高三生物周练题1.下列有关生物体遗传物质的叙述,正确的是( )A .豌豆的遗传物质主要是DNAB .酵母菌的遗传物质主要分布在染色体上C .T 2噬菌体的遗传物质含有硫元素D .HIV 的遗传物质水解产生4种脱氧核苷酸2.某研究人员模拟肺炎双球菌转化实验,进行了以下4个实验:①S 型细菌的DNA+DNA 酶→加入R 型细菌→注射入小鼠 ②R 型细菌的DNA+DNA 酶→加入S 型细菌→注射入小鼠③R 型细菌+DNA 酶→高温加热后冷却→加入S 型细菌的DNA →注射入小鼠 ④S 型细菌+DNA 酶→高温加热后冷却→加入R 型细菌的DNA →注射入小鼠 以上4个实验中小鼠存活的情况依次是( )A .存活,存活,存活,死亡B .存活,死亡,存活,死亡C .死亡,死亡,存活,存活D .存活,死亡,存活,存活3.赫尔希和蔡斯分别用35S 和32P 标记T 2噬菌体的不同的有机物。
下列被标记的部位组合正确的是()A .①②B .①③C .①④D .②④4.(2010·佛山模拟)豌豆灰种皮(G)对白种皮(g)为显性,黄子叶(Y)对绿子叶(y)为显性,现有GGYY 与ggyy 杂交得F1,F1自交得F2。
F2植株所结种子种皮颜色的分离比和子叶颜色的分离比分别是( )A .3∶1和3∶1B .9∶3∶3∶1和3∶1C .5∶3和9∶3∶3∶1D .3∶1和5∶35.(2009·济宁模拟)在肺炎双球菌的转化实验中,将R 型活细菌与加热后杀死的S 型细菌混合后注射到小鼠体内,小鼠死亡,则此过程中小鼠体内S 型、R 型细菌含量变化情况最可能是下图哪个选项( )6.(2009·安徽理综,5)已知人的红绿色盲属X 染色体隐性遗传,先天性耳聋是常染色体隐性遗传(D 对d 完全显性)。
Ⅱ4(不携带d 基因)和Ⅱ3婚后生下一个男孩,这个男孩患耳聋、色盲、既耳聋又色盲的可能性分别是()A .0、14、0B .0、14、14C .0、18、0D.12、14、187.雌雄异株的高等植物剪秋罗有宽叶和狭叶两种类型,宽叶(B)对狭叶(b)呈显性,等位基因位于X 染色体上,其中狭叶基因(b)会使花粉致死。
下列关于PCR 及电泳鉴定的叙述,错误的是()A.PCR通过调节温度来控制DNA 双链的解聚及模板与引物的结合B.PCR 反应的缓冲液中需同时添加Mg2+、引物、模板、Taq 酶等C.因DNA分子在凝胶载样缓冲液中带正电荷或负电荷,可用于电泳D.DNA分子的迁移速率与凝胶的浓度、DNA分子的构象等有关2.研究表明,DNA合成先要沿子链合成方向以DNA为模板合成引物,因为DNA聚合酶只能催化脱氧核苷酸加到已有核酸链的游离3’端羟基上,而不能使脱氧核苷酸自身发生聚合,如下图所示。
据图分析,下列关于图中“引物”的叙述正确的是()A.是一小段单链DNA B.在DNA合成后期会被切除C.合成的方向为3’→5'D.合成时需DNA聚合酶的催化3.新冠疫情的快速控制,离不开我国政府的科学决策和对新冠病毒(一种RNA病毒)的快速检测能力。
2020-2021学年高三地理一轮复习易错题01 地球与地图(含答案)
易错点01 地球与地图易错题【01】无法分清大圆和最短航线若两地的经度差不等于180度,则经过这两点大圆不是经线圈,而是与经线圈斜交,其最短航线不经过极点,具体分为两种情况:①甲地位于乙地的东方,从甲到乙最短航程为:同在北半球,先向西北,再向西,最后向西南;同在南半球,先向西南,再向西,最后向西北;位于不同半球时,需要讨论哪一段为劣弧段。
1.若不考虑地形等因素,一架飞机从甲地沿最近的线路飞往乙地,则该飞机飞行方向是A.一路正西B.先西北,后西南C.先东北,后东南D.先西南,后西北2.图示区域西北通道的长度约为(cos 70°≈0.342)A.1 800 km B.13 500 km C.5 000 km D.3 330 km【错因】分不清大圆和最短航线,无法确定劣弧【问诊】1.图中甲、乙两地同位于北半球,所以二者之间最近距离应为凸向北极附近的劣弧弧长,所以飞机从甲地到乙地的飞行方向为先向西北再向西南。
二、学习计划1. 第一轮复习(时间:8周)第一轮复习主要以复习基础知识为主,包括词汇、语法、听力和阅读理解。
2. 第二轮复习(时间:6周)第二轮复习主要以提高语言运用能力为主,包括写作、口语和翻译。
3. 第三轮复习(时间:4周)第三轮复习主要以模拟测试和强化训练为主,全面提高学生的应试能力。
三、学习方法1. 制定详细的复习计划,将复习内容分为小模块,每次复习只专注于某一模块,避免内容过于冗杂而无法集中注意力。
2012年理综化学考试反馈7.下列关系的表述中,正确的是()A.0.1 mol·L-1的Na2CO3溶液中:c(Na+)+c(H+)=2c(CO32-)+c(OH-)B.0.1 mol·L-1的NH4Cl溶液中:c(Cl-)>c(NH4+)> c(OH-)>c(H+)C.中和pH和体积都相同的硫酸和醋酸,消耗NaOH的物质的量相同D.pH=4的盐酸和pH=4的FeCl3溶液中,水电离的c(H+)不相等8.下表中实验操作能达到实验目的或得出正确结论的是()9.下列反应的离子方程式书写正确的是()A.苯酚钠溶液中通入少量二氧化碳:C6H5O-+CO2+H2O—→C6H5OH+HCO3-B.用碘化钾淀粉溶液检验亚硝酸钠中NO2-的存在:NO2—+2I—+2H+==NO↑+I2+H2OC.用食醋检验牙膏中碳酸钙的存在:CaCO3+2H+==Ca2++CO2↑+H2OD.硫酸铜溶液中加过量的氨水:Cu2++2NH3·H2O==Cu(OH)2↓+2NH4+10.下列表示物质变化的化学用语中,正确的是()A.苯酚钠溶液通入少量CO2:2C6H5O—+ CO2 + H2O → C6H5OH + CO32—B.向碳酸钠溶液中加入过量醋酸溶液:CO32—+ 2H+ =CO2 ↑+ H2OC.向AlCl3溶液中滴加NaHCO3溶液至过量:Al3+ + 3HCO3—== Al(OH)3↓+3CO2↑D.漂白粉溶液通入少量的SO2:Ca2+ + 2ClO— + SO2 + H2O =CaSO3↓ + 2HClO二、非题选题:(4小题,共58分。
取该溶液进行有关实验,实验步骤及结果如下:①向溶液中加入过量稀盐酸,得到气体甲和溶液甲;②向溶液甲中加入过量NH4HCO3溶液,得到白色沉淀乙、气体乙和溶液乙;③向溶液乙中加入过量Ba(OH) 2溶液,得到白色沉淀丙、气体丙和溶液丙。
高三周练理科综合能力测试(7)第Ⅰ卷(选择题共126分)可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 N-14 O-16 Na-23 Al-27 Si-28 S-32 K-39 Cl-35.5 Mn-55 Cu-64一、单项选择题:本题共13小题,每小题6分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.下列关于酶的叙述正确的是A.酶是活细胞产生的具有催化作用的有机物B.一个细胞中酶的种类和数量始终不会改变C.酶通过提供化学反应的活化能提高反应速度D.低温破坏了酶的空间结构而使酶的活性降低2.下列有关细胞膜的叙述错误..的是A.细胞膜的组成成分包括脂质、蛋白质和糖类B.细胞膜上蛋白质的种类和数目越多,功能越复杂C.细胞膜具有物质运输、能量转换、信息传递的功能D.细胞膜两侧的离子浓度差是通过被动运输实现的3.细胞的有丝分裂与减数分裂共有的特征是1A.子细胞中染色体与核DNA的比值都为2B.都有DNA的复制和有关蛋白质的合成C.都存在基因突变和基因重组D.都存在同源染色体的联会和分离4.下列有关人体免疫的叙述正确的是A.在抗原的刺激下T细胞产生抗体能发挥免疫作用B.记忆细胞再次接触同种抗原后可增殖分化为浆细胞C.抗原的加工处理和传递过程只存在于体液免疫中D.非特异性免疫只能针对某一特定的病原体起作用5.下列关于神经兴奋的叙述正确的是A.神经细胞外Na+的内流是产生和维持静息电位的基础B.Na+、K+、神经递质等物质出入细胞均不需要消耗ATPC.兴奋引起神经递质的释放是电信号变成化学信号的过程D.兴奋在离体的神经纤维上和体内反射弧中均为双向传导6.玉米种子颜色由三对等位基因控制,符合基因自由组合定律。
一棵有色种子的植株Z与三棵植株杂交得到的结果为:AAccrr×Z→有色:无色=1:1;aaCCrr×Z→有色:无色=1:3;aaccRR×Z→有色:无色=1:1;Z植株的基因型为A.AaCcrr B.AACCRr C.AaCcRR D.AaCCRr7.下列叙述错误的是( )A.过程的自发性只能用于判断过程的方向性,不能确定过程是否一定会发生和过程发生的速率B.空气污染日报中的空气污染指数的主要项目有可吸入颗粒物、二氧化硫、二氧化氮C.金属冶炼过程主要是利用金属矿物中的金属离子失去电子变成金属单质所发生的氧化还原反应D.糖类和油脂是重要的基本营养物质,并且是人体所需能量的重要来源8.用下列装置不能达到实验目的的是( )A.用甲图装置可证明ρ(煤油)< ρ(钠) < ρ(水) B.用乙图装置制备Fe(OH)2 C.用丙图装置制取金属锰D.用丁图装置制取氯气9.设N A表示阿伏伽德罗常数的值。
错1 模块一(7题)3. _______ to their own work,most of the parents spend little time with their children.A. DevotingB. To be devotedC. Having devotedD. Devoted14. I can't say which wine is best—it's a(n)______ of personal taste.A. affairB. eventC. matterD. variety18. —Tonight's negotiation ________ to be a difficult one.— I can't agree more. Both sides are stubborn and will fight for their own benefits.A. promisesB. soundsC. intendsD. prepares20. When he ________ the door,he found his keys were nowhere.A. would openB. openedC. had openedD. was to open21. —I came all the way to inform you of the time and place of the meeting.—You could have ________ yourself the trouble by calling me.A. sharedB. sparedC. costD. removed30. The headmaster will not permit the change in the course,nor ________ it a thought.A. does he even giveB. he even givesC. will he even giveD. he will even give39. —_____she have tricked you into signing the paper?—She ______not have done such a thing,I believe.A. May;mustB. Could;mustC. Can;canD. May;can错2 模块二状语从句+并列句(7题)2. The company donated books and computers worth more than $5,000 to the children of ______ was evaluated as poor families.A. whoB. thatC. whatD. which6.—The accident might not have happened had we been more careful.—But we ____ at that time.A. weren'tB. didn'tC. hadn'tD. don't9. The people expressed their desire that the war ________ to an end soon.A. would comeB. cameC. comeD. must come20.________ well prepared you are,you still need a lot of luck in mountain climbing.A. HoweverB. WhateverC. No matterD. Although22 It was some time later ________ we realized the truth..A. untilB. beforeC. thatD. since24—Did Jack come back early last night? —Yes. It was not yet eight o'clock ___ he arrived home.A. beforeB. whenC. thatD. until26. —What should I wear to attend Lisa’s garden party ?—Dress ____you like . It is not a formal party .A. whereverB. howeverC. whateverD. whichever错3 模块三(7题)6. that she might lose her job , she has decided to go for further study to keep up.A. ConcerningB. To concernC. ConcernedD. Having concerned7. a certain doubt among the people as to the practical value of the project .A. It hasB. They haveC. There remainsD. It remains8. to the association of success with money that the thought of giving up good salary for an idea seems like a little bit crazy.A. Most of us are accustomedB. So accustomed are most of usC. So accustomed most of us areD. Accustomed as most of us are11. He got in the old truck and off to one of the far corners of the farm to fix the fences.A. did they goB. they wentC. they did goD.went they14. Advertising is different from other forms of communication the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered.A. in whichB. in the wayC. in order thatD.in that15. The comments which he made marketing bothered his boss greatly.A. concerningB. concernC. concernedD. to concern17. The poems said by Sean Cannery will be published next year.A. writtenB. to have writtenC. to have been writtenD. having been written错4 模块四(7题)3. --- _________meeting has been called off.---That’s ________news to me. They should have told me about it.A. The ; /B. The; aC. A; /D. A; The11.It is reported that the floods have left about _______people homeless.A. two thousandsB. two-thousandsC. two thousandD. two thousands of17.—How can I use this MP5? --Well, just refer to the _______.A. explanations B .instructions C. introductions D. expressions25. —Which of the iPads do you like most?—________. They are both expensive and of little use.A. NoneB. EitherC. NeitherD. Any26. On Sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, __ parents sitting together joking.A. theirB. whoseC. whichD. that27. Do you expect ________ to be a possibility that we shall be able to afford the particular furniture we need?A. thereB. thatC. oneD. it38. —What's all that noise? —Just in front of the bus____ an injured man,all covered with blood.A. is lyingB. liesC. does lieD. lying名词性从句专练(10题)6. It is not always easy for the public to see ____ use a new invention can be of to human life.A. whoseB. whatC. whichD. that14.Reading is to the mind exercise to the body.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. when15.【2013江苏】The president of the World Bank says he has a passion for China, he remembers starting as early as his childhood. (名从与定从、状从区别题)A. whereB. whichC. whatD. when16.It remains to be seen the newly formed committee’s policy can be put into practice.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. whether25. many analyses show air pollution reduces when society becomes rich enough to be able to be concerned about the environment arouses some researchers’ interest.A. That; whatB. What; thatC. What; whatD. That; that26. Mr. Li called his daughter to find out she was getting on with her studies abroad.A. whatB. howC. thatD. whether27. Denny hasn’t realized help the reference book I gave him can be of to his study.A. thatB. whatC. howD. why31. The shocking news mad me realize ________ terrible problems we would face.A. whatB. howC. thatD. why37. As a new graduate, he doesn’t know it takes to start a business here.A. howB. whatC. WhenD. which39. It is uncertain side effect the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients have taken it. A. that B. what C. how D. whether错5 模块五(12题)6. The manager has ________ to sign the contract on May 2nd.A. admittedB. allowedC. permittedD. agreed7. ________from heart trouble for years,Professor White has to take some medicine with him.A. Having sufferedB. SufferedC. SufferingD. Having been suffered10. The split between humans and living apes is thought by some scholars ________ 15 to 20 million years ago.A. to occurB. occurringC. to have occurredD. having occurred15. — Why did you leave him as he was?— But what ________ otherwise? He never listens to me.A. could I doB. should I doC. could I have doneD. must I have done18. These teachers have no idea ________ it is like to earn one's living in industry or commerce.A. whichB. thatC. whetherD. what20. In his latest paper,Dr Brown presented a new ________ of the beginning of the universe,which is greatly different from the conclusions of previous studies.A. suggestionB. criticismC. conceptD. barrier21. I don't think it easy,even if we work hard,________ the South Korea and the North Korea to sit down to talk at present.A. persuadedB. to persuadeC. persuadeD. persuading24. —How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers?—The key ________ the problem is to meet the demand ________ by the customers.A. to solving;makingB. to solving;madeC. to solve;makingD. to solve;made25.It is one thing to enjoy listening to good music,but it is __ another to play it well yourself.A. quiteB. veryC. ratherD. much27. Thousands of people ________ to watch yesterday's match against Ireland.A. turned onB. turned inC. turned aroundD. turned out29. After that,he knew he could _ any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability.A. get away withB. get on withC. get throughD. get across30.Jack described his father,who ________ a brave boy many years ago,as a strong-willed man.A. would beB. would have beenC. must beD. must have been形容词与副词(8题)2. There are a small number of people involved , possibly twenty.A as few asB as little asC as many asD as much as4. Don’t defend him any more .It’s obvious that he destroyed the fence of the garden evenwithout apology.A accidentallyB carelesslyC deliberatelyD clumsily5. It is quite evident that the speaker has not done his homework, or as to the topic he would be better .A motivatedB accustomedC experiencedD informed7. That’s rather a(n)time for me. If it’s really necessary for me to be present at the meeting, I shall have to ask for a leave.A urgentB awkwardC sadD big8. A few weeks’ community service can make self-willed teenagers into cooperative and members of society.A caringB activeC powerfulD respected9. Richard is a(n) person. Appoint him if you wish ---- I wash my hands of the whole matter.A disabledB outgoingC unreliableD considerate10. ----Just give me a(n) estimate.----Well ,off the top of my head, I’d say it’ll cost about eighty thousand dollars.A roughB officialC reasonableD optimistic15. The salesman told Joe that the ring was made of silver , but after a week it turned a dull gray color .A sound B soft C solid D splendid非谓语动词链接(22题)1. There are some health problems that, when in time, can become bigger ones later on.A. not treatedB. not being treatedC.not to be treatedD. not having been treated2. I got to the office earlier that day, the 7:30 train from Padington.A. caughtB. to have caughtC. to catchD. having caught3. Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and to ruins, the city took on a new look.A. reducingB. reducedC. being reducedD. having reduced8. The speaker said he would limit himself to answer only four questions.A. tryingB. to tryC. tryD. to trying9. Yesterday when walking along the street, I saw a man and the driver away.A. knocked down; droveB. being knocked down; droveC. knocked down; drivingD. being knocked down; driving10. Such the case, there were no grounds to justify your complaints.A. wasB. beingC. would beD. having been11. I tried to she was happy, but knew deep down it wasn’t true.A. make to believeB. be made to believeC. make believeD. be made believe12. Peoole here think it’s polite to eat quietly, so you must get used during a meal.A. not to talkB. not to talkingC. to not talkD. to not talking13. –Who won the election for mayor?--A man to represent every minority group in the city.A. claimsB. claimingC. is claimedD. having claimed14. Do you remember to Professor Black during your last visit?A. to be introducedB. to have introducedC. having introducedD. being introduced17. I’m not going to have you with this sort of business.A. mix upB. mixed upC. mixing upD. being mixed up21. With the population keeping growing, there might not be enough space even on the earth.A. standing inB. to stand inC. standD. to stand25. Since I don’t like surfing the Internet, shall I go to the library instead the information we need?A. to getB. of gettingC. of to getD. getting26. Difficult in practice, this new technique hasn’t been applied.A. operatedB. to be operatedC. operatingD. to operate27. –My son failed to be accepted by the firm after the interview.--Now that he wasn’t well prepared, he might as well.A. not tryB. not to have triedC. not to tryD. not have tried28. Sunday, rather than at home, I preferred .A. It being; stay; to travelB. Being; to stay; to travelC. Having been; stay; travelD. It was; to stay; travelling31. to pass the 2013 College Entrance Examination made our whole family unhappy.A. My son failedB. My son’s failingC. My son failingD. My son having failed37. in four different countries, Jessie is a typical third culture kid, the term of which refers to children who spend a period of time in one or more cultures.A. Bring upB. Having brought upC. Bringing upD. Brought up41. The money collected should be made good use the people who suffered a lot in the earthquake.A. of helpingB. to helpingC. to helpD. of to help43. Not with the quality of your goods, I will certainly not advise others to buy them.A. to impressB. impressingC. having impressedD. impressed44. The children went back home from the grammar school, their lessons for the day.A. finishingB. had been finishedC. finishedD. had finished46. as the most excellent competitor, all the audience stood up and cheered.A. Ma ry’s being chosenB. Mary being chosenC. Mary chosenD. Mary to be chosen错6模块六(15题)2. ___ for the timely investment from the general public, our company would not be so thriving(兴旺的) as it is.A. Had it not beenB. Were it notC. Be it notD. Should it not be7. ____ from endless homework on weekends, the students now find their own activities, such as taking a ride together to watch the sunrise.A. FreedB. FreeingC. To freeD. having freed8. ——Do you mind if I smoke? ——____A. Why not?B. Yes, help yourselfC. Go aheadD. Yes, but you’d better not9、We are going to discuss the way of reading works ____ it is used for real life purposes, and this should give you a better understanding of it.A. thatB. whichC.whereD. when13 ——Will $200 ____ the cost of the damage? ——I’m afraid not. I need at least $100 more.A. doB. includeC. coverD. afford15. ____ abroad for a tour can be a great honor for an ordinary person like me.A. TakenB. TakingC. Being takenD.Having been taken17. As time went by, the plan stuck ____ fairly practical.A. to provedB. to provingC. provedD.to be proved21. Tom is lazy; in other words, he is ___ but a hard-working student.A. anythingB. anyoneC. anywayD. anywhere22. It was ___ kind of you to take me to the airport, otherwise I would have been late.A. the mostB. a mostC. mostD. more28. __ Where did you see the film? __ It was in our village ___ it was made.A. thatB. whereC. whenD. which29. ___ we call the First-Aid Centre, the doctors ___ by and by.A. No sooner; would comeB. Soon after; would comeC. Shortly ; are comingD. Immediately; will come31. Robert is said___ abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in.A. to have studiedB. to studyC. to be studyingD. to have been studying33. Difficult as rumors on micro blog or Weibo, are___, the authorities will step up supervision, so that people will not be easily misled.A. preventingB. being preventedC. to be preventedD. to prevent39. ____, the players began the game.A. Having taken our seatsB. Our taking seatsC. We having taken the seatsD. Us having taken the seats40. All the __ are interested in the___.A. present students; present situationB. present students; situation presentC. students present; present situationD. students present; situation present错7 模块七(14题)5. That hotel has 500 seats,but it can ________ more guests than that.A. seatB. seatedC. sitD. seating6. I ______through that bitter period without your generous help.A couldn’t have gone B. didn’t go C. wouldn’t go D. hadn’t gone8. — May I speak to your manager Mr.Williams at five o'clock tonight?—I'm sorry. Mr. Williams _______ to a conference long before then.A. will have goneB. will be goingC. would have goneD. has gone9. Attitudes towards our connectedness as a society ___ across generations.A. varyB. ariseC. spreadD. exist10. The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took ________ pictures of them.A. many ofB. masses ofC. the number ofD. a large amount of12. If you have a job,________ yourself to it and finally you'll succeed.A. devotingB. do devoteC. devotedD. to devote15George is going to talk about the geography of his country, but I’d rather he______more on it’sCulture.(2010江苏卷34)A. focusB. focusedC. would focusD. had focused16. You _____ be right, but I don’t think you are.A. canB. couldC. mustD. should17. It seems as if the sun ____ round the earth since it rises in the east and sets in the west.A. circlesB. is circlingC. were circlingD. has been circling18. I have told you the truth. ________ I keep repeating it?A. MustB. CanC. MayD. Will21. —It is unbelievable that John should have fought with the policeman.—Well, if one ______ ask for trouble ,it just can’t help.A. willB. mustC. shouldD. dare25.I ran across an old friend of mine the other day____ we were camping in the summer holiday.A. whenB. whereC. in whichD. while29. An official survey shows that electrical bicycles are now the most potential ____ to traffic accidents.A. causeB. tendencyC. invitationD. misfortune30. If I hadn’t been lucky enough to meet you. I really _____ what I would have done.A. don’t knowB. hadn’t knownC. wasn’t knowingD. wouldn’t know错8 模块八(5题)2. She knew she was wrong, but she ______ tell him.A. dared not toB. daren’tC. dare notD. didn’t dare3. It is accepted that young babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to _____ .A. prizesB. awardsC. rewardsD. results5. ______to the sunlight for a long time is harmful to your skin.A. ExposedB. Being exposedC. ExposeD. Exposing15. ----Do you know anyone in Paris?----No, I’ll make friends once _______.A. I’ll be s ettledB. I’m settledC. I’m settlingD. I’ll have settled.9. ______, he couldn’t spare his time to attend to his sick daughter.A. Busy as he wasB. As he was busyC. Busy as was heD. As was he busy定语从句(10题)4. Lin Tao refused to apologize to the girl for his rudeness, _____ she decided to leave.A. at that pointB. at which pointC. in that pointD. in which point6. The way ____ you treat others is not easily accepted.A. thatB. whatC. whichD. where9. The house I grew up ____ has been taken down and replaced by an official building.A. in itB. inC. in thatD. in which11. The book was written in 1946, _____ the education system has witnessed great changes.A. whenB. during whichC. since thenD. since when12. It was in the lab _____ was taken charge of by Professor Zhang ____ they did the experiment.A. where; thatB. which; whereC. that; whereD. which; that13. I was so angry at all ____ he was doing ____ I walked out.A. which; thatB. that; whichC. that ; thatD. which; which14. The plane _____ I came to London has flown 10,000 milesA. in whichB. by whichC. whereD. from which17. Living in the Central American desert has its problems, ___ obtaining water is not the least.A. of whichB. for whichC. asD. in which.19. Is this research center _____ you visited the modern equipment last year?A. whichB. thatC. the one whereD. the one that21. You should realize the fact that when you graduate from university, you are still not prepared for the possible situations _____ you may face in the working world.A. whereB. whenC. thatD. what错9模块九特殊句式(11题)3. —The place isn't too bad,is it?—No,________ it is a bit too crowded.A. butB. forC. andD. as5. ________ you get into university in the future,you would have to go and take the chance.A. WillB. ShouldC. WouldD. Could6. Was it not until ________ out of natural resources that they began to push for other ones?A. people had runB. had people runC. did people runD. people had been8. The students have been told that under no condition ________ the mobile phone in class.A. may they useB. they may useC. they could useD. would they use9. Johnson knows much about the movie. I think he must have seen it,________?A. doesn't heB. hasn't heC. don't ID. didn't he10. —So hard ________ in the past few months that he has made great progress in English.—I can see that,only a few mistakes ________ in this exam.A. has he worked;did he makeB. he has worked;he madeC. he has worked;has he madeD. has he worked;he made12. —Mother hasn't come back yet. —Well,she ought________.A. toB. to beC. to doD. to have13. —Do you have any idea what Paul does all day?—As I know,he spends at least as much time playing as he________.A. writesB. does writingC. is writingD. does write15. —It's ages since I last saw you. I didn't recognize you at first.—I________,either,if someone hadn't called you by name.A. didn'tB. hadn't hadC. wouldn't haveD. wouldn't16.________she is not so cheerful ________she used to be?A. How is it that;asB. Why is it that;whatC. Is it why;thatD. How it is that;as17. The witness suggested that the cheat _________ in prison.A. referred to be putB. refer to be putC. referred to putD. was referred to put。
查补易混易错03 化学用语的判断化学用语是专门的化学语言,其包含的内容可分为两个大的方面:一是表示化学物质组成、结构的化学用语,包括元素符号、离子符号、电子式、结构式、结构示意图等;二是表示物质变化的化学用语,如化学方程式、热化学方程式、离子方程式、电极方程式等。
1.设函数y =M ,集合{}2|,N y y x x R ==∈,则M N ⋂等于()A.∅B.NC.[)1,+∞ D.M2.已知数列{}n a 满足11a =,12,3,n n n a n a a n ++⎧=⎨+⎩为偶数为奇数,若21n n b a -=,则4b =()A.18B.16C.11D.63.下列说法错误的是()A.命题:p x ∃∈R ,210x x ++<,则:p x ⌝∀∈R ,210x x ++≥B.已知a ,b ∈R ,“1a >且1b >”是“1ab >”的充分不必要条件C.“1x =”是“2320x x -+=”的充要条件D.若p 是q 的充分不必要条件,则q 是p 的必要不充分条件4.在某病毒疫苗的研发过程中,需要利用基因编辑小鼠进行动物实验.现随机抽取100只基因编辑小鼠对该病毒疫苗进行实验,得到如下22⨯列联表(部分数据缺失):被某病毒感染未被某病毒感染合计注射疫苗1050未注射疫苗3050合计30100计算可知,根据小概率值α=________的独立性检验,分析“给基因编辑小鼠注射该种疫苗能起到预防该病毒感染的效果”()附:()()()()()22n ad bc a b c d a c b d χ-=++++,n a b c d =+++.α0.存在函数()f x 满足:对任意x ∈R 都有()A.()1f x x x=+B.()21f x x +=C.()21f x x =+ D.()221f x x x +=+6.函数()ln f x x x =,正确的命题是()A.值域为RB.在(1,+)∞上是增函数C.()f x 有两个不同零点D.过(1,0)点的切线有两条7.已知三次函数无极值点,则的取值范围是()A.m<2或m>4B.m ≥2或m ≤4C.[2,4]D.(2,4)8.已知0a >,设函数()21,0e ,0x x ax xf x ax x ⎧++≤=⎨->⎩,若存在0x ,使得()0f x a <,则a 的取值范围是()A.()0,222- B.()()0,2221,-+∞ C.()1,+∞ D.()22,-+∞二、多项选择题:本题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分。
高三第一学期期末错题再练I.●A modern city has been set up in the place which was a wasteland ten years ago.●A modern city has been set up where there was a wasteland ten years ago.●A modern city has been set up in what was a wasteland ten years ago.●This kind of plant won’t grow where there is no sunlight or water.●This kind of plant won’t grow in a place where there is no sunlight or water.●This kind of plant won’t grow in a place which lacks sunlight or water.●The building was built in what used to be a rose garden.●The building was built in the place where it used to be a rose garden.●The building was built in the place which used to be a rose garden.练习:1. We’d better keep the fish ______ it is neither too hot nor too cold.A. in whereB. in whichC. the place whereD. where2. We’d better keep the fish in a place ____ it is neither too hot nor too cold.A. whereB. whichC. thatD. what3. Today we’ll begin ______ we stopped yesterday so that no point will be left out.A. whenB. whereC. howD. what4. A number of high buildings have arisen ____ there were ruins a year ago.A. whenB. whereC. whatD. which5. A number of high buildings have arisen in the place ____ used to be ruins a year ago.A. whenB. whereC. whatD. which6. A number of high buildings have arisen in the place ____ there were ruins a year ago.A. whenB. whereC. whatD. whichII.1. The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities ________ rising steadily since 1997.A. isB.areC. has beenD. have been2. His sister left home in 1998, and _____ since.A.had not been heard of B.has not been heard of C.had not heard of D.has not heard of3. Progress ___ so far very good and we are sure that the work will be finished on time.A. wasB. had beenC. has beenD. will be4. Over the past decades,sea ice_______ in the Arctic as a result of global warming.A.had decreased B.decreased C.has been decreasing D.is decreasing5. In order to find the missing child, villagers _______ all they can over the past five hours.A. didB. doC. had doneD. have been doing6. --- Do you think we should accept the offer?---Y es, we should, for we _____ such bad luck up till now, and time _____ out.A. have had; is runningB. had; is runningC. have; has been runD. have had; has been run7. I like these English songs and they ____ many times on the radio.A. taughtB. have taughtC. are taughtD. have been taught8. The population of Jiangsu __ to more than twice what it was in 1949. The figure is now approaching 74 million.A. has grownB. have grownC. grewD. are growing。
【例7】已知 求
【错解】∵ ∴
【正解】∵ ∴
【例8】已知 有且只有一根在区间(0,1)内,求 的取值范围.
【错解】设 ∵ 有且只有一根在区间(0,1)内
∴ 得 <-2
所以 ,解得 ,此时 ,
综上 ,即 的取值范围是 ,
10.函数 在 的图像大致为()
A. B.
C. D.
【解析】因为 ,所以 为奇函数,关于原点对称,故排除 ,又因为 , , , ,故排除 、 ,
11.已知函数 ,若 ,则实数 的取值范围是( )
A. B. C. D.
= = =- ,∴ 是奇函数
∴ 是奇函数
综上, .
8.函数 的零点个数为( )
【解析】函数f(x)=ex|lnx|﹣2的零点可以转化为:|lnx| 的零点;
在坐标系中画出两个函数 的图象,根据图象可得有两个交点;
9.已知 ,函数 ,若关于 的不等式 在 上恒成立,则 的取值范围为()
数学周测错题库周考一(2011年8月8日) 一、选择题2.设,,,a b x y R ∈,则x a y b >⎧⎨>⎩是()()0x y a bx a y b +>+⎧⎨-->⎩成立的( )A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充分必要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件4.已知,,,,7,5a b c d R a b c d ∈+=+=,则22()()a c b d +++的最小值是( ) A .70 B .72 C .73D .747.不等式1||ax a x ->的解集为M ,且2M ∉,则a 的取值范围是( ) A .1(,)4+∞ B .1[,)4+∞ C .1(0,)2 D .1(0,]2周考二(2011年8月15日)一、选择题8.设不等的两个正数,a b 满足3322a b a b -=-,则a b +的取值范围是( ) A .(1,)+∞B .4(1,)3C . 4[1,]3D .(0,1]9.已知正数,a b 满足13a b += )A B .2C .D 二.填空题12.已知55015(1)(1)x a a x a x =+-++-,则125a a a +++= .三.解答题14.已知2221x y z ++=,求证:12xy yz zx ++≥-. 周考三(2011年8月22日) 一、选择题3.若log 2x y =-,则x y +的最小值是( )A .2B .3C .2D .35.已知函数(),()()f x g x x R ∈,设不等式|()||()|(0)f x g x a a +<>的解集是M ,不等式|()()|(0)f x g x a a +<>的解集是N ,则( )A .N M ⊆B .N M =C . M N ⊆D .M N ⊂10.已知集合2{|(2)10,},{|lg }A x x a x x R B x R y x =+++=∈=∈=,若A B φ=,那么a 的取值范围是( )A .40a -<<B .0a ≥C .2a >-D .4a >- 二.填空题11.若集合2{|10,},{1,2},A x x a x x R B A B B =++=∈==,则实数a 的取值范围是 .周考四(2011年8月29日) 一、选择题10.用如图所示的两个转盘做游戏,第一个转盘为圆形,O 为圆心,且90AOC BOC ∠=∠=,第二个转盘为矩形,且NP =,若同时转动两个转盘,则转盘停止时指针同时指向a 的概率为( ) A .16B .18C .19D .14三.解答题13.已知集合11{|4}322x A x =≤≤,非空集合{|121}B x m x m =-≤≤+,集合7{|1}5C x x =≤+. ⑴当x N *∈时,求A 的子集个数; ⑵A B φ=时,求实数m 的取值范围;⑶()R BC C φ≠时,求实数m 的取值范围.15.已知函数2222()()()()()(,,)3a b c f x x a x b x c a b c R ++=-+-+-+∈的最小值为m ,若26a b c -+=,求m 的最小值.周考五(2011年9月5日) 一、选择题9.给出下列结论,其中错误的个数是 .①将一组数据中的每个数据都加上或减去同一个常数后,方差恒不变;②设有一个回归方程ˆ35yx =-,变量x 增加一个单位时,y 平均增加5个单位;③线性回归方程ˆˆˆybx a =+必过点(,)x y ;④在一个22⨯列联表中,由计算得213.079K =,则有99%的把握认为这两个变量间有关系. 二.填空题11.若关于x 的不等式|||1||2|a x x ≥++-存在实数解,则实数a 的取值范围是 .12.符号[]x 表示不超过x 的最大整数,如[]3,[ 1.08]2π=-=-,定义函数{}[]x x x =-,给出下列四个命题:①函数{}x 的定义域为R ,值域为[0,1];②方程1{}2x =有无数个解;③函数{}x 是周期函数;④函数{}x 是增函数.其中正确的命题的序号是 . 三.解答题14.已知函数1,211()2,1211,22x x x f x x x x x ⎧+-≤<-⎪⎪⎪=--≤<⎨⎪⎪-≤≤⎪⎩.①求()f x 的值域;②设函数()2,22g x ax x =--≤≤,若对于任意的1[2,2]x ∈-,总存在0[2,2]x ∈-,使得01()()g x f x =成立,求实数a 的取值范围.15.盒子中装有大小相同的10只小球,其中2红,4黑,4白.现规定:一次摸出3只球,如果这3只球同色就奖励10元,否则罚款2元.⑴若某人摸一次球,求他获得奖励的概率;⑵若有10人参加摸球游戏,每人摸一次,摸后放回,记随机变量X 表示获得奖励的人数, ① 求(1)P X >;(参考数据10141()152≈) ② 求这10人所得钱数的期望.周考六(2011年9月12日) 一.选择题6.已知随机变量ξ~N (3,22),若ξ=2η+3,则D (η)等于( )A .0B .1C .2D .4 7.给出下面类比推理命题(其中Q 为有理数集,R 为实数集,C 为复数集):①“若a ,b ∈R ,则a -b =0⇒a =b ”类比推出“若a ,b ∈C ,则a -b =0⇒a =b ”;②“若a ,b ,c ,d ∈R ,则复数a +b i =c +d i ⇒a =c ,b =d ”类比推出“若a ,b ,c ,d ∈Q ,则a +b 2=c +d 2⇒a =c ,b =d ”;③若“a ,b ∈R ,则a -b >0⇒a >b ”类比推出“若a ,b ∈C ,则a -b >0⇒a >b ”.其中类比结论正确的个数是( )A .0B .1C .2D .38.南京大学某专业2011年的5名应届大学毕业生志愿去乌鲁木齐.西安和银川三个城市工作,若全部将5名大学生任意安排到这三个城市的方法数为n ,而每个城市至少安排一名大学生的方法数为m ,则m n等于( )A .8081 B .2027 C .18 D .50819.若1(1)n x ++的展开式中含1n x -的系数为n a ,则12111na a a +++=( )A .1n n +B .21n n +C .(1)2n n +D .(3)2n n +10.函数2()(0)f x ax bx c a =++≠的图象关于直线2b x a=-对称.据此可推测,对任意的非零实数,,,,,a b c m n p ,关于x 的方程[]2()()0m f x nf x p ++=的解集都不可能是( )A .{1,2}B .{1,4}C .{1,2,3,4}D .{1,4,16,64} 二.填空题(每小题5分,共计10分)11.若复数z 1=a +2i ,z 2=1+b i ,a ,b ∈R ,且z 1+z 2与z 1·z 2均为纯虚数,则z 1z 2=____________.12.定义在R 上的偶函数f (x )满足f (x +1)=-f (x ),且在[-1,0]上是增函数,给出下列关于f (x )的判断:①f (x )是周期函数;②f (x )关于直线x =1对称;③f (x )在[0,1]上是增函数;④f (x )在[1,2]上是减函数;⑤f (2)=f (0);⑥f (x )关于点1(,0)2对称.其中正确的序号是________.(请将所有正确命题的序号都填在相应位置) 13.(本小题12分)设函数.412)(--+=x x x f(Ⅰ)解不等式;2)(>x f (Ⅱ)求函数)(x f y =的最小值.14.(本小题14分)设函数()xe f x x =.(Ⅰ)求函数()f x 的单调区间;(Ⅱ)若0k >,求不等式'()(1)()0f x k x f x +->的解集.15.(本小题14分)袋中有相同的5个球,其中3个红球,2个黄球,现从中随机且不放回地摸球,每次摸1个,当两种颜色的球都被摸到时,即停止摸球,记随机变量ξ为此时已摸球的次数,求:(1)随机变量ξ的概率分布列; (2)随机变量ξ的数学期望与方差. 周考七(2011年9月19日)一.选择题(每小题5分,共50分)3.已知直线1+=x y 与曲线)ln(a x y +=相切,则a 的值为( ) A .1 B .2 C .1- D .2-8.设12)(:23+++=mx x x x f p 在()∞∞-,内单调递增,48:2+≥x xm q 对任意0>x 恒成立,则p 是q 的( )A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件 二.填空题(每小题5分,共10分)11.若⎩⎨⎧≥+-<=1,1)3(1,)(x x a x a x f x 是R 上的单调递增函数,则实数a 的取值范围为______.12.已知函数21121)(-+=x x f 的定义域是R ,则)(x f 的值域是_____________. 三.解答题(12分+14分+14分,共40分)13.(本小题满分12分)已知函数|1|)(+=x x f ,a x x g +=||2)(. (1)当0=a 时,解不等式)()(x g x f ≥;(2)若存在R x ∈,使得)()(x g x f ≥成立,求实数a 的取值范围.14.(本小题满分14分)某食品企业一个月内被消费者投诉的次数用ξ表示,椐统计,随机变量ξ的概率分布如下:(2)假设一月份与二月份被消费者投诉的次数互不影响,求该企业在这两个月内共被消费者投诉2次的概率.15. (本小题满分14分)设函数)1()(2++=-ax x e x f x ,其中e R a ,∈是自然对数的底数. (1) 讨论函数()f x 在R 上的单调性;(2) 当01<<-a ,求函数()f x 在[]1,2-上的最小值.周考八(2011年9月26日)一.选择题(每小题5分,共50分)8. 已知函数()|lg |f x x =,若b a <,且)()(b f a f =,则b a 4+的取值范围是( ) A .(2,)+∞B .),22[+∞C .(4,)+∞D .(5,)+∞9. 已知1()log (2)af x x =-在其定义域上单调递减,则函数2()log (1)a g x x =-的单调减区间是( )A.(,0]-∞ B.(1,0)- C.[0,)+∞ D.[0,1)10. 已知))((3)(b x a x x f ----=,并且n m ,是0)(=x f 的两根,则实数n m b a ,,,的大小关系可能正确的是 ( )A .n b a m <<<B .n b m a <<<C .b n m a <<<D .b n a m <<<二.填空题(每小题5分,共10分)11. 若函数()2x f x e x a =--在R 上有两个零点,则实数a 的取值范围是________.12. 14.函数1ln ,0,()1,0,x xf x x x⎧>⎪⎪=⎨⎪<⎪⎩则()1f x >-的解集为 .三.解答题(12分+14分+14分,共40分) 13. 已知函数.|3|)(|,2|)(m x x g x x f ++-=-= (1)解关于x 的不等式)(01)(R a a x f ∈>-+;-(2)若函数)(x f 的图像恒在函数)(x g 图像的上方,求m 的取值范围. 14.已知函数32()21f x x x ax =+-+.(I )若函数()f x 在点(1,(1))f 处的切线斜率为4,求实数a 的值及切线的方程; (II )若函数)(x f 在区间)1,1(-上存在极值点,求实数a 的取值范围. 高三第一次月考(2011年10月3日)一、选择题4.已知{|},{|12}A x x a B x x =≤=<<,则{|1}R A C B x x ⋂=≤成立的必要不充分条件是( )A .12a ≤<B .12a <≤C .1a ≥D .12a <<6.若0,0a b >>,且2a b +=)A .3B .12C .,D .2+7.下列求导正确的是A . 211()1x x x'+=+B .32(sin 2)6sin 2x x '=C .3(3)3log x x e '=D . 22log (log )ex x'=12.已知函数2()|21|f x x x =--,若1a b <<,()()f a f b =,则b a -的取值范围为( )A .(0,2-B .(0,2)C .D .(0,3)二.填空题13.已知幂函数2312()(1)(,)n n f x m xm R n Z --=-∈∈在其定义域是奇函数,且在(0,)+∞上是减函数,则m n += .15.若函数()log (4)a af x x x=+-的值域为R ,则实数a 的取值范围为 . 16.下列等式:①lg32a b =-;②l g 5a c =+;③l g 8333a c =--;④l g 942a b =-;⑤l g 1531a b c =-++.其中有且只有一个是不成立的,则不成立...的等式的序号为 . 三.解答题19.已知函数(),(0),()()xe f x a g x f x m x=≠=+ ⑴求函数()f x 的单调递减区间;⑵当1a =时,若函数()g x 在区间1(,2)2内有两个零点,求实数m 的取值范围. 21.已知函数1()ln ,()af x x a xg x x+=-=-, ⑴若1a =,求函数()f x 的极值; ⑵求函数()()()h x f x g x =-的单调区间;⑶若1a >-且在[1,]e 上存在一点0x ,使得00()()f x g x <成立,求实数a 的取值范围.周考九(2011年10月10日)一.选择题(每小题5分,共50分)3.设随机变量ξ服从正态分布N (0,1),记Φ(x )=P (ξ<x ),则下列结论不正确的是( )A .Φ(0)=12B .Φ(x )=1-Φ(-x )C .P (|ξ|<α)=2Φ(α)-1(α>0)D .P (|ξ|>α)=1-Φ(α)(α>0) 二.填空题(每题5分,共10分)12.已知x 2+4y 2+kz 2=36(其中k >0),且t =x +y +z 的最大值是7,则k =________.三.解答题(12分+14分+14分) 13.已知函数.)(a x x f -=(1) 若不等式{}51)(≤≤-≤x x m x f 的解集为,求实数a ,m 的值; (2) 当a =2时,解关于x 不等式)2()(t x f t x f +≥+ )0(>t15.已知函数2()(1)ln 1f x a x ax =+++.(1)讨论函数()f x 的单调性; (2)设1212121,(0,),()()4a x x f x f x x x <-∈+∞--,如果对任意≥,求a 的取值范围.周考十(2011年10月17日)一.选择题(每小题5分,共50分)3.已知命题p :函数)2(lo g a ax y a +=)1,0(≠>a a 的图象必过定点)1,1(-;命题q :若函数)2(-=x f y 的图象关于y 轴对称,则函数)(x f 关于直线2=x 对称.那么( )A .“q p 且”为真B . “q p 或”为假C .假真q p ”D . 真假q p 4.分别在区间[0,5]和[0,3]内任取一个实数,依次记为n m 和,则n m >的概率为( ) A .107 B .103 C .53 D . 5210.设函数)(x f 的定义域是R ,若存在常数0>M ,使x M x f ≤)(对一切实数都成立,则称函数)(x f 为“倍约束函数”.给出下列函数,其中是“倍约束函数”的为( )A .2)(=x fB .⎩⎨⎧>-≤⋅=0),1(0,2)(x x f x x x f xC . 2)(x x f = D ..||2)()(,,)(212121成立均有一切实数上的奇函数,且满足对是定义在x x x f x f x x R x f -≤-三.解答题(12分+14分+14分,共40分)13.(本小题满分12分) 已知函数)0)(2sin(sin 3sin )(2>++=ωπωωωx x x x f 的最小正周期为.π(1)求);(x f (2)当]2,12[ππ-∈x 时,求函数)(x f 的值域.(3)已知函数)(ϕ+x f 的图像关于直线6π=x 对称(2πϕ<),求ϕ的值. 14.(本小题满分14分)设函数x xbax x f ln )(+-= (1)当0)1(=f 时,若函数)(x f 是单调函数,求实数a 的取值范围;(第2题)(2)当函数)(x f 在2=x ,4=x 处取得极值时,若方程c x f =)(在区间 [1,8]上时有三个不同的实数根,求实数c 的取值范围(693.02ln ≈).15. (本小题满分14分)某市为响应国家节能减排,建设资源节约型社会的号召,唤起人们从自己身边的小事做起,开展了以“再小的力量也是一种支持”为主题的宣传教育活动,其中有两则公益广告: (一)80部手机,一年就会增加一吨二氧化碳的排放.……(二)人们在享受汽车带来的便捷与舒适的同时,却不得不呼吸汽车排放的尾气.……活动组织者为了解市民对这两则广告的宣传效果,随机对10~60岁的人群抽查样了n 人,统计结(1(2)若以表中的频率近似看作各年龄组正确回答广告内容的概率,规定正确回答广告一的内容得20元,广告二的内容得30元.组织者随机请一家庭的两成员(大人45岁,孩子17岁)回答两广告内容,求该家庭获得奖金的期望(各人之间,两广告之间,对能否正确回答,均无影响.)周考十一(2011年11月7日)一.选择题(每小题5分,共60分)6.已知01,log log a a x y a m x y <<<<=+,则有( )A .0<mB .10<<mC .21<<mD .2>m8.2011年某通讯公司推出一组手机卡号码,卡号的前七位数字固定,后四位数从“0000”到“9999”共10000个号码.公司规定:凡卡号的后四位恰带有两个数字“6”或恰带有两个数字“8”的一律作为“金龙卡”,享受一定优惠政策.如后四位数为“2663”.“8685”为“金龙卡”.则这组号码中“金龙卡”的张数 ( ) A .484 B .972 C .966 D .4869.下列五个命题中真命题是 ( )①若q p q p ⌝⌝是则的充分不必要条件是,的必要不充分条件; ③设,x y R ∈,命题“若0xy =,则0x y +=”的否命题是真命题;④若z z i iiz =+++=则,)31(142; ⑤已知=≤≤-=-≤≤--)13(,4.0)13(),,1(~2x P X P N X 则若σ0.8.A .①③④⑤B .①②③⑤C .①②⑤D .①③⑤12.数列{}n a 是等差数列,若01110<+a a ,且01110<⋅a a ,它的前n 项和n S 有最大值,那么当n S 取得最小正值时,n = ( ) A .10 B .11 C .19 D .20 二.填空题(每小题5分,共20分)13.设)(x f 是R 上的奇函数,且0)1(=-f ,当0>x 时,2(1)()2()0x f x xf x '+-<,则不等式()0f x >的解集为 .14.在区间[1,4]上任取实数a ,在区间[0,3]上任取实数b ,使函数b x ax x f ++=2)(有两个相异零点的概率是 .15.将全体正奇数排成一个三角形数阵: 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 …… 按照以上排列的规律,第n 行(n ≥3)从左向右的第3个数为 . 16.若函数),,,()(2R d c b a cbx ax dx f ∈++=,其图象如图所示,若2a =,则d = .三.解答题17. (本小题12分)已知向量(2cos ,1),m x =向量(cos 2),n x x = 函数222012()cos (1tan )f x m n x x =⋅++, (1)化简()f x 的解析式,并求函数的单调递减区间;(2)在△ABC 中,,,a b c 分别是角A ,B ,C 的对边,已知()2014,1,f A b ABC ==∆求1006()sin sin a c A C++的值.18. (本小题12分)已知数列{}n a 的前n 项和2n n S a =-,数列{}n b 满足1371,18b b b =+=,且112(2)n n n b b b n -++=≥. ⑴求数列{}n a 和{}n b 的通项公式; ⑵若nn nb c a =,求数列{}n c 的前n 项和n T . 20.(本小题12分)已知函数()2ln .pf x px x x=-- ⑵若函数()f x 在其定义域内为增函数,求正实数p 的取值范围;⑶设函数2(),[1,]eg x e x=若在上至少存在一点0x ,使得00()()f x g x >成立,求实数p 的取值范围. 21.(本小题满分10分)选修4-5,不等式选讲 已知函数()f x x a =-.⑴若不等式()f x m ≤的解集为{x |-1≤x ≤5},求实数,a m 的值; ⑵当4a =时,解关于x 的不等式()(2)f x t f x t +≥+(0t ≥).周考十二(2011年11月14日)9. 要得到函数x x y cos sin -=的图象,只需将函数x x y sin cos -=的图象A .3B . 2C .1D . O12.已知函数x e x f x +=)(,对于曲线)(x f y =上横坐标成等差数列的三个点A ,B ,C ,给出以下判断:②若8)(422-+=+b a b a ,求边c 的值.18. (12分)设n S 为数列}{n a 的前n 项和,1-=n n a S λ(λ为常数,),3,2,1 =n . ①若223a a =,求λ的值;②是否存在实数λ,使得数列}{n a 是等差数列?若存在,求出λ的值;若不存在.请说明理由;}{n c 的前n 项和n T .19. (12分)已知函数)(ln )(22R a x a ax x x f ∈-+=. ①若x =1是函数)(x f y =的极值点,求a 的值;②求函数)(x f 的单调区间.①当0=a 时,解不等式)()(x g x f ≥;②若存在R x ∈,使得)()(x g x f ≥成立,求实数a 的取值范围.。
1.2.——I think he is taking an active part in social work..——I agree with youA. in a wayB. on the wayC. by the wayD. in the way2. ——Shall I stay here for another day? ——.A. If you pleaseB. As you pleaseC. With pleasureD. It’s my pleasure3. She was complaining that the seller was too much for the coat.A. spendingB. offeringC. costingD. charging4. He has always insisted on his Dr Turner instead of Mr. TurnerA. been calledB. calledC. having calledD. being called5. John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work , he gladlyaccepted it.A. finishedB. finishingC. having finishedD. was finished6. If you have illegal immigrants in, many local workers will lose their jobs.A. cameB. comingC. to comeD. having come7. Her shoes her dress; they look very well together.A.suit B. fit C. compare D. match8. Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially Father was away in France.A. asB. thatC. duringD. if9. These signatures are so that it’s difficult to tell them apart.A. sameB. similarC. different D. Important10. The government its war against terrorism after the suicide bombing inthe subway.A. stepped asideB. stepped intoC. stepped downD. stepped up11. This year’s good harvest will last year’s bad oneA. make intoB. make up forC. make itD. make out for12. She always wears beautiful .A. clothesB. clothC. clothingD. dress13. great the difficulties are, we must carry out our plan.A. HowB. HoweverC. WhatD. Whatever14. , I have never seen anyone who’s as capable as john.A. As long as I have traveledB. Now that I have traveled so muchC. Much as I have traveledD. As I have traveled so much15. At five yesterday afternoon, they came to a village, stood an old temple.A. whichB. thatC. whereD. on which16. ——It’s that he said: “I am to help you.”——Don’t take it seriously. He is always playing that trick.A. sure; sureB. certain; certainC. sure; certainD. certainly; surely17. with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.A. CompareB. When comparingC. ComparingD. When compared18. There is nothing to do, so I in the office and wait for the manager tocome back.A. may as well to stayB. may as well stayingC. may as well stayD. may as well stayed19. My sister, as well as her classmates who late for class, criticized by Mr.Hunt.A. were; wasB. was; wereC. was; wasD. were; were20. Tigers meat-eating animals meat.A. belonging to; feed onB. belonged to; feed withC. are belonged to; are fed onD. are belonged to; feed by21. Ann never dreams of for her to be sent abroad very soon.A. there to be a chanceB. being a chanceC. there be a chanceD. there being a chance22. ——What’s wrong with him?——He suffers from memory loss his disease.A. joined inB. connected withC. related toD. referred to。
2023届高三物理练习一(学生用)第一次周考 详解版
本大题共44分)1.如图所示,鱼儿摆尾击水跃出水面,吞食荷花花瓣的过程中,下列说法正确的是()A .鱼儿吞食花瓣时鱼儿受力平衡B .鱼儿摆尾出水时浮力大于重力C .鱼儿摆尾击水时受到水的作用力D .研究鱼儿摆尾击水跃出水面的动作可把鱼儿视为质点2.以不同初速度将两个物体同时竖直向上抛出并开始计时,一个物体所受空气阻力可忽略,另一物体所受空气阻力大小与物体速率成正比,下列用虚线和实线描述两物体运动的v t 图像可能正确的是()A .B .C .D .3.ETC 是高速公路上不停车电子收费系统的简称。
如图,汽车以15m/s 的速度行驶,如果过人工通道,需要在收费站中心线处减速至0,等待缴费,再加速至15m/s ,已知从开始减速到恢复至原来速度共用时50s ,发生位移225m 。
如果过ETC 通道,需要在中心线前方10m 处减速至5m/s ,匀速到达中心线后,再加速至15m/s ,设汽车加速和减速的加速度大小均为1m/s 2,汽车过ETC 通道比人工通道节约时间为()A .28sB .27sC .26sD .25s4.两位小朋友玩弹珠子游戏。
固定直杆与水平面的夹角为37 ,两颗有孔的珠子a 、b 穿在直杆上,初始时珠子之间的距离为0另一个小朋友同时将珠子b 无初速度释放,经时间t ,在珠子a 返回过程中两珠子相遇。
珠子与杆之间的摩擦很小,可忽略,sin 370.6 ,210m /s g ,则()A.0lt v >B .lt v C .06v lD .036l v l<<5.如图,用两根等长的细绳将一匀质圆柱体悬挂在竖直木板的P 点,将木板以直线MN 为轴向后方缓慢转动直至水平,绳与木板之间的夹角保持不变,忽略圆柱体与木板之间的摩擦,在转动过程中()A .圆柱体对木板的压力逐渐增大B .圆柱体对木板的压力先增大后减小C .两根细绳上的拉力均先增大后减小D .两根细绳对圆柱体拉力的方向不变D只受关注到速度为0时两个的加速度相等减速段t isws x逛to②匀速取t if2S xiom ③加速段ititios xzioomxixzis om ee 225⼈还少⼀个5m ⾮算净错要跟505⽐需加上5呁速2时向本⼆是以权t 5os ct tt 䖵50-23-275ygc5Ms_中到相⾊时向Rt缃河取相对参融取的参考可以做邈动it㵙⽽减速时间⻓⼆箱⼆fat ˋˋ即⼀辅助图⽚中Be us T T 上四到原点时022012近古以实n iNUTNir品品谕xxphoto split-8从钝⻆变到90再度到锐⻆sàr 先办的⼈先Tbh G物理第2页共4页6.如图所示,橡皮筋的一端固定在O 点,另一端拴一个物体,O 点的正下方A 处有一垂直于纸面的光滑细杆,OA 为橡皮筋的自然长度。
一、错题的查漏补缺1. 建立错题记录高三复习错题时,首先建立一份错题记录。
2. 分析错题原因每做错一道题,都要仔细分析错误的原因。
3. 找出易错点通过错题的整理与分析,找出自己的易错点。
4. 寻找解题规律在查漏补缺过程中,要注意寻找解题规律。
二、强化练习1. 制定复习计划高三阶段,时间紧迫,需要合理安排复习计划。
2. 针对性选择题目在进行强化练习时,要根据自己的掌握程度和重点难点,有针对性地选择题目。
3. 注重解题方法和思路在强化练习过程中,要注重解题方法和思路。
4. 定期复习和总结在进行强化练习后,要及时进行复习和总结。
2021年高考复习化学考前必练小题_第03练 化学计量(教师版)
2021年高考复习化学考前30天必练小题第03练 化学计量1.(2021·四川成都市·高三三模)设N A 为阿伏伽德罗常数的值,下列说法错误的是A .34gH 2O 2中含有18N A 个中子B .1L0.1mol·L -1NH 4Cl 溶液中,阴离子数大于0.1N AC .标准状况下,22.4LCH 4和C 2H 4的混合气体中含有C —H 键的数目为4N AD .足量Fe 与1molCl 2完全反应,转移的电子数目为2N A【答案】A【详解】A. 34gH 2O 2为1mol ,H 中无中子,O 中含有8个中子,所以34gH 2O 2含有中子数=1mol ⨯8⨯2=16 mol 即16N A ,故A 错误;B. NH 4+能水解且水解后溶液显酸性,Cl -离子不水解,但水能发生微弱的的电离,所以1L0.1mol·L -1NH 4Cl 溶液中,阴离子数大于0.1N A ,故B 正确;C. 标准状况下,22.4LCH 4和C 2H 4的混合气体为1mol , 因为CH 4和C 2H 4中都含有4个氢原子,所以含有C —H 键的数目为4N A ,故B 正确;D. 根据Cl 2~2Cl -~2e -可知,足量Fe 与1molCl 2完全反应,转移的电子数目为2N A ,故D 正确; 故答案:A 。
2.(2021·云南高三二模)N A 是阿伏加德罗常数的值。
下列有关说法正确的是A .常温常压下,1.8g 氘羟基(-OD)中含有的中子数为0.9N AB .标准状况下,11.2L 戊烯中含有双键的数目为0.5N AC .28gN 2与足量H 2反应,生成NH 3的分子数为2N AD .常温下,1LpH=2的HCl 溶液中,H +数目为0.2N A【答案】A【详解】A .常温常压下,1.8g 氘羟基(-OD)中含有的中子数为A A 1.8g 9N 0.9N 18g/mol⨯⨯= ,故A 正确; B .标准状况下,戊烯是液体,11.2L 戊烯的物质的量不是0.5mol ,故B 错误;C .28gN 2的物质的量是1mol ,N 2与H 2反应可逆,1molN 2与足量H 2反应,生成NH 3的分子数小于2N A ,故C 错误;D .常温下, pH=2的HCl 溶液中c(H +)=0.01mol/L ,1LpH=2的HCl 溶液中,H +数目为0.01N A ,故D 错误; 选A 。
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高三一周错题再练(3.6-3.12)周报33,34,351.Which do you enjoy ________ your weekends,watching TV at homeor playing computer games?Where do you enjoy______ your vocation,In foreign countries or at home?A.spendingB.to spendingC. being spentD.to spend2.The old people told us that very little ______ was made of the wastematerial in the past.eB. smellC. valueD. matter3.Every minute should be made use of ______ well.A.studying BstudiesC.to study D.studied4.Excuse me ,is there ______ Jack here?---You mean Jack Brown?A .aB the C./ D.an5.The traffic accidents and the number of the death______ caused havebeen rising recently.A.whichB. theyC. itD. what6.If you attend Mary’s birthday party,so_______I.A.doB.doesC.haveD.will7.The reason ______ he explained was _____ he was held up by atraffic accidentson the way here.The reason ______he came late for the meeting_____ he was held up by a traffic accident on the way hereA.why ;becauseB. why;thatC.that;whyD. /; that8.The girl wasappointed to see Doctor Smith at the local hospital with her mother ______ she would wait for half an hour.A..where B who C.which D.that9.He was so drunk that he got into ____ he thought was his own home.A.whereB. whichC. whatD.whose10.The new senior middle school was put up two years ago______ there had once been a large wheat field..The new senior middle school was put up two years ago at a place______ there had once been a large wheat field.A.in whichB. whereC. thatD.which11.The Shanghai Expo Site was so attractive a place______ every Chinese people wants to visit ______ it changed the new focus all over the world then.A.that;that B.as;as C.as;that D.that;as12.The Shanghai Expo Site was so attractive a place______ everyChinese people wants to visit it.A.thatB.asC.where D in which13.---Who is going to give a talk in the lecture room?---_____ an editorfrom Shina Daily.A.That isB.It isC.He isD. This is14.HainanProvince, located ______ the southern coast of our mainland,consists of several islands ,__________ the largest is also called Hainan Island.A.along;B.aroundC.onD.offA.whichB.that C where D of which15.We should remember it'’s better to do it a bit than ____ big ,doingnothing.A.talkingB.to talkC.having talkD. talked16.I would appreciate ______ if you can give me a hand.A.thatB. itC.this D one17 I appreciated________that my relatives in the big earthquakesurvived.A.toldB.tellC. to be told D being told18.Jack ,I will go to the store of our school.Do you have something___________?A. takingB. to be takenC.toldD. to take19.Never before _______ been so interested in science and technologyand biven them so much attention as they do today.Never before _______ been so interested in science and technology and biven them so much attention ten years ago.A. the farmers hadB.had the farmersC. the farmers haveD. have the farmers20.In fact , I sat on the river bank ________ of nothing inparticular,only________ the little fish swimming in th clear water.A. thought;watchingB. thought;to watchC thinking; watching D.thinking,watching21.Due to the earthquake in Japan,many people dashed into the localsupermarket to buy some salt,only ______ the salt had been sold out.A. to tell B. to be told C.telling D. told22.Johson was elected___________ chairman of the board.A./B.a C the D.an21.—How do you find the bride?--______ in red, she looks very pretty._________ in red makes you look very pretty.A.to dressB. DressingC.DressedD.being dressedTranslate into English1.毫不犹疑的2.作为对什么的回报3.突然大哭(两个)4.与某人分手、与某人关系破裂5.与某人和解6.被……录取7.对…..谨慎8.对…..好奇9.名胜古迹10.本计划做却没有做11.本可以做却没有做12.本应该做的却没有做13.本没必要做的却做了14.宁愿已经做了某事15.具有重要性16.具有重大意义17.具有非常大的价值18.这样的一块石头(one)19.毫无疑问20.难怪21.建立了的牢固的基础22.对我们父母的爱23.全世界(三个)24.常客25.最后结果是(end up)1 2 326.一个人所能想象得到的27.他所说的28.杰克所做的29.在此关键时刻,我们绝对不能放松学业。
(用倒装)30.由于……导致的结果31.让某人相信某事(convice)32.指控某事犯了某事(accuse/charge)33.达成一个协议34.为……祈祷35.初次尝试(attempt)36.查阅(两个、区别)37.布莱克一家38.拥有某方面大量的知识39.对什么有更好的理解40.明天的此时此刻41.随着人类社会的发展和改革42.在改变至之中43.在进行之中44.在修理之中45.在建设之中46.把他们的家园重建在现在是一片废墟的地方47.在面对困难时要保持冷静48.弥补49.i f引导的虚拟语气,何种情况下可以省略if50.埋头做什么,专心于什么(bury)51.得出结论Translate into Chinese1.in tears wipe away2.in charge of in the charge ofe up come up with4.put up with clear away5.clear up more than twice6.twice more than on the contray7.be equally attractive both in spring and winter8.was/were able to do sth. = /9.be well received might as well do sth.10.I t’s a matter of keep out the could air11.h ave no alternative but to do sth.=12.I t still came as a shock when she eventually died13.b ecome a great hit a wide range of goods14.look down upon get along with15.g et rid of look up to16.f or what? So what?17.Pull sb.aside owe sb. a great deal18.h ave faith in sth. deserve (值得被做)19.a nswer for with pleasure20.I t’s my pleasure. At your service21.c ope with considerate22.c onsiderable give away23.g ive in to give out24.g ive off25.b e thankful to sb. for sth26.r ise arise raise arouse .27.a pply to sb.for sth. appeal to28.b y all means stand out t29.t urn up get through 1. 2. 3。