ADVICE FOR PARENTS"Responsibility is often thought of as a fourth "R." We can teach reading, writing and arithmetic here, but much of the responsibility for your child’s education must come from home. Being a responsible student means making the right choices. It means paying attention to the teacher’s directions, it means doing nightly homework, and doing just a little more work than the teacher assigned.Remember, school is a microcosm of the real world. The reason most schools do not work is that school is just the opposite of what is expected of citizens in the real world. This, therefore, means that a child must practice being above average in school so that they can take whatthey’ve learned into the real world. This means giving each task in school a real effort, not just doing enough to squeeze by.Most experts agree that responsibility is learned from parents. Here are some suggestions for using the ‘example’ and ‘practice’ method that will allow you, the parent, to teach your child responsibility.Let your child help you with household chores. As you work together, be clear about the purpose of each task. Praise your child for the good efforts and positively point out the negatives by saying, ‘I think you can do this better, don’t you?’ Explain that if you do not polish the furniture that the wood will crack and dry out. This allows the child to lean that most things we do have a cause and effect. Thus the child comes to learn that some actions have consequences attached to them.Point out to your child that you, the parent, work when there are other things you would rather do. Show a child how to do a task correctly, and be patient as your child learns.Teach your c hild organization. Make certain that each night, at the completion of the day’s homework, all materials are put away and ready for the next day of school. This means getting shoes and other personal items together and all in one place so that the next morning will not be filled with the frustration of: ‘You are going to be late."Teach your child to be time-oriented. Remember, in the real world, the workplace will not tolerate tardiness and excuses. Therefore, teach your child to accept responsibility for his or her actions, and not to make excuses for shortcomings.Make certain that you discuss the day’s activities with your child on a daily basis. This can be done while eating, driving to school, getting the child dressed or any activity within the home." OCET, pp. 50-51。
Passage One 翻译
1 Marva was a striking woman with high cheekbones and strong angular features, which she inherited along with a love of jewelry from a great-grandmother who was a Choctaw Indian. Slender though not willowy, Marva was immediately discernible()可辨别的in a crowd——even without the visibility afforded by her height——for she had acquired a poise(体态,姿态)and sophistication(成熟,有教养的)that gave her appearance a deliberate(深思熟虑的)style. 马文是一个引人注目的女人,她有着高高的颧骨,瘦而强健,这都遗传自她那乔克托印第安人血统的曾祖母。
2 Marva would rarely wear slacks, and she never wore loose-fitting shirts or casually(随意的)assembled(组合的)bloused and skirts. Sloppy (肥大的)dressing showed disrespect(无理)for oneself, for the children, and for the profession(同行). From the first day of class Marva was teaching that self-respect is the most important thing a person can have. For herself and for the children Marva dressed impeccably(无可挑剔的), favoring cashmere sweaters, suits, and herring-bone tweeds. Her clothing was tailored(裁制)and stylishly simple, but she usually added an ornamental(装饰的)touch: a carved belt cinched over a sweater, a gold medallion on a chain (链条), an organdy boutonniere, or perhaps a lace handkerchief fanned in pleats across a pocket and held in place by a beaded lion’s-head brooch. In Marva’s opinion, it was important to have a unique imprint(印记). She felt she was different from most people and delighted in her difference. It was an attitude often mistaken for arrogance(自大). 马文很少穿宽松衣服,也决不穿宽大的直筒连衣裙或不正式的短衫及裙子。
Marva Collins way
Marva Collins way今天我更想给大家推荐一个出色的,无与伦比的教学故事,它就是来自于----Marva Collins way:“给我任何城市里的任何一个班级,给我成绩最差的学生、表现不佳的学生。
不必告诉我关于这些学生的情况,甚至不用告诉我他们都在学些什么,我可以走进教室自己去向学生们了解”(人类是一件了不起的杰作!多么高贵的理性!多么伟大的力量!多么优美的仪表!多么文雅的举动!在行为上多么像一个天使!在智慧上多么像一个天神!宇宙的精华!万物的灵长!)在《哈姆雷特》中,莎士比亚写道:“人,是多么伟大的杰作!”而对于Marva Collins, 一位广为人知的教育改革倡导者来说,“孩子,是多么伟大的杰作!”“我相信,就像皮格马利翁(源于一个希腊神话,是一位雕刻家)一样,我可以把孩子塑造成我所希望的样子。
A Teacher's Odyssey一位老师的奥德赛35年来,Collins始终致力于把她的学生塑造成渴望学习,并取得成绩的孩子。
Marva Collins‘Way翻译
1 Marva was a striking woman with high cheekbones and strong angular features, which she inherited along with a love of jewelry from a great-grandmother who was a Choctaw Indian. Slender though not willowy, Marva was immediately discernible()可辨别的in a crowd——even without the visibility afforded by her height——for she had acquired a poise(体态,姿态)and sophistication(成熟,有教养的)that gave her appearance a deliberate(深思熟虑的)style.马文是一个引人注目的女人,她有着高高的颧骨,瘦而强健,这都遗传自她那乔克托印第安人血统的曾祖母。
2 Marva would rarely wear slacks, and she never wore loose-fitting shirts or casually(随意的)assembled(组合的)bloused and skirts. Sloppy(肥大的)dressing showed disrespect(无理)for oneself, for the children, and for the profession(同行). From the first day of class Marva was teaching that self-respect is the most important thing a person can have. For herself and for the children Marva dressed impeccably(无可挑剔的), favoring cashmere sweaters, suits, and herring-bone tweeds. Her clothing was tailored(裁制)and stylishly simple, but she usually added an ornamental(装饰的)touch: a carved belt cinched over a sweater, a gold medallion on a chain(链条), an organdy boutonniere, or perhaps a lace handkerchief fanned in pleats across a pocket and held in place by a beaded lion’s-head brooch. In Marva’s opinion, it was important to have a unique imprint(印记). She felt she was different from most people and delighted in her difference. It was an attitude often mistaken for arrogance(自大).马文很少穿宽松衣服,也决不穿宽大的直筒连衣裙或不正式的短衫及裙子。
然后,两个星期前,她在纽约市看了瑟克尔先生的广告:来火星!在Thirkell Restorium停留一周。
” “但是谁见到他会回来?”因此,她买了一张票,飞往火星,并在瑟尔凯尔先生的Restorium饭店度过了七个温和的日子,那栋上面闪烁着标志的建筑物:THIRKELL的“通往天堂的火箭”!她花了整整一周的时间在清澈的海水中洗澡,并清除了她细小的骨头上的护理,现在她已变得烦躁不安,准备将其装载到瑟希尔先生自己的特殊私人火箭中,例如子弹,然后发射到太空超越木星,土星和冥王星,那么谁能否认呢?你会越来越靠近主,这真是太好了!您不能只是感觉到他的呼吸,他的审查,他的存在吗?贝洛斯太太说:“我在这里,是一架古老的摇摇欲坠的电梯,准备上去竖井。
Unit 7 参考译文
A10 联盟2024届高三4月质量检测考试英语参考答案第一部分听力1—5 BACAC 6—10 CACBA 11—15 ABAAC 16—20 ABCCA第二部分阅读第一节21—23 DAB 24—27 CACD 28—31 BAAC 32—35 CDBC第二节36—40 CEBDA 41—45 BDACA 46—50 DDABC 51—55 ACBDC第三部分语言运用 known 57.that/which 58.making 59.effectiveness 60.from61.rooted 62.To master 63.promotes 64.practical 65.whether第四部分写作第一节One possible version;Should Senior 3 Students' Evening Study Hours Be Extended?As for whether Senior 3 students' evening study hours should be extended,I hold the view that such a decision should be made with caution.As far as I am concerned,extending study hours beyond a reasonable limit might not necessarily guarantee students' improved results.Instead,it can potentially lead to tiredness and stress,damaging their learning efficiency and health.Effective learning relies more on quality rather than quantity.Therefore,schools should focus on improving teaching methods and ensuring concentrated periods of study during regular class hours.So I think it is not wise to extend Senior 3 students' evening study hours.第二节One possible version:When he came to the open-ended questions,he sighed desperately from the bottom of his heart.They were his weak point.Casting secret glances around him,he dishonestly drew out his notes.He unfolded them and began scanning them.As he was putting them back in,he felt someone tapping his shoulder.Filled with fear,Raj turned slowly in his seat and stared at the stony face of the teacher.She pointed to the notes hidden in his pencil case and raised an eyebrow in disbelief.Raj trembled in his seat,too afraid to utter a word,as the teacher took his paper away.Once the time was up,the teacher took him to the headmaster s office.The headmaster gave him a first and final lecture about cheating.Raj's face turned red with embarrassment.He was genuinely regretful.Once bitten, twice shy. He silently promised himself that he would never cheat again.From that day forward,Raj kept his promise.The cheating incident served as a harsh reminder for him to stay attentive during classes,to respect the learning process,and to avoid the foolish thoughts of shortcuts.【解题导语】本文是一篇应用文。
It is not about providing definitive answers concerning the good life
It is about identifying the right questions
Education is the quest for information and transformation, and therefore must begin with a question.
CS Lewis
It is not English 10a or Math 55 It is about rigorous fun
“I would not give a fig for the simplicity on this side of complexity, but I would give my life for the simplicity on the other side of complexity.”
• Why a presentation?
– Teaching as learning – Spread goodness…
Why Positive Psychology?
Psychological Abstracts (1967-2000)
• Anger: 5,584 • Anxiety: 41,416 • Depression: 54,040
• 20-30 minute Presentation
– Any topic within positive psychology – Written text (10-15 pages double spaced) – Slides (word or powerpoints)
[简爱中英文对照版]MarvaCollins’way中英文对照版待续篇一: MarvaCollins’way中英文对照版待续感谢经济学人网友Somers把她的《Marva Collin’sway》一张张扫描出来和大家分享,使得这本渴求已久的书终于展现于我的眼前,感谢网络,感谢不知名的朋友。
看到这本书能激发大家的思考,我超级高兴,我相信大家思想上的碰撞对我们的教育能有一点点,哪怕是纳米级的小小的改变!在群里也有很多关心教育的朋友,比如皮蛋大哥,他四十创业,办幼儿园,看了他的事迹深有感触,在此转发:另外最近发现了MarvaCollins的一段录像,阐述她对教育的观点,老太太的声音一如她文中所述,吐字清晰,直抒己见,让我们一起聆听这位黑人女教育家的勇敢与激情!以下是1979年CBS 《60分钟》栏目对Marva Coll:第四章于3月16日晚8:49 发布:Marva Collin’s way中英文对照by EggShell:第五章于3月18日晚7:52发布:Marva Collin’s way中英文对照by EggShell:第六章于3月23日中午1:55发布:Marva Collins’ way中英文对照by Eggshellby Eggshellby Eggshellby Eggshellby Eggshellby Eggshell我对我发表的全面揭示毕加索变体画中的秘密作了很大的修改,并全面的无保留的公开了破解的方法,因为我将将此中英文对照版发向国外网站,所修改的部分比较重要,所以还是先在国内发布,不能厚此薄彼,看轻了我们国内的读者。
发现毕加索抽象变形作品中隐藏的秘密Reveal the secrets in Picasso’sabstract deformed paintings郑重告知本文已在中国大陆申请版权保护,一切使用我的研究文章和图片的行为均请注意遵守中国版权法规定。
感兴趣的书Marva Collins ‘way Marva CollinsThe Marva Collins method; a manual for educating and motivating your child by Marva CollinsOrdinary Children, Extraordinary Teachers, by Marva CollinsV alues: Lighting The Candle of Excellence: A Practical Guide, by Marva CollinsMarva使用了下列的书籍:1. Self Reliance,by Emerson2. The little Red Hen and the grain of wheat3. Reading is Fun, Open Court Publishing Company4. Aesop's Fables5. A trip to wonder land, Open Court Publishing Company6. The Three Questions, of Tolstoy's Tale亲密关系Moby Dick, Candide, Crime and Punishment, The Jungle, Pride and Prejudice, O'Henry's Tales, Mysterious Island, Spring is Here, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, Lord of the Flies, 1984, The fall of the HOuse of Usher, Great Expectations,Greek Drama The little woman the pilgrim's progress Macbeth【豆瓣上评价很高的14个热门心理读本】《社会性动物》《心理学与生活》《追寻记忆的痕迹》《影响力》《天才在左,疯子在右》《改变心理学的四十项研究》《乌合之众:大众心理研究》《当下的力量》《少有人走的路》《拖延心理学》《进化心理学》《生命的重建》《拆掉思维里的墙》《遇见未知的自己》。
”马文快速转身走到黑板前,写下“the catamaran sailed around the ait.”“这是什么意思?”她问。
第一个元音是短音a, 和cat这个单词的a发一样的音。
“‘the catamaran sailed around the ait.’中ait 这个单词中元音a 和i组成一个音节,长音[ei].它的规则就是:当两个元音在一起时,第一个元音起主导发音。
* * *我还没有到读书的年龄就开始学习阅读了。
她教每一个孩子这样想:“I think I did pretty wonderful(我觉得我做得很好)”,“I think I'm bright. I think I am unique.(我真的很聪明,我是独一无二的)”当孩子们不守规矩的时候,柯林斯给他们的惩罚就是要写100个原因,说明为什么他们棒到要做那样的事。
而且要求他们要按字母顺序写:“I am adorable . I am beautiful. I am courageous.(我很可爱,我很漂亮,我很勇敢)”,“I am delightful. I am effervescent . I am fabulous.(我令人快乐,我很兴奋,我很厉害)”,“I am heavenly. I am idolized. I am just wonderful.(我很棒,我是榜样,我无与伦比)”,“I am a kind spirit. I am lovable. I am momentous.(我很热情,我很可爱,我很重要)”,“I am never , never under line.(我从不调皮)”……一直写到最后一个字母。
Marva Collins Way
M arva Collins’ wayPreface to Second EditionWhen I first wrote this book in 1982,I thought that education in America was about as bad as it could be.1982年,当我第一次写这部书的时候,当时美国的教育不能再差了。
However ,in the past eight years I have had many opportunities to observe schools throughout the country, and I have found that the situation is worse than I realized.然而,在这过去的八年里,我有许多机会去视察各个地方的学校,我发现情况比我想象的更糟。
What I once assumed to be inferior education for the poor and underprivileged has become a nationwide malady that afflicts the middle and upper classes as well。
America faces an education crisis of frightening proportions.美国面临着一个很可怕的教育危机。
Only recently, in the spring of 1990, Education Secretary Lauro F. Cavazos deplored the nation’s “indifference, complacency, and passivity”.直到最近,1900的的春天,教育部秘书Lauro F. Cavazos对国家的“冷漠,自满和消极“感到很遗憾。
赞美老师的句子英文版节给老师一个赞美,让师生关系变得更加融洽,我们要怀着的心去对待老师!下面是小编为大家带来的关于“赞美老师的句子英文版”,欢迎借鉴!赞美老师的句子英文版一The limits of your language are the limits of your world语言的边界就是你世界的边界。
Good teachers are costly, but bad teachers cost more好老师很贵,但坏老师更贵。
)A teacher touches lives forever老师影响学生的一生。
Teachers are the architects of successful societies老师是社会的建筑师。
The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book最优秀的老师是从心里教书,而不是照本宣科。
It's easy to make money It's a lot tougher to make a difference Teachers make a difference!赚钱很容易。
The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate "apparently ordinary" people to unusual effort The tough problem is not in identifying winners: it is in ma-ki-ng winners out of ordinary people优秀老师的职责是激发“看起来普通的”学生,让他们付出超常的努力。
难的不是找出成功者,而是把普通学生激励成成功者!The mediocre teacher tells The good teacher explains The superior teacher demonstrates The great teacher inspires 普通老师只讲述事实,好老师解释事实,优秀的老师展示事实,伟大的老师激发学生去思考。
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1 Marva was a striking woman with high cheekbones and strong angular features, which she inherited along with a love of jewelry from a great-grandmother who was a Choctaw Indian. Slender though not willowy, Marva was immediately discernible()可辨别的in a crowd——even without the visibility afforded by her height——for she had acquired a poise(体态,姿态)and sophistication(成熟,有教养的)that gave her appearance a deliberate(深思熟虑的)style.马文是一个引人注目的女人,她有着高高的颧骨,瘦而强健,这都遗传自她那乔克托印第安人血统的曾祖母。
2 Marva would rarely wear slacks, and she never wore loose-fitting shirts or casually(随意的)assembled(组合的)bloused and skirts. Sloppy(肥大的)dressing showed disrespect(无理)for oneself, for the children, and for the profession(同行). From the first day of class Marva was teaching that self-respect is the most important thing a person can have. For herself and for the children Marva dressed impeccably(无可挑剔的), favoring cashmere sweaters, suits, and herring-bone tweeds. Her clothing was tailored(裁制)and stylishly simple, but she usually added an ornamental(装饰的)touch: a carved belt cinched over a sweater, a gold medallion on a chain(链条), an organdy boutonniere, or perhaps a lace handkerchief fanned in pleats across a pocket and held in place by a beaded lion’s-head brooch. In Marva’s opinion, it was important to have a unique imprint(印记). She felt she was different from most people and delighted in her difference. It was an attitude often mistaken for arrogance(自大).马文很少穿宽松衣服,也决不穿宽大的直筒连衣裙或不正式的短衫及裙子。
3 “I am a teacher,” she said to the class on this first day. “A teacher is someone who leads. There is no magic here. Mrs. Collins is no miracle worker. I do not walk on water, I do not part the sea. I just love children and work harder than a lot of people, and so will you.4 “Some teachers sit behind a big desk, like a king in a castle, and the children are like the poor peasants. The desk isolates them from the children. But I don’t sit behind a big desk in front of the class. I walk up and down the rows of desks every day and I hug each of you every day. “Have you ever been afraid to go up to the teacher’s desk? Did you think someone would laugh at you if you made a mistake?” Marva didn’t wait for an answer. She knew each child was following her closely. “Tell me when I’m wrong. You must never be afraid to tell a teacher if she is wrong. I’m not God. My mouth is no prayer(祈祷)book. We shall work together. How many of you have been afraid to ask other teachers questions?” Hands immediately went up.“一些老师坐在大大的桌子后面,就像一座城堡里的国王,而学生们则像是贫困的佃农——这桌子使老师和同学们分离开来。
5 “Why were you afraid to ask, Michele?” “I was afraid the teacher would holler(抱怨).” “Why were you afraid, Jerome?” “I was afraid I would get hit with a ruler,” he said flatly(直截了当的), expecting the snickers(偷笑)that came from his classmates. “When you were afraid of a teacher, Bernette, what were you afraid of?” “I was afraid she would make everyone laugh at me. My other teacher used to act like she was perfect or something. She used to make me feel dumb(哑的).”6 “Sometimes I don’t like other grown-ups very much because they think they know everything.I don’t know everything.” Marva said. “I can learn all the time.” “You have a right to your opinion. You say what you think.” Marva told him. “Don’t care what anyone else thinks. What’s inside of you is important.” There was excitement building and Marva worked the momentum, like an entertainer(表演者)who felt the pulse脉搏of an audience. “Oh, I love to see your eyes dance, ” she said. “New children have such dull目无光彩的eyes, but yours are already coming alive.” 马文老师触动了孩子们兴奋的神经,她就像是一个能够触到观众脉搏的表演者。
”7 “I know most of you can’t spell your name. You don’t know the alphabet, you don’t know how to read, you don’t know homonyms or how to syllabicate. I promise you that you will. None of you has ever failed. School may have failed you. Well, goodbye to failure, children. Welcome to success. You will read hard books in here and understand what you read. You will write every day so that writing becomes second nature to you. You will memorize a poem every week so that you can train your minds to remember things. It is useless for you to learn something in school if you are not going to remember it. “But you must help me to help you. If you don’t give anything, don’t expect anything. Success is not coming to you, you must come to it.” The Children looked puzzled. They were accustomed to warnings, threats, and rules of order on the first day of class. If nothing else, Marva vowed发誓she would get through to these children because she was so determined. Or just plain简单的stubborn顽固. She was, in fact, more strong-willed than most, maybe even a bit too strong-willed for her own good. Over and over her mother used to warn her, “Marva, you’ll never come to any good ‘cause once your mind is set, there’s no telling you what to do.’”“我知道,你们中的大多数人都不会拼写自己的名字。