



安塞尔亚当斯摄影名言安塞尔·亚当斯(Ansel Adams)是美国著名的风光摄影师,以其精湛的黑白风光摄影和对自然环境保护的倡导而闻名。












区域曝光(Zone System)是亚当斯开发的一种曝光和打印技术,它帮助摄影师更好地控制和预视照片的最终效果。










关于摄影的英文文案1.Capture the beauty of the world through the lens of photography.2.Unleash your creativity and tell stories through breathtaking photographs.3.Experience the magic of freezing moments in time with the art of photography.4.Elevate your perspective and see the world from a different angle through photography.5.Photography is not just about capturing images; it's about capturing emotions.6.Find beauty in the simplest things through the lens of your camera.7.Photography is the art of painting with light.8.Let your lens capture the essence of life's fleeting moments.9.Photography is like a time machine, freezing cherished memories forever.10.Embrace the power of photography and preserve the past for generations to come.11.Through photography, discover hidden gems and create lasting visual memories.12.The camera is a tool, but your creativity brings the magic tophotography.13.Photography allows you to see the world in vivid colors and exquisite details.14.Every photograph tells a unique story, waiting to be shared with the world.15.Witness the world through a different perspective with the art of photography.16.Capture a single moment, ignite a thousand emotions with your photographs.17.Photography freezes time, allowing you to relive cherished memories over and over.18.Photography is the bridge that connects memories, emotions, and the present moment.19.Amplify the beauty of the world through the lens of your camera.20.Photography is an art form that allows you to express yourself without words.21.Capture the Magic: The Art of Photography22.Through the Lens: Exploring the World with Photography23.Unleash Your Creativity: Master the Art of Photography24.The Power of Perspective: Transforming the Ordinary through Photography25.Moments of Life: Freezing Time with Photography26.The Language of Light: Expressing Emotions through Photography27.Visual Storytelling: A Journey through Captured Moments28.Discover Beauty Everywhere: Appreciating Life through Photography29.Harnessing the Light: Creating Stunning Images with Photography30.A Click to Remember: Preserving Memories with Photography31.Seeing the Unseen: Exploring the Hidden World through Photography32.The Art of Stillness: Capturing Serenity with Photography33.Frame by Frame: An Intimate Look into Life through Photography34.Finding Beauty in Chaos: Capturing Order through Photography35.Colorful Perspectives: Painting with Light and Photography36.The Art of Composition: Crafting Visual Masterpieces with Photography37.Beyond the Surface: Dive into the Depths of Photography38.The World in Focus: Broadening Horizons with Photography39.Embracing Imperfections: Discovering the Beauty of Photography40.The Essence of Moments: Reliving Memories through Photography41.The art of photography captures fleeting moments and immortalizes them forever.42.Photography allows us to see the world through a different lens, revealing beauty in the ordinary.43.With photography, you can freeze time, preserving memories that will last a lifetime.44.Photography is a powerful form of expression, where images speak volumes without a single word.45.A great photograph has the ability to evoke emotions and tell a story in a single frame.46.Through photography, we can capture the essence of a person, revealing their true personality.47.Photography is an art that requires both technical skills anda creative eye for composition.48.The camera is a tool, but the photographer's vision and perspective are what make a photograph unique.49.Photography allows us to explore different perspectives and challenge our own preconceived notions.50.In the age of social media, photography has become the universal language that connects people around the world.51.Photography enables us to document history, preserving moments that would otherwise be lost with time.52.With photography, we can capture the beauty of nature and raise awareness about the importance of conservation.53.Photography is a constant reminder to slow down, observe the world around us, and appreciate the little things.54.Photography has the power to inspire and ignite creativity within us, urging us to see the world in a new light.55.Through photography, we can challenge societal norms and shed light on important social issues.56.Photography allows us to step into someone else's shoes, fostering empathy and understanding.57.The perfect photograph is a combination of timing, composition, and the photographer's unique perspective.58.Photography teaches us to appreciate the beauty in imperfection and find art in the unexpected.59.Photography is a never-ending journey of learning and exploration, as each click of the shutter reveals something new.60.Whether you are a professional photographer or just capturing moments on your smartphone, photography has thepower to transform the way you see the world.61.Capturing moments, preserving memories.62.Discover the world through the lens.63.Every click tells a story.64.Embark on a visual journey with photography.65.Freezing time, capturing emotions.66.Transcend reality with the art of photography.67.Immerse yourself in the beauty of photography.68.Unleash your creativity through photography.69.See the world from a different perspective.70.Photography: where art and technology converge.71.Unlock the power of storytelling with photography.72.Capture the essence of life with every shot.73.Photography: a passion that knows no boundaries.74.Discover the beauty in the ordinary with photography.75.Photography: where moments become timeless.76.Uncover the hidden treasures of the world with photography.77.Photography: a window into the soul.78.Create art with the click of a button.79.Photography: the language of visual communication.80.Capture, create, inspire through the art of photography.81.Photography captures the beauty of everyday life and transforms it into art.82.With a camera in hand, the world becomes a canvas waiting to be painted.83.The lens sees what the eye cannot, revealing the hidden details and stories around us.84.Photography freezes time, allowing us to relive precious moments whenever we please.85.Through the lens, we can capture emotions that words fail to express.86.Photography is a universal language that transcends cultural barriers and speaks to the heart.87.In a single frame, a photograph has the power to tell a thousand stories.88.Through photography, we can create a visual diary of our lives, preserving memories for future generations.89.Photography is not just about taking pictures, but about capturing the essence and soul of a subject.90.With each click, a photographer captures a different perspective, showcasing unique angles of the world.91.Photography teaches us to appreciate the beauty in simplicity and find art in the ordinary.92.Through photography, we can explore different worlds without leaving our own.93.The camera lens is a window to new perspectives, revealing hidden wonders in the familiar.94.Photography encourages us to pause, observe, and appreciate the fleeting moments that make life extraordinary.95.Photography is a form of self-expression, allowing us to convey our thoughts, emotions, and visions.96.A photograph is a testament to a moment that will never be repeated exactly the same way again.97.Photography is a journey of self-discovery, as each captured image reflects a part of the photographer's soul.98.Through the art of photography, we can visualize the beauty of the world and inspire others to see it too.99.The camera lens is a tool that helps us focus on the present moment and appreciate the world around us.100.Photography is the art of finding and capturing beauty in unexpected places.101.In the hands of a skilled photographer, a moment can last forever.102.Photography captures the beauty of life in a single click.103.Through a camera lens, the world becomes a work of art.104.Photography is a language that speaks to the soul.105.Each photograph tells a unique story.106.In a world full of chaos, photography brings moments of calm.107.Capture the emotions that words cannot express.108.Photography is a journey through time and space.109.Every photograph is a window into a different world.110. Explore the world through the lens of a camera.111.Photography is the bridge that connects cultures and generations.112.Photography is the art of freezing a fleeting moment.113.Every click of the camera captures a piece of history.114.Photography is the preservation of memories.115.Photography allows us to see the extraordinary in the ordinary.116.A photograph is a pause button for life's most precious moments.117.Discover the beauty in every corner through the lens.118.Photography is the art of painting with light.119.Through photography, we can see the invisible.120.Photography captures the essence of the present, to becherished in the future.。



正能量的拍照句子短句英文1. "Smile, it's contagious!"2. "Capture the beauty of the moment."3. "Every picture tells a story of happiness."4. "Spread positivity through your lens."5. "Embrace the joy in every click."6. "Life is a beautiful adventure, capture it!"7. "Focus on the good, and let the rest blur away."8. "Find the light and let it shine through your photos."9. "Celebrate life's little moments with a snapshot."10. "Photography is the art of finding happiness in the frame."11. "Capture the essence of positivity in every shot."12. "A picture is worth a thousand positive words."13. "Cherish the memories, they are the fuel for happiness."14. "Photography is the language of positivity."15. "Every photo has the power to inspire and uplift."16. "Through the lens, see the world with a positive perspective."17. "Capture the beauty of nature and let it fill your soul."18. "Photography is a way to express gratitude for the present moment."19. "A smile is the best accessory in any photo."20. "Life is too short to focus on the negative, capture the positive."21. "Photography is a way to celebrate the beauty of life."22. "In every photo, find a reason to be grateful."23. "Capture the happiness that surrounds you."24. "Photography is a way to spread love and positivity."25. "Through the lens, see the world with a grateful heart."。




Film is cheaper than opportunity.2、摄影是我的第二语言。

Photography is my second language.3、现在你可以拍摄任何东西。

Now you can take anything.4、找到最适合拍的是最难的。

Taken to find the most suitable is the hardest.5、文字的重量,照片的震撼。

The weight of the words and pictures.6、对于摄影,故事活在光影中。

Live in the light of photography, story.7、拍一个蛋糕也能成为艺术品。

Pat a cake can be art.8、摄影师必须是照片的一部分。

The photographer must be a part of the picture.9、每一张照片,都是时光的标本。

Specimens of each picture, it is time.10、摄影既是客观的,又是主观的。

Photography is both objective and subjective.11、人像摄影是放大一个人的优点。

Portrait photography is a personal advantages of amplification.12、有时最简单的照片是最难拍的。

Sometimes the simplest picture are the hardest.13、真相是最好的照片,最好的宣传。

The truth is the best of the best photos, propaganda.14、运气是用心摄影师之最好的老师。

Luck is the attentive photographer's best teacher.15、只有好照片,没有好照片的准则。






1. “光是摄影的语言” –André Bazin2. “摄影,是将无限制的虚无留住的艺术” – Richard Avedon3. “摄影,是一种积极参与生活,而不是只是一个记录者的角色” – Mary Ellen Mark4. “抓住光线的瞬间,这就是摄影” – Henri Cartier-Bresson5. “拍摄照片的最重要的是随心所欲” – Dorothea Lange6. “好摄影就是把不可见的事物变得可见” – Frans Lanting7. “一个好的照片展现出想象的可能性” – Ansel Adams8. “白是我的色彩,和所有其他颜色相比,它更真实,更直接,更明亮” – Irving Penn9. “关键在于你要放眼去看,不是通过你的相机” – Elliott Erwitt10. “一张好照片就像是一首优美的诗歌” – Ansel Adams11. “没有人比我更热爱摄影了” – Henri Cartier-Bresson12. “摄影就是一场对自然的关注,而照片只是把这种关注变成了一种形式” – Arthur Tress13. “技术是你可以掌握的,但灵魂是你必须找到的” – David duChemin14. “摄像是将时间冻结的艺术” – Eliot Porter15. “要想拍摄好照片,你必须先了解相机的限制,然后才能打破它们” – Dennis Stock16. “摄影是通过画面来传达思想及情感的一种艺术”,–Edward Weston17. “摄影是收集那些看似无关的事物而生成一个整体” – Daido Moriyama18. “最好的摄影,是那些让你感受到自己正在那里,亲身体验其中的那些照片” – Aaron Siskind19. “摄影是可以拯救你,也可以让你沉沦” – Hellen Levitt20. “不要关注照片的技术,而是关注你的创造力” – Noel Kerns21. “就算没有相机,我也会一直拍摄,因为旅行与人生中总有美景可以让你驻足” – Richard Wong22. “三分拍摄七分剪辑” – Gordon Willis23. “摄影和音乐是一样的,它们都是表现艺术,而意见是最重要的” – William Albert Allard24. “摄影不仅是我热爱的事情,同时也是我的人生” – Ken Rockwell25. “抓住那刹那的瞬间是摄影的本质” –Alfred Eisenstaedt26. “摄影是那种能够让你追逐梦想的事物” – Helena Christensen27. “不要去拍摄你最擅长的事物,而是去发掘未知领域,激发你的想象力” – John Paul Caponigro28. “如果你无法想出什么拍摄的主题,那就拍摄你自己” – Lee Friedlander29. “照相机是最好的笔记本” – Steve McCurry30. “照片是艺术家灵魂的镜像” – J.A. Zimmerman31. “摄影是记录时光和共鸣的工具” – Mary Ellen Mark32. “如果你能看到一张照片,那就可以拍摄一张照片” – Paul Strand33. “你是你作品的最好评论家” – Ansel Adams34. “摄影是一种永恒的言语,不会有任何语言的障碍” – Marc Riboud35. “一张好照片,就是一个好故事” – David Alan Harvey36. “有时候,小小的细节会改变一张照片” – Eve Arnold37. “摄影是与光的对话” – Sam Abell38. “如果你知道自己想要表达的事物,那么微光都可以变成灯塔” – Gregory Crewdson39. “通过摄影学习,可以让我们更深刻的理解生活的本质” –Emmet Gowin40. “摄影就像是乘坐电梯,通过按不同的按键可以调节自己的视角” – Martin Parr41. “摄影带给我最大的愉悦,就是让我在工作中体验到了无穷的乐趣” – Eve Arnold42. “摄影是一场无所不在的旅行,途中你会遇到各种各样的人和事物” – Susan Meiselas43. “不管你眼前的景象多么美好,如果照片没有拍好,也就没有什么意义了” – Ken Rockwell44. “摄影本质上就是情感的表达” – Andreas Feininger45. “照片是可以评估你一生走过的道路的记录” – Edward Steichen46. “你可以在一张照片里面创造形式,也可以在形式里面创造一张照片” – Aaron Siskind47. “摄影师应该保持警觉,时刻保持好奇心和敏锐度” – Sam Abell48. “除了好的眼力,摄影还需要灵魂的感应” – Saul Leiter49. “拍摄,就是将人生的视野不断扩大的过程” – ShahidulAlam50. “最好的照片,是那些等待着你去发现的” – Ted Grant51. “凭借着直觉,摄影就会变得可以自如掌控” – Mona Kuhn52. “享受每一个瞬间,将其抓住,最好的照片就是这样的” –Elliott Erwitt53. “照片可以印证你一生的工作和思考” – Diane Arbus54. “与好友一起拍摄照片,总是能够让我更加开心和成功” –Lynn Goldsmith55. “一张好的照片会永远留住,而形象会逝去” – Willa Cather56. “如果你尝试去了解照片,拍摄好的照片就不再难了” –Imogen Cunningham57. “一切都已拍摄好了”,- Henri Cartier-Bresson58. “要用摄影手法去寻找真正的美感” – Edward Steichen59. “拍摄好照片,需要一点技巧,一点欣赏力,但更为重要的是一份用心的感悟” – Ronnie Farley60. “摄影可以帮助我们看到世界更加深刻的层面” – Susan Sontag无论是哪位大师的名言,都是他们的精神财富。



关于摄影技术的名言英文The Art and Craft of Photography: Famous Quotes.Photography, often referred to as the "silent poetry,"is a medium that captures moments in time, freezes them,and presents them to the world. It's a blend of art, science, and technology, where the photographer's eye, the camera's lens, and the film or digital sensor come together to create a powerful visual narrative. Here are some famous quotes about photography and its technique that speak tothe essence of this remarkable art form."Every photographer has a loving and kind heart." This statement encapsulates the emotional essence of photography. It's not just about capturing images; it's about capturing the essence of a moment, the feeling it evokes, and thestory it tells. A photographer's heart is in every frame they shoot, whether it's a landscape, a portrait, or astreet scene."Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces theentire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution." Albert Einstein. This quote resonates deeplywith photography, as it's a medium that thrives oncreativity and imagination. A photographer must envisionthe perfect shot, compose it in their mind's eye, and then bring it to life through the camera's lens."If you can't describe what you did as a simple process, you don't understand it well enough." Richard Feynman. This applies to photography in that the best photos often result from a clear understanding of the basic principles of exposure, composition, and lighting. By mastering these fundamentals, a photographer can create images that areboth technically proficient and artistically expressive."Photography is the story I fail to put into words." Dominique de Menezes. This quote highlights the power of photography to communicate emotions and ideas that are difficult to articulate in words. Photos have the abilityto evoke strong emotional responses and tell compellingstories that resonate with viewers on a deep level."The most important thing in a camera is the twelve inches behind it." Ansel Adams. Adams was referring to the photographer's eye and their ability to see and compose a scene. The camera is just a tool; it's the photographer's vision and creativity that make the photo come alive."Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever...it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything." Aaron Siskind. This quote beautifully captures the emotional connection we make with photos. They are not just snapshots of a moment; they are time capsules that allow us to relive those moments years later, to feel the same emotions we did when we first experienced them."The photographer is the most patient painter in the world." Edward Steichen. Photography often requires patience, as the perfect shot may not come immediately. A photographer must be willing to wait for the right moment,the perfect light, or the ideal composition. This patienceis what sets photography apart from other forms of art and gives it its unique charm.In conclusion, these quotes highlight the depth and breadth of photography as an art form. They speak to the importance of vision, creativity, and technical proficiency in creating powerful and meaningful images. Photography is not just about capturing light and shadow; it's about capturing the essence of a moment and the emotion it evokes. It's about telling a story, expressing an idea, or simply sharing a moment of beauty with the world.。



photography英文名言1. "In photography, there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality." - Alfred Stieglitz2. "The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do." - Andy Warhol3. "Photography is the story I fail to put into words." - Destin Sparks4. "Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still." - Dorothea Lange5. "Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second." - Marc Riboud6. "A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." - Diane Arbus7. "In photography, there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality." -8. "The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." - Dorothea Lange9. "Photography is the only language that can be understood anywhere in the world." - Bruno Barbey10. "When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence." - Ansel Adams11. "When you photograph people in color, you photograph their clothes.But when you photograph people in black and white, you photograph their souls." - Ted Grant12. "Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything." - Aaron Siskind.。



In the digital age where every moment is captured and shared, photography transcends mere documentation. It's an art form that captures the essence of life's most precious moments. Here's a heartwarming collection of short, poignant English captions that celebrate the beauty of photography:1. "Through the lens, life's canvas comes to life, painting memories in hues of joy and sorrow."2. "Each frame is a whisper of the soul, telling stories that words cannot express."3. "Photography is the art of freezing time, capturing the fleeting beauty of existence."4. "In every click, there's a story waiting to be told, a moment longing to be remembered."5. "The camera doesn't lie; it captures the truth of our emotions, leaving a mark on the heart."6. "Memories are like photographs; some fade, but others stay etched in the soul forever."7. "A picture is worth a thousand words, but a good photo is worth a lifetime of memories."8. "Through the lens, we see the world with fresh eyes, finding beauty in the ordinary."9. "Photography is not just about taking pictures; it's about seeing the world differently."10. "Every shot is a journey, taking us through the laughter, tears, and quiet moments of life."11. "In the quiet moments, photography whispers secrets of the heart, unseen by the naked eye."12. "Life is a story told through photographs, each one a chapter filled with emotion and adventure."13. "Photography is the language of the heart, speaking without words, touching the soul."14. "Snapshots of life, frames of time, capturing the essence of what it means to be alive."15. "The camera is an extension of the soul, capturing the beauty that lies beyond the visible."16. "In the blink of an eye, photography captures moments that defineour lives, shaping our memories."17. "Life is a book, and photography is the ink that writes the stories of our hearts."18. "Through the lens, we find beauty in the imperfections, embracingthe fleeting nature of life."19. "Photography is the art of seeing the world with love, capturing the beauty that surrounds us."20. "Each photo is a love letter to life, a testament to the beauty that exists in every moment."21. "In the quiet corners of our lives, photography finds beauty,turning the mundane into the magical."22. "Photography is the art of preserving the fleeting, making the temporary eternal."23. "A camera is a time machine, taking us back to moments that shaped us, reminding us of who we are."24. "Through the lens, we find our own story, the narrative of our lives, beautifully told in pictures."25. "Photography is the art of making the invisible visible, the intangible tangible, the inexpressible expressible."These captions are not just about capturing moments; they are about celebrating the art of photography and the profound impact it has on our lives. Each photograph is a story waiting to be told, a moment thatholds the power to evoke emotions, remind us of the past, or inspire us to dream of the future. So, pick up your camera, frame the world through your lens, and let these words remind you of the magic that photography holds.。






"Inphotography,thereisarealitysosubtlethatitbecomesmo rerealthanreality."在摄影中,有一种微妙的现实,它比肉眼所见的现实更真实。

"Photographyisawayoffeeling,oftouching,ofloving.Whaty ouhavecaughtonfilmiscapturedforever...Itrememberslittleth ings,longafteryouhaveforgotteneverything."摄影是一种感受、触摸和热爱的方式。


"Totakeaphotographistoparticipateinanotherperson'smor tality,vulnerability,mutability.Preciselybyslicingoutthis momentandfreezingit,allphotographstestifytotime'srelentle— 1 —ssmelt."拍摄照片就是参与另一个人的必死性、脆弱性和可变性。


"Photographyisn'taboutcapturingtheperfectmoment;it'sa boutcapturingamomentperfectly."摄影不是捕捉完美的瞬间,而是完美地捕捉瞬间。




Less less pictures, photography, little miss, a man is not old no future chanting past.2、拿着照相机走遍中国每一所城市里的每一处角落的摄影人。

With a camera through all China's every city in every corner of the photographer.3、要拍摄的时候,摄影师问我哪里最美,我退后一步指向你。

Shot, the photographer asked me where is the most beautiful,I step back to you.4、摄影语言自成体系,更为重要的是,它是一种观察和伦理学。

Photographic language sui generis, more importantly, it is a kind of observation and ethics.5、曾经我想当个流浪的吟游诗人,刚刚我想当个流浪的摄影者。

Once I want to be a wandering minstrel, just I want to be a wandering the photographer.6、摄影,只不过是一场记录孤独往事的过程,然而我却乐在其中。

Photography is only a lonely past process, but I enjoy it.7、我渴望捕捉我眼前所有的美,经过长期的努力,终于如愿以偿。

I am eager to capture the beauty in front of my eyes all, through long-term efforts to finally get it.8、上帝也一定是个摄影爱好者,他在创世的第一天就说:要有光。




Every photographer has a loving and kind heart.2、想象力跑焦了,眼力就靠不住了。

If your imagination burns out, your eyesight will be unreliable.3、拍一个蛋糕也能成为艺术品。

A cake can also be a work of art.4、摄影师就是空想家、旅行家,拥有视觉世界观的人。

A photographer is a visionary, a traveler, and a person with a vision of the world.5、我之所以喜欢摄影师,是因为你们不提问。

I like photographers because you don't ask questions.6、摄影棚里充满了炫人耳目的商品。

The studio is full of dazzling goods.7、我真的相信有些东西如果我不拍下来就没人会看见。

I really believe that there are things that nobody will see if I don't photograph them.8、画家旨在创建;摄影师旨在披露。

Painters aim to create; photographers aim to disclose.9、一个真正的摄影师像真正的诗人或真正的画家那样少见。

A real photographer is as rare as a real poet or painter.10、别跟我说你没拍着的照片,就让我看看你拍到的好照片。

Don't tell me that you haven't taken any pictures, just show me the good ones you have taken.11、如果你的照片拍的不够好,那是因为你靠的不够近。



摄影幽默语句经典句子英文1. A bad day of photography is still better than a good day at work.2. "I don't trust photos, I'd rather capture memories." - Unknown3. The best photos are the ones that tell a story without any words.4. "In photography, beauty lies in the hands of the photographer." - Anonymous5. "Photography is the only language that can be understood anywhere in the world." - Bruno Barbey6. A camera is just a tool, it's the photographer that makes the magic happen.7. "Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still." - Dorothea Lange8. Every photographer has their own way of seeing the world.9. "Photography is not just about capturing the moment, but about capturing the emotion within it." - Anonymous10. The best Kodak moment is the one you missed because you were too busy looking for it.11. A good photographer knows when to break the rules.12. "Photography is the art of frozen time... the ability to store emotion and feelings within a frame." - Meshack Otieno13. The camera is an extension of the eye, capturing moments that can never be replicated.14. "Photography is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality." - Alfred Stieglitz15. A photograph is like a time traveler, transporting you back to the moment it was taken.16. "Photography is the only language that can be understood without translation." - Anita Patel17. The best thing about a photograph is that it never changes, even when the people in it do.18. "Photography is the story I fail to put into words." - Destin Sparks19. The key to a great photograph is to capture the essence of the subject.20. "Photography is a love affair with life." - Burk Uzzle21. A photograph is a piece of captured time, frozen forever in a single frame.22. "Photography is the art of making memories tangible." - Kimberly Arthur23. The best photographs are the ones that make you feel something.24. Life is like a camera, focus on what's important, capture the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things don't work out, take another shot.25. "Photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place... I've found it has little to do with thethings you see and everything to do with the way you see them." - Elliott Erwitt26. A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know.27. "Photography is the only language that can be understood by everyone, regardless of their background." - Scott Lorenzo28. In photography, there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality.29. "Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have captured on film is captured forever... It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything." - Aaron Siskind。



关于照片的名言1. “A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you the less you know.”——Diane Arbus2. “Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second.”——Marc Riboud3. “A picture is a poem without words.”——Horace4. “Photography is modest; it doesn't ask much, but it givesa lot.”——Duane Michals5. “You don’t take a photograph, you make it.”——Ansel Adams6. “No matter how slow the film, Spirit always stands still long enough for the photographer It has chosen.”——Minor White7. “I am not interested in shooting new things—I am interested to see things new.”——Ernst Haas8. “I take photographs with love, so I try to make them art objects. But I make them for myself first and foremost.”——Leni Riefenstahl9. “The cam era is an instrument that teaches people how tosee without a camera.”——Dorothea Lange10. “The photographer’s mission isn’t to create a work ofart —it’s to honestly depict a moment or situation.”——Clint Smith11. “The way to make a good picture is to feel what you are shooting rather than merely analyze it.”——Olivia Parker12. “In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality.”——Alfred Stieglitz13. “The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do.”——Anderson Cooper14. “Photography takes an instant out of time, altering lifeby holding it still.”——Dorothea Lange15. “Photographs open doors into the past, but they also allow a look into the future.”—Sally Mann16. “Life is like a camera. Just focus on what’s important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don’t work out, just take another shot.”——Unknown 17. “A great photograph is one that fully expresses what one feels, in the deepest sense, about what is being photographed.”——Ansel Adams18. “When people ask me what equipment I use – I tell them my eyes.”——Anonymous19. “The thing that strikes me is that all these pictures are like passing moments of a story.”——Lee Friedlander 20. “The only t hing you have to fear in photography is fear itself.”——Steve McCurry。



发自拍照朋友圈的句子英文1. 摄影英语短句Wedding Photography, Travel Photography, Stock Photography, Studio Lighting, Digital Darkroom, and the list continues。

Just getting started with photography and interested in learning photography basics and tips on photography? Are you a more advanced photographer interested in learning about studio lighting, portrait photography, post-production and digital darkroom skills? covers the basics of photography, interesting columns about photography and everything in between you might want to learn about. Dig in.。

2. 一些美好的英文句子1.True love is mutual unconditional surrender.真爱是双方的无条件投降2.DuskLooking into the sunset I can't help but noticethat despite her beauty,a sense of struggle and hopeless surround the sky .Deep inside you realize that this day is gone,and everything that It had brought is lost forever.Every thought,every action,every dream,every hope,every sight,every sound is gone.There is no chance of every being returned the same,exactly the same.For every moment has a limit to what it can capture,Every memory has a limit to what it had retrieve.And the colours in the sky try to entertain us.one last act with painted smiles,for they too know that nothing can be done to save the day. So futile their attempt to comfort our fear of the night.our horror as we try to find our way,like children who wander into a forest and never return.I am ingratiated by the sunset because ofher sensitivity as she tries to push the darknessback for just a moment more.But like so many times before。




1.“Your first 10000 photographs are your worst.“ – Henri-Cartier-Bresson你拍的前一万张照片都是烂的。

——布列松心得:凡事都要多练习,摄影也是,你明白贝克汉姆天天至少射门1000次吗?快出去拍吧!2.“Think about the photo before and after, never during. The secret is to take your time. You mustn’t go too fast. The subject must forget about you. Then, how ever, you must be very quick.” -Henri-Cateir-Bresson在摄影之前和以后试探,万万不要在摄影当下试探。





3.“The most difficult thing for me is a portrait. You have to try and put your camera between the skin of a person and his shirt” -Henri-Cateir-Bresson对我来讲最难的是肖像摄影。


——布列松心得:这句话的意思是说肖像摄影你必需要试着看透一个人……4.“The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it.” – Ansel Adams摄影机最重要的元件是在它后方十二寸的那玩意儿。




1. “If your photos aren’t good enough, then you’re not close enough”——Robert Capa 罗伯特.卡帕“如果你的照片不够好, 那表示你还离得不够近。



2. Photographers mistake the emotion they feel while taking the photo as a judgment that the photograph is good”——Garry Winogrand 加里.维诺盖德“摄影师往往因为主观的情感投射而误认自己拍摄的照片都是好的。







Garry Winogrand 这位摄影师甚至会在拍摄的一年后才重新回来审视照片决定是否要公开。

关于photo的名言 -回复

关于photo的名言 -回复

关于photo的名言-回复1. "一张照片可以保存一段回忆,唤醒一段时光。

" - 约瑟夫·巴扎尔2. "照片是时间的胶囊,永远保留着过去的美好。

" - 未知3. "摄影是一种语言,通过画面表达情感和故事。

" - 安塞尔·亚当斯4. "一张好照片是那种可以让你感受到拍摄时作者的情绪和心情的照片。

" - 弗裡茨·盧夫特5. "照片是停止时间的方式,可以永远保留住美好瞬间。

" - 未知6. "照片是一条纽带,将人们与过去连接起来,为未来留下回忆。

" - 威廉·皮尔斯7. "照片是记录现实的方式,同时也是一种艺术的表达。

" - 未知8. "一个人的照片可以讲述他的故事,记录他的成长和变化。

" - 亚历山大·罗德琴科9. "照片是记录生活中细微瞬间的方式,不容忽视。

" - 西尔维亚·普拉斯10. "摄影是捕捉光线的艺术,通过光影展现世界的美与奇迹。

" - 凯瑟琳·塞里奇11. "照片可以捕捉到情感,让观看者在镜头中感受到作者的内心世界。

" - 史蒂夫·麦柯瑞12. "照片是一束时间的光,让我们能够重新回忆过去。

" - 罗尔夫·杜彭卡赫13. "照片是记录时光的证据,长久留存在记忆中。

" - 未知14. "一张照片中蕴含着无尽的故事,需要我们用心去发现。

" - 丹宁·柯斯罗夫特15. "摄影师是时光的见证者,透过镜头看到不同世界的美与真实。

" - 塞巴斯蒂安·萨尔加多16. "照片是视觉的诗歌,以静态的方式诉说动态的故事。

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Less less pictures, photography, little miss, a man is not old no future chanting past.2、拿着照相机走遍中国每一所城市里的每一处角落的摄影人。

With a camera through all China's every city in every corner of the photographer.3、要拍摄的时候,摄影师问我哪里最美,我退后一步指向你。

Shot, the photographer asked me where is the most beautiful, I step back to you.4、摄影语言自成体系,更为重要的是,它是一种观察和伦理学。

Photographic language sui generis, more importantly, it isa kind of observation and ethics.5、曾经我想当个流浪的吟游诗人,刚刚我想当个流浪的摄影者。

Once I want to be a wandering minstrel, just I want to be a wandering the photographer.6、摄影,只不过是一场记录孤独往事的过程,然而我却乐在其中。

Photography is only a lonely past process, but I enjoy it.7、我渴望捕捉我眼前所有的美,经过长期的努力,终于如愿以偿。

I am eager to capture the beauty in front of my eyes all, through long-term efforts to finally get it.8、上帝也一定是个摄影爱好者,他在创世的第一天就说:要有光。

God also must be a photographer, he said on the first day of creation: let there be light.9、生命本身不是现实。


Life itself is not real. We are the people who put life into stones and pebbles.10、我喜欢摄影,我活着就是要拍照。


I like photography, I to live is to take pictures. I never want to retire in the photography business.11、摄影是学习如何观察事物的一种方式,它是强烈的个人视觉感受。

Photography is a way to learn how to observe things, it isa strong personal feeling.12、摄影师总不知道自己也是风景,心理医生总不知道自已也是疯子。

Photographer always don't know oneself also scenery, psychological doctor always don't know what is crazy.13、我们每个人都像是一部高清超速摄影机,记录着生活,讲述着你我。

We all like a speeding high-definition cameras, recording the life, about you and me.14、摄影机拍下的往往都是华丽的外表,人的肉眼看到的却是生活的本质。

In the camera tend to be luxuriant appearance, the human eye to see is the essence of life.15、摄影本来就没有不可打破的法则,你觉得自己应该怎么拍,那就怎么拍。

Photography is not do not break the law, how do you think you should take, then how to shoot.16、最失落的两个职业是牙医和摄影师:牙医想当医生,摄影师想成为画家。

The most lost two career as a dentist and photographer: the dentist want to be a doctor, the photographer wants to become a painter.17、风景摄影是一种跋涉、一种追逐、一种人类独有的迁徙到美的视野的冲动。

Landscape photography is a journey, a kind of pursuit, auniquely human migration to the impulse of the vision of beauty.18、演摄影师时我的摄影包东西很少,工作人员不太敢把东西放里面,怕我摔了。

My camera bag when I play the photographer things are very few, workers don't dare to put it inside, afraid that I fell.19、一个摄影师的改变,源自于自我的一种积极进取,而不是等待别人帮到你。

The change of a photographer, derived from the ego a positive, rather than waiting for others to help you.20、我觉得摄影重要的是表达了善与爱的情怀,珍惜并抓住自己爱意闪耀的时刻。

I think photography is important to express the good and the feelings of love, cherish and seize his moment of love shines.21、我从不让一个人看起来不好,他们自己表现自己。


I never let a person look bad, they show themselves. Photo is your mirror, is you.22、一台相机不在于它的价格是否高昂,而我们只看架着相机的摄影师是否会对焦。

A camera is not in its price is high, but we only see thephotographer will focus the camera.23、摄影把绘画从忠实表现的苦差中解放出来,使绘画可以追求最高的目标:抽象。

Photography liberated painting from his honest baby, make the painting can pursue the highest goal: abstract.24、摄影中,看似无关痛痒的元素,也可作为形式感的补充,让画面添加一份形式感。

Photography, seemingly innocuous element, also can be used to supplement the sense of form, make the picture to add a sense of form.25、与其拍摄一个东西,不如拍摄一个意念,与其拍摄一个意念,不如拍摄一个梦幻。

Rather than a thing, an idea, rather than an idea, as a dream.26、摄影是一种生于火、浮于光的技术与艺术;而将影像化为语词,就等于在寻找希望。

Photography is a born in fire, float light technology and art; And images into words, is looking for hope.27、一个人永远走不出童年的影响。


A man will never go out of his childhood. My photography, the first is looking for a childhood memory of the environmentand people.28、有些事情并不是你看到的那样,就像摄影师的专业不一定是摄影,也可能是汽车服务。

Some things are not you see, just like the professional photographer is not necessarily photography, may also be a car service.29、摄影是一种走入时间的动作,从中撕扯出一些什么,然后以另外一种持久的形式定格。

Photography is a kind of into the time of action, to tear out some what, then, in the form of another kind of persistent frames.30、年轻要任性,外出要尽兴,热恋也像驱车过境。


Young to capricious, go out to enjoy, love is like driving through. Have a good sightseeing, photography, with his own hands hug strange figure.31、铁塔有一种潜在的动物性。


The tower has a potential animal. In addition, the photographic method also discovered the Eiffel Tower of a new truth: it is sexual.32、人生的遭遇,大半是片段的欢乐换来终身的不安;摄影,却是片刻的不欢带来终身的快乐。

Encounter in life, most of the pieces of joy for life is uneasy; With photography, is a moment not huan lifetime happiness.33、一个好摄影,既是导演的眼睛,帮他发现美好事物,也是导演的翅膀,助他抵达自己的梦想。
