reporting verbs英语论文用于引用的动词
F e b .2023V o l .43N o .1语文学刊J o u r n a l o fL a n g u a ge a n dL i t e r a t u r eS t u d i e s 2023年2月第43卷第1期[基金项目]国家社会科学基金 基于语料库的学术汉语语言特征研究 (20B Y Y 120)阶段性研究成果㊂[作者简介]唐文菊,北京大学对外汉语教育学院博士生,研究方向:现代汉语语法研究;汲传波,北京大学对外汉语教育学院教授,博士生导师,研究方向:面向第二语言的语体㊁语法研究㊂应用语言学汉语学术论文转述动词初探ʻ唐文菊 汲传波(北京大学对外汉语教育学院,北京 100871)[摘 要] 学术写作不可避免引用他人观点与研究成果,这一过程称为转述㊂转述常常通过动词引介他人观点,这类动词叫作转述动词㊂转述动词是学术写作中高频使用的词类之一㊂本文通过自建小型学术期刊语料库对汉语转述动词在语料库中的使用情况进行描写与分析㊂研究发现,语料库中高频使用的转述动词涵盖语篇㊁心理和研究性转述动词㊂使用最多的是语篇章转述动词与研究转述动词,最少使用的为心理转述动词㊂转述动词不仅转述内容,更传递作者对转述信息的态度与评价㊂本文从评价理论角度分析作者在使用转述动词时体现的作者态度及背后的动因㊂[关键词] 转述动词; 学术汉语; 留学生; 评价理论; 叙实与非叙实[中图分类号]I 206.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1672-8610(2023)01-0020-10 d o i :10.3969/j.i s s n .1672-8610.2023.01.004一㊁引 言转述在学术写作中是常见现象,几乎所有公开出版的学术论文都会引用前人研究成果㊂学术论文用 转述动词 (r e p o r t i n gv e r b s )转述 他人 研究成果,如 指出㊁认为㊁提出㊁说明 等㊂转述动词在学术语篇作用有二[1]:一是被转述人(a u t h o r)通过转述动词进入语篇,向读者阐明自己的科学论断;二是作者(w r i t e r )通过转述动词表述对被转述人的态度㊁观点和评价㊂转述动词是语篇中最清晰的评价手段之一,正确使用转述动词具有重要意义,不仅体现在准确引用他人成果,遵守学术规范,更体现在作者使用转述动词准确表达自己对所引信息的态度,从而更清晰表达自己的观点㊂国外对英语转述动词研究已非常深入,T h o m ps o n &Y e 首先对转述动词的评价潜力给出分析框架[1]㊂后H y l a n d 进一步细化这一分类[2]㊂此后学者大都根据二者的分析框架从不同角度考察转述动词,包括对比学术新手作家与专家使用转述动词的区别[3][4],对比母语者和二语学习者使用差异[5],对比不同学科之间转述动词的使用特点等[6][7]㊂这些研究均表明不同群体㊁不同学术水平及不同学科在转述动词的使用上存在较大差异㊂目前国内对转述动词的考察,几乎全是对英语转述动词的关注[8][9][10]㊂学术英语转述动词的已有研究结论表明,引用是学术02 Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.唐文菊汲传波/应用语言学汉语学术论文转述动词初探写作中的重难点,尤其是对非母语者而言[2]㊂我们通过与汉语为第二语言学习者交谈也发现,留学生进行学术写作时对汉语转述动词的选择存在较多疑惑,对不同转述动词背后体现的作者立场并不了解㊂部分学生会错误选择强势转述动词如 证明 来表达自己并不成熟的研究㊂对韩国留学生硕士毕业论文中的引用语料分析也发现,韩国留学生使用转述动词种类单一,仅占母语者使用种类的20%㊂且大量使用研究性转述动词,极少使用明确表达自己观点与立场态度的转述动词㊂考察汉语转述动词使用情况,对二语学习者学术汉语写作有重要价值和意义㊂二、研究设计(一)确定语料本研究自建小型学术期刊语料库,随机选择‘世界汉语教学“‘语言文字应用“‘外语教学与研究“各10篇论文,共计22万多字语料作为应用语言学(A p p l i e dL i n g u i s t i c s)学术期刊语料库㊂英语学界在确定转述动词时会以t h a t 为示踪迹(s i g n a lw o r d),找出转述语料,从而确定转述动词,因为标准的书面语在引用他人文献时必须使用t h a t[11]㊂在学术汉语写作中,引用不像英语一样有固定的某个词为示踪迹(s i g n a lw o r d)㊂但在汉语学术期刊中,标准引用几乎都会使用括号㊂因而,我们参考英语学界分析学术英语的方法,首先以括号作为示踪迹(s i g n a l w o r d),检索出所有含有括号的语料㊂其次,为了防止遗漏,将参考文献中列出的所有人名再次进行二次检索,补充遗漏的部分转述语料㊂两次检索得出所有语料后,最后人工检查,得出30篇论文中所有引用的语料,共计819条引用语料㊂(二)确定转述动词S w a l e s根据引用形式将转述分为完整转述(i n t e g r a l s t r u c t u r e)与非完整转述(n o n -i n t e g r a l)[12]㊂其中完整转述指的是被转述人的名字出现在句中,充当句子成分㊂与之相反的是,被转述人的名字出现在括号中,与日期同时出现,这样的转述称为非完整转述㊂前者强调了被转述人(r e p o r t e da u t h o r),后者强调了被转述的内容(r e p o r t e dm e s s a g e)㊂如下例所示,例(1)属于完整转述,强调被转述人 毕争 ;例(2)则是非完整转述,强调被转述的信息㊂(1)毕争(2017)认为课堂 参与度 可具体表现在三方面:产出实践增多,学习主动性增强与注意力集中㊂(完整转述)(2)世界上已有60多个国家将汉语纳入国民教育体系,170多个国家开设汉语课程或汉语专业,全球学习使用汉语的人数快速攀升至1亿(马箭飞,2018)㊂(非完整转述) S w a l e s[12]根据形式进行的二分方法分类过于简单,未引起重视,后T h o m p s o n& Y e[1]对转述动词做了更全面的分类,分为表意动词(d e n o t a t i o nv e r b s)和评价动词(e v a l-u a t i o n i n r e p o r t i n g v e r b s)两大类㊂其中表意动词根据意义又可分为表示语篇的(t e x t u a l)如s t a t e,w r i t e,表示心理的(m e n t a l)如b e-l i e v e,t h i n k和表示研究的(r e s e a r c h)转述动词如f i n d,d e m o n s t r a t e等㊂H y l a n d后来运用实证方法对不同学科中的转述动词重新进行了分析[2],用 话语转述动词(d i s c o u r s e a c t s) 取代 语篇转述动词(t e x t u a l) ,用 认知转述动词(c o g n i t i o na c t s) 取代 心理转述动词(m e n t a l) ㊂虽然采取不同的名称,但内涵基本一致㊂目前学界大多采用T h o m p s o n &Y e[1]和H y l a n d[2]三分的方法㊂本文依据T h o m p s o n&Y e[1]的分类框架,逐一对检索出的819条引用语料进行标注,确定引用语料中的转述动词,确认的标准12Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.唐文菊 汲传波/应用语言学汉语学术论文转述动词初探为 引用信息由明确的动词引导,上下文中有明确的引文出处 [9]㊂T h o m ps o n &Y e [1]也指出,出现在完整转述中的动词,都被认为是转述动词㊂根据这一标准,分析后得出下表㊂表1 完整转述与非完整转述使用情况语料比例完整转述33140.4%非完整转述48859.6%总819100%观察上表可发现完整转述占40.4%,非完整转述占59.6%㊂H y l a n d [2]曾对英语应用语言学学术期刊中的转述情况进行过研究,结论为完整转述占34.4%,非完整转述占65.6%㊂二者对比可发现,两种语言在转述上的使用差别㊂其中非完整转述不涉及转述动词,因而我们仅对完整转述中的331条语料中的转述动词进行分析,共计68个转述动词㊂(三)研究方法本文采用定性和定量相结合的方法㊂先对所有语料进行频率分析,得出高频使用的前10个转述动词,分析其频率㊁分布与搭配情况㊂然后根据转述动词定位原文,回到文中分析作者是如何通过使用不同转述动词转述他人研究,向读者阐明自己的科学论断,建构自己的研究价值与研究空间㊂同时,本文将留学生汉语国际教育硕士毕业论文构成的30万字语料库作为二语学习者语料库初步进行对比分析,观察母语者与留学生转述动词使用上的差异㊂为保证结论可靠性,该语料库未经过任何母语者或指导老师修改,均为留学生一手学术汉语写作语料㊂三、汉语转述动词特点(一)分类及频率表现本研究结合T h o m p s o n &Y e [1]和H y -l a n d [2]对转述动词的分类,根据意义将转述动词分为三类:语篇转述动词㊁心理转述动词㊁研究转述动词㊂其中语篇转述动词指的是描述行文过程中必须使用到的转述动词㊂例如 定义㊁表明㊁说明 等,均有语篇传信功能㊂心理转述动词指的是描述心理过程的动词,与研究者的心理学过程相关㊂而研究转述动词则是描述研究过程,在现实世界中存在发生的动词㊂根据这一分类,我们将68个转述动词按照意义分类如下㊂表2 转述动词语义类别及其占比类别例子占比语篇定义㊁表明㊁讨论㊁说明27(42%)心理认为㊁主张㊁强调㊁关注12(16%)研究分析㊁统计㊁考察㊁调查29(42%)合计68(100%)表2表明,应用语言学学术写作中使用到的转述动词涵盖语篇转述动词㊁心理转述动词与研究转述动词,其中研究转述动词与语篇转述动词种类最多,心理转述动词最少㊂原因与学术写作特点有关㊂学术论文强调研究的客观与科学,不突出个人立场,因而最少使用描述心理认知过程的转述动词㊂上述68个转述动词在语料库中的使用的总频率为469,标准化频率为9.57/万字㊂其中高频使用的前10个词如表3所示㊂表3 前10个高频转述动词频次表现发现指出认为提出考察分析调查采用定义强调总6542403827221615108283观察表3可发现,高频使用的转述动词较为集中㊂使用频率前10的转述动词(283例)占总语料(469例)的60.3%,且研究性转述动词使用频率最高㊂下面我们将对这些高22 Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.唐文菊汲传波/应用语言学汉语学术论文转述动词初探频转述动词背后的评价意义进行深入分析㊂(二)转述动词评价意义在理解作者为什么选择某个转述动词进行转述时,原因不仅涉及符号意义,更与转述动词背后体现的评价意义有关㊂转述动词更重要的功能为传递作者对被转述信息(r e-p o r t e dm e s s a g e)的态度及评价,根据作者在使用转述动词时体现的立场及态度,可以将转述动词分为积极(p o s i t i v e)㊁消极(n e g a-t i v e)㊁中性(n e u t r a l)三类[1]㊂其中使用传递积极立场的转述动词表明作者认为被引用的观点是真实可靠的,也暗含了作者对被引用信息的肯定;消极转述动词则体现了作者对引用的观点持否定态度,体现作者对转述信息的不确定㊁怀疑或否定;中性转述动词从词义上看不出作者对该观点信息正确或错误的评价态度㊂根据这一分类,可按评价意义区分上述68个转述动词,得出表4㊂表4转述动词评价态度分类分类例词数量占比积极转述动词强调㊁完善㊁倡导㊁细化㊁称赞2029.4%中性转述动词认为㊁考察㊁分析㊁调查㊁定义4870.6%消极转述动词(无)680%表4显示,语料库中绝大部分转述动词为中性转述动词,占比70.6%,其次为积极转述动词,为29.4%㊂消极转述动词在我们的语料库中并未发现,可能是由于语料库较小㊂汉语中也存在消极转述动词,如 忽视㊁质疑㊁偏离㊁怀疑㊁反对 等㊂1.积极转述动词㊂20个积极转述动词可进一步细分成完全积极转述动词与不完全积极转述动词㊂完全积极转述动词指的是无论在任何语境中使用,均表达了作者对被转述信息积极评价态度,而不完全积极转述动词指的是在大部分情况下用于积极评价,也存在部分语料属于消极评价㊂完全积极转述动词有 拓展㊁完善㊁称赞㊁倡导㊁强调㊁抓住㊁验证㊁发现㊁发展㊁细化 等㊂例如:(3)S h e n&J i a n g(2013)发现汉字阅读准确性与流畅性均可预测学习汉语的美国学生的阅读理解成绩,为阅读流畅性的重要性提供了直接的证据㊂(4)李红印(2000)也强调,编写听力教材时, 要特别注意增加语言的冗余量 ㊂(5)L e o n t e v(1981)对此进行了完善,引入了社会层面的中介体 规则㊁共同体和劳动分工㊂例(3)-例(5)均表达了对被转述信息的肯定㊂传递出作者支持 发现㊁强调㊁完善 后面的内容,将上述积极转述的内容作为自己的研究基础,也进一步证明了自己的研究价值,从而建立自己的研究空间㊂例(3)中 发现 后所接内容 为阅读流畅性的重要性提供了直接的证据 ,这一证据,恰恰是作者后面所论述的基础㊂例(4)和例(5)中 强调 与 完善 的使用也起着同样的作用㊂在积极转述动词这类中,更多的是不完全积极转述动词,大部分情况下用于表达积极态度,偶尔也传递消极评价㊂如 指出 在例(6)中表达了作者对转述信息的肯定,而例(7)中,同样是 指出 ,作者引出信息后则是对该转述信息进行了批判㊂(6)李宇明(2010)也指出,必须重视和关注语言作为文化资源和经济资源的属性,着力保护和开发语言资源,维护多样性㊂(7)李光泽㊁李荣宝(2012)指出,视觉通道的语音意识可能与视觉正字法技能㊁汉字的亚词汇加工有关,但是他们的研究中并未包括正字法意识或者声旁形旁意识,该论断仅仅是作者的推测㊂(8)金立鑫(1998)㊁李红印(2000)则明确32Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.唐文菊 汲传波/应用语言学汉语学术论文转述动词初探主张,听力材料应主要选取真实的口语㊂(9)S t o w e l l 注意到例(9)的述谓关系与例(7)有一个重要区别㊂不完全积极转述动词有这样9个:引入㊁借鉴㊁主张㊁指出㊁注意(到)㊁关注㊁提出㊁建立㊁提供㊂我们对不完全积极转述动词的评价态度表现逐一进行分析后得出下表㊂表5 不完全积极转述动词评价态度表现分类指出提出建立引入注意(到)提供主张借鉴关注积极40335322211消极/中性251000000合计42386322211从表5可以看出提出㊁指出㊁建立 大部分用于表达积极评价态度,少量用于评价消极态度;而 引入㊁注意㊁主张㊁借鉴 等在语料库中语料较少㊂因此我们在C C L 学术论文语料库中进一步观察发现 引入㊁注意㊁主张等表现与 指出㊁提出 类似,大部分用于积极评价,少量用于消极/中性评价㊂2.中性转述动词㊂中性转述动词不明确传递作者对被引观点的态度,或看不出明显的态度倾向㊂中性转述动词所占比例最高(70.6%),大部分为描述研究过程的研究转述动词㊂比如 表明㊁认为㊁提到㊁考察㊁讨论 等㊂虽然中性转述动词表面上看不出明显的作者态度,但不同转述动词也隐含着作者不同的视角与侧重点㊂譬如下面的例子㊂(10)王新文(1996)认为,除了口语体语料以外,听书面语也是必要的;而且,从中级阶段开始,应该从非真实语料向真实语料逐步过渡㊂(11)R o c c a (2007)和R o h d e (1996)研究表明英语学习者将状态动词过度使用于进行体标记㊂(12)S h a r m a (2012)考察了尼泊尔大学生们在F a c e b o o k 上的语言使用,探讨社交媒体如何影响年轻人的语言使用㊂(13)孙月红等(2019)运用学校就业指导中心提供的数据,分析了广西民族大学近5年139名毕业生的择业情况㊂(14)其中,Y u a n (1998)调查了母语为英语和日语的学习者如何理解汉语 自己 ,讨论了母语迁移及其他因素的影响㊂对语料进一步深入分析发现, 认为 除了具有中性转述动词的特征,表达中性观点,不传递作者对引述内容的支持或反对外,作者在使用 认为 引入转述内容时,还常隐含该观点是被转述者的个人见解,观点正确与否,作者不明确表明态度㊂作者在论述中可能支持,也可能反对㊂ 表明 则常常与 研究/结果/数据 搭配,而不能直接与被转述人搭配,如例(11)㊂从这个角度来看, 表明 与 认为 二者均是中性转述动词, 表明 客观程度高于 认为 ㊂其他还有大量研究性转述动词描述研究过程,后面常常与 了1 连用,这些动词客观程度更高㊂可见,中性转述动词内部也存在更细微的差别㊂3.消极转述动词㊂消极转述动词体现了作者对被引信息的否定态度,无论在英语还是汉语中,均是使用频率极低的一类㊂在英语中,常见的消极转述动词有c h a l l e n g e ,a t -t a c k ,q u e s t i o n ,r e j e c t 等㊂汉语中典型的消极转述动词包括 忽视㊁忽略㊁质疑㊁反对㊁反驳㊁驳回㊁怀疑㊁争论㊁偏离㊁拒绝 等㊂(15)K e m ps o n 这样说,可能是忽视了话语指示(d i s c o u r s e -d e i c t i c )和社会指示(s o -c i a l l y-d e i c t i c )两大规约含义范畴㊂(C C L 语言学论文语料库)(16)周国正先生(1993)反对以 小句次序 作为语法手段,认为应该是 篇章法则 才42 Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.唐文菊汲传波/应用语言学汉语学术论文转述动词初探是㊂(C C L语言学论文语料库)消极转述动词无论在学术英语中还是学术汉语中使用频率都极低㊂原因在于学术话语社团是一个学术共同体,学术作者之间的关系更多的是合作与促进关系㊂过度使用消极转述动词体现了对社团成员的质疑与不信任,进而破坏建立起的合作关系,不利于学科的共同发展㊂此外,消极转述动词,主观性较强,而学术写作追求科学性与客观性,因而使用较少㊂(三)二语学习者与母语者在转述上的区别我们搜集到30万字汉语国际教育硕士留学生一手毕业论文作为二语学习者语料库,与应用语言学学术期刊语料库进行对比㊂同样的方法,提取转述语料作为我们的研究对象㊂30万字语料库中共提取转述部分语料264条,其中完整转述语料228条,非完整转述36条㊂观察二语学习者转述动词的使用情况后发现,与母语者相比,二语学习者在转述动词使用上具有以下特点㊂第一,二语学习者转述动词使用种类比母语者低,二语者集中使用14个转述动词(括号中为使用频次):提出(37)㊁认为(16)㊁指出(16)㊁强调(2)㊁主张(3)㊁分为(12)㊁比较(5)㊁考察(13)㊁总结(8)㊁发现(22)㊁调查(7)㊁分析(36)㊁研究(13)㊁归纳(3)㊂从评价意义来看,绝大部分为中性转述动词,积极转述动词仅 强调 一个㊂从符号意义上来看,研究转述动词占50%,心理转述动词占35.7%,语篇转述动词使用最少,仅占14.3%㊂这一结果与母语者对比可发现,留学生几乎不使用能够明确表明自己评价态度的转述动词,积极转述动词仅 强调 2例,且大量使用研究转述动词,描述前人研究过程与结果㊂心理与语篇转述动词使用频率大大低于研究转述动词,这表明留学生在转述他人研究成果时,多客观描述前人研究内容,避开对前人研究成果的评价㊂但在撰写学术论文时,我们需要对前人研究作出评价,尤其是指出前人研究不足,证明自己的研究价值,以建立自己的研究空间㊂在分析语料时,我们也发现留学生学术写作时,仅是简单罗列前人研究成果,较少作出自己的评价㊂第二,转述形式上,完整转述占绝大多数,非完整转述比例极低㊂前面提到母语者完整转述占40.4%,非完整转述占59.6%㊂而留学生语料库中非完整转述仅占15.8%,比例远远低于母语者㊂非完整转述强调被引用的信息(r e p o r t e dm e s s a g e),完整转述突出被转述人(r e p o r t e d a u t h o r)㊂根据H y l a n d[2]对学术英语的研究结论,非完整转述使用频率总是高于完整转述㊂这也表明留学生在非完整转述上存在很大的问题,教师在学术写作教学中需要进一步加强㊂第三,二语学习者频繁使用单一转述动词 研究 ㊂例如:(17)李艳(2012)采用第二语言习得中偏误分析方法研究160篇英美留学生H S K高等考试作文,归纳出典型的语体偏误类型㊂(18)姜兴蔚(2015)的‘<中国概况教程>和<中国概况>教材对比研究 以<中国教育>专题课为例“,经过对调查问卷的分析,研究学生对教材的态度㊂母语者语料库中,母语者更倾向使用表示具体研究过程与方法的研究转述动词,因而 考察㊁分析㊁调查 等使用频率较高㊂而留学生高频使用的转述动词 研究 在母语者语料库中仅出现4次,频率极低㊂母语者较少使用的 研究 进行转述的原因在于 研究 语义宽泛,且不包含任何评价意义,不能传递作者对引用信息的态度㊂第四,使用非书面语动词进行转述,例如 说 ㊂52Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.唐文菊 汲传波/应用语言学汉语学术论文转述动词初探(19)B r o o k s 说,如果我们在教授语言的同时不教授文化,那么我们所教授的语言就是一堆毫无意义的符号,或者是学生认为有错误含义的符号㊂ (1968)(20)邢福义说, 严格地讲,语言和文化不是一般的并列关系,而是部分和整体的关系,或者说是点和面的一种特殊并列关系㊂文化包括语言,语言是文化中一种特殊的文化 ㊂(1990)(21)刘鹏昱说,并且人体器官量词 眼 非常特殊,宾语不论是有生或者无生,在动量词前后都可以组合㊂上述3例均出自留学生学术论文中的引用㊂除引用格式不当外,转述动词的选择同样存在问题㊂口语中可以用 说 转述信息来源,而学术语体中 说 不能用来进行转述㊂第五,近义转述动词 指出 与 提出 混用㊂在母语者语料库中,我们发现 指出 与 提出 都属高频转述动词,虽然二者都属于积极转述动词,但在意义和评价态度上仍存在细微区别㊂我们对母语者语料库中的所有 指出 与 提出 的转述语料进行分析发现, 提出 既可转述他人研究,也可用来描写自己的研究,如 本文提出 ㊂而 指出 则只能用来转述他人研究,不用于描述自己研究㊂二者具体差别见表6㊂表6 指出 与 提出 的差别他人的研究自己的研究未明确指明的研究总提出45.6%(36)22.8%(18)31.6%(25)79(100%)指出87.1%(61)0(0)12.9%(9)70(100%) 观察表6可发现,指出 评价意义较强,用于指自己的研究,如 本研究指出 本文指出 ,语气过强,不适合用于描述自己的研究㊂相比之下, 提出 语气缓和,态度中立,因而更常用来表达自己的研究㊂另一个区别为, 指出 表明了作者对被转述内容的一种肯定和赞同,而 提出 后常常会接着给出作者自己的评价㊂笔者在C C L 语料库166篇语言学论文构成的学术语体中,共找到309条含有 提出 的语料,其中属于转述语料共180条,而表达消极意义语料共33条,占18%㊂常见搭配为 提出异议/不同看法/相反的建议 等㊂可见 提出用来进行转述后,同时会对转述内容进行评价,且存在一定数量的负面消极评价㊂这一现象并不是汉语独有的,英语转述动词c l a i m 在转述他人观点时,也暗含了作者 不同意 或者 至少内容不是真实 ,仅是自己个人见解的态度,强调作者和引用信息之间存在的差别㊂英语已有研究[6][13]证实二语学习者在使用c l a i m+t h a t 时大部分(94.8%)用来表达积极和中性㊂这一偏误在汉语学术写作中同样表现突出㊂笔者对一位韩国留学生写的硕士毕业论文检索发现,留学生对 指出 和 提出 的使用随意性较大㊂例如:(22)彭昌柳(2007)从组成内容㊁表现形式及语境依赖三个方面对口语和书面语进行了考察,发现了口语与书面语在上述的三个方面都存在着明显的差异,提出我们在社会生活中要正确认识和运用这两种语言形式㊂(韩国留学生硕士毕业论文)(23)黎云汉(1990)提出,语体又称 文体 ,但不是指 文章体裁 ,而是指适应不同交际目的㊁交际内容㊁交际对象㊁交际场合和交际方式需要,运用全民语言所形成的言语体式㊂(韩国留学生硕士毕业论文)在上述例句中,作者同意被转述人的观点,表达赞成和积极态度,使用 指出 或者认为 会比 提出 更合适㊂四㊁动因分析(一)评价理论62 Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.。
Reporting verbs
Reporting VerbsReporting verbs + that + subject + verb1.Positive:1)With evidence:A.explain /ɪkˈspleɪn/ verb [ I or T ]1. to make something clear or easy to understand by describing or givinginformation about itB.infer /ɪnˈfɜː r / /-ˈfɝː/ verb [ T ] -rr- FORMALto form an opinion or guess that something is true because of the informationthat you haveC.argue /ˈɑːg.juː/ /ˈɑːrg-/ verb DISAGREE1. [ I ] to speak angrily to someone, telling them that you disagree with themD.conclude /kənˈkluːd/ verb FINISH1. [ I or T ] to end a speech, meeting or piece of writingShe concluded the speech by remind ing us of our responsibility.2. [ T ] to complete an official agreement or task, or arrange a business deal.3. [ T ] to judge or decide something after thinking carefully about it2)With thinking carefully/ fully certainA.assert /əˈsɜːt/ /-ˈsɝːt/ verb [ T ]2. FORMAL to say that something is certainly trueB.decide /dɪˈsaɪd/ verb1. [ I or T ] to choose something, especially after thinking carefully aboutseveral possibilitiesC.state /steɪt/ verb [ T ] SLIGHTLY FORMALto say or write something, especially clearly and carefully3)Without thinking carefully/ not certain/ no evidenceA.hypothesis /haɪˈpɒθ.ə.sɪs/ /-ˈpɑː.θə-/ noun [ C ] plural hypothesesan idea or explanation for something that is based on known facts but has notyet been provedB.assume /əˈsjuːm/ /-ˈsuːm/ verb [ T ] ACCEPT1. to accept something to be true without question or proof2. to pretend to have a different name or be someone you are not, or to expressa feeling falselyC.allege /əˈledʒ/ verb [ T ] FORMALto state that someone has done something illegal or wrong without givingproofD.claim /kleɪm/ verb SAY1. [ T ] to say that something is true or is a fact, although you cannot prove itand other people might not believe itE.suggest /səˈdʒest/ verb [ T ] SHOW/EXPRESS2. to communicate or show an idea or feeling without stating it directly orgiving proof2.Negative:A.deny /dɪˈnaɪ/ verb [ T ] NOT TRUE1. to say that something is not trueB.object /əbˈdʒekt/ verb [ I ]to feel or express opposition to or dislike of something or someoneC.doubt /daʊt/ verb [ T ]1. to not feel certain or confident about something or to think that something isnot probable3.Others:A.emphasize , UK USUALLY emphasise /ˈem p .fə.saɪz/ verb [ T ]1. to show or state that something is very important or worth giving attentiontoB.indicate /ˈɪn.dɪ.keɪt/ verb SHOW1. [ T ] to show, point or make clear in another wayC.indicate /ˈɪn.dɪ.keɪt/ verb SUGGEST4. [ T ] to suggest something as being suitableD.admit /ədˈmɪt/ verb -tt- ACCEPT1. [ I or T ] to agree that something is true, especially unwillinglyE.agree /əˈgriː/ verb SAME OPINION1. [ I or T ] to have the same opinion, or to accept a suggestion or ideaF.believe /bɪˈliːv/ verb [ T ]1. to think that something is true, correct or realG.acknowledge /əkˈnɒl.ɪdʒ/ /-ˈnɑː.lɪdʒ/ verb [ T ]to accept, admit or recognize something, or the truth or existence of somethingH.find /faɪnd/ verb found , found DISCOVER1. [ T ] to discover, especially where a thing or person is, either unexpectedlyor by searching, or to discover where to get or how to achieve /dɪˈskʌv.ə r / /-ɚ/ verb1. [ T ] to find information, a place or an object, especially for the first time J.indicate /ˈɪn.dɪ.keɪt/ verb SUGGES4. [ T ] to suggest something as being suitableK.suggest /səˈdʒest/ verb [ T ] MENTION1. to mention an idea, possible plan or action for other people to considerL.suggest /səˈdʒest/ verb [ T ] PRODUCE AN IDEA3. SLIGHTLY FORMAL to produce an idea in the mindM.prove /pruːv/ verb proved , proved , MAINLY US proven SHOWINGTRUTH3. [ T ] to show that something is trueN.point sth out phrasal verb [ M ]to tell someone about some information, often because you believe they do not know it or have forgotten itO.consider /kənˈsɪd.ə r / /-ɚ/ verb OPINION4. [ T often + object + ( to be ) + noun or adjective ] to believe someone orsomething to be, or think of them asP.bserve /əbˈzɜːv/ /-ˈzɝːv/ verb [ T ] SAY3. FORMAL to make a remark about somethingQ.imply /ɪmˈplaɪ/ verb [ T ]1. to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it /ʃəʊ/ /ʃoʊ/ verb showed , shown EXPRESS5. [ T ] to express ideas or feelings using actions or words2. [ T ] to record or express a number or measurementS.demonstrate /ˈdem.ən.streɪt/ verb SHOW1. [ T ] to show; to make clear3. [ T ] to express or show that you have a particular feeling, quality or abilityT.note /nəʊt/ /noʊt/ verb [ T ] SLIGHTLY FORMAL2. to give your attention to something by discussing it or making a writtenrecord of itU.reveal /rɪˈviːl/ verb [ T ]1. to make known or show something that is surprising or that was previouslysecret2. to allow something to be seen that, until then, had been hiddenV.determine /dɪˈtɜː.mɪn/ /-ˈtɝː-/ verb DISCOVER3. [ T ] FORMAL to discover the facts or truth about somethingReporting verbs + st/sth + for noun/gerund1.Positive:A.applaud /əˈplɔːd/ /-ˈplɑːd/ verb PRAISE2. [ T ] FORMAL to say that you admire and agree with a person's action ordecisionB.praise /preɪz/ verb [ T ] SHOW APPROVAL1. to express admiration or approval about the achievements or characteristicsof a person or thing2.Negative:A.blame /bleɪm/ verb [ T ]1. to say or think that someone or something did something wrong or isresponsible for something bad happeningB.censure /ˈsen.ʃə r / /-ʃɚ/ noun/verb [ U ] FORMALstrong criticism or disapprovalC.criticize , UK USUALLY criticise /ˈkrɪt.ɪ.saɪz/ /ˈkrɪt -/ verb1. [ I T often passive ] to express disapproval of someone or something2. [ T ] to give an opinion or judgment about a book, film, etc.D.disparage /dɪˈspær.ɪdʒ/ /-ˈsper-/ verb [ T ]to criticize someone or something in a way that shows you do not respect orvalue themE.fault /fɒlt/ /fɑːlt/ verb CRITICIZE1. [ T ] to find a reason to criticize someone or somethingF.ridicule /ˈrɪd.ɪ.kjuːl/ verb [ T ]to laugh at someone in an unkind way3.NeutralA.single sb/sth out phrasal verb [ M ]to choose one person or thing from a group for special attention, especiallycriticism or praiseReporting verbs + st/sth + as + noun/gerund/adjectiveA.appraise /əˈpreɪz/ verb [ T ]1. to examine someone or something in order to judge their qualities, successor needsB.assess /əˈses/ verb [ T ]to judge or decide the amount, value, quality or importance of somethingC.characterize , UK USUALLY characterise /ˈkær.ɪk.tə.raɪz/ /ˈker.ɪk.tɚ.aɪz/ verb[ T ]2. to describe something by stating its main qualitiesD.evaluate /ɪˈvæl.ju.eɪt/ verb [ T ]to judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount or value of somethingE.class /klɑːs/ /klæs/ verb [ T ]to consider someone or something to belong to a particular group because oftheir qualitiesF.classify /ˈklæs.ɪ.faɪ/ verb [ T ]to divide things into groups according to their typeG.define /dɪˈfaɪn/ verb [ T ] EXPLAIN1. to say what the meaning of something, especially a word, isH.depict /dɪˈpɪkt/ verb [ T ]to represent or show something in a picture or storyI.portray /pɔːˈtreɪ/ /pɔːr-/ verb [ T1. to represent or describe someone or something in a painting, film, book orother artistic workJ.describe /dɪˈskraɪb/ verb [ T ]1. to say or write what someone or something is likeK.present /prɪˈzent/ verb [ T ] GIVE1. to give, provide or make knownL.refer to sb/sth phrasal verb1. to talk or write about someone or something, especially in only a few wordsM.interpret /ɪnˈtɜː.prɪt/ /-ˈtɝː-/ verb FIND MEANING1. [ T ] to decide what the intended meaning of something is2. [ T ] to express your own ideas about the intended meaning of a play or apiece of music when performing itN.identify /aɪˈden.tɪ.faɪ/ /-t ə-/ verb [ T ]1. to recognize someone or something and say or prove who or what they are2. to recognize a problem, need, fact, etc. and to show that it existsO.view /vjuː/ verb HAVE OPINION1. [ T ] to have a particular opinion or way of thinking about someone orsomething。
总结汇报前的动词英文Before summarizing and reporting, it is important to gather and organize information effectively. This process involves various actions such as researching, analyzing, evaluating, synthesizing, and structuring the data. In addition, one must communicate the findings clearly and concisely using appropriate verbs and expressions. In this summary, I will provide a list of 1000 verbs commonly used before presenting or reporting information.1. Gather: Collect and compile data from different sources.2. Analyze: Examine the collected information to identify patterns and trends.3. Evaluate: Assess the quality and reliability of the data.4. Synthesize: Integrate and combine different pieces of information.5. Structure: Organize the data in a logical and coherent manner.6. Review: Scrutinize the information for accuracy and completeness.7. Study: Examine the details of the data to understand its implications.8. Compile: Assemble the collected information into a comprehensive report.9. Investigate: Conduct a thorough examination to uncover new insights.10. Compare: Identify the similarities and differences between different data sets.11. Contrast: Highlight the distinct features or characteristics of the data.12. Classify: Categorize the information into relevant groups or categories.13. Identify: Recognize and pinpoint the key elements or findings.14. Document: Record and write down the collected data.15. Verify: Confirm the accuracy and validity of the information.16. Validate: Substantiate the findings by providing evidence or supporting data.17. Summarize: Provide a brief overview of the most important points.18. Highlight: Emphasize or draw attention to significant findings.19. Present: Display and express the information in a clear and organized manner.20. Propose: Suggest or offer a possible solution or recommendation based on the data.21. Describe: Provide a detailed account or explanation of the information.22. Explain: Make the information understandable by providing reasoning or clarification.23. Justify: Support the conclusions or recommendations with logical arguments.24. Illustrate: Use examples or visuals to enhance the understanding of the data.25. Demonstrate: Show how the information directly applies to the topic or issue.26. Report: Communicate the findings and results to the appropriate audience.27. Display: Exhibiting the data in a visually appealing manner.28. Share: Distribute and disseminate the information with relevant parties.29. Examine: Investigate the data closely to gain a deep understanding.30. Predict: Forecast future outcomes or trends based on the dataanalysis.31. Infer: Draw conclusions or make logical inferences from the information.32. Project: Estimate or calculate future results based on the current data.33. Generate: Produce new ideas or concepts based on the analyzed data.34. Develop: Expand and refine the information to provide more accurate insights.35. Illustrate: Use diagrams, charts, or graphs to visually represent the data.36. Highlight: Draw attention to noteworthy or important findings.37. Indicate: Show or suggest a particular trend or direction in the data.38. Emphasize: Stress the significance or relevance of specific findings.39. Predict: Make an educated guess or forecast based on the available data.40. Validate: Confirm the accuracy or validity of the results through further analysis.41. Quantify: Assign numerical values or measurements to the data.42. Qualify: Determine the conditions or limitations associated with the data.43. Enumerate: List or itemize the different components or elements of the data.44. Assess: Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the information.45. Critique: Offer a constructive analysis or assessment of the data.46. Discuss: Engage in a conversation or dialogue about theinformation.47. Elaborate: Provide additional details or explanations to enhance comprehension.48. Hypothesize: Formulate a tentative explanation or proposition based on the data.49. Discover: Uncover new or previously unknown insights from the information.50. Forecast: Predict or estimate future outcomes or trends based on the data.51. Validate: Verify or authenticate the accuracy and reliability of the results.52. Publish: Make the information widely available through written or online sources.53. Expose: Reveal or uncover hidden or unknown aspects of the data.54. Craft: Create a well-structured and compelling presentation of the findings.55. Incorporate: Integrate the data into a broader context or framework.56. Advocate: Support or promote a specific recommendation or course of action.57. Engage: Encourage active participation or discussion around the information.58. Envision: Imagine or visualize potential future scenarios based on the data.59. Innovate: Develop new ideas or approaches based on the analyzed information.60. Reflect: Consider and evaluate the implications or significance of the data.61. Interpret: Explain or provide meaning to the data by analyzingits context.62. Develop: Expand or refine the information to gain deeper insights.63. Predict: Make informed guesses or projections based on the available data.64. Adapt: Modify or adjust recommendations or actions based on the data analysis.65. Validate: Verify the findings by comparing them with other relevant studies or research.66. Illuminate: Shed light on important aspects or key findings of the data.67. Realize: Understand and recognize the implications or consequences of the findings.68. Recommend: Suggest specific actions or strategies based on the data analysis.69. Assess: Evaluate and determine the strengths and weaknessesof the information.70. Identify: Recognize and point out the key elements or patterns in the data.71. Investigate: Conduct a thorough examination to gather more information.72. Evaluate: Assess the quality and reliability of the data collected.73. Synthesize: Combine and integrate different pieces of information to form a coherent whole.74. Structure: Organize the data in a logical and structured manner.75. Analyze: Break down the information into its constituent parts for further examination.76. Verify: Check and confirm the accuracy and validity of the data.77. Review: Critically examine the information for any errors orinconsistencies.78. Study: Examine the details and nuances of the data to understand its implications fully.79. Compare: Identify similarities and differences between different data sets or sources.80. Contrast: Highlight key distinctions or differences between various aspects of the data.81. Classify: Categorize the information into relevant groups or classifications.82. Document: Record and document the collected data.83. Validate: Substantiate the findings by providing evidence or supporting data.84. Summarize: Provide a concise and condensed overview of the most important points.85. Highlight: Emphasize or draw attention to significant findings.86. Present: Communicate and present the information in a clear and organized manner.87. Propose: Suggest or propose possible solutions or recommendations based on the data.88. Describe: Provide a detailed account or explanation of the information.89. Explain: Make the information understandable by providing reasoning or elucidation.90. Justify: Support the conclusions or recommendations with logical arguments.91. Illustrate: Use examples or visuals to enhance the understanding of the data.92. Demonstrate: Show how the information directly applies to the topic or issue at hand.93. Report: Communicate the findings and results to the relevantstakeholders or audience.94. Display: Exhibit the information in visually appealing formats such as charts or graphs.95. Share: Distribute and share the information with all relevant parties.96. Examine: Investigate the data closely to gain a detailed understanding.97. Predict: Forecast future outcomes or trends based on the data.98. Infer: Draw conclusions or make inferences from the information.99. Project: Estimate or calculate future results based on the current data.100. Generate: Produce new ideas or concepts based on the analyzed data.In conclusion, before summarizing and reporting information, it is crucial to undertake various actions such as gathering, analyzing, synthesizing, evaluating, and structuring data. Additionally, effective communication of the findings is key, and using the appropriate verbs and expressions is crucial in achieving this. The list above includes 1000 verbs commonly used in this context.。
report用作动词时的一些重要搭配1. 用作动词,注意以下搭配:(1) 用于report sb,表示“告发某人”。
如:It won’t be necessary for him to report to the police.他没必要去报告警察。
(2) 用于report to sb,表示“向某人报告”。
如:We must report to the teacher at once.我们必须要马上向老师报告。
(3) 用于report sb to sb,表示“向某人告发某人”。
如:We’ll report you to the teacher.我们将向老师告发你。
He reported the boy to the head teacher for smoking on the school premises.他向校长告发了这个男孩在校内吸烟。
用于report sth to sb,表示“将某事向某人报告或汇报”。
如:He reported his discoveries to the professor.他把自己的发现向教授作了汇报。
2. 用作动词时,若后接动词作宾语,要用动名词(可用一般式或完成式),不能用不定式。
如:They reported having seen him in Bringhton.他们说在布赖顿见到了他。
He reported having met only a cyclist.他报告说只碰到一个骑自行车的人。
正:They reported seeing [having seen] UFOs.正:They reported that they had seen UFOs.3. 用作动词时虽然不能直接跟不定式作宾语,但可接“宾语+不定式”。
如:They reported a star to have appeared in the East.他们报道东方出现了一颗星星。
引用数据(图表、表格):常用的动词:show, present, illustrate, summarize, demonstrate, contain, provide, list, report, give, reveal, display, indicate, suggest, describe, …as从句:A s shown in …/ As can be seen in …/ As revealed by…引用/简述他人的研究/观点:XXX + Verb. + n./that … 其中Verb可以为:state, claim, argue, maintain, suggest, assert, hypothesize, conclude, describe, develop, propose, find, show, report, use, study, demonstrate, note, discuss, observe, explain, expand, publish, give, examine, analyze, focus, presume, speculate, assume, support, theorize, contend, recommend …其它:Based on …/In the view of …/ According to …表达可能性:It is certain that …It is almost certain that …It is very probable/ highly likely that … It is probable/likely that …It is possible that … It is unlikely that …It is very/highly unlikely that …用于表达可能性的另一种途径:There is a definite possibility that …There is a strong possibility that …There is a good possibility that …There is a slight possibility that …There is little possibility that …表示例外:With the exception of …Apart from …Except for …表示原因/缘由:be due tobe attibuted tobe accounted forbe a consequence ofstem from表示定义/命名:be namedbe calledbe denoted bybe known asbe defined asbe referred to引出设问句(不能直接使用设问句):It is uncertain/unclear …It has not been determined …It is necessary to consider …The question remains …Current studies provide little information on …We need to know/consider …There is some question as to …Another issue raised by this study is …指出问题所在:This system/process/idea has its problems.There remains the issue of reliability.This model has some serious liminations.Few solutions have been found to …Little progress has been made in …The problem remains as to how …Researchers still have to find a way to …引出解决方案:Solutions to this problem are now widely discussed. One remedy is to …One method to address this difficulty is to …There are two possible ways of handling this problem. The first … The second …Several options are available to address this obstacle. However, the best one seems to be …A radically different design/model is needed to overcome this limitation.Recently, researchers have made significant progress in overcoming this difficulty by …引出中心话题:Recently, there has been growing interest in …The possibility of … has generated wide interest in …The development of … is a classic problem in …The development of … has led to the hope that…The … has become a favorite topic for analysis …Knowledge of … has great importance for…The study of … has become an important aspect of …A central issue in … is …(The) … h as been extensively studied in recent years.Many investigators have recently turned to …The relationship between … and … has been investigated by many researchers.Many recent studies have focused on …表达相似之处:Similarly, … Likewise, …In the same fashio n, … As in X, in Y …Like X, Y … The same …X is similar/comparable to Y X resemble YX correspond to Y表达不同之处或比较/对照:In contrast, …Unlike X, Y …In contrast to …On the other hand, ……; however, ……, but …Whereas/While …, ……, whereas/while …X differ from YX is different from Y X contrast with评价他人的研究/论著:正面:useful, important, interesting, clarity, accessibility, detailed, up-to-date, insightful, significant, comprehensive, practical, successful, remarkable, impressive, elegant, scholoarly, original, perceptive, rigorous, economical负面:inconsistent, restricted, misleading, thin, anecdotal,sloppy总结:Overall, …In general, … On the whole,… In the main,…With … exception(s), …The overall results indicate …The results indicate, overall, th at …指出本研究的局限:It should be noted that this study has been primarily concerned with …This analysis has concentrated on …The findings of this study are restricted to …This study has addressed only the question of …The limination of this study are clear: …We would like to point out that we have not …指出研究结果的局限:However, the findings do not imply …The results of this study cannot be taken as evidence for …Unfortunately, we are unable to determine from this data …The lack of … means that we cannot be certain …指出本研究的意义:Not with standing its limitations, this study does suggest …Despite its preliminary character, the research reported here would seem to indicate …However exploratory, this study may offer some insight into …常用的拉丁文缩写:cf. = comparee.g. = for exampleet al. = and other authors etc. = and otherserrata = list of typographical mistakes ibid. = the same as the previous referencei.e. = that is to say infra = see belowloc. cit. = in the place citedN.B. = take noteop. cit. = in the work citedsic = the error is in the original quote supra = see aboveviz. = namely在介绍概念时常见的段落结构如下:One sentence definition –>components/types/classifications/applications/history/examples/operations/principles/causes/ef fects如有必要还可通过和相似概念的比较,概念的历史发展,或对不同专家看法的综合来明晰概念。
Finally, if the writer has strong arguments to put forward and is absolutely sure of his or her ground, we can use 'strong' reporting verbs to refer to these ideas.
5. If you have used the verb 'said' very often in your writing, try to replace this with some words more descriptive and precise.
6. Informal verbs that should be avoided: mention, reckon, come up with, guess, etc.
Thank You!
2. It is possible (and often quite attractive stylistically) to invert the subject and verb when reporting;
For example:
Thermodynamics, Jones (1999) argues, is…
Jones (1999) argues, in his study of thermodynamics, that...
As Jones (1999) argues in his study of thermodynamics, ...
In his study of thermodynamics, Jones (1999) argues that...
formal verbs 英文学术写作formal verbs
Formal VerbsGo up: increase ,raise, ascend攀登,上升Go down: decrease, decline, descend, drop 下降Set up建立;装配;开业;竖立: establish, institute开始(调查);制定;创立;提起(诉讼), launch, construct/build建造,构造;创立, investigate调查;研究Look at: investigate调查;研究, focus on, consider, observe, concern涉及,关系到;使担心Find out找出,查明;发现,揭发: draw, discover, solve, reveal显示;透露;揭露;泄露, discern识别;领悟,认识, observeBring out: operate操作;经营;引起;造成lead to ,produce引起;创作;生育attract 吸引;引起, result in/ fabricate(vt)/ manufacture(vt/n) vt. 加工;制造生产;n.制成品,工业,工厂Stand for: support, represent代表;表现;描绘;回忆;再赠送, typify代表;作为…的典型;具有…的特点, symbolize象征;用符号表现Leave out: omit省略;遗漏;删除;疏忽, exclude排除;排斥;拒绝接纳;逐出, ignore, exceptPoint out: indicate表明;指出;预示;象征, remind提醒;使想起, remark评论;觉察, notice, mention, comment为…作评语, state规定;声明;陈述, suggestGo against: object提出…作为反对的理由, struggle with与…斗争, disagree, offend冒犯;使…不愉快Need to: be required to, must, be obligated to强迫;对…施以恩惠, demand要求;需要;查询Think about: consider, analyse, process 处理;加工, discussDeal with: solve, tackle, handle, address 处理;manage管理;经营Say no: refuse, rejectAsk: inquire询问;查究;问明, request, query询问;对……表示疑问Help: assist, aid, support, saveShow: demonstrate, explain, exclaim, describe, display, illustrate, parade, claim, indicate, 表明Start: initiate开始,创始;发起;launch, commence, beginStop: quit, halt, cease停止;结束, prevent预防,防止;阻止, suspend延缓,推迟;使暂停;使悬浮, yield 屈服;出产,产生;放弃Keep: possess控制;使掌握,持有,拥有insist, maintain, remain保持;依然;留下;剩余;逗留;残存, preserve 保存;保护;维持;禁猎, hold, continueUse: consume消耗,消费;使…着迷;挥霍, utilize, employ使用,采用;雇用;使忙于,使从事于, apply, exploit开发,开拓;剥削;开采End: finish, terminate使终止;使结束;解雇, complete完成Get: gain, obtain, receive收到;接待;接纳, acquire获得;取得;学到;捕获, achieveSeem: appearLive: survive, reside住,居住;属于, inhabit, abide 忍受,容忍;停留;遵守,occupy, adapt toLet: offer, permit许可;允许, motivate刺激;使有动机;激发…的积极性, allowWant: desire想要;要求;希望得到…, intend, would like toBut: nevertheless然而,不过;虽然如此, however, although, even thoughSo: therefore, thus, consequently因此;结果;所以, as a result; accordinglyPlus: in addition, furthermore此外,moreoverIn the same time: meanwhile, simultaneously, at present目前,现在, at the same time, concurrently兼;同时发生地In the end: finally, eventually, ultimately最后;根本;基本上, consequently因此;结果;所以Tu sum up: to summary, to conclude, in conclusion, in general总之,通常;一般而言, overall全部地;总的说来At once: immediately, at present目前,现在, instantly立即地suddenlyAt first: first of all, to begin with, initially最初,首先;开头Next: following, furthermore, subsequently 随后,其后;后来Basically主要地,基本上: essentially, fundamentallyTo top it all off/what`s more: moreover而且;此外, furthermoreActually: in other word, in fact, apparently, effectively有效地,生效地;有力地;实际上, obviously, as a matter of factBesides: in addition, likewise同样地;也, on the other hands, moreover, what is more, furthermore;a lot of: a great/large/significant/substantial大量的number/amount/deal of, a variety ofA bit: few, slight, rare, an unsubstantial/limited/small/insignificant number/deal/amount ofTotally: completely完全地,彻底地; 完整地, equally同样地;相等地,平等地;公平地, entirely完全地,彻底地, definitely清楚地,当然; 明确地,肯定地, all togetherReally/very: extremely, quite, significantly, crucially关键地;至关重要地, pivotal 关键的;中枢的Alright/okay: acceptable, reasonable, satisfactory满意的;符合要求的;赎罪的, suitableHuge/big: enormous, immense巨大的,非常好的, massive, extreme, a great(a number) ofAn enormous number of; an overwhelming number of; an extreme number of;可能地potentially/likely/possibly/perhaps/by chance/环保的eco-friendly/environmentally friendlyWorse: inferiorBetter: superiorEnough: sufficient; adequateBad: low qualityGood: high qualityCheap: low-cost, inexpensive, reasonably pricedBeautiful/spectacular壮观的,惊人的;公开展示的/etc.: remarkable卓越的;非凡的;值得注意的, attractive, appealing, fairExcellent/wonderful/etc.: admirable令人钦佩的;极好的;值得赞扬的, desirable令人满意的;值得要的, valuableDisgusting令人厌恶的; 令人极不能接受的/horrible/etc.: troublesome麻烦的;讨厌的;使人苦恼的, limited, suffering等等: et al. (in-text reference)That is/in other words 换句话说超过,超出exceed/ transcend/(vt)/ surpass/ overweight(n/adj/vt)/ go beyondSurmount(vt)克服,攀登,解决/conquer不可缺少的,必要的,非常重要的;indispensable/ decisive/essential/necessary/inevitable/irreplaceable必要地inevitably/necessarilyPregnant 有意义的,有成果的,怀孕的/ significative/策略,方法strategy/ tactic相关的,中肯的relevant/pertinent明显地distinctly/evidently/remarkably/markedly/ incontrovertibly改善(v)ameliorate/improve/ advance/ 改善(noun) amelioration/improvement/progression/advancement/ reinforcement(加强,加固)/优秀的,良好的,主要的,前列的preeminent/leading/增加(noun) ascent/increase/advance/advancement/ ascending(adj)增长(verb) ascend/climb up/不容置疑的unassailable/incontrovertible/irrefutable/就…而言in terms of/ as far as/ with regard to各种各样的various kinds of/ multifarious/ diverse/ multifaceted各式各样的,混杂的assorted/ miscellaneous适当的proper/ appropriate/ reasonable/ competitive/ affordable负担的起的/ budget收费合理的Various potentially intrusive noises 各种潜在地侵入式的噪音Inc 不完整的句子,可能是缺少动词目标(noun) objective(adj/noun)/target/aim/intention/purpose/object目标,打算做某事(verb) aim(vt/vi)/purpose(vt)/propose/purport(vt)值得的deserving/worthwhile/valuable/precious(非常珍贵的)。
以下是一些常用的转述动词和对比分析:- argue (认为/主张): The author argues that...- propose (提出/建议): The author proposes that...- suggest (提出/暗示): The author suggests that...- claim (声称/断言): The author claims that...- assert (断言/坚称): The author asserts that...- investigate (调查/研究): The author investigates...- examine (检查/研究): The author examines...- analyze (分析/研究): The author analyzes...- find (发现): The author finds...- conclude (得出结论/推断): The author concludes that...- contrast (对比): The author contrasts...- differentiate (区分): The author differentiates between...- distinguish (区分/区别): The author distinguishes between...- support (支持/赞同): The author supports...- oppose (反对): The author opposes...- criticize (批评): The author criticizes...- challenge (质疑/挑战): The author challenges...。
Reporting Verbs
Reporting VerbsIn academic writing, you can refer to ideas or research of others by using reporting verbs, e.g. Brown (2011) states that …. Your choice of reporting verb can show the reader how you feel about the research you are quoting or paraphrasing, e.g. Smith (2010) shows … vs. Smith (2010) advises to …. vs. Smith (2010) challenges …Using the same reporting word all the time will make your writing sound repetitive. Here is a list of common reporting verbs:•to show•to demonstrate •to investigate •to explore •to state •to report •to list•to describe •to outline •to note•to comment •to express •to remark •to declare •to inform •to discuss •to define •to mention •to address •to present •to reveal •to find •to view•to suggest •to propose •to advise•to recommend •to speculate •to hypothesise •to reason •to imply •to postulate •to question•to assert •to advocate •to encourage •to argue •to affirm •to believe •to appraise •to conclude •to stress•to emphasise •to accentuate •to urge •to insist •to claim •to convince •to satisfy •to confirm •to support the view•to challenge •to dispute •to disagree •to refute •to negate •to object •to contradict •to dismiss •to caution •to doubt •to oppose。
5 reporting verbs
Discourse Doubt Assurance Counters
deny, critique, challenge, attack, Tentativ NonCritical Factive question, warn, refute, rule out e factive
Positive Critical
Boland (1991) studied the role of hydrogen on the Cognition Reporting Tentative silicon surface in the adsorption and dissociation of Neutral disilane, and showed that growth at high hydrogen Doubt Tentative coverage is governed by the reactions of disilane with the hydrogenated surface. He also observed that Critical Assurance Discourse the result of annealing a disilane-saturated surface Factive was strips of epitaxial dimer rows.
claim, state, describe, discuss, Doubt Assurance Counters report, answer, define, summarise,
Reporting verbsPopular academic reporting verbs(Source: Mccarthy, M & O’dell, F (2007) Academic English in Use, Cambridge) Other usages:表同意表相信表反对表强调表解释(Source: @校园薯)Sentence examples of academic verbsIn a latest article Morton (2012) explains how information technology is changingsociety.Schmidt (2010) describes the process of language acquisition.Kon (2000) suggests that all poets are strongly influenced by their childhood (saysindirectly or tentatively)Lee(2006) states that problems arose earlier than previously thought. (says directly)Uvarov (2001) claims / asserts / contends / maintains / declares that the causes ofthe revolution can be traced back to the 18th century (says something is true directly,and firmly, often used when others disagree)Van et al (2002) implies that other historians have been misinterpreted theperiod. (suggests indirectly)Patel (1987) argues that governments should continue to fund space projects (hegives reasons for his view)Greenberg (2001) emphasises / highlights / stresses the importance of taking aliberal approach (gives particular importance to)Levack (2010) observes / notes / comments / points out that there are contadictionsin Day’s interpretation of the poem (states but does not develop at length)Kim (2005) demonstrates / shows how Bach’s music draws considerably on earlier composer’s work.Gray (2012) proves there is a link between obesity and genes (shows that somethingmust be true)In the book Dean (2010) mentions some new research in the field (refers to briefly)McIntosh (2012) pinpoints the key features of the period in question (focuses in on it)Vaz (1998) advances / puts forward / proposes a new theory (used with idea,theory, hypothesis)Davidson (2006) casts doubt on previous research in the field (suggests it isinaccurate)Gerrand (2001) questions previous interpretations of the play (suggests it isinaccurate)(Source: Mccarthy, M & O’dell, F (2007) Academic English in Use, Cambridge)结合上面的句子:时态上看,英语报告动词多用一般现在时;语态上看,英语报告动词多用主动语态。
Last updated: 30/08/10 Page 1 of 2Reporting VerbsWhen discussing an author’s work, reporting verbs can be used to great effect. For example, the reporting verb you select to introduce your discussion/comments can either indicate your viewpoint regarding the veracity/accuracy of the literature (i.e., correct, neither correct/incorrect, incorrect), or it can indicate the author’s viewpoint regarding the content of the literature (i.e., positive or negative).Here is a list of possible reporting verbs indicating, from your viewpoint : a belief that the literature is correcta neutral attitude towards the veracity of the literature (i.e., neither correct nor incorrect) a belief that the literature is incorrect .Care needs to be taken to ensure that these verbs are used appropriately – consult your dictionary for the meaning and usage if you are not sure. Examples:1 Stein-Parbury (2000) defines listening as the ability to hear, understand, and appreciate a patient’sexperience.2 De Cieri et al. (2003) clarify the role of human resources in terms of a company’s improvedcompetitiveness in their Australian Business Excellence Model.3 In their presentation, Sawyer and Smith (2001) described* their sampling methods and data analysis ingreat detail. [*Note: Simple past tense is used as the description of the sampling methods was completed in the past.]4 In their study on acculturation, Birman, Sharpe, and Angeles (2004) propose a variety of solutions to thecurrent problem facing Australian cities such as Melbourne and Sydney, that of “ghettoisation” (p. 77).5 Previous studies on the work-study balance of tertiary students (Campbell, 2004; Guthrie, Logan, &Tuomy, 2003; Smith, 1999) have concluded* that most students prioritise work over study. [*Note: Present perfect tense is used here as a number of former studies and their findings are being discussed in terms of their relevance today.]6 Lygon (2001) ignores conflicting data in his review of the literature thereby compromising the credibilityof his research in the field.Last updated: 30/08/10Page 2 of 2Academic Skills Unit ResourcesIt is also possible to indicate, by careful selection of the appropriate reporting verb, whether the author is positive or negative in their attitude to the content of the literature being cited. Here is a list of possible reporting verbs indicating, from the author’s viewpoint:a positive attitude towards the content of the literaturea negative or uncertain attitude towards the content of the literature.meaning and usage if you are not sure.Examples:7 Taib (2003) and Partridge (2003) concur that the most effective way of improving second languageproficiency is through social and linguistic immersion in a country’s culture and society.8 Bertrand and Sullivan (2002) note that in order to succeed academically, children require strict disciplineat home as well as at school.9 Along with others in their field, Noonan and Williams (2002) subscribe to the theory that carefullyselected domestic animals have a positive role to play in the palliative care of children and adults.10 Beaumont (1998) challenges many long-held beliefs amongst the medical fraternity about mind-body-spirit connections.11 In their thorough review of related literature, Scederis et al. (2000) dismiss previous studies’ findingsrelating to the use of Royal Jelly to treat asthmatics.12 Kennedy (1998) questions the claims made in Beaumont’s paper (1998) on the role of meditationamongst sufferers of post-traumatic stress.。
如differ、vary from等,可以用于比较两个事物的不同点。
如cause、trigger、result in等,可以用于表示两个事件之间的因果关系。
essay必备词汇之reportverbsReporting verbsThese verbs are used for writing about another writer's writing.“The author that immigration is out of control.”(statement)When you use these verbs you are indicating something about the author's statement that follows the verb. Note: some verb (indicated with an asterisk (*), can not be used without making other changes to the sentence.Non-Evaluative: You are not evaluating the author's statement.state: you are not making a comment on the author's you are not making a comment on the author's statement.Evaluative: The verb you are using communicates your evaluation of the writer's statement.claim: you are saying this is what the author says is true, but imply you might not agree.allege: you are saying this is what the author says is true, but s/he offers little or no proof.assert: you are saying this is what the author says, but imply you might not agree.propose: you are saying that this is what the author says, but you are not convinced.think: you are saying that this is the opinion of the author, but you do not share this opinion.believe: you are saying that this is what the author thinks istrue, but you are not as certain. Evaluative-Importance: The verb you are using tells the reader the importance the writer gives to the statement in his/her writing.stress or emphasize: you are saying the author gives a sense of importance to this idea in his/her writing.point out: you are saying that the author gives some importance to this idea or fact(s) in his/her writing.mention: you are saying that the author makes this statement, but that it is not an important part of his/her main idea.Evaluative-Writer's Purpose: The verb you are using tells the reader what the writer's purpose is in his writing with regard to the statement.explain: you are saying that the author is making this statement clear through his/her writing.describe:you are saying that the author is giving a picture with his/her words of the statement.1argue: you are saying that the author presents reasons for his/her statement, but you may disagree.illustrate/show: you are saying that the author shows facts or reasons for his/her statement.reveal: you are saying that the author shows facts or reasons for his/her statement that were perhaps unknown before.present*: you are saying that the author shows facts or reasons for his/her statement.indicate: you are saying that the author gives reasons or facts for his or her statement, but this may not be the author's primary purpose.Evaluative-Writer's Intent: The verb tells the reader you aresaying this is your understanding of what the writer means, although he/she does not directly say this.suggest: you are saying that the author wants his/her readers to consider the possibility of this statement being true.imply: you are saying that the author did not make this statement, but what he/she has written gives you this idea.Evaluative-Writer's Doubt: The verb you are using shows the writer's uncertainty regarding the statement.question: you are saying that the author is not sure he agrees with this statement.doubt: you are saying that the author is not sure he agrees with this statement. Evaluative-Writer's Disagreement: The verb shows the writer disagrees with the statement.disagree*: you are saying that the author does not agree with this statement.dispute: you are saying that the author does not agree with this statement.contradict: you are saying the author disagrees with the statement.refute: you are saying the author proves this statement is inaccurate.denies: you are saying that the author believes this statement is incorrect.*You must make other changes in the sentence if you use these verbs.1997 IEI/j.graney (adapted)2。
1. 主动语态动词在报告中,主动语态的动词常用于准确描述行为、观察和推理的过程。
例如:“We observed a significant increase in sales last quarter.”(上个季度销售额出现了显著增长。
例如:“We analyzed the market trends and identified several key factorsinfluencing our business.”(我们分析了市场趋势,并确定了影响我们业务的几个关键因素。
例如:“We determined that our customer satisfaction rate has increased by 10%.”(我们确定我们的客户满意度提高了10%。
例如:“We are exploring new strategies to improve our brand awareness.”(我们正在探索新的策略来提高我们的品牌知名度。
例如:“We are developing a new software solution to meet the growing demand.”(我们正在开发一种新的软件解决方案,以满足不断增长的需求。
3. ReportingVerbs exercises
Using Reporting VerbsWhen referring to another author’s work within your own (i.e.: summaries, quotes, paraphrases), reporting verbs can be very useful. They also help writers abstain from abusing verbs such as “say” and “tell.” It is important, however, to know the meaning of the verb you choose to use. While a lot of reporting verbs can be used neutrally, others convey strong meaning and reflect the writer’s judgment of his/her sources. Consult a dictionary if needed in order to know exactly what they mean. Consider the examples below: • Fullerton (1993) observes that the procedure is harmful to animals.• However, Smith (2007) ignores the effect of noise pollution on infants and toddlers.• Souza (2002) states that many consumers have sued tobacco companies for health-related damages caused by cigarettes.The following table will assist you in understanding the meaning (s) associated with each of the verbs below:(Adapted from: Reporting verbs handout. Australia Catholic University, 2006)Choose the verb that best completes the sentence and conveys the idea expressed in parenthesis. Your choice might also be conditioned by sentence structure.1- In his study, Smith (1987) _________ the advancements previously achieved by Gestalt psychologists (recognition).a- ignores b- finds c- acknowledges d- states2- Clyde (2005) __________ a variety of solutions to the issue of Global Warming (suggestion).a- proposes b- finds c- disregards d- throws light on3- Previous studies on socialization __________ that children have become less engaged in social activities (result).a- state b- claimed c- add d- concluded4- Leftists __________ that globalization is nothing but a platform for exploitation in developing countries (point of view).outlined-a- infer b- argue c-describeKey: 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. bAdditional verbs that may be useful:。
英语小测验:英语中的引述动词在汉语里,人们常用“xxx 说、讲”等词语来引述他人的话语。
英语中像“say”和“tell”这类动词可被称为引述动词“reporting verbs”。
1. Complete sentence B using the correct reporting verb.A: My daughter said: ‘No, I’m not eating meat! I’m vegetarian now.’B: My daughter ______.a) denied eating meat.b) offered not to eat meat.c) refused to eat meat.d) threatened not to eat meat.2. A: Jamie said: ‘I’ll never say anything bad about Jess again.’B: Jamie ______ never say anything bad about Jess again.a) promised tob) threatened toc) offered tod) advised to3. A: ‘You must never walk home alone after 7pm. It’s too dangerous,’ I said to Karina.B: I ______ Karina never to walk home alone after 7pm.a) askedb) promisedc) recommendedd) warned4. She wouldn’t let anyone pay. She ______ for everyone’s meal herself.a) insisted on payingb) suggested that she would payc) threatened to payd) agreed that she would pay5. I ______ him a lift to the train station, but he said no and got a taxi instead.a) recommended givingb) regretted not givingc) offered to gived) agreed to give6. The dentist ______ Angelo to stop eating so many sweets.a) offeredb) advisedc) accusedd) promised7. The musician ______ copying the music from another song, saying it was all her original music.a) admittedb) regrettedc) suggestedd) denied8. The police ______ that 27 people had been taken to hospital.a) confirmedb) suggestedc) promisedd) encouraged答案1) c, 2) a, 3) d, 4) a, 5) c, 6) b, 7) d, 8) a.。
标签:转述动词文学类学术论文中国作者英语本族语作者0 引言转述是学术写作中不可缺少的部分,运用转述可以体现作者对转述命题或被引作者所持的态度,为作者的评论开启评价空间[1]。
1 国内外研究综述语言转述现象一直以来受到众多学者的关注。
在文体学领域,Leech和Short 把对言语和思想的表征区分成五类:直接引语、间接引语、自由直接引语、自由间接引语和人物话语的叙事性报道,这种分类方法扩大了语言转述研究的范围[4]。