N2790A, N2791A and N2891A High-voltage Differential Probes Data Sheet




Characteristic / Test ConditionsDrain-Source Breakdown Voltage (V GS = 0V, I D = 250µA)On State Drain Current 2 (V DS > I D(on) x R DS(on) Max, V GS = 10V)Drain-Source On-State Resistance 2 (V GS = 10V, 0.5 I D[Cont.])Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current (V DS = V DSS , V GS= 0V)Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current (VDS = 0.8 V DSS , V GS = 0V, T C = 125°C)Gate-Source Leakage Current (V GS = ±30V, V DS = 0V)Gate Threshold Voltage (V DS = V GS , I D = 1.0mA)050-5572 Re v CMAXIMUM RATINGSAll Ratings: T C = 25°C unless otherwise specified.Symbol V DSS I D I DM V GS V GSM P D T J ,T STGT L I AR E AR E ASParameterDrain-Source VoltageContinuous Drain Current @ T C = 25°C Pulsed Drain Current 1Gate-Source Voltage Continuous Gate-Source Voltage Transient Total Power Dissipation @ T C = 25°C Linear Derating FactorOperating and Storage Junction Temperature Range Lead Temperature: 0.063" from Case for 10 Sec.Avalanche Current 1 (Repetitive and Non-Repetitive)Repetitive Avalanche Energy 1Single Pulse Avalanche Energy 4UNIT Volts AmpsVolts Watts W/°C °C Amps mJSTATIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSSymbol BV DSS I D(on)R DS(on)I DSS I GSS V GS(th)UNIT Volts AmpsOhms µA nA VoltsMIN TYP MAX 1000111.0025250±10024APT1001RBVR10001144±30±402802.24-55 to 15030011301210APT1001RBVR1000V11A 1.000ΩPower MOS V ® is a new generation of high voltage N-Channel enhancement mode power MOSFETs. This new technology minimizes the JFET effect,increases packing density and reduces the on-resistance. Power MOS V ®also achieves faster switching speeds through optimized gate layout.•Faster Switching •100% Avalanche Tested •Lower Leakage•Popular TO-247 PackagePOWER MOS V ®CAUTION: These Devices are Sensitive to Electrostatic Discharge. Proper Handling Procedures Should Be Followed.USA405 S.W. Columbia StreetBend, Oregon 97702-1035Phone: (541) 382-8028FAX: (541) 388-0364EUROPEAvenue J.F. Kennedy Bât B4 Parc Cadéra NordF-33700 Merignac - FrancePhone: (33)557921515FAX: (33)556479761APT Website - Symbol I S I SM V SD t rr Q rrDYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICSSymbol C iss C oss C rss Q g Q gs Q gd t d(on)t r t d(off)t fTest ConditionsV GS = 0V V DS = 25V f = 1 MHz V GS = 10V V DD = 0.5 V DSS I D = I D[Cont.] @ 25°CV GS = 15V V DD = 0.5 V DSS I D = I D[Cont.] @ 25°CR G = 1.6ΩMINTYPMAX305036602803901352001502251624701051224112255851224UNITpFnC ns APT1001RBVRCharacteristic Input Capacitance Output CapacitanceReverse Transfer Capacitance Total Gate Charge 3Gate-Source Charge Gate-Drain ("Miller") Charge Turn-on Delay Time Rise TimeTurn-off Delay Time Fall Time050-5572 R e v CCharacteristic / Test Conditions Continuous Source Current (Body Diode)Pulsed Source Current 1 (Body Diode)Diode Forward Voltage 2 (V GS = 0V, I S = -I D[Cont.])Reverse Recovery Time (I S = -I D[Cont.], dl S /dt = 100A/µs)Reverse Recovery Charge (I S = -I D[Cont.], dl S /dt = 100A/µs)SOURCE-DRAIN DIODE RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTICSUNIT Amps Volts ns µCMINTYPMAX11441.370091Repetitive Rating: Pulse width limited by maximum junction3See MIL-STD-750 Method 3471temperature.4Starting T j = +25°C, L = 20mH, R G = 25Ω, Peak I L= 11A2Pulse Test: Pulse width < 380 µS, Duty Cycle < 2%APT Reserves the right to change, without notice, the specifications and information contained herein.THERMAL CHARACTERISTICSSymbol R θJC R θJAMINTYPMAX0.4540UNIT °C/WCharacteristic Junction to Case Junction to AmbientZ θJ C , T H E R M A L I M P E D A N C E (°C /W )10-510-410-310-210-1 1.010RECTANGULAR PULSE DURATION (SECONDS)FIGURE 1, MAXIMUM EFFECTIVE TRANSIENT THERMAL IMPEDANCE, JUNCTION-TO-CASE vs PULSE DURATION0. DS , DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)V DS , DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)FIGURE 2, TYPICAL OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 3, TYPICAL OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS V GS , GATE-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)I D , DRAIN CURRENT (AMPERES)FIGURE 4, TYPICAL TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 5, R DS (ON) vs DRAIN CURRENTT C , CASE TEMPERATURE (°C)T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)FIGURE 6, MAXIMUM DRAIN CURRENT vs CASE TEMPERATURE FIGURE 7, BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE vs TEMPERATURE T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)T C , CASE TEMPERATURE (°C)FIGURE 8, ON-RESISTANCE vs. TEMPERATURE FIGURE 9, THRESHOLD VOLTAGE vs TEMPERATURER D S (O N ), D R A I N -T O -S O U R C E O N R E S I S T A N C E I D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A M P E R E S )I D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A M P E R E S )I D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A M P E R E S )(N O R M A L I Z E D )V G S (T H ), T H R E S H O L D V O L T A G E B V D S S , D R A I N -T O -S O U R C E B R E A K D O W N R D S (O N ), D R A I N -T O -S O U R C E O N R E S I S T A N C EI D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A M P E R E S )(N O R M A L I Z E D )V O L T A G E (N O R M A L I Z E D)255075100125150-50-250255075100125150-50-250255075100125150APT1001RBVR201612841. R e v CV DS , DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)V DS , DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)FIGURE 10, MAXIMUM SAFE OPERATING AREAFIGURE 11, TYPICAL CAPACITANCE vs DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE Q g , TOTAL GATE CHARGE (nC)V SD , SOURCE-TO-DRAIN VOLTAGE (VOLTS)FIGURE 12, GATE CHARGES vs GATE-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGEFIGURE 13, TYPICAL SOURCE-DRAIN DIODE FORWARD VOLTAGEV G S , G A T E -T O -S O U R C E V O L T A G E (V O L T S )I D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A M P E R E S )I D R , R E V E R S E D R A I N C U R R E N T (A M P E R E S )C , C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )Dimensions in Millimeters and (Inches)APT1001RBVR501051.5.12016128411,0005,0001,00050010050501051.5.1050-5572 R e v CAPT's devices are covered by one or more of the following U.S.patents:4,895,8105,045,9035,089,4345,182,2345,019,5225,262,3365,256,5834,748,1035,283,2025,231,4745,434,0955,528,058TO-247 Package Outline。

示波器探头和附件(是德科技InfiniiVision 系列)

示波器探头和附件(是德科技InfiniiVision 系列)
引言���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2 探头兼容性表������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3 无源探头�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5 极限温度无源探头����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9 高压无源探头����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10 InfiniiMax 有源探头和附件��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11 InfiniiMode 有源探头和附件������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 13 通用差分有源探头——DP0001A 高压差分探头������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 15 高压差分有源探头��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17 单端有源探头����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21 混合信号示波器逻辑探头����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������23 钳形电流探头����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2பைடு நூலகம் N7040A/41A/42A 罗氏线圈交流电流探头��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29 高灵敏度电流探头���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������30 楔形探头适配器������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32 其他附件� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������33 T2A 探头接口适配器�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������35 推荐用于中/低速总线测量的探头���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������36



- 2 个点测探针 (黑色和红色) - 2 个鳄鱼夹 (黑色和红色) - 2 个钳夹 (黑色和红色) - 每个有 4 种颜色的 ID 标签 - 直流偏置调节工具 - 手册
- 2 个鳄鱼夹 (黑色和红色) - 2 个钩夹 (黑色和红色) - USB 电源线 (2 m) - 4 节 AA 电池 - 手册
N2790A、N2791A 和 N2891A 差分探头为用户提供可 选择的衰减设置以提高探头的适用性,满足多种场合的 应用。这种探头还具有各种探针附件,可用于探测狭窄 空间中各种尺寸的元器件。N2790A 和 N2891A 中的过量 程指示器可在探头输入超过探头动态范围时向用户发出 告警。
图 2. N2791A 25 MHz 高电压差分探头和标准附件
图 6. 2790A 的输入阻抗与频率
频率 (Hz)
频率 (Hz) 图 7. N2790A 的电压降低曲线 (输入端和接地点之间的电压)
频率 (Hz) 图 8. N2791A 的 Vout/Vin 与频率响应
频率 (Hz) 图 9. 当共模输入时, N2791A 的频率响应 (Vout/Vin) (共模抑制比) 4
广州分公司 地址: 广州市天河北路233号
中信广场66层07-08室 电话: (020) 38113988 传真: (020) 86695074 邮编: 510613
成都分公司 地址: 成都高新区南部园区
拓新西一街116号 电话: (028) 83108888 传真: (028) 85330830 邮编: 610041
输入 R//C (每个接地输入) 输入 R//C (在输入端之间) 最大差分工作电压 (直流 + 交流峰值) 最大共模工作电压 (RMS 或 直流 + 交流峰值) 最大无损电压



PN7020A—50kΩ @ DC
50Ω cable to oscilloscope (50Ω @ DC) DCVrms= 3.31V
50Ω @ DC pulled this supply down ~60mV (changed the target this much)
DCVrms= 3.25V
N2870A 35 MHz, 1:1
N7020A 2 GHz, 1.1:1
BW: 2.5 GHz Captures high-freq transients
BW: 20 MHz Attenuates high-freq transients
功率/能量损耗 调制分析 dI/dt, dV/dt 分析 SOA安全工作区
电源质量: 有功功率, 无功功率, 视在功率, 相位 角, 功率因素, 波峰因子
直电容参数及带宽不好 控制;纹波测量和电压 测量不能同时进行。
Partner Logo Here
N7020A高带宽低噪声探头: 高达2GHz带宽 低噪声,衰减比仅为1.1:1
高达+/- 24V的偏置范围 高输入阻抗:50 KΩ @ DC
为使DC-DC 变换器能对大规模集成电路的负载变化作出快速响应,降 低由于较大负载电流的变化造成的供电电压的瞬时波动,验证PDN网 络的阻抗是否被限制在极低范围内是非常必要的。

LTC7001 Fast High Voltage High Side NMOS Static Sw

LTC7001 Fast High Voltage High Side NMOS Static Sw

1dc2708afDESCRIPTIONLTC7001Fast High VoltageHigh Side NMOS Static Switch DriverDemonstration circuit 2708A is a 135V, high side switch featuring the LTC ®7001. The demo board is designed to switch a 5A output load from 0V up to 135V. This board offers a low 50ns (typical) propagation delay, fast switching times (<10ns) and 100% duty cycle operation.The LTC7001 is a fast high voltage high side N-channel MOSFET driver . An internal charge pump fully enhances an external N-channel MOSF ET switch, allowing it to remain on indefinitely. A powerful gate driver can drive large gate capacitance MOSFETs with very short transition times, ideal for both high frequency switching and static switch applications. The LTC7001 operates over a 0V to 135V input supply range.The demo board includes input capacitors and an output diode to accommodate input and output supply induc-tance when switching loads. The switch can be controlled by providing an external signal on INPUT turret. The V CCL , L T , L TC, L TM, Linear Technology and the Linear logo are registered trademarks of Analog Devices, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.PERFORMANCE SUMMARYinput must be powered with an external power supply to provide power to the controller . Positions for RC delay network to control inrush current are also included.The LTC7001 data sheet gives a complete description of the part, operation and application information. The data sheet must be read in conjunction with this demo manual for demo circuit 2708A. Proper board layout is essential for maximum thermal and electrical performance. See the data sheet sections for details. The LTC7001 is available in 10-lead MSOP package and three operating junction temperature grades, extended and industrial from –40°C to 125°C, a high temp automotive version from –40°C to 150°C and a military grade version from –55°C to 150°C.Design files for this circuit board are available at http://www.linear .com/demo/DC2708ASpecifications are at T A = 25°CSYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONSMIN TYPMAX UNITSV IN Input Voltage 0135V I OUT Output Current 5A Insertion Drop V IN – V OUT , 5A Load, Input to Output Terminals115mV V CC Main Supply712V V CCUVV CC Undervoltage Lockout V CC Rising V CC Falling Hysteresis 6.5 5.87.0 6.4 0.67.5 6.9V V V Input to Output Propagation Delay V IN = 135V, 50Ω Load, INP = 2.2V to V OUT = 13.5V 50ns Output Rise TimeV IN = 135V, 50Ω Load, 10% to 90%6.5ns2dc2708afdirectly across the output capacitor as shown in Figure 2.1. With input power supply set to zero volt and power off, 2. 3. Set V CC V CC supply to V CC and GND.6. Connect a signal source across INPUT and GND. Apply a signal with 2.2V or higher will turn-on the high side switch.7. Check for the proper output voltage using a voltmeter. Output voltage should be close to input voltage.8. Once the proper output voltage is established, adjust the load.Figure 1. Proper Measurement Equipment SetupI SIGNALSOURCE3dc2708afQUICK START PROCEDURETYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARATERISTICSFigure 2. Measuring Output Voltage During Switching across C5. Note that C5 May Not Be InstalledFigure 3. Rise Time into 50Ω Load (V IN = 135V, CH2 V INP 5V/DIV , CH3 V OUT 50V/DIV , 10ns/DIV)Figure 4. Board PhotoCHANNEL 2: INP CHANNEL 3: V OUT50Ω RESISTIVE LOADPARTS LISTITEM QTY REFERENCE PART DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER/PART NUMBER Required Circuit Components13C2, C3, C4CAP., 1μF, X7T, 250V, 1812TDK, C4532X7T2E105K250KA21C7CAP., 0.1μF, X7R, 25V, 10%, 0805AVX, 08053C104KAT2A31C8CAP., 1μF, X7R, 25V,10%, 0805AVX, 08053C105KAT2A41D1DIODE, ES1PD, 200V, 1A, DO-220AA VISHAY, ES1PD-M3/84A51Q1MOSFET, N-CH, 150V, POWERPAK-SO-8FAIRCHILD, FDMS8625061R3RES., 10Ω, 1/10W, 1%, 0603VISHAY, CRCW060310R0FKEA71R4RES., 0Ω, 1/10W, 0805VISHAY CRCW08050000Z0EA81U1IC, LTC7001EMSE, MSE-10LINEAR TECH., LTC7001EMSE#PBF Additional Demo Board Circuit Components11C1CAP., 22μF, ALUM, 160V, 20%,10mm × 12.5mm SUN ELECT., 160ME22HPC20C5CAP., OPTIONAL, 1812OPTIONAL30C6CAP., OPTIONAL, 0603OPTIONAL40C9CAP., OPTIONAL, 1206OPTIONAL50D2DIODE OPTIONAL, POWERDI5OPTIONAL61D3DIODE, OPTIONAL, SOT23OPTIONAL70D4DIODE, OPTIONAL, SOT23OPTIONAL80Q2MOSFET, OPTIONAL, D2-PAK OPTIONAL90Q3MOSFET, OPTIONAL, POWERPAK-SO-8OPTIONAL101R1RES., SENSE, 0Ω, 1/2W, 1%, 1225TEPRO, RN5326110R2, R9RES., OPTIONAL, 0805OPTIONAL123R5, R6, R7RES., 0Ω, 1/10W, 0603VISHAY CRCW06030000Z0EA130R8, R10, R11, R12RES., OPTIONAL, 0603OPTIONALHardware: For Demo Board Only17E1–E7TESTPOINT, TURRET 0.094"MILL MAX 2501-2-00-80-00-00-07-0 24MTGS. @ 4 CORNERS STAND-OFF, NYLON 0.559" TALL WURTH ELEKTRONIK, 702935500 31PCB, DC2708A DEMO CIRCUIT 2708A4dc2708af5dc2708afInformation furnished by Linear Technology Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However , no responsibility is assumed for its use. Linear Technology Corporation makes no representa-tion that the interconnection of its circuits as described herein will not infringe on existing patent rights.SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMDEMONSTRATION BOARD IMPORTANT NOTICELinear Technology Corporation (LTC) provides the enclosed product(s) under the following AS IS conditions:This demonstration board (DEMO BOARD) kit being sold or provided by Linear Technology is intended for use for ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT OR EVALUATION PURPOSES ONLY and is not provided by LTC for commercial use. As such, the DEMO BOARD herein may not be complete in terms of required design-, marketing-, and/or manufacturing-related protective considerations, including but not limited to product safety measures typically found in finished commercial goods. As a prototype, this product does not fall within the scope of the European Union directive on electromagnetic compatibility and therefore may or may not meet the technical requirements of the directive, or other regulations. If this evaluation kit does not meet the specifications recited in the DEMO BOARD manual the kit may be returned within 30 days from the date of delivery for a full refund. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS THE EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY MADE BY THE SELLER TO BUYER AND IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT OF THIS INDEMNITY, NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.The user assumes all responsibility and liability for proper and safe handling of the goods. Further, the user releases LTC from all claims arising from the handling or use of the goods. Due to the open construction of the product, it is the user’s responsibility to take any and all appropriate precautions with regard to electrostatic discharge. Also be aware that the products herein may not be regulatory compliant or agency certified (FCC, UL, CE, etc.).No License is granted under any patent right or other intellectual property whatsoever. LTC assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, software performance, or infringement of patents or any other intellectual property rights of any kind.LTC currently services a variety of customers for products around the world, and therefore this transaction is not exclusive.Please read the DEMO BOARD manual prior to handling the product. Persons handling this product must have electronics training and observe good laboratory practice standards. Common sense is encouraged.This notice contains important safety information about temperatures and voltages. For further safety concerns, please contact a LTC application engineer.Mailing Address:Linear Technology1630 McCarthy Blvd.Milpitas, CA 95035Copyright © 2004, Linear Technology Corporation。



Gas Sensor Modules (#27930, #27931, #27932, #27904)
v2.2 8/2/2010 Page 2 of 6
Pin Definitions and Ratings
Pin E1 E2 Name ALR HSW Function Alarm output to host microcontroller Heat switch input from microcontroller, active low Level 0V / 5V 0V / Floating* 5V 0V 0V – 5V 0V 0V – 5V 0V
Packing List
Gas Sensor Gas Sensor PCB Assembly Potentiometer adjustment tool
Copyright © Parallax Inc. /
Gas Sensor Modules (#27930, #27931, #27932, #27904)
Connecting and Testing
The gas sensor canister plugs into the socket on the front of the module. The gas sensors are essentially resistive devices and are not polarized, so there is no need to be concerned about plugging it in “backwards.” It will work in either orientation. The 4-pin SIP header on the Gas Sensor Module makes it easy to connect to a breadboard or SIP socket. The four connections are defined in the table below. Connection to a 5V microcontroller, such as the BASIC Stamp® module, would be pretty straight forward and require two I/O pins; one input for detecting the alarm signal and the other an output for controlling the internal heater. For a 3.3V microcontroller such as the PropellerTM chip, a 3.9 kΩ (10 kΩ could be used) resistor would be required from the ALR output to the Propeller chip input pin. For the Propeller to control the heater switch input (HSW) you would need an NPN switching transistor, such as a 2N3904 and a 1 kΩ resistor. The schematic for this connection is shown below.


• TEK探头适配器 • N2744A • LAN/VGA 模块 • DSOXLAN • GPIB 模块 • DSOXGPIB • 上架套件 • N6456A • 软包 • N6457A
• N2791A
25MHz,+/- 7000V
• N 2792A
200MHz,+/- 20V
Page 23
试验二: 使用内置函数发生器
f. g. h. 对该信号参数进行修改,按下“频率”按钮,用万能旋钮增加或减少频 率,注意最大频率是20MHz 按下“幅度”软键,用万能旋钮增加或减少幅度 按下“偏置”软键,用万能旋钮改变偏置
注意: 如果选择方波,你还可以改变的参数是___________ 如果选择脉冲,你还可以改变的参数是___________
Page 2
3000X 系列示波器(14个型号)简介
• • • 带宽 : 100MHz, 200MHz, 350MHz , 500MHz 看得更多
DSO = 数字存储示波器 MSO = 混合信号示波器
通道 : 双通道或4通道( DSOX ), 2+16通道 或 4+16通道(MSOX), 1通道函数信号产生器
• 额定带宽
• 色环 • 阻抗 • 电容补偿 • 衰减比 • 量程
Page 7
Page 8
步骤1: 连接探头
步骤 把通道1的探头连接到 Demo1 的测试端和接地端 2. 把通道2的探头连接到 Demo2 的测试端和接地端 3. 在前面板按下 [Default Setup]恢复默认设置 4. 在前面板按下[Help] 键

EVGA nForce 790i SLI TM FTW 母板基本测试指南说明书

EVGA nForce 790i SLI TM FTW 母板基本测试指南说明书

The following quick steps will guide you through testing the absolute bare minimum essentials of your motherboard before installing it into a system chassis. Visual aids are provided to assist you during the following procedures.To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, and injury always follow basic safety precautions. It is recommended that you use electrostatic discharge (ESD) countermeasures such as an ESD wrist strap or anti-static mat when handling computer components.After removing the EVGA nForce 790i SLI FTW from its packaging, place it on to a nonconductive surface. For example: wood, cardboard box, or an anti-static mat.EVGA nForce 790i SLI FTW Visual Guidec.6On the power supply, flip the power switch to theON position. LEDs will now be lit on the motherboard. Press the onboard Clear CMOS button once then press the green Power Button to begin powering up the system.At this final stage, you should now be greeted with the POST screen on your monitor.9Power Button8Insert your graphics card into either the PCI-E 2.0 slot or the PCI slot. The type of slot depends on the graphic cardEVGA nForce 790i SLI FTW Quick Install GuideSTEP 1 - Install CPUThank you for purchasing an EVGA product.Please remember to register your product at:/registerFor the latest drivers and updates for yourproduct please visit:/support/driversTo visit and search our knowledge base andproduct FAQ please visit:/FAQTo visit the EVGA community messageboards please visit:/forums1.Unlock the socket by pressingthe lever sideways, then lift it upto a 90o angle.2.Lift the load plate. There isa protective socket cover on theload plate to protect the socketwhen there is no CPU installed.3.Remove the protective socketcover from the load plate.(Save this protective piece,as it is needed whenevertransporting or shipping themotherboard.)4.Align the notches in the CPUwith the notches on the socket.5.Lower the CPU straight intothe socket. Close the lid plateand engage the socket lever.6.The CPU will need a propercooling solution, please referto the manual that came withyour heatsink for detailedinstructions.STEP 2 - InstallMemorySTEP 3 - InstallGraphics Card(s)GPU 1GPU 2GPU 324 pin ATX powerFloppySATAIDESATA ports1.This motherboard has threePCI Express X16 slots. If youare installing a single graphicscard use the PCI-E slot closestto the CPU socket.(Three)PCI Express X16 slots.STEP 4 - ConnectPeripheralsCablesFor more information about these services as well as ourterms and conditions please visitGaming ● Imaging ● 3D Video ● Entertainment ● Photos ● Graphics1.Now connect your peripheraldevices such as hard drives,floppy drive, and DVD-ROMdrives to the motherboard.2.Next you will connect powercables to the motherboard andany other peripherals in yoursystem.*Remember to plug in yourPCI-E power cables to yourgraphics card(s) if necessary.3.Connect the front panelheaders and any other headersthat are going to be in use.1.This motherboard supports upto four 240-pin DDR3 memorymodules. Having matched pairsis highly recommended for dualchannel configurations.2.For dual channel configurationsuse DIMM slots 0 and 1, 2 and 3,or 0 through 3. It is recomendedto use the “Black Slots” if runningin 2 Dimm Mode*Use matching color slots fordual channelSupport Premium Servicesdvanced RMAStepping-Up Your Customer ServiceLimited Lifetime Warrantyupon product registration90 Day Step -U p ProgramE V G A A D V A N C E D G R A P H I C S T U N I N GEVGA Corp 2900 Saturn Street, Suite B Brea, CA 92821 Tech Support888 . 881. EVGA714 . 528. 4500/support*Not all Premium Services applyto all products.109。

InfiniiVision PXIe 模块化示波器 (M924xA)

InfiniiVision PXIe 模块化示波器 (M924xA)

Keysight M924xAInfiniiVision PXIe 模块化示波器全功能示波器,带宽高达1 GHz,适用于模块化环境技术资料是德科技将模块化示波器带入全新层面配备了示波器 SFP(软件前面板),将InfiniiVision 台式示波器技术融入到PXI架构之中。

–M9241A PXIe 模块化示波器 - 200 MHz 带宽–M9242A PXIe 模块化示波器 - 500 MHz 带宽–M9243A PXIe 模块化示波器 - 1 GHz 带宽模块化的架构,台式示波器的实力InfiniiVision M924xA 系列重新定义了模块化示波器。


性能–200 MHz、500 MHz 和1 GHz 带宽,适应各种不同的测量应用–高级触发功能支持复杂信号的捕获和分析–视觉触发(区域触摸和模板)有助于轻松、快速地触发和捕获感兴趣的信号或异常–串行协议分析和触发–自动快速傅立叶变换(FFT)和波形运算扩展分析,满足您的需求–分段存储器可以连续捕获多达 1000 个事件,无需抓一个事件转存到电脑上再抓第二个事件测量能力–支持是德科技 InfiniiVision 系列兼容的所有探头–高精度电流探头–电源轨探头–高压探头–30 多种自动测量,让分析变得简单集多款仪器于一身–示波器支持高达 1 GHz 带宽和 5 GSa/s 采样率–3 位 DVM(数字电压表),共享示波器的探头–8 位计数器,支持累加器和频率计数器测量–协议分析仪支持 I²C、UART、CAN、LIN、CXPI 等协议–硬件加速的FFT频谱测量分析–20 MHz 任意波形发生器卓越的分析能力与台式示波器不差分毫常见的模块化仪器多是在数字化仪硬件基础上配一套软件,该软件一般会极力模仿示波器的测试和调试功能。




STD790AMEDIUM CURRENT, HIGH PERFORMANCE,LOW VOLTAGE PNP TRANSISTORsVERY LOW COLLECTOR TO EMITTER SATURATION VOLTAGEs DC CURRENT GAIN, h FE > 100s 3 A CONTINUOUS COLLECTOR CURRENT s 60 V BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE (V (BR)CER )sSURFACE MOUNTING DPAK (TO-252)POWER PACKAGE IN TAPE & REEL (Suffix "T4")APPLICATIONS s SWITCHING REGULATOR IN BATTERY CHARGER APPLICATIONS s SUITABLE FOR AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS (V (BR)CER > 60V)s VOLTAGE REGULATION IN BIAS SUPPLY CIRCUITSs HEAVY LOAD DRIVERDESCRIPTION The device is manufactured in low voltage PNP Planar Technology by using a "Base Island"layout.The resulting Transistor shows exceptional high gain performance coupled with very low saturation voltage.March 2003ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS®1/6STD790ATHERMAL DATAC unless otherwise specified)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T case = 25 oSwitching Times Resistive LoadSwitching Times Resistive LoadCollector-Emitter Saturation Voltage Base-Emitter Saturation VoltageDC Current GainDC Current GainSTD790ASTD790AFigure 1:Resistive Load Switching Test Circuit.STD790AInformation furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specification mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics.The ST logo is a trademark of STMicroelectronics © 2003 STMicroelectronics – Printed in Italy – All Rights ReservedSTMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia - Brazil - Canada - China - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States.STD790A。

UCC27518 19单通道高速低侧栅极驱动器说明书

UCC27518 19单通道高速低侧栅极驱动器说明书

UCC27518UCC27519ZHCS907–MAY 2012单通道高速、低侧栅极驱动器(带有4A 峰值源电流和4A 峰值吸收电流的基于CMOS 的输入阀值)查询样品:UCC27518,UCC27519特性应用范围•低成本、栅极驱动器器件提供NPN 和PNP 离散解•开关模式电源决方案的高品质替代产品•直流(DC)到DC 转换器•与TI 的TPS2828和TPS2928引脚兼容•用于数字电源控制器的伴随栅极驱动器器件•4A 峰值源电流和4A 峰值吸收电流对称驱动•太阳能电源、电机控制、不间断电源(UPS)•快速传播延迟(典型值17ns )•用于新上市的宽带隙电源器件(例如GaN )的栅极•快速上升和下降时间(典型值8ns 和7ns )驱动器• 4.5V 至18V 单一电源范围说明•在VDD 欠压闭锁(UVLO)期间,输出保持低电UCC27518和UCC27519单通道、高速、低侧栅极驱平(以保证加电和断电时的无毛刺脉冲运行)动器器件能够有效地驱动金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体•CMOS 输入逻辑阀值(带有滞后功能的电源电压)管(MOSFET)和绝缘栅双极型晶体管(IGBT)电源开•用于高抗噪性的滞后逻辑阀值关。

通过使用固有的大大减少击穿电流的设•针对使能功能的使能(EN)引脚(可不连接)计,UCC27518和UCC27519能够灌、拉高、峰值电•当输入引脚悬空时输出保持在低电平流脉冲进入到电容负载,此电容负载提供了轨到轨驱动•输入引脚绝对最大电压电平不受VDD 引脚偏置电能力以及极小传播延迟(典型值为17ns )。

源电压的限制•运行温度范围-40°C 至140°CUCC27518和UCC27519在VDD =12V 时提供4A •5引脚DBV 封装(小外形尺寸晶体管封装(SOT)-源电流、4A 拉电流(对称驱动)的峰值电流功能。

23)UCC27518和UCC27519设计在4.5V 至18V 的宽VDD 范围以及-40°C 到140°C 的宽温度范围内运行。



DSOX3PWR 功率量測應用使用者指南s1聲明© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2007-2009, 2011-2012本手冊受美國與國際著作權法之規範,未經 Agilent Technologies, Inc. 事先協議或書面同意,不得使用任何形式或方法 (包含電子形式儲存、擷取或轉譯為外國語言) 複製本手冊任何部份。

手冊零件編號版本 02.20.0000版本2012 年 7 月 16 日Available in electronic format onlyAgilent Technologies, Inc.1900 Garden of the Gods Road Colorado Springs, CO 80907 USA 保固本文件所含內容係以「原狀」提供,未來版本若有變更,恕不另行通知。

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Agilent 依照 FAR12.211(「技術資料」) 及 12.212 (「電腦軟體」)、國防部 DFARS 252.227-7015 (「技術資料 - 商業條款」) 以及 DFARS227.7202-3 (「商業電腦軟體」或「電腦軟體說明文件」中的權利) 提供此軟體與技術資料之自訂商業授權:安全聲明注意「注意」標示代表發生危險狀況。

高频高端 低端驱动器UCC27200A 1A产品说明书

高频高端 低端驱动器UCC27200A 1A产品说明书

UCC27200A,UCC27201AZHCS096A –FEBRUARY 2011–REVISED DECEMBER 2011120V 启动电压,3A 峰值电流的高频高端/低端驱动器查询样品:UCC27200A ,UCC27201A特性内容•技术规格针对-40℃至140℃的温度范围而拟订•可驱动两个采用高端/低端配置的N 沟道MOSFET 器件额定值2•最大启动电压:120V 电气特性4•最大VDD 电压:20V器件信息11•片载0.65V VF ,0.6ΩRD 自举二极管应用信息14•工作频率高于1MHz 附加参考22•20ns 传播延迟时间•3A 吸收,3A 供电输出电流说明•8ns 上升/7ns 下降时间(采用1000pF 负载时)UCC27200A /1A 系列高频N 沟道MOSFET 驱动器包•1ns 延迟匹配括一个120V 自举二极管和具有独立输入的高端/低端•用于高端和低端驱动器的欠压闭锁功能驱动器,旨在实现最大的控制灵活性。

这可在半桥•列表中PowerPad ™SOIC-8(DDA),SON-8(DRM),SON-9(DRC)和SON-10(DPR)封装式、全桥式、两开关正激式和有源箝位正激式转换器中提供N 沟道MOSFET 控制。

低端和高端栅极驱动器是应用范围独立控制的,并在彼此的接通和关断之间实现了至1ns •针对电信,数据通信和商业市场的电源的匹配。

UCC27200A /1A 基于广泛使用的•半桥式应用和全桥式转换器UCC27200/1驱动器,但进行了一些改进。

为了提升•隔离式总线架构噪声电源环境中的性能,UCC27200A /1A 运用了一•两开关正激式转换器种增强型ESD 输入结构,而且能够在其HS 引脚上承•有源箝位正激式转换器受-18V (最大值)的电压。

•高电压同步降压型转换器•D 类音频放大器简化的应用示意图Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability,standard warranty,and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.PowerPad is a trademark of Texas Instruments.UCC27200A,UCC27201AZHCS096A–FEBRUARY2011–REVISED These devices have limited built-in ESD protection.The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates.中说明(续)由于在芯片上集成了一个自举二极管,因此无需采用外部分立式二极管。

N8020A 主控卡 硬件手册说明书

N8020A 主控卡 硬件手册说明书






















Agilent N2771B 30 kV High Voltage Probe用户指南说明书

Agilent N2771B 30 kV High Voltage Probe用户指南说明书

Agilent N2771B30 kV High Voltage ProbeUser’s GuideAgilent Technologiesagreement and written consent from Agi-lent Technologies, Inc. as governed by United States and international copyright laws.Manual Part NumberN2771-92006EditionOctober 2013Printed in GermanyAgilent Technologies, Inc.1900 Garden of the Gods RoadColorado Springs, Colorado 80907 WarrantyThe material contained in this docu-ment is provided “as is,” and is sub-ject to being changed, without notice, in future editions. Further, to the max-imum extent permitted by applicable law, Agilent disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, with regard to this manual and any information contained herein, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a par-ticular purpose. Agilent shall not be liable for errors or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, use, or perfor-mance of this document or of any information contained herein. Should Agilent and the user have a separate written agreement with warranty terms covering the material in this document that conflict with these terms, the warranty terms in the sep-arate agreement shall control.dure that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in dam-age to or destruction of the prod-uct. Do not proceed beyond a caution note until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.WA R N I N G.WARNING denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in personal injury or loss of life. Do not proceed beyond a warning note until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.The Agilent N2771B High Voltage Divider Probe is an accessory tobe used with analog or digital oscilloscopes having input resistanceof 1 MΩ (±1%) and nominal input capacitance between 6 and20pF. The Agilent N2771B is a 1000:1 divider which extends thevoltage measurement capability to 15 kV dc or 10 kV rms ac(30kV peak).Safety PrecautionsWARNINGThis high voltage probe is designed to prevent accidental shock to the operator when properly used. This operating note must be read and understood prior to using the probe. Improper procedures or incorrect analysis of the measurement situation can result in serious shock.WARNING This high voltage probe must only be used by personnel who are trained, experienced, or otherwise qualified to recognize hazardous situations and whoare trained in the safety precautions that are necessary to avoid possible injurywhen using such a device.WARNING Do not work alone when working with high voltage circuits.WARNING For your own safety, inspect the probes for cracks and frayed or broken leads before each use. If defects are noted, DO NOT use the probe.WARNING Hands, shoes, floor and work bench must be dry. Avoid making measurements under humid, damp or other environmental conditions that might effect thesafety of the measurement situation.WARNING It is advisable to turn the high voltage source off before connecting ordisconnecting the probe.WARNING The probe body should be kept clean and free of any conductive contamination.Refer to the section on cleaning.WARNING The ground lead is critical to the safe operation of the probe. Failure to make this connection when making high voltage measurements may result inpersonal injury or damage to the probe or oscilloscope. This connection mustalways be made BEFORE the probe tip comes in contact with the high voltageand must not be removed until the probe tip has been removed from the highvoltage source.WARNING Do not attempt to take measurements from sources where the chassis or return lead is not grounded.31Connect the probe to the BNC input of the oscilloscope.2Select the desired volts/division range. (If you can set probe attenuation on the oscilloscope, set it to 1000:1)3Whenever possible, turn the high voltage source off before making any connections.4Connect the divider probe ground lead (alligator clip) to a good earth ground or reliable chassis ground.5Before turning on the high voltage source, make sure that no part of the person holding the probe is touching the device under test.Once this is certain, turn on the high voltage source.6Measure the voltage under test and observe the waveform on the oscilloscope. R emember the actual voltage is 1000 times greater than the oscilloscope waveform if the probe attenuation has not been set to 1000:1.7Turn off the high voltage source8Disconnect the Agilent N2771B High Voltage Probe from the high voltage source BEFOR E disconnecting the ground clip lead.WARNINGDo not attempt to take measurements from sources where the chassis or return lead is not grounded.WARNING The ground lead is critical to the safe operation of the probe. Failure to makethis connection when making high voltage measurements may result inpersonal injury or damage to the probe or oscilloscope. This connection mustalways be made BEFORE the probe tip comes in contact with the high voltageand must not be removed until the probe tip has been removed from the highvoltage source.WARNING Do not connect the ground clip lead to the high voltage source for any reason.WARNING Do not make any floating measurements with the Agilent N2771B High Voltageprobe.4The N2771B High Voltage Probe has a Frequency Compensationadjustment that compensates for the input capacitance of theoscilloscope being used with the probe. Use a square-wavegenerator set for approximately 100 Hz output. Proceed with thefollowing steps for frequency compensation.1Connect the probe to the oscilloscope.2Connect probe tip to square-wave generator.3Adjust the square wave generator for approximately 10 voltsamplitude.4Adjust the oscilloscope time base for 20 μs/div.5Use a trimmer tool to adjust the compensation capacitor for theflattest pulse top. See the figure below for the location of theadjustment.Clean only the exterior probe body and cables. Use a soft cottoncloth lightly moistened with a mild solution of detergent andwater. Do not allow any portion of the probe to be submerged atany time.WARNING Dry the probe thoroughly before attempting to make voltage measurements.CAUTION Do not subject the probe to solvents or solvent fumes as these can causedeterioration of the probe body and cables.5Table 1Characteristics (Not Warranted)Maximum Input Voltage (CAT I)Temperature CoefficientDC Voltage: 15 kVLess than 200 ppm/ °CAC Voltage: 10 kV RMSPEAK Voltage: 30 kVCompensation Range Division RatioFor input capacitance of 6 pF to 20 pF1000:1Bandwidth Designed For Use In50 MHz (–3 dB)POLLUTION DEGREE 2Input Resistance Operating Temperature100MΩ, when terminated by 1 MΩ0°C to +50 °CCable Length:Storage Temperature:2 meter−20 °C to +70 °CAltitude:HumidityUp to 4,600 meters (15,000 ft)Up to 80% relative humidity at +40°CAccuracy:DC Volts: ±2%AC Volts: ±2% at 1 kHz67Figure 2Voltage Versus Frequency Derating CurveManual Part NumberN2771-92006*N2771-92006*Printed in GermanyAgilent Technologies1900 Garden of the Gods R oadColorado Springs, Colorado 80907。

Keithley 2400 Series电源特性说明书

Keithley 2400 Series电源特性说明书
function generator (optional) –– Integrated digital voltmeter
Get more investment protection with the industry’s only fully upgradable scope
–– Upgradable bandwidth –– Upgradable MSO –– Upgradable WaveGen built-in 20 MHz
Built-in help language support for English, Japanese, simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, Korean, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Italian, Polish, and Thai





Measurement options
function generator –– Upgradable integrated digital
voltmeter –– Upgradable measurement applications –– 2-year recommended calibration

Keithley N2792A N2793A和N2818A N2819A 200MHz和800MHz

Keithley N2792A N2793A和N2818A N2819A 200MHz和800MHz

N2792A/N2818A 200 MHz and N2793A/N2819A 800 MHz Differential ProbesData SheetThe N2792A/93A and N2818A/19A differential probes provide the superior general-purpose differential signal measurements required for today’s high-speed power measurements, vehicle bus measurements and digital system designs.The differential probes offer a 10:1 attenuation setting, allowing themto be used for a broad range of applications. The probes come with various probe tip accessories for use with small and large components in tight places.The differential probes have an input resistance of 1 MΩ (for N2792A/N2818A) and 200 kΩ (for N2793A/N2819A) and a low input capacitance of 3.5 pF (for N2792A/N2818A) and 1 pF (for N2793A/N2819A) to minimize circuit loading. Both N2792A andN2793A probe are compatible with any oscilloscope with 50Ω BNC inputs. The probe can be powered by any USB port on a scope or computer, or by an internal battery (1x 9V battery included). The N2818A and N2819A are compatible with Agilent’s AutoProbe interface where the probe power is supplied by the oscilloscope’s probe interface.Introduction2N2792A/N2818A 200 MHz differential probe – PlotsFigure 4. Normalized differential step response of N2792A/N2818A (red = measured step response, rise time = 3.5 nsec for 10-90%, black = input step signal, 3.5 nsec for 10-90%)Figure 3. Vout/Vin vs. Frequency response of N2792A/N2818A (red = Vout/Vin, blue = Vin,black = Vout)Figure 1. N2792A 200 MHz differential probe with standardaccessoriesFigure 2. N2818A 200 MHz differential probe with AutoProbe interface3Figure 5. Frequency response (Vout/Vin) of N2792A/N2818A when inputs driven in common (Common Mode Rejection)Figure 6. Input impedance vs. Frequency of N2792A/N2818AFigure 7. Voltage derating curve of N2792A/N2818A (voltagebetween either input and ground)4N2793A/N2819A 800 MHz differential probe – PlotsFigure 11. Normalized differential step response of N2793A/N2819A (red = measured step response, rise time = 900 psec for 10-90%, black = input step signal, 900 psec for 10-90%)Figure 10. Vout/Vin vs. Frequency response of N2793A /N2819A (red = Vout/Vin, blue = Vin , black = Vout)Figure 8. N2793A 800 MHz differential probe with standardaccessoriesFigure 9. N2819A 800 MHz differential probewith AutoProbe interface5Figure 12. Frequency response (Vout/Vin) of N2793A/N2819Awhen inputs driven in common (Common Mode Rejection)Figure 16. Use the N2793A/N2819A with a DC blocking capacitor to block out unwanted DC components of the input signal.Figure 17. The variable pitch spacing adapter that fits over the N2793A/N2819A allows you to probe two adjacent IC leads or test points easily.Figure 15. N2793A differential probe with its standard caseFigure 13. Input impedance vs. Frequency of N2793A/N2819AFigure 14. Voltage derating curve of N2793A/N2819A (voltage between either input and ground)Bandwidth (–3 dB)200 MHz800 MHz Attenuation10:1 10:1 Probe Rise time (10% - 90%) 1.75 nsec437 psec Gain accuracy (% of reading)±2%±2% Absolute Maximum Rated Input Voltage(each side to ground)±60 V±40 VMaximum Differential Input Voltage(DC + AC peak)±20 V±15 V Maximum Common Mode Input Voltage±60 V±30 VInput Resistance // Capacitance500 kΩ // 7 pF (each side to ground)1 MΩ // 3.5 pF (between inputs)100 kΩ //2 pF (each side to ground) 200 kΩ // 1 pF (between inputs)Output Voltage Swing±2 V (driving 50 Ω scope input)±1.5 V (driving 50 Ω scope input) Offset (typical) ±2 mV±5 mVOffset adjustment range–95 mV to +95 mV–20 mV to +20 mVAC CMRR> –80 dB at 50/60 Hz> –50 dB at 10 MHz > –60 dB at 50/60 Hz > –15 dB at 500 MHzNoise referenced to input, probe only 6 mVrms 4.7 mVrmsPower Requirements N2792A: One 9V battery or USB powercord (5 V to 9V, 90mA), N2818A: AutoProbeinterface N2793A: One 9V battery or USB power cord (5 V to 9V, 90mA), N2819A: AutoProbe interfaceApproximate Battery Life(for N2792A/93A only)7.5 hours (alkaline battery) 4.5 hours (alkaline battery)Battery/voltage requirements (for N2792A/93A only)The supplied voltage must be less than12 V and greater than 4.5 V or else theprobe could be damagedThe supplied voltage must be less than12 V and greater than 4.5 V or else theprobe could be damagedAmbient operating temperature–10 to +40 ºC–10 to +40 ºC Ambient nonoperating temperature–30 to +70 ºC–30 to +70 ºC Operating humidity25 - 85% RH 25 - 85% RHNon-operating humidity25 - 85% RH25 - 85% RH Operating altitude3,000 m (9,842 feet)3,000 m (9,842 feet) Non-operating altitude15,300 m (50,196 feet)15,300 m (50,196 feet) Pollution Degree22 Approximate weight (not including batteryand accessories)170 g (6 oz)170 g (6 oz)BNC cable length (output)120 cm (47 inches)120 cm (47 inches) Input lead length15 cm (5.9 inches)Housing dimension (LxWxH)111 x 22 x 14 mm(4.4 x 0.9 x 0.6 in)111 x 22 x 14 mm (4.4 x 0.9 x 0.6 in)Compatible oscilloscopes N2792A/93A: Any oscilloscope with50 ohm BNC input N2818A/19A: Agilent InfiniiVision 3000 X-, 4000 X- and 6000 X-Series and Infiniium 9000A/H, S-Series, 90000A, 90000X/Q /Z with N5442A6Standard accessories- 2 hook clips (black and red)- 2 alligator clips (black and red)- 1 screw driver for offset adjustment- For N2792A only:- USB power cord (2m)- 9V battery- user’s guide - 2 pincer clips (black and red)- 2 micro IC clips (black and red)- 2 extension leads, 0.8 mm J-P, 5 cm(black and red)- 2 extension leads, 0.8 mm J-P, 10 cm(black and red)- 2 DC blocking capacitors (30 kHz - 1 GHz, 100V max)- 2 variable pitch spacing adapters- 6 single signal pins, 0.8 mm- 1 screw driver for offset adjustment- For N2793A only:- USB power cord (2m)- 9V battery- user’s guideRegulatory markings CEI/IEC61010-031 CAT II CEI/IEC61010-031 CAT II Ordering informationN2792A200 MHz differential probeN2792-68700Differential probe accessory kit for N2818A/N2792A (including 2 each clip hook, 2 each alligator clip and USB power cord)N2793A800 MHz differential probeN2793-68700Differential probe accessory kit for N2819A/N2793A (including 2 each pincer clip, 2 each micro IC clip,2 each extension lead 0.8 mm J-P 5 cm, 2 each extension lead 0.8 mm J-P 10 cm, 2 dual signal pins 16.8 mm,2 dual signal pins 12.8 mm, 2 variable pitch spacing adapters, 2 DC blocking capacitors, 6 single signal pins0.8 mm, USB power cord)N2818A 200 MHz differential probe with AutoProbe interfaceN2819A800 MHz differential probe with AutoProbe interfaceN4853A Variable pitch browser for N2793A/N2819A, qty 2N4854A DC blocking caps for N2793A/N2819A, qty 2Agilent Technologies OscilloscopesMultiple form factors from 20 MHz to > 90 GHz | Industry leading specs | Powerful applications7AdvancedTCA ® Extensions for Instrumentation and Test (AXIe) is an open standard that extends the AdvancedTCA for general purpose and semiconductor test. 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Frequency (Hz)
Figure 7. Voltage derating curve of N2790A (voltage between either input and ground).
Figure 8. Vout/Vin vs. frequency response of N2791A.
Figure 15. Voltage derating curve of N2891A (voltage between either input and ground).
09 | Keysight | N2790A 100 MHz, N2791A 25 MHz and N2891A 70 MHz High-voltage Differential Probes - Data Sheet
Performance Characteristics
Figure 9. Frequency response (Vout/Vin) of N2791A when inputs are driven in common (common mode rejection).
06 | Keysight | N2790A 100 MHz, N2791A 25 MHz and N2891A 70 MHz High-voltage Differential Probes - Data Sheet
Figure 10. Input impedance vs. frequency of N2791A.
Figure 11. Voltage derating curve of N2791A (voltage between either input and ground).
07 | Keysight | N2790A 100 MHz, N2791A 25 MHz and N2891A 70 MHz High-voltage Differential Probes - Data Sheet
Figure 6. Input impedance vs. frequency of N2790A.
05 | Keysight | N2790A 100 MHz, N2791A 25 MHz and N2891A 70 MHz High-voltage Differential Probes - Data Sheet
Figure 2. N2791A 25-MHz high-voltage differential probe with standard accessories.
Figure 3. N2891A 70-MHz high-voltage differential probe with standard accessories.
08 | Keysight | N2790A 100 MHz, N2791A 25 MHz and N2891A 70 MHz High-voltage Differential Probes - Data Sheet
Figure 14. Input impedance vs. Frequency of N2891A.
03 | Keysight | N2790A 100 MHz, N2791A 25 MHz and N2891A 70 MHz High-voltage Differential Probes - Data Sheet
With a differential amplifier in the probe head, the N2790A is rated to measure differential voltage up to 1,400 VDC + peak AC with high CMRR (common mode rejection ratio) of > 50 dB at 1 MHz. The N2791A and N2891A can measure differential voltage up to 700 V and 7 kV differential or common mode respectively. The N2790A, N2791A and N2891A differential probe offers sufficient dynamic range and bandwidth for your application to make the floating measurements found in power electronics circuits safely and accurately. The N2790A, N2791A and N2891A differential probe offers user selectable attenuation settings that make it highly versatile, allowing it to be used for a broad range of applications. The probe comes with probe tip accessories for use with both small or large components in tight places. The N2790A and N2891A also have an overrange indicator which alerts the user when the probe input exceeds the dynamic range of the probe. The N2791A and N2891A are compatible with any oscilloscope with 1 Mohm BNC input. The N2791A and N2891A probe’s power is supplied by included 4x AA batteries or USB host port of the scope or PC via a supplied USB power cable. The N2790A is compatible with the Keysight Technologies, Inc. AutoProbe interface where the probe’s power is supplied by the Keysight oscilloscope’s probe interface.
Figure 1. N2790A high voltage differential probe with standard accessories.
Keysight oscilloscope compatibility InfiniiVision 5000, 6000 (except 100 MHz), and 7000 Series with version 5.26.0001 software InfiniiVision 3000 X- and 4000 X-Series Infiniium 8000, 54830 Series with version 5.7 software Infiniium 9000 Series with version 2.0 software
Oscilloscope users often need to make floating measurements where neither point of the measurement is at earth ground. Use the N2790A, N2791A or N2891A high-voltage differential probe to make safe and accurate floating measurements with an oscilloscope. The N2790A, N2791A and N2891A high-voltage differential probes allow conventional earth-grounded Keysight Technologies, Inc. oscilloscopes to be used for floating signal measurements.
6 3
dBቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ0
-3 -6 -9 106 Vin BW (-3dB) = 147 MHz
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 4. Vout/Vin vs. frequency response of N2790A.
Figure 5. Frequency response (Vout/Vin) of N2790A when inputs are driven in common (common mode rejection).
Keysight Technologies N2790A 100 MHz, N2791A 25 MHz and N2891A 70 MHz High-voltage Differential Probes
Data Sheet
02 | Keysight | N2790A 100 MHz, N2791A 25 MHz and N2891A 70 MHz High-voltage Differential Probes - Data Sheet
Table of Contents
Introduction�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������02 Performance Characteristics�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������08 Ordering Information�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������09 Keysight Oscilloscopes�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10