



SPECIFICATIONSVin Vin Iout Iout Effi.Part Nom.Input RangeMax.*Vout Max.Min.Typ.Number(VDC)(VDC)(VDC)(VDC)(mA)(mA)(%)CTDD2210SF-0505-D1.5K-25 4.5-911±52002067CTDD2210SF-0509-D1.5K-25 4.5-911±91101169CTDD2210SF-0512-D1.5K-25 4.5-911±1283872CTDD2210SF-0515-D1.5K-25 4.5-911±1533375CTDD2210SF-1205-D1.5K-2129-1822±52002075CTDD2210SF-1209-D1.5K-2129-1822±91101175CTDD2210SF-1212-D1.5K-2129-1822±1283877CTDD2210SF-1215-D1.5K-2129-1822±1533380CTDD2210SF-1505-D1.5K-21512-2430±52002075CTDD2210SF-1509-D1.5K-21512-2430±91101179CTDD2210SF-1512-D1.5K-21512-2430±1283880CTDD2210SF-1515-D1.5K-21512-2430±1533381CTDD2210SF-2405-D1.5K-22418-3640±52002078CTDD2210SF-2409-D1.5K-22418-3640±91101180CTDD2210SF-2412-D1.5K-22418-3640±1283883CTDD2210SF-2415-D1.5K-22418-3640±1533385CTDD2210SF-4805-D1.5K-24836-7280±52002076CTDD2210SF-4809-D1.5K-24836-7280±91101181CTDD2210SF-4812-D1.5K-24836-7280±1283882CTDD2210SF-4815-D1.5K-24836-7280±1533383*If Input voltage above specified may cause permanent damage to the deviceISOLATION SPECIFICATIONSItem Test Condition MIN TYPMAXUnits Isolation Voltage Flash tested for 1 minute1500VDC Isolation ResistanceT est at 500VDC1000M ΩOUTPUT SPECIFICATIONSItem Test ConditionMIN TYPMAX Units 2W Output Power 0.22W Output voltage accuracy Refer to Recommended Circuit ±1±3%Load regulation From 10% to 100% load ±0.5±1%Line regulation Input Voltage from low to high ±0.2±0.5%T emperature drift (Vout)Refer to T emp.Derating Graph 0.03%/°C Ripple 20Hz to 300KHz Bandwidth 4060mVp-p NoiseDC-20MHz Bandwidth80150mVp-p Switching frequency 100% load, nominal input voltage 200400KHz Switching frequency10% load, nominal input voltage7001000KHzCTDD2210SF-D1.5K-2 SeriesWide Input Isolated & Regulated2W Output, Dual OutputNot shown at actual size.FEATURESEfficiency :T o 83%Temperature Range:-40°C to +85°C Isolation: 1.5KVDC Package:UL94-V0Miscellaneous:Wide (2:1) Input Range.Dual Output.No heat sink required.Industry Standard Pinout.Remote ON/OFF .Samples available.Output Short Circuit Protection:Continuous Temperature Rise at Full Load:30°C (T yp.)Cooling:Free air convectionNo Load,Power Consumption:100mW (typical)Operating Temperature Range:-40°C to +85°C Storage Temperature Range:-55°C to +125°CLead Temperature:300°C (1.5mm from case for 10 seconds)Storage Humidity Range:<95%Case Material:Plastic (UL94-V0)MTBF:>1,000,000 hoursMiscellaneous:RoHS Compliant.Note:1.All specifications measured at T A=25°C, humidity<75%, nominal input voltage and rated output unless otherwise specified.120806040u t p u t P o w e r (%)100Safe Operating AreaRoHSCompliantTemperature Derating GraphOUTLINE DIMENSIONS & RECOMMENDED FOOTPRINT DETAILS123567822.0012.0017.78 2.109.502.542.54ø1.00+0.15/-01.50Note: All Pin s on a 2.54mm pitch; All Pin di a meter s a re 0.50mm (T oler a nce: ±0.10); a ll dimen s ion s in mm..CTDD2210S F-D1.5K-2 P a ck a gePIN CONNECTIONS1 2 3 5 6 7 8Pin 1235678F u nction GND Vin CTRL NC +Vo OV -VoCTRLWhen open or high impedance, converter work well. When control pin positive referenced to the negative input (equal to import to earth), converter shutdown. Please note that the input current should be between 5-10mA, exeeding the maximum 20mA will cause permanent damage to converter.CTDD2210SF-D1.5K-2 SeriesWide Input Isolated & Regulated2W Output, Dual Outputlpn t (A )Figure 2Vin C in C o u t (0+70°C)C o u t (-40+85°C)5V &100µF100µF 47µF All the CTDD2210S F-D1.5K-2 S erie s h a ve b een te s ted a ccording to the following recommended te s ting circ u it b efore le a ving f a ctory . Thi s s erie s s ho u ld b e te s ted u nder lo a d. Never b e te s ted u nder no lo a d (S ee fig u re 1). If yo u w a nt to f u rther decre as e the inp u t/o u tp u t ripple, yo u c a n incre as c a p a cit a nce properly or choo s e c a p a citor s with low E S R. However, the c a p a cit a nce s ho u ld not b e too high (S ee t ab le 1). If yo u w a nt to us e the prod u ct s in high EMI, ple as e choo s e o u r met a l p a ck a ged prod u ct s .Fig u re 1Extern a l C a p a citor T ab le (t ab le 1)+++DC-DC +VinCinCo u t(5-10mA)2763+Vo 0V RECOMMENDED CIRCUIT。



1:X 归零
2:Y 归零
3: Z 归零
四 速度 号 速度 电 速度 机 命 令 1:开启
脉冲高 脉冲低 31 脉冲高 脉冲低 32 脉冲高 脉冲低 33 脉冲高 脉冲低 34 脉冲高 脉冲低 35
反转 掉电 脉冲数赋值 前往坐标 加速启动
赋值为 0 等价于停止 单位为脉冲
表 4-2 限位开关含义
左限位导通为 1 下限位导通 2 都不导通为 0
左限位导通为 1 右限位导通为 2 都不导通为 0
顶限位导通为 1 底限位导通为 2 都不导通为 0
注:如限位值为 210 含义为:Z 轴底限位导通+Y 轴左限位导通为 1+X 限位开关在常态。
虽然步进电机已被广泛地应用,但步进电机并不能象普通的直流电机,交流电机在常规下 使用。它必须由双环形脉冲信号、功率驱动电路等组成控制系统方可使用。因此用好步进电机 却非易事,它涉及到机械、电机、电子及计算机等许多专业知识。
ZJDR-01 运动控制卡是智俊电子潜心研制的一款价格便宜、使用方便的 USB 总线 12 轴运 动控制卡。外壳阳极氧化铝合金外壳,美观,散热好,自带十二轴 1A(峰值 2A)的步进电机 驱动器,驱动 42 电机游刃有余,能直接驱动部分 57 电机,每轴位置指令脉冲频率可达 300KHz, 支持十二轴联动,各自拥有自己的坐标系。启动与停止具有梯形速度控制功能,自带上位机。 并开源上位机源代码,适合二次开发,支持 PC 通过 USB 给控制器发出动作命令,也支持单片 机通过 5V 串口直连控制板,内置 15V 电平转换芯片,可远距离控制,外扩方面拥有 8 路继电 器,能直接控制汽缸,电磁阀,电机等,且能直接控制一个直流电机的正反转(需 4 个继电器配 合),4 路晶体管输出,其中 24 路输入内部上拉,可配置成限位开关(触发坐标变 0,电机即停), 或配置成状态输入(通过串口协议发送状态)。

APT15DQ120KG 1200V 15A 超快软恢复直流恢复矩阵体芯片数据手册说明书

APT15DQ120KG 1200V 15A 超快软恢复直流恢复矩阵体芯片数据手册说明书

Product OverviewThe APT15DQ120KG is a1200V,15A Ultrafast Soft Recovery Rectifier Si Diode in a TO-220package.FeaturesThe following are key features of the APT15DQ120KG device:•Ultrafast recovery times•Soft recovery characteristics•Low forward voltage•Low leakage current•Avalanche-energy rated•RoHS compliant•AEC-Q101qualifiedBenefitsThe following are benefits of the APT15DQ120KG device:•High switching frequency•Low switching losses•Low noise(EMI)switching•Higher reliability systems•Increased system power densityApplicationsThe APT15DQ120KG device is designed for the following applications:•Power factor correction(PFC)•Anti-parallel diode◦Switch-mode power supply◦Inverters/converters◦Motor controllers•Freewheeling diode◦Switch-mode power supply◦Inverters/converters•Snubber/clamp diodeThis section shows the specifications of the APT15DQ120KG device.Absolute Maximum RatingsThe following table shows the absolute maximum ratings of the APT15DQ120KG device.T C=25°C,unless otherwise specified.Table1•Absolute Maximum RatingsSymbolRatingParameterUnit V R1200V Maximum DC reverse voltageV RRMMaximum peak repetitive reverse voltageMaximum working peak reverse voltageV RWMI F(AV)15Maximum average forward current(T C=127°C,duty cycle=0.5)AI FSMNon-repetitive forward surge current(T J=45°C,8.3ms)110E AVLAvalanche-energy(1A,40mH)mJ20The following table shows the thermal and mechanical characteristics of the APT15DQ120KG device. Table2•Thermal and Mechanical CharacteristicsUnitMaxSymbolCharacteristicTypMinRθJCJunction-to-case thermal resistance1.18°C/WT J,T STGOperating and storage temperature range−55°C175T L300Lead temperature for10secondsWtPackage weight0.07oz1.9glbf•m Mounting torque,6-32or M3screw101.1N•mElectrical PerformanceThe following table shows the static characteristics of the APT15DQ120KG device.T J =25°C,unless otherwise specified.Table 3•Static CharacteristicsUnit Max Typ MinTest Conditions Characteristic Symbol V3.32.8I F =15A Forward voltageV F3.4I F =30A2.5I F =15A,T J =125°CµA100V R =1200VMaximum reverse leakage currentI RM500V R =1200V,T J =125°CpF 17V R =200VJunction capacitanceC JThe following table shows the dynamic characteristics of the APT15DQ120KG device.Table 4•Dynamic CharacteristicsUnit MaxTyp MinTest ConditionsCharacteristic Symbol ns21I F =1A;di F /dt =–100A/µs V R =30VReverse recovery timet rrns240I F =15A;di F /dt =–200A/µs V R =800VReverse recovery time t rr nC 260Reverse recovery chargeQ rr A 3Maximum reverse recovery current I RRM ns290I F =15A;di F /dt =–200A/µs V R =800V;T J =125°CReverse recovery time t rr nC 960Reverse recovery chargeQ rr A 6Maximum reverse recovery current I RRM ns130I F =15A;di F /dt =–1000A/µs V R =800V;T J =125°CReverse recovery time t rr nC 1340Reverse recovery chargeQ rr A19Maximum reverse recovery currentI RRMTypical Performance CurvesThis section shows the typical performance curves of the APT15DQ120KG device.Figure 1•Maximum Transient Thermal ImpedanceFigure 3•Reverse Recovery Time vs.Current Rate of ChangeFigure 2•Forward Current vs.Forward VoltageFigure 5 • Reverse Recovery Current vs. Current Rate of ChangeFigure 4 • Reverse Recovery Charge vs. Current Rate of ChangeFigure 7•Maximum Average Forward Current vs.Case TemperatureFigure 6 • Dynamic Parameters vs. Junction Temperature Figure 8•Junction Capacitance vs.Reverse VoltageThe following figure illustrates the diode test circuit of the APT15DQ120KG device.Figure9•Diode Test CircuitThe following figure illustrates the diode reverse recovery waveform and definitions of the APT15DQ120KGdevice.Figure10•Diode Reverse Recovery Waveform and Definitions1.I F—Forward conduction current.2.di F/dt—Rate of diode current change through zero crossing.3.I RRM—Maximum reverse recovery current.4.t rr—Reverse recovery time,measured from zero crossing where diode current goes from positive tonegative,to the point at which the straight line through I RRM and0.25•I RRM passes through zero.5.Q rr—Area under the curve defined by I RRM and t rr.This section shows the package specification of the APT15DQ120KG device. Package Outline DrawingThe following figure illustrates the TO-220package outline of the APT15DQ120KG device.Figure11•Package Outline DrawingThe following table shows the TO-220dimensions and should be used in conjunction with the package outline drawing.Table5•TO-220DimensionsMINSYMBOLMINMAXMAX[mm][mm][INCH][INCH]A4.320.1804.570.170B1.141.400.0550.0452.50C2.740.1080.098D0.360.0210.0140.53E2.650.1203.050.104F3.600.1563.960.14214.50G15.600.5710.614H2.390.1443.650.094I6.006.800.2680.2368.40J9.000.3540.33113.00K14.000.5510.512L1.231.390.0480.055M0.690.880.0350.027N10.0010.360.4080.394O7.570.3117.900.298P12.200.48013.100.516Q2.54BSC0.100BSCTERMINAL1CATHODEANODETERMINAL2CATHODETERMINAL3Microsemi's product warranty is set forth in Microsemi's Sales Order Terms and rmation contained in this publication is provided for the sole purpose of designing with and using Microsemi rmation regarding device applications and the like is provided only for your convenience and may be superseded by updates.Buyer shall not rely on any data and performance specifications or parameters provided by Microsemi.It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications.THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS."MICROSEMI MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,WRITTEN OR ORAL,STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE,RELATED TO THE INFORMATION,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ITS CONDITION,QUALITY ,PERFORMANCE,NON-INFRINGEMENT,MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.IN NO EVENT WILL MICROSEMI BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT,SPECIAL,PUNITIVE,INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS,DAMAGE,COST OR EXPENSE WHATSOEVER RELATED TO THIS INFORMATION OR ITS USE,HOWEVER CAUSED,EVEN IF MICROSEMI HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OR THE DAMAGES ARE FORESEEABLE.TO THE FULLEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW,MICROSEMI’S TOTAL LIABILITY ON ALL CLAIMS IN RELATED TO THIS INFORMATION OR ITS USE WILL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF FEES,IF ANY ,YOU PAID DIRECTLY TO MICROSEMI FOR THIS e of Microsemi devices in life support,mission-critical equipment or applications,and/or safety applications is entirely at the buyer’s risk,and the buyer agrees to defend and indemnify Microsemi from any and all damages,claims,suits,or expenses resulting from such use.No licenses are conveyed,implicitly or otherwise,under any Microsemi intellectual property rights unless otherwisestated.Microsemi2355W.Chandler Blvd.Chandler,AZ 85224USAWithin the USA:+1(480)792-7200Fax:+1(480)792-7277 ©2020Microsemi and its corporate affiliates.All rights reserved.Microsemi and the Microsemi logo are trademarks of Microsemi Corporation and its corporate affiliates.All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.Microsemi Corporation,a subsidiary of Microchip Technology Inc.(Nasdaq:MCHP),and its corporate affiliates are leading providers of smart,connected and secure embedded control solutions.Their easy-to-use development tools and comprehensive product portfolio enable customers to create optimal designs which reduce risk while lowering total system cost and time to market.These solutions serve more than 120,000customers across the industrial,automotive,consumer,aerospace and defense,communications and computing markets.Headquartered in Chandler,Arizona,the company offers outstanding technical support along with dependable delivery and quality.Learn more at .053-4222|April 2020|ReleasedLegal。



1. General descriptionThe ADC1215S is a single channel 12-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) optimized forhigh dynamic performance and low power consumption at sample rates up to 125Msps. Pipelined architecture and output error correction ensure the ADC1215S is accurateenough to guarantee zero missing codes over the entire operating range. Supplied from a single 3 V source, it can handle output logic levels from 1.8V to 3.3V in CMOS mode because of a separate digital output supply.The ADC1215S supports the Low Voltage Differential Signalling (LVDS) Double Data Rate (DDR) output standard. An integrated Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) allows the user to easily configure the ADC.The device also includes a SPI programmable full-scale to allow flexible input voltage range from 1V to 2V (peak-to-peak). With excellent dynamic performance from the baseband to input frequencies of 170MHz or more, the ADC1215S is ideal for use in communications, imaging and medical applications - especially in high Intermediate Frequency (IF) applications because of the integrated input buffer. The input buffer ensures that the input impedance remains constant and low and the performance consistent over a wide frequency range.2. Features and benefitsADC1215S seriesSingle 12-bit ADC; 65 Msps, 80 Msps, 105 Msps or 125 Msps with input buffer; CMOS or LVDS DDR digital outputsRev. 2 — 13 January 2011Product data sheetSNR, 70 dBFS / SFDR, 86 dBc Input bandwidth, 600MHzSample rate up to 125 MspsPower dissipation, 635mW at 80Msps,including analog input buffer 12-bit pipelined ADC coreSPIClock input divided by 2 for less jittercontributionDuty cycle stabilizerIntegrated input bufferFast OuT-of-Range (OTR) detection Flexible input voltage range: 1V (p-p) to2V (p-p)Offset binary, two’s complement, graycodeCMOS or LVDS DDR digital outputs Power-down and Sleep modes Pin compatible with the ADC1415Sseries, the ADC1015S series and the ADC1115S125HVQFN40 package3. Applications4. Ordering informationWireless and wired broadbandcommunicationsSpectral analysis Portable instrumentation Ultrasound equipment Imaging systemsSoftware defined radioDigital predistortion loop, poweramplifier linearizationTable 1.Ordering informationType numberf s (Msps)PackageNameDescriptionVersion ADC1215S125HN/C1125HVQFN40plastic thermal enhanced very thin quad flat package; noleads; 40 terminals; body 6×6×0.85mm SOT618-6ADC1215S105HN/C1105HVQFN40plastic thermal enhanced very thin quad flat package; noleads; 40 terminals; body 6×6×0.85mm SOT618-6ADC1215S080HN/C180HVQFN40plastic thermal enhanced very thin quad flat package; noleads; 40 terminals; body 6×6×0.85mm SOT618-6ADC1215S065HN/C165HVQFN40plastic thermal enhanced very thin quad flat package; noleads; 40 terminals; body 6×6×0.85mmSOT618-65. Block diagram6. Pinning information6.1Pinning6.2Pin descriptionTable 2.Pin description (CMOS digital outputs)Symbol Pin Type[1]DescriptionREFB1O bottom referenceREFT2O top referenceAGND3G analog groundVCM4O common-mode output voltageVDDA5V5P 5 V analog power supplyAGND6G analog groundINM7I complementary analog inputINP8I analog inputAGND9G analog groundVDDA3V10P 3 V analog power supplyVDDA3V11P 3 V analog power supplyCLKP12I clock inputCLKM13I complementary clock inputDEC14O regulator decoupling nodeOE15I output enable, active LOWPWD16I power down, active HIGHTable 2.Pin description (CMOS digital outputs) …continuedSymbol Pin Type[1]DescriptionD1117O data output bit 11 (Most Significant Bit (MSB))D1018O data output bit 10D919O data output bit 9D820O data output bit 8D721O data output bit 7D622O data output bit 6D523O data output bit 5D424O data output bit 4D325O data output bit 3D226O data output bit 2D127O data output bit 1D028O data output bit 0 (Least Significant Bit (LSB))n.c.29-not connectedn.c.30-not connectedDAV31O data valid output clockn.c.32-not connectedVDDO33P output power supplyOGND34G output groundOTR35O out of rangeSCLK/DFS36I SPI clock / data format selectSDIO/ODS37I/O SPI data IO / output data standardCS38I SPI chip selectSENSE39I reference programming pinVREF40I/O voltage reference input/output[1]P: power supply; G: ground; I: input; O: output; I/O: input/output.Table 3.Pin description (LVDS/DDR) digital outputs)Symbol Pin[1]Type[2]DescriptionD10_D11_M17O differential output data D10 and D11 multiplexed, complement D10_D11_P18O differential output data D10 and D11 multiplexed, trueD8_D9_M19O differential output data D8 and D9 multiplexed, complement D8_D9_P20O differential output data D8 and D9 multiplexed, trueD6_D7_M21O differential output data D6 and D7 multiplexed, complement D6_D7_P22O differential output data D6 and D7 multiplexed, trueD4_D5_M23O differential output data D4 and D5 multiplexed, complement D4_D5_P24O differential output data D4 and D5 multiplexed, trueD2_D3_M25O differential output data D2 and D3 multiplexed, complement D2_D3_P26O differential output data D2 and D3 multiplexed, trueD0_D1_M27O differential output data D0 and D1 multiplexed, complement D0_D1_P28O differential output data D0 and D1 multiplexed, truen.c.29-not connected[1]Pins 1 to 16 and pins 33 to 40 are the same for both CMOS and LVDS DDR outputs (see Table 2)[2]P: power supply; G: ground; I: input; O: output; I/O: input/output.7. Limiting values8. Thermal characteristics[1]Value for 6 layers board in still air with a minimum of 25 thermal vias.n.c.30-not connectedDAVM 31O data valid output clock, complement DAVP32Odata valid output clock, trueTable 3.Pin description …continued (LVDS/DDR) digital outputs)Symbol Pin [1]Type [2]Description Table 4.Limiting valuesIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).Symbol Parameter ConditionsMin Max Unit V Ooutput voltagepins D11 to D0 orpins D10_D11_P to D0_D1_P and D10_D11_M to D0_D1_M −0.4+3.9VV DDA(3V)analog supply voltage3V on pin VDDA3V −0.5+4.6V V DDA(5V)analog supply voltage5V on pin VDDA5V−0.5+6.0V V DDO output supply voltage −0.5+4.6V T stg storage temperature −55+125°C T amb ambient temperature −40+85°C T jjunction temperature-125°CTable 5.Thermal characteristics Symbol ParameterConditionsTyp Unit R th(j-a)thermal resistance from junction to ambient [1]30.5K/W R th(j-c)thermal resistance from junction to case[1]13.3K/W9. Static characteristicsTable 6.Static characteristics[1]Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit SuppliesV DDA(5V)analog supply voltage 5 V 4.75 5.0 5.25VV DDA(3V)analog supply voltage 3 V 2.85 3.0 3.4VV DDO output supply voltage CMOS mode 1.65 1.8 3.6VLVDS DDR mode 2.85 3.0 3.6VI DDA(5V)analog supply current 5 V f clk=125Msps;-46-mAf i=70MHz-205-mA I DDA(3V)analog supply current 3 V f clk=125Msps;f i=70MHzI DDO output supply current CMOS mode;-12-mAf clk=125Msps;f i=70MHz-39-mALVDS DDR mode:f clk=125Msps;f i=70MHzP power dissipation ADC1215S125;-840-mWanalog supply only-770-mWADC1215S105;analog supply onlyADC1215S080;-635-mWanalog supply only-580-mWADC1215S065;analog supply onlyPower-down mode-2-mWStandby mode-40-mW Clock inputs: pins CLKP and CLKMLVPECLV i(clk)dif differential clock input voltage peak-to-peak- 1.6-V SINE waveV i(clk)dif differential clock input voltage peak-±3.0-V LVCMOSV IL LOW-level input voltage--0.3V DDA(3V)VV IH HIGH-level input voltage0.7V DDA(3V)--V Logic inputs: pins PWD and OEV IL LOW-level input voltage0-0.8VV IH HIGH-level input voltage2-V DDA(3V)VI IL LOW-level input current-55-μA I IH HIGH-level input current-65-μA Serial peripheral interface: pins CS, SDIO/ODS, SCLK/DFSV IL LOW-level input voltage0-0.3V DDA(3V)VV IH HIGH-level input voltage0.7V DDA(3V)-V DDA(3V)VI IL LOW-level input current −10-+10μA I IH HIGH-level input current −50-+50μA C Iinput capacitance-4-pFDigital outputs, CMOS mode: pins D11 to D0, OTR, DAV Output levels, V DDO =3V V OL LOW-level output voltage OGND -0.2V DDO V V OH HIGH-level output voltage 0.8V DDO -V DDO V C Ooutput capacitancehigh impedance; OE =HIGH-3-pFOutput levels, V DDO =1.8V V OL LOW-level output voltage OGND -0.2V DDO V V OHHIGH-level output voltage0.8V DDO-V DDOVDigital outputs, LVDS mode: pins D10_D11_P to D0_D1_P , D10_D11_M to D0_D1_M, DAVP and DAVM Output levels, V DDO =3V only, R load =100ΩV O(offset)output offset voltage output buffer current set to 3.5mA - 1.2-V V O(dif)differential output voltage output buffer current set to 3.5mA-350-mV C O output capacitance -3-pF Analog inputs: pins INP and INMI I input current −5-+5μA R I input resistance -550-ΩC I input capacitance- 1.3-pF V I(cm)common-mode input voltage V INP =V INM0.9 1.52V B i input bandwidth -600-MHz V I(dif)differential input voltage peak-to-peak 1-2V Common mode output voltage: pin VCMV O(cm)common-mode output voltage -0.5V DDA(3V)-V I O(cm)common-mode output current -4-mA I/O reference voltage: pin VREFV VREFvoltage on pin VREFoutput -0.5 to 1-V input 0.5-1VTable 6.Static characteristics [1] …continuedSymbol ParameterConditionsMin Typ Max Unit[1]Typical values measured at V DDA(3V)=3V, V DDO =1.8V, V DDA(5V)=5V;T amb =25°C and C L =5pF; minimum and maximum values are across the full temperature range T amb =−40°C to +85°C at V DDA(3V)=3V,V DDO =1.8V, V DDA(5V)=5V,V INP −V INM =−1dBFS; internal reference mode; applied to CMOS and LVDS interface; unless otherwise specified.Accuracy INL integral non-linearity −1.25±0.25+1.25LSB DNL differential non-linearity guaranteed no missing codes −0.25±0.12+0.25LSB E offset offset error -±2-mV E G gain error-±0.5-%FS Supply PSRRpower supply rejection ratio200mV (p-p) on V DDA(3V)-−54-dBcTable 6.Static characteristics [1] …continuedSymbol ParameterConditionsMin Typ Max UnitADC1215S_SER All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers.© NXP B.V. 2011. All rights reserved.Product data sheet Rev. 2 — 13 January 2011 10 of 42NXP SemiconductorsADC1215S seriesSingle 12-bit ADC; input buffer; CMOS or LVDS DDR digital output10.Dynamic characteristics10.1Dynamic characteristicsTable 7.Dynamic characteristics [1]SymbolParameter Conditions ADC1215S065ADC1215S080ADC1215S105ADC1215S125UnitMinTyp MaxMinTyp MaxMinTyp MaxMinTyp MaxAnalog signal processing α2Hsecondharmonic levelf i =3MHz -87--87--86--88-dBc f i =30MHz -86--86--86--87-dBc f i =70MHz -85--85--84--85-dBc f i =170MHz-82--82--81--83-dBc α3Hthird harmonic levelf i =3MHz -86--86--85--87-dBc f i =30MHz -85--85--85--86-dBc f i =70MHz -84--84--83--84-dBc f i =170MHz-81--81--80--82-dBc THDtotal harmonic distortionf i =3MHz -83--83--82--84-dBc f i =30MHz -82--82--82--83-dBc f i =70MHz -81--81--80--81-dBc f i =170MHz-78--78--77--79-dBc ENOBeffectivenumber of bitsf i =3MHz -11.3--11.3--11.3--11.3-bits f i =30MHz -11.3--11.3--11.3--11.2-bits f i =70MHz -11.2--11.2--11.2--11.2-bits f i =170MHz-11.1--11.1--11.1--11.1-bits SNRsignal-to-noise ratiof i =3MHz -70.0--69.9--69.8--69.6-dBFS f i =30MHz -69.5--69.5--69.5--69.4-dBFS f i =70MHz -69.2--69.2--69.1--69.0-dBFS f i =170MHz-68.8--68.8--68.7--68.6-dBFS SFDRspurious-free dynamic rangef i =3MHz -86--86--85--87-dBc f i =30MHz -85--85--85--86-dBc f i =70MHz -84--84--83--84-dBc f i =170MHz-81--81--80--82-dBch t t p ://o n e i c .c o m /分销商库存信息:NXPADC1215S065HN/C1,5ADC1215S080HN/C1:5ADC1215S065HN/C1:5 ADC1215S105HN/C1,5ADC1215S080HN/C1,5ADC1215S105HN/C1:5 ADC1215S125HN/C1,5ADC1215S125HN/C1:5。



The DS1215 Phantom Time Chip is a combination of a CMOS timekeeper and a nonvolatile memory controller. In the absence of power, an external battery maintains the timekeeping operation and provides power for a CMOS static RAM. The watch keeps track of hundredths of seconds, seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month, and year information. The last day of the month is automatically adjusted for months with less than 31 days, including correction for leap year every four years. The watch operates in one of two formats: a 12–hour mode with an AM/PM indicator or a 24–hour mode. The nonvolatile controller supplies all the necessary support circuitry to convert a CMOS RAM to a nonvolatile memory. The DS1215 can be interfaced with either RAM or ROM without leaving gaps in memory.

























SDC1215 低功耗霍尔开关 数据手册说明书

SDC1215 低功耗霍尔开关 数据手册说明书





特点⏹极低的功耗设计⏹工作电压范围:1.65V~5.5V⏹输出方式:CMOS输出⏹斩波放大器设计,对因工艺、工作温度和机械应力产生的噪声和失调敏感度低⏹不区分磁场极性,N极和S极均可使用⏹封装形式:SOT-23-3、TO-92S、DFN-4L应用⏹触屏式手机、平板电脑⏹笔记本电脑、数码相机⏹玩具、游戏机⏹家用电器SOT-23-3 TO-92SDFN-4L图1.封装形式数据手册低功耗霍尔开关SDC1215管脚描述图2.管脚排布编号名称描述SOT-23-3TO-92S DFN-4L114VDD电源322GND地231OUT输出----------3NC悬空表1.管脚描述数据手册低功耗霍尔开关SDC1215功能框图图3.功能框图数据手册低功耗霍尔开关SDC1215订购信息封装温度范围产品编号标识编号包装形式无铅无卤无铅无卤TO-92S -40°C ~125°C SDC1215AZS-E1SDC1215AZS-G112151215G 袋装SOT-23-3SDC1215AJTR-E1SDC1215AJTR-G112151215G 编带DFN-4L SDC1215ADNTR-E1SDC1215ADNTR-G112151215G 编带TO-92S -40°C ~125°C SDC1215BZS-E1SDC1215BZS-G112151215G 袋装SOT-23-3SDC1215BJTR-E1SDC1215BJTR-G112151215G 编带DFN-4L SDC1215BDNTR-E1SDC1215BDNTR-G112151215G 编带TO-92S -40°C ~125°C SDC1215CZS-E1SDC1215CZS-G112151215G 袋装SOT-23-3SDC1215CJTR-E1SDC1215CJTR-G112151215G 编带DFN-4L SDC1215CDNTR-E1SDC1215CDNTR-G112151215G 编带TO-92S -40°C ~125°C SDC1215DZS-E1SDC1215DZS-G112151215G 袋装SOT-23-3SDC1215DJTR-E1SDC1215DJTR-G112151215G 编带DFN-4LSDC1215DDNTR-E1SDC1215DDNTR-G112151215G编带数据手册低功耗霍尔开关SDC1215极限参数(注意:应用不要超过最大值,以防止损坏。



FeaturesElectrical Specifications (measured at T A = 25°C,at nominal input voltage and rated output current unless otherwise specified)Input Voltage Range V IN (continuous operation)5V types 4.5VDC min./ 5.5VDC max.12V types 10.8VDC min./ 13.2VDC max.24V types 21.6VDC min./ 26.4VDC max.48V types43.2VDC min./ 52.8VDC max.Reflected Ripple Current (depending on the type)50 mA p-p min.to 200 mA p-p max.Output Voltage Accuracy (depending on the type)–5% min./ 7.5% max.Line Regulation (highV IN to low V IN )1.0% min./ 1.2% max.of V INLoad Regulation (10% load to rated load) (depending on the type)3% typ./ 10% max.Ripple and Noise (BW=DC to 20MHz) (depending on the type)70mVp-p min./ 200mVp-p max.Isolation Voltage (flash tested for 1 second)1000VDC min.Test Voltage (50Hz,10 seconds)1000 Vpk min.Resistance (Viso = 500V)1G Ωmin./ 10 G Ωtyp.Switching Frequency at Full Load (depending on the type)80kHz min./ 95kHz max.Package Weight SIP types 2.76 g DIP types2.85 g Efficiency (100% load)70% min.Power Consumption (0% load)300mW typ.Operating Temperature Range (all output types)–40°C min.to +85°C max.(see graph)Storage Temperature Range–50°C to +130°C Case Temperature Above Ambient (depending on the type)+25°C min./ +30°C max.MTTF 2) (depending on the type))–40°C 134kHrs min./ 2004kHrs max.+25°C 112kHrs min./ 1574kHrs max.+85°C93kHrs min./ 1101kHrs max.2).Calculated using MIL-HDBK-217F with nominal input voltage at full load.Please contact us,if you need exact parameters for the converter you have selected.Absolute Maximum RatingsInput Voltage V IN05V types 7VDC 12V types 15VDC 24V types 28VDC 48V types54VDC Short Circuit Duration 1) 1 s Internal Power Dissipation300mW Lead Temperature (1.5mm from case for 10 seconds)300°C1).Supply voltage must be discontinued at the end of the short circuit duration.Typical Characteristics,Tolerance Envelope and Derating Graph。



7 PIN SIP Package
7.05 10.20
RECOM RD-xxxxD ****
Dual Output RECOM RD-0505D ****
0.51 typ.
0.51 typ.
1 2
4 5 6
Recommended Footprint Details
19.65 1.27 2.0
1.00 ø+0.15/0
Bottom View
9 8 Top View
XX.X ± 0.5 mm XX.XX ± 0.25 mm

Specifications (Core Operating Area)
Input Voltage Range Output Voltage Accuracy Line Voltage Regulation Load Voltage Regulation (10% to 100% full load) Output Ripple and Noise (20MHz limited) Operating Frequency Efficiency at Full Load No Load Power Consumption Isolation Voltage Rated Working Voltage Isolation Voltage Rated Working Voltage Isolation Capacitance Isolation Resistance Short Circuit Protection P-Suffix Operating Temperature Range (free air convection) Storage Temperature Range Relative Humidity Package Weight MTBF (+25°C) (+85°C) H-Suffix H-Suffix 3.3V output types 5V output type 9V, 12V, 15V, 24V output types ±10% ±5% 1.2%/1% of Vin typ. 20% max. 15% max. 10% max. 150mVp-p max. 34kHz min. / 50kHz typ. / 85kHz max. 70% min. / 80% typ. 163mW min. / 223mW typ. / 350mW max. (tested for 1 second) 1000VDC min. (long term isolation) see Application Notes. (tested for 1 second) (long term isolation) 2000VDC min. see Application Notes 40pF min. / 115pF max.



Electrical Characteristics Electrical ConnectionsCharacteristicSymNotesMin TypMaxUnitsNominal 1 dB Center Frequencyf C1413.7MHz Passband Insertion Loss 411.6 to 415.9 MHz IL1.82.8dBVSWR 411.6 to 415.9 MHz 1.5:12:1Rejection0.3 to 400.0 MHz 1, 2, 32527dB421.6 to 425.9 MHz 3050425.9 to 1700 MHz 23271700 to 2000 MHz1821Operating Temperature Range T A1-30+80°CImpedance at f cSource, single ended 50 ohm Load, single ended50 ohmCase StyleSM3838-6 3.8 x 3.8 mm Nominal FootprintLid Symbolization (Y=year, WW=week, S=shift) dot=pin 1 indicator 643, YWWS Standard Reel Quantity Reel Size 7 Inch 1000 Pieces/Reel Reel Size 13 Inch3000 Pieces/ReelConnection TerminalsPort 12Port 25Case GroundAll others•CDMA 450 F-Band RF SAW Filter•3.8 x 3.8 x 1.4 mm Surface-mount Package •Complies with Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS)Absolute Maximum Ratings RatingValueUnitsMaximum Incident Power in Passband+30dBm Maximum DC Voltage between any Two Terminals 30VDC Storage Temperature Range-40 to +85°CSuitable for Lead-free Soldering - Maximum Soldering Profile260°C for 30 s413.7 MHz SAW FilterSF1214D1.Unless noted otherwise, all specifications apply over the operating temper-ature range with filter soldered to the specified demonstration board with impedance matching to 50 Ω and measured with 50 Ω network analyzer.2.Unless noted otherwise, all frequency specifications are referenced to the nominal center frequency, fc.3.Rejection is measured as attenuation below the minimum IL point in the passband. Rejection in final user application is dependent on PCB layout and external impedance matching design. See Application Note No. 42 for details.4."LRIP" or "L" after the part number indicates "low rate initial production"and "ENG" or "E" indicates "engineering prototypes."5.The design, manufacturing process, and specifications of this filter are subject to change.6.Either Port 1 or Port 2 may be used for either input or output in the design. However, impedances and impedance matching may vary between Port 1 and Port 2, so that the filter must always be installed in one direction per the circuit design. and international patents may apply.8.RFM, stylized RFM logo, and RF Monolithics, Inc. are registered trademarks of RF Monolithics, Inc.PbCAUTION: Electrostatic Sensitive Device. Observe precautions for handling.Notes:Passband PlotWideband PlotVSWRS11 and S22 PlotsTape and Reel Specifications“B “Nominal SizeQuantity Per ReelInches millimeters71781000133303000COMPONENT ORIENTATION and DIMENSIONSCarrier Tape DimensionsAo 4.25 mmBo 4.25 mmKo 1.30 mmPitch8.0 mmW12.0mm6-Terminal Ceramic Surface-Mount Case3.8 X 3.8 mm Nominal FootprintCase DimensionsDimensionmm InchesMinNomMaxMinNomMaxA 3.60 3.80 3.60 3.80 1.30 1.50 1.700.050.060.067D 0.95 1.10 1.250.0370.0430.05E 2.39 2.54 2.690.0900.100.110G 0.90 1.0 1.100.0350.040.043H 1.90 2.0 2.100.750.080.83I 0.500.60.700.0200.0240.028J1.701.81.900.0670.070.075Electrical Connections ConnectionTerminalsPort 1Single Ended Input 2Port 2Single Ended Output 5GroundAll othersSingle Ended Operation Only Dot indicates Pin 1MaterialsSolder Pad Ter-mination Au plating 30 - 60 µinches (76.2-152 µm) over 80-200 µinches (203-508 µm) Ni.LidFe-Ni-Co Alloy Electroless Nickel Plate (8-11% Phospho-rus) 100-200 µinches Thick Body Al 2O 3 CeramicPb FreeSM3838-6 CaseTOP VIEW BOTTOM VIEWPCB Footprint分销商库存信息: RFMSF1214D。



For recommended applications and more information contact: USA: Sales Support (877) 502-5500 Tech Support (877) 702-7700 FAX (619) 710-8540 Crydom Inc., 2320 Paseo de las Americas, Ste. 201, San Diego, CA 92154 Email: sales@ WEB SITE: UK: +44 (0)1202 606030 • FAX +44 (0)1202 606035 Crydom SSR Ltd., Arena Business Centre, Holyrood Close, Poole, Dorset BH17 7FJ, Email: intsales@. GERMANY: +49 (0)180 3000 506
2500 Vrms 10 9 Ohm
50 pF
Ambient Operating Temperature Range
-20 to 80ºC
Ambient Storage Temperature Range
-20 to 125ºC
© 2008 CRYDOM Inc., Specifications subject to change without notice.
For recommended applications and more information contact: USA: Sales Support (877) 502-5500 Tech Support (877) 702-7700 FAX (619) 710-8540 Crydom Inc., 2320 Paseo de las Americas, Ste. 201, San Diego, CA 92154 Email: sales@ WEB SITE: UK: +44 (0)1202 606030 • FAX +44 (0)1202 606035 Crydom SSR Ltd., Arena Business Centre, Holyrood Close, Poole, Dorset BH17 7FJ, Email: intsales@. GERMANY: +49 (0)180 3000 506















型号:科蒂斯1221B串励电机速度控制器类型:24-36 V, 600 A;36-48 V, 550 A;48-72 V, 500 A适用范围:是多种工业电动车辆的理想选择。






























Dual –Vin +Vin Com –Vout +Vout No Pin NC
XX.X ± 0.5 mm XX.XX ± 0.25 mm
EC 50
August 2002

RTS/RTD Series, 2 Watt, SMD (Single & Dual Output) Features
● ● ●
1kVDC Isolation Efficiency to 70% UL 94V-0 Package Material
Recommended Footprint Details
Pin Connections
10 12.70 1 2
7 12.70 4 5 1.20 1.80
8 1 2
5 4 1.20 1.80
Pin # Single 1 –Vin 2 +Vin 4 –Vout 5 +Vout 7 No Pin 8 NC 10 No Pin NC = No Connection
● ●
Toroidal Magnetics Internal SMD Construction
Selection Guide
Part SMD RTS-XX3.3 RTS-XX05 RTS-XX09 RTS-XX12 RTS-XX15 RTS-XX24 RTD-XX3.3 RTD-XX05 RTD-XX09 RTD-XX12 RTD-XX15 RTD-XX24 Input Number (VDC) 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 Output Voltage (VDC) 3.3 5 9 12 15 24 ±3.3 ±5 ±9 ±12 ±15 ±24 Output Voltage (mA) 606 400 222 167 133 83 ±303 ±200 ±111 ±83 ±66 ±42 Efficienc Current (%) 70 70 75 75 75 78 70 70 75 75 75 78



NCP1215Low Cost Variable OFF Time Switched Mode Power Supply ControllerThe NCP1215 is a controller for low power off−line flyback Switchemode Power Supplies (SMPS) featuring low size, weight and cost constraints together with a good low standby power performance. The operating principle uses switching frequency reduction at light load by increasing the OFF Time. Also, when OFF Time expands, thepeak current is gradually reduced down to approximately 1/4 of the maximum peak current to prevent from exciting the transformer mechanical resonances. The risk of acoustic noise is thus greatly diminished while keeping good standby power performance.A low power internal supply block also ensures very low current consumption at startup without hampering the standby power performance.A special primary current sensing technique minimizes the impact of SMPS switching on control IC operation. The choice of peak voltage across the current sense resistor allows dissipation to be further reduced. The negative current sensing technique offers advantages over a traditional approach by avoiding the voltage drop incurred by traditional MOSFET source sensing. Thus, the IC drive capability is greatly improved.Finally, the bulk input ripple ensures a natural frequency dithering which smooths the EMI signature.Features•Variable OFF Time Control Method•Very Low Current Consumption at Startup•Natural Frequency Dithering for Improved EMI Signature •Current Mode Control Operation•Peak Current Compression Reduces Transformer Noise •Programmable Current Sense Resistor Peak V oltage •Undervoltage Lockout•These are Pb−Free DevicesTypical Applications•Auxiliary Power Supply•Standby Power Supply•AC−DC Adapter•Off−line Battery Charger8SOIC−8D SUFFIXCASE 75118534(Top View)FBCSNCPIN CONNECTIONS762NCCTGND GateV CCMARKINGDIAGRAMSFAA= Specific Device CodeA= Assembly LocationL= Wafer LotY= YearW= Work WeekG= Pb−Free Package6TSOP−6(SOT23−6, SC59−6)SN SUFFIXCASE 318GFAAYW GG16SOIC−813FBCS2GNDCT4Gate6(Top View)5V CCTSOP−6ORDERING INFORMATIONDevice Package Shipping†NCP1215SNT1G TSOP−6(Pb−Free)3000 Tape & Reel†For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our T ape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure, BRD8011/D.NCP1215DR2G SOIC−8(Pb−Free)2500 Tape & ReelFigure 1. Typical ApplicationLineN+−*If your application requires a gate −source resistor, please refer to design guidelines in this document.Figure 2. Representative Block DiagramFBCTCSGNDGateV CCPIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONTSOP−6SOIC−8Symbol Description41FB The FB pin provides voltage feedback loop. The current injected into the pin determines theprimary switch OFF time interval. It also influences the peak value of the primary current.32CT Connection for an external timing programming capacitor.13CS The CS pin senses the power switch current.24GND Primary and internal ground.65Gate Output drive for an external power MOSFET.56Vcc Power supply voltage and Undervoltage Lockout.77NC Unconnected pin.88NC Unconnected pin.MAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Value Unit Power Supply Voltage V cc18VFB Pins Voltage Range V FB−0.3 to 18V CS and CT Pin Voltage Range V in−0.3 to 10V Thermal Resistance, Junction−to−Air (SOIC−8 Version)R q JA178°C/W Junction Temperature T J150°C Storage Temperature Range T stg−60 to +150°C ESD Voltage Protection, Human Body Model (Except CT Pin)V ESD−HBM 2.0kV ESD Voltage Protection, Human Body Model for CT Pin V ESD−HBM−CT 1.5kV ESD Voltage Protection, Machine Model (Except CT Pin)V ESD−MM200V ESD Voltage Protection, Machine Model for CT Pin V ESD−MM−CT150V Stresses exceeding Maximum Ratings may damage the device. Maximum Ratings are stress ratings only. Functional operation above the Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. Extended exposure to stresses above the Recommended Operating Conditions may affect device reliability.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V CC = 12 V, for typical values T j = 25°C, for min/max values T j = 0°C to +105°C, unless otherwise noted.)Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit VOLTAGE FEEDBACKOffset Voltage V offset 1.05 1.19 1.34V Maximum CT Pin Voltage at FB Current = 25 m A (Including V offset)V CT−25m A 2.4 3.1 4.3V Maximum CT Pin Voltage at FB Current = 50 m A (Including V offset)V CT−50m A 3.6 4.6 6.2V CT PIN − OFF TIME CONTROLSource Current (CT Pin Grounded)I CT8.09.811.5m A Source Current Maximum Voltage Capability V CT−max− 6.5−V Minimum CT Pin Voltage (Pin Unloaded, Discharge Switch Turned On)V CT−min−−20mV CURRENT SENSEMinimum Source Current (I FB = 180 m A, CT Pin Grounded)I CS−min8.012.516m A Maximum Source Current (I FB = 0 m A, CT Pin Grounded)I CS−max404958m A Comparator Threshold Voltage V th154280mV Propagation Delay (CS Falling Edge to Gate Output)t delay−215310ns GATE DRIVESink Resistance (I sink= 30 mA)R OL254090W Source Resistance (I source= 30 mA)R OH6080130W POWER SUPPLYV CC Startup Voltage V startup−12.514.2V Undervoltage Lockout Threshold Voltage V UVLO7.29.0−V Hysteresis (V startup− V UVLO)V hys 2.2 3.5−V V CC Startup Current Consumption (V CC= 8.0 V)I CC−start− 2.8 6.5m A V CC Steady State Current ConsumptionI CC−SW0.550.9 1.75mA(C GATE= 1.0 nF, f SW= 100 kHz, FB open)TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS−2511.55011.2250V s t a r t u p , (V )11.0T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)11.6T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)11.111.311.4125V o f f s e t , (V )1.08Figure 3. V startup Threshold vs. JunctionTemperatureFigure 4. V UVLO Threshold vs. JunctionTemperatureFigure 5. Operating Current Consumption vs.Junction TemperatureFigure 6. Offset Voltage vs. JunctionTemperatureT J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 7. Current Sense Source Current vs.Junction TemperatureT J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 8. Current Sense Threshold vs.Junction TemperatureT J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)−258.7508.4250V U V L O , (V )−250.985500.97025I C C −S W , (m A )0.9600.990T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)0.9650.9750.98012575100−2550250125751001.−2548.05046.525I C S −m a x , (m A )45.549.−25555040250V C S −t h , (m V )30653545501257510060−259.9509.6250I C T, (m A )9.4T J, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)10.0T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) C S , (m A )Figure 9. CT pin Source Current vs. JunctionTemperatureFigure 10. CT pin Threshold vs. JunctionTemperatureFigure 11. Drive Sink and Source Resistancevs. Junction Temperature Figure 12. Current Sense Source Current vs.Feedback CurrentI fb , FEEDBACK CURRENT (m A)75100−255010250V C T −m i n , (m V )616812141257510010040R s o u r c e −R s i n k , (W )0120T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)206080APPLICATION INFORMATIONThe NCP1215 implements a current mode SMPS with a variable OFF−time dependant upon output power demand. It can be seen from the typical application that NCP1215 is designed to operate with a minimum number of external component. The NCP1215 incorporates the following features:•Frequency Foldback: Since the switch−off time increases when power demand decreases, the switching frequency naturally diminishes in light load conditions. This helps to minimize switching losses and offers excellent standby power performance.•Very Low Startup Current: The patented internal supply block is specially designed to offer a very low current consumption during startup. It allows the use of a very high value external startup resistor, greatly reducing dissipation, improving efficiency and minimizing standby power consumption.•Natural Frequency Dithering: The quasi−fixed T on mode of operation improves the EMI signature since the switching frequency varies with the natural bulk ripple voltage.•Peak Current Compression: As the load becomes lighter, the frequency decreases and can enter the audible range. To avoid exciting transformer mechanical resonances, hence generating acoustic noise, the NCP1215 includes a patented technique, which reduces the peak current as power goes down. As such, inexpensive transformer can be used without having noise problems.•Negative Primary Current Sensing: By sensingthe total current, this technique does not modify the MOSFET driving voltage (Vgs) while switching. Furthermore, the programming resistor together with the pin capacitance, forms a residual noise filter which blanks spurious spikes. Also fixing primary current level to a maximum value sets the maximum power limit.•Programmable Primary Current Sense: It offers a second peak current adjustment variable which improves the design flexibility.•Secondary or Primary Regulation: The feedback loop arrangement allows simple secondary or primary side regulation without significant additional external components.A detailed description of each internal block within the IC is given in the following.Feedback Loop ControlThe main task of the Feedback Loop Block is to control the SMPS output voltage through the change of primary switch OFF time interval. It sets the peak voltage of the timing capacitor, which varies upon the output power demand. Figure 13 shows the simplified internal schematic: Figure 13. Feedback Loop − OFF Time ControlFBTo OFFTimeVThe voltage feedback signal is sensed as a current injected through the FB pin.Figure 14. FB Loop Transfer CharacteristicOFF−TimeComparatorInputVoltageV DDV offset0 mThe transfer characteristic (output voltage to input current) of the feedback loop control block can be seen in Figure 14. V DD refers to the internal stabilized supply whereas the offset value sets the maximum switching frequency in lack of optocoupler current (e.g. an output short−circuit).To keep the switching frequency above the audio range in light load condition the FB pin also regulates in certain range the peak primary current. The corresponding block diagram can be seen from Figure 15.Figure 15. Feedback Loop − Current Sense ControlFBCSThe resulting current sense regulation characteristic can be seen from Figure 16.Figure 16. Current Sense Regulation CharacteristicC S P i n S o u r c e C u r r e n t12.5 m 50 m 0 m FB Pin Sink CurrentWhen the load goes light, the compression circuitry decreases the peak current. This has the effect of slightly increasing the switching frequency but the compression ratio is selected to not hamper the standby power.OFF Time ControlThe loop signal together with the internal current source,via an external capacitor, controls the switch −off time. This is portrayed in Figure 17.Figure 17. OFF Time ControlFrom Feedback Loop BlockDuring the switch −ON time, the CT capacitor is kept discharged by a MOSFET switch. As soon as the latch output changes to a low state, the voltage across CT created by the internal current source, starts to ramp −up until its value reaches the threshold given by the feedback loop demand.Figure 18. CT Pin Voltage (P out 1 u P out 2 u P out 3)V offsetV DDVCT Pin Voltageoff −minThe voltage that can be observed on CT pin is shown in Figure 18. The bold waveform shows the maximum output power when the OFF time is at its minimum. The IC allows an OFF time of several seconds.Primary Current SensingThe primary current sensing circuit is shown in Figure 19.Figure 19. Primary Current SensingWhen the primary switch is ON, the transformer current flows through the sense resistor R cs . The current creates a voltage, V cs which is negative with respect to GND. Since the comparator connected to CS pin requires a positive voltage, the voltage V shift is developed across the resistor R shift by a current source which level −shifts the negative voltage V cs . The level −shift current is in range from 12.5 to 50 m A depending on the Feedback Loop Control block signal (see more details in the Feedback Loop Control section).The peak primary current is thus equal to:I pk +Rshift R CS·I CS(eq. 1)A typical CS pin voltage waveform is shown in Figure 20.Figure 20. CS Pin VoltageTurn −onVFigure 20 also shows the effect of the inductor current of differing output power demand.The primary current sensing method we described, brings the following benefits compared to the traditional approach:•Maximum peak voltage across the current sense resistor is determined and can be optimized by the value of the shift resistor.•CS pin is not exposed to negative voltage, which could induce a parasitic substrate current within the IC and distort the surrounding internal circuitry.•The gate drive capability is improved because the current sense resistor is located out of the gate driver loop and does not deteriorate the turn −on and also turn −off gate drive amplitude.Gate DriverThe Gate Driver consists of a CMOS buffer designed to directly drive a power MOSFET.It features an unbalanced source and sink capabilities to optimize turn ON and OFF performance without additional external components. Since the power MOSFET turns −off at high drain current, to minimize its turn −off losses the sink capability of the gate driver is increased for a faster turn −off.To the opposite, the source capability is lower to slow −down power MOSFET at turn −on in order to reduce the EMI noise.Whenever the IC supply voltage is lower than the undervoltage threshold, the Gate Driver is low, pulling down the gate to ground. It eliminates the need for an external resistor.Startup CircuitAn external startup resistor is connected between high voltage potential of the input bulk capacitor and Vcc supply capacitor. The value of the resistor can be calculated as follows:R startup +V bulk *V startupI startup(eq. 2)Where:V startupV cc voltage at which IC starts operation (see spec.)I startup Startup current V bulk Input bulk capacitor’s voltageSince the V bulk voltage has obviously much higher value than V startup the equation can be simplified in the following way:R startup +V bulkI startup (eq. 3)The startup current can be calculated as follows:I startup +C Vcc V startupt startup)I CC −start(eq. 4)Where:C Vcc Vcc capacitor value t startup Startup timeI CC −startIC current consumption (see spec.)If the IC current consumption is assumed constant during the startup phase, one can obtain resulting equation for startup resistor calculation:R startup +V bulkC VccV startup t startup)I CC −start(eq. 5)Switching FrequencyThe switching frequency varies with the output load and input voltage. The highest frequency appears at highest input voltage and maximum output power.Since the peak primary current is fixed, the on time portion of the switching period can be calculated:t on +L pI pkV bulk(eq. 6)Where:L p Transformer primary inductance I pk Peak primary currentUsing equation for peak primary current estimation the switch −on time is:t on +L p R shiftR cs ·V bulk50·10−6(eq. 7)Minimum switch −on time occurs at maximum input voltage:t on −min +L p R shiftR cs ·V bulk −max50·10−6(eq. 8)As it can be seen from the above equation, the switch −on time linearly depends on the input bulk capacitor voltage.Since this voltage has ripple due to AC input voltage and input rectifier, it allows natural frequency dithering to improve EMI signature of the SMPS.The switch −off time is determined by the charge of an external capacitor connected to the CT pin. The minimum Toff value can be computed by:t off −min +C T Voffset I Ct +C T 1.210−5(eq. 9)+0.12·106C TWhere:V offset Offset voltage (see spec.)I Ct CT pin source current (see spec.)The maximum switching frequency then can be evaluated by:(eq. 10)f sw −max +1t on −min )t off −min+1L p ·R shiftV bulk ·R cs·50·10−6)0.12·106·C TAs output power diminishes, the switching frequency decreases because the switch −off time prolongs upon feedback loop. The range of the frequency change is sufficient to keep output voltage regulation in any light load condition.Application Design ExampleAn example of the typical wall adapter application is described hereafter.As a wall adapter it should be able to operate properly with wide range of the input voltage from 90 V AC up to 265 V AC.The bulk capacitor voltage then can be calculated:(eq. 11)V bulk −min +V AC −min 2Ǹ+90·2Ǹ+127VDC(eq. 12)V bulk −max +V AC −max 2Ǹ+265·2Ǹ+375VDCThe requested output power is 5.2 Watts.Assuming 80% efficiency the input power is equal to:(eq. 13)P in +P out h +5.20.8+6.5WThe average value of input current at minimum input voltage is:(eq. 14)I in −avg +P inVbulk −min+6.5127+51.2mA The suitable reflected primary winding voltage for 600 Vrated MOSFET switch is:(eq. 15)V flbk +600V *V bulk −max *V spike+600*375*100+125VUsing calculated flyback voltage the maximum duty cycle can be calculated:(eq. 16)d max +V flbkV flbk )V bulk −min +125125)127+0.496+0.5Following equation determines peak primary current:(eq. 17)I ppk +2·I in −avg d max+2·51.2·10−30.5+204.7mAThe desired maximum switching frequency at minimum input voltage is 75 kHz.The highest switching frequency occurs at the highest input voltage and its value can be estimated as follows:(eq. 18)f max −high +f max −lowV bulk −maxV bulk −min dmax +75·1033751270.5+110.7kHzThis frequency is much below 150 kHz, so that the desired operating frequency can be exploited for further calculation of the primary inductance:(eq. 19)L p +V bulk −min ·d maxI ppk ·f sw −max +127·0.50.2047·75·103+4.14mH分销商库存信息:ONSEMINCP1215DR2NCP1215SNT1NCP1215DR2G。

Tripp Lite DRS-1215 网络服务器保护设备说明说明书

Tripp Lite DRS-1215 网络服务器保护设备说明说明书

Protector contra sobretensiones en servidores de redes económicas de 14 tomacorrientes, Cable de 4.57 m [15 pies], 3000 Joules, 1U para Instalación en RackNÚMERO DE MODELO:DRS-1215GeneralEl DRS-1215 de Tripp Lite ofrece supresión de sobretensiones y ruido en un versátil gabinete metálico con varias posibilidades de instalación. Las bridas de montaje desmontables se pueden configurar para instalación en rack, en la pared o debajo del mostrador. Utiliza sólo 1 espacio de rack (1U) cuando se lo instala en cualquier rack estándar EIA de 19 pulgadas. Incluye 14 tomacorrientes (6 en el frente y 8 en la parte trasera), un cable de alimentación CA de 4.57 m [15 pies] y un switch de encendido y apagado protegido para reducir el riesgo de apagado accidental. El LED de diagnóstico indica el estado de protección contra sobretensiones.ENCHUFE/TOMACORRIENTES: Entrada: NEMA 5-15P/salida: 14 tomacorrientes NEMA5-15R (6 frontales/8 traseros)ELÉCTRICO: 120V CA, 50/60Hz, 15A (Requiere receptáculo de pared NEMA 5-15R)SUPRESIÓN: CA: Límite de 140 V RMS / 3000 joulesFORMATO: Soporta instalación en rack de 19 pulgadas (utiliza 1 espacio de rack/1U), instalación en pared, instalación bajo el mostrador, entre otrosCaracterísticasVersátil gabinete metálico con pestañas desprendibles que permiten la instalación en rack, en pared, debajo del mostrador y otras creativas opciones de instalación.qOcupa un espacio (1U) en un rack estándar de 19 pulgadas (en muchos racks, es posible la instalación en "cero U").qSupresión de sobretensiones de CA de 3000 joules con filtros para línea EMI/RFIq14 receptáculos de salida NEMA 5-15R (6 frontales y 8 posteriores)qCable de CA de 15 pies (4,5 m) con enchufe NEMA 5-15P de entrada rectaqEl LED de diagnóstico confirma la operación del supresor.qEl interruptor de encendido iluminado confirma el estado de apagado y encendido.qProtector a presión del interruptor evita el apagado accidental.qCapacidad de 15 amperes con interruptor de circuitosqCompatibilidad eléctrica de 120V CA, 50/60 Hzq Destacado14 tomacorrientes/cable de 4.57m [15 pies]qValor nominal de 3000 joulesqAccesorios ajustables parainstalar en rackqEl Paquete IncluyeSupresor de sobretensionesDRS-1215.qInformación sobre la garantía. qManual de instrucciones.qEspecificaciones© 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.。

ServeRAID M1215 SAS SATA 控制器产品指南(已撤销产品)说明书

ServeRAID M1215 SAS SATA 控制器产品指南(已撤销产品)说明书

ServeRAID M1215 SAS/SATA ControllerProduct Guide (withdrawn product)The ServeRAID M1215 SAS/SATA Controller is a low-cost 12 Gbps internal RAID 0/1/10 solution that can be upgraded to a cacheless RAID 5 with a Features on Demand (FoD) license upgrade. The M1215 provides two internal mini-SAS HD connectors with eight lanes of 12 Gbps SAS and eight lanes of PCIe 3.0 to facilitate high data transfer rates.The M1215 controller is a part of the ServeRAID M Series family that offers a complete server storage solution consisting of RAID controllers, cache/flash modules, energy packs, and software feature upgrades in an ultra-flexible offerings structure.Figure 1. ServeRAID M1215 SAS/SATA ControllerDid you know?The M1215 is an entry-level internal data storage solution that provides hardware RAID capabilities and advanced features, such as online capacity expansion and RAID-level migration. The optional RAID 5 upgrade and support for self encrypting drives no longer requires a hardware key because the upgrade functionality is implemented through Features on Demand (FoD) software licenses.With increased demand for performance and advanced features, the M1215 provides a seamless migration path to the full-featured RAID controllers, such as the ServeRAID M5210. The information about existing arrays can be recognized and imported into the new controller without any reconfiguration.Rigorous testing of the M1215 by Lenovo through the ServerProven® program ensures a high degree of confidence in storage subsystem compatibility and reliability. Providing an additional peace of mind, this controller is covered under Lenovo warranty.Click here to check for updatesServer supportThe following tables list the servers that the M1215 controller is supported in.Note: The M1215 controller does not support 6 Gb SAS/SATA internal storage backplanes that can be installed in x3500 M4 and x3550 M4 servers.Support for System x and dense servers with Xeon E5/E7 v4 and E3 v5 processors Table 3. Support for System x and dense servers with Xeon E5/E7 v4 and E3 v5 processorsPart number Description46C9114ServeRAID M1215 SAS/SATA ControllerY Y Y Y N Y N 00AE930ServeRAID M1200 Zero Cache/RAID 5 Upgrade FODYYYYNY NSupport for servers with Intel Xeon v3 processors Table 4. Support for servers with Intel Xeon v3 processorsPart number Description46C9114ServeRAID M1215 SAS/SATA ControllerN N Y Y Y N Y 00AE930ServeRAID M1200 Zero Cache/RAID 5 Upgrade FODNNYYYNY x 3250 M 6 (3943)x 3250 M 6 (3633)x 3550 M 5 (8869)x 3650 M 5 (8871)x 3850 X 6/x 3950 X 6 (6241, E 7 v 4)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 4)s d 350 (5493)x 3100 M 5 (5457)x 3250 M 5 (5458)x 3500 M 5 (5464)x 3550 M 5 (5463)x 3650 M 5 (5462)x 3850 X 6/x 3950 X 6 (6241, E 7 v 3)n x 360 M 5 (5465)Support for servers with Intel Xeon v2 processors Table 5. Support for servers with Intel Xeon v2 processorsPart numberDescription46C9114ServeRAID M1215 SAS/SATA Controller Y N Y N N Y N Y Y N N N N 00AE930ServeRAID M1200 Zero Cache/RAID 5Upgrade FODNNNNNNNYYNNNN For more information about the servers that support each adapter, see the ServerProven website:/us/en/serverproven/xseries/controllers/matrix.shtmlx 3500 M 4 (7383, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3530 M 4 (7160, E 5-2400 v 2)x 3550 M 4 (7914, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3630 M 4 (7158, E 5-2400 v 2)x 3650 M 4 (7915, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3650 M 4 B D (5466)x 3650 M 4 H D (5460)x 3750 M 4 (8752)x 3750 M 4 (8753)x 3850 X 6/x 3950 X 6 (3837)x 3850 X 6/x 3950 X 6 (6241, E 7 v 2)d x 360 M 4 (E 5-2600 v 2)n x 360 M 4 (5455)Xeon v2Xeon v3Xeon v4 & v5Part number Description2.5-inch hot-swap HDDs - 12 Gb SAS 10K00WG685300GB 10K 12Gbps SAS 2.5" G3HS HDD N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 00WG690600GB 10K 12Gbps SAS 2.5" G3HS HDD N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 00WG695900GB 10K 12Gbps SAS 2.5" G3HS HDD N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 00WG700 1.2TB 10K 12Gbps SAS 2.5" G3HS HDD N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 00NA251900GB 10K 12Gbps SAS 2.5" G3HS 512e HDD N N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 00NA241600GB 10K 12Gbps SAS 2.5" G3HS 512e HDD N N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 00NA261 1.2TB 10K 12Gbps SAS 2.5" G3HS 512e HDD N N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 00NA271 1.8TB 10K 12Gbps SAS 2.5" G3HS 512e HDD N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 2.5-inch hot-swap HDDs - 12 Gb SAS 15K00WG660300GB 15K 12Gbps SAS 2.5" G3HS HDD N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 00WG665600GB 15K 12Gbps SAS 2.5" G3HS HDD N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 00NA221300GB 15K 12Gbps SAS 2.5" G3HS 512e HDD N N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 00NA231600GB 15K 12Gbps SAS 2.5" G3HS 512e HDD N N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 2.5-inch hot-swap HDDs - 12 Gb NL SAS00NA4911TB 7.2K 12Gbps NL SAS 2.5" G3HS HDD N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 00NA4962TB 7.2K 12Gbps NL SAS 2.5" G3HS 512e HDD N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 2.5-inch hot-swap SED HDDs - 12 Gb SAS 10K00WG705300GB 10K 12Gbps SAS 2.5" G3HS SED N N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 00WG710600GB 10K 12Gbps SAS 2.5" G3HS SED N N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 00NA291600GB 10K 12Gbps SAS 2.5" G3HS 512e SED N N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 00WG715900GB 10K 12Gbps SAS 2.5" G3HS SED N N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 00WG720 1.2TB 10K 12Gbps SAS 2.5" G3HS SED N N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 00NA3011.2TB 10K 12Gbps SAS2.5" G3HS 512e SEDNNNNYYYYNNYYYx 3500 M 4 (7383, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3550 M 4 (7914, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3650 M 4 B D (5466)x 3750 M 4 (8753)x 3500 M 5 (5464)x 3550 M 5 (5463)x 3650 M 5 (5462)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 3)x 3250 M 6 (3943)x 3250 M 6 (3633)x 3550 M 5 (8869)x 3650 M 5 (8871)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 4)Xeon v2Xeon v3Xeon v4 & v5Part number Description2.5-inch hot-swap HDDs - 6 Gb SAS 10K90Y8877300GB 10K 6Gbps SAS 2.5" SFF G2HS HDD Y Y N Y N N N N N N N N N 90Y8872600GB 10K 6Gbps SAS 2.5" SFF G2HS HDD Y Y N Y N N N N N N N N N 81Y9650900GB 10K 6Gbps SAS 2.5" SFF HS HDD Y Y N Y N N N N N N N N N 00AD075 1.2TB 10K 6Gbps SAS 2.5" G2HS HDD Y Y N Y N N N N N N N N N 00NA441 1.8TB 10K 6Gbps SAS 2.5" G2HS 512e HDD N Y N Y N N N N N N N N N 2.5-inch hot-swap HDDs - 6 Gb SAS 15K90Y8926146GB 15K 6Gbps SAS 2.5" SFF G2HS HDD Y Y N Y N N N N N N N N N 81Y9670300GB 15K 6Gbps SAS 2.5" G2HS HDD Y Y N Y N N N N N N N N N 00AJ300600GB 15K 6Gbps SAS 2.5" G2HS HDD Y Y N Y N N N N N N N N N 2.5-inch hot-swap HDDs - 6 Gb NL SAS00AJ121500GB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SAS 2.5" G3HS HDD N N N N Y Y Y N N N Y Y N 90Y8953500GB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SAS 2.5" SFF G2HS HDD Y Y N Y N N N N N N N N N 81Y96901TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SAS 2.5" SFF HS HDD Y Y N Y N N N N N N N N N 2.5-inch hot-swap HDDs - 6 Gb NL SATA00AJ136500GB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 2.5" G3HS HDD N N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 00AJ1411TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 2.5" G3HS HDD N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 00NA5262TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 2.5" G3HS 512e HDD N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 81Y9726500GB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 2.5" SFF HS HDD Y Y N Y N N N N N N N N N 81Y97301TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 2.5" SFF HS HDD Y Y N Y N N N N N N N N N 2.5-inch hot-swap SED HDDs - 6 Gb SAS 10K90Y8913300GB 10K 6Gbps SAS 2.5" SFF G2HS SED Y Y N Y N N N N N N N N N 90Y8908600GB 10K 6Gbps SAS 2.5" SFF G2HS SED N Y N Y N N N N N N N N N 81Y9662900GB 10K 6Gbps SAS 2.5" SFF G2HS SEDYYNYNNNNNNNNNx 3500 M 4 (7383, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3550 M 4 (7914, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3650 M 4 B D (5466)x 3750 M 4 (8753)x 3500 M 5 (5464)x 3550 M 5 (5463)x 3650 M 5 (5462)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 3)x 3250 M 6 (3943)x 3250 M 6 (3633)x 3550 M 5 (8869)x 3650 M 5 (8871)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 4)Xeon v2Xeon v3Xeon v4 & v5Part number Description2.5-inch hot-swap SSDs - 12 Gb SAS - Enterprise Performance (10+ DWPD)00FN379200GB 12G SAS 2.5" MLC G3HS Enterprise SSD N N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 00FN389400GB 12G SAS 2.5" MLC G3HS Enterprise SSD N N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 00FN399800GB 12G SAS 2.5" MLC G3HS Enterprise SSD N N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 00FN409 1.6TB 12G SAS 2.5" MLC G3HS Enterprise SSDN N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 2.5-inch hot-swap SSDs - 12 Gb SAS - Enterprise Mainstream (3-5 DWPD)00YC460400GB Enterprise Mainstream 12Gb SAS G3HS 2.5" SSD N N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 00YC465800GB Enterprise Mainstream 12Gb SAS G3HS 2.5" SSD N N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 00YC4701.6TB Enterprise Mainstream 12Gb SAS G3HS2.5" SSDNNNNYY Y Y N N Y Y YTable 10. 2.5-inch hot-swap 6 Gb SAS/SATA SSDsXeon v2Xeon v3Xeon v4 & v5Part number Description2.5-inch hot-swap SSDs - 6 Gb SAS - Enterprise Capacity00NA671 3.84TB 6Gb SAS Enterprise Capacity G3HS MLC SSD N N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 2.5-inch hot-swap SSDs - 6 Gb SAS - Enterprise Performance (10+ DWPD)00AJ207200GB SAS 2.5" MLC G3HS Enterprise SSD N N N N Y Y Y N N N Y Y N 00AJ212400GB SAS 2.5" MLC G3HS Enterprise SSD N N N N Y Y Y N N N Y Y N 00AJ217800GB SAS 2.5" MLC G3HS Enterprise SSD N N N N Y Y Y N N N Y Y N 49Y6129200GB SAS 2.5" MLC HS Enterprise SSD Y Y N Y N N N N N N N N N 49Y6134400GB SAS 2.5" MLC HS Enterprise SSD Y Y N Y N N N N N N N N N 49Y6139800GB SAS 2.5" MLC HS Enterprise SSD Y Y N Y N N N N N N N N N 49Y6195 1.6TB SAS 2.5" MLC HS Enterprise SSDN Y N Y N N N N N N N N N 2.5-inch hot-swap SSDs - 6 Gb SATA - Enterprise Performance (10+ DWPD)00YC320Intel S3710 200GB Enterprise Performance SATA G3HS 2.5" SSD N N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 00YC325Intel S3710 400GB Enterprise Performance SATA G3HS 2.5" SSD N N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 00YC330Intel S3710 800GB Enterprise Performance SATA G3HS 2.5" SSDN N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Yx 3500 M 4 (7383, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3550 M 4 (7914, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3650 M 4 B D (5466)x 3750 M 4 (8753)x 3500 M 5 (5464)x 3550 M 5 (5463)x 3650 M 5 (5462)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 3)x 3250 M 6 (3943)x 3250 M 6 (3633)x 3550 M 5 (8869)x 3650 M 5 (8871)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 4)x 3500 M 4 (7383, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3550 M 4 (7914, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3650 M 4 B D (5466)x 3750 M 4 (8753)x 3500 M 5 (5464)x 3550 M 5 (5463)x 3650 M 5 (5462)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 3)x 3250 M 6 (3943)x 3250 M 6 (3633)x 3550 M 5 (8869)x 3650 M 5 (8871)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 4)2.5-inch hot-swap SSDs - 6 Gb SATA - Enterprise Mainstream (3-5 DWPD)00YC529M500DC 480GB Enterprise Mainstream Plus SATA G3HS 2.5"SSDN N N N N N Y N N N N Y N 00AJ395120GB SATA 2.5" MLC G3HS Enterprise Value SSD N N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 00AJ400240GB SATA 2.5" MLC G3HS Enterprise Value SSD N N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 00AJ405480GB SATA 2.5" MLC G3HS Enterprise Value SSD N N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 00AJ410800GB SATA 2.5" MLC G3HS Enterprise Value SSD N N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 00AJ355120GB SATA 2.5" MLC HS Enterprise Value SSD Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N 00AJ360240GB SATA 2.5" MLC HS Enterprise Value SSD Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N 00AJ365480GB SATA 2.5" MLC HS Enterprise Value SSD Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N 00AJ370800GB SATA 2.5" MLC HS Enterprise Value SSDY Y N N N N N N N N N N N 2.5-inch hot-swap SSDs - 6 Gb SATA - Enterprise Entry (<3 DWPD)00WG620Intel S3510 120GB Enterprise Entry SATA G3HS 2.5" SSD N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 00WG625Intel S3510 240GB Enterprise Entry SATA G3HS 2.5" SSD N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 00WG630Intel S3510 480GB Enterprise Entry SATA G3HS 2.5" SSD N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 00WG635Intel S3510 800GB Enterprise Entry SATA G3HS 2.5" SSD N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 00AJ000S3500 120GB SATA 2.5" MLC HS Enterprise Value SSD Y Y N Y N N N N N N N N N 00AJ005S3500 240GB SATA 2.5" MLC HS Enterprise Value SSD Y Y N Y N N N N N N N N N 00AJ010S3500 480GB SATA 2.5" MLC HS Enterprise Value SSD Y Y N Y N N N N N N N N N 00AJ015S3500 800GB SATA 2.5" MLC HS Enterprise Value SSD Y Y N Y N N N N N N N N N 00YC385120GB Enterprise Entry SATA G3HS 2.5" SSD N N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 00YC390240GB Enterprise Entry SATA G3HS 2.5" SSD N N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 00YC395480GB Enterprise Entry SATA G3HS 2.5" SSD N N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 00YC400960GB Enterprise Entry SATA G3HS 2.5" SSD N N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y 00YC365120GB Enterprise Entry SATA HS 2.5" SSD N Y N N N N N N N N N N N 00YC370240GB Enterprise Entry SATA HS 2.5" SSD N Y N N N N N N N N N N N 00YC375480GB Enterprise Entry SATA HS 2.5" SSD N Y N N N N N N N N N N N 00YC380960GB Enterprise Entry SATA HS 2.5" SSDN Y N N N N N N N N N N NXeon v2Xeon v3Xeon v4 & v5Part number Descriptionx 3500 M 4 (7383, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3550 M 4 (7914, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3650 M 4 B D (5466)x 3750 M 4 (8753)x 3500 M 5 (5464)x 3550 M 5 (5463)x 3650 M 5 (5462)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 3)x 3250 M 6 (3943)x 3250 M 6 (3633)x 3550 M 5 (8869)x 3650 M 5 (8871)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 4)Xeon v2Xeon v3Xeon v4 & v5Part number Description3.5-inch hot-swap HDDs - 12 Gb NL SAS00FN1882TB 7.2K 12Gbps NL SAS 3.5" G2HS 512e HDD N N N N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N 00FN2084TB 7.2K 12Gbps NL SAS 3.5" G2HS 512e HDD N N N N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N 00FN2286TB 7.2K 12Gbps NL SAS 3.5" G2HS 512e HDD N N N N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N 00WH1218TB 7.2K 12Gbps NL SAS 3.5" G2HS 512e HDDNNNNYYYNNNY YN Table 12. 3.5-inch hot-swap 6 Gb SAS/SATA HDDsXeon v2Xeon v3Xeon v4 & v5Part number Description3.5-inch hot-swap HDDs - 6 Gb SAS 15K49Y6092300GB 15K 6Gbps SAS 3.5" G2HS HDD Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N 49Y6102600GB 15K 6Gbps SAS 3.5" G2HS HDD Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N 3.5-inch hot-swap HDDs - 6 Gb NL SAS90Y85671TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SAS 3.5" G2HS HDD Y Y Y N Y Y Y N N N Y Y N 90Y85722TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SAS 3.5" G2HS HDD Y Y Y N N Y Y N N N Y Y N 49Y62104TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SAS 3.5" G2HS HDD N Y Y N N N N N N N N Y N 00ML2136TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SAS 3.5" G2HS 512e HDD Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N 3.5-inch hot-swap HDDs - 6 Gb NL SATA81Y9786500GB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 3.5" G2HS HDD Y Y Y N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N 81Y97901TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 3.5" G2HS HDD Y Y Y N Y Y Y N N N Y Y N 81Y97942TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 3.5" G2HS HDD Y Y Y N Y Y Y N N N Y Y N 00FN1132TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 3.5" G2HS 512e HDD Y Y Y N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N 00FN1434TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 3.5" G2HS 512e HDD Y Y Y N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N 00FN1736TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 3.5" G2HS 512e HDD Y Y Y N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N 00WH1268TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 3.5" G2HS 512e HDD N N N N Y Y Y N N N Y Y N 3.5-inch hot-swap SEDs - 6 Gb NL SAS00W15434TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SAS 3.5" G2HS SEDNYNNNNNNNNNNNx 3500 M 4 (7383, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3550 M 4 (7914, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3650 M 4 B D (5466)x 3750 M 4 (8753)x 3500 M 5 (5464)x 3550 M 5 (5463)x 3650 M 5 (5462)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 3)x 3250 M 6 (3943)x 3250 M 6 (3633)x 3550 M 5 (8869)x 3650 M 5 (8871)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 4)x 3500 M 4 (7383, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3550 M 4 (7914, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3650 M 4 B D (5466)x 3750 M 4 (8753)x 3500 M 5 (5464)x 3550 M 5 (5463)x 3650 M 5 (5462)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 3)x 3250 M 6 (3943)x 3250 M 6 (3633)x 3550 M 5 (8869)x 3650 M 5 (8871)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 4)Xeon v2Xeon v3Xeon v4 & v5Part number Description3.5-inch hot-swap SSDs - 12 Gb SAS - Enterprise (10+ DWPD)00WG675300GB 15K 12Gbps SAS 3.5" G2HS HDD N N N N Y Y Y N N N Y Y N 00WG680600GB 15K 12Gbps SAS 3.5" G2HS HDDNNNNYYYNNNY YN Table 14. 3.5-inch hot-swap 6 Gb SAS/SATA SSDsXeon v2Xeon v3Xeon v4 & v5Part number Description3.5-inch hot-swap SSDs - 6 Gb SATA - Enterprise Performance (10+ DWPD)00YC340Intel S3710 400GB Enterprise Performance SATA HS 3.5" SSD N N N N Y Y Y N N N Y Y N 00YC345Intel S3710 800GB Enterprise Performance SATA HS 3.5" SSD N N N N Y Y Y N N N Y Y N 3.5-inch hot-swap SSDs - 6 Gb SATA - Enterprise Mainstream (3-5 DWPD)00AJ435120GB SATA 3.5" MLC HS Enterprise Value SSD N N Y N Y Y Y N N N Y Y N 00AJ445480GB SATA 3.5" MLC HS Enterprise Value SSDN N Y N Y Y Y N N N Y Y N 3.5-inch hot-swap SSDs - 6 Gb SATA - Enterprise Entry (<3 DWPD)00WG770Intel S3510 120GB Enterprise Entry SATA HS 3.5" SSD N N N N Y Y Y N N N N N N 00WG775Intel S3510 240GB Enterprise Entry SATA HS 3.5" SSD N N N N Y Y Y N N N N N N 00WG780Intel S3510 480GB Enterprise Entry SATA HS 3.5" SSD N N N N Y Y Y N N N N N N 00YC420960GB Enterprise Entry SATA HS 3.5" SSDN N Y N Y Y Y N N N Y Y Nx 3500 M 4 (7383, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3550 M 4 (7914, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3650 M 4 B D (5466)x 3750 M 4 (8753)x 3500 M 5 (5464)x 3550 M 5 (5463)x 3650 M 5 (5462)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 3)x 3250 M 6 (3943)x 3250 M 6 (3633)x 3550 M 5 (8869)x 3650 M 5 (8871)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 4)x 3500 M 4 (7383, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3550 M 4 (7914, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3650 M 4 B D (5466)x 3750 M 4 (8753)x 3500 M 5 (5464)x 3550 M 5 (5463)x 3650 M 5 (5462)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 3)x 3250 M 6 (3943)x 3250 M 6 (3633)x 3550 M 5 (8869)x 3650 M 5 (8871)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 4)Xeon v2Xeon v3Xeon v4 & v5Part number Description2.5-inch simple-swap HDDs - 6 Gb NL SATA00NA597500GB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 2.5" G3SS HDD N N N N N Y Y N N N Y Y N 00NA6221TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 2.5" G3SS HDD N N N N N Y Y N Y Y Y Y N 00NA5362TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 2.5" G3SS 512e HDDNNNNNYYNYYY YN Table 16. 3.5-inch simple-swap 6 Gb SAS/SATA HDDsXeon v2Xeon v3Xeon v4 & v5Part number Description3.5-inch simple-swap HDDs - 6 Gb NL SATA81Y9802500GB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 3.5" G2SS HDD Y Y N N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N 81Y98061TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 3.5" G2SS HDD Y Y N N Y Y Y N N N Y Y N 81Y98102TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 3.5" G2SS HDDYYNNYYYNNNYYNx 3500 M 4 (7383, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3550 M 4 (7914, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3650 M 4 B D (5466)x 3750 M 4 (8753)x 3500 M 5 (5464)x 3550 M 5 (5463)x 3650 M 5 (5462)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 3)x 3250 M 6 (3943)x 3250 M 6 (3633)x 3550 M 5 (8869)x 3650 M 5 (8871)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 4)x 3500 M 4 (7383, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3550 M 4 (7914, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3650 M 4 B D (5466)x 3750 M 4 (8753)x 3500 M 5 (5464)x 3550 M 5 (5463)x 3650 M 5 (5462)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 3)x 3250 M 6 (3943)x 3250 M 6 (3633)x 3550 M 5 (8869)x 3650 M 5 (8871)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 4)Xeon v2Xeon v3Xeon v4 & v5Part number Description2.5-inch NeXtScale HDDs - 12 Gb SAS 10K HDDs00WG725300GB 10K 12Gbps SAS 2.5" HDD for NeXtScale System N N N N N N N Y N N N N Y 00WG730600GB 10K 12Gbps SAS 2.5" HDD for NeXtScale System N N N N N N N Y N N N N Y 00WG735900GB 10K 12Gbps SAS 2.5" HDD for NeXtScale System N N N N N N N Y N N N N Y 00WG7401.2TB 10K 12Gbps SAS2.5" HDD for NeXtScale SystemNNNN N N N Y N N N N YTable 18. 2.5-inch internal 6 Gb HDDs for NeXtScaleXeon v2Xeon v3Xeon v4 & v5Part numberDescription2.5-inch NeXtScale HDDs - 6 Gb SAS 15K HDDs00WG670300GB 15K 12Gbps SAS 2.5" HDD for NeXtScale System N N N N N N N Y N N N N Y 00AJ290600GB 15K 6Gbps SAS 2.5" HDD for NeXtScale System N N N N N N N Y N N N N Y2.5-inch NeXtScale HDDs - 6 Gb NL SATA HDDs00NA5662TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 2.5" 512e HDD for NeXtScale System N N N N N N N Y N N N N Y 2.5-inch NeXtScale HDDs - 6 Gb SATA HDDs00AD035500GB 7.2K 6Gbps SATA 2.5" HDD for NeXtScale System N N N N N N N Y N N N N Y 00AD0401TB 7.2K 6Gbps SATA 2.5" HDD for NeXtScale SystemN N N N N N N Y N N N N Yx 3500 M 4 (7383, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3550 M 4 (7914, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3650 M 4 B D (5466)x 3750 M 4 (8753)x 3500 M 5 (5464)x 3550 M 5 (5463)x 3650 M 5 (5462)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 3)x 3250 M 6 (3943)x 3250 M 6 (3633)x 3550 M 5 (8869)x 3650 M 5 (8871)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 4)x 3500 M 4 (7383, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3550 M 4 (7914, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3650 M 4 B D (5466)x 3750 M 4 (8753)x 3500 M 5 (5464)x 3550 M 5 (5463)x 3650 M 5 (5462)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 3)x 3250 M 6 (3943)x 3250 M 6 (3633)x 3550 M 5 (8869)x 3650 M 5 (8871)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 4)Xeon v2Xeon v3Xeon v4 & v5Part number Description2.5-inch NeXtScale HDDs - 12 Gb SAS 10K HDDs00NA3561.8TB 10K 12Gbps SAS2.5" 512e HDD for NeXtScale SystemN N N N N N N Y N N N N YTable 20. 3.5-inch internal 6 Gb HDDs for NeXtScaleXeon v2Xeon v3Xeon v4 & v5Part number Description3.5-inch NeXtScale HDDs - 12 Gb NL SAS HDDs00FN2134TB 7.2K 12Gbps NL SAS 3.5" 512e HDD for NextScale System N N N N N N N Y N N N N Y 3.5-inch NeXtScale HDDs - 6 Gb NL SATA and SATA00FN1232TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 3.5" 512e HDD for NextScale System N N N N N N N Y N N N N Y 00FN1836TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 3.5" 512e HDD for NextScale System N N N N N N N Y N N N N Y 00WH1318TB 7.2K 6Gbps NL SATA 3.5" 512e HDD for NeXtScale System N N N N N N N Y N N N N Y 00AD0101TB 7.2K 6Gbps SATA 3.5" HDD for NeXtScale System N N N N N N N Y N N N N Y 00AD0254TB 7.2K 6Gbps SATA 3.5" HDD for NeXtScale SystemN N N N N N N Y N N N N Yx 3500 M 4 (7383, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3550 M 4 (7914, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3650 M 4 B D (5466)x 3750 M 4 (8753)x 3500 M 5 (5464)x 3550 M 5 (5463)x 3650 M 5 (5462)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 3)x 3250 M 6 (3943)x 3250 M 6 (3633)x 3550 M 5 (8869)x 3650 M 5 (8871)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 4)x 3500 M 4 (7383, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3550 M 4 (7914, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3650 M 4 B D (5466)x 3750 M 4 (8753)x 3500 M 5 (5464)x 3550 M 5 (5463)x 3650 M 5 (5462)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 3)x 3250 M 6 (3943)x 3250 M 6 (3633)x 3550 M 5 (8869)x 3650 M 5 (8871)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 4)Xeon v2Xeon v3Xeon v4 & v5Part numberDescription2.5-inch NeXtScale SSDs - 6 Gb SATA - Enterprise Performance (10+ DWPD)00YC350Intel S3710 200GB Enterprise Performance SATA 2.5" SSD forNeXtScale N N N N N N N Y N N N N Y 00YC355Intel S3710 400GB Enterprise Performance SATA 2.5" SSD forNeXtScale N N N N N N N Y N N N N Y2.5-inch NeXtScale SSDs - 6 Gb SATA - Enterprise Entry (<3 DWPD)00FN020120GB SATA 2.5" MLC Enterprise Value SSD for NeXtScaleSystem N N N N N N N Y N N N N Y 00YC430240GB Enterprise Entry SATA 2.5" SSD for NeXtScale N N N N N N N Y N N N N Y 00YC440960GB Enterprise Entry SATA 2.5" SSD for NeXtScaleN N N N N N N Y N N N N Y See ServerProven for the latest information about the System x servers and drives support:/us/en/serverproven/xseries/controllers/matrix.shtmlOperating system supportx 3500 M 4 (7383, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3550 M 4 (7914, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3650 M 4 B D (5466)x 3750 M 4 (8753)x 3500 M 5 (5464)x 3550 M 5 (5463)x 3650 M 5 (5462)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 3)x 3250 M 6 (3943)x 3250 M 6 (3633)x 3550 M 5 (8869)x 3650 M 5 (8871)n x 360 M 5 (5465, E 5-2600 v 4)Operating system supportThe adapter supports the following operating systems:Tip : This table is automatically generated based on data from Lenovo ServerProven .Table 22. Operating system support for ServeRAID M1215 SAS/SATA Controller, 46C9114Operating systemsMicrosoft Windows Server 2008 R2N N Y Y Y Y N Microsoft Windows Server 2012Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Microsoft Windows Server 2016Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Microsoft Windows Server 2019Y N N N Y N Y Microsoft Windows Server version 1709Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Microsoft Windows Server version 1803N N N N Y N Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server x64 Edition Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 for AMD64/EM64TY Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 with Xen for AMD64/EM64T N Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 with Xen N Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15Y Y N N Y N Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 with Xen Y Y N N Y N Y VMware vSphere 5.1 (ESXi)N Y Y Y N Y N VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 5.5Y N Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.0Y Y Y Y Y Y YVMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.5N N N Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7YYYNYNY [This is a limitation with Lenovo Customized VMWare image having a downlevel LSI/Avago Provider thatdoesn't work properly with LSI/Avago native driver This issue should be routed to the Lenovo VMware team that owns the Customized image Target Fixed Date: 2016/2/1]WarrantyThe ServeRAID M1215 SAS/SATA Controller carries a 1-year limited warranty. When installed in asupported System x server, the adapter assumes your system’s base warranty and any Lenovo warranty service upgrade purchased for the system.Physical specificationsx 3250 M 6 (3633)n x 360 M 5 (5465)x 3500 M 5 (5464)x 3550 M 5 (5463)x 3550 M 5 (8869)x 3650 M 5 (5462)x 3650 M 5 (8871)11111TrademarksLenovo and the Lenovo logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lenovo in the United States, other countries, or both. A current list of Lenovo trademarks is available on the Web athttps:///us/en/legal/copytrade/.The following terms are trademarks of Lenovo in the United States, other countries, or both:Lenovo®NeXtScaleNeXtScale System®ServeRAIDServerProven®System x®The following terms are trademarks of other companies:Intel® and Xeon® are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries.Linux® is the trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.Microsoft®, Windows Server®, and Windows® are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.。

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Custom Solutions Available
UL94V-0 Package Material Efficiency to 80%
Selection Guide
Part Number SIP7 RD-XX3.3D RD-XX05D RD-XX09D RD-XX12D RD-XX15D RD-XX24D Part Number DIP14 RC-XX05D RC-XX05D RC-XX09D RC-XX12D RC-XX15D RC-XX05D 2kV (H) (H) (H) (H) (H) (H) Input Voltage (VDC) 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 5, 9, 12, 15, 24 Output Voltage (VDC) ±3.3 ±5 ±9 ±12 ±15 ±24 Output Current (mA) ±303 ±200 ±111 ±84 ±66 ±42 Efficiency (%) 70 70-75 75-81 78-83 80-84 80-85
3.0 Output Power (Watts) 2.0 Safe Operating Area 1.0 0 -40 0 50 100 125 150 85 Operating Temperature ˚C 4.0

August 2002
EC 53
Specifications (Core Operating Area) and Operating Temperature / Derating-Graph
Input Voltage Input Filter Output Voltage Accuracy Line Voltage Regulation Load Voltage Regulation (10% to 100% full load) Ripple and Noise (20MHz limited) Efficiency at Full Load Isolation Voltage Isolation Resistance (Viso = 500VDC) Isolation Capacitance Short Circuit Protection Switching Frequency at Full Load Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Package Weight 3.3V output type 5V output type 9V, 12V, 15V, 24V output types ±10% Capacitor Type ±5% 1,2% / 1% V Input 20% max. 15% max. 10% max. 150mVp-p max. 70% min. 1.000VDC min. (also available with 2.000VDC, Suffix „H“) 10 GΩ min. 40pF min./115pF max. 1 Second 34kHz min. / 85kHz max. –40°C to +85°C (see Graph) -55°C to +125°C 2.8g
7 PIN SIP Package
3rd angle projection
19.65 7.05
9 8
19.90 10.20
RC-0512D RECOM ****
RD-0505D RECOM ****
0.51 typ.
RD-0505D RECOM ****
7.62 4.10 0.51 typ.
EC 54
August 2002

RD and RC Series, 2 Watt, SIP7/DIP14 (Dual Output) Package Style and Pinning (mm)
14 PIN DIP Package
1 Bottom View 7
1 2 4 5 6
7.10 1.27 typ. 15.24 2.0 3.05 2.0 0.25
1 2 4 5 6
Recommended Footprint Details
1.00 ø+0.15/–0 1.00 ø+0.15/–0 2.54 2.54
Pin Connections Pin # 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 14 RC –Vin No Pin No Pin No Pin No Pin NC Com +Vout –Vout +Vin RD +Vin –Vin –Vout Com +Vout No Pin No Pin No Pin No Pin No Pin XX.X ± 0.5 mm XX.XX ± 0.25 mm
RD and RC Series, 2 Watt, SIP7/DIP14 (Dual Output) Features
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Dual Output from a Single Input Rail Power Sharing on Output 1kVDC & 2kVDC Isolation