



速等决定, 电池 SOC在整个操作过程中逐渐减少;
( 2) 电量维持型 ( CS). 这一模式与普通的 HEV 控制策略类似, 发动机和电机协同工
作, 电池 SOC 可以波动, 但其波动范围仅限于一个很小的操作带.
在电池 SOC值高于其最小门槛值时采用电量耗尽型工作模式, 当电池 SOC 达到最小 门槛值时采用电量维持型工作模式.
vs 1000 T
mgfr +
1 2
a CD A v2s
( 8)
式中, f r 为滚动阻力系数; a 为空气密度, kg /m3; CD 为风阻系数; A 为迎风面积, m2; vs 为
车速, km / h; T 为传动系效率.
( 2) 由爬坡度要求选择
vg 1 000
m gfr +
1 2
2, 3, 4, 5) 档下的最高转速 nj 应满足
ig j i0 V 0. 377r
( 5)
式中, nj 为 j档下的转速, rm p; igj为 j档下的速比; i0 为主减速比; V 为纯电动模式下最高车
N o. 3
李 佳等: P lug in混合动力汽车动力系统参数匹配
46 1
速, km /h; r为车轮半径, m.
aCD vg2 + mg i
( 9)
式中, i为爬坡度; vg 爬坡时的车速, m / s. 考虑到电机的充电功率需求和附件功率, P 应 emax
取以上两者的最大值加上 15% 的余量 [ 8 ] .
2 PHEV 工作模式及控制策略
2. 1 PHEV 工作模式 运行模式及运行要求分析是研究制定 PHEV 混合动力总成控制策略的基础. 下面对











图1 燃料电池混合动力系统结构对于本文所研究的燃料电池汽车,其车型的整车参数及动力性指标如表1所示。

表1 整车参数和设计性能要求2 燃料电池混合动力系统参数匹配2.1 电机参数设计目前,可用作车用驱动电机的有直流电机、交流感应电机、永磁同步电机、直流无刷电机、开关磁阻电机等。





M i i o ,Li i l Hat l a u Je ,Yu Yu n i & T a n a a bn in Ru ln
1Jl n e i , ttK yL brtr o uo oi i ltnadC nrl C agh n 10 2 ; . inU ir t Sae e aoaoy fA tm blSmuai n ot , hn cu 3 0 5 i v sy e o o 2 Deat et Ait nEet ncE nen , v t nU i rt iF re h n cu 10 2 . p r n v i l r i en g A i i nv syo r oc,C a gh n 30 2 m o ao f co ao e i fA
l i s v r e y s l t n r s h .Dr i g c ce t s n te f n t n lp o oy e fh b d e e g tr g n i t i e f d b i a i e u s d y i i mu o i n y l e t o h ci a r tt p s o y r n r so a e a d v s u o i y o d n r at r r o d ce n h e u t s o h tt e b t r o d a d c re t o y r n r tr g r r i a b t y a e c n u t d a d t e r s l h w t a h at y la n u r n fh b i e e g soa e a e y e s e d y lwe h n ta fod n r atr ,c n u ie t e h ih e ig o at r i n o e o r e e ce c . o rt a h t r i a b t y o y e o d cv t eg tn n fb t y l e a d p w rs u c f in y o h e f i



采用NSGA-Ⅱ算法的纯电动汽车复合电源参数匹配及优化李勇;江浩斌;徐兴;曲亚萍【摘要】Hybrid energy storage system is proposed to resolve the shortcoming of single energy storage device in EVs.HESS is composed by lithium-ion battery,ultra-capacitor,bi-directional buck/boost DC/DC converter and accessory circuit.The DC/DC converter is used to balance the voltage between battery and ultra-capacitor.The control strategy of HESS power split is formulated.The ultra-capacitor works as a discharge assisted energy storage device.It is mainly used to absorb regenerative braking energy.In order to require the performance of power and economic under simple drive cycle,the multi-objective optimization based on NSGA-Ⅱ algorithm is adopted in matching and optimizing parameters of HESS.A hardware-in-the-loop test bench based on dSPACE is built in the lab to test the performance of HESS prototype and single energy storage device (lead-acid battery).Experimental results show the energy efficiency of HESS increased by 6% significantly compared with lead-acid battery.And,that also show a 3.42% increase in regenerative braking energy recovery.The power performance also increases at least 3% compared with lead acid battery and HESS before improvement.The power performance and economy of EVs improved.That means the optimization method of HESS is reasonable.%为了解决单一电源驱动电动汽车动力性和经济性不足的缺陷,提出了由锂离子电池和超级电容组成的复合电源,确定了复合电源的拓扑结构,制定了复合电源功率分配控制策略.在简单循环工况下,以整车经济性和动力性为目标,采用NS-GA-Ⅱ算法的多目标优化方法,对复合电源参数进行了匹配和优化.搭建了基于dSPACE的在环测试平台,对优化前后复合电源和单一电源的经济性和动力性进行在环测试.实验结果表明,与优化前复合电源相比,优化后复合电源的能量利用率提高了6%;与单一电源相比,优化后复合电源的制动能量回收率提高了3.42%;不同速度区间内,相比单一电源和优化前复合电源,优化后复合电源的动力性提高了3%以上.整车经济性和动力性得到了显著改善和提升,验证了优化方法的合理性和可行性.【期刊名称】《科学技术与工程》【年(卷),期】2017(017)027【总页数】9页(P101-109)【关键词】纯电动汽车;复合电源;参数匹配;NSGA-Ⅱ;多目标优化【作者】李勇;江浩斌;徐兴;曲亚萍【作者单位】江苏大学汽车工程研究院,镇江212013;江苏大学汽车与交通工程学院,镇江212013;江苏大学汽车工程研究院,镇江212013;江苏大学管理学院,镇江212013【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U469.72纯电动汽车运行工况复杂多变,其行驶里程主要由车载电源的能量密度决定,而其加速性能主要由车载电源的功率密度决定[1]。



T m 与起动机时间、主动同步时间以及电池电流之
间的关系图。从图中可以看出, 电机峰值功率对
起动发动机和换档主动同步时间影响较大, 6 kW
电机即可在 0. 3 s 内起动发动机, 并可以使同步
时间保持在 0. 2 s 以内; 最大扭矩的选取对同步
时间影响较小, 但对电池的冲击影响较大。
表 2 为电机峰值功率 P m 取不同值时的整车
洲轿车循环工况 NEDC 和中国城市综 合循环工
况 CYCt ypic, 两工况车速要求见图 5。结果表明,
表 2 Pm 对整车燃油经济性和动力性的影响
Table 2 Inf luence of Pm on fuel economy and dynamics
Parameter matching of mild hybrid electric vehicle with compound power supply
YU Yuan bin, WANG Qing nian, WA NG Wei hua, ZENG Xiao hua
( State K ey L abo rator y of A utomobile D y namic Simulation , J ilin Univ er sity , Changchun 130022, China)
28 2
吉林大学学报( 实现并联混合动力功能, 且 对原车改动小、成本增加不多, 整车具有纯电动功 能, 控制易于实现。针对蓄电池内阻高、大电流充 放电效率低且循环寿命有限的缺点, 文献[ 2, 3] 对 整车加装了超级电容, 利用其通过物理方式储能 而具有的内阻低、充放电速度快、效率高以及寿命 长的优点, 与电池并联组成复合电源, 可以充分发 挥二者在比功率和比能量方面的优势, 使电机功 率需求能够更加合理地在二者之间分配, 电容缓 冲电池负荷, 延长电池使用寿命, 且可更多地回收 制动能量。








二、发动机与电动机的匹配选择1. 发动机类型选择:混动汽车中常用的发动机类型包括内燃机发动机和燃料电池发动机。



2. 发动机功率选择:混动汽车中,发动机的功率需要根据车辆使用情况和动力需求进行匹配。



3. 电动机的容量选择:电动机的容量决定了车辆的纯电动里程和加速性能。




4. 控制系统的优化:混动汽车的发动机与电动机匹配还需要依靠智能控制系统进行动力分配和能量管理。

























测试循环工况(FTP 标准工况)被广泛使用。 2. 纽约公交车行驶工况(CYC_NewYorkBus),专门为城市公交车运行设计,应用也很广泛。 3. 中国典型城市公交车行驶工况,该工况是基于中国的实际路况和大型客车的行驶特点而设
计。结合本国的实际情况,本文采用 GB/T 19754-2005《重型混合动力电动汽车能量消耗 量试验方法》中的中国典型城市公交循环数据,中国典型城市公交循环工况如图 2-2 所示。
18Ah a 11556Wh a
136kg b 90kW a 350V a 6000rpm a 100kW a 350V a 6000rpm
3.2 对复合电源的功率要求
对复合电源的功率要求包括平均功率要求和总功率要求。平均功率需求的计算方法是将电 机对原单一电源的正负能量需求分别除以正负能量的统计时间得出。平均功率反映了 HEV 在 满足动力性要求前提下蓄电池的常用工作功率。电机对复合电源的总功率要求 Pele_req,总功率 要求等于原单一电池输出功率与损失功率之和的最大值。数学表达式为:
7 / 15
机对蓄电池的平均功率需求 Paver 15.81kW
3.3 动力系统对复合电源的能量需求 能量需求包括动力系统对复合电源的总能量需求以及对超级电容在 T 秒内峰值助力所需
3 复合电源参数设计方法
本文基于功率分流式混合动力城市公交车,构型简图如下图 3-1所示,将原车型中单一锂 5 / 15
电池模块电源改装成由锂电池模块与超级电容模块组合而成的复合电源系统,且并不改变原车 型其他部件及参数,在此前提下确定复合电源各项参数。复合电源参数设计主要是电池和超级 电容的节数和容量的匹配,为使复合电源满足整车动力性需求,需要获取改装车型动力系统的 需求功率和需求能量,因为改装车型只是改变了原车型电源系统,并未改变原车型的动力系统, 所以从原车型在指定循环工况下的仿真中获得的动力系统需求功率和需求能量数据,也适用于 改装车型。

























































































14.60 kWh/100 km,实现了节能效果&
车 ,添加了超级电容的复合电源系统可以提高
次数和放电电流。在2 400 s的NEDP 工况
,复 电源系统的超级电容SEC值从0. 67 丁
0. 57,动力电池SEC值变化范围为0. 61〜
容量/ Ah SOC范围/%
144 15 〜95
额定电压/V 最大电压/V 串联数/个 并联数/个 电池总节数/个
372.3 428.4
117 2 234
参 类型 功率(峰值/额定)/kW 转速(峰值/额定)/(r - min-1 )
2021年6月 第50卷第6期
机械设计与制造工程 Machine Design and Manufacturing Engineering
?Jun.2021 Vol. 50 No. 6
DO【:10. 3969/j. issn. 2095 - 509X. 2021.06. 014
扭矩/(N・m) 额 电 *V
参值 90 *45
11 000 *3 500
280 372.3
2.2复合电源电动汽车仿真模型 使用AVL - Cruise软件建立的复合电源电动
动力电池和超级电容之间的功率输 例,提























引言: 随着全球能源危机的加剧和环保意识的提高,混合动力汽车作为一种节能环 保的交通工具,逐渐受到各国的青睐。混合动力汽车通过在传统燃油车的基础上 增加电力驱动系统,以提高燃油利用率和减少尾气排放。然而,要实现混合动力 汽车的优异性能和续航能力,动力电池整车的匹配技术至关重要。本次演示将围 绕“混合动力汽车动力电池整车匹配技术研究”展开探讨。
CVT轻度混合动力汽车是一种采用无级变速器和电动机辅助发动机驱动的混合 动力汽车。在现有的研究中,针对CVT轻度混合动力汽车的能量管理策略主要集 中在以下几个方面:发动机启停控制、充电控制、换挡策略等。尽管已经取得了 一定的成果,但仍存在以下问题:
1、发动机启停控制方面,现有的策略主要是基于车速和发动机负荷进行控制, 但这些参数并不能完全反映车辆的运行状态,可能导致发动机频繁启停,影响油 耗和排放。
在实际应用中,一般采用基于数学模型的方法对动力电池进行匹配,如基于 模糊控制的动力电池匹配方法、基于遗传算法的动力电池匹配方法等。这些方法 可以通过对电池性能、车辆需求等因素进行综合考虑,实现动力电池的最优匹配。
内容3:轻度混合动力汽车动力 电池匹配存在的问题和挑战
3、在换挡策略方面,CVT轻度混合动力汽车的换挡策略需要进一步优化,以 获得更好的动力性和经济性。因此,需要研究更加合理的换挡策略,以优化整车 的性能。
CVT轻度混合动力汽车能量管理策略的研究具有重要的意义和必要性。本研究 针对现有的问题提出了一些改进建议,为后续的研究提供了参考。同时,本研究 也为CVT轻度混合动力汽车的能量管理策略提供了新的思路和方法,有助于推动 混合动力汽车技术的进步和发展。




























一、混动汽车行驶里程与电池容量的关系混动汽车的行驶里程与电池容量密切相关,其匹配关系可用以下公式表示:行驶里程 = 电池容量 / 每100公里电耗可以看出,电池容量和每100公里电耗是影响行驶里程的两个关键因素。


二、混动汽车电池容量的选择1. 用户需求混动汽车的电池容量应该根据用户的行驶需求进行选择。



2. 充电设施充电设施的便利程度也需要考虑。











Journal of Power Sources 199 (2012) 360–366Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectJournal of PowerSourcesj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /j p o w s o urIntegration of batteries with ultracapacitors for a fuel cell hybrid transit busPiyush Bubna,Suresh G.Advani ∗,Ajay K.PrasadCenter for Fuel Cell Research,Department of Mechanical Engineering,University of Delaware,Newark,DE 19716,United Statesa r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 30August 2011Accepted 28September 2011Available online 5 October 2011Keywords:Fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle BatteryUltracapacitor Simulation Lifetimea b s t r a c tBattery electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles require electric energy storage systems that exhibit high energy and power density,as well as good cycle life.Batteries possess good energy density,whereas ultracapacitors possess high power density and cycle life.The complementary features of batteries and ultracapacitors can be advantageously combined to create an integrated system that exhibits high per-formance with low weight and adequate battery lifetime,at an affordable cost.This paper presents simulation studies on the benefits of adding ultracapacitors to a fuel cell battery hybrid transit bus operating on two standardized driving schedules (Manhattan Bus Cycle and UDDS).Simulations were conducted using our LFM powertrain simulator which was developed in MATLAB/SIMULINK.The energy storage systems considered here include battery only,as well as various combinations of batteries and ultracapacitors.Simulation results show that the addition of ultracapacitors greatly improves perfor-mance parameters such as battery C -rates,energy throughput,and energy storage heat generation at comparable cost and weight.© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionFuel cells have emerged as one of the most promising candi-dates for fuel-efficient and emission-free vehicle power generation.In particular,proton exchange membrane fuel cells have received much attention for automotive applications due to their low oper-ating temperature and high power density.Although the primary barrier to the commercialization of fuel cells is their high cost,there are other operational hurdles that need to be overcome.In order to improve the transient performance of fuel cells,and to recover energy through regenerative braking,fuel cells are typically paired with reversible energy storage systems (ESS)to form hybrid power-trains.Such hybrid power-trains are particularly well suited for transit applications where the average power demand is low due to frequent starts and stops of the vehicle.Batteries and ultracapacitors are the most commonly used ESS in hybrid electric vehicles.Batteries have much higher specific energy than ultracapacitors and can propel the vehicle for a longer time.On the other hand,ultracapacitors possess high specific power and can provide or accept large bursts of power during vehicle acceleration or a regenerative-braking event,respectively.Due to these complementary properties,batteries can be com-bined with ultracapacitors to create a lightweight,compact ESS that exhibits a good compromise between energy and power den-sities.Another significant difference between the two types of∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+13028318975;fax:+13028313619.E-mail address:advani@ (S.G.Advani).ESS is their lifetime.Batteries typically lose their effectiveness after a few thousand charge–discharge cycles.In contrast,ultra-capacitors are able to maintain performance for about one million cycles.Table 1compares the power density,energy density and life cycle characteristics of an advanced technology battery and an ultracapacitor [1,2].Studies suggest that stress factors such as temperature,depth-of-discharge,current load (C -rate),through-put,and number of cycles affect battery lifetime [3–5].Storage system lifetime is therefore another metric which can be enhanced by pairing a battery with an ultracapacitor which could alleviate battery stress by employing a smart energy management strategy.Fuel cell/battery and fuel cell/ultracapacitor hybrids have been studied individually in light of their fuel economy,performance,and design and control strategy optimization [6–10].Recent studies have also explored the combination of batteries and ultracapac-itors for possible benefits in fuel economy,performance,and cost [11–17].Furthermore,other studies have investigated battery stress reduction or battery life extension by combining batteries with ultracapacitors in PHEVs.For example,Schaltz et al.[18]stud-ied the influence of lead-acid battery and ultracapacitor size on battery depth-of-discharge and hence battery life,as well as sys-tem volume,and mass.Burke and Zhao [19]demonstrated reduced battery current by combining ultracapacitors with lithium-ion and zinc-air batteries.Dougal et al.[20]have shown extended battery discharge life in the presence of ultracapacitors under pulse load conditions using simplified models.This paper investigates the improvement in factors affecting battery lifetime by simulating the effect of adding ultracapacitors to a fuel cell battery hybrid transit bus operating on standard urban0378-7753/$–see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2011.09.097P.Bubna et al./Journal of Power Sources199 (2012) 360–366361Table1Power density,energy density and cycle-life comparison of advanced technology batteries and ultracapacitors.Altairnano(LiTi cell)Maxwell ultracapacitorPeak aW kg−17605900Wh kg−172 5.96Cycle life>12,000cycles at100%DoD b(2C rate and25◦C)1million cycles at50%DoD>4000cycles at100%DoD(1C rate and55◦C)a Peak powers are calculated based on peak pulse currents of the ESS which may not be allowed by the traction inverter.b Depth of discharge.driving schedules.The specific performance parameters addressed are battery C-rates,battery throughput,and system as well as cell-level heat generation rates.Six different ESS combinations were simulated and compared in this study.In addition to the per-formance parameters mentioned above,the influence on energy storage cost and weight is also discussed.Simulations were per-formed using our in-house LFM software which is developed in MATLAB/SIMULINK.The vehicle platform simulated in this study was the University of Delaware fuel cell hybrid bus operating on two standard urban driving schedules(the Manhattan Bus Cycle and UDDS).We begin by describing the vehicle,fuel cell,battery and ultraca-pacitors(Section2),powertrain topology and energy management scheme(Section3),followed by the simulation results(Section4), andfinally the conclusions(Section5).2.Vehicle configurationThe University of Delaware’s Fuel Cell Hybrid Bus Program com-menced in2005with the goal to research,build and demonstrate afleet of fuel cell transit buses and hydrogen refueling stations in the state of DE[21].Our Phase2fuel cell hybrid bus has been used as the vehicle platform for this study.This22ft bus is driven by a single three-phase AC induction motor that is rated for130kW peak and100kW continuous.The motor is coupled to the rear drive wheels through a single-speed chain drive and a differential.The vehicle is powered by dual fuel cell stacks described below,and battery energy storage.The curb weight of the bus including the fuel cell system but without the energy storage system is6030kg. Additional details about the bus and its on-board systems can be found in[21].2.1.Fuel cellThe fuel cell system consists of dual Ballard Mark9SSL stacks, each with110cells and a combined power rating of38.8kW.The hydrogen is stored in two composite high-pressure tanks located on the top of the bus.The tanks are rated for350bar and have a total storage capacity of approximately12.8kg of hydrogen.2.2.BatteryThe Phase2bus is currently equipped with NiCd batteries. However,for the present analysis we have considered the more advanced lithium-titanate batteries.Two different sizes of lithium-titanate batteries are considered:one string of144cells in series (denoted as1xBatt),and two strings of144cells in series(denoted as2xBatt).The cells are50Ah Altairnano lithium-titanate cells[1]. Each string of144cells weighs360kg,and has a maximum power of120kW and16.5kWh of available energy(Table2).The cost of the cell was obtained from the vendor.Table2Battery specifications.Altairnano144cell pack(1xBatt)Number of cells144Max/min voltage400/260VMax.current300AMax.power120kWAvailable energy16.5kWhCapacity50AhModule weight360kgInternal resistance80mOhmCost$27,0722.3.UltracapacitorsMaxwell BCAP3000ultracapacitor cells are considered in the present analysis[2].Four different sizes of ultracapacitor packs have been considered for the simulation study and their details are given in Table3.A1xUcap module is made up of a stack of40cells in series and weighs42.5kg.The maximum power of the1xUcap mod-ule is30kW while the available energy is78Wh.The maximum voltage,maximum power,energy and weight of the ultracapacitor pack scales linearly with its size.The energy storage and fuel cell models are described in[22].2.4.DC/DC converterA bi-directional DC/DC converter is considered in the simula-tions for a battery+ultracapacitor energy storage system.It has been assumed that the converter bucks/boosts voltage with a con-stant efficiency of97%.Based on the listed DC/DC converter cost in [12],the ESS cost analysis in the latter part of this paper assumes an additional expense of$1500for the DC/DC converter for each of the four cases studied.An average weight of30kg is assumed for the DC/DC converter based on a supplier’s technical data for their bi-directional converter products[23].3.Topology and energy management schemeThe present analysis considers two battery-only ESSs,and four combinations of battery and ultracapacitor which involve four dif-ferent ultracapacitor sizes.The topology and energy management strategy are discussed below.3.1.Battery-only ESSThe drivetrain topology for a fuel cell–battery series hybrid vehi-cle is shown in Fig.1.Power from the battery and fuel cell feeds the traction motor and the accessory load.Note that powerflow is bidi-rectional in the traction motor and battery.The battery can accept power from either the fuel cell,or the traction motor during regen-erative braking.Two battery-only ESSs are considered in this study: 1xBatt and2xBatt.Table3Ultracapacitor specifications.MaxwellBCAP3000cells1xUcap(40cells)2xUcap(80cells)3xUcap(120cells)4xUcap(160cells) Max/min voltage100/50V200/100V300/150V400/200V Max.current300A300A300A300A Max.power30kW60kW90kW120kW Available energy78Wh156Wh234Wh312Wh Capacitance75F37.5F25F19F Internal resistance11.6mOhm23.2mOhm34.8mOhm46.4mOhm Module weight42.5kg85kg127.5kg170kgCost$3600$7200$10,800$14,400362P.Bubna et al./Journal of Power Sources199 (2012) 360–366Fig.1.Topology of a fuel cell/battery series hybrid.3.1.1.Hybrid energy managementThe fuel cell net power is given by[22]:P FC,net=P avg+˛(SOC d−SOC c)(1) where P avg is the combined power consumption of the traction motor and accessory load averaged over a moving time frame(1h in this case),SOC d is the state-of-charge to which the battery is desired to be depleted,and˛is a constant in the correction term which alters the power request based on the deviation of the real time SOC(SOC c)from the desired value.The required battery power is given byP battery=P tract+P acc−P FC,net(2) where P tract and P acc are the power consumption of the traction motor and accessory load,respectively.Note that P tract is negative during regenerative braking.3.2.Battery+ultracapacitor ESSThe topology of a fuel cell–battery–ultracapacitor series hybrid is shown in Fig.2.The ultracapacitor is connected to the bat-tery/traction motor bus through a bi-directional DC/DC converter to buck or boost its voltage.For this portion of the analysis,the system uses the same fuel cell and battery as in the case of the fuel cell–battery hybrid described in Section3.1.Four battery and ultracapacitor combinations are considered in this study;the same 1xBatt battery is maintained in all four combinations,while the Ucap size ranges from1xUcap to4xUcap.3.2.1.Hybrid energy managementThe fuel cell net power remains unchanged in the present energy management scheme and is given by Eq.(1);it should be noted that the SOC here still refers to the battery state-of-charge.The transient power demand is shared between the battery and ultra-capacitor.Since the ultracapacitor has limited available energy,it is best utilized during events of high power demand or supply cor-responding to vehicle acceleration or regenerative-braking events, respectively.The role of the ultracapacitors during such events is to deliver or absorb energy at high rates and thereby relieving bat-tery stress to a great extent.To perform this role effectively,the ultracapacitor should be charged up to full capacity during periods of low vehicle speed such that it is ready to provide power dur-ing acceleration.Conversely,during periods of high vehicle speed, the ultracapacitor should be at the lowest desired SOC in order to fully accept regenerative charge during a braking event.There-fore,in the current power management scheme,the ultracapacitorFig.2.Topology of fuel cell/battery/ultracapacitor series hybrid.P.Bubna et al./Journal of Power Sources199 (2012) 360–366363Fig.3.Simulated battery C-rate frequency distribution for the six ESS combinations on the Manhattan Bus Cycle. voltage is controlled based on the vehicle speed and a target voltageis calculated using the following equation[12].1 2m v2+12CU2target=ˇ(3)with the following boundary values:v=0mph⇒U target=U maxv=57mph⇒U target=U min(4) Here(1/2)m v2is the kinetic energy of the vehicle,and(1/2)CU2target is energy content of the ultracapacitor.C is the capac-itance of the ultracapacitor pack as given by Table3,and U is its voltage. andˇare constants whose values are calculated from Eq.(3)by inserting the boundary values in Eq.(4).First,the value ofˇis obtained by noting that when the vehicle is stationary,the desired ultracapacitor voltage is set to the maximum allowable voltage,U max.Next,for the two drive cycles considered here,the peak velocity is57mph.Hence,the value of is obtained by setting the desired ultracapacitor voltage to the minimum allowable value, U min,at v=57mph.The ultracapacitor power request,P Ucap is given by:P Ucap=P ESS−K p(U target−U current)(5) where P ESS is the transient power demand from the battery and ultracapacitor combined and is given by:P ESS=P tract+P acc−P FC,net(6) Here U current is the current ultracapacitor voltage,U target is the calculated desired ultracapacitor voltage given by Eq.(3),and K p is a proportionality constant.The value of K p is determined by requir-ing that the ultracapacitor generates an additional4kW power for a10V difference between the current and target ultracapacitor voltage;hence K p=400.The term K p(U target−U current)in Eq.(5)is a correction term which ensures that the ultracapacitor meets requested transient demands while adhering to the target voltage according to Eqs.(3) and(4).P Ucap is the desired power from the ultracapacitor.If the ultracapacitor is undersized for the requested power demand(or supply),it will supply(or accept)its maximum rated power.Any excess power demand is met by the battery.4.Simulation resultsThe ESS performance was simulated using our in-house pow-ertrain simulator called LFM.This powertrain simulation tool has been comprehensively validated in previous studies[24].The Manhattan Bus Cycle and UDDS were considered for this study. The Manhattan Bus Cycle is a milder drive cycle with mean and maximum velocities of6.8mph and25.4mph,respectively.In com-parison,UDDS is a more aggressive cycle with mean and maximum velocities of19.6mph and57mph,respectively.Results for the two drive cycles are presented next.4.1.Effect on C-rate and energy throughputFig.3shows the effect of ultracapacitors on battery current draw for various C-rate ranges for the Manhattan Bus Cycle.Fig.3indi-cates a reduction in the frequency of high C-rate current draws from the battery in presence of ultracapacitors.For example,the1xBatt ESS(one of the two battery-only ESSs considered)experiences cur-rents in the2C–3C range during7.5%of the Manhattan Bus Cycle. However,this frequency is reduced to only2.1%when the battery is integrated with a1xUcap module.With increasing number of ultracapacitor modules,their ability to share the transient current loads increases further.Fig.3shows that when the ESS includes a 4xUcap module,the battery never experiences currents exceeding 3C during the entire drive cycle.In sharp contrast,the1xBatt ESS experiences periods at even the highest C-rate during some por-tion of the drive cycle.These results show that the ultracapacitor is extremely effective in shielding the battery from high C-rates, thereby reducing battery stress.It is interesting to compare the1xBatt+ultracapacitor ESSs with the battery-only2xBatt ESS.Although Fig.3shows that the 2xBatt ESS does not experience C-rates in excess of4C,it definitely undergoes substantial exposure to lower C-rates.In particular,the exposure of the2xBatt to the1C–2C range is not very different from the1xBatt.The2xBatt still sees currents in the2C–3C range for about3%of the drive cycle.Fig.4shows that load sharing by the ultracapacitor also reduces the energy throughput of the battery pack.Energy throughput is defined as the sum of the magnitudes of energyflowing into and out of the battery during the drive cycle.Fig.4presents energy throughput data on a per-cell basis,and shows that the addition of even1xUcap reduces the battery throughput by almost50%for the Manhattan Bus Cycle.A lower value of throughput indicates that the battery is participating in energy transfer to a smaller extent, and is consequently incurring reducedstress.Fig.4.Simulated energy throughput per battery cell for the six ESS combinations on the Manhattan Bus Cycle.364P.Bubna et al./Journal of Power Sources 199 (2012) 360–36624681012Time (s)V e l o c i t y (m /s )U l t r a c a p a c i t o r S t a t e -o f -C h a r g e (-)-100-50050100Time (s)P o w e r (k W )Fig.5.Simulated velocity and power profiles on the Manhattan Bus Cycle for 1xBatt +4xUcap ESS.Correlation between vehicle velocity and ultracapacitor SOC (top);batteryand ultracapacitor power (bottom).Fig.6.Simulated battery C -rate frequency distribution for six different ESS combinations on the UDDS cycle.It is important to note that the battery +ultracapacitor ESSs provide greater improvements in battery C -rates and energy throughput when compared to a battery-only ESS.In particular,integrating a 1xBatt +4xUcap results in substantial improvement in C -rate and throughput performance,and is superior to that achieved by simply doubling the battery size (2xBatt).The dramatic improvement in the C -rate frequency distribu-tion with the 4xUcap module can be understood from Fig.5.The power management strategy keeps the ultracapacitor at high SOC at low vehicle speeds and vice versa.As a result,the 4xUcap which has a maximum power of 120kW,is able to meet the peak power demands which typically occur for short durations,while the bat-tery provides or accepts low power levels.The effectiveness of ultracapacitors of smaller size is reduced because of power and energy limitations.For example,a 1xUcap module has 30kW peak power and four times less available energy.Therefore,the battery is forced to participate more frequently and contribute to peak demands when it is integrated with a 1xUcap module.The battery +ultracapacitor ESS is also quite effective on the UDDS cycle.However,because the UDDS is a much moreaggressive cycle in comparisonto the Manhattan Bus Cycle,the beneficial effects on battery C -rate (Fig.6)and throughput reduc-tion (Fig.7)are somewhat reduced.Due to the higher power and energy demands of the UDDS,the 4xUcap module is unable to completely suppress battery currents in the 3C –6C range (Fig.6).However,the 4xUcap module performs better than the 2xBatt ESSFig.7.Simulated energy throughput per battery cell for six different ESS combina-tions on the UDDS Cycle.P.Bubna et al./Journal of Power Sources 199 (2012) 360–366365Fig.8.Simulated heat generation rates for each battery and ultracapacitor cell aver-aged over the Manhattan Bus Cycle.in the 1C –2C current range and in terms of battery energy through-put.4.2.Effect on heat generationA direct consequence of the battery and ultracapacitor current profiles is their respective heat generation rates.Heat generation rates are presented on a per-cell basis for the battery and the ultra-capacitor for the Manhattan Bus Cycle (Fig.8)and UDDS (Fig.9).Fig.8indicates that for the Manhattan Bus Cycle,the average heat generation rate in the Altairnano cell is reduced by up to 10and 20times by the addition of ultracapacitors when compared to 2xBatt and 1xBatt packs,respectively.This result convincingly demon-strates that the combination of an ultracapacitor pack with the battery permits huge reductions in battery cell heat generation while still maintaining or even reducing the weight of the ESS (Fig.13).The degree of reduction in battery heat generation is drive-cycle dependent.For UDDS,Fig.9shows that the battery cellheatFig.9.Simulated heat generation rates for each battery and ultracapacitor cell aver-aged over the UDDS cycle.generation in a 4xUcap-assisted ESS is only 1.7and 3times less than the 2xBatt and 1xBatt packs,respectively.Despite the smaller improvement in battery heat generation,it should be emphasized that reduction in heat generation rate is particularly beneficial for battery life because higher operating temperatures have a strong effect on battery degradation.In comparison with the battery cells,the ultracapacitor cells are subjected to higher heat generation rates in both bus drive cycles (Figs.8and 9).In particular,cells within smaller ultracapacitor packs face higher currents and hence incur a higher average heat generation rate.Therefore,the ther-mal consequences on both the battery and ultracapacitor cells have to be considered while sizing the energy storage system.Figs.10and 11depict the cumulative heat generation rate of the complete energy storage system.For larger ultracapacitor packs,the total heat generated by the ESS is minimized for both the drive cycles considered in this study.Lower thermal losses also imply higher system efficiency.Furthermore,since a lower heat generation is correlated with a larger ultracapac-itor pack size,this also implies that more cell surface area is501001502002503003504004501xBattery +1xBattery1xUcap1xBattery +2xUcap1xBattery +3xUcap1xBattery +4xUcap2xBatteryEnergy Storage SystemsH e a t G e n e r a t i o n R a t e (W )Fig.10.Simulated cumulative heat generation rates for all six ESS combinations averaged over the Manhattan Bus Cycle.200400600800100120 01xBatt ery 1xBatt ery +1xUcap1xBattery +2xUcap1xBattery +3xUcap1xBattery +4xUcap2xBatteryEnergy St orage SystemsH e a t G e n e r a t i o n R a t e (W )Fig.11.Simulated cumulative heat generation rates for all six ESS combinations averaged over the UDDS cycle.366P.Bubna et al./Journal of Power Sources 199 (2012) 360–366Fig.12.Energy storage systemcost.Fig.13.Energy storage system weight.available for heat dissipation,either through natural or forced convection.Consequently,the cell cooling system can be down-sized and its parasitic power consumption can be reduced.4.3.Effect on ESS cost and weightIn general,the 4xUcap pack demonstrates better,and in a few cases,similar results when compared to the 2xBatt ESS with respect to the following three parameters:C -rates,energy throughput,and heat generation.Moreover,these improvements are achieved at a lower energy storage cost and weight.Fig.12shows that while the 1xBatt ESS is the cheapest option,the 1xBatt +4xUcap ESS is in fact cheaper than 2xBatt.Note that the cost of the DC/DC converter is included in the battery +Ucap cost in Fig.12.Fig.13shows that weights of the various ESSs studied here follow the same trend as the cost.The weight of DC/DC converter is included in the battery +Ucap cost in Fig.13.The study shows that benefits could be realized by investing resources and space on adding ultracapacitors to the battery pack rather than simply increasing the size of the bat-tery.One of the considerations in doubling the size of the battery pack is the associated reduction in the battery depth-of-discharge leading to an enhancement of battery lifetime.However,due to a charge-sustaining power-management strategy employed on our bus,and the energy configurations considered in the present study,the maximum depth-of-discharge on the 1xBatt pack is very low –1%on the Manhattan Bus Cycle and 7%on UDDS.The vehicle weight with the fuel cell but without the ESS is 6030kg.For the different ESS sizes considered in this study,the maximum difference in weight is 360kg which is about 5%of the total vehicle weight.Therefore,vehicle energy consumption is not significantly impacted by differences in ESS weight.The influence of ESS size on vehicle weight,and hence energy consumption,would be more significant if the heav-ier lead-acid or nickel-based batteries were considered for this study.5.Summary and conclusionsThis paper presents a simulation study that explores the con-cept of battery-load reduction by integrating ultracapacitors within the electric energy storage system.Six different energy storage sizes/combinations are considered and the corresponding power management strategies are presented.Simulations results indicate a significant improvement in battery C -rates,energy throughput,and cell heat generation rate due to the addition of ultracapacitor packs to the battery.In most cases,the performance of a bat-tery +ultracapacitor ESS is superior to that of a dual battery pack and at lower cost and weight.Therefore,it can be concluded that the integration of ultracapacitors into the ESS permits the down-sizing of the battery pack resulting in cost and weight savings without compromising battery lifetime.Simulation studies also indicate that the magnitude of improvement in performance with an ultracapacitor is drive-cycle dependent.Therefore,in addition to battery-lifetime goals and cost,the selection of an appropri-ate ultracapacitor pack size also depends on the expected battery usage (duty cycle).A comprehensive battery-life model can bring more perspective to such studies and help to extend the use of simulations to actual decision making.AcknowledgementThis research was sponsored by the Federal Transit Administra-tion.References[1]Altairnano 24V 50Ah datasheet </viewer.asp?b=546&k=lchr4714LC&bhcp=1>.[2]Maxwell K2series datasheet </docs/DATASHEET K2SERIES 1015370.PDF >.[3]X.G.Yang,B.Taenaka,ler,K.Snyder,International Journal of EnergyResearch 34(2010)171–181.[4]</vehiclesandfuels/energystorage/pdfs/48933smith.pdf >.[5]</vehiclesandfuels/energystorage/pdfs/46031.pdf >.[6]P.Rodatz,G.Paganelli,A.Sciarretta,L.Guzzella,Control Engineering Practice13(2005)41–53.[7]M.J.Kim,H.Peng,Journal of Power Sources 165(2007)819–832.[8]V.Paladini,T.Danteo,A.Risi,forgia,Energy Conversion and 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当汽车较长时间处于停车状态 ,例如遇红灯时 ,内 燃机一直处于怠速 ,控制系统会自动切断内燃机供油 , 令内燃机停止运行 ,同时 ISA 也停止工作 ,需起步时 , ISA 在短时间内完成起步任务 。
当汽车加速或爬坡时 , ISA 工作在电动机工况 ,提 供一部分辅助功率 。
当汽车减速或制动时 , ISA 处于再生制动工况 ,将 动能转换成电能 ,为车载电池充电 。
4. 2. 2 发动机参数匹配
在轻度混合动力汽车中 ,发动机是主要的动力源 , 功率的选择主要从动力性和经济性两方面考虑 。
功率的要求 ,即
Pemax ≥Pvmax - Pmmax
Pvmax = ( m agf r v max/ 3 600 + CD A v max3/ 76 140) / ηT
匹配的。图 4 为所选发动机的特性曲线。
4. 3 电池选型及参数匹配 4. 3. 1 电池类型的确定
混合动力汽车所用电池的最大特点为非完全充电 和非完全放电 ,电池经常处于放电和充电状态 ,经常有 能量的消耗和补充 ,这会对电池的寿命造成一定的影 响 ,但实验证明 ,上述因素对镍氢电池寿命影响并不 大 。镍氢电池具有很好的耐过充电特性和良好的使用 安全性 。其充电效率几乎达到 100 % ,有利于混合动 力汽车的再生制动 。而且随着技术的发展 ,镍氢电池 的成本也得到了进一步降低 ,适用于混合动力汽车 。 故选用镍氢电池 ,电池组 (由 6 个单体电池组成) 充放 电内阻特性和额定电压特性如图 5 和图 6 所示 。
表 2 基本动力性要求
0~100 km/ h
vmax/ km·h - 1








【研究内容和方法】1. 分析轻度混合动力汽车电池参数对车辆性能的影响;2. 建立轻度混合动力汽车电池匹配模型,通过MATLAB/Simulink软件进行仿真分析;3. 评估不同电池匹配方案的经济性和实用性;4. 结合实车测试和数据分析,验证模型的准确性和可行性。

【预期结果和创新点】1. 探究轻度混合动力汽车电池技术的关键问题,提出可行的解决方案;2. 建立轻度混合动力汽车电池模型,为电池优化设计提供理论依据;3. 通过实车测试数据验证模型的准确性和可行性;4. 为轻度混合动力汽车动力电池的优化设计和生产提供技术支持。

【论文结构】1. 绪论1.1 研究背景和意义1.2 国内外研究现状1.3 研究内容和方法1.4 论文结构2. 轻度混合动力汽车电池技术分析2.1 混合动力汽车和轻度混合动力汽车2.2 车载动力电池概述2.3 轻度混合动力汽车电池技术的特点和问题3. 轻度混合动力汽车电池匹配模型建立3.1 模型假设与分析3.2 基于Simulink的电池匹配模型3.3 仿真实验及结果分析4. 轻度混合动力汽车电池匹配方案优化4.1 电池性能指标4.2 电池匹配方案的优化设计4.3 仿真优化实验及结果分析5. 实车测试与数据分析5.1 实车测试数据的采集5.2 实车测试与分析结果6. 结论与展望6.1 研究成果总结6.2 存在的问题与展望6.3 研究的局限性【参考文献】(待补充)。

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η 76140 t
整车基本参数及设计目标如下 : 最高车速 ≥
180 km/ h ; 燃油经济性 ≤ 6. 5l/ 100 km ; 最大爬坡
式中 : vmax 为最高车速 ;η t 为整车动力传动系效 η η 率, t =η clη tcη gbη fd , 其中 η cl 为离合器效率 , tc 为转 η 矩合成器效率 ,η gb 为变速器效率 , fd 为后桥效率 ; α f 为滚动阻力系数 ; max = tan
η 3600 t
α α mg f co s max + mg sin max +
( 2) Pmax3 = f ( T , vt ) = mg f v t
2 δ m vt 1 η 360 t
T - 0. 1 T
+ ( 3)
1 整车设计目标及控制
1. 1 整车设计目标
η 3600 t
表 2 Pm 对整车燃油经济性和动力性的影响
Table 2 Influence of Pm on f uel economy and dynamics
(l/ 100 km)
式中 : J e 为发动机转动惯量 ,kg ・m2 ; tstart 为电机 ω 起动发动机时间 ,s ;ω 怠 e 、 idle 分别为发动机转速 、 速转速 ,rad/ s ; Td 为发动机摩擦转矩 , N m ;ω in 为 同步目标转速 ;ω 0 为同步开始转速 ; Tin 为电机扭 矩 ; J M 为电机转动惯量 ; J 1 为轴转动惯量 ;β为同 η 步器阻力矩 ;η m 、 c 分别为电机和逆变器效率 ;
收稿日期 :2007204215. 基金项目 : 吉林省科技发展计划项目 ( 20060540) ; 吉林大学研究生创新基金项目 ( 402005) . 作者简介 : 于远彬 ( 19782) ,男 ,博士研究生 . 研究方向 : 混合动力汽车车载复合电源 . E2mail :yyb @jlu. edu. cn 通信作者 : 王庆年 (19522) ,男 ,教授 ,博士生导师 . 研究方向 : 混合动力汽车关键技术 . E2mail :wqn @jlu. edu. cn
IMAX 、 V 分别为电池最大放电电流和电压 。
图 2~图 4 为电机峰值功率 Pm 和最大转矩 Tm 与起动机时间 、 主动同步时间以及电池电流之 间的关系图 。从图中可以看出 , 电机峰值功率对 起动发动机和换档主动同步时间影响较大 ,6 kW
电机功率/ kW
N EDC C YCt ypic 0~100 km/ h 60~100 km/ h
Parameter matching of mild hybrid electric vehicle with compound po wer supply
YU Yuan2bin , WAN G Qing2nian ,WAN G Wei2hua , ZEN G Xiao2hua
( S t ate Key L aboratory of A utomobi le D y namic S i m ul ation , J i li n U ni versit y , Chan gchun 130022 , Chi na)
- 1
度为车速 50 km/ h 情况下爬 30 %坡度 ; 最大加速 度为 0~100 km/ h 加速时间小于 15 s ; 纯电动距 离为 2 km ; 整车装备质量为 1500 kg ; 迎风面积 A 为 2. 0 m2 ; 整车风阻系数 CD 为 0. 335 。整车布局 如图 1 所示 。
1 1000 tstart
ω in
∫J ω dω + 1000 T +β d t =ω + J +J ∫
0 e e e in M 1
ω idle
Tdω idle
( 4) ( 5)
Pb = I ×V =
于远彬 ,等 : 应用复合电源的轻度混合动力汽车的参数匹配
・2 8 3 ・
η η c m
・2 8 2 ・
吉林大学学报 (工学版)
第 39 卷
箱一轴加装电机 ,可以实现并联混合动力功能 ,且 对原车改动小 、 成本增加不多 ,整车具有纯电动功 能 ,控制易于实现 。针对蓄电池内阻高 、 大电流充 放电效率低且循环寿命有限的缺点 ,文献 [ 2 ,3 ] 对 整车加装了超级电容 , 利用其通过物理方式储能 而具有的内阻低 、 充放电速度快 、 效率高以及寿命 长的优点 ,与电池并联组成复合电源 ,可以充分发 挥二者在比功率和比能量方面的优势 , 使电机功 率需求能够更加合理地在二者之间分配 , 电容缓 冲电池负荷 ,延长电池使用寿命 ,且可更多地回收 制动能量 。 本文为解决混合动力汽车成本高 、 电池寿命 短的问题 ,提出了复合电源轻度混合动力汽车的 思想 ,取消了发动机怠速 ,并实现了低速时的纯电 动功能 ,降低了对发动机及离合器的磨损 。通过 仿真 ,从动力性和燃油经济性角度证明了整车结 构及参数匹配的合理性 。
于远彬 ,王庆年 ,王伟华 ,曾小华
( 吉林大学 汽车动态模拟国家重点实验室 ,长春 130022)
摘 要 : 为解决混合动力汽车成本高 、 电池寿命短的问题 , 提出了复合电源轻度混合动力汽车 的思想 ,通过取消发动机怠速 、 回收制动能量提高燃油经济性 ,应用电机主动同步技术缩短换 档时间 ,利用超级电容寿命长 、 效率高的优点与电池组成复合电源 ,缓冲电池功率负荷 ,延长电 池寿命 。对整车各动力部件进行了参数匹配 ,通过仿真分析对匹配结果加以验证 ,并总结出将 复合电源应用到轻度混合动力汽车中的可行性 。 关键词 : 车辆工程 ; 混合动力汽车 ; 复合电源 ; 参数匹配 中图分类号 : U463. 2 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :167125497 ( 2009) 0220281205
Abstract :In order to reduce t he high co st of t he hybrid elect ric vehicle ( H EV ) and p rolo ng it s bat tery lifespan , a mild H EV wit h a co mpo und power supply was suggested. The f uel eco no my of t he mild H EV can be imp roved by stopping t he vehicle driving wit ho ut t he engine idling and regenerating t he braking energy. The time required for gear shif ting can be shortened because of t he motor active synchro nizing technique. The supercapacitor wit h high power densit y and lo ng lifespan was used to form a co mpo und power supply wit h t he battery to buffer t he power load of bat tery to p rolo ng it s lifespan. The parameter matching was performed for t he powerdrive co mpo nent s of t he mild H EV and validated by simulatio n analysis. The feasibilit y of applying t he co mpo und power supply system in t he mild H EV was summarized. Key words :vehicle engineering ; hybrid elect ric vehicle ( H EV ) ; co mpo und power supply ; parameter matching
2 发动机 、 电机参数匹配
2. 1 发动机参数匹配
对轻度混合动力汽车来说 , 发动机最大功率 应由最高车速 、 加速性 、 爬坡要求联合决定 ,即 [ 425 ]
Pmax1 = Pmax2 = vi vmax CD A v max 21 . 15
η 3600 t
mg f +
( 1) CD A v i 21 . 15
] IMAX =
η η c mV
( 6)
电机即可在 0. 3 s 内起动发动机 , 并可以使同步 时间保持在 0. 2 s 以内 ; 最大扭矩的选取对同步 时间影响较小 ,但对电池的冲击影响较大 。 表 2 为电机峰值功率 Pm 取不同值时的整车 燃油经济性及动力性统计结果 。仿真工况选取欧 洲轿车循环工况 N EDC 和中国城市综合循环工 况 C YCt ypic ,两工况车速要求见图 5 。结果表明 ,
换档时电机主动同步 、 调节一轴转速 ,避免了电机 转动惯量加入后换档时间过长 ; 超级电容对电池 功率进行滤波 ,缓冲起停发动机 、 换档以及制动工 况下的电机工作时的大电流 ,延长电池使用寿命 ;
DC/ DC 功率转换器接收整车命令 ,主动控制电容
的电流 ,并解决电池 、 电容电压不匹配的问题 。
Table 1 Engine power requirements of each design objects
性能指标要求 最高车速 最大爬坡度 最大加速度 发动机最大功率需求/ kW
60 55 64
2. 2 电机参数匹配
电机参数包括电压等级 、 峰值功率 、 最大扭矩 以及基速 ,应从起动发动机能力 、 换档时间以及整 车燃油经济性 、 动力性等方面来综合考虑 。电机