

选修六 5.19《Warming up》 公开课一等奖课件

选修六 5.19《Warming up》  公开课一等奖课件

Hurricane Video
3. Have you thought about how powerful nature is? Have you ever consider how weak humans are compared with a volcano, hurricane or earthquake?
曹杨二中高三(14)班学生 班级职务:学习委员 高考志愿:北京 大学中文系 高考成绩:语文121分数学146分 英语146分历史134分 综合28分总分 575分 (另有附加分10 分)
“我对竞赛题一样发怵” 总结自己的成功经验,常方舟认为学习的高 效率是最重要因素,“高中三年,我每天晚 上都是10:30休息,这个生活习惯雷打不动。 早晨总是6:15起床,以保证八小时左右的睡 眠。平时功课再多再忙,我也不会‘开夜 车’。身体健康,体力充沛才能保证有效学 习。”高三阶段,有的同学每天学习到凌晨 两三点,这种习惯在常方舟看来反而会影响 次日的学习状态。每天课后,常方舟也不会 花太多时间做功课,常常是做完老师布置的 作业就算完。
孙老师说,杨蕙心学习效率很高,认真执行老师 的复习要求,往往一个小时能完成别人两三个小 时的作业量,而且计划性强,善于自我调节。此 外,学校还有一群与她实力相当的同学,他们经 常在一起切磋、交流,形成一种良性的竞争氛围。 谈起自己的高考心得,杨蕙心说出了“听话” 两个字。她认为在高三冲刺阶段一定要跟随老师 的脚步。“老师介绍的都是多年积累的学习方法, 肯定是最有益的。”高三紧张的学习中,她常做 的事情就是告诫自己要坚持,不能因为一次考试 成绩就否定自己。高三的几次模拟考试中,她的 成绩一直稳定在年级前5名左右。

人教课标版高二英语选修6unit2Section Ⅰ Warming Up 精品课件

人教课标版高二英语选修6unit2Section Ⅰ Warming Up 精品课件

Unit 2 Poems
Wordsworth, born in the Lake District, was the son of a lawyer. He went to school first at Penrith and then at Hawkshead Grammar School before studying, from 1787, at St John’s College, Cambridge—all of the periods were later to be described in The Prelude. In 1790 he went with friends on a walking tour to France, the Alps and Italy, before arriving in France where Wordsworth was to spend the next year.
Unit 2 Poems
During this period he also made new friendships with Walter Scott, Sir G. Beaumont and De Quincy, wrote such poems as Elegaic Stanzas(1807), and fathered five children. He received a civil list pension(养老金) in 1842 and was made poet-laureate just one year later.
传达;运送 具体的 钻石;菱形 灵活的;可弯曲的;柔顺的 模式;式样;图案
栏目 导引
Unit 2 Poems
6._c_o_t_ta_g_e__ n. 7._t_e_a_se__ vi.& vt. 8._b_r_a_n_c_h_ n. 9.__ev_e_n_t_u_a_l_ly__ adv. 10._s_o_r_r_o_w_ n.

人教版高中英语选修六第五单元第一课时warming up PPT课件

人教版高中英语选修六第五单元第一课时warming up PPT课件

2008年3月18日,夏威夷基拉韦厄 (Kilauea)火山喷发,火山灰从出口向外 喷散。火山喷发产生的岩屑散布于方圆 30公顷,一处深受游客喜爱的观景台也 受到岩屑的影响。
这是海拔1277米的基拉韦厄火山主 火山口自从1924年以来的首次喷发。
素有“欧洲最高的活火山”之称的 意大利西西里岛埃特纳火山(Mount Etna),海拔3340米。 2002年10月30日, 国际空间站上的工作人员观察到埃特纳 火山的爆发过程。山的下坡和山顶北边 颜色较淡的烟柱,是由熔岩流入山坡上 的松树林引起的森林大火造成的。
Unit 5
The power of nature
New Words
Words review
• diagram • volcano • erupt
n. 图解; 图表; 示意图 n. 火山 vi. (指火山)爆发; 突然发 生
• eruption n. 火山爆发; (战争等)爆发
• ash
n. 灰; 灰末
Homework 1. Recite the new words and
expressions of the passage. 2. Preview Reading
Have you ever seen a volcano?
Do you know some famous volcanoes in the world?
The Kilauea volcano in Hawaii is perhaps the most active volcano in the world; it is recorded that there’s an eruption almost every four years.

人教版高中英语选修六Unit2 Poems Warming-upReading优质课课件 (共39张PPT)

人教版高中英语选修六Unit2 Poems Warming-upReading优质课课件 (共39张PPT)

A riddle 谜语
• It is one form of literature(文学). • It is made up of several lines of words, which are concise and beautiful.
Do you remember any poems you have read in high school,either in Chinese or in English? Can you recite any?
Before my bed ,there is bright moonlight. So it seems like frost on the ground. Lifting my head, I saw the bright moon . Lowering my head, I
dream that I’m at home.
Step2: Pre-reading
Do you know these words?
poem ['pəuim ] n.诗
['pəuit] n.诗人
n.(总称)诗,诗 n. 押韵 v.(使)押韵
poetry [‘pəuitri] rhyme [‘raim]
rhythm ['riðəm ] n.节奏,韵律,节拍
Haiku 俳句诗
Tang poems
Five kinds of poems Cinquain
五行诗 List poems 清单诗
Nursery rhymes 童谣
What’s the characteristics of them? Forms of Poems


Some of the physical difficulties he has experienced.
When walking with a bottle of milk on his head
The fine _n_e_c_k_a_d_j_u_s_t_m_e_n_t_s are needed
I eventually learned how to incorporate my newfound energy into my spiritual life while pursuing athletic goals, and I realized that it was time to fulfill my childhood dream of becoming a Guinness record-holder. In 1979 I set my first record by doing 27,000 jumping jacks, and it was such a thrill that I immediately began training for the next
□ physical skills needed for events □ number of records broken
√□ his family life
□ kinds of records broken □ why he became a sportsman
4) Performing deep knee
bends in a hot air balloon

选修6 unit3 Warming up课件

选修6  unit3 Warming up课件

streቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱs
1. What health issues do you think concern young people the most? Cigarette smoking Drinking alcohol Drug abuse Diet Physical fitness Sexual health Stress Obesity
A famous singer in HK once sang a song “Monica”, and he committed suicide in 2003.
a physical disease
A famous film star in HK, whose nickname is “Fei Fei”, died of cancer.
What should we do to keep healthy?
• Keep a balanced diet. • Go in for proper activities. • Quit smoking. • keep in a good mood.
Proverbs on health
Tell which is healthy and which is unhealthy.
playing basketball
doing Taiji
Kung fu
drinking alcohol
eating too much
人教课标 高二 选修 6 Unit 3
What do you think is important in our life?

选修六 2.8《Unit 2 Warmingup》 公开课一等奖课件

选修六 2.8《Unit 2 Warmingup》  公开课一等奖课件

青 春 风 采
692分(含20分加分) 语文131分 数学145分 英语141分 文综255分
毕业学校:北京二中 报考高校: 北京大学光华管理学 院 北京市文科状元 阳光女孩--何旋
来自北京二中,高考成绩672分,还有20 分加分。“何旋给人最深的印象就是她 的笑声,远远的就能听见她的笑声。” 班主任吴京梅说,何旋是个阳光女孩。 “她是学校的摄影记者,非常外向,如 果加上20分的加分,她的成绩应该是 692。”吴老师说,何旋考出好成绩的秘 诀是心态好。“她很自信,也很有爱心。 考试结束后,她还问我怎么给边远地区 的学校捐书”。
Why do people write poems? People write poems to tell a story to express feelings to make others laugh to tell the life or friendship to delight the kids to tell stories to describe the seasons or scenes for entertainment as the lyric of a song
animals people stories death war emotions
nature sea seasons
Kinds of topics poets write about
landscapes ……….
Young and old ages
Feelings and experieces
高考总分:711分 毕业学校:北京八中 语文139分 数学140分 英语141分 理综291分 报考高校:


C D. Not enjoying sport.
What suggestions does it give for smokers to quit smoking?
1)_P_r_e_p_a_re__yo_u_r_s_el_f_ 2)_B_e_d_e_te_r_m_i_n_e_d___ 3)_B_r_e_a_k_t_h_e_h_a_b_it__ 4)_R__el_a_x_________ 5)_G_e_t_h_e_lp__if_y_o_u_n_e_ed it 6)_K_e_e_p_t_r_yi_n_g_____
3. A light heart lives long.豁达者长寿 ;静以修身 4. Good health is over wealth.健康重于财富 5. Health is happiness.健康即是福。
Make a poster to give a brief introduction to the harmful effects of smoking
Have you ever smoked?
Step 2 Discussion in groups
Can you tell any harmful effects of smoking? What are they?
Look at the following pictures and try to tell what are the harmful effects of smoking.
(阅读技巧点拨:skimming跳读法 )
Step Four: Consolidation (当堂巩固达标)

【人教版】选修6Unit1 warming up-reading(39张)优质课件

【人教版】选修6Unit1 warming up-reading(39张)优质课件
【人教版】选修6Unit1 warming up-reading(39张)优质课件
【人教版】选修6Unit1 warming up-reading(39张)优质课件
1. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Paintings in Middle Ages were very realistic.
B. Western art has changed a lot since the 5th century.
C. Impressionist paintings were painted mainly indoors.
D. Modern art began in the Renaissance.
【人教版】选修6Unit1 warming up-reading(39张)优质课件
Ⅱ Painting Theme
Religious themes People and nature (houses, possessions as well as activities and achievements)
【人教版】选修6Unit1 warming up-reading(39张)优质课件
【人教版】选修6Unit1 warming up-reading(39张)优质课件
【人教版】选修6Unit1 warming up-reading(39张)优质课件
The Style of the Middle Ages
•full of _r_e_li_g_io_u_s_s_y_m_b_o_l_s_ •create a feeling of _re_s_p_e_c_t_a_n_d__lo_v_e_ for God •in a more _re_a_l_is_t_ic_ style

选修六 5.17《Unit 5 Warming-up》 公开课一等奖课件

选修六 5.17《Unit 5 Warming-up》  公开课一等奖课件

曹杨二中高三(14)班学生 班级职务:学习委员 高考志愿:北京 大学中文系 高考成绩:语文121分数学146分 英语146分历史134分 综合28分总分 575分 (另有附加分10 分)
“我对竞赛题一样发怵” 总结自己的成功经验,常方舟认为学习的高 效率是最重要因素,“高中三年,我每天晚 上都是10:30休息,这个生活习惯雷打不动。 早晨总是6:15起床,以保证八小时左右的睡 眠。平时功课再多再忙,我也不会‘开夜 车’。身体健康,体力充沛才能保证有效学 习。”高三阶段,有的同学每天学习到凌晨 两三点,这种习惯在常方舟看来反而会影响 次日的学习状态。每天课后,常方舟也不会 花太多时间做功课,常常是做完老师布置的 作业就算完。
高考总分:711分 毕业学校:北京八中 语文139分 数学140分 英语141分 理综291分 报考高校:
班主任 孙烨:杨蕙心是一个目标高远 的学生,而且具有很好的学习品质。学 习效率高是杨蕙心的一大特点,一般同 学两三个小时才能完成的作业,她一个 小时就能完成。杨蕙心分析问题的能力 很强,这一点在平常的考试中可以体现。 每当杨蕙心在某科考试中出现了问题, 她能很快找到问题的原因,并马上拿出 解决办法。
武亦文的高考高分来自于她日常严谨的学习 态度,坚持认真做好每天的预习、复习。 “高中三年,从来没有熬夜,上课跟着老师 走,保证课堂效率。”武亦文介绍,“班主 任王老师对我的成长起了很大引导作用,王 老师办事很认真,凡事都会投入自己所有精 力,看重做事的过程而不重结果。每当学生 没有取得好结果,王老师也会淡然一笑,鼓 励学生注重学习的过程。”
Sandstorm Hailstorm Flood Earthquak e
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