②是季节性湖泊(seasonal lake)也是一个重要的水源地(huge capacity of holding water)③是候鸟(migratory birds)的越冬地(lodging place)④北回归线附近沙漠上的珍珠(a pearl in the desert near the tropic of cancer)Group21.江西以何得名?①公园733年(733 A.D.)唐玄宗在扬子江南部的西区设立该地(the west region in the southern part of the Yangtze River)②元设中书省(provinces called zhongshu),江西省因此得名2.简要介绍江西的四大名镇及其特点。
分别是景德镇、樟树、河口、吴城①景德镇:专营瓷器生产和贸易(porcelain production and trading)②樟树:药都(Medicine Center)③河口:交通要冲,连接福建、浙江、安徽和江西(transportation hub,connecting Fujian,Zhejiang,Jiangxi,and Anhui),同时也是茶和纸的产地(producing bases for tea and paper)④吴城:赣鄱接口(the entrance through which Gan River flows into Poyang Lake),众多商船(commercial boats)和商人汇聚于此。
Unit 1 A Qualified Tour Guide 合格导游员Text ANotes(1) As a tour guide , you are often totally responsible for your visito- rs during their stay in China, doing jobs ranging from navigating, comm- unicating, interpreting, role-modeling appropriate behavior, and entertai- ning to heiping deal with loss of belongs, treating injury, ensuring safety, and managing disasters, etc. 作为导游员,你往往在游客旅华期间对其全权负责,工作内容从提供向导、沟通、解说、示范正确举止、娱乐等服务,到协助处理财物丢失、人身伤害、保障安全和应对灾祸等问题。
(2) With China’s economy developing at a tremendous pace, peo- ple of every walk of life, who come from other parts of the world, have grown stronger interest in almost every aspect of this nation. 随着中国经济的飞速发展,来自世界其他地方各行各业的人们对全方位地了解这个国家产生了浓厚的兴趣。
(3) Next, you shoud keep in mind that even bits of information in your everyday life can make up the most interesting and heipful part of your tour commentary, like weather changes, the taxi flag price, local di- etary customs, groceries and shops around the hotel, and nearest ATMs, Banks, post offices and Internet cafes, etc. 其次,你应当记住:即便是日常生活中的点滴信息,也会成为导游解说词中最有趣和最有用的部分,诸如天气变化、出租车起步价、当地饮食习俗、酒店周围的食品杂货店和商店、最近的自动取款机、银行、邮局和网吧等。
武当山导游词英文版(南岩)Outline for Tour Guiding of Mount Wudang1:欢迎词Good morning! Ladies and Gentlemen.Welcome to Wuhan. My name is Silver. I am from Wuhan Travel Service. I will be your local guide during your stay in Wuhan. This is our driver, Mr Wang. Our bus number is WH12345.On behalf of my travel agency; we hope you have a nice journey here. If you have any special interest, please tell your tour leader, and he will let us know. My job is to smooth your way, care for your welfare, try my best to answer your question, and be your guide and interpreter. I will try to do my best to make your trip go smoothly. We highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Today we’ll visit the famous sacred place of Taoism-----Mount Wudang.We will climb up the mountain and visit the scenic spots on way up the mountain, then take the tram rail down the mountain. First, it will take us 45 minutes to visit Yuxu Palace. Then we will visit Purple Cloud Palace for about one hour and South Rock for 30 minutes. The last two stations are Golden Summit and Golden Palace. They are the most important palace. We will spend 2 hours on visiting them.2:导入Everyone must be very familiar with the best foreign language film Oscar, 2001 “Crouching Tiger, Hidden dragon”. At the end of the film, the actress Y u Jiaolong jumped from the cliff here. I believe that everyone must be on kungfu and scenery in the movie. Today I will lead you appreciate its mysteriousness and charm.Mount Wudang, situated in Shiyan City, Hubei Province, China, where there are many high mountains, green forests, and everlasting springs, has been called the No. One Celestial Mountain in China.Throughout history, federal emperors of every dynasty paid increasingly attention to the creation of buildings on Mount Wudang, and in the Ming Dynasty, Mount Wudang was the center of China Taoism.The ancient buildings in Mount Wudang, great in size and beautiful in artistic design, built on steep hills or in sharp cliffs to achieve a harmonious unity between buildings and nature, have been praised as the ultimate showcase of China's ancient buildings and approved World Cultural Legacy.There are full of attractive places of interest in Mount Wudang Tourism and Economy Special Region, as charming as the rainbow in the sky; especially Mount Wudang, the famous Taoism Mountain which has combined quietness, wonder, beauty, and elegance into one, has these following famous scenic spots, such as, seventy-two peaks, thirty-six cliffs, twenty-four valleys, eleven caves, three pools, nine springs, ten lakes, nine wells, ten stones, and nine pavilions. There are four distinct seasons with their own features, the mountain is green and full of flowers in the spring; there are wind, thunder, and rainstorm with cloud and fog twisting the mountain in the summer; the forest are in gold yellow and the laurels send fragrance in the autumn; all the mountain is covered by the white snow in the winter.3:道教文化Mount Wudang, the famous scenic spot in China, whose perimeter is over 800 km, about 500 miles, full of beautiful hills and intense forests, was praised as the meeting place of heaven andearth. For its enchanting scenery and the legend of home of gods, many Taoists and hermits came to cultivate, so Mount Wudang was regarded as the origin place of China Taoism. Taoism can trace back to Han dynasty and after thousands of years’development Taoism has played an important role in politics, economy,culture, and ideology of China. Taoism, with Chinese characteristics and nearly 2000-year history, is still influencing Chinese life. The main idea of Taoism is harmony. People believe Taoism because they want to reach the perfect combination with the nature.It is said that Zhenwu Emperor had been cultivating here for over 40 years and became god. Zhenwu is named Emperor Zhenwu, the Founder or the Granddad in Heaven. This super god is evolved from the image of the ancient northern god----Xuanwu. During the Song Dynasty, Wudang Taoism had developed into some certain size, forming its own organization sodality, and also had set up many Taoist buildings. On the days of Zhenwu' birthday and becoming god, pious people would come here worship Mount Wudang from all directions.Wudang Taoism came to the most prosperous stage in the Ming Dynasty. Cheng Emperor, the third emperor of Ming Dynasty, Zhu-Di ordered to support and develop Wudang Taoism after he became the emperor. He wrote all the orders by himself, from reconnaissance and devise of Taoist buildings, sending qualified officials to overlook the project, to the ways for Taoists to cultivate. There were all high buildings on the both sides of the 140-km ancient road to the Golden Peak. The series Wudang Taoism palaces and temples, located in Southern China, the Forbidden City, located in Northern China, were the two key constructions under the supervision of Emperor Zhu-Di (the third emperor of Ming Dynasty 1403-1425) during his realm.After thousands years' development, there produced proud and profound Wudang Culture in Wudang Taoism: nature-upholding Taoist buildings, mysterious Wudang Boxing, Wudang Ways to keep healthy, talking-with god religion service, court-like Taoist music, unrivalled carvings, China traditional medicine and herbs, all are the crystal of Chinese national cleverness.4:景点讲解3)南岩Now have come to South Rock. South Rock is also known as “Purple rock, it faces towards the south, so that's how the name comes from. Here you can see that the hills are steep and forbidding covered by many green trees.Also I am pretty like to introduce the buildings to you, they are really a great combination of human and natural landscapes among all 36 mounts of Mount Wudang.The ancient architecture of South Rock breaks through the traditional layout to achieve a high degree of harmonious style. So the craftsmen had skillfully made a compact and grand construction in an ups and downs way. The view of South Rock is unique and changeful, and everywhere is so special. Enjoy your walking here and taking photos as much as you want.5:结束语We will get back to the station by tram rail. You have enjoyed the view of the peaks again. Now let’s get on the bus.We have appreciated the scenery as well as its culture .It is not only a mountain but also a heritage full of our ancestors’ wisdom. Your current visit to China is drawing to a close. Time have elapsed so quickly and you have visited several scenic spots in this city. The time we stayed together was rather short and really the surface was only scratched. What the Chinese people call “looking at the flowers on the horse’s back.” Every one in the group has been very cooperative,friendly, understanding and punctual. That is what I witnessed and experienced, and as a national guide, it was much appreciated.Parting is such sweet sorrow. Happy to meet, sorry to depart, and happy to meet again. Wish you have a nice journey home. Goodbye!。
TranslationUnit11.The Temple of Heaven (天坛) is the largest intact alter temple(坛庙) of China. The Temple of Heaven used to be a place where emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties worshiped and offered sacrifices to Heaven(祭天)to pray for good harvests and fine rain(五谷丰登、风调雨顺).译:天坛是中国现存最大、保存最完好的坛庙。
2.The Fragrant Hill(香山)looks very much like a censer(香炉), often girdled (环绕) by wisps of spiraling (缭绕) mist as if it were giving out incense-smoke hence it was called the “Censer Hill”(“香炉山”). Later, it was shortened as the “Fragrant Hill”.译:香山因其形状似香炉,周围常常云雾缭绕,看起来犹如香烟弥漫。
3.The Beihai Park (北海公园) is located to the west of the Jingshan Park (景山公园) . The existence of the park can be traced back to the mid-eleventh cent ury when a temporary royal residence named “Yaoyu”(瑶屿) was built here during the Liao Dynasty.译:北海公园位于景山公园的西面,早在11世纪中叶,辽代就在这里建立瑶屿行宫。
As a tour guide, it is essential to possess a strong command of English language proficiency to effectively communicate with tourists from diverse backgrounds. This essay presents a comprehensive template for tour guides to enhance their English language skills and provide exceptional visitor experiences.Speaking Skills。
1. Clarity and Pronunciation:Clear and precise speech is crucial for tour guides. Practice enunciation and pronunciation to ensure tourists can effortlessly understand your commentary.2. Fluency and Pacing:Speak at an appropriate pace that allows tourists to absorb information. Maintain a smooth and natural flow of speech, avoiding hesitations or rapid delivery.3. Use of Vocabulary:Use a wide range of vocabulary to engage tourists. Incorporate synonyms, antonyms, and descriptive language to enhance the tour's appeal.4. Storytelling and Anecdotes:Engage tourists by incorporating storytelling and anecdotes. Use vivid descriptions, personal experiences, and historical accounts to captivate their attention.5. Cultural Sensitivity:Be mindful of cultural differences when communicating with tourists. Use respectful language, avoid offensivejokes, and demonstrate an understanding of their cultural perspectives.Listening Skills。
萍乡Group11.请简介萍乡的行政区划(administrative districts)。
三县(芦溪县、上栗县、莲花县)二区(安源区、湘东区)2.义龙洞被称为什么?地下艺术长廊(the Artistic Corridor under the ground)和天下第一洞。
这个地方是春秋战国时期(Spring-Autumn and War period)楚昭王得到萍实(Pingshi)的地方,萍实意味着国家会繁荣和强大,因此此地被称为萍乡,意为“萍实之地”。
Group31.萍乡的旅游产业主打什么?(How should Pingxiang brand its tourism industry)安源、武功山。
2.萍乡的主要民俗文化有哪些?祭祀文化(Exorcising culture)、采茶戏、农民铜管乐(brass bands consisting of peasants)。
Group51.武功山坐落在哪里?芦溪、安福、袁州的边际(at the boder of Luxi……)2.请简介萍乡的食物特点。
充满本地自然风味,多用山珍河鲜(treasures of mountain and river),重视做汤,口味偏咸、烫、鲜美。
Group61.在江西的精品旅游线路中,与萍乡有关的路线有哪两条?①赣西绿色精粹旅游线(Tour of Green Essentials in West Jiangxi)②赣西南革命摇篮之旅(Tour of Revolutionary Cradle in South-West Jiangxi)2.请简要介绍吴希奭(shì)萍乡人,招募过众人组成千人大军,著名抗元军的将领。
2.请简要介绍赣州围屋(enclosed houses)的分布情况(distribution)。
Group21.江西的“五朵金花”里,哪四种矿产资源分布于赣州?铀(uranium)、钨(tungsten)、稀土(rare earth)、钽(tǎn)铌(ní)(tantalum)。
Group31.赣州主要的农产品有哪些?(最少五个)白莲子(white lotus seed)、竹子、甜柚(honey orange)、兔肉(rabbit)、蜜桔(tangerine)。
写作背景:第五次反围剿(the fifth campaign against“encirclement and suppression”)即将失败,毛泽东站在山头,看到士兵们坚守此地,心中感慨,遂写下该诗篇。
2.瑞金沙洲坝的主要革命遗址有哪些?红井(Red well)、中央政府大礼堂(the grand hall of central government)、中央政治局旧址(the site of the Central Political Bureau)Group51.赣州哪两个县,被称为脐橙(navel orange)之乡和金边瑞香(Daphne odora)之乡?信丰和大余。
2.请简介“长征(Long March)第一山”云石山。
妙文翻译公司翻译样稿外语导游解说词中英对照尊敬的来宾,您好! Dear guests, 欢迎参观大连开发区规划展览馆。
本馆位于大连开发区文化中心B区,建筑面积12600平方米,展区面积8800平方米, 共2层, 14个展区。
Welcome to the Planning Exhibition Hall in Dalian Development Zone. The hall is located in Section B 2, including an of the Cultural Center of Dalian Development Zone and covers a floor area of 12,600mexhibition area of 8,800m2. There are two floors and fourteen exhibition sections in all. Behind the reception desk is a big screen for interaction with visitors, called the “Interaction Wall”. When you are walking past here, your figure will be displayed on the big screen. In this way, you get integrated with our exhibition hall, and also with Dalian Development Zone. If interested, you may have a try. Next, please turn around to the five “Rock” exhibits. 您现在看到的五块‘岩石’状的展品,象征着海岸礁石,‘岩石’上的“世界”、“亚洲”、“中国”、“东北”、和“大连开发区”的图案阐释了大连开发区的区位,也寓意了大连开发区在全球化、中国崛起和东北振兴中所扮演的角色。
英语导游词中英互译英语导游词中英互译(YongDing Hakka Earth Building Complex)Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! Please allow me on behalf of XIXI travel Service to extend our sincere welcome to you! My name is LinXi,and I will be your guide during your stay in LongYan.This is the driver MR.Zhang,he is a veteran.His bus number is F-12345,If you have any question or special interests, please don’t hesitate to let us kown,We’ll try to do our very best to make your stay of LongYan pleasant and enjoyable .I’m sure most of you will be imperssed by LongYan .We really ask for your understanding and cooperation,and we hope your visit to our city will be a happy experience.各位游客朋友们,大家好!我先代表我们西西旅行社真诚的欢迎大家!我叫林玺,我将陪伴你们游玩龙岩,今天和我一起为大家服务的呢还有我身边的这位张师傅,张师傅驾驶技术娴熟,他的大巴车号码是F-12345。
上饶景点介绍英文版Sure, here is an introduction to the touristattractions in Shangrao:Shangrao, located in the eastern part of China, is a city known for its beautiful natural scenery and rich cultural heritage. One of the most famous tourist attractions in Shangrao is Wuyuan County, often referred to as "the most beautiful countryside in China." Wuyuan is renowned for its ancient villages, picturesque landscapes, and well-preserved traditional architecture.Another popular destination in Shangrao is Sanqing Mountain, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This mountain range is characterized by its unique granite formations, lush forests, and diverse plant and animal species. Visitors can enjoy hiking, photography, and exploring the tranquil natural surroundings.Additionally, Shangrao is home to Poyang Lake, thelargest freshwater lake in China. The lake is a haven for migratory birds and offers opportunities for birdwatching, boating, and experiencing the local fishing culture.In the city itself, tourists can visit the Shangrao Confucian Temple, an ancient complex dedicated to the teachings of Confucius, and the Shangrao Railway Station, an architectural marvel that blends traditional Chinese design with modern functionality.These are just a few examples of the many attractions that Shangrao has to offer. Whether you are interested in nature, history, or culture, Shangrao has something to offer every type of traveler.。
《导游英语》(第二版) 电子教案 Chapter 5 Checking in the Hotel
• (2) She should help the Brown’s
_c_h_e_c_k__in__th_e__h_o_te_l_________check in the
hotel; • (3) She should ask the bellman to
Additional Tips for Tour Guides
• Guiding Service after Check-in
A guide should offer the following services to tourists when he takes tourists to the hotel:
导游实务 • (1) Miss. Lin Juan should negotiate with the
hotel manager and demand that the rooms conform to the terms specified in the contract.
• (2) If the manager agrees that the double rooms replace the single rooms or pay the Brown’s some money as the settlement, she should consult with the Brown’s to see if they are willing to compromise.
v.规定, 保证 v.打乱, 打扰
Proper Nouns
导游证考试英文资料Spot Training for English Tour Guide
• 这具女尸头发大多没有脱落, 部分关节可 以活动, 软组织还存有弹性。
• When it was found , this female corpse was kept very well. Most of hairs were kept at their original seats, part of the joints were movable and soft tissues were still elastic.
A true soldier, what he should do, is to die fighting on the battle field for his country or go back home. Brave enough to face himself and perseverance when defeat; or humility or gentleness , he has a pure heart of a newborn baby.
• the 4 types of the language of a tour guide: • Oral language; facial expressions; gesture language; uniform language.
– To talk about the leading feature of Wulingyuan scenic spots.
• The most characteristic landform feature is the quartzes sandstone peak forest and vallyes . 3000 odd peaks and 800 limpid waters make Zhangjiajie as beautiful as Chinese paintings.
上饶市英语导游词(精选4篇)上饶市英语篇1Dear touristsHello everyone, welcome to Shangrao, the "Pearl of Northeast Jiangxi"Shangrao city is located in the northeast of Jiangxi Province, known as"the first gateway of Yuzhang"; The city has 10 counties, 1 city and 1 District,including Yushan County, the hometown of doctor in China, Wuyuan County, themost beautiful village in China, Poyang County, the hometown of fish and rice,Yiyang County, Zhimin hometown, the hometown of Dieshan mountain, QianshanCounty, the Pearl at the foot of Wuyi Mountain, Dexing City, the capital ofChina, and Xinzhou District, the political, economic and cultural center; Thecity has a total area of 22800 square kilometers and a total population of6489900. Camphor is the city tree, Rhododendron is the city flower and mandarinduck is the city bird.Shangrao is rich in mineral resources, which has two main characteristics:one is that there are many kinds of mineral resources, the other is that thedistribution of mineral resources is relatively concentrated, which is conduciveto large-scale development. Therefore, it has Dexing Copper Mine, the largestopen-pit copper mine in Asia.Shangrao City has a long history. In the spring and Autumn period, theearliest County in Jiangxi province appeared. A number of famous historicalfigures were born in this magical land, including Wu Rui, the "first person inJiangxi Province" in the Western Han Dynasty, Tao Kan, the founder of theEastern Jin Dynasty, Zhu Xi, the master of Neo Confucianism in the SouthernSongDynasty, Zhan Tianyou, the father of China's railway, and Fang Zhimin, therevolutionary martyr of the proletariat;The beautiful scenery of nature and the civilization history of ancestorshave created many distinctive scenic spots and cultural relics in Shangrao City.It has world natural heritages such as Sanqing mountain and Guifeng mountain;Wuyuan, the most beautiful village in China; Lingshan, a Taoist resort; Shangraoconcentration camp, a national classic red tourism scenic spot; Poyang Lake, thelargest freshwater lake in China; and so on. Sanqing mountain scenic spot islocated at the junction of Shangrao Yushan County and Dexing City. It has astrong history of Taoism. It is one of the blessed places of Taoism. The granitelandform is unique, and there are countless strange peaks and rocks. Therefore,it has the reputation of "unparalleled blessed place in the world, the firstfairy peak in the south of the Yangtze River". The whole mountain is composed often scenic spots, including Sanqinggong, Yujingfeng, west coast, east coast andshiguling. The scenery of Sanqing mountain is beautiful, especially the "threewonders of Sanqing" -- python, goddess Sichun and Guanyin. Su Shi, Zhu Xi, WangAnshi, Lu You, Xu Xiake and other scholars have come here to visit.Shangrao is rich in products, such as Wannian Gongmi, Wuyuan green tea,Longwei inkstone, etc. you can bring some local products home to your relativesand friends. Finally, I wish you all have a good time in Shangrao. Thankyou.上饶市英语导游词篇2Hello, everyone. Welcome to Sanqing mountain. I'm the guide of Sanqingmountain. You can call me Xiaojiang.Sanqing mountain is located at the junction of Yushan County and DexingCity in Shangrao City, in the middle of Huaiyumountain range. Yujing, yuxu andYuhua are named after the "three steep peaks" of Yujing, yuxu and Yuhua. It is anational 5A scenic spot, a world natural landscape and a World Geopark. Sinceancient times, it has enjoyed the special reputation of "clearing away thehustle and bustle, the most blessed place in the world, and the highest mountainin the south of the Yangtze River in the Han Dynasty".Sanqing mountain has the characteristics of "dangerous in the East andstrange in the west, beautiful in the South and beautiful in the north". It hasthe grandeur of Mount Tai, the precipitousness of Huashan, the smoke and cloudsof Hengshan, and the waterfall of kuanglu. The most peculiar landscape is"Qifeng, Gusong, Xiangyun, Caibao and Shengguang". Oh, speaking of this, I can'twait to show you. Let's go.Today, the first stop we visit is the famous Nanqing garden scenic spot,which is a collection of the world's three unique landscapes, namely "goddessSichun", "Python out of the mountain" and "Guanyin enjoying music". Look here,this is the goddess Sichun. The shape of the whole mountain is like a girl withbeautiful hair and shawls. The heaven and the earth are made by nature, and it'suncanny. Legend has it that the goddess is the 23rd daughter of Queen Mother ofthe west, named Yaoji. People think that she is the embodiment of spring, so sheis called "goddess of spring".Next we see the shape of the python dragon, clouds, earth shaking peak isthe second peak "Python out of the mountain.". The boa constrictor emerges fromthe mountain in the deep valley with an altitude of about 1200 meters. Itsvertical height is 128 meters. Its peak end is slightly thick and looks like aboa constrictor's head. Its peak waist is slender and looks like asnake's body.When the clouds are flying and the fog is swirling around, the boa constrictor'shead moves and the snake's body shakes slightly. It looks like a giant boaconstrictor dragon. It wants to soar into the sky, which makes people sigh andsigh.The first peak is sharp at the top and round at the bottom. It looks like apipa. The second peak is like a monk meditating with his left leg slightlystilted. He puts the pipa on his leg as if he is playing. Some people say thatthe monk is Ge Hong. The third peak is like Guanyin in the South China Sea, witha solemn and merciful look. It is said that Ge Hong, a Taoist of the JinDynasty, was deeply moved by the sufferings of the people and told heaven withhis pipa. The sound of Qin moved the heaven, and Guanyin came down to visit theheaven. He ten listened and left this dharma picture. Guanyin here is also oneof the Three Dharma phases of Guanyin in Sanqing mountain.上饶市英语导游词篇3Shangrao is a big tourism resource city in Jiangxi Province and a strongeco-tourism city in East China. It is a fresh, natural, quiet and sweet greenhome. There are many scenic spots in Shangrao. Let me give you a briefintroduction.Sanqing mountain, the most famous Taoist mountain in China, was approved asa "World Natural Heritage" by UNESCO in 20__. It has become the Seventh WorldNatural Heritage in China and the only one in Jiangxi. Sanqing mountain is namedafter the three peaks of Yujing, yuxu and Yuhua. It is a national scenic spot.From the name of Sanqing mountain, we can see that Sanqing mountain is a famousTaoist mountain, known as "the first fairy peak in Jiangnan".Guifeng is a typical Danxia landform. All the 36 peaks are scenic, praisedby Xu Xiake, a great traveler in Ming Dynasty as"turtle peak on the river israre in the world", and also praised by tourists as "bonsai in the world".Wuyuan, with a large number of ancient trees, ancient caves, ancientbuildings and cultural relics, is the only demonstration county of culturaltourism in southern China, with green mountains, green water, small bridges andflowing water, and a quiet pastoral scenery.Wuyuan is rich in local products. In four words, "red, green, black andwhite" is the specialty of Wuyuan. Red carp, green tea, dragon tail inkstone andJiangwan Sydney are well-known in Wuyuan. Wuyuan has the world's endangered birdspecies, the Yellow throated bunting, and the world's largest wild mandarin duckwintering habitat, Yuanyang Lake. However, the vegetation is well preserved,In addition, there are also red tourist attractions in Shangrao, such asthe former site of Shangrao concentration camp, Fang Zhimin Memorial Hall andthe former site management committee of Fujian Zhejiang Anhui JiangxiRevolutionary Base It should be said that it is the creator's preference for this land, whichmakes people sincerely admire the "uncanny workmanship" of creation. Shangrao isrich in red, green and ancient tourism resources. With these advantages,Shangrao's tourism industry is rising, tourism facilities are constantlyimproving, and tourism economy is booming.上饶市英语导游词篇4Hello, everyone. Next we will see Sanqing mountain, one of the worldheritage sites. Huangshan is famous all over the world for its unique pines,strange things, sea of clouds and hot springs, while Sanqing mountain is famousall over the world for its unique features.She is a wonderful flower in the land of China, which gathers the power ofMount Tai, the wonder of Mount Huangshan, the precipitousness of Mount Huashan,the clouds of Mount Hengshan, and the quietness of the green mountains. Nowlet's take action to explore the beauty of Sanqing mountain.Now, let's walk into one of the wonders of Sanqing mountain - strangestones. Ladies and gentlemen, please look in the direction of my finger: thepeak is more than 80 meters high and looks like a girl. She has a high nose,cherry mouth and beautiful hair. She sits side by side in front. He is one ofthe famous landscapes of Sanqing mountain - Goddess Peak. But behind her, thereis a story. It is said that she was originally an immortal in the sky. Sheoverheard that the Jade Emperor was planning to use the stones of Sanqingmountain to build a palace, and reduced Sanqing mountain to the sea, so that thepeople could act as mermaids. She was shocked. In order to save the villagers,she ignored her personal safety and let them know how to take refuge To avoid adisaster. But she was driven into the world and turned into a stone.In addition to Goddess Peak, there are also many stones with differentshapes, such as the imposing Python coming out of the mountain, the lifelikedragon playing pine, and the lifelike Monkey King offering treasureSanqing mountain is not only a paradise for strange stones, but also a seaof valleys. Let's go up the trail and feel the charm of the valley. The name ofthe valley you see now is Feixian valley. Feixian Valley is actually the mostmajestic and precipitous Grand Canyon on the west coast. Its cliffs soar in theair and cut down nearly 1000 meters vertically. The valleys crisscross and thestreams twists and turns. It is very spectacular.Tourists, after visiting for such a long time, we all have the samefeeling: Sanqing mountain is a miracle!。
上饶市英语导游词1Hello, everyone. Next we will see Sanqing mountain, one of the worldheritage sites. Huangshan is famous all over the world for its unique pines,strange things, sea of clouds and hot springs, while Sanqing mountain is famousall over the world for its unique features.She is a wonderful flower in the land of China, which gathers the power ofMount Tai, the wonder of Mount Huangshan, the precipitousness of Mount Huashan,the clouds of Mount Hengshan, and the quietness of the green mountains. Nowlet's take action to explore the beauty of Sanqing mountain.Now, let's walk into one of the wonders of Sanqing mountain - strangestones. Ladies and gentlemen, please look in the direction of my finger: thepeak is more than 80 meters high and looks like a girl. She has a high nose,cherry mouth and beautiful hair. She sits side by side in front. He is one ofthe famous landscapes of Sanqing mountain - Goddess Peak. But behind her, thereis a story. It is said that she was originally an immortal in the sky. Sheoverheard that the Jade Emperor was planning to use the stones of Sanqingmountain to build a palace, and reduced Sanqing mountain to the sea, so that thepeople could act as mermaids. She was shocked. In order to save the villagers,she ignored her personal safety and let them know how to takerefuge To avoid adisaster. But she was driven into the world and turned into a stone.In addition to Goddess Peak, there are also many stones with differentshapes, such as the imposing Python coming out of the mountain, the lifelikedragon playing pine, and the lifelike Monkey King offering treasureSanqing mountain is not only a paradise for strange stones, but also a seaof valleys. Let's go up the trail and feel the charm of the valley. The name ofthe valley you see now is Feixian valley. Feixian Valley is actually the mostmajestic and precipitous Grand Canyon on the west coast. Its cliffs soar in theair and cut down nearly 1000 meters vertically. The valleys crisscross and thestreams twists and turns. It is very spectacular.Tourists, after visiting for such a long time, we all have the samefeeling: Sanqing mountain is a miracle!上饶市英语导游词2Shangrao is a big tourism resource city in Jiangxi Province and a strongeco-tourism city in East China. It is a fresh, natural, quiet and sweet greenhome. There are many scenic spots in Shangrao. Let me give you a briefintroduction.Sanqing mountain, the most famous Taoist mountain in China, was approved asa "World Natural Heritage" by UNESCO in 20xx. It has become the Seventh WorldNatural Heritage in China and the only one in Jiangxi. Sanqing mountain is namedafter the three peaks of Yujing, yuxu and Yuhua. It is a national scenic spot.From the name of Sanqing mountain, we can see that Sanqing mountain is a famousTaoist mountain, known as "the first fairy peak in Jiangnan".Guifeng is a typical Danxia landform. All the 36 peaks are scenic, praisedby Xu Xiake, a great traveler in Ming Dynasty as"turtle peak on the river israre in the world", and also praised by tourists as "bonsai in the world".Wuyuan, with a large number of ancient trees, ancient caves, ancientbuildings and cultural relics, is the only demonstration county of culturaltourism in southern China, with green mountains, green water, small bridges andflowing water, and a quiet pastoral scenery.Wuyuan is rich in local products. In four words, "red, green, black andwhite" is the specialty of Wuyuan. Red carp, green tea, dragon tail inkstone andJiangwan Sydney are well-known in Wuyuan. Wuyuan has the world's endangered birdspecies, the Yellow throated bunting, and the world's largest wild mandarin duckwintering habitat, Yuanyang Lake. However, the vegetation is well preserved,In addition, there are also red tourist attractions in Shangrao, such asthe former site of Shangrao concentration camp, Fang Zhimin Memorial Hall andthe former site management committee of Fujian Zhejiang Anhui JiangxiRevolutionary Base It should be said that it is the creator's preference for this land, whichmakes people sincerely admire the "uncanny workmanship" of creation. Shangrao isrich in red, green and ancient tourism resources. With these advantages,Shangrao's tourism industry is rising, tourism facilities are constantlyimproving, and tourism economy is booming.上饶市英语导游词3Hello, I'm guide Wang from Shanghai Jinjiang International Co., Ltd. youcan call me guide Wang. Now we are going to Sanqing mountain. We'll go up bycable car later, and I'll explain to you after we go up. Please pay attentionnot to climb railings, rocks and trees, not to pick flowers, not to scribble andcarve.Tourists, now our foot is Sanqing mountain. Since ancient times, Sanqingmountain has enjoyed the reputation of "no more bustling place in the world, thehighest mountain in the south of the Yangtze River in the Han Dynasty". It isdangerous in the East, strange in the west, beautiful in the north and unique inthe south. Its beauty lies in its simplicity and nature, and its wonder lies inboth form and spirit. Sanqing mountain has always been known as "strange peaksand rocks, ancient trees and famous flowers, flowing springs and waterfalls, seaof clouds and fog". Today we are mainly looking at strange peaks and rocks.Please follow me.Look, this strange stone in front of us is called "goddess Sichun", alsocalled "Oriental Goddess". The shape of the whole mountain is like a beautifulgirl with beautiful hair and shawl sitting in the clouds, watching the people onthe ground affectionately. Because people regard it as a symbol of spring, theycall it "goddess of spring" or "Oriental Goddess". Because it is related tolove, it is also known as the peak of love in China. Please move on.You see, this is the landmark landscape of Sanqing mountain - Python out ofthe mountain. It stands against the "Oriental Goddess". The emergence of Pythonis a huge granite pillar formed by weathering and gravity disintegration. Thereare several transverse cracks on the peak, but after hundreds of millions ofyears of wind and rain, it still stands. Its top is flat, its neck is slightlythin, and the diameter of the thinnest part is only 7 meters. It's like a hugeboa constrictor breaking out of the mountain and about to fly away. You can takephotos here and have a rest. We'll continue our tour later.Tourists, now we come to the West Coast scenic spot ofSanqing mountain.The stone presented in front of our eyes is called "Monkey King presentstreasure". Monkey King is about 7 meters tall, sitting on the cliff, holding atreasure in his hand, gazing at it with a charming naive manner. Who is themonkey king? It's the monkey king who made havoc in heaven!Sanqing mountain is a world natural heritage, a treasure of JiangxiProvince as well as a treasure of China. This is the end of our trip to Sanqingmountain. Bon Voyage!上饶市英语导游词4Dear touristsHello everyone, welcome to Shangrao, the "Pearl of Northeast Jiangxi"Shangrao city is located in the northeast of Jiangxi Province, known as"the first gateway of Yuzhang"; The city has 10 counties, 1 city and 1 District,including Yushan County, the hometown of doctor in China, Wuyuan County, themost beautiful village in China, Poyang County, the hometown of fish and rice,Yiyang County, Zhimin hometown, the hometown of Dieshan mountain, QianshanCounty, the Pearl at the foot of Wuyi Mountain, Dexing City, the capital ofChina, and Xinzhou District, the political, economic and cultural center; Thecity has a total area of 22800 square kilometers and a total population of6489900. Camphor is the city tree, Rhododendron is the city flower and mandarinduck is the city bird.Shangrao is rich in mineral resources, which has two main characteristics:one is that there are many kinds of mineral resources, the other is that thedistribution of mineral resources is relatively concentrated, which is conduciveto large-scale development. Therefore, it has Dexing Copper Mine, the largestopen-pit copper mine in Asia.Shangrao City has a long history. In the spring and Autumn period, theearliest County in Jiangxi province appeared. A number of famous historicalfigures were born in this magical land, including Wu Rui, the "first person inJiangxi Province" in the Western Han Dynasty, Tao Kan, the founder of theEastern Jin Dynasty, Zhu Xi, the master of Neo Confucianism in the Southern SongDynasty, Zhan Tianyou, the father of China's railway, and Fang Zhimin, therevolutionary martyr of the proletariat;The beautiful scenery of nature and the civilization history of ancestorshave created many distinctive scenic spots and cultural relics in Shangrao City.It has world natural heritages such as Sanqing mountain and Guifeng mountain;Wuyuan, the most beautiful village in China; Lingshan, a Taoist resort; Shangraoconcentration camp, a national classic red tourism scenic spot; Poyang Lake, thelargest freshwater lake in China; and so on. Sanqing mountain scenic spot islocated at the junction of Shangrao Yushan County and Dexing City. It has astrong history of Taoism. It is one of the blessed places of Taoism. The granitelandform is unique, and there are countless strange peaks and rocks. Therefore,it has the reputation of "unparalleled blessed place in the world, the firstfairy peak in the south of the Yangtze River". The whole mountain is composed often scenic spots, including Sanqinggong, Yujingfeng, west coast, east coast andshiguling. The scenery of Sanqing mountain is beautiful, especially the "threewonders of Sanqing" -- python, goddess Sichun and Guanyin. Su Shi, Zhu Xi, WangAnshi, Lu You, Xu Xiake and other scholars have come here to visit.Shangrao is rich in products, such as Wannian Gongmi, Wuyuan green tea,Longwei inkstone, etc. you can bring some local products home to your relativesand friends. Finally, I wishyou all have a good time in Shangrao. Thankyou.上饶市英语导游词5Hello, everyone. Welcome to Sanqing mountain. I'm the guide of Sanqingmountain. You can call me Xiaojiang.Sanqing mountain is located at the junction of Yushan County and DexingCity in Shangrao City, in the middle of Huaiyu mountain range. Yujing, yuxu andYuhua are named after the "three steep peaks" of Yujing, yuxu and Yuhua. It is anational 5A scenic spot, a world natural landscape and a World Geopark. Sinceancient times, it has enjoyed the special reputation of "clearing away thehustle and bustle, the most blessed place in the world, and the highest mountainin the south of the Yangtze River in the Han Dynasty".Sanqing mountain has the characteristics of "dangerous in the East andstrange in the west, beautiful in the South and beautiful in the north". It hasthe grandeur of Mount Tai, the precipitousness of Huashan, the smoke and cloudsof Hengshan, and the waterfall of kuanglu. The most peculiar landscape is"Qifeng, Gusong, Xiangyun, Caibao and Shengguang". Oh, speaking of this, I can'twait to show you. Let's go.Today, the first stop we visit is the famous Nanqing garden scenic spot,which is a collection of the world's three unique landscapes, namely "goddessSichun", "Python out of the mountain" and "Guanyin enjoying music". Look here,this is the goddess Sichun. The shape of the whole mountain is like a girl withbeautiful hair and shawls. The heaven and the earth are made by nature, and it'suncanny. Legend has it that the goddess is the 23rd daughter of Queen Mother ofthe west, named Yaoji. People think that she is the embodiment of spring, so sheis called "goddess of spring".Next we see the shape of the python dragon, clouds, earth shaking peak isthe second peak "Python out of the mountain.". The boa constrictor emerges fromthe mountain in the deep valley with an altitude of about 1200 meters. Itsvertical height is 128 meters. Its peak end is slightly thick and looks like aboa constrictor's head. Its peak waist is slender and looks like a snake's body.When the clouds are flying and the fog is swirling around, the boa constrictor'shead moves and the snake's body shakes slightly. It looks like a giant boaconstrictor dragon. It wants to soar into the sky, which makes people sigh andsigh.The first peak is sharp at the top and round at the bottom. It looks like apipa. The second peak is like a monk meditating with his left leg slightlystilted. He puts the pipa on his leg as if he is playing. Some people say thatthe monk is Ge Hong. The third peak is like Guanyin in the South China Sea, witha solemn and merciful look. It is said that Ge Hong, a Taoist of the JinDynasty, was deeply moved by the sufferings of the people and told heaven withhis pipa. The sound of Qin moved the heaven, and Guanyin came down to visit theheaven. He ten listened and left this dharma picture. Guanyin here is also oneof the Three Dharma phases of Guanyin in Sanqing mountain.。
宜春中英文导游实务对照文档第一篇:宜春中英文导游实务对照文档宜春Group1 1.在建设江西一流的旅游路线大纲中,与宜春有关的线路是仅仅只有一条,请问是哪一条?这条线路的旅游地点包括哪些?①赣西的绿色精粹之旅(the tour of green essentials in West Jiangxi)②主要旅游地点包括:南昌、仙女湖、宜春、樟树等。
Group2 1.袁州的“三宝”(three treasures)是指哪三宝?皮蛋(lime-preserved egg)、夏布(grass cloth)和脱胎漆器(bodiless lacquerware)2.宜春的主要旅游景点有哪些?(至少列举五个)明月山、阁皂山、丰洞山、百丈山、官山。
Group3 1.四特酒(Sitir Alcohol)的四大特点是什么?清澈(clear)、味醇(thick fragrance)、回味绵甜(sweet aftertaste)、深入人心(satisfied effect)2.请简介宜丰官山国家级自然保护区(state-level natural preservation)。
地处赣西北,是江西最早的国家级自然保护区,森林覆盖率(the percent of forest coverage)超过百分之九十,被人们誉为“绿色珍珠”,是大家度假旅游的好去处。
Group4 1.宜春的人口和面积是多少?人口约为545万,面积约为19000平方千米。
2.宜春获得了哪些关于生态环境的嘉誉?江西第一个生态城市(eco-city),世界级著名文化旅游城市(world-level famous cultural touring city),国家卫生城市(national sanitary city),国家园林城市(national garden city)。
Group5 1.宜春的哪些矿产资源畏惧江西第一?原煤(raw coal)、石中盐(rock salt)和生石灰(quick lime)。
The Third Feature of Tour Commentary
• 3。古诗词多。 • 导游词中常引用各种类型的古诗词,所以 译介古诗词是导游词翻译的又一大特点,也 是一大难 点。祖国山河美不美,全凭导游一 张嘴 。不少歌颂祖国大好河山的诗词正是 通过导游之口,再经旅游者( 口头或笔头) 传 到海外的。
Purpose of Translation
• 导游词是主要供导游讲解服务用的。优秀 的导游词译文及其讲解能使祖国大好河山 由 静态 变为动态,使沉睡了千百年的文物古 迹死而复活,使优雅的传统工艺品栩栩如生, 从而使旅游者感到旅游生活妙趣横生, 留下 经久难忘的深刻印象。出现令人啼笑皆非 的翻译。把“金石篆刻研究中心 西泠印社” • (Xiling Seal Engravers& Society) 翻译成 “Xileng Press”(西冷印刷厂或出版社。
(6) 城市类。绍兴/苏州-- Oriental Venice。 • (7) 植物类。(一种)桧树盆景--(其造型像) Afro style (这种发型的旅游者听后很高兴) • (8) 餐饮类。炸响铃-- Jingle Bell • (9) 建筑类。苏堤(现为晚上情人幽会之地) -- lovers& lane。 • (10) 出口 类(指用为外国人接受的中国文 化特指词来翻译)。秦桧、王氏(秦妻)、万 俟 、 张俊(岳飞墓前四跪像) -- the Ancient Gang of Four(即 古代四人帮 ,此译效果甚佳)。
• (2) 节气类。霜降-- Jack Frost (使用时应注意 上下文)。 (3) 节日类。清明节– Chinese Easter (有十几 种译名,此译名为旅游者所喜闻乐见)。 (4) 季节类。六月中之西湖-- West Lake in midsummer(不应译成 midJune )。 (5) 地理类。鱼米之乡-- Land of milk and honey ( 出自圣经,当然也能直译)。
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②适合大范围的开采(mine on a large scale),且矿产资源的综合利用率高(high rate of multipurpose use)2.请简介铅山县的祈雨(praying for rain)习俗。
①每年六月,持续性的干旱(prolonged drought)会驱使农民披戴着柳条环和鼓(wicker ring and drums)去祈雨②在祈雨的路上有棚子(pavilion),这些棚子直到三伏天(dog days)都会有免费的茶提供给路上祈雨的人(beggars)。
③当祈雨的人停在衙门(county administration)门口前的时候,县令(county magistrate)就必须带着他的家人出来,给祈雨的人鞠躬,同时感谢神龙(divine dragon),祈祷降雨并护佑大家。
市树:香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)市花:猴面杜鹃(Hericium cuckoo)市鸟:鸳鸯(mandarin duck)2.为什么三清山被称为“中国南部的仙女峰,世界唯一的财富之地”?①作为道教福地(a blessed spot as Taoist paradise),三清山景色秀丽雄伟,且拥有着深厚的文化。
②三清山拥有着众多奇石怪峰(exotic rocks and peaks),令人称奇的云彩和神圣的光芒(amazing clouds and divine light),以及稀有的树木和花卉,就像仙境(fairyland)一般。
2.请简介上饶集中营(Shangrao Concentration Camp)。
①上饶集中营分为五个部分,这五个集中营都是当年国民党在1941年皖南事变(Event of Wannan)后建立的法西斯监狱(Fascist prison)。
②这是一个700多人的人间炼狱(Living Hell),许多爱国人士(patriotic people)和将军(generals),甚至叶挺,都被关押(imprison)在这里。
2.在江西一流的旅游路线里,哪六条旅游线路于上饶相关?①江西秀丽美景和文化之行(the tour of superb landscape and culture of Jiangxi)②赣北缤纷鄱阳湖之行(tour of colorful Poyang Lake in North Jiangxi)③赣东北山峰碑记之行(Tour of Peaks and Monuments in North-east Jiangxi)④江西东部红山绿溪之行(Tour of Red Mountains and Green Streams in East Jiangxi)⑤江西中部的名人故乡之行(Tour of Celebrities’ Hometown in Central Jiangxi)⑥观赏鸟类以及鄱阳湖湿地探索之行(tour of bird-watching and wetland exploration in Poyang Lake)Group51.三清山三个特别的景点是什么?①司春女神(Goddess of Spring)②巨蟒出山(Python going out of mountain)③观音赏曲(Goddess Guanyin Enjoying Melody)2.在婺源发现的安徽考古三雕(3 carvings)是什么?举例说明其雕刻的含义。
①它们是:木雕、石雕和砖雕(brick carving)。
②雕莲花(lotus flower)意味着好运,莲子(lotus’seed)意味着儿孙满堂(a lot of descendants),仙桃(immortal peaches)和蝙蝠(bats)则意味着幸福和长寿(longevity)。
2.简介弋阳腔(Yi yang tune)。
(至少列举五个)①万年县:珍珠之乡(hometown of pearls)②横峰县:夏布之乡(hometown of grass cloth)③鄱阳县:鱼米之乡(abundance of grain and fish)④德兴市:中国铜都(Copper Center of China)⑤新洲区:政治经济文化中心(political,economic,and cultural center)2.简介畲族(SHE ethinic group)的祈福(praying)习俗。
①四季祈福,希望全年丰收(good harvest all the year)。
②在农历(Lunar Calendar)第二个月的第一天,做“春季祈福”(Spring Blessing);夏天开始的时候做“夏季祈福”;在白露节气的时候(White Dew),做“白露祈福”;在丰收的秋季做“秋季祈福”;在冬至的时候(Winter Solstice),做“冬季祈福”;在农历除夕(the New Year’s Eve of Lunar Calendar),做“全年祈福”(Year-round Blessing)。
Group81.四种颜色(红白绿黑)对应的的四个特产分别是什么?①红色——红鲤②白色——江湾雪梨(white pear)③绿色——婺源绿茶④黑——龙尾砚2.简介畲族人唱情歌的习俗(song loving custom)①畲族人民在生活中,举办很多活动的时候都爱唱民歌(folk songs)。
Group91.上饶市被赋予了什么荣誉?中国优秀旅游城市(The Chinese Excellent Tourism City),中国最幸福城市(China Happiest City),大学生最爱的旅游城市(the Chinese College Student’s Favorite Tourism City),省级卫生城市(the Provincial Sanitation City),省级花园城市(the Provincial Garden City)。
2.简介“鹅湖之会”(Meeting at E’hu)①公元1175年,发生在鹅湖寺。
②为了合并“理学”(Li Theory)和“心学”(Mind Theory),徐祖谦邀请了朱熹和陆九渊、陆九龄来这里参加辩论(debate),这场辩论的主题是关于认识论的根源(the principle of epistemology)是什么。
Group101.三清山景区是由哪十个景点构成的?(至少列举五个)南清园(Nanqing Park)、万寿园(Longevity Park)、玉京峰(Yujing Peak)、三清寺(Sanqing Temple)、玉灵观(Yukling Temple)2.婺源有哪些景点?婺源入选了首批17个最佳旅游县(one of the first batch of 17 top counties of tourism),旅游资源相当丰富,婺源县的周围分为3块主要旅游区域,分为东部、北部和西部。
方志敏生于江西弋阳县,是江西东北部苏维埃省政府的主席(the Chairman of Provincial Soviet Government)和爱国人士,但是在1935年被国民党抓捕,8月6日被杀。
Group121.三清山有什么特殊的自然景观(peculiar natural views)?高峰(lofty peaks)、古松(ancient pines)、咆哮的云(roaring clouds)、五光十色的瀑布(colorful waterfalls)和神秘的圣光(mysterious divine light)2.简介婺源绿茶。
②婺源绿茶色绿、味醇(rich fragrance taste),茶叶泡水后清晰粗壮(clear and thick water leaf),外国人曾说这是中国最好的绿茶。
Group131.上饶当地的特产有哪些?(最少列举五个)万年大米(Wannian Rice)、婺源绿茶、上饶白眉茶(Bai Mei Tea)、弋阳蒸肉(steamed pork)、婺源龙尾砚。
①神农源景区是国家级公园和4A级国家旅游景点(4A national tourist attractions)。
②该景区分为两部分,一个是仙人洞(Xianren Cave)景区,一个是神农殿(Shennong Palace)景区。
仙人洞景区是一个关于农耕历史和文化的景点,神农殿景区则有中国最美的地下河和喀斯特溶洞(karst caves)Group141.上饶的两个5A级国家级景区是哪两个?三清山和婺源县的江湾景区。
Group151.婺源县房屋的特点是什么?房屋大多是明清所建,有很多古代的宅邸(mansions)、房屋和桥,这些建筑都保存地非常完好(in good keep),同时也体现了风水文化,以及三雕的艺术,真是一个奇迹(miracle)。
①坐落在鄱阳县,总面积36000 公顷(hectares),其中97%是湿地。