Quasiparticles in high temperature superconductors consistency of angle resolved photoemiss
超导相干峰与超导序参量的关系概述及解释说明1. 引言1.1 概述超导相干峰和超导序参量是固态物理学中重要的概念,它们在研究和理解超导现象中起着关键作用。
1.2 文章结构本文将分为四个主要部分:引言、超导相干峰与超导序参量的关系、解释说明以及结论。
1.3 目的本文旨在深入探讨超导相干峰和超导序参量之间的关系,为理解复杂的超导现象提供更加全面和系统的认识。
以上是文章“1. 引言”部分内容,请根据需要进行修改补充。
2. 超导相干峰与超导序参量的关系2.1 超导相干峰的定义和性质超导相干峰是指在超导体材料中某一特定温度下,由于电子对的形成而产生的一种局域电子态。
超导相干峰具有以下几个重要性质:1. 能隙特征:超导相干峰通常出现在超导材料中存在能隙的范围内。
这个能隙是由于库伯对(Cooper pairs)形成而产生的,而库伯对正是超导电流的基本载流子。
高温高Cl-含量环境中H_(2)SCO_(2)分压对超级双相不锈钢UNS S32750点蚀行为的影响
第42卷第2期腐蚀与防护 Vol. 42 No. 2 2021 年2 月CORROSION &. PROTECTION February 2021I)()l:10. 11973 fsyfh-202102006高温高C l'■含量环境中h2s/c o2分压对超级双相不锈钢UNS S32750点蚀行为的影响樊学华\于勇,陈丽娟、迟遥,刘艺盈、刘畅(1.中国石油工程建设有限公司北京设计分公W •北京10008「):2.中国石油工程建设有限公司•北京100120)摘要:在高温、高C1含量及不同H:S (;():分压条件下对超级双相钢UNSS32750进行了腐浊浸泡试验,并采用 失重法、激光共聚焦显微镜、X-射线光电子能谱(XPS)分析了超级双相不锈钢UNS S32750的均匀腐蚀速率、点蚀形 貌和表面钝化膜组成。
结果表明•.在试验条件下当H iS/a);:分〖丨(不大于30 kPa 150 kP a时•超级双相不锈钢UNS S32750具有良好的耐均匀腐蚀和点蚀性能;但当H:>S/C().分丨K为100 kP?l/500 k P a时.H::S造成了钝化膜的局部 破坏•引发阳极性溶解•使超级双相不锈钢UNSS32750发生点蚀;钝化膜主要由FeS2、Ni()、NiS、C'r()3及Fe(()H) 组成。
关键词:超级双相钢UMSS32750;点蚀;H S;C():中图分类号:TG174 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1005-748X(2021)02-0032-05Effects of H2S/C02Partial Pressures on Pitting Behavior of Super Duplex Stainless Steel UNS S32750 in a Environment of High Temperature and High Chloride ContentFAN Xuehua1 ,YU Yong1 ,CHEN Lijuan1 ,CHI Y a o M JU Yiying1 ,U U Chang1(1. Beijing Engineering Branch. C'hina Petroleum Engineering ^ ■C'onstruction Co. . Ltd. . Beijing 100085. China;2. China Petroleum Engineering Construction C'o. . Ltd. . Beijing 100120, China)A b stract:Corrosion immersion tests were conducted on super duplex stainless steel (SDSS) UNS S32750 in aenvironment of high temperature, high chloride concentration and different partial pressures of H-S and CO-. The general corrosion rate, pitting corrosion morphology of SDSS UNS S32750 and composition of passive film on its surface by the methods of mass loss. laser confocal microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy ( XPS) techniques. The results show that the SDSS UNS S32750 had a good general corrosion resistance and pitting corrosion resistance when the partial pressures of HL;S and C'(): were no higher than 30 kPa and 150 kPa respectively under the test condition. When the partial pressures of H S and CO were 100 kPa and v500kPa respectively, pitting corrosion happened to the SDSS UNS S32750 due to the localized loss of the passive film and consequent anodic dissolution. The passive film was mainly composed of FcS」,Ni(). NiS,(、r. (); and Fe(OH)」.Key words:super duplex stainless steel UNS S32750;pitting corrosion;H2S;CO:随着高含H,S和高含盐油气田的开发,服役工 况日益苛刻,特别是稠油的开发.脱水温度高.给油 田地面设施的安全运行以及材料选择提出了更高的 要求。
辐射强度与波长与温度的关系 英文解释
辐射强度与波长与温度的关系英文解释Radiation intensity is a term used to describe the amount of energy radiated by a source in a given direction at a specific wavelength. The intensity of radiation is determined by factors such as the temperature of the source and the wavelength of the radiation. The relationship between radiation intensity, wavelength, and temperature is of great importance in understanding the behavior of electromagnetic radiation and its impact on different materials.According to Planck's law of blackbody radiation, the intensity of radiation emitted by a black body at a certain temperature is directly related to the wavelength of the radiation. As the temperature of the black body increases, the peak intensity of the radiation shifts towards shorter wavelengths. This is known as Wien's displacement law, which states that the wavelength of maximum intensity is inversely proportional to the temperature of the source.In simple terms, as the temperature of a black body increases, the intensity of radiation emitted at shorter wavelengths also increases. This can be observed in everyday examples such as the glowing red color of a hot metal rod, which indicates that it is emitting radiation at longer wavelengths. Asthe temperature of the rod increases, the color of the glow changes to orange, yellow, and eventually white, indicating a shift towards shorter wavelengths and higher intensities.The relationship between radiation intensity, wavelength, and temperature can also be explained using theStefan-Boltzmann law, which states that the total energy radiated by a black body is directly proportional to the fourth power of its temperature. This means that as the temperature of a black body increases, the total energy radiated also increases significantly. This relationship is crucial for understanding the heating effects of radiation and the thermal behavior of objects exposed to high-intensity radiation.In addition to temperature, the wavelength of radiation also plays a critical role in determining the intensity of radiation. Different materials have different absorption and emission properties at different wavelengths, which can affect the amount of energy they absorb or emit. For example, certain materials may be transparent to certain wavelengths of radiation while absorbing others, leading to variations in the intensity of radiation observed at different wavelengths.The relationship between radiation intensity, wavelength, and temperature is further influenced by the nature of the sourceof radiation. For example, a black body emits radiation at all wavelengths and intensities according to its temperature, while a selective emitter only emits radiation at specific wavelengths. This can lead to variations in the observed intensity of radiation at different wavelengths, depending on the properties of the source.In conclusion, the relationship between radiation intensity, wavelength, and temperature is a complex and interconnected one that plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of electromagnetic radiation. By studying how these factors influence each other, scientists and engineers can develop a better understanding of the thermal properties of materials, the heating effects of radiation, and the behaviors of different sources of radiation. This knowledge is essential for a wide range of applications, from designing more efficient energy systems to developing advanced materials for various industries.。
Let us consider the circulation of velocity in a super ow. It follows from the relation between the velocity and the phase, Eq. (6), that the circulation around any contour C obeys I h ; = v dr = m 2 l (8) C with some integer l. We see that The circulation is quantized in multiples of h=m The ows in multi-connected geometries, such as a ring-shape tube, are discrete Quantum leaps are required to change a ow. The fact that a super ow, due to the dicreteness of circulation, cannot be dissipated gradually, but only in dicrete steps, is the origin of super uidity. The only way to eliminate a super ow is to produce excitations with discrete vorticity and then remove them (along with the vorticity) from the system. Also mention the Landau criterion for super uidity: The quasiparticle energy (k) = (k) ; v k, Doppler-shifted due to the ow, should be positive, to prevent massive production of quasiparticles. This criterion de nes a critical velocity (9) vc = min (k)=jkj k
常温超导英语Room Temperature SuperconductivitySuperconductivity is a phenomenon where certain materials can conduct electricity with zero resistance at very low temperatures. This has many applications in various fields including transportation, healthcare, and energy. However, the requirement of extremely low temperatures has limited the practical use of superconductors.Recently, there have been groundbreaking discoveries in the field of superconductivity where materials have shown superconducting properties at room temperature. This means that these materials can conduct electricity with zero resistance at everyday temperatures, making them much more practical for real-world applications.One such material is hydrogen-rich sulfur hydride (H3S), which was discovered to show superconductivity at a temperature of -70°C under high pressure. However, in 2020, researchers reported that they were able to achieve superconductivity in this material at room temperature under even higher pressure. Other materials, such as carbonaceous sulfur hydride and lanthanum superhydride, have also shown room temperature superconductivity under high pressure.The discovery of room temperature superconductivity has the potential to revolutionize various fields, including energy storage, transportation, and computing. However, further research is needed to understand the mechanisms behind this phenomenon and to find materials that can maintain their superconducting properties at lower pressures and temperatures.In conclusion, the discovery of room temperature superconductivity is a significant step towards practical applications of superconductors. With further research and development, we may soon see the widespread use of superconductors in our daily lives.。
Universal waterfalls-like feature in the spectral function of high temperature superconduct
a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /0610313v 3 [c o n d -m a t .s u p r -c o n ] 17 O c t 2006Universal waterfall-like feature in the spectral function of high temperaturesuperconductorsJ.Graf,1G.-H.Gweon ∗∗,2and nzara 1,2,∗1Materials Sciences Division,Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,Berkeley,CA 94720,USA2Department of Physics,University of California Berkeley,CA 94720,USA(Dated:February 6,2008)By performing high resolution angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES)experiments on four different families of p-type cuprates,over an energy range much bigger than investigated before,we report the discovery of a universal high energy anomaly in the spectral function.This anomaly is characterized by the presence of two new high energy scales E 1=0.35−0.45eV and E 2=0.8−0.9eV and the pinning of the main ARPES spectral function along the boundary of a diamond in the momentum space.This anomaly unveils a missing link between the doped oxygen holes and the quasiparticles,providing a full range of relevant interactions to the high T c problem.Uncovering the key interactions,and hence the rele-vant energy scales that give rise to the dressing of a doped oxygen hole at high energy into a quasiparticle,is one of the main unsolved issues in the high temperature su-perconductivity field.In the case of conventional super-conductors for example,the identification of the phonon energy scale was a keystone in the understanding of the superconducting mechanism [1,2].For high tempera-ture superconductors (HTSCs),although an equivalent low energy scale at 0.04-0.08eV has been already identi-fied (“kink”)[3,4,5,6,7,8,9],whether other impor-tant interactions contribute to the quasiparticle forma-tion process still remains an open question.Indeed,the fact that the ARPES kink of p-type cuprates is difficult to understand due to its unusual high energy behavior [9,10],in contrast to the kink of other simpler materials [11,12],strongly motivates such a question.In this paper we report the discovery of two univer-sal energy scales,E 1=0.35-0.45eV and E 2=0.8-0.9eV,in the spectral function of p-type cuprates superconduc-tors,identified as the ‘high energy anomaly’[13,14].E 1,is marked by a steep downturn of the main dispersion toward higher energies,like a waterfall of spectral inten-sity.E 2is marked by the reappearance of a band-likesamplehν(eV)64p b 91p b 65p a 32p a 15p b 65p bTABLE I:Summary of the samples characteristic (family,doping and critical temperature,T c ),and of the experimental conditions (photon energy (hν)and polarization of the light with respect to the sample (see Fig.1))used for the data here presented.FIG.1:MDC-normalized maps for four different families of cuprate superconductors at 25K:(a)OD Pb-Bi2212,(b)opt-doped Bi2212,(c)opt-doped Bi2201and opt-doped Eu-LSCO.Data are taken along the nodal direction,as shown in the inset of panel d.Black represents maximum of intensity and white zero intensity.The light polarization was always along the Γ-X direction (P a ),but for some of the data (see table 1),the main component was out of plane (P b )excitation,dispersing toward Γ.We provide a simple physical picture behind this anomaly,suggesting that this high energy anomaly bears information on the true na-ture of the building block of low-energy quasiparticles in cuprates superconductors.The low energy quasiparticle dispersing between E F and E 1is widely believed to rep-resents the motion of a Zhang Rice Singlet (ZRS)[15]in the antiferromagnetic environment (e.g ZRS coupled to a copper spin).We propose that at E 1,the singlet de-couples from the copper spin,decaying in a continuum of incoherent excitations,resulting in the observed water-falls.This continuum of excitations represent the motion of the ZRS.At E 2,the shake offprocess is complete and only the doped oxygen hole remains,explaining the LDA like dispersion predicted long ago [18].High resolution angle resolved photoemission spec-troscopy experiments (ARPES)were performed at beamlines 7.0.1,10.0.1and 12.0.1of the AdvancedFIG.2:(a)-(b)MDC-maps for OD-Bi2212and opt-doped Eu-LSCO.The momentum position of the cuts a1to a8and b1are shown in the inset.The LDA band is shown with a gray dotted line for comparison in panel(a)[18].Light Source in Berkeley on single crystals of sin-gle layer Bi2Sr1.6La0.4Cu2O6+x(Bi2201),double layer Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x(Bi2212),Pb-doped Bi2212and op-timally doped La1.64Eu0.2Sr0.16CuO4(Eu-LSCO)over an energy range much bigger than previously investi-gated[16,17].The doping of each sample was cross-checked with the nominal value using the measured superconducting-gap value and the binding energy of the Van Hove singularity.Data were taken at different pho-ton energies,polarizations and temperature.The experi-mental conditions reported in this paper are summarized in Table1.The total energy and angular resolutions were less than50meV and less than0.07˚A−1,sufficient for the structures studied here.Except for the Bi2201data,mea-sured in thefirst Brillouin zone(BZ),all the data were measured in both thefirst and the second BZs.In this paper‘low energy’indicates the energy range between E F and E1and‘high energy’the energy range between E1and the valence band complex at about1eV. Figure1shows the ARPES intensity vs energy and momentum along theΓto(π,π)direction,nodal direc-tion for four different p-type cuprates.The background was subtracted and the intensity was normalized to the maximum intensity of the momentum distribution curves (MDC,momentum cuts atfixed energy)for each energy step.This MDC normalization scheme allows to easily follow the MDC peak position and width as a function of energy without any curvefitting.In addition to the low energy kink,not apparent within the energy-momentum window used in thefigure,a surprising sudden downturn of the dispersion,toward a nearly vertical feature(see white dotted line),occurs at≈0.35eV(see arrow).This identifies a new energy scale,E1=0.35−0.45eV,which is also characterized by a sudden decrease of the spectral intensity.From now on we will simply refer to this fea-ture as the‘waterfall’.This waterfall extends from E1 to E2and is characterized by a well defined and almost energy independent peak in the MDCsThe waterfall discussed in Figure1persists also in other portion of the BZ,as shown in Figure2,where we report the MDC-normalized maps for the OD-Bi2212 from the nodal to the near anti-nodal region(cuts a0to a8)and for the optimally doped Eu-LSCO at the antin-odal point,b1.The MDC-normalization scheme reveals a waterfall-like feature for each cuts.The waterfalls start from the bottom of the low energy dispersion or E1, whichever occursfirst along the momentum cut.It is re-markable that the waterfalls are so well localized in the momentum space over a large energy window for each cut.The LDA band(dotted gray line in panel a1)[18], plotted in the samefigure for comparison,shows a good agreement with the experimental data along the nodal di-rection at an energy of≈0.8−0.9eV.This allows us to identify a new energy scale E2=0.8−0.9eV where the MDC peak starts dispersing again toward theΓpoint. However,we note that it is hard to follow the MDC dis-persion all the way to theΓpoint due to the onset of another dispersing band of high spectral weight,associ-ated with the valence band complex of Bi2212[19],whose maximum is at0.9eV at theΓpoint.In Figure3we show the MDC dispersions(solid line), extracted byfitting the MDC curves with Lorentzian,for the OD-Bi2212(panel a)and Eu-LSCO(panel b)from the nodal to the antinodal direction.The location of each cut is indicated in the inset of the samefigure.In the case of Bi2212we also show the EDC dispersion,ex-tracted from the position of the EDC peak maximum. An overall good agreement is seen between OD-Bi2212 and Eu-LSCO.However,we observe two main differences. First,the waterfalls in the nodal region of Eu-LSCO are not as steep as for Bi2212.Second,we could not distin-guish a peak anymore in the MDCs of the LSCO data at E2.This could however just be due to the lower sampleFIG.3:MDC and EDCs dispersions for the OD-Bi2212(up-per panel)and opt-doped Eu-LSCO(lower panel)from nodal to antinodal direction.The location of each cuts is indicated in the inset of the upper panel.Solid line are dispersions ex-tracted from the MDCs peak positions,while grey circles are dispersions extracted from EDC peak positions(upper panel only).The two energy scale E1and E2are shown by arrows. surface quality.We show infigure4the full momentum dependence of the waterfalls.The ARPES intensity integrated between E F and E2for the four different families of cuprates re-ported here is shown.The data reveal the presence of a large momentum region aroundΓof very low spectral weight,consistent with thesudden decrease of intensity of the EDC peak observed at E1[13,14].Note that the spectral weight within this region is not zero,as shown by the intensity profile along(−π,0)-(0,0)(black line). It is important to point out that the high energy anomaly here discussed cannot be explained in terms of ARPES matrix element,as it is a robust feature of the data independent of photon energy,polarization setting and BZ location.We note that a similar suppression of the ARPES spectral intensity near theΓpoint has been reported in the literature for another p-type cuprate[21].A possible candidate for the novel behavior presented in this paper is the coupling of electrons to high energy bosons like plasmons.While in plane plasmons can be a valuable candidate given their high energy[22],it is hard to explain the persistence of the high energy anomaly in the undoped compound[23].On the other hand,the material independence of the waterfall and the presence of a similar anomaly in other Mott insulators[24],suggest that the two energy scales E1and E2represent a complex interplay of the bare oxy-FIG.4:Panels(a-d)show the ARPES intensity integrated from E F to0.8eV for Pb-Bi2212in the second BZ(panel a), OD-Bi2212in thefirst BZ(panel b),opt-doped Bi2201(panel c)and opt-doped Eu-LSCO in the second BZ zone(panel d). An intensity profile along(−π,0)-(0,0)is shown in black in panel b,after subtraction of the elastic background.gen hole with the spin-lattice background.In addition, the doping independence means that the high energy in-teractions are at the scale of few lattice constants,since the antiferromagnetic correlation length decreases to two lattice constants when the doping increases to optimal doping and beyond[25].As proposed by Graf et al.[14],we believe that the data suggest that the low energy quasiparticle,be-tween E F and E1is a local composite fermion made of a charge+e Zhang Rice singlet(ZRS)and a cop-per spin1/2,bound together to make a composite fermion with the right quantum number to be observed by ARPES.This composite fermions is further dressed by the lattice through a strong electron-phonon interac-tion,that affects the dispersion from E F to at least E0 [9,26,27,28,29,30,31,32].At E1,the composite fermion breaks down and disintegrates into a ZRS and a copper spin.In the energy range from E1to E2,the electronic excitations have very little overlap with the photo-hole generated by the photoemission process(as the ZRS does not have the right quantum number to be observed by ARPES).The intensity stems from the tails of the EDCs of the closest band-like excitations.At en-ergy E2the ZRSfinally disintegrates into a bare oxygen hole and a copper spin,thefirst of which explains the re-emergence of a band-like dispersion.This result suggests the important role of the high en-4ergy physics[33,34,35,36]to determine the true na-ture of the low energy excitations in the cuprates and together with other universal properties in these materi-als[4,10,37,38]add another important piece of evidence to the high T c puzzle.∗∗Present address:Department of Physics,University of California,Santa Cruz,CA95064.We thank D.H.Lee,A.Bill for useful discussions, and S.I.Uchida,H.Eisaki,H.Takagi and T.Sasagawa for providing us with high quality single crystals for this study.We also thank A.Bostwick and A.V.Fedorov for experimental help.This work was supported by the Na-tional Science Foundation through Grant No.DMR03-49361and the Director,Office of Science,Office of Basic Energy Sciences,Division of Materials Sciences and Engi-neering of the U.S Department of Energy under Contract No.DEAC03-76SF00098.∗Electronic address:alanzara@[1]J.Bardeen,et al.,Phys.Rev.108,(1957)1175.[2]W.L.MacMillan&J.M.Rowell,in Superconductivity,edited by R.D.Parks(M.Dekker Inc.,New York,1969), Vol.1,Chap.11,p.561.[3]P.V.Bogdanov,et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.85,(2000)2581.[4]nzara,et al.,Nature412,(2001)510.[5]P.D.Johnson,et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.87,(2001)177007.[6]A.Kaminski,et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.86,(2001)1070.[7]A.D.Gromko,et al.Phys.Rev.B68,(2003)174520.[8]T.Cuk,et al.Phys.Rev.Lett.93,(2004)117003.[9]G.H.Gweon,et al.,Nature(2004)[10]X.J.Zhou.et al.Nature423,(2003)398.[11]M.Hengsberger,et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.83,(1999)592[12]T.Valla,et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.83,(1999)2085[13]J.Graf,et al.Bull.A.P.S.51,(2006)1591.[14]J.Graf,et al.Submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett.(2006)[15]F.C.Zhang&T.M.Rice,Phys.Rev.B37,(1988)3759.[16]A.Damascelli,et al.,Rev.Mod.Phys.75,(2003)473.[17]J.C.Campuzano,et al.Physics of Superconductors,VolII(Springer,Berlin),2004).[18]H.Lin,et al.cond-mat/0506094(2005).[19]S.Sahrakorpi,et al.private communication.[20]A.Bansil,et al.private communication.[21]F.Ronning,it et al.,Science282,(1998)2067.[22]B.S.Markievicz&A.Bansil,private communication.[23]F.Ronning,et al.Phys.Rev.B.71,(2005)094518.[24]J.Denlinger,et al.private communication.[25]M.A.Kastner,et al.,Rev.Mod.Phys.70,897(1998).[26]K.A.M¨u ller,Essential Heterogeneities in Hole-DopedCuprate Superconductors,vol.114(Springer,2005).[27]B.I.Kochelaev,et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.79,4274(1997).[28]A.Bianconi&M.Missori,Solide State Comm.91,287(1994).[29]S.J.L.Billinge&T.Egami,Phys.Rev.B47,14386(1993).[30]P.Calvani,et al.,Phys.Rev.B53,2756(1996).[31]A.S.Mishchenko&N.Nagaosa,Phys.Rev.Lett.93,036402(2004).[32]K.M.Shen,et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.93,267002(2004).[33]P.Phillips,et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.93,(2004)267004.[34]V.J.Emery&G.Reiter,Phys.Rev.B38,(1988)4547.[35]C.L.Kane,et al.,Phys.Rev.B39,(1989)6880.[36]A.Macridin,et al.,Phys.Rev.B71,(2005)134527.[37]Z.A.Xu,et al.,Nature406,486(2000).[38]P.Bourges,et al.,Science288,1234(2000).。
simulations in the high-temperature phase
J.Phys.A:Math.Gen.31(1998)10045–10052.Printed in the UK PII:S0305-4470(98)94980-0 Glauber dynamics of the SK model:theory and simulations in the high-temperature phaseGrzegorz SzamelDepartment of Chemistry,Colorado State University,Fort Collins,CO80523,USAReceived9June1998Abstract.Glauber dynamics of the Sherrington–Kirkpatrick spin-glass model in the high-temperature phase is studied using theory and computer simulations.The theoretical approachfollows the spirit of Mori’s continuous fraction expansion.Its predictions agree very well withthe computer simulation results.1.IntroductionThe dynamical properties of the Sherrington–Kirkpatrick(SK)spin-glass model[1]have been a subject of continuous interest in recent years[2,3].Most of the theoretical studies considered Langevin dynamics of the soft-spin version of the SK model[4–6].The soft-spin version,while showing very interesting dynamical properties[6],lacks the original motivation of the SK model:neither its statics nor its dynamics is exactly solvable.The results are obtained perturbatively with respect to the four-spin coupling constant u.To recover the Ising limit one has to let u approach infinity.In practice,this procedure allows one to analyse the long-time asymptotic behaviour of the spin correlations.It is not well suited to study the time dependence for all times(even for T T c)or to calculate the so-called absolute frequency scale.Glauber dynamics of the hard-spin version of the SK model has been analysed in the original SK paper[1]and in other early spin-glass publications[7].These works used an ad hoc method to introduce a dynamical version of the Onsager reactionfield term into the equations of motion.A more systematic approach was started by Sommers[8].However, his method was criticized by L usakowski[9]and its validity is uncertain.Recently a novel approach to Glauber dynamics of spin glasses has been proposed by Coolen,Sherrington et al[10,11].The simple version of their theory[10]describes very well the order parameter flow direction above the de Almeida–Thouless(AT)[12]line but misses the slowing down which sets in when the former line is approached from above.The more advanced version [11]agrees well with the simulation data for short times but it remains to be seen whether it predicts divergent relaxation times at and below the AT line.In another interesting recent study Nishimori and Yamana[13]analysed Glauber dynamics of the SK model via a high-temperature expansion.Their method has an obvious virtue of a systematic expansion in a small parameter.However,it cannot be applied near or below the spin-glass transition.The original motivation for the work presented here was to improve upon the simple CS theory[10].Briefly,we have noticed that the simple CS theory is quite similar in spirit to the Enskog kinetic theory of hard spherefluids[14].We expected that by using kinetic theory techniques we might be able to incorporate divergence of the relaxation times 0305-4470/98/5010045+08$19.50c 1998IOP Publishing Ltd1004510046G Szamelinto the CS theory.It turned out that a more efficient way to proceed was to depart from one of the ingredients of the CS theory:while CS derive equations of motion for sample-averaged quantities we postpone sample averaging until after the equations of motion are solved.It should be emphasized that in all other respects our zeroth-order approximation follows the spirit of the Enskog theory(and that of the simple CS theory).In thefirst-order approximation we include terms that would be analogous to ring and repeated ring terms in the kinetic theory.Because we are dealing with sample-dependent quantities the structure of our theory is more complicated than that of the CS theory.Therefore we restrict ourselves to studying time-dependent spin correlations in equilibrium.Elsewhere we have presented a derivation that parallels closely the kinetic theory analysis[15].This approach seems feasible only in the high-temperature regime.In order to analyse the low-temperature dynamics we have reformulated the theory in the spirit of Mori’s[16]continuous fraction expansion.Here we present a derivation of the basic equations and an application to the high-temperature phase.In the following paper[17]we analyse dynamics in the low-temperature phase.2.Theory2.1.DefinitionsThe hard-spin SK model consists of Ising spinsσi=±1interacting via infinite-range exchange coupling constants J ij,H=−i<jJ ijσiσj.(1) The coupling constants J ij are quenched random variables distributed according to thesymmetric distribution P(J ij)∼exp(−J2ij /(2J2/N)).The time-dependent spin–spin correlations can be written in the following form:δσi(t)δσj eq= δσi exp( t)δσj eq.(2)Hereδσi is thefluctuation of the value of the i th local spin,δσi=σi− σi eq and ··· eq denotes the equilibrium ensemble average with the Boltzmann distribution,··· eq≡σ1,σ2,......P eq P eq∼exp(−βH).(3) Finally, is the evolution operator=−i(1−S i)w i(4) with S i being the spin–flip operator,S iσi=−σi,and w i being the transition ratew i=(1−σi tanh(βh i))/2(5) where h i is a local magneticfield acting on the i th spinh i=j=iJ ijσj.(6)Note that in equation(2)the equilibrium probability distribution P eq stands to the right of the quantity being averaged and the evolution operator exp( t)acts on everything to its right(including the probability distribution).Glauber dynamics of the SK model100472.2.Zeroth-order approximation To calculate the time-dependent spin–spin correlation function we follow the spirit of Mori’s[16]continuous fraction expansion.In the zeroth-order approximation we restrict ourselves to the subspace spanned by the spin fluctuations.We define a projection operator on this subspace P 0f (σ1,σ2,...)=ijδσi A ij δσj f (σ1,σ2,...) eq .(7)Here the matrix A is the inverse matrix of spin correlations that is defined by the following equation: jA ij δσj δσk eq =δik .(8)Note that A is equal to the Hessian of the TAP [18]free energy.At and above T c A is known explicitly [19,2]:A ij =−βJ ij +δij (1+(βJ )2).(9)We start by writing down a formal expression for the time derivative of the spin–spin correlations∂t δσi (t)δσj eq = δσi exp ( t)δσj eq .(10)Next,we insert into it the identity operator written as a sum of the projection P 0and the orthogonal projection Q 0=I −P 0δσi exp ( t)δσj eq = δσi (P 0+Q 0)exp ( t)δσj eq .(11)In the zeroth-order approximation we neglect the contribution involving Q 0.Then,using the definition of the projection operator P 0we get ∂t δσi (t)δσj eq =klδσi δσk eq A kl δσl (t)δσj eq .(12)Finally,using the explicit form of the evolution operator we rewrite the above result in the following way:∂t δσi (t)δσj eq =−(1− σi tanh (βh i ) eq ) lA il δσl (t)δσj eq .(13)This equation is equivalent to a disorder-dependent version of the local equilibrium approximation of Kawasaki [20].It is identical to the evolution equation obtained from the zeroth-order kinetic theory [15].One sees immediately that the evolution equation (12)with the Hessian (9)is almost identical to that derived in the original SK paper [1].It should be emphasized,however,that a dynamical version of the Onsager reaction field term has been naturally included in the matrix A .Straightforward calculation shows that the sample-averaged solution of (12)has the same form as the sample-averaged solution of the SK equation if the timescale of SK is rescaled by a factorτ=1/(1− tanh (βh)σ eq ).(14)Here the overline denotes the ‘spatial average’:f =(1/N) i f i .Explicitly,we find [ δσi (t)δσi (0) eq ]=2π 1−1d x (1−x 2)1/21+(βJ )2−2βJ x exp −(1+(βJ )2−2βJ x)t τ .(15)10048G SzamelHere [...]denotes sample averaging over the probability distribution P (J ij ).Note that in order to get the above result we have used the usual approximation that the eigenvectors of the Hessian are uncorrelated.As discussed by SK [1]the formula (15)leads to the algebraic t −1/2decay of the spin correlations at the transition temperature T c =J .Note that the prefactor of the t −1/2term is different from that predicted by SK.The factor (14)can be calculated using the probability distribution of the local fields calculated in [21].Explicitly,we getτ−1=1−[ tanh 2(βh) eq ]=1−1J √2π ∞−∞d h tanh 2(βh)cosh (βh)exp (−β2J 2/2−h 2/2J 2).(16)Note that here we have implicitly used the usual approximation of replacing the spatial average by the sample average.We will compare the theoretical prediction (15)with the simulations in section 4.Here we only note that at T =T c numerical integration gives τ≈2.2242which roughly corresponds to the discrepancy between the original SK result (equation (15)with τ=1or equation (5.27)of [1])and the simulation data they presented (figure 13(c )of [1]).Finally,it should be noticed here that the zeroth-order approximation is exact at short times.More precisely,equation (13)reproduces exactly the first time-derivative of the spin correlations at t =0.This is of course analogous to the simple CS theory being exact at short times.2.3.First-order approximationIn order to go beyond the zeroth-order theory we first use the standard projection operator manipulations [22]in order to rewrite the exact evolution equation (11)in the following way: t 0 j(δij δ(t −t )+M irr ij (t −t ) 1−σj tanh (βh j ) −1eq )∂t δσj (t )δσk eq =− 1−σi tanh (βh i ) eql A il δσl (t)δσj eq .(17)Here M irr is the irreducible [22]memory matrixM irr ij (t)= D i exp (Q 0 irr Q 0t)D j eq (18)with D i defined asD i =−Q 0(σi −tanh (βh i ))(19)and irr is the irreducible part of the evolution operator, irr = − ij δσi eq [ δσi δσj eq ]−1 δσj .(20)D i can be interpreted as the part of the time derivative of the i th spin fluctuation that is orthogonal to all the spin fluctuations.To this end we have to define a conjugate evolution operator ∗∗=− iw i (1−S i )(21)Glauber dynamics of the SK model10049 that acts on the spin variables,and then we check that the time derivative ofδσi is given by the following expression:∂tδσi= ∗δσi=−(σi−tanh(βh i)).(22)It should be emphasized here that the formal manipulations leading to the evolution equation(17)have a simple physical interpretation[22]:the irreducible memory matrix renormalizes the inverse rate of spinflips.In the zeroth-order approximation we neglected the renormalization of the inverse rate completely.In the next step(first-order approximation)we include it approximately.To this end wefirst define a projection operator on the subspace spanned by D iP1f(σ1,σ2,...)=D i C ij D j f(σ1,σ2,...) eq.(23)ijHere C is the inverse matrix of the correlations of the projected time derivativesC ijD j D k eq=δik.(24)jNext,we write down a formal expression for the time derivative of the memory function and insert into it the identity operator written as a sum of the projection P1and the orthogonal projection Q1=I−P1∂t M irr ij(t)= D i Q0 irr Q0exp(Q0 irr Q0t)D j eq= D i Q0 irr Q0(P1+Q1)exp(Q0 irr Q0t)D j eq.(25) In thefirst-order approximation we neglect the contribution involving Q1∂t M irr ij(t)≈ D i Q0 irr Q0P1exp(Q0 irr Q0t)D j eq.(26)Then,using the definition of the projection operator P1,we getD i Q0 irr Q0D k eq C kl M irr kj(t).(27)∂t M irr ij(t)=klAt this point we note that in the high-temperature limit the off-diagonal equilibrium correlations between irreducible quantities(i.e.quantities that have spin correlations subtracted out)are of higher order in N−1/2than the spin–spin correlations.This can be easily shown by a high-temperature expansion.Moreover,it can also be shown that the off-diagonal part of the memory matrix evolution operator D i Q0 irr Q0D j eq,i=j,can be neglected in the thermodynamic limit.Hence, only the diagonal partD i Q0 irr Q0D i eq=−(βJ)2 1−tanh2(βh) eq( tanh4(βh i) eq− tanh2(βh i) 2eq)(28) is relevant.Finally we see that in thefirst-order approximation only the diagonal elements of the memory matrix contribute and,moreover,that their time evolution is given by∂t M irr ii(t)= D i Q0 irr Q0D i eq C ii M irr ii(t)(29) where= 1−tanh2(βh i) eq(1−A ii 1−tanh2(βh i) eq).(30) M irr ii(t=0)=C−1iiEquations(17)and(29)with(28)and(30)constitute ourfirst-order approximation. In the high-temperature regime it is actually possible to go beyond thefirst-order approximation.The structure of the theory remains the same:at any higher order level a new(diagonal)irreducible memory matrix appears.10050G SzamelIt should be noted here that one should not expect any divergence of the memory function relaxation time at the transition temperature: D i Q0 irr Q0D i eq stays positive and C ii does not approach0as T→T c.To get explicit results from thefirst-order approximation we have to solve a system of equations(17)and(29).In the high-temperature phase we pre-average equation(29)to get ∂t M irr(t)= D Q0 irr Q0D eq C M irr(t)(31) with(t=0)= 1−tanh2(βh) eq(1−(1+(βJ)2) 1−tanh2(βh) eq)(32) and then we use the pre-averaged irreducible memory function in equation(17).The main argument for the pre-averaging is analytical simplicity.However,we expect that in the high-temperature phase pre-averaging should be justifiable.Equations(17)and(31)can be easily solved.Wefind that thefirst-order approximation results in a minute correction of the zeroth-order one.This fact could have been anticipated: numerical integration using the localfield distribution of[21]shows that at the transition temperature M irr(t=0)≈0.045.puter simulationsWe performed a series of Glauber dynamics simulations of the SK model at temperatures 2T c,1.5T c,1.25T c,and T c using the algorithm of Mackenzie and Young[23].Above the transition temperature we used equilibration times varying between100Monte Carlo steps per spin(MCS)at2T c and200MCS at1.25T c.At the transition temperature we used very long equilibration time of10000MCS.We used sample sizes of N=3000:at each temperature we simulated100samples.After equilibrating the system we collected the data for the time-dependent spin–spin correlation function[ σi(t)σi(0) eq]=(1/N)iσi(t)σi(0) eq(33) and for its time derivative,i.e.for the following correlation function:d d t [ σi(t)σi(0) eq]=(1/N)i(tanh(βh i(t))−σi(t))σi(0) eq.(34)We monitored the derivative independently having in mind the low-temperature phase:in contrast to the correlation function the derivative decays to zero even in the low-temperature phase.4.Results and discussionInfigure1we compare time-dependent spin correlations calculated from thefirst-order theory with the results of the computer simulations.On the scale of thefigure the predictions of the zeroth-order theory are indistinguishable from those of thefirst order.Infigure2we compare the time derivative of the spin correlations calculated from the first-order theory with the results of the computer simulations.Again,on the scale of the figure the predictions of the zeroth-order theory are indistinguishable from those of thefirst order.Glauber dynamics of the SK model10051Figure1.Time-dependent spin–spin correlation function as a function of time.Symbols:Glauber dynamics simulation data;squares:T=2T c;circles:T=1.5T c;triangles:T=1.25T c;crosses:T=T c.Solid lines:predictions of thefirst-order theory.Figure2.Time derivative of the spin–spin correlation function.Symbols:Glauber dynamicssimulation data;squares:T=2T c;circles:T=1.5T c;triangles:T=1.25T c;crosses:T=T c.Solid lines:predictions of thefirst-order theory.Qualitatively and quantitatively there is perfect agreement between the theory and simulations.It should be emphasized here that it is thefirst time such an agreement has been achieved for the time-dependent spin correlations,even in the high-temperature phase.It should also be realized that in spite of this quantitative agreement thefirst-order theory is not exact.There is an infinite number of higher-order irreducible memory functions and we do not have any argument that would allow us to neglect them.In this regard it seems that,even in the high-temperature phase,dynamics of the SK model is much more complicated than its equilibrium properties.Finally,we would like to comment on the relation between our theory and the simple10052G SzamelCS approach[10].CS,in effect,use a local in time closure hypothesis in the evolution equations for the sample-averaged quantities.If we were to derive an equation of motion for the sample averaged spin–spin correlation function from the zeroth-order approximation (equation(13)),our closure approximation would be non-local in time.Hence,we do not disagree with the main CS assumption that(certain)dynamic quantities are self-averaging and therefore it should be possible to derive equations of motion that would involve sample-averaged quantities only.On the other hand,we suspect that these equations of motion might be non-local in time.One should note at this point that the equations of motion for the time-dependent correlations that are derived in the soft-spin approach are,in fact,non-local in time.AcknowledgmentsI would like to thank Marshall Fixman for stimulating discussions.This work was partially supported by NSF grant no CHE-9624596.References[1]Sherrington D and Kirkpatrick 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A 高分子化学和高分子物理UNIT 1 What are Polymer?第一单元什么是高聚物?What are polymers? For one thing, they are complex and giant molecules and are different from low molecular weight compounds like, say, common salt. To contrast the difference, the molecular weight of common salt is only 58.5, while that of a polymer can be as high as several hundred thousand, even more than thousand thousands. These big molecules or ‘macro-molecules’ are made up of much smaller molecules, can be of one or more chemical compounds. To illustrate, imagine that a set of rings has the same size and is made of the same material. When these things are interlinked, the chain formed can be considered as representing a polymer from molecules of the same compound. Alternatively, individual rings could be of different sizes and materials, and interlinked to represent a polymer from molecules of different compounds.什么是高聚物?首先,他们是合成物和大分子,而且不同于低分子化合物,譬如说普通的盐。
Temperature Dependence of the Spin Polarization of a Quantum Hall Ferromagnet
A rapidly growing body of evidence, both theoretical [1{3] and experimental [4{7], strongly suggests that the lowest-lying charged excitation of the spin-polarized = 1 quantum Hall state is a spin-texture called a Skyrmion. This many-body state consists of radial spin density that is reversed at the center but gradually heals to the spin background over many magnetic lengths. The spin density distribution is determined by the interplay of the ferromagnetic exchange interaction and the Zeeman energy. The exchange interaction favors large Skyrmions while the Zeeman term favors smaller excitations. In GaAs samples presently under investigation the exchange energy can be up to two orders of magnitude larger than the Zeeman energy. Hartree-Fock calculations [2] predict that Skyrmions should consist of 3 4 spin ips per unpaired ux quantum for small excursions about = 1, a result consistent with early experimental work on the lling factor ( ) dependence of the zero temperature spin polarization near = 1 [4,6]. This dominance of the exchange interaction over the Zeeman energy has led theorists to refer to the = 1 quantum Hall state as the quantum Hall ferromagnet. In GaAs heterostructures experimentalists are presented an unprecedented opportunity to probe the physics of two-dimensional electron ferromagnetism in a well-characterized system. Thus insights gained from the thermodynamics of the spin polarization will be of interest not only to those studying many-body e ects in the integral quantum Hall regime, but also more generally, may elucidate the physics of 2D electron magnetism. In this communication we report on the experimental determination of the spin polarization as a function of temperature for such a = 1 quantum Hall ferromagnet. The system consists of a single-side n-modulation doped AlGaAs-GaAs single quantum well (SQW). The well thickness is 250 with an electron density of Ns = 1:8 10 cm and mobilA ity = 2:6 10 cm =V s. In order to perform absorption measurements the samples were mounted strain-free and thinned to 0:5m. The spin polarization is monitored through band-to-band absorption spectroscopy which distinguishes the occupancy of the two electron spin states. Band-gap absorption spectra show striking temperature dependence due to changes in the occupations of the spin-split states of the ground Landau level at lling factors
Corrosion in high-temperature and supercritical water and aqueous solutions-a review
J.of Supercritical Fluids 29(2004)1–29Corrosion in high-temperature and supercriticalwater and aqueous solutions:a reviewPeter Kritzer ∗Freudenberg Vliesstoffe KG,D-69465Weinheim,GermanyReceived 22April 2002;received in revised form 6January 2003;accepted 14February 2003AbstractThe aim of the present article is to review some of the common corrosion phenomena and describe the predominant corro-sion mechanisms in high-temperature and supercritical water.Corrosion in aqueous systems up to supercritical temperatures is determined by several solution-dependent and material-dependent factors.Solution-depending factors are the density,the temperature,the pH value,and the electrochemical potential of the solution,and the aggressiveness of the attacking anions.Material-dependent parameters include alloy composition,surface condition,material purity,and heat treatment.Corrosion phe-nomena that are observed include intergranular corrosion,pitting,general corrosion,and stress corrosion cracking.The solubility and dissociation of both attacking species and corrosion products play the most important role for corrosion in high-temperature water.Both solubility and dissociation processes are strongly influenced by the density,or the ionic product,respectively,of the solvent.High values of both parameters favor ionic reactions,and thus,accelerate electrochemical forms of corrosion.At low densities,water behaves like a non-polar solvent,and thus,ions associate.In these cases,the concentation of e.g.aggressive H +drops down and thus,solutions containing species such as HCl become neutral and thus less aggressive.Further,corrosion products plug the surface and material loss stops.Materials parameters have influence especially on the initiation of corrosion.In the present article,these factors are linked with the physical and chemical properties of high-temperature and supercritical water.An outlook is also given for future research needs.©2003Published by Elsevier B.V .Keywords:Corrosion;High-temperature water;Supercritical water;Supercritical water oxidation;Density;Ionic product1.Physical and chemical properties of high-temperature and supercritical water The physical and chemical properties of high-temperature and supercritical water (T >374◦C;p >22.05MPa)have been investigated and reviewed in detail by E.U.Franck and co-workers [1–5].A∗Tel.:+49-6201-80-4003;fax:+49-6201-88-4003.E-mail address:peter.kritzer@freudenberg.de (P.Kritzer).computer program is available to calculate these properties [6].Fig.1shows schematically the course of density when crossing the critical values of pres-sure or temperature.At a certain temperature,a drop can be observed,at which density and ionic prod-uct of high-temperature water fall down drastically.With increasing pressure,this drop shifts toward higher temperatures and its step height decreases (Fig.2).It will be shown in the following sec-tions that this drop is responsible for the uncommon0896-8446/$–see front matter ©2003Published by Elsevier B.V .doi:10.1016/S0896-8446(03)00031-72Fluids 29(2004)1–29Fig.1.Phase diagram of water and schematic course of density versus pressure and temperature.corrosion behavior of most materials in high-temperature water.Supercritical water has both liquid-like and gas-like characteristics like density between both states,high diffusivity and good heat-transporting properties.From this point of view,supercritical water can be seen as a dense gas.Thus,supercritical water is a medium with excellent transport properties and pos-sesses a complete solvency for most gases [7,8],and organic compounds [9–11].The ionic product of high-temperature water and steam versus temper-ature is illustrated in Fig.3.Steam and low-density supercritical water behave like non-polarsolventsFig.2.Drop of physical properties of high-temperature water at different pressures.Note that the drop shifts towards higher tem-peratures at higher pressures.Data after Steamtables,see Kritzer et al.[171];reprinted with kindly permission of the National As-sociation of Corrosion Engineers (NACE).Fig. 3.Ionic product of high-temperature water and steam at different temperatures versus pressure.At low pressures,water behaves as a non-polar solvent with low self-dissociation.High pressures can increase the ionic product to values above those found for water at ambient conditions.with low solvency for ionic compounds.Typical solubility values for sodium chloride and sodium sul-fate in low-density supercritical water are 100and 1ppm,respectively.The solubility of NaCl versus pressure and temperature is illustrated in Fig.4(after Ref.[12,13]).These characteristics can be tuned by a change of pressure.In the vicinity of the drop of density and ionic product mentioned above,a slight modification of tem-perature and pressure has a huge effect on the phys-ical and chemical parameters of the solvent.While chemical reactions occurring in water of high density are dominated by ionic pathways,low-density water favors radical reactions [14–26].High-density super-critical water is still a good solvent for organic com-pounds,but also for gases and salts.All these special features lead to interesting applications of supercriti-cal water.In the present article,the following expressions are used as follows:Supercritical water:T >T c (374◦C);p >p c (22.05MPa)Subcritical water:T <T c ;p >p Saturation (p may also be above p c )Steam:T <T c (T may also be above T c );p <p Saturation 2.Applications of high temperature and supercritical waterIn the last two decades,high-temperature and su-percritical water have become interesting mediums forP.Kritzer/J.of Supercritical Fluids29(2004)1–293 Fig.4.Solubility of NaCl in supercritical water at different pressures versus temperature.Salt solubility follows the density drop mentionedabove(e.g.Fig.2).Data after Martynova[13].Table1Applications of supercritical waterApplication Properties exploited Refs.Chemical reactions High solvency for organics,tunable conc.of H+and OH−[18–26] Hydrothermal syntheses Solubilities[27] Waste oxidation High solvency for organics and oxygen[20,28–33] Radioactive waste reduction High solvency for organics and oxygen;solubilities[34–36] Biomass conversion High solvency for organics[37–41] Plastic degradation High solubility of the monomers[42] Synthesis of nano-particles Low solubility of salts[43–46]chemistry[18–46].A number of reviews dealing with the general characteristics of supercritical water have been published recently[4,5,14–17].Here,only a brief overview is given of the enormously growing num-ber of different applications so of which are listed in Table1.3.Corrosion in high-temperature and supercritical water3.1.Short glossary of the typical forms of corrosion In this section,the principle corrosion mechanisms observed in high-temperature water will be described. An evaluation is given,which corrosion phenomena are most relevant for different applications.3.1.1.Pitting corrosionPitting corrosion is a localized form of corrosion occurring in the passive state of the metal.An exam-ple is shown in Fig.5.In this case,the oxidefilm in principle has a protective nature.However,aggres-sive anions such as chloride or bromide can penetrate into the oxidefilm and destroy thefilm locally.Typi-cal initiation points are inclusions or grain boundaries. Small pits are formed in thefirst step.The oxidation and dissolution of metal components such as nickel and/or chromium ions followed by their reaction as Lewis acids with the water leads to a strong acidifi-cation of the solution inside the pits.Due to migra-tion processes from the bulk solution,the concentra-tion of aggressive anions increases.Thus,the solution becomes more and more corrosive inside the pits and corrosion progresses.Pit growth generally occurs in4P.Kritzer/J.of Supercritical Fluids29(2004)1–29Fig. 5.Typical form of pitting corrosion.The phenomenon is stochastic and due to complicate and changing local chemistry inside the pits,penetration rates are not linear.Note that the neighbored surface remains unattacked,underlining the principle stability of the oxidefilm.Corrosion rates are in the range of1000m in100h(nickel-base alloy625;conditions:[HCl]=0.05 mol/kg;[O2]=0.48mol/kg;T=160◦C;p=24MPa;t=124 h;see Ref.[173]).high rates.Increasing temperature additionally weak-ens the oxidefilm,and thus,pitting occurs much eas-ier at higher temperatures—which is indicated,e.g.by the decrease of the lower limit of the electochemical potential,at which pitting is observed with increasing temperature[47–67].The reason for this behavior is (a)the higher number of locally limited defects in the film[47,48]and(b)the increased tendency of the ox-idefilms to incorporate anions at higher temperatures [50–53].Note that still large areas of the surface re-main unattacked,while in neighbored areas,corrosion rates can exceed some10m/h.Due to its stochastic and non-predictive nature,pit-ting is a dangerous form of corrosion.Review articles dealing with pitting corrosion have been published by several researchers[68–79].3.1.2.General corrosionIn contrast to pitting corrosion,the reason for gen-eral corrosion is a general instability of the oxidefilm, and thus,corrosion attacks the entire surface.The typical morphology is a shallow,wave-like pitting (Fig.6).General corrosion happens in such cases, where none of the alloy components could form a protective layer.This is the case during the active and transpassive dissolution of materials.Bothprocesses Fig. 6.Typical wave-like form of general corrosion(‘shallow pitting’).Since this form of corrosion is diffusion-controlled,cor-rosion rates are linear.Note that due to the‘general instability’of the oxidefilm,the complete surface is attacked.Grain boundaries at the surface might be etched(not visible in thisfigure due to too low magnification).Corrosion rates are in the range of500m in100h(nickel-base alloy625;conditions:[HCl]=0.05mol/kg; [O2]=0.48mol/kg;T=350◦C;p=24MPa;t=124h;see Ref.[173]).are described below.The starting points of general corrosion are the same like these found for pitting, the weakest points of the surface.It has been shown for different alloys and stainless steels that pitting switches to general corrosion above a certain tem-perature called the inversion temperature[60,62].At this temperature,which is typically in the range of 200–250◦C,also the pitting potential no longer de-creases,but shifts into that of the transpassive disso-lution.In case of chromium-containing alloys,chro-mate is released under these conditions.It was shown that concentrations of oxygen even below some100 ppm are sufficient for chromate formation[60].The absolute material loss caused by general corrosion might be high,but due to the diffusion-controlled character,the corrosion rates are linear and thus, can be predicted.General corrosion is a common phenomenon in oxidizing high-temperature water.In cases,where chromate is released,grain boundaries on the surface might be attacked since chromate act as a grain-boundary etching agent[60,62].It must be men-tioned that chromium(III)oxides are still found under these conditions,although the chromate formation is thermodynamically favored,which underlines the low conversion rates of solid Cr(III)towards Cr(VI).P.Kritzer/J.of Supercritical Fluids29(2004)1–295Fig.7.Intergranular corrosion.Due to the‘difference’between grain boundaries and grains,corrosion occurs preferentially in this regions.Corrosion at this picture occurred at supercritical temper-ature;significant material loss could not be observed.Corrosion rates are in the range of10m in100h(nickel-base alloy625; conditions:[HCl]=0.05mol/kg;[O2]=0.48mol/kg;T=450◦C; p=24MPa;t=150h,see Ref.[173]).3.1.3.Intergranular corrosion(intercrystalline corrosion,IC)The phenomenon of IC has found much attention in literature[80–85].Grain boundaries and the neigh-bored areas of the grains normally are chemically dif-ferent compared to the bulk grains themselves.Addi-tionally,new phases can be formed at the grain bound-aries such as metal carbides or nitrides.Further,an enrichment,or segregation,respectively of trace el-ements at the grain boundaries lead to detrimental conditions.During IC,either the grain boundaries or neighboring grain areas might be attacked(Fig.7). Local electrochemical elements might be formed.Dif-ferent corrosion mechanisms are observed,so IC can be observed under nearly all conditions.Both,pene-tration depth and amount of dissolved material regu-larly are low.Therefore,IC is not as critical as the other forms of corrosion.However,whole grains may be dissolved at longer times and by the influence of mechanic stress,IC may lead to the dangerous stress corrosion cracking(SCC).3.1.4.Stress corrosion crackingSCC is an extremely dangerous form of corro-sion,since its nature and its occurrence are stochastic (Fig.8).Thus,failures can be catastrophic.There-fore,publications dealing with this form ofcorrosion Fig.8.Stress corrosion cracking starting at the bottom of a shal-low pit and passing through the whole wall of a tubular reactor in the temperature transition region between passive and transpas-sive states.In this example,failure occurred in less than50h in a solution containing HCl and oxygen(nickel-base alloy625;con-ditions:[HCl]=0.10mol/kg;[O2]=0.48mol/kg;T=220◦C; p=38MPa;t=24.5;V on Mises stress values are rd.100N/mm, see Ref.[173]).are numerous[86–103].SCC is observed along the grain boundaries(inter-granular)or through the grains (trans-granular).SCC is commonly present in the transition ranges between the active and the passive, or the passive and the transpassive potential,respec-tively.Thus,SCC was observed in high-temperature water in the presence of either hydrogen(active region)or oxygen(transpassive region).Most detri-mental anions are chloride,bromide,and sulfide. SCC needs both a chemical and a mechanical com-ponent.At higher mechanical stress of the material, the chemical aggressiveness of the solution does not need to be so high.On the other hand,in highly ag-gressive environments,relatively low values of stress can cause SCC.SCC commonly leads to a failure of the entire reactor due to leakage.If further burnable gases like hydrogen are released from such a leakage in the heating section of a reactor,fires and even ex-plosions cannot be excluded.3.2.Brief history—wet air oxidation and supercritical water oxidationThe most widespread use of high-temperature water is as a heat transporting and heat transmission medium in power station cycles.Water in this environment6P.Kritzer/J.of Supercritical Fluids29(2004)1–29contains low concentrations of corrosive species such as salts and oxygen.Additionally,suitable corrosion inhibitors are added to the water in such systems as noted later.Thus,in practice,corrosion phenomena that are dominant,are those,in which the mechanical component plays the most important role.Corrosion occurring under these conditions has been extensively investigated[104–113].In nuclear power generation cycles,also the effect of radioactivity has to be taken into account.Some30years ago,concentrations of inorganic compounds and oxygen above the ppm level in high-temperature water were only present in the industrial application of wet air oxidation(W AO) [114–118].W AO is the oxidative treatment of organic wastewaters at temperatures up to320◦C and pres-sures up to20MPa.Reaction times are30–60min. The reactor material mostly is titanium grade2,which has been proven to be resistant under these conditions. The purpose of this kind of waste treatment is to crack stable organic molecules and form harmless com-pounds like acetic acid,which can be easily destroyed subsequently with biological treatment.Currently, over100WAO plants are run successfully world-wide [114,118].The typical oxidizer in such systems is oxygen from air,but also nitric acid has been used. The process of supercritical water oxidation (SCWO)—the most widely investigated supercritical water application so far,can be seen as an exten-sion of WAO to higher temperatures and pressures. Typical process parameters of SCWO are reaction temperatures of400–700◦C and pressures of24–50 MPa.During the process,organic compounds react completely with the oxidant—mostly oxygen—in a single-phase reaction to form CO2and H2O. Hetero-atoms like halogens,sulfur,or phosphorus present in the organic wastes are transformed into their mineral acids HF,HCl,HBr,H2SO4or H3PO4, respectively.HI is not formed since iodides are rapidly converted to elemental iodine in the presence of anically bound nitrogen forms N2predomi-nately and small amounts of N2O.Thereby,N(−III) nitrogen is oxidized by the oxidant,while N(+V),be-ing a powerful oxidant itself,is reduced.Undesirable by-products common in incineration like dioxins,or higher NO x are normally not formed,since reaction temperatures not favorable for their formation.SO2 is transferred to SO3and removed with the aqueous effluent as sulfate.The variety of employed wastes include warfare agents,rocket propellants,radioac-tive wastes,and wastes from the paper and chemical industries[28–36].In contrast to W AO,SCWO is able to achieve com-plete oxidation of most organic materials at short re-action times that range from seconds to minutes. Common reactor materials like stainless steels at service times of some1000h used in SCWO of aque-ous waste streams of organic compounds containing no hetero-atoms do not exhibit remarkable corrosion rates.Unfortunately,the degradation of such com-pounds is economically uninteresting,since they can be treated cheaper with alternative methods such as incineration.It has been found in different studies that SCWO could become economically interesting for the treatment of highly toxic material like chlorinated dioxines or S-and P-containing warfare agents. However,the highly corrosive effluents resulting from the treatment of these waste streams,together with the precipitation of salts and a subsequent reac-tor plugging,has hindered a wider application of the process so far[33].The number of investigations of the corrosion resis-tance of different reactor materials under SCWO con-ditions is enormous[119–201].However,a material that can withstand every conceivable chemical condi-tions has not yet been found.Most reviews dealing with the SCWO process are overly optimistic,and crit-ical publications dealing with the process problems are few[28,33].To solve these existing problems,the fol-lowing routes for future research have been suggested [33]:•Determination the corrosion mechanisms occurring under high-temperature conditions.•Understanding the influence and interaction of corrosion-determining parameters of the solution such as temperature,pressure,solution components, and pH.•Understanding the influence of the reactor material parameters,the material itself,alloy composition, heat treatment and the level of impurities.•Determination of conditions,where corrosion is low.It is probable that no single reactor material can withstand every conceivable reaction conditions.•Evaluation,of whether a particular corrosive species can be excluded,compensated or avoided so that aP.Kritzer/J.of Supercritical Fluids29(2004)1–297corrosion-resistant material for the desired applica-tion can be chosen.•Construction of special reactor designs to limit con-tact of the corrosive species with the reactor wall or temperature–pressure regimes,in which highly corrosive species are formed,are avoided[201]. Several SCWO pilot plants are under operation world-wide.A recent overview over these activities is given elsewhere[28].In recent years,also the application of high-temperature and especially su-percritical water as medium for chemical reactions, synthesis and crystallization processes(see Table1) has become afield of wide interest.In these applica-tions,the presence of salts,acids,or gases might be necessary for the chemical reaction,since they might be educts and/or products.3.3.Solution parameters influencing corrosion3.3.1.Ionic reactions and oxidefilm stabilityAs mentioned above,high-temperature water is a medium of tunable density,ionic product and dielec-tric constant(see Figs.1–3).Hence,its solvent char-acter can vary from highly polar at high densities to nearly non-polar at low densities.High polarity favors the solubility and/or the dissociation of ionic species like salts,acids,and bases,and thus favors ionic reac-tions.However—and this stands in contrast to water at ambient conditions—also non-polar gases and or-ganic compounds might be completely soluble at suf-ficiently high temperatures and pressures[7,8].Low-density water suppresses ionic reactions and favors radical reaction pathways,especially at high temperatures.Generally,the high temperatures dras-tically accelerate all chemical reactions,and thus,ki-netic effects become less and less important. Aqueous corrosion processes commonly are seen as ionic reactions.The rate-determining step generally is the dissolution of a protective surface salt—mostly an oxide.In high-temperature water,this oxide might be of different nature or composition than the surface ox-ides found under ambient conditions.In general,ox-ides are preferentially formed compared to hydroxides at high temperatures,and the content of crystal water is lower.At ambient conditions,thermodynamically unsta-ble compounds might form a protective layer insuch Fig.9.‘Stability island’of a protective oxide and the principle mechanisms for its dissolution.Horizontal direction means‘chem-ical dissolution’(variation of the pH without changing the poten-tial),while vertical direction means‘electrochemical dissolution (variation of the electrochemical potential without changing the pH).The stability island correlates with the‘passivity region’of the metal.cases,when their kinetic stability is high,and thus, their dissolution rate is very low.On the other hand, in high-temperature water of high density,thermody-namic stability is a necessary condition for a protec-tivefilm,since all chemical dissolution rates are ac-celerated.The principle reactions to dissolve such an oxide film are similar to those found at room temperature and are illustrated in Fig.9.A detailed description of the different dissolution processes is given in the following sections.3.3.2.TemperatureCorrosion rates in water generally increase with temperature.Indeed,most corrosion processes have a minimum temperature,below which corrosion is lim-ited or does not occur.For example,stainless steels are attacked by chloride-induced pitting corrosion above some80–100◦C,while the materials are resistant at lower temperatures.However,thesefindings are only true as long as the other solution properties remain unchanged over the investigated temperature range.Thefirst experi-mental corrosion experiments in supercritical aque-ous solutions gave surprising results:Corrosion was lower by orders of magnitude at the highest supercrit-ical experimental temperatures of500◦C compared8P.Kritzer/J.of Supercritical Fluids29(2004)1–29with corrosion at subcritical300◦C[119–121,130–132,135,136].This behavior was traced to the change of physical and chemical properties of water.3.3.3.pH-value:chemical dissolutionThe pH value normally is based on the equilibrium reaction of the self-dissociation of waterH2O=H++OH−This reaction has an endothermic character and thus, the equilibrium shifts towards the right side with in-creasing temperature.For example,at a pressure of 25MPa,it runs through a maximum at about300◦C (Fig.2).At these temperatures,the concentrations of both H+and OH−are about three orders of magni-tude above the values in ambient water,so that wa-ter can be considered to be both acidic and alkaline.A technical application for this phenomenon are acid-or base-catalyzed reactions such as estherifications or hydrolysis reactions in high-density subcritical water [26].Under these conditions,strong mineral acids like H2SO4,which are necessary for catalyzing such re-actions at room temperature,are not used,and thus, a separation of the acidic catalyst in a second step is unnecessary.Higher temperatures at constant pressure lead to a reduction of the number of hydrogen bonds and thus favor the non-polar character of water[15,16].Conse-quently,self-dissociation drastically drops down above a certain temperature.The dissociation of mineral acids follows the course of density of the solvent[170,202,203].Since the dis-sociation of strong acids is exothermic,the decrease is strongly monotonous.In Fig.10,the dissociation of HCl versus temperature is shown(data after Ref. [203]).Other strong acids behave more or less similar. Again,the large pressure influence at high tempera-tures is remarkable and,e.g.HCl dissociation corre-lates well with the solution density[203].The pH value,or dissociation rate,respectively,is one of the factors,which has most influence on corro-sion in high-temperature water.High or low values of pH lead to a chemical dissolution,which is described as dissolution of the protecting oxide at constant elec-trochemical potential,and indicated as the horizontal direction in Fig.9.This form of dissolution is caused by the amphoteric character of most oxides;they can be dissolved either in acidic or in alkalinesolutions.Fig.10.Dissociation of HCl in water versus temperature after Frantz and Marshall[203].Dissociation follows the density of the solvent.For comparison,the pH of1M acetic acid at room tem-perature is indicated.It can bee seen that HCl at high temperatures still acts as acid,if the pressure is high enough.The behavior of other acids is similar(see,e.g.Ref.[202]).Typical examples are the oxides of iron,nickel,and chromium.The pH region of highest stability depends on the isoelectrical point of the oxide and can change with temperature.Theoretical work of Adschiri et al. determined the solubility of the protecting oxides of iron,nickel and chromium in supercritical water versus pH value at non-oxidizing conditions[188]. For all three metal oxides,the solubility at neutral or slightly alkaline conditions is lowest.Chromium oxide show the lowest solubility of the three oxides, nickel oxide the highest.In a later publication,the same authors investigated the effect of oxygen on the corrosion of pure iron,nickel,chromium and different alloys versus pressure at slightly supercritical temper-atures[194,195].In all cases,an increased pressure increases the corrosion rate for the pure metals[194]. Chromium shows the highest stability compared to iron and nickel,in coincidence with the solubility data. This behavior also explains the observations,why chromium-containing alloys show a better corrosion resistance than chromium-free ones[195].In a ex-tensive study,Schroer et al.investigated the influence the chromium content in binary Ni–Cr alloys and the effect of an addition of aluminum and tungsten as al-loying elements[198].The authors also found a strong pressure dependency of the corrosion.At comparable pressure–temperature conditions410◦C/40MPa,the corrosion rates for all these alloys were comparably high,and lie within one order of magnitude.TheP .Kritzer /J.of Supercritical Fluids 29(2004)1–299different corrosion rates were claimed on the different morphologies of the Cr(III)oxide/hydroxide layer.It must be mentioned that in special cases,no cor-rosion might occur,even although the oxide layer is removed.This is the case for solutions,in which no oxidative species are present that could further oxidize the pure metal after initial oxide removal.This state normally is called immunity of the metal or the alloy.The value of pH also influences the solubility of the primary corrosion products.These are formed inter-mediately at the rapidly corroding surface,when local super-saturation occurs leading to a precipitation of these salts.For example,it has been shown that cor-rosion rates of nickel-base alloys in strongly oxidiz-ing high-temperature solutions of different acids are influenced by the solubility of the nickel salts of the acid anion [167,172,173].On the other hand,the sub-stance with the lowest solubility,which for stainless steels and nickel-base alloys in acidic solution are Cr (III)oxides or hydroxides,are present as solid corro-sion products in form of thick scales on the corroded surface,while nickel is dissolved selectively.Typical concentrations of metal ions released from a nickel-base alloy 625reactor (composition:62wt.%Ni,22wt.%Cr,9.0wt.%Mo)under oxidizing al-kaline,neutral,and acidic conditions are shown in Table 2[166].In the same table,enrichment factors (EF)for Cr and Mo,normalized to the nickel content in the alloy,and solution,respectively,are listed.Acidic solution leads to high concentrations of chemically dissolved Ni in the effluent.Cr and Mo show low EF values,which means that Ni is dissolved preferentially.Increased pH values reduce the Ni concentrations byTable 2Concentrations of metals released from a tube reactor of nickel-base alloy 625corroded by acidic,neutral and alkaline chloride solutions (T max =350◦C;p =24MPa;[O 2]=0.5mol/kg;[HCl]=[NaCl]=[NaOH]=0.05mol/kg;further experimental details are described in Ref.[166]).[Ni dissolved ]ppm[Cr dissolved ]ppm EF (Cr)[Mo dissolved ]ppm EF (Mo)HCl +O 21560170.03120.05NaCl +O 21024 6.96 4.2NaCl/NaOH +O 20.1a1.851.60.748.8The enrichment factor (EF)of an element X compared to nickel is calculated after the following equation by taking into account the concentrations of dissolved metals in solution and the alloy composition (Ni:62.8wt.%,Cr:21.9wt.%Mo 9.0wt.%).EF Ni (X )=[X]/[Ni](dissolved )[X]/[Ni](alloy )aValue is indeed below 0.1ppm (the detection limit of the analytical technique),so the EF values for Cr and Mo are even higher.orders of magnitude –according to the thermodynamic stability of NiO under these conditions (see Section 3.3.7),while Cr and Mo are not influenced that much.Chromium and molybdenum behave similar to each other.Both metals are dissolved chemically,mainly in acidic solutions,and electrochemically as thermo-dynamically favored CrO 2−4or MoO 2−4,mainly in al-kaline solutions.The low concentrations of dissolved Cr under acidic conditions underlines the low sol-ubility of the chromium(III)oxides.Under neutral,and especially alkaline conditions,Cr and Mo show a high enrichment compared to Ni.This,together with the decrease in concentration of all metals at alka-line conditions can be attributed to the protecting NiO,which suppresses a further dissolution of the alloy [165,166,172].3.3.4.The electrochemical potential and the solubility of gases:electrochemical dissolutionAt room temperature,non-polar gases like oxygen,hydrogen,or nitrogen are water-soluble only in low ppm concentrations according to their Henry’s con-stants.Increasing the pressure at room temperature leads to only slightly higher gas solubility.Increas-ing the temperature at these high pressures results in a slight decrease of the gas solubility up to around 100◦C.Above that temperature,gas solubility in-creases drastically [204–208].At supercritical param-eters of the solvent,gases are completely miscible with the supercritical solvent [7,8].Since corrosion reactions are generally oxidation reactions,they are very sensitive to changes in the electrochemical potential.Under these conditions,the。
The liquid is raised to a temperature enabling it to be sterilized 液体温度提升至能灭菌的温度 The bottle is filled at this temperature (up to 88°C) 瓶子在这温度下(高至 88°C)灌装 Sterlization of the cap is obtained by contact with the hot liquid 瓶盖与热的液体接触进行灭菌 Gradual cooling 分段冷却
Application to the packaging of sensitive drinks such as isotonics, fruit装例如 等压、果汁、茶等
Hotfilling 热灌装 Pasteurization 巴氏杀菌
Hotfilling 热灌装
Local deformation局部变形
Stress exerted locally during packaging 在包装过程中外界压力局部地 作用
Mechanical stress exerted by the cap: risk of deformation 封盖的机械应力:变形的风险
Conveying of the filled bottles while still hot: deformation on contact with the transport and guiding equipment 已灌装的瓶输送静止受热:与输送链条接触 和导向处变形
Deformation of the material which naturally tends towards a state in which the level of stress is lowest 材料的变形自然趋向于低应力水 平的状态 “Memory〞 effect “记忆〞效应
1多相系统 heterogeneous system2自由度degree of freedom3相律 phase rule4独立组分数 number of independent component5凝聚系统 condensed system6三相点 triple point7超临界流体 supercritical fluid8超临界流体萃取supercritical fluid extraction9超临界流体色谱supercritical fluid chromatography10泡点 bubbling point11露点dew point12杠杆规则 level rule13连结线 tie line14部分蒸馏(分馏)fractional distillation15缔合分子 associated molecule16最低恒沸点 minimum azeotropic point17最低恒沸混合物low-boiling azeotrope18无水乙醇(绝对乙醇)absolute ethyl alcohol19最高恒沸点maximum azeotropic point20会溶点 consolute point21共轭层 conjugate layer22烟碱 nicotine23蒸汽蒸馏 steam distillation24步冷曲线 cooling curve25热分析法 thermal analysis26低共熔点 eutectic point27低共熔混合物eutectic mixture28异成分熔点 incongruent melting point29转熔温度 peritectic tempreture30固溶体 solid solution31退火 annealing32淬火 quenching33区域熔炼 zone melting34分凝系数 fractional coagulation coefficient35褶点 plait point36等温会溶点 isothermal consolute point37双节点溶解度曲线 binodal solubility cueve38一(二)级相变first(second)order phase transition39超流体 super fluid40顺磁体 paramagnetic substance41铁磁体 ferromagnetic substance第二篇:中英文翻译蓄电池 battery 充电 converter 转换器 charger开关电器Switch electric 按钮开关Button to switch 电源电器Power electric 插头插座 Plug sockets第三篇:中英文翻译Fundamentals This chapter describes the fundamentals of today’s wireless communications.First a detailed description of the radio channel and its modeling are presented, followed by the introduction of the principle of OFDM multi-carrier transmission.In addition, a general overview of the spread spectrum technique, especially DS-CDMA, is given and examples of potential applications for OFDM and DS-CDMA areanalyzed.This introduction is essential for a better understanding of the idea behind the combination of OFDM with the spread spectrum technique, which is briefly introduced in the last part of this chapter.1.1 Radio Channel Characteristics Understanding the characteristics of the communications medium is crucial for the appropriate selection of transmission system architecture, dimensioning of its components, and optimizing system parameters, especially since mobile radio channels are considered to be the most difficult channels, since they suffer from many imperfections like multipath fading, interference, Doppler shift, and shadowing.The choice of system components is totally different if, for instance, multipath propagation with long echoes dominates the radio propagation.Therefore, an accurate channel model describing the behavior of radio wave propagation in different environments such as mobile/fixed and indoor/outdoor is needed.This may allow one, through simulations, to estimate and validate the performance of a given transmission scheme in its several design phases.1.1.1 Understanding Radio Channels In mobile radio channels(see Figure 1-1), the transmitted signal suffers from different effects, which are characterized as follows: Multipath propagation occurs as a consequence of reflections, scattering, and diffraction of the transmitted electromagnetic wave at natural and man-made objects.Thus, at the receiver antenna, a multitude of waves arrives from many different directions with different delays, attenuations, and phases.The superposition of these waves results in amplitude and phase variations of the composite received signal.Doppler spread is caused by moving objects in the mobile radio channel.Changes in the phases and amplitudes of the arriving waves occur which lead to time-variant multipathpropagation.Even small movements on the order of the wavelength may result in a totally different wave superposition.The varying signal strength due to time-variant multipath propagation is referred to as fast fading.Shadowing is caused by obstruction of the transmitted waves by, e.g., hills, buildings, walls, and trees, which results in more or less strong attenuation of the signal pared to fast fading, longer distances have to be covered to significantly change the shadowing constellation.The varying signal strength due to shadowing is called slow fading and can be described by a log-normal distribution [36].Path loss indicates how the mean signal power decays with distance between transmitter and receiver.In free space, the mean signal power decreases with the square of the distance between base station(BS)and terminal station(TS).In a mobile radio channel, where often no line of sight(LOS)path exists, signal power decreases with a power higher than two and is typically in the order of three to five.Variations of the received power due to shadowing and path loss can be efficiently counteracted by power control.In the following, the mobile radio channel is described with respect to its fast fading characteristic.1.1.2 Channel Modeling The mobile radio channel can be characterized by the time-variant channel impulse response h(τ , t)or by the time-variant channel transfer function H(f, t), which is the Fourier transform of h(τ, t).The channel impulse response represents the response of the channel at time t due to an impulse applied at time t −τ.The mobile radio channel is assumed to be a wide-sense stationary random process, i.e., the channel has a fading statistic that remains constant over short periods of time or small spatial distances.In environments with multipath propagation, the channel impulseresponse is composed of a large number of scattered impulses received over Np different paths,Whereand ap, fD,p, ϕp, and τp are the amplitude, the Doppler frequency, the phase, and the propagation delay, respectively, associated with path p, p = 0,..., Np −1.The assigned channel transfer function isThe delays are measured relative to the first detectable path at the receiver.The Doppler Frequencydepends on the velocity v of the terminal station, the speed of light c, the carrier frequency fc, and the angle of incidence αp of a wave assigned to path p.A channel impulse response with corresponding channel transfer function is illustrated in Figure 1-2.The delay power density spectrum ρ(τ)that characterizes the frequency selectivity of the mobile radio channel gives the average power of the channel output as a function of the delay τ.The mean delay τ , the root mean square(RMS)de lay spread τRMS and the maximum delay τmax are characteristic parameters of the delay power density spectrum.The mean delay isWhereFigure 1-2 Time-variant channel impulse response and channel transfer function with frequency-selective fading is the power of path p.The RMS delay spread is defined as Similarly, the Doppler power density spectrum S(fD)can be defined that characterizes the time variance of the mobile radio channel and gives the average power of the channel output as a function of the Doppler frequency fD.The frequency dispersive properties of multipath channels are most commonly quantified by the maximum occurring Doppler frequency fDmax and the Doppler spread fDspread.The Doppler spread is the bandwidth of theDoppler power density spectrum and can take on values up to two times |fDmax|, i.e.,1.1.3Channel Fade Statistics The statistics of the fading process characterize the channel and are of importance for channel model parameter specifications.A simple and often used approach is obtained from the assumption that there is a large number of scatterers in the channel that contribute to the signal at the receiver side.The application of the central limit theorem leads to a complex-valued Gaussian process for the channel impulse response.In the absence of line of sight(LOS)or a dominant component, the process is zero-mean.The magnitude of the corresponding channel transfer functionis a random variable, for brevity denoted by a, with a Rayleigh distribution given byWhereis the average power.The phase is uniformly distributed in the interval [0, 2π].In the case that the multipath channel contains a LOS or dominant component in addition to the randomly moving scatterers, the channel impulse response can no longer be modeled as zero-mean.Under the assumption of a complex-valued Gaussian process for the channel impulse response, the magnitude a of the channel transfer function has a Rice distribution given byThe Rice factor KRice is determined by the ratio of the power of the dominant path to thepower of the scattered paths.I0 is the zero-order modified Bessel function of first kind.The phase is uniformly distributed in the interval [0, 2π].1.1.4Inter-Symbol(ISI)and Inter-Channel Interference(ICI)The delay spread can cause inter-symbol interference(ISI)when adjacent data symbols overlap and interfere with each other due to differentdelays on different propagation paths.The number of interfering symbols in a single-carrier modulated system is given by For high data rate applications with very short symbol duration Td < τmax, the effect of ISI and, with that, the receiver complexity can increase significantly.The effect of ISI can be counteracted by different measures such as time or frequency domain equalization.In spread spectrum systems, rake receivers with several arms are used to reduce the effect of ISI by exploiting the multipath diversity such that individual arms are adapted to different propagation paths.If the duration of the transmitted symbol is significantly larger than the maximum delay Td τmax, the channel produces a negligible amount of ISI.This effect is exploited with multi-carrier transmission where the duration per transmitted symbol increases with the number of sub-carriers Nc and, hence, the amount of ISI decreases.The number of interfering symbols in a multi-carrier modulated system is given byResidual ISI can be eliminated by the use of a guard interval(see Section 1.2).The maximum Doppler spread in mobile radio applications using single-carrier modulation is typically much less than the distance between adjacent channels, such that the effect of interference on adjacent channels due to Doppler spread is not a problem for single-carrier modulated systems.For multi-carrier modulated systems, the sub-channel spacing Fs can become quite small, such that Doppler effects can cause significant ICI.As long as all sub-carriers are affected by a common Doppler shift fD, this Doppler shift can be compensated for in the receiver and ICI can be avoided.However, if Doppler spread in the order of several percent of the sub-carrier spacing occurs, ICI may degrade the system performance significantly.T oavoid performance degradations due to ICI or more complex receivers with ICI equalization, the sub-carrier spacing Fs should be chosen assuch that the effects due to Doppler spread can be neglected(see Chapter 4).This approach corresponds with the philosophy of OFDM described in Section 1.2 and is followed in current OFDM-based wireless standards.Nevertheless, if a multi-carrier system design is chosen such that the Doppler spread is in the order of the sub-carrier spacing or higher, a rake receiver in the frequency domain can be used [22].With the frequency domain rake receiver each branch of the rake resolves a different Doppler frequency.1.1.5Examples of Discrete Multipath Channel Models Various discrete multipath channel models for indoor and outdoor cellular systems with different cell sizes have been specified.These channel models define the statistics of the 5 discrete propagation paths.An overview of widely used discrete multipath channel models is given in the following.COST 207 [8]: The COST 207 channel models specify four outdoor macro cell propagation scenarios by continuous, exponentially decreasing delay power density spectra.Implementations of these power density spectra by discrete taps are given by using up to 12 taps.Examples for settings with 6 taps are listed in Table 1-1.In this table for several propagation environments the corresponding path delay and power profiles are given.Hilly terrain causes the longest echoes.The classical Doppler spectrum with uniformly distributed angles of arrival of the paths can be used for all taps for simplicity.Optionally, different Doppler spectra are defined for the individual taps in [8].The COST 207 channel models are based on channel measurements with a bandwidth of 8–10 MHz in the 900-MHz band used for 2Gsystems such as GSM.COST 231 [9] and COST 259 [10]: These COST actions which are the continuation of COST 207 extend the channel characterization to DCS 1800, DECT, HIPERLAN and UMTS channels, taking into account macro, micro, and pico cell scenarios.Channel models with spatial resolution have been defined in COST 259.The spatial component is introduced by the definition of several clusters with local scatterers, which are located in a circle around the base station.Three types of channel models are defined.The macro cell type has cell sizes from 500 m up to 5000 m and a carrier frequency of 900 MHz or 1.8 GHz.The micro cell type is defined for cell sizes of about 300 m and a carrier frequency of 1.2 GHz or 5 GHz.The pico cell type represents an indoor channel model with cell sizes smaller than 100 m in industrial buildings and in the order of 10 m in an office.The carrier frequency is 2.5 GHz or 24 GHz.COST 273: The COST 273 action additionally takes multi-antenna channel models into account, which are not covered by the previous COST actions.CODIT [7]: These channel models define typical outdoor and indoor propagation scenarios for macro, micro, and pico cells.The fading characteristics of the various propagation environments are specified by the parameters of the Nakagami-m distribution.Every environment is defined in terms of a number of scatterers which can take on values up to 20.Some channel models consider also the angular distribution of the scatterers.They have been developed for the investigation of 3G system proposals.Macro cell channel type models have been developed for carrier frequencies around 900 MHz with 7 MHz bandwidth.The micro and pico cell channel type models have been developed for carrier frequencies between 1.8 GHz and 2 GHz.The bandwidths of the measurements are in the range of 10–100 MHz for macro cells and around 100 MHz for pico cells.JTC [28]: The JTC channel models define indoor and outdoor scenarios by specifying 3 to 10 discrete taps per scenario.The channel models are designed to be applicable for wideband digital mobile radio systems anticipated as candidates for the PCS(Personal Communications Systems)common air interface at carrier frequencies of about 2 GHz.UMTS/UTRA [18][44]: Test propagation scenarios have been defined for UMTS and UTRA system proposals which are developed for frequencies around 2 GHz.The modeling of the multipath propagation corresponds to that used by the COST 207 channel models.HIPERLAN/2 [33]: Five typical indoor propagation scenarios for wireless LANs in the 5 GHz frequency band have been defined.Each scenario is described by 18discrete taps of the delay power density spectrum.The time variance of the channel(Doppler spread)is modeled by a classical Jake’s spectrum with a maximum terminal speed of 3 m/h.Further channel models exist which are, for instance, given in [16].1.1.6Multi-Carrier Channel Modeling Multi-carrier systems can either be simulated in the time domain or, more computationally efficient, in the frequency domain.Preconditions for the frequency domain implementation are the absence of ISI and ICI, the frequency nonselective fading per sub-carrier, and the time-invariance during one OFDM symbol.A proper system design approximately fulfills these preconditions.The discrete channel transfer function adapted to multi-carrier signals results inwhere the continuous channel transfer function H(f, t)is sampled in time at OFDM symbol rate s and in frequency at sub-carrier spacing Fs.The durations is the total OFDM symbol duration including the guardinterval.Finally, a symbol transmitted onsub-channel n of the OFDM symbol i is multiplied by the resulting fading amplitude an,i and rotated by a random phase ϕn,i.The advantage of the frequency domain channel model is that the IFFT and FFT operation for OFDM and inverse OFDM can be avoided and the fading operation results in one complex-valued multiplication per sub-carrier.The discrete multipath channel models introduced in Section 1.1.5 can directly be applied to(1.16).A further simplification of the channel modeling for multi-carrier systems is given by using the so-called uncorrelated fading channel models. Fading Channel Models for Multi-Carrier Systems These channel models are based on the assumption that the fading on adjacent data symbols after inverse OFDM and de-interleaving can be considered as uncorrelated [29].This assumption holds when, e.g., a frequency and time interleaver with sufficient interleaving depth is applied.The fading amplitude an,i is chosen from a distribution p(a)according to the considered cell type and the random phase ϕn,I is uniformly distributed in the interval [0,2π].The resulting complex-valued channel fading coefficient is thus generated independently for each sub-carrier and OFDM symbol.For a propagation scenario in a macro cell without LOS, the fading amplitude an,i is generated by a Rayleigh distribution and the channel model is referred to as an uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channel.For smaller cells where often a dominant propagation component occurs, the fading amplitude is chosen from a Rice distribution.The advantages of the uncorrelated fading channel models for multi-carrier systems are their simple implementation in the frequency domain and the simple reproducibility of the simulation results.1.1.7Diversity The coherence bandwidth of amobile radio channel is the bandwidth over which the signal propagation characteristics are correlated and it can be approximated byThe channel is frequency-selective if the signal bandwidth B is larger than the coherence bandwidth.On the other hand, if B is smaller than , the channel is frequency nonselective or flat.The coherence bandwidth of the channel is of importance for evaluating the performance of spreading and frequency interleaving techniques that try to exploit the inherent frequency diversity Df of the mobile radio channel.In the case of multi-carrier transmission, frequency diversity is exploited if the separation of sub-carriers transmitting the same information exceeds the coherence bandwidth.The maximum achievable frequency diversity Df is given by the ratio between the signal bandwidth B and the coherence bandwidth,The coherence time of the channel is the duration over which the channel characteristics can be considered as time-invariant and can be approximated byIf the duration of the transmitted symbol is larger than the coherence time, the channel is time-selective.On the other hand, if the symbol duration is smaller than , the channel is time nonselective during one symbol duration.The coherence time of the channel is of importance for evaluating the performance of coding and interleaving techniques that try to exploit the inherent time diversity DO of the mobile radio channel.Time diversity can be exploited if the separation between time slots carrying the same information exceeds the coherence time.A number of Ns successive time slots create a time frame of duration Tfr.The maximum time diversity Dt achievable in one time frame is given by the ratio between the duration of a timeframe and the coherence time, A system exploiting frequency and time diversity can achieve the overall diversityThe system design should allow one to optimally exploit the available diversity DO.For instance, in systems with multi-carrier transmission the same information should be transmitted on different sub-carriers and in different time slots, achieving uncorrelated faded replicas of the information in both dimensions.Uncoded multi-carrier systems with flat fading per sub-channel and time-invariance during one symbol cannot exploit diversity and have a poor performance in time and frequency selective fading channels.Additional methods have to be applied to exploit diversity.One approach is the use of data spreading where each data symbol is spread by a spreading code of length L.This, in combination with interleaving, can achieve performance results which are given forby the closed-form solution for the BER for diversity reception in Rayleigh fading channels according to [40] Whererepresents the combinatory function,and σ2 is the variance of the noise.As soon as the interleaving is not perfect or the diversity offered by the channel is smaller than the spreading code length L, or MCCDMA with multiple access interference is applied,(1.22)is a lower bound.For L = 1, the performance of an OFDM system without forward error correction(FEC)is obtained, 9which cannot exploit any diversity.The BER according to(1.22)of an OFDM(OFDMA, MC-TDMA)system and a multi-carrier spread spectrum(MC-SS)system with different spreading code lengths L is shown in Figure 1-3.No other diversity techniques are applied.QPSK modulation is used for symbol mapping.The mobile radio channel is modeled as uncorrelatedRayleigh fading channel(see Section 1.1.6).As these curves show, for large values of L, the performance of MC-SS systems approaches that of an AWGN channel.Another form of achieving diversity in OFDM systems is channel coding by FEC, where the information of each data bit is spread over several code bits.Additional to the diversity gain in fading channels, a coding gain can be obtained due to the selection of appropriate coding and decoding algorithms.中文翻译 1基本原理这章描述今日的基本面的无线通信。
高温超导体的红外光学响应英文回答:High-temperature superconductors (HTS) are materials that exhibit superconductivity at relatively high temperatures, compared to traditional superconductors. These materials have a wide range of applications, including in the field of infrared (IR) optics. The IR optical response of HTS materials is of great interest due to their potential use in various devices and systems.The IR optical response of HTS materials refers to how these materials interact with infrared light. This interaction can be characterized by various parameters, such as reflectivity, transmittance, and absorbance. These parameters determine how much of the incident IR light is reflected, transmitted, or absorbed by the HTS material.One important aspect of the IR optical response of HTS materials is their reflectivity. Reflectivity is a measureof how much of the incident IR light is reflected by the material. In the case of HTS materials, their reflectivity can be influenced by factors such as the material's crystal structure, composition, and surface quality. For example, a smooth and polished surface of an HTS material may have higher reflectivity compared to a rough or oxidized surface.Another important parameter is transmittance, which refers to the fraction of incident IR light that passes through the material. The transmittance of HTS materialscan be affected by factors such as the material's thickness, impurities, and defects. For instance, a thicker HTSmaterial may have lower transmittance compared to a thinner one due to increased absorption and scattering of the IR light.Absorbance is a measure of how much of the incident IR light is absorbed by the material. The absorbance of HTS materials can be influenced by factors such as thematerial's energy gap, impurity levels, and temperature.For example, at certain IR frequencies, HTS materials may exhibit strong absorbance due to their energy gap matchingthe energy of the incident light.Understanding the IR optical response of HTS materialsis crucial for the design and optimization of devices and systems that utilize these materials. For example, in the field of IR detectors, the IR optical response of HTS materials can affect their sensitivity and performance. By studying and manipulating the IR optical response, researchers can develop HTS-based devices with enhanced performance and capabilities.中文回答:高温超导体(HTS)是相对于传统超导体而言,在相对较高的温度下表现出超导性的材料。
高温离心玻璃棉英语High-Temperature Centrifugal Glass Wool.Introduction.High-temperature centrifugal glass wool is a unique material that finds widespread applications in various industries, particularly in those that require thermal insulation and sound absorption under high-temperature conditions. This material, made primarily from melted glass, exhibits excellent resistance to high temperatures, makingit a suitable choice for use in industrial settings where temperatures can soar.Manufacturing Process.The manufacturing process of high-temperaturecentrifugal glass wool begins with the melting of raw glass materials in a high-temperature furnace. The molten glassis then spun at high speeds through centrifugal force,forming fine fibers. These fibers are then collected and bonded together using a binder to create a porous, lightweight material. The resulting glass wool is then cured at elevated temperatures to ensure its durability and stability.Properties and Characteristics.High-temperature centrifugal glass wool boasts several noteworthy properties. Firstly, it exhibits excellent thermal insulation properties, effectively reducing heat transfer through it. Secondly, it offers superior sound absorption capabilities, making it useful in noise reduction applications. Furthermore, its high-temperature resistance allows it to maintain its structural integrity even in extremely hot environments.The material is also non-combustible and non-toxic, ensuring safety in its usage. Additionally, it is chemically inert, resisting corrosion and degradation from most chemicals. Its porous structure also allows it to absorb moisture, making it a suitable material for use indamp or humid environments.Applications.High-temperature centrifugal glass wool finds applications across various industries. In the construction industry, it is commonly used as thermal insulation in walls, roofs, and floors of buildings to improve energy efficiency. It is also employed in industrial piping systems to prevent heat loss and protect against corrosion.In the automotive industry, high-temperature glass wool is used as insulation in engine compartments and exhaust systems, reducing heat transfer and noise levels. It is also used in aerospace applications, where its lightweight and high-temperature resistance are paramount.In addition, it finds applications in the agricultural sector, where it is used as insulation in greenhouses and animal shelters to maintain a comfortable temperature. Its use in soundproofing applications, such as in recording studios or cinemas, is also becoming increasingly popular.Advantages and Disadvantages.The use of high-temperature centrifugal glass wool offers several advantages. Firstly, it is an environmentally friendly material, as it is made from recycled glass and does not release harmful substances during its lifecycle. Secondly, its excellent thermal insulation and sound absorption properties make it an effective material for improving energy efficiency and reducing noise pollution.However, there are also some disadvantages to consider. While it is highly resistant to high temperatures, it can be brittle and susceptible to damage if not handled carefully. Additionally, its installation can be labor-intensive and requires specialized skills and equipment.Conclusion.High-temperature centrifugal glass wool is a versatile and effective material with a wide range of applications.Its thermal insulation and sound absorption properties, combined with its resistance to high temperatures, make it an ideal choice for various industries. However, its brittleness and installation challenges must be taken into account when considering its use. As technology continues to advance, it is likely that high-temperature centrifugal glass wool will find even more applications in diverse fields.。
等强温度的英文Isothermal TemperatureIn thermodynamics, the term "isothermal" refers to a process or condition in which the temperature of a system remains constant. This concept is crucial in understanding various physical and chemical phenomena where temperature stability is a key factor.Isothermal processes are essential in many scientific and industrial applications. For instance, in a refrigerator, the cooling cycle is designed to maintain an isothermal environment inside the fridge while the outside temperature may vary. Similarly, in a chemical reaction, maintaining an isothermal condition can help control the reaction rate and yield.The isothermal condition is achieved through the continuous exchange of heat with the surroundings. This heat exchange is managed to ensure that the system neither gainsnor loses heat, keeping the temperature constant. In practice, this is often accomplished through the use of cooling or heating devices that adjust to the system's temperature changes.In the field of thermodynamics, the isothermal process is represented by the equation PV = nRT, where P is the pressure, V is the volume, n is the number of moles of the substance, Ris the ideal gas constant, and T is the constant temperature. This equation, known as the ideal gas law, simplifies the analysis of isothermal processes involving gases.The study of isothermal processes is not limited to gases; it also extends to liquids and solids where the temperatureis a critical parameter. For example, in metallurgy, the isothermal transformation of steel is a process where the temperature is held constant to allow for phase changeswithin the material.In conclusion, the concept of isothermal temperature is fundamental in various scientific disciplines and practical applications. It provides a stable environment for processes that require precise temperature control, ensuringpredictable and repeatable outcomes.。
我的发现之热胀冷缩原理英语作文Thermal Expansion and Contraction: A Fundamental Principle of Physics.Thermal expansion and contraction are fundamental physical phenomena that describe the change in size and shape of materials due to variations in temperature. This phenomenon is observed in solids, liquids, and gases and plays a crucial role in various scientific and engineering applications.Microscopic Origin of Thermal Expansion.At the microscopic level, thermal expansion and contraction can be attributed to the vibrations of atoms or molecules within a material. As the temperature of a material increases, the average kinetic energy of its individual particles increases. This leads to an increase in the amplitude of their vibrations, causing the particles to occupy a larger average volume. Consequently, thematerial expands. Conversely, when the temperature decreases, the average kinetic energy of the particles decreases, and the particles move closer together,resulting in contraction.Linear, Area, and Volume Expansion.Thermal expansion can occur in one dimension (linear expansion), two dimensions (area expansion), or three dimensions (volume expansion). Linear expansion refers to the change in length of an object along a specific direction. Area expansion pertains to the change in the surface area of an object, while volume expansion describes the change in the total volume of an object. The extent of expansion or contraction depends on the material's coefficient of thermal expansion, which quantifies the amount of expansion or contraction per unit temperature change.Types of Thermal Expansion.There are two main types of thermal expansion:isotropic and anisotropic. Isotropic expansion occurs whena material expands or contracts uniformly in all directions. This behavior is observed in amorphous solids and liquids. Anisotropic expansion, on the other hand, occurs when a material expands or contracts differently in different directions. This phenomenon is common in crystals, wherethe arrangement of atoms or molecules can lead to varying degrees of expansion along different axes.Applications of Thermal Expansion.Thermal expansion has numerous practical applicationsin various fields. In engineering, it is crucial for designing structures that can withstand temperature variations without catastrophic failure. For example, bridges, buildings, and pipelines are designed to accommodate thermal expansion and contraction to prevent cracking or buckling.In metrology, thermal expansion must be taken into account when measuring the dimensions of objects with high precision. Precision instruments like calipers andmicrometers are often calibrated at specific temperatures to ensure accurate measurements regardless of temperature fluctuations.Additionally, thermal expansion is utilized in various temperature-sensing devices, such as thermostats and bimetallic strips. In a thermostat, a bimetallic strip composed of two metals with different coefficients of thermal expansion is used to detect temperature changes. As the temperature varies, the strip bends due to the differential expansion of the two metals, actuating a switch to control heating or cooling systems.Conclusion.Thermal expansion and contraction are fundamental physical principles that describe the change in size and shape of materials due to temperature variations. Understanding this phenomenon is essential for a wide range of scientific and engineering applications, from the design of structures to the development of temperature-sensing devices. By harnessing the effects of thermal expansion,engineers can create innovative solutions that improve our lives and enhance technological advancements.。
19.1 IntroductionUndoubtedly,a breakout is the most detrimental event associated with the continuous casting process. In addition to being serious safety hazards,breakouts also result in lost production time and significant yield penalties. When these factors are considered in conjunction with the inevitable damage to the casting machine,it can be estimated that a “typical”breakout for a con-ventional slab caster can result in costs approaching US$200,000.100This loss of revenue is ample justification for the development of breakout detection and prevention strategies,which can poten-tially provide full payback by successfully detecting a single breakout.Breakouts incurred in smaller cast sections may not be as costly; nevertheless,they are equally as undesirable. While real-time breakout alarm systems are mostly referenced for conventional slab casters,bloom and billet producers have utilized mold instrumentation to enhance lubrication and heat transfer,and to improve surface quality. Information acquired from these studies has,in turn, led to reduced occurrences of breakouts. Recently,breakout prevention systems for thin-slab cast-ers have emerged and have shown much promise.The objective of this chapter is to review the various methods that have been proposed for the detection and prevention of breakouts caused either by a progressive decline in mold heat removal or by a rapid deterioration of mold lubrication. While the physical mechanisms by which these types of breakouts occur are reviewed,the focus of this chapter is placed on the instrumentation required to monitor mold heat transfer and lubrication,and the control logic used to alert caster operators of an impending breakout. The relative advantages or disadvantages of each system will be discussed.19.2 Review of Mold Heat TransferWithin the entire field of continuous casting,the mold must be regarded as the heart of the oper-ation. The efficiency of heat extraction in the mold is ultimately responsible for the surface qual-ity of the cast product and the productivity of the machine. If the rate of heat removal from the strand is excessive and/or uneven,thermally-induced stresses will result and may ultimately cause longitudinal cracks in the newly solidified shell. This phenomenon has been reviewed in detail by Brimacombe and Sorimachi1and by Nakato et al.2In contrast to the difficulties associated with excessive heat removal,insufficient heat removal can lead to a relatively weak shell,which may bulge or tear upon exiting the mold. It is thus apparent that mold thermal monitoring can provide valuable information to ensure that an optimal heat flow is maintained.Copyright © 2003, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA.All rights reserved.1Casting Volume2Copyright © 2003, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA.All rights reserved.The transfer of heat between the strand and the mold wall can be affected by a variety of casting parameters. While this section briefly acknowledges these parameters,the interested reader may refer to Refs. 3–9 for a thorough discussion on the relationship between casting parameters,heat flow and shell growth. The casting variables,which directly affect mold heat transfer,include:•Air gap formation:Due to shrinkage of the strand during solidification,a gapforms between the shell and the mold wall. While it is the function of the liquefiedmold flux to displace the air and thus facilitate heat transfer,the thermal barrier pre-sented by the air gap can account for as much as 80% of the resistance to heatbetween the strand and the cooling water.10•Mold flux crystallization:Since heat is removed more efficiently through the liq-uid flux layer than it is through the solidified layer adjacent to the mold wall,heattransfer is increased as crystallization temperature decreases. This relationship isillustrated in Fig. 19.1.11•Mold flux viscosity:As suggested by Fig. 19.1,the viscosity of the liquid flux isinversely related to heat transfer. Presumably,the improved fluidity of low-viscos-ity mold slags allows for a more complete filling of the air gap. Experimental inves-tigations have shown that mold fluxes with a viscosity of 3.2 poise (measured at1300°C) provide approximately 15% lower heat transfer than fluxes with a viscos-ity of 1.5 poise.With respect to the relationship between mold fluxes and heat transfer,itmust be noted that increased heat transfer is not always desirable. This is particu-larly true during the casting of peritectic carbon grades,which require retarded heatextraction rates to prevent cracking. For example,Mahapatra et al.9noted that dur-ing the casting of 0.17–0.23% carbon grades,an increase in mold flux viscositydecreased heat removal rates and consequently reduced the frequency of slab crack-ing by 90%.A similar relationship between excessive heat transfer and longitudinal cor-ner cracking in low-carbon aluminum-killed steels exists,as shown in Fig. 19.2.9The intimate and complex relationship between mold flux characteristics and heattransfer is addressed in detail by Kyoden et al.,11Ogibayashi et al.,12Tsai and Mas-tervich,13and Emi.14•Steel chemistry:As illustrated in Fig. 19.3,15mold heat transfer reaches a minimumfor 0.10 %-carbon steels. The reduced heat flow for these steel grades can be attrib-uted to the shrinkage of the shell as it undergoes the δto γphase transformation.Fig.19.1Mold flux crystallization tem-perature can influence the rate of mold heat transfer.From Ref.11.Thus,under identical casting conditions,0.10 %-carbon grades will have thinnershells upon exiting the mold than either low- or high-carbon grades.•Casting speed:Increases in casting speed result in a higher throughput of steelthrough the mold,and,therefore,the heat flow is increased. Typical values indicatethat a 0.1-in/mm increase in speed causes an increased mold heat flux (kW/m 2) ofapproximately 5%.5,16If,however,the heat transfer is expressed in terms of totalheat energy removed per kilogram (kcal/kg) of steel cast,then the increased speedwill result in a decrease of the total heat removal.•Oscillation frequency:The oscillation frequency has a significant effect on heattransfer. Increasing the frequency by 50% (e.g.,from 120 to 180 cpm) results inapproximately 15% higher heat flux.16•Superheat:Raising the liquid steel’s superheat by 20°C increases the heat transferthrough the mold wall 6–8%.16While this effect may be negligible considering thesmall variation in superheats observed in practice,the superheat does directlyimpact shell strength,since it must be eliminated before solidification can begin.Breakout PreventionCopyright © 2003, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA.All rights reserved.3Fig.19.2Longitudinal corner cracking can result from excessive mold heat transfer.From Ref.9.Fig.19.3Carbon content influences the efficiency of mold heat transfer.From Ref.15.Therefore,increased superheat will ultimately be manifested as a reduced shellthickness.•Mold taper:Due to the relatively poor contact efficiency between the narrow facesof a slab casting mold and the strand,these faces remove 4–5% less heat than thebroad faces during steady state operation.17The heat removal efficiency is evenlower when casting medium-carbon (peritectic) grades.•SEN clogging:Preferential clogging in only one port of a submerged entry nozzleresults in biased flow toward one narrow face. This flow pattern causes non-uniformheat removal and may ultimately lead to increased thermal stresses and uneven shellgrowth; which may,in turn,result in surface cracking or strand rupture.1819.3 Breakout Prevention Schemes Using Heat Transfer RelationshipsPerhaps the most direct method of determining mold heat transfer is to simply monitor the tem-perature differential (∆T) between the inlet and the outlet cooling water flows for each mold face.However,as discussed by Shipman and Gilles,19this direct approach can be misleading. For exam-ple,during steady-state operation,the water temperature differential is inversely proportional to the water flow rate. Therefore,random variations and drifting of water flow rates could imply heat removal problems that may not exist. Also,the fact that water flow rates per unit area are often higher on mold narrow faces can complicate direct comparisons of mold wall heat transfer effi-ciencies.From another perspective,if the water flow rate is maintained constant and the mold size is changed to expose more of the mold surface to the liquid steel,then both the ∆T and the heat flux will change. Under these circumstances,an extensive series of calibration curves would be required to transform ∆T values into meaningful heat flow measurements. For these reasons,it is evident that direct monitoring of inlet and outlet cooling water temperature differentials is not an effective method of quantifying mold heat transfer.A more appropriate method of predicting heat transfer-related breakouts is to monitor the amount of heat removed through the mold walls. Based on historical data,a minimum heat removal crite-rion can then be determined such that an adequate shell thickness is established prior to strand withdrawal.The total heat removal that occurs in the mold is the cumulative effect of the elimination of super-heat,the evolution of heat of fusion,and the sensible heat losses that are incurred beyond solidifi-cation. While each of these individual components can be defined algebraically,it is only necessary to monitor the total heat removal in order to detect the potential for breakout. The heat removal can be defined either as the “specific heat removal”that is measured in the units calories/kg of steel cast,or as the “heat flux”through the mold wall that is measured in terms of calories/m 2-second,or kW/m 2. The heat flux (Q A ),or time-heat removal per unit area of mold surface,is mathemati-cally defined as:(Eq. 19.1)where:Q A = heat removal per unit area (cal/cm 2-sec; kW/m 2)C p = specific heat of water (1.0 cal/g-°C)ρw = density of water (1 g/cm 3)Q C w TA A p w =r D Casting Volume4Copyright © 2003, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA.All rights reserved.Breakout PreventionCopyright © 2003, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA.All rights reserved.5w = cooling water flow rate (l/sec)∆T = cooling water inlet to outlet temperature differential (°C)A = exposed mold face area (cm 2)Equation 19.1 determines the heat flux for each mold face as a function of the cooling water tem-perature differential and flow rate,and the area of the mold face. For accurate interpretation of the mold performance,it is essential that the heat flux for each mold face be determined and moni-tored separately. This is necessary because the total mold heat transfer may be greater than the minimum acceptable value—even though the heat flux for one individual face may be dangerously low. These circumstances could occur,for instance,during breakouts due to a loss of mold taper.The value of the heat flux parameter Q A provides an indication of the heat removal efficiency to the strand operator and allows him to take corrective action (reduce the casting speed) if neces-sary. An excellent example of the ability of a heat flux-monitoring scheme to predict breakouts,caused by sufficient shell growth,is presented in Fig. 19.4.17This figure illustrates that,unlike the rapid onset of sticker-type breakouts,insufficient heat trans-fer-induced breakouts are preceded by a period of several minutes in which the heat removal grad-ually declines. This characteristic,which was recognized as early as 1972 by Koenig,20allows for the early detection of their occurrence by simply monitoring water inlet and outlet temperatures and water flow rates as required by equation 19.1. The gradual onset also defines the boundary conditions for a computer-controlled breakout detection system. In particular,the data acquisition system need only employ a relatively slow scan/update rate,but its control logic must be capable of monitoring the heat removal trend for as much as a full hour at a time. A complete description of the remote measurement sensors and control logic used by Bethlehem Steel Corp. is provided in their U.S. patent.19The heat flux data generated by the evaluation of equation 19.1 can either be interpreted in absolute values or as normalized heat flux values relative to steady-state operation. In either case,the heat flux data must be assimilated into a database to determine the minimum permissible heat removal,in order to ensure adequate shell strength at mold exit. As described in Gilles’paper,17the interpretation of heat flux data from previous breakouts at Bethlehem Steel has resulted in the establishment of a minimum heat removal criterion for the prevention of breakouts. The relation-ship employed by the control system at Bethlehem is based on the minimum required mold heat removal per length of mold wall perimeter. The relationship used is:(Eq. 19.2)Q F a V C T w t Vc w t c p min ()=++ÈÎ͢˚˙60120D rFig.19.4Decline of heat removal preced-ing a steady-state casting breakout.From Ref.17.where:Q min = minimum mold heat removal (kW/m)F = correction factor as described in texta = constant derived through analysis of previous breakouts (a = 110.7)V c = casting speed (m/min)C p = specific heat of liquid steel (0.19 cal/g-°C)∆T = liquid steel superheat (T tundish – T liquidus ,°C)w = mold width (cm)t = mold thickness (cm)ρ= liquid steel density (g/cm 3)The correction factor (F) is an experimentally-derived parameter that accounts for the contact effi-ciency between the strand and the mold wall,Thus,F depends upon the steel grade (carbon con-tent) and the mold face being considered (compensation for inherently less contact and lower heat transfer efficiencies on the narrow faces). In this context,the correction factor also incorporates a conversion to allow Q min to be presented in kW/m instead of kCal/m-sec.Evaluation of equation 19.2 as a function of casting speed provides a plot of the form shown in Fig.19.5.5,17This relationship ultimately informs the strand operator of the maximum possible casting speed for a given rate of mold heat removal to ensure that a sufficiently strong solidification shell will be formed.19.4 Requirements for Alternative Techniques of Breakout PreventionWhile continuous monitoring of mold heat removal can provide an effective means of detecting the gradual development of breakout conditions,the response time is insufficient to indicate a rapid onset of steel shell ripping or tearing. As the continuous casting process has matured,the distribu-tion in the types of breakouts incurred has changed dramatically from heat transfer-related to the present-day predominance of mold sticking (see Table 19.1).22A recent focus for steelmakers has been the direct linking of casting and primary rolling opera-tions. To attain the necessary productivity and strand surface temperatures,emphasis has ultimately Casting Volume6Copyright © 2003, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA.All rights reserved.Fig.19.5For a given casting speed, a minimum mold heat removal term can be calculated.From Ref.17.Breakout Preventionbeen placed on high-speed casting. As casting speeds are increased to meet these objectives,shell thickness (and thus strength) is reduced; and copper surface temperatures have increased. Oscilla-tion modes have also been developed for these higher speeds to ensure adequate mold flux con-sumption at frequencies in excess of 200 cpm. New generations of lubricants,having high melting rates,low viscosity and/or low crystallization tendencies have been developed.23–25With high-productivity casting,new mold copper alloys and surface plating have become neces-sary both to improve the useful life of the coppers and to prevent star cracking of the strand sur-face.26Switching from AgCu to CrZrCu mold alloys can add approximately 40°C to mold hot face temperatures,and coating the mold surface with a multilayer plating can contribute an additional 44°C.27These relationships are critical since,when hot-face temperatures exceed 350°C,strand-to-copper sticking has been shown to occur.25Furthermore,many of today’s high-productivity machines routinely exchange tundishes or submerged entry nozzles “on the fly”during normal operations. These transient operations inevitably lead to unstable periods of casting speed and mold level control. The process of lubrication is thus severely strained,enhancing the probability of sticking.28In the case of plate grade casters,which are typically required to cast at low throughput rates for metallurgical reasons,sticking is often associated with poor performance of the mold flux.29This is also true for higher-carbon steels cast in slab,bloom and billet molds—which are typically cast at relatively low temperatures due to their lower liquidus temperatures.The mechanism of sticking and the instrumentation and control strategies employed to detect stick-ers are reviewed in the following section.19.4.1 Proposed Mechanisms for StickingThe literature contains several explanations for mold sticking. For instance,Nippon Steel30 reported detecting a carburized structure in the steel shell near the origination point of the sticker. It is believed that this structure forms because of direct contact with unmelted mold flux at initial solidification. The presence of molten metal at the meniscus,which has a high carbon concen-tration (and,thus,a low melting temperature) prohibits proper shell growth and repair during the negative stripping cycle. Small holes have been observed in the surface of the stuck shell (possibly the sites of entrapped solid mold flux or CO evolution during solidification30). Tsuneoka et al. and Sorimachi et al.32have detected evidence of copper or nickel diffusion to the surface of the shell, resulting from direct contact with the mold wall.Wolf33and Dauby et a1.34refer to the delicate balance between lubrication and the oscillation para-meters. The mold flux melting rate must be fast enough to generate a sufficient reservoir of liquid Copyright © 2003, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA.All rights reserved.7Casting Volumeslag,which is continuously drained during the positive stripping time. Hence,the design of the oscillation practice should consider the mold flux’s melting characteristics,and vice versa. Work conducted by Mimura at the University of British Columbia31concluded that mold level rises,such as those that occur during transient speed operations,can promote the initiation of a sticker. Fig. 19.6 shows that if the meniscus rises,a notch begins to form in the shell due to the interfacial tension between the shell and the mold flux rim. Subsequently,when the flux rim moves downward,it contacts the shell at a position above the notch,and the shell sticks to the mold flux rim. During the following upstroke motion of the mold,tensile forces on the shell cause a rupture at the deep notch,which is the hottest and weakest point of the strand. To minimize this effect, Mimura proposed using a low-melting-point mold flux and maintaining a deep flux pool.Emi14has proposed yet another theory for the formation of a sticker. As illustrated in Fig. 19.7,this theory suggests that if the solid flux rim becomes large enough,a rise in the meniscus level causes contact with the flux rim and results in an obstruction to the infiltration of molten flux. Further, Emi maintains that the flux rim becomes buoyant,separating from the solid film next to the mold wall. This action subsequently allows direct contact between liquid steel and the mold wall.The previous explanations relate to situations in which there is a loss of liquid lubrication between the shell and the mold. In contrast,Emling et al.35described a different mechanism for sticking, caused by liquid steel penetration into the gap between the narrow and broad faces of the mold. Despite dynamic clamping systems,repeated width changing can lead to excessive abrasion or scratching of mold coppers,resulting in larger openings. On occasion,when filling the mold sub-sequent to a tundish change,liquid steel can splash or flow into the corner gap. A small fin can form,restricting strand withdrawal. Eventually,the shell rips,allowing additional liquid steel to penetrate the gap. Each time the shell rips and more steel enters the gap,resistance to withdrawal increases. Ultimately,the rupture can reach the bottom of the mold,resulting in a breakout. These “hanger”breakouts are characterized by rapid,sharp tears and can occur despite having excellent lubrication and oscillation conditions. This type of breakout has also been described by Delhalle et al.16and Mukai et al.30and has likewise been attributed to steel seepage into the mold corners.8Copyright © 2003, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA.All rights reserved.Breakout PreventionCopyright © 2003, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA.All rights reserved.9Fig. 19.8 illustrates the typical appearance of a sticking-related breakout shell. The defect is char-acterized by a V-shaped oscillation mark pattern that emanates from the initiation point. As a result of the accelerated ripping and healing process,the pitch of the oscillation marks on the skin is markedly reduced.36As indicated in Fig. 19.8,the sticker can originate on the broad face (Type I)or near the narrow face corner (Type II).Since sticker-type breakouts are the most common,the literature includes considerable reference to mold instrumentation for the detection of the effectiveness of mold lubrication. The application of friction monitoring and thermal monitoring for this purpose is reviewed in the following sec-tions.Fig.19.7Schematic illustration of the initiation of sticking as proposed by Emi.From Ref.14.Fig.19.8Schematic representation of broad face and narrow sticking breakout shells.From Ref.36.19.5 Friction Monitoring SchemesThe concept of monitoring mold friction to detect and thus prevent breakouts stems from the basic relation that increased friction between the strand and mold is caused by poor lubrication. In turn,insufficient lubrication is the predominant source of poor surface quality and,in the extreme case,sticker-type breakouts. As with mold heat transfer,mold friction is affected by a variety of casting parameters.37,38These relationships have been addressed in detail in previous publications 105and will be only briefly reviewed here.The casting parameters that directly affect the friction generated between the strand and the oscil-lating mold are presented in Fig. 19.9,which is derived from work performed by the Centre de Recherches Metallurgiques (CRM).39The individual frames in the figure indicate the manner in which friction measurement is affected by mold flux behavior,steel grade,steel cleanliness,cast-ing speed,mold taper,superheat in the mold,mold oscillation and mold level control.•Mold flux viscosity:The friction incurred between the strand and the mold is inti-mately related to the viscosity and crystallization temperature of the mold flux. Typ-ically,friction increases with decreasing viscosity and increasing crystallizationtemperature.•Steel grade:As is the case with mold heat transfer 3,40,41shrinkage associated withthe δto γphase transformation reduces mold and strand contact and thereforereduces mold friction.•Mold taper:Due to variation in the contact area and clamping pressure on thestrand,mold friction increases with increasing taper.•Casting speed:For a given mold flux composition,there exists an optimum cast-ing speed where the friction is minimized (lubrication is maximized).•Steel cleanliness:Increased alumina contents in the liquid steel ultimately result inalumina pickup in the mold flux. Since alumina pickup affects both the viscosityand crystallization temperature of mold fluxes,steel cleanliness can have a direct effect on mold friction.Casting Volume10Copyright © 2003, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA.All rights reserved.Fig.19.9The degree of mold friction can be influ-enced by several casting parameters.From Ref.39.•Mold superheat:Mairy et a1.39have shown that mold friction increases markedly as superheat decreases. The relative friction at metal temperatures of 1526°C isapproximately three times greater than that observed at 1537°C. The instantaneousvariation in mold friction is also greater at lower metal temperatures.•Oscillation:During the negative stripping phase of the oscillation cycle,the differ-ence in speed between the strand and the mold wall creates a shear stress across thelubrication film. The mold friction level therefore increases as the negative strippingratio increases.36•Mold level control:Because the flow of liquid mold flux into the gap is less effi-cient in the presence of mold level fluctuations,maintaining a quiet mold surfacecan reduce mold friction.Since mold friction is dependent on such a large number of casting parameters,efforts to correlate friction readings to specific casting conditions are complicated. Indeed,Scheller et al.42have indi-cated that they have been unable to establish a relationship between mold friction and slab surface quality. Similar difficulties arise when attempting to predict breakout conditions.Mold friction can be monitored either by accelerometers or load cells attached directly to the mold, or by strain gauges located on the oscillator shaft. These devices are discussed individually in the following sections.19.5.1 AccelerometersPerhaps the most widely known use of accelerometers for mold friction monitoring is the ML Tek-tor system developed at CRM.37,39,43,44This accelerometer-based friction monitoring system cen-ters around a piezoelectric transducer attached directly to the mold wall. The system works like this:The mechanical vibrations transmitted through the mold are convened to discrete electrical pulses by the accelerometer. These electrical signals are,in turn,assimilated by a computerized data acquisition facility. The signal generated by the accelerometer is directly related to friction and,after some data processing,yields a relative friction factor (F). This factor ranges from 0 to 100%.While the ML Tektor has been extensively used to evaluate the suitability of mold fluxes and other casting parameters,the system has achieved only limited success at breakout detection. Specifi-cally,the system is capable of detecting breakouts caused by gradual increases in friction (due toexcessive A12O3pickup in the mold flux). However,it is generally unable to detect the rapid onsetof a sticker and provide the operator with sufficient warning to prevent the breakout. While auto-mated control can improve the response time to sticking conditions,the accelerometer-based sys-tems are as yet unable to detect a high enough percentage of stickers.Nippon Steel’s system can monitor the effect of a variety of casting parameters. However,the fric-tion monitoring alone is able to predict only 60% of observed sticker breakouts. For this reason, some companies employ both thermocouple instrumentation and accelerometers to obtain the potential benefits of each. In the final analysis,it is evident that accelerometer systems are cur-rently less effective at detecting sticker-type breakouts than thermocouple-based systems. How-ever,when the ML Tektor was first introduced in the late 1970s,it was the only available breakout detection system,and as such was revolutionary in scope.AK Steel has reported the use of accelerometers on the oscillator assembly for predictive moni-toring. Special seismic accelerometers are also used to monitor mold wobble.103Thin slab casters at Nucor and Steel Dynamics have also been reported to be using sophisticated accelerometer systems on oscillators to avoid conditions leading to breakouts.114,118。
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a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /0303018v 1 [c o n d -m a t .s t r -e l ] 2 M a r 2003Quasiparticles in high temperature superconductors:consistency of angle resolvedphotoemission and optical conductivityA J Millis 1,H.D.Drew 21Department of Physics,Columbia University 538W.120th St,N.Y.,N.Y.100272Department of Physics,University of MarylandCollege Park,MD 20742The consistency of angle-resolved photoemission and optical conductivity experiments on high temperature superconductors is examined.In the limit (apparently consistent with angle-resolved photoemission data)of an electron self energy with a weak momentum dependence and a strong frequency dependence formulae are derived which directly related quantities measured in the two experiments.Application of the formuale to optimally and overdoped Bi 2Ca 2SrCu 2O 8+δshows that the total self energy inferred from photoemission measurements cannot be interpreted as a transport scattering rate (in agreement with work of Varma and Abrahams),but that the inelastic part may be so interpreted,if Landau parameter effects are non-negligible.I.INTRODUCTIONThe fundamental concept underlying the modern un-derstanding of the physics of metals is the quasiparticle 1:the idea that the crucial low energy eigenstates of in-teracting electron systems are are sufficiently similar to conventional electrons that they may be used in stan-dard ways to calculate transport and other quantities.The utility of the quasiparticle concept in the case of the high temperature copper oxide superconductors remains the subject of controversy 2.Some authors argue that an intrinsically non-fermi-liquid picture involving unconven-tional excitations or a nontrivial critical point is needed.Others assert that a more or less conventional picture of electrons scattered by some (perhaps somewhat uncon-ventional)scattering mechanism suffices.Intermediate views exist also .Recent improvements in angle-resolved photoemission experiments (for reviews see 3,4)have provided new in-sight into this issue.Detailed measurements of the mo-mentum,temperature and energy dependence of the elec-tron spectral function 5,6,7,8,9have demonstrated the ex-istence,near the fermi surface of optimally doped mate-rials,of reasonably well defined peaks.It seems natural to interpret the peak position in terms of a quasiparticle dispersion and the peak width in terms of a quasipar-ticle scattering rate.The question of the relation be-tween the scattering rate and dispersion deduced from angle resolved photoemission experiments and those de-duced from the frequency and temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity immediately arises.A similar question concerns the relation between the optical and photoemission data and the predictions of specific mod-els,for example various versions of the ’spin fermion’model of carriers interacting with spins 10,11,12or the ’marginal fermi liquid’model of Varma and co-workers 13.In the existing literature,it is generally assumed that knowledge of the (low frequency)self energy measured e.g.via photoemission or calculated via a model deter-mines the frequency dependent conductivity.In this paper we examine the issue in more detail.We show how to compare,with minimal assumptions,the photoemission and optical data.We show that the scat-tering rates and mass enhancements deduced from pho-toemission do not by themselves describe the high-T c optical data 14in optimally doped cuprates:first,some portions of the self energy inferred from data must be dis-carded (as noted earlier by Varma and Abrahams 15)and even after this is done an extra modification (in fermi liq-uid language a Landau parameter)must be introduced.Implications of these results for our physical understand-ing of the cuprates and for attempts at modelling cuprate properties are outlined.The rest of this paper is organized as follows.Section II summarizes the formalism needed to dscuss the pho-toemission data ,section III presents the theory for the conductivity and section IV relates the theory to avail-able data.Section V is a conclusion.II.PHOTOEMISSION:THEORYThe propagation of an electron in a solid is described by the electron Green functionG (r,t )=<T t ψ(r,t )ψ+(0,0)>(1)where ψis the electron annihilation operator.Photoe-mission measurements 3,4allow the determination of the imaginary part of the Fourier transform of G ,i.e.the spectral functionA (p,ω)=ImG (p,ω)(2)These measurements are typically interpreted in terms of differences between the actual G and that corresponding to a reference system in which the electron propagates without scattering according to some reference dispersion εp .One defines the self energy ΣviaΣ(p,ω)=ω−εp −G −1(p,ω)(3)2The self energy has both real (Σ′)and imaginary (Σ′′)parts.The real part depends on the choice of reference energy εp ,and the condition εp +Σ(p,ω=0)=0de-fines the fermi surface.A common choice for reference dispersion is the dispersion εp,band predicted by the local density approximation to the Kohn-Sham band theory equations;when band theory results are needed we use the tight binding parametrization of the LDA band struc-ture determined by Andersen et.al.16and presented in more detail in the Appendix.The high T c superconductors have a fundamentally two dimensional dispersion and a topologically simple fermi surface,so it is convenient to parametrize momentum by the reference energy εp and an angular coordinate θdescribing position on a surface of constant reference en-ergy.The observed photoemission spectra involve mainly energies ω 0.2eV in which range the calculated band dispersion is (especially in high symmetry directions)lin-ear in momentum (for the direction perpendicular to the fermi surface).For these energies the observed spectral functions display a reasonably well defined,reasonably symmetrical peak of approximately Lorentzian form,if A is measured as a function of p at constant ω,θ,(’MDC’)but a rather broad,asymmetric structure if A is mea-sured as a function of ωat constant θ,εp (EDC).The sharpness of the observed MDC curves implies that in the ω<0.2eV region where angle resolved photoemission data are available,the imaginary part of the self energy is small compared to the range over which εp varies.This will be important in the theory of the optical conductiv-ity to be discussed below.Further,the data suggest that in the range ω<ωc 0.2eV ,Σ′′depends reasonably strongly on ωand θand reasonably weakly on εp .How-ever,as we shall see it is likely that at higher energies,beyond the measurement range,Σdepends more strongly on εp .It is convenient to introduce a frequency ωc separating high and low energy scales and to writeΣ(p,ω)=Σlow (ω,θ)+Σhigh (ω,p )(4)with Im Σlow (ω)=Im Σ(ω)for |ω|<ωc ,Im Σlow =Im Σ(ωc )for |ω|>ωc and Re Σlow the Kramers-Kronig transform of Im Σlow .For energies well below ωc and mo-menta not too far from p F we linearize Σhigh (ω,p )in ωand p −p F .(This procedure is unfortunately clumsy–it leads at intermediate stages in calculations to non-analytic behavior at ω=ωc ,which of course cancels from physical quantities but we shall not need to con-sider ω=ωc in this paper).In the low energy region one may therefore writeG (p,ω)=1Z (θ)−v θ(p −p F )−Σlow (ω,θ))(5)withZ (θ)=1−∂Σhigh (ω,θ)∂p|p F (7)a (possibly angle-dependent)velocity which may differ from the band velocity if Σhigh has significant momentum dependence.Eq 5implies that if measured as a function of p,A has a peak centered at a momentum p ωset byεp ω+Σhigh (ω<<ωc ,p ω)=ω−Σ′lowv θZ (θ)(9).If Σ′′is not too large then one may linearize εp near p ω,and if ωis not too large then p is close to p F so that we may linearize everything about the fermi surface,obtaining (εp +Σhigh (ω<<ωc ,p ))=ω−Σ′lowv θ(10)Similarly,the slope v ∗ω=∂ω/∂p ωof the dispersion curve ω=εp ωat p =p ωis given byv ∗θ=v θi Ωn(12)where χGI jj is the gauge invariant current-current correla-tion function,which may be expressed in the usual way in terms of electron Green functions and a vertex opera-tor,T .The photoemission data discussed above indicate that at least in the ω<0.2eV energy range,the self energy has negligible dependence on the magnitude of the momentum and is small compared to the range over3whichεp varies.In this case,the usual arguments of fermi liquid theory17may be applied and in particular by integrating over the magnitude of the energyfirst one finds(ωn+=ωn+Ωn)χGI jj(iΩn,T)=πT ωn p F(θ)dθiΩn−Σ(θ,iωn+)+Σ(θ,iωn)(13)Here we note that the momentum-independence of the self-energy(in the energy range of interest)implies that the’bare’current operator is the’bare’velocity vθdefined above in Eq7(’bare’in quotes because vθdoes depend onΣhigh and the choice of reference dispersion).T is the vertex operator,defined byTΩx(θ,ω)=v x(θ)+T ω′ dθ′iΩn−Σ(θ,iω′+)+Σ(θ,iω′)with I the generalization to nonzero frequencies of the usual Landau interaction function(into which we have absorbed the factors of v and p F).The vertex function has two purposes:it converts the ’single-particle’scattering rate and mass enhancements described byΣto a transport rate and mass enhance-ment described by a new functionΣtr by suppressing the contribution from’forward scattering’and it expresses the’backflow’arising because in an interacting system motion of one electron affects the motion of others,so the current is not given accurately by the single particle velocity.Note that if∂Σ/∂p≡0at all frequencies and momenta then the current operator is given by the deriva-tive of the reference dispersionεp and the backflow part,Λ,of the vertex correction vanishes identically.However, aΛwhich is nonnegligible in the frequency range of in-terest may arise from a∂Σ/∂p which is non-negligible only at frequencies beyond the frequency range of inter-est.For an explicit example see Ref18.It is perhaps instructive to restate this conclusion in the language of the quantum Boltzmann equation.There are two nontrivial terms in this equation:one gives the interaction induced’feedback’of the excitation of one particle-hole pair on the behavior of others(i.e.accounts for backflow);the other is the collision term represent-ing scattering of a quasiparticle from one state to an-other.The collision term involves a probability W(p,p′) for scattering an electron from state p to state p′and the resulting conductivity depends on the structure of W(p,p′):for example,if the scattering is mostly forward (W(p,p′)appreciable only for p near p′)then the scat-tering will have little effect on the conducitivity.The self energy is proportional to (dp′)W(p,p′)ζ(p′)withζa factor relating to the probability that state p′is avail-able as afinal state,that any other excitation needed in the scattering process can be created,etc.Measure-ment of the self energy by itself thus does not contain enough information to reconstruct W(p,p′);and in dia-grammatic language this information is contained in the vertex function.Eq14a cannot be analysed without further assump-tions.We shall assume that the self energy has two con-tributions:one coming from low energies and essentially observable by present-day angle-resolved photoemission experiments(this is the’quasiparticle part’of the elec-tron Green function)and one coming from high energies, not directly observable in present-day angle-resolved pho-toemission experiments but contributing indirectly to low energy physics via the Landau parameter and the velocity renormalization.We shall further assume,following15, that the low energy contribution toΣconsists of two parts:an inelastic part with a negligible momentum de-pendence but a signficant frequency dependence and one arising from a quasistatic scattering highly peaked in the forward direction.ThusΣ(θ,ω)=isgn(ω)Γforward(θ)+Σinel(ω)+Σhigh(p,ω)(15) We shall now write an expression for the low fre-quency conductivity which separates the effects of the ’quasiparticle’and high energy contributions.Eq15im-plies that the Landau interaction function consists of two parts:one from the forward scattering contribution,of the form2πI forward(θ;Ω)φ(θ−θ′)(independent ofω,ω′because the scattering is taken to be quasistatic,and with peakedness in the forward direction specified byφ)and one,coming from high energies,which is independent of Ω,ω,ω′in the frequency range of interest.We defineB(θ,iΩ)=T ωiπ(sgn(iω)−sgn(iω+iΩ))2πI high(θ,θ′)B′(θ′,Ω)T′x(θ′,Ω)(19) while the conductivity per CuO2plane becomesσ(iΩn,T)=12πv F(θ)v x(θ)B′(θ,Ω)T′x(θ,Ω)(20)We think of the function B′as the function B with the forward scattering contributions removed.We now consider the low frequency expansion ofχjj. We expectB′(θ,Ω)=iΩΓ(θ,T)2(21)4 For example,if the self energy is momentum-independentthen(hereΣ±=Σ(θ,ε±Ω/2)B′m−i(θ,Ω)= dεΩ− Σ′+−Σ′− −i Σ′′++Σ′′− (22)so thatΓ−1m−i= dε2Σ′′(ε)(23)Λm−i=Γ2m−i dε(2Σ′′(ε))2(24)Eq21impliesT′(θ;Ω)=v x(θ)+iΩ p F(θ′)dθ′Γtr(θ′)(25)Combining Eqs21,and25yields a low frequency ex-pansion for the conductivity of the formσ(Ω)=σqp(Ω)+σLP(Ω)(26)withσqp(Ω)=2e2(2π)2v F(θ)v2x(θ)Γ(θ,T)2(27)σLP(Ω)=2e2(2π)2v F(θ)v x(θ)(28)p F(θ′)dθ′Γ(θ′)whereσqp is the contribution obtained from the quasipar-ticle scattering and dispersion andσLP arises from the Landau or backflow renormalization.Observe that the Landau renormalization affects thefirst frequency cor-rection to the conductivity,but not the dc value.It is very convenient to write this expression in terms of an inverse’transport’mean free path W and a transport velocity defined analogously to Eq10:W tr(θ)=Γ(θ)/v F(θ)(29)v∗tr(θ)=v(θ)/Λ(θ)(30) Then one hasσqp(Ω,T)=2e2(2π)2v x(θ)W tr(θ)+iΩ(2π)2p F(θ′)dθ′v F(θ)I high(θ,θ′)v x(θ′)W tr(θ)W tr(θ′)(32)In particular,the dc limit of the conductivity isσdc(T)=2e2(2π)2v x(θ)Wtr(θ)(33)and is given entirely in terms of fermi surface geometryand the transport mean free path.In the absence of Landau renormalization,the imagi-nary partσ′′→σ′′qp given bylimΩ→0σ′′qp(Ω)=2e2(2π)2v x(θ)v∗(θ)Wtr(θ)2(34)In experimental analyses of optical conductivity it isconventional(see,e.g.19)to define an optical mass andscattering rate viaΓopt(Ω)=KReσ(Ω)−1(35)m∗Ω(36)where K is a constant related to the optical spectralweight in the frequency range of interest.The valuesofΓand m∗/m depend on the value used for K,leadingto ambiguity in the values ofΓopt and m∗/m opt similarto the ambiguity in the single-particle self energy arisingfrom uncertainty as to the correct choice of reference ve-locity.One quantity which is independent of the choiceof K is the ratiolimΩ→0Γ∗opt=iΩReσ5 We have selected this material because extensive photoe-mission and optical data are available.In other high-T cmaterials insufficient information exists to perform theanalysis at present.Experiments show that in optimally doped BSCCO thefermi surface is to reasonable approximation a circle ofradius p F=0.71˚A−1centered at the(π,π)point.Thequasiparticle velocity v∗=1.8eV-˚A with negligible varia-tion around the fermi surface(in the normal state),andthe’MDC full width’2W(θ,T,ε)is reasonably well rep-resented by5,62W(θ,T,ε)=Γ0max(ε,πT)+Γ1(1+cos(4θ))+Γ2(38)withΓ0=8×10−5 ˚A−1K−1 ,Γ1=0.05˚A−1Γ2=0.01˚A−1andθ=0at the antinodal point(0,π).Com-prehensive data from other groups are not available as ofthis writing but we note that the zone-diagonalω=0MDC widths reported in Ref7are very close to the zonediagonal numbers obtained from the formula above.Let usfirst make the assumption that vertex correc-tions are negligible.Then from Eqs33and34we obtain(c is the mean interplane distance)σdc=e22π dε∂fΩ=e22π1∂εI2(ε,T)(40)The two integrals areI1= dθW(θ,T,ε)=1(Γ0max(ε,πT)+Γ2)2+2(Γ0max(ε,πT)+Γ2)Γ1(41) I2= dθW(θ,T,ε)2=(Γ0max(ε,πT)+Γ2)+Γ1100K300K162300ρ:Case B12075240TABLE I:ρ[µΩcm]calculated for optimally doped Bi2Ca2SrCu2O8+δat temperatures indicated,using photoe-mission data6assuming(A)directly measured MDC width (B)Only T andω-linear parts,and compared to data14.200KΓ∗:Case A16046140Γ∗:Case B’110Γ∗:data-6120Kρ−A855888TABLE III:ρ[µΩcm]calculated for overdoped Bi2Ca2SrCu2O8+δat temperatures indicated,using di-rectly measured MDC width9and compared to resistivity data from the same paper.120KΓ∗−A721935TABLE IV:Effective scattering rateΓ∗[meV]calculated for overdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δfrom measured MDC widths9 and compared to data20conductivity.For other doping levels the comparison is more difficult to undertake at this stage,because the photoemission data are less extensive.A recent paper9presents evidence that in an overdoped sample of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ, W(θ,ω=0)is only weakly dependent on angle,but varies more rapidly than linearly with temperature,being about W=0.02˚A−1at70K rising to0.04˚A−1at120K and.057˚A−1at160K.The fermi surface radius(mea-sured from the(π,π)point)is slightly larger(0.78˚A−1 vs0.72˚A−1in the optimally doped material studied in6. The frequency dependence of W is still found to be linear (at least at very low T).Converting from the units of9to the conventions of this paper yields,in convenient unitsW OD(ω,T→0) ˚A−1 =1.2×10−5ω[K](43)The crossover betweenω-dominated and T−dominated regimes is not discussed,however as can be seen from Eq43,for a frequency corresponding to600K the frequency dependent contribution is only ∆W OD=7.2×10−3˚A−1negligible compared to the dc scattering rate.Therefore we may to reasonable accu-racy simply neglect theω-dependence of the scattering rate,and use a Drude model.Our results are given in Tables III and IV.Here,as noted by the authors of Ref9the photoemis-sion and resistivity data appear to have an inconsistent temperature dependence.Also,the optical scattering rate is again underpredicted,suggesting the importance of a Landau parameter.For underdoped materials sufficient photoemission data does not yet exist to make the comparison feasi-ble.Determining the behavior of the Landau parameter with doping would be very important.V.CONCLUSIONWe have presented a precise and reasonably model-independent method for comparing the photoemission and optical scattering rates and mass enhancements,and have applied the method to optimally doped and over-doped Bi2Ca2SrCu2O8+δ.Our method provides re-lations between directly measured quantities and there-fore provides an unambiguous test of whether the’MDC width’measured in angular resolved photoemission ex-periments corresponds to a transport mean free path.In agreement with previous authors,wefind that it does not.The discrepancy is particularly severe in the case of optimally doped Bi2Ca2SrCu2O8+δwhere use of the full MDC width grossly overpredicts the resistivity.We conclude,in agreement with previous authors15that the broadening of the photomission spectra in the vicinity of the(0,π)point of the fermi surface should not be re-garded as a contribution to the transport part of the self energy.The authors of Ref15argued that the large broad-ening in this part of the zone arises from elastic scattering by out of plane impurities.In our view the ubiquity of the zone-corner broadening in cuprate materials argues instead in favor of an intrinsic,probably many-body ori-gin to the phenomenon;understanding why it does not remains a very challenging theoretical problem.How-ever,assuming that this broadening enters transport in the usual way is inconsistent with data.In our view the apparent irrelevance of the large zone-corner self-energy to the low frequency transport casts doubt on the at-tempts to describe transport and optical propeties with a’spin-fermion’model11,12,because in these models it is precisely the zone-corner scattering rate which is taken to be crucial for the conductivity.HOwever,it is possi-ble tofind parameter regimes in spin-fermion models for which the scattering is not so strongly angle-dependent and reasonable(modulo Landau-parameter effects)fits to the conductivity may be achieved12.Our main newfinding is that even if one is selective in the part of the photoemission data one interprets as giving rise to a transport rate(for example by selecting only the’inelastic’part,agreement between calculation and experiment cannot be obtained unless a’Landau pa-rameter’(corresponding to an interaction-induced vertex correction to the conductivity)is introduced.The im-portance of this vertex correction casts doubt on most of the existing calculations of the frequency and tem-perature dependent conductivity,which neglect vertex corrections.This conclusion may be stated in a differ-ent way.If(as,for example,was very elegantly done in Ref14)a model self energy is constructed which re-produces(without vertex corrections)the conductivity spectrum,this self energy will necessarily fail tofit the photoemission spectrum.Determining the doping de-pendence of the vertex correction factor is an important topic for future research.We suspect that this must be large,because the low frequency optical spectral weight (which is closely related to theΓ∗discussed above,dis-7plays a strong doping dependence whereas the observed low energy photoemission velocity does not.We also note that information on the temperature and frequency de-pendence of the photoemission-determined quaisparticle velocity would considerably help in making this compar-ison precise.Acknowledgements:H.D.D.was supported in part by NSF-DMR-0070959. A.J.M was supported in part by NSF DMR00081075,in part by the Institute for Theo-retical Physics in part by the Department of Energy at Brookhaven National Laboratory and in part by the ES-PCI(France),and thanks the ESPCI for hospitality.We thank Eilhu Abrahams,Nicole Bontemps,J.C.Cam-puzano,L.B.Ioffe and Andres Santander for helpful discussions and Nicole Bontemps and A.Santanders for provision of unpublished data.Appendix:Band TheoryThe natural choice for the reference dispersion is that given by band theory.There is general agreement that the dispersion in a single CuO2plane of a high T c super-conductor is given to a good approximation byεLDA(p)=−2t(cos(p x a)+cos(p y a))+4t′cos(p x a)cos(p y a)(44)−2t′′(cos(2p x a)+cos(2p y a))The best choice of the parameters is a subtle issue16. Especially,the behavior in the vicinity of the zone cor-ners(0,π),(π,0)depends sensitively on details,but the zone-diagonal velocity is reasonably robust,varying be-tween about3.8−4.1eV−A depending on calcula-tion and precise doping.We adopt here t=0.38eV, t′=0.32t and t′′=0.5t16implying a zone-diagonal ve-locity∂εLDA,p/∂p=3.9−4.1eV−A with the variation arising mainly from nonlinearities in the dispersion.The fermi line parameter p F S≈0.7A−1.It is also sometime convenient to define the kinetic energy K viaK=2 d2p。