The SocialNon-Technical Challenges in Developing Technology to Support Elderly Care




《国际经贸高级英语(精读与翻译)》参考答案罗汉主编key to ExercisesUnit OneⅠ/1. the accumulation of physical capital indispensable to economic growth2. to import advanced equipment and know-how from abroad3. license trade accounting for 90 per cent of the total volumeof the world s trade of technology4. lack of human capital reflected in economic development5. the great impact of high technology on the adjustment of industries6. key factors driving economic growth7. the transformation from an agricultural nation into an industrial one8. the tangible and intangible factors making up the total factor productivity growth9. the improvement of educational systems lurking in technological progress10. the ratio of capital to labour in this industry11. expand the labour force and increase its education and training12. the role of the R&D department in the operations of multinational corporations13. a study report analyzing variations in technical progress across a large number of countries14. to incorporate quantity and models into economic analysis15. great gap in incomes between developed and developing nationsⅡ/1. Many economists attributed the rapid economic growth rate of someland desiring areas, such as HongKong and Singapore, to the enhancement of educational levels of their population. Based on this, they drew their conclusion that knowledge is the key to their economic development.2. In the 1960s, on the basis of importing much sophisticated technology andknow how from developed countries, Japan expanded its e conomy in large scales, enabling its economy to keep up with the most advanced level of the world in 20 years.3. The development of new economic theories has raised many subjects to statistics. For example, high rates of school enrollment may not translate into high rates of economic growth if the quality of education is poor, or if educated people are not employed at their potential because of distortion in the labor market.4. In 1994, after a long period of investigation and research, the famous economist Krugman presented a study report analyzing variations in technical progress across a large number of countries. He said in the report that the economic development of Asia was not based on the progress of technology, so the economy contained much foam in it. Three years later, the sudden break out of southeast Asian Economic Crisis verified his conclusion.5. People haven't hitherto come up with an ideal method to put a value on science and technology, for it is intangible to some degree.Ⅲ. In the information age, knowledge, rather than physical assets or resources, is the key to competitiveness. This is as true for the obviously konwledge intensive sectors,such as software or biotechnology, as it is for industrial age manufacturing companies or utilities.For the knowledge intensive sectors,knowledge which feeds through from research and development to innovative products and processes is the critical element. Butwith industrial age manufacturing companies or utilities, using knowledge aboutcustomers to improve service is what counts.What is new about attitudes to knowledge today is the recognition of the need to harness, manage and use it like any other asset. This raises issues not only of appropriate processes and systems, but also of how to account for knowledge in the balance sheet.In future, the value of intellectual capital will be more widely measured and reported. The measurement and reporting of key performance indicators related to intellectual capital will become a more widespread practice among major organizations, completing the financial accounts.Unit TwoⅠ/1. to crack the FORTUNE Global 5002. a collective enterprise supervised by workers3. be pessimistic about the factory s ability to absorb technology4. the incorporation (mix)of foreign management practices and Chinese nationalism5. a leading guru of Japanese quality control6. to transfer the management concepts to new acquisitions7. the dominant position in China s refrigerator market8. a case study of the management art9. to let shoddy products released to the market in large quantities10. to set the stage for the renovation of the enterprise11. the wholly-owned companies and holding companies under the control of the parent company12. to soak up the laid-offs released from state owned companies13. to sell modern refrigerator making technolog y to the factory14. the state-owned enterprises accounting for the majority of industrial enterprises15. the development of domestic pillar industriesⅡ/1. Although this joint venture has been growing very fast, it still has a long way to go to realize its goal of cracking the Fortune Global 500.2. Haier once tried to place the sample products in sight of the assembly line workers to improve the quality of the products, but now it has outgrown thispractice.3. In the early 1980s, out of every 1000 urban Chinese households, there were only two or three that owned refrigerators. With the enhancement of people's livingstandard, refrigerators have become the first big item in the households buy of many families.4. The company has 70 subsidiaries around the world, one third of which arewholly-owned, with their products sold to 108 countries and areas. In recent years, it has averaged an increase of 50% a year in revenues.5. The rapid development of collective and private enterprises will help to soak up the labour force released from poorly operated state-owned enterprises and to relieve the nation's employment burden.Ⅲ. Many managers feel uncomfortable if not actively involved in accomplishing a given job. This is said to result from a“low tolerance for ambiguity”. The manager desires to know what is happening on a moment by moment basis. A wise manager should know clearly what work must be delegated, and train employees to do it. If after training, an employee is truly unable to perform the work, then replacement should be considered. A manager should avoid reverse delegation.This happens when an employee brings a decision to the manager that the employee should make. An acceptance of reverse delegation can increase the manager'swork load and the employee is encouraged to become more dependent on the boss. Unit ThreeⅠ/1. to issue a vast amount of short term government bonds2. plenty of capital inflow to the security market in the recent period3. the preference of investors to the inflation protected treasury bonds4. to decrease the risk by hedging5. diversified portfolio6. to reach more than 50% of the initial public offering7. dilution of securities caused by the distribution of shares8. the trigger event that causes the imploding on market index9. short maturity U.S. government and corporate fixed income secu r ities10. real assets like commodities and real estate11. to avoid insider-trading charges through legal windows12. some trigger events that will charge the interest rate in the capital market13. reflect investors' wary view of the market14. shepherd the funds every step of the way15. the agriculture bonds that come back in the stock marketⅡ/1. During the past several months, the interest rate and the exchange rate have fluctuated greatly, which has brought enormous loss to many investors. But this institution overrode the adverse factors in the market and still obtained a big profit by wise hedging investments.2. The diversification of portfolio can decrease the non-systematic riskof individual securities in the portfolio efficiently, but it is unable to remove the systematic risk of the market.3. During the period of high inflation in capitalist countries between the late 1960s and late 1970s, many people tended to convert their money incomes into goods or real estate.4. One of the Bundesbank council members said that the central bank is under no immediate pressure to cut interest rates and that it needs more time to study the economic data before making a decision.5. Many experts consider that the interest rates would trend higher, because, although it is true that there is not much inflation now, wage inflation is evidentand the entire economy is in such high gear right now.Ⅲ. For all the similarities between the 1929 and 1987 stock market crashes, there are one or two vital differences. The most important of these was the reaction of the financial authorities. In 1929, the US Federal Reserve reacted to the crash by raising interest rates, effectively clamping down on credit. This caused manyotherwise healthy companies to fail simply due to cash flow problems. If onecompany failed leaving debts, many others down the line would meet the same fate. In 1987, the authorities were quick to lower interest rates and to ensure that ample credit was made available to help institutions overcome their difficulties. There were no widespread business failures and, more importantly, the economy did not enter another depression. There was a period of recession(milder than a 1930s-style depression), but this was largely due to a resurgence of inflation. The sharp interest rate cuts, and excessively hasty financial deregulation, pushed inflation higher, which in turn forced governments to reverse earlier interest rate cuts, prompting an economic slow-down.Unit FourⅠ/1. to rely heavily on monetary flexibility to reign in inflation2. to execute tight monetary policy3. to implement fiscal policy in the form of social insurance and national taxes4. to pour into economically expanding regions5. to replace their individual currencies with a single currency6. to bode well for the future of the EMU7. to control government deficits to meet Maastricht conditions8. the overvalued currency as a main barrier to export9. to refrain from dumping surplus goods abroad10. the influence of integrated economy on capital flow11. the balance-of-payments deficit warranting the devaluation policy adopted by the monetary authority12. to eliminate the economic costs associated with holding multiple currencies13. costs that must be taken into account when estimating profits14. to take advantage of the small difference between the central bank's pegged rates and market rates15. to hedge against risks coming from volatile exchange ratesⅡ/1. Ironically, Europe will see an increase in economic specialization along with the European unification process.2. The European Central Bank will face a dilemma when two member countries both badly need certain monetary policies to regulate their economies but the policies they need are of opposite directions.3. A person will be called an“arbitrageur"if, to gain profits, he takes advantage of the different exchange rates on different markets, or at different times on a same market.4. The national economies of many European countries have recently been forced to fit Maastricht conditions and arbitrary deadlines, and such actions have created unnecessary economic turmoils.5. As a central bank, the Federal Reserve System currently uses its control over the money supply to keep the national inflation rates low and to expand national economies in recession.Ⅲ. Even before construction of the euro is complete, governments can point to one notable success. The past year has seen extraordinary turmoil in global financial markets. Rich country stock markets and currencies have not been spared. Yet Europe has been, comparatively speaking, a safe haven, Intra-European movements in exchange rates have been tiny. This is something that the euro-11 governments had committed themselves to, but their success could not have been taken for granted a year ago. The fact is, at a time of unprecedented financial turbulence, theforeign exchange markets regarded the promise to stabilize intra-European exchange rates as credible. Currencies have held steady and interest rates have converged: it augurs well for the transition to the new system.Unit FiveⅠ/1. a major engine of growth in Asian economy2. the structural weakness in South Korea's financial system3. to execute economic policies which adhere to IMF-aid programs4. a sharp decline in the price competitiveness of that country's exports5. the slump in the Japanese stock market6. a more advantageous position than its rivals in terms of price competitiveness7. trade disputes sparked by price distortion8. the financial panic triggered by the devaluation of Japanese yen9. to stabilize the recently turbulent capital flows10. the advantageous position of industrial countries in the world trade system11. the serious welfare losses for all nations resulted from a full scale trade war12. a USD 58 billion bailout which South Korea was forced to seek from the IMF13. the great expenditure caused by huge government institutions14. technology intensive and knowledge intensive products with high competitiveness15. the country's economy which remains mired in recessionⅡ/1. While the Asian economy regained stability, the possibility of devaluation of the HongKong dollar will be an important variable affecting the recurrence of similar economic crises in Asia.2. In order to connect the improvement of price competitiveness brought about bythe currency depreciation to a better balance of payment, internationalcooperation is as essential as are internal reforms.3. The Asian financial crisis owing to the heavily indebted banking systems,excessive government spending and over reliance on foreign loans has damaged the world economy seriously.4. Some Japanese companies began to fall out of their over reliance on loansfrom the banking system, focusing on profits and cutting out wasteful spending.5. Erupted in July 1997, the Asian financial crisis reflected the defectsin the fragile financial systems of Asian countries.Ⅲ. Like death and taxes, international economic crises cannot be avoided. Theywill continue to occur as they have for centuries past. But the alarmingly rapid spread of the 1997 Asian crisis showed these economies' vulnerability to investor skittishness. Unfortunately, there is no international“911" that emerging markets can dial when facing economic collapse. Neither the IMF nor a new global financial architecture will make the world less dangerous. Instead, countries that want toavoid a rerun of the devastating 1997—98 crisis must learn to protect themselves. And liquidity is the key to financial self help. A country that has substantial international liquidity—large foreign currency reserves and a ready source offoreign currency loans—is less likely to be the object of a currency attack. Substantial liquidity also enables a country already under a speculative siege to defend itself better and make more orderly financial adjustments. The challenge is to find ways to increase liquidity at reasonable cost.Unit SixⅠ/1. capital flight depleting a country s foreign exchange reserves2. domestic hyperinflation caused by devaluation3. to adopt expansionary fiscal policy to increase national income4. be faced with the danger of increasingly shrinking aggregate demand5. capital market harassed by liquidity trap6. to rule out the possibility of massive speculative activities7. to drive down domestic prices at the expense of economic stagnation8. the international gold standard system characterized by fixed exchange rates9. the pressure of hot money flow on currencies10. the neoclassical theory centering on the spontaneous adjustments of market11. intelligent policy makers who will use variable means to achieve economic goals12. flexible fiscal and financial policies that can help the economy out of depression13. the different dilemmas that the developing countries and the mature economies are faced with14. to sacrifice full employment to achieve high output rate15. the increased demand for this currency that will lead to the devaluation of another currencyⅡ/1. The economic turmoil in that country made the central bank and the treasury department take each other to task, which reflected the importance of the collaboration of a country s monetary and fiscal policies.2. The government has now slipped into such a dilemma that if it wants toimprove its balance of payment, it will need to lower the exchange rate, but to lower the exchange rate will lead to inflation.3. Although devaluation will magnify exports, it can also lead to the increasing foreign curren cy denominated debt;it can even cause the collapse of people's confidence in the government. Therefore, the government did not dare to adopt the devaluation policy without careful consideration.4. The increase of foreign currency denominated debt is not necessarilythe indispensable cost of economic development. Because, although it may promote economic growth in the short run, it will increase the burden of domestic enterprises and lead to imbalanced balance of payment in the long run.5. Major capitalist countries had been seeing gold standard as a symbol of strong economic power, but they were forced to give it up for good during the Great Depression.Ⅲ. Troubled Asian Economies have turned out to have many policy and institutional weaknesses. But if America or Europe should get into trouble next year or the year after, we can be sure that in retrospect analysts will find equally damning things to say about Western values and institutions. And it is very hard to make the case that Asian policies were any worse in the 1990s than they had been in previous decades, so why did so much go so wrong so recently?The answer is that the world became vulnerable to its current travails not because economic policies had not been reformed, but because they had. Around the worldcountries responded to the very real flaws in post Depression policy regimes bymoving back toward a regime with many of the virtues of pre-Depressionfree-market capitalism. However, in bringing back the virtues of old fashioned capitalism, we also brought back some of its vices, most notably a vulnerability both toinstability and sustained economic slumps.Unit SevenⅠ/1. government reforms compatible with a country's development program2. lay emphasis on the resolution of government involvement3. the state induced transfer of wealth from the rich to the less fortunate4. to finance the development of public sectors5. a sharp decrease in the subsidy expenditure of a welfare state6. to minimize the public expenditure of this country7. the growth rate of gross fixed asset formation8. heavy interest obligations resulting from huge interest payments9. a certain share of shadow economy in the government performance10. to avoid increasing government spending and lowering the economic growth rates11. the benchmark to assess the scope for reducing the size of government12. be of growing importance in government reforms13. to facilitate adjustment to the new economic environment14. the detrimental short-run effects of reforms on some groups15. the protectionist and competitive devaluation policies administered by some industrial countriesⅡ/1. Over the years, opinions about the role of state have been changing, andpolitical institutions have been changing as well, to accommodate the demand for more state involvement in the economy.2. It's generally believed that even if welfare states cut down the hugewelfare expenditures, they can't necessarily solve their serious economic problems such as large budget deficits and hyperinflation.3. The government carried out the expansionary fiscal policy, which resulted inthe increase of budget deficits. To compensate the deficits, it should take certain measures, such as issuing bonds or increasing the money supply.4. Many industrial countries face the dilemma during their reforms between high inflation rates and low unemployment rates, so they must consider all around to minimize the losses.5. Radical reforms must aim at maintaining public sector objectives while reducing spending. In this process, the role of the government will change from the provider to the overseer or the regulator of activities.Ⅲ. Modern societies have accepted the view that governments must play a larger role in the economy and must pursue objectives such as income redistribution andincome maintenance. The clock cannot be set back and, in fact, it should not be. For the majority of citizens, the world is certainly a more welcoming place now than it was a century ago. However, we argue that most of the important social and economic gains can be achieved with a drastically lower level of public spendingthan that which prevails today. Perhaps the level of public spending does not needto be much higher than, say, 30 percent of GDP to achieve most of the importantsocial and economic objectives that justify government intervention. Achievingthis expenditure level would require radical reforms, a well-functioning private market, and an efficient regulatory role for the government.Unit EightⅠ/1. winds of reform in Japan s banking sector2. the amended Bank of Japan Law in line with the global standards for autonomy and transparency3. touch on the paramount goal in the sphere of monetary policies4. charge the central bank with maintaining price stability and nurturing a secure credit system5. generate unnecessary panics in the financial markets6. the execution of monetary policies independent of the bureaucracy7. the institutions in charge of formulating the interest rate policies8. a discount rate at a historical low of 0.5%9. to keep maintaining and nurturing the credit system in accordance with the state policy10. in the spheres of fiscal and monetary policies11. the new economic law entering force this year12. in the context of propelling economic reforms13. to strengthen the government s functions through fiscal policies14. key measures which have won confidence from the market15. the implementation of a merit based promotion systemⅡ/1. It is no overstatement to say that the bad accounts in Japan's banks have accumulated to a very high level.2. The central bank's quasi-bureaucratic status has stymied its normal operations, so many economists call for the enhancement of its autonomy in accordance with the global standards.3. It has been normal for bank shares to march in line with movements in net interest margins, which means bank shares tend to rise as net margins widen and fall as the latter narrow.4. Japan's bank shares are in a different position from their American counterparts: America s bank shares have already risen sharply thanks to the country's full-fledged economic recovery, while Japan's bank shares are still weak as the banks struggle to get to grips with their bad debts.5. Runs on the banks proliferated and a sharp fall in bank loans followed, before the non-performing loans, amounting to 30% of bank assets, were taken over by the state in 1997.Ⅲ. How fast Japan's financial system seems to be reforming. Barely a week goes by without news of another merger between Japan s huge but troubled financial firms. Deregulation is the spur. Three years ago the government announced a “Big Bang"for the country's financial-services industry. This would tear down firewallsthat had largely stopped insurance companies, banks and stockbrokers from competing in each other's patches. It was also meant to put an end to arbitrary, stiflingand often corrupt supervision.The biggest reason for deregulation in this way was that Japan's incestuous,Soviet'style financial system was hopelessly bad at allocating credit around the economy. The massive bad-loan problems that have plagued the country's banks for most of the 1990s are merely one symptom of an even bigger ill. Even so, there was wide spread scepticism that the government would go through with the cure. It deserves some credit, therefore, for largely sticking to its plans.Unit NineⅠ/1. the most commonly used measures of income distribution2. the shift from labour to capital markets3. specialization in production and the dispersion of specialized production processes4. the widening gap between the wages of skilled workers and those of unskilled workers5. new production techniques biased toward skilled labor6. economic inefficiency and distortions retarding growth7. sustainable growth and a viable balance of payments policy8. a broadly based, efficient and easily administered tax system9. reduce disparities in human capital across income groups10. targeted programs consistent with the macroeconomic framework11. constitutional rules on revenue sharing12. to promote equality of opportunities through deregulating economy13. cash compensation in lieu of subsidies14. stimulate the use of public resources and the overall economic growth15. take effective measures to promote employment and equityⅡ/1. Much of the debate about income distribution has centered on wage earnings, which have been identified as an important factor in the overall distribution of incomes. But in Africa and Latin America, unequal ownership of land is a factor that cannot be ignored.2. Globalization has linked the labor, product and capital markets of theeconomies around the world and has indirectly led to specialization in production and the dispersion of specialized production processes to geographically distant locations.3. Although fiscal policies are usually viewed as the principal vehicle for assisting low-income groups and those affected by reform programs, quite a number of countries have adopted specific labor market policies in an effort to influence income distribution.4. Measures governments can take to promote equality of opportunities include deregulating the economy;setting up strong and responsible institutions, including a well functioning judicial system;reducing opportunities for corrupt practices;and providing adequate access to health and education services.5. Another important issue is whether governments should focus on outcomes—such as decreasing the number of people living in poverty, or ensuring that all members of society have equal opportunities.Ⅲ. One theory on wealth distribution indicates that irrational distribution andcorruption are the major reasons for the uneven income level. According to this theory, wealth goes through four stages of distribution—the market, the government, non governmental organizations and unlawful activities, mainly corruption. Usually the first stage of distribution—the market—will result in an uneven spread of resources, which should be redressed by the second distribution stage, the government. In the third stage, the distribution of wealth is realized through contributions and donations made by non governmental organizations. The contributions are given to the poor in the form of charity activities. Thenfollows illegal grabbing of wealth, such as robbery, embezzlement, tax evasion andbribery. Their harm to social equality and stability is enormous and cannot really be measured.Unit TenⅠ/1. to facilitate the establishment of a new form of leadership in today's corporations2. to link a corporation's developing prospective to its present business performance3. companies which forge ahead in the rather changeable world economy4. to encourage domestic enterprises to seek out opportunities to enter foreign markets5. to instill development strategies of new products into employees at all levels6. to consider the promotion in the company the criteria to judge whether one is successful or not。

Electrical Power Systems

Electrical Power Systems

Electrical Power Systems Electric power systems are a critical part of modern society, providing the electricity needed to power homes, businesses, and industries. However, they also come with their own set of challenges and problems. From aging infrastructure to increasing demand and the need for renewable energy sources, there are many issues that need to be addressed in order to ensure a reliable and sustainable power supply. One of the biggest problems facing electrical power systems is the aging infrastructure. Many power plants, transmission lines, and distribution systemsare reaching the end of their operational life, leading to an increased risk of outages and failures. This is a major concern, as power outages can have serious consequences for both individuals and the economy as a whole. In addition to the physical infrastructure, the control and monitoring systems that are essential for the safe and efficient operation of the power grid also need to be updated and maintained to keep up with the increasing demands placed on them. Another major challenge for electrical power systems is the increasing demand for electricity.As our society becomes more reliant on technology and electrification, the demand for electricity continues to grow. This puts pressure on the power grid to deliver more power, often leading to overloading and potential blackouts. In addition, the shift towards electric vehicles and the electrification of heating and cooling systems will only further increase the demand for electricity in the coming years. Furthermore, the need to transition to renewable energy sources presents its own set of challenges for electrical power systems. While renewable energy sourcessuch as solar and wind power offer many benefits, including reduced greenhouse gas emissions and energy independence, integrating these sources into the existing power grid is not without its difficulties. The intermittent nature of renewable energy sources can lead to instability in the power grid, requiring new technologies and strategies to ensure a reliable power supply. In addition to these technical challenges, there are also social and political issues that needto be addressed in order to ensure the sustainability of electrical power systems. Public acceptance of new power infrastructure, such as transmission lines and renewable energy projects, can be a major hurdle in the development of a modern power grid. Furthermore, the regulatory and policy framework surrounding the powersector can have a significant impact on the development and operation ofelectrical power systems. In conclusion, electrical power systems are facing a multitude of challenges that need to be addressed in order to ensure a reliable and sustainable power supply. From aging infrastructure to increasing demand and the need for renewable energy sources, there are many issues that require attention from both technical and non-technical perspectives. By addressing these challenges, we can work towards a more resilient and efficient electrical power system that meets the needs of society now and in the future.。



江苏省南京市中华中学2024-2025学年高三上学期期初调研英语试题一、阅读理解Social engineering refers to the practice of using non-technical methods to trick people into doing something that gives away sensitive information. Here, watch this case ...Marketing Director, Marcus, receives a call from a super friendly voice…“Hi, Marcus, it’s Sandra from your bank. I’m sure you’ve heard about those recentInternet attacks. We’re making sure none of our customers were affected. I just need you to head to a website that will confirm the integrity of your account. Here’s the URL.”Security Analyst,Ray, gets a notification andreport via email.Alert! Unusual activity on network after hoursIncoming phone # and geographic locationDomain wheredownload occurredMD5 hash of the malwarefileTakes Blocks Creates alerts Sets an alertInforms MarcusNatalie, Chief Information Officer, reviews the eventand, pleased with Ray’s response, adds network behaviour analysis totheir response procedure. She also launches an employee trainingprogram in the hope of reducing major security risks and increasingemployees’ security awareness.1.It can be learned from “THE ATTACK” that ________.A.Sandra asks Marcus for his password B.Marcus steals the key corporate dataC.The attacker gains Marcus’s trust first D.Sandra is a senior director of the bank 2.Which of the following best fits the “?” in step ④of “THE DEFENSE”?A.LESSON B.HEALTH C.PROGRAM D.FINANCE 3.Which of the following is covered in the case?A.What loss the company has suffered.B.How Marcus regretted receiving the call.C.What Natalie has found about the domain.D.How effectively Ray responded to the attack.I arrived home from work, my mind racing. I was scheduled to perform an experiment using a pricey piece of equipment, but I had spent the whole day worrying about the experimentwhich was on the top of my agenda (日程), and I amazingly longed to shut off my anxious thoughts. So after dinner, I made a cup of hot chocolate, stretched myself on my sofa, and opened a page. Almost instantly, my mind left behind the details of experimental design and stepped into a land of monsters, magic dust, and man-like bears comprising a wonderful world distinct (不同的) from my daily life. It was exactly what I needed.Growing up, I was virtually never a big fan of novels. My classmates would be crazy about the latest Harry Potter book, while my copy sat collecting dust on a shelf. Instead, I would choose to read through the reference books related to my academic fields for better grades. After I started graduate school, extracurricular reading didn’t appeal to me at all but I spent most of my time on campus digesting research papers and textbooks and my mind couldn’t handle processing fact-filled nonfiction books at home, too. So I knew that I needed to find a way to enjoy reading again.To help me stick with it, I made a New Year’s resolution: I would read two fiction books per month for the entire year. The result was an almost instant appreciation of fiction, along with many unexpected results including ones that have benefited my schoolwork.What surprised me the most was how much I learned. Some of the best books I read were historical fictional stories happening in a realistic historical setting. I learned about life in different countries, as well as struggles people there faced during difficult periods in their histories. The books have helped me build sympathy and understanding, with an unexpected benefit: I’ve started to think more deeply about the diversity of issues in the scientific community and could serve it, heart and soul.4.What did the author do to wipe out the anxiety?A.He drowned it in chocolate.B.He conducted an experiment.C.He slept on the sofa leisurely.D.He escaped into a fantasy world.5.What does the author mean by the underlined part in paragraph 2?A.Reading novels was a waste of time.B.Reading a good book was time well spent.C.He was too busy to take good care of his books.D.The Harry Potter book wasn’t as good as expected.6.How did the New Year’s resolution benefit the author?A.More sympathy went out to him.B.His moral values were strengthened.C.He learned much about religious diversity.D.He gained new insight into his academic fields.7.What’s the best title of the text?A.Reading: A Lifelong Hobby B.The Power of Research PapersC.Novels: Love at Second Sight D.The Benefits of History ReadingCasting blame is natural: it is tempting to fault someone else for a mistake rather than taking responsibility yourself. But blame is also harmful. It makes it less likely that people will own up to mistakes, and thus less likely that organizations can learn from them. Research published in 2015 suggests that firms whose managers pointed to external factors to explain their failings underperformed companies that blamed themselves.Blame culture can spread like a virus. Just as children fear mom and dad’s punishment if they admit to wrongdoing, in a blaming environment, employees are afraid of criticism and punishment if they acknowledge making a mistake at work. Blame culture asks, “Who dropped the ball?” instead of “Where did our systems and processes fail?” The focus is on the individuals, not the processes. It’s much easier to point fingers at a person or department instead of doing the harder, but the more beneficial, exercise of fixing the root cause, so the problem does not happen again.The No Blame Culture was introduced to make sure errors and deficiencies (缺陷) were highlighted by employees as early as possible. It originated in organizations where tiny errors can have catastrophic consequences:These are known as high reliability organizations (HROs) and include hospitals, submarines and airlines. Because errors can be so disastrous in these organizations, it’s dangerous to operate in an environment where employees don’t feel able to report errors that have been made or raise concerns about that deficiencies may turn into future errors. The No Blame Culture maximizes accountability because all contributions to the event occurring are identified and reviewed for possible change and improvement.The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), which supervises air traffic across the United States, makes it clear that its role is not to assign blame or liability but to find out whatwent wrong and to issue recommendations to avoid a repeat. The proud record of the airline industry in reducing accidents partly reflects no-blame processes for investigating crashes and close calls. The motive to learn from errors also exists when the risks are lower. That is why software engineers and developers routinely investigate what went wrong if a website crashes or ‘a server goes down.There is an obvious worry about embracing blamelessness. What if the website keeps crashing and the same person is at fault? Sometimes, after all, blame is deserved. The idea of the “just culture”, a framework developed in the 1990s by James Reason, a psychologist, addresses the concern that the incompetent and the malevolent (恶意的) will be let off the hook. The line that Britain’s aviation regulator draws between honest errors and the other sort is a good starting-point It promises a culture in which people “are not punished for actions or decisions taken by them that are commensurate with their experience and training”. That narrows room for blame but does not remove it entirely.8.According to the research published in 2015, companies that ________ had better performance.A.blamed external factors B.owned up to mistakesC.conducted investigations D.admitted failures9.According to the passage, the No Blame Culture ________.A.encourages the early disclosure of errorsB.only exists in high reliability organizationsC.enables people to shift the blame onto othersD.prevents organizations to learn from errors10.What is the major concern about embracing blamelessness according to the passage?A.Innocent people might take the blame by admitting their failure.B.Being blamed for mistakes can destroy trust in employees.C.The line between honest errors and the other sort is not clear.D.People won’t learn their lessons if they aren’t blamed for failures.11.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A.Why We Fail to Learn from Our Own MistakesB.How to Avoid Disastrous Errors in OrganizationsC.Why We Should Stop the Blame Game at WorkD.How to Deal with Workplace Blame CultureWhile teenagers who are at risk of depression with risky behaviors — drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes and cutting classes often alert parents and teachers that serious problems are brewing, a new study finds that there’s another group of adolescents who are in nearly as much danger of experiencing the same mental symptoms.These teens use tons of media, get insufficient sleep and have a sedentary (不爱活动的) lifestyle. Of course, that may sound like a description of every teenager on the planet. But the study warns that it is teenagers who engage in all three of these practices in the extreme that are truly in a dangerous position. Because their behaviors are not usually seen as a red flag, these young people have been called the “invisible risk” group by the study’s authors.The study’s authors surveyed 15,395 students and analyzed nine risk behaviors, including excessive alcohol use, illegal drug use, heavy smoking and high media use. Their aim was to determine the relationship between these risk behaviors and mental health issues in teenagers. The group that scored high on all nine of the risk behaviors was most likely to show symptoms of depression; in all, nearly 15% of this group reported being depressed, compared with just 4% of the low-risk group. But the invisible group wasn’t far behind the high-risk set, with more than 13% of them exhibiting depression.The findings caught Carli off guard. “We didn’t expect that,” he says. “The high-risk group and low-risk group are obvious, but this third group was not only unexpected. It was so distinct and so larger — nearly one third of our sample — that it became a key finding of the study.”Carli says that one of the most significant things about his study is that it provides new early warning signs for parents, teachers and mental health-care providers. And early identifications, support and treatment for mental health issues, he says, are the best ways to keep them from turning into full-blown disorders.12.Which teenager probably belongs to the “invisible group”?A.A teenager who drinks frequently.B.A teenager who exercises regularly.C.A teenager who skips school.D.A teenager who suffers from a lack of sleep. 13.What can we know about the new study?A.It was conducted by analyzing and comparing the previous data.B.It was intended to dig into the reasons for depression.C.It revealed an alarming rate of the invisible group suffering depression.D.Its findings were under expectation of the research team.14.What is Carli’s attitude toward the findings?A.Conservative.B.Doubtful.C.Positive.D.Indifferent. 15.The author wrote this passage to ________.A.introduce a new therapy for teens’ mental disorderB.warn about the unobserved signals for teens’ mental problemsC.share a novel psychological experiment with teensD.caution teens against developing unhealthy habitsThe following life suggestions come from some famous writers, which we expect to offer you some great insights into your daily life.16If your happiness depends on your feeling superior to others (intellectually, morally, etc.)17 Though you might mature at a faster rate than some of your fellow humans, you will never be superior to another person. Focus instead on improving your own character and making progress toward becoming the person you want to be.Remember you’ll always regret what you didn’t do rather than what you didYou’re more likely to regret opportunities you didn’t take than the stupid mistakes you made. At least in the latter cases, you did something rather than stick to what was normal and safe for you. 18You’d worry less about what people think of you if you knew how seldom they doPeople have their own lives to live and their own issues to work on. If they spend any time thinking of you, it’s not likely to be much. 19 Stop stressing over what they might think of something you said or did. Chances are, they’ve already forgotten.If the grass is greener on the other side, there’s probably more fertilizer thereIf someone else’s life looks better than yours — it’s likely because they’ve put in a lot of effort and hardship to get there. You don’t see what they’ve suffered or what they’ve had to overcome to get to where they are now. 20 Be open and receptive to the blessings and thechallenges that come your way.A.No one grows and develops by staying in their comfort zone.B.Nobility (崇高,高尚) lies in mutual trust and firm beliefC.So, stop worrying about what other people think of you.D.Focus instead on laying a foundation of gratitude for the life you want.E.True nobility is being superior to your former would achieve more’re your own worst enemy.二、完形填空Dads have a language all their own, one that’s not difficult to decode.“Have you checked the oil in the car?” my father used to say to me, his 21 of “Hello, hope you are well.” Sometimes our phone calls would begin with an inquiry about the oil and 22 an inquiry about the oil, with not a lot in between.Fathers have a lot of love to give, but it’s often supplied through the medium of 23 advice. In my experience: It’s mostly about your motor vehicle.Why can’t we fathers just say “I love you” or “It’s great to see you”? The point is: That’s 24 what we are saying. You just have to 25 from the language that is Fatherlish.Listen closely enough and the phrase “I love you” can be heard in the 26 lengthier “I could come around Saturday and replace the silicon seal around the base of your toilet because I 27 that thing is getting really smelly.”The 28 phrase “You made my life better from the moment you were born” may be rarely heard, 29 the gist is there in the more common “I’ll hold the ladder while you get the leaves off the roof.”When I was 17, I went on my first road trip. My father stood on the corner in the predawn of a cold morning to 30 us farewell. “Highways are dangerous,” he said, “so don’t try 31 anything faster than a horse and buggy. And take a break every two hours. And 32 you stop for gas, you really should check the oil.”At the time we thought his 33 was pretty funny and would chant “horse-and-buggy,horse-and-buggy” every time I 34 the accelerator to overtake some other speeding vehicle.Dad’s long gone now. But after all these years, I realize that had I owned a 35 of the Fatherlish-to-English dictionary, I’d have understood that what my friend and I so casually mocked was simply Dad’s attempt at affection.21.A.version B.expression C.explanation D.direction about B.wrestle with C.carry out D.end with 23.A.practical B.technical C.detailed D.important 24.A.basically B.never C.exactly D.seldom 25.A.translate B.transport C.switch D.learn 26.A.simply B.slightly C.lightly D.absolutely 27.A.hear B.figure C.complain D.define 28.A.lovable B.attachable C.passionate D.affectionate 29.A.unless B.because C.but D.and 30.A.wave C.pick D.accompany 31.A.overlooking B.overturning C.overtaking D.overcoming time B.every time C.until D.before 33.A.warning B.demand C.speech D.chant 34.A.floored B.touched C.pressured D.check35.A.list B.copy C.picture D.right三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。



模考吧网提供最优质的模拟试题,最全的历年真题,最精准的预测押题!catti 二级口译实务考试试题及答案解析一、English-Chinese Translation (本大题2小题.每题25.0分,共50.0分。

Translate the following passage (s ) into Chinese )第1题【正确答案】:答案:当前在中国,艾滋病毒和艾滋病被视为正在上升的一大威胁。














七年级科技发展与社会挑战英语阅读理解20题1<背景文章>In recent years, technology has made remarkable progress in the medical field. Telemedicine, for example, has become increasingly popular. It allows patients in remote areas to consult with doctors far away through video calls. This is very helpful for those who have difficulty accessing medical services in their local areas.Smart diagnostic devices are also emerging. These devices can quickly and accurately detect various diseases, such as some portable ECG monitors that can help people monitor their heart conditions at any time.However, along with these advancements, there are also some social challenges. One of the major problems is the unequal distribution of medical resources. In some developed regions, there are advanced medical facilities and a large number of excellent medical staff, while in some poor and remote areas, there is a lack of basic medical equipment and professional doctors.Another challenge is privacy protection. With the use of a large number of digital medical devices and telemedicine systems, patients' personal information is more likely to be leaked. For example, if the security of a telemedicine platform is not well - protected, patients' medicalrecords and personal data may be at risk.1. <问题1>What is one of the benefits of telemedicine according to the passage?A. It can make all patients healthy immediately.B. It enables patients in remote areas to get medical advice from far - away doctors.C. It can replace all local doctors.D. It only needs patients to pay a little money.答案:B。



2010年6月阅读Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 51 to 56 are based on the following passage.Only two countries in the advanced world provide no guarantee for paid leave from work to care for a newborn child. Last spring one of the two, Australia, gave up the dubious distinction by establishing paid family leave starting in 2011. I wasn't surprised when this didn't make the news here in the United States—we're now the only wealthy country without such a policy.The United States does have one explicit family policy, the Family and Medical Leave Act, passed in 1993. It entitles workers to as much as 12 weeks' unpaid leave for care of a newborn or dealing with a family medical problem. Despite the modesty of the benefit, the Chamber of Commerce and other business groups fought it bitterly, describing it as "government-run personnel management" and a "dangerous precedent". In fact, every step of the way, as (usually) Democratic leaders have triedto introduce work-family balance measures into the law, business groups have been strongly opposed.As Yale law professor Anne Alstott argues, justifying parental support depends on defining the family as a social good that, in some sense, society must pay for. In her book No Exit: What Parents Owe Their Children and What Society Owes Parents, she argues that parents are burdened in many ways in their lives: there is "no exit" when it comes to children. "Society expects—and needs—parents to provide their children with continuity of care, meaning the intensive, intimate care that human beings need to develop their intellectual, emotional and moral capabilities. And society expects—and needs—parents to persist in their roles for 18 years, or longer if needed."While most parents do this out of love, there are public penalties for not providing care. What parents do, in other words, is of deep concern to the state, for the obvious reason that caring for children is not only morally urgent but essential for the future of society. The state recognizes this in the large body of family laws that govern children' welfare, yet parents receive little help in meeting the life-changing obligations society imposes. To classify parenting as a personal choice for which there is no collective responsibility is not merely to ignore the social benefits of good parenting; really, it is to steal those benefits because they accrue (不断积累) to the whole of society as today's children become tomorrow'sproductive citizenry (公民). In fact, by some estimates, the value of parental investments in children, investments of time and money (including lost wages), is equal to 20-30% of gross domestic product. If these investments generate huge social benefits—as they clearly do—the benefits of providing more social support for the family should be that much clearer.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。



疫情在家上网课的好处与坏处英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about significant changes to our daily lives, one of which is the shift towards online learning for many students around the world. While this transition has its challenges, it also presents a number of benefits. In this essay, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of attending online classes during the pandemic.Firstly, one of the major benefits of online learning is the convenience it offers. Students no longer have to commute to school or worry about being late for class. Instead, they can attend their classes from the comfort of their own homes, saving time and money on transportation. This flexibility allows students to better manage their schedules and strike a balance between academics and other commitments.Another advantage of online learning is the access to a wide range of resources. With just a click of a button, students can access course materials, assignments, and lectures online. This enables them to work at their own pace and review the materialas many times as needed. Additionally, online platforms often offer interactive tools and multimedia resources that can enhance the learning experience and make complex concepts easier to understand.Furthermore, online learning promotes self-discipline and independence. Without the constant supervision of teachers, students are required to take more initiative in their studies and develop time management skills. This can be a valuable lesson that prepares students for the demands of higher education and the workforce.On the other hand, there are also drawbacks to online learning. One of the main challenges is the lack of face-to-face interaction with teachers and peers. In a traditional classroom setting, students have the opportunity to ask questions, participate in discussions, and collaborate with their classmates. This social aspect of learning is crucial for developing communication skills and building relationships.Additionally, online learning can be isolating and lead to feelings of loneliness and disconnection. Without the physical presence of classmates and teachers, students may struggle to stay motivated and engaged in their studies. This can negatively impact their academic performance and mental well-being.Another downside of online learning is the potential for technical issues and internet connectivity problems. Students may face disruptions during class, such as poor audio or video quality, which can hinder their ability to fully participate in the lesson. These technical challenges can be frustrating and cause unnecessary stress for students.In conclusion, while online learning has its advantages, such as convenience and access to resources, it also has its drawbacks, including the lack of social interaction and technical issues. As we navigate through the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important for educators and students to work together to find ways to maximize the benefits of online learning while addressing its limitations. By embracing technology and fostering a supportive learning environment, we can overcome these challenges and continue to thrive in the face of adversity.篇2The COVID-19 pandemic has caused widespread disruptions to education around the world, with many schools and universities transitioning to online learning to ensure continuity of learning. This shift to online classes has generated mixed reactions among students, parents, and educators. In this essay,we will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of taking online classes at home during the pandemic.Firstly, one of the biggest benefits of online classes is the flexibility they offer. Students can study at their own pace and on their own schedule, which can be particularly helpful for those with other commitments or responsibilities. This flexibility also allows students to work in a comfortable environment, which can contribute to increased focus and productivity.Secondly, online classes can help students develop important digital skills. In today's increasingly digital world, having proficiency in online communication and collaboration tools is essential. By participating in online classes, students can gain experience with various online platforms and learn how to navigate virtual learning environments.Furthermore, online classes can provide access to a wider range of educational resources. Through online platforms, students can access educational materials, videos, and interactive exercises that may not be available in traditional classroom settings. This can enhance the learning experience and help students deepen their understanding of the subject matter.However, there are also some drawbacks to online learning. One of the main challenges is the lack of face-to-face interaction with teachers and classmates. In a traditional classroom setting, students have the opportunity to ask questions, engage in discussions, and receive immediate feedback from their teachers. This social interaction is important for building relationships and fostering a sense of community among students.Additionally, online classes can pose technical challenges for students. Poor internet connectivity, computer glitches, and other technical issues can disrupt the learning process and contribute to frustration and anxiety. Without access to technical support, students may struggle to navigate online platforms and complete assignments.In conclusion, online classes during the pandemic have both advantages and disadvantages. While they offer flexibility, digital skills, and access to educational resources, they also lackface-to-face interaction and can present technical challenges. Moving forward, it will be important for educators to find ways to address these challenges and create a more inclusive and effective online learning experience for all students.篇3Title: The Pros and Cons of Taking Online Classes at Home During the PandemicIntroductionThe outbreak of COVID-19 has brought about unprecedented changes to our daily lives, including the widespread adoption of online education. As schools and universities around the world transition to virtual classrooms, students are now faced with the new reality of taking classes from the comfort of their homes. While this shift has its advantages, it also presents several challenges. In this essay, we will explore the benefits and drawbacks of studying online during the pandemic.Advantages of Online Classes at HomeOne of the most obvious benefits of online classes is the convenience they offer. Students no longer have to commute to school or sit through long lectures in a crowded classroom. Instead, they can study at their own pace and in their own environment, which can lead to increased productivity and focus. Additionally, online classes often provide more flexibility in terms of scheduling, allowing students to balance their studies with other commitments such as work or family responsibilities.Another advantage of online education is the access to a wide range of resources and learning materials. With just a few clicks, students can access virtual libraries, online databases, and educational websites that can enhance their learning experience. Moreover, online classes often incorporate multimedia elements such as videos, interactive simulations, and virtual labs, which can make learning more engaging and effective.Disadvantages of Online Classes at HomeDespite its many benefits, online education also has its drawbacks. One of the main challenges of studying at home is the lack of face-to-face interaction with teachers and peers. This can make it difficult for students to ask questions, seek clarification, or engage in meaningful discussions. As a result, some students may feel isolated or disconnected from the learning process, which can affect their academic performance and motivation.Another downside of online classes is the potential for distractions and procrastination. Without the structure of a traditional classroom setting, students may find it difficult to stay focused and disciplined. The temptation to check social media, watch videos, or do other non-academic activities can be hard to resist, especially when studying in a comfortable and familiarenvironment like home. This lack of accountability can lead to poor time management, missed deadlines, and subpar academic performance.ConclusionIn conclusion, the shift to online education during the pandemic has both its pros and cons. While studying at home can offer greater convenience, flexibility, and access to resources, it also presents challenges such as lack of social interaction, distractions, and procrastination. To make the most of online classes, students must develop self-discipline, time management skills, and effective study habits. By finding a balance between the benefits and drawbacks of online education, students can maximize their learning experience and succeed academically in these uncertain times.。



打破科技领域性别歧视的英语作文Breaking Gender Discrimination in the Field of TechnologyGender discrimination has been a longstanding issue in numerous professions, and the field of technology is no exception. Despite advancements in gender equality in many sectors, women continue to face significant barriers and biases in the tech industry. This discrimination not only limits the potential of individual women but also hinders overall innovation and progress in the field of technology. In order to address this issue and create a more inclusive and diverse tech industry, it is essential to understand the root causes of gender discrimination and take proactive steps to break down these barriers.One of the primary reasons for gender discrimination in the tech industry is the pervasive stereotypes and biases that exist about women's abilities and interests in technology. From a young age, girls are often discouraged from pursuing careers in STEM fields and are instead steered towards traditionally "feminine" professions. As a result, women are significantly underrepresented in tech-related occupations, leading to a lack of diverse perspectives and experiences in the industry.Another contributing factor to gender discrimination in technology is the lack of support and mentorship available to women in the field. Many women report feeling isolated and undervalued in male-dominated tech companies, which can undermine their confidence and hinder their career advancement. Additionally, women often face challenges in accessing the same opportunities for training, networking, and leadership development as their male counterparts, further perpetuating gender disparities in the industry.In order to address these issues and break down barriers to gender equality in the tech industry, it is essential for organizations to take proactive steps to promote inclusivity and diversity. This includes implementing policies and practices that support gender equality, such as offering mentorship programs for women, providing unconscious bias training for employees, and actively recruiting and promoting women in leadership positions. Companies must also work to create a more inclusive and welcoming work environment for women, where they feel supported, valued, and respected for their contributions.In addition to organizational efforts, it is also important for individuals to take action to challenge gender stereotypes and biases in the tech industry. This includes advocating for equalopportunities for women in STEM education, challenging discriminatory practices in the workplace, and supporting female colleagues in their career development. By working together to create a more inclusive and diverse tech industry, we can harness the full potential of all individuals and drive innovation and progress in the field of technology.In conclusion, gender discrimination in the tech industry is a significant barrier to progress and innovation. By understanding the root causes of discrimination and taking proactive steps to address them, we can create a more inclusive and diverse tech industry that benefits from the talents and perspectives of all individuals. It is essential for organizations and individuals to work together to break down barriers to gender equality in technology and create a more equitable and inclusive industry for all.。



网课的好处和弊端英语作文Online Learning: Unveiling the Advantages and Disadvantages.In the ever-evolving landscape of education, online learning has emerged as a transformative force, reshaping the way knowledge is disseminated and acquired. While it offers numerous benefits, it also presents several challenges that must be carefully considered.Advantages:1. Flexibility and Convenience:Online learning provides unprecedented flexibility, allowing students to learn at their own pace and schedule. They can access course materials and participate in virtual discussions from anywhere with an internet connection. This eliminates the constraints of traditional classroom sessions and accommodates diverse learning styles andcommitments.2. Access to Global Resources:Online platforms connect students to a vast repository of educational resources from around the world. They can access specialized courses, guest lectures, and research materials that may not be available in their local universities. This global reach expands educational opportunities and fosters intercultural exchange.3. Personalized Learning:Online learning platforms often incorporate adaptive learning technologies that tailor the learning experience to each student's individual needs. By tracking student progress and identifying areas for improvement, these technologies provide personalized feedback and support. This individualized approach enhances understanding and retention.4. Cost-Effectiveness:Compared to traditional campus-based education, online learning can be significantly more affordable. Students save on commuting costs, parking expenses, and the purchase of textbooks. Additionally, online universities often offer lower tuition rates and financial aid options.5. Inclusivity and Accessibility:Online learning breaks down barriers to education for students who may face physical, geographic, or financial constraints. It provides access to educationalopportunities for working professionals, students with disabilities, and individuals living in remote areas.Disadvantages:1. Lack of Social Interaction:Online learning can create a sense of isolation as students primarily interact with their instructors and classmates through virtual means. The absence of face-to-face interactions can hinder the development of social connections and interpersonal skills that are crucial for personal and professional growth.2. Technical Challenges:Online learning relies heavily on technology, which can sometimes present challenges. Unstable internet connections, software glitches, and hardware issues can disrupt the learning process and cause frustration. Students without adequate technical skills or access to reliable devices may face barriers to participation.3. Limited Hands-on Experience:Certain subjects, such as science and engineering, require hands-on practical experiences that are difficultto replicate in an online environment. Virtual simulations and video demonstrations can provide some degree ofpractical training, but they may not fully substitute forin-person laboratory work or field experiences.4. Lack of Structure and Discipline:The flexibility of online learning can also be a detriment to some students. Without the external structure of a classroom setting and the presence of an instructor to enforce deadlines, students may struggle with self-discipline and procrastination.5. Accreditation and Quality Concerns:While many reputable online universities offer accredited programs, there are also instances of low-quality online courses and degree programs. Students need to carefully research and evaluate the accreditation and reputation of online institutions before enrolling to ensure they receive a valuable and recognized education.Conclusion:Online learning offers a multitude of benefits, including flexibility, accessibility, and personalized learning. However, it also presents challenges, such as thelack of social interaction, technical complexities, and limited practical experiences. To fully harness the potential of online learning, it is imperative to carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages, select reputable institutions, and implement strategies to mitigatepotential challenges. By embracing a holistic approach that combines virtual and in-person learning experiences, educators can create a balanced and effective learning environment that empowers students to succeed in thedigital age.。



上网课的坏处英文作文英文回答:Disadvantages of Online Learning.Online learning has become increasingly popular in recent years, offering students flexibility, convenience, and accessibility to education. However, it is essential to acknowledge that online learning also poses certain disadvantages. These disadvantages can impact the effectiveness of learning, social interactions, and overall student experience.1. Lack of face-to-face interaction: One of the most significant drawbacks of online learning is the absence of face-to-face interaction between students and instructors. In traditional classroom settings, students have the opportunity to engage in real-time discussions, ask questions, and receive immediate feedback from their teachers. Online learning, on the other hand, often relieson asynchronous communication methods, such as email and discussion forums, which can limit the spontaneity and immediacy of conversations.2. Technical difficulties: Online learning requires students to have reliable access to technology, including computers, laptops, and a stable internet connection. Technical glitches, such as software issues, connectivity problems, and power outages, can disrupt learning and lead to frustration. These technical challenges can be particularly problematic for students in areas with limited or unreliable internet infrastructure.3. Social isolation: Online learning can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness among students. The lack of face-to-face interactions and the limited opportunities for peer collaboration can make it difficult for students to build relationships and foster a sense of community. This social isolation can have a negative impact on students' overall well-being and motivation.4. Reduced motivation and engagement: Online learningrequires a high level of self-discipline and motivation. Without the physical presence of an instructor and the structure of a traditional classroom, students may find it challenging to stay focused and engaged in their studies. The lack of immediate feedback and the asynchronous nature of online learning can further contribute to decreased motivation and a lack of accountability.5. Assessment challenges: Assessing student learning in an online environment can be more difficult than in a traditional classroom setting. Traditional assessments, such as exams and quizzes, can be more challenging to administer and monitor online, and they may not be as effective in measuring students' true understanding of the material. Furthermore, the lack of face-to-faceinteractions makes it more difficult for instructors to assess students' non-cognitive skills, such as communication and interpersonal abilities.中文回答:网上授课的弊端。



进行线上交流活动英语作文Title: The Power of Online Communication。

Introduction:In today's interconnected world, online communication has become an essential part of our daily lives. With the advent of various social media platforms, videoconferencing tools, and instant messaging applications, people from different corners of the globe can easily connect and engage in meaningful discussions. In this essay, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of online communication activities, as well as their impact on our personal and professional lives.Advantages of Online Communication Activities:1. Global Connectivity:Online communication activities break down geographicalbarriers, allowing individuals from diverse backgrounds to connect and exchange ideas. This global connectivityfosters cultural understanding and promotes collaboration on a global scale. It enables individuals to learn from different perspectives and gain a broader understanding of the world.2. Convenience and Accessibility:One of the most significant advantages of online communication activities is the convenience and accessibility they offer. Participants can engage in discussions, attend virtual meetings, or join webinars from the comfort of their homes or offices. This eliminates the need for physical travel and saves time and resources.3. Enhanced Collaboration:Online communication activities provide a platform for collaborative work, enabling individuals to brainstorm ideas, share documents, and work together on projects in real-time. This enhances productivity and efficiency,particularly for remote teams or individuals who cannot physically be present in the same location.4. Increased Engagement:Through online communication activities, individuals have the opportunity to engage with a wider audience.Online platforms allow for interactive discussions, polls, and Q&A sessions, fostering active participation and engagement. This level of interaction can lead to the exchange of innovative ideas and the creation of new knowledge.5. Flexibility:Online communication activities offer flexibility in terms of time and location. Participants can choose to engage in discussions or attend events at their convenience, regardless of their time zone. This flexibility accommodates individuals with busy schedules or thoseliving in different time zones, ensuring inclusivity and wider participation.Disadvantages of Online Communication Activities:1. Lack of Non-Verbal Cues:Online communication lacks the non-verbal cues present in face-to-face interactions, such as facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice. This can sometimes lead to misinterpretations or misunderstandings, as important contextual information may be lost in the absence of these cues.2. Technical Challenges:Online communication activities heavily rely on technology, and technical issues can hinder effective communication. Poor internet connectivity, software glitches, or hardware malfunctions can disrupt meetings, causing frustration and impacting productivity. It is important to have contingency plans in place to address these challenges.3. Limited Personal Connection:Online communication activities, while convenient, may lack the personal connection that face-to-face interactions provide. Building trust and rapport can be more challenging in virtual settings, as the physical presence and shared experiences are absent. This can affect the depth of relationships and collaboration.4. Information Overload:The vast amount of information available online can be overwhelming. Participants may find it difficult to filter through the abundance of data and distinguish between reliable sources and misinformation. This can lead to confusion and hinder effective communication and decision-making.5. Privacy and Security Concerns:Engaging in online communication activities requires sharing personal information and data. This raises concernsabout privacy and security, as there is always a risk of data breaches or unauthorized access. It is crucial toadopt secure communication practices and use trusted platforms to mitigate these risks.Impact on Personal and Professional Lives:Online communication activities have revolutionized the way we connect and interact, both personally and professionally. They have enabled individuals to maintain relationships across distances, expand professional networks, and access a wealth of knowledge and resources. Online communication has also played a vital role during times of crisis, allowing for remote work, virtual learning, and the dissemination of crucial information.Conclusion:In conclusion, online communication activities have become an integral part of our lives, offering numerous advantages such as global connectivity, convenience, enhanced collaboration, increased engagement, andflexibility. However, it is important to be aware of the disadvantages, such as the lack of non-verbal cues, technical challenges, limited personal connection, information overload, and privacy concerns. By understanding these pros and cons, we can harness the power of online communication effectively and make the most out of the opportunities it presents.。



标题:Navigating the Challenges of the Future: A University Student's PerspectiveAs university students, we stand on the precipice of a new era, facing a myriad of challenges that await us in the future. These challenges, ranging from technological advancements to global social and environmental issues, require not just academic knowledge but also a broad rangeof skills and competencies. In this ever-evolving landscape, it's crucial for us to equip ourselves with the necessary tools to navigate these challenges successfully.Firstly, the rapid pace of technological innovation poses a significant challenge. The advent of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other emerging technologies is reshaping virtually every industry. To keep up with this trend, we must cultivate a mindset of continuous learning and adaptability. This means staying updated with the latest technological advancements and understanding how they can be applied to real-world problems.Moreover, the globalized world we live in brings about its own set of challenges. Issues such as climate change,cross-cultural communication, and international politics require a global perspective and a willingness to collaborate with people from diverse backgrounds. As future leaders, it's incumbent upon us to cultivate a sense of global awareness and responsibility.Additionally, the job market is constantly evolving, demanding not just technical skills but also soft skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork. To prepare ourselves for this changing landscape, we must focus on developing a well-rounded skill set that includes both technical and non-technical abilities.In the face of these challenges, it's important to remember that we are not alone. Universities and other educational institutions are increasingly recognizing the need to prepare students for the future by providing access to resources and opportunities that foster innovation and collaboration. From incubator programs to interdisciplinary courses, these institutions are creating an enabling environment where students can learn, grow, and prepare themselves for the challenges of tomorrow.In conclusion, as university students, we have a unique opportunity to shape the future. By equipping ourselveswith the necessary skills and competencies, staying updated with technological advancements, and cultivating a global perspective, we can navigate the challenges of the future confidently and make a positive impact on society. Let's seize this opportunity and embark on the journey of a lifetime, ready to face the challenges that lie ahead.**大学生面对未来挑战:一种视角**作为大学生,我们站在新时代的边缘,面临着未来众多的挑战。



手机聚会的看法英语作文The Pros and Cons of Virtual Gatherings: A Contemporary Perspective.In the digital age, the concept of a "phone party" or a virtual gathering has become increasingly popular, especially during the recent pandemic when physical distancing measures were enforced. These gatherings, typically facilitated through video conferencing platforms, allow individuals to connect and interact despite being physically apart. While they offer a convenient and sometimes necessary alternative to traditional face-to-face gatherings, they also present a unique set of advantages and disadvantages.Convenience and Accessibility.The primary benefit of virtual gatherings is their convenience. Participants can join from anywhere, provided they have a stable internet connection and a compatibledevice. This eliminates the need for travel, saving time and money, while also reducing the environmental impact of commuting. Furthermore, virtual events are often scheduled to accommodate different time zones, allowing a more diverse group of people to participate.Accessibility is another key advantage. People with disabilities or those who are homebound due to illness or other reasons can still participate in social events. Virtual gatherings remove physical barriers, enabling inclusive participation. Additionally, virtual events can be recorded and shared, providing access to those who might have missed the live event.Cost Effectiveness.From an organizational perspective, virtual gatherings are often more cost-effective than traditional events. There are no venue rentals, catering costs, or other associated expenses. Instead, the funds can be allocated towards improving the quality of the virtual experience, such as investing in better audio-visual equipment orhiring a professional facilitator.Enhanced Connectivity.Despite being virtual, these gatherings can foster strong connections. With the help of modern technology, participants can engage in real-time conversations, share screens, and even participate in group activities. This level of interaction encourages deeper relationships and can foster a sense of community among participants.Flexibility and Scalability.Virtual gatherings offer flexibility in terms of event format and participation. Organizers can easily modify the agenda or add new activities to cater to the interests and needs of the participants. They can also accommodate a larger number of participants without the logistical challenges of physical space limitations.Disadvantages of Virtual Gatherings.Lack of Physical Interaction.The primary disadvantage of virtual gatherings is the lack of physical interaction. Human beings are social creatures who thrive on tactile experiences and non-verbal cues. Virtual events cannot fully replicate the sense of touch or the subtle nuances of face-to-face communication. This can make it difficult to build trust and establish deep personal connections.Technical Challenges.Technical issues can be a significant deterrent to a smooth virtual gathering. From dropped connections to lagging audio-video, technical glitches can disrupt the flow of conversation and破坏the overall experience. Participants may feel frustrated or disconnected, leading to a less than ideal gathering.Distractions and Difficulty Focusing.In a virtual setting, it's easier for participants toget distracted. Notifications from other apps, incoming phone calls, or even external noises can pull attention away from the event. This can make it difficult for individuals to focus and engage fully in the conversation.Social Anxiety and Isolation.For some individuals, virtual gatherings can exacerbate feelings of social anxiety or isolation. The anonymity of the virtual world can make it easier for people to hide their true selves, leading to a sense of disconnect. Moreover, those who are already prone to feelings of loneliness may find virtual events lacking in the human touch and interaction they crave.Conclusion.Virtual gatherings offer a convenient and accessible alternative to traditional face-to-face events. They are cost-effective, enhance connectivity, and provideflexibility and scalability. However, they also have significant disadvantages, including the lack of physicalinteraction, technical challenges, and the potential for distractions and social anxiety. As we increasingly rely on technology to connect with others, it's important to strike a balance between the virtual and the real world, ensuring that we don't sacrifice the human touch and interactionthat are crucial to our social and emotional well-being.。



增加大学生社会实践经历的范文英语全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Increasing College Students' Social Practice ExperienceWith the rapid development of society and the increasingly fierce competition in the job market, the demand for talents with rich social practice experience is growing. College students, as the future pillars of society, need to actively participate in social practice to enrich their own experience and broaden their horizons. Therefore, it is essential to increase college students' social practice experience.Firstly, social practice can help college students apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations. Although classroom learning is important, it is equally important for students to apply what they have learned in real-life scenarios. Social practice allows students to gain hands-on experience and learn how to solve problems in a practical setting. This can greatly enhance their understanding of theoretical knowledge and improve their problem-solving skills.Secondly, social practice provides college students with the opportunity to develop practical skills. Many professions require not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills. By participating in social practice, students can gain valuable experience in a specific field and develop skills that are essential for their future careers. For example, students majoring in education can participate in teaching practice to improve their teaching skills, while students majoring in engineering can participate in internships to enhance their technical abilities.Moreover, social practice can help college students build a strong network of contacts. Networking is an important aspect of career development, as it can help students learn about job opportunities, gain valuable advice, and connect with potential employers. By participating in social practice, students can meet professionals in their field of interest, establish connections, and expand their professional network. These connections can be invaluable in helping students secure internships, job opportunities, and mentorship.In addition, social practice can contribute to personal growth and development. Through social practice, students can step out of their comfort zones, face challenges, and overcome obstacles. This can help them build confidence, resilience, and adaptability,which are essential qualities for success in today's competitive world. Social practice can also help students develop a sense of social responsibility, empathy, and compassion, as they interact with people from different backgrounds and communities.To increase college students' social practice experience, universities and colleges should provide more opportunities for students to participate in social practice activities. This can include organizing internships, volunteer programs, field trips, and community service projects. Universities can also collaborate with companies, organizations, and government agencies to create more internship opportunities for students. Additionally, universities can offer academic credit, scholarships, and awards to incentivize students to participate in social practice.In conclusion, increasing college students' social practice experience is essential for their personal and professional development. Social practice can help students apply theoretical knowledge, develop practical skills, build a network of contacts, and promote personal growth. By providing more opportunities for students to engage in social practice activities, universities can help students become well-rounded individuals who are prepared for success in the future.篇2Increasing college students' social practice experienceIn recent years, there has been growing recognition of the importance of college students' social practice experience. Social practice provides students with opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world settings, enabling them to gain practical experience, develop new skills, and cultivate a sense of social responsibility. In this essay, we will explore the benefits of increasing college students' social practice experience and discuss strategies for enhancing this aspect of their education.First and foremost, social practice helps students to bridge the gap between theory and practice. While classroom learning is essential for acquiring knowledge and skills, practical experience is equally important for applying and enriching that knowledge. By engaging in social practice, students can gain hands-on experience in their field of study, allowing them to test their understanding of theoretical concepts and develop problem-solving skills in real-world situations. This practical experience can significantly enhance students' professional development and increase their employability upon graduation.Furthermore, social practice helps students to develop a deeper understanding of social issues and challenges. Byworking in community organizations, non-profit agencies, or government institutions, students can gain insights into the complexities of social problems and the ways in which they can contribute to addressing them. This firsthand experience can foster empathy, compassion, and a sense of social responsibility in students, inspiring them to become more engaged citizens and active contributors to their communities.In addition, social practice provides students with valuable networking opportunities and professional connections. By collaborating with professionals in their field of study, students can build relationships, establish mentorship relationships, and expand their professional networks. These connections can lead to internship opportunities, job offers, and career advancement, providing students with a significant advantage in the competitive job market.To enhance college students' social practice experience, it is essential to implement a range of strategies and initiatives. One approach is to incorporate social practice into the curriculum by offering courses or projects that involve real-world applications of academic content. For example, students in social work programs could participate in field placements at local socialservice agencies, while students in business programs could work on consulting projects with local businesses.Another strategy is to develop partnerships with community organizations, non-profit agencies, and government institutions to provide students with opportunities for meaningful social practice experiences. By collaborating with external partners, colleges and universities can offer students a diverse range of opportunities to engage with the community, gain practical experience, and make a difference in the world.Additionally, colleges and universities can establish support systems and resources to facilitate students' social practice experiences. This could include providing funding for transportation and supplies, offering training and mentorship opportunities, and creating avenues for reflection and debriefing. By investing in these resources, institutions can ensure that students have the support they need to succeed in their social practice endeavors.In conclusion, increasing college students' social practice experience is essential for their professional development, personal growth, and social engagement. By bridging the gap between theory and practice, deepening students' understanding of social issues, and providing valuablenetworking opportunities, social practice plays a crucial role in preparing students for success in the workforce and in society. By implementing strategies to enhance students' social practice experience, colleges and universities can empower students to make a positive impact on the world and realize their full potential.篇3Increasing college students' social practice experience is of great significance in today's society. As the saying goes, experience is the best teacher. By engaging in social practice activities, college students can broaden their horizons, enhance their practical skills, cultivate their social responsibilities, and promote their personal growth.First and foremost, participating in social practice activities can help college students broaden their horizons. Many students are confined to their campus and have limited exposure to the outside world. By engaging in social practice, students can explore different communities, cultures, and social issues. They can gain a deeper understanding of the world around them and develop a more comprehensive view of society. This can help students become more open-minded, tolerant, and culturally aware.Furthermore, social practice activities can help college students enhance their practical skills. Many social practice activities involve hands-on work in various fields, such as education, healthcare, environmental protection, and community service. By participating in these activities, students can gain valuable experience, develop new skills, and improve their problem-solving abilities. This can not only enrich students' academic knowledge but also help them prepare for future careers and become more competitive in the job market.In addition, engaging in social practice activities can help college students cultivate their social responsibilities. As future leaders of society, it is important for students to understand the needs and challenges of the community and to contribute positively to its development. By participating in social practice activities, students can learn about social issues, volunteer their time and skills to help those in need, and make a difference in the world. This can foster a sense of social responsibility, empathy, and compassion in students, and motivate them to become active citizens and change-makers in the future.Last but not least, social practice activities can promote college students' personal growth. By stepping out of their comfort zones, facing new challenges, and interacting withpeople from different backgrounds, students can build their self-confidence, resilience, and interpersonal skills. They can discover their strengths and weaknesses, set goals for themselves, and learn from their experiences. This can help students become more self-aware, self-assured, and self-reliant, and empower them to achieve their full potential in both academic and personal life.In conclusion, increasing college students' social practice experience is essential for their holistic development and success in today's society. By broadening their horizons, enhancing their practical skills, cultivating their social responsibilities, and promoting their personal growth, students can become more well-rounded, compassionate, and competent individuals. Therefore, it is important for colleges and universities to provide more opportunities for students to engage in social practice activities and encourage them to step outside their comfort zones, explore the world around them, and make a positive impact on society.。



讨论应不应该带ipad上课英语作文The increasing prevalence of technology in our daily lives has led to a growing debate on whether students should be allowed to bring iPads and other electronic devices to class. On one hand, proponents argue that the use of iPads can enhance the learning experience and better engage students in the classroom. On the other hand, opponents raise concerns about the potential for distraction and the potential negative impact on traditional learning methods. In this essay, I will examine both sides of the argument and provide my own perspective on this issue.One of the primary arguments in favor of allowing iPads in the classroom is the potential for enhanced learning. Many educational apps and digital textbooks available on the iPad can provide a more interactive and engaging learning experience for students. For example, students can use their iPads to access multimedia content, participate in interactive simulations, and collaborate with their peers in real-time. This can help to make the learning process more dynamic and enjoyable, potentially leading to improved retention and understanding of the material.Additionally, the portability and versatility of the iPad can make it a valuable tool for students in the classroom. Instead of carrying around heavy textbooks and notebooks, students can store all of their course materials on a single device, reducing the physical burden and making it easier to access information on the go. Furthermore, the iPad's built-in camera and note-taking capabilities can allow students to capture and organize their learning materials more efficiently, potentially improving their overall productivity and study habits.Another argument in favor of allowing iPads in the classroom is the potential for increased accessibility and personalization of the learning experience. Many educational apps and digital resources available on the iPad can be customized to meet the specific needs and learning styles of individual students. For example, students with visual or auditory impairments may be able to access content in a format that is more suitable for their needs, while students who struggle with traditional learning methods may benefit from the interactive and engaging nature of iPad-based learning.Moreover, the use of iPads in the classroom can also help to prepare students for the technological demands of the 21st-century workforce. As technology continues to play an increasingly important role in various industries and professions, it is essential that studentsdevelop the skills and familiarity with digital tools and devices that will be necessary for their future careers. By allowing students to use iPads in the classroom, schools can help to ensure that their students are equipped with the technological competencies that will be highly valued in the job market.However, there are also valid concerns and arguments against allowing iPads in the classroom. One of the primary concerns is the potential for distraction. With the ability to access a wide range of apps, social media, and other digital content on their iPads, students may be tempted to engage in non-academic activities during class time, leading to decreased focus and attention on the learning material. This can be particularly problematic in classrooms where students are expected to actively participate and engage with the material, as the presence of iPads may create a barrier to meaningful interaction and discussion.Additionally, there are concerns about the potential negative impact of iPad use on traditional learning methods, such as note-taking and critical thinking. Some studies have suggested that the use of digital devices in the classroom can lead to a decline in the development of these essential skills, as students may become overly reliant on the convenience and efficiency of digital tools and resources. Furthermore, the constant exposure to digital screens and the potential for multitasking can contribute to issues such as eye strain,headaches, and decreased physical activity, which can have negative implications for student health and well-being.Another concern about allowing iPads in the classroom is the potential for inequity and the widening of the digital divide. Not all students may have access to the financial resources necessary to purchase an iPad, which can create a situation where some students are at a disadvantage compared to their peers who have access to this technology. This can exacerbate existing socioeconomic disparities and further marginalize students from disadvantaged backgrounds, potentially undermining the goal of providing equal educational opportunities for all.Finally, there are also practical and logistical concerns associated with the use of iPads in the classroom, such as the potential for technical issues, the need for robust Wi-Fi infrastructure, and the challenges of managing and securing the devices. These practical considerations can add to the workload of teachers and administrators, potentially distracting them from their primary focus of delivering high-quality instruction and supporting student learning.In conclusion, the debate over whether students should be allowed to bring iPads to class is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires careful consideration of the potential benefits anddrawbacks. While the use of iPads in the classroom can enhance the learning experience and better prepare students for the technological demands of the 21st-century workforce, it is also important to address the concerns about distraction, the potential negative impact on traditional learning methods, issues of equity and access, and practical logistical challenges.Ultimately, the decision to allow iPads in the classroom should be made on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the specific needs and resources of the school, the learning objectives of the curriculum, and the potential impact on student engagement, academic performance, and overall well-being. By carefully weighing the pros and cons and implementing appropriate policies and support structures, schools can strive to harness the benefits of technology in the classroom while mitigating the potential risks and drawbacks.。



基因治疗的英语一、单词1. gene [dʒiːn]- 释义:基因,遗传因子。

- 用法:作名词,可在句中作主语、宾语等。

例如:A gene determines a specific trait.(一个基因决定一种特定的性状。

)2. therapy [ˈθerəpi]- 释义:治疗,疗法。

- 用法:作名词,如:He is receiving physical therapy.(他正在接受物理治疗。

)3. vector [ˈvektə(r)]- 释义:载体;矢量。


- 用法:作名词,例如:The virus is used as a vector in gene therapy.(这种病毒在基因治疗中被用作载体。

)4. mutation [mjuːˈteɪʃn]- 释义:突变;变化。


- 用法:作名词,如:A mutation in this gene can cause the disease.(这个基因中的一个突变会导致这种疾病。

)5. delivery [dɪˈlɪvəri]- 释义:传递;交付。


- 用法:作名词,例如:The delivery of the gene to the target cells is crucial.(将基因传递到靶细胞是至关重要的。

)二、短语1. gene therapy vector- 释义:基因治疗载体。

- 用法:作名词短语,例如:Scientists are constantly exploring new gene therapy vectors.(科学家们不断探索新的基因治疗载体。

)2. target gene- 释义:靶基因,目标基因。

- 用法:作名词短语,如:The researchers aim to modify the target gene.(研究人员旨在修饰靶基因。



英语冀教版第十一课笔记第二部分写作文The English language has become a global lingua franca, serving as a vital means of communication in various spheres, from business and academia to interpersonal interactions. As a non-native English speaker, I have encountered numerous challenges in mastering this language, but the journey has been both rewarding and transformative. In this essay, I will delve into the key lessons I have learned from the 11th unit of the English Jiaoban curriculum, focusing on the writing component.One of the fundamental lessons I have internalized is the importance of developing a clear and coherent structure in my writing. The Jiaoban curriculum emphasizes the significance of organizing ideas in a logical and accessible manner, guiding students to construct well-structured paragraphs and essays. I have learned that a strong introduction should capture the reader's attention, clearly state the main idea or thesis, and provide a roadmap for the rest of the piece. The body paragraphs should then systematically expand on the central theme, using supporting evidence and examples to substantiate the arguments. Finally, a compelling conclusion shouldeffectively summarize the key points, leaving the reader with a lasting impression.Closely related to the aspect of structure is the emphasis on cohesion and coherence. The Jiaoban curriculum has equipped me with the skills to effectively use transition words and phrases to seamlessly connect ideas and guide the reader through the flow of the writing. I have learned to employ a variety of transitional devices, such as "in addition," "furthermore," "on the other hand," and "in conclusion," to ensure a smooth and logical progression of thoughts. Additionally, I have become more conscious of maintaining a consistent tone and voice throughout the essay, which contributes to the overall coherence and unity of the piece.Another crucial element that the Jiaoban curriculum has highlighted is the importance of developing a strong and persuasive argument. The writing tasks in this unit have challenged me to take a clear stance on a given issue and defend it with well-researched evidence and logical reasoning. I have learned to anticipate and address counterarguments, demonstrating my ability to think critically and present a balanced perspective. This skill has been particularly valuable in crafting essays that require me to analyze a topic from multiple angles and draw insightful conclusions.Closely tied to the development of a persuasive argument is theemphasis on using appropriate and effective language. The Jiaoban curriculum has emphasized the importance of selecting precise and descriptive vocabulary, as well as constructing grammatically correct sentences. I have learned to carefully choose my words to convey my ideas clearly and concisely, avoiding ambiguity or vagueness. Furthermore, I have been trained to maintain a formal and academic tone, which is essential in various writing contexts, such as research papers, essays, and reports.In addition to the technical aspects of writing, the Jiaoban curriculum has also highlighted the significance of incorporating relevant and reliable sources to support my arguments. I have learned to conduct thorough research, evaluate the credibility of sources, and seamlessly integrate quotes, paraphrases, and citations into my writing. This skill not only strengthens the overall quality of my essays but also demonstrates my ability to engage with scholarly discourse and contribute to the ongoing dialogue on a particular topic.Moreover, the Jiaoban curriculum has emphasized the importance of revising and editing one's work. I have learned to approach the writing process as a cyclical endeavor, where I constantly refine and improve my drafts. This includes carefully proofreading for grammatical errors, ensuring logical flow and coherence, and critically evaluating the overall effectiveness of my writing. By embracing the revision process, I have become more attuned to thenuances of language and better equipped to produce polished and impactful essays.Beyond the technical aspects of writing, the Jiaoban curriculum has also encouraged me to cultivate a deeper understanding of the cultural and social contexts that shape the use of the English language. I have learned to be mindful of cultural differences, idioms, and colloquialisms, and to adapt my writing style accordingly. This awareness has not only improved my ability to communicate effectively with a diverse audience but has also broadened my cultural horizons and fostered a greater appreciation for the richness and diversity of the English language.In conclusion, the lessons I have learned from the 11th unit of the English Jiaoban curriculum have been instrumental in shaping my development as a proficient and confident writer. From mastering the fundamentals of structure and coherence to honing my persuasive abilities and incorporating reliable sources, I have gained a comprehensive set of skills that will serve me well in various academic and professional endeavors. As I continue to refine and expand my writing capabilities, I am grateful for the guidance and insights provided by the Jiaoban curriculum, which has equipped me with the tools to effectively communicate my ideas and contribute to the global discourse in the English language.。







1. What time are the speakers meeting Paul?A. At 6:30.B. At 7:30.C. At 8:00.2. What is the woman excited about?A. Celebrating her birthday.B. Visiting her sister.C. Getting a driver’s license.3. Who is responsible for the incident according to the man?A. Himself.B. The woman.C. Peter.4. How does the man feel about the woman’s words?A. Surprised.B. Uninterested.C. Nervous.5. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Classmates.B. Colleagues.C. Professor and student.第二节:(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。




6. Why is the woman late?A. She could not find the man’s company.B. She was waiting for an assistant.C. She had to park far away.7. What will the man do in the afternoon?A. Lock a room.B. Change a light.C. Conduct an interview.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。



社区发展的英语作文Community Development: A Comprehensive Approach Community development is a multifaceted process that involves the collective efforts of individuals, organizations, and government entities to improve the quality of life for the residents of a particular area. It is a continuous process that requires a long-term commitment and a holistic approach to address the various needs andaspirations of the community members. In this essay, we will explore the different aspects of community development, including its importance, challenges, strategies, and the role of various stakeholders. The Importance of Community Development Community development is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it helps tocreate a sense of belonging and identity among the residents of a community. This sense of belonging fosters social cohesion and encourages people to work together towards common goals. Secondly, community development promotes social inclusionand reduces inequalities by providing opportunities for marginalized groups to participate in decision-making processes and access resources and services. Thirdly, it contributes to the economic growth and development of a community by creating employment opportunities, improving infrastructure, and promoting entrepreneurship. Challenges in Community Development Despite its importance, community development faces several challenges. One of the main challenges is the lack of resources, including financial, human, and technical resources. Many communities lack the necessary funds to implement development projects, and they may also lack the skilled personnel to plan and manage these projects effectively. Another challenge is the lack of coordination and collaboration among different stakeholders, including government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and community-based organizations. This lack of coordination can lead to duplicationof efforts, wastage of resources, and inefficiencies in the implementation of development projects. Strategies for Community Development To overcome these challenges and promote community development, several strategies can be employed. One of the key strategies is to involve the community members in the planning and implementation of development projects. This can be achieved through participatory approaches that give community members a voice in decision-making processes and allow them to contribute their ideas and skills. Another strategy is to buildpartnerships and collaborations among different stakeholders. This can be achieved through regular meetings, joint planning, and coordination of activities. Additionally, capacity building and training programs can be organized to enhance the skills and knowledge of community members and stakeholders involved in community development. The Role of Government in Community Development The government plays a crucial role in community development. It is responsible for creating an enabling environment for community development by providing policies, regulations, and incentives that support community initiatives. The government can also provide financial and technical support to community development projects, particularly in areas where there is a lack of resources. Furthermore, the government can play a role in coordinating and facilitating the work of different stakeholders involved in community development, ensuring that their efforts are aligned and complementary. The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Community Development Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) also play a significant role in community development. They can provide technical assistance, training, and capacity building to community members and local organizations. NGOs can also advocate for the rights and interests of marginalized groups and ensure that their voices are heard in decision-making processes. Additionally, NGOs can help to mobilize resources and funding for community development projects, particularly in areas where there is a lack of government support. The Role of Community-Based Organizations in Community Development Community-based organizations (CBOs) are at the forefront of community development. They are often the first to identify the needs and aspirations of their communities and can play a crucial role in mobilizing resources and implementing development projects. CBOs can also provide a platform for community members to come together, share ideas, and work collectively towards common goals. Furthermore, CBOs can help to build social cohesion and foster a sense of belonging among community members. The Role of Individuals in Community Development Finally, individuals also play a vital role in community development. Each person can contribute to the development of their community in various ways, such as volunteering their time and skills, participating in community events, and advocating for the needs and interests of their community. By working together, individuals can create a strong and vibrantcommunity that is capable of addressing its own needs and aspirations. In conclusion, community development is a complex and multifaceted process that requires the collective efforts of individuals, organizations, and government entities. It is essential for creating a sense of belonging, promoting social inclusion, and contributing to the economic growth and development of a community. Despite the challenges faced, there are several strategies that can be employed to promote community development, including involving community members in decision-making processes, building partnerships and collaborations, and providing capacity building and training programs. The government, NGOs, CBOs, and individuals all have a role to play in community development, and by working together, they can create a strong and vibrant community that is capable of addressing its own needs and aspirations.。



材与非材作文英文回答:In the intricate tapestry of life, we encounter a profound dichotomy between essential elements and their dispensable counterparts. This distinction permeates every aspect of our existence, from the physical realm to the intangible realms of thought and emotion. In the context of human society, we encounter a similar categorization, dividing individuals into two distinct groups: those who contribute to the collective good and those who detract from it.Within the realm of education, this division manifests in the concept of "materials" and "non-materials." Materials, like textbooks, notebooks, and writing implements, serve as essential tools for the acquisition of knowledge and skills. They provide a tangible foundation upon which students build their intellectual structures. In contrast, non-materials, such as motivation, curiosity, andcreativity, are intangible qualities that fuel the learning process. They ignite the fire of inquiry and drive students to transcend mere memorization and engage in meaningful understanding.The interdependence of materials and non-materials is undeniable. Without the necessary materials, the pursuit of knowledge would be severely hindered. Yet, without the intrinsic motivation and intellectual curiosity, materials alone would be rendered inert and meaningless. It is the harmonious interplay between these two elements thatfosters true educational growth.The distinction between materials and non-materials extends beyond the confines of education. In the workplace, we value individuals who possess both the technical skills (materials) and the interpersonal qualities (non-materials) necessary to thrive in their roles. In the social sphere, we seek companions who bring both material support (e.g., financial assistance) and emotional nourishment (e.g., empathy and compassion).In the realm of personal development, this dichotomy manifests in the distinction between physical health (materials) and mental well-being (non-materials). While a healthy body is essential for our physical survival, a sound mind is equally crucial for our emotional and intellectual flourishing. True well-being encompasses a holistic integration of both aspects.The concept of materials and non-materials challenges us to examine our priorities and values. It compels us to question what truly matters in life. Are we overly focused on acquiring material possessions at the expense of our mental and emotional health? Do we prioritize superficial relationships over genuine human connections?Understanding the profound significance of both materials and non-materials empowers us to make informed choices and cultivate a life of balance and fulfillment. By recognizing the interdependence of these two elements, we can create a society that values both tangible resources and intangible qualities, fostering a world where material abundance coexists harmoniously with human flourishing.中文回答:在生活的复杂网络中,我们遇到了基本元素与其可有可无的对应物之间的深刻二分法。

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The Social/Non-Technical Challeng e s in DevelopingTechnology to Support Elderly Care”The TeleCARE Experience”E. BanahanRoundRose Associates Ltd, Southbank House, Black Prince Road, London SE1 7SJ, United Kingdom. EBanahan@Abstract: One of the biggest challenges facing European society in the years ahead is the fact that our population is aging at an alarming rate. If by the year 2020, current forecasts prove accurate, then by that time we will see a ratio of 1 adult below pensionable age to 4 elderly people. It is not surprising therefore that, initiatives such as raising the retirement age are under debate. But this will not address the issue of elderly care. New approaches must be found to providing easily accessible, affordable, quality care so that the elderly in our society do not become isolated and marginalized. Advances in network technologies can provide new opportunities for development but such developments, if to be successful, must consider the social issues involved. This article presents the approach to addressing social/non-technical issues, and some conclusions drawn by the partners involved in IST project, TeleCARE.1 IntroductionDuring the last three decades, the number of people aged from 60 years or more has risen some 50%. Today, more than 25% of Europe’s population is aged 60 years or more and this trend is set to continue. Within 20 years approximately a third of Europe’s population will be over 60 years old, a total in excess of 100 million citizens. The percentage of people over 80 years is growing even more rapidly: an increase of 300% has been forecasted for the period, 1960 to 2020. Moreover, the ratio between the working and elderly population is dramatically declining. In 1995 there were almost seven adults of working age per one elderly person (aged 65 or more), by 2025 the ratio is expected to decrease to close to four. These trends present a real challenge for European society in the years ahead and underline the importance of developing new and more cost-effective ways of providing care and support to the elderly. Ours is not a society which values the elderly, and old age is often viewed negatively, being associated with chronic illness, fear of crime, senility, and a general state of dependence. This negative image of the elderly is itself a threat to older people because it can act as a powerful self-fulfilling prophecy. Marginalisation increases isolation and reduces opportunities for interacting with other people in theLuis M. Camarinha-Matos (Ed.)Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Tele-Care and Collaborative Virtual Communities in Elderly Care, TELECARE 2004.In conjunction with ICEIS 2004; Porto, Portugal, 13 April 2004.ISBN: 972-8865-10-4137 community. Anxiety about lack of money, together with loneliness, can lead to depression and personal neglect. Lack of exercise or an inactive lifestyle can result in poor physical condition and thus decrease the elderly person’s ability to live an independent life. Therefore, it is in the interest of society in general and the elderly and those with an interest in their care in particular, that new approaches to providing care are found which support the concepts of “active aging” and “care in the community”.With ongoing advances in information and communication technologies, new and innovative approaches to care provision are possible which could address the need to promote independence whilst addressing the issue of disintegration of families and the marginalisation of the elderly as a sector in society.2ApproachIn developing the TeleCARE concept, the project partners were aware from the outset that the major challenges involved were not solely technical in nature, particularly given the fact that the elderly (care) sector is one which has always been somewhat technology averse. With this in mind, and given the demographic trends outlined above, the aims and objectives of the project were summarised as follows: Project TeleCARE aims to design and develop a framework for tele-supervision following a multi-agent approach, including both stationary and mobile agents, and applied to facilitate independent lifestyles among elderly people using remote services.The first step in addressing the social/non-technical issues was to define user groups and user requirements. As a result of preliminary research 3 key user groups were identified, i.e. care providers, elderly, and relative of the elderly, and four prototype services were chosen to demonstrate the feasibility of the software systems developed. Since the elderly themselves often struggle to cope with technological advance as well as having to cope with the disintegration of faculties and senses, a factor inevitable with the onset of age, the way in which the elderly user interacts with the system is of crucial importance.With TeleCARE, the elderly user accesses services available through a television and remote control, whilst the care provider will manage the provision of services from a computer terminal. The use of the Internet allows care support to be provided remotely in instances where the elderly person needs supervision rather than 24 hour care. The system allows the development of on-line communities of elderly, their families and care professionals.The 4 services developed are as follows:Agenda ReminderThe aim of the “Agenda Reminder” Service is to improve the quality of life for the elderly person by using a system for recording and issuing reminders of events and/or appointments which must not be missed. The care provider manages the diary and the system itself reminds both care professional and elderly user of appointments scheduled.138Life Style MonitoringThe aim of the “Living Status Monitoring” service is to improve the quality of care provision and support an independent lifestyle for the elderly. The system will monitor the elderly person through a number of devices such as sensors, panic alarms mechanisms and, where appropriate, cameras to ensure that the elderly person is well looked after. The care provider manages the information relayed and the system alerts in the case of irregularities.Time BankThe aim of the “Time Bank” service is to offer the elderly person a way to feel useful, to share their experiences with others and to remain active. Already an established concept, the time bank is a system through which people help each other with jobs that need to be done.EntertainmentThe aim of the “Entertainment” service is to provide the elderly person with access to leisure activities and interaction with others so that their feelings of loneliness and isolation are addressed. The prototype service offers the elderly user access to on-line “E-bingo”, Music Library and Audio (books) library. Developing innovative systems and services to support elderly care is not in itself a guarantee that such technologies will be used. It is therefore necessary to investigate the social implications arising from such an approach. To address this issue, the consortium adopted a two-pronged approach.Encourage feedback from the 3 target groups through a series of public meetings where the feasibility of the TeleCARE concept could be debated. Relevant interest groups could then, to some extent, influence the progress of developmentsLaunch a socio-organisational study to determine the extent of impact of the technology on the three target groups so that pertinent issues could be identified and addressed to facilitate technology take-up.Let us now consider each of these in turn.3The TeleCARE Public EventsThe TeleCARE Public events were designed with two objectives in mind. Firstly, to disseminate the TeleCARE concept and secondly, to generate input from those people who have a good knowledge of the elderly (care) environment. To date, three key meetings have been held, Pamplona, May 2002, Sevilla, December 2003 and London, January 2004.From the discussions held, there are a few recurrent themes, which can be summarised as follows:New approaches to elderly support services are needed but technological advance can often be confusing. Finding the best way to move forward for all concerned is of key importance.The elderly do not find it easy interacting with modern devices and systems and services designed for them must be simple and easy to use.Consideration must be given to issues such as security, both in terms of personal safety as well as security of information.139 Elderly people’s privacy should not be compromised. The elderly themselves, or someone nominated by them, must have full control over what, and how, services are used.4The Socio-Organisational AssessmentThe TeleCARE socio-organisational assessment survey population consisted of a database of 2000 organisations involved in the provision of care to the elderly across the United Kingdom. This sample was approached using a paper-based questionnaire as assessment instrument, which was sent out through the post. Furthermore, a selection of interviews with 50 elderly people and their relatives were also carried out. For this sample, each elderly person and each relative were interviewed. The basis for interview was a questionnaire designed for the purpose.With respect to the structure and content of the assessment instruments, the design was based on the vision and objectives of the project, namely to provide expert supervision and care facilities to improve the quality of life for the elderly person and their families. The content of the assessment instruments focused on the following 8 key parameters:1.Quality of life - Routine2.Independence – Care Support/Self esteem3.Socialisation – Socialisation – Loneliness/Family/Leisure4.Security - Safety5.Care and Support – Access/Quality6.Privacy - Intrusiveness7.Work/skills – Activities/Opportunities8.CostsEach case in the sample was asked to assess the impact of each of the 4 vertical services detailed above, on each of the 8 key parameters. Following an analysis of returns, the key findings can be summarised as follows:In general, the view amongst the three target groups is that computing technology will inevitably become as ubiquitous in the elderly care sector as it is in many others. However, this will only happen in future generations since tomorrow’s elderly will not be so unfamiliar with the technological revolution. There is a fear amongst many respondents that providing care services remotely could increase instances of isolation and loneliness if not combined with more traditional methods. Moreover, the TeleCARE approach to care provision is only relevant in situations where the elderly person is already quite independent. Once the elderly person becomes quite frail, then 24 hour nursing care must be the only option. Therefore, respondents from the elderly care provision sample underline the fact that TeleCARE as an approach must not be seen as a substitute for instances where care necessitates human contact.1405Summary of OutcomesThe TeleCARE socio-organisational assessment has been carried out in the UK and it must be understood that the outcome of the assessment can not be considered representative of a situation in other countries and regions around the European Union. However, if run in other countries and regions, similarities are probably likely. To run this assessment in the wider European context would require more time and resources than were available to the TeleCARE consortium for this purpose, during the course of this project.In considering the outcome of this assessment, and before conclusions are drawn and recommendations made, the following important points must be kept in mind:The elderly care sector in the UK is a sensitive one. There have been many high profile cases reported by the press underlining the weaknesses in the current system of care provision.With costs of care provision increasing, and the current trend towards encouraging “Care in the Community”, in the past couple of years, many care homes have either had to close, or switch to caring for people with disabilities. The respondents to the socio-organisational assessment, care providers, elderly people and their relatives, as a group, are relatively technology averse, when compared to other sectors in society.The respondents to the socio-organisational assessment, have assessed the impact of the TeleCARE technology without having actually experienced it first hand.The elderly care sector is an area of great sensitivity. The elderly, as a sector in society, are all too often overlooked when developing both public and private investment strategies for the future. This is not too say that investment provisions have not been, or are not being made, but rather, levels of investment are not adequate given the demographic trends.If we assume that the sample of care providers, elderly and their relatives, who contributed to the TeleCARE socio-organisational assessment is representative of the care providing sector as a whole, then the following conclusions can be drawn.Although the use of personal computers in managing day to day business is prevalent with penetration rates exceeding 70%, the idea of using network technologies such as the Internet to support care provision, is not.The suggestion that advances in network technologies can improve care provision is one with which the care provider views with suspicion. In this sector, as is the case with many others, the introduction of new technologies is considered as an attempt to reduce costs by reducing the number of care providers required.The uptake of new technologies will require new approaches to elderly care.Care providers will need to re-train since the skills required will change.Whilst it may be beneficial to encourage an independent lifestyle amongst elderly people, we may run the risk of further isolating the elderly person within the community.The TeleCARE proposition would only prove appropriate amongst elderly people who enjoy good health and can live independently already. Elderly who141 suffer from sensory deterioration and increasing frailty would not benefit from this approach.Supervision of elderly people in their homes using appropriate appliances and agent technologies is not elderly care. Although, methods of remote supervision may prove useful in the right circumstances, elderly care can only be provided by care professionals who develop a close personal relationship with the people in their care. Elderly care requires human contact.The TeleCARE approach is quite intrusive in that it compromises the elderly person’s privacy.The elderly, as a group, are very technology averse. They feel alienated, and to some extent frightened, by advances in network technologies. They do not feel so inclined to re-train, if this proves necessary.The services offered through TeleCARE, in particular those services giving rise to virtual communities of elderly and their relatives, should be seen as a compliment to, rather than a replacement for, community groups.Since there could be a perceived threat to the elderly person’s privacy, particularly with regard to the Lifestyle Monitoring service, it is of vital importance that the elderly user him/herself retains the right to choose the service options available through TeleCARE as well as the use to which such services are put.As to the issue of privacy, it is worth noting that many elderly respondents remarked on the fact that with the ubiquitous deployment of CCTV technology throughout our communities, privacy is already compromised. If the question is one of the ethics involved, then crucial issue is the nature of the intent to which the technology is put. In other words, if the intent is to support the elderly person in their desire for a better quality of life in a safer environment, and the elderly person retains some control over the use of the technology, then privacy is not such a critical issue.6ConclusionIt is clear that if the elderly, as a growing sector in society are to benefit from the development of the Information Society, then they must have access to systems and services which have been designed to meet their specific need. In developing such services, we must give careful consideration to the social issues involved. This is more acute with the elderly than with other sectors of society since the elderly are vulnerable and experience deterioration in to health and welfare with the onset of age. The concepts of active aging and care in the community are ways of addressing the challenges ahead and technology has a role to play.However, future developments must bear in mind that solutions are not simply a matter of designing innovative technology based solutions. Such developments must give careful consideration to the social issues involved if success is to be achieved.142References1.TeleCARE project Description of Work2.TeleCARE project Summary3.TeleCARE project documentation4. 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