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Everyone knows how the story of Cinderella ends, but did you ever really think about how she spent her days before she met the prince? Her daily ___1___ was not fascinating. She did everything from sweeping the floor to cooking the meals. If someone had as ked Cinderella, “Are there any kinds of ___2___ work that you particularly hate?” she probably would have answered, “Why, none, of course. Housework is my duty!” In the real world, ___3___, most people have definite ___4___ for certain sorts of housework. Two of these tasks are ironing clothes and washing dishes.

Ironing clothes is most hated ___5___ it is not a task that can be completed quickly or thoughtlessly. Each piece of clothing must be handled ___6___, so ironing a basket of laundry can take hours! After ironing a piece of clothing with great care, you need to place it on a hanger as soon as possible. If you do not followthese directions carefully, it might become ___7___ and you have to start over. Perhaps that is why ironing is not a ___8___ thing to do. It ___9___ extreme attention to detail from beginning to end.

Another household job that many people dislike is washing dishes.___10___, some people claim that this work is no longer a problem because we havedishwashers now! However, no one would ___11___ that dishes, silverware, and ___12___ pots and pans washed in a dishwasher don‟t come out as clean as they do when washed by hand. For this reason, many of us___13___ to wash our dishes by hand, but we are not necessarily happy doing it. Cleaning dishes is a job that not only takes a lot of energy but also__14___ the patience to wash and dry them. ___15___, unlike ironing clothes, washing dishes is a thing that usually must be done every day. I don‟t know how Cinderella felt about this particular task, but I believe that most people hate it as much as I do.

1. A. parade B. pattern C. routine D. response

2. A. household B. patriotic C. invisible D. mechanical

3. A. moreover B. hence C. however D. therefore

4. A. desires B. dislikes C. opinions D. appeals

5. A. but B. because C. although D. so that

6. A. gracefully B. briefly C. individually D. neutrally

7. A. suspended B. transferred C. leaked D. wrinkled

8. A. favourite B. regular C. primary D. painful

9. A. calls on B. calls for C. takes on D. takes for

10. A. As a result B. In fact C. Of course D. For example

11. A. argue B. admit C. agree D. assume

12. A. occasionally B. constantly C. especially D. classically

13. A. attach B. refuse C. continue D. engage

14. A. reduces B. regulates C. removes D. requires

15. A. In addition B. In a word C. On the contrary D. By contrast


1.选C. 利用上下文信息解题。根据后文She did everything from sweeping the floor to cooking the meals. 知道此处应选C。daily routine意为:日常工作。parade(游行,检阅),pattern(花样,图案),response(回答,响应)均不符合文意。

2.选A. 利用上下文信息解题。由上文She did everything from sweeping the floor to cooking the meals.知道灰姑娘从早到晚都在做家务,故选A. household。

7.选D. 利用句内语义线索解题。句意为:如果你没有仔细遵循这些指令,衣服可能会变皱,你不得不重新熨烫。wrinkled表示皱的。suspended(被暂时搁臵的),transferred(转移的、调动的),leaked(漏的)均不符合句意。

8.选A. 利用词汇、语义复现解题。由此段第1句Ironing clothes is most hated知道此处应选A。not favourite与hated语义一致。

9.选B. 利用句内语义线索解题。句意为:熨烫衣服由始至终都需要极其关注细节。call for 表示需要、要求。call on(号召、拜访、请求),take on(承担、呈现),take for(把…认为是…)均不符句意。

11.选A. 利用句内语义线索解题。句意为:没有人会争辩用洗碗机洗出来的盘子,银餐具,尤其是壶和平底锅不如手洗的干净。argue表示争论、争辩。

14.选D. 利用句内语义线索解题。句意为:洗盘子需要耐心。


No one would be willing to pay one-third of the price for the packaging or wrapping of what he or she purchases. But over-packaging has become a disease that leads to an ___1___ waste of resources and ___2___ environmental pollution.

The wasted packaging materials are ___3___ to be worth about 280 billion yuan annually. And such packages and wrappings thrown away by customers ___4___ up half of the volume of solid waste in cities. ___5___, it is high time that regulations were ___6___ to stop enterprises from spending too much on unnecessary packaging and wrapping.

To produce paper packaging or wrapping, many more trees have to be cut down. Over-packaging also limits the interest of consumers when they have to spend quite a high percentage on something that they will have to throw into the dustbin. The simple truth is that the more a producer spends on packaging, the ___7___ the products it sells will be.
